September 7, 1983

Dear Mr. Blosser:

Thank for your recent letter with the attached information on Sokol Blosser Winery. I will keep your award winning in mind when there is a need to select more fine wines to serve at the White House.

With best wishes, TtfJ!J:__ ~ICHAEL K. DEAVER Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff

Mr. Bill Blosser President Sokol Blosser Winery Post Off ice Box 199 Blanchard Lane Dundee, Oregon 97115 Mr. Michael K. Deaver Deputy White House Chief of Staff White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington D.C.

Dear- Mr. Deaver:

It has been brought to my attention that the selection of the White House wines rests with you and that your selection is limited to U.S. wines. May I suggest that you consider the Northwestern wines when making your selection? Sokol Blosser is the largest winery in Oregon and our wines have made impressive showings at tastings both here and abroad. Additionally, it has been selected as the house wine at the prestigeous Benson Hotel in Portland. Enclosed you will find a list of the medals Sokol Blosser wines have won.

It is also my understanding that the Presidential favorites are full-bodied, red wines and that our First Lady prefers light, white wines. Therefore, I am sending you for your evaluation a bottle of our Pinet Noir and one of our .

A$ you may well be aware, the laws governing wine labeling are much stricter in Oregon that elsewhere in the U.S., and our climate is much like the grape producing regions of France. l hope you will concur that our wines are suitable for White House state banqu@ts. There is a wine list enclosed to familiarize you with the varieties available.

Tnank you for taking the time to read my letter. and I do hope you find our wine to your liking. Most c yours, ~1

Encl . -, Sokol Blosser Winery SB f~;;;_~;;:x:~


Aug 1983 Enological Society of the Pacific Northwest SILVER 82 BRONZE 82 Select Harvest White Aug 1983 Oregon State Fair SILVER 82 Sauvignon Blanc BRONZE 80 Aug 1983 Tri-Cities Wine Festival GOLD 82 Sauvignon Blanc Jul 1983 San Francisco Fair Hon Men 82 Select Harvest White Riesling Jun 1983 West Coast Wine Competition GOLD 82 Sauvignon Blanc Jun 1983 International Wine and Spirit Competition BF~ClNl.E 82 Bouquet Rosa CPinot No1r Rose> Eef\OfU.F.: 78 Reserve Merlot Aug 1982 Oregon State Fair GOL. n 80 Chardonnay BRONZE 81 White Riesling [tfWNZL B:L White Rieslin13 (Y•:i.mhill Cuunty> Jun 1982 International Wine and Spirit Competition



PINOT NOIR Mill Creek Vineyards Silver Oak Cellars

CABERNET SAUVIGNON GOJ,D MEDAL WINNERS Clos Du Val Clos Du Bois Guenoc Winery Silver Oak Cellars Field Stone Winery Chateau St. Michelle CABERNET SAlJVIGNON SILVER MEDAL WINNERS Dry Creek Vineyards Souverain Winery Glen Ellen Winery Mill Creek Vineyards Diablo Vista Winery Grand Cru Vineyards Vineyards Sebastiani Vineyards Beringer Vineyards Geyser Peak Winery Kendall Jackson Franciscan Vineyards Alexander Valley Vineyards Almaden Vineyards Stevenot Winery Foppiano Vineyards E & J Gallo CABERNET SAUVIGNON BRONZE MEDAL WINNERS Sausal Winery Napa Creek Winery Edmeades Vineyards Lambert Bridge Flora Springs Wine Co. Mirassou Vineyards Concannon Vineyards Stony Ridge Winery Woodside Vineyards Fetzer Vineyards Weibel Champagne Vineyards PINOT NOIR GOLD MEDAL WINNERS -, Mill Creek Vineyards Amity Vineyards PINOT NOIR SILVER MEDAL. WINNERS Christian Bros.!Mont La Salle Fenton Acres Winery Donna Maria Vineyards Paul Masson Vineyards Geyser Peak Winery J. Pedroncelli Winery Almaden Vineyards Inglenook Vineyards Richardson Vineyards Louis Martini PINOT NOIR BRONZE MEDAL WINNERS Hultgren & Samperton Kenwood Vineyards Stony Ridge Winery Clos Du Bois Sea Ridge Winery ZINF ANDEL GOLD MEDAL WINNER A. Rat'anelli Winery 4/ASNtNt'.f'olll j't:>lr '1/8/sz- .The rn al r ls1ir efforts in Califor· noir-a blend of the 1978-1979 vin· Calero 1919 Selleck Vineyard. nia in hopes that the consumer tages-bas a eurpriQingly complex: ($18-$22). Calera has developed a would tum to them BS alternatives. bouquet of smoky, fruity acents reputation for producing some of the . The bottom line, however, is that backed by spicy oak. Full. int.ense most int.ere&tini pinot noire ·from the vast majority of pinot DOirs are and tannic on the palate, this big California. Like the Acacia winery, . uninteresting wines that are fre. wine bas a modest kinship to a fmely Calera offers three pinot noir& with quently QVerblown, with exaggerated made French ebambe~ It is an · vineyard designatioDS. The Calera smoky componenta, atamny.., balsh impressive pbwt noir thlt should be pinot noir& tend to be amoQg the, and jammy, flabby flavors givep an~ ..t,\Yo to~ .yeor& of most intense pinot · noirs I have · that Jack direction 81¥1 ~ Of .ng. . . ·~ . . . tastet .from California. They are couae. an occasional pinot ooir rides , / Sokol-BlOBSer 1979 ·•Red Hills dark, with plenty of fruit, tanajn and lbove the tide of mediocrity, such as i acidity. Of the three current. offer· the 19'17 Cameros Creek. 1976 Cay- · ery seems to ve a VlSlon w t . inga from the 1979 vintage, I prefer mua, 1975 Hoffman Mountain- pinot noir is all about and can cap- the wine from 'the Selleck Vineyard Rancll or the 1976 Martin ijay. tUre tPe elusive qualities of this t.em· ·which is ~k ruby with plenty of Jiqwever, these wines rep~t Only perament.IU il'Jl~, it hf .Sokol-Blosser fruit, although its abrasive tannin a ~ in the barrel of piaot in Oregon. Its pinot noir captures seems to warrant additional bottle noir. the purity of the fruit, which is not age. The price is abaunl, but if you 8.tqintly, a number of wine critics apparent in most Californian pinot are inclined to t.aate one of the best have raved about the new pinot noir noir&. In addition, the wine has an California pinot noiJI. then YOt.1 will · releases from such small wineries as elegant sense of balance, while com- ~ve to nay tbfi nrice. · · ·Calera and Acacia, and many con- bining power and authoritative va· : ~CGMero; cr;ek'Wi,.;~ /979 Cat· ~ sumers would no doubt expect to rietal The curr.ent Sokol- nel'OS District ($l6.$6) .. T~ wine may not be the llDt 81 tht w,onder- . ful 1977 plnot rioir from Carneros,. Creek. but it is an attractive wine with light to medium ruby color and· a moderately hit.ense, stemmy, fruity, slightly smoky. aroma re~i-· '. niscent or a cotes de nu1ts. ·: This wine has light tannins and me· dium to full body, making it a pinot · noir that should be drunk soon. ·: ../Cha.lone 1979 ($11.95). Cha.lone is : justifiably famous for its chardon.: .. nays and pinot blancs. Occasionally; ' a Cha.lone pinot noir. proves to·. be·.~ quit.e good. This medium ruby wme · ~ma to l>e one c;,f the bet~r efforts. There is some good smoky, earthy. · . ripe fruit in the bouquet. which is. followrd hv a rathrr full-hodif'd wint> -----..- -·····----···



September 7, 1983

Dear Bob:

Thank you for your note of August 11th enclosing the supportive letter from the young Australian gentleman. We will get a letter to him off from the President shortly.

Thanks again for your assistance re­ garding the station wagon. We'll contact Karen when we are ready to sell.

With best wishes,

Sincerely, /vW1u MICHAEL K. DEAVER Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff

The Honorable Robert D. Nesen United States Ambassador American Embassy Canberra Australia I .·t\ ~

~~__, ~-et , AP~'- ~ ~wuJ-1~1~ ..... M~ 7L t/~. ~',;!£// a "-fax_~/"

. :::/ c!J 1JJJrt-(; ~ •~ ;ident

~;;qw/ 1 ~~~-- THE WHITE HOUSE


September 8, 1983

Dear Mr. Blosser:

I have received the bottle of Cardonnay and Pinot Noir from your award winning winery. Thank you for sending them to me for my consideration in selecting wine to be used by the White House. We will give Soklol Blosser Winery every consideration.

With best wishes,

MICHAEL K. DEAVER Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff

Mr. Bill Blosser President Sokol Blosser Winery Post Off ice Box 199 Blanchard Lane Dundee, Oregon 97115 THE WHITE HOUSE


September 8, 1983

Dear Ms. DeWitt:

I appreciate receiving the bottles of wine from your vineyard for my enjoyment and consideration. You can be assured that we will give Round Hill Vineyard every considera­ tion when selecting fine wines to be served at the White House.

Thank you again for the wines.

With best wishes, (f;;J~, MICHAEL K. DEAVER Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff

Ms. Marianna DeWitt Round Hill Vineyard 1097 Lodi Lane St. Helena, California 94574 :>F ST. BEDE'S



September 8, 1983



SUBJECT: REVERAND William Marvin i Attached you will find a letter to Michael Deaver from Reverand Marvin. As your office fes, along has been in contact with the Reverend we flabama, as a would appreciate your assistance in dealing 1ed by the with him. This suggests

Thank you for your attention to this request. 1e President on Revenue Service, duties with the the District

" response that I think this itself, and Equal Employ­ an do to



September 8, 1983

Dear Mary:

Thank you for your letter of September 6th informing me you will be leaving your position at the Department of Conunerce.

I want to wish you the very best and let you know the President and I appreciate your service and support of the Administration. Thanks for your offer to assist with the re-election. With best wishes, Sp

MICHAEL K. DEAVER ... Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff

The Honorable Mary Ninuno Waldmann Director of Public Affairs Department of Conunerce Washington, D.C. 20230 r-···· ------··--···--··------/~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Public Affairs I Washington, D.C. 20230

September 6, 1983

The Honorable Michael K. Deaver Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff The White House Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mike,

It bas been my pleasuce.;-a.nd.privilege to serve the President for the past two-and-a-half year,s as Public Affairs Director for the Commerce Department-­ my sincere thanks to you for bringing about the opportunity. My thanks, too, for indirectly bringing about the changes that prompt my resignation from the position. U.fec,tive September Jc 1'0' 1 1111 Srm~e t'·.:spend" at least the next. ..aeveral months 8.8' fall' dMI i IB\li~Hbly' s and my new daughter.

In leaving the Commerce position, I also become un-Hatched, so please don't hesitate to call on me if I can be of assistance to the President's re­ election effort (particularly as you wrestle with the so-called gender gap). You can contact me by telephone at 338-4776 or by mail at 3020 R Street NW #2, Washington, DC 20007. I look forward to seeing you again in the future, but in the meant.iJteR.. ~s ...--~· gOJs. rt~ MARY 1nMM~DMANN THE WHITE HOUSE


September 8, 1983

Dear Bill:

The President was very impressed by the ad from the Thatcher cam­ paign. He asked me to convey to you his feelings and thank you for sending it to him.

I also think that it is a very effective ad--direct and to the point. I think that you will be seeing ads like this late in our campaign--when print ads are most effective. s~

MICHAEL K. DEAVER Assistant to the President Deputy Chief of Staff

The Honorable William J. Casey Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. ;:11 :'~ .: ·._..,.. :. \: ~-~··~:.; 5 J:y.~ l 9~3


1.. I hereby ·give up 4.. I a.grcc that Britain the rigl1t to ch0<)se­ shol1ld no\v abandon · \vhicl1 school 1n}" cl1i1.: t11e nuclcir der~n-errt drcn go to and agree to \\~hich has preserved abide by any decision peace in Europe for Jn3de by t11e Stnte 011 nearly forty years. I· mybcbalf. . fully understand that rb.e · RuSsians. are .not. 2.. I en1po\ver tl1e lil-:.ely to follow suii. I ..aoour Party io take ·Britain out of Euro_pe, S.. I agree to have. the . even. though Jny ·job value of 1ny ~\il}gs may. be one of the 21 reduced jmmecli3te1y. n1jllio11 \Vl1ich depend in accordance·· \viID ·. ·on Britain's trade ""ith I....abot.1r's '\vi!>hes . . to Europe.. ... devalue the pound.

. . 3. .J ar11 r)repared to 6.. I en1po\ver. the sec. tl1c Poljcc Force govcrru11cntto borro\V pJ3cc.:xJ under politi<._

it co11 ld undcrn1ine . count1ies and I a~1cc0 rheir c1r)nbility to keep to let n1y children pay -----~ l!i\V ~)nf-l n1-«lt·•r t hri. ,~ ,-.h.f- n .. -~·· -· ...... - - ~ ...... - _,. ·- .. ------· ---:; -- · ~"?~ I t1n<-lerstarid 7. I fuJlv- a2ree..... to a tl¥ir n1assive exi:1ansion of f_,al)()t1r's 11lans could nationalisation, \Vhat­ rne:in that prices \vj.U cver the cost to n1e in double ~011ce 1norc; aS · 1 higl1er ta..xa1jo11. they did tinder the last l_A'1boUr govemn1ent. 8. I do not nlind if . : I am forced to join a :l3.. I realise that the union. I dr, not cXJJect tax cuts frorn \vhich to vote for ·he le:'lrlers. 1- Vvill have be11efited of that union and do under a Conservative not .mind if I an1 11ot govcrmnent n1ay be consulted b:y secret \'.vithdra\vn at once. ballot before being told to s11ike4 -·~I \vaive mv riclu ·lo choose an.Y form 9. I sjgn· a\vay the_ of private medicine right to buy n1y ovvn f()r 111)1 fhnlily: council l1ol1se. 15. I understand tl1at Ul. I do not mind ifI sign this nO\V I vvill )aying lligl1er rates. not be able to cl1ange '..!.. I . am prepared n1)'· 111ind fc)r at least ) allow my_ :pension five )' \ ind to be l1sed by tl1e · ~ ------.. .. ------* .... -·-~-- ... )Vemmcnt to il1vcst SIGNED. ~ ai1y scheme that I ey see fit \Vhcther or I )t thjs sho\vs a good r f QUgh rctun1 on n1y 1cstment I THE WHITE HOUSE


September 9, 1983

Dear Ms. Muzyka:

Mr. Michael K. Deaver recently received a letter from Mr. Bill Best informing him of your support for President Reagan and of your contribution to the election of the President.

Mr. Deaver appreciates all you have done and your willingness to work in the re-election effort. It is with pleasure we send you the enclosed picture of the President.

With best wishes,


Donna L. Blume Executive Assistant to MICHAEL K. DEAVER

Ms. Stephanie S. Muzyka, CPS Asministrative Assistant Federated Development Company 2200 MCO Plaza 5718 Westheimer Houston, Texas 77057 Executive Offices Suite200 2000 L Street, NW JASON SYSfEMS INC. Washington, DC 20036 (202) 833-1977

September 7, 1983

The Honorable Michael K. Deaver The White House Washington, o.c. 20500

Dear Michael:

During the course of a visit with the Chief Executive Officer of Federated Development Company in Houston1· 1 hai lilllbl!.... OCk'&.ii ARr1aitu~ s•ea l!>i!ff!!!I Mimi: . ab l. W Ill u•l"HHli; S!i.tMiLtia~ ·!-jilt&, who informed me that she is a very strong supporter of the President and worked very hard in his campaign during the last election.

Federated Development is the parent company ~ MCO, which used to be known as McCulloch Oil, and is represented now in Los Angeles by Bill Roberts in their political affairs.

They are a multi-billion dollar organization, and I believe it is worthwhile to be attentive to folks within the company that j are strong supporters of our interests. ~

I would encourage you to forward the enclosed copy of the note she gave me so that we might get an autographed picture of the President sent to her in Houston.

She has indicated a strong willingness to work again next time around. I think it would be worthwhile to cultivate this relationship and see that she has a very active opportunity, either in Texas or nationally, to participate.

I was most impressed with her and believe she has a great deal to contribute to the cause and other things as time goes on.

Trusting you can accommodate me in this manner, I remain

Sincere~ yours,

jJ~ y William H. Best 7 Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Enclosure FEDERATED DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 2200 MCO PLAZA CALIFORNIA OFFICE 5718 WESTKEIMER •HOUSTON, TEXAS 77057 713 • 952·2400 69-730 HIGHWAY 111 RA.'ICHO MIRAGE, CALIFORNIA 92270 619 • 321-1571

Dear Mr. Best,

I am involved in a number of activities, and it is difficult to reach me at home. Therefore, I suggest that any correspondence be directed to my Houston business address shown on this correspondence.

I enjoyed our conversation, and I look forward to hearing from Washington.

Sincerely, ~/ "" ~{'£~ ¢~ .~ Stephanie S. Muzyka, CPS Administrative Assistant

F&OCfltAT&O D&va:L.Oll'MftNT COMPANY •• A •u••N••• T•u•T 4'0JUU:O UND&Jlll THlt LAW• OF' Naw YOtUlli STA1'&. ANO Al..L 111'.ftSON• D•At•. JNG W!TM ...... , ... AT&O Dl£V&LOllM&NT COMP'AlllY wuaT L.OOK SOt..SLY TO THe .... OP&JITT Oft TMI. T•u•T fl'Ollt TH& ENP'OlltCCM&NT 011' ANY CLAIM• AGAiNSTTHI• TttuaT••• "ttlTNl:tt Tf'U[ TlllUIT&••· OFFICIUI •• AOCN'l'S 0111 SMAftttHOLDCftS

Of' THU~ TRUST ....u .. a A.HY P'&JlaONAL LtAaU.. tTT '" CONN&CTION WIT" ITS euatN&•• o• •••uM& ANY llWo&ttSONAL t..IAttlLITV fl'Oft O•LIGATION• ....TIER&O HllTO ON tTS 8&HALP'.