The Syllabus

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The Syllabus PUNYASHLOK AHILYADEVI HOLKAR SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR NAAC Accredited-2015 ‘B’ Grade (CGPA 2.62) Name of the Faculty – Faculty Of Humanities Syllabus for the Subject Pali Name of the Course – M.A. I Semester I & II - 2020-21 With effect from June- 2020 1) Preamble: Pali language is one of the three classical languages of India, which transmit the cultural, social, and philosophical thoughts. The study of pali language is not only important but an imperative to have a clear and objective grasp of Indian history and linguistics. The Board of Studies should briefly mention foundation, core and applied components of the Pali course/paper. The student should get into the prime objectives and expected level of study and advance knowledge at examination with required outcome in terms of basic level. GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE/ PAPER/: To acquaint with the Pali language, its different roots and Grammar. To Study the life and work of Indian ancient Pali Tipitakas. To Study different types of Pali Literature and Buddhist Philosophy. To introduce the Literature in Pali Language To introduce the scientific knowledge in Pali Language. To introduce the philosophy in Pali Language To inculcate language related skills PUNYASHLOK AHILYA DEVI HOLKAR SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR. School of Languages and Literature M.A. Pali Choice Based Credit System w.e.f. June 2020-21 M.A. Part –I [SEM-I &II] PALI w.e.f. 2020-21 Semeste Code Title of the Paper Semester L T P Credi r Exam ts First Theor IA Tota Semeste y l r Subject Hard Core HCT 1.1 Pali Language and Its 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 importance HCT 1.2 Pali Grammar- I 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 HCT 1.3 History of Pali 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Literature DSE DSE (Discipline Specific Elective) A (Any One) Optional DSE 1.1 Suttapitak- Dighanikay- 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Mahaparinibbansutta DSE 1.2 Vinaypitak-Mahavagga- 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Mahakkhandak DSE 1.3 Suttapitak- Dighanikay – 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Sondandsutta DSE 1.4 Vinaypitak-Mahavagga - 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Uposathkkhandak Soft Core B (Any one) Optional SCT 1.1 Suttapitak- Dighanikay – 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Mahanidansutta SCT 1.2 Vinaypitak-Mahavagga - 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Varshopnaikakkhandak SCT 1.3 Suttapitak- Dighanikay – 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Ambatthasutta SCT 1.4 Vinaypitak-Mahavagga - 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Pravarnaakkhandak Total 400 100 500 2 5 0 25 0 Second Semester Subject Hard Core HCT 2.1 Samyuktanikay-Sagathvagga 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 HCT 2.2 Pali-Grammar-II 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 HCT 2.3 Khuddaknikay-Dhammpad,- 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 First seven Vagga Soft Core A (Any one) Optional SCT 2.1 Suttapitak- Mazzimnikay- 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Selected sutta. SCT 2.2 Vinaypitak- Chullavagga- 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Kammakkhandak SCT 2.3 Vinaypitak- Chullavagga – 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Parivasik kkhandak SCT 2.4 Anguttar nikay- Ek Nipat. 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Generic Elective (Any one) OET 2.1 Bauddha-rite-(samskara)- 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 study OET 2.2 Buddhist Culture 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 OET 2.3 History of Buddhist 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Councils OET 2.4 Buddhist Art 80 20 100 4 1 0 5 Total 400 100 500 2 5 0 25 0 L = Lecture T = Tutorials P = Practical 5 Credits of Theory = 4 Hours of Teaching per Week PUNYASHLOKAHILYADEVI HOLKAR SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR School of Languages and Literature M.A. Pali Choice Based Credit System M.A. Part –I [SEM-I &II] PALI . 2019-20 Semester I Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 HCT 1.1: Pali Language and Its Lectures : 15 Importance 1) Introduction of Pali Language 2) What is Pali Language.. 3) The origin of Pali word. Unit No. 2 Lectures : 15 1) Native land of Pali Language. 2) Relation of Pali Language to other languages. 3) Impact of Pali language on other language. Unit No.3 Lectures : 15 1) Importance Pali language. 2) Impact of Pali language on modern language. (Marathi, Hindi, English, Urdu…etc.) 3) Advantages of learning Pali language . Unit No.4 Lectures : 15 1) Style of Pali Language. 2) Features of Pali Language 3) Journey of Pali Language….(From ancient to modern time.) Reference Books:- 1) History of Pali Language.. Dr. G.V. Tagare. 2) Pali sanity ka itihas ….Dr. Bharatsinh Upadhyay. 3) 2500 Years of Bauddha Dhamma.. P. V. Bapat. Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 HCT 1.2: Pali- Grammar-I Lectures : 15 1) Pali Alphabets— Change of Alphabet. 2) Pali Vowels – Change of Vowels— 3) Consonants- Change of Consonanats Lectures : 15 Unit No. 2 1) Words— Types of words,-- 2) Noun—Pronoun— Numeral Pronoun 3) Persons-,Gender-, Number and Tenses 4) Verbs-- Lectures : 15 Unit No. 3 1) Prepositions—Types of Prepositions.. 2) Compounds—Types of Compounds— 3) Sandhi—Types of Sandhi— Vowel-- Sandhi, Consonant-- Sandhi, Nigggahita-- Sandhi. Lectures : 15 Unit No. 4 1) Cases— 2) Adjectives 3) Identification of morph/ form.. 4) Word Maintaining.. Reference Books: 1)Pali Grammar---Bhikkhu Dharmarakkhita 2)Pali Mahavyakaran—Bhadant Jagdish Kashyap. 3)31 दिन मᴂ आव�यक पालि— Bhadant Anand Kausalyayan. Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 HCT 1.3: History of Pali Literature Lectures : 15 1) Origin of Pali Language and its Place 2) Development of Pali Language 3) First three Dhamma Councils Unit No. 2 Lectures : 15 1) Origin of Pali Language and its Place 2) Development of Pali Language 3) First three Dhamma Councils Unit No. 3 Lectures : 15 1) Anupitak-Anupali (Nettipkaran,Petkopdes,Milind Prashna.) 2) Atthakatha Literature— (Mahaatthakatha,Mahapacchari,Kurundi,Amdhatthakatha, Summary of Atthakatha, similar Atthakatha,Linatthapkasini. 3) Attakathaa Writers—(Buddhaghoshacharya,Buddhadatta, Dhammapal, Sariputra, Sumangal, Dharmakirti, Buddharakkhita, Medhankar) Unit No. 4 Lectures : 15 1) Vamsa Literature—Time and Formation of Vamsa Literature (Deepvamsa, Mahavamsa, Chulavamsa, Buddhaghosuppati, Saddhammasanghah, Sandeskatha, Mahabodhivamsa, Thupvamsa, Atthanagalviharvamsa, Datthavamsa, Sasanvamsa.. 2) Inscription-Accreditations Literature— (Inscription of Samrat Ashoka, Reference Books: 1) Prachin Abhilekh sangrah... Dr. Shriram Goyal 2) History of indian Literature..Maurice Winternitz. 3) Purabhilekh Vidya...Dr. Shobhana Gokhale DSE (Discipline Specific Elective) A (Any One) Optional DSE 1.1: Suttapitak—Dighanikay—Mahaparinibbansutta Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 1) Mahaparinibbansutta : Lectures : 15 Introduction; Background 2) Patham Bhanvaro—Ariyscchkattha Unit No. 2 3) Dvitiya Bhanvaro— Lectures : 15 Nimittobhaskatha Unit No. 3 4) Tatiya Bhanvaro—Nagaplokitam Lectures : 15 Unit No. 4 5) Chatutta Bhanvaro--Yamaksala Lectures : 15 Reference Books: 1) Dighanikay —Bhadant Jagdish Kashyap. 2) Dighanikay —Marathi Tr.—C.V. Rajvade 3) Dighanikay Pali— VRI— Igatpuri DSE 1.2: Vinaypitak—Mahavagga—Mhakkhandak Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 1) Mhakkhandak —Journey of The Lectures : 15 Buddha – Bodhikatha Unit No. 2 2) Baranasi—Panchavaggiy- Pabbaja Lectures : 15 Unit No. 3 3) Uruvela—Pabbaja of Kassapa Lectures : 15 brothers- Unit No. 4 4) Gaya—Pabbaja of Sasriputta and Lectures : 15 Moggalan. Reference Books: 1) Vinaypitak- Pandit Rahul Sankrutyan. 2) Vinaypitak- Bhadant Jagdish Kashayap DSE 1.3: Suttapitak-Dighnikay-Sonadandsutta Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 1) Dighanikay— Buddha’s Journey to Lectures : 15 Angadesh Unit No. 2 2) Attributes of real Brahmana Lectures : 15 Unit No. 3 3) Conversation of Buddha and Lectures : 15 Sonadanda- Unit No. 4 4) Surrender of Sonadanda to The Lectures : 15 Buddha. Reference Books:1) Dighanikay —Bhadant Jagdish Kashyap. 2) Dighanikay —Marathi Tr.—C.V. Rajvade. DSE 1.4: Vinaypitak—Mahavagga-Uposathkkhandak Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 1) Rajgriha- Uposath- Vidhaan Lectures : 15 Unit No. 2 2) Patimokkha- and Pre-act Lectures : 15 Unit No. 3 3) Uposatha in exceptional condition Lectures : 15 Unit No. 4 4) Time, place and rules to persons Lectures : 15 about Uposatha. Reference Books: 1) Vinaypitak- Pandit Rahul Sankrutyan. Varanashi- 1994 2) Vinaypitak- Bhadant Jagdish Kashayap Soft Core B (Any one) Optional SCT 1.1: Suttapitak-Dighnikay-Mahanidansutta Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 1) Background of Mahanidansutta Lectures : 15 Unit No. 2 2) Paticchasmutpad(cause and effect) Lectures : 15 and Anada’s cognizance Unit No. 3 3) Preaching of Buddha to Ananda Lectures : 15 Unit No. 4 4) Repicture preaching of Soul. Lectures : 15 Reference Books:1) Dighanikay —Bhadant Jagdish Kashyap. 2) Dighanikay —Marathi Tr.—C.V. Rajvade. 3) Dighanikay Pali— VRI— Igatpuri SCT 1.2 Vinaypitak—Mahavagga- Varshopnayikakkhandak Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 1) Rajgrih- Vassvasa- Definition- Lectures : 15 Time Unit No. 2 2) Seven days journey during Lectures : 15 vassavasa Unit No. 3 3) Place for doing Vassavasa. Lectures : 15 Unit No. 4 4) Defectibility and perfectibility Lectures : 15 for changing place. Reference Books: 1) Vinaypitak- Pandit Rahul Sankrutyan.- Corporate Body, Taiwan. 2) Vinaypitak- Bhadant Jagdish Kashayap. 3) Vinaypitak - Pandit Rahul Sankrutyan– Varanashi- 1994 SCT 1.3 : Suttapitak-Dighnikay-Ambatthasutta Max. Mark: 80 Total Lectures: 60 hrs Unit No. 1 1) Journey to Kosala des of Buddha.. Lectures : 15 Unit No. 2 2) Pokkharasadi Brahmana and his Lectures : 15 disciple.. Unit No. 3 3) Conversation Ambattha and The Lectures : 15 Buddha Unit No. 4 4) A question about Virtue of Lectures : 15 Ambattha to The Buddha. Reference Books: 1) Dighanikay —Bhadant Jagdish Kashyap. 2) Dighanikay —Marathi Tr.—C.V. Rajvade. SCT 1.4 : Vinaypitak—Mahavagga- Pravaranakkhandak Max.
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