The Biblatex-Archaeology Styles [V2.2]

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The Biblatex-Archaeology Styles [V2.2] The biblatex-archaeology styles [v2.2] Ingram Braun December 30, 2019 Abstract biblatex-archaeology is a LATEX package that provides additional biblatex styles for German humanities. Its core purpose is to enable the referencing rules of the Romano-Germanic Commission (Römisch-Germanische Kommission), the department of prehistory of the Ger- man Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologi- sches Institut), since these are referenced by most guidelines in German prehistory and medieval archae- ology and serve as a kind of template. biblatex-archaeo- logy provides verbose, numeric and author date styles as well and adaptions to specific document types like exhibition and auction catalogues. Contents 1 Introduction 8 1.1 Objective . 8 1.2 Installation . 8 1.3 Prerequesits . 9 1.4 Usage . 9 1.5 Other solutions . 9 1.6 Help . 10 2 Reference 10 2.1 Styles . 10 2.1.1 Generic styles . 10 2.1.2 User styles . 10 2.2 New options . 13 1 2 CONTENTS 2.2.1 Package options . 13 2.2.2 Entry options . 20 2.3 New entry types . 20 2.4 Database . 20 2.4.1 New entry types . 20 2.4.2 New fields . 21 2.5 New sorting scheme . 24 2.6 New commands . 25 2.6.1 Citation commands . 25 2.6.2 Formatting commands . 27 2.6.3 Boolean tests . 29 2.6.4 Punctuation . 30 2.6.5 Language settings . 33 2.6.6 Counters and length registers . 33 2.7 Localization keys . 33 2.7.1 Media . 33 2.7.2 Metadata . 33 2.7.3 Theses . 34 2.7.4 Events . 34 2.7.5 Possessive forms . 35 2.7.6 Reviews . 35 3 Bugs, hints and caveats 36 3.1 Sorting in author date styles . 36 3.1.1 … with bigraphs and trigraphs . 36 3.1.2 Anonymous works . 36 3.1.3 Localisation . 37 3.2 Sequentes in postnotes . 37 3.3 Disambiguition checks . 37 3.3.1 …when dashing names . 38 3.3.2 …in verbose styles . 38 3.4 language issues . 39 3.4.1 The polyglossia package and option autolang ....... 39 3.5 The gender field . 39 3.5.1 Missing *.lbx files . 39 3.6 Authors in auction catalogues . 39 3.7 Title addons in collaborative works . 39 3.8 Abbreviated journals and serieses . 39 3.9 Electronic identifiers . 40 3.10 Publishers and ISBNs . 40 3.11 The language field . 40 3.12 Formatting of the title field in @review .............. 40 3.12.1 Additional fields in Biber’s tool mode . 41 Changelog 41 3 CONTENTS References 44 Index 51 Appendices 81 A Example bib entries 81 B List of strings of journals and serieses 96 B.1 Sorted by string . 96 B.2 Sorted by journal or series . 209 C Implementation 325 C.1 File biblatex-archaeology.sty .................... 325 C.1.1 Early loaded macros . 325 C.1.1.1 Regular expressions . 325 C.1.1.2 Use institution field in theses . 325 C.1.1.3 Location . 325 C.1.1.4 Position of labeldate . 326 C.1.1.5 Short forms in bibliography . 326 C.1.1.6 repeated labels in author date styles . 326 C.1.1.7 edition . 327 C.1.1.8 Counters . 327 C.1.1.9 First name initials with ligatures . 328 C.1.2 Author interface . 330 C.1.2.1 Settings . 330 C.1.2.2 Labels on left margin . 336 C.1.2.3 Sorting . 337 C.1.2.4 Entry types . 342 C.1.2.5 Electronic objects . 343 C.1.2.6 Local name formatting . 343 C.1.2.7 Short forms . 344 C.1.2.8 Display citation labels in bibliography . 347 C.1.2.9 Start entry . 348 C.1.2.10 Title notes . 352 C.1.2.11 Bibliography setup . 356 C.1.2.12 Formatting of titles . 356 C.1.2.13 Secondary editors . 363 C.1.2.14 Book chapters . 365 C.1.2.15 Journals . 365 C.1.2.16 Reviews . 367 C.1.2.17 Periodicals . 370 C.1.2.18 Inline \fullcite-like commands in reviews . 372 C.1.2.19 Editions . 374 C.1.2.20 Formatting of the location/date block . 375 C.1.2.21 Theses . 378 4 CONTENTS C.1.2.22 Date formats . 381 C.1.2.23 Date ranges . 384 C.1.2.24 Basic name formats . 389 C.1.2.25 Roles . 394 C.1.2.26 Genitive forms . 395 C.1.2.27 Formatting in citations . 397 C.1.2.28 Label generation . 398 C.1.2.29 Tabbed bibliography list . 398 C.1.2.30 Publication serieses . 399 C.1.2.31 Other formatting . 401 C.1.2.32 Debugging helper macros . 402 C.2 Bibliography style files . 403 C.2.1 File authoryear-archaeology.bbx .............. 403 C.2.2 File authoryear-comp-archaeology.bbx ........... 403 C.2.3 File authoryear-ibid-archaeology.bbx ........... 404 C.2.4 File authoryear-icomp-archaeology.bbx .......... 404 C.2.5 Shared code for all generic author date styles . 404 C.2.6 File numeric-comp-archaeology.bbx ............. 406 C.2.7 File verbose-archaeology.bbx ................ 406 C.2.8 File verbose-ibid-archaeology.bbx ............. 407 C.2.9 File verbose-trad2note-archaeology.bbx ......... 407 C.2.10 Shared code for generic verbose styles . 407 C.2.11 Shared code for generic verbose and numeric styles . 407 C.2.12 File aefkw.bbx .......................... 408 C.2.13 File afwl.bbx ........................... 410 C.2.14 File amit.bbx ........................... 412 C.2.15 File archa.bbx .......................... 415 C.2.16 File dguf.bbx ........................... 417 C.2.17 File dguf-alt.bbx ........................ 420 C.2.18 File dguf-apa.bbx ........................ 422 C.2.19 File eaz.bbx ............................ 428 C.2.20 File eaz-alt.bbx ......................... 430 C.2.21 File foe.bbx ............................ 433 C.2.22 File jb-halle.bbx ........................ 436 C.2.23 File jb-kreis-neuss.bbx .................... 439 C.2.24 File karl.bbx ........................... 442 C.2.25 File kunde.bbx .......................... 444 C.2.26 File maja.bbx ........................... 447 C.2.27 File mpk.bbx ............................ 450 C.2.28 File mpkoeaw.bbx ......................... 453 C.2.29 File niedersachsen.bbx ..................... 457 C.2.30 File nnu.bbx ............................ 460 C.2.31 File offa.bbx ........................... 462 C.2.32 File rgk-verbose.bbx ...................... 465 C.2.33 File rgk-numeric.bbx ...................... 465 C.2.34 File rgk-inline.bbx ....................... 465 5 CONTENTS C.2.35 Shared by rgk-*.bbx ...................... 466 C.2.36 File rgk-verbose-old.bbx ................... 470 C.2.37 File rgk-numeric-old.bbx ................... 470 C.2.38 File rgk-inline-old.bbx .................... 470 C.2.39 Shared by rgk-*-old.bbx ................... 471 C.2.40 File rgzm-verbose.bbx ..................... 473 C.2.41 File rgzm-numeric.bbx ..................... 474 C.2.42 File rgzm-inline.bbx ...................... 474 C.2.43 Shared by rgzm-inline.bbx and rgzm-verbose.bbx .... 475 C.2.44 File ufg-muenster-verbose.bbx ................ 477 C.2.45 File ufg-muenster-numeric.bbx ................ 477 C.2.46 File ufg-muenster-inline.bbx ................ 478 C.2.47 Shared by ufg-muenster-inline.bbx and ufg-muenster- verbose.bbx ............................ 478 C.2.48 File volkskunde.bbx ....................... 480 C.2.49 File zaak.bbx ........................... 483 C.2.50 File zaes.bbx ........................... 486 C.3 Citation style files . 488 C.3.1 File authoryear-archaeology.cbx .............. 488 C.3.2 File authoryear-comp-archaeology.cbx ........... 489 C.3.3 File authoryearibid-archaeology.cbx ........... 489 C.3.4 File authoryear-icomp-archaeology.cbx .......... 489 C.3.5 File numeric-archaeology.cbx ................ 489 C.3.6 File verbose-archaeology.cbx ................ 489 C.3.7 File verbose-ibid-archaeology.cbx ............. 490 C.3.8 File verbose-trad2note-archaeology.cbx ......... 490 C.3.9 Shared code for verbose styles . 493 C.3.10 File aefkw.cbx .......................... 494 C.3.11 File afwl.cbx ........................... 494 C.3.12 File amit.cbx ........................... 494 C.3.13 File archa.cbx .......................... 495 C.3.14 File dguf.cbx ........................... 495 C.3.15 File dguf-alt.cbx ........................ 495 C.3.16 File dguf-apa.cbx ........................ 496 C.3.17 File eaz.cbx ............................ 496 C.3.18 File eaz-alt.cbx ......................... 497 C.3.19 File foe.cbx ............................ 497 C.3.20 File jb-halle.cbx ........................ 497 C.3.21 File jb-kreis-neuss.cbx .................... 497 C.3.22 File karl.cbx ........................... 498 C.3.23 File kunde.cbx .......................... 498 C.3.24 File maja.cbx ........................... 498 C.3.25 File mpk.cbx ............................ 499 C.3.26 File mpkoeaw.cbx ......................... 499 C.3.27 File niedersachsen.cbx ..................... 499 C.3.28 File nnu.cbx ............................ 500 6 CONTENTS C.3.29 File offa.cbx ........................... 500 C.3.30 File rgk-inline.cbx ....................... 500 C.3.31 File rgk-verbose.cbx ...................... 501 C.3.32 File rgk-inline-old.cbx .................... 502 C.3.33 File rgk-verbose-old.cbx ................... 502 C.3.34 File rgzm-numeric.cbx ..................... 503 C.3.35 File rgzm-inline.cbx ...................... 503 C.3.36 File ufg-muenster-verbose.cbx ................ 504 C.3.37 File ufg-muenster-numeric.cbx ................ 504 C.3.38 File ufg-muenster-inline.cbx ................ 504 C.3.39 File zaak.cbx ........................... 505 C.3.40 File zaes.cbx ........................... 505 C.4 Shared code for frequent formattings . 506 C.5 Localization files . 507 C.5.1 New localizazion strings . 513 C.5.2 File english-archaeology.lbx ................ 515 C.5.3 Pointer to english-archaeology.lbx ............ 519 C.5.4 File german-archaeology.lbx ................. 519 C.5.5 Pointer to german-archaeology.lbx ............. 521 C.5.6 File english-aefkw.lbx ....................
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