The Palestinian National Covenant, As Published Offi· 'Cially, in English, by the PLO
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~.( ~ ", . ~. " " · ~·G~-t~,:~ The following is the complete and unabridged text of the Palestinian National Covenant, as published offi· 'cially, in English, by the PLO. " , , , ' The,lsrael Information Centre is taking the unusual step of reproducing and distributing this hostile'document in order ' to give the interested reader an opportunity to draw his own conclusions concerning its message. it should be borne in mind thai the geographical unit THE PALESTINIAN NA TlONALGOVENANT called Palestine includes ,the entire area of the present· day State of Israel, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and' the tern'tory in dispute between them. Thus, the English rendition as published in "liberation o[ Pa/estine" espoused by tile Covenatlt actually means tile eradication of Israel - alld, even tually, of Jordan as well - as an independent state. Basic Political Documents of the Armed Palestinian Resistance Movement This, indeed, is the central goal of the organization which has adopted the Covenant as its official Charter - the "Palestine Liberation Organization," known as tile Leila S. Kadi (ed. ), PLO, PLO Organization, Research Centre Beirut, December 1969 PP. ·137·141 Articles of the Covenant Article 1: Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation. Article 2: ,Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mand~~c, is an indivisible territorial unit. - - .. " Article 3: The Palestinian people possess the legal right to their . I • homeland and have the right to determine their destiny after aehieving the liberation of their country in accordance with their wishcs and entirely of their own accord and will" Article 4: The . Palestini~ identity ' is .. g~nuine; essential and 'inherent' characteristic; it:is transmitted from ;parbnts to children. " :rile 'Zib'ni,t'occuiiatloi( al1'd the dispersal 'of'the'Palesthlian ,Arab ; "'" ' people, through the disasters which befell tliem', do not make them ,<i' I lose their Palcstuiian' identity and their membership of the Pates" ", " '.; , ~ini~ com:uni:~~n~o,~ do the~. ~e~a.t~ them: ., ~.. ~; " ." , ;;.,., : j ~J ___________ ~_""".:....-=-_ '. ~~ .. ' '. ,. " ., ',.. : ·-f;. ~ <_':' .. ;:.,,:.;'r; . : .. ;,-,.- ',; ..; j' ,~":: ;:.;+.,~.. " <.;:.,:';. :." .: .. ' :'.' ..-, .. '.:' .' "::-:' " ..... ·~."·.• ~:'::.~... ::'~'.(~'· .. ~~,.. "·:f:.·.J .. ::.:.,.~·.,·~·~:·.:;.~:."·.·.,.:' ... ·~.·,"I·":~I·'·~·"'';';""".~',.".,~.·:.!:...·)._~:::.c;' .. :·· ...."J.>;'·'J'·~'·: .•. , •••.• ~:;_ ••':.••. ..••~ ~.: •• ~.j,.::.,~.;., ...~.~:: ...~.~.: .... ~~......... .::__ ........... !.: .. 4:: .• i':~:~~ ,.: .. ' )~H{;~Ir.~i·~:;.' .<.:. ;·:;~~::~*ir~q~U1~i~~~·::;:·::;~;':··;.:~~.~f::.!~~~;~~~:. './01.\ -, ~;~'" ,. ;.~:.~~:v.: ~ :~"(~',.~- :t~;~~~'i~rfjj(il,~~~ IIfArtlCI.e ::5:~!Thef'a1estbiian~' are th~~1:Arab!natio"als:' who~~'unti1;: ,::>;~?, .. : Article 12:'1'h8':PaIestinW(:peopli:beli~*'m . .,.'-. '--'.'~"'''''''' 947,-nonnalJy.reStded In Patestinoregardless'ofwhether they were .' to contribute' their sharc.toward~ the··.attahimen~. that'bbJectrve, ..evicted from'lf or have stayed there~Anyone borri;.'artei thafdate,' ." however~ 'theymust~ at the present stage ()ftheir~b:Ugg1e, safeguard . '\:of a P8Jestinian father - whether inside Palestine or outside it - is' '. their Palestinian identity and develop their .consciousness of that· ~~~~~~:~l,e~!~~.. ~.. j: : :~>'_'i.' ",:~. :,'. '~.:, ...... identity,and·opposeany·plan~hatmayd~,olve()r.~~~~it. , " ~~: ~AitiCI~6~;~~I~W~:\VhO had norma11)iJresJdedJnPa1es~It~~tilthe· Article 13: Arab unity and the h"cra~~on..~(P~iestino are. two. '.~:beginning of.. the Zionist' invasion will boconsidered~alestinJaD&. complementary objectiv~, the. att~entof. eith~ of which ~::~ t. .: • ;,":" ,~ .. , ." '.::: ',~'" ": ~.:~ ',:" .~~.,: '. facilitates the attainment of the other. Thus, Arab umty leads' to ",:, MUcie 7: That is a Palestinian' commuiiitY"and that it has the liberation of Palestine; the liberation of Palestine leads to Arab ,m!lterial, spiritual and historical conn~ctions 'with Palestine are unity; and work towards the realizatio~ o! one objective proceeds """indisputable f~cts. It is a national duty to bring up individual Pales- . side by side with work toward~ the realization of the other~ .· .. tfhians in an 'Arab revolutionary manner~ AU means of JnfQrmation : and education must be adopted in order to acquaint the Palestinian Article 14: The destiny of the Arab nation, and indeed" Arab , :.with his country in the most profound manner, both spiritual and existence itself, depends upon the destiny of the Palestinian cause. '., material, that is possible. He must be prepared for the armed From this interdependence springs the Arab nation's pursuit of, struggle and ready to sacrifice his wealth and his.1ife'in order to and striving for;the'li1ierationofPalestirie{~The people of Palestine ~ln back his'homeiand and bring about its liberatiori. play the !!9J~~i('.t1!e. y~giiard'r~ t~e re~tion :o~:;this sacred Article 8: The phase in their history, tltrough which the Palestinian national (qizwmi) goal. ':;'people are now living, is that of national (watanl) struggle for the Article IS: The liberation of Palestine; from an Arab viewpoint. is . liberation of Palestine. Thus the conflicts among the Palestinian a- national' (qawmi) duty and it attempts to repel the Zionist and national forces are secondary, and should be ended. for the sake of imperialist aggression against the Arab homeland, and aims at the the basic conflict.that exists between the forces of Zionism and of elimination of Zionism in Palestine. Absolute responsibility for,Uds imperialism on the one hand, and the Palestinian Arab people on falls upon the Arab nation _ peoples and governments - with the the other. On this basis the Palestinian masses, regardless of Arab people of Palestine in the vanguard. _ whether they are residing in the national homeland or in diaspora . Accordingly the Arab nation must mobilize all its military, human, (mahajir) constitute - both their organization and the individuals and moral and spiritual capabilities to participate actively with the - one national front working for the retrieval of Palestine and its Palestinian people in the liberation of. Palestine•. It must, parUcu- ~~eration through armed struggle. lady in the ·phase of' the armed Palestinian revolution; offer and . , furnish the' Palestinian 'people with all possible- help; and ;'material . Article 9: Itrmod~ struggle is the only .. way to liberat~.:Palestine. and human support, and make available to'· them' the ThuFitds·;:the· overall strategy, not merely a tactical 'phase. The means and" opportunities that will enable them to continue to carry out their Palestinian :Arab people assert their absolute determination and leading role in the, armed revolution, until they liberate the~ . firm fesolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an homeland. , .armed' popular revolution for the liberation of their country and : their' return to It. They also assert their right to normal life in Article 16: The liberation of Palestine, from a spiritual point of 1;~Palestlne: and :.tq.· exercise their right to self-determination and view, will provide.the Holy Land.with an atmosphere of safety and \~~,~~~:~:~:v~r f~· ~.'>;, '. ':" . tranquility, which in tum' will safeguard the~untry's religious . tlcUtatO:~/Cdmmando action constitutes the nucleus' of the sanctuaries and guarantee f{eedom of worship and of visit to aU, csthllan·h'opular· fiberation war. This requires its escalation, without discrimination of race, colour, language, or religion. lCc)mJ~reJlenst'vel1less and mobilization of"aU the Palestinian popular Accordingly, the people of Palestine look to all spiritu~ forces in , edl~catlo:naJ efforts and their organization and involvement in the world for support. .' '. : .: : ',' : armed Palestinian revolution. It also' requires the achieving of . .' .;: ty .for. tJte national. (wa tani) struggle~ among the dif(erent grou- ~ticle .17: The liberation o! ~alc:st~~, fr,om•. ~. ,~u~an P?lnt. of "~ .. ,Palt;Stfnlan people, and· b.etWeen. the Palestinian people, ..,' VIew, wDl restore to the PalestInIan 1DdlVld!l.~ hb! dIgnIty, p~dcand: . ~-:"' ••~:"".~'!'!' ....."'!A!,,":b·~:masseS:'so as to: seciliO:: the· continuation of: the'~"'· ! freedom .. AccordinglY. the Palestinian .Arab·;pec?p~e 10ok,fQx:w_d to' . ' '~I~f~i"~' ~'E'~·a:n~d~':Victti~m(~f.~l;.:';'!.';:"">-: :;:i, ~_:";:~U.iJ,,··:;.; ··2r:·;~~·~'''' i tho support>of all those·who believo in'the:dignittl:of man'and: . I ,,;: .. '~~:~'~~~:~ti~:li~~~,,;;x':;:: ·Sfleedom lil:the worleL.":':·': ': "'," ,-e,!. :::~t~t>';~'5:,\,::,;:,/i',,!,,·::,:~\.:~,:,,~ . 1~~~~~~r!J~~.?f~r:~~~r?~.~~~~io'n:al (qa~inijy~j~mobiliiation:and. lib~- '" t Artit:le 18: .The liberati,?n ofPalestinctfrO~.~ iii~«?Da.tio*~ p~bi( ~ r , . : ':'.:' . <'.'~.' _': .: . ' :.. '.,: ' .. ,: .. " ': f: of view, is a defensive action necessit~ted'by the .de~an~ ,?f ~.lf-··~. ~~~~1~~~~~~,:ll~tf.~:1'~:;;i.~~,r~~r':·.;,;:~:::'·~:'F ~;.'. ':.~ .~,>:.~.. ,~ .. ;.. ::.:{: !,; ::.,~/:'~'>: ).~:;: .~<::·.r,: ~~:.. ". ~..:: .' :.:;.",\1~;:::ri'·~.~:::~'.:'.: ... :t·~:~;(, .-, ~ ~·::.'8;~~~~);e~;~~\.-:'>~,~/,:: >~. "; ;.: :';:;;~;~;:} . ~;'i$~;' " . .'-' : ..... ;. • . ... ! ! ' : ~i\' 1 . :,'-::--<. ,""'" ;f.: "~"'•. , . .,,:.A ••- .... 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