Manuscript received 14 May 2020 Revised manuscript received 10 July 2020 Manuscript accepted 12 January 2021

© 2021 The Authors. Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. Published online 22 March 2021

New zircon radiometric U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data from the ultramafic-mafic sequences of and Telupid (, eastern ): Time to reconsider the geological evolution of Southeast Asia? Basilios Tsikouras1, Chun-Kit Lai1, Elena Ifandi1, Nur’Aqidah Norazme1, Chee-Hui Teo1 and Xiao-Ping Xia2 1Physical and Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam 2State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China

ABSTRACT China Sea continental crust beneath the Sabah New zircon U-Pb geochronology from a peridotite suite near Ranau and the Telupid active margin, resulting in the Sabah orogeny ophiolite in Sabah, eastern Malaysia, contradict previous studies, which assumed that the (Hutchison, 1996). However, for the post–early Sabah mafic-ultramafic rocks are largely ophiolitic and Jurassic–Cretaceous in age. We show Miocene evolution of Sabah and north Borneo, that these rocks formed during a magmatic episode in the Miocene (9.2–10.5 Ma), which is there are conflicting views interpreting compres- interpreted to reflect infiltration of melts and melt-rock reaction in the Ranau subcontinental sional (e.g., Rangin et al., 1990; Hesse et al., peridotites during extension, and concurrent seafloor spreading forming the Telupid ophiol- 2009; Morley et al., 2011; Sapin et al., 2011) ite further south. Older zircons from the Ranau peridotites have Cretaceous, Devonian, and or extensional (Hall, 2013) tectonics. Neoproterozoic ages. Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic data suggest their derivation from a depleted We present new U-Pb zircon geochronology mantle. However, significant proportions of crustal components have been incorporated data with Lu-Hf isotopic data from mafic and in their genesis, as evidenced by their less-radiogenic Hf signature compared to a pristine ultramafic rocks from central Sabah, indicating mantle reservoir. The involvement of a crustal component is consistent with our interpreted much younger ages than previously thought. continental setting for the Ranau peridotite and formation in a narrow backarc basin for These provide a robust basis for a radical change the Telupid ophiolite. We infer that the Sulu Sea, which was expanding throughout much of of ideas concerning the geological evolution of the Miocene, may have extended to the southwest into central Sabah. The Telupid oceanic Sabah, which may help distinguish between con- strand formed during the split, collapse, and rollback of the Sulu arc due to the subduction flicting hypotheses. of the Celebes Sea beneath Sabah. Incorporation of the Sulu arc in the evolving Miocene oceanic basin is a potential source to explain the involvement of crustal material in the zircon GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND evolution of the Telupid ophiolite. The oldest unit (“Crystalline Basement”) in Sabah comprises Triassic–Jurassic granitic INTRODUCTION of central Sabah has never been dated but has and metamorphic rocks in the Darvel Bay and Present-day Southeast Asia was assembled also been assumed to be of similar Mesozoic age, Segama areas (Leong, 1998; Graves et al., from Gondwana continental blocks, volcanic supported by radiolarian ages from the Chert- 2000, Burton-Johnson et al., 2020). Sabah is arcs, and ophiolites and includes young ocean Spilite Formation in this area (Jasin, 1992). dominated by the highly deformed Eocene to basins such as the South China and Sulu Seas Several authors have suggested genetic early Miocene Crocker and Trusmadi Forma- (Hall, 1996, 2013; Hutchison et al., 2000, models for the opening and evolution of a Cre- tions, consisting of deep-water sandstones with Hutchison, 2005, 2010; Hall et al., 2008). It is taceous oceanic basin in Sabah to explain the minor shales and argillaceous beds (Tongkul, widely considered that sedimentary basins of origin of the ophiolite (e.g., Tongkul, 1994; 1994, 1997; Hall, 1996, 2013; Hall and Wilson, Sabah, northern Borneo (Malaysia), were depos- Jasin and Tongkul, 2013; Wang et al., 2016). 2000; Hutchison et al., 2000, Hutchison, 2005; ited on an ophiolitic “basement” (including what Morley and Back (2008) suggested that Sabah Morley et al., 2008, 2011; van Hattum et al., is described as the “Chert-Spilite Formation”). has been a dynamically exhuming area since the 2013). They are interpreted as an accretionary Radiometric data (K-Ar) from the ophiolitic Miocene, and Paleogene to Neogene compres- prism formed during subduction of the proto– rocks of Darvel Bay, eastern Sabah, as well as sional events have been linked to the opening South China Sea beneath Sabah (van Hattum radiolaria from cherts of the Chert-Spilite Forma- of the South China Sea (Tongkul, 1994, 1997; et al., 2006). The Sabah orogeny created the tion, suggest Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Morley and Back, 2008; Morley et al., 2011; early Miocene Top-Crocker unconformity and ages (Rangin et al., 1990; Jasin, 1992; Leong, Wang et al., 2016). There is a general agree- was followed by the deposition of neritic and 1999, and references therein; Hutchison, 2005; ment on early Miocene collision in Sabah as a fluvial formations, preserved in eastern Sabah Jasin and Tongkul, 2013). The Telupid ophiolite consequence of subduction of the proto–South (Hutchison, 2005; Hall, 2013).

CITATION: Tsikouras, B., et al., 2021, New zircon radiometric U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data from the ultramafic-mafic sequences of Ranau and Telupid (Sabah, eastern Malaysia): Time to reconsider the geological evolution of Southeast Asia?: Geology, v. 49, p. 789–793,

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Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 the mafic samples rather than the ultramafic ones. Most of the zircons display oscillatory zoning, and a few show planar zoning and are variably luminescent under cathodolumines- cence (Fig. S2). Table 1 presents concordant ages (<15% discordance) from two Ranau peridotites (34 spots from 29 zircon crystals), and one diabase (8 spots from 7 crystals) and two basalts (29 spots from 27 crystals) from the Telupid ophio- lite. Excluding the inherited ages, 54 spots (out of 71) from all samples yielded consistently Miocene ages (Fig. 2). From the subcontinen- tal Ranau peridotites, sample SB 120B yielded 12 spots with inherited Cenomanian and two spots with inherited Early to Middle Devonian ages. Sample SB 120A has one inherited Neo- proterozoic age. The vast majority of the zircons in the Telupid ophiolitic basalts and diabases are Miocene. The basaltic pillow lava SB 130C had two spots with inherited Middle Triassic ages.

Lutetium-Hafnium Isotopic Data The Lu-Hf isotopic data for the 57 zircon spots with concordant U-Pb ages are listed in Table S2. The analytical methodology is described in Appendix S3. The Miocene zir- cons from the Ranau peridotites (samples SB 120A and SB 120B) yielded a large variation in

Figure 1. Simplified geological map of central Sabah, eastern Malaysia, compiled from Yin their εHf(t) values (−5.2 to +3.5) and Nd depleted

(1985), Tongkul (1997), and our observations. mantle model, TDM2, ages (868–1427 Ma). An

outlier has εHf(t) = −16.8 and a TDM2 = 2164 Ma Our extensive fieldwork in central Sabah The Telupid ophiolite includes variably ser- (Fig. 2E). A Cretaceous (Aptian–Turonian) age was focused on the mafic and ultramafic rocks, pentinized peridotites dominated by lherzolites is recorded in zircons from sample SB 120B

including widespread monotonous perido- with minor harzburgites and replacive dunites with narrower ranges of εHf(t) (+5.9 to +9.6)

tites near Ranau town and a complete ophio- (Fig. 1). Local pods of magmatic dunite with and TDM2 model ages (543–778 Ma) relative lite suite in the Telupid area (Fig. 1). The subordinate chromite occur in these perido- to the Miocene ones. An outlier of this age

Ranau peridotites are intensely lateritized and tites, which are crosscut by a few rodingitized group shows εHf(t) = +2.3 and an older TDM2 dominated by varieties of lherzolite with rare gabbroic dikes. The mafic members are dis- of 1016 Ma. Two Devonian zircon spots have

­harzburgite (see Appendix S1 in the Supple- membered and comprise layered and isotropic more radiogenic εHf(t) of +8.4 and +13.1 and 1 mental ­Material ). The lherzolites are com- gabbros, sheeted dikes, as well as pillow and TDM2 model ages of 851 and 554 Ma, respec- monly impregnated by dunite bodies ranging massive basalts. Petrographic and geochemical tively. One zircon core in sample SB 120A has

from microscopic veins to cylindrical or tabular details of the Telupid ophiolite lithologies are a Neoproterozoic age, a highly radiogenic εHf(t) bodies. Scarce blocks of mafic rocks are struc- presented in Appendices S1 and S2. The ophi- (+15.1) similar to the depleted mantle value,

turally trapped in the peridotites. There are a olitic rocks have normal fault contacts with the and a TDM2 model age of 668 Ma (Fig. 2E). few rodingitized gabbroic dikes. Garnet-bear- surrounding sedimentary formations. The Miocene zircons of the diabase SB 127

ing peridotites from Sungai Mensaban, close to display a narrow range of εHf(t) (+6.6 to +9.2)

Ranau, are interpreted as subcontinental mantle RESULTS and TDM2 (504–673 Ma). One exception has

(Imai and Ozawa, 1991). Our petrographic and Uranium-Lead Radiometric Dating εHf(t) = −1.9 and TDM2 = 1216 Ma. The Miocene geochemical data support the idea that the whole The methodological details for the U-Pb zircons of the basaltic sample SB 125 have a gen-

range of Ranau peridotites comprises subcon- dating are described in Appendix S3. Zircons erally less-radiogenic Hf signature (εHf(t) = +0.3

tinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) rocks and were separated from several rock types and are to +5.3) and TDM2 model ages of 758–1077 Ma. hence were never part of an ophiolite (Appendix mostly euhedral to subhedral with aspect ratios Sample SB 130C from the pillow lavas of Telu- S2). The late Miocene Kinabalu granite pluton (length:width) ranging from 1:1 to 4:1 (Fig. S2). pid contains Miocene zircons with the most

(7.85 ± 0.08 to 7.22 ± 0.07 Ma; Cottam et al., Generally, the most elongated crystals occur in nonradiogenic Hf signature (εHf(t) = −4.1 to 2010) has intruded the Ranau peridotites and the Crocker Formation (Fig. 1). TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF U-PB RADIOMETRIC DATA FROM ZIRCONS FROM SABAH, EASTERN MALAYSIA Sample Rock type Locality Number of spots Age (Ma) 2σ MSWD SB 120A Lherzolite Ranau peridotite 13 10.4 0.6 0.35 1Supplemental Material. Petrographic, SB 120B Lherzolite Ranau peridotite 6 10.0 0.4 0.78 geochemical, and dating results. Please visit https:// SB 127 Diabase Telupid ophiolite 8 9.2 0.6 1.07 doi​.org/10.1130/GEOL.S.14150039 to access SB 125 Basalt Telupid ophiolite 10 9.4 0.6 0.96 SB 130C Basalt Telupid ophiolite 17 9.2 0.8 1. 13 the supplemental material, and contact editing@ with any questions. Note: Detailed data are provided in Table S2 (see text footnote 1). MSWD—mean squared weighted deviation.

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Figure 2. (A–D) Cumulative graphs of U-Pb radiometric ages obtained from Sabah, eastern Malaysia. (A) Miocene zircons from Ranau peri- dotites. (B) Miocene zircons from the Telupid ophiolite. (C) All zircons from Ranau peridotites. (D) All zircons from the Telupid ophiolite.

Cen—Cenozoic; Cret—Cretaceous; Jur—Jurassic; Trias—Triassic. (E) Plot of εHf(t) values against ages of analyzed Miocene zircons. The inset has the same axes and shows the entire range of the analyzed zircons. CHUR—chondritic uniform reservoir. Lu-Hf evolution line of depleted mantle (DM) is designed assuming present-day 176Hf/177Hf = 0.28325 and 176Lu/177Hf = 0.0384 (after Griffin et al., 2000).

+3.6) and TDM2 = 866–1358 Ma. The same mafic and ultramafic rocks. The detailed petro- Inherited Cretaceous, Devonian, and Neo- sample contains two inherited Middle Trias- genesis of the Ranau peridotites is beyond the proterozoic zircons in the Ranau peridotites

sic zircon spots with εHf(t) = −6.6 to −3.0 and scope of this paper, but we show evidence for a indicate a complex evolution of these rocks,

TDM2 = 1461–1689 Ma (Fig. 2E). SCLM origin (garnet-bearing peridotites, refer- typical of SCLM, which normally undergoes tilization, extremely Al-rich spinels, very small multiple tectonic and magmatic episodes. The DISCUSSION degrees of melting; see Appendices S1 and S2), complex history is also reflected in the variable

New radiometric data from Sabah contra- analogous to, e.g., the Ronda (southern Spain) εHf(t) ratios and TDM2 model ages of these zircons, dict previous assumptions of a Cretaceous age or Lanzo (Italian Western Alps) peridotites (e.g., indicating variable proportions of pristine man- for the Telupid ophiolite and Ranau peridotite Garrido and Bodinier, 1999; Piccardo, 2010). tle and crustal components in their genesis. We

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Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 The new ages presented here demonstrate that the Telupid ophiolite is a separate unit from the Jurassic–Cretaceous Chert-Spilite Forma- tion, which has commonly been included as part of the ophiolites of Sabah. During the interval South China Sea of ca. 9–10 Ma, seafloor spreading occurred in the Telupid region, associated with rifting in Sulu Sea the Ranau area, thus strongly favoring a major Palawan extensional regime in the post–early Miocene Sulu arc evolution of Sabah (Hall, 2013). This concept fits well with opening of Sulu Sea, where exten- Dangerous Ground sion started ca. 19 Ma and ceased at the end of Figure 3. Sketch show- the Miocene, with a major increase in subsid- ing geotectonic model for ence rate at ca. 11–9 Ma (Huang et al., 1991), evolution of Sabah (east- interpreted as reflecting subduction rollback due West Baram line ern Malaysia) and the Sulu (inactive) Celebes Sea Sea as interpreted in this to the northward subduction of the Celebes Sea paper (adapted from Hall, below the Sulu arc (Hall, 2013). If this hypoth- 2013). esis is correct, then the region of Telupid was the westernmost end of the Sulu Sea (Fig. 3). The reported less-radiogenic Hf signatures of the studied rocks indicating crustal contamina- tion may reflect the split, collapse, and melting of the Sulu arc in the evolving oceanic basin.

CONCLUSIONS ca. 9-10 Ma Uranium-lead (U-Pb) ages of zircon from

Emergent land Deep marine/extended crust mafic and ultramafic rocks of Sabah are pre-

Shallow marine Oceanic crust dominantly late Miocene (9.2–10.5 Ma). Older zircons indicate events in the Cretaceous, Mid- Active volcanoes Inactive volcanoes (remnant arc) Ocean- oor spreading dle Triassic, Devonian, and Neoproterozoic. The moderately nonradiogenic Hf signature of the Miocene zircons indicates crystallization suggest that infiltrating melts scavenged these radiogenic to nonradiogenic), and highly vari- of the dated zircons from melts derived from a

crystals from older sources during their ascent. able TDM2 model ages suggest that melts were depleted mantle reservoir, which subsequently The majority of the zircons from the Ranau derived from a depleted source with variable incorporated variable amounts of crustal mate- peridotites crystallized during the Miocene. It and considerable degrees of influence from rial. The Miocene zircons constrain timing of is unlikely that the zircons were derived from continental source(s). Spreading and rifting that extension of two regions in Sabah, with the depleted peridotites because these rocks con- began in the late middle Miocene is the most opening of a narrow oceanic basin (Telupid tain incompatible elements and high Si contents. plausible explanation for melting and concurrent ophiolite) and the concurrent impregnation of We suggest that the dated zircons are products infiltration in the Ranau peridotites. We propose the adjacent SCLM Ranau peridotites. Our new of crystallization from melts produced dur- that the crustal involvement indicates that the data favor interpretations of an extensional, not ing rifting that infiltrated the peridotites, and Telupid ophiolite most likely represents rem- compressional, regime during the middle and hence indicate that the melt-peridotite reaction nants of a narrow ocean basin, analogous to the late Miocene in northern Borneo. The Miocene occurred in the Miocene. The investigated zir- Rocas Verdes ophiolite in western Chile (e.g., opening of the Sulu Sea continued southwest cons from the Ranau peridotites show a wide Stern and De Wit, 2003). Continental breakup into western and central Sabah, probably result-

range of εHf(t) values that are lower than those and opening were likely favored by extensional ing from subduction rollback during formation of depleted mantle, with some even negative tectonics and rifting in a marginal basin, trig- of the Dent--Sulu arc. (Fig. 2E). This observation rules out an origin of gered by nearby subduction and convection in the zircons via simple fractionation and supports the mantle wedge. Inherited zircons from the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the hypothesis that both a depleted mantle and a 13.8–13.5 Ma Bay Peak and Mount Capoas We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) through the crustal source were involved in their crystalliza- granites (Palawan Island, Philippines) provide research grants UBD/PNC2/2/RG/1(314) and UBD/ tion. The magma generating these zircons was support that crustal melting did occur during the RSCH/1.4/FICBF(b)/2018/007. We are grateful to likely influenced by crustal components, which early stages of the Sulu Sea opening, induced by Robert Hall for his peer review, important recommen- had a nonradiogenic Hf signature (e.g., Griffin subduction rollback (Suggate et al., 2014). It is dations, and extensive discussions. Critical review and suggestions from Lloyd White are greatly appreciated. et al., 2000, 2002), compatible with a subcon- likely that contribution of crustal melts persisted We acknowledge the review of Chris Morley. tinental lithospheric origin. The broad range of until the late Miocene and affected the rifted the calculated TDM2 model ages further supports Ranau peridotites. The absence of any major tec- REFERENCES CITED a hypothesis of multiple sources. tonic contact between the Telupid ophiolite and Burton-Johnson, A., Macpherson, C.G., Millar, I.L., The consistent Miocene ages of zircons from the Ranau peridotites (e.g., ophiolite mélange, Whitehouse, M.J., Ottley, C.J., and Nowell, G.M., the Telupid ophiolitic rocks contradict previous major cataclastic zones, amphibolite sole) is in 2020, A Triassic to Jurassic arc in north Borneo: Geochronology, geochemistry, and genesis of the assumptions of Jurassic–Cretaceous ages. Their line with continental rifting and opening of a Segama Valley Felsic Intrusions and the Sabah typical mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) affin- narrow oceanic basin without any subsequent ophiolite: Gondwana Research, v. 84, p. 229– ities (Appendix S2), variable εHf(t) (from very major compressive tectonic event. 244, https://doi​.org/10.1016/​

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