Picial- the JMEHAL4 CORK War To

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Picial- the JMEHAL4 CORK War To Tax Collector Bamwal Nalaea ^ t h s raport «C tba baa anaounead that aexM TO tMP ____ **»w DaiaaaBtls Town St ths yldiWTXgps saS Itaaw lsl 40 Himri 6 2 ? 0 About Town Uana placed atalaat loeal propaitp OoBtaaitUo, John F. Uiastlck, tfla bospHad, New Uxidon. to Mr. ______ win ha esisbate d ------------ iia a h w af Ma Atoflt to r ddUupiency la tax payateau party Imitto IM-W as a balanco mt- and Mr*. Itojr W. Oooda|e of Ww> James's awialnc at 8:$0, «:40 aad T:4B. tmv At St. Bareaa ef CIrealatloas were reaioved last week when tax ter spending I29J0 In the courno terford. Mrs. Ooodnlo wax to r- ‘Hia devooena wU ekiss wttb a HALE'S SELF SERVE ManchcMter-^.A City of Village Charm U t . Wd u n . Itebut K. Doncan marly Mias Dorothy . Lyttls, bllla were met. About $10,000 wan of the town election campaign Just procession at 7:80 toa o m w night Tho Origiiial I r N ow EngfauHl! «C I I Nawnma atreet haya raturn- roilectod on peat duo accounta. paaaod. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Josapb ad flaai a aaeatton trip to Canada Lorttio of Bldrldgo streoL Forty Hours dsvotlana epaned to (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREB S t Jaasa'B church yesterday at (Claarifled AerertMag o « Page !• ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TltESDAY, OCTOBER 24. 19.39 aad m t Um ib Naw England. VOL. LIX m n o . 20 Mr. and Mra. R. B. Houae o f Bmn L. O. Hohontbal and Leator Mrs. Bolls Stono of PittsSsId, the close "Of the 11 o’clock maae Hohenthal df this town wore with a prooeaotoo of the hoot. Out AND >IEALTH MARKET W m VMaeaa O. Wandjrcb of Eaat Center atreet w#re recent' Moss., Is the guest of her oouafa, arrivals at the Hotel Commodore, among those wbo attended the Mrs. Tbemha J. Lewie of East of town prieets are aasIsUng the m Woodlaiid atreet ia a vlaltor local priests In tha hearing of coo- New York City. Yale-Army game at New Haven Middle Turnpike. They plan to at­ Babies Asphyxiated by Steam in Hosiutal • t tha N9ar York Worid’a Fair. Saturday. feaaloo. Dance TUESDAY SPECIALS tend tko annual luncheon meeting of the Society of MsySower Do- y^Rev. John MUoa praaebed the Given By Private Duty War to Bitter End,’ sermon at tha t:80 mass yeater- Solons Alter Law Although the apple crop In this sewdanU, Wednesday . at tha Nurses Awociatkrii. Double Green 8<it ^ p o GivenGive With Cash Salee section has been curtailed duo to Hartford club. AT PINEHITRST TUESDAY All Day'T^nesda:Y- hurricane damage, other parts of Manchester th » state leas hard hit have had a Brownie Pack No. 4, Mloa Edith Cooler daya eaneot illuuik Hoop Bonea . Stewtn* Veal So Ships May Go good crop. Russets, however, pre­ McOomb, captain, win meet at the RUEL O IL Country Qub, ~ Hale’s QnaUty MUk Von Ribbentrop Says . Freak Oyatoro. _________ ferred by many In the fall, have South Methodist churdi tomorrow 24-IIoar Sarriee! become extremely scarce. Cider afternoon at S:S0. The following Friday, Oct. 27 PInehnnt Freeh week the meeting 'WiU be held on BREAD Jooves 9c Oatveo' Uror making has been at Ita height for L. T. WOODCO. the past few weeks.* Thursday afternoon at tha Bencflt of the HospiUL To Banned Zones Veal Cbope OYSTERS, pint 33c hour. Phoiw 4496 Halers QeaRty Veal rntlet* Larxe Link The Youth's Temperance Coun­ In Speech at Danzij cils of Connecticut are going to Senate Anieiids NculraK.J |»ay Debt for GroceriM S' \jr” ‘ ’" Banip Voal Roaot Creamery Butter 2\ h 59c After 40 Years’ Time SAUSAGE lb.27c hold a .Camp Reunion on October ity Bill to Lift Drastic J Soper Cube '^(eok* For Veal Loaf . 3S at tha Broadview Community church In Hartford. Supper will be It’s not too early Tan Com — ^ Restrictions Except in ^ Hoqulam, Wash., Oct. 24.— Fire In Ritnement May ' Germany Determined; 7 T ^ Brolirre Ground Vepllb. 39c served at 6:80. There will be a (JP)—It took 40 years, but the Ffeiieh Beat Kum for Several Weeks ; Coniluct Confftet Ul Gold Medal Oratorical Conteat. Pink Salmon c. t^c Danger Areas in North Bdward Smiths finally got that Buy a baoket of appiro while the price le lyiv! The Speaker of the evening will be Atlantic; Also Strips $25 grocery debt paid to E. L. Quincy, Mass., Oct. 24.—(IP) | I Security of Reidi Selerted, O«>od Wie Rev. James Phillips of Waterbury. for Snowsuits! Aldrich. Back Three \ —Mrs. Cora A. Bennett bee got , I s|ired for All Qaeaa U gk t Meat Credit Clause from Law The Smiths left Alexandria, a fire In her basement which | Mo., In 1899 Owing Aldrich's firemen are afraid they can't I I CJiaracteriBe* MclNTOSH APPLES Washington. Oct. 24—(fl^—'Die store. They promised to pay Nazi Patrols T unaf ish 2 Cane 2 5 c put out. I “THE ENJOYMENT Senate quickly amended the *d- when able. Two years later She called the firelighters! A* ^Completely Children’s Snowsuits they were ready but couldn’t basket 69c, 8Qt. basket 35c mlnUtratlon neutraUty bill today last night because she couldn't { less But Hold' Bi OF MDSIC’ TTiree-plece anowaulta with Imed anowpanta find AldrTch, wfio had moved. Assault* on German Vil­ understand what caused ell the i ,.. basket SOe to lift drastic reatrtcUons from Not until a week ago did Extra larae Baklnf Mrinineh Apples...... Preaented by, with stppir bottoma and suspen ter tops. The Spry 1 Lb Can 1 9 c American shipping except In the smoke to come up through tbe I Innisted Upon W l Baldwins or Oreentng Cooking Apples .. .. .. basket TSc they locate him, In Keokuk, la. lage Helfl by French cellar floor. Firemen chopped HARVEY L. WOODRUFF jackets have the tipper closing or double-breasted danger rones of the North Atlan­ He sent them a receipt, "paid In 6 Lectiirea tic. OutpoHt* ill Wamilt out sofpo cement and found a Danzig, Germany, Oct, button fronts with either hoods or caps. Colors in full” and said they had been peat bog smouldering there. With Vice President Gamer more worried over the debt —Adolf Hltlyr’s foreign Snow White Green Beans Beginning Octobe# 26. are n.ovy, brown, teal or maroon. Sixes 3 to 6 gavellng amendments through Forest Are Re|iiilse(L They tlouscit It with water Baker's Cocoa '/, Lb. 9c he. told the world tonlflbt Cauliflower, each. 10c Brussels Sprouts 4 P..M. Center Church yearn. hurriedly, the chamber also ac­ but said they feared It might Becker's Spinach e cepted a proposal by Senator Pitt­ Parts, Oct 24.—(P>—French mil- ] continue to burn for several many how waa det Teltow Globe Ausploea of Oroop S, man (D., Nev.) to strip from the weeks. duct the war oga Turnips, 3 lbs ... Califomis Carrots Itary commentators reported today 10c 2 bunches 15c CENTER CHURCH WOMEN Wheaties or Kix 2 Pkgs: 21c meariire a clause permitting bel- her Allies to the Beets, $5*98 and UgereitU to obUin 90 day credlu three German assaults on a Ger­ Celery Single Programs............. S6e, on purchases in Uils country. May Prosecute man vUlage held by French oiit- until the 2 bun«hefi.......... 10c Kcd-Ripe Tomatoes Coarse of 6 Lertortis........ $1.80 An amendment by Pittman to /' , poati- In (he Warndt Koreat had Retch in Oe$ BABY SHOP for all tin CflTOtb, IcelierK I^ettuce lift the bllre original drastic curb been repulsed. Britain Plans agaiiut American veasels carry­ Every Fascist Jo 1 lUbbaatmB-. S lbs, 10c Sweet Potatoes SnowBulta In atsea 8 to 18 of all wool materials, E-Z Freeze ing any suppUta to a belligerent Five of the she babies In the nursery of Perth Ambov, J., general hoepltal died of Mphyxio- Patrol atttacki on the village, the war wttb " ’ which was not Idenllfied, coincided fully., lined with Kasha—In plain colon or plaid port in any part\of the world wa# tlon'when’ an early morning mlshap-apparcntly^ 7r°n>^----- a »Die Wo"'" ™ To Get More ern "oomplataty. i Large Ron Bhw steam. The steam exhausted the supply of oxygen In the room, so t)iat efforts of ^ with Increasing German pressure TUESDAY SALE ON NEW PACK Bl UE LABEL Reduced Prices Now trimmed, Tyrolean Embroidery with separate or adopted without a dlasenUng voice And Red Chief lesa^but held that Britatal i V after It had been changed some­ the ricUms were imsuccessrul. This picture shows part of the nu reety where the tragedy occurred. on the French tinea lost night, ctaJIy the Chamberlain attached nooda. they said. GREEN LIMA REANS — NO. 2 CANS in EfTert on the what. (Nurse and babies In picture dlfl not flpire in the accident.) N ew s to Ue Se ment had InolaUd upoR Toilet Tissue Rolls 25c Aa approved by the Chamber, Dies Asserts Committee It Was emphasized the action thia arar. SMALL, 2 CANS 39c TINY, 2 CANS 49c G. E. Oil Furnace the blU would permit U.merlcan was localized, being one of a series Ha dented tha eharg* tt vessels to carry any materials, ex­ Has Evidence Leaders of raids In which the Nasi troops many bad brokoR bar cept arms, to belligerent p»rU in were aiming at recovery of the few Constant Effort* ^ Be O. E. Conversion $6.98 to $12.98 Cans Of All Organizations remaining portions of German soil aaoertod, with eonotaat OH Burner Now— Pard Dog Food 3 25c Bermuda, the South Atlantic, cer­ More Russian | Expected to Demand Made to Secure'Larg- to recent hlotory, that < $269 tain porta in the Bay of Fundy held by the French.
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