National Seminar on BIO ETHICS - 24th & 25th Jan. 2007 31 Samlekhana is a Step Towards Self-realization Utpala Mody H-402, Vishal Apt, Sir M. V. Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400 069. Email:
[email protected] Introduction by the rules of conduct, are liable to be caught in the wheel of Samsara. Such persons are caught in the In the present political life of our country, fast moha-dharma. Fasting unto death for specific unto death for specific ends has been very common. purposes has an element of coercion, which is against The Manusmruti mentions some traditional methods the spirit of non-violence. of fasting unto death in order to get back the loan that was once given. The Rajatarangi refers to In addition to the twelve vratas a householder Brahmins resorting to fast in order to obtain justice is expected to practice in the last moment of his life or protest against abuses. Religious suicide is the process of samlekhana, i.e. peaceful or voluntary occasionally commended by the Hindus. With a vow death. A layman is expected not only to live a to some deity they starve themselves to death, enter disciplined life but also to die bravely a detached death. fire and throw themselves down a precipice. Samlekhana, generally interpreted as ritual Society and religions in the past approved suicide by fasting, the scraping or emaciating of the different forms of voluntary deaths as acts of piety, kasayas, forms the subject of a vrata which, since it conducive to religious merit. Sometimes such acts cannot by its nature be included among the formal have been condemned as repugnant to all morals and religious obligations, is treated as supplementary to human conscience.