Congressional Record-House

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Congressional Record-House 3410 "CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 15 is in a position to do so definitely this Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary afternoon, will give assurance that the of the United States of America to Ethiopia. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Senate will have sessions on Wednesday UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY TuESDAY, APRIL 15, 1947 and Thursday nights. · Warren R. Austin, of Vermont, to be the Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, I wish representative of the United States of Amer­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. to restate the announcement made at ica to the special session of the General As­ The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera noon today, that there definitely will be sembly of the United Nations. ·Montgomery, D. D., offered the following a session of the Senate Wednesday night, Herschel V. Johnson, of North Carolina, to prayer: and that Senators should hold them­ be the alternate representative of the United selves in readiness for a session Thurs­ States of America to the special session of 0 God, Eternal Spirit, Thou hast laid day nig:1t, because if the pendiqg bill is the General Assembly of the United Nations. the foundations of heaven and reared not terminated by that time I at least IN THE MARINE CORPS their walls in power and glory. Forever will ask the Senate to remain in ses­ The below-named naval aviator of the shall our praise ascend and forever let sion that night. I should like to see a Marine Corps Reserve to be a second lieu­ the tides of blessing come down. 0 Thou final determination on the question of a tenant in the Regular Marine Corps in ac­ who art the inspiration of all that is good night session on Thursday left to the ma­ cordance with the provisions ·of the Naval and the glory of all that is beautiful, jority leader, but I have talked with the Aviation Personnel Act of 1940, as amended, send forth Thy light, reminding us of Senator from Maine, and I am quite sat­ to rank from the date stated: our place and our calling. Do Thou open isfied that if the consideration of the Richard J. Sullivan, from the 16th day of the windows of pur minds that we may bill shall not be concluded in the Thurs­ November 1943. receive the spirit and the love of truth, day afternoon session, we will be called CONFIRMATIONS thus turning hesitation into fortitude. Undergird and uphold our firm belief in upon to have a session Thursday night, Ex.ecutive· nominations confirmed by and Senators should make their ar­ the ultimate triumph of the good, for the Senate April 15 (legislative day of nothing else in equal measure has ever rangements · accordingly, and be ready ·March 24), 1947: to attend a session that night if neces- taught us so much how to live. In every sary. , COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE situation, inspire us to think truly, to Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. President, I intend James M. Alsup to be a collector of inter­ speak and live truly; then shall our daily to vote against the pending bill, but I nal revenue for the district of Hawaii. lives be .open books of great and noble ·wish to say that if-as I fear it will-it UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE creeds. In the holy name of Christ our should get us into war, atomic war, one PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR CORPS Saviour. Amen. of these days, my services will be avail­ To be a medical director The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ able wherever I am, if I do not happen to Carl E. Rice terday was read and approved. be a Member of the Senate. Wherever I am, my services will be at the disposal , To be a temporary senior dental surgeon MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT of my country. I have three sons, one Norman F. Gerrie A message in writing from the Presi­ 11 years old, one 5 years old, and one 9 To be a temporary senior surgeon dent of the United States was communi­ months old. They will be ready to fight John B. Alsever cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one some of these days. I will curse the day To be a temporary senior nurse officer of his secretaries, who also informed the they have to, but I will send them if House that on the following dates the their country needs them. There will be Minn~e E. Poh~ President approved and signed bills of no doubt of tlie unanimity of our coun­ APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR CORPS the House of the following titles: tr:' after the policy is adopted, but I am To be a senior sanitary engineer (lieutenant On April 14, 1947: opposed to the policy, and I am going to colonel), effective date of oath of office H. R. 1621. An act to authorize the Secre. vote against the bifi. Leonard H. Male tary of War to lend War Department equip­ LEA "'"'ES OF ABSENCE To be a senior scientist (lieutenant colonel), ment and provide services to the Boy Scouts effective date of oath of office of America in connection with. the World Mr. MAYBANK. Mr. President, I ask Jamboree of Boy Scouts to be held in France. unanimous consent to be excused from Justin M. Andrews 1947; and to authorize the Commissioner of the Senate tomorrow, Wednesday. To be scientists (major), effective date oj Internal Revenue to provide exemption from· The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ oath of office transportation tax; and further to authorize out objection, the request is granted. Sidney H. Newman the Secretary of State to issue passports to Samuel W. Simmons bona fide Scouts and Scouters without fee Mr. GEORGE. Mr. President, I ask for the application or the issuance of said unanimous consent for leave of absence To be surgeons (major), effective date of passports. from the Senate from this afternoon un­ oath of office On April 15, 1947: til Monday next. Alexande:.: A. Doerner H. R. 1327. An act to amend existing law The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ Russell E. Teague to provide privilege of · renewing expiring out objection. leave is granted. Abraham Wikler 5-year level-premium term policies for an­ other 5-year period; and Mr. CHAVEZ. Mr. President, I ask To be a dental surgeon (major), effective date unanimous consent for leave of absence H. R. 1713. An act to provide for the pro­ of oath of office motion of substitute employees in the posta until Friday or Saturday of this week. Norman F. Gerrie service, and for other purposes. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ To be a nurse officer (major), effective date EXTENSION OF REMARKS out objection, leave is granted. of oath of office RECESS Hazel A. Shortal Mr. TWYMAN asked and was give :~ permission to extend his remarks in th( Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, I move IN THE ARMY RECORD and include an article from the that the Senate take a recess until to­ TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN THE ARMY OF THE Chicago Tribune. morrow at noon. UNITED STATES Mr. COLE of New York <at the request The motion was agreed to; and Cat 5 To be a brigadier general of Mr. ARENDS) was given permission to o'clock and 6 minutes p. m.) the Senate Marshall Sylvester Carter extend his remarks in the RECORD and took a recess until tomorrow, · Wednes­ include an article. day, April 16, 1947, at 12 o'clock Mr. ROHRBOUGH asked and was meridian. WITHDRAWALS given permission to extend his remarks Executive nominations withdrawn in the RECORD and include an editorial NOMINATIONS from the Senate April 15 <legislative day from the New York Herald Tribune. Executive nominations received by the of March 24), 1947: Mr. GRIFFITHS asked and was given Senate April 15 (legislative day of March POSTMASTERS permission to extend his remarks in the 24), 1947: Miss Ellowene Zinke to be postmaster at REcoRD and include an editorial. DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE Hamlin in the State of Iowa. Mrs. BOLTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask George R. Merrell, of Missouri, now a For­ John R. Johnson to be postmaster at Fair­ unanimous consent to extend my re­ eign Service office1· of class 1, to be Envoy 'Yiew in the State of Montana. marks in the RECORD and include a 1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3411 speech I made last evening before the man from New Jersey [Mr. WOLVERTON], THE GRECO-TURKISH LOAN Ohio Society of New York City, in which that the committee may be permitted to Mr. MATHEWS. Mr. Speaker; I ask I discussed the challenge that the spread sit during general debate on the pending unanimous consent to address the House of communism presents to the United measure. for 1 minute. States. · The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request .of the gentleman from Cali­ the request of the gentleman from New the request of the gentlewoman from fornia? Jersey? Ohio? There was no objection. There was no objection. There was no objection. EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. MATHEWS. Mr. Speaker, I was COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC LANDS Mr. LEFEVRE asked and was given talking to a man who has had consid­ erable experience in refrigeration and Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask permission to extend his remarks in the RECORD and include an article by Mark heating engineering. He told me he has unanimous consent that the Committee been talking to men in the steel industry; on Public Lands be permitted to sit this Sullivan. · Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, inasmuch and they were very much concerned afternoon during general debate on the about the President's program for Tur­ bill H.
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