CAMINO STRESS English-speaking Christian ways try Hispanics' of coping with marriage prep common problem Page 9 Pages 18-19

Largest weekly newspaper in Southeastern United States

Catholic Archdiocese of Miami Friday, October 21, 1983 Price 250 Vol. XXXI No. 33 Hot topic in General absolution debated; social justice too

By NC News Service General absolution has emerged as the "hot potato" of the sixth world Synod of Bishops, but it has not been the assembly's only focus of discussion. Several synod delegates have stressed the importance of linking social justice to the synod's theme of reconciliation and penance. In fact, as the month-long synod moved toward its close, speakers had covered a vast spectrum of topics as diverse as venial sin and reconciliation with the Jews. The 1983 synod began at the Vatican Sept. 29 to consider "Reconciliation and Penance in the Mission of the Church." The synod is an advisory body to Pope John Paul II. 'Hot potato' The 221 delegates have expressed such strongly differing opinions on general absolution during the meeting's first two weeks that Auxiliary Bishop Stephen Naidoo of Cape Town, South Africa, termed general absolution the synod's "hot potato." During the synod's first seven working days, general absolution came up a number of times in 176 oral and 57 written interventions presented to the synod's full assembly. VOCATIONS "It is physically impossible for most FISHERS OF MEN—This stunning sand sculpture against a seawall in Daytona Beach by an unknown artist of the faithful to confess their sins depicts Jesus and the fishermen with their nets who were called by Him to be "fishers of men." This week The individually once a year to a priest Voice explores various aspects of vocations in a special Vocations Supplement. See pages 1A-8A. whom they can see only once or twice a year," Archbishop Gabriel Wako of Khartoum, Sudan, told the synod. His if general absolution continues, private circumstances and only with the joint-intervention asking for sentiments reflected concerns confession could fall into disuse. understanding that a penitent will, as clarifications regarding the expressed by other bishops from soon as possible, individually confess relationship between general mission countries having a shortage of Current norms serious sins to a priest. absolution and individual confession. priests. In the synod's opening days the four While strongly upholding the need But Archbishop Dermot Ryan of Current church norms allow for elected bishops representing the U.S. for individual confession, the four , Ireland, warned the synod that general absolution under special hierarchy submitted a carefully worded Continued on page 4 cFamities for Prayer Coming soon to a parish near you By Betsy Kennedy the healing and bonding power of associate director of the program and a It has been producing "miraculous Voice Staff Writer prayer may be missing from their lives spokesperson who introduces family results" in the dozens of states where it but they don't know what to do about prayer to pastors throughout the U.S., has been initiated. A Family Quiz: it. came to the Family Enrichment Center As for this archdiocese, early What is the most important thing in Miami where she will work until the reception of Families for Prayer has our family needs? (Select one answer). In response to this vital need is program is in effect here. On hand to been enthusiastic and encouraging, 1. A new video recorder so we can Families for Prayer, Inc., a program launch the family centered parish believes Sr. Angelita. Many parishes watch Monday night football or 'After launched ten years ago and currently renewal program locally was Marsha have accepted the program, while M*A*S*H' whenever we want to. under the protectorate of the Holy Whelan of the office of evangelization others have assigned it to their parish 2. A trip to Disneyland. Cross order. It is being introduced in and the staff of the Family Enrichment council agendas for after the first of this archdiocese as part of the Year of Center. the year. 3. A trip to the mountains to Prayer and was recommended as. a recuperate from the trip to Disneyland. Epiphany in South Miami, St. Joan parish program by the U.S. Bishops as of Arc in Boca Raton, St. Stephen in 4. A swimming pool shaped like E.T. included in their pastoral plan for "WE CALL IT a program but we Miramar and St. Malachy in Tamarac action in the decade of the 80s. prefer that it be known as a process 5. A family prayer life. are among the parishes that have that happens on the parish level in agreed to bring Families for Prayer to If you've answered yes to number Sr. Angelita Fenk <, S. C.C. every family home... it has a pastoral their parishioners. five, you're like most families who feel (Sisters for Christian Community) thrust," said Sr. Angelita. Continued on paae 10^ Homosexuals lose college lawsuit . WASHINGTON (NC) — discrimination on the basis of sexual prisingly challenged during this trial," recognition as sincerely held religious Georgetown University may withhold preference. have been upheld. "No struggle, beliefs." privileges from a homosexual-student The students also said that however, that sets members of the organization because the university's Georgetown is not a religious institu- university one against the other can ' The judiciary, Bacon ruled, "cannot adherence to Catholic beliefs against tion and it had acted arbitrarily in end in 'victory' nor can this house probe the proper interpretation homosexuality is protected by the First citing religious beliefs as a basis for de- divide itself into winners and losers. or application of Roman Catholic Amendment, a District of Columbia nying recognition to the homosexual "The faculty and students will look beliefs on homosexuality or on the Superior Court judge ruled. group. Ronald Bogard, attorney for to close the rift these days have opened duties of the'faithful." Judge Sylvia Bacon, in dismissing a the group, said he plans to appeal the and heal the hurt they have brought; to \ The homosexual organization had lawsuit brought against the Jesuit-run ruling. show to all the men and women of requested university recognition in university three years ago, said that The university argued that it is a Georgetown, even those who fought order to receive such privileges as use although the school receives federal religious institution in spite of some for a belief we cannot share, our of a campus mail box and mailing ser- funds, the students cannot force the secular activities and that it did not rightful understanding of their vices, computer labeling services and university to grant them official recognize the homosexual organization worth," Father Healy said. "Our the ability to apply for university recognition because the federal govern- because the students "were par- respect for each other is steadier funds. ment does not have a national policy ticipating in and promoting homosex- ground for Georgetown's work and be- The university has allowed the on homosexual rights. ual life styles" contrary to Catholic ing than any ruling the law can give." students to meet on campus but pro- The student group had argued that beliefs. The judge wrote that there was "no hibited them from some activities, such the Washington university should be Jesuit Father Timothy S. Healy, evidence that the beliefs on which the as using Georgetown's name on required to recognize them under the president of the university, said university acted were bizarre, without placecards and placing literature in D.C. human rights law, which bans Georgetown's "Catholic roots, so sur- foundation or otherwise not entitled to general mailings to students.

New sex-neutral bible available NEW YORK (NC)—The National Council of Churches released a new book of Bible readings Oct. 14 that seeks to minimize "male-biased" language in the Scriptures. Titled "An Inclusive Language Lectionary," it calls God "Father (and Mother)" and changes many masculine terms to sex-neutral ones. The new lectionary, announced at a press conference in New York, contains readings for the liturgical year beginning in Advent 1983. Similar translations are to follow for the second and third years of the three-year lectionary cycle.

Fetus not a person, judge rules REGINA, Saskatchewan (NC)—An unborn child is not a person in the legal sense and is not protected by the Canadian constitution, Judge W.R. Matheson ruled Oct. 13 in Regina. A pro-life activist who started the court case in 1978 said he would appeal the judgment. In his decision Matheson said that although "rapid advances in medical science may make it socially desirable that some legal status be extended to fetuses... it is the prerogative of the Parliament and not the courts to... extend to the unborn all legal rights possessed by a living person."

Bishops denounce violence VATICAN CITY (NC) — More than three dozen bishops at the 1983 world Synod of Bishops followed the lead of Old Testament prophets and called na- tions to account for the world's social injustices. The bishops denounced violence and war, opposed discriminatin and urged religious leaders to become united with the poor. Several bishops stressed that denouncing social evils is a vital step toward achieving reconciliation. The month-long synod began Sept. 29 to discuss penance and reconciliation in the mission of the church.

Cdl. Krol named 'clergyman

SUPREME PROTEST - Carrying a flag and branding Supreme Court of the year' justices "murderers" one of a small group of demonstrators stands out- WASHINGTON (NC) — Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia received the side the Supreme Court. Others carried black coffins to represent the 17 Clergyman of the Year Award at the Religious Heritage of America conven- millon who have died through abortion since the 1973 Supreme Court rul- tion in Washington. Religious Heritage" of America, an interfaith ing legalized abortion. group, also presented one of its Faith and hfeedom awards to Sister Elizabeth Thoman, executive director of the Center for Communications Ministry, Los Angeles, for her work in religious communications. Cardinal Krol was cited for his stand on human rights and his active participation in the Christian uni- St. Vincent de Paul ty movement. lacks young members Pope asks liberty-lovers . SAN ANTONIO, Texas (NC) — St. Vincent de Paul Society leaders in the to support Lebanon govt. United States say recruitment of younger members is the society's chief inter- nal problem, according to a Gallup survey. "The internal problem named VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II has asked "all nations that .most often by half of all the trustees interviewed is a need for a higher propor- love liberty" to support the Lebanese government of President Amin Gemayel tion of younger members," pollster George Gallup told a celebration marking and its efforts to free the country from "foreign interference." At the same the society's 150th anniversary in the United States. The Sept. 29-Oct. 2 timei the pope urged Lebanese authorities to make "courageous decisions" to celebration in San Antonio drew 800 of the more than 40,000 U.S. St. Vincent re-establish trust among the nation's citizens. The pope spoke to a group of de Paul members. Lebanese religious leaders and four Eastern-rite patriarchs from the Middle East. .'•.."•

(USPS 622-620) An p Edward A. McCarthy Archdiocese of Miami VOiCE Voice Publishing Co., Inc. Weekly Publication $g95 9401 BUcoyn. Blvd. HE \J DINNER Average weekly paid circulation Miami Shoras.FI. IN MIAMI'S DESIGN CENTER POSTMASTER 60,000 Robert L, Q'Steen Sond chango off addmt notlcos ONLY AT THE to THE VOICE Distributed to the home by mail on -•?,: Editor ' PO Box 381059 Friday and bought in 132 churches Miami, Fl. 33238105* on Sunday, 45 weeks in the year. - MAILING ADDRESS Second class postage paid at PO Box 38-1059 Ana Rodriguez-Soto-News Editor Edith Miller-Display Advertising Miami, Fl. 33238105* Miami, Florida. Subscription rates TELEPHONES $7.50 a year. Foreign $10. Single Prentice Browning-Staff Writer June Meyers-Classified Advertising 758-0543 copy .25. Published every Friday Betsy Kennedy-Staff Writer Piedad C. Fernandez-Circulation Mgr. Advertising, Classified Circulation •From 5:30 to 7:30 except every other week in June, Ft.Lauderd£le525-5!57 Er PARKING 576-1818 35 NE 40 ST. July and August. W. Palm Ben 883-1951

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You wouldn't have to be nailed to a cross, Think about it. though you might bear one now and then. But Call 552-5689 in Miami. 4 4 mostly you would just love and be loved in It's the Vocations office. No strings. No 4 return like He did. Your life of service would pressure. Just talk. really mean something. 4 4 4 4 Sponsored by The Voice

THE VOICE-Friday, October 21,^1983-PAGE 3 Bishops favor gen. absolution? By Sister Mary Ann Walsh ALL GROUPS UPHELD use of in- discriminate use of general the sacrament, or they are not available VATICAN CITY (NC) - The dividual confession of sins and in- absolution," and added that the power for the sacrament." reports of the 12 small discussion to decide when to use general absolu- dividual absolution. However, groups Another French-speaking group groups at the 1983 world Synod of varied as to degree of acceptance of tion lies with the national bishops' con- Bishops indicated that most delegates ferences and not with individual said,"In the preparation of ministers, general absolution, known as the third the important thing is to bring new are open to the use of general absolu- rite of penance. priests. tion without prior confession of sins. priests themselves to frequent the One English-language group said, All groups highlighted the impor- sacrament sufficiently, to give them a Only one group, the five-member "The generic risk of not giving due tance of the priest in attracting solid theological training in these ques- Latin-speaking group, took a hold-the- value to personal confession should penitents to confession and in making tions, adquate training in psychology line attitude expressing concern that not be an obstacle to offering recon- the sacrament meaningful to them. and a good understanding of the dif- general absolution mau be used too ciliation through collective absolution "If there is a crisis in the sacrament ference between confession and frequently. if the necessary conditons are of penance today, it is also because spiritual direction and 'counselling.'" The small' discussion groups were present." there is a crisis in confessors," said one organized by languages. The German-speaking group said of the three French-speaking groups. All groups offered suggestions regar- Most of the 12 groups also spoke of that a double pastoral principle should "Either, priests no longer believe ding the loss of a sense of sin and of a the need for better preparation of con- be safeguarded. enough in the meaning and the value of sense of God in society. fessors, suggested increased use of the Catholics who do not have the sacrament of penance by clergy and possibility of individual confession favored psychological studies by should not be deprived of sacramental seminarians and priests. grace through general absolution, yet Hot topic at Synod The 12 groups were asked to give "this pratice should not be to the detri- Continued from page 1 highest priority to three topics: the ment of individual confession," the The four elected members of the reality of sin; a loss of the sense of sin; German group said. Americans asked: How can the obligation of subsequent confession of U.S. delegation are Cardinal and a loss of the sense of God. Bernardin; Archbishop John R. Roach The next most frequently discussed THE LATIN GROUP said that the mortal sins already forgiven through general absolution be shown to have of St. Paul-Minneapolis; Archbishop topic concerned the prophetic mission synod "has the task of eliminating all Patrick Flores of San Antonio, Texas; of the church. grounds in human needs as well as the the abuses established in the in- structure of the sacrament of penance? and Auxiliary Bishop Austin Vaughan Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of New York. of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, addressed the Sunday, the synod is scheduled to issue raised by the U.S delegation. He resume plenary sessions for further IF YOU said in a subsequent synod intervention discussion and to vote on proposals. that the penitent who receives general CAN'T GO absolution must confess mortal sins as soon as possible within one year and Social injustice GIVE that priests cannot grant general More than three dozen bishops absolution simply because they have a exhorted the synod to call nations to THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH large number of penitents. account for the world's social injustices. October 23rd is Mission Sunday, Christ asks all ot Open discussion us to be missionaries. He does not expect everyone "Denunciation, conversion and to leave home and family and labor in His vineyards About 40 delegates presented papers reconciliation are inseparable," said in foreign lands. But He does expect all of us to help discussing general absolution after Cardinal Jaime Sin of Manila, spread His Gospel. You can answer His call through Cardinal Ratzinger's intervention, Philippines, who has been a human vour gifts to Catholic Near East, our Holy Father's which had been allowed to go longer rights critic of Filipino President own mission to the Eastern Churches. than the synod's eight-minute limit. Ferdinand Marcos. It is necessary, the The U.S. delegates acknowledged at cardinal said, to maintain relations GO TEACH For just $1 5 a month, you can train a native priest—a a press conference that Cardinal ALL NATIONS Sister, for $12.50. For only $14 a month, you can with the wealthy as well as the "adopt" a needy child. They'll all send you their Ratzinger's intervention carried impoverished peasants because a photos and write to you. "special weight" because of his prophetic call should not cause hatred Vatican post. But they said the of the rich nor permit the poor to be Churches, chapels, schools, convents, rectories intervention should not stop trampled. and clinics are needed, too. You can build one discussion, especially of mission yourself as a Memorial for someone you love for countries' concerns about absolution. Bishop Joseph Thumma of between $5 and $15 thousand. Or, give whatever you can. Your gift will help our priests and Sisters One of the U.S. delegates, Cardinal Vijayawada, India, said discrimination carry on their Christ-like work in the Near East. Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, added was inherent in India's caste system, in that while "general absolution is not which the people of the lowest social an alternative to auricular class are called and treated as Your Sunday dinner will seem tastier and be confession," the synod still needed to "untouchable." more meaningful if you share your blessings discuss issues related to general "The church must change its social A with the hungry families huddled in refugee camps of the Near East. For only $20 less than absolution. orientation," Cardinal Aloisio TASTY Lorscheider of Fortaleza, Brazil, said. RECIPE the cost of most family dinners—you can feed He also noted that few synod a Palestine refugee family for an entire month. delegates had asked for extension of "It must put itself decisively next to the To show their thanks to you, we'll send you an the general absolution norms as they poor, victims of a structural, anti- Olive Wood Rosary from the Holy Land. now stand. evangelical system."

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PAGE 4-Friday, October 21. 1983-THE VOICE Non-priests at seminaries said frowned on by Vatican By Jerry Filteau priests. practice is involved, it appears to con- involvement of women in all areas of NC News Service "Professors, as a general rule, cern the role of non-priests as spiritual priestly formation, including their should be priests... The congregation directors of seminarians. spiritual formation and direction. The Vatican insists that only priests accepts the possibility of the appoint- OA second area of possible conflict The federation's executive commit- can be spiritual directors of ment of laymen or laywomen, religious could be the question of non-priests as tee is considering drafting a response to seminarians, says a letter to the brothers or sisters, as faculty for cer- seminary professors, especially within Bishop Marshall on the question, be nation's bishops and seminary rectors tain disciplines which cannot readily be the core theological curriculum, but it said, but "we don't want it to be con- from Bishop John Marshall of Burl- taught by a priest, but this is always to is not at all clear that there is a real flictual." ington, Vt., Pope John Paul IPs be done in a limited degree," the letter conflict there. Bishop Marshall could not be reach- special delegate for a Vatican study of said. •Concerning the general rule of ex- ed immediately for comment, but all U.S. seminaries. Bishop Marshall's letter was sent out cluding non-seminarians from the Father Donal Wuerl, rector of St. Paul "Spiritual directors of seminarians Aug. 6 along with the study instrument main academic curriculum used in Seminary in Pittsburgh and Bishop jnust be priests. Laity and non-priest to be used in making visitations to the preparation for ordination, U.S. Marshall's chief aide on the seminary Religious, whether men or women, are study, said that the bishop's letter did F nation's free-standing theological seminary leaders and the Vatican ap- not to be appointed to this task," seminaries and reporting to the Vatican pear to be basically on the same wave- not impose new rules or norms on Bishop Marshall wrote. on their strengths and weaknesses. length. seminaries. The norm he spelled out appears to A free-standing seminary is one in A nun in a Midwestern seminary What it did, he said, was simply go against the practice in a number of which the academic and other forma- who is a spiritual director said that "on reflect the Congregation for Catholic U.S. seminaries which include nuns or tion programs are united in a single in- the face of it'? Bishop Marshall's letter Education's understanding of the ex- other non-priests among the team of stitution. seemed to put her job in jeopardy. isting rules of the U.S. bishops' Pro- spiritual directors available to THE STUDY instrument was made She asked not to be quoted by name, gram for Priestly Formation. seminarians. public in August; but the covering let- saying that her seminary was facing its MSGR. WILLIAM Baumgaertner, It also appears to go against recom- ter was not. NC News obtained a copy visitation by one of the Vatican study director of the seminary division of the mendations spelled out four years ago in October after news stories on it had teams in the near future and she did National Catholic Educational by a task force of the National Federa- appeared in several places. not want to muddy the waters on the Association, suggested that Bishop tion of Spiritual Directors, which Seminary officials and others involv- issue beforehand. Marshall's letter indicated chiefly a dif- favored a role for women in the pro- ed in seminary planning who were con- FATHER DAVID Lichter of St. ference in emphasis between the Holy gram of spiritual direction and forma- tacted about the letter said it raised Francis Seminary in Milwaukee, presi- See and the approach taken by tion of future priests. several questions about future plann- dent of the National Federation of seminaries themselves. The Vatican, he BISHOP Marshall's letter also said ing for U.S. seminaries, but they stress- Spiritual Directors, said the federation said, "always starts with the norm, not that the Vatican Congregation for ed that the letter should be interpreted has no figures on the number of non- from practice." . Catholic Education, which is responsi- carefully within its context and within priests engaged in spiritual direction of For example, he said, "the norm ble for seminary training around the thex context of what American seminarians, but some U.S. seminaries (for seminary professors) is that the world, holds that "students other than seminaries are actually doing. do have nuns or others who are not or- teachers should, if at all possible, be seminarians are not generally to be ad- From their comments, several dained on their team of spiritual direc- priests. Then if there is a need, you mitted to the academic program" and themes emerged: tors. have others." that seminary professors, at least in the Olf any significant direct conflict He noted that a 1979 report by a task core curriculum, ought ordinarily to be between Vatican thinking and U.S. force of the federation encouraged the Father Bruce Ritter Pit ES IT WORK?

A lady should never get your own needs are and what you really want to believe more and went AWOL. God, send him back. this dirty, she said. and how I can make you believe it. The hugger-mugger nomad, the one who smiled at me? She stood there with a Professionals in the field of child care get one kind of He's still with us but I don't think he'll make it and I think he quiet, proud dignity. She answer. People who just care about and love kids (like thinks it's already too late for him. was incomparably dirty— most of you) without the scientific interest of a He petted me on the shoulder; he broke my heart with his her face and hands smeared, professional get a different answer. Those who think that her clothes torn and soiled. smile and he knew why we try so hard to make UNDER 21 somehow all street kids are lazy, shiftless drifters and not only safe and clean, but beautiful. Because he was. The lady was 11. My brothers are hungry, she said. The two criminals get a third—and shorter!—response. little boys she clutched protectively were 8 and 9. They were You see, beauty affirms beauty and confirms it— two of the most beautiful children I'd ever seen. Our parents Professionals like to see the data. I talk to them about our program components and operating principles, dis- sometimes even causes it to happen for a sad-eyed 17- beat us a lot, she said. We had to leave. The boys nodded year-old nomad on the skids. dumbly. We had to leave, one of them echoed. The children cuss the professional -credentials of our staff, the did not cry. After living on the street for two weeks, they did demographics of our client population and the types of Did we succeed with ttiat kid? Was it, is it, worth spen- not cry-1 struggled to manage part of a smile. It didn't come pathological behavior patterns encountered, and treat- ding your hard earned money on plants and flowers and off very well. The littlest kid looked back at me with a quick, ment plans. . comfortable furniture so thousands and thousands and dubious grin. I gave him a surreptitious hug. I was all choked M ost people, though, who, really just care a lot about the thousands of desperate kids who come in out of their up. I would like to take a shower, she said. kids, are more impressed by anecdotal information: facts, smoking, ugly, depraved hell can be confronted by that true histories, stories that illustrate how a lot of our kids beauty and know, without a word being said that we loved I was in'our UNDER 21 Center, checking things out, talk- them? And that God does? ing to the kids. They like the Center a lot. What's more, they do experience a real change in their ability to love, to be appreciate it. responsible, to speak the truth, and to increase their Professionals in child care sometimes give me a funny capacity and desire to be good people, to care about A few minutes later a kid who would never win any beauty look when I tell them thatGod is responsiblefortaking care themselves again. I talk about our ability to help about of our kids and that if any really good things happen to prizes walked up to me, a typical hugger-mugger nomad, the one-third of the kids who come to us make it back off the kind you would never want to meet in a dark alley and the them, He should get the credit. I don't have any problems street: back home with relieved parents, or placed in a about using other values and standards to gauge the effec- kind you'd like to have beside you if you had to walk down good" foster home, or in a job with their own apartment, or one. Bruce, he said, this is a really nice place, and he began tiveness of our program, but I think we ought to get our in the military or Job Corps or another job training priorities straight and first praise and thank God for hav- petting me on the shoulder. Thanks a lot, he said, you must program, or back to school. have a soft spot in your heart for us kids. I said I did. He said, ing loved and helped our kids and for letting-us help Him with the job. Bruce, why did you make it so beautiful? I said, because "Beauty affirms beauty and confirms it and you're beautiful. And he smiled at me. I got more choked up. Pray for me, please. Please pray, too, for my staff and I can't cry—it's bad for my image—so I was glad when sometimes causes it to happen." the kids. We pray for you. another kid walked over and punched me on the arm and said he really liked the plants and the flowers and his friend When people who are inclined to be down on street kids who came with him said it was better than the Holiday Inn, ask me the "does it work" question, I get pretty impatient. I believe that it is worthwhile to bring beauty to our and then this little girl said, come see my baby, Bruce. He So I talk more about the reasons why my kids are having kids. Enclosed is my contribution of: j was 6-weeks-old and lying in the middle of one of our comfor- such a tough time and why some won't make it. I try to put please print: table lounge chairs. He was a cute little kid. She was 16. into perspective our kids' weaknesses and inadequacies. How long did it take us to quit smoking or drinking, or to NAME:. I get asked tons of questions about Covenant House and lose weight? How many times did we promise to be good? our kids, but there are two questions that, no matter who How many times did we promise to keep our promises ADDRESS: the audience, I always get asked. before we did, if we did, until we, too, fell again? I point out that growth and progress are judged depending on where CITY: -STATE: The tirst one, the easiest, is how do you survive in that you start from. If you start from the very bottom, then three hell hole. I usually just laugh and talk about how great the steps up the ladder is great progress. kids are and how easy they are to love and what a great ZIP: AI (PTE) bunch of people I live with^-my 90 nietnber lay community So, Bruce, I hear you asking, did Covenant House work that prays three hours a day and is just a real joy to be for those kids you met in the Center? Please send this coupon with your donation to: with. - My 11 -year-old lady and her heart wrenchingly beautiful 8- COVENANT HOUSE The other, the hardest, is does it work? How successful and 9-year-old brothers? They were easy to help; to place in Father Bruce Ritter are you? The way I answer the "does it work" question . a foster home where beautiful kids are wanted and loved, P.O. Box 2121 depends a lot on who's asking it. On who you are and what and made more beautiful, precisely because they are wanted Times Square Station and loved. My 16-year-old madonna of the streets and her 6-. New York, NY 10108 week-old baby? She was easy to help, too, with a successful Father Bruce Ritter, OFM Conv., is the founder and President of referral to a first-class mother-child program. For 18 months Covenant House/UNDER 21, which operates crisis centers for she'll be taught how to parent the baby she bore. The kid Because the street is NO PLACE FOR A CHILD homeless and runaway youth. who liked the pjants and flowers? He liked the street even THE VOICE-Friday, October 21, 1983-PAGE 5 East-West 'paranoia' It adds to risk of global war, priest says

CINCINNATI (NC) - Americans Hollywood rhetoric of this administra- should do." carriers to be stationed in New York may feel threatened by Soviet power tion." Third, he suggested that the United harbor, prepared to "pick off but their anxiety pales when compared Second, the United States must ac- States include the nuclear weapons of whatever is left" after a thermonuclear with the average Russian's "war cept the Soviet Union as an equal France and Great Britain in the arms exchange, he said. paranoia" about the West, said a world power, which the United States negotiations. "Our policy of discoun- "I'm really worried we've lost all speaker at the pax Christi-USA con- never has done, he said. "We use a ting thier weapons is irrational." sense of balance," he said. "The vention Oct. 7-9. double standard with the Russians and Father Dinter said he's worried. doomsday planning has already The Russians' paranoia is fueled by we try to dictate to them what they U.S. armed forces are readying aircraft begun." their nation's history of foreign inva- sions and the "macho posturing" of the Reagan administration, said Father Paul Dinter, a chaplain at New York's Confront nuclear war issue, Columbia University. "THEY ARE convinced that we will attack them," an attitude which does not excuse the downing of the Korean educators told a t mee t jet last month, but does partially ac- TORONTO (NC) - The nuclear count for the Soviet reaction to the dilemma is the most serious ethical 'If we do not learn and teach our students airliner's straying into their airspace, issue confronting educators today, said how to cope with this primordial nuclear pro- the priest said. "For the Russians,'* he Holy Cross Father Theodore said, "The last war is yesterday and the Hesburgh, president of the University blem, we need not worry about all the next one is tomorrow." of Notre Dame. others.' In a later interview in the Catholic "If we do not learn and teach our Telegraph, Cincinnati archdiocesan students how to cope with this primor- shing II, the cruise missile, B-l bomber multidisciplinary Nuclear Dilemma newspaper, Father Dinter said he dial nuclear problem, we need not and the upcoming Stealth bomber course, which uses the U.S. bishops' hopes the Korean airline tragedy will worry about all the others," Father which will make the B-l obsolete," he pastoral letter on war and peace as a awaken people to how "poisoned the Hesburgh told a joint meeting of the said. text, and similar undertakings at other international atomoshere is" and to American Council on Education and "OUR students especially must learn universitites as the kind of invlovement how "evil-empire" rhetoric from the the Association of Universities and that they are not powerless," he said. needed in education. White House only deepens distrust, Colleges of Canada in Toronto Oct. "The groundshell is there in the freeze making it more likely that such 13. movement, but this is just a first step The Toronto meeting of the two tragedies might occur. "After total nuclear conflagration, and the whole movement needs more groups was the first joint conference of "It only takes one mistake like all human problems are moot," he creative direction and focus." North America's two major educa- this..." he said, leaving the sentence said. He cited Notre Dame's new tional associations. unfinished. FATHER HESBURGH told the TO THOSE who ask, "What about educators he disagreed with those who the Russians ." the priest, who is content that the Soviets alone have regional coordinator of Pax Christi in fueled the arms race "while we have PARISH New York, offers a threefold response: presumably been sitting on our First.he said, Christians in particular hands." need to be the first to take the risks "We have developed the MX with 10 PHARMACIES toward reconciliation. "We must warheads, the Trident submarine with In time of sickness, and for better health, you change the flagrant, aggressive and new super-accurate missiles, the Per- know you can depend on your pharmacy. The quality prescription experts in this section are listed by parish location for your convenience.

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PAGE 6-Friday, October 21. 1983-THE VOICE Rock'n'roll's powerful messages NEW ORLEANS (NC) — Rock 'n' roll music carries powerful messages to matter what that might be; or even today's young listeners, both positive worse, give the people what we (pro- and negative, according to Butch ducers and packagers) want them to Ekstrom, religious education director have." of the Diocese of New Orleans. Examples of this "even worse" at- Ekstrom, who has expressed his opi- titude that Ekstrom gave were the nions on rock 'n' roll in writing and basically anti-Christian images that talks on the subject, suggested that 'Rock 'n' roll helps behind-the-scenes people have helped parents and teen-agers discuss openly to develop for Ozzy Osborn, Iron the messages delivered in songs. perpetuate 'that it is possible to live a life of Maiden, Judas Priest, Blondie and Rock 'n' roll, said Ekstrom, can Olivia Newton-John. sometimes provide an escape for teen- fun, immortality and agers who blare it through headphones leisure' to tune out distractions. OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN who us- ed to be portrayed as "the rather inno- "IF YOU PLAY it loud it helps you cent, demure young lady" has had her to sceen out all the things that are image changed by agents and the bothering you," Ekstrom said. record company to one that's "plainly He said rock V roll perpetuates the more marketable to the buying myth "that it's possible to live a life of "Some music is absolutely mindless, In one corner there are young people public," Ekstrom said. fun, immortality and leisure." but some rock is quite exciting and in- with time on their hands; in another is Christian Schools Brother Bill Par- teresting," Brother Parson said. "I money in teen-agers' pockets. The Now she's portrayed as a physical son, a teacher at St. Paul's school in don't think rock should be singled out and sexual woman whose songs can be Covington, La., said that often rock of the culture in which it exists." third point is the somewhat cynical at- titude among producers and packagers filled with suggestive lyrics and can be music communicates "questionable Ekstrom puts the rock industry into seen as counter to the Gospel values, he values," but is not all bad. the perspective of a power triangle. to "give the people what they want, no said. Theologian sees'female brain drain' NEW YORK (NC) ~ The Catholic "When Catholic institutions make Turing to Catholic schools, she said School of the United Church of Christ. Church is losing many theologically them feel welcome, most are anxious to that in the past nine years 288 women trained women because it limits their remain in ministry in their own church. had enrolled at Weston for making Asked about reports of a recent opportunities for ministry, Rosemary If not, many of them will go someplace special efforts to help its women move to close Catholic seminaries to Ruether said in an address at St. James else." graduates secure jobs, largely chaplain- women, Ruether said she did not ex- Cathedral in Brooklyn, N.Y. Ruether said that although some cy positions, but she said some other pect it to have any immediate effect, if "The message that needs to go back Protestant denominations.have ordain- offer women graduates no help. only because "crude economics" to church authorities," the Catholic ed women since the 19th century, their makes accepting women necessary to theologian said, "is that we are facing seminaries did not begin experiencing On the question of Catholic women keep some seminaries open. But she the prospect of a female brain drain." large-scale enrollment of women until becoming Protestant ministers, Ms. said that she thought the people behind Ruether, professor of applied about 1970. Ruether said that of 11 Catholic the move were determined to push it, theology at United Methodist Garrett women who have recently been and that it "will create a mounting Now some Protestants seminaries graduated from the Episcopal Divinity Evangelical Seminary in Evanston.Ill., have student bodies that are 40 to 50 crisis." spoke at the St. James vesper service as percent women, and a few more than part of a series on "Women as Pro- 50 percent, she said, this Protestant ex- phetic Witnesses: Visions of Reform ample has influenced Catholic and Renewal." Her topic was seminaries, and has created a new "Women in Theological Schools: situation to which Catholics are "just GOURMET FUDGE What Can They do With Their Train- waking up." ing?" Ruether said that the largest group at Citing statistics from a limited, in- the Harvard Divinity School for the Made by f lie formed survey, she said that large , past decade has been Catholic, and numbers of Catholic women have that many of those students have been entered Catholic and non-Catholic women. jfflonfcs schools or seminaries in recent years. She said that Union Theoloigical But, she said, many of them became Seminary in New York had enrolled frustrated in their search for oppor- 174 Catholic women in degree pro- tunities to minister in the Catholic grams in the past 10 years. A "surpris- Church and consequently became Pro- ing" number of Catholic women are testant ministers. enrolling in conservative evangelical Featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, The "A lot of Catholic women feel a seminaries such as Gordon-Conwell in Miami Herald, The Los Angeles Times, People's vocation to ministry," she said. South Hamilton, Mass,, she added. Magazine, Catholic Digest, etc.

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THE VOICE-Friday, October 21, 1983-PAGE 7 Mary prays with us

tand through scholarship that Mary By Henry Libersat least, she was no harlot; to say what is mains a virgin, that she was assumed entered into John's Christian com- to me self evident, Mary was a holy into heaven. Editor munity. She must have been special to The Florida Catholic crucible for the Divine Lord; she just However, I find it hard to ignore the all of the Apostles—she was with them had to be preserved from sin to miralces. If I believe God hears the at Pentecost. Second of two parts welcome the Son of God. prayers of contemporary people who Last week's column was a real hum- 3. Mary proclaimed, "Of all women, have the gift of healing (and I surely I love Mary, the Mother of God. I dinger. It picked away at certain you are the most blessed, and blessed is do), find it even easier to believe that ask her to pray with me and for me. I pietistic notions that devotion to Mary the fruit of your womb" (Luke 1:42). God answers the prayers of the most frequently pray the rosary, finding was cut and dried from the very begin* This salutation says much about perfect of saints, mary, the mother of meditation on the life of Christ ning. It was not. Mary's place in God's kingdom. And Jesus.' • .••.. ••" ••.•-'.',.•'•••. -•••: •', •• .' . .' through the 15 mysteries a most rewar- Even Thomas Aquinas, beloved doc- in this chapter of Luke, Mary herself Another point. Mary, in all her ap- ding form of prayer. I particularly find tor of the Church, at one time opposed proclaims her fidelity, her magnificat, paritions, always points toward Jesus. fruitful meditation on the joyful and the doctrine of the Immaculate Con- in which she says, "all generations will She has warned, at Fatima, especially, sorrowful mysteries. ception! He believed she was sanctified call me blessed; the Almighty Has done that the heart of Jesus is saddened by I believe Mary was without sin, in the womb after conception. He did great things for me..." sin, that God's wrath can be appeased through the power of the-Christ-who- not see the "need" for her immaculate 4. Jesus grew in age and wisdom only by prayer and repentance. was-yet-to-come. I believe, as the conception. under the authority of Mary,his Reportedly, our Lady, for the Church teaches, that she is in heaven, However, just as our sacramental mother, and Joseph, his foster father couple of years, has been appearing to that she is there physically as well as system took form over the years, just (Luke 3:51-52). several children in Yugoslavia. It is spiritually. as the hierarchical structure of the 5. At Cana, Mary talked Jesus into said that mary tells the children: "I will Church developed over the years, so I have been in the Catholic press 25 performing his first recorded miracle pray with you, but you must pray, too. too has our theology, including our (John 2:1 ). This says something Pray to Jesus. He is the intercessor." years because of a vow I made to our Marian theology. Lady. When our oldest son was a year about how much Jesus thought of Mary is also reportedly teaching the old and dying, I vowed to her that I We Catholics love the Bible, believe her—and I don't believe this was simp- children how to pray for healing and would return to the sacraments and the Bible, pray and study the ly a sentimentality ("Oh, sure, Ma, she is encouraging them to use blessed work for the Church if he lived. He liv- Bible—but we are not limited only to anything you say!"). I think Jesus oil (not chrism) in their prayers for ed, here I am. the Bible. We have Church, the respected his mother and, as he had healing.She is urging fasting every Fri- It isn't idolatry to pray to the saints, Church Jesus left on earth, and we learned to pray from her, he also learn- day and constant prayer for peace in or to put it another way, to ask the have the Church's authentic interpreta- ed to hear the Father's will through the world. saints to pray with us. If I can walk up tion of Scripture to guide us, as well as her. This, of course, is a personal no- But miracles and apparitions are not to you today and say, "You are a the Church's authoritative teachings. tion.. central to our relationship with Mary believer,you love the Lord, you live in When the Church declares that Mary or to our life in the Lord, mary always the Lord and he in you. Please pray was conceived without sin in her While it is true there was no points to Jesus as Lord and Savior. with me," is that idolatry? Of course mother's womb, or that Mary was widespread devotion to Mary (as we not. It's Christian community! assumed, body and soul into heaven, know it today) in New Testament Fundamental Marian And who can be more "in the Lord'' we have what seem to be new doc- times, that devotion began to take hold than the faithful who, we say at trines, what some other Christians call early in our history. The virginal con- Thread funerals, "have gone home to God." "doctrines of men not of God." ception of Jesus was held universally Either we believe there is life after But I think of these doctrines as by the end of the second century; by The Fundamental Marian Thread is death or we don't. declarations of faith which show a the third century, there was almost this: Mary was obedient, completely If life after death it is more perfect deeper understanding of what was universal belief in Mary's perpetual trusting, completely loving. than life before death—and if we can always there, defined and understood virginity. In the fifth century, the She said "yes" when "yes" meant pray for each other before death, we fully only now, in God's own time, for Council of Ephesus called her "Mother pregnancy out of wedlock; she said should be able to do it even better after the ongoing good of the Church. of God" showing that Jesus was both "yes" when it meant that Jesus would death. To understand Mary better, I believe human and divine. leave her, become controversial and we need to get down to basics, some evenually die a shameful death. scriptural, some almost self evident. Mary and miracles As Jesus is the new Adam, Mary is We don't worship Mary the new Eve. Jesus is the Redeemer. He These basics, form what I call the is the intercessor, the Savior, the Catholics do not worship Mary. We Fundamental Marian Thread that Devotion to our Lady has grown Lamb, the Anointed One (the Christ), honor herv We venerate her. We love weaves together the iabnc of our over the centuries. She has put in the only Son of the Father. her. She is special to us because she Christian relationship with Mary. several appearances—Lourdes and said "yes" to the Father, became the Fatima are among the best known, mother of Jesus. 1. Mary was called "full of grace" many miraculous healings and conver- However, in Genesis, both man and We claim her as our mother—over and was told, "The Lord is with you" sions have been attributed to her in- woman sinned. While Adam was held the years, we have come to regard the (Luke 1:26 ). Full of grace means full tercession—miracles that have stood responsible, Eve (woman) had a key Calvary scene as Jesus' way of giving up under the Church's most rigorous role in that sin. I like to think that God of God, having the Lord with you in in his mercy gave woman a small part us a heavenly mother: "Woman his fullness. examination. behold your son...behold your Still, the Church does not require in redemption—not that Mary redeem- 2. Mary conceived of the Holy ed! But she paved the eay to salvation by mother." Spirit, was chosen by God to be the Catholics to believe in these miracles. We believe John represented us all as We are not even required to believe in saying "yes" as Eve paved the way to mother of his only Son, the Messiah. the Fall with her "no." (To my way of he took charge of Mary. We unders- Surely Mary was special—to say the Fatima and Lourdes. We are required to believe only what the Church has thinking, Mary's "yes" settled once ' You can depend upon' defined as doctrine—that she was con- and for all any questions about the 365 MIRACLE MILE dignity and equality of women.) CORAL GABLES ceived without sin, that she was and re- 915 E. LAS OLAS FT. LAUDERDALE PARKING LOT ADJACENT T0 BOTH STORES CITY CORAL GABLES PRINTING SERVICE, INC. MEMORIAL & MONUMENT INC. 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By Prentice Browning of the Spanish Camino with her hus- Voice Staff Writer band Oscar, Maggie Varona. Couples sit at long tables, each table occupied It was too good not to share with the by an older married couple. A English speaking community. psychologist will speak on the dif- That was the opinion of many ferences between men and women. A Hispanics about Camino Del doctor will speak on anatomy and atrimonio (The Road to Marriage), natural family planning. Either a hus- h is more than just the Spanish band or wife will speak on domestic version of Engaged Encounter but economics and God's plan, and a priest a whole approach in its own right to or a deacon will give a talk on the preparing couples for marriage in the sacraments arid Christian morality in . marriage. There are two talks before lunch and As a pilot program an English two talks after lunch and the Camino is Camino (previously Camino was for held on both a Saturday and a Sunday. Hispanics only) was offered recently in place of an Engaged Encounter at Holy FOLOWING THE TALKS there is Family church in North Miami. interaction among the engaged couples John and Linda DiPrima at an English-speaking Camino in Holy Family Church. (Voice photo by Prentice Browning). ^ Camino approach, if you could and the married couples at each table. sum it up in a phrase, focuses more on couples and priests on such topics as the age of the couple, according to the church and less on relationships In the one-day Engaged Encounter "Encounter with Self", and "The DiPrima. than the Engaged Encounter. the married couple or team couple Three Stages of Love." "just act as a trigger" to get the engag- THE FIRST CAMINO was held ed couple to respond in writing to a Those involved in Camino believe Some told her that they already here in 1973, organized by a few mar- series of prepared questions, says Lin- that the Engaged Encounter questions knew the subjects that were talked ried couples who were alarmed by the da DiPrima, who with her husband should have been inclusive in the about. "Others said that they really high divorce rate and received permis- John is director of Marriage Prepera- PreMartial Inventory, says DiPrima. needed to hear that," DiPrima. sion from the Archbishop. tion for the Family Enrichment center. During the PMI the engaged are in- Camino will soon be undergoing a Camino, which began with only 12 vited to a married couple's home to ten year review to see what can be im- weekends a year, will be held on 24 answer the questionnaire that brings proved or eliminated. At the moment weekends this year and will have ex- A bell rings and the engaged couple out the strengths and weaknesses of there are no more Camino s scheduled pand to 27 weekends next year to ac- then privately discuss their feelings their relationship for discussion. in English and only time will tell commodate, the number of par- about the questions. whether an attitude of 'Vive La Dif- ticipants. THE RESPONSES to the English ference' or a closer association between Camino has always had the same Scheduled throughout the day at the speaking Camino seemed to depend on the English and Spanish approach will basic structure, according to director Engaged Encounter are talks given by the amount of Catholic education and prevail. Missions are test of your love. by Msgr. John Donnelly of strength to the thousands of priests, organization under the Holy Father. It Arch. Director Society for Prop, of the religious men and woman, and lay peo- is not national, it is international. It Faith ple who labor in the mission fields of does not belong to a community, but to the Church.Through your sacrifices theChurch. The Holy Father through We must not forget this Sunday is this Sunday you will support parishes, his directors begs you each year for World Mission Sunday. It is the day schools, hospitals and every sort of sacrifices and offerings and these the that we show our unity with the mis- sionaries of the church and fulfill 'The missionary commitment represents the Christ's mandate to teach all nations maximum manifestation of the baptismal by our support of the missions. That identity, of living faith, and therefore of the true a system that has been working for 400 the greastest treasure entrusted to us years in the church and it is a beautiful 'or to anyone' is the gift of faith, that maturity of every Christian. system. ITS PURPOSE; is to build is, the tremendous privilege of know- —Pope John Paul II Hospitals, schools leprosariums, erect ing Jesus as Lord. You who possess the churches, hire cathechists, provide faith - you have a unique opportunity seminaries, in a word ~ to do and responsibility to spread the faith to everything to bring souls to Christ. others. Especially on Mission Sunday. As archdiocesan director of the So I am not asking you to give to the Society for the Propagation of the missions but to make a sacrifice. There Faith in the Archdiocese, which coor- is a world of difference between giving dinates the celebration of World Mis- and sacrificing. You give when you sion Sunday, I see very closely both the think someone else is inneed, you great need of the missions, and the maybe to expiate for you sins or to\ direct impact that the cooperative ef- have deeper faith to see Christ in the fort of Mission Sunday has in meeting poor. So I beg you now to have an Hthe needs of the missions. open hand for the society for the Pro- In many areas of the missions today, pagation of the Faith. the church is already built on a strong faith; the Eucharist is the center of I beg you out of love for our Lord on parish life; schools are attended by the cross, out of love for the Blessed I children whose parents really want Mother, out of love for all of our mis- 1 them educated '• i the Faith. apostolate that speaks of Christ. Holy Father distributes every year to sionaries who are making such ! At present, I believe, there are some Africa, Asia, Latin America. Europe, sacrifices for the spread of the Gospel. There are also areas where the 900 local churches receiving aid - 361 behind the Iron Curtain and many I thank you already because I know Church is still missionary in the tradi- are in Africa, 297 in Asia, 181 in Cen- other places in the world. you'll sacrifice on this World Mission tional sense of the word, namely, the tral and South America, 30 in Sunday. seed of faith is being newly implanted. Oceania, 13 in Europe and 10 in North All of the money that received by the And let us not forget the areas also of America. All receiving aid through the Society for the Propagation of the Our gift from pur wealth, compared the world where the Church works op- Society for the Propagation of the Faith is sent over to the Holy Father. to the missionary's joft oftheir lives, pressive governments which hamper its Faith with the funds contributed by Nc one in America may make a may seem paltry, as slight as the offer- efforts to speak of peace and God's you. distribution. The JJoIy Father through ing of bread and wine that we place on love. a commissi on equalizes aid to the mis- the altar on Sunday, but we are led by What is the Society for the Propaga- sion scattered throughout the world. the spirit of God to both Gift and Of- Through your prayers and financial tion of the Faith? This is an honest distribution. There fering. We do them "with humble and sacrifices you will be an unseen source Well, it it a world wide mission are no shenanigans, no corruption. It is contribute hearts." * THE VOICE-Friday, October 21, 1983-PAGE 9 Families for Prayer Movement coming to parishes here soon Continued from page 1 Fr. John Gurley, the national director plans to meet with Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy in the near future to plan the program for the Archdiocese. Bishop Agustin Roman reviewed Families for Prayer and finds, "it will serve the entire archdiocese in a marvelrusly pastoral way." Families for prayer (which is also ministered in Anglican and French) will be quickly adapted by Hispanics, according to Sr. Angelita, because "they have always had a strong focus on family." Anglo families have to be more convinced of their families importance. At St. John Bosco, attended 'We call it a program but we prefer that it be known as a process that happens on the parish level in every family home...' —Sr. Angelita Fenker

predominantly by Miami's Hispanic From left to right: Terry anil Mimi Reilly of Family Life Ministry, Sr. Angelita Fenker. S.F.C.C. and Marsha community, a large-scale gala Whelan of the office of evangelization, review the literature which is featured in the Families for Prayer pro- introduction of the program may also gram. Designed to bring families and parishes closer through renewed prayer life. Families for Prayer will soon take place, according to Bishop be launched in the archdiocese. Roman. ANY PARISH that decides to To get it under way in the homes, lay can be bonded together who are to start the program, the pastor went to participate will discover how much area representatives distribute the retired, childless, single... After all, a doctor for what he thought was a their families have been hungering for program material by going door to Jesus, spent 30 years creating: his simple cold. It turned out he had lung a unifying force of prayer in their door "just as the apostles did"—until family, 3 years preparing a parish cancer in the terminal stages. His home life, said Sr. Angelita. And one everyone has copies. The books family. parish gathered around him like of the major attractions to the method contain scriptural based exercises, brothers and sisters and everyone is that it is shared in the intimate and. readings and a series of prayers both "First we affirm the family. We completed the program for him. comfortable environment of home. traditional and geared to modern establish Christ as the center. Then we For it to work effectively, a team of family lifestyles. They are also work on the family's personal Reconciliation is only one of the parish volunteers should organize it six designed to be a learning and spiritual relationship with Christ. We want visible successes of Families for people to continue to live with an Prayer, said Sr. Angelita. It has also awareness of Christ, long after the proved to be a catalyst for program is over." evangelization. Many have returned to Mass after completing the 5-week long Other dimensions of the program process. At one Mass, a burly, six- include a series of seven Sunday foot-tall truck driver -pproached her liturgies, special lessons and projects with tears in his eyes and blurted out, provided for teachers and religious 'Sister, I ain't never been blessed like education instructors and a series of this before.' special, projects which encourages the youth to help shut-ins and 'adopt' lonely elderly people as a form of SUCH BLESSINGS don't have to prayer in action. end when the five weeks have passed, said Sr. Angelita. Parishes and individuals are encouraged to use their Some families may complain they resources and imagination to keep it are too fragmented to be able to pray alive. For added impetus, additional together, said Sr. Angelita. She publications are available. recalled the story of one family that was heartbroken over their son who was in prision. He never contacted Trinity parish in Louisville, them or responded to their letters. For Kentucky underwrote the program for two years they kept trying with no the Anglican Church nearby. In I reciprocation. They entered the family another city when a parishioner was prayer program and told him in a letter killed by accidental electrocution in his how they would pray for him each backyard, Families for Prayer night. He wrote them from his cell, 'I directors from his parish—ten of can't promise you I will pray, but I will them—rushed to his home and began think of you every night at the same helping make the necessary time while you are praying for me.*.It arrangements, cooking meals and was a major breakthrough of providing comfort. These are just reconciliation for them. several examples, explained Sr., Angelita, of people rerlearning to reach but to one another through prayer. THIS SPIRIT of reconciliation and Sr. Angelita Fenker, S.F.C.C. visited the Family Enrichment Center to in- 'bonding' seems to flow from the troduce Families for Prayer to staff members. program as it takes root. Children At home, families will re-learn to come back that have run away. Parents make Christ the center of their lives months in advance. Several members experience for all ages in the family. who have been embittered after a and once this has been accomplished, are selected as "apostles" or directors. Nor is it limited to stereotyped divorce allow frienship to bring them they will never want to shut the doors They in turn contact small groups from concepts of "a family." healing. to Him again. the body of the parish to begin praying for the program's fruitfulness. For one pastor Sr. Angelita knew, In the words of a closing prayer of Families for Prayer became a final commitment, Family Prayer will also The priest's role is simple. He "ONLY 17 PERCENT of the tribute from bis parish, a gift of love. attends meetings and encourages his families in this country fit the normal enable participants to gain, "a parishioners to put their whole hearts family image. We want people to happier, healthier, more wholesome and minds into family prayer. define what a family really is. People Just before his parish was scheduled family in Jesus Christ the Lord." PAGE 10-Friday, October 21. 1983-THE VOICE Going for the heart Young musical group reaches for feelings

By Ana Rodriguez-Soto Voice News Editor By day, they toil routinely before typewriters, phones, desks, and lawnmowers. Nights and weekends, Members of they turn into performers, singing, Soiree can be playing pianos and strumming guitars, found every beating on drums and bongoes, Sunday even- fingering an electronic synthesizer. ing singing at Their dreams are the real-life Mass in Bless- counterparts of Tony Manero's in ed Trinity, "Saturday Night Fever," with a Miami Springs. difference: A movie about Soiree Three of those would have to be called "Sunday . who competed Morning Fervor." at OTI song festival are, The dozen or so members of the from left, front row, Margarita group seek more than mere fame and Salazar de An- fortune, shunning the hollow glitter of dino. Ana purely material success. They seek Lourdes Ortiz also through music and song, to make and Iris people who are distant from God feel Salazar. Him as the group performs. "Miami needs it. Miami needs a (Voice photo by Ana group of young people to go and Rodriguez-Soto) evangelize," says George Ortiz, the landscaper who doubles as drummer "Have you never in your life," it Sunday evening Spanish Mass. Ana OTI was the means to preach it, "a begins, "felt the urge to be free? and George Ortiz; along with a few way to reach a great number of for Soiree. people," del Rivero a^ds. "It's an "God gives one certain gifts," Without debts that tend to strangle other friends, were the talented your liberty? I understand, it's very volunteer music ministers. incredible opportunity fSr people who echoes Jorge Enrique del Rivero, human. Stand up straight and face the are.starting out to be heard." pianist and composer for the group. Slowly, largely as a result of Father truth: You are not merely a slave. You Pena's own charismatic experience and "And we must offer them back to are truly free to love." him." his. ability to convey what he felt to Ministry to Latins Another verse explains: "I, once those Who heard him, the congregation Won competition indifferent, now understand who I am. grew to its present standing-room-only Yet, despite Soiree members' fully What I feel is what matters, and to size. bilingual upbringing, most of South Recently, five members of Soiree know which way I go. Extend your Florida's English-speaking community made the best of an opportunity for heart; the whole world is in your The volunteer singers and players has never heard, of the group. fame and evangelization, when they hands. For it is the heart which asks for were joined by others, many of them competed against other hopeful friends for many years, who eventually Why don't they sing in English? performers in OTI, an international became Soiree. "Why are we going to rain on what's Hispanic song festival-. "I knew there was something special already wet," responds Father Pena, about them," Father Pena says. "I describing the kinship members of the 'We were so involved knew once they placed their talent and group feel for St. Louis Parish's Roger After a tedious selection process, with the song that when their hope before God, they could do Grenier and Paul Lambert, music Soiree's song "Eres Libre" ("You Are we finished we all felt a anything they wanted." ministers who also pack people in at Free") was chosen from among 175 to religious concerts. compete against first 22 and then 11 kind of jolt within us.' Del Rivero says as individuals, others for the right to represent Miami members of Soiree always harbored "a "Roger ana Paul already exist," in the national competition. dream'' to perform professionally. He, says the young priest. "But at this Soiree won the local contest and in fact, had submitted songs to OTI time, Soiree is unique." competition unsuccessfully for three placed second in the national. Had "We can take our music ministry to they won, they would have competed freedom, and only the one free in his years, twice with lead singer Iris Salazar as the performer. hundreds of Latins who can't be Oct. 28 against songs and performers own soul, that one truly can be free." reached any other"way," del Rivero from almost every country in Latin "We prayed profoundly" before It wasn't, however, until Father Pena "discovered them" and urged says. Roger and Paul "were a big America and Spain,' in a musical performing the song, said Ana Ortiz, inspiration for us." extravaganza carried by satellite from and del Rivero adds, "We didn't pray them on that they realized they could Washington, D.C. to all those nations. to win. We prayed for the Spirit to use form "a musical group whose Next on Soiree's agenda is producing us to reach those people." cornerstone and foundation was a 45 r.p.m. record of "Eres Libre," to Christ,'' del Rivero said. "Our faith allowed us to accept that keep their name and their message (near miss in the national competition) .All five who performed at OTI before the public. Somehow, members as the will of God," says Ana Ortiz, describe a disconcerting experience. Preach the Gospel say, they'll find a way to raise the George's wife and one of the five who "We were so involved in the song needed $4,000. competed. "He has better things that when we finished we all felt a kind Soiree members then invested in In the meantime, they'll continue awaiting us." of jolt within us," said Ortiz. performance-quality musical serving as music ministers at Blessed Nevertheless, Soiree, with its equipment and began giving concerts, first in Blessed Trinity, later in other Trinity's Spanish Mass, periodically performance and win in the local According to Father Wilfredo Pena, staging full-fledged concerts. contest, made its mark in Miami's parishes throughout the Miami area. mentor and spiritual director of Soiree, They also performed during the Open The group also plans to honor an Hispanic show business community. the OTI orchestra conductor, who had They will be remembered as "the House held the weekend of the invitation to perform for the refugees not known the group before the dedication of the Pastoral Center. detained at the Krome Avenue Camp group that prays before it sings" and competition, said he, too, "felt electric the only performers, so far, to receive a in southwest Dade. shocks" while conducting "Eres They perform both strictly religious standing ovation in local OTI Libre." Whatever the future brings, Ana competition. music, around Christmas and Easter, and songs about "human themes." Ortiz says, "We can never forget that our talent comes from God or that our "Those weren't electric shocks," 'Freedom' song In their repertoire are original "love mission is to make His message Father Pena said he told him. "That known." "We have such faith and so many was the Spirit." songs," but not "the normal, people were praying, we always commercial things you hear on the thought we would win," said del radio," del Rivero says, because Soiree Rivero after the local competition. Parish renewal differentiates between love songs and Fr. Russell preaches at "But even if we didn't win, we wanted, Father Pena, associate pastor at sex songs. St. Jude as a group, to make the message of the Blessed Trinity who serves as Defender song known. It's a spiritual message." of the Bond in the Archdiocesan St. Jude, a new parish in Boca • "The majority of our songs are ways Raton, will be holding its masses "Eres Libre," which he wrote, is a Marriage Tribunal, says "to of reaching people, telling them you understand Soiree is to understand the beginning this Sunday at Pope John hymn to freedom, freedom from love them, they can be free, without Paul II High School on 4001 N. defects and imperfections in our religious experience of Blessed Trinity. mentioning the word God," says Ana. Soiree' is the baby of this community." Military TraiL Fr. David Russell, personalities and freedom from "People are not looking for formerly pastor of St. Louis Church in material possessions which tie us parties," explains Father Pena. When he arrived at the parish about Kendall is a regular speaker at 11:30 down, he explained. The song "They're looking for the living Sunday masses. implicitly describes the freedom from two years ago, he recalls, only eight Gospel." sin offered by Christ. people showed up regularly for the THE VOICE-FyWay. October 14, 1983-PAGE 11 What to do, or not

to do about drugs IF SHED HAD What to do about drugs? necessary? AN ABORTION THIS. WOULDN'T Drug enforcement officials in South One big reason is that, according to BE A PROBLE/A Florida recently admitted that no matter the Center for Science in the Public In- how many tons of illegal drugs they terest, between 1970 and 1980 may confiscate, vastly more will get alcohol consumption per person rose through. It will always be that way, by a whopping 31 per cent—that's six they said, as long as there is such a de- gallons a year. The Center also found mand for the drugs and the subsequent that during this same time period tons of money to be had. Relief will alcohol companies increased their come only in reducing the demand. The advertising budgets 203 per cent. officials, in effect, threw the problem Drinking is sold night and day, from back into the lap of society. boob tube to billboard, as the fun way At about this same time one to do anything, be it beach party or knowledgeable authority, writing in a bridal reception. In movie and television dramas EDITORIAL characters are constantly drinking, either as props for their conversations or as crutches for every tense moment. local publication, suggested that the It used to be smoking. Watching "soft" drugs, pot and coke, should be Bette Davis grandly light up a smoke "de-mythologized,"the reefer madness and exhale like a dragon on a late movie and coke madness myths removed is a marvel to behold. from these two drugs which, according to studies cited, were relatively But no more. Smoking is not in. The harmless to most moderate users. smoker's image has finally become a negative one and smoking has begun This is not a new argument, of to decrease. course, and it has a certain appeal. Simply legalize and quit worrying about However, that is not the case with the mind-altering drug, alcohol, in spite enforcement, since the people who society. really burn out on pot and coke are a of this nation's millions of alcoholics, its highway deaths, broken homes and We must continue the difficult and minority. Let the drugs be legal like frustrating war on drug traffic. But at alcohol. economic loss. This now brings us back full circle the same time it is extremely important Well, that raises a question in its own concerning what to do about drugs. that a national effort be mounted to right: What is so great about what's Obviously we don't have any simple fight the whole psychology of drug and happening with alcohol? solutions. But when you see what is alcohol abuse, to downgrade the image Washington Post columnist Coleman happening with the one legal drug we of the drug user and the alcohol abuser McCarthy points out that some col- do have, we don't believe legalizing pot in much the same way the image of leges are increasing the restrictions on and coke is the answer. Once a drug smoking has fallen. alcohol use. The president of American becomes legal it does not simply hide To simply legalize and accept more University said drug use on campus was like a polite little secret. It must take its and more mind alteration in society is down but alcohol was up. On his cam- place in society. The entertainment in- not what we need even if some drugs pus sobriety testers have been installed dustry alone which has never shied are not mind-blowing in all cases. A in the campus bars. At Stanford soft away from giving us "reality" would society that seeks endless physical beverages are served at University- quickly give us beautiful people snor- gratification in drugs, sex, hours of im- sponsored events. Other schools are ting "snow" at parties and leading men mersion in video-game madness, is not clamping down on fraternities which and women double and trip le -sucking a healthy society. are sometimes the worst offenders. their "joints." Without the steel of strong individual Drinking is not outlawed at the character, the discipline of healthy schools.. Prohibition is not the answer. These drugs would become extreme- mind and body and the inspiration of a And, yes, there will always be viola- ly cheap and their proliferation would divine spark within each of us, our tions of the rules, but restrictions do spread. At present most Americans of society will begin to be tainted with that have certain effects: They reduce the all ages do not use coke or pot. The tell-tale odor of social rot that should be amount of drinking, and they make the reason is that they are expensive, they sickening to the senses of anyone who point that drinking is a serious matter. are illegal, and they still have a negative is not too high on chemical euphoria to Why are such laws and rules or at least clandestine image in much of notice it.

Thanks for Historial issue and the Sisters To the Editor: . works we see all about us, their selves women, sent to Michigan farmlands, parents, taught me to read and write Bravo! The history of the Church in we can only imagine. established the Congregation of the and love my God. Florida (Voice, Oct. 7) was most en- A word regarding Monsignor Most Holy Rosary. Rapidly, through joyable! And this from one who lived it Walsh's claim that the pioneers were the vision and daring of Mother Sister Marie Bentz, O.P. - from the converted polo stables that Irish-born ("The vast majority of Camilla Madden (later Mother Gerald became Saint Patrick's, to the in- sisters were also Irish-born."). Sure, Barry), the Adrian Congregation fluence of Gesu's holy and scholarly 'twas not just the Irish, God bless 'em sprouted and multiplied and spread Jesuits, to the novitiate in Adrian, to who blazed the missionary trail in west with the laughter of hundreds, the staff of Barry University. Much in Florida. The Jesuit Fathers and the and, although many, like myself, can admiration of their hard work and Sisters of St. Joseph and Holy Names claim an ancestor in the Irish hills, they generosity, and in awe of their brillant will speak for themselves. As for the came from everywhere. They also went minds and capable hands, we loved Adrian Dominicans, indeed there were everywhere - two thousand strong - both the Dominican and St. Joseph a few from the oP sod, like Mother assigned by obedience and a name on a ty to *

The visitor who stopped me after Mass carried a Q. Does the official Church approve and TO MAKE such an offering is "a sign of the concerned look on his face. He had arranged this encourage the faithful to make such offerings and union of the baptized person with Christ and of particular Eucharist for his deceased wife and the request a Mass be offered for some particular the faithful with the priest who exercises his parish bulletin listed her name as the intention for person or intention? ministry for their good." which the liturgy was to be offered. A. Yes. In 1974, Pope Paul VI published a However, at the remembrance of the dead during the eucharistic prayer, 1 mentioned not his Q. Is the person who makes the offering and wife; but someone else as the person for whom the the individual for whom the Mass is requested the Mass had been requested. only ones who benefit from that Liturgy? A. Obviously not. Pope PauIVI taught that the one who arranges for the Mass derives "more The problem developed because of my over abundant fruit," not the entire fruit of this forty failing eyesight which, without an assist Eucharist. from reading glasses, couldn't clearly catch off the BY FR. JOSEPH Both God and the Mass are infinite realities, far bulletin at the altar the list of Mass requests. I thus M. CHAMPLIN beyond our comprehension. To say this is "my" mixed up that day's intention for the 5:00 p.m. , Mass and solely for "my" intention limits the celebration (his wife) and for the 7:00 p.m. Lord and the Eucharist. Moreover, it fails to Eucharist (the other person). understand that the eucharistic liturgy is an action of the entire community and for the benefit of the entire Church, of all members present and absent, MY INQUIRER was not angry, only anxious and small document on Mass stipends. In it he cited living and deceased. a bit confused. However, in past, similar the long-established tradition in the Church There is a special relationship and blessing for situations, I have suffered through sharp attacks through which the faithful add to the Eucharistic the stipend or offering donor and the person for from people annoyed by a mistake in the Mass sacrifice "a sacrifice of their own by which they whom the Mass is arranged, as noted above, but intentions. An apology, explanation of the error contribute in a particular way to the needs of the not to the exclusion of other intentions and other people. Q. Should the priest mention the name of the Both God and the Mass are infinite realities, far beyond our individual for whom the Mass is requested? A. I have mixed thoughts about this optional comprehension. To say this is "my" Mass and solely for "my" practice. It does inject a desirable, personal intention limits the Lord and the Eucharist. human element into the liturgy and reinforces that tradition endorsed by the Church. But it also can create a false and harmful possessiveness or individualism about the Mass and lend to the kind and reassurance that my primary and Church and especially to the sustenance of its of unpleasant misunderstandings. I have described consequently effective intention was to offer the ministers." at the outset of this article. Eucharist for the person noted in the bulletin The Church, he said, "approves" and As a result of my recent interchange with that seemed sufficient to settle the matter. "positively encourages" this practice through parishioner, I will probably change my habits, The incident, however, is a common experience which the faithful "unite themselves more closely omit mentioning the name during the liturgy and for the clergy and raises some issues worth with Christ offering himself as a victim, thus be content that our bulletin lists the Mass discussing. deriving more abundant fruit from the sacrifice." intentions. The lesson of last days You know how it is. Some people have a kind of his last days he was given the gift of seeing things natural goodness, are pleasant to every one. Joe as they are. was like that. He was bright, too, and he must I tell of him because perhaps by hearing of it have been in his late twenties when the press I was you might acquire the gift yourself. It comes by directing published his book. It was a book about BY being aware of the wonder about you; by seeing faith. He had a natural faith to go with his natural DALE FRANCIS things as if for the first time or as if it might be for goodness. He was a priest. the last time. We take so much for granted It came by surprise. He had a bad cough, felt a everything about us. tiredness but the diagnosis of cancer came by THERE IS a scene in Thornton Wilder's "Our surprise. Chances are that now with chemical and Town" that tells this poignant truth. Emily, who radiation therapy it could be handled. Then he got lived in this building many years, known it was a has died as a grown woman, asks to return to the the hard truth. It was terminal. brick building, but I've stopped to look at a brick. past and chooses a birthday of her childhood. The Some one made it, it was brought out here, then a experience becomes unbearable pain as she sees HE TOOK it well. You wouldn't have expected bricklayer put it in place, it became a part of this how they really do not see each other, the anything else. He was able to carry on most of his building. It was the first time, he said smiling, I opportunity they miss to show each other love.. duties. I suppose it was generally known he was ill. had really seen a brick. Seize the gift, try viewing everything in its full You wouldn't have known it just meeting him, he He was smiling the last time I saw him. He gave reality. Don't just go to Mass, experience the was the same gracious, friendly priest he had me his blessing and we didn't say any goodbyes. I wonder of Mass. See the beauty of the world always been. thought I would see him again. I never did. He around you. Most of all, show your love and your I had gone on to some other work and it was a died a month or two later, unexpectedly but not by appreciation of family and friends, find the good year and a half before I saw him again. The signs surprise. He had been ready for a long time and in there is in all people. of the illness were there, he was thinner, there were new lines in his young Irish face. But he was unchanged, there was the same friendly pleasantness. He celebrated Mass for a small group of friends. Later I had a chance to talk to him and he BY told me about the wonderful lesson he had learned FRANK in his last days. He had been given the gift of CAPSULES seeing reality. MORGAN

HE HAD always been a priest who had a deep appreciation of the privilege of celebrating Mass, he said, but now that he knew that death was Bertold Schwarz, a 14th century Franciscan but kept the name "mortar" as a piece of approaching the wonder of the greatness of that monk of Nurenberg was experimenting in his ordinance still found in all army arsenals. privilege almost overwhelmed him. He understood laboratory with a mixture of sulphur, nitre and as he never had before what a gift the Mass is for charcoal in a chemist's mortar, which he covered with a large stone. John Wycliffe, an early church reformer, died us all. before a church council met and condemned him But he said his perception of everything had to death for heresy. But their sentence of burning clarified. He saw as he had never before the He then struck his flint and set fire to the mixture. Immediately, there was a loud bang and was still carried out. He was disinterred and goodness of all people. He had learned to see cremated. people, even those he just passed on the street, and the stone was hurled upward and straight through the roof of the building. The slowest papal election occurred in the 13th he felt a love for them as he never had before. century when for 31 months the Cardinals could The news of the accidental projection of the not agree on a Pope. Finally, they were put on a AND NOT just people but everything. He stone through the roof brought military men to diet of bread and water and the roof of their looked at the trees, at a blade of grass, at a investigate this new potential weapon. They meeting room removed. In short order, they sidewalk. I find the beauty in a brick, he said. I've substituted a long tube for the chemist's mortar, elected Pope Gregory X. THE VOICE-Ftiday, October 21, 1983-PAGE 13 Battling birth defects Slow and easy The fight against birth defects is far from over, in spite of Another friend had a baby girl with a cleft pallet. My friend the many advances in medical technology over the past 20 cried for months, asking whether she did something wrong years. In its 1983 facts booklet, the March of Dimes Founda- during her pregnancy. does it tion reports that 233,000 babies, in a total of 3,333,000, were I always thought that was the wrong question to ask. It born in 1981 with structural or metabolic defects. seemed to me that birth defects were unfortunate tragedies, Structural defects include missing limbs and water on the not due to any fault. brain. Metabolic defects include body chemistry disorders, Q. Is there something wrong with THERE MAY be ways to prevent some defects, however. you if you have never had a special Budetti notes the serious social and economic results of a high friend of the opposite sex? (Kansas). incidence of birth defective children. But the moral and ethical results are even more serious. One ethical case is in the news now, the federal regulations BY named for the "Baby Doe," an Indiana infant born with ANTOINETTE Down's Syndrome and other defects. He was denied a surgical procedure that would have prevented him from starv- BOSCO ing to death in April 1982. The shock of the decision and the baby's death led the BY TOM secretary of Health and Human Services, Margaret Heckler, LENNON to propose a rule requiring all federally funded hospital such as Tay Sachs disease and cystic fibrosis. nurseries to post a statement: "Discriminatory failure to feed At the University of California at San Francisco, researcher and care for handicapped infants in this facility is prohibited Dr. Peter Budetti is presently analyzing data provided by a by federal law." National Health Interview Survey on birth defects and learn- The law was struck down by a federal district court judge, ing disabilities that appear in children from birth through the Gerhardt Gesell, because it was, he said, "unwarranted and A. Helen Morgan, a popular singer age of 17. Budetti said the large number of birth defects will capricious." He said there is no "customary standard care for some years back, is remembered yield "very serious social and economic consequences." severely defective infants." Since Gesell's decision, the especially for the wistful way she sang: Reagan administration has revised and reissued its earlier pro- "Someday he'll come along, the man I According to researchers, the probable causes of birth posal love, and he'll be big and strong, the defects include cigarette smoking by expectant mothers, in- man I love." creased exposure to toxins and improved medical techniques THE DEBATE is still going on, though clearly nourish- In the spirit of that once popular that permit more people with disabilities to survive and pass ment is a fundamental human right and routine medical care ballad, you might say to yourself the defective trait along. is a fundamental human dignity. Neither are merely an option something like this: for medical judgment. ANYONE WHO has ever seen a baby with birth defects If, indeed, our lifestyles, heavily infiltrated with cigarettes, "Someday a person of the opposite has to be touched by pain. As the mother of six children, I drugs, chemicals in foods, and chemical pollutants are caus- sex will come along, and that person know how often I thought about the probabilities of birth ing birth defective babies, the problem cannot be ignored. will be a very special friend to me, so defects. When I was pregnant, whenever anyone asked It may be time for religious groups, human rights ad- special perhaps that I'll remember this whether I wanted a boy or girl, I answered, as so many others vocates, environmentalists and the medical establishment to friend for the rest of my life." do: "I don't care, just so long as the baby is healthy and nor- get together and plan an immediate prevention blitz for the mal." sake of our yet unborn children. I had a friend who gave birth to a child with spina bifida. (NC News Service) BUT IT hasn't happened to you yet, and the most probable reason it hasn't is that you are still very young. Ms. or Mr. Right has simply not crossed your path yet. I've checked with some of my high Counting your blessings school informants and they tell me they know a number of young people who have not yet had a boyfriend or We all experience frustrations and disappointments. Anne It's amazing how you can clear away the cobwebs of doubt, girlfriend. And they say these young Lindbergh, for instance, was frequently dejected because she suspicion and disappointment if you take the time to think people do not have "something couldn't find time to write. positively when your spirit begins to droop. If it doesn't work worng" with them. They have only the In her book, "War Within and Without," she tells of for you, if you are caught up at the moment by some dark normal flaws we are all afflicted with overcoming this problem which robbed her of her joy. She force that weighs heavily on your heart, don't despair and one way or another. resolved to think back about some of the moments of inner don't give up trying. Turn to the prayer of thanksgiving. satisfaction she experienced during the day; moments of joy Thank the Lord for the very feelings which weight you down. provided by her family and friends. "Every day has moments Every cross has a purpose, and brings a hidden blessing. Their special friend simply hasn't The secret of joy is found in a grateful heart. crossed their path yet. For a free copy of the Christopher New Notes, "In Search Terry is one of these people. In a of Greater Joy," send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to way he has grown up slowly. At 14 he The Christophers, 12 East 48th St., New York, NY 10017. was interested mainly in sports, rather than dating. School work and family activities also kept him busy. So did his BYFR. social life, which included parties. But JOHNCATOIR there was no steady dating.

MUCH CAN be said in favor of growing up slowly, as Terry has. Your life expectancy is now somewhere in of pure joy," she reminded herself, "even on the dullest and the 70s. Lots of time still remains for saddest day." you to have a rich, full life, without any rushing. Her advice is worth pondering. When we allow ourselves to Your teen years should be a time for appreciate the joy that does come our way each day, we slowly exploring the wonderful world bergin to relax. When we learn to treasure these joys and take you live in, for learning about the pleasure in them, we are counting our blessings. Some many good things life offers. blessings are so subtle we miss them unless we deliverately Try to have a variety of activities and think about them-little things like the memory of a special acquaintances. This variety will help smile, or a beautiful flower in full bloom, or a welcome letter you grow into a better, more in- from a friend. Many things that lift the spirit can be savored teresting person, one who will be much for days and weeks; the list is limitless. more self-assured when that special friend of the opposite sex finally Counting your blessings is an art which requires a crosses your path. deliberate decision-a decision to... So... not to worry. There's not "something wrong with you" simply Think of the love you've received, not the hate. because you've never had that special Think of the smiles you've seen, not the frowns. friend. Give it time. "Someday he'll Think of the praise you've been given, not the hurts. come along...." Think of the healing that's taking place, not the wounds. Think of the good you've done, not the bad. (Send comments and questions to Think of the prayers you've offered, not the distractions. * I THINK WE CAN EXPECT QUITS A Tom Lennon, 1312 Mass. Ave. N.W., Think of God's forgiveness, not your guilt. LIVELY SERMON TOPAY." Washington, D.C. 20005.) Think of the laughter, not the tears. (NC News Service) PAGE 14-Friday, October 21, 1983-THE VOICE Finding God in 'Real People' Have you ever considered the theological significance of "Real People"? Has the deep religious message of "That's Incredible" come through to you? Does "Believe it or Not" rank as one of your sources of understanding God?

DO YOU TUNE in to "PM Magazine" to have a spiritual lift? By now, I assume you are dialing the local Mental Health Association with one hand while looking up my address with the other. "Get this man off the street" may be your initial response to my remarks. But pause a moment and think along with me. I don't spend a lot of time with any of the shows I named above. In fact, in some ways, they are programs which I could easily be critical of. Take "Real People," as an example. It tends toward sleeze with segments on CHILLY REUNION - Kevin Kline left, and Jeff Goldblum console Meg Tilly during the funeral for an old college male strippers, belly dancers, women friend who committed«suicide in Columbia Pictures, "The Big Chill." (NC photo) in bikinis and other forays into the Land of Near-Nudity. characters of fantasyland who rome young; keep alive at all costs; and That people try to walk backwards the drama and comedy series. These , AND "BELIEVE It or Not," hosted dread death." God says, "It is in dying across the nation, spend weeks tap- shows are challenges to our beliefs, by the man you would most like to that you live; life is eternal; death is dancing on top of flagpoles, collect that is, to our preconceptions. They tell wear garlic around (Jack Palance), has conquered." bottle caps or find joy in teaching us that what we thought is a title which betrays its lack of interest handicapped children is a celebration probably not so. And that's the work WHAT'S THAT got to do with in historical facts. They just spin the and proof of God's goodness and the of poetry at least, if not theology. tales; it's up the audience to "believe it John Davidson or Jack Palance or variety of His handiwork. Sarah Purcell? I don't suppose any of or not." r That's like having a THE HUMAN SOUL is a special newspaper named "Maybe the Truth." Isn't the Bible full of "that's them is a theologian, but, when they creation. It comes in so many shapes celebrate human uniqueness, they are So why am I suggesting that there incredible" events involving real and sizes that it has managed never to doing God's work. are significant—even people who chose to believe? Weren't be duplicated in several million years theological—values to be found in the last first and the first last? Didn't of reproduction. Sometimes, it comes these series (which are grouped under the rich suffer while the poor were Discard all the hokum on "Real out wanting to soar motorcycles across the genre of "reality programming")? exalted? Won't the meek inherit the People." . Forget all the skin on canyons or trying to out-jitterbug Because they frequently deliver what earth? Aren't we to turn our cheeks? "That's Incredible." Drop all the everyone else or devoting hours to they promise: unusual stories of recipes on "PM." Dismiss all the building sand castles or-well, I don't human individuality and uniqueness. All of those are challenges to our speculation on "Believe It or Not." believe I should start listing them. Much of TV is devoted to proving preconceptions and to our tendencies Instead, concentrate on the stories of Try watching those shows with these that people are the same. All the toward self. The world says, "Look eccentrics, of people who do it their thoughts in mind. They take joy in the handsome leading men look alike; all out for number one." God says, "Die way, even of animals and plants that goodness of people and that's a form the starlets have the same bust to yourself." The world says, "Stay don't do what we expect them to do. of prayer. measurement; all the families in the commercials live in identical white homes; all the jokes get the same intensity of laughter from the machine. / a muddled film It's all cookie-cut, pre-fab, follow-the- dots, paint-by-the-'numbers. The BRAINSTORM A-III, PG. role after 12 years. The plot is essen- ly than does Roger Moore, there is no national anthem of television begins, Some altruistic scientists invent a tially a remake of "Thunderball," with way to dismiss as innocuous the "Fit in." device to enable one person to ex- an aging 007, shunted aside by a new violence and the hyperactive pro- perience another's thoughts and sensa- chief, being called upon to retrive two miscuity that are so much a part of the ON THE OTHER hand, some tions, and some nasty military types, a nuclear warheads stolen by a charming Bond mystique. segment of the reality programs reveal portrayal in keeping with the current and sinister villain, played by Klaus the vast diversity of humanity in Hollywood fad, try to take it over for THE RIGHT STUFF A-III, PG cap- appearance, intelligence, ideals, hopes, their own purposes. A thoroughly tures an authentic American legend of goals, dreams, ambition, achievement muddled film with one brief graphic gallant endeavor in a style that's at and thought. , * sexual sequence. CAPSULE REVIEWS once respectful yet exuberant and The titles give us a clue. These shows NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN O, PG which never once mistakes warts for are about real people, not the fictional Sean Connery returns to the Bond substance. It's a lavishly entertaining Maria Brandauer, who received such and most inspiring film. -

St. Rita's parish, which held its first out to families who are expecting mass in 1979, is looking forward to children, inviting the parents to enroll moving into its new church and parish in RCIA classes. center located in Wellington and is cur- There is a men's club, a women's rently extending its "time, talents, and club, a youth group, and a "Forever financial help to all in our area, not Young Club". just our immediate parish families", "The spiritual life of our people is, says pastor Fr. Walter Dockerill. of course, of the greatest importance", The parish now serves over 1,000 says Fr. Docker-ill, "We have a very families in the Western communities of active Cursillo group and Marriage En- Wellington, Royal Palm Beach, and counter 'love circles' keep many of our Loxahatchee. couples busy." The new church and parish center St. Rita's new church and parish center.. Calling themselves a "friendly located near the rectory at 1393? parish" the church is busy greeting hew Ishnala Circle is scheduled to be parishioners and especially reaching dedicated Dec. 17th. Biscayne College to open law school in Sept. '84 Biscayne College recently held by newly appointed dean, David R. school for the latter part of the century space for 16 faculty offices and capaci- ground breaking ceremonies last week Lowry, most recently a visiting pro- and for the 21th century, using modern ty for well over 100,000 books. for their new law school scheduled to fessor at Harvard Law School. aids and techniques" Lowry said. "We Given the international character of open in September, 1984, which will be "If law is to be taught properly, it is are seeking to build a small, select South Florida, the law school will have named the Morley of Miami. impossible to separate the teaching school that caters to the needs of in- a clearly i dentifiable tract of courses Morley, a Trustee of the college, is a values and ethics from the teaching of dividuals." in international trade, commerce, prominent developer on Brickell the technical points of law," Lowry The Morley Law Center will have banking and admiralty law. Avenue in Miami. He served as special said. "We will be Catholic in that we ambassador to Brazil and Venezuela will stress values as an integral element during the Nixon administration. of law education." Canon law workshops scheduled "It is a unique honor for us to name . Currently, Dean Lowry is involved A series of workshops in prepara- our law center after Mr. Morley," said with a second year of planning and Session II for priests will cover The Fr. Patrick O'Neill, president of the preparations for obtaining accredita- tion for the reception of the Revised Code of Canon law will be held at rights and obligations of priests in college.' tion by the American Bar Association. general and the rights of pastors in par- The law school will be administered "I am looking forward to planning a various locations throughout the Ar- chdiocese of Miami during the months ticular. of November, 1983 and February, The laity will listen to talks on the 1984. These workshops will be held rights and obligations regarding the Eucharistic training days during the hurs of 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. sacraments. Session II will be held the each day for the priests and then will be . day following Session I at the same Heart, Lake Worth. Both evenings will opened to the laity on the same days locations. EUCHARISTIC MINISTER be from 7 to 10 P.M. There is no fee TRAINING DAYS: October 29, St. from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Please Session HI for priests will be on the for these evenings, but please call and register with Paulette D'Angelo in topic of sacraments other than mar- Elizabeth Seton, Golden Gate, Naples; let us know how many will come from November 12, Our Lady Queen of Tribunal at least a week prior to the riage. For the laity the workshops will your parish. * (See phone information dates you except to attend. concern an outline of the institutes of Martyrs, Ft. Lauderdale. Both training below). days are on Saturdays from 10 A.M. to Session I for priests will cover an in- consecrated life and societies of 3 P.M. LECTOR'S WORKSHOP (for new troduction and general overview and apostolic life and the relation of the Please send to the * Office of Wor- lectors and/or those already function- the canons regarding marriage. It will religious to the diocese. - ship and Spiritual Life a Let ter of ing): Saturday, November 19, St. be held on Nov. 7th at St. John Vian- The workshops will be held on Feb. recommendation signed by the pastor Luke, Lake Worth, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. ney Seminary in Dade County, at St. 16th at St. John Vianney Seminary, $4.00 registration fee per person (in- Reservation and $4.00-per-person fee Clement's Church in Broward on Nov. Feb. 13 at St. Clement's church, Feb. cludes lunch) and specify which train- should be sent to the • Office of Wor- 10th, at St. Edward's Church in Palm 20th at St. Edwards church and Feb. ing day is being attended. ship and Spiritual Life no later that Beach on Nov. 14th and at St. Ann's 23rd at San Marco church. Wednesday, November 16. Church in Naples on Nov. 17th. The A day later at the above locations EVENINGS OF REFLECTION FOR * Address * Telephone: Office of laity workshops will be an introduction Session IV will be held for priests on EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (those Worship and Spiritual Life.P.O. Box and general overview of the role of the the subjects of church finances, con- already functioning): Tuesday, Oc- 382000, Miami, FL 33238-2000. For law in the church and in particular the sultative bodies, parish and diocesan tober 25, Immaculate Conception, further information on any of the 1983 revised code. Other topics will be relationship, role of laity as outlined in Hialeah; Tuesday, November 8; Sacred above programs please call 7S7-6241. the Rights and duties of all Christians the church. The laity will have and an Outline of Schema, "People of workshops on the role of consultative God." bodies in relation to the parish.

Meetings Miami Ave., will hold a Night of Prayer and hold their 21st Annual Charity Dinner Dance on to Disney World, Nov. 5. The cost is $35 and The Greater Hollywood Catholic Widows-ers Praise, Oct. 25 starting at 7:30 p.m. For further Oct. 29 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 270 includes the admission to either Epcot or the Club will hold its monthly meeting social, Nov. information call Therese Bender 653-4078. Catalonia Ave., Coral Gables. The ticket Magic Kingdom. The deadline for reservations is 4, at 7:30 p.m. at Nativity Parish Hall, 700 Childen's Crusade for Prayer will hold a donation is $10 per person. For tickets and Oct. 30. For reservations or further information Chaminade Drive, Hollywood. For further prayer program Oct. 29, at the San Isidro further information call 264-6848 or 661-9008. call Sandy 752-9433 or Dolores 721-2567. information call 981-2508 or 431-8275 after 8 Catholic Mission, 2310 Hammondville Road, p.m. Pompano Beach, Fl., beginning at 8 p.m. Also Biscayne College, Political Action Club, 16400 Church of St. Hugh, 3455 Royal Road, on Nov. 5, the Children's Crusade for Prayer N.W. 32nd Ave., will sponsor a Political Forum Coconut Grove, will hold an Octoberfest, Oct. The North Dade Catholic Widows-ers Club entitled, "Community Police Relations" on Oct. 28, at 8 p.m. The tickets are $15 per couple or will hold its first monthly meeting Oct. 28 at 7:30 and its directors will hold a meeting at St. Gregory's Catholic Church, 200 University . 21 at 11:30 a.m. in room four of the Student $10 per person. For tickets and further p.m. at Visitation Church social hall located at Center Building. For further information call information call 444-8363. 191st Street and North Miami Avenue. For Drive, Plantation, at 2:30 p.m. For further infor- mation call 771-4555. 625-6000. further information call 653-2849 or 653-2689. Church of Saint Maurice, 2851 Stirling Road, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church Youth Fort Lauderdale, will hold its annual country fair Separated / divorced Bazaars Organization, 15801 N.W. 67th Ave., will hold from Nov. 3rd through 6th. There will be rides, a widowed Blessed Sacrament Women's Club will hold their annual Great Pumpkin Sale from Oct. 26 Christmas booth, handmade booths, kid stuff, their Fall Rummage Sale in the Parish Hall, 1701 through 30. The hours are: Wednesday, 6:30 game booths and entertainment and food. The Church of St. Hugh, 3455 Royal Road, E. Oakland Park Blvd., Oct. 21 and 22 from ? p.m. to 8 p.m.; Thursday, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.; fair will be open from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Coconut Grove, will begin a six week "Sharing a.m. to 5 p.m. _._ - Friday, 3 p.m. to.8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 8 For further information call 961-7777. and Caring" program for the Renascence Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 2731 S.W. 11 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Group, Ministry for Separated and Divorced Catholic Daughters of Americas, Court Holy .Court, Fort Lauderdale, will hold their Fall The Respect Life Office, 18340 N.W. 12th Spirit No.l9i2 Pompano Beach, Fla. will hold a Men and Women, starting Oct. 28 from 8 p.m. Festival Oct. 21 through 23. Rides, rummage, Ave, will sponsor a Pro-Life workshop Nov. 12, to 9 p.m. For further information call 448-3845. Dessert Pokeno-Card Party on Saturday, arts and crafts. beginning at 10 a.m. For further information or October 29th, at St. Elizabeth's Gardens, 12 reservations call 653-2966. Noon, Donation $1.50 Refreshments served - Spiritual renewal Potpourri The Renaissance Support Group for Separated Proceeds for our Charity Fund. For information Visitation Church 191st Street and North The Daughters of Isabella, Circle No.884, will and Divorced Catholics is sponsoring a bus trip contact 941.5546 Anyone may attend.


PAGE 16-Friday, October 21. 1983-THE VOICE Organ recital at cathedral Blood service workshop at Pastoral Center Matthew Bryant, Organist at St. Mary Cathedral, will be holding a free The Catholic Community Services in Pastoral Center, 9401 Biscayne Blvd. drives. The Workshop will focus on "The organ recital on Oct. 30th at 2:30 p.m. cooperation with the South Florida For further information regarding at the cathedral. The program will Blood Service, will hold a Blood Ser- Archdiocese's Role in the South he Workshop, call Emily England at Florida Blood Program" and on how include a range of selections from the vice Workshop on Oct. 26 beginning at 326-8888. Baroque era, late nineteenth century ,8:30 a.m. at the Archbishop of Miami to conduct more successful blood 1 South Florida Circulation for Leisure Reading VOICE CLASSIFIED ADS

SA NOVENA 13-lttLP WANTED 2-CREDCT WFORMATDN 5A NOVENA SA NOVENA Maintenance man needed for ~. 'I HAflnSjblVINtl i NEW CREDIT CARD! Nobody PRAYERTO general upkeep & repairs, in ELOERLY CARED FOR WITH NOVENA TO ST. JUDE LOVE ANO CONCERN refused! Alto Visa-Mastercard. THE HOLY SPIRIT Thanks to St. Jude for prayers small parish. Full time. Weekdays Oh, holy St. Jude, Apostle and mar- 754-4599 Call 805-687-6000 ext. C-1468 answered. Publication.promised. & some Saturdays & Sundays, call tyr, great in virtue & rich in Holy Spirit. You who make me see M.R. 9AM to 2:30 PM 9310600 2-DOG BROOMED everything and who show me the miracles, near kinsman of Jesus S3-REAL ESTATE-PALM BEACH COUNTY way to reach my ideal, You who Christ, faithful intercessor of all who THANKSGIVING invoke your special patronage in BEEUNE FASHMNS CHRISTIAN D0G-GR00MER give me the divine gift to forgive and PHILIP D. LEWIS, INC. HOME VISITS-ALL BREEDS NOVENA TO ST. JUDE time of need, to you I have recourse Needs women over 21 forget the wrong that is done to me, COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES CHRIS-559-8846 and You who are in all instances of Oh, holy St. Jude, Apostle and mar- from the depth of my heart, and Two evenings a week tyr, great in virtue and rich in humbly beg to whom God has given NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTY my life with me, I in this short NO INVESTMENT. CALL miracles, near kinsman of Jesus such great power to come to my , 31W. 20 St. Riviera Beach 4AHAU.8 FOR RENT prayer want to thank you for 989-2385 Christ, faithful intercessor of all who assistance. Help me in my present 844-0201 everything and confirm once more Also Fund Raising for invoke your special patronage in and urgent petition. In return, I pro- GABLES K OF C HALL FOR RENT that i never want to be separated CHURCH CLUBS time of need, to you I have recourse mise to make your name known and Weddings. Parties or Banquets from You, no matter how great from the depth of my heart, and 270 Catalonia Ave 448-9242 cause vou to be. invoked. material desires may be. I wish to humbly beg to whom God has given IMPOSITIONS WANTED be with You in eternal glory. Amen. such great power to come to my Say 3 Our Fathers. 3 Hail Marys and Glorias. SONS OF ITALY HALL FOR RENT Publication must be promised. St Jude, pray for STADLER Thank You for Your love towards assistance. Help me in my present Professional male cook would like 1815 NW North River Drive us and all who invoke your aid. AMEN. This -—ASSOCIATES, INC.— me and my loved ones. Person must and urgent petition. In return, I pro- novena has never been known to fail. I have had part-time job in Church rectory. Wedding Parties-Banquets. Kitchen REALTORS pray this prayer 3 consecutive days mise to make your name known and my request granted. Publication promised. H.P Good references. 652-8458 facilities available. RICHARD THORNTON without asking your wish. Then pro- cause you to be invoked. 681-8032 685-2720 7SCHOGLS t KSTRUCTONS Broker-Salesman mise to publish this dialogue as Say 3 Our Fathers. 3 Hail Marys, and Glorias. 20-HOUSEHOLD MODS FOR IALE Publication must be promised. St. JuOe. pray for 446-2292 Eves. 551-4320 soon as your favor has been us and all who invoke your aid. AMEN. This MSaONANESTO S-PERSONALS novena has never been known to fail. I have had MOVING. Sellng Uvlng, dining granted. p.B. SOUTH AMERICA my request granted. Publication promised & bedroom set. Louis XV. Other . The Mexican American Cultural PRAYERTO household furnishings. Call VITAMINS, MINERALS, BOOKS Veronica Scobie Center and the NCCB offer a 573-2286 or 893-6487 BREAD, NUTS, OILS, HONEY v THE HOLY SPIRIT Theological/Cultural Training SEEDS S HERB TEAS and Orientation Program. Write: Holy Spirit. You who make me see 21-SEWMG MACHNES MURRAY'S LAP, P.O. Box 28185, San Antonio, everything and who show me the PRAYERTO NEED HEALTH FOOD STORE THE HOLY SPIRIT Texas 78228; or call (toll tree out way to reach my ideal, You who Singer Touchmatic with electronic Corner N. Miami Ave^. & N.W. 75 St. Holy Spirit. You who make me see of Texas) 1-800-531-6222; Texas 759-2187 give me the divine gift to forgive and control. Regular $799. Balance due A everything and who show me the residents (512) 732-2156 forget the wrong that is done to me, $98.50. Singer Outlet 944-4813 and You who are in all instances of way to reach my ideal, You who give me the divine gift to forgive and FATHER MANNING my life with me, I in this short LEARN SPANISH JOB? forget the wrong that is done to me, 22-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TV CHANNEL 45 prayer want to thank you for Flexible hours. $6.00 an hour and You who are in all instances of SUNDAYS AT 9.00 PM everything and confirm once more 264-9034 TUESDAYS AT 2:30 PM that I never want to be separated my life with me, I in this short OVER 100 LOW RENTAL TOOLS from You, no matter how great prayer want to thank you for SMITTY S HARDWARE & PAINT CO. Here's lOAMUSEMENTS. PARIES ETC. 12320 NW 7 AVE. 681-4481 5A NOVENA material desires-may be. I wish to everything and confirm once more be with You in eternal glory. Amen. that I never want to be separated from You, no matter how great Thanks to St. Jude for prayers Thank You for Your love towards SPORT FISHING Where material desires may be. I wish to HELEN C" 23-MUSCAL MSTRUMENTS FOR SALE answered. Publication promised. me and my loved ones. Person must pray this prayer 3 consecutive days be with You in eternal glory. Amen. 947-4081 M.U. CAPT JOHN CALLAN without asking your wish. Then pro- Thank You for Your love towards PIANO FOR SALE to me and my loved ones. Person must Thanks to Holy Spirit, Our Lady mise to publish this dialogue as Wanted: Responsible party to pray this prayer 3 consecutive days & St. Jude for prayer answered. soon as your favor has been 12-CHLDCARE assume small monthly payments? granted. Mary Ann C. without asking your wish. Then pro- Get It O.R. on spinet/console piano. Can be mise to publish this dialogue ac Complete CML0 CARE CENTER seen locally. Write: (include phone soon as your favor has been, 24 Hrs. day, 365 days year. Day Thanks to St. Anthony for prayer Thanks to St. Jude & Blessed number) Credit Manager, P.O. granted, j.fc care, over-night & baby sitting. answered. Publication promised. Virgin for prayer ans. Publica- Bex 521, Beckemcyer, 1.62219 Brith to 12 yrs. Call 754-4599. L.F. tion promised. L.F.


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AND THAT is as good a prescription for stress as there is. Many sleepless nights helped remind me that the stress was there. At the same time, fortunately, some parents talked with me about their own sleepless nights and frustrations. Their stress came from trying to give their teen-agers a Christian formation in a most secular city. They too, were doing what they could, and felt thaf it wasn't enough. At least I wasn't alone. Like me, those parents had to relate the stresses of their lives to their faith. So together we decided to try to figure out how our faith addressed the pressures we faced. What did we come up with? To begin with, we found out that the way Stress seems to have a good grip on a Houston man as he waits for more than three hours people look on Stress today takes a particularly with his family to apply for assistance after recently losing many of their possessions to modern twist. Stress gets in the way of the com- Hurricane Alicia. (NC photo) fort that many people feel they are entitled to enjoy. Stress, as a psychological description, is a come to bring peace but the sword. with appropriate or is it a sign that we're doing new idea. But there was another side to this teaching. something wrong?" But living with stress is often mentioned in the Jesus told people not to worry unduly about cer- Gospels. In fact, if we translate what we mean tain things. He gave clear examples of the birds WE DECIDED that our stress was not out of by stress into the ideas of Jesus we find out that of the air cared for by God, and the flowers of line. Giving their children a Christian formation he used it as a key issue. the field clothed more gloriously than Solomon. was worth worrying about. Providing quality It seems Jesus saw that there are aspects of ministry was what I was there for as pastor. life that do not require our concern, while others We weren't looking for stressful lives, but if JESUS WARNED his followers that their warrant our serious concern, even if it means some measure of stress came as part of our lives would be difficult. They would experience living with some real stress. vocations we would be prepared to accept it. persecution, rejection, abandonment even In my parish, the parents and I looked at our And we would expect to find the strength to within their families. He said that he had not situations and asked: "Is this stress we're living handle it.

By Father John Castelot NC News Service As Jesus approached the climax of his career, he experienced a harrowing emotional struggle. We call it the Agony in the Garden. In the view of scholars, Mark apparently com- bined and edited two earlier interpretations of the event into the one we read in his Gospel. And Mark's editorial technique gives us a clue When Jesus agonized to his own special view of Jesus' agony. Mark indicates how he wants the event to be understood by sandwiching it between a predic- tion and a notice about the prediction's fulfill- ment. First the prediction: Jesus said to the disciples, "Your faith in me shall be shaken, for Scripture has it 'I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be dispersed.'" (Mark 14:27). Second the prediction's fulfillment: The PAGE 18-Friday, October 21, 1983-THE VOICE Taking control of stress

By Katharine Bird - H^s- NC News Service Not long ago a young friend con- tacted me unexpectedly. We had been out of touch for nearly two years. At first I thought he simply wanted to bring me up to date on what he was doing. He did that, all right. But he also told me about his mother's decision to end her painful marriage with divorce. His own anx- iety and pain were starkly apparent, weaving in and out of his comments about going abroad to study and go- ing to graduate school. I've known that young man for a long time, plenty long enough to read

'The sympathetic listener — a dear friend, a fellow parishioner or a professional counselor — can help the individual deal with stress in con- • structive ways,'

between the lines, to see that the final breaking up of his parents was severe- ly stressful for him. At a time when most students are eagerly planning their futures, his concern about his family was threatening to eclipse all his other concerns and interests. I realized that he needed someone to listen to him and that he had con- tacted me for whatever support I could give.

HE TALKED about how frighten- Stress can leave us feeling like we are coming apart. Much like a jumble of puzzle pieces, we don't feel whole, ed he felt, especially for his mother. we don't feel there is a pattern or reason for what is happening around us over which we have no control. . Attending college a thousand miles (NC photo) from home, he felt somewhat out of touch and unable to support his others can't "do it all" for someone explained. us to care for ourselves so we can mother adequately. else. In most cases, she continued, The counselor remarked that many give to others." She warns people Listening to my friend, I wondered "people want to carry their own persons raised in the Christian tradi- against becoming an empty shell, so how I could help. I was reminded too crosses" and they need encourage- tion are especially prone to "forget exhausted they have little to offer to that an unsettling event, like a ment in doing so. their own needs" in their eagerness to anyone. divorce, causes a ripple effect. In the Kearney said that handling stress is help someone they love cope with a She often advises people "to adopt end, an entire family can show the ef- a "balancing act." The danger is that problem. This can lead them to "ask self-nourishing ways." This includes fects of the stress. people under stress will focus so in- too much of themselves" in an effort "doing things for oneself without Somewhat later I talked about tently on what is happening in one to help, she added. That can become feeling selfish" on a regular basis. stress with Celeste Kearney, a Fair- area that they neglect legitimate goals an additional source of stress. and responsibilities in other areas, she Kearney believes that Christ "calls DURING TIMES of special stress, fax, Va., counselor in communica- it often helps too if people realize tions and stress management. that others are going ahead with the Kearney pointed out that people tasks of their own lives. This can need support when unpleasant Know Your have a freeing effect, Kearney thinks. "realities come crashing in." It takes In stressful situations, people considerable energy to ''face and ac- Faith sometimes begin to feel that they cept" altered family relationships, for have little control over events, that example. The support of someone "they have no choice" about the way "outside the situation is very their life is going, the counselor said. healthy," she observed. To counteract this terrible feeling The sympathetic listener—a dear people may need to be reminded that friend, a fellow parishioner or a pro- GOD they really "have a lot of choices." fessional counselor—can help the in- In counseling therefore, Kearney dividual deal with stress in construc- encourages people to exercise their tive ways. By talking things over, the ability to choose in little matters. person under stress may begin to see in the Making choices, no matter how things from a new perspective. unimportant they may seem, reminds people they have options. And that TROUBLED PERSONS want sym- can take away the "dehumanizing pathetic support from others, of feeling that others are controlling course. But Kearney cautioned that us," Kearney remarked. garden incident closes with the arrest of Jesus, and was actually eager to carry it out. "I have a strength to be faithful. We hear him say: "But now, so that the Scrip- baptism to receive. What anguish I feel til it is The little flock obviously has no strength of ture may be fulfilled..." Mark then adds: "With over!" (Luke 13:50) "My soul is troubled now, its own. Its members cannot even stay awake. that, all deserted him and fled." (14:50). yet what should I say—Father, save me from Eventually they run away. IT SEEMS that for Mark, the central concern this hour? But it was for this that I came to this Resolutely, then, Jesus accepts his Father's in Jesus' agony is the reaction and fate of "the hour." (John 12:27). will and goes calmly to meet his destiny. sheep," the disciples. What was the dreaded cup? According to one Like us, Jesus knew conflict and stress. He That helps us to understand something about interpretation, Mark's emphasis on the disciples' found the ultimate resolution in seeking and car- Jesus' prayer that would otherwise be an loss of faith and abandonment of Jesus points rying out God's will, whatever the apparent enigma. He prays: "Abba, you have the power to the answer. cost. His acceptance was not one of dumb to do all things. Take this cup away from me." JESUS FACED the prospect of losing what resignation but of courageous confidence, and it What cup? There-is a concern on the part of little he had to show for all his life's work, the brought him peace. Jesus here that is often overlooked. little band of sleepy disciples. He was in agony Psychologists have devised many effective Just suppose that he had been asking to be over this. ways of dealing with stress, and they have mi spared suffering and death and that his prayer Mark stresses Jesus' inner conflict by having to recommend them. But along with these had been answered. What would have happened him return three times to see if his little flock is methods should go the basic attitude of Jesus* to the redemption of humanity which, in God's still safe and with him. In the process Jesus the attitude iipommended by the psalmist: plan, depended precisely on Jesus' self-sacrifice? comes to realize that only by carrying out hi Cast yoi||eare upon the Lord and he wil He had acauiesced in this Dlan lone before. Father's will can he win fnr fhi« f\nc\c fhp Sunrtort 3

We have a few openings in the vineyard. Come labor with us. , ^ <'i~* The hours are long. s: The pay is low. AH we promise is the opportunity to help others and a quiet pride in your work. \A few people will even thank you. One will be eternally grateful Archdiocese of Miami Office of Vocations 2900 SW 87 Avenue Miami, FL 33165 (305) 552-5689 or (305) 223-4461

PAGE 20-Friday, October 21, 1983-THE VOICE The Voice VOCATIONS Supplement

'The priest is...disciple, apos- tle, overseer, elder, minister to the faithful, cu/tie of- ficer presiding over the Eucharistic Sacrifice...This is the glorious challenge of a call to the priesthood.'

By Fr. John Castelot The Catholic priesthood as we know it today is the result of a long and complex historical development. Like everything else in the Church, it has its roots in the New Testament, but only its roots. To look for the full tree would be illusory. The fact is that there are no Christian priests mentioned in the Gospels or the apostolic writings. In some translations we find references to priests and bishops, true; but this is misleading. The Greek words so rendered actually mean something quite different: they refer to elders (presbyteroi) and overseers (episkopi) in the early com- munities, groups of men who ad- ministered the affairs of the local churches. Furthermore, the two terms were used interchangeably to denote the same group, without any clear distinction between the two. What would later emerge as priests and bishops in all likelihood evolved from these groups, but in the New Testament we are only at the beginn- ing of the process.

TODAYtS priesthood is amazingly rich and diverse, including in itself many relationships and functions that role is certainly Paul, so much so that were originally quite distinct. he is known in Christian tradition as Perhaps the most basic is that of "The Apostle." discipleship. Jesus called and still In this capacity he considered calls all people to be His disciples; himself primarily a servant of Jesus this is the Christian vocation, and it Where did Christ, carrying put the mission en- is a challenge. trusted to him with extraordinary zeal But the Gospels present Him as and industry. First and foremost a ^calling a certain number to be with servant of Christ, he made himself "a "him in a very special way, and this servant of all in order to win many presents a special challenge. It is a priesthood over" (1 Cor 9:19) call to leave everything and follow Jesus, to be singlemindedly attached His was a complex, active ministry; to Him, with a dedication that puts he was constantly on the move, all other relationships, even the most traveling, forming communities, sacred, in a secondary position. come from? preaching, instructing, working at a trade to support himself, writing back is fit for the kingdom of God" Surely He must have known times when occasion demanded it, in and As He put it with typical Semitic (Lk9:26). of real joy, and so will His disciple, out of jail, suffering, praying, and brusqueness: "If anyone comes to me And if Jesus said: "A disciple is but the call to special discipleship is through it all rejoicing in the Good and does not hate his own father and not above his teacher" (Mt 10:24), addressed to men of courage. News which he carried "even to the mother and wife and children and then the call to special discipleship is Another New Testament role which ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). brothers and sisters, yes, and even his a challenge to be Christlike in every would one day be incorporated into own life, he cannot be my disciple" sense of the term. that of the priest was that of apostle. WE STILL have our missionary (Lk 14:26) (Obviously Jesus was not Apostleship adds a further dimension priests, patterned after the great abolishing the Fourth Command- IT IS NOT a call to join an elite, to that of discipleship. Apostle, but the priest as we know ment; "hate" means "love the less") to live a life of comfort and special The disciple is called to be with him today is not quite so mobile. His privilege. Jesus belonged to no elitist Christ in a particularly intimate way; New Testament antecedent would Furthermore, this call implies not group. He enjoyed no special the apostle is sent to bring Christ to have been the overseer-elder whom an on and off commitment, but a privilege. His was a life of hardship, others. permanent dedication: "No one who toil, rejection, suffering, persecution, In the New Testament the man who Continued on page 2A puts his hand to the plow, and looks and eventual torture and execution. is portrayed most dramatically in this THE VOICE Friday, October 21, 1983-Page 1A Priesthood

Where did it come from?

Continued from page 1A Christian life, but there is no evidence that the function was tied in with any we mentioned earlier. "order." These men stayed in one communi- ty, governing its affairs, solving its problems, teaching, keeping order. As Other early Christian writings sug- they are pictured in the later gest that it was the role of the Pastorals (1-2 Tim; Titus), they are charismatic "prophets," and these rather bourgeois: above reproach, same writings indicate that the temperate, sensible, dignified, privilege gradually passed to the hospitable, good teachers, gentle and overseer-elder group. not quarrelsome. They would have furnished the pattern for the later residential clergy. At any rate, by the beginning of the second century, lines of distinc- Strange as it may seem, the priest tionbecome more clearly drawn. We as a cultic minister, one who presides find one overseer (bishop) in charge over the Eucharist, was a long time in of a local church, assisted by a emerging. This is the role which presbyterate (priests) and deacons. comes most readily to jtaind when we Then with the growth of the Church think of a priest today. in numbers, the powers of the bishop were shared with his priests. At this Eucharistie sacrifice and point a clear image emerges. priesthood are correlative terms. And herein, it would seem, lies the answer. Apparently it took the early Church some time to interpret the Eucharist as a sacrifice. Until it did, it felt no The priest now incorporates in need for a "priesthood as such. himself all of those rich realities which we can discern in the Church It is practically impossible to learn of the New Testament. He is disciple, from the New Testament just who did apostle, overseer, elder, minister to preside at the Eucharist meal in the the faithful, cultic officer presiding first century. over the Eucharistie sacrifice — almost too much for one man to realize in his own person. But this is SOMEONETSURELY did, for the the glorious challenge of a call to the Eucharist was an intimate part of priesthood. ©ur 3Labp of Jflortba

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Page 2A-Friday, October 21, 1983-THE VOICE A sister Because happiness is meant to be shared

By Araceli Cantero Psalm 16 for the ceremony, and -local news Editor, la.Vpz repeated before God: "You are my Lord, there is no happiness outside of you." 7 want to be happy, She firmly believes it. to fill my life with a new light...' BORN in Matanzas, Cuba, Sister Cortes left her homeland at the age Thousands of young people have of 10, in 1970. Her family wasn't sung those words by now, part of the very religious, but in Miami she soon closing ceremony for the Youth En- joined the youth group of St. John counters in Miami. Apostle Parish, Hialeah.By the age For Chigui Cortes, the words were a of 14, she had made a Youth En- counter and become active in the movement. The closing song at each Encounter 'I asked myself what echoed in her heart as year by year her I could do. How could faith matured and she realized con- I be happy without sciously that God asked of her something more. keeping that hap- One day, a friend took her along to piness all to myself?' a Claretian convent here and when Sister Cortes left, she knew she had 4 found what she had been looking for. I challenge which ultimately decided her SHE SAYS she had always fought religious vocation. against the materialism so prevalent Claretian Sister Chiqui Cortes She remembers it this way: in Miami, and perhaps because of "Each time I heard that song, and this she found a valid alternative in work with young people Sister Cor- Lady Queen of Peace Mission in I saw so many young people looking the Claretians' lifestyle, their witness tes' call has demanded different ex- Delray Beach. for happiness, Tasked myself what I of simplicity, poverty, and fraternity. periences. could do. How could I be happy In the order, she also found con- She spent two years as a novice in She does not regret her decision. without keeping that happiness all to crete answers to her desire to Colombia, as well as two more stu- Answering a call to a religious myself?" evangelize, since the Claretians had dying and working, "experiences vocation, she says, is always a risk, been founded in Cuba to meet the which have enriched me tremendous- an adventure, but one in which "you Years later, Sister Cortes answered needs of the people. Here, Sister Cor- ly," she says. are never alone." Christians must that question with her life, when she tes says, the sisters are meeting the take that "leap of faith," she adds, made her first profession as a Clare- needs in new ways. THESE DAYS, she continues to "because the way is clearer once you tian, on Feb. 11, 1981. She chose Although she always wanted to study in Miami, while serving at Our begin walking along the road."

The Priesthood

is it for me?

If you have thought to follow Jesus and continue His mission as a Priest, and want to find some answers, we invite you to attend one of the following


1983: November 12-13

1984: February 11-12

April 7-8

WHERE: St. John Vianney College Seminary 2900 S.W. 87 Ave. Miami, FL33165

For Further information write or call VOCATIONS OFFICE 551-5689

THE VOICE-Friday, October 21, 1983-Page 3A 'Like salt' Lay vocation is to be presence of God in the world

By Araceli Cantero She enrolled, trained, and was Local News Editor, La Voz commissioned to serve her parish, St. Augustine in Coral Gables. Joy, happiness, simplicity of lifestyle, evangelizing service... and God in the midst of it all. HER SURPRISE came when she That's how Toni Miranda describes discovered others in her parish who her life. shared her concerns, and who also She says, she wants to be like salt, reflected a common purpose. " which gives flavor without being Miranda found in them "a lifestyle noticed. She wants to live like the rest that reflected my own desires and of the world, without external distinc- moved me to learn more." tions. She found out that these people, while supporting themselves with EARLY each day, she takes her fulltime careers, also took active part small car and joins the river of traffic in the work of the Archdiocese. They which fills Miami's streets. By the regularly gathered in their homes to time her third-graders reach the celebrate the faith and nourish their public school, she is waiting in the common vocation. portable classroom to teach them. She loves her work and would not She found out they were associated change it for the world. Through it, with the Teresian Institute, "a group she fulfills her vocation. It is in the of lay people committed to depths of her being, however, that evangelization through education and Miranda lives something moire. culture and founded in Spain at the beginning of this century." She says God entered her life at the age of 15, but didn't reveal exactly how she should live out her call. In Miranda wondered why they had Miami since 1961, she joined the chosen their name, and they respond- Toni Miranda Young Catholic Students, active at ed that St. Teresa of Avila provided the beginning of the Cuban exile them with a singular style of witness: here, and later joined a Marian "a life at once fully human and full She still wonders if "there are public school every morning, but now Sodality. of God." others out there like me, who feel a she is aware that she is not living her similar call and don't know there is spiritual vocation alone. Although she knew the life of a such a vocation in the Church, with religious, was not for her, Miranda the possibility of total commitment to wondered if there were other ways of Miranda was convinced, but also God as a lay person." living a firm commitment. Once amazed that despite more than 20 She shares it with others, scattered finished with her studies and years of service in the Archdiocese, throughout the Archdiocese and the dedicated to a fulltime job, she found thje group remained practically world, who also want to be salt and out about the Archdiocese of Miami's unknown to the vast majority of Miranda's life has continued its Good News, living "like the first Lay Ministry Program. Catholics. course. She still drives to work in the Christians, 'as leaven in the dough.'"


of St. Augustine, Florida

strive for the "more" The Daughters of St. Paul in a spirit of gentleness andioy imitate Mary in giving Jesus to the world. We invite you to join us in

As a Daughter of St. Paul, blending contem- serving the plation with the active apostolate, you can attain personal holiness and relieve the urgent spiritual needs of mankind. Church here in Florida. The Daughters of S£. Paul dedicate their lives to the glory of God and the salvation of people of all races and creeds, by bringing them the Word of God with the communication media—press, films, radio, TV—and through personal contact. Reach the people of today with the means of today! Imitate Mary, Queen of Apostles, ifl giving Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life to our world, FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: which is thirsting for God's love, mercy and peace. Sister Marlene Payette SSJ

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THE VOICE-Friday, October 21. 1983-Page 5A Questions, answers about.

What is a diocesan priest? To be a priest is a decision to become Christ, to carry on his mission of A diocesan priest can best be love and salvation; to continue the work he entrusted to his apostles: to described as serving the Church in a gather and build the Christian community.' given locality by permanently dedicating his life to work in a defin- ed geographic area called a Diocese. He ordinarily serves the People of God as a parish priest, but also may surance, clothes, etc. His ministry blems, parent-teenager problems, background, and when he starts his serve in a variety of other capacities would ordinarily be confined to the drug problems or just life in general). preparation. such as campus minister, teacher, diocese for which he is ordained. He is the leader of youth groups. He is involved in campus ministry. chaplain for hospitals, military, or He must have four years of high prisons, and in other specialized What does a priest of the Ar- He exercises the ministry of leading all men to God the Father, taking school, four years of college and four ministries. chdiocese of Miami do? years of graduate study (Theology). A priest of the Archdiocese of care of those in jail as prison chaplain. Then, he must be called by the Miami would expect to minister The ministry of a diocesan priest of bishop. somewhere within the southern eight the Archdiocese of Miami will always counties of Florida. depend somewhat upon his particular He staffs Catholic schools and is Where does the seminarian interests and skills. He will spend involved in teaching. go to college? What is the difference bet- much of his time in preparation for He cares for and ministers to the ween a religious priest and a and in the celebration of: agricultural workers and their families diocesan priest? in the rural areas of the Archdiocese. The seminarian studying for the —the ministry of the Word He is always available to people Archdiocese of Miami attends St. when they have special needs. John Vianney College Seminary. If he A religious priest (or priest member —the ministry of Worship and of sanctification, through the Eucharistic And like anyone else, a priest must is a college graduate, then he would of a religious order or society) takes also find time for rest and relaxa- attend St. Vincent de Paul Major vows of poverty, celibacy, and obe- sacrifice and the sacraments —the function of Christ as tion—time when he can do whatever ; Seminary in Boynton Beach, Fl, for dience. He normally lives with a he enjoys: sports, hobbies, music, etc. graduate studies in Theology. number of other priests or brothers Shepherd and Head, gathering of his own religious community. together God's family as a His service to the Church is not brotherhood. The diocesan priests of the Ar- restricted to a particular diocese. He chdiocese of Miami "labor in word can expect to be sent anywhere in the Each day some time is set aside for and doctrine, believing what they May a student transfer into world where his community is work- private prayer. have read and meditated upon the the seminary from another ing. Part of his ministry is visiting the law of God, teaching what they have college? sick, the elderly, and people in their believed, and putting into practice in A diocesan priest makes a commit- homes. their own lives what they have Yes. A student can transfer into the ment to celibacy and a promise of He works closely with and acts as taught." (Constitution of the Church seminary after one or two years at obedience to his bishop. He does not, advisor to the various lay organiza- No.28). another college. If he chooses to leave however, take a vow of poverty. In- tions. the seminary the student may transfer stead he is paid a salary from which He is frequently involved in in- Who qualifies? his credits to any other college to he must pay for his own car, gas, in- dividual counselling (marriage pro- This depends on the individual, his continue his education outside the

**************************************4 PIARISTS RELIGIOUS PRIESTS & BROTHERS St. Francis Hospital MINISTERS TO YOUTH 250 West 63rd Street Miami Beach, Florida 33141 Phone (305) 868-5000 -W ^

Ministering to the needs of the South Florida the Piarists ore a Catholic Order of priests and Community brothers who dedicate their lives to educate the young. They work in schools, and related ministries. for over 50 years.

For more information, write:

Vocation Director The Piarists A Community Hospital 363 Valley Forge Road operated by Devon, Pennsylvania 19333 The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, N. Y.

<********************4 Page 6A-Friday, October 21, 1983-THE VOICE **************************< . .the diocesan priesthood

seminary. discussions about the diocesan priesthood have proven to be most Are there other programs helpful to all who attend. available for a young man considering the possibility of What is the next step if I am priesthood? interested in priesthood?

There is a schedule of Weekends of Write to the Vocation Office, St. Recollection at St. John Vianney Col- John Vianney College Seminary, 2900 lege Seminary which is intended to S.W. 87th Avenue, Miami, Fl. 33165, offer young men in junior or senior or call 223-4561. year of high school, as well as those students attending local community colleges or universities, the opportuni- Adapted with permission of the Ar- ty to spend a weekend at the chdiocese of Cincinnati, Vocations Seminary. Conferences, liturgy, group Office.

Prayer for vocations Creator God, Life is your gift to me, Through Baptism, you invite me to share the gift of my life in service to others. Be with me as I choose each day to show Your presence in our world. Give me the courage and generosity to respond to Your love, to Your call. I pray especially for those who serve you as priests, brothers, sisters, deacons and lay ministers. Keep them close to you. Open the minds and hearts of many other men and women that they may accept Your challenge to build the Kingdom.


what do you Slsteti want me to do? SO//

Gut mliilon h cents ted on heeling.., eating fiot the whole parson. DISCUSSION-CONFERENCES for Tot /note young women in Senior High School or contacts Siitet Matte JZucl/U College, who are looking for answers. IOSO //.£. f2tfh St. Miami, Tla, 33/6/ Archdiocessan Vocations Office St. John Vianney College Seminary 2900 S.W. 87 Ave. Miami, Fl 33165 (food 4jelp to tkoie In need (305)552-5689 Scheduled dates: October 29 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. December 17 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

THE VOICE Friday, October 21, 1983-Page 7A A wife, kids and the Church Finding fulfillment as a permanent deacon

By Araceli Cantero of 1982,Guerra now feels totally world could be dying and I didn't Local News Editor, La Voz fulfilled as a married man, father, care. I was sad, depressed and think- Although he dresses like a priest, husband and in addition, servant of ing I needed to see a psychiatrist." Pepe Guerra is a family man, married the people of God in South Florida, Until one day, when a woman at and the father of three. But Guerra is to whom he can administer the work spoke to Guerra about Cursillo also a permanent deacon, and his sacraments and guide spiritually. program and he decided to attend vocation is the result of a singular en- one. counter. Normally, that requires a recom- THE PERMANENT diaconate ex- mendation from someone who has While strolling casually around the isted in the early Catholic Church and gardens of Miami's St. JohnVianney already experienced a Cursillo, but was restored in this century after the "they must have seen in what bad College Seminary one day, Guerra . noticed a priest sitting on the grass, shape I was, because they let me in Permanent deacons receive special without one" Guerra says. enjoying the fresh air as he hungrily training for three years before com- bit into an apple. It was 1965, and the days he spent mitting themselves to service in the in Cursillo changed his life. community. They can preach, bap- "I discovered the love of Christ and Guerra didn't recognize the priest, tize, distribute Holy Communion and so he went to introduce himself, and began working for him," Guerra serve as the Catholic Church's says. He has not stopped since. before long became enmeshed in witnesses in marriages. sharing with this former stranger his At the end of the preparation - anxieties and desires to serve more ful- period, the deacons receive a Sacred FOR MORE than 10 years, Guerra ly in the Archdiocese of Miami. Order from the bishop and become served out his commitment to That priest was then Coadjutor Ar- part of the clergy. evangelization through his work with chbishop Edward A. McCarthy, who Guerra says his vocation has been a the Cursillo movement and in his had recently arrived in the Ar- gift from God. Although he was parish. But God continued nudging chdiocese and who would succeed the educated in Catholic schools in Cuba, him. late Achbishop Coleman F. Carroll. religion was never a vital part of his In 1977, the Archdiocese of Miami Pepe Guerra life. initiated its Permanent Diaconate I'LL NEVER forget that en- He studied it as one more academic Program. Guerra harbored doubts training ahead. counter," Guerra said five years subject and received the sacraments about ceasing to be part of the laity. But the fire that burned within later."He was the one who suggested because everyone else was doing it. "I The permanent diaconate was a dif- made the time fly by. May 15,1982 I seriously consider the permanent got married in the Church because it ferent vocation. was the happy day when Guerra diaconate and helped remove my was elegant to do so," he says. All who counseled him said the became a permanent deacon. doubts." answer would have to come from Since then, Pepe Guerra has con- listening to the call of God BUT IN 1961, Guerra and his tinued to make others happy with his Guerra says he had previously con- within himself. Guerra listened, and commitment to service and charity. family left Cuba and came to this he decided to go forward. sidered such a vocation, but lack of country. He considered his suffering knowledge of the program led him to He had the full support of his wife Those interested in the Permanent Diaconate during that time a preparation for his and family, as well as that of his believe permanent deacons were evenual closeness to God. Program can contact Father Juan Sosa, 9401 nothing more than grown-up altar small "base community." He also Biscayne Boulevard, Miami Shores, FL. 33138. "Exile, for me, was a traumatic ex- had three long years of study and The telephone number is 757-6241. boys. perience. I found no meaning in my He no longer holds that opinion. life. I lived only to support my fami- Ordained for the Archdiocese in May ly, work and sleep. The rest of the mhepurney toalife Friars ofservicebegins with one step

I'd like information on Canted: Sister Fat McCabe, C.&.

Sister Gertrude Anne Otis, CSC 11300 N.E. 2nd Ave. Miami, Florida 33161 (305) 758-3392

CLERGY APPAREL To Give & Supply Inc. Forth Love 7 South Andrews Avenue Downtown Fort Lauderdale The Josephite Mission. 764-6645 "If you have a heart big enough, and a desirg to serve God and his people, you are invited to consider becoming a member of the Society of St. Joseph. RELIGIOUS JEWELRY, ROSARIES, MEDALS & Give yourself the opportunity to love and share God's love with Black MEMORIALS America."

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