Flst Regiment of Foot,. Ensign Robert Greene, from The' Clare Militia, to Be
[ 1063 ] flst Regiment of Foot,. Ensign Robert Greene, from Ensign Charles Henderson, vice M'DanalJ, Jeatf the' Clare Militia, to be Ensign, without pur- of his wounds. chase. To be Ensign^ Sfth Ditto, Ensign S. H. Wilkinson to be Lieute- - Johnston, Gent, vice Cootei. ' nant, 'vice Fairtlough, killed ia action. 73d Regiment of Foot, Captain Archibald John To be Ensigns^ Maclean to be Major, vice Cleaveland, d«» Ensign "William Henderson, from, the 1st Garrison cea^d. .. Battalion, vice .Evans, who exchanges. Lieutenant Richard Drewe, froni the 6.1st jFoot, to- Philip Johnson, Gent, vice Wilkinson. be Captain of a Company, without purchase, vice 6 tU Ditto, Lieutenant George Burrell, from the Maclean. North. -Lincoln Militia, to be Ensign, without 79th Ditto, Alexander Michael Mafidonnell, Gent. purchase. ' to' be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kynock, pro~ 10th Ditto, Lieutenant Dennis FairchiUl, from the motecl. North Lincoln Militia, to be Ensign, without Ditto, Lieutenant"?.' W~ Harness to "be Cap- * purchase. tain of a Company, by purchase, vice St. George, 12th Ditto, Captain James Nestor, from the 29th who retires. ' Foot, to be Captain of a Company, vice Coker, Ditto, Lieutenant Edward Bayntun, from the who exchanges. 2d Regiment of Life Guards, to be Lieutenant, 15 th Ditto, Ensign ' William Carroll, to be Lieu- vice Bourne, who exchanges: tenant, vice Hernsworth, deceased. \0lst Ditto, Lieutenant A. Dalgety (Adjutant of a George Stanley, Gent,_to'be Ensign, vice Carroll. Recruiting District) to be Lieutenant, -without . IStJi Ditto, Serjeant-Ma-j.or Andrew Muiholland to purchase. ' be Quarter-Master, vice Simmons, deceased. 1 03d Ditto, Lieutenant Thomas Curran M'Qaestion, %otfi -Pi^/°.? .-Assistant-Surgeon Francis Kelly, from from the East Essex Militia, to be Ensign, with- ' ''the 1st West' India Regiment, to be Assistant- out purchase, vice Jagger, whose appointment has- .
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