( ullSrflI LrC^i’ s day.notified Abbot the Drat Ct»a \s ^ IS• t ^c C \rCH r **..ft tion tJ,at fired from had i irr, u .m . v STORK AT HAMPTON BEACH DOING BUSINESS DIRECTLY WITH THE EASTMAN KODAK CO., WE BRING YOU THIS Theihc Const (Juard was kept (off The Rye 30-foot Beaeh. rei Daylight Saving Time EXTRAORDINARY SERVICE: b ci" of HampU,n HAMPTON HARBOR . J, und Movie and other Kodachrome and Ektachronie film . it,.arh station. ence O’Neil, loefi Thursday 3:30 a.m. 'i i* 11 more fishing d bybled Frank boat owned J. ' ^ DeCessar, “’,uopori Aug. IT 3:55 p.m. left with us for developing is rushed daily by special Friday 4:17a.m. y prospect street, Methuen, M Aug. 18 4:40 p.m. courier to the Kodak laboratories in Rochester, New' r The boat was towed to ; Saturday 5:06 a.m. ^ ork. It is returned to us just 48 hours later, excluding harbor, Aug. 19 5:32 p.m. ! Sunday, Coast Guardst Sunday 6:03 a.m. Sundays. Aug. 20 6:29 p.m. 1 transferred a father and Monday 7:05 a.m. * from a party fishing lx Black-and-While film Aug. 21 7:30 p.m. processed locally within 24 hours. Annie and Josephine, after tl Tuesday 8:09 a.m. mar were notified of death in t Aug. 22 8:31 p.m. family. George Stank and 1 Wednesday 9:10 a.m. son, Bruce, of Clinton, Ma Incorporating The Aug. 23 9:31 p.m. were put ashore at the sU Hampton Booth Advocate WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1961 Thursday 10:07 a.m. pier after Coast Guardsm Aug. 24 10:28 o.m. responded to the 10 :15 call. A 32-foot cabin cruiser and 29-foot inboard cruiser wei towed to the state pier by tl Hampton Beach’s PH. Coast Guard after developin minor engine trouble. Just South of the Casin o on Ocean Boulevard A boat owned by Rober Wissinger, Hampton road, Exe er was towed to Rye hurbol ifter developing trouble. Tht raft had been sending distress ignals which Ed Herson, Rye teach, heard at 8:30. He noti. ed the Coast Guard but before icy could arrive on the scene, eon Mowry of Rye notified icm that he had the craft in w. From an array of 32 outstan< testants, Miss Sylvia Gustavaon. Policeman's Ball was crowned Miss New England a Ml SITU The Police Relief Assorit Tuesday evening at the Casino. ion’s second annual hall was A lovely 5’7” blonde, 34-21-34 he is the daughter ittended hv more than BOO per. of Mr. and Mrs. Arvid (fUstavson of Winchester. Ma--. ons at the Casino Ballroom. an