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flst Regiment of Foot,. Ensign Robert Greene, from Ensign Charles Henderson, vice M'DanalJ, Jeatf the' Clare , to be Ensign, without pur- of his wounds. chase. To be Ensign^ Sfth Ditto, Ensign S. H. Wilkinson to be Lieute- - Johnston, Gent, vice Cootei. ' nant, 'vice Fairtlough, killed ia action. 73d Regiment of Foot, Captain Archibald John To be Ensigns^ Maclean to be Major, vice Cleaveland, d«» Ensign "William Henderson, from, the 1st Garrison cea^d. .. Battalion, vice .Evans, who exchanges. Lieutenant Richard Drewe, froni the 6.1st jFoot, to- Philip Johnson, Gent, vice Wilkinson. be Captain of a Company, without purchase, vice 6 tU Ditto, Lieutenant George Burrell, from the Maclean. North. -Lincoln Militia, to be Ensign, without 79th Ditto, Alexander Michael Mafidonnell, Gent. purchase. ' to' be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kynock, pro~ 10th Ditto, Lieutenant Dennis FairchiUl, from the motecl. North Lincoln Militia, to be Ensign, without Ditto, Lieutenant"?.' W~ Harness to "be Cap- * purchase. tain of a Company, by purchase, vice St. George, 12th Ditto, Captain James Nestor, from the 29th who retires. ' Foot, to be Captain of a Company, vice Coker, Ditto, Lieutenant Edward Bayntun, from the who exchanges. 2d Regiment of Life Guards, to be Lieutenant, 15 th Ditto, Ensign ' William Carroll, to be Lieu- vice Bourne, who exchanges: tenant, vice Hernsworth, deceased. \0lst Ditto, Lieutenant A. Dalgety (Adjutant of a George Stanley, Gent,_to'be Ensign, vice Carroll. Recruiting District) to be Lieutenant, -without . IStJi Ditto, Serjeant-Ma-j.or Andrew Muiholland to purchase. ' be Quarter-Master, vice Simmons, deceased. 1 03d Ditto, Lieutenant Thomas Curran M'Qaestion, %otfi -Pi^/°.? .-Assistant-Surgeon Francis Kelly, from from the East Essex Militia, to be Ensign, with- ' ''the 1st West' India Regiment, to be Assistant- out purchase, vice Jagger, whose appointment has- . Surgeon, vice Owen, promoted in the 4th West not taken place. India Regiment. 4tk West India Regiment, Assistant-Surgeon Edward 29th Ditto, Captain Thomas L. Coker, from the Owen, from the 25th Foot, to be Surgeon, vice J 2th Foot, to be Captain of a Company, vice Loinsworth, appointed to the 60th Foot. Nestor, who exchanges. 6th Ditto, Lieutenant William Jcftrce to be Ad- 32d Ditto, Adam Mellis, Gent, to be Ensign, by jutant, vice Walsh, appointed to the 12th Foot. purchase, vice Turquand, promoted., Lieutenant Robert Gregg,, from the Royal West 33d Ditto, Ensign J.Westmore, from the 1st Royal India Rangers, to be Lieutenant^ without pur- Lancashire Militia, to be Ensign, without pur- chase. chase. . ' Hospital-Mate Thomas Kettle to be Assistant- 3GM Ditto,, "Captain William Gillam, .from the 4th Surgeon. Ceylon Regiment, to be Captain of a- Company, 8th Ditto, Hospital-Mate Alexander Hamilton to- vice James, who exchanges. be Assistant- Surgeon. 40th Ditto, James Ross, Gent, to be Ensign, by 4t/i Ceylon Regiment, Captain Thomas James,-from purchase, vice Gorman, promoted. the 36th Foot, to be Captain of a Company; -vice; 42d Ditto, Lieutenant William Middleton to he Gillam, who exchanges. Captain of a Company, vice Munro, killed in 1st Garrison Battalion, Ensign John Evans,' from action, the 5th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Henderson, Ensign Donald M'Kay to be Lieutenant, vice Mid- who exchanges. dleton. • • • ','•"•• 4th Ditto, Major Alexander Lawrence, from the James Watson,. Gent, to be Ensign, -vice M'Kay. f 19th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Sir 43d Ditto, Ensign George Hood to be Lieutenant?, Charles Imhoff, appointed Inspector "of the Mi- by purchase, vice Oglander, promoted in the.4>ttii litia' iiv Guernsey. Foot. ... '.'; ,- •.-" '" • 5th Royal ''Veteran Battalion, Assistant- Surgeorv 44.th Ditto, Captain Henry Martin, from the -Wprj- Thomas Batt, from the 2dFootr to be Assistant- cester Militia, to be Ensign, without purch^e. j n,.^i^e ,]Uacredie, promoted m the 71st 50^/i Ditto, Lieutenant Andrew Alexander M'Cenj- ' " ' chy, from the Worcester Militia,- to,.b$ £#s.jgm The King's German Legion. without purchase. • " • ' [ •6Qth Ditto,. Surgeon A. L. Loinsworth, from thfc 4th West India Regiment^ to be Surgeon, vice To he Cornets, . • Morrice, appointed to the 16th Foot. . ; ,, » Regimental •Serjemvt-'Maj.or William -Friekev Hospital-Mate Arthur Juhnson to be Assistant- Troop Serjeant- Major Henr-y -Bosse. •• ' .vu.-iiv^ Surgeon. ; . ' ,.•''.:;•. i.va i s 66th Ditto, Assistant-Surgeon. John Murray, frorr 2d BW^fcT^ $hgWi\Ltfanfry,.IAmtenArft Wil- li-ani Schaumann to be Captain of a ' Cornp, an'y,. - the 39th Foot, to be Surgeon, vice Wasdell, pro- - moted. f .. ; . :.- vice Neussell, \vho resigns-. 71st Ditty. ..'• ••' ;-» ' *»'to , The Duke of Brunswick Oels' Corps. ' 'lo*' t4!b'* :•-:' ^ T6 tie Lieutenants, ; '.-.;' tVi ' f Irifcpifry-l'-Mx'yii' F. Atjde Huizberg to be Lieute- Ensign John Coote; without purchase/ vice' Gem,' nant-Colonel, with temporary rank. •• • •wha resigns^ Major Frederick de Dorhberg, from the Retired'