Jammu and Kashmir

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Jammu and Kashmir · PRG. 110. A. (N) 700 . CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME VI JAMMU AND KASHMIR PART I-A (i) GENERAL REPORT M. H. KAMILI Superintendent 01 Census Operations Jammu and Kashmir 1968 PRINTED IN INDIA AT BROCA'S ARTISTIC PRESS, AMIRAKADAL, SR1NAGAR, KASHMIR AND PUBLISHED BY THE MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS, DELHI-8 Price: Rs. 20.50 or 47 Sh. 10 d. or $ 7.38 z z 0;t . ft: -~ :I: tI) UJ <C > ... ~ C l­~ Z ll) <C Z ~o .« -lI!, \ ~ V c;, II. THE 1961 CENSUS PUBUCATIONS Part I General Report on the Census (the present book) I-A G~neral Report including appendix to table A-IV giving the constitution of each urban area for 1961 I-B Report on Vital Statistics of the decade I-C General Report (Subsidiary Tables) Part II State Census Tables (including Union Tables for the State) on population II-A General Population Tables (A-Series) for the State and Primary Census Abstract, including appendix to table A-IV II-B Economic Tables (B-Series, Tables I-IX) for the State down to District and all Cities and Town-groups of and above 100,000 population II-C Cultural and Migration Tables (C and D Series) for the State down to District arid all Cities and Town-groups of and above 100,000 populatIon Part III Household Economic Tables (based no Household Schedules) Part IV Housing and Establishment Tables (E-Series) including Subsidiary Tables and Report on Housing and Establishment Tables Part V Special Tables for Scheduled Castes (SCT and SC Tables) V-A Special Tables on Scheduled Castes 'as well as reprints from old Census Reports on Castes and Tribes V-B Ethnographic notes - on Scheduled Castes and backward classes Part VI Village Survey Monographs (each monograph will carry a sub-number 1,2,3, etc.) Part VII Survey of Handicrafts of the State consisting of Tables for the State, District, Tehsil, monographs on individual crafts and general lists of location, master craftsmen, etc. Part VIII Administration Report VI II-A Enumeration } VIII-B Tabulation Not for sale Part IX Atlas Volume Part X Special Report on Srinagar City with a brief note on Jammu City }{ote:- In addition to Central Publications mentioned above, there will also be State Census Publications, vjz., one District Census Handbook for each of the nine distl'icts . PREFACE The 1961 Census of Jammu and Kashmir is seventh in its series, the first regular Census having been taken in 1891. Historic evidence is however lIvailable to show that a Census was also taken in 1873 though it was designed to collect only the sexwise population of the State and its constituent districts. I:ven the 1891 Census did not go very far as its scope was limited to the studying of some of the prominent characteristics only. The next Census held in 1901 however was more broad based and designed to collect basic data on the demographic, socilSl, cultural and economic structure of the people. Regular decennial Censuses were taken thereafter right upto 1961 except in 1951 when due to abnormal conditions prevailing in the State, it was not Found Feasible to organize the Census. The 1961 Census was thus taken two decades after the latest census held in 1941. In the meanwhile, the State had been split up by the Cease-fire Line and a number of districts and tehsils had been newly carved out within the territory administered by the State Government. The realignment of the Census jurisdiction and the reconstitution of districts and tehsils added in no small measure to the already arduous and complex task assigned to the Census Organization. Further, the large scale movement of population from and into the State territory on this side of the Cease-fire Line which followed the tribal raids equally added to the problems to be tackled to enSure an accurate census count. Above all, unlike other States, no trained persons who may have worked in the Census of 1941 were available, as they had either already retired from service or passed away or migrated to other areas. Formidable though these difficulties appeared to be, we were not in the least scared and were determined to resolve these one by one so as to fall in line with the rest of the country. Our apprehensions were also alllSyed by the patronage we received From the Registrar General's .OfFice and the various Ministries of Central Government as also by the co-operation extended by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. Another redeeming feature was the application of the Census Act of India (No. XXXVII) which though enacted in 1948 excluded the State of Jammu lind Kashmir from its jurisdiction. Two years later, the Act was melde applicable to this State also vide Adpptation of Laws Order 1950. The 1961 Census is a landmi!lrk in the history of Censuses taken so far in that the entire structure and the pattern of national count have been remodelled and brought ~t par with the standards prescribed by the United Nations Organisation. As a sequence to this change, the scope and coverage of the Census data have been Fairly widened to ensure collection of comprehensive data so urgently needed for national planning and development. That is why emphasis has been laid in the various schedules. canvassed at the census to 1 mak~ a thorough probe into the economic cheracteristics. This necessitated the formulation o"f an exhaustive tabulation programme embodied in the following series of publications :- Series Description No. qf Tables A General Population Tables 4 B Economic Tables 23 ( I) General Economic Tables ••• 14 ( II) Household Economic Tables 9 C&D Cultural and Migration Tables 17 E Tables on Housing and Establishments 5 SCT and SC Tables on Scheduled Castes .• ~ 7 In addition to the above publications, another volume designated as subsidiary ti!lbles which furnish proportionate figures as distinguished from the actuals given in the main tables have also been published. The work 10i!ld was mi!lde still more heavier· by presenting the data separately for the rural and urban areas of the State as also for its districts i!lnd tehsils. It is therefore no wonder th~t the implementation of an elaborate prog~amme of this scale should have kept the State Census Office and the OFfice of the Registrar General. India busy For severi!ll years aFter the census count was taken. It will be appreciat~d that the inclusion in the present publication of a very large number of inset tables which will provide most valuable material to research scholars and experts added in no small measure to the heavy volume of work handled by the staff; Finally, the conFlagration which broke out in 1965 in the Rajgarh Secretariat where the Census and some State Government OFfices were housed resulted in the destruction of our accounts; records and a number of maps of the Atlas Volume. The reconstruction' of these rec<?rds and the time taken to establish the oFFice in its new premises are some of the other factors also which should nob be overlooked. I have a feeling that I was perhaps created For the Census. My First appointment In Government service which dates back to 1930 was made in the Census Department where I served for about two years. Little did I anticipate at that stage that I would also have to retire From Government service while working in the Census and that my associa­ tion with various administrative departments of the State during the interve~ing 28 years or so would in course of time prove an asset to me For the perFormance of the duties which would one day be assigned to me as Census Superintendent of Jammu and Kashmir. The results of 1961 Census are being presented in a series of publications. The AI'-- India Reports which head the series and are numbered Volume No. I are Followed by the publications relating to major States and Union Territories which have been - allotted volume numbers II, III, IV, etc. etc. according to the alphabetical order of their names. The Census data relating to Jammu and Kashmir has been incorporated in various parts· of volume 11 VI of the series of publications designated Census of India, 1961. This volume consists of ten Pluts, some of which have Further been sub-divided depending upon the quantum of material relating to each. The General Census Report which forms Part I-A of Volume VI has been split up into three sub-parfs. The first sub-part entitled sub-part' I-A (i) contains the first four chapters. Sub-part I-A (iij includes the subsequent four chapters while the last part, namely sub-part I-A (iii), contains the last three chapters only The pages of each sub-part have been 'given separate numbers and not carried -over to the next part. The General Report was designed to cover in the form of narrative comments all the tables of A, C and D series as also the General I::conomic Tables. A comprehensive synopsis of the chapters and headings and of the proformae of inset tables',: was made available by the Registrar General" India in the compilation entitled 'Draft Reporting ProgrBmme '. This facilitated ZI uniform treatment of the various subjects by all the States Zlnd Union Territories. It may be stated here that the statements made in the Report, opInions expressed and the conclusions arrived at are entirely the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Government. Before concluding, must place on record my profound gratitude for the most valuable help and guidemce which I received for a long.
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