Issue 111 in This Issue: the Article Entitled "A Beginner's Guide to Temporal Physics" by Robert J
An Open Letter to the members of STARFLEET: On January 11th 2005, we were contacted by Chris Halliday of Argent Games, regarding possible plagiarism in articles published in the STARFLEETCommuniqué during 2002 and 2003. Immediately, we began an internal investigation researching the claims and studying the original material by Mr. Halliday and the Communiqué articles in question. Regretfully, it became painfully clear that Mr. Halliday's claims were true and that materials were taken from an in-development RPG game called Time War, which is being published this year. Substantial portions of a series of columns on Time Travel & Temporal Investigations in Communiqué issues 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, and 118 were originally written by Chris Halliday, and not by the author on the byline, Robert (Robb) Jackson. The articles in question were accepted and published in the Communiqué in good faith since the editors of the Communiqué at the time believed it to be original material. However, as the Communiqué is the official publication of STARFLEET, we are responsible for it's content. As a reminder to all of STARFLEET, only original materials are acceptable for publication in the Communiqué. If you use another's work in your article, you must cite references and give proper credit to the original author. STARFLEET will not tolerate plagiarism. On behalf of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc., I want to apologize to Mr. Halliday and Argent Games for this incident. I also want to thank him for his cooperation in this matter. He has been very cooperative with our requests and has been wonderful in his dealings with us.
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