Below: Aviation Boatswain’sMate 1st W. B.Doherty gives the launch signal to an AV-IA on board the USS (LPH 9) in theMediterranean. These arethe same planes which took partin an aerial salute marking the 13th anniversary of Kenya in December. (Photo by PH1 C. V. Sneed.) MAGAZINE OF THE U.S. NAVY- 54th YEAR OF PUBLICATION 197 7 NUMBERJANUARY 1977 720

Features 4 PERRY -COMMODORE WITHOUT A FLEET Latest Guided Missile Launched in Maine

7 TOE-TAPPING TROUBADOURS The Diverse Groups Making Up the Navy Band

13 BLOW DEM HORNS' USNA Drum and Bugle Corps in Thanksgiving Day Parade Page 4 14 THE MAC KENZIE CONNECTION Keeping in Touch With a Through Three Decades

16 MIDNIGHT OIL AND NO NAPS AT NAPS Pursuing a Common Goal - Entrance to the Academy

20 SO.. . YOU WANT TO GO TO THE ACADEMY What It Takes To Enter Annapolis

24 YOU KNOW IT'S THE END OF A SHIP WHEN.. . Decommissioning of Little Rock in

28 F-18 -AIR POWER FOR THE EIGHTIES A Fighter Plane With a Future

34 '76 -WE CONTINUE TO MAKE HISTORY Highlights of 1976 - The Navy During the Bicentennial Year


46CHOKING: RECOGNIZING SYMPTOMS A Signal Which Could Save Your Life Page 7 Departments 2 Currents 22 Grains of Salt 32 Bearings 38 Rights and Benefits -SurvivorProtection 48 Stern Shots


Front. By MUC Vince Guthie Back: By JO1 Jerry Atchison

,',;I I Chief of Operations.Naval Admiral James L. Holloway 111 Staff: LTJG Bill Ray Chief of Information. Rear Admiral David M. Cooney JO1 Jerry Atchison OIC Navy Internal Relations Activity: Captain Edward G. McGrath DM1 Lloyd Marshall Dlrector Print Medla Division: Lieutennt Douglas McCurrach JO1 (SIPeter Sundberg Editor: John F. Coleman PHI Terry Mitchell Production Editor: LieutenntAlexanderPHZ John M. Lea Dumond Research Editor: Ann Hanatury 502 Dan Wheeler Layout Editor: E. L. Fat 502 Davida Matthem Art Editor: Michml Tuffli Francis JOSN Bir Edward Jenkins Page 16 Elaine McNeil currents

Tomahawk Missile Sets Flight Duration Record Cruising for an hour and 47 minutes re- cently over the PacificMissile Sea Test Range, a Navy Tom- ahawk Missile set a record for cruise missile flight duration. The missile was launched from an A-6 aircraft and subse- quently was guided by self-contained navigational and guidance system. Tomahawk can be launched from sub- marines, surface ships, aircraft and sites on land.

Navy League Award Nominations Due February 15 Nominations for Navy League awards for exceptional performance are due at the organization’s head- quarters by Feb. 15, 1977. The league expects to honor nine Navy and Marine Corps officer and enlisted top performers and select a 10th recipient from either the retired Navy and Marine Corps or civilian government ranks. Nomination de- tails are in SecNavInst 1650.34.

Navywide Examinations for Petty Officers Third ThroughFirst 0 The February Navy- wide examinations will be held on the following dates: Petty Of- ficer Third Class, Tuesday, February8; Petty Officer Second Class, Thursday,February 10; andPetty Officer Third Class, Tuesday, February 15. Examination dates have been modified for this cycle only, so that commands may submitand process E-3 and E-4 performance marks for the period ending Jan. 3 1, 1977. SeeBuPersNote 1418 of 26 Nov. 1976for complete eligi- bility requirements.

New Requirements for Accelerated Advancement Set 0 Eligible “A” School students whose classes convene after Dec. 1, 1976,will have to wait four to eight months after graduation for accelerated advancement to E-4. Underthe new accelerated advancement program, those “A” school graduates eligible for advancement to E-4 will be promoted after the waiting period and upon approval of the commanding officer of the unitto which they are assigned. Selectees for accel- erated advancement under this program who are serving in pay- grades E-1 and 2 may still be promoted to E-3 upon graduation from “A” school. To be eligible to receive accelerated advance- ment to E-4, the candidate must sign a service record entry stating he/she will serve at least five years’ total active service and a mini- mum of twoyears’ active service from the date of advancementto E-4. BuPersNote 1430 of 12 Nov. 1976 has the details.

2 ALL HANDS SRB Bonuses For Boiler Repairmen and Boiler Technicians Boiler Repairmen (BR) and Boiler Technicians (BT) who reenliston or after December1 can look forward to increased reenlistment incentives. The SRB level for BTs and BRs with threeto six years’ service will be increased from levelfive to level six. This means a BTSN with fouryears’ service reenlisting for two years, could receive $4,906, instead of the previous $4,755. Also, members with six to ten years’ service will be increased from level three to level five. Details are contained in NAVOP 148176.

UNITAS XVII Ends for Navy Ships- Aircraft 0 After more than 24,000 miles of steam- ing and 350 individual training exercises, Navy ships and planes returned to their home ports following UNITAS XVII exercises with the major maritime nations of . This marked the first year a nuclear-powered - USS Gat0 (SSN 615)- accompanied the inter- national flotilla as it circumnavigated South America and transited the Strait of Magellan. The navies of South Amer- ica participating included Argentina, Brazil, , , , Uraguay and .

Space Shuttle Applicants Sought By BuPers 0 About 90 Navy people will be able to compete with civilian and other military applicants for 30 NASA Space-Shuttle positions this year. The Space Shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that will land like an airplane. It will perform a variety of missions such as deploying and re- trieving satellites and operating specialized laboratories. Any Navy member interested in applying may get information on program requirements and application procedures from the Bureau of Naval Personnel or see BuPersNote1331 of 10 October 1976. Quick-Acting Sailor Decorated for Thwarting Holdup 0 A Navy petty officer received the Navy Commendation Medal for foiling an armed robbery attempt recently at the Credit Union. Boiler Technician First Class Marvin T. Hill also received a$200 cash reward from the credit union for his heroism- $100 of which was reimbursement of his own money lost in the robbery. Hill was waiting to make a deposit when the holdup happened. Two armed men drove their motorcycle to the outside deposit window and promptly shoved a sawed-off rifle intoHill’s ribs while ordering the teller to turn over money. Hill knocked the rifle to the ground and in theensuing struggle, two shots were fired, but ,no one wash’it. Hill put the robbers to flight- one on foot, the otherby bike. No money was stolen other than Hill’s deposit. the bandits were later arrested. Hill said, “I was scared to death.”’

JANUARY 1977 3 LA ""- PEfiRY)


crew about two-thirds the size of a comparably sized DDG-2 classdestroyer. Butthe parallel ends there- Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry had a problem. while Commodore Perry couldn't get more men, FFG-7 During the War of 1812 he was tasked with securing needs no more men. Lake Erie against the British fleet. No easy assignment, Oliver Hazard Perry's smaller crew size is made pos- particularly since Perry had no ships, few men and even sible by the use of highly automated machinery systems less ordnance. and carefully arranged living and working spaces. For But Perry, in a very short time, saw that the ships example, nearly all machinery systems are automatically werebuilt, the men found and trained and ordnance controlledfrom an enclosed, soundproofed, air-condi- stocked. A surprised British fleet was soundly defeated tioned central control station. Because of this, the en- on Lake Erie. gineroomand auxiliary machinery rooms will be un- Perry'singenuity, economy and successas a naval manned, monitored only by a roving watch. tactician are but a few reasons why his name graces the Two other arrangements also permit a smaller crew. first of a newclass of Navy guidedmissile First, many of Perry's shipboard systems will be doing '(FFG). double duty. For example,waste heat from the diesel When Oliver HazardPerry (FFG 7) was launched generators is used to operate the distilling plant and to recently in Bath, Maine, the characteristics which served provide the crew's hot water. Commodore Perry at Lake Erie were much in evidence. Second,living and working spaces are arranged for Like the lead ship's namesake, this class of over 50 maximumefficiency. All administrative functions are FFGs will combine economy with effectiveness on the gathered in the central office complex, a combination of high seas. personnel and supply activities that reduces the number The FFGs role is not new: escort and protect under- of clerical personnel. A bonus for the crew is that living way replenishment groups, amphibious forces, and mili- spaces are more comfortable, being located closer amid- tary and mercantile shipping against submarine, aircraft ships than is usual on ships of comparable size. and surface antiship missile threats. That's a complex During the War of 1812, Commodore Perry had one task that must be accomplished in an age of restrictive thinggoing for him that a modern-Navy commander budgets. But Perry is no ordinary ship. does not. He had a good idea what tactics and weapons Consider economy and efficiency. Commodore Perry the British could be expected to use at Lake Erie, and was forced to go to sea with only about half the men he realized that theirchoices were somewhat limited. needed to operate his ships. Today's FFG will carry a Today's FFGs are being built to counter flexible enemy




i forces whose capabilities could change radically within their expected lifetime. Perry has been designed with this potential change of mission in mind. Simplicity of design, modular con- struction and easy access to all machinery and arma- ments will allow this class of ships to keep pace with the ever-changing job of keeping the sea-lanes open. Current plans call for Perry and her subsequent sister ships to be armed with Standard antiair and antiship missiles. She will also carry a rapid-fire, 76mm anti-air and antiship gun and CIWS. Two light airborne multipurpose system (LAMPS) helicopters and the SQR-19 passivetowed array sonar will give Perry frigates a long-range, antisubmarine warfare punch. The FFG-7, with her twin gas turbine engines, con- trollable pitch propeller and many other sophisticated refinements, representsa dramatic change from ship- building in the days of Oliver Hazard Perry. The basic need to produce a fleet of sufficient size and strength to counter an enemy still remains. CommodorePerry might not recognize today’s shipbuilding techniques used on the ship bearing his name, but hewould certainly feel at home with the philosophy behind that construe tion. 9,

(Compiled from a story by Michael B. Trainor and R. Bruce Montgomery of SupShip, Bath, Me.)


“Z want an excitement in this band, During the Spring 1976 tour, for proper licenses. Facing an ap- a spirit so intense that anyone can example, the band traveled 11,000 proaching deadline, all the luggage feel the vibrations and know some- miles, played 92 concerts in 53 was hurriedly unloaded from the thing is happening. Z want the aud- cities, and reached a total audience wayward vehicle and reloaded onto ience on the edge of their chairs, estimated at more than 125,000. another charter.) hearts thumping and turned on with Additionally, in support of the Bi- One might imagine that travel excitement. Z want them so totally centennial, the various units which time is spent making merry music involved that nothing exists for them make up the entire NavyBand like that depicted in the “Big Band except the Navy Band.” played 2337 performances in an Era” movies-a mobile concert Commander Ned Muflley 18-month period. traveling down the interstate. Not Oficer in Charge, U.S. Navy Band Invariably, even after hours of necessarily so. Travel time is rest traveling, the band’s performance time and as such considered sacred BY LCDR DAVE KISHIYAMA, in concert is flawless-a remark- to some members. Others prefer a USNR-R, & 502 DAN WHEELER able feat considering the frequency more lively environment. Butthe Those words, worthy of aJohn of transportation and inevitable “in- Navy Band has found a happy so- Philip Sousa, will not seem an over- cidents.” lution to this apparent conflict. statement to anyone who has heard (Once, whileen route to a gig When on tour, the band travels the music of the inNew York,one of the band’s in two buses-one is called the Band. Known to millions as“The charter buses was impounded by “Saints” andthe other the “Sin- World’s Finest,” the bandhas state troopers for displaying im- ners.” Those who ride in the “Sin- earned its motto, whichwas en- hanced by appearing along with the USNA Drum and Bugle Corps in the inaugural parade. That’s pretty much the way it has been throughout its 51 years. Entertaining a national and world- wide audience that numbers in the millions by way of radio, television, record albums and on-stage per- formances, the band through its music has become one of the Navy’s foremost ambassadors of goodwill. “We are also a prime commu- nity relations vehicle,” CDR Muf- fley said. “We take the music to the public and show them that their U. S. Navy is built on profession- alism. This directly relates toour primary mission of recruiting and retention-that’s what we’re here for.” “Here for” usually means “there for” as far as band members are concerned. With its two annual tours, one in the fall and the other in the spring, the Navy Band per- forms 90 days on the road staging two shows daily, seven days a week.

JAMUARY 1977 ners” bus prefer a grand time tell- lates to today’s young people. Much ing jokes, singing and skylarking. of the music is original-composed i-. The “Saints,” on the other hand, bymembers-but their concerts are a quiet lot. Going aboard their also feature hits and up-to-date ar- bus is like walking into a public li- rangements of rock classics. brary-even noisy breathing is Port Authority has been inval- frowned upon. uable in recruiting and retention Personality differences such as and plays for Navy people and civil- this are an asset rather than a lia- ian audiences worldwide. “Because bility for the Navy Band. Differing of this type of music,” said its lead- tastes in everything from leisure er, Chief Musician Mike Beegle, “I activities to musical preferences ac- feel I have a closer rapport with count, in part, for the formation of young people than I would other- various specialized musical groups wise have.” .1 within the overall band. These COMMODORES-a big (20 bands, performing in their own mu- strong) band-pop-jazz-rock ensem- sical idiom, allow the Navy to ex- ble which has been in constant de- tend its musical message to a large mand. Developed in 1969 as a cross-section of audiences who also danceband, the Commodores have somewhat diverse tastes in music. Various components of the band include: CONCERT BAND-the larg- est group in the Navy Band’s tour- ing organization made up of 55 to 65 musicians out of 171 enlisted members and three officers.With- in it area brass quintet, a wood- wind quintet and a saxophone quar- tet. It is this bandthat performs regular concerts in Washington and the two annual tours to designated sections of the country. PORTAUTHORITY - the Navy’sanswer to today’s popular rock sound. Composed of bass, guitar, drums, trumpet, saxophone, Latin percussion and keyboards, Port Authority has performed ev- erywhere from the White House to ghetto neighborhood concerts. Formed in 1970 when it was real- ized that rock music had a distinc- tive cultural importance to youth, this band is a far cry from the fife- and-drum image of the early mili- tary bands. Playing rock, jazz, top 40, Latin and soul, this group re-

10 ALL HANDS brought an added dimension to the monies at many of the historical mum E-6 rate is attained although Navy Band by playing many of the monuments in Washington, and is those entering from civilian life old standards along with current on daily standby for funerals at muststill complete boot camp. A pop tunes. Arlington National Cemetery. member’s tour of duty with the “Everyone here is a professional COUNTRY CURRENT - a band is set at three years, but those and is playing the type of music he seven-member group specializing in wishing to remain are allowed to likes,” said Senior Chief Musician America’s grassroots’ music. It is do so as long as they are qualified. Jeff Taylor, director of the group. the only group among the major As a result of this careful screen- SEA CHANTERS-this 15- military bands that caters to music ing, the Navy Band has consistent- member, all-male singing group considered native American. ly maintained high standards. In maintains rapport with audiences “Our music appeals to all age 1935, the American Bandmasters of any age and, according to Chief groups and is being accepted na- Association recognized the Navy Musician Joe Doogan, first tenor, tionwide,” said Musician First Class Band as the outstanding band in it is “unique in the world’s navies.” Joe Barnes, one of the band’s America and bestowed upon it the The Sea Chanters, naturally, spe- members. One of the mosthighly famed motto “The World’s Finest.” cialize in seachanties-those folk acclaimed groups in its category, Noother military band has been songs of the sea, but they also sing Country Current recently scored a so honored. traditional ballads and songs to fit first for the Navy as the only mili- “They’re the best in the world,” almost any occasion. tary band ever to appear live on declared CDR Muffley. “We are Performing in a composite uni- the Academy of, Country Music the show people of the Navy and form which represents the diverse Awards Show. we have a lot of talent here. Sym- shipboard uniforms worn by the Regardless of which group with- phony musicians generally don’t youngNavy of 18 12, the choral in the U. S. Navy Band a musician think of us as on their level, but we group may appear with the concert aspires to, professionalism is the are.This is my fourth year tobe band or alone in programs from key to becoming a member. Chief invited by Arthur Fiedler to guest- sacred to secular, contemporary to Warrant Officer David Kunkel, op- conduct the Pops and each classic or anything in between. erations officer for the band, said year I take a soloist with me. They They’re under the direction of Sen- that among the Navy Band mem- have all received the same acclaim ior Chief Musician Robert Sisson. bers there are “13 to 15 master’s -‘Bravo, bravo’!’’ CEREMONIAL BAND - a degrees and one Ph.D.” Addition- Though the band’s members are 27-piece unit that is the core of the ally, 80 per cent have collegede- recognized professionals, they still NavyBand’s primary mission of grees. But the degree alone doesn’t find time fora few lighthearted providing music for ceremonies and carry enough weight to gain entry. supportfunctions in andaround “Our standards are so high,” re- the Washington area, especially at marked Senior Chief Musician Jere the seat of government. The group, Wallace, the band’s announcer and under the direction of Senior Chief public affairs officer, “that only a Musician Art Accardo, performs at few are even invited to audition.” ceremonies honoring foreign heads Selected musicians, usually from of state and representatives, or colleges and universities, and some American dignitaries during official from the fleet, are invited to come functions at the White House, Pen- to the Washington Navy Yard at tagon or State Department. their own expense fora tryout. The band is also used to provide Only four or five auditions are held musical support for monthly com- monthly and preference is given to mand reviews including retirements talent from the fleet. and changes of command, those The musician who passes this events incident to patriotic occa- hurdle can then earn a spot on the sions such as wreath-laying cere- band, if one’s available. A mini-

JANl4AR.Y 1977 pranks. Once while en route to In- in, Gomerthe next day. Upon ar- ducting with great enthusiasm. diana, the band passed througha riving a few miles from Bumford’s For years thereafter-as regular small town in Ohiocalled Gomer. home,they telephoned him to say as Santa Claus-the Navy Band Proudly displayed above a solitary thatthe “U. S. Navy Band was received a Christmas card fromWeb grocery store was a sign stating that holding a parade in his honor” and Bumford, an unpaid Navy re- Web Bumford was its owner. For. theywould be marching by his cruiterworth his weight in good- some mischievous reason, the band houseat about 11:OO that same will. tooka liking to Bumford without evening. Thereare of course many such ever meeting him and decided to When the band arrived, Bumford fun moments, but it is primarily send him cards and letters through- andnumerous friends greeted it. a love of music andits lifelong outthe tour. Poor Mr. Bumford Tacked to his home’s facade were study thatdraws these dedicated received a mailbox-full of cards and every letterand card he had re- musicians together. “We eat; drink letters daily from people he did not ceived. A buffet had been pre- and breathe music,’’ CDR Muffley know and never expected to meet. pared in the family room. Of asserted. After the concerts in Indiana, the course, an impromptu concert fol- It’s adiet that the Navy-and band headed back to Ohiolate in lowed,with Bumford - a very music lovers everywhere - are the evening for a scheduled concert friendly 70-year-old - guest con- happy to live with! &


12 ALL HANDS With less sleep than a midwatch found themselves at34th St. and in between, theNaval Academy Broadway, rehearsing for a two-and- Drum and Bugle Corps recently per- one-half-minute routine for the tel- formed for 7000, then for millions. evision cameras. The 88-member Corpscame to After rehearsal and a short break- Long Islandon Thanksgiving Eve fast,the midshipmen were hustled atthe request of Navy Recruiting uptown to their formation location District, New York, for a half-time -and a two-hour wait for the pa- performance at theNew York Nets/ rade to begin. San Antonio Spurs basketball game. The two-and-one-half-mile parade Following standing a ovation viewed by millions aroundthe from the 7000 fans, the Corps world, cappeda hectic 24-hour boarded buses and headed for New schedule forthe Corps. And it York and the50th annual Macy's gave the men and women of the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Naval Academy Drum andBugle Five-fifteen in the morning comes Corpsa chance to play Anchors pretty early for most people. .But Aweigh up close-for the West at that time the groggy midshipmen Point Glee Club. &

73 The MeucKenzie

It’sonly natural that a plank owneror two would kept in close touch with the destroyer as she steamed show up at a ship’s decommissi’oning. The odds make momre than a millionmiles in the last31 years. Her it far lesslikely, however, that a “bottle hol’der” also husband, Captain J. W. Renard, drew the MacKenzie would be on hand. as his first duty out of the Academy in 1955. He, there- Byway of clarification, we hasten to add that a fore, is included in the list of more than 6,000 officers “bottle holder” is the ship’s sponsor who still retains and menwho served in the shipover the past three the champagne bottle used to commission the ship. decades. This in spite of the more than 30 years that have slipped Also present atthe San Diegoceremony was Mrs. by the boards from the time the ship first hit the water Renard’s aunt, Jean MacKenzie,now a retiredchief till she was struck from the rolls. aerographer’s mate. She joined the Navy-serving 23 “I still have that bottle,” Donna MacKenzie Renard years-following the sad loss of her brother in 1943. saidlast month at the SanDiego decommissioning of the destroyer uss GeorgeK. MacKenzie (DD836). In the May 1976 issue of All Hands we featured uss As a nine-year-old on May 13, 1945, at Bath, Maine, MacKenzie and said, “She’s Got Heritage.” Little did Donna launched the destroyernamed for her father. we know how much heritage. MacKenzie,posthumously Out of commission and off the rolls, the destroyer awarded the Navy Cross, lost his life as skipper of the will continue to serve the Navy in an important way. submarine Triton (SS 201) in the Southwest Pacific in She is slated to become a target ship fo’r in 1943. training. Somehow we feel the late LCDR MacKenzie Today the wife of a Navy officer, Mrs. Renard has would have liked that. $

14 ALL HANDS Aboveleft:Nine-year-old Donna MacKenzie at the 1945 launching of the destroyernamed for herhero father.

Right: Donna MacKenzie-nowMrs. ,- Renard-at therecent decommissionine

JANUARY 1977 75 Midnight oil and no naps at

STORY BY 502 DAVIDA MATTHEWS life they want. PHOTOS BY 503 D. HOCH “The prep school provides an avenue for deserving They come fromall over the country, their back- Navy and Marine Corpsenlisted people, regular and grounds as diverse as their reasons for entering the reserve, to ge4 into the Academy,’’ explained the school. The 280 students who make upthe class of ’77 school’s director, Commander R. H. Schmidt. “We do at the Naval Academy Preparatory School(NAPS), this by strengthening their academic backgrounds and Newport, R. I., are bound by a common goal4ntrance preparing them militarily, physically and mentally.” into the Naval Academy. Thirteen enlisted men made up NAPS’ first class Enthusiasm and determination are reflected in their back in 1915. The school is the Navy’s third oldest, faces, their voices. antedated only by the NavalAcademy and Naval War “I spent two years in the fleet as an enlisted man,” College. said Tom Homan, a midshipman candidate at NAPS. Over the past 60 years, NAPS has changed sites “I know the Navy is what I want and for me, that several times, moving between Norfolk, Va., Bain- means the Naval Academy.’’ bridge, Md., and Newport, its home since 1974. Last year, Anthony Barneswas a high school student The school is located on thetip of a small peninsula in Savannah, Ga.;now he marcheswith ‘thebest of jutting into Narragansett Bay,an areanoted for its them. “I considered going to a regular college, but scenic countryside and coastline. One student describes when I decided to go Navy, it had to be the Academy.” the Newport areaas “good liberty,” a phrase that needs Each of these young men was motivatedto become no further clarification. But liberty for the students is a naval officer, but his Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) but a brief weekend respite before they return to the scores were too low to meet the Academy’s entrance rigors of the classroom. standards, just one reason a student enters the NAPS Classes start at 0800. The midshipmen candidates nine months of training. are up and at it long before that, getting some of the “Being out of school for two years and not using military training CDR Schmidt spoke about. By the what I had learned affected my score,” said Homan, a time the sun chases away the early morning mists over Pennsylvania native. “NAPS is a refresher course so the bay, the students have cleaned their quarters, stood I can bring that SAT score up.” inspection, attended a drill class, eaten breakfast and “In my high school,” Barnes explained, “the empha- are on their way to morning muster. For the enlisted sis was on sports. The academics part I learned but “regulars,” the routine is reminiscent of boot camp didn’t retain past the exams. So, I have to relearn a lot training. But, for the reservists,, it’s a whole new world. of the material and, more importantly, develop my The reservists are civilians enlisted into the Navy study habits.” for the sole purpose of going to the prep school. If, Many of the students at NAPS could qualify for en- for any reason, they don’t make it through the school, trance into the Academy but they entered NAPS to in- or aren’t accepted at the Naval Academy, they are crease or strengthen their qualifications. For others, the given the option of finishing their enlistment or return- school is an opportunity to decide if the military is the ing to civilian life. This arrangement has

16 ALL HAMDS L 1 Ron Miller, a NAPS calculus instructor, enjoys a lightmoment with the class. Though thecurriculum is demanding, there’s still some levity. earned them the nickname of “in- vitees” from the other students. “But you have to admire them,” stated one fleet type. “It’s hard enough to keep up with the school work. Learning this military stuff at the sametime makes it rough.” “One of the hardest parts for me,” said Andrew Swoope, a re- servist from Chicago, “was accept- ing the idea of having someonetell me to get out of my bunk whileit was still dark out so I could make sure my bunk was made up andmy shoes were shined. I can see now that it’s all a part of developing discipline. instructors-includes algebra, Following the Academy’s concept “But those first few weeks,it physics, chemistry, trigonometry, that an informedmind is not all didn’t make any sense to me. A linear algebra, functions, composi- that is necessary to make a success- lot of the ‘invitees’ thought about tion, rhetoric, reading and vocabu- ful naval leader, the prep school dropping out then, but it only lary drill. “The Academy works places a great deal of emphasis strengthened my resolve to see this closely with BuPers to ensure we on athletics. through.” get quality instructors,” said Mr. Each “NAPSter” is required to A student can expect to be en- W. F. Nolan, academics director take partin some type of sports rolled in two mathematics classes, for the school. “The classwork program. “We offer everything from one or two English classes and one schedule here is so concentrated that basketball to water polo, so there’s science class per day. The level of the instructor has to care and be something here for everybody,” instruction is determined by a willing to give that extra effort. said Mr. Art Markos, theathletic battery of tests given upon the It’s that attitude we look for in our director. “We give the students student’s arrival. “The classes are instructors.” physical fitness tests regularly to paced to the individual’s needs,” Lieutenant Jay Parker has determine if any remedialtraining explained CDR Schmidt. “If a stu- taught trigonometry at NAPS for the is necessary. We want them to be dent is deficient in mathematics, past three years. He has a degree in top physical condition by the for example, or if his reading ability in physics and is working on a time they reach the Academy.” isn’t what it should be, we can master’s in education. “I think it’s The physical training was the compensate for that. We con- the students’ motivation that im- only aspect of the school’s syllabus centrate andfocus on that need.” presses me most. I’ve taught in changed when the women arrived The curriculum-taught by both civilian schools and you don’t see last year. The same ruling allowing civilian and active duty military much of that. Here, they know they women to enter service academies need to learn this stuff-their future depends upon it. Another thing that distinguishes them from their civilian peers is the self- discipline they’ve developed through the military and physical training.”

18 ALL HANDS Physical fitness and conditioning are not overlookedat NAPS. Herethe prep studentscompete against a local team.

A newly arrived student tries on a com- binationcap-it'll fit muchbetter later.

opened the doorsto NAPS for females. Women midshipmen candidates are still required to participate in sports, but are pro- hibited from contact sportssuch as football, lacrosse, orwrestling. They can, however, act as managers for these teams. There arenine women enrolled in the current class-four regular Navy, two reservists and three Marines. Kathy Washington was a seaman in theBoost program when the Academy was opened to women. "I decided that if I'm going to

JANUARY f977 79 be anofficer, I might as well go So ... You want first class, all the way. I expected an attitude problem with the guys Interested in going to Annap- the better your chancesfor ap- here, but it never materialized. All olis? You must first meet basic pointment. For instance, the Vice it took was for the men to get used eligibility requirements: be at least President is allowed five people to us being around and accept it.” 17 years of age and not past your attending the school at a time, but Attending the prepschool is no 22nd birthday on 1 July of the nominates 10 per vacancy. That guarantee that a studentwill re- year you could enter the Academy; means you could be competing ceive an appointment to the Acad- be unmarried and have no children; against 49 other people for one of emy. They must first receive a and be aU.S. citizen of good moral those slots-that is, if you get nomination for appointment from character. nominated at all. one or more of several sources. So far so good. The next step is If they’ve been out of school for Based on figures of past classes, to get a nomination for appoint- a while or if their high school cur- 65 per cent, or about 180 students ment to the Academy. As a serv- riculum didn’t include some of the in this class will receive appoint- iceman or woman, you have several recommended courses (three, ments. Of that 180, 61 per centof sources of potential nominations, preferably four years of math, in- them will complete the four years each of which should be pursued. cluding geometry, trigonometry and and become officers. The more nominationsyou receive, advanced algebra; four yearsof This figure compares favorably with the completion rate of the other Academy students. “The pur- SECOND PLACE WINNER pose of the prep schoolis to bring ALL NAVY CARTOON CONTEST these students up to the standards needed to enter the Academy,” a spokesman for the NavalAcademy said. “This percentage proves the school is successful.” As one instructor described NAPS: “Getting into theAcademy is likeopening a door into wholea new future. For enlisted people NAPS just oils the hinges on that door.” J,

PC0 DD985(AR) IYGITRYGTBCO in your orders means ” Prospective Commanding Officer DD-985 (Assembly Required) If you get it together right, you get to be Commanding Officer.“ Cartoon by YNCM Gerald Mack Avera, USN.

20 ALL HANDS to go to the

:p iI

English; two years of a modem the Armed Forces areeligible to Children of armed forcesmem- foreign language; one year of phys- compete for 100 Presidential ap- bers killed in action, orwho died ics; and one year of chemistry), pointments each year. Write to the or have 100 per cent disability from Fleet personnel usually attend the Candidate Guidance Office at the wounds, injuries or disease received Naval Academy Preparatory School, Academy. while on active duty are eligible, as Newport, R. I., to increase their You can alsoapply for aVice are thechildren of service men or chances of receiving nomination and Presidential nomination. Apply to women, or civilians listed as pris- subsequent appointment. Check Office of the Vice President, oners of war or missing in action. with your education office to en- Washington, D. C. 20501, before Apply to the Academy. sure you meet prerequisites and 1 September. There is an unlimited quota for apply through your commanding If you are aresident of Puerto children of Medal of Honor win- officer. Rico, Canal Zone, American ners; the NavalAcademy will x- Here's a rundown onnomination Samoa, Guam or theVirgin Islands, cept these applications. sources available: your governor or delegate, as the Sample letters for requesting US. senators and representa- case may be, can nominate you for nominations and other information tives, the Delegate from the District appointment. Write to the appro- are included in the NavalAcademy of Columbia and theResident priate official. catalog, which you can get by Commissioner of all There are 85 appointments writing to Director, Candidate have five midshipmen attending the open to regular Navy and Marine Guidance, US.Naval Academy, Academy at any one time. It is Corps personnel. Apply initially Annapolis, Md. 21402. You can not necessary to know the official through your commanding officer. also check with your education personally. .Apply directly to your Reservists can compete for the office, .career counselor or the representative andto. both of your 85 slots allottedto them by also OpNav Instruction 1531 series for senators. applying through their Commanding additional information. J, Children of career members of officers.

JANUARY 1377 21 Grains of Salt Fixing the Speed of Light BY LTJG BRUCE R. LIVELY Fellow midshipmen nicknamed him “Sheeny Mike,” and underthat name he captured the welterweight boxing championship of the Naval Academy. Admiral John L. Worden-of Monitor fame-lecturedhim: if he wanted to be of real service to America he should give less attention to science and more to Naval gun- nery. Yet this native German was to earn a faculty seat at the academy, fix the speed of light and lay the groundwork for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. In so doing, he became the first American to win the Nobel Peace Prize. His name was Albert A. Michelson, and his story is one of the most notable in U.S. naval history. Michelson was born near the Polish hamlet of Strel- Portrait by Cliff Young shows Ensign Michelson at work on no in December 1852. He was just two years old when his experiment for determining the speed of light. his family joined the swell of immigrants to America. His parents followed the fortune-seekers to Virginia De’spite the gibes of veteran officers that hisscien- City inNevada Territory where his father opened a tific fantasies were inappropriate for a line officer, store. Albert profited from his stay at theAcademy. After In 1869, he took the examination for entry to the graduation hesuspended scientific studies during his Naval Academy but the appointment went to another two-year training cruises. He served in five ships on this who tied Michelson’s score. tour-uss Monongahalea, Minnesota, Roanoke, Colo- Undaunted, Michelson set off for Washington to see rado, and Worcester. After his promotionin 1875 to President Ulysses S. Grant, hoping to become one of the rank of ensign, Michelson joined the Academy staff 10 presidential appointees. Grant was cordial, but his as a tempolrary instruct’or. 10 appointments-at-large were already made. Michelson masde a discovery while at the Academy Michelson then waited three days at Annapolis to that ensured his international reputation as a physicist. see the AcademyCommandant. When hegained an His department head, LCDR William T. Simpson, sug- interview the newswas bad-still no vacancies. Re- gested that he experiment with the voguish new lecture- turning to Washington he boarded a westbound train demonstration method to conduct a section on the speed and learned from a presidential messenger, just before of light. Albert scrounged some equipment fsom Navy departure, that Grant had approved the 1lth appoint- surplus, but he had to invest $10 of his own money for ment-Michelson. one critical mirror. With this and the cast-off materials, The post-CivilWar Naval Academywas torn be hemeasured thismost important constant of nature tween the oldsailing Navy and a new emphasison more accurately than any previous scientist had.He “high science,” technology, and humanitie’s.Michel- was promoted in 1879 to the rank of Master (today’s son’sscientific bent, and a corresponding weakness in lieutenant junior grade), andgiven astonishing free- more traditional skills, determined his fate at Annap- dom to publish his theories. A May issue of The New olis. He ledhis class in optics and drawing,placed York Times described the young prodigy as ‘‘a new and second in heat andclimatology, and shone in boxing brilliant name” destined to adorn “the scientific world and fencing. Yet he finished fifth to last in seamanship of America.” and its practice. Overall, he ranked ninth in the order Despite the cooperation of the Academy, Michelson ‘of merit or class placement. knew that a successful naval career required a variety

22 ALL HANDS of assignments. Critical tours at sea andin command son, you’re out of uniform. You should have a star on hardly interested him. Instead he requested a year’s your cuff.” Albert trekked to the tailor to get a star, leave of absence to attend graduate school in France. and the next day a differentofficer reprimandedhim In Europe, Michelson won a grant from Alexander for wearing it. Off came the line star, only to have the Graham Bell and designed the apparatus which was to cycle repeat itself. Finally, Albert’swife advised that inspire Einstein’s later research into the idea of rela- he invent a snapper star as the standard uniform for tivity. About the same time, Michelsoninvented the everybewildered officer who wanted to please all his interferometer to measuresubmicroscopic distances. superiors. Scientists later used a variation of Michelson’s instru- It gratifiedMichelson to aidin the war effort, but (ment tomeasure the diameter of distant stars. (In 1913 by 1919 he longed for his old laboratory. He was re- Michelson was to employ a modified interferometer for leased from active duty on May 13 as a commander by his milestone experiments on the elasticity of the earth.) Franklin D. Roosevelt, then Assistant Secretary of the Michelson accepted a professorship at CaseSchool Navy. of Applied Sciencein Cleveland, Ohio,in 1881, and Five years later, Michelson accepted an invitation to resignedhis commission in April 1882. During the speak atthe Naval Academy. Befolre the lecture he ensuing years he also taught at Clark University in took time to tour the expanding campus. But he rec- Worces’ter, Mass., and at the University of Chicago. ognized few landmarks. The old seawall where he had During this time he ldevoted himself almost completely made the first experiments on the speed of light had to research, becoming immersed in experiments by day been filled. Today, a modern science facility, Michel- and entertaining himself by night at billiards, his violin son Hall, occupies that site. and easel. Michelson’s death in May 1931 signaled the end of Prizesheld little enchantment for Michelson. Yet an era. The world of science had passed a milestone. he won nearly every honor given for scientific attain- The nation and itsNavy had lost an uncanny genius ment. The Nobel Prize has been called the world’s and a devoted friend-“The Peerless Physicist of An- mostprestigious award. Michelson’smain concern napolis.” & upon winning it washow to use the $40,000 stipend A favoritepastime was billiards. in his research. Michelson refused to interrupt meaningful research to meet the mundane requirements of graduate degrees. The Naval Academy wasn’t authorized to grant a bach- elor of science degree until shortly after his death. Despite the lack of an “earned degree,” many univer- sities, both foreign and domestic, granted Michelson honorary degrees. When the US. entered , he was com- missioned a lieutenant commander in the Naval Coastal Defense, and he transferred his entire research opera- tion fromChicago to Washington. He devo’ted con- siderable time to developing new devices for naval use. Among these were his special binoculars which made it po’ssible for American captains to detect enemy sub- marines at night, an’dhis rangefinder which became standard naval equipment. Returning to the Navy after 35 years was enjoyable, butthe pesky intricacies of military discipline still baffled the 66-year-old scientist. On his first morning, the officer of the day greeted him with a stern, “Michel-

JANUARY 1977 23




By JO1 JERRY ATCHISON Buriedamong the manymessages that funneled through the messagecenter of USS Little Rock on August 28 was an order that seemed to make all the others devoid of meaning. The scuttlebutt became a reality; the conjectures were confirmed. It was the end forone of the bestand most highly regarded ships in the U. S. Navy. The 31- year-old flagship of the Sixth Fleet had grown too old to operate effectivelyand too tired to be overhauled economically. A ship that was built in Philadelphia, transferred to the mothball fleet from Philadelphia and later put back into commission at Philadelphia, was returning to Phil- adelphia for the last time. Throughout the Mediterranean, Little Rock carried the United States flag in times of peace and conflict. Those concerned with international diplomacy and poli- tics called her a “high-profile ship.” To her crew, she was home-a home they were soon to lose. “It was a difficulttime for the crew,” said Com- mander R. R. Denis, ship’s executive officer. “Difficult

24 ALL HANDS because of the speed with which decisions were made awaiting the stripping of the last of her equipment. andbecause wewere forward deployed. ‘Where are “The entire 1,000-man crew had to be transferred to people going to go?’ ‘What’s going to happen to me- further duty in just a few short weeks,” he said. “That my family?’ Those are hard questions to answer in the was a big job, particularly when you consider that every middle of the Med. We knew we had to find answers- guy’s transfer is important to him.” and fast.’’ Screening of the crew was the first order of business Denis reviewed the events leading up to the decom- for Little Rock, even before she left the Med. Ca- missioning as the ship stood at pierside in Philadelphia reer counselors, personnelmen andall others tasked

Editor’s Note: Since this story was written, stripping of Little Rock has ceased pendingher possible disposal as a naval memorial at a location still to be determined.

JANUARY 1977 25 with ensuring the orderly transfer of the crew suddenly ping up planks which he, and hundreds of others be- found themselves on an around-the-clock schedule. In- fore him once swabbed and holystoned and swabbed formation from the Bureau of Naval Personnel began again for endless hours. to arrive on board and was passed to crewmembers. “Each man is going to get a section of this when he The age-old task of matching individual wishes with leaves the ship,” he said. “It’s going to be a good re- the needs of the service began on Little Rock-before minder of ‘the time we spentaboard, particularly the it ended the entire crew, including more than 500 in a time we spent scrubbing these decks.” one-week period, were scheduled for transfer. Below decks, there were also subtle indicators that For ‘one Little Rock sailor activities at the Philadel- this was no normal upkeep period. Hundreds of small phia Naval Base seemed oddly reminiscent. Gunner’s tags hung from equipment of every sort-communica- Mate First Class Frank E. Bowen had been here be- tions gear, damage control items, scuttlebutts. Although fore, 16 years earlier, as part of the precommissioning her hull was destined for scrap, much of Little Rock‘s detail when the ship was pulled from mothballs and on-board equipment was destined for use in other Navy refurbished for fleet duty. Nowhe was once again in ships, from tugs to aircraft carriers. Philadelphia as part of Little Rock‘s decommissioning In the crew’s compartment, a work party cut away crew after various other assignments in between. piping thatsupported old canvas bunks, passing the On the day Little Rock was to be decommissioned, frames through thehatch, up to the main deck. In GMMl Bowen would enter the Fleet Reserve, another work area a sailor looked with surprise at the “I sailed in her for many years,” he said. “I guess amount of space in what had previously been a you could say they’re going to decommission the both crammed machine shop packed tothe overhead with of us.” equipment. “I could rollerskate in here,” he said. In the last weeks before her decommissioning, as she Theconversation aboard Little Rock also hinted sat pierside, Little Rock showed few outward signs of at her fate. “I’m leaving in a couple of days and I’ve her impending demise. Tothe casual observer, she might have appeared to bein port for a few days of Walkingaway from the ship he recommissioned in 1960 and decommissionedin 1976 is BMCM ThomasSantella. liberty and upkeep. But a closer inspection would have revealed telltale hints. She had been stripped of at least one item essential to any seagoing vessel-her life rafts. On the main deck, a sailor could be seen ripping up the ’s revered teakwood deck-one of the last to be found on a major combatant. The man involved in the deck work considered the irony of his labor-rip-

A Busy Ship-Right to the End

During her final deployment, Little Rock was a busy ship. She served as flagship for three consecutive Sixth Fleetcommanders. She became the first U. S. warship to visit Alexandria,Egypt, since World War I1 and she was the only foreign war- ship to take part in the reopening ceremonies of the Suez Canal. Little Rock played a key role in rescuing flood victims from Tunisia in 1973, directed U. S. Navy humanitarian evacuations of noncombatants from Cyprus in 1974, and took part in the two Lebanon operations of 1976.

26 got to get my plane tickets.” or “My wife just phoned, thehousehold goods are allpacked.” or “Listen, I don’t have your address, just a secondwhile I get a pencil and paper.” Then the day came-a handful of crewmembers and a small number of guests huddled on the fantail of the ship. A freezingwind whipped across thedeck and commercial jets screamedobliviously overhead, on final approach to Philadelphia International Airport. Rear Admiral Wycliffe B. Toole, Commandant 4th Naval District, directed his remarks not at the ship but at the remaining crew of Little Rock standing behind the guests. “Thirty years ago I saw my first ship decommission- ing. At the end of World War I1 we had 8,000 or so ships and one more or less didn’t matter.” Commander Kent R. Siegel, Little Rock‘s last com- mandingofficer, summed it all up. “The ceremonyis really anticlimactic. You can’t even get a good cup of coffee here and that certainly spells the end of a Navy ship.” 9,

Guestsat Little Rock’s decommissioning ceremony bow their heads during the benediction.

Little Rock’s crew goes ashore for the last time.


1 JANUARY 1977 27 i missiles. An onboard computer the attack and fighter versions, or that indicate failures in critical provides firing solutions automat- for the right and left side of each equipment. ically, Radar modes can be activated version, production and inventory Current production schedules call by a control on the throttle. The costs are reduced. for the delivery of 11 F-18s to the attack version features a moving Each engine has an auxiliary Navy for testing beginning in map display on which electronics drive system to drive the fuel pump, August 1978. Delivery will be warfare data are superimposed. hydraulic pump, generator and air speeded up beginning in February The plane’s fuel system has turbine starter. This system reduces 1980 as “bugs” are corrected in been designed to minimize serious the number of electrical connections the first test aircraft. combat damage. No tanks are to theengines and facilitates rapid By the mid-l980s, the Navy ex- located around the engines, and two powerplant replacement in case of pects to have accepted 185 fighters of the internal tanks are independ- damage. and 345 attack aircraft. Delivery ent and self-sealing to guarantee The F-18’s auxiliary power rates will be kept deliberately low sufficient fuel for at least 300 unit, used to start the engines, can during the early phases to ensure nautical miles if combat damage also supply power for a full ground that costs of any major modifica- should cut off the supply kom checkout of all aircraft electrical tions are kept to a minimum. other tanks. systems without starting the engines. If all proceeds as planned, the Several other F- 18 features will Some other ease-of-mainten- Navy expects F-18 squadrons to enhance its air combat effectiveness ance features include: radar be permanently deployed on board and conserve costs: mounted on tracks which enable it aircraft carriers by fiscal year 1982. The two 16,000-pound thrust to be pulled directly out of the nos’e While the F-18 alone will not guar- turbofan engines powering both the section; straight down removal of antee sea control and projection, it fighter and attack versions are com- internal guns; a forward hinged will be an integral part of the over- pletely interchangeable. By elimi- windshield that provides easy acce’ss all Navy team and a definite asset nating the necessity for producing to instrumentation for making re in maintaining superior naval forces and stocking separate engines for pairs; and caution warning lights in the free world. J, DESIGN FEATURES CONFORMAL SPARROWS





Navy Women: A Continuing Story work, navigation and communication. By the second anniversary, the number of Navy women rose to 72,- HE UTILIZATION of Navy 350. Provisions were being made for a woman to hold women in 1942, was dif- the rank of captain. By their third anniversary, ap- T ferent from today. Then, proximately 86,000 women were serving in the Navy. Navywomen were assigned only three ratings-yeoman, Women became an integral part of the peacetime storekeeper, and radioman; the Navywhen the President signed the Women’s Armed highest rank a womancould Services Integration Act on June 12, 1948. Today, in attain was lieutenant com- the absence of the draft, the Navy endeavors to make mander and there was only one maximum use of volunteer personnel resources. Wom- opening at that level. Navy en are at the heart of such resources. 1 women could serve only with- By making use now of the talent and expertise we MCPONRobertJ*Walker in the UnitedStates. The per- haveon board, wewill continue toattract qualified sonnelgoal then was 1000 officersand 10,000 en- women to remain as members of the Navy team. But, listeds. to maintain progressin opportunity for women,we The law that established those first women as a true must seek out every possible approach to better man- part of the U. S. Navy was enacted in July 1942. The agement of our Navywomen. Maintaining this prog- original proposedbill had intended to amendexisting ress means that we must try to close the gap between legislation and set up an emergency wartime organiza- what Navy policy allows and what is actually practiced tion called the Women’s Auxiliary Reserve. The adop- in the daily working situation. ted proposal differedslightly in that itestablished a At present, it is primarilyin the area of attitudes Women’s Reserve as part of the Naval Reserve. Along that progress needs to be made, that is, women should with the lone lieutenant commander authorized, there be knowledgeable about their function in the Navy were to be 35 lieutenants and no more than one-third and set realisticgoals, and malesin supervisory posi- of the total number of officerscould be lieutenants tions should review their attitude concerning the role of junior grade. women in the Navy. This, of course, was not the first time women were 0.ver the last century, changes have occurred in the associated with the Navy. The Navy Nurse Corps was employment and role of women in all areas of Ameri- established on May 13, 1908, when 20 women, since can society. The Navy must grow and changealso. called the Sacred Twenty, were entered on the rolls. For our women to progressprofessionally, they must During March 1917,the famous Yeoman (F) of be given leadership and professional opportunities. World War I came into being. The Navy’scivilian The Navy will continue to assign women across the work force could not meet the clerical needs of naval entire spectrum of availablejobs. However, only en- shore stations. It was found that the act establishing lightened attitudes can assure the acceptance of Navy the Naval Reserve Force did not specify any male only women. eligibility requirement. Therefore, womencould be enlisted for the emergency to serveas yeomen, trans- How successful the Navy will be in realizingits lators, draftsmen, fingerprint experts, camouflagede- goals of equal opportunity toward women actually de- signers and recruiting agents. pends on howwell our attitudes keep pace with the modern Navy. & Unlike their World War I1 counterparts to come, the Navy’s women of 1917-1 8 could and did serve over- seas. But, back to WorldWar II-by 1943, some 27,000 officers and enlisted wo’men were serving in the Waves (a term not used in officialNavy correspond- ence).More ratings were open too-gunnery and blind flying instruction, aerology, aviation ground crew

JANUARY 1977 31 Bearinss bypassing through the Panama Gat0 Does it in 40 Canal and claiming another record Swingingwith Gridley When Ferdinand Magellan navi- -that of the first nuclear submarine More than eightyears ago, a gated the strait now named for him, to circumnavigate the South Ameri- small town in New York wasbe- it took five and one-half weeks. That can continent. sieged by thousands of young people was in 1520. Now, 456 years later, and became the legendary musical uss Gato (SSN 615) made the same event of the decade. It wascalled trip in 40 hours and became the first Yard Goes tothe Top Woodstock - three rain-drenched nuclear-powered submarine to tran- The Washington Navy Yard, old- days of people enjoying people who est shore installation inthe Navy, made music. has been designated a National His- In October, this same bond of torical Landmark by the Interior friendship againemerged through Department. The yard was estab- the medium of music. It rained lished by President John Adams in but the people kept dry and there 1799. The Latrobe Gate, main en- wasmusic, although it lasted only trance to the yard, has a tale all its four hours. It was called the Japa- own - only the President of the nese/American Rock n’ Blues Con- United States can enter the gate cert and took place in Yokosuka. head on from 8th St. leading directly The men of uss Gridley (CG 2 1) , to it. All others must make a right operating in the western Pacific with turn into the gate from M St. Seems the Seventh Fleet, arranged the con- PresidentLincoln set the tradition cert as a “people-to-people” project during the Civil War-he had a while in the Japanese port. They in- habit of barreling through the gate vited two rock and blues bands from in his carriage, heedless of traffic Tokyo to comedown to jam with flow or the directions of sentries at musicians from Gridley. The bands the gate. came and so did the rain. The concert, scheduled to be held 1 on a pier,di’dn’t turn into another wetWoodstock though. USS Mid- way (CV 41) came to the rescue by offering a hangar deck as a refuge Touchingthe foot of thePatagonian fo’r the musicians and their audience IndianMagellan’sat Monument in of more than 1000. PuntaArenas, Chile, is supposed to bring you good luck. Listeners found that, regardless of cultural difference#s,music can sit the strait at the southern tip of become the common denomina- South America. torbringing people together-as it Gat0 and three surface ships were did at Woodstock. involved in Unitas XVII, a series of naval exercisesinvolving the U.S. Navy and the major navies of South Raising Beefalo $ $ America, when she sailed the strait. Sailors have sometimesbeen During the passage, Gato made a known for theirunique off-duty two-day port call at Punta Arenas, hobbies. Chief Radioman Earl Mag- Chile,which is the southernmost gard has one that is-to say the city in the world. least-different.He raisesBeefalo. Gat0 completed the deployment “Yes, Beefalo,” says the Patuxent

32 ALL HANDS River-based Navyman. “It’s only a Forty-eight U.S. and AlliedNavy matter of time before Beefalo re- Display Is NATO Epic and merchant ships gathered in the places Angus and Hereford just as It was a scene that would have Mediterranean last September and those two breeds replaced the Long- made a movie director envious- October for “Display Determina- horn. The Beefalo, % buffalo and warships and merchantmen of every tion.” The exercise was one of the s/s domestic breed, usually Hereford size steaming in formation through “Autumn Forge” series conducted or Charlois, is already popular on the blue waters of the western Med- throughout Europe last fall. the West Coast and it’s gaining in iterranean, air strikes in support of The naval force included three popularity elsewhere.’’ ground troops, convoy operations separate carrier task forces and a Ranchers tried for years to cross- and Marines wading ashore from merchant convoy. USS Nimitz breed the range-hardy buffalo with landing craft amid the noise and (CVN 68), USS America (CV 60) smoke of battle. and HMS Ark Royal (RO 9) task What looked like the beginning forces, including a battalion of U.S. of another Hollywood war epic was Marines and units from Portugal, actually one of the largest afloat Italy and Turkey, combined at-sea NATO exercises in recent years. training operations with command andcontrol techniques to ensure thatNATO operational plans re- Theguided Missile cruiser USS Albany (CG 10) in thewestern Mediterranean main current withtoday’s modern during“Display Determination.” fleet operating procedures. &


domestic cattle and failed. Even the Canadian and Russian governments experimented for decades with no success. They found that although a buffalo waswilling to mate with a domestic cow, continued cross- breeding was impossible because the offspring were usually sterile. Then a Californian developed the first Beefalo. bull that wasn’t sterile, built a herd and made a fortune by selling one bull for $2.5 million. As for Chief Maggard, his Beef- alo roam at a friend’s farm near Pa- tuxent River where he pays their rent by working as a farmhand.

JANUARY 1977 33 Continue

One year, 12 months or 365 days-no matter how you count, the fact is 1976 was quite a year for the Navy and the nation. It was the United States' Bicen- tennial and, of course, the Navy's Bicentennial-plus- ow. But, as you'll see by the following review, it was also a time of much activity and many milestones.


_*x ,.% .. "?". .. S TJMk Magazine names Lieutenant Commander Kathleen Byerly, Flag Secretary and aide to COMTRA- PAC, as one of 12 "Women of the Year-1975.'' 16Two Navymen join the1976 Olympic Bobsled Team: GMG2 Frederick Fritsch, UDT 21 , and RM2 William Renton, Seal Team Two. 19- CNO testifies on fleet readiness before a House 4) Armed Services subcommitteeand establishes fleet readiness as the Navy's primary objective.

21- The President submits record $1 12.7 billion FY77 defense budget to Congress which contains $37.4 billion for Navy programs including $6.3 billion for 16 new ships.


13- Captain Fran McKee becomes first woman line officer appointed to rear admiral. 18- Newship material readiness course for senior officers is established as part of a Navy effort to em- phasize technological education for officers. 23- Three Navy ships transport men and equipment of an Army engineering task force to Guatemala to assist in earthquake relief. 26- RADM James B. Stockdale, Commander, ASW Wing Pacific, and LT Thomas R. Norris, USNR (Ret), -1 IC receive Medal of Honor from President Ford for heroic d I ALL HANDS I to Make HSstors

actions during American involvement in .


2- New procedures for notifying enlisted personnel of advancement go into effect. Each of the E-4 through E-6 exam cycles is split into two segments. 14- Two Navy satellites, SOLRAD I and 11, are launched at Cape Canaveral to observe solar conditions and forecast atmospheric disturbances. 24- New agreement signed by SECNAV and Secre- tary of Labor enables Navy enlisted personnel to gain apprenticeship certification for training and experience received on active duty.


6- Womenofficers allowed toenter all restricted

line communities via initial commissioning programs or lateral transfers. 8” Navy’s experimental 100-ton surface effect ship (SES) launches medium-range SM-2missile while moving at 60 knots off . 10- Keel-laying ceremony held for the first Trident submarine Ohio (SSBN 726) at Groton, Conn.


8- Medal commemoratingthe Navy’s Bicentennial was released. 14- Naval Officer Candidate School, Newport, R. I., notes 25th anniversary. 15- PulitzerPrize winning navalhistorian, RADM Samuel Eliot Morison dies in Boston at age 88. 19- First three Navy enlisted women are graduated from Naval Academy Prep School, Newport, R. I.

35 z6 We Continue to Make .“istors

21- Navy authorizedto design, constructand test turnaroundcruise with representatives of 33 nations prototype 3,000-ton surface effect ship. and SECNAV embarked. 26- Six Seventh Fleet ships, Seabees andMarine 20- USS Spiegel Grove (LSD 32)evacuates 276 Corps personnel arrive in Guam to assist in Typhoon U. S. and foreign nationalsfrom war-torn Beirut in Pamela relief efforts. Lebanon. 29- USS Turawa (LHA l), firstin a new class of 21- Senate ratifies five-year treaty with Spain giving amphibiousassault ships, is commissioned in Pasca- U. S. continued use of Rota Naval Base. goula, Miss. 30- Surface effect ship (SES 100B) sets speed record of 103 mph (89.5 knots). JUNE JULY 1- DOD announces voluntary “do-it-yourself” mov- ing program, providing cash bonuses to people who 1- SECNAV creates a special independentthree- move their own household goods within CONUS. member board to speed up efforts to settle outstanding 5- Four women officers are selected for transfer to shipbuilding claims. the RestrictedLine-first time in Navy history. 4- Navy men and women aroundthe worldcele- 16- Aerobics program is approved by CNO for all brate nation’s Bicentennial; International Naval Review Navy personnel. and Operation Sail held-in New York. 17- A newweight control program applies aviation 6- First women enter Naval Academy as members weight standards to all Navy personnel. of class of 1980. 17- USS Constitution “putsto sea” for two-hour 16- Navy selects “Sailors of theYear” for FY76:

36 ALL HANDS HTl Ararat Krikorian, HT1 RandolphR. McClary 100 miles north of Scotland; seven Bordelon crewmen and MA1 ThomasC. Wallace. injured. 27- Landing craft USS Portland (LSD 37) evacuates 25- OliverHazard Perry (FFG 7), first of a new 300 .Americans and other nationals from Beirut, Leb- class of guided missile frigates, launchedat Bath, anon. Maine.


16- Navy dependents become eligible for emergency 1- Military personnel receive 4.83 per cent raise. space-availabletravel. on Military Airlift Command 1- Proficiency flying terminated. aircraft. 2- Admiral James L. Holloway I11 visits commands 20- USS Ainsworth (FF 1080) first ship to receive in Western Pacific. production version of Harpoon missile launch system. 4- Tax Reform Act makes withholding of state in- 21- FirstE-5/E-6 Petty Officer Quality Review come taxes frommilitary paychecks mandatory if states Board reports to CNO. request such action. 28- Soviet Echo ZZ-class submarine collides with USS 7- Twelve navaldistricts reorganized; number of Voge (FF 1047) in Ionian Sea. primary commandants reducedto four. 13- Washington Navy Yard, oldest shore installation SEPTEMBER in the Navy, designated a national historic landmark. 20- New Jewish worship pennant displayed for the 1- USS Sylvania (AFS 2) arrives in Norfolk carrying first time, aboard USS Guam (LPH 9). treasures from tomb of Egypt’s King Tutankhamen on 30-month loan to U.S. 10- Vice Admiral Samuel L. Gravely, Jr., first black NOVEMBER to achieve three-star rank, assumes command of Third Fleet. 11- F-14 Tomcat lostfrom USSJohn F. Kennedy 14- USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67) and USS-Borde- (CV 67) during NATO exercise in September, recov- lon (DD 881) collide during a night refueling operation ered near Scotland. 13- USS Los Angeles (SSN 688), first of a new class of nuclearattack submarines, commissioned at New- port News, Va. 30- Six-week operationalevaluation of submarine- launched version of the Harpoon missile begins aboard USS Permit (SSN 594).


1- CNO orders Navy Uniform Board to look into feasibility of restoringthe old-style uniform to the fleet. Admiral Holloway says that the Navy shouldn’t “neglect the possibility of a reintroduction at some time, for some people, of that type of uniform.” 7- The Navy’s Tomahawk cruise missile successfully flies 188 miles and locates a target ship in the Pacific Ocean test range.The missilewas launched on its 55-minute mission from an A-6 Intruder. 9- Navy announces selection of contractorfor building 3,000-ton prototype SES. J,

37 Rights & Benefits

eligible for funeral expenses from the Social Security Survivor Protection Administration.All active duty and honorable dis- Before you finish this paragraph, two people in the charged service members areentitled to aheadstone United States will die. Before the day is done, two sail- andburial in a national cemetery of their choice, if ors will die. Like taxes, death is inevitable. For many, space is available. the grief is compounded by ignorance-ignorance about Transportation-Dependents are eligible for gov- the protection that can and should be afforded to those ernment transportation from the place where the death left behind. notice was received to any place they designate. They To agreat extent, the military has resolved that also may ship their household goods from the last duty problem by providing automatic survivor protection. stationor place of storage. Privately owned vehicles Military survivor benefits cover a broad range of serv- may be shipped if thedeath occurred overseas. And ices andcan translate into thousands of dollarsfor the Navy will pay up to six months’ storage of house- your dependents and loved ones. hold goods in connection with final shipment. If youwere todie on active duty tomorrow, help Dependency and Indemnity Compensation would be immediately available to your family in the person of a Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO) PayGrade Monthly Rate Pay Grade Monthly Rate who would assist with such detailsas transportation, $260 E-1 w-4 $372 childcare, funeral and burial arrangements and sur- 268 E-2 0-1 328 vivor benefits claims submissions. But personal assist-275 E-3 0-2 340 ance is only the tip of the iceberg. 292 E-4 0-3 364 In addition,your survivors cancount on a broad E-5 300 0-4 384 range of payments and services including: 33-6 307 0-5 423 Death Gratuity-This is a lump sum equal to322 six E-7 0-6 476 months’ basic pay with a minimum of $800 and a 340max- E-8 0-7 516 imum of $3000. This money is payable first tothe E9 355 0-8 565 spouse; if none, then to the member’s children and, if w-1 328 0-9 607 none, to whomever has been designated on the Record w-2 341 0-10 664 of Emergency Data (NavPers 1070/602). W-3 352 Unpaid Pay and Allowances-This includes reg- ular pay and allowances andper diem earnedup to Privileges-Unremarriedwidows and widowers the time of death and is payable to a designated bene canuse commissaries and exchanges. Theyare en- ficiary. titled to health benefits in uniformed services medical DIC-Dependency and Indemnity Compensation activities where available, andto hospitalization and is authorized for unremarried widows and widowers outpatient care from civilian sources on a cost-sharing of service members, retirees, or veterans who die of basis. Legal aid is also possible. service-connected causes. Normally, in the absence of Clubs-Widows and widowers may useappro- negligence, this means all deaths while on active duty. priate open messes when available. DICis like a life annuity-payments continueon a Preference-Unremarried widows and widowers monthly basis. Pay is according to grade (see table ). have preferencein federal employment, including an A widow or widower is entitled to $43 per month extra addition of points to the passing score in Civil Service for each child. DICis not subject totax or seizure competitiveexaminations and preference in appoint- by creditors of either the service member or the bene- ments and reinstatements. .ficiary, and this pay does not prevent an eligible widow Insurance-Families of participating service mem- or children from receiving death benefits from Social bers receive up .to $20,000 fromthe Servicemen’s Security. Group Life Insurance.Distribution is according to Funeral Expenses-The Navy will payup ,to that listed by the member on the Serviceman’s Group $700 in funeral expenses. The family may also be LifeInsurance Election form (VA form 29-82-86).

-38 ALL HANDS Dependents’ Education-Many scholarships and the amount withheld would cease if the intended sur- loans are available to those who come looking, as is vivor dies before the service member. assistance from the Veterans Administration. Survivors may be eligible for social security benefits, Because of the substantial value of these survivor some of whichmay affect your pension earnings. Be benefits, planning and action on the part of the Navy sure to get specific informationfrom your Career sponsor is necessary. Perhapsthe most important Counselor or other knowledgeable party. step is to make sure your Record of Emergency Data is up to date. This document, which is in each mem- ber’s service record, indicates who is to receive some These rights anddeath benefitshave considerable of your survivor benefits. value andprovide the foundation for an estate. But Anotherplanning consideration arises as the Navy they are not necessarilysufficient protection. Every sponsor nears theend of his or her military service. service person should determine how much his or her Although much of the protection follows a member into dependents will need in the event of his or her un- retirement, thedeath gratuity will apply onlywhen timely death and compare these needs with the actual death is from a service-connected disability. DIC may available benefits. be paid any time after the member’s retirement, if the Commercial life insurance and other investments death was caused by a service-connected disability. may be necessary as an adjunct to military survivor Those about to retire may want to consider the Sur- protection. vivor Benefit Plan, a method for giving survivors part Whateveryour circumstances, you shouldmake a of the service member’smonthly retirement check point to discuss the matter of family survivor protec- after his or her death. Otherwise, there is no pension tion with your dependents. Even though the prospect after a retired sailor dies. of your death may not be the most pleasant of sub- Thosewho enter the plan are able to provide an jects, your familydeserves to knowwhat to expect. annuity for their spouses and/or children of up to 55 If you have maintained updated emergency data rec- per cent of their retainer or retirement check. The ords, determined your family’s needs and supplemented cost is small each month and, under recent legislation, government survivor protection as necessary, you will haveprovided yourloved ones a most valuable and necessary service. To help you in getting the specific facts and figures you need in planning for your family, visit your local command Career Counselor. He can provide you with I‘ up-to-date information not only on Navy programs but also on Social Security and Veterans Administra- tion programs as well. J,

JANUARY 1977 39 p’”


“We aren’t waiting in line for gas nearly 50 percent of our oilre- andnot cutting down on opera- anymore but thatdoesn’t mean we’re serves. Experts estimate that - at tions,” he stated. out of the woods,” said Commander present consumption levels - we “But conservation is only a tem- R. D. Furiga, Director of the Navy will run out of domestic oil, includ- porary answer,” the Commander EnergyOffice. “We are still in an ing Alaskan reserves,within 30 continued. “Thenation and the energy crisis and something has to years. Navy are well aqare that other be done.” “In 1973, Canada and Venezuela sources of energymust be found.” The energy crunch seems to have provided the U. S. withwhat we As landlord to over 90,000 fami- abated-for the moment. Leftin termed secure energy sources, but lies (housingunits), paying more its wake is a new awareness of our now they tooare looking to their than $51 million each year just for reliance on energy resources. What own national needs and, understand- utilities, the Navy requires not only caused that energycrisis was, ba- ably, are backing away and reducing fuel for a future fleet, but also an sically, a decreased supply and in- theirlevel of petroleum exports,” inexpensive form of domestic en- creased demand. A voracious and CDR Furiga explained. ergy. sometimes wastefuluser of energy, Sixty per cent of the world’s “Initially,we pushed conserva- the United States accounts for one- knownreserves of crude oil are in tion to produce quick savings in the third of the world’s current con- the Middle East. The sudden em- emergency situation. But, we are sumption of petroleum. Our econ- bargo joltedmany Americans into down to a point now wherewe’ve omy revolves around crude oil and the realization thatthe U. S. de- got to do some major investingin its products-a need fo’r which in- pendedupon those countries for alterations, retrofits, and the like, to creases at a rate of about three per one-third of its needed crude oil. get anymore savings,’’ Furiga ex- cent each year. “That figure has since increased plained. “Justpart of that invest- The natural resources used to cre- to 40 per cent. We are now more ment for thefuture includessyn- ate energy are being depleted at a than ever dependent upon foreign thetic fuels andnatural energies steadily increasing rate. Since the countries, especiallyNigeria and such as the sun, wind and the earth’s discovery of crude oil in this coun- SaudiaArabia, for our energy heat(geothermal). try around 1900, we haveused up sources,” said the Commander. ‘The energy program in the Navy “We’ve gotten to the point where was fragmented. Wehad consum- we mustfind ways to decrease en- ers who needed the energy, iogistio ergyusage, but not our readiness. ians concerned with supply, comp- For instance, we’ve found that a trollers interested inbudgets and destroyer out of overhaul for 24 engineersinvolved with projects. months uses 16 per cent more thrust What was needed,” the commander horsepower to reach 20 knots and continued, “was something to bring 15 per cent morefuel because of it all together. That’s why the CNO marine growthon her hull. One EnergyOffice was established.” aspect of our conservation program The office was formed under the involvesfinding a way to get that DeputyChief of Naval Operations ship’shull economically cleaned forLogistics to provide an overall, sooner, or developing a coating that servicewide coordination of energy will keep thegrowth from forming, programs. “One of our initial ef-

40 ALL HANDS forts was to comeup with a plan ergymanagement and resources Sunspotactivity reveals potential solar that answered the question: ‘What control. Synthetic fuelsis one strat- energy. should the Navy be considering to egy receivingincreased attention. prepare for a futureera of scarce The Navyis watching closely the energy resources’?’’ Furiga asked. development of a synthetic fuel “Once that plan was formulated, producedfrom coal, oil shale and we had to be able to provide for a tar sands. continual review, for what holds true Before the discovery of crude oil today in the energy situation may in the U. S. 75 years ago, coal was not be true tomorrow.’’ used for 90 per cent of our nation’s The Navyenergy plan has, ba- energy needs, including Navy ships. sically, five strateges-conservation, Evennow, the U. S. has vastre- synthetic fuels, self-sufficiency,en- serves of coal-threetimes that of



the combined Middle East oilre- serves. But coal has distinct disadvan- tages; for one, when burned, it pol- lutes the air. In the 1960s, when the pushwas onfor cleaner air, Navy installations decreased the use of coal in favor of clean-burning, eas- ily accessible natural gas and oil. “The systems were inefficient, but when we were purchasing oil at three cents a gal!on, it didn’t really matter. Now we are paying 30 cents a gallonin some cases and it does matter,” Furiga said. With costs ex- pected to spiral even higher, the Navy is once again looking to coal in the form of a synthetic fuel. Unbelievable as it may seem, fuel gas from coal was processed almost 200 years ago. As recently as World War TI, on the other hand, a major part of the German armed forces was fueledwith liquid coal. At that time, Germany had several syn- thetic fuel plants producing about 100,000 barrels a day. Since then, theuse of coal as a synthetic fuel has dwindled. It war generally con- sidered too costly. But that was in another era. To- day liquid coal could be part of the answer to the energy problem. Many new processes have been developed’ using coal and the U. S. actually could be producing liquid fuel on a commercial levelwithin the next few years. Ranking second to coal as the most abundant source of nonpetro- leum fossil fuel is oil shale. But, like

42 ALL HANDS Left:Experimental solar collector at provide the heat and pressure which ton, S. C.; and New London, Conn.; Naval Ammunition Depot, Hawthorne, with solar energy systems. These Nev. Above:Refineries, as this in Can- would have converted it to oil. Mod- ada, convert tar sands into crude oil. ern technology, however, has al- will provide homes with 60 per cent lowed man to take up where nature of their space heating requirements liquid coal, oil shale also was con- left off. Estimates on the amount of and about 90 per cent of their hot sidered too expensive to process. shale-derived crude oil potential water, supplementing conventional Today,the production of shale oil rangefrom 1.8 to 2.2 trillionbar- systems. Technical and cost data has become a valuable area of ex- rels-substantially enough to offer from this experiment will be incor- ploitation. another long-range solution to the porated with other studies to pro- “Oil shalecrude can produce a fuel shortage. vide a basis for future use of solar range of distillate fuels, such as A third significant source of syn- heating systems. those used as jet or diesel fuel,” ex- thetic crude is tar sands, a mixture The Civil Engineering Laboratory plained Furiga. “Fuel derived from of sand, water and an organic bi- atPort Hueneme, Calif., will be coal provides a usa’ble grade of tuminous material. Tar sands are running aproject almost concur- gasoline but is not suited for uses as found in the U. S., but efforts to re rently with NavFac.This study a distillate fuel without extensive coveroil from thematerial have deals not only with solar energy but refining. So the Navy’s primary in- been limited. also other forms of energy savers terestin synthetic fuels deals with Synthetic fuels aren’t the only al- suchas windpower. Thelab plans oilshale. The thrust of the Navy ternative. Man has already devised to start from theground up, building program is to ensure that synthetic ways to use the power of the source a model structure(resembling a fuels derived from oil shale are of allenergy-the sun. One of the home, small office or other facility), compatible with our propulsion sys- projects dealing with solar energy using energy-saving construction tems.,’ involves the refitting, by the Naval materials and techniques. The struo The oil, kerogen, contained in Facilities Engineering Command ture, called an Advanced Energy shale, is believed to be a form of (NavFac) , of 15 housing units at Utilization Test Bed, will feature undeveloped crude oil. However, and Twentynine Palms, such items as collapsible interior in the case of kerogen, nature didn’t Calif.; New Orleans,La.; Charles- partitionsthat can be arranged to

JANUARY 1977 43 "W

r -*-a Right: Offshore drilling for one of many energysources. Below: Geothermal well atChina Lake, Calif. Below right: Vast reserves of coal in the U. S. are strip- mined.

44 ALL HANDS I “The Navy plans to harness

0.. internal heat of the earth”

suit differenttests and removable lighting is twice as effective in terms power line substation. Since 30 per wallpanels to facilitate changing of energyconservation, yet is un- cent of allenergy consumed is insulating materials. popular because of the “cool” color wasted, the scanner should prove in- Severaldifferent projects are itemits. Just afew of the many valuable in lowering that figure. planned for thePort Hueneme testsplanned will deal with this Another natural source of enesgy structure. Afew of these are test- problem. One wayengineers hope the Navyplans to’ harness isgeo- ing solar heating systems, windpow- to correct the complaint is through thermal, the internal heat of the er, heating, ventilation and air-con- semi-direct/indirectlighting; in an- earth. A project at the Naval Weap- ditioning equipment and lighting. other way, illuminized reflective sur- ons Center, China Lake, The Civil Engineering Laboratory faces will scatter the light. The lab volves sinking a well to 17,000 feet plans to test a variety of solar col- also plans to study ways to make totap the earth’s underground re- lectors with as many as four differ- better use of daylight. Working with serves of energyin the form of ent types on the roof of the struc- Universityof laboratory steam. Toppedby an energy con- ture at the same time. Each system engineers, they will install a limited verter to change the raw power into is capable of heating theentire number of specialwindows to test usable electricity, the wellisex- building, but the laboratory’s job windowcoatings, adjustable over- pected to provideenough electrical will be to decide not if they work, hangs, reflective ground surfaces be- power to completely supply the but which one would be more suited neath windows, and several other China Lake installation and supple- to the Navy’s needs. techniques. ment surrounding communities’ In addition to harvesting the sun’s Throughout the project the struc- sources. energy, the engineers plan to con- ture will be closely monitored by an As the Navy enters its third cen- struct a @foot tower near the test array of devices, some of which tury, itfaces a unique problem- bed to catch the wind, using a 16.5- have been modified to fulfill the coping with the world energy situa- foot propeller to power a five-kilo- conse8rvationobjective. One, an in- tion.As CDR Furiga summarizes, watt generator. The generator is frared scanner, has been usedsuc- “It’stime to decrease our depen- largeenough to provide electricity cessfully in a conservation program dency upon other nations. The Navy for some of the experiments.Al- concerned with locating and correct- is actively involved in doing its part though Port Hueneme is considered ing energylosses. The portable, to decrease this dependency, aiming a poor area to depend upon for con- hand-held scanner uses a device re- all the while at maintaining that all- stant winds, the experiment will sembling a TV camera to produce an important fleet readiness.” ZE, demonstrate the applicability of image that can be pho’tographed or wind as a power source. After con- transferred onto a magnetic tape, de- trol systems are developed forthe pending on how the device is set up. tower, testing will continue at wind- That photo (or tape) can be trans- ier sites. lated into temperature-dark spots Experiments with lighting are also indicate cold, and white spots, heat. planned for the test bed. Nearly all Recently, the unit wasused to residential lighting in Navy housing detect air-conditioning losses in a units is by incandescent light, which desert housing area, locate an insu- consumes over 16 per cent of the lation breakdown in a buried steam energy used in a home. Fluorescent line and pinpoint hot spots ina


BY LT STEVENR. SCHELKUN, MC Since 1974, the “Heimlich Maneu- ver” has become another emergency first aid and lifesaving technique that has the potential to save lives daily. Named for its inventor, Dr. H. J. Heimlich, it is a technique for the prevention of death from choking on food, sometimes called “cafe coronary,” since these accidents usually took place in eating establish- ments and the symptoms mimicked those of a heart attack. Further re- but from pain. This is why cafe cor- If the victim does not resume search showed that many died, not onary deaths were at first attributed breathing spontaneously Cardiopul- from a heart attack, but from asphyxi- to heart attack. monary Resuscitation (CPR) should ation caused by food lodged in the The important difference isthat a be instituted and a physician called. windpipes. heart attack victim has a clear airway The “Heimlich Maneuver” can be The “Heimlich Maneuver” can and can breathe and talk. A choking applied to an unconscious person lying dislodge those food particles and allow victim, however, cannot talk. prone or toa standing victim before the victim to breathe. It is an emer- As a result, Dr. H. J. Heimlich has he collapses into unconsciousness. gency first aid technique that anyone proposed a universal sign of distress With the victim standing, the rescuer: can learn to use effectively once he that the victim can use and that the Stands behind the victim and knows the symptoms of a choking rescuer can recognize. wraps his hands around the victim’s victim. The victim should grasp his neck waist. Food choking is easy to recognize, between the thumb and index finger of Grasps his fist with his other usually occurs in a restau- one hand to indicate that he is chok- hand and places the thumb side of the rant or at home during mealtime. ing on food (see drawing). fist against the victim’s abdomen, The victim is suddenly unable to The technique required to dislodge slightly ablove the navel and below speak or breathe. He first becomes the food involves simply pushingon or the rib cage. pale, then turns a deeply flushed squeezing the abldomen. This pushes Presses his fist into the victim’s shade of red or purple andthen col- the diaphragm up into the rigid chest abdomen with a quick upward thrust, lapses. Without emergency aid death cavity, increasing the pressure of the repeating several times if necessary. occurs in four to five minutes. Fre- air in the lungs until it is great When the victim is sitting,the quently the victim will clutch at his enough to pop the piece of food out of rescuer stands behind the victim’s chest from lack of air. Acute heart the trachea into the throat where it chair and performs the maneuver in attack victims will clutch their chests can be reached and removed. the same manner. &

46 ALL HANDS Mail Buoy d

‘For the Navy Buff’ Checking the records we found Amphibious Museumdisplay as just that David Glasgow Farragut was what he needed and, with much pub- SIR: TheJune 1976 issue con- born July 5, 1801, at Campbell‘s Sta- licity on someone’s part, received per- tainedsectiona entitled “Forthe tion, near Knoxville,Tenn. He was mission to cannibalize the gun. I Navy Buff” inwhich one of the brought up as a ward of Commander wouldventure it was a bushing he questions and its answer depicted uss David Porter and entered the Navy as needed.-LCDR G. H. Coshow. Bonefish (SS 582) as “the lastnon- a midshipman in 1810. combatant diesel-electric submarine It was Farragut’s father,George, Flag OverOthers built by the U.S. Navy.” U.S. who was born at Ciudadela, Menorca SIR: Onthe cover of the Septem- Bonefish was indeed the last diesel- (Sept. 29, 1775). Seems the father electric sub built by the Navy, but the ber issue, the Ceremonial Color Guard served inthe Continental Army,the didn’t carry the U. S. Flag above the term“noncombatant” is in error. Navy of South Carolina, and later Ratherthan going into detail about other flags. It seems to me that some- the U. S. Navy-dying in 1814. one made a mistake. I was under the her accomplishments, letme simply Either way, we should have mentioned state that uss Bonefish is indeed cap impression that thenational colors the admiral in thewrap-up and men- were always flown highest.-YN3 L. able of waging war.-LCDR J. R. tioned his father as well.-ED. McCleary, CO, Bonefish. Spencer. When the U. S. Flag is paraded We have already been reminded Souvenir Hunting by a color bearer along with other by a few other alert readers that Bone- flags (as depicted on the AllHands fish is,indeed, a combatant.-ED. SIR: Regarding your August ’76 ar- ticle, “Authorized Souvenir Hunting,” cover), the position of honor is to the I recall readingan article about 10 right and not above theothers. Dur- Raising of Right Hand years ago about an AFT going through ing honors or the playing of the Na- refresher training that required a part tional Anthem, the Marine and Navy Sir:Why do Navy people raise for its antiquated mainbattery. The colors willbe dipped, but the U. S. theirright handswhen being sworn gunneron board recommended the flag may never bedipped.-ED. intothe service or reenlisting?-A. R. H. Thiscustom, common to both civilian and military personnel, is one THIRDPLACE WINNER of the oldest on record. It originated ALL NAVYCARTOON CONTEST inthe early days of sailing. Crimi- nals were branded on the palm of their 7- hands and prohibited fromtestifying in court or assumingpositions of re- sponsibility. Seamen enteringthe Navy raised their right hand,palm outward,to show they were trust- worthy anddid not have criminal records.-ED.

FarragutMeans ‘Horseshoe’ SIR: “SpanishHeritage” appearing in the September issue makes no men- tion of David Glasgow Farragut,the first four-star admiralin the U. S. Navy. “Damnthe torpedoes” was a native of Ciudadela,Menorca, in the BalearicIslands. Hisname means “horseshoe”in the dialect of that lo- cale. I thinkADM Farragut was too importantto leave out of an article “HEY ...THIS ISN’T WHAT THEY MEAN BY TOUCH-AND-GO !” dealingwith Navy people of Spanish descent.-CAPT C. I. Stratmann, Cartoon by DM3 Daryl Jay Talbot, USN. USN

JANUARY 1977 47 Stern Shots Each of the eight silhouettes shown is a ship of the SovietNavy. See if you can match all of them with their proper class-typeswhich are listedbelow. Be extra careful this month asthere is one class-type listed which doesn't have a corresponding profile. Answers appear below. A.r - 1. Moskva -5. Kashin 2. Kara 6. Kresta __ 3. Delta -7. Victor -4. Nanutchka -8. Kuril -9. Kynda


Answers to quiz: (a) 6 :(q) 8 !(q) L f(au0u) 9 f(8) 5 !(3) p f(B) E 73) z I(p) I


The crewmen experienced the rected by the Naval Ship Engineer- battle conditions. Each test was ac- first explosion shortly after manning ing Center involved detonating curately monitored by morethan their battle stations. A second det- large, high-explosive charges at pre- 100 channels of special instrumenta- onationcame later, temporarily determineddistances and depths tion, including high-speed photog- knocking out lights and otherequip- from Forrestal. The explosions raphy of selected areas. ment and causing the large ship to realistically simulated thecombat Initial evaluation and analysis of roll noticeably. Duringa two-day environment associated with an at- the explosions was done on board period lastsummer, the Atlantic tack bysboth conventional and nu- Forrestal following each test. The Fleet carrier uss Forrestal (CV 59) clear underwater weapons. Techni- data will be used to check existing was subjected to three explosions. calpersonnel directing thetest practices and establish an engineer- This was the first shock test con- described the shock intensity ex- ing database for more efficient ducted on an operational large deck perienced by the crew asthat of shock hardening of large deck air- carrier and was the latest of a con- “jumping off acurb with ajolt craftcarriers and other large dis- tinuing program designed to im- coming from below.” placement ships. prove warship survival under com- Before the test began, a thorough As a result of the test, modifica- batconditions. Similar tests have check for loose gear was made; air- tions designed toincrease combat involved uss Spruance (DD 963), craft and helos were secured by survivability of Forrestal and other lead destroyerin her class. standard tie-down procedures;the aircraft carriers are now being im- The carefully controlledtest di- engineering plant was set upfor plemented. & Little Rock Decommissioning page 24