3913 Second Lieutenant William George Martin to be NOTICE. First Lieutenant, vice Earle. Dated 6th November, 1854. County Court? Registry, 1, Parliament-street, Westminster. Second Captain Adolphus Frederick Connell to be Captain, vice Pack-Beresford, retired by REDUCTION OF FEES. resignation of his Commission. Dated 24th THE Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's November, 1854. Treasury have been pleased to order that the fol- First Lieutenant the Honourable Leonard Allen lowing reduced fees should be"taken for Searches, Addington to be Second Captain, vice Connell. &c., namely : Dated 24th November, 1854. Table of Fees. Second Lieutenant Philip Henry Sandilands to. s. d. be First Lieutenant, vice Addington. Dated For every search for a judgment or peti- 24th November, 1854. tion for protection made at the Registry 0 - 6 For forty searches, to be made within two months (to be paid in advance) . . .10 0 For every certificate of search, obtained either through the Clerk of the Court or Commission signed by the Queen. by a letter to the Registrar 20 For having the record of any judgment City of Edinburgh Artillery Regiment of . removed from the register (to be paid to Thomas Richardson Griffiths, Gent., to be Adju- the Clerk of the Court) ...... 1 6 tant. Dated 10th November, 1854. The registry of county courts' judgments was established to afford to traders a ready means of Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the ascertaining the solvency of parties, and to enable County Palatine of Lancaster. executors and administrators to discover what judgment debts they are bound to satisfy. 4th or Duke of Lancaster's Own Light Infantry In the registry can be found the name, address, Royal Lancashire Militia. and occupation of every party against whom a Charles Hoghton, Esq., late Captain 73rd Kegi- judgment has been recorded since March, 1847, ment, to be Captain, vice O'Callaghan, appointed in any of the county courts throughout England to the . Dated 25th November, and Wales, for £10 and upsvards, and which 1854. remains unsatisfied at the time the search is made. Frederick Phillips, Gent., to be Ensign. Dated 25th November, 1854. INSOLVENCY. Also the name, last address, and occupation of Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the every party who has applied for protection from, County of Gloucester, and of the City and. his creditors to any of the county courts since County of the City of Gloucester, and of the June, 1854. City and County of the City of Bristol. Royal South Gloucester Light Infantry Regiment of Militia. THE AVERAGE PRICK OF BROWN OR -John Wersley Waterloo Costley, Gent., to be MUSCOVADO SUGAR, Ensign, vice Gardner, promoted. Dated 27th The Produce of the British Possessions in AMERICA, November, 1854. Computed from the RETURNS made in the Week ending the 28th day of November, 1854. Commission signed bjj the Vice-Lieutenant of the Is Twenty one Shillings and Two Pence Halfpenny County of Surrey. per Hundred Weight; Exclusive of the Duties of Customs paid or payable thereon, 2nd Regiment of Royal Surrey Militia. on the IMPORTATION thereof into GREAT BRITAIN; Joseph Godman, junior, Esq., to be Captain. THE AVERAGE PRICK OF BUOWN OR Dated 28th November, 1854. MUfcCOVAUO SUGAR, The Produce of the MAURITIUS, Computed as above, Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the and Exclusive of Duty, County of Kent. Is Seventeen Shillings and Ten Pence Farthing West Kent Light Infantry Regiment of Militia. per Hundred Weight; Alexander Valentine Bond, Esq., late of the 86th THE AVERAGE PRICK OF BROWN OR Light Infantry Regiment, to be Captain. Dated MUSCOVADO SUGAR, . ,27th November, 1854. . The Produce of the EAST INDIES. Computed as above, East Kent Regiment of Militia. and Exclusive of Dury, Is Twenty-four Shillings and Eleven Pence Three Farthings The Commission of Captain William Henry per Hundred Weight; Kebbel is to bear date the 22nd July, instead of the 23rd October, 1854. The AVERAGE PRICE of the three foregoing De- scriptions of SUGAR, jointly, Computed as above, and Exclusive of Duty, Wltitehatt, November 28, 1854. Is Twenty-one Shillings and Nine Pence per Hundred Weight. The Lord Chancellor has appointed John Houchen the younger, of Thetford, in the county By Authority of Parliament. of Norfolk, Gentleman, to be a Commissioner to HKNRY BICKNELL, administer oaths in the High Court of Chancery Clerk of the Grocers' Company'. in England. Grocers'-Hall, December 1, 1854. B 2