t a -’•J X RN m 'vj o oj Z t/i , C O LO . flenotr ^ catholic 3D m ZJ O' m o d ? July 4 .. . OJ X < o

Ucsscd ...The fire of lib­ Books . . . o CO X ro i o f tiin erty has not been !eption. ex tin g u ish e d . See . . . for children to Lr own read this summer id from "Bells of July 4” on are featured in Sec­ Page 4. COLORADO’S LARGEST WEEKLY tion 2, Page 1. for long 5 grace, Thursday, June 30, 1966 VOL. LX No. 47 lerhood, its fuIU sin and il mean Radical Forces at Work he will ered in

lot only Development Fund ith the I t C a n feel an of sin, \A L '.(1 Drive Total Given r lower |M / Happen Here The 1966 Archdiocesan Development original Vr Fund D rive reached a total of $1,076,- On the average the Ameri­ Chicago — A convention change at the convention, to the 644.95 in pledges and $480,135.39 paid in can business executive spends of young radicals in Chica­ PDlilical forces wanting to a change designed to in­ 11.3 hours a week on the te­ pted in change the are cash in a report issued this week by the go last month showed U.S. crease vastly its influence, lephone, according to one empted recruiting Americans — espe­ Development Fund Office. This represents Communists believe they cially young Aincriciins. That is its membership, and its study. That sounds bad ;rnally, a total of 33,987 pledges for a participa­ finally are on the right why "Denver Catholic Register" scope. enough, but think about the senses tion of 54 per cent of the potential con­ track toward their goal of stuff writer Jack Bacon was The basic change was consequences: If he works 40 sent to observe the convention tributors. The average contribution years, say, and takes three- turning their dogma into billed as a shift in empha­ of the W.K.B. Dubois clubs in throughout the entire Archdiocese of week vacations, he will spend the platform of a political Cliicago. What he found out sis to concentrate on Denver amounted to $31.70. 22,148 hours during his work­ movement with the respec­ about this "socialist" organi/a- "organizing working class ticjii is ri'porled here. The re­ A major portion o f the campaign con­ ing life making and taking ta b le .status o f a really youth” —not only among calls. That’s a total of 923 a psy- ports should i e a shock to tributions was made by the workers powerful third party. those who think it can't happen minority groups considered days, or if you prefer, two and ;iidian. themselves. Almost 10,000 men participa­ As it looms now, the here — for they clearly show more receptive to the rad­ ted in the solicitation last April 24. a half yearsl The only thought that eager radical zealots are more appalling is what would movement would constitute ical theme, but among The 135 chairmen and executive vice e. Psy- a coalition of IvoftisL orga- hard at work trying to see that White working class youths we do without telephones? :>d that it does.—News Editor. chairmen pledged $1,772.50. Their vice ni/.atinns rising out of cur­ recognized by the organi­ chairmen gave $40,103. The team cap­ naking rent domestic turmoil over zation as imbued with or, would be general tains contributed $100,589, and and 5,356 Dr. McGlone checked that the issues of peace in anti-Communist spirit. public repugnance to team members pledged $176,502. Addi­ Matt Michnlek over, and mind, Vietnam, civil rights, and The organization efibrt things Communist. Prob­ tional team member pledges were made then asked: "Have you been le dis- the economic distress that involves establishment of ably more important, as a part o f the general solicitation. living a normal life?” ysis of is the target of the war on com.nunity project centers, therefore, is the party’s The Advance Gifts section, under the "Yes. doctor.” bad. poverty. not in itia lly to sign up "Well, you’ll have to cut it apparent intention to direction of the Rt. Rev. Elmer le was The occasion for expres­ members but to win ac­ out for a while.” become much more ac­ J. Kolka, and with John J. Sullivan as It and sions o f Red optimism was ceptance for the group first tive in the nation’s po­ chairman, solicited a total of $51,415 re the the second national con­ by working in and with Thomas Edi,-w)n hated formal litical life in its own from 131 contributors. ■s) the ■ vention of the W.E.B. Du­ communities in behalf of dinners which seemed stuffy to name, in belief that Returns of payments due in July him. One night at a particu­ by the bois Clubs of America, a such local interests as bet­ public acceptance of the should be made to the in a special larly dull gathering he decided ter housing, improved prim arily college-based party has grown and collection to be taken up for this purpose to sneak away and return to hod is schools, more jobs, better organization with a pro­ will grow much more. on Sunday, July 10. his laboratory. As he was some- gram described by its health services, etc. An important test of this See complete report on Page 2. pacing back and forth near ho rc- outgoing national chairmim Summer projects with the door, waiting for an op­ belief is being made this 1 may as "socialist in content and these aims already are un­ portune moment to escape, his year. Herbert Aptheker, an 5 good radical in its approach.” der way or programmed in ho.st came up to him. "It cer­ avowed Communi.st consid­ imoral Chicago, New York, De­ tainly is a delight to see you, ered one of the leading Mr. Edison,” he said. "What ? con- The organization re­ troit, Cleveland, Philadel­ Marxist scholars in the are you working on now?” in, or cently was distinguished phia, and St. Louis. From Indio country, is seeking the "My exit,” replied the in­ jsness among the several polit­ The summer projects 12th Congressional district ventor. )tions, ically Leftist campus and arc significant in that seat in Brooklyn, largest in it has civil rights groups by they will culminate in a To Talk in Boulder . being charged in a peti­ D ubois-organized Change of Garb Pcdiatric Note Aptheker addi^essed one tion filed by Attorney "congress’’ in Washing­ of India, and other Progress report on the I I general and two workshop Two Sisters at Denver’s Mercy hospital model Boulder —The Catholic new baby: ” Hc’s eating sol­ General Nicholas Kat- ton late in August. Fow­ Bishop of the Indian dio­ leaders of the ruling sessions of the Dubois the old and new garb of their congregation. Sister ids now — pencils, keys, zcnbach as a Commu­ ler said about 2,000 arc cese of Palai, the Most Congress Party. He has nist-dominated and -con­ Clubs convention. He de­ expected to attend and Mary Urban, left, is attired in the Mercy dress first newspapers, rubber bands, Rev. Sebastian Vayalil, sent many priests and spiders, ash trays.” par- trolled front, drawing fi­ scribed the move to fashion to present a concrete adopted in 1831, and Sister Mary Helena wears will speak on "Our Com­ trained social workers to real political power out of the "uptated” outfit adopted for use by the more w or­ nancial support iind legislative program with munist Experience in K er­ the under-developed 1 gravely doubt whether what is interpreted as rap­ than 12,000 Sisters of Mercy in the United States, lds in leadership from the Com­ the theme: "End the war ala in the Larger Indian areas of Africa where women ever were married by nder- munist party. idly growing support for in Vietnam; start the effective July 3. Context” Thursday, June m an y p eo p le o f Indian capture. I think they pretend- 5 say Leftist causes as an att­ War on Poverty.” 30, at the University of extraction live. cd to be: as they do still. empt "to widen the vise of o the The W.E.B. Dubois Clubs Members from the Bay Colorado. •>What is Wrong with the World the two-party system” and hope to turn this action area of Northern Califor­ Sisters of Mercy Bishop Vayalil’s free, Bishop Vayalil received into a legal and political "simultaneously to alter nia, cradle o f the Dubois public speech w ill be at an honorary degree from Poverty is that state in fight that will establish the political structure.” Clubs and base of opera­ 3:30 p.m. in the University which a man is perpetually Corn- To Wear New Garb De Paul university June 8. anxious for the future of 1965) the group as the key youth The goal is socialist tions for the national office Memorial Center forum He is a member of the Next Sunday, July 3, the Sisters of Mercy will dis­ .himself and his dependents, !*iend- organization on the Left. government in the Unit­ until late May, were fresh room. V a tic a n Commission on unable to pursue life upon card the starchy look, and go about their duties in an it the The Communist party in ed States, a "fundamen­ from the experience of Universities and Seminar­ a standard to which he was updated garb, approved by the Holy Father to replace Bishop V ayalil led the other the U nited States has a tal change in the sys­ helping campaign for a ies, As Bishop, he has brought up, tempted both to the older ensemble dating back to 1831. Christopher movement that special interest in that tem,” as one speaker put peace candidate who made founded seven colleges and subservience and to a sour With the starched front goes the voluminous black spearheaded the revolution nmon case, which Leftist organi­ it. a surprisingly strong show­ several technical schools in revolt, and tending inexora­ dress, to be replaced by a blue dress with inverted box which overthrew the Com­ bly towards despair.” : one zations apparently view as "We seek a change in ing in the California pri­ his diocese in southern munists from the state B e llo c •vices the golden opportunity to America, brought about by mary election. pleats, falling to mid-calf and topped by a white cowl India. He also has been government of Kerala in destroy the Internal Secu­ democratic means,” said collar. president of the teacher rity Law — the McCarran THE C A N D ID A T E was A tiered headband holds a short black veil, and Sis­ 1959. training college, the St. ‘.I Hugh Fowler of San Fran­ -Act. cisco, national chairman Robert Scheer, editor o f the ter’s shoes will be neat black pumps or oxfords. Thomas College of Palai. Cuban Athlete In his social and polit­ IF CONFIDENCE in ‘ and presiding ofTicer o f the Leftist Magazine Ram­ More than 12,000 Mercy nuns throughout the country Bishop Vayalil was ical activities the Bishop the case expres.sed at the convention until he was parts, who polled 44.9 per will make the change to their new garb simultaneously. ordained a priest in 1935 Flees to U.S. works with Mrs. Indira and became Bishop of the convention can be taken at unseated by election of cent of the vote in the par- Gandhi, Prime Minister Diocese of Palai in 1950. also face value. Communists Negro Franklin Alexander Democratic primary — Miami, Fla. — Take it the expect to crack the main of Los Angeles’ Watts area. more than twice what he In Colorado Springs from husky Juan Pablo ' be legal b arrier to their in- was expected to get against Vatican, Vega Romero, 23, in Fidel has Ruence in this country. THE ORGANIZATION a liberal Democrat with Castro’s Cuba "athletes get Still remaining, howev- itself was undergoing full AFL-CIO backing. H appy Day Yugoslavia plenty to eat.” the In San Juan. P.P.. with spir- Sign Pact a Cuban delegation o f ath­ na- For . letes for the 10th Central has Open Rebellion Earns By Michael Wilson .•American and Caribbean rson CRepiilcr’ Rom? Corr^spondmO Colorado Springs —It was a happy day Games, Vega Romero, a Rome — The Holy See wrestler, met Father Jose par- Sunday, June 2*. for the Rev. Dean Kum- last week resumed diplo­ ba, pastor of the newly formed St. Jo­ Stoyans Seculits from ;hed Dove of Peace Badge m atic relations with an Colombia. The seph’s parish here, as well as for his par­ Iron Curtain regime, when ishioners. loly Chicago — The 400 del­ sympathetic to their cause. It was he who outlined Vatican envoy Monsignor Vega Romero asked On that day Father Kumba, formerly :her egates to the W. E. B. Du­ The works of Stalin, the movement’s twin issues Agostino Casaroli signed about his chances of gain­ assistant pastor of St. Francis de Sales’ all bois Clubs of America con­ Lenin, Marx, Patrice of peace in Vietnam and an agreement on behalf of ing political asylum in the parish. Denver, offered the first Mass for arc vention earned the dove- Lumumba, Malcolm X, drastic increases in war on Pope Paul VI, with the United States and the the parish in the Chamberlain grade I of of-peace badge of the orga­ and the man for whom poverty appropriations. president of the Yugoslav priest put the wrestler in school, which is being offered to the par- the nization in open rebellion organization was named, Peace, Aptheker said, • federal commission for touch with U.S. immigra­ ■ ish for use until a church can be built. nee against authority. William Edward Bur- means complete U.S. with­ religious affairs, Milutin tion authorities. And the Father Kumba, who assumed the nan j They are veterans of ghardt DuBois, were drawal from Vietnam and Moraca. trip here was made pos­ post of pastor June 24, reported that I campus riots in the name prominent among au­ absolute non-intervention The relations now re-es­ sible. \ of "free speech,” downtown thors represented. in Vietnam elections. he was amazed at the turnout at the Regis Faculty tablished are described as V marches in behalf o f peace A delegate could buy a Aptheker also attacked three Sunday Masses. There were 584 "semi-official.” A Vatican I at any price, and sensar poster depicting Uncle the cutback in war on pov­ families who attended and 285 per­ communique indicated no sons received Communion. Clyde Currie, above, ^ tional gestures in protest Sam, in the traditional "I erty funds as a direct blow Northglenn, has been firm agreement had been That evening Father Kumba was hon­ of the military draft. Want You” recruiting pose, to the nation’s |X)or in be­ appointed assistant pro­ rea ch e d on any o f the ored at a potluck dinner held in the I The Communist party pointing a pistol instead of half of the war. fessor of biology at Re­ issues in dispute. The com­ Chamberlain grade school. Present were hopes they form the his finger. Other father-figures In gis college, Denver. Cur­ munique said that the ex­ 450 parishioners and 10 priests, including .. n u c l e u s o f a y o u t h He could pick up a slo­ evidence included Ismael re n tly he is servin g as change of diplomatic rela­ I. movement large enough gan lapel button from a Florey of the Afro-Ameri­ the Rt. Rev. Michael Harrington, pastor research fellow at the tions — the first by the ^ to make a real issue of collection of militant can Association, who eulo- of St. Paul’s . and the Rt. Rev. Monsignor University of Colorado Holy See with any Eastern The Denver .Archdiocesan », their demand for a expressions ranging from Anthony G. Elzi, pastor of Corpus Christi Chancery office reports a (Turn to Page 2) school of medicine, European Communist re­ J change in the basic "Stop Cops” to "Equality parish. Boulder. See story on gime — would "contribute total of $91.92 donated Father Kumba expressed his grati­ [ structure o f U.S. society for Homosexuals" and "L e­ Page 3. to the improvement of mu­ toward seminary hurses , — to socialism. galize Abortion.” tude to all of his new parishioners and tual relations and a useful during the past week. Delegates, all dressed A large likeness of the expecially for preparing the house he is co-operation in the inter­ Donations for the St. j casually (a few, sloppily), late W. E. B. DuBois was State Unit Backs using as a rectory. national field.” *, trekked to the convention suspended above the Fr. Hamilton Treaties with Hungary Jude Burse were received j in the old Chicago Coli- speaker’s stand, beside a Student Aid Bill MASSES WILL BE offered every and Czecho-Slovakia in the from Denver. H.B.. $5: Denver, R.L., $5 in I scum from throughout the banner proclaiming: "For Lansing, Mich. — The Sunday in the grade school at 8, 10, and past three years provided Burse thanksgiving: Denver, » country — Brooklyn, the Freedom to Build Our State Board of Education 12 n o o n . This schedule will prevail until a for no exchange of envoys A.N.. $5 Parish burse. / Houston, Philadelphia, Los Future in Peace.” has urged the Michigan church can be built. Father Kumba hopes The second anniversa­ and were noted for viola­ j Angeles, , Minneap- legislature to pass a bill the church can be built within a year. ry of the Rev. Raymond tions bv the Communists. South Boulder. Sacred V< olis. COMMLNIST Herbert designed to provide tuition Architect is Ditez Lusk, Jr., who recent­ H a m ilto n ’s death is the Heart of Mary parish Aptheker. a candidate for grants for students at­ ly won an award for designing on of the burse, $76.92; n feast of St. Peter and M IN S ID E , once past the Congrcjis in Brooklyn who tending private colleges 10 outstanding corporation buildings in Paul, June 29, and con­ July 4 Tip! All offerings toward the ij registration table which led a defiant mission to and universities in Michi­ Colorado Springs, the Ampex building. tributions to the burse 'also issued meal tickets talk to Viet Cong lenders gan. It also urged Gov. Although many families have not been ^ ,, /. i. various burses are used to established in memory Regardless o f e educate voung men for the about peace in Vietnam, George Romney to sign the listed in the parish census. Father Kum­ and secured free lodging of Father Hamilton are perature, keep cool behind priesthood. They mav be for out-of-towners, dele- attended most of the ses­ b ill into law i f it passes ba. to date, has listed 423 families and as follows: the wheel, reminds the Archdio- sions, performing as an the legislature. The bill is 1.083 children. At present he is making cates had access to tables Littleton, R.H., $10; State Patrol. Chancery Office, , with buttons, books, elder statesman in resi­ supported by the Michigan contact with the unlisted families, ap­ Denver, P.J.M., $20. ^ posters, and pamphlets dence. Catholic Conference. proximately several hundred...... -...... 1536 Logan street, Denver.

I ■: I Page 2 '' DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER June 30, 1964 Migrant Program Gains 1 9 6 6 ness that the migrant is "W e try to make them Ham’s parish. Fort Lupton. working with transient la- our concern.” w elcom e," said the Rev. . pointed out that increased b o rers has m eant some Annual Archdiocesan H erb ert Banigan in ref- ecumenical spirit has come frustration to the former APPOINTMENT of the e re n c e to th e m ig ra n t fro m th e program. "W e program director who. each Rev, James Overman as Development Report worker in Colorado. now cooperate w ith and summer for the past six director of the Denver A r­ "The migrant is OM con- rec eive cooperation from years in addition to his chdiocesan Apostolate was announced this week. Fa­ /■T o ta l A m avn t cern —not Texas’ con- many state and religious duties as pastor of St. P lM g e Paid Pltdgaas cern—while he is here in groups’’ W illia m ’s, has added the ther Overman, assistant director of the program P rits ts 14,71 t.OO t.014.00 the state," he said. Father He cited the Wold Coun- work of supervising the C ath od ral 3f,a4«.t2 13.030.00 Ban.gan outgoing dir^tor ty M igrant problem is by migrant program. since 1958, has been active Annunciation' 3,3fS.S0 1.437.50 in migrant mission work Blessed Sacrament 27.737.50 13,335.17 of the Archdiocesan Mig- „„ ■ He insists, however, that C h ris t the King 2f,f7I.OO 13.010.00 rant Committee, recalled ..Qnly by increasing our the rewards have been tre­ for more than 10 years. C ure D 'A rs l,30t.00 3.333.00 his SIX years on the pro- efforts and by cooperating mendous. Increased size of the Holy Cross-Thornton 2i.aao.i5 7,543.05 program, the necessity of H oly Ghost 3.303.00 1.500.00 gram. in a ll possible areas with "Migrant children no Sacred Heart Uflf.SO 733.50 having a full time director, ’'W e’ve done a lot,” he others w ill we be able to longer fear school,” he St. Caielan i.3oa.a3 t34.t3 and the shifting geograph­ SI. Eliiabetti 3.a3a.eo 1.740.00 added, "but a lot remains said. "Parents see the need begin to make easier the ical location o f farm labor­ Loyola , 3,tM.50 LStS.tS to be done.” life o f the downtrodden. fo r education more and St. Jam es I ta,a33.50 7,t3t.00 Migrant committee re­ ers were cited as reasons St. John Evangelist 20.157.50 13.114.00 "W e’ve shown we can do more. Spiritually, things for the change by Father St. PNlfomena ; lS.flt.72 t.1S3.33 ports during the ^ast six something with these are a little brighter — St. Plus X-Aurora i7,aaf.oo 5,033.07 priests and laity are be­ Banigan. The new director St. Tlieres»Aurora 20.330.00 0,305.40 years indicate that ^uch people. Formerly, some Assumption-Welby t f,53a.00 4.534.00 has been done under Fa- considered migrants worth coming more and more will establish headquarters A ll Saints 14.743.75 5.304.50 ther Banigan’s direction. Jess than a tractor. We willing to accept the tran­ in Greeley, which is nearer A ll Seuls.EngIcweotf 3t.ais.oo 13,713.34 Most Precious Blood 27,IOf.OO 13.t53.SO In 1959 program workers d is c o v e re d th eir human sient, and parish lines are the geographical center o f Mother ol God f,S43.00 5.5t3.50 covered nearly 18,000 dignity.” becoming less important. migrant activities than N o ire Dame 3t.044.00 t.043.04 Our Lady ol Lourdes 10.501.00 3.300.00 miles in bringing Christ to . * There is a constant aware­ Fort Lupton. Presentafhm f,f3l.34 4,3tS.34 the workers. By 1963 total DISCOVERING and Sist St. Anttwmy 10.101.40 0,330.07 mileage had risen to more St. Bernadette 10,lf3.S0 7.7f3.17 Personalized Monuments and Markers ic inti St. Francis de Sales 17.007.00 7.f0t.0t than 26,000. St. Joseph CSSR 5.077.00 1.775.50 Colora St. LoerS'Engleweotf 33.307.00 0,450.00 ATTENDANCE in mig­ Rebellion Memorial Co. graduc St. MarY-LHtieten 30.433.50 10,711.03 depart St. R o m o f L im a 17.103.00 4.371.50 Discuss Civic Improvements rant religious classes has Speer Blvd At 9th St. Vmcent de Peuf 35.70t.50 17.3t3.0t v ie w in shown an even more — P e a c e Erickson 3SS-178S H oly Name . S.tOO.OO 3.030.50 lA^adern o f the Capitol Hill Improvement A sso­ selectet Guardian Angels 0.450.00 3.005.00 ciation meet on the steps of the Cathedral of the remarkable increase, jump­ Holy Family 10.100.50 7.t44.Se ing from 378 in 1959 to (('ontiiimd Fruni Pag(> 1) Holy Rosary 4.005.75 3.471.00 Immaculate Conception, Denver, to discuss plans M t. C arm el 4.043.00 3.040.00 of the infant civic organization. Left to right, they more than 1,000 six years gized DuBois in a speech He/j Our Lady of Fatima 33,m.00 11,037.50 later. Hundreds of first LtHB.VlAM , T e B O C K I I O R S T’ C C o .’ Our Lady el Grace 3.110.50 l,St4.50 are Frank Thomson, Bernard Duffy, Msgr. Walter at the only televised por­ St. Anne-Arvada 33.030.10 14,537.10 J. Canavan, Cathedral , and the Rev. Austin * Communions and baptisms, tion o f the convention. St. Catherine 17.517.00 t,537.50 Vick, o f St. Paul Methodist Church. thousands of pounds of F lorey commended as a St. Dem tm c 10.37t.50 4.550.50 clothing distributed, scores M l St. Joseph-CeMen 7.070.00 3.343.00 "logical step” for young St. Joseph Polish 575.00 575.00 of trips to welfare agencies Negro members o f the au­ St. Mary Magdalene f,03S.t0 4,S5t.t0 and hospitals arc only a St. Patrick 4.545.00 1.043.00 AFA Graduate Named dience DuBois’s own con­ SI. Peter A Paol 10.340.50 7.001.50 ' scant indication of the clusion that Communism is Holy Trinity 35.475.00 t,301.S0 growth in the archdiocesan To Nativity of Our Lord 10.til.Q0 4.144.00 "the only way” for Negroes St. Cathcrtne-Commerce CUT 3.330.00 371.50 program since 1959. to achieve full equality. Clergy, f Christ the King-Evergrcca 5.543.44 3.433.50 To Manned Orbit Unit "B u t our gains are not ishioners SI. Paul'ldaho Springs 1.300.00 550.00 St. Augusline-Brighlon t.050.43 4,30S.t3 The first A ir Force acad­ ini spacecraft. They will just numbers,” insisted the A N O T H E R speaker at respects to SI. Francb-Castle Rock l.Ott.SO 1.373.00 em y graduate selected for enter a laboratory attached ex-director. He emphasized the opening night general . tin e Orde: Corpus Chrisli-C. Springs 14,479.00 0,793.00 447 session was Tito Nolasco of I little town Otvine Redeemer-C. Springs 3 3 ,m .0 0 11,031.13 545 flight in the nation’s space to the craft and work the side effects of the ef­ Holy Trlnily-C. Springs 15.730.04 4,194.04 444 effort has been assigned to without space suits for pe­ fort, telling of the priests, New York, a radical young JOHN E. ZOOK GERARD R. S ou th ern O u r L s Oy of Ovsdi'jpe 1.0I9.00 •44.00 104 the Manned Orbiting Lab­ nuns, seminarians, and lay ■native of the Dominican PARTNER TfBOCiCHORST. CPCU Friday, Jur Poullne CtMpci-8 rM d rn « o r 14,514.50 7,939.34 342 riods up to 30 days. The PARTNER S acrotf H ta rt.c . S prings V.344.S7 3,971.57 305 oratory (MOL) program. pilots will then re-enter people who have learned Republic. He charged re­ Requiem St. M ary-C olo. S prings 10,333.50 4,439.00 442 H e is C ap t. K arol J. the Gemini, detach it from more about transient agri­ cent elections that put 9n6uAanjuL M noL 1897 * fered by Bi Holy Famiry-Securtty 9,399.00 3,033.00 343 cultural laborers and their Joaquin Balaguer in power Buswell of AnnurKla1l«n.Laa(7vltl« 5.040.00 3,371.50 331 Bobko, 28, a member o f the laboratory and return 1 130 PUBLIC SERVICE BIOG. St. j 0s«ph-LMdvtll« 3,170.00 1,392.50 170 the academy’s first gradu­ to earth for an ocean land­ problems through the com­ in Santo Domingo "wore a Precious B Our Lady of ttM Woods 1,115.00 • 20.00 41 ating class in 1959. His mittee’s endeavors. fraud since the very begin­ fo r th e Ri St. P e ter-M onum ont 795.00 352.50 30 ing. O u r La dy o f Pfnes 1,457.00 449.00 49 home is Scaford, N.Y. His Capt. Bobko is a gradu­ "By letting program ning” and represented only Martorell, Brcckonntfgo 435.00 449.00 24 w ife, Diane, the daughter workers use their initiative a "temporary” setback for June 20 fo Scared H ca rf-B o vld o r 30,340.10 0,141.77 414 ate of the Air Force Aer­ Sacred Heart of Mary 3.045.00 M40.00 108 of Mrs. Byron Welsh, Den­ ospace Research Pilot we have helped them be­ socialist forces. "Would You Believe .'TV' tomobile acc St. Thomas Aquinas 0.795.50 3,933.50 211 ver, was graduated from School at Edwards Air come intimately concerned Nolasco also hailed The 77-y. Our Lady of Mourtfains 1,475.00 735.00 51 a founding H oly F a m lly .F f. Cotllns 1,400.05 457.05 124 Loretto Heights college in Force base, Calif. He and with the sufferings o f the "the glorious revolution St. Josoph 15,449.75 4,457.00 3B3 I960. his wife and their two poor,” he explained. led by Fidel Castro” for Cajetan's p St. Wllllam-Ft. Lupton 3,590.75 1,475.75 114 Cnpt. Bobko will join Air “Many people who knew establishing his form of had served St. Thcrcse-Frederlck 1,393.00 454.00 l i t children have spent the Our Lady ol PcacG-Greeley 1,077.00 500.00 303 Force, Navy, and Marine last year there. At the nothing about migrants government in the West­ San Luis for St. Pelcr-Grccicy 7,350.00 2,700.35 345 pilots chosen to conduct academy, he was on the now know. As a result, in­ ern Hemisphere for the as assistant Im m a cu la te C orK .-L afa yetlB 3,944.00 1,900.50 177 SI. John B a ptisl-Lo ng m o nt 1,344.00 5,435.50 384 experiments in earth orbits honor lis t his junior and terest in government pro­ first time. past four yea SI. Leuis-LoulsvtM* 3,454.00 3,014.50 352 as part of the Defense senior years, and was on grams and legislation to The new national chair­ St. Johrt'Leveiand 11,304.00 3,242.50 355 T H E R E ( G u a rd ia n Angols-M oado 445.00 470.00 35 Department’s portion o f the the varsity gymnastics aid the poor has in­ man is Franklin Alexand­ St. N ich e la s-P la n cvllle 991.00 • 444.00 . 49 national space program. leanr______creased.” er, 25-year-old Negro from for Father A St. M a ry-O re cie y 13,400.00 3,542.50 359 The pastor of St. Wil- the W atts section of Los brated by Bi SI. Anlhony-Sterltng 11.030.50 7,515.00 514 had six othe: SI. Joseph-Akron 1,037.00 1,479.50 04 THE PROJECT calls Regis Summer A ngeles. H is predecessor, SI. Mary-Brush 5,730.00 3,592.00 317 for launching of two-man Hugh Fowler of San Fran­ esan priests SI. C a th erlne -B urllng fon 430.00 4«9.00 45 Fathers as co SI. MIchaoLCalhan 440.00 * 449.00 41 crews inside modified Gem- cisco, was elected executive Sacred Hearl-Cftey.Wells 3,503.00 '2,741.00 137 Registration secretary on the now na­ TJhe Very St. Peler-C reok 943.00 703.00 50 Segrera, C.R. SI. P e te r-F le m in g 931.00 434.00 44 tional executive committee. Sf. Helena-Ft. Morgan 3,134.35 1,357.35 144 eral of the T SI. P a lrick-H o lyo ke 1,117.50 •34.50 41 At New High from Rome; t St. Anthony-H uge 3,704.00 3,441.00 131 James Prohei St. Anlhony-Julesburg 3,174.00 1.7M.00 131 Summer session enroll­ News Deadlme! Sacred Hearf-Feefx 504.79 544.79 42 vincial supt ment at Regis college has Sacred Hearl-Roggon 1,035.00 100.00 33 North Ameri St. Jehn-Sfeneham 390.00 320.00 reached an all-timn high The deadline for news St. C harie s-S tratto n 4,309.00 3,010.00 province; the according to 1966 figures stories and pictures to St. Andrew-Wray 1,174.00 944.00 S3 Bonet, C.R., p St. Jelm-Yuma 1,045.00 • 75.00 41 released by college reg­ appear in the "Register” of Most Prei SI. Mary-Aspen 3.000.00 2,554.00 istrar, Dr. Laurence Mor­ is M onday at 9 a.m. SI. Michael-Cralg 2,317.00 757.00 79 ^nd the Rt. St. Stephen-Oienwood 4,713.97 4,439.31 354 ris. Francis J. Fa St. peter-Kremmllng 3,335.00 1,440.00 A total o f 320 students St. Palrick-Minture 140.00 ’ ■ 105.00 4 Alamosa, wei St. Ignallus-Rangcley 1,441.00 j arc presently enrolled for ants. Almost St. Mary-Sleamboet Springs 3,543.00 f 3,143.00 114 summer classes, well above NORTH Holy Ghost Fathers 1,540.50 I.UO.SO were present. Anonym ous last year’s previous high of MOO.OO 1,000.00 1 F a th e r Ma 275. An olTering of special DENVER buried in fr T otals 51,074,444.95 S4«0,135.39 33,917 workshops, including an . Grand Knight church in San Institute for Teachers of G en eral o f th Capt. K. J. B obko the American Indian, have Jack F. Knudsen of OPTICAL Denver has been elected Order from Roi helped boost the 1966 to­ Dispensing Oplicinns 79 Hospitals Get grand knight o f Knight.s been conductij Nuns' Foundress - tal, officials indicated. of Columbus Council DeWAYNE INGRAM tion o f the U.i The R egis summer ses­ Dies, Aged 95 539. Installation cerem o­ COLFAX & PENNSYLVANIA his community. sions arc coeducational, 4022 Tennyson Street 'OK' By Medicare Lac-au-Saum on, nies, open to the public Also presei with 146 women, both GRond 7-5759 Very Rev. Jam Canada — Coadjutor-*! religious and non-religious, for the first time in his­ The Colorado State Dep­ diocese o f Denver recom­ C.R., provincial artm ent of Public Health Louis Levesque enrolled this year. tory, will be held in the mended for certification olTered the solemn Funeral council home, 1555 Grant St. Andrew Avi has recommended to the include: St. Joseph Hospi­ The session runs through Mass for the Mother Mary of street, Tuesday evening, nary, Denver. Social Security administra­ tal of the Plains, Cheyenne August 5 with workshops Summer Magic tion that 79 o f Colorado’s St. Joseph of the Eucharist, in reading methods and July 5, at 8 p.m. Wells; Penrose, St. Francis, A N A T I V E 89 general hospitals be M arie-Anne Ouellet, foun­ human relations featuring Colorado Springs; Mercy, Eugenia, Island dress and first Superior Gen­ the final weeks of the pro­ AT NO EXTRA COST certified for participation St. Anthony and St. Jo­ ca, Spain, Fathei in the health insurance eral o f the Servants o f Our gram. GLASS DAVE LINDQUIST Owner seph’s, Denver; and St. was born Feb. 5 benefits (Medicare) pro­ Lady, Queen of the Clergy, 19 Years On The Job Experience Vincent’s, Leadvillc. CO. On Three Continents completed his ] gram, which goes into ef­ who died here at the age of 7U I7lh Street 33rd FI. New Western Fed. training in the fect Friday, July 1. 95 and in the 35th year of "for Better Cab Service" Savings Bldg. seminary at Mai George H. Cowen, ad­ her religious life. FOR MIRRORS was ordained H ministrator of the program Forty Hours' A large number o f clergy LINDQUIST See Our Beautiful 1920, by Bishop for the Department, said and religious from Canada X o n e C a b t r a v e l s e r v ic e Domenech. the hospitals recommended Devotion and the United States al- New Home at Tel. 825-7175 M Ain 3-7171 1 Hour Frea Parhing La Shells for certification include 40 tonded the funeral services. 690 Lawrence 825-52.'>l He served as s Ju ly 3, 1066 ______1735 C a lifo rn ia Mallorca for two o f the 41 general hospitals V Sunday After accredited by the Joint fore being assign Pentecost Commission on Accredita­ Colorado missions tion o f Hospitals and 39 of He came to t * Our Lady- of Lourdes, the 48 non-accrcditcd hos­ Aug. 15, 1922, Georgetown pitals in the state. appointed assista * Mt. Carmel, Red Cliff of Sacred Heart t ADDITIONALLY, the Durango, Aug. 23, * Missions marked three psychiatric hospitals After a brief with an asterisk (*) may accredited by JCAH have Durango, he was have 13 Hours’ of Expo­ been recommended for cer­ sition of the Blessed DON'T MISS THE tification, as have five in­ Sacrament instead o f 40 LEGION'S Knights C dependent medical labora­ Hours’. Savings Passbook tories and eight homo health agencies. Number 1 Reg. $4.99 SALUTE TO Now $1.99 I Fr. Padbe The final decision on Still Draws Our Interest certification rests with the t SATRIANO t The Rev. Johi Social Security Adminis­ AMERICA berg, S.J., direct tration.. t BROTHERS : Ccciric Kdub opened the first savings account at our Sacred Heart reti bank the morninct heqafi banking. That was Catholic-operated I JANITOR SERVICE * Sedalia, w ill be h hospitals in the Arch- May 1.1905. JU LY 4th Cedric Kaub still has Savings Passbook Number 1. VFc invite you to shop ort the Friday Lunci ! INC. * on the occasioi D. U. S T A D IU M He still draws our interest. Lay-a-way^ use our Budget won • Rug ond Upholstery ^ Thousands of other savers have come to American 25th anniversai I* RESERVED SEATS $1.00 P la n o r use y ou r Shoppers won CARPETS j Shampooing * National, making it one of the fastest-growing major ordination. Also h Denver banks. Card. Room Sl/e < • Compute House w the noon lunchec I Cleaning * One reason wo keep old customers and add ntv/ Knights o f Columl and Smaller RUGS ones is that American takes an interest in its customers. Largtsl oittclient 'n ttio CII7 • • Floor Waxing and » on July 15 wil And gives m ore. . . 4 per cent daily iniefeci com­ Best For Less every room I Polishing It pounded quarterly. Very Rev. John rurniTure in (he hnese Wolls and Windows* *• Think yo u n g -b e g in your savings program today. agher C.M., rcct it Washed e- Saving SbO a month means you'll have 53,324.87 in Thomas seminary, * * * Expert • ncpcmlablo x- tict Tickets: five years. (Or SI 50.260,60 in 60 years.) APPAREL been assigned to £ E.M.W. J Insured J DOWNTOWN DENVER DRY GOODS seminary, Camarill Merchant's Park Shopping Center where cash talks * Cot) U» lor Fict Eslim ili* 3^ THE AMERICAN UGION AMERICAN NATIONAL 2111 80 *. O L . S 5754 a n d O L . S l l t f 3^. So. Broadway Just Off Vaiicy Uwy. In charge of . nrimdway X 31)0 W. 44th A vt. Where banking iz a pleasure Sllcrman 4-2V54 1;J70 Broadway eon are Ben Wi 17th & Stout • Member F.D.I.C. • 244-6911 Ph. 722-0740 eral chairman June 30, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER P a ge 3 ^ xant 18 Only Regulatory Use Clyde Currie Gets o f the nan as Regis Biology Post ver Ar- Of 'Pill' Considered vte was Rome — The hand­ sent "rh yth m ” system of regulating the menstrual Appointment of Clyde Colorado-W yom ing ek. Fa- picked ’’inner cabinet” as­ family limitation. cycle (and thus aid Currie, Northglenn, as an Academy o f Sciences, the sistant signed to weigh the find­ Pope Paul VI is expected ’’rhythm”), but not as a assistant professor of biolo­ American Association for rogram ings of the Papal Birth to study the report, who.se contraceptive. gy at Regis college, has the Advancement of r active Control Commission, re­ fin al polishing was com­ The 16 , carefully been announced by the Science, Sigma Xi and Phi 1 work ‘ portedly recommends use of pleted last week, and to selected for their compre­ Very Rev. Richard F. Sigma Societies and the irs. the oral pill only for regu­ announce his decision in hension of Pope John’s ov­ Ryan, S.J., president of Association of Develop­ o f the latory purposes. late fall. erall plan for updating the Regis. mental Biologists. tsity of A minority opinion of Church, as well as for (See picture on Page 1) irector, The majority is said to the 16 prelates opposed their unquestioned devotion Bob Hope Gets jgraph- believe the pill may be Currie is currently serv­ to a true interpretation of labor- any extension of the pre­ utilized as a means of ing as a research fellow’ at 'Pacem’ Award God’s natural law, and reasons the University of Colorado their personal integrity, Los Angeles —Immaculate Father school of medicine and will studied the report o f the complete work on his Ph.D. Heart college presented its lirector 60-man Pontifical Commis­ degree in August. He re­ first Pacem in Terris aarters sion established in 1963 by ceived his master’s degree award to comedian Bob nearer Pope Paul. from the University of Hope at a dinner cele­ Iter of Informed sources in Colorado in 1962 and dur­ brating the 50th anniver­ i than Rome, cited by Register ing his studies there has sary of the institution. Mercy Research Program correspondent Michael also served as a teaching He was chosen for the Sister Mary Kicran, Mercy hospital administrator, discusses the scientif­ Wilson, say the 16 prel­ fellow and a parttime in­ award because of his "dis­ ic interviewing research program with Charles O. Neidt, left, head of ates’ final report to the structor. tinguished service in the Colorado State university’s psychology department, and Brian C. Arnold, Pope shows that there is A native of Brow’nsville, pursuit of freedom and graduate assistant at Colorado State university. Fifteen of the hospital’s no theological objection to Tenn., Currie was gradu­ peace.” department heads and supervisors are participants in the personnel inter­ use of the oral pill to re­ ated there from Carver News Deadline! viewing research program. Mercy hospital, Denver, is the only hospital gulate the menstrual cycle, high school. He earned his selected for research. provided — once obstacles bachelor’s degree from The deadline for news to procreation are overcome Lane college, Jackson, stories and pictures to Helped Build St. Cajetan's, Denver — the couple allow concep­ Tenn. appear in the "Denver tion of children. He is a member of the Catholic Register” is M onday at 9 a.m. Many Pay Final Respects 9W9WW ^WWWWWWWWW9WWW 9f rr'^wwvwwwwww • Be Sure ...... Insist on a Our expert crews will fine grade, lay 99'‘t. pure nursery grown To Theatine of San Luis ; RICHLAWN Clergy, friends, and par­ were built in the missions : SOD LAWN Kentucky Blue or Merlon ishioners paid their final o f San Rafael and Las Me- respects to a beloved Thea- sitas in Colorado, and in I tin e Order priest in the Tres Piedras and No Aqua sod In a rich black loamy topsoil, fertilize and f little town of San Luis in in New Mexico. roll In a complete lawn for as low as Southern Colorado last Father Martorell was Friday, June 24. appointed pastor of Most a square foot Requiem Mass was of­ Precious Blood parish, San 9 < for the average lawn fered by Bishop Charles A. Luis on Oct. 26, 1933, a Buswell of Pueblo in Most post he held until Aug. 1, with Full Written Guarantee. Precious Blood, San Luis 1963, when he stepped Easy Payments for the Rev. Humphrey down to become assistant Battle Zone Chaplain Call 771-5611 M a rto rell, C.R., who died pastor of the same parish. In the midst of a Vietnam battle zone, the Rev. June 20 following an au­ During this period, the Thomas J. Confroy prepares to offer Holy Mass. For a RICHLAWN tomobile accident. parish church and the high This photograph of Father Confroy, which ap­ Free Estimate The 77-year - old priest, school building were en­ pears in an article in the current issue of "Look” Turf Farms Inc. a founding pastor of St. tirely remodeled, and magazine, was taken just after he had visited a The quality sod used by the A ir Force Academy, the Universities of Colorado and Wyoming C ajetan’s parish, Denver, a n d th e new S125.000 D .U . M e m o ria l G ardens. steam heating plants were dying soldier. AAA A A.. A A ^ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AX had served as pastor in installed in both places San Luis for 30 years and and also in the convent. as assistant pastor for the The high school was accre­ past four years. dited by Colorado univer­ Father Martorell sity. T H E R E Q U IE M Mass Mission churches were for Father Martorell, cele­ assistant to the Rev. Bar­ erected in Chama, Blanca, brated by Bishop Buswell, tholomew Caldentey, C.R., San Pablo, Garcia, Jaroso, had six other Pueblo dioc­ at the then newly formed La Valle, and Ft. Garland. esan priests and Theatine St. Cajetan’s parish, Den­ Im provem ents were made Fathers as concelebrants. ver. Father Caldentey was in the parish church in­ '^he Very Rev. Anthony called to Rome the same cluding the installation of Segtera, C.R., Father Gen­ year to become Father a new pipe organ and new eral o f the Theatine Order General of the Theatine pews, the redecorating of from Rome; the Very Rev. Order and Father Marto­ the interior, the rebuilding James Prohens, C.R., pro­ rell became pastor o f St. of the bell tower, and the vincial superior of the Cajetan’s. Within four purchasing of new vest­ North American Theatine years of its founding, the ments. A new rectory was province; the Rev. Andrew church was consecrated, a built in 1947, and a mod­ Bonet, C.R., present pastor debt-free institution. This ern grade school building of Most Precious Blood; had been accomplished was erected in 1954 for the §nd the Rt. Rev. Msgr. through the generosity of school started in 1904. Francis J. Faistl, V.F., of the J. J. Mullen family, on But the crops year by Alam osa, w ere concelebr­ whose old home site the year became poorer and ants. Almost 40 priests church had been built, and market prices dropped. Be­ were present. the sacrifice and determin­ cause there was no indus­ Father Martorell was ation o f the Spanish-speak­ try in the parish, a great buried in front of the ing community served by number of families moved church in San Luis. Father the church. away and it became im­ After St. Cajetan’s General of the Theatine possible for the parish to Order from Rome, who has church was blessed in support the schools. In been conducting a visita­ March o f 1926 by Bishop 1957, the Sisters o f Mercy J. Henry Tihen, Father tion of the U.S. houses of were obliged to leave, and his community. Martorell was appointed the schools were closed. Also present was the pastor of Sacred Heart Lay catechists of the Con­ Very Rev. James Prohens, parish, Durango, where he fraternity of Christian C.R., of served from 1927 to 1930. Doctrine have carried on St. Andrew Avellino semi­ As pastor of Sacred the work. Heart church. Durango, he nary, Denver. IN MARCH, 1956, Fa­ was instrumental in build­ ther Martorell celebrated ing more than 20 mission A NATIVE of Santa the 50th anniversary of chapels in the outlying Eugenia, Island of Mallor­ taking his first vows in the areas of southern Colorado ca, Spain, Father Martorell Theatine Order. 35 Years Later! was born Feb. 5, 1889. He — missions still served by After 30 years as pastor completed his priesthood the Theatine Fathers in of the San Luis parish. training in the Theatine that area. The missions are Father M artorell stepped seminary at Mallorca, and so scattered and many so down, Aug. 1, 1963. He The above advertisement appeared April 13, 1931 in was ordained March 22, remote that Mass is some­ continued as assistant pas­ a Knights of Columbus program for a Catholic Char­ 1920, by Bishop Rigoberto times offered on a week­ tor of the parish until his Domenech. day since it is impossible ities benefit held in the Denver auditorium. death. He is survived by He served as a priest in for the priests to visit each relatives in Spain. Mallorca for two years be­ one on Sunday. fore being assigned to the IN 1930, Father Marto­ Colorado missions. rell was appointed pastor STILL THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS AS He came to the U. S. of Our Lady o f Guadalupe Aug. 15, 1922, and was parish, Conejos, and St. TIMELY TODAY AS IT WAS appointed assistant pastor Augustine’s, Antonito, and GROWING! of Sacred Heart church *in Quasi-Provincial of the 35 YEARS AGO! Durango, Aug. 23, 1922. Theatine Fathers in Amer­ NOW After a brief stay in ica. During his stay in OVER Durango, he was made an Antonito, new churches Knights Council To Honor 6 , 8 4 0 Fr. Podberg, Fr. Donogher CARS SOLD! SINCE MARCH 1, 1963 The Rev. John R. Pad- Brown, program chairman; berg, S.J., director of the and Jack Denny, co-chair­ Sacred Heart house man. En tertainm ent will ED TYNAN'S Sedalia, w ill be honored by be furnished by W ill Back the Friday Luncheon club and Bill Mcllree. on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his CHRnrSLER ordination. Also honored at FO R LEASE ;B oulem rd m ortuaries the noon luncheon at the PLYMOUTH INC. Knights o f Columbus home ll.DOil ft. nil 2 floors on July 15 will be the in oin- of dountown Den- NEW Very Rev. John J. Dan- \«-r‘s iiici'sl lildus. ( lc;m. 1966 VALIANT agher C.M., rector of St. FEDERAL BLVD. AT SPEER '•tram lu'Jit. air rojidilioti- 1091 SO. COLORADO BLVD. AT MISSISSIPPI Thomas seminary, who has $1,795 • G R A N D 7-1625 been assigned to St. John’s cd. Offit'i's. stora;;e or • S K Y L IN E 7-1238 seminary, Camarillo, Calif. fliNjilay spac<'. K<'asoiiablc m it . in fo r m a tio n <-all In charge o f the lunch­ 5225 E. COLFAX .VM ll.^ :m lilako si. “Denver’s Catholic M ortuaries” eon are Ben Wright, gen­ Tel. 399-0630 eral chairman; George Page 4 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER June 30, ^966 • Strings to the Bow Den\ “ Colorado Springs # Bells of July 4 j As Seen in 1905 By Frank Morris*. Afte By Chris m e oeiis ot America are ences, all they possess to EVERY MAN is in­ This week a friend brought in a copy of the New going to ring this July 4. keep that heritage o f free­ volved by liberty, whether For a char Y ear’s, 1905, C olorado Springs Gazette and T ele­ This is what they will say: dom, and pass it on to its he wishes to be or not. He [join the Peace graph. Some interesting paragraphs follow: What happened in this children, who in turn will who has it is dignified; he Thomas W. "Colorado Springs has 30,000 population. It was orig­ country 190 years ago lit a ring the bells of liberty, who does not have it seeks of Mr. and inally called Fountain colony, and was laid out by Gen­ fire of liberty that has not unashamed to make.the that dignity; and he who Switzer. Denv eral William J. Palmer as a health resort . . . yet been extinguished — sound heard — not merely hates liberty is challenged home after 2) "Colorado Springs has forty-six churches with a mem­ and free men are resolved throughout the nation, but by it. Liberty alone is the Kasungu in bership of nearly 10,000. Its church property and build­ it never will; throughout the world. •rule o f how close to the British colonj ings are valued at $650,000. It has no saloons, no gam­ Men, given the chance to Some won’t hear the created image o f God man land, now cal bling houses, and no houses of ill fame . . . exercise their natural right bells, of course. The same has obtained. aay.s the sim "Colorado Springs people "do things” . . . to. govern themselves, can thing was true of July 4, • The challenge given quietude are "Exclusive of imported cases of tuberculosis, the do so with dignity, moder­ 1776. Those who could not Americans in 1776 was enjoyable.” death rate in Colorado Springs for 1904 was 7.77 per ation, and determination — distinguish tyranny from how desperately they de­ In a letter to 1,000, the lowest death rate of any city of the same size and match and surpass the liberty had left Philadel­ sired to fulfill that natural friends, "Bwi in the world . . . finest governments of phia and put in with the dignity. They rose to that tells of his first ’'There are thirty-five millionaires in Colorado professional rulers or her­ cause of the Crown. And challenge. regular buses editary houses of overlords; for some who argued only Springs and dozens of others whose wealth reaches into For 190 years Americans across the new A nation still exists that for a correction o f the situ­ six figures . . . . have risen to the same was only 60 mi believes the risks of free­ ation, rather than the clear "Assays of the streets show a trace of gold . . . ’challenge. They have d river decided dom are worth the fruits option for liberty or death, "The annual cost of maintaining the public schools of rightly understood — al­ route and take such freedom can bring; the bells on the first July Colorado Springs is about $180,000, or $36 a pupil. The for two hours. A country of millions, 4 were . a dirge for right most every one — what rate in cities averages $24 a pupil . . . Patrick Henry was saying "I am surt stretches between two order. have to readji There are over one hundred automobiles owned in oceans — a country of vast — regarding liberty there Colorado Springs, ranging in price from $1,500 to $12,- T H E R E A R E those in is no compromise. convenience.s diversity, representing a of America," 000 . . . the world today — some You cannot give away a people of vast diversity yeur-old Peace •'Every other man or woman you meet is a who are fair enough to even in this country — bit o f liberty to purchase church member. who do not distinguish be­ safety or ease or comfort. note.s. "B elieve equalize opportunity as one can adju Incidentally, there is a full-page picture ad on page much as possible, but not tween liberty and tyranny. You cannot maintain that well to a tota 29 of the above-mentioned publication of "a Modern to insist on equality at the They have put in with the liberty is a luxury fitting e le c tr ic ity , run Bath Room installed by St. John Bros. Plumbers.” It expense of liberty; cause of philosophies dedi­ some certain period o f his- features a leggy bathtub with shower overhead, a toilet, cated to depriving oth­ "tory, or some certain type ter, and telepho: washbasin, and another piece of equipment that has A R A C E of men stands ers of the fruits of liberty. o f culture or society. Pat­ Malawi has s successfully defied anyone in the office to identify.! firm with the courage and • They believe the day of rick Henry said liberty is m illion Africt; selflessness to ask its sons liberty is over; they want an absolute — to bo de­ [speak Nyanja, to fullfill its obligations to to return the world to the sired above every other |Swahili, 10.000 E liberty, to keep its word old tyrannies dressed in natural thing, including ind 20,000 Indian Animal and trust with others who new uniforms; they say the life itself. ^m erchants. Ind* look to it to obtain the American revolution be­ The bells of July 4, since 1964. Mai; same freedom Americans longs to the few, and the 1966, are going to remind looks to Britain < Protection bought for themselves at future belongs to the the world — both those ally, to .sell its h the price o f sacrifice, in­ many. who hear them and those ]|obacco and peanut The Senate Commerce Committee has, in a humane cluding the ultimate sacri­ But they say these who do not choose to hear Although the ne way, taken the bull by the horns so to speak and put fice; things with uneasiness, — that Americans still lies at the lower er the brand o f its approval on a solid, sensible bill to /r TAKES WOP/C TO K££P T P £ M R/A/G/A/G / A nation has used free­ because liberty is some­ choose death to loss of Great Rift va protect research animals from needless, wanton cruelty. dom to build a prosperity thing that cannot be dis­ what’ their forefathers depression that Its bill, introduced by Senator Magnuson and measura­ for more of its citizens missed by history or time; bought for them. They are from the Red Se; proving it as those very bly strengthened by Senator Monroney’s amendment, is Listening In than any nation has done it is not something that 6,000 miles towart markedly superior to the animal care measure passed by so before; can be kept out of a nation bells ring out — in the gascar, it does n« jungles of Vietnam. the House. We hope that the Senate will give it speedy That same nation has by border guards o f walls; the mineral rich The day may come when endorsement and that the House will accede to its wise shared that prosperity with it is not something that humanenes.s. its neighbors and with ev­ can be voted out o f exist­ the bells of the whole world will have their own The Senate Commerce Committee bill would require Thoreaus Brush ery land in need that has ence by puppets of false day to ring for liberty. Un­ Sunday Evenii laboratories, animal dealers and persons tran.sporting called for help; philosophies. til that day, however, it is animals to be used in scientific re.search to observe cer­ A nation still exists The longer liberty is By Bishop Robert J. Dwyer up to one nation, born un­ Mass at 8:30 tain elementary standards to be set by the Secretary of where men build houses held at bay, the more in­ der God, to ring them for Agriculture for the handling of these creatures before dedicated to worshipping tense it burns, until it During June, Ju Burning with zeal to convert the Brownson, and saw to it that the Concord that world. they are used for experimenUition. The standards would the God they hailed as the breaks through and cannot August, there will world, young Isaac Hecker ("Yankee Lyceum heard him lecture. author of liberty in their be put out. The soul o f be designed to deter the stealing o f pets for sale to lab­ additional evenini Paul” his biographer would call him) sat man hungers for it the THAT IS what the bells oratories and to require giving them decent shelter, charter of independence; each Sunday at 8:i down to write a letter to his old friend, Mrs. Thoreau was kind and moth­ Such a citizenry stands w ay his body hungers for of this July 4 will say. ventilation, sanitation, food and water. The legislation in the Denver Ca: Henry David Thoreau, in far-off Concord. erly, and young Hecker w’rote home ready to pledge together, food, and nothing else can And they are saying it for would not limit or afiect actual use of the animals for This will be the It was May, 1847, and Hecker had just that for 75 cents weekly he had "a despite all internal differ­ satisfy him. you — American! scientific experimentation in any way. completed his novitiate as a Redemptorist good straw bed — a large table — Mass in the even There is not a syllable in this bill that can be said to at St. Trond, Belgium, whither he had carpet — washstand — bookcase —' Sundays. The reguh impair or impede research. It is not antivivisectionist, or gone shortly after his reception into the stove — chairs — looking gla.ss — all, Comment for Today evening Mass will c( antimedical or antiscientific or anti-anything save Church three years before. Perhaps, he all that is needful.” He also enjoyed as usual. senseless neglect and brutality. It amounts to no more thought, he might fan the embers into a the stimulus of the family conversa­ than a simple expression of humanity. — ("The Wash­ flame of faith. Nothing was impossible. tion, and was soon regretting that ington Post”) Henry David was not his tutor instead My interest in your greatest wel­ of the indifferent Bradford. Something fare compels me to write you a few of the great nature-lover's influence is Rebellious Priests lines, perhaps they may aid you in recorded in Hccker's notebook. Frivolity your progress. I have found my centre By Paul H. Hallett and of course my place in the Roman He who lives in the closest accord E'red F. McCaffi "Religion m ight approximately be defined as the . Tho now my friend, with nature, in the completest harmony Albuquerque, N. Mex Sunday supplement the­ what a man who is really th e priesthood in 1928, power which makes us joyful about the things that within cloistered walls in my cell I am with the laws of God. is tho most poe- been named editor ( matter. Fashionable frivolity might, with a parallel ology we have always with married does not need. returned to the Church IJO infinitely freer than 1 was when brea­ tic-natureman; in other words, the most New Mexico Reg propriety, bo defined as the power which makes us sad us. A little of it is good, years later, and since then thing the air on Concord Godlike-natured man is the benutifullest O N E priest-psychologist, publication of the about the things that do not matter.” — G. K. Chester­ most of it is superficial or has devoted his great cliffs . . . We don’t want the middle and best. Father Eugene Kennedy of diocese o f Sante Fe ton. misleading, and some of it abilities to reconciling ages, but we want its inspiration. It is Loyola University, sharply position will be eff is f)emiciou8. The article in here, my friend, it is here. Mon Dieu Yet Hecker at Concord was wres­ r e b u k e d O u r s l e r fo r strayed shepherds, July 1. could you see and feel it once. tling with something bigger than Na­ a recent Parade, "The Re­ printing alleged quotations How many priests stray? Reputation ture. Both Brown.son and him self were bellion of the Priests," falls t o t h e p u r p o r t t h a t in most places, there are Hecker’s friendship with Thoreau went rapidly approaching the time of deci­ completely into the last nu m erou s p rie sts w e re nothing but estimates. Sta- The appointmer "Conscience and reputation are two things. Con­ back to April, 1844, when the eager sion. Brownson, indeed, had gone two categories. ugituting for married tistics kept in the Nither- F ra n k R o zic h , an science is due to yourself, reputation to your neighbor.” young miller’s apprentice from Brooklyn through many stages in his religious Will Oursler, the son of sta tu s. Father K ennedy lands do not reveal defec- neer with the Colo — St. Augustine. knocked on Mrs. Thoreau’s door in Con­ development, but now at the last he the late Fulton Oursler, in d ig n a n tly telegraphed tions of more than two per cord to inquire about room and board. He had come to recognize the final im­ who wrote The Greatest P a r a d e : " I veh em en tly cent, and that proportion State Department of P had just struggled through a difficult and portance of authority. Once that was S to ry E v er Told, should protest the vicious, can be applied to the U.S. Health, as technical s frustrating year. In January, 1843, he clear, the road to Rome was inevi­ have known better. His libelous, and untruthful also, most of those who do tary of Colorado’s new ter Pollution Control ( had .elected to throw in his lot with the table, and early in the summer of 1844 article was obviously a attack on me as a priest stray return, some of them Peace mission has b Transcendentalists at Brock Farm, just he sought out Bishop John Bernard pot-boiler, the kind of and a psychologist to renew their priestly ■'Universal peace is the moat excellent means of i announced by Richan outside Boston, beguiled by the prospect Fitzpatrick, co-adjutor to the aged thing ^at brings in ready resulting from the functions, more, to live in curing our happiness.” — Dante, Monarchy. E ckles, commission cl o f exalted thinking and plain living. With Bishop Benedict Fenwick of Boston, cash. »«it of a few widely. complete distortion and the lay state. Dr. Barrett man. its failure he had gone off to Alcott’s sim­ and humbly asked for his course of public"^?d personages — falsification of my position told me that he knew none ilar experiment at Fruitlands, only to instructions. publicized because they are The Denver Catholic Register on the celibacy of the o f the hundreds o f strayed find again that the conversation tended to so. exceptional — he built a Catholic clergy in the shepherds he had inter­ boredom and that nobody wanted to do Dr. Bergan Evans, President...... Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D) Hecker s battle of Concord was not of rebellion. June 19 issue of P arad e.” viewed who really lost his the work. long duration. As summer came on he thor, lecturer, and pre Editor ...... Rt. Rev. John B. Cavanagh Unfortunately, not all faith. prepared to return to New' York, deter­ Father William DuBay, sor of English at No Associate Bus. M a n a ger...... Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty for instance, gets a large reports of rebellious priests But all was not loss. Hecker had mined in his own mind as to his course can be dismssed as mere western university, will Managing E d ito r...... Miles F. Porter met Orestes Brownson, and the att­ share o f the spread. And BUT Dr. Barrett also of action. Thoreau’s reaction to Heckei^s scandalmongering. These the keynote speaker Denver News E d ito r ...... Clement J. Zecha^ raction of that powerful personality yet this young suspended urged that we should never announcement that he intended to become are troublous times for the Colorado State universi Associate Editors ...... •...... Frank Morriss, and still more powerful mind was priest has no talent other cease praying for the a Catholic was scathing: "W hat’s the use Church, and the priesthood ninth annual Institute • definitive in shaping the younger of your joining the Catholic Church? than as a publicity-getter strayed shepherd and for Linus M. Riordan, Paul H. Hallett, is the natural center of Technical and Industi man’s career as a Catholic. Brownson Cant you get along w'.viiout hanging to that would merit attention. those who might be James R. Walsh, Chris Hernon, and attack for the forces of Communications, to was tottering on the brink of conver­ her skirts?” For one so antipathetic to His book. The Human tempted to stray. That Jack Bacon Antichrist. Things were held in Fort Collins J sion during that Spring of 1844, and any kind of organized religion, the re­ C h u rch, is beneath con­ should be one of the great 5-9. Production M an ager...... Robert W. Lynch worse in the 16th century, rather than exert undue influence sponse was to be expected. Yet Hecker tempt as a theological con­ concerns of every Catholic Advertising D irector...... John J. Murphy over Hecker in his own search for the may have sensed some flicker of interest tribution and sells only in the 15th, and the 11th. in these tumultuous days. Circulation Director ...... Julia Mv Boggs center of truth and ground of being, in the young man, some yearning for the because it caters to that But we must not lose' He could c e r t a i n l y have, he advised him to go to Concord and shores of the absolute. At any rate, on part of fallen human na­ perspective in viewing the qualified for psychiatrist’s c James H. Hayden to fill in there the gaps in his educa­ the very eve o f his reception into the ture that is anti-Church. • fallen or rebellious priest. treatment. ■ In fact, I think San Francisco visited The first thing to consider Published Weekly by tional background, notably his poor Church, that summer, at the hands of the A censured priest who I could say that of all is the character of the THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY. (INC.) acquaintance with the classics in Auxiliary Bishop of New York, John has received psychiatric priests in the U.S. who strayed shepherd; the sec­ 938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. 80204 and Greek, so as to be able to hold up (later Cardinal) McCloskey, he wrote treatment is played up to­ have strayed in the pa.sL laundry Telephone, 825-1145 p.O. Box 1620 his end of the continuing theological Thoreau proposing a joint pilgrimage to gether with a photo show­ ond thing is the relative 40 years, only he was a number of those who stray and philosophical debate. Brownson’s Europe. *'The heavens,” he pleaded, "shall ing him and his legal wife man you could look up to. dry cicanir friend George Bradford, late of Ply­ be our vaulted roof, the green Earth our and child. The absurdity and what becomes of them And Barrett wrote o f did ‘*U').’vrc f.’ic rli.jMN of Subscription: $4.00 a year. mouth, now living in Concord, would bed . . , W e shall prove the dollar is not and self contradiction of afterwards. n o th in g o f value in his- -iC'.'Jii’ij; L ri'sU'ffJ" Canada, $5.50 a year per subscription. act as his tutor. almighty and the impossible moonshine.” this man’s widely publi­ I have personally known Foreign countries, including Philippines. $7.00 a strayed years. When he cized statement that he in­ three laicized priests. One taught at the Catholic year. It is odd that Brownson did not think "Strongly tempted,” Thoreau con­ tended to start a hoine for o f them had an unbeliev­ . Member of; Sec'ond Class Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado. first o f Thoreau. The link there went fessed he w'as, but he w'as o ff to the University he wrote an priests who had attempted ably lurid career since he ( • Nalionol Inslitulo of back to 1835, when Henry David Thoreau Berkshires on a planned trip, and excellent book on marriage was lost on Our­ came to this country from psychology, and after he was a Harvard student on leave of ab­ m oreo v er, he pursued, " I cannot so Hungary. He left the ‘ Dry CIcanitig 42 sler and the newspapers returned he was the sence to earn a little pocket money by dccidely postpone exploring the who printed it. An institu­ • American Inslilute of teaching. He had gone to Camden, Mas­ Farther Indies, which are to be ria^e author of two or three tional home is precisely r.age, and became an Ep- p e r c e p t iv e books, w ell OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER sachusetts, where Brownson was the min­ reached by other routes and other L a u n d e rin g The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial ister, and had been hired on the strength methods of travel.” Thoreau, actually, minister After worth reading: Nothing in Other adventures, he waswhh between. approval. Wo confirm it as the official publication of an all-night feast of wit and wisdom. W’as never more to leave his native sent to prison for murder­ call ma 3 4201 fot ili July I think it fair to say o f the archdiocese. Whatever appears in its columns Thoreau was not a success as a teacher, Concord for more than a few miles. "I ing his wife. I know about Convenience of pick u but during the months of his stay he and remember you,” he w’ent on to Heck­ that the Barretts among over the signature of the Ordinary or those of the him through letters he has Brownson studied German and Transcen­ er, "with the whole Catholic Church Intentions wandering priests all IjCincl delivery in Derive Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. occasionally written to me dentalism together with such profit that at your skirts . . . and the other day through history have been We hope The Register will be read in every Apostleship of Prayer in prison and from what f ^ n 1 a ’l su b u ib s . the younger man looked back on those for a moment I think I understood very few. Most of them home of the archdiocese. general intention for others have told me of days as ’'the morning of a new your relation to that body, but the would not have been a We urge , parents, and teachers to culti­ July is: "A fervent him. For some years I had lebensdag . . . a dream that is dreamt, thought W'as gone again in a twin­ success in any calling. lAur.rEiifirs vate a taste in the children of the archdiocese for response to our contact with another but which returns from time to time in kling, as when a dry leaf falls from its And Dr. Barrett, although a-:d the reading of The Register. vocation to be holy.” laicized priest who all its original freshness.** Later, Thoreau stem over our heads, but instantly lost he had as many cif''r;rps -i-URBAN J. VEHR kept up a sporadic correspondence with in the rustling mass at our feet.” Mission intention for v.muecame to uenverDenver iromfrom provocations as any other . #■ V.A. 3 . Archbishop of Denver July is: "Spread of the elsew here Lastly, I had strayed shepherd, put the 2 5 0 0 CURMfi Feast of St. Francis de Sales Faith in Asia through h is Jan. 29. 1960. Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D. Founding Editor, Register System of Catholic radio, television, and Newspapers 1913-1960 Rnrrptt K a 'r defection on pride, "rotten , the press.” Barrett, who delected trora pride,” as he told me. June 30, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 5 Denver Mon on Way Home Carmelite Named Chaplain A former teacher, th_ He is assigned to the st Lt. Rene du Four, ered, contemplative life. Morrisb After Stint in Peace Corps Rev. (1st Lt.) Conrad B. 2nd Brigade and cele­ from Belleville, Father Fliess said: Fliess, is the newest Cath­ brates Mass in Fort Car- 111.; and the Rev. Burton By Chris Hernon next door to the chief of \ N is in- olic chaplain at Fort Car- son Chapel 3. He joins Fraser, S.J., a contract "An introvert does not do For a change of pace, police. y, whether son. A fte r 14 years in Major F. N. Maguire chaplain from the Mis­ well at all in this kind of Pjoin the Peace Corps! We are on good terms!” or not. He Carmelite seminaries, this from Oklahoma and Ire- souri Province. community. Despite the Thomas W. Switzer, son Prepared for a "grass- gnified; he Latin scholar is discovering land, Capt. Joseph Nas- Commenting on who is long periods of silence, ex­ of Mr. and Mrs. Mack hut” existence, the Peace ve it seeks the world outside and, ser from Brooklyn, N.Y.; best suited to the cloist­ troverts do best.” id he who Switzer. Denver, en route corpsmen were assigned a since he is an extrovert, challenged home after 20 months at comfortable frame house enjoying the novelty. one is the Kasungu in the former with two bedrooms. Father Fliess comes from Denver Women's Sister )se to the British colony of Nyasa- "Our diet consists of a family of 10 children liv­ God man. land, now called Malawi, many local fruits, fish and ing in Kenosha, Wis. He says the simplicity and grains, as w ell as a few entered Holy Hill semi­ Marks Golden Jubilee quietude are "downright canned goods, impala ge g iv e n nary, Hubertus, Wis., at 14 Alice Monaghan, is the Monastery at Santa Clara, enjoyable.” steaks, or paw-paw San Diego. Calif. — A 1776 was and completed his training daughter of the late Calif., in 1916 and came to In a letter to family and souffle,” Switzer reports. Solemn Mass of thanksgiv­ they de- College Board in December, 1952, in ing was offered here, June Charles and Elizabeth San Diego as the founding friends, "Bwana Tomo" "We have learned much Washington, D.C. at natural 25, in honor of the golden Monaghan and a native prioress of the local foun­ tells of his fir.st trip on the about gardening, and raise ;e to that He tau gh t Latin and jubilee of Mother Emman­ of Denver, Colo., and the dation in June, 1926. regular buses that ply many fresh vegetables. We George T. Sweeney, German for seven years at uel of the Passion, prioress sister of Mrs. John Tor- Mother Emmanuel was across the new nation. It fend off sickness with our partner in the Denver St. Joseph’s seminary, Pet­ iimericans o f the local community of pey, Denver. able to meet with friends was only 60 miles, but the medical kits, and fight off law firm of Collier, Hay­ erborough, N.H., and six ,he same Thomas W. Sw itzer the Discalced Carmelite face to face during four d river decided to stop en those nasty malarial den and Sweeney, has years at Holy Hill where ay h a v e Nuns. She entered the Dis­ special afternoon visiting route and take a nap — mosquitoes with everything been appointed a mem­ he was also master of stu­ ad — al- neighboring nations pos­ Mother Emmanuel, nee calced Carmelite Nuns. days. — what for two hours. sess. from sprays to muggy bed ber of the board of am­ dents. bassadors for Loretto IS saying *’ I am s u re w e w ill Africa is not all jungle. nets.” F a t h e r F lies s has a Heights college, Denver. rty there* have to readjust to the The Peace Corps volunteers master’s degree in Latin conveniences and pace find that East Africa and THE GROUP project He is a past grand from Marquette university AURORA BEAUTY COLLEGE INVITES YOU! knight of the Knights of » away a of America,” the 24- the Central region is which the Peace Corps and studied for one sum­ purchase year-old Peace corpsman mainly savannah grass­ volunteers completed, was Columbus and is on mer at the University of comfort. notes. "Believe it or not, lands. Malawi sits astride a large-scale village cen­ M ercy hospital’s lay ad-- Munich, Germany. Cicero ;ain that one can adjust fairly the clear, blue Lake Ny- sus. They skin tested, and visory board. is his favorite writer. H a v e a n e w y fitting well to a total lack of examined nearly 40,000 d o f hrs- electricity, running wa­ persons in all areas of Ma­ Summer Sttjle ain type ter, and telephone.” O N L E A V E last July, lawi, as part of the long Malawi has some four 5ty. Pat- Switzer with three com­ ‘ range plan of developing a WALSH, GILL & SMITH Drop in or Dial 364-2601 364-2602 iberty is million Africans, who panions climbed the 19,000 permanent, efficient pro­ > be de- speak Nyanja, akin to foot Mount Kilimanjaro, gram of tuberculosis con­ y other jSwahili, 10,000 Europeans, from which he caught some trol, to be conducted even­ j ANNOUNCEMENT eluding pnd 20,000 Indians, mostly spectacular views — and a tually by native Malawis, QQSQQSE O Scholarship available for merchants. Independent bout of pneumonia. He Est. 1864 recent High Schotd Graduate.s, !since 1964, M alawi still lu ly 4, spent a week at an Eng­ Tom and his companions I’ctcr J. Walsh, Mri/inr/f/tf/ Mariner G D remind looks to Britain economic­ lish hospital at the foot of used motorcycles to get to 1 those ally, to sell its tea, tung, Kilimanjaro recovering the villages over inade­ 1010 GUARANTY Aurora Beauty College d those ^bacco and peanut crops. from his illness. quate roads. At night, un­ to hear HANK BLDG. DENVER MA 3-724S 1427 Elmira Aurora, Colorado Although the new nation Switzer also made vaca­ der a "priceless” Coleman is still lies at the lower end of the tion trips to game parks lantern, they filled out loss o f Great Rift valley, a and to Capetown, where he their reports, read mail ath ers depression that extends took a motor journey to from home, and opened the hey are from the Red Sea, some the Cape of Good Hope, its gifts sent by friends. le v e ry 6,000 miles toward Mada­ sheer cliffs rising from a in the gascar, it does not have turbulent green sea, where The team operated out the mineral riches that two oceans meet and e when of a district "hospital” mingle. not to be compared with w h ole V isitin g the other A fri­ those at home. Diseases :ir own Sunday Evening can countries, including ty. Un- are numerous in Malawi, me Dank mat's x uniied willi me communliy il serves inviles you to our Uganda, and the famed r, it is and medical help is Mass at 8:30 ' Victoria Falls, where needed very much. »rn un- Sw itzer found it to be a em for During June, July, and small world — he encoun­ On motorbike visits for August, there will be an tered Bernie Seward, like the TB project, the Peace additional evening Mass himself, a former Regis e bells Corps volunteer and his each Sunday at 8:30 p.m. high school student. African health assistants 1 say. in the Denver Cathedral. Kasungu town has some it for are greeted by wide-eyed This will be the latest 200 inhabitant, many of clapping children shouting Mass in the evening on them having political jobs, "Moni Amelika” — "Friend Sundays. The regular 6:30 Switzer writes. "In fact, my Odeb/icctlfTiv! from America” — or evening Mass will continue room mate, Walt Williams "Tomo! Tomo!” when they as usual. from Alabama and I, live recognize the bike rider "as welcome to Norm Doover Bank the source of all those in­ jections — and free bal­ loons.” newly-remodeled quarters, June u ilire July 6 JOTTINOS left Fred F. McCaffrey of Denver during the past Albuquerque, N. Mex., has week at the Register of­ 1928. been named editor of the fice. The hotel manage­ :h 30 New Mexico Register, ment executive is the then publication of the Arch­ brother of Monsignor Carl rea t diocese of Sante Fe. The Hayden of Grand Island, ilin g position will be effective Neb. July 1. tray? B yron D. Hull, manag­ are ing editor and business Sta- The appointment of director of the Southwest ther- Frank Rozich, an engi­ Kansas Register, which efec- neer with the Colorado serves the Diocese of per State Department of Public Dodge City, was in Denver •tion Health, as technical secre­ at the Register office this U.S. tary of Colorado’s new Wa­ week on business. Accom­ Speaker 3 do ter Pollution Control Com- panying him was his wife, H. E. Roth, coordi­ hem mission has been Evelyn. nator of the Boeing stly announced by R ichard T. 727 flight training } in E ckles, commission chair­ program for United rett David Dunklee has man. been appointed Colorado Airlines, Denver, will lone address members of yed UN Day chairman for Colorado by Gov. Love. Knights of Columbus ter- Dr. Bergan Evans, au­ Council 539 Friday his thor, lecturer, and profes­ Luncheon club, at 12 Pauline Frederick, sor of English at North­ noon, July 1, the NBC-TV United Nations WIN! AN ALL-EXPENSE-PAID TRIP TO NEW YORK western university, will be Knights of Columbus correspondent, will speak Iso the keynote speaker at home, 1575 Grant June 29 at 7:30 p.m. at ver Colorado State university’s street, Denver. His See the United Nations • Come in and register; no obligation Colorado university in the S glorious days for two ;he ninth annual Institute in topic will be "Uniden­ University Memorial Cen­ for Technical and Industrial tified Flying Objects.” SECOND PRIZE ter ballroom. There will be b e Communications, to be Members and inter­ lat no admission charge. Her ested friends are in­ Free just for saving I Win a GE colorTV! For the youngsters: held in Fort Collins July subject will be "The U.N. eat • 5-9. vited. Open a savings acco u n t o f $50.00 or m ore — or add Each day miniature flags of the country saluted die in a World of Conflict.” $50.00 to your present savings account and re­ w ill be given to the first 100 youngsters. ceive your choice of a copy of the W orld’s Best ive. James H. Hayden of Recipes or the New Rand McNally Pocket World For the young and old! it’s San Francisco visited in Get your FREE reproduction of 18th Century nk c o b a t ; f s A tlas. all m oney.. ho Representatives of the countries saluted will host * S c o coffip/c/e rules and rcj'jiations on entry blank. ist , loundry ■ Fr T erao sb tp ? on their days: •a dry cleaning JUNE 27- ITALY July 1 - ISRAEL to. Free attendance Prizes! Juno 28-GREECE July 5 - IRELAND id "U'lurc f.'ic of Come in and register—you may be a winner! J u n e 29 - FRANCE July 6 -- MEXICO ‘ ti rrstoicd" $25.00 Savings Account given away daily. You June 30 - GERMANY July 7 - SWEDEN^,^ don't need to be present to win! July 8 - JAPAN , Member of; Living at Windsor Gardens witti friendly people you like . . . interesting people, happy people . . . successful people from W • Notional Institute of every walk of life. Excilino loDDy displays! Prizes! Gills! Fun! fieireslimenis! Dry Cleaning Living with people you can rely on.

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nia 3-^201 for the Inviting friends out to share your Windsor Gardens activities and pleasures. (convenience of pick up WINDSOR GARDENS IS FRIENDSHIP , and delivery in Denver a n d oM s u b u ib s. Pick up your phone now and call Mr. Nelson at 364.9141, or better yet, come out lor a visit. Models are open every day from 9 til 6.

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9600 EAST ALAMEDA AVENUE • DENVER. COLORADO 60222 TELEPHONE 364-9141 minuter easf o/ Co/orac/o Boulevard Page 6 DENVER CATHOLIC REG'STER June 30, ^966 2 Join Area U.S. Monks Conducting Boys Camp for Thirty Years Land Office Staff Wo Two new members have New Yi clude an expert educational joined the staff of the U. S. and Mexico. This summer’s highly valued Indian arti­ bot of Holy Cross Abeey, Leaders c Camp Holy Cross, the staff, many of whom have and instigator of many Bureau of Land Manage­ summer program of the camping program will em­ facts, including 15 authen­ ment Colorado office in w om en ’ s tic full-length eagle bon­ had over 25 years of expe­ aspects of the camp’s Benedictine monks o f Holy phasize Indian lore, hiking Denver, according to E. I. representii rience in the instruction of developmental program. Cross abbey, Canon City, and mountain climbing, nets, beading,''plus many Rowland, state director. m illion P objects commonly in use in students of all ages. The The Rev. Norbert Kinen, opened June 21 for 110 woodsmanship, and a com­ John Brixius, mining en­ lie, Jewi the Indian ’ life of the fdr camp is augmented by 10 O.S.B., headmaster o f the boys between the ages of plete athletic program de­ gineer, formerly with BLM Orthodox laym en, each seminarians Abbey school in the win­ eight to 14. The seven- signed especially for the West. at Phoenix, Ariz., has been from the far West. In all» ter months, is summer week summer camp marks needs o f the young camp­ named chief of the branch A T TH E end.of the sum­ the camp stafT includes 25 camp director. its 30th year. It attracts ers. of minerals, a newly mer program the camp priests, brothers and lay­ Hi young campers from as far CAMP Holy Cross, in The camp ofTers a unique created position resulting presents a special "PJfent’s men who supervise each east as Washington, D.C., addition to its base camp,, summer experience to boys from the merging of BLM's Day’''for families coming to phase of the boy’s summer and , west maintains two mountain from all parts of the coun­ lands and minerals division take their children home. sports and camping activi­ w from California, and south lodges, Abbot’s lodge near try, an exceptional oppor­ and the land ofUce. At that time the boys will ties. from Mexico. Westcliffe in the scenic tunity for life in Colorado’s present an Indian pageant, Th e camp accepted its The Nat The summer camp brings Sangre de Christo range, Rocky Mountain region Lynn T. Fergus, land­ the clim ax o f the camp’s first boys for a two-week A gain st E Brothers Get Degrees youngsters to Colorado and Forestdale lodge, near under the supervision of scape architect, formerl.v summer outing program Housing, o from across the nation. San Isabel in the Wet activities. some of the area’s most with the U. S. Forest Camp Holy Cross is un­ 30 years ago. Since then tional Catl Dr. Gerald Richard Dooher, left, and Terrence Forty-three of the boys hail Mountain range. The qualified and experienced Service, has been selected der the direction of mem­ the camp has expanded as recreation specialist fo»* I n terra c i; E. Dooher, sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Dooher from Chicago, 28 from St. campers w ill be sent to religious and educational bers of the monastic com­ into a major educational member, i of Littleton, were recently awarded Ph.D degrees Louis, nine from Kansas each place in groups of 36 leaders. BLM in Colorado and recreational summer tional worl from the University of Colorado on the same day. City, and the remaining 31 each for two-week periods, munity of Holy Cross Both are graduates of Regis college, Denver. program guided by the relations from the Colorado area and .so that by the end of the Abbey, the only Benedic­ tine monastery in the Col­ Rt. Rev. Edward Voll- laws and other parts of the country summer each camper will m er, O.S.B., present A b ­ Join (I IIAFPINESS “J O V R A ty Ol' have spent several weeks orado area. Its monks in­ June 28 FULr-lLLM EXT ” TOUR Cosmopoli New l\1ass Schedule To Begin in three Rocky Mountain 14, 21, 24, 31 and 45 days - See the Splendour of locations. News Deadline! EUROPE and participate in the Centennial Year H ig h lig A highlight of the camp’s of our Mother of Perpetual Help. Weekly depar­ July 3 at Holy Ghost Church The deadline for news educational and recreation­ BALDWIN stories and pictures to t u r e s u n t il O c to b e r • fro m S628 to $1522 fro m Holy Ghost church, and before and during the al program is its Indian Over a Century of Musical Excellence N e w Y o rk . appear in the "Register” lore project. The camp downtown Denver, has noon-daj' and evening is M onday at 9 a.m. Other Catholic interest toi/rs; Cruises and announced its new sched­ Masses, beginning at 11:45. strives for great authenti­ PIANOS • ORGANS Tours and Independent arrangements every­ SRI ule of Masses for Sundays a.m. and 4:30 p.m. city in the camper’s study of the religious and sociol­ SERVICE where; Wonderful selection of Cartaiu Tauck^, 154.3 and Holy Days. The sched­ Cooks, American Ex)>rcss and Berry See ule, which goes into effect ogical roots of the life of OALeS ‘ Jn Denver's Music Center” RENTALS the American Indian. Sunday, July 3, follows: Colorado VFW Unit America, Hawaii & Alaska." Campers w ill participate in Sundays: 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, Indian ceremonies, dance, 1 623 California St. Phone 222-9701 HANRAHAN’S 11:30 a.m., 12:30, 5:10 and Names Commander symbolism, and will study 7 p.m. Fleeted commander of Greeley, and holds a bach­ and wear the costumes of Customer Parking in Lot Next to Store UNIVERSITY HILLS TRAVEL Holy Days of Obligation: Open Mondoy Evenings till 8:30—Any Evening by Appointment 2721 So. Colorado Blvd. ■ Ph. 757-7493 6. 7, 8. 9, 10. 11:30 a.m., the department of Colora­ elor of arts and master of several Indian tribes. The camp possesses numerous Denver, Colo. 80222 12:10, 5:10, and 7 p.m. do, Veterans of Foreign arts degrees. Readers are asked to Wars, is Rocco Gioso, mem­ B « < note that the Masses on ber of Mt. Carmel parish, Sundays and Holy Days Denver. are the same with the ex­ Others ception that on Holy Days elected at the there is a 12:10 noon VFW convention Mass; on Sundays the hold recently - ' Mass is at 12:30 p.m. Masses on First Friday in G r a n d Junction are are at midnight, 0:15 a.m., Herman Volz, 7 a.m., 7:45 a.m.. 12:10 (noon), and 5:10 p.m. Com­ S t e r l i n g , ^^20 SIAGE COACH senior vice munion is distributed on com m ander; the hour from midnight Don Nikkei, until the 6:15 a.m. Mass. Rocco Ginao D e n v e r , Daily Masses are offered junior vice commander; at 7 a.m., 7:45 a.m., 12:10 Victor Peterson, Aurora, (noon), and 5:10 p.m. As a chaplain; William E. Davis, convenience, Communion is imsimmmmh/kxeCLIP REGISTRATION BLANK AT BOTTOM OF PAGE / Lafayette, quartermaster distributed before the 7 adjutant; Burton Forbes, a.m. Mass at 6:55 a.m. Denver, surgeon; and Confessions are heard Yen No.2 Charles Bromley, Denver, Pork & Beans Cemp ' Cans 8 Y Saturdays and on the eves judge advocate. of Holy Days and first Kuner's, Colorado Sugar Make it a Sooper cook-out with these specials! Fridays from 3:30 to 6 p.m. The new commander, ■ C Q 5 or Tender Garden and from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Gioso, is employed in No. 303 $1 Confessions are heard daily Adams county as principal Fruit Cocktail Kun.r. 5 C e n i I during the morning Masses o f Highland high school, Thornton. He attended Tomato Juice Kun.r.3’‘;°; 89‘ SOOPERB Colorado State college, T W IN P A K LEGAL Pickles Old LB . B O X 49t Orange Juice 5k/a E. A. SCHNEIDER (Deceased) AM persons having claims against No. P-40507 the above named estate are required AM persons having claltris against Deviled Ham 39' a( St F . ■ lo rd property will bc heard, passed upon JOHN STEPHENS DENVER W. E. QUILLEN COLO Carraher and determined. SPRINGS Attorney Dated at Denver, Colorado June 14, 741 Equitable Bldg.. 1966. D'’nver, Cninradn B e nia m in C. H iltla rd . J r. Telephone 766 0861 Referee in Bankruplcy Published in ihc (Published In Ihe Denver Catholic C R e g iste r) NOW! GRAND OPENING OF THE NEW AURORA : June 23. 1966 f i r s t P u b lic a lio n : June 33. 1966 Last Publication: July 14, 1966

A' .s. June 30, 1966 off Women's Groups Seek Fair Housing DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 7 } have New York — (RNS) — 5 U. S. 11th hour appeal to the committee’s vote on the lie Women. National Coun­ ju s tic e w e seek can he barriers to racial justice, LeadeiK of eight national House Judiciary committee anage- 1966 Civil Rights bill (H.R. cil of Jewish Women. Na­ achieved,’’ the statement including the barriers to women’s organizations, ice in in Washington for passage 14765). tional Council of Negro said. open housing.’’ representing more than 30 of federal fair housing leg­ E. I. Signing the messages Women. National Board of TH E W O M EN ’S groups Leaders of the eight m illion Protestant, Catho­ ar. islation. were presidents of the the YWCA of the USA. pledged them.selves "as na­ groups have been consult­ lic , Jewish and Eastern ng en- The appeal was timed to United Church Women, National Federation of tional organizations to con­ ing together for several Orthodox women, sent an I BLM arrive before the Juridiary National Council of Catho- Temple Sisterhoods. Na­ tinuing collaboration and months in preparation for s been ■f tional Women’s I.«eague of call upon women of all a coordinated nationwide Dranch United Synagogue of races to join hands to program to support .fair le w ly Housing Bias Unit Holds America and the Women's create communities which housing in local communi­ suiting Branch of the Union of in diversity where the con­ ties. The statement to the BLM's Orthodox .Jewish Congre­ tributions of all citizens Judiciary committee is one [vision W orkshop in Denver gations of America. are needed and welcomed result of that coordination. Calling for prompt in the achievement of a Residential! segregation, new quality of life. We call land- The National Committee day session was an workshop, which preceeds passage o f H .R . 14765, the women’s statement upon all women to join in •merly A gain st Discrimination in opening address, "Ou­ the annual national con­ which includes prohibi­ pointed out, is the key to giving moral leadership 'o rest Housing, of which the N a­ tlook on the Racial ference of human relations tions against discrimina­ "s e g r e g a tio n in schools, and support to legislative ilected tional Cath«)lic Council for Ghetto," by Roger W. commission.s. tion in rental and sale of playgrounds, health facili­ and community action ist fo** Interracial Justice is a Wilkins, director of the housing, the women as­ ties and all other aspects member, conducted a na­ U.S. Community Rela­ Jack E. Wood, Jr., as.so- serted in their statement which will remove all the o f our lives.'*^ tional workshop for human tions service. ciate executive director of that the time "is long relations commissions on M ore than 300 repre­ NCDH, participated in the overdue to assure all Deputy District Attorney laws and racial ghettos, sentatives of state and mu­ housing panel of the con­ citizens their rights, in­ June 28 and 29 at the nicipal human rights com­ ference on human rights. cluding the right to live Will Leave Post July 1 Cosmopolitan hotel, Den­ missions, government in a neighborhood of r of ver. agencies and civil rights one’s choice. H arry G. Titcombe, Jr., ber o f St. Francis de Sales* ’ear > i ‘ THIS IS the second Highlighting the one- legal experts attended the "W e are opposed to any Denver, a deputy district parish, active in the Holy >ar- workshop for human rights ' r attempt to weaken the attorney under Bert M. Name society and cubmas- Girls^ Camp Now Open •om specialists sponsored by 1 NCDH following last year’s proposed legislation, in­ Keating since October ter for pack 126. Our Lady of the Rockies Camp, Evergreen, Brotherhood -in-Action cluding the section on 1962, w ill leave his post He is a graduate of the ■which opened June 25, offers many opportunities nd University of Denver law conference, which launched housing. We oppose the July 1 to join the law firm for creativity and crafts. The girls above are ry- sncus-tnujLO of Burnett, Watson and school and has served as shown during an afternoon arts and crafts class. pc)Stponing o f a decision on a nationwide drive for af­ law clerk to U.S. District " i c v 54.3 LARIM ER ST. - 8 3 0 I 7 t m S T . firmative legal action to housing which we know Horan. The camp, which is conducted by Court St. Rita, Judge William E. Doyle in i p c achieve integration. must be reached before the Titcombe, 35, is a mem- Catholic Daughters of America, runs until Aug. 8. both the Colorado Supreme Several vacancies are open. Reservations can be Court and the U.S. District made for one or more weeks. Interested persons AWARD Court. can contact the C.D. of A. club house. DRIVE IN LIQUORS Margaret’s Gift Manor Titcombe is a member of the Denver and Colorado Complete selection of Wines, Liquors and Beer Special Uniforms PLAQUES Bar associations and has O p .M H A M . to 12 .M id n iK h t This Week served on the Law Day 111)1) .So. < 'o lo ru (lu l l l \ ( l . ( i i r r s BflOlNJZt TABLETS 50 So. B d w y. . 703-7377 committees for the past three years. "Lg WuL ^lie launch WORTH By Walter Kranz 41302? Shock Treatment zines have a great respon­ EACH W ill Rogers once said, ”I sibility. They are mass only know what I read in circulated, and fall into the the papers." But times hands of all kinds of read­ have changed since W ill’s ers — from the sane and day. The circulation race is level headed, the radicaj on — and more and more and hysterical. Unfortu­ newspapers and magazines n a te ly , the sh ock hea-* are struggling to sell dlines, and cover blurbs more and more copies. only contribute to the add­ The name of the game is ed confusion and misiri- Shockeroo. Sensationalism formation of those many builds readership, they say, people who arc already and time is of the essence. • terribly confused and mis­ For that reason the hea­ informed. The sophisticated- dline or the cover blurb reader can spot such.hea­ has got to be hot. It must dline trickery immediately' Sooperb harhocue specials! grab the reader right for what it i s ' — so the now...and hit him hard only persons who fall prey enough to jolt his hand to such schemes are those into his pocketbook. for whom half truths are the most dangerous. SFRtNGDAlE GRADE A But all too often the Fl«»h F rs it« d — Thi headline or cover blurb CUT'UP Chicktn you ovor doesn’t tell an accurate story at all. Not by a long shot. A ll too often it’s de­ FRYERS liberate sensationalism w'hich is not at all reliable in reporting the story' or article. STREAK—GRADE A SO IF W ill were around FUlh Frott«8— *0^ Reliittrlt, 10 lo 14 Lb. these days he’d sure have to get himself a new say­ ing. Today many newspa­ TURKEYS per readers are headline readers — so if you only know what you read in the I , headlines you probably have a rather distorted view of things as they ac­ tually are. D J R X T I E C s o o p e r b Quality Ground Beef 4K * Newspapers and maga­ Graduate I I I IB d Bun Sixe— Reedy for th« Grill cb. • Sister Michael Helene, eUBE STEAK daughter of Col. (Ret.) U A l^ MOHAWK. Lean. ^ Lb. $0 QQ Newest Boneless, Cooked ^ Tin AeW# and Mrs. E. J. Purfield, Colorado Springs, and \ A / | B I l 1 E D C Skinless, 6ar-5, Armours Star Lb. AQ< Kohler Bathroom Hormels, Swift Prem, Pkg.*"* sister of the Rev. James Sigman's Mila Hi F ixtures . . . Purfield, pastor of St. Patrick’s parish, Denver, B A C O N p^‘’, 7 9 ' has recently been gradu­ ated from the school of COOKED HAM WIENERS 2,t95' anesthesiology, Charity hospital, New Orleans, Lunch Meats ^ 39' La. She is now consul­ Macaroni A Chaese, Pickle L Pimento, Oliv#, Luncheon, Salami. tant in inhalation thera­ Gel 100 Extra Green Stamps VI ith py and intensive care, o ! Bonus Coupon No. 7 This Week at Kings! and supervisor of Ob­ Braunschweiger "tcT u. 49* stetrics at St, Joseph hospital, Kansas City. PRICES GOOD THKOCGH SUN­ for remodeling* DAY, JULY 3. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Health and beauty aids! • Counter-top lavatory MIKE'S 3 0«- >1 1 0 Aerosol ■ a ■ # Medi-Quick • W all hung BAN DEODORANT closet KING'S Spray (4.oi.) or 70^ Cream O ourtn.et' \ Roll on (i«tra Ige.) •• Lge. Jar W# • New, extra SERVICE " < KORNER. room y bath RESOLVE oV»55' GUODYEAR Of first quality only, Koh­ ler fixtures and fittings > TIRES BAHERIES are available In sizes and AND ACCESSORIES WHOLE CLAMS styles to fit every budget. SUMMER SANDALS • COMPLETE Evco Branir.nd O <-)>. > 1 1 0 ^ Let us help you plan your J B.g •" I T ^ Chooia from thrta Proxan ALL KING SOOPERS coot lommer comfort. Optn-toe new bathroom or wash­ BRAKES AND sandals or thonos available in room. Come in today or TUNEUP SERVICE WILL BE CLOSED white, beige, or black . . small, ° 88 call us for our free esti­ M O N D A Y, JU LY 4 medium or Urge. Your cholca. mate, no obligation. SPECIALS Specializing irv King’s crisp, fresh, quality produce! Quality Plumbing ★ WASH JOB . . . . $1.50 Praih California and Heating Repairs ★ CUBE____ ! _____ 1.50 GRAPES Sweat Seedless a 39' Oil, I.BI Will Oil I Fjlllr Clll.fl A- TIRE ROTATION .. .1.50 BANANAS 25' SLATTERY • Free Viektip and Fresh California Ripe, 2 49' Delieenj Service PLUMS Sw eat Santa Rosa & COMPANY Fresh S unkitt Plumbing and Heating 3600 W . 29th A v e . LEMONS Thin Skin, Juicy u 19' CANTAIOUPE Rt Contractors at Lowell Blvd. 181 V A L l.K J O ST. 477-9815 6th AND PEORIA! 714-6311 ” Mike** Powers PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER JOHN J. CONNOR, President New Owner & Operator Robert F. Connor, Vico President y \ ’

* P a g e 8 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER June 30, 1966 Archbishop's El Pomar Lists July 'Daughters' Officers Guild Women's Retreats Barbara Mahoney, mem­ Four retreats for women bership chairman, has have been scheduled in Installed at Sterling announced the formation of July at the beautiful El a new circle, St. Jude Pomar retreat house, Sterling — Miss Cathar­ James Dorsey, treasurer; Preceding the meeting, Thaddeus. Members are Colorado Springs. 9 ine Maloney, state regent, Mrs. Ray Tetsell, monitor; members attended a cov­ Mary White, president; On the weekend of July and Mrs. Mary Rohan, Mrs. Angela Combs, senti­ ered-dish supper hostessed Barbara O’Connor, secre­ 8-10, a retreat will be district deputy o f Denver, nel; Mrs. P. L. Button, by Mesdames John Klo- tary; and Carol Browdy, given for members o f the berdanz, Jake Kloberdanz, were present to install of­ lecturer; M rs. J. P. Me- Marge Cleary, Anna Marie Legion of Mary. Roy Miller, Angela Combs ficers and trustees at the Kenzie, organist; Mrs. D. Coffey, Fiorina Coffey, Non-members are also and D. J. Clark. \ C a t h o lic D augh ters o f J- Clark, two-year trustee; Barbara Depperschmidt, invited to make the America Court St. Theresa and M rs. C atherine A donation was mailed G eri Duffy, Betty McCaf- retreat. Fr. Moormnn Kr. Trementozzi 980, Sterling, which met Schmidt, one-year trustee, to the Fort Lyons hospital fery, and Suzanne Noel, On July 13-15, a retreats throughout the recently at the Knights of for new prayer books. members. midweek retreat is Columbus hall. N E W L Y installed were U.S. and in Canada. Our Lady of Sorrows scheduled primarily for TiATfG Tn<3T?PR ORT17 R ein sta te d were Mrs. Mrs. Roy Miller, historian; Mrs. Gertrude Groeger Women interested in MRS. ROBERT FLOCK, circle w ill have a party, to those who arc unable to MRS. JOSEPH UKMZ, trustees, Mrs. reported making 65 rosar­ making any of these the former Judith Krois, is celebrate its 25th anniver­ make a weekend the gent; Mrs. Frank Ebbers, E d g a r T u n is o n , th ree ies this year. retreats are asked to the daughter of Mr. and sary as an Archbishop’s retreat. Sister Mary 1 os y, 18 A-thnnv T vice grand regent; Mrs. years; Mrs. Marcella Klo- Mrs. P. L. Button is the make their reservations Mrs. Al W. Krois of Den­ G uild circle, in the home Eudora, retreat house n- r o i Velma O’Toole, prophetess; berdanz, two years; and vice state regent and a as soon as possible by ver. Bridegroom is the son of Margaret Graves. Sancta director, points out that Mrs. N ick M ildenberger; Mrs. C. J. Gicacomini, one delegate to the national contacting Sister Mary of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Maria circle will have this is the only ,f. The bnde^oom .s the secretary; Mrs. year. convention. Eudora in Colorado Flock of Durango. The son of Mrs. Della Ortiz, ______^ ______brunch at Mt. Vernon midweek retreat S p rin gs at 632-2451, or double-ring ceremony was Denver, and the late Louis Country Club on Sunday, scheduled this year. It E n g a g e d M argaret Sziich, performed June 11 in Ortiz. July 3. will open Wednesday The ceremony was per Catholic Nurses Guild Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Little Flower circle will e v e n in g , J u ly 13, and C olorado. Springs, Mother of God church, 632-6077. In Denver, Denver. A reception was formed June 18 in St. John Briddle, Denver, have meet July 5 in the home of close Friday evening, The Archdiocesan Coun- m em bersh ip com m ittee; women can call Miss held. Follow ing the trip, of the Cross church in announced the engagement Betty Jo Burke, and Pat July 15. i. Lu cille Barenberg. chair- Mary Ann Hillard, the couple w ill reside in Lemon Grove, Calif. After cil of-Catholic Nurses re of their daughter, Donnar- Plank will entertain Queen These two retreats will cently held a board meet- man of the telephone com­ 722-4891. Durango. the wedding trip, the ene M. Tucker, to C. Glenn o f Angels circle on July 6. .be conducted by the Rev. couple will reside in Den- ing in the home of Mrs. C. mittee; and Carol Scharff, Lewis, son of Blessed Virgin Mary Gregory H. Moorman, W. McDowell. Ann Hunt program chairman. Any Mr. and Mrs. circle members will meet C.PP.S., who has was selected as prefect of member wishing to partic- Glenn • D . in the home of Norma conducted retreats and the Mother of Perpetual ipale on the committees Lewis, Ray­ Pearson on July 7, Coleen parish missions throughout Help guild, which is res- can contact the chairman, town, Mo., Holman will entertain Our the United States. ponsible for the volunteer The council will sponsor Bride-elect is Lady of the Rockies circle, On July 22-24, a programs sponsored by the ^ re tr e a t a t El Pom ar a graduate of and St. Joseph circle will general retreat will be council. She will leave in Sept. 9-11. Reservations Holy Family have dinner in Idledale at held, and on July 29-31, a July to donate a month’s can be made by calling high school. the home of Mildred retreat for professional services to the St. Joseph Betty Moriarity, 825-8975. Her fiance is Kehoe. Barbara Wiggins and business women. Mercy clinic. Belize, Brit- The next general meet- in the U.S. will be hostess for St. These will be conducted ish Honduras, which is op- held Sept. 29 Miss Tucker A r m y , Francis circle. by the Rev Paul crated by a Mercy Sister, at St. An th on y’s hospital s ta tio n ed at Fort Ord. Trementozzi, O C.D., a Sister Mary Regina. 7:45 p.m. A card party Calif. No date has been set N ashville Sisters member of the Discalced Other onicers are Nancy will be held in October at for the wedding. Carmelite Fathers of Tooker, chairman o f the St. Catherine’s church. Note Ceremony Washington, D.C. Father E n g a g e d Nashville, Tenn. — The Trementozzi has been a Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sisters of Mercy marked frequent retreat master at Parish Unit Provides Dresses Shanks of Arvada have their centenary in Ten­ El Pomar and has given C h ick MRS. JAMES M. SIMP­ a n n o u n c e d nessee with special cere­ Hidden The Most Importont SON, the former Eileen For 50 Migrant Children t h e e n ga- monies here. Bishop Jo­ E rn c stc Marie Maloney, is the g e m e n t seph Durick of Nashville Annunci daughter of Lt. Col. (ret.) MRS. DENNIS H. LIP- The St. Rose sewing dren unable to attend o f t h e i r concelebrated a Mass of area go SON. the former Hyla Isa- CAKE and Mr.s. Edward J. Malo­ rcle of St. Vincent de school because of lack of d a u g h t e r , Thanksgiving in the Ca­ Denver ! in your life for the ney, Littleton. Bridegroom bel Gross, is the daughter Paul parish, Denver, re- clothing, but were able to Janice Marie, thedral and special tribute is the son of Col. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Alex cently provided 50 new outfit the children of sev- to Gary Lee was paid in a sermon to most im poitant occasion O liver T. Simpson, Jr., of Gross, Denver. Bridegroom dresses for school age chil- eral families, Fields, son of the 350 Sisters who had 3030 W. 44th Ave. WedJuff) Cokes Goll Denvei'. The double-ring is the son of Dr. and Mrs. dren of migrant workers at The ACCW clothing Mr. and Mrs. labored in Tennessee in ceremony was performed Leonard Lipson of Visalia, Ft. Lupton and Greeley. drive for the migrant Floyd Fields, the last century. A Specially June 9 in St. Mary’s C alif. Ceremony was per- Mrs. Donald Stocking is KITCHEN program will continue o f C o l b y , For church, Littleton. The formed June 26 in Beverly circle chairman. The wom- during the summer K a n s . T h e HUNT CLEANERS REMODELING More thi couple will -reside in Wash­ Hills, Calif. A wedding re- en meet once a month for months. Lightweight, bride-elect COMPLETE LAUNDRY ft from Dei ington. D.C. ception was held. Following a social hour and sewing. useable clothes are . ALTERATION SERVICE “Free F.s I imales ’ was graduated from Ca­ schools h a trip, the couple will re­ needed. They can be Servicing S|. James . St. Therese's thedral high school, Den­ ar>d Christ the Kirtg Parishes golf and t side in California. A recent tour of the taken to the ACCW of- 'Operation ver, and St. Anthony 1 HOUR {ERVICE ON CLE4.NINfi program migrant camps at Greeley fice. Inform ation can be The Dream Center BAKERY school of practical nursing. mi E. tth AVE. • ISS-ttM sent them Head-On' Set and Ft. Lupton was con­ obtained by calling Mrs. Her fiance, a graduate of Phone RA 2-2859 mentals. Recent ducted for Mrs. Stocking, Johnson, 777-8715. 3800 Lc'.veM Blvd. Mrs. Charles DiPaolo, Atwood community high Grand Opening The pro A tour of the migrant 433-6571 455-4323 Home of Fine Poshies newly elected president of Mrs. Thomas Burke, Com­ school, attends Barnes 4 STORES TO SERVE YOU Weddings camps is being arranged on u So. BiOAdMay started a Veterans of Foreign Wars, munity Action chairman, school o f commerce. Den­ July 6 and will include D & D Cleaners 15M Cole. Blvd. 74I0 E. ]<0 Avi. by the P District No. 1 auxiliary, Miss Judith Diane Glea­ St. Mary’s Altar and Rosa­ ver. A September 17 wed­ U4f So. Colo, ftlvd. ry society, Littleton, and women of the ACCW south Next To M illers proved hi has announced the pro­ son, daughter of Mr. and ding is planned. Mrs. Roy W. Johnson, dir­ district affiliates. Interested till So. W iishington Several gt gram for the coming year Mrs. George W. Gleason, persons can call Mrs. News Deadline! 777 H7IH w ill be "Operation Head- Boulder, became the bride ector o f the migrant pro­ ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO gram for the ACCW. The Johnson (777-8715) for The deadline for new’s On.” The program will in­ o f Thomas Payne Wright, women found many chil- reservations. stories and pictures to t r y A U G IE 'S volve work with under­ son o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred appear in the "Denver privileged children. Wright, Jr., of Midland, Catholic Register” is SPUDNUTS Tex., in a ceremony per­ Junior Great Books M onday at 9 a.m. Corre­ (KING OF THE MOTHER formed June 11 in Sacred spondents are asked to ANDERSON-HALl DONUTS) Heart church. Boulder. The have their material at IN RINC SOOPtRS CONCOURS(< couple will reside in New Coordinator Named the "Register” office at lakeside Shopping Center CABRINI SHRINE 1 ' ^ Mexico. this time to assure publ­ M rs. R o b ert M unroe, In the 1965-66 school ication in the following Miss Gail Ann Win­ newly named coordinator ol year, 1,057 students in 23 Thursday issue. SUNDAY, JULY 10th chester, daughter o f Mr. th e ju n io r G reat Books elem entary and four high DR. JOHN R. COYLE and Mrs. Eugene B. W in­ prograni of the Archdiocese schools participated in one OPTOMETRIST •of Denver, w ill speak at of the 95 discussion groups TRAOItlONALLY PROCESSION STARTS AT 3 P.M. chester of Wichita, Kans., THE PtHEST IN • Eyes Examined became the bride of Robert the Religion Teachers In- conducted in the area, PHOTOGRAPHY • Glasses Fitted stitute being conducted at Complete Casusity, Joseph Connelly, son of • Conloct Lenses BUSSES will leave GREYKQUND BUS TERMINAL— Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Con­ Loretto Heights college. All adult leaders in the Homeowners, D c Ckcce Stafio 9 35 5 E. C o lfax at 12:30 p.m. sharp A uto, and nelly of Denver, in a cere­ On July I, Mrs. Munroe e x tra c u rric u la r program «au a. Caltai Commercial Aurora, Colo. and will return immediately after services Insuran ce mony performed June 4 in w ill lecture on discussion are volunteers, St. Thomas Aejuinas group techniques and ap- FOR APPOINTMENT Round Trip Fare—$1.25 I ’ lio n c 7.'5G-Ofi:)() - o ffic e church, Wichita. Kans. The plications, and on July 6 CALL: 366-3981 E :);j;)-9.'547 - res. couple will reside in St. she will preside at a model DRY CLEANING The Second Best Man At D an Ja '23.‘)0 .So. (.'o lo n id o B lv d . Credit can be arranged Fronh Morelli — President Mother Cabrini Shrine Commiliee Louis, Mo. discussion and critique AND LAUNDRY g r a d u a l session. Your Wedding high schoc Is Y o ur W i'rlrlifig Junior Great Books is an b e e n aw; tpaclalltls In Party Paitrlta Pfiotogrciphor Dr. James P. Gray enrichment program of CASCADK y e a r schc MARY ANNES reading and discussion M a ry’s co! OPTOMETRIST is th e se BAKERIES I presented for the advanced Eyes examined PLAY THE FABULOUS S a m J a r All BuRor students in the Archdiocese TRY Visual Care of Denver. c o a c h ir CAKES Parochial ] C ontact Lenses tar Partial i 213 Colo. Bldg. ana e J a l b i j A . W ta a in g i A 1615 Calif. Tnll « FIRST Mrfchanfs Park — 7» «tl» f V>lla Malta Crnier i Fiesta Dishes - Oprn Stock For Appointment Call; 7J00 w. Aiarntda Ave. * Gifts • llarilw aic • Paint FROM Westland Shopping Center — }J7-7af| ® GIn.ss - I'o y s 825-8883 )i Broadway — 744-7l4| ^ i’ipc 'I'hrrm tinc The House of WIihIow Sli.mirs ■ Key Win Your Share Of Over Duplirnling Photography 0|icn Friday Fvenings IBIS E, Ind SI ICh, 3 3 3 - 3 2 7 9 32 Broadway 733-2910 $100,000 IN CASH PRIZES

6TH AVE. t O L I V E R ^ s: WIN ONE OR MORE PRIZES OF MARION Meat Market ■ $1000, $500, $100, $50, $20, $10 W ith Mrs. Robert Munroe “Serving Denver Since 1923 .Junliti/ Meals" CLIP THESE SLIPS TO Savings Passbook ■ CHOICE STEAKS - ROASTS ORDER' HE LP YOU WIN UP TO S1.000 IN CASH, $100 $ 5 0 0 Number 1 M A N Y WAYS TO WIN Fun is EVELYN S DRAPERIES Frc.sh ro ulti; WINNER exciti t Pralzitlenai Miai CvMiri to Sorvo You WINNER Still Draws O^r Interest Highest Quallly Work phoBt rjjuit )]]i 6. tir, Av,. NO OBLIGATION . . . and Materials NOTHING TO BUY First Ri Cedric Kaub opened the first savings account at our 1501 South Pearl St. New 8- Tel 7H C139 One free prize slip per store bank the morning we began banking. That was visit. No purchase required. New Air ARVADA Purchasers not favored. No M a y 1. 1905. Cockt Cedric Kaub still has Savings Passbook Number 1, 9535 W. 58TH AVE. • 424-7733 need to pass through check- He still draws our interest. stand. Secure your free prize NewJudg WESTMINSTER slip at either end of checkstand Thousands of other savers have come to Amerlcart Gra ■ p f H f 2895 W. 72NO AVE. • 436-S097 or from any employee other National, making it one of the fastest-growing major WEI than in meat dept. Adults only. • Twin C Denver hanks. WEDDINGS THORNTON Bonus numbers may he copied, • Quinie One reason wc keep old custonTcrs and add new CANDIDS DRY CLEANING either from this ad, or from the • Admis ones is that American takes aii interest m its custoniers. In either Color or Bl^ick •10 E. 88TH AVE. • 387-5586 poster displayed in our stores. WALTER E V A M A E And While become tree Copying must be "hand print­ • Parkin And gives more... 4 per cent daily interest com­ 1 DAY NEUMAIER BENFANTE pounded guartcrlv. sured heirlooms when tek WHEATRIDGE ed” in plain block letters on a • Minors plain piece of paper. Think voung-begin your savings program today. LAUNDRY 7393 W. 44TH AVE. • 422-1438 Air-condit Saving S50 a month moans y o u 'll have S3.324.8V in RADIO piCk-up five years, (Or SI 50.260.60 m 60 years.) RORK DENVER fri PHOTOGRAPHERS DISPATCH. -A DELIVERV 9 « - 15TM St. • 244-4493 ' Dick Bctlinqcr ( 2915 SPEER BLVO. • 433-6259 M ill AMERICAN NATIONAL . 1053 So CjylOKl Ph /JJ 6016^ LEE O'CONNOR Where banking is a pleasure Member: Sts. Peter & Paul FORT COLLINS KENN 17th a Stout • Member F.0.1.C. • 244-691 1 Parish \^D E N V I June 30, 1966 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER P a g e 9 \ CYRA All-Star Team Plays In Los Angeles An all-star team repre­ and Ed. Hartman of Notre R E G I O N A L be on the way back as senting the Denver Catho­ Dame parish; Glen Stadig, F O O T B A L L fans will be evidenced by last year’s lic Youth Recreation Assn, Dave Burlage, John Weikel served up a choice menu of game which drew just w ill leave Friday to com­ and Ron Lujan of St. Rose goodies this fall, both at short o f 40,000 at Falcon pete in the International of Lima parish; Tim Sain- the collegiate, and profes­ Stadium. Junior Baseball Tourna­ don o f St. Dominies; Tom sional levels. Speaking of Coach Ben ment, July 3-4 in Los Crompton of Blessed Sac­ In case you haven’t not­ Martin’s ever entertaining Angeles. rament; Steve Tokarski, iced it neighbor, better Falcons, circle Oct. 1 on The 15-man Denver en­ Steve Ireland and Joe plan to junk that easy your calendars. That’s the try was selected on the ba­ M cG ill o f St. John’s and chair in front of the TV date the Falcons play their sis of last season’s play in Ed Gruninger, Mike Mc- set this fall. There will be first inter-service scrap be­ the CYRA. All members of N a lle y and Ken McCarty plenty o f live action just fore the "home” folks when the team were selected on of St. Vincent’s. down the pike. they entertain Navy at last year’s all-star team in Other teams in the tour­ S tirrin g up the biggest Falcon Stadium. . . . the Major division. nament include entries notice in a June heat wave Another "cinch” sellout! The team includes Tom from Topeka, Kan., Balti­ which found the regional Other AFA home games McLellan, Steve Rondenelli more and Los Angeles. The scribes thinking football include a pair of regional Denver team will be instead of baseball is the tugs-of-war with Wyoming matched against one of emergence of Coach Eddie (S e p t. 17) and Colorado To Perform these teams in a first round Crowder’s Colorado Buffs State U (Oct. 22). The game, Sunday, July 3, with as a bonifide contender for Falcons also entertain for At Red Rocks the fir s t round winners Big Eight laurels. H awaii (Oct. 8) and Ore­ The N ew Christy Min­ clashing July 4th for the tournament championship in In a recent poll of sport- gon (Oct. 15). strels, T V and recording the lv{)s Angeles Coliseum. scasters and sp>ortswriters, stars, will perform at Red Colorado found itself voted CSU. P U M P IN G up its Bowlers Present Check Rocks amphitheater Friday back into football resixjcta- football program in the Sister Nerinckx Marie, librarian of St. Mary’s evening. July 29. at 8:15 b ility when the "expxjrts” hope of gaining a berth in academy, Denver, holds a check for $1,000 which p.m. G.M.C. picked the Buffs to finish the Western Athletic Con­ the academy’s bowling league presented to her Internationally known second in the Big Eight ference, also has four att­ recently. Mrs. Dudley F. Taylor, right, past-presi­ following a EurofXMin tour WE HAVE THE race. ractive home games lined dent of the organization, and Mrs. George S. in 1965. the singing group LARGEST SELECTION Not many football cham­ up. Coach Bobby Dodds’ Dyer, center, incoming president of the bowling of seven boys and two girls pionships are won via the Tulsa Hurricanes, a team league, made the presentation. The funds will he have played to capacity OF G.M.C. TRUCKS ballot box, but the poll which has an off day if it used to further develop the audio-visual resources audiences wherever they IN THE ROCKY o f the school’s library. conducted by the Kansas doesn’t put the ball in the have app>eared. MTN. REGION U niversity sports informa­ air at least 50 times, in­ Sponsored by the Metro­ tion office has been amaz­ vades Colorado Field the CYRA Baseball Standings politan Mental Health As­ ingly accurate at pegging night of Oct. 8. sociations. tickets for the 1 9 6 6 - 1/2 T 0 n Big Eight teams on-the- CLASS AAA New Christy Minstrels Red The Aggies also play NORTHWEST Pickups nose in its annual pre-sea­ host to Wyoming, Oct. 29 Holy Family Tiger* 4 0 0 Rocks concert are $3.50 CLASS A Noire Dame 5 1 0 Low As son guessing game. (and that’s always a wild TEA.M Notre Dame 5 1 0 and can be purcha.sed at Prfaentation Al|p>xat« SL DominicH Colt* 2 2 0 The Swing's The Thing one), entertain for West Presentation Bobcats various area locations. M799. AS EXPECTED, Nebr­ Pre»entation Cat* 2 2 0 All .Saints Tiger* 2 1 0 .Notre Dame To order tickets by mail, Chick Edwards, veteran golf professional at aska was voted a heavy Texas State on Nov. 12 Charger* 2 2 1 and close out against Iowa Holy Kamily Tigers 1 2 1 .Notre Dame Hustler* 3 3 0 persons can send check and Hidden Lake Ciolf Range, checks out the swing of fa vo rite to win its fourth All Saints Uons 0 2 1 Notre Dame Bears 2 3 0 Preaentalion Leopard* 0 < 1 self-addressed envelope to Ernesto Quintana, a sixth grade student at straight championship. State of the Big Eight on Notre Dame .Mustang* 2 3 1 G a te w a y Nov. 26. Notre Dame Card* 1 4 1 the Mental Health Associ­ Annunciation school. Edwards, along with other With eight points awarded PreHentalion Tiger* A S FO R the Broncos . . . Santa Fe Opera 0 3 1 ations, 1375 Delaware M o t o r C ity area golf instructors, helped conduct clinics for for a first place vote and Holy Family Red 0 3 0 th ey’ll be back with a 7- MAJORS street, Denver. Colo. 80204 Denver Parochial school students. points for other places de­ 1910 - 38th St. game home slate which in­ Notre Dame Colu 5 0 I termined in descending Opens July 2 Notre Uame Rebels 4 1 0 623-8731 cludes all AFL rivals ex­ St. Dominir'i F-Troop 3 I 0 numerical order, the Busk­ Santa Fe, N.M. — The Presentation cept the defending cham­ Panther* 2 1 0 G olf, Tennis Clinics End ers racked up 787 points. 10th annual Santa Fe Op­ Notre Dami .Mick* 2 2 1 pion Buffalo Bills. Home Preientation 1 3 0 Colorado followed with era season will open Sat­ Visit Our games are set for Sept. 18 SL Domir I Bobcats 1 3 0 631 points, including six urday, July 2, at 8:30 p.m. Notre Dn: Fighting Irish 0 t 1 Recrestion Center For Parochial School Kids (B oston ); Sept. 25 (N ew Notre Da: Shamrocks 0 4 1 first place votes. , (MST) with a performance York); Oct. 2 (Houston); Where We Feature More than l.OUO students area cooperated in the pro­ with three first place bal­ o f Puccini’s "Tosca,” with Oct. 23 (Kansas City); Nov. SOUTHEAST from Denver Parochial gram and the golf clinics lots, ranked third with 605 Beverly Bowers of the CLASS A America's Most 20 (Oakland); Nov. 27 (San Team schools have completed a were conducted by veteran points. Oklahoma rounded Metropolitan Opera, the W I, T Diego' and Dec. 4 (Miami). Sl Philomcna Cubs 2 0 0 Beautiful Campers instructors Chick Edwards, out the first division w’ith Norwegian tenor, Ragnar IllcHscd Sacrament Falcons golf and tennis instruction W ith all the ta lk con­ 3 1 0 program designed to pre­ Walt King and Babe Lind. 548 points, including one Ulfung, and Benjamin Sl. Rose Beavers 4 2 0 cerning a new 50,000 St. Rose Bear* 3 2 1 The lessons began the first place vote. Rayson. sent them the basic funda­ metropolitan stadium to St. Vincent's Twins 3 2 1 mentals. first week in May and con­ Following in order were John Crosby w ill conduct St. .lohn'* Hawk* 1 ! 0 house the Broncos, the St. Rn*e Seal* 3 3 0 cluded recently. Iow a State (323), Oklaho­ the Santa Fe Opera The program, which was collegiate folks also are SU Vincent's Cubs 2 4 0 started as an experiment Edwards, a member of ma State (308), Kansas orchestra for the produc­ Sl. Vincent's Pirate* 0 4 2 talking expansion. Sl Vincent's Brave* the Professional Golfers (303) and Kansas State tion which will be directed 0 5 1 by the Parochial schools, CU already has CLASS AAA Assn, for 29 years, handled (290). by Lofli Mansouri. Blessed Sacrament Falcons 4 0 0 proved h igh ly successful. announced plans for a 7,- instruction for students The revitalized Buffs will "Tosca” will be repeated St. Phllomena Yankees 2 0 0 Several golf ranges in the 000-seat addition to Folsom St. Rose Dodgers 4 1 0 from North Denver schools play one of the most att­ July 8 and 16 and Aug. 13, SU Vincent's Astro* 4 1 0 Field which will pad the at the Hidden Lake Driv­ ractive home schedules in 17, and 25. "Cinderella” will St Rose Cub* 3 2 0 capacity to 60,000. S t Vincent’s Yankee* 2 2 1 ing Range, 6701 N. Lowell the school’s history with be repeated July 9, and Aug. The Board of Agricul­ S t Phllomena Tigers 1 1 0 blvd. home contests slated 18 and 26. Ticket informa­ S t Vincent’s Dodgers 2 3 0 ture, governing body for S t Rose Braves 1 ■( The east Denver young­ against Miami, Fla. (Sept. tion is available by calling Colorado State U, has S t Vincent's Giants For sters received instruction 17), Kansas State (Oct. 1), the Santa Fe Opera at 982- St John's Hawks called for a detailed study .MAJORS from King and Lind at the Nebraska (Oct. 22), Okla­ 3851 (Area Code 505.) • Insurance Hy-Lo Campers for financing a new stadi­ St Rose Athletics Monaco Driving Range, homa (Oct. 29) and Air Blessed Sacrament Falcons um on the CSU campus. S t John’* Hawks 1 I 0 130 S. Monaco. Southsido Force (Nov. 19). * Surely Bonds 1.m ated At 0^: 1r I Mother of God S t Vincent's Colts 3 3 0 Th e Board will study the St Vincent's Cardinal* schools were given instruc­ 2 2 2 CALL THE NEBRASKA game feasibility of building the Mother of God Parish St Rose Tigers 2 3 I tion at the Twilight range is a cinch to draw a sellout new stadium at its August (Denver) —Plans are being S t Rone Indians 2 4 0 GATEWAY and Santa Fe Range. S t Philomena Cards 0 1 0 throng to Folsom Field. m eeting. Seating capacity made by the Altar and Paul T. McGrady The program was de­ Miami figures to be a good of the proposed stadium is Rosary society for the Motor Camptown signed to tie in with the VAN SCHAACK & CO draw with the Hurricanes expected to be around 30,- annual summer card party summer programs spon­ to be held Wednesday af­ 624 17fh Street 7327 E. C olfax coming off a 0-0 tie with 000. sored by municipal organi­ ternoon, July 27. 399-0801 Notre Dame in the season's Football in June, any­ HEAR Phone 297-5636 zations in Englewood, Lit- Confessions will be heard close-out game last fall. one? A t least everyone’s a tleton and Denver. Thursday evening, June Interest in the tradition­ winner before the first ball 30, in preparation for the ASK and LIARN al CU-AFA scrap seems to is kicked. first Friday. Masses on Film by Agee Friday are scheduled for On KOA Radio Scholarship 6:30 and 8 a.m. and 5:15 Dan Jarvis, a recent p.m. Novena prayers to the 10:20 E i'c ry Similny cvcnlnR. To Be Shown Joe P, Martinez (liirs lio iis on religion sub- graduate of Mullen Sacred Heart of Jesus will be recited after the 5:15 iiiiUcd by the rajio niidi- high school, Denver, has cure answered on the arch- Mass. been awarded a four- The Quiet One, an diucesan broadcast. y e a r sc h o la rsh ip to St. award winning semi-docu­ Park Dedicated A Booklet on Catholic mentary film about a Neg­ Church avnilahtc free of Mary’s college, Calif. He Formal dedication cere­ by Good Americans organ­ COMPLETE CAR SERVICE ro boy scarred by the re­ cost to all inquiries. is the son of the late monies of the "Joe P. ization and KFSC radio, TUNE UP • CARBURETOR THE Sam Jarvis, a former jection and indifference of Martinez” park were held Denv'er, with assistance AUtO. TRANS. WRITE TO his parents, w ill be shown Yoor C*t Probltm — Our SpecIiUy coach in the Denver Sunday, June 26. The from Joe P. Martinez post EXPERT TELEVISION REPAIR Ask and learn, Slation NEW Parochial League. at 8:30 and 10 p.m. Thurs­ park, named in honor of 204 and Post No. 1 of the KO A, Denver 8(1203, day through Sunday, July ONEIDA GARAGE Culurudo the World War II hero, is American Legion. • III Kirk HOO Ontld* HMSS5 3, at the Analyst Expresso located at W est 9th and The program featured Theater-Cafe, 311 E. 20th Perry, Denver. the American Legion drum c e n te n n ia l Ave., Denver. Martinez, who was killed and bugle corp, GAO band, TRACK tonight! James Agee wrote the in action during battle in Mariachi Vargas of Mexico IT'S THE YEAR OF THE HORSE dialogue and commentary. the Aleutian islands, was City, and a color guard 5ZZEZZ2ZZS2ZA GREYHOUND Gary Merill is narrator. posthumously awarded the from Fitzsimons hospital. Electric Companq nation’s highest military In charge of arrangements OPENTHIS FRIDAY recognition, the medal of were Dave Garland of the RACING Family Theater honor. American Legion Post No. TEN GREAT RACES A 12-foot statue of 1 and Mrs. Carmen Beall (Tf *m S T R lA L • C ^M TKIAL •RlStOCNTlAl The late Gene Lockhart DAILY DOUBLE AND QUINIELA will star in "The Wind Is Martinez, executed by of KFSC. No Gentlemen” on a re­ sculptor Fritz White, was 1178 STOUT ST. 222-5733 broadcast on Father Pat­ unveiled. Blessing of the DENVEt COLORADO park and the statue rick Peyton’s Family Thea­ Men's Clothing Santa Fe Drive (U.S. 85) : ter Sunday, July 3, 9 p.m. were performed by the at Littleton on KOSI Radio, Denver. Rev. James Prohrn, Men's Tailoring 9 miles South of C.R., provincial superior MR. FRANZ OF LAKESIDE Downtown Denver of St. Andrew Avellino K ing Soo|H‘fs .Mall seminary, Denver. 'Fhe Lakeside Shopping Center Fun is where the invocation was given by the Rev. Thomas Sepul­ excitement isi SCHWINN BIKES veda. A R E B E S T First Race 8 P. M. Am ong those present were Mayor Tom Currigan New 8-Dog Races and Joe Ciancio, manager American Cyclery New Air Conditioned of parks and recreation. 901 SO. BROADWAY The Beer with GUSTO Cocktail Lounge The event was sponsored New Judges Stand Atop Malt Liquor of Quality Grandstand • Twin Quin Wagering COMMERCIAL ASPHALT • Quinielas Every Race • Admission 25<: M URRAY BROS. • Parking Free and AGGREGATE COMPANY • Minors Not Admitted Air-conditioned cafeteria Bacon & Schramm 80th Ave. & Highway 85 DISTRIBUTING CO. 288-2637 friendly Composlfion Roofing Tile Roofing COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL WHOLESALERS MILE HIGH Roof Repelling -BLACK TOPPING- Robert M. — Paul V. Murray KENNEL CLUB 4020 Brighton Blvd. '^D E N V E R y C ll. 4-G5G8 Free Estimates Page 10 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER June 30, 1966 Spoof on Russians Topic of Film _ ■ • _ ■ - . Rod T a vTaylor ln r is is a spacecraft By Kim Larsen please and attract count­ V IC T IM S of this satire bit corny, but acceptable laboratory engineer at Despite its hilarious con­ less audiences. are the ultra-patriotic-type for a comedy film. This work on a new rocket. tents, The Russians Are H er role in The Glass Americans. Paul Ford does dramatic corn is intensified .Miss Day is suspected of Coming, The Russians Bottom Boat is not unlike an exceptionally good job by the camera angles used, spying. From hero on the Are Coming might make some of the many other in portraying an excitable which is enough to make cloak and dagger overtones some viewers somewhat roles she has played. A l­ citizen who dons his the viewer sit on the edge result in some broad come­ sore. though not a housewife American Legion hat and of his seat. dy sequences. Now playing at the In­ this tim e around, she is prize sword when he hears This color comedy — in Some other bright mo­ te rn a tio n a l 70 th eatre, s till th e fiz z y and per­ that the Russians have the M ad W orld tradition ments are contributed by Denver, this film, pre­ ably produced and plexed doll who gets mixed landed. is Paul Lynde, Dom De sented by the Mirisch cor­ directed by Norman Jewi­ up a series of zany The cast includes Carl Luise, John McGiver, Ed­ poration, spins a spoof on son. His handling of Ben goings-on. Reiner, Eva Marie Saint, ward Andrews, and Dick what happens when Rus­ Blue’s Paul Revere-type It’s a ll light flu ff and Jonathan Winters, and Martin. — (CJZ'______sians come on American ride through the New harmless, but it does pro­ Brian Keith. shores because of an emer­ England country to warn vide some relaxing and But the actors portraying Sacred Heart gency. that the Russians arc fun-filled moments and, as the Russians get the top A Russian submarine coming is hilarious. Johnny a breezy escape from the Program on TV honors in this film, espe­ comes terribly close to the Mandel has provided de­ warm weather, it is a cially Alan Arkin and "What Is This Thing New England coast because lightful music for the film. pleasant diversion. Theodore Bikel who steal Called Love” will be the the crew wants to see The scenes of confusion IN T H IS MOM film now subject of the Rev. Gene America. But trouble the show in their roles as among the townfolk be­ the leaders of the submar­ playing at the Cinema, Jakubek, S.J., on the strikes as the submarine come somewhat tiring and ine crew. V illa Ita lia , Miss Day is Sacred Heart Program lodges on a sandbar. bog down the film to a the daughter of Arthur Sunday, July 3, 7:15 a.m. Bikel gives a heartwarm­ The Russians send a certain extent. But other Godfrey who runs a tourist o n K B T V , C h a n n e l 9, party on shore to seek ing performance as a har­ than that, the film is good boat o ff Catalina island. Denver. help. All they want is a dened Russian commander entertainment. boat to tow the submarine who shows his quite hu­ PRODUCER-director Satire and Comedy on the Screen off the sandbar. man ways when confronted Jewison, a Canadian, is In the scene at left, Broadway actor Alan Arkin makes his movie debut But panic sets in among with the innocence of a not sure how well his sat­ TRAVELING MEN in "The Russians Arc Cominu,” a satire about a Russian submarine and the Russian-hating Ameri­ child. ire will go over in the U. Slay at the crew accidentally getting caught in a sandbar off the New England coast. cans who believe there is a The scene in which the S. Mixed reaction to the Arkin scored in New York in "Enter Laughing” and "Luv.” Others m the full-scale attack on their Americans and Russians film already has been rec­ ARGONAUT HOTEL east of the film currently showing include Carl Reiner, Eva Mane country. discover brotherhood is a orded. lOR SPfcLIAL KbbbKVAIION^ t-O Ben Blue, and Brian Keith. In the photo at right are Rod Taylor and Dons Jewison has said that he BRIDGE PARDEE UA'' St. Louif International Theater 1966 Dinah Shore will hea­ Followinf; are cluHNini'ations of motion pictures hy the National Perhaps some of the syn­ wood) — this summer in Colorado b rin g th eir comedy and Catholic Office of Motion Pictures for films currently playint; dline the performances in Denver first-run, neighborhood, and drive-in theaters, as well a.s drome m ight be removed something St. Louis Springs. singing talents to the scheduled July 14-20. to be Broadmoor stage July 25- those appearini! on television in the Denver, Colorado Spring's and by the film. Jewison said. H o ly N ai The popular comedy followed by Jose Greco and Sterling ureas. Daily movies on TV' are cheeked for time, place 31. Besides the ^ tire , which different for t h a t p ar team of Rowan and Martin company July 21-23. and TV' station. Katinas of movies on TV are checked against Fam ed pianist Liberuce listintis found in "TV Ouide” magazine. Classifications are: A-1, is hilariously portrayed by friends res 534-7918 will perform Aug. 1-7. and fam ily: A-2, adults and adolescents; A-2. ndult.s only: A -i, adults the fine cast, the film luneh today. o f Wednesi only with reservations: B, morally objcctionahle in part for all: C, points out that Russians, St. Louis Carlos Montoya, popular Condemned. (Compiled by Carol Good) and classical guitarist, will lik e Am ericans, are hu­ Gardens, I JJuL JtxjhUu (Room. T h e Rounders. A-JI; Thunder- man, thus bearing a dig­ appear Aug. 8. The Broad­ Current Movies ball, A-3; Trouble with Angels, ilies may Etihtr Fr«nlt Feng), nity which is not worthy of NInlh ,\»oiMic al S|M“tT Ilh il. moor’s own Ice Revue, fea­ And Now' Miguel, A-1; Alpha- A-I; Under the Yuni-Yum Tree, ties for $t turing world champion ice b e t M u rd e rs , A-2; Aroun d the A-4; War Lord, A-3; When the being shamed by hatred a g e rs wh coMri.i:n: nitiiAi Af. si \i f Boys Meet the Girls, A-3; Where skaters and many clown World Under the Sea, A-1; Big and war. Y o u ’ll enjoy the m ay atte FINEST CHINESE AND Hand for the Little Lady, A-2; the Spies Are, A-3; Who’s Afraid Jewison did not intend to acts, is scheduled Aug. of Virginia Woolf?, A-4; Young convenient change couple 01 AMERICAN FOODS Blindfold, A-2; Cast a Giant create a film bearing a 17-21 at the ice arena. Shadow', A-3; Cat Ballou, A-2; Racers, A-2. Th is w ill L'gh ied Oin,.>g Room i( to Ernie's. Destination Innger Spare, Un­ message, but it could not FwKign W eil Home Tickets may be obtained On Television parish pier (w e rt Poet f.e. I listed; Dr. Zhivago, A-2; Duel at be helped. The message — in D enver for the Broad­ SATURDAY JULY 2 M em be Opi to ino Public Diablo, B: El Cid, A-I; Frozen I -S ol . till >2 M.dnighl Knights of Terror, A-3; Glory that hatred of one nation’s moor International Theater Alive, Unlisted; Glass Bottom Post 136, I I t loie d TueidOYi) At Sea. A-1; Ghost of Dragstrip people of another can be spent Jur from May-D&F, 255-8305, Boat. A-2, Guns of Navurone, Hollow, A-2: The Deadly ('om- Only a short drive out to West 44th Avenue, A-I; Harper, A-3; Kartoum, A-1; overcome through under­ Creek dan or in Colorado Springs by panions, A-2; I*ork C'hop Hill, away from the hustle of downtown traffic. It is L a d y L. B; lA*st Command, A-3, standing—does not ruin . 634-7711. A-1; Monsieur Betiucuire, A-2; c e iv e d ir O k la h o m a , B; Madam e X, A-3; pleasant to try something different, especially if The Unknown Terror, A-2; Rem­ the film as "messages” canoeing fi Mondo Cane, A-4; Nevada it's lunch at Ernie's. Enjoy fine food and MAMMA ROSA’S PIZZERIA brandt, B; Hide the High ('uun- sometimes have ruined the Colors Smith, A-3; On Her Bed of 'House of Lord' try. A-3; Convicts 4, A-2: Se­ drink —prepared for the connoisseur. UoHos, unlisted; Paradise other films. Associatic HOME MADE TALIAN DINNERS venth Cross, A-2: Steel Town, Hawaiian , A-I; Patch of 1’ h e K u .s s i a n s A r e Attending A-2; Down to the Sea in Ships, • RAVIOLI On TV July 3 Blue, A-3; Rare Breed, A-1; Ride e x p lo r e r • PIZZA A-1; A Farewell to Arms, B; Coming is worth seeing if Reservations —phone 455-9766 Beyond Vengeance, A-3; Shop ’'The Value of Negotia­ H o r r o r s o f the B lack .Museum, you like good comedy and Jones, als< • LASAGNA • SPAGHETTI on .Main Street, A-3; Singing B; Three Strangers. B; That’s Fitzpatric tions for Peace” will be the Nun, A-1; Son of a Gunfightcr, do not mind the ribbing My .Man, A-I; The Hell-Fire Table and Carry-Out Service topic to be discussed on the A-1; Stagecoach, A-2; Stop berger, Da Club, A-3; Amoricuns get. ''H ouse of the Lord” tele- World Want to Get Off, A-3; Kick Henr; 1044 SO. FEDERAL BLVD. 936-2336 SUNDAY JULY 3 ERNIE'S S ta r o f T e x a s , A-*2; C lo u d s The Glass Parvuli T 1 O O OA T^T«7 Thousand Clowns, A-3; Tiko July 3, 8'.o0 a .m ., on iVLZ«- shark. A-1; Three on a Over Europe, A-1; Huy One For presented Me, A-2; The Howards of Vir­ Bottom Boat' Restaurant & Lounge Hummel'K Offers a New Home Baked Feature T V , CViannel 7, Denver. Couch, Unlisted; Weekend at Cub Scou ginia, A-1; Return <»f the Fly, W hen on e sees Doris Delightfully Rich-New York Style Representing the Catholic Dunkirk, A-a; Yellow Rolls Privulv parties our speciality J r .; Bruc A-2; Katie Did It, A-2; Fury at Day in the new film com­ faith on the panel will be i*°y*^®* Showdown. A-2; 2915 W. 44th Ave. Phone 455-9786 C h e rry , * CHEESE CAKE tlie Rev. Francis J. Male- Neighborhood, Drive-In MONDAY. JULY 4 edy, T h e (Ha.ss ~Bottom D ow ling, Baked h y ilum m cl'H ('he>i4 cck, S.J., of Regis college. T a r / a n ’ s Fight fo r IJfe, A-2: Boat, it doesn’t seem like­ K e v in He Cm CKK.V .S.VI.AD.S WIfOr.K KOSMKR .STVT.K , . -Il u D A-2; Billie, A-1; Born Free. A-1; Bl(M>d on the A rn tw . A-2; Katie ly that she’s been buzzing Moderator will b e the Rev. Djd i a wrong Num- L e c h m a t Chopped Chh-krii Livers Hrisk<>(s o f Coined Beef D id It, A-2; R em a rk a b le An', A-2; M a r k S years. There hasn’t been ant pastor of St. Patrick’s R"K* A-4; D o Not Disturb. A-3; Jarkpot, A-2; Darby’s Rangers, B r o a d m o o r Th om psoi SIDEWALK CAFE church, Denver. “ "j*. A-3; Beyond (Dory, A-I; Boy anything particularly ex­ D avid Va Luncheons 85c up — Dinners $1.00 up . , J and Mr. Chicken, A-I; (»reatest W ho ('au gh t a CrcMik, A -L citing about the many O ther panelists include ^ver Told, A-l; Heroes of Van Landi TUESDAY JULY H screen roles she played Dr. Lowell B. Swan of the Telemark. A- 2 ; Hold On. A-1; W eld, Mil HUM M EL’S Tarz.an’s N ew Adventure. A-1; since she made her debut IlifT school of theology and How to Murder Your Wife, A-3; Spin a D ark Web. B: (iu y Who INTERNATIONAL Roths and DELICATESSEN Rabbi Daniel Goldberger of ' S""' ‘ “ Came Back, B; Beyond Glory, in Warner Bros. Romance Presentatic Cherry Creek Shopping Center______322-4144 Take Sweden, B; Inside Daisy Beth Joseph congregation. A-l; My Favorite Spy, A-I; Take on th e H ig h S eas in Father Wi! Clover. A-3; Kissin Cousins. B. a l./Ctter. D arling, A-2; M other is 1948. Y et, as one of the I.4ist Sunset, B; Las Vegas H ill­ B e g in n a Freshman, A-l; (io For Broke, nation’s top-drawing movie THEATRE 1966 billies, A-1; Lili, A-2; Ix>rd Ixtve A -I; ('r v Tough, B. S u n d a y NOW A Duck, A-4; Man Could Get W E D N E SD A Y . .IL L Y 6 stars, the ever-bubbling COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO w ill b e < Killed, A-2; Man from Galves­ Green Magic, A-2; Take a Miss Day continues to in s te ad o Mn«OG(XOWYNMA\IR ton, A-2; Marriage lUilian Style, Letter. Darling, A-'2: Eight A-4; Married Woman, C; Mas­ L o u is Cl A MARIM MELCHEH O’clock Walk. A-2; Bounty querade. A-2; Mcllale’s Navy, Hunter. A-I; I Was a Male War sions for : EVIRETI FREEMAN A-1; Mister Moses, A-2; Monkey Bride, B; Gentlemen of the b e h eard PROOUCIION Uncle, A-1; My Fair Lmiy, A-1; Night. A-3; Hit and Run, A-2; SUNDAY BUFFET N e v e r T o o I.ntc, A-3; North by THURSDAY JULY 7 ADUI.TS CIIII.DREN Northwest, A-3; Our Man Flint, Tarzan’s New York Adven­ $1.50 $1.25 Holy T DORIS DAY B; Pardners, A-1; Pink Panther, ture, A-l; The Case of the Vel­ 'A-3; P rom ise H er Anything, A-3; vet Claws, A-2; Revenge of the Coiiiplclc Buffet From RODTAYLOR R ed L in e 7000, B; Kepulsion, C; Pirate, A-2; Bounty Hunter, A-l; SlaiT to Finish Russians Arc Cuming, A-1; Don’t Go Near the Water, B; Sturlcr Main Course Sands of Kalahari, A-1; Second Harvey, A-2; Ambush, A-l; Now Dessert BevcraRC ARTHUR GODFREY Best Secret Agent, A-3; Ser­ and Forever, A-2; Counterplot, 12:00 noon to 4:00 P.M. geants Three, A-1; She, A-2; A-2; " W e Cater Any Type o f Shenandoah, A-1; Ship of Fools, FRIDAY JULY 8 Party*’ A-3; Shot in the Dark, B; Silen­ Tarzan’s Revenge, A-l; The The ROWAN & MARTIN MISS DINAH SHORE cers, B; Singing Nun, A-1; M u s ic G o e s R o u n d , A - l; I.,eft- S h o w J u ly 7-13 J u ly 14-20 Sound o f Music, A-1; South P a ­ Handed Gun, B; Now and ('orc- cific, A-3; Spy Who Came in ver, A-2; Block Heods, A-l; Six from the Cold, A-3; That Funny Bridges to Cross, B; Texas Ran­ Feeling, A-2; Ten Comman­ gers, A-l; It's n Big Country, d m e n ts , A-1 ; T enth Victim , B; A-I; Love Me Tender, B; Marty, The Last of the Secret Agents. A-2. MOTOR INN 1420 I,ogan St. 623-4211 "Plenty of Free Parking" FEATURES at BOB S PIZZERIA 12 NOON-4 P.M. 8 P.M. Home of the Little Immit^roiit Saiulteich" “ In The Sheridan 15 Varieties of ^^Jliopping Center’^ Planning JOSE GRECO & CO. SMOTHERS BROTHERS 1232 J u ly 21-23 & O T H E R S J u ly 25-31 So. Sheridan OHtfll. COLOIAOO a large "Colorado's Most Scenic Mountain Restaurant" GERMAN and AMERICAN FOOD picnic? • Sauerbralen • Wiener Schniiiel • Steaks • Sealooci glTAUAH FOOD AT ITS BEST & COFFEE SHOP-FIRESIDE LOUNGE-PIANO BAR On U .S . 2as at C o n ife r Ph. 222-4t*l Closed Monday 936-0911 936-1131 934-9857 Let us do it.

. . .From 50 to 5,000 we NNOPNCING .... Only of Laffite can you an|oy a can arrange yorrr picnic, or Continental lunchson at moderate party. CARLOS MONTOYA DPNVP/rS XPWEST prieet. Only at Laffite can you Town and Country Caterers A u g u s t 8 order your choie* of more than is equipped to handle all 30 seafoods. Only at Loffite can the details . . . plenty of MAIL ORDERS Res fan rant you get the finest in quality blue areas available now in the NO W T A K E N ribbon beef. Only at Laffite can mountains with horses, S e a s o n T ic k e t s : . 530.00, $25.00 A complete menu of fresh .seafood.s i Season subscribers have first you hear the fabulous Jimmy Rob­ BROADMOOR choice of tickets. from the brtney deep, •.nrUidlng swimming, softball . . . N e w s D King Crab, Oy.stors on theHalfShell erts entertaining nightly. other recreation. SINGLE TICKET PRICES Phone 377-4867 and Stoamod Clams! ICE REVUE Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed,. Thurs Th e de There is o tily one L n f/ itc . . * 55.75, 4.75, 3.75. s to rie s i 0 . Call James Larkin A parade of F r i . a n d S a t.: $6.75, 5.75 ' 4.75, a p p e a r ; Luncheon I>allv and you can afford it. 399-1172 world champions 3.75, 2.75. C a th o lii from 11:30 - 5:30 Ladies . . . Men . . . •LIBERACE (not on season tick M onday .Seafood-A-Rama Buffet i i i & M , n TOWN & Pairs . . . Clowns e t ) : $6.75, 5.75, 4.75, 3.75 , 2.75. Frl. 4 Sat. Nlte from Make checks payable and mail sp on d en 6:30 to 10 p.m. 158 Fillmore A U G U S T 17-2T h a v e th LAFFITE COUNTRY BROADMOOR INTIRNATIONAL Closed Sundays 14th at LARIMER th e **Re Off 1st Ave. in Cherry Creek (Jutt oH Denver’* fameu* fevrtr downtown) C a te re rs THIATRE C p io rjd o Sprif>9 », C olo r*d o this time free Parking For ae te fvitio n n aaa-5att ic a tio n : Thursda: June 30/ 1964 DENVER CATHOLIC REG ISTE R P a g e i l craft r at shrine of St. Anne :ket. Parish Spotlight Lady of Grace Our Lady o f Grace Par­ d of >x*x-x-:»:-x-:.v.'WPX*:*:-x.:.x»:-x«':’X'>x*;-x*x*x*X‘X'X/>:->x*xr Shrine of St. Anne Par­ Mrs. Gerald Shea, PTA the ish ^Denver) — St. There­ ish (Arvada) — The First paper drive chairman, said x>nes th at the paper drive held sa’s Young Ladies’ sodality St. Rose Friday Masses at St. sponsored a swimming ome- recently amounted to more St. Rose o f Lima Parish Anne’s Shrine on July 1 party recently at Eldorado will be at 6:30, 7:15, and 8 than 50 tons. Proceeds will mo- (Denver) — Scoutmaster Le Springs. Rhynard o f Troop 206 has a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Confes­ be used for purchasing i by St. Mary Magdalen’s Al­ announced that the troop’s sions w ill be heard on teaching machines and De tar and Rosary sodality sponsoring institution, St. Thursday, June 30, 4 to 5 reading machines for the Ed- members are collecting Rose of Lima Holy Name p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. school. Boy Scout Troop Dick Gold Bond stamps and Gift society, has given the troop There w ill be all-day ado­ 338 helps with the drive ration o f the Blessed Sac­ and shares in the profits. Stars to get kitchen ware. 10 new tents, to be used Games-parties are held on camping trips. ram ent, and the hours of Don Klien and Ron New­ every Tuesday at 8 p.m. Ronnie Lujan, John adoration are observed by ell are co-chairmen o f the The new Mass cards Weikel, David Burlage, the women of the Altar annual parish awards have been furnished by the and Glenn Stadig, mem­ and Rosary society. Chair­ event, which will take man for the first Friday place at the Arvada har­ Ray Wernel Printing com­ bers of the CYRA, will pany for the convenience of play in the International adoration is Mary Novotny. vest festival. Proceeds will parishioners. Junior Baseball Tourna­ The parish Credit Union go toward the convent ex­ office w ill be closed Mon­ pansion fund. Baptisms are held every ment, Los Angeles,. July Sunday afternoon at 1:30 2-4. day, July 4. Dividends will A supply of oil has been be credited to members’ received to be available p.m. pass books after July 5. during the triduum to St. Keenesburg Leadville Pastor Honored The first six months of the A n n e July 24-26 at the Farewell in Sterling ST. ANTHONY'S Holy Family Parish The Rev. James B. Hamblin, retiring pastor of four and one-half per cent shririe. During the triduum A farewell party for the Rev. Peter Urban of there will be veneration of (Keenesburg) — The Rev. Annunciation church, Leadville, received two annual dividend will be PARISH St. Anthony’s parish, Sterling, was recently spon- -awards commending his 10 years of service to the paid as of June 30. Presi­ the relic of St. Anne. 'sored by the parish organizations in the school John V. Holloway, who will assume office as chap­ church and the community, at a farewell recep­ dent o f the credit union of gymnasium. Father Urban has been assigned as tion June 19. Mayor George Burke, rigH, pre­ the parish is Robert Tin- St. Catherine's SAU.Y nn.1 VP:RN* pastor of St. John’s parish, Yuma. Among the lain o f youth services for sented him with a proclamation designating June ucci. Treasurer and office St. Catherine’s Parish KELLY’S members of the family shown left to right are the state o f Colorado on June 24, was recently hon­ 19 as ’’Father Hamblin Day.” The ’’Queen of manager is Rosemary Hol­ (Denver) — On First Fri­ Adam Urban, father; Barbara Olsen, niece; Father land. MORRISON ROAD ored by the parish at a Youth” award was presented to Father Hamblin day, July 1, Masses are Urban; the Rev. Leonard Urban, brother; and A t .a gam es party on LIQUOR STORE farewell supper. by Miss Joan Kehoe, president of Leadville’s scheduled at 6, 6:45, and, Mrs. Adam Urban, mother. 5:tM0 Morrihon Itoud Catholic Youth Organization. The award recog­ Friday, July 1, 7:30 p.m., 7:30 a.m. Mrs. Ralph Sauter left in the gym, the Holy DKSVKK nized the priest’s achievements in behalf of the St. Catherine’s Altar and recently for a summer Name society is giving youth of the community. Father Hamblin is the Rosary society will receive course at the University of away a redwood picnic new pastor of St. Therese’s parish, Aurora. Communion corporately in St. Louis, Englewood Arizona, Tucson. table and four benches and the 8 o’clock Mass Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William a deluxe umbrella and July 3. Members are re­ stand. St. Ix,uis: Parish (Engle- from 3:30 to 5:30 and in S U C r e d H e U r t , D e U V e r quested to occupy the front wood) — Members of the the evening from 7:30 to Mrs. Connie Iden, presi­ St. Louis Men’s club and 9 p.m . M asses on firs t Kathy, was organist for pews, which are reserved family. They have returned dent of the Altar and Holy Name society ask Friday will be at 6- 7, Holy Family parish. Sacred Heart Parish for them. from a visit to the Sisters Rosary society, and I»irs. that parishioners and and 7:45. (Denver) — Ed Reid, adult Eileen Hessek are making of Charity motherhouse, friends reserve the evening Altar boy servers for the choir director, reminds plans for the eighth annual St. Vincent de Paul's Parish Xavier, Kans., where they o f Wednesday, Aug. 10, for Sunday Masses for July Director Named members to attend practice ice cream social, to be held SO. UNIVERSITY BLVO. 4 E. ARIZONA attended th eir daughter’s St. Louis night at Elitch’s are: 6 a.m., Edward Ryan Michael C. Moore, form­ on Wednesday evenings at on Sunday, July 17, in the profession. She is Sister SUNDAY MASSKS Gardens, Denver. A ll fam- and Don Davilia; 7 a.m., e rly o f the OfTice o f Eco­ 7 p.m. school gym. Tickets for the July 29 Anne Karen. They have 6:45, 8:00. 9:30, 11:00 ami 12:13 ilies may enjoy the facili- Tom Bonomo and Jim nomic Opportunity (OEO) Confessions* salnrilays 3:30 to 3:33 and 7:30 to 9 n-ni. parish dance are now on another daughter in the ties for $5 a family; teen- Bonomo; 8 a.m., Steve Kansas City, Mo., has Rt. Kov. Msgr. Fiigenc A. O'Sullivan. Pastor sale and may be obtained community. Sister John Library Closed a ge rs who wish to date M a r k h a m and G e o rg e assumed his new duties as 2385 E. Arizona 7I1-G119 from L. Montour, Mrs. Viamey. i ' m ay a tten d fo r $3 p e r Boni; 9:30 a.m., John Derr deputy director o f Denver On July Fourth i William Baca, or members couple or $1.50 each. — and William Sirokman; 11 Opportunity (DO), formerly The pari.sh has expressed { Th is w ill be the annual a.m., Jim Kloppenberg and Denver’s War on Poverty, of the Holy Name and the its sympathy to Mr. and A ll agencies of the Den­ parish picnic. Joseph Kloppenberg; 12:15, Moore, a native o f Den- sodality. • Donations of ar­ Mrs. W illia m Bell whoso ver Public Library will be ticles for special awards for CECIUS SUPER M em bers o f E x p lo rer Joseph Magers and T im ver, was appointed to this son, Billy, 16, was killed closed Monday, July 4, for CECIL MEACHAM, Prop. Post 136, St. Louis church. Potter; and 5:30 p.m., Lar- newly created position two this event will be appre­ in an automobile accident. Independence Day. A ll ou­ spent June 26 at Cherry r y B ell and Patrick Cos- months ago, but his work ciated. The Anthony Martinez tlets also are closed on QUALITY MEATS - FISH - POULTRY Creek dam where they re- tello. Servers for the week in the OEO regional office Mr. and Mrs. Albert family has returned from a Sundays during the sum­ Nationally Advertised Brands Foods ceived instructions for of June 27 — July 2 are; in Kansas City would not Sanchez and Bertina San­ vis it with their daughter, mer. Save Money Here — 1004 S. Gaylord — 733-7383 if canoeing from a member of chez, long time residents of Sister Charles, at Mt. St. nd 6:15 a.m., Craig Wcssbeck- p e r m it h is im m e d ia te the Colorado White Water er and Thomas Urban; 7 transfer to Denver. As the parish, have moved to Joseph motherhouse in Association, Larry Zook. a.m., Edward Sirokman and deputy director, Moore w ill A ll Saint^ parish, Denver. Cincinnati, O. For Sale or Lease The firms listed here Attending were assistant P reisser’s S uperette B ill Sirokman; 7:45 a.m., be second in charge of the Their daughter and grand­ Brother Joseph Raul 3.000 sq. ft. on 2 floors. Near deserve to be remem­ explorer advisor Stan Fancy Meats And Groceries Brian McCallin and Tim DO office under executive daughter, Sister Theresa. Valencia, formerly of this new Federal Office Building bered when you are dis­ Jones, also Tom and Mike r t t t o u i v i a r a n d Shanahan. All first Fri- director Bernard Hyman, Assumpta and Sister Ste­ parish, who has been as­ Parking in roar tributing your patronage Fitzpatrick, Jerry Mersh- signed to Coahuila, Mexico, to the different lines of CHABCI ACCOUNtS day’s for the summer at 6 There are three assistant phanie, visited them re­ For informalion call 777-4447 berger, Danny Fattor, and a.m. will be served by directors, Robert E. Allen, cently. Sister Assumpta recently visited here. 534-1304 business. n il I Q«io ti.e UiK. Ih'ti Rick Henry. James Johnson and Robert Edward E. Thompson, and has returned to the moth- Parvuli Dei -awards were Geoffroy. Manuel Salinas. erhouse in Oklahoma City presented to the following and Sister Stephanie to Cub Scouts: George Boni Marquette university. Jr.; Bruce Ballow, Tom. Also moving from Sacred PARISH PHARMACY GUIDE Cherry, John Derr, Bob Christ the King Heart parish to A ll Saints’ Dowling, Robert Eldridge, • x i.i. v n • -u are Roger Martinez and K e v in Huddleston, Brian- parish, on June 23, begin­ CALL YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUG STORE FOR PROMPT SERVICE Lechman, Peter Sevy, (Denver) - More than 150 ning with Benediction of Mark Smith, K e v e n'attended a general the Blessed Sacrament at meeting at Christ the King S u p e r io r s Thompson, Tom Urban,. 7:30 p.m. It was the larg­ MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD - ST. VINCENT DE PAUL David Van Buhler, John y. , ~7# » y est general meeting of M e e t women in the history of Van Landingham, Keith R. iN © 6 C l/ © W O rfC S the parish. Weld, Mike Nearing, Ray _ . Atchison, Kans. — The Rev. Donald A. More than 150 religious VILLAGE REXALL DRUG Roths and Steve Wismann. I O LoO fTI LOrQQ McMahon, pastor, Presentation was made by superiors convened at Prom pt Delivery Service thanked the women for Father William Vollmer. St. Benedict’s Abbey Photo Supplies — Liquors — Im ported Wines At State Fair their wonderful re­ here June 29 to July 2 Beginning July 3, the Where .\eem(ici/ ihntnls Pueblo — Talented Colo­ sponse. He said the pur­ for the annual assembly Sunday evdning Mass 1425 So. Holly 7 5 6 -8 3 4 3 radoans who create with pose, nature, and activi- of the Conference of Ma­ w ill b e o ffe r e d at 5:30 th eir hands and imagina- -ties o f the A lta r society in stead o f 6 p.m. in St. jor Superiors of Men tion for their own enjoy- needed re-exam ining, (CMSM). Louis Church. Confes­ ment, w ill be recognized at M a n y su ggestion s w ere ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA ALL S0ULS.5ENGLEW00D sions for first Friday will The theme of the as­ the 1966 Colorado State made by the women and sembly was: ’’The Spirit be heard on Thursday ’BUD" STEPHENS F a ir and Industrial Expo- a number volu n teered to of Poverty; Opportunity CHERRELYN sition in Pueblo, Aug. 22- a s s is t in th e p h y s ic a l for Total Service.” Prin­ R x DRUG STORE Holy Trinity 27. The women’s exhibit and spiritual develop- cipal speaker w*as Father LINCOLN DRUG buildin g has ample space m e n t o f t h e p a r i s h . In Sickness and in Health Bernard H aring, C.SS.R., Prescription )"l'. iMinnc 7S'l-'2.jl)l Holy Trinity Parish allotted to display these These suggestions will moral theologian and an (Westminster) — Sister M. products. be processed by the ex­ SERVING ALL SAINTS, NOTRE DAME, BROADWAY at QUINCY V expert at Vatican Coun­ ENULEWOOD Malachy, Sister M. Georgia Women who sew will ex­ ecutive board and as­ cil II. ST. ANTHONY AND HOLY NAME PARISHES FREE PARKING and Sister M. Bcrtilla have hibit knitted, crocheted, signments made. 922-1161 arrived at Holy Trinity to and embroidered items, Mrs. James Cudmore, 1 • Free Delivery • Gold Bond Stamps I begin preparations for the and garments in the needle chairman, made a report FRIENDLY IE school opening in the fall, and fancy work depart- oa the executive board DRUG & PHARMACY 2345 So. Federal 935-4661 They will be joined at a ment. Entries will range meeting held June 22 in ST JOHN'S PARISH the board room o f the new 58E0 W. ALAMEDA later date by Sister M. from handkerchiefs and DAM CAULflELD addition to the rectory. YOUK CATHOUC DKUGGIST J o v ita who is attending kitchen aprons, to knitted ST. CATHERINE'S PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED The Rev. Martin A. Catholic university. Wash- suits and bedspreads. Be- 477-0549 45S-9904 FOR AND DELIVERED McNulty and the Rev. Au­ TRAPPIST CANDIES ington, D.C. cause o f widespread inter- BUSY CORNER First Friday Masses est, a special category is gust Widmer, assistant, 7 F LA V O R S - .39c BAG lOM/F/? SHOP D R U G S T O R E Colfax at Oowninq 237-Ta7S are offered at 6, 7 a.m. set aside for items cro- pastors, were honored 1<2 Sf. Paul Streel 3IS 401* I’lijnHiU'iHts WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE and 5:30 p.m. cheted by men. guests. Across from Cherry Creek National Bank W. 38th Ave & Federal Bird. HOLY CROSS. THORNTON Fresh Flowers and Plants ncmiT. C.ilo. AND SKILLED 'KNOW HOW’ Th« firms listtd h«r« d«s«rvt to b» CITY VIEW romtmbered when you are distribut­ ST. MARY'S, LITTLETON ing your patronage in the different Professional Pharmey ERS lines of business. PRESENTATION Ph. 287-5535 f S E L L 4 L E S S 8796 N. Corona >•31 PARISH Thornton 29, Colo. See BoD Robles ST. FRANCIS /tmlt M E A D E ST. ST LOUIS. ENGLEWOOD DE SALES FLOWER SHOP I Flom l nrranuenifnls for .\I.L ocfiisimis. DRUG STORE a s t r o ois s fT B M \ “Open 8 to 3 U ; n !y ” BURKE CLEANERS VEKN A- ItOSli: LEE 794.T2At 2857 W Hampden 5 0 F r e e G old B o n d Mam LiUleton. Colo «i:M1.7l2tl______tN(le«eod, Celirido 80U0 Stumps with This Cou­ pon and Any Order of PK 781-7809 C le a n in g . CURE d'ARS ■ P E E B L E S Family Enjoys TV Set 720 S. P e a rl S t. 733-4416 I ALLEND ALE e h h e h i ™ IA Add a sound base of professional I PHARMACY "The store of Pertonal Service" Shown enjoying a color television set awarded I :mi iM.it-i- to Mrs. Gilbert Roy at a dinner-dance sponsored REGISTER advertisers arc DUCKWALL'S training to the above, and you know Wesley Pharmacy recently by Knights o f Columbus Council 3340 in glad to know of even the small­ Denver's Newest ■ .Ar>:i(i.i. f^ilonulo Prescription Druggists St Mary’s parish hall, Littleton, is Mrs. Roy, her est purchase that comes In re­ Suburban Variety Store MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD your prescriptions will be filled ac­ husband and family. sponse to their REGISTER DAHLIA SHOPPING CENTER C. L. Quinlan Member St. Vincent S2S.OO. advertising. Wesley Ave. De Paul Parish f i r s t JJrd A Oahlla curately, depoinlifbly. See ns soon. At So. Downing 711 «AS| News Deadline! Wfm REXALL hurs. The deadline for news stories and pictures to ST. CATHERINE'S, COMMERCE CITY Prescription Druggists ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ST. ROSE OF LIMA K u ' l Ml I' m ' m lip im iis J.75, appear in the ’’Denver ALA-DOWN GREENE’S Catholic Register” is F.isl I t c DaIma'Iv PHARMACY Save-A-Pennvj > t ic k M onday at 9 a.m. C orre­ •2-2;iS S o . f i.l.ir.u lo HIm I. PHARMACY 75. REBICH PRtSCtIPTIONS - rOUNUIN spondents are asked to Sales and Service IMm m k- 7.37-71177 REXALL PHARMACY - COSMETICS - D r u ^ m a il AFS APPLIANCES all makes GIFTS BABY SUPPLIES have their material at COMPLETE DRUG SERVICE CONSTRUCTION CO. FREE DELIVERY 3101 E . C o lfa x 4AL the ’’Register” office at General Contractors Commerce City's Know Your 260 SOUTH DOWNING ST :|0 Simlh I’t. M ri|>lii>iu‘ Monibor ol 1.0 L. this time to assure publ­ 9 3 6 -7 3 3 6 "Radio Controlled Service Center" 1 c l. 7T7--2«iS.3. 7T7-2(iS() I'lioiic 777--2Tim 61.'S So. hVdcrul HIvd* Etl Br.^cllVc - 3J1-60J0 ication in the following 7340 MONACO . Pharmacist Thursday issue. Denver. Colo. Page 12 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER June 30, 1966 'Burger' Consumption ^ Candidates CYO Justice Edward C. Day graduated from Hegis high i n O R Y ^ ^ n r c T Cathol has announced his intens- school and Regis college Activities Doubles in 25 Years * r tion to seek nomination with an AB degree. He People in Denver are residents, McDonald’s and e le c tio n to succeed holds a masters degree in eating twice as many ham­ found that the average is Cite F himself for one of the 10- journalism from the Regis- The Holy Trinity, West­ burgers today as they did up to 3.5 hamburgers year terms ter college of journalism in minster, CYO will not 25 years ago, and school- w eek —double that o f 25 on the Colo- afllliation with St. Thomas m eet on July 4. A "bike- age children are eating years ago. rado Supreme seminary, Denver, and was hike” is scheduled for July more than anybody else. • Court. awarded a bachelor o f law In turn, children between 5. Those planning to at­ This was revealed in a Day, who degree from Westminster the ages of seven and 13 tend should bring their survey by the McDonald’s s e r v e d as law school at Denver uni­ eat almost twice that ov­ lunch. Horseback riding is hamburger restaurant at e r a ll average —6.2 ham­ C h ief Justice versity. 3050 W. Jewell avenue, A member o f the Colora­ available for $1.50 an burgers a week. f r o m Denver, on the occasion of do bar for 32 years. Day is h o u r. A d m ission is 20 McDonald’s attributes J a n u a r y , its sixth anniversary in a form er attorney in the cents or 80 cents i f plan­ the overall increase in 1 9 6 2 , to ning to swim. business. The local McDon­ oHlce of the public admin­ hamburger eating to high­ J a n u a r y , ald’s is part of the nation­ 1963, is com­ istrator for the city and A retreat is planned July er meat consumption and a Justice Day wide chain o f self-service county. 15-16 at Boulder. bigger percentage of pleting this hamburger restaurants, He and his wife, Lilian, younger people in the pop­ year a term of 10 years on which now numbers more the State Supreme Court have one son, the Rev. Ed- News Deadline! ulation. For that matter, than 800 units across the M cDonald’s also claims a to which he was elected ward Day, assistant pastor The deadline for news T H E G R stories and pictures to country. share of the credit, owing after eight years service as o f St. Bernadette’s parish, Cardinal Lav appear in the "Register” Surveying the hambur­ to its self-service o f ham­ district judge o f Denver. Lakewood, and a daughter. of , is M onday at 9 a.m. ger-eating families of local burgers, on a budget basis. B efore becoming district Diane, low Catholi' JUUjudge,5 C , he was w o o judge Ul. of theV llO . , the nation municipal court of the city R©fYiinaer the Church t and county of Denver, for Seven out of 10 traflic for racial juj two years. accidents could probably be economic . avoided i f drivers obeyed achievement Colorado Springs Scholarship A native o f Denver, the all traffic regulations, ac- and m em bi 5 7 -yea r-o Id ju s tic e was cording to the State Patrol. Barbara McCann, left, of Sacred Heart grade school, Colorado Sprinp, minority grot has been awarded a one-year scholarship to St. Mary’s high school, Colo­ Accredited by the National Council ’ ’Yesterday' rado Springs. Presenting the award are the Rev. John Gibbons, O.M.I., JOHNSON STORAGE & MOVING CO. For The Accreditation O f Nursing tolerance do assistant pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Colorado Springs, and Mrs. a a i BROADWAY Homes. day’s needs George Pfalmer, president of the Colorado Springs district Council of Orthopedic, Post Operative, Medical Ages 16 promise of locol A Long DItfonco * Sanitized Vont and Catholic Women. & up. Large Airy Outside Rooms. Reception healthy soci MOVING Equipment room with T.V. on each floor. Excellent foods, * Packing and die.'s, etc. '30 Years In Business.' statement, i Shipping conclusion o DENVER meeting here St, Mary's High School * Foreign Service Via Sea or Air NURSING HOME Scholarship Awarded DIAL 722>2885 Gladys ElliS/ Adm inistrator 1401 Josephine Street The Rev. George Julian, ally presents a scholarship Paul’s schools in Colorado A u M f F o r UNITED VAN LINES Inquiries; Phone 388-9363 i superintendent of in honor of the late Mon- Springs. Sacred Heart grade school, signor William J. Kelly, FOR MANY years Mon­ Colorado Springs, and the former superintendent of signor Kelly personally 2 - Al Rev. John Gibbons, O.M.I., St. Mary’s school, who died awarded between 10 and assistant pastor, have in June, 1960. 15 scholarships annually to 5371 W, announced the awarding of The scholarship is St. Mary’s high school. He A beautiful bri a one-year scholarship to awarded to the grade IV4 bath home, was insturmental in organ­ and draped. 2 St. Mary’s high school, school girl with the highest izing the District Council basement, cov< Colorado Springs, to Bar> grade average from Sacred of Catholic Women for the privacy. Gl appi bara McCann. Heart, Corpus Christi, Colorado Springs area. The NO DOWN PA Mrs. George Pflamer, Divine Redeemer, or St. council now awards schol­ Miss Seeing T MldianiTs up 233 6537 o r J IM president o f the Colorado arships to the school in his Son, Daughter Eves. Springs District Council o f memory. Catholic Women, presented On Dean's List RIDGEWOC the award in behalf of the Denverite To Study 9405 W . C olfax organization, which annu­ James Pierson and Sister In Salzburg, Austria M ary Joseph Pierson, the to something 3 - A l l Diane M. Rodgers o f Au­ son and daughter o f Mr. rora, is one of 32 students FOR and Mrs. James L. Pierson selected by the University Walking Dist« 3 b e d ro o m hon Sr., Denver, have been of Portland to study in named to the dean’s list of basement, firci Salzburg, Austria during a n d d ra p e d . Cc the University of Albu­ the 1966-67 school year, big! rage. Gl or will querque, N. Mex. under the Christian Cul­ 798- ture program. 6 — B le s s e d H O M E FO R O V E R 6,0 45 bedrooms, 4 floor. Formal ( 5%dlvidends floor. 4 fireplace I Effective July 1,1966. $47,SOOJ PAXSON RLH. 74.-27I9 ■ 5% dividends on deposits on our new sav­ 7 —C h r i.t BEAUTIFU of $1,000, or multiples of 386 G R A P E is < temporary with Music Award in large living $1,000, when left on deposit place. Beautiful The John Phillip 8, la n d s c a p in g baths, elec, kilct Sousa band award was ings certif- e ry th in g .rv . JO E R^ for six months or longer. presented to Paul Nach- trab II, son of Mr. and VAll S( Mrs. Paul Nachtrab, at ;275 UNIV. BLVD an awards assembly held ■ Dividends paid quarterly. recently at St. Mary*s 315 D / high school in Colorado Edward Lujan, a re­ icates S a v e $2,000 on Springs. The award is cent graduate of Mullen bedroom home ' B Savings Certificates, like ingroom. Aooth« given for outstanding high school, and a mem­ E. Alameda Super Serv. ro o m , and ^ be achievement and interest ber of Presentation par­ room has mirror Complete Tuneiip all Midland savings accounts, in instrumental music, ish, Denver, is the recip- tire wall. Firep 4c finike Serv, Move rage. Call BET1 for loyalty, cooperation ient of a four-year up With and good conduct. scholarship to the Uni­ F H K E are insured up to $10,000 1678 versity of Denver. Pickup & MONTE C Delivery by the Federal Savings and Loan REAI 3S5-163T Youth Awarded T^igan tit .-Miiinedu 7 3 3 -9 8 4 0 Hol Washington Park Conoco M id la n d l Insurance Corporation. 1 1 4 351 Q U Danforth Grant COMPLETE Very clean 2 b AUTOMOTIVE Anyone Can Play tha rooms In fin. bsrr ELECTRICAL A Danforth Foundation 4 001 F E ] Grunt was recently award­ NEW PLAYER PIANOI m W . S E R V IC E Attention Doctor y w PRECISION TUNE UP ed to Michael Gene Mur­ (R-2) zone. Sep ' OUR SPECIALTY Savings Certificates are available at any of Midland's 7 convenient offices. Or, simply fill home and office. ray, a member of Holy B R A K E A N D in the coupon and mail it to us with your check. For more information, phone 222-9441. ART BEST REALT Family parish, Denver. EXHAUST SERVICE E V E S . 477-5826 Murray attended Holy 300 So. Downing St. 733-1330 To: MIDLAND FEDERAL SAVINGS • 17th and Glenarm, Denver, Colorado S0202 Family grade and high Please issue a 5% Midland Savings Certificate to: 14-M ost Pre schools and was graduated (ploasotype or print) from Regis college. He is “ Howdy*' ID E A L LC currently engaged in a Name(s)______Soc. Sec. No______Six blocks to Bob’s Place School. 3 be< doctoral program for a diningroom , 1 300 So. CoIt>. lU vd . degree in English litera­ Attached garage ture at the University of CO^\TO^\^•, Address, F H A on 4455 E. I COLO. Denver. City____ -State- B y O w ner Amount(s) $_ -(check enclosed) □ Mail dividends to above address. SPAC l Benet Hill Student ARROW Signature _____ 1 FLO O R U.N. Centest W inner UNIVERSITY MUSIC CO. SERVICE rooms, BIG yard, Bonnie Holmquist, a stu­ STATION sprinkler system. dent at Benet H ill acade­ Fr*« Farfiing ■ J D R IV E IN WITH-CONPIDENCe MAKE I 1321 Uncoil my, Colorado Springs, was TUNE UP & BRAKE SERVICE 7 5 7 -i among the winners o f the 1332 BROADWAY • CH. 4 455t 3111 Pecos 455-0737 and remember.. ■ Regular Midland passbook savings accounts, re­ i l - 40th annual high school NOTRE Bl 5 B L O C K ! United Nations contest. gardless of size, continue to earn a full 4’/4% —compounded quarterly. Across the Street from C H U R C H 8 NOTRE DAME CHURCH 4 bedroom, spa G R E E N ■ Savings in by the 10th earn from the 1st. Savings in after the 10th earn from the date of fruit trees. Ideal M E A D O W S ly . U n d e r $30,000. CONOCO deposit. and help finance, 30-DAY for appointment t •COMPLETE SAVINGS CERTIFICATES AUTOMOTIVE R At Midland, your regular passbook savings are on hand whenever you need them. You O F D E P O S IT SERVICE 1 6 — N a t In SI,000 or multiptas theraof. Automatic Ranawal 3I7S So. Sheridan may request a withdrawal at any time. ACROSS FROM CHI Redeemable on any 90-day annivartary of purchase 3 b e d ro o m $ -4 th without loss of interest/ otherwise interest payable Paneled fam ily q u a rte rly . PRESENTATION There is no stronger — no safer savings association area, carpeting F.D.t.C. INSURED built-in kitchen. 5 PARISH Cedar fence, b srzvin ffs in the Rocky Mountain West! scaping. Priced OPEN SATURDAY 466-2003 Oar Eiptrts Will Teat Broomfield, MORNING - 8 to Noon Jitf Rlpiir Tiar Eit|lai DOWNTOWN HOME OFFICE: I7TH AND GLENARM / FAST DENVER: 6700 EAST COLFAX AVENUE / W E lS H tR E 1 7 _ N o t n Now's the time ter PLAZA : 2342 SOUTH COLORAOO BOULEVARO / ENGLEWOOD: 300 EAST HAMPDEN AVENUE / LAKEWOOD: 1435 complete car checi IMMED Tune-up for summi O C C U P i IstWESIlfiUD BASK holidays. WADSWORTH BOULEVARD / WESTMINSTER: 7301 FEDERAL BOULEVARD / BOULDER: 1125 PEARL STREET 2 KING SIZE b DAVE'S STUART STAND.' Electric kitche »34-3l39 Cold Bond Stamps t e r m s . CLOVER 985-0321 985-44 June 30, 1966 1 Catholic Leaders Colorful County Pope Tells Newsmen DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER P a g e 13 Exhibits Slated ld*s Know Y o u r i is Cite Racial Justice At State Fair About Moral Duties 8 a 2 5 Vatican City—There are out. Unfortunately at times Real Estate Washington — "Racial The statement also Colorado’s agricultural, two yardsticks by which liberty is mistaken for li­ justice calls for more than called for wider support mineral and livestock they should measure the cense to alter the news or mere tolerance.'* three doz­ for Project Equality, a growth will be reflected in ’een moral duty of their profes­ to offend persons or insti­ People 13 en Catholic leaders partic­ program o f the National county exhibits at the 1966 ipating in a White House State F air and Industrial sion, Pope Paul told mem­ tutions at will.” ov- Catholic Conference for bers of the National Fed­ "C all The Man conference on Civil Rights Exposition in Pueblo, Aug. The second yardstick, the am - Interracial Justice cited eration of the Italian finiriiia JUiels said in a joint statement. 22-27. Pope pointed out, is the rron i Van Sclmark'* fre q u e n tly at the. White Press. Racial justice today is a "assessment of the effect of WeaUniniitpr ites House conference. The Eleven Colorado counties The first of the yard­ what he writes w ill have North Denver moral issue that demands in program organizes the will erect booths in the sticks, the PontilT said, is North (ilenn a Christ-like concern for on the readers. In fact, Arvada gh- purchasing power of Palace of Agriculture. In truth, which means the all fellow men and a per­ public opinion is not an d a religious institutions to addition, four booths have "objectivity of news, which abstract and remote thing sonal responsibility for Fir all of your o f promote job equality. been reserved for the Fu­ must take precedence over but it is the sum total of their health, education, Rial Estati Nieds op- "T h e words of the late ture Farmers of America, any other interest. In this single individuals, each Real Estate ter, housing, and jobs." Pope John X X III that men respect, unfortunately, the three for 4-H Clubs and, with his own character, his C. J. (Clen) UfbM B U Y IN G S E L L IN G T R A D IN G Tfn Gam Service } a are meant to live together one for Colorado county sensatiopal, emotional, and own training, and his own F*J. 42I-18/3 “Ih t Man To Ste i t From Look Really" tej. 420.1271 THE GROUP, led by ^ L O U T E Z A K ing and to work for one anoth­ agricultural agents to dis­ controversial aspects stand qualities and faults.” LTD. RES. 434-)3«S O FFIC E 377-S40S im- Cardinal er’s welfare apply to Cath­ play their w inning prod­ of Baltimore, called on fel­ olics today with a greater ucts. LOOK' Van Schaack & Co. low Catholics throughout urgency than ever,” the 3437 W . 73nd. Av». REALTORS REALTOR INSUROR the nation to "recommit Catholic leaders asserted. The ’ county exhibits w ill Priest Predicts Power W . A v c . the Church to the now call consist of agricultural, ve­ ! ..-ikcWMdfl. for racial justice based on getable or fruit crops pro­ "Tliere’s A Home lor YOU economic justice and duced in a county or the "Call the Man Call KEN CAVINS Deacons To Help Struggle in Red China It MONTCUIR” achievement for Negro.'*s processed products of field From Van Schaack” Buying-Selling-Trading and members of other Baltimore — Cardinal and garden crops. REAL ESTATE minority groups."** Lawrence Shehan has as­ New York —Communist said Mao is in very poor health.*' ‘ Yesterday's standards of signed 14 deacons from All creditable county Red China is undergoing a tolerance do not match to­ seminaries here to summer booth exhibits receive a struggle for pwwer among The power struggle, Fa­ SEE day’s needs to fulfill the parish work in order to base of $200 from the the heirs of Mao Tse-tung, ther Lyons wrote, is be­ KENNETH R. prom ise o f a w hole and provide needed assistance State Fair. In addition, declares the Rev. Daniel tween Liu Shao-chi, chief CAVINS healthy society*'* said the to archdiocesan parishes trophies and $1800 in Lyons, S.J., of the Free o f state, and Chou £n-lai, List Now!.^ Bill Molitor statement, issued at the and to give the deacons premiums are awarded to Pacific association. the prime minister. R es: 377-9248 conclusion of the two-day Writing on Red China, *'Not strong enough by Res! 757-3020 Oltice 297-5448 O fc : 399-1401 practical experience in best displays in various O fc. 397-5445 Res. 377-7173 meeting here June 1-2.. pastoral work. categories. in his bulletin, the Jesuit himself,” Father Lyons M em ber o f sai , 'and already 66 years Van Schaack & Co. Christ the King Parish South-East Ofc. Van Schaack &Co. o f age, Chou ’ has lined up. R e a lto r In s u r o r behind Lin Piao, the min­ MONTCLAIR REALTOR INSUROR 275 University Blvd. ister of defen.se. 1424 P o p la r 399-1401 275 University Blvd. ■'From 1950 to 1954,” the Denver, Colo. R e a lto r Denver. Colo. Jesuit continued, Lin Piao ''sent troops to Vietnam to . fight against the French. "There are those China NEW LISTING Phone 825-1145 Today to Place Your Classified Ad in the R egister- 5371 W . IO W A 1229 SO, G A R F IE L D , A ttr a c tiv e experts who say that if A beautiful brick. 3 bedrooms, white 2 bedroom home. Masonry Mao Tse-tung dies. Com­ Ask for the Classified Departm ent construction, large picture bath home. Fully carpeted munist China’s policy Only Want received by phone or mail before .5 P.M. Tuesday and draped. 2 car garage, full window in light cheerful t un be published in ibe current week's paper.______basement, covered patio, real livingroom . Large kitchen, will be softer. But those SEWING MACHINES ______MISC. FOR SALE SITUATIONS WANTED p riv a c y . G l a p p ra is e d a t $18,105, spacious eating area. Full who know Lin Piao and Limed Oak dinette set, extra basement, 3rd. bedroom, den, -SINGER OlAL-A-STITCH. Zigzags, ______MALE ______NO DOWN PAYMENT. "Don't button holes, etc. sacrifice for 3 pay. board serves six. Sampson suit have known him over "B oy-H igh School Junior Miss Seeing This One!" Call storage and shop. Beautifully m ents of ta.Ol o r S7.50 cash. 3A4-4450. case. 777-4092 landscaped yard. Oversized 1 the years are convinced Wanting A Job" 233 8537 o r J IM W A L S H , 237-3580 19«6 W HITE AUTOMA'IIC ROOMS FOR KENT 355-7843 car garage front drive. For that if Lin succeeds Mao, Eves. Does most everything, an built-in. Room for rent. Kitchen privileges. d e ta ils c a ll 322-4993. SITUATIONS WANTED RIDGEWOOD REALTY Red China will be even Take over 3 payments of 15.50 or JIS-OO- Employed girl. Also roommate want- GEO. H. DODD cash. 633-1544. ed. 1151 L&qan. 125-9369. ______FEMALE ______9405 W . C o lfa x 233-4537 Real Estate ______322-4993 tougher and more ag­ gressive. SINGER AUTOMATIC SITUATIONS Lady wishes work In Rectory E xce lle n t C ondition. M ust sell. $25.00 WANTED MALE to r one P rie s t. 237-2347______cash, o r Swap. 835 5040. 3 — A l l S o u ls 1478 S. Univ. Blvd. 22 year old man (retarded 30'r) Lge. 2 story older home, 4 or ** Lin Piao is waiting his W igs SINGER 1944 CONSOLE good worker, desires permanent more bdrms. 1st floor game or chance,” Father Lyons dec­ FO R S A L E Zigzags, builonboles and makes many work as assistant janitor, lawn W IG S S P E C IA L WIGS Walking Distance to Church tarn, rm., separate din-rm., lge lared. fancy stitches without extra attach- man. or kitchen helper for a ,AII lOfr- human hair, ah hand wctied 3 bedroom home. Full finished Mv-rm. with fireplace, 2 baths, 3 me.its to buy. Assume payments of small wage, plus room and front, over 100 colors to choose from. lo ts , fenced. $17,500. SS.04 o r $17.00 cash. 433-4400. Sale price SSO.OO. All credit cards ac­ basement, fireplace, carpeted board. Prefer Catholic Institu­ and draped. Covered patio, ga­ School Christmas ceptable. No down payments, SS.OO APTS. FOR RENT tion, school, hospital, etc. W ith­ per month. Special styling on wigs rage. Gl or w ill refinance. 744-2542 (FURNISHED) in 75 miles of Denver. Available S3.90 a n y style. 790-1458 in 30 d a ys. W rite M ik e 543 L a f­ A 8t R W ig C e n te r ^ DESIGNED FOR LIVING Pageant Okoyed 758 Sherman. Very nice 2 rooms. ayette St. Denver 18. 3801 F e d e ra l Blvd . 333-1244 6 —Blessed Sacram ent 3060 ELDRIDGE Widows home, low rent. Quiet congenial lady home nights. HOME FOR LG. FAMILY HE.VRT OF THE .MES.\, Westfield, N .J.-A 423-5616. O V E R 4,000 SQ. F T . The Number by the Parish Heading Over Each NE.\R COUNTRY CLUB year-long controversy over '^5 bedrooms, 4 baths on 2nd. 4 room unfurnished apartment ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL Ad is the Key to its Location on the Map. 4 bedrooms with main floor the annual Christmas pa­ floor. Formal diningroom main for rent on bus line. Reasonable. To Introduce You to the Register Classified Section fam ilyroom plus 3 bedrooms and- geant at Westfield high flo o r. 4 fire p la c e s . L o t 140 x 200. huge rec room down. See M g r. 4210 T ennyson. 4SS-47B9 FOR SI.00 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS $47,500.’ 1 /—Notre Porno 31 — St. James Ten Eyck Real Estate school here has ended with PAXSON & SON, 2250 L E Y D O N 53T.J»T4 a compromise. The pageant Help Wanted Female TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP RLTY., CO. A loved home. Ideal for 2 or 3- will be presented, but it PRIEST HOUSEKEEPER This offer good for Classified Section only. 744-2719 o r 333-7437 .Carpeted and draped, new elec­ Wanted for Mountain Parish, near tric Kitchen, large roofed patio. w ill be held after regular Clock sprinklered yard. PRICED GOTTA BE QUICK school hours and attend­ .Oenver. Transportation necessary. Does not apply to Real Estate Display 7—Christ the King TO SELL NOWI MRS. CAR- Write Box L-19 c/o The Register,______R O L L , 777-4942 Call the fastest gal ia the' ance will be voluntary. It Housekeeper and care for Advertising BEAUTIFUL HILLTOP W est for govt, homes. No 384 O R A P E is a c h a rm in g con­ MONTE CARROLL will be repeated on one partially Invalid elderly man. FILL IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX temporary with beamed ceiling REALTOR down. Mary Lee, 421-5478 or evening for parents, and LIve-In. 286-1314 in large livingroom with fire­ 355-1631 355-1431 place. Beautiful full-grown trees 634-5849. other residents o f the com­ 1 8— Our Lady of PET BOARDING 32 — St. John's munity. U0 IH 3, tricL. KiiLiicn. lo ev­ ______F o t im a ______Oog and Cat Boarding. Reasonab'e e ry th in g . JO E R A Y . 744 2184- IDEAL FAMILY HOME 650 J O S E P H IN E ★ I H A V E T H E K E Y ★ rates Puppies bougnt and sold. 64ih and 3 bedrooms main floor. 3 No. Aa shin oto n Ci»'' J48 5?'?. bedroom s In basement. Lovely 2 story home, (ust 2 to over 100 Gov't, repossessed VAil SCHAACK Attractive brick Contemporary. 2 Theology Society R e a lto r blocks to St. John's church and homes, in all areas. Many "NO MOUNTAIN COTTAGES ; 27$ U N IV . B L V D .______297-5000 baths. Mahogany kitchen, school. This home features 3 big DOWN." spacious dinette, 25 ft. ______F O R R E N T ______livingroom , carpeted and bedrooms and huge bath 2nd C A a RICHARD WILLIAMS ANYTIME Elects President floor. Livingroom with fireplace 315 D A H L IA draped. Beautifully landscaped 422-2374 Grand Lake S a ve $2,000 on th is w e ll k e p t 2 yard. Sprinkler system in front Full separate diningroom, kiich C. H. DONELSON INC. Providence, R.I. —The and side yards. 2 car garage. en has eating space, full base 6054 W. 38TH A V E . Hi-Country Cottages bedroom home with formal din­ Approxim ately 2 blocks to Catholic Theological Socie­ ingroom. Another bedroom, rec church and school. Fine ment has familyroom. 4th bed Daily or Weekly Rates CLIP $1.00 TO IT AND M AIL TO location. Call for appointment room combo, 2nd full bath. FI Our Personalized ty of America has elected Everything Furnished with room, and ^ bath down. Living Classified Advertising^ The Register room has m irror that covers en­ to see this fine home. n a tly . If you need a 3 c a r ga^ Service Sells Homes Father Paul E. McKeever K itc h e n s . tire wall. Fireplace, double ga­ GEO. H. DODD rage, this is your home. as its president. Father TV Box 1620/ Denver 1/ Colo., or phone it in to rage. Call BETTY WELLS, 794- R eal E s ta te 322-4993 C a ll, Min. Reservations. 2 Days. 825-1145 McKeever, who teaches 427.3511 MONTE CARROLL, 24 —St. Anthony L. W. ARCHER CD. moral and dogmatic theol­ ogy at the Immaculate REALTOR • 3-BDRM. BRICK • 388-0427 355-1431 355-1431 • NEAR VILLA • 3S00 S, Broadway Conception seminary. Hun­ Fully carpeted and draped. 1>2 36 —All Sauls tington, N.Y., succeeds Fa­ 11 — H o ly F a m ily baths, targe living room and ther Amon R. Carroll, kitchen, fenced yard, carport. B Y O W N E R SERVICE DIRECTORY 4.351 QUITM AN No down cold war vets, pay­ O.Carm. Very clean 2 bedrooms plus 2 m ents $118 m o . C all Russ C o le ­ 3 BEDROOMS 87.50 Per Month rooms in fin. bsmt. 825-1145 m an. 935-1111. 4001 FEDERAL NEAR CHURCH AND SCHOOL 1010 CLARKSON ST. Attention Doctors and Dentists. T A S S E T R e a lto r 936-2361 New De Andreis AUCTION, SERV. DIRC. (R-2) zone. Separate entrance, PRICED TO SELL NOW 26 —St. Catherine NO LEASES REQUIRED home and office. ROSVALL AUCTION Jim Dwyer Electric PrtPerlrKj. Steaming. Texfuring jnd 771-5122 1238-48 S. B ro a d w a y 722-4721 Paintinq, All Worn Gu<*rflnleea. ------2^60 ELM------l-8edroom , luxuriously car­ Seminary Blessed W E S T E R N ART BEST REALTY 429-6314 Top Park Hill loca­ 23 years in auction field. • Mouftt^in Empire Dccorolors peted, draped, air condi­ T O W E L S U P P L Y CO. E V E S . 477-5824 8007 F ederal tion—convenient to public & 3 8 — S t. M a r y M a g d a l e n e Court Appraisers • Liquida­ ______' parochial schools. This 2 bdrm. tioned. All appis. Brand new Lemont, 111. —De Andreis 1730 S. B ro a d w a y 733-5591 . NEW LISTING tors • Estates • Bankrupt • PLUMBING 14 —Most Precious Blood brick ranch has nice livingroom b u ild in g . with fireplace, eating space in 2725 Z E N O B IA seminary, new home of a Furniture • Equipment • ALAMEDA PLUMBING CO. IM M E D IA T E . GENERAL CONTRACTORS elec, kitchen, separate dining­ V2 block to church and school. 3 century-old institute of Real Estate. W ill supply ex­ Recnirmg, new work, sewers and Sink IDEAL LOCATION room, plus full finished bsmt.. bedroom newer brick. Only O C C U P A N C Y cellent references. r>es Cleaned Our work is guaranteed. JO E R A Y , 744-2184. theology administered by BUIlOING ind CONTPICTINC for An, Six blocks to Church and See Manager on premises Free Estimates. $18,950. Liv.-din. combination, the Vincentian Fathers, Remfldeiinit in Yo^r Home Inside or Oi t oOe E AMmefla 5w 4 0300 School. 3 bedroom s with remodeled electric kitchen, full o r phone 722-2139 diningroom , large kitchen. VAN SCHAACK part finished basement with 4th was dedicated here June REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • Attached garage. Assume 5U% bedroom and extra bath, fenced, ______297-5000 19. Archbishop John P. F H A on 4455 E . H a rv a rd A vc. landscaped. G R E E N E , 623-3700. "Personalized Cody o f Chicago presided We specialize in Northwest Denver. Ar. vada Lakewood and Aheatndge Real B y O w n e r 754-1479 5 B E D R O O M S JOHN R. GREENE "REALTOR" Real Estate at the ceremony, and Car­ Attractive brick with 3 [umbo Estate. Prompt, courteous sates service. 3534 W. 3gth Ave.______477-1678 S e rv ic e " Ypur local realtor tor 36 .ears bedrooms on main floor. dinal Joseph Ritter, Arch­ SPA C IO U S STACKHOUSE REALTOR Carpeted diningroom and 41—Sts. Peter & Paul bishop o f St. Louis, was 3535 W. 3 |lh Ave. CR . 7-1478 1 FLOOR BEAUTY livingroom. 17Va x 11 ft. kitchen. John R. Greene CALL JACK REIS R e a lto r principal concelebrant of 3 to 5 Y r s . nd bath and 2 more bedrooms UNIVERSITY PARK. 3 bed- 2 934-3593 ROOFING * 3 Beautiful Ranch homes. RES. 433-3700 the Mass that followed. to P a y rooms, BIG yard, double garage, In finished basement. Hot water Member of Notre Oeme Pinyh heat, double garage. $18,500. AH with f.t. bsmts., 4 & 5 Mrms. NEW HOOFS-REPAIRS sprinkler system. GUTTER SPOUTS All work Guaranteed (E-393) P E T E S T E C . 388-0070. homes, fireplaces, double garage. Carmelite Order MAKE OFFER Let's Trade Yours For Ours. Termv- Free Estimates Easy finatreing available. Priced at Has New Superior "A t l a s TA-5-4495 747-1319 MONTCLAIR 1431 P E A R L Gutters, Spouts 7,‘ embt'r Ot Our Lad. o» Grnce Parish 1424 P o p lir R eiltor 399 1401 $27,900-528,500 & $29,900 Furnace Serv. Co. NICE. NEAR NEW N iagara Falls, Ont. — 444 Bannock-722-7757 L A W N C A R E ______5 BLOCKS FROM 1 BEDROOMS We speciJlire m Gullet and Spout ______2 8 — S t. D om in ic's______Call RQCCO J. URSINt. 477-7811 The Very Rev. Malachy Contractor's Attention Replacement CHURCH & SCHOOL 4 BEDROOM BRICK Smith, O. Carm., was Crown Lawn Service. Complete Cutters Ciezoed znd RepJired lawn service. Mowing, fertilizer, 4 bedroom, spacious grounds, Redecorated throughout. Elec, RIDGEWOOD REALTY Ihoroygnif Enpenenced. kit., 2 baths, bsmt., over-sized elected Provincial Superior weed control. Free Est. Call 'ruit trees. Ideal for large fami­ 0415 W. C llfli ______Asphalt Paving 2-car gar., storm windows, patio, $87.50 of the Canadian-American De.e"Jit'T 322-5394 A fte r 5:00. ly . U n d e r $30,000. O w n e r w ill sell shade trees, many extras. Move 4 2 - S t. Phil Carmelite province at the • Driveways and help fin a n c e . P hone 754-9248 in today, 3447 Bryant. No down American Roofing Specialized Cart for Your for appointment to see. V A , $85. p e r m o . $9500. D O N 'T SEE MANAGER tri-annual convention at • Parking Lots Every LAWN NEEDS M IS S T H IS ! n e w o f f e r i n g • Lawn Feeding ON PREMISES M t. Carmel college here. • Patchwork Sheet M etal Co. GREEN GABLES REALTY B Y O W N E R Father Smith of Chicago • Insect Control 16 — N a t iv it y 985.0321 985-4489 733-1829 5 bedrooms, 2Vi baths, many OR CALL • Weed Killing extras. Excellent condition. succeeds the Very Rev. 10 Years in the Asphalt CH 4-8466 2159 Downing • Ae ra ting 722-2839 A fte r 4 p.m . SU I 1035 ACROSS FROM CHURCH & SCHOOL^ 2 9 — St. Francis ______Priced to sell. B rendan E. G ilm ore, O. Paving Business. Iidistriil Cdtimittial Xisidtitial * Member ot Ail Souls’ Parish 3 bedrooms-4th in basement. 1226 C L A Y T O N Carm., who completed his "R eliix Thie Summer Paneled fam ily room, dining 5 rooms first floor. 2 EHLERS PAVING By CiillmR” ______322-5213______741 CORONA second three-year term. p a i n t i n g & d e c o r a t i n g area, carpeting and drapes, COMPANY -2HA-ISI9 built-in kitchen, 2 car garage, rooms up. Double PRICE REDUCED CONVERSION 'Fourth* Reminder GREEN FLAG, INC. Ideal home for large fa'mily. 3 GOOD INCOME M a rv in E tile rs Phone 455-9235 Cedar fence, beautiful land­ The effect of alcohol on scaping. Priced $21,000. CALL garage. Close to Church. bedrooms plus 3 or 4 in full EXCELLENT TERMS Call for free estimate. TRASH HAULING basement. Excellent condition 2 LOTS your ability as a driver is 464-2003 TRASH HAULING Broomfield, Colorado. 865 STEELE. MRS. GAMEL, SEE TO APPRECIATE luring 123 So. Logan. 777-6023. beyond your control, and CURTAIN CLEANERS 322-5144. 26 ROOMS — 7 BATH S frequently not apparent nting Anv pi.'ce in Vrirnpo'il.m Denver REEDER REALTY REALTOR ask fo r FRANCI-, LA<6 CUWTAIN CLEAN O ity or N'Qht Cn"S 17 — N o tre D a m e 31 —St. Jam ef 1st Ave. at Madison until “it’s too late. Don't E « s filHTAiNS r « (;c TF o T AB JOHN or KEN MOUNTAIN EMPIRE 0EC0IA108S EA 3 3S5P ' IMMEDIATE OPEN 2-4 SUN-MON ______388-5831______make the fatal mistake of ECLOTMS DRAPLW 'LS P l -NKET s. OCCUPANCY 244-7928 244-3313 SPREADS L'NENS ClEANEO BY 331.1044 777-9375 3430 Hiqh Street CRESTMOOR HOME mixing drinking and driv­ 2 KING SIZE bedroom home. LATES1 METHODS. HAND PRESSED Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 baths, ing this Fourth of July HAULING ______UPHOLSTERY ______Electric kitchen, basement. Patronize ONLY 1359 utility main floor. Finished KNUTSON holiday. It’s not worth it. T>.iint.no L O eror.Tlinii ‘-irnf iat R Y A N . A lin e G ., 1050 Pearl Allan Longstreet, Jr. cashier persons, hi) street. Requiem Mass, Holy G h ost ch u rch , Ju n e 25. Inter­ Robert B. Swanson th a t shou ment, Mt. Olivet. Boulevard assistant cashier attention > mortuaries. Marilyn C. Nichols There is, fo assistant cashier story of a iFt Collins; U R B A N . Jam es P., 9380 Rose Daisy E. Bankston monk who court Thornton. Requiem Mass, assistant cashier H oly Cross church. Ju ne 30. In- finish hi irmcnt. Mt. Olivet. Olinger Herman J. Zueck obeyed a c assistant cashier mortuaries. the fields oi Blythe-Goodrich dressing d VARGASON. Cleal Archir . DIRECTORS teacher. An M o rtu a ry 7901 Julian, Westminster. Mass, Don Carney, chairman Ambulance Service Holy Trinity church, Westmins­ story of a Jack W. Goodrich ter, June 28. Interment, Bould­ Dr. James M. Callender Scandinavia IIU . 2 3208 er. Colo. Howard K. Collins w h o g a V W A G N E R , Joseph, 1748 A r a ­ John R. Davis, Jr. protecting i pahoe street. Requiem Mass, Lee W. Doud asked him H oly Ghost church, Ju ne 28. In- his ship. SHINN NORTHERN D. J. Gaudio terme T h e othe PH A RM A a James N. Hosburgh children’s "Yewf Poriih Drug Slot*” 'Fourth' W eekend Lee R. Kunz Catholics it ^ Delivery Service Eighteen lives were lost Joe B. Lewis best-seller < in Colorado traffic acci­ the story of * Charge Accounit dents last Fourth o f July R. A. Newhouser t. c. oeims. owHi* Emory L. O’Connell Thomas Fit holiday. If you plan a trip T h e A d V 4 You Are Alwoys this forthcoming holiday Homer L. Pearson Broken Har Welcome At Shinn s weekend, allow extra time C. Gale Sellens w as a fu r for delays says the State .Vurlhrru ffolrl Bldg. J. Kernan Weekbaugh crossed th( Patrol. D rive with traffic IILI M03S — I lf 2 103C the 1840s. and not against the clock. W. W. White Edward T. W illiam s confidence c a n d b e c a W. Scott Wilmore W a s h i n g t successful I; Colorado Springs He traveled the PathfindE the Great I PITi IIRONI Fort Larami ,1 DRIVE IN FURNITURI STORI Father DeSm i6 UPHOLITlRmO R I UPHOUTtRING AND Washington, Js MOTEL R IP A ia iN G SHa Cavtrt as« Orsasrit* iiMinmnminmmifniiiitni Stay wRh "Jay” M aM tv 0 r«ar Pursltwra MaVa la O rW r HELP US CELEBRATE 820 N. Nevada t4 - ll Sa. W alUBicti M C. 1-44 The New Grand Opening of Our Expanded and Remodeled Facility! PHIL LONG, INC. Pha/unaxjf, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 802 N. Weber ★ Open a savings account for $100 or more... or add $100 to your ME. 3-2069 present account o r... Cata. Sarlngs. Caia. COLORADO SPRINGS ★ Rent a safe deposit box o r... SPECIAL OFFER. ■ ■ ★ Obtain your new or near new auto loan and... J. D.. CROUCH Done Up C. D. O'BRIEN Receive Your Choice of a Free L A M E N T O l LOETSCHER'S UNCIRCULATED 1885 MORGAN TYPE SILVER DOLLAR ON BEING IN or R E C E N T SUPER MARKET KENNEDY HALF DOLLAR MINT SET. INCLUDING HALF TION PHOT! S H O W T H A T DOLLAR plus QUARTER, DIME, NICKEL AND PENNY Qu ality m a t s ■ BROWN - NOT (Limit one gift per account) YELLOW, NOT t PRODUCT PALE, NOB Quality Apparel Notionolly Advertised Also, REGISTER FOR THESE VALUABLE PRIZES, now 'til July 1; BROWN, DULl ROMANTIC B1 IN COLORADO SPRINGS Brands of Groceries ★ GE Portable Color TV Set i t Westinghouse Electric Carr Opener BROWN. SINCE 1872 'A’ Admiral Transistorized Radio-Alarm Clock ■k Sunbeam Electric Egg Cooker and Poacher TITLE: BR' 524 W. Colorado Ave. Combination Kiowa and Tejon Streets Brown Moon i c Westinghouse Double Bed Electric Blanket i r Hamilton Beach Electric Carving Knife with Dual Controls You saw n: i r 5 Lakeside National Bank $10 Savings alone i r Sony 8 Transistor Pocket Radio Accounts NOLAN FUNERAL HOME Without a d ★ Dominion Large Electric Skillet with Lid, i r 5 Lakeside National Bank $5 Savings heart Teflon Lined Accounts Without a din THE NOLAN FAMILY MEMBERS N.VTIONAL CATHOLM. FUNERAL DIRECTORS GUILD Brown Moon ME. 2-4742 You knew jus there for DRAWING FOR PRIZES, JULY 5 ...YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN! You saw me REALTY for INSURANCE Something I MAY CO. care for 725 NO. TEJON And then th anoeared b Phone 633-7731 Colorado Springs The costly bill I’d been so 1 heard some SHEARER HARDWARE Z 0chci Jk Adams ONOCO SERVICE STATION ’Send more

2329 East Plotle MEMBER. And when I FEDERAL DEPOSIT m oon ha< ME. 2-7288 INSURANCE CORPORATION brown! COI ORADO ,'U*HIN(iS pvwaev Aw. at Ca