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3-23-1989 Casco Bay Weekly : 23 March 1989

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~ ~ ~ ,.-, 2 Casco Bay Weekly It----t "P 1 me~ evej e're ( are ~~

for IN BRIEF: GOT A GRIPE? GET A GRIP. JOIN A GROUP. tid en More marine money Neighborhoods educating for elections etition! be Rep. Joseph Bren­ A dozen neighborhood ac­ tric nan and Sen. George Mitchell tion organizations in Portland said Hagge, who volunteered ar~ have introduced legislation to have joined their voices in the to represent his Stroud water in! their respective houses of Portland Neighborhood Coun­ neighborhood group. Al­ alll Congress to establish marine cil. The PNC formed last sum­ though Hagge is a representa­ research programs nation­ mer during city council discus­ tive, he is aIso an "individual." m When the PNC votes, Hagge M wide. The aim of the bill is to sions of zoning and historic Re identify pollution sources. preservation, concerned that can vote once as a representa­ iss The bill would funnel $3 mil­ the little neighborhood groups tive, and seperately as an indi­ Casco Bay Weekly PRAs vidual. No measure can pass !xi a year to each of a num­ were being ignored by city Thursday ber of marine regions, the Gulf government. without approval from both March 23,1989 of Maine being one. The re­ Now the PNC is taking up leveIs. And anyone can be a 28 page. LOW AS gional programs would bead­ election issues. The tax cap and member. Annual dues are $10 /n~r* ministered by a board drawn the city council elections are at for an organization or an indi­ .....;;:0;~~ from existing environmental vidual. UPDATES U' the top of the fledgling agenda. 'i: ~:...... ::-- 4.9 %! agencies in the area. In early The PNC:s approach is to edu­ ''We're pretty close to hav­ i::lli May Brennan nominated cate the public rather than do ing representatives from the TALK .iF ."'.«» You Pay Casco Bay to the National Es­ heavy lobbying. It will be spon­ various neighborhoods around The pastryman of Monument Square tuaries Program, a program soring a tax cap debate April 9 the city," said one of PNC's • JI. that funds clean-up planning. at Franklin Towers on Cum­ founders, Donna Williams. "It ~::f::;:;::;W ""r cond.,. ;::% • P IIOning berland Avenue at 7 p.m. and a has been very effective in pro­ viding an opportunity for f VIEWS OWer Lock • Rea 0 candidates' night on April 25 . S.D. Warren. recycling people from different neigh­ and demographics • Du IS. L. r efroster "This organization is really 8ROMCO XlT 4~~a2 a Elect. Ballpark bought inclined to be benevolent," said borhoods to see similarities 1989 • Tilt W nc Mirrors '9ht Group The Town of Old Orchard Cyrus Hagge, a PNC represen­ from neighborhood to neigh­ fORO L\st 1528 heel • 2.3 Liter E . Beach Ballpark has finally tative from the Stroudwater borhood." She hopes the PNC • P785170R7. • H ng'ne agreed to sell its cumbersome ImprovementAssociation. "It's can help to organize neighbor­ fORO DISC 3255 gen '( lMlEE • AM/F 4 T,res a/o Lamp ballpark. Rhode Island con­ trying to draw neighborhoods hoods that aren't yet repre­ O'SC_~ M Stereo • PS/Pg s cert promoter Frank J. Russo together and show them they sented. and Dale Biow (whose name do have rights before the city The next PNC meeting is 157i • Interval W· is also associated with real council." AprilS at Franklin Towers at 7 CHOOSE! 'Pers o estate development and port­ Neighborhood groups usu- p.m. "There's no formality here," -Hannah Holmes able toilets) have agreed to COVER STORY pay back taxes, loan pay­ bY' Hannah Holm•• You pay $11,999* ments, plus lease fees, all Photos by Tonee Harbert toward a $2.7 million pur­ eant chase within three years, said • Dell.D

~------, 2O%OffEv~ Get In Here Now ... SMITH HOUSE for our .Rug On Our Hoo£ A Life-Changing 2nd Birthda" Blowout Sale. by Resource for CMmical Laura Dependency Drastically Reduced Prices Conaway. Treatment Tables • Desks • Vases

Wine racks • Clothing • Clocks A CONVERSATION WITH Treatment for Ken Margel Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency

• an alternative to inpatient care

• family program every day

• three-month aftercare program

An Old Port Tradition • fees reimbursable by most insurers and Maine Medicaid ."<~ GREAT STEAKS LUNCH Monday - Saturday 11:30-4:30 Bring in this ad for2O% offow~~:uJarpr~ ... u ...u .• _~"'" ....v .... , '1" Coupon expire. April 2, 1989. FRESH SEAFOOD DINNER At Smith House, clients Monday - Saturday 4:30-12:30 And when we say every rug on our floor. we mean every rug on our floor. "I.'i continue with their From beautiful dhunies and chenilles to stunning cotton combers and rag COMFORTABLE SUNDAY HOURS day-to-day lives while rugs. From itty-bitty ones that can be used as doormats to colossal rugs for ATMOSPHERE 1l:30-9p.m. receiving treatment. your living room floor. They're all handloomed, hand dyed, and"extremely long-lasting. Unfortunately, the sale isn·t. So head to Pier [Imports this week. P\'f\\~ lVby Go Anywhere Else? 334 Forest Ave., Portland • 773-3356 ~ ~ E~~ ~ \\\\~~\t~. For information or a brochure, M & Th 10-8; Tu, W & F 10-6; Sat. 9-5 l'W'II!l -- - ~ APlacelbDiscover.- 83 Exchange Street, Portland. 773-4731 '------... _------_ .... please call 772-8822. Ken Marget shows his wares -eat it and weep. CBWfTonee Harbert In Victory Dell's bakery ingredients. Working with Where do you get your reel- r_------...., ,,'. ' ~ Port1and under Monument Square, them, not against them. That's pes? ..:: :~. Wine and Cheese Ken Margel, a self-pro- the most important thing. claimed "mad baker," gives Some have been handed down to me by chefs that I've life to torts and tarts and date Have you ever had a helper bars_ Every one of his pre­ who just couldn't learn to studied under. Some of my RAISE . s dawn pastries matters, he bake? recipes are extractions. That is Strut FO~~\?O~te:r. to say, something I puttogether ME if B says. So you eat one, you better pay attention. There's a sort of fine line based on a standard. Saturday Special: Now through April 30. whether they couldn't learn to YOUR Small soup and 1/2 selected sandwich '$2.99 When did you start baking? bake or they had a hard time What about new pastrles? your listening or understanding I started out part-time, principles. They just have had Some things are chance. Homemade Soups • Salads • Gourmet Sandwiches working in a country bakery an apathetic attitude because Chance that I, more or less from EXPECTATIONS that had an orchard and did a they look at it as just a job. This an educated guess, want to put I lot of pies and country kind of is more than a job for me. This this, this and this together to I stuff. This was in Maryland, is something that is in my achieve a certain type of prod- I Order your next Stuff uct. And I may have to add a just outside of Baltimore. And blood, so I get very impatient the woman who ran it at that with people who appear not to little more flour to something, batch of letterheads time, she was probably about care or just don't get the same or decrease the butter. Or 83 years old. She got up every kind of enthusiasm that I do. change the brown sugar to a granulated sugar, things like and business cards morning about 2 0'clock, every day of her life. . What's·the hardest thing that. you make? with raised printing. Do you keep recipes secret? .~ What tioie do you start n= baking? I hate these kinds of ques­ rr .~. tions. What's the hardest thing No, I share recipes. Baking See you at Squire's for lunch! .. Somedaysat30'clock,some you make? What's the easiest is a profession,and I think those Your printing will days S,somedays 6. It's hard to thing you make? What's your people who want to keep their Squ1re Morgan~s getup. I'm more nocturnal than favorite? What's your least recipes secret aren't willing to eating &: drinking saloon I) admit that. I think you always sing and people will J am crepuscular. favorite? Nothing personal. 46 Market Street, Portland. 774-5246 have to hand down and teach More nocturnal than wbat? well, what is it? other people, and recipes are notice. just a part of that. Crepuscular. That's a word Good quality, high quality an exclusive handpicked ~rt~5tt • you can look up. It applies more puffed pastries, because I Have you thought about collection of vintage costume to animals. I actually have a haven't been able to practice it putting out a c,?okbook? jewelry and contemporary jewels. We start,Afrom scratch! degree in an unrelated field, here. ------, which is biology and wildlife Yeah,Ihavethoughtabout an eclectic selection of beautifully management. I raised endan­ Would you rather work in putting a book together, but I PRINTEX designed watches, scarves & gifts. gered species of birds for a the winter or summer? haven't decided yet what the :SAVE BARB QUE: number of years. But cooking better mousetrap is. There SYSTEMS and baking are more in my Temperature is crucial when would have to be something OF PORTLAND blood. you're doing pastry work. If unique about it, that nobody's i $1.00 CHICKE~. i it's too warm, the butter creams done, and I haven't decided 477 CONGRESS STREET Is there a spiritual aspect to tend to weep, not hold up very what that is yet. I Ourhouseblendofbarbque'dspices,slIXIthered 1hi• I well. So they can be frustrat­ $4 25 ,"upon lover whitund dark mea~ servoo with achoire of • I baking? 773 .. 8001 I______salad and a side ofhomefries or rice. J ing. LaUI'll Conawaycan'twait untillhe buller eoneeits Oh yeah, yeah, very defi­ weeps again. 7 moulton street ponland me 04101 207.761.4681 nitely. Becoming one with your

~-"-~ ~----...."..."------e C ..co Bay Weekly


A special purchase of Afghan Balouchi Rugs! FUTON COVER All wool. Approx. size 3x5. with the purchase of any Futon Mattress These are older hand knotted Nomadic Rugs, & Frame in the store! some of which are Save up to $78! prayer rugs. While they last! It's town meeting season again, and individuals in the smaller towns of the Casco Bay region are " taking advantage of their annual opportunity to speak out on the issues that affect their communities. Along with several other cities in the area, Portland has outgrown ties. There is an opportunity to the town-meeting style of govern­ Air or water? redress this balance by appoint­ ~"~li.r~:;:~~ I couldn't believe the Views ing recycling activists to one or ment. In these communities where the (CBW 3/9/89) that fines paid more of the three positions vote of the people has been replaced fl1 he Rites of Spring by S.D. Warren mill should be reserved for members of the 1. Go outdoors more often. used. to clean up Casco Bay. We general public, and the Natu­ by the vote of the council, very few should trade off clean air in ral Resource Council of Maine of the people even bother to attend 2. Exercise more often. favor of clean (salty) water? has urged. the Governor to do 3. Eat fruits and vegetables more often. meetings anymore. Therein lies the !I~~ --m -;~o-tr 4. Wear PUTUMA.!:IIO f;lltf{ Amaryllis HARD CIDER danger. Jt:: .;/~ Vivian M. Turcott so~~~~~ IUNIQUE I.J '1 C!J~~1 Clothing Co. ARMOriental Rugs 41 Exchange Street, F Portland Sharon Anglin Treat The council-watching cult 1109 Forest Ave. Portla~d, ME 878-2647 Ease on into your springtime resolutions with Staff Attorney Portland, ME 04101 45 Middle Road, Route 9 described in this week's cover story Store Hours: Mon. - Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-4 Free Parking in side parking lot PUTUMA.!lO 's collection of cotton and 772-4439 Falmouth, Maine 04105 Natural Resource Council Exit 68 off 1-295 for 2 miles Across from D'Angelo Sandwich Shop rayon blouses, skirts, pants and dresses from Appointments (207) 775-1600 of Maine does the city a service, but not a Mon.-Sat.l~ Hours: 10-5 Tues-Sat around the worlq. Available only at Amaryllis. Thurs. 10-8 Sun. 12~ Recycling well-balanced one. It is dangerous In an otherwise accurate and and irresponsible for us to expect informative article about recy­ cling (CBW 2/16/89), it was them to keep an eye on the council Haven't you ever asked yourself.. , erroneously reported that Demographics for us. Vertical Blinds, " ... no represent;;ttives of citi­ What a fascinating, fantas­ zen or environmental groups tic story you folks did about What Does were appointed to the Recy­ Greater Portland's zip code cling Advisory Council until relevance to the market re­ Offer A Contetnporary View Treat and others made a stink searchers (CBW 3/2/89). I had It Really about it." Although, as my long been aware that this area colleagues on the advisory " is highly favored as a national Feel Like? council will attest, r don't shy test product sampler - espe­ C.sco Bay Waekly March 23, 1989 away from complaining about ciallywhenyoudiscoversome­ An instrument of Volume 2.1Number 12 problems and where war­ thing really helpful and/or community understanding . ranted, to use your terminol­ delicious - only never to see it Gary Santaniello Monte Paulsen ogy, "make a stink," in this case again and all my friends in publisher editor there was no need to do so. other states know less about it MargWaUs Ann Sitomer The 1987 legislation estab­ than r do, as r don't know any­ advertising manager entertainment editor lishing the advisory council one in another test market area Kate Halpert Hannah Holm.s specified that two environ­ outside Maine. Garry Young editorial assistant display advertising mental representatives - one Your coverage was incredi­ Cheryl Miller from a statewide environ­ bly informative and positively John Shalek production manager class~ied advertising mental group and one from a freaked me out when, having Brenda Chandler local group - be appointed. picked up my weekly CBW TokiOshlma Sherry Miller illustration Mike Quinn Governor McKernan - with­ from a nearby health food store, columnists out any stink being made by r relaxed. that evening over Diane DesMarais circulation manager Kathy Caron anyone - promptly appointed natural cheese snacks to play Bonnie Moore me to the advisory council in backgammon with my hus­ Dan Tonini Andy Newman Caroly,n Treat Kelly Nelson August 1987. A representative band. Then r read your article, Chris Daniels M0"-i!an Shepard of a local environmental group which seemed nothing short of Circulation contnbuting For Your New Office or Apartment was also appointed. at that time. clairvoyant regarding where writers We've Got r don't argue with your 04101 folks tend to shop, what Casco Bay Weekly Joe KieviU ~ustom Draperies, Slipcovers, Bedspreads, Dust Rufiles, publishes 16.000 Ton.. Harbert premise that there is room for they're more apt to buy and papers every photographers Plllows, Balloon Shades, Roman Shades, Swags andJabots. improvement. Although the how they seek relaxation and Thursday. The Answer ... and a cast of Governor has fulfilled his legal entertainment. Mail subscriptions thousands • • • obligation to appoint two envi­ This was definitely an A+ are available at the rate of $36/year. This page is a canvas Custom tailored exclusively in our own workrooms. ronmentalists, r and other reporting effort and I commend on which diverse opinions Measured and installed by experienced professionals. members have urged the ap­ your reporters. Entire contents

------8 Casco Bay Weekly "A lot of March 23, 1989 9 people come by Hannah Holmes and tell me Photos by Tonee Harbert 'Do this. Do Year after year a handful of people watch the Portland City Council. Portlanders go to City Hall only when a decision will affect them that.' I wish directly, if they go at all. Why do the watchers watch? they would do it.~ -Phil Jenkins ....< .,.

"If you The self-appointed critics who sit through countless Portland City Council In fact, he·says he feels he's watching the council by himself, and not having much meetings watch for different things. Robert Hains watches the finances closely, effect. don't go, David Koplow sees constitutional violations in the smallest city policy and Phil ''There's a feeling that you cannot influence City Hall by talking on two or Jenkins will take on any cause he thinks the council has overlooked. three issues every meeting," he says. The rest of the audience at council meetings changes from week to week. If Meanwhile Hains keeps fighting, and he wins some battles. He raises the ex­ then you Merrill's cement silos are on the agenda, the West End residents are there. If the ample of the Housing and Community Development (HCD) budget passed in issue is the Jetport, the Stroudwater people show up. Otherwise, they all stay mid-March. That night he pointed out to the council that the city manager had home. The council gets the public's view of Portland in neighborhood-sized adjusted the budget proposal, removing funds for a playground fence and for won't know puzzle pieces. tree planting. The councilors, he says, had not noticed. They put the items back But the "council critics" give their views on all the issues week after week, year in. after year. They comment on Morrill's Comer condos, Merrill's silos and the cost "Maybe I was successful," he says, thoughtfully. '1 was frustrated at the time how much of conference room curtains. They don't pretend to represent the public, but they by the bigger philosophical issues." are the only people who regularly offer an opinion on what sort of place Portland One of the bigger issues Hains has been harping on for years is the budget should be. They know a lot about the council's history. Councilors come and go, process. The council gets a line-item budget for HCD money, but the departmen­ you're but the critics have been watching policies change for decades. tal budgets come in whole. Hains thinks the council should not have to approve The council critics aren't the most popular people in the audience. A lot of or cut whole budgets, but should be able to cut a line item - a teaching position "single-issue people" who come to comment on one agenda item see them as the or a fire truck - if they want to. getting town clowns. Sometimes their commentaries wander off the pOint or seem Hains is also concerned about one general issue that affects all areas of city deliberately contentious. But a lot of it has good thought and research behind it, policy. That is when public opinion is heard. A policy - parking, for instance - is and good intentions. born in a committee of the council. Often there is no opportunity for public screwed.~ Does the council listen? In the early '60s the council got tired of listening to comment as the committee hammers out a policy. The council then gets the policy long-winded commentaries from the public, and limited speaking time. The limit and gives it a formal "first reading" to the public. There is a "second reading" one -David Koplow is three minutes per person per issue, though six are routinely given. Councilors, or two weeks later when the council is scheduled to vote on the policy. At this of course, say they listen carefully to the people who elect them, but the truth is final stage the public may comment, and the council can make changes reflecting some of the councilors whisper, get up for coffee, or even leave the room when the public's concerns. a regular critic states his or her name and address at the podium. And on nights ''When the council is ready to take a vote, they don't want to hear anything when the council's business is done by 11 :30 and the podium is open to any citizen new," Hains says. "So there's very little change. You find that three, four, five on any subject, some councilors sigh and sag in their chairs. The rewards for years later they do what Robert Hains suggested because what they did did not council watchers are limited to small successes, hearing themselves talk, and get­ work." ting on TV. (See sidebar.) Hains, Koplow and Jenkins are the most regular watchers. Mary Rose Starr and her brother Walter Kozinesky are also long-time council critics, but they "David Koplow, Danforth Street. haven't been around City Hall much lately. "I'm moving around a bit these days, " says Koplow, looking around at the councUors. He starts talking about how the tax cap question will be worded .. There on the May 2 ballot. "Robert Hains of Taylor Street. "This proposal wants to give the public a digested version of a legislative "I know what you people are doing, and 1 know why you're doing it, " act," he tells the council, which is chaired by Esther denott this evening. He are a few Hains says, taking the podium at a March 6 councll meeting. In a chastising paraphrases state law on ballot wording. Then he's off. "I do not like the idea tone he launches a tirade against a zoning change to accommodate the Port­ of electronic voting machines. A single person can control the entire elec- land High School parking garage. He warns the councll that if it continues tion." . people that to make zoning exceptions for its projects and not for those of the general "David would you like an extension?" asks Clenott after three minutes. public it could get sued. "You might be interested that the reason we use seals is that the great Councllors Edward Bernstein and Linda Abromson bite back. The proj­ English kings couldn't write," continues Koplow. think I'm a ect was overlooked when Portland was rezoned last summer, they point "David, I'm afraid you're going to use all your time talking about voting," out. The councll would have to abandon the project if the setback wasn't Clenott says. adjusted, they explain. Koplow wants the entire description of the tax cap, not a paraphrase, pain... that "I cannot let stand the remarks 1 just heard, " snaps Bernstein, rising. "I printed on the ballot. "I'm sure you people will go along with it, ft he don't want the impression that this councll is unfair. " concludes, "because you people are at the heart of our governmental sys­ Abromson says, "Obviously Mr. Hains was asleep at the wheel that night tem." Kopiow sits down again and takes out a red toothbush. He scrubs at I'm against (last summer) or his comments might not have been what they were." his teeth.

Hains, in his mid-40s, owns 19 undeveloped pieces of Portland property, plus Koplow, a tall man near 50, sits on a couch in his RV that is parked in a lot on everything.~ three houses. His property tax bill last year was $8,315. Frustrated by a council Danforth Street. Half a dozen dogs flop around him. Some things Koplow says which he feels ignores him, Hains, vice-president of the Portland Taxpayers become too convoluted to follow. Others make perfect sense. -Robert Hains Association, is championing the property tax cap proposal.lf it passes in May, the "If individuals cease to communicate with their conscience and don't recog­ cap will force the council either to follow Hains' fiscally conservative view or find nize the obligations that they swore to uphold after they take a public office, then sources of revenue other than taxing property. you have trouble," he says. Yet Koplow's dogs have earned him an entire file Fiscally, Hains is conservative. But his comments cover a range of issues, and drawer in the Cumberland County Courthouse full of unanswered summonses. he often gives a broader perspective to a problem than the council sees. His A sign painter, he's been watching the council since arriving from Dorchester, comments sometimes seem petty, contentious. He admits he sometimes plays Mass., in the early '60s. He says he appeals to the councilors' "better natures," devil's advocate with the council. hoping to bring them into communication with their consciences. But he finds the "There are a few people that think I'm a pain, that I don't know what I'm council unresponsive, and the company poor. talking about, that I'm against everything," he says. "There's nobody to talk to. It's very lonely up there," he says. 'The people Hains invests a lot of time checking the council's math on fiscal matters and (council critics) who show up are people who want to affect other people's rights, its logic on philosophical matters like the zoning exception for the school. Of the not people whose rights are being affected. They have their own little tracks. The council critics, Hains' arguments are the most straightforward and clear. His at­ greater concepts they don't even want to discuss." tendance is the most regular. He thinks that he is more effective than the others. continued on next page... 10 Casco Bay W ••kly M.rch 23, 1989 11

"Bob!" said Clenott. ''We've given you two three-minutes." As Hains regained his momentum at the podium Clenott, Ganley continued from previous p.g•••• and Councilor Peter O'Donnell whispered together. Councilor Koplow discusses the greater concepts a lot. When Koplows Pam Plumb put on her coat. Ganley's microphone amplified the comments onaloCal policy ramble offto the Bill of Rights, found­ cracking of a piece of candy in his teeth. ing fathers or English kings some coundlors shuffle their papers, "Councilors, enjoy your debate at your next meeting," Hains or get up for coffee. said finally, leaving the podium. Half of them had left their seats. Still, after once being arrested for refusing to yield the podium, Koplow expresses faith that our governmental system will "reward the diligent." While Kaplow says many of the Crying wolf councilors are "crooks, corrupt," he says he's doing his part by If this isn't enough reason for the public to keep its mouth appealing to their better side, diligently. shut, there is more. "Hopefully, the conscience, through its bona fide agents of "Public speaking is an unnatural act," says Ganley, who even the most inferior rank, will intervene in the harsh and thinks most people are too intimidated to approach the podium. oppressive operation of man:s imperfect laws and customs for But Dorler hits the same note the critics are sounding. Before the sake of fairness," he says. It's a saying he thought up. "Essen­ he was elected he says he spent two years listening to the coun­ tially it means that even the guy selling pendls on the comer dl and feeling ineffective. could expose the fraud of a king." "People have a feeling they're not going to be heard, you can't fight City Hall," he says. ''Why waste your time?" Cyclemania THREE DAYS TO SAVE "Phil]enkins, 14 Tate Street. One reason the regular critics are heard but not always Huges savings on this season's most heeded is that their criticism is so frequent. Crying wolf, one 188 State St., Portland ME 04101 popular items! Pick up a complete list (j "The blame needs to be laid on the Corporation Counsel's councilor calls it. 207-774-2933 bargains at the door during sale hours. office. If the council had a backbone you wouldn't get this paper garbage." '1 didn't speak too much when I was sitting there," says Darler. "If you speak too often you're not listened to. You've got QUALITY BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE Accessorier Jenkins, at a hearing on tow truck regulations, attacks the to pick your battles." proposed regulations for being incomplete. There are loop­ Another reason is the short time the council has in which to dnd holes regarding charges and different types of tows, which do its work. If some time limit was not observed the council , the council's public safety committee is trying to tUI in piece would have a very difficult time getting through an evening's by piece. The process is a painfully confused, and Councilor agenda. Crit' Don MacWilllams keeps demanding to know why the city Most obviously critics are not heeded is when they don't stick • • • • needs a tOwing ordinance at all • •••• to the issues at hand. "It becomes disruptive when someone is • • Jenkins' answer is to send the whole proposal back determined to go beyond the bounds of the process in an un-self­ where it came from. After laying the blame loud and long on ..-- ...... 1---.... controlled manner," says Clenott. . • • the city attorney's office, Jenkins thanks the committee Clenott, who seems to pay more attention than most to public • • adding, "I have some potato chips ifyou're getting hungry. ~ input, is disturbed by the shortage of'participation. "The people • •••••••••••••••••••• Jenkins has given the councilors valentine's cards, pre- who are effected by (council decisions) aren't even aware of it," ceded by pretty speeches at the podium, in the past. she says, echoing Koplow's concern. "That troubles me deeply." OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. 10-10 The two or three days between the printing of the agenda and the Video Rental Compact Discs Audio Tapes Jenkins knows he talks a lot and wanders from the point into meeting don't give the public much time to research an issue. * * * * fields of blooming cliche. On the bright side, Clenott notes that neighborhood groups We now have more Nintendo Sets! "I see the back ends of a lot of citizens as they're running awav are more often raising their voices in City Hall. The Portland *A little off the beaten track, but well worth from me," he laughs. "A lot of people ignore me." . the effort! In the Old Port West.* Neighborhoods Council represents a bunch of little neighbor­ The largest and most varied selection in the Yarmouth area. Jenkins says he caught the political bug in 1961 from Popkins hood groups who,like the individual council critics, felt ignored Zakarian, "the primo coundl critic." A gray-haired man who , ' by their government. The groups have joined forces in order to Tuesdays is 2 for 1 (Rent two movies for the price of one) wears four earrings, Jenkins was born and raised in the West • lay a completed puzzle out before the counc~1 when neces~ry. , 36 Danforth Street, Portland 772-8607 End. He doesn't work, but is active in the Portland Democratic Neighborhood groups, by all accounts, Wield more politIcal SPECIAL SENIOR CITIZEN PRICING City Committee, Vision 2000, and YATATA, a youth outing Monday - Saturday 9AM - 5PM power in City Hall than one person'~ , persistent pecki~g. W.hat group he helped found. He watches the coundYs various com­ neighborhood groups may not have IS the comprehensIve VIew "Major League Fun" mittees and the planning board, as well as the council. of the council's actions that one person can develop. 24 u.s. Route 1, Yarmouth, ME 04096 (207) 846-4711 Yarmouth Marketplace Jenkins' successes, like his causes, are scattered. Some years "People have a short memory and do not have a good ago an effort was made to lineup all the city's statues in Deering perspective on what history has been," Hains says. "Part of I Oaks, he says. He and others protested, hanging a sign around (being effective) is having been there long enough to be able to Longfellows neck one night. Longfellow remains in Longfellow remind the council of a vote in the past that they've forgotten." Square. A couple years later, a second door was cut in the Councils change. And neighborhoods only give·fragments of balcony of the council chamber after Jenkins researched the fire the picture. One person, though, whether a landlord or a sign A Stitch to Wear... code. "So ~ha!' s my door, there," he says. This year he dug into painter, who sits through hours of debate year after year can ac­ the refurblShmg of a conference room in City Hall. After the cumulate a body of knowledge the council can't get anywhere SUNDAY , When the occasion calls for it, you'll be glad ~oorah h~ raised o~er the cost, he is predicting that the dty will else. But if all the council watchers give back is, vitriol or cries of to have these wardrobe essentlals handy. find audIence chaIrS for less than $178 apiece next time, and ''Wolf!'' they may as well stay home. won't buy them outside of Portland. A few thousand dollars may be saved. Our ''Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society": H.nnah Holmes' vitriolic commentary on city council meetings is heard only by her "You say nitpick? No, that's not nitpicking. If they know editor, and is heeded by no one. somebody's watching, they won't go hog-wild." Rather than T-Shirt - 100% cotton $8.50 S M Lg X-Lg XX-Lg fixing blame, Jenkins sees his role as preventing repetitive mistakes. For the most part, he thinks the councilors pay no heed Sweat Shirt - 50% cotton, 10 the views of council critics. The council is more responsive to $16.50 single-issue people, he says. Stonning the podium 50% polyester WIT H A V lEW S M Lg X-Lg Jenkins would like to see the single-issue people become full­ time council critics. "I wish all 66,000 (Portlanders) would do it," If you're not shy you can go to your town or city's Tote bag - 16" x 10" x 4" $13.50 he says. "They probably don't know how entertaining it is. And meetings in person, even speak your mind on TV, ca ble and This Sunday. feast both your eyes and your palate educatipnaL It beats TV all to pieces." broadcast. People who give their two cents' worth on on Port/~nds most luxurious Brunch at the Top of the East. Night Shirt 100% cotton $24.00 controversial subjects sometimes end up on the 6 o'clock Enjoya spectacularpanorama, from Casco Bay co the White Mountains: Orie size fits all ·Across the aisle news. Your next Portland opportunity is April 3. while dining on our Sunday Brunch ~elighcs, such as Eggs Benedict, If you have cable TV you can watch the council fro~ Eggs Florentine, Roast Top Sirloin ofBeef, and an assortment All in red with black print. These three people watch City Hall for different reasons. your couch, making all the comments you want. As Phil • ofsalads, vegetables and freshly baked breads & muffins. Hains pays strict attention to the money that flows out from City Jenkins says, the meetings are funny, and you'll be amazed Complete your brunch with our sinful selection ofpastries. .: " ~~, !enkins, in addition to watching waste and inconsistency, at the process your tax dollars go through to get spent. Name ______lSIDdisputablya ham. Koplow is watching out for his rights, and The Portland City Council meets the first and third Seatings 1/:00 am and 1:00pm he appreciates a good controversy. The politicians, of course, Monday of the month. There is an afternoon session at 4:00. Reservations Suggested love to hear from all their constituents. A~ross ______-- ____~------______After a dinner break the evening session begins at 7:30. "They're all effective," says Councilor Ron Dorler. "I find the Controversial items are scheduled in the evening. Public ------___ Poooo, ______council is swayed considerably." But Dorler adds, "I've got Cable channel 4 runs the meetings live on Mondays from OCheck OAmEx better things to do than listen to David Koplow talk about his 7:30 on, and runs them again the following Sundays at 10 OVisa O:Me , ------___ Expiration ______Signatur'9-e ______First Amendment rights. He may be absolutely right, but if he's a.m. Item off the subject I don't pay attention." Most other towns in Greater Portland also broadcast Color Size Quantity Price Total "I appreciate people having an interest," says City Manager their meetings on cable. Agendas and other information, Robert Ganley. liThe council listens to that." But Ganley adds including planning board and committee schedules, are that the interest must be expressed in a useful way, as Hains' is. available at the town or city halls. A schedule of area "He ?oes his. homework and gives well-meaning opinions council meetings and cable channels follows: and adVice. Bob IS valuable because he puts a lot of work in, and Cape Elizabeth: 2nd Monday, 7:30, channel 38. gives a viewpoint that needs to be heard. I get impatient when Cumberland: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7, no cable Subtotal Shipping people come down who don't like government in general and broadcast. ME Resident 5% Sales Tax $1 ·20 $2.501 $6(}.8Q $5.50 don't want the city to do anything," Ganley says. Falmouth: 4th Monday, 7:30, channel 4. $20-40 $3.50 $80-100 $0.50 Shipping $40-60 M.5O $l00-up $7.50 "I listen to what everyone has to say," Esther Clenott says. Gorham: 1st Tuesday, 7:30, channel 4. Total I "Often it either pulls me one way or another." SOuth Portland: 1st and 3rd Monday, 7:00, channel 4. How long the coundl will listen is very clear. On March 6 Scarborough: 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:30, channel 38. when the council finished early and the floor was opened to the Westbrook: 1st Monday, 7:30, no cable. Sonesta Hotel Portland public, only one of Portland's 66,000 citizens took advantage of 157 High Street· Portland' 775-5411 TOP Yarmouth: 2nd Thursday, 7:30, no cable. t~e opportunity. Hains, who would miss the next meeting, gave OF THE EAST 36 Wharf Street, Portland, ME 04101207-774-7276 hlS commentary on three items from the coming agenda. It ran a little long. l ...... f·\ ..... ~t .. ~: .. "l~ "'~::':, ~ I~' .. .I ' ~~ •. ~ ,,.J.. 12 Casco Bay Weekly ~------

Going to the Mall? Drop off your film Tree when you come in of Life to shop ... Rings and Pendants Chances are, you spend at least an hour shopping every time Pick up your you go to the Mall. Why It's your party ... Available in 14K, 18K gold and sterling silVer not take advantage of pictures when that time to have you're ready your film CHARLES STEINHACKER developed too? Underground to stop. Camera is The painting photographer abacus conveniently 44 Exchange Street, located inside the Portland, ME 04101 • 772-4880 Mall and offers studio quality prints in about an hour!

------~~~-r Get a Or get a ~~;r~~ the ""'\11 Ul\'\~ . DON'T JUST ' Collage Matte times are C~\\' ~ FREE SECOND made of at \J \,,~C\ , SET OF cards. gifts and goodies '\: C\ 3 moulton st. portland. me 04101 \l • THROW OUT COLOR 207 773-5181 PRINTS for only Ctea ... ~. Unck Ned, Rlberta:r OIl THAT OlD ~t A'IetI1JIJ offerS the ft~eft 99¢ broncJ.i Clh'l where I letS joi., A/bdio'> Sun:Jo.y Bruna. dllb~! '------'-' PHOTO

With each roll of film processed, receive a second set of prints for only 99¢ (24 r'Jfi\"1irt"'r"·.'~'.1'}':""S;, t~ exposures) or $1.49 (36 exposures). I 'm' :rires 4/29;';9, ··;10 :r 35mm color print film only, with this coupon only, not valid with other offers.

: MM UNDERGROUND CAMERA MM ------Charles Steinhacker's "Devils Tower, ." at the Maine Mall s. Portland, ME Last month a group of paint­ and '70s, gave it up for pork years and then moved to ings at the Portland Museum bellies (i.e. to work as a com­ Jackson Hole, Wyo. There I of Art by Mark Wethli were modities broker), and is now gave nature photography Open Sunday virtually indistinguishable getting back to photography, workshops, but after a while I from photographs. This month his first love. did the pork belly thing. a group of photographs at "I race around in a car, "Now I'm trying to get back Congress Square Gallery by sometimes at 65 mph, seeing into photography but the whole Charles Steinhacker are indis­ pictures everywhere and some­ world has changed. My editors tinguishable from paintings. times even getting out of the have gone-one opened a cook­ Steinhacker offers a variety car and snapping them. When ing store in . Past of natural scenery and ci­ I worked for National Geo­ credits didn't mean a thing. tyscapes. I first assumed that graphic they wanted 30 roles And the people who sell pho­ • all the photographs were hand­ of slides per day, so Ihad to get tographs in New York today colored but most of them are a motor for my camera. want 500 pictures just to keep Cibachrome color prints. The '1t's just the color that inter­ you on file." photographs are small and one ests me. I started out with the But Steinhacker, a slight, approaches them in an intimate work of painters Franz Kline impish man around 50 years JUST BRING mood, but the image inside the and Mark Rothko prominent old, is positive and cheerful. picture is often vast, distant or in my mind. I did some large He says that a photographer impersonal. What is so star­ fonnat books-oneforthe 100th shoots and shoots a subject, watercolor$ tling is the color. anniversary of Yellowstone gradually moving in on it until IT TO US! graphic$ For example, "Cherryfield, National Park and one for the he hits it then keeps on shoot­ We specialize in copying and restoring $culpture Maine" offers some intense Aldo Leopold Preserve in ing. When he looks at the pic­ old, faded and damaged photographs. '" orange leaves on a tree in the southern Wisconsin. This was tures, there is one that hits the We process and print all black and white '"N N foreground and a huge variety the Sand County Almanac. spot. film ·and we can make black and white " of red, orange-pink and yellow Every month for 12 months I "All the rest? Hook shots, prints from your color originals. We're ... o "N blurred light of gladiolus in the spent about five days in this jump shots, anything right into background. Another photo­ Sand County Preserve making the trash." o ;; graph called "Sand Country" photographs and writing a His Cibachrome prints, of­ ··, o has small particles of red, pink, journal. It is 500 or 600 hundred ten more beautiful than paint­ W JUS I ::;: orange and mau ve scattered in acres on the Wisconsin River. ings (if a comparison is in or­ ci z the picture like a close-up of a The Yellowstone Book had der) are "guaranteed for 300 .. SPONSORED BY: .J Monet lily pond . been so dramatic. This was so years." How do we know? f- Friends of Ihe Foundation ~ for Blood Research Steinhacker also uses dra­ subtle-to see the slight changes Because according to Stein­ a. ,: TO BE HELD AT: Agam matic color as in "Badlands, every day. hacker, they have done "accel­ ~ Food Court at One City Center AI Kaufll1ln ." The brilliant "When I was at Dartmouth erated fading tests," and that's f~~~~~~~~:~~~~~------a. One City Center, Portland, Maine Salvador Oall purple sky with many varie­ in the late '50s, I made photo­ the number we have. o , Michel Delacrolx .J WED. EVENING, MARGH 29, 1989 II GET 20% OFF OUR CUSTOM FRAMING. BY PRESENTING o Yu ties of purple, gray, black and graphic Christmas cards of See the photographs for THIS COUPON BEFORE MARCH 31. ,: Preview: 7: P.M. Auction: 8:00 P.M. white, which all remain in the Dartmouth scenes. I was rich; I yourself at the Congress Square OJ Calder BlACK 8 WHI I OJ Admission: $12.00 Door Prize 0: V_rely domain of "purple," is compli­ never made so much money as Gallery, 594 Congress St., Port­ I f­ Admission includes compimentary I I/) wine and hors d'oeuvres by Dante s. G. ¥r.o Boulanger mented by the eerie pink and I did with those Dartmouth land through April 15. .J Cash Bar Available. To Reserve L0"'rsNeiman flesh colored rocks at the bot­ Christmas cards. So when I got I o"' o Tickets, please send check to: tom of the picture. out I figured I didn't want to be .heny Mil ..... artist and writer. enjoyed 54 YORK STREET, PORTLAND, ME 04101 I . I ::;: S. Knight, 411 MahIon Avenue, triPPing with these photographs. I FRAMING IS AN ART Corham, ME 04038. Tickets will be Stienhacker was a profes­ a lawyer - I'd be a photogra­ 761-5861 I ______------~ '":! held at Reservation Desk at door. sional photographer in the' 60s pher. I taught at Wesleyan for begins at 8 p.m. at Raoul's, 7:30 p.m. at Temple Beth-EI, Dr. Juan Almendares 865 Forest Ave., Portland. Worldl, dlv.... lon .... 400 Deering Ave., Portland. speak at 7 p.m. at Admission is $5. from whaling fit Iceland to Tickets are $5 for the public, W oodfords Congregational the .xploratlon $3 for World Affairs Council Church, 202 Woodfords St., of.pace. members, $1 for students. For Portland. Dr. Almendares is a more information, call 780- physician, former dean of the Local peace altd 4551. Broadway. Pilobus Dance Honduras Medical School Africa. Learn the African _lronment.1 Theatre has been to Broad­ and Rector of the University two-step with Ron Payton group. protest way and many other places as of Honduras. Lanza is the (who has studied African Ic.landlc whaling well, since its beginnings back president of the Coordinating culture for 27 years) and an . Johnny Copeland, March 25. in 1971. The dance company Committee of Popular Or­ accompanying drummer at the "Texas Twister" is back in uses a collaborative method ganizations in Honduras. The School of American Portland for a show at of choreography, developing Both speakers have continued Dance, 17 Bishop St., Port­ Raoul's, 865 Forest Ave., Austv Schw.lckart its dances through collective to speak out despite having glv•••• lIde lectUfe, Your own backyard. City land. Payton will teach two Portland. If you can sit still improvisation by the dancers...... tlng the Future," politics are what the May 2 received numerous public African dance workshops. through Copeland's rocking The pieces Pilobus will be on Aprfl1. election is all about. The threats. The event is free and The first is for children and blues guitar, you better find performing tonight include ent image of days gone by. Greater Portland Chapter 6f open to the public. For more their families yourself a new pair of dancin "Ciona" (1974), "Pseudopo­ The exhibit can be seen at The NOW offers a chance to talk information, call 773-7873. at 6:30 p.m. shoes. dia" (1974), "Televisitation" Baxter Gallery of the Portland progressive politics with The second New Orleans. The State (1985), "Land's Edge" (1986) School of Art, 619 Congress Portland City Councilor Barb is for Street Traditional Jazz Band is and "I'm Left, You're Right, St. The gallery is open today Wood and Wood endorsed intermediate not playing tonight as was She's Gone" (1987). The 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri. 10 candidate Esther Clannot at and promised in last week's performance begins at 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. and Thu. until 7 7:30 p.m. at the YWCA, 87 advanced calendar, but for the sounds Ancient Greece. A return to p.m. at Portland City Hall p.m. Spring St., Portland. The dancers at of New Orleans see next the geometric simplicity of Auditorium. Tickets are $5, event is free and open to the Tickets are $13/$11. For Emerson Doughty at the 7:30p.m. Friday. the Greeks can be seen at the $11 and $17. For more infor­ The streets. "The Crack- more information, call the public. For more information, Maine Historical Society's The fee Portland School of Art's mation, call the Portland call 773-7831 or 879-0877. walker" by the Canadian Mad Horse Theatre box office reenactment of Tom's Speak­ for the current exhibit, "Surface and Concert Association at 772- playwright Judith Thompson at 775-5657. Caribbean. Or it will at least easy, a nightclub that flour­ family Intent: Joseph Amar, Ford 8630. opens tonight at the Theatre The jungle. Actually, these workshop is sound that way when bob ished here in Portland during Beckman and Carole Se­ Honduras. Honduran of Fantasy, 50 Dan- Zulus are a rock band from the roaring '20s. And some $3 per person (harvey) - we don't borovski." The exhibit fea­ Back to China. "China: human rights activists forth St., Portland. Boston with former members know why the ~ folks here were roaring or $6 per tures the work of three con­ Gladys Lanza The streets are in a Maine city of Human Sexual Response. Redefining the Revolution" is band's name is louder than others, since family. Iceland. Iceland and Japan temporary American artists and and the action on the streets • Also on the bill tonight is the title of tonight's World punctuated like .. Maine had been dry since The advanced are the only two countries left who work with the simplest is all part of the struggles in Seven Simons from Athens, Affairs Council lecture. The that either - takes 1851. Tom's Speakeasy can be class is $8 per that are violating the Interna­ geometric shapes - squares, the life of Teresa, a homeless, Ga. The music can be heard at lecture is being given by the stage at the Tree found at The Portland Club tional Whaling Commission's circles and rectangles - retarded woman played the Tree Cafe, 45 Danforth St., Merle Goldman of the John K Cafe, 45 Danforth St., from 7:30 p.m. on ... There moratorium on commercial eliminating the intensity of by Mad Horse Portland. Fairbank Center for East Portland. Cover will be dancing to the music whaling. Today the Casco the graphiC vision and return­ Asian Research regular of Sid Lerman and his orches­ Bay Greens, Greenpeace and charge is $3. ing to the aestheticaIly co her- at Harvard at Terry Drew. tra, a casino, a full buffet China. Craig Dietrich, other environmental and The themes of dinner and Tom himself. We professor of history at USM, animal rights groups will join the play are for don't know if they'll be will show slides and share his in a nationwide protest mature audi­ serving bathtub or Beefeaters, experiences from his research against Icelandic whaling at ences. Violence, but the proceeds of this and travels in China in a noon. Local groups will abuse, unsen­ annual fund raiser help presentation titled "An demonstrate at 12 noon at the timental sexuality support the collecting, pre­ Introduction to China - Its Burger King at 449 Forest and alcoholism are New Orleans. Tonight's serving and teaching of I~LULLU<: and History." Diet­ A ve. in Portland, hoping to all presented with State Street Traditional Jazz Maine history done by the rich will speak at 7 p.m. in the persuade the chain to stop ruthless honesty. Perform­ Band performance is a benefit Historical Society, as well as Community Room of Thomas buying Icelandic cod. It is ances are Thursday­ for the Maine Maritime support the operations and Memorial Library in Cape believed that whaling would Saturday at 8 p.m. and Academy Alumni Association school tour programs offered Elizabeth. The talk is free and not survive without support Sunday Scholarship Fund. The per-. through the Wadsworth­ open to the public. For more from the Icelandic fishing at 7 formance is at the State Street Longfellow House. Tickets information, call 799-1720. industry. For more informa­ p.m. Church, 159 State St., Port­ are $50. For more informa­ P.A.U.S.r.C.A. tion on the demonstration, Pilobus Dance Theatre land, beginning at 7:30 p.m. tion, call 774-1822. Against U.S. contact Trish Wilson at 655- perfonns at Portland Suggested donation is $5 at The future. Former Apollo Intervention in Central 3123 or Jeannie Peterman at City Hall Auditorium the door. astronaut Rusty Schweickart America) is throwing a dance 846-9863. on March 29. More New Orleans jazz, will speak on his experience party benefit to raise money plus dance hall tunes and in the Apollo program and for Nicaraguan hurricane swing will be performed by his hope for space exploration relief. The money will go to the Bellamy Jazz Group at 8 and global awareness at the the Oats for Peace campaign p.m. in the auditorium of the second annual Mark ,0rl~aI111z€~ by the Nicaragua Heffernan Center, St. Joseph's Kjeldgaard Memorial Lecture, etwork and help to rebuild College, N. Windham. Tickets following the annual dinner jhOlnes and agriculture de­ are $3.50/$2.50. For more in­ of Southern Maine PhYSicians yed by last year's hurri­ formation, call 892-6766 ext. for Social Responsibility. The cane. The sounds of swing, 456. lecture is being given at 8 reggae and calypso will be p.m. at the Holiday Inn by ~I~,,,,,,., by The Charles Brown The Bay, Portland. Tickets for (formerly the lecture are $8 in advance, as The Charles Brown $10 at the door. For more urlcne~str;a, The Charles Brown information, call Nancy Band etc.). Renegades are also Sheriff at 781-5611, Dr. John on the bill playing their The past. Watch out for the Goodrich at 781-2067 or Peter reggae straight. The dancing ghost of Deputy Sheriff Wiley at 781-2047.

. . . . . THE MOVIES . ·Unabashed Realism. Compelling Theatre of the Highest Order." Acting MARCH 22·26 "The books that the 4:30 to 7:300 WED.SAT 7,9 INSIDE the world calls immoral SAT· SUN MAT 1 crackwalker are the books that HAPPY HOURS Classes byOUr By Jud~h Thompson show the world MONDAY· DRAFT BEERS March 30 thru April 23 TUESDAY· MARGARITAS &; BLOODYS For Adults, its own shame." 8!# WII.. 1. Theatre of Fantasy,50 Danforth Sl WEDNESDAY· WELL DRINKS MARCH2S·28 EXPANDED BAR AREA! For Kids, SAT· SUN MAT 3 THURSDAY. MARGARITAS &; BLOODYS Thur, Fri, Sat - BPM Oscar Wilde For You! SUN· TUES 7,9 t40LTZMAtJ FRIDAY· CHAMPAGNE 2 New Pool Tables Sun -7PM Center for UANKARA ItI::RSHEY March 7 - 26 ALSO: $2.95 MUNCHIES p..9.~ REQUEST NIGHT Performance A World Apart PORTLAND Mini-Basketball 11M ~ Tix: $11/$13 T • H • E April 1st ~ Studies MARCH 29.APRIL2 1t*SfAGE1t* Your Favorite Dance Music Box 8515, COMPANY Dart Boards '~"ILI WED· SAT 7,9 RESERVE SEATS NOW! Portland's Biggest Dance Floor TERRANCE Portland SAT· SUN MAT 1 25A Forest Ave. (011 Congress) Tapes and CDs Free Munchies CALL 775-5657 SIMIEN 774-2776 774-0465 AT PRICES YOU SHOULD -- and the Mallet Playboys RED !Ill IZI JOIN US! 4 TO CLOSING VISA/MasterCard Accepted NO COVER • 8:30-1 Co-produced by Coopers & Lybrand HAVE BEEN PAYING from Loulsianna Beginning --- WARNING: --­ 38 Exchange St. Old Port MOON SQK§HUM and Body & Co. Advertising 9 Dall. St. III The Old Pori Explicit language, mature themes 10 EXCHANGE ST•• LOWER LEVEL 31 FOREST AVENUE, PORTLAND. 773-8187 April3rd St. Portland 772· 772·0772 OLD PORT (207) 774-0626 425 Fore St. • 871·0663 -'-"-16 ------Casco Bay Weekly DONT BEA S1YROHEAD March 23, 1989------17 Let's face it, a daily diet of tasteless lntrgers in styrofoam boxes '. ~ The Thomas Inn , can turn you into '- ~.~,.' ":;1 & Playhouse I a dull person. '- ::. '~--' .;...... -: ...., on Thomas Pond Go for the fresh Old Route 302, So. Casco, Maine 04077 alternative! Get a fresh, delicious Subway ~ DINNER THEATRE ~ sandwich or salad for a change! You 'lllave it. March 24, 25, 31 &April 1 • $1.00 Off ~ Love and Marriage • .11.11119. mu.1 be received b~ 5 pm lhe Thu.. day prior to pUblicallon with this ad Ann Sllorner. 187 Clartt SI.... t, Portland 04102 775+6601 offn- mds MaTCh 30 Thanks To Broadway A lighthearted look at the trials and tribulations of love and marriage as seen through Broadway's most memorable tunes. Dinner at 7:00 PM • Show at 8:30 PM • $27 per person Special Lunch/Theatre Program March 12th at 12 noon • $13 per person

Skin Deep stars John Ritter. The Call now for reservations coming attractions make the movie Blockvard(rock) Brunswick, 34 W. Grand 655-3292 • • • Ave, Old Orchard Beach. 934-2209. What's Where seem like the return of ' Love American Stevl. & Ihe Blackoul. (rock) LB's J Style; a comeback I could do without. Pub, RI. 302, N. Windham. 892-8923. • Tampopo This ' Japanese spoof of the Carol & Ih. Channe.. (rock) Bruno's, Maine Mall Cinemas spaghetti western,' directed by Juzo 33 , Portland. 773-3530. MaIne Mail RDa!, 5 PDI1land Itami, is about a female diner owner 774-1022 Rad LIght Revue (r&b) Dry Oock, 84 FIet.... L1v ...PGI learning 10 make noodles. Commercial, Portland. 774-3550. 1, 3.5,7.9 Troop Beveriy Hili. Shelly Long McGregor Mcgehee Horsefeathers, SILVER 1IMII...... ral plays a den mother of a troop of 193 Middle, Portland. 773-3501. 1:15,3:15.5:15.1:15 L... en ....PQ.t31 ' Wilderness Girls' in Beverly Hills. Blu. Willow Banet (swing) EI Mirador, PLUCK THEATRE 1. 3~O, 5:15, 7:25, 9:35 A World Aparl The reality of 50 Wharf, Portland. 871-0500. w~h BARNABY THOMAS 1IM ...... IPGI apartheid comes through in this story of Bill Sireet (jazz) Blue Moon, 425 Fore, 2:55. 5. 7:Q5 ~hrough Mar 23) Portland. 871-0663. ._.... atrltlll an adolescent in South Africa 12:45, 9:1!l (Ilirough Mar 231 Johnny Copeland (blues) Raoul's, 865 +i;Ii.hffJ THE GRUESOMES whose father is on the run for political Forest, Portland. 773-6886. 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 (from Mar 24) reasons. and whose mother is in prison . on tour from Quebec SCREEN nv.. F.... lUv... PG-t:l1 MI•• I ••lppl Burning is based on the Southem Mal_ Wind. (classical) 9:15 (Ihrough Mar 23) The Burb. This new flick stars .fa­ The tensions of growing up become the FBI investigation of the deaths of three Works performed include Vincent O'lndy's with THEE TALISMEN N•• y_ storl••• PGI vorite Tom Hanks (also an Academy tensions of a political struggle. 'Chanson et Dances,' Mozart·s wind octet 1:30,4:05,7,9:40 civil rights workers murdered in Missis­ favorite for Best Actor for his role in Fabulous performances by everyone. 'Serenade No. 12; Arthur Bird's 'Sere­ ...lnDe ... III) sippi in 1964. The movie is directed by ·W"M.\fm THE WILD HEARTS with 12:45, 2:55, 5, 7:05, 9:15 'Big'). Unfortunately, it has nothing to .recommends ... nade for Wind Instruments' and contem­ Polio. Ac_, • IPG) recommend it - no humor, no sus­ Alan Parker ('Midnight Express') and porary French composer Jean Francaix's, 1 :30.3:25,5:20.7:20.9:15 (Ihrough Mar 23) stars Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe. '9 Pieces Characteristiques ." Showtime THE JONESES from Boston 9 (~om Mar 24) pense. The movie looks as if it was hacked to bits for an early release. .recommends, even though the movie is 8 pm. Tickets are $7, $4 for students HiI"!i""fflM LEVI .JAMES & FRIENDS is not, unfortunately, all it was hyped up and seniors. For reservations, call 780- to be. The plot and suspense hinge on 5555. "Beyond the Blues" the differences of character between the two FBI investigators, Hackman, a Saturday. v Nickelodeon -.z: Temple and MIddle. Portland ex-Mississippi sheriff, and Dafoe, a i The Sense (rock) Moose Alley, 46 Mar­ A LOOK FOR: SAT. 4/8 RAUNCH HANDS from N,y'C, 772-9751 Northern liberal. Unfortunately, their ket, Portland. 774-5246. '" (first show Sal-Sun only) ...... om ... , differences are made evident by artifi­ The Wave Breakers (rock) Old Port ~ ~ 9:10 (Ihrough Mar 23) cial means. The violence of the racial Tavern, 11 Moulton, Portland. 774-0444. ~ > 'EI:] it'lln: (1 al] ii i!!1: 1.ll:Jft1IIiJ -...,.ev....,HIU. tension is detached and not intention­ Calhryn & the Gr.at. (rock) Mikie O's, Q & II 1 :45, 4;15, 7;10, 9:25 lop<>ns Mar 22) ally so. 539 Deering, Portland. 772-0005. no early show Wed-Thu " Open 4 p.m. • 7 days a week • Happy Hour Mon.-Fri. S Bagdad Cafe is a fabulous movie Lovl.. h_IAI New York Siorle. is a compilation of McGregor Mcgehee Horsefeathers, ..g 242 St. John St" Union Station Plaza, Portland, ME • 874-6444 ;; about two fabulous women. Marianne 1 :50, 4;30. 7:15. 9:20 three short films by three vel)' New York 193 Middle, Portland. 773-3501. o.ng.,oua U ....n. (RI Carol & the Channers (rock) Bruno's, Sagebrecht plays a German tourist who 1 :25. 4:20, 7;05, 9:35 directors, including Woody Allen, Fran­ 33 India, Portland. 773-3530. ~ • 'flO JUAN'S-C9nci>r.d;N.li/MARGARIT~ -QrQnorME •.~ leaves her husband while driving MI .....IDDI .urnlng IAI cis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese. The Jones•• (rock) Geno's, 13 Brown, through the Mojave desert. CCH 1 :35. 4':05. 7:20, 9:35 AalnM_11I1 • hopes it's more than New York Portland. 761-2506. Pounder plays a cafe/motel owner with neurOSIs. Working Girl Mike Nichols' latest film 1:30, 4, 6:50. 9::lo stars Melanie Griffith as a Staten Island Blockyard (rock) Brunswick, 34 W. Grand her own family troubles. The two meet _ •• Ar.lPG-t31 Police Academy 6 If the original Ave, Old Orchard Beach. 934-2209. secretary who is taking pointers on up at Bagdad Cafe. Sagebrecht wants 4:10,7 (Mar 22-23) 'Police Academy' was funny, I wouldn't Red L1ghl Revue (r&b) Dry Dock, 84 1:40.4:10.7,9;10 (from Mar 24) Chanc •• Are Cybill Shepherd and corporate success from Sigourney to fit in (even if she does hate the cof­ know I missed it. But reports on 'Police Commercial, Portland. 774-3550. Robert Downey Jr. star in this romantic Weaver. Harrison Ford plays the love fee) and Pounder wants nothing to do Academy 6- say that there is nothing Phlsh (art funk) Tree Cafe, 45 Danforth. comedy which, according to the critics, interest. Sigourney Weaver is fabulous Portland. 774-1441. with the foreigner (even if she does help much to distinguish this one from the is neither romantic nor comic. Downey as Katherine Parker, yuppie executive Aztec Two-SI.p (pop) Raoul's, 865 Taste and Tell out around the cafe). By the end of the previous five, except that Steve Gut­ is the ghost of Shepherd's past hus­ and the woman you love to hate - the Forest, Portland. 773-6886. movie the women are friends and they tenberg and Bob Goldthwaith are ab­ band, who comes back from the dead in type who talks about relationships as Blue Willow Banet (swing) EI Mirador, are happy. Although the ending is a bit The Movies sent. 50 Wharf, Portland. 871-{)500. 10 Exchange. Portland mergers and brimming over with so sugary, the characters' and the plot's the form of his own daughter'S is Bill Street (jazz) Blue Moon, 425 Fore, by Sunday Food Critic 772-9600 boyfriend. Confused yet? much false sincerity that when she idiosyncrasies are truly engaging. Bagd.d C.f.IPGI Portland. 871-0663. .recommends ... Mar 22-26 goes over a cliff skiing, we cheer. Lincoln Wrighl and the Sour Mash Wed-5al at 7, 9 Unfortunately, we are more thrilled by Boy. (country) 7:30 pm at the Waldo I found the funky sat-Sun mal at 1 A World Ap.t Parker's demise than her secretary's Theater, Waldoboro. Tickets are $10/$8. Mar 25-28 successes, which is what the movie fo­ For more information, call 832-8373. funksters of Portland's sat-Sun mal at 3 cuses on. B.le. College Community Orche., Sun-Tue al 7. 9 tra Gershwin's Piano COAcerto and "Miracle Mile" know Food: **** AedSorg_ Mar 29-Apr 2 Beethoven's Sym~hony No. 4 will be Wed-5at aI 7, 9 performed at8 pm In the Olin Arts Center how to satisfy hungry Sal-Sun mat all Concert Hall, Bates College, Lewislon. Free and open to the public. For more patrons, Service: **** information, call 786-8330. Sunday. Great Tex-Mex cuisine, Atmosphere: **** IrI.h Jam S... lon 2-6 pm GrillY Cinema City McDuff's, 396 Fore, Portland. 772-2739. Westbrook Plaza Blu•• Jam ....Ion 1-8 pm Tree Cafe, large portions, and prices 854-9116 Rain Man Dustin Hoffman plays an 45 Danforth, Portland. 774-1441. Movies are nOC scheduled at press time; autistic adult, Raymond Babbitt, who Reggae "am ....Ion 7-11 pm Raoul's, so low they embarass other restaurants. call ahead to conflnn tfmes Dangerou. on. Director lIelnM_IAI has inherited his father's estate. Tom 865 Forest Ave, Portland. 773-6886. Stephen Frears has brought movie­ DC3 (rock) Old Port Tavern, 11 Moulton, I can only describe the atmosphere as visually Beach •• Bette Midler and Barbara 7, 9;15, weekend mats 1, 3:15 making back into the realm of art. Cruise plays his brother who has just BIll & T ..... hc.. t_ Adv_ .PGI discovered his brother's existence and Portland. 77 4-{)444. Hershey play lifelong friends. Midler is 7, weekend mats at 1, 3 Frears builds upon the novel of Laclos has his eye on the inheritance. Levi Jame. & Friend. (blues) Geno's, stimulating, and Raoul's has the best an aspiring star, Hershey a wel~to-do _··-IPG-t31 (actually, a collection of leiters) and the 13 Brown, Portland. 761-2506. 7:15,9:15, weekand mals at 1:15, 3:15 Unfortunately, Cruise's performance is wasp. The movie has its moments stage/screenplay by Christopher Tino Gonzale. Blue. Band Tree Cafe, entertainment north of Boston, just good enough; he is diminutive in (about three of them and they're not too - 9 ••111 Hampton to accomplish what neil~er 45 Danforth, Portland. 774-1441 . the presence of Hoffman. But what is memorable), but it is one of th,?se ...... _.A) had accomplished - an overwhelming Bates College Communlly Orche•• 7, 9, weekend mats aI 1, 3 done is done, and .recommends you tra Gershwin's Piano Concerto and - movies about a loved one slowly dying. feeling of intimacy with the story and Its lIooft_ .PG.t31 Beethoven's Symphony No. 4 will be You get tired of crying for a character 7, 9, weekend mats at ,3 characters. Glenn Close is marvelous see Hollman's performance (everyone Mastercard/ VISA accepted, reservations discouraged. has something to say about it), but be performed at 3 pm in the Olin Arts Center you couldn't care less about. as the cold, calculating and painfully-in­ Thursday. Concert Hall, Bales College, LeWiston. love Marquise. Malkovitch is seductive warned - that is all you are going to see. Fat Clly (swing blues) Mikie O's, 539 Free and open to the public. For more beyond words. If art isn't your fancy, Deering, Portland. 772-{)005. information; call 786-8330. the story is about decadence, sex, re­ Red Sorghum Chinese epic set in the '30s and '405 is about the adventures 8 To The Bar (r&blswing) T-Birds, 126 N. LUNCHEON venge and somewhere, hidden beneath Boyd, Portland. 773-8040. of the wife of a sorghum winery owner Monday. Portland Museum of Art it all, love .•recommends this one The Senae (rock) Moose Alley, 46 Mar­ SPECIALS again and again and again ... and the Japanese invasion of their ket, Portland. 774-5246. DC3 (rock) Old Port Tavern, 11 Moulton, Australian FUm Festival village. Portland. 77 4-{)444. Every day of the week 11M GettIng ., WI_ Dead Bang Don Johnson carries a Girl on Top and Goo Goo 1)011. (rock) Mar30,7pm gun .•can'tthink of anything more ex­ "Iaam Bombay Indian director Mira Tree Cafe, 45 Danforth, Portland. 774- Serving from 11-9 weekdays 11ck8!S are $3.50 1441. c~ing ... Nair goes 10 the streets of Bombay to Tuesday. 11-10 FRI and SAT and 12-9 SUN Pluck Thealre (rock) Geno's, 13 Brown, The Getting 01 WI.dom Bruce examine the lives of prostitutes, drug Portland. 761-2506. Shady Characle.. (rock) Old Port Beresford ('Breaker Morant' and dealers and con artists. The main char­ Chamber Mu.lc Recital with mem­ Tavern, 11 Moulton, Portland. 774-0444. 'Tender Mercies') directs this movie acter in the drama is a young boy who bers of the PSO's three youth ensembles Who Know. - The Band (rock) Mikie O's, 539 Deering, Portland. 772-0005. -' about a young girl's struggle to win the has left home 10 earn enough money 10 at 7 pm at the Portland Museum of Art, 7 865 Forest Avenue HAPPy HOUR pay his brother for a motorcycle he Congress Square. Admission is free. 773- bob (harve~) (reggae/world beat) Tree respect of her classmates in a turn-of­ 8191. Cafe, 45 Danforth, Portland. 774-1441. Ihe-century boarding school. torched. While in the streets he be­ USM comes as ruthless as the rest of the Kevin Midgley (acoustic) GrillY McDuff's, UPCOMING SHOWS 4-7 MON.-FRI Lean on Me is based on the true story 396 Fore, Portland. 772-2739. people in the street while never fully '!'~1;' of John Clark (Morgan Freeman), ~ho Friday. March 24 - Johnny "Clyde" Copeland luIher Bonney Aud~orium losing his innocence. This is one of the Bill & TecI'. &)lcell_1 Adventure PDI1Iand was asked 10 straighten up a high The Senae (rock) Moose Alley, 46 Mar­ March 25 - Azlec Two-Step on the waterfront l1ckats are $2 school overrun by violence and drug most powerful movies 10 come to town ke~ Portland. 774-5246. Wednesday. Two high school students discover a in quite a while_-tf9COmmends ... Shedy Characl... (rock) Old Port April 4 - Lonnie Brooks in the Old Port time machine and use it to meet such dealers. Big Dipper and Moon Dawgs (rock) Tree L_lathan This is -Aien' under water. Three Fugltly•• The three fugitives Cafe, 45 Danforth, Portland. 174-1441. Tavern, 11 Moullon, Portland. 774-0444. April 7 - Duke Robillard ~:..L~~~~84 Commercial Street great minds as Socrates, Freud, and are Nick Nolte, a'Ii ex..con who is trying The Wave Breake.. (rock) Old Port Bob Thornpaon A""ravallon (rock) Abraham Lincoln. The movie sounds in­ In this case the monster isn't a natural Mikie O's, 539 Deenng, Portland. 772- AprilS - Jon Pouselle and bond Portland, ME • 774-3550 • • • occurrence, but something sent to the to clean up his act; Martin Short, a Tavern, 11 Moulton, Portland. 774-0444. teresting but according to those who lousy bank robber; and a cute lillie girl Cat~ & the Grea.. (rock) Mikie O's, 0005. have satlhrough it, it's nol. U.S. by the Commies. Who needs more 539 Deering, Portland. 772-0005. xenophobia? (what movie would be complete without one). The movie is a slapstick comedy The Grueaom.. and Thee Tall_n . Ticket Info, 773-6886 (rock) Geno's, 13 Brown, Portland. 761- and not a very good one at thaI. 2506. Entertain'ment Hotline 775-2494 !1!8 ______~C~a~s~c~0~B~a~y~W~.~.~k~ly~ ______~------~

lIaft:h 23, 1989

Call.ry 127 127 Middle, Portland. Works MONDAY THROUGH FmOAY by Diana Arcadipone and Richard Hutch­ 5:00 Snelgrove Snail ins through Apr 1. Hours: Tue·Fri 10 am· 5:30 Snelgrove Snail 6 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm. 773-3317. ~GA--=------=-LA W ••t End Call.ry 34 Danforth, Port­ 6:00 Community Bulletin Board land. Works by Portland artists Janice 7:00 Out on the Town Appel, Michael Porter, Steve Powers and 7:30 Night at the Movies· Fi.h Chowder Luncheon 11:30 am-l Penelope Schenk. 775-7949. pm at the South Freeport Church Vestry. Hob. Sound Call.rI•• North One 10:00 International News Leg.nd (rock) Luncheon is buffet style; $4 for all you can (Monday - Today - 1 hr.) Milk St., Portland. A Moving Tribute: Art­ land. 773-8040. eat. Luncheon held Mar 24. ists of Portland through Apr 15. Hours: 10:30 World View In Transition (Brazilian funk) Tree Cafe, Atlantic City Night Poker, black jack, T ue·Sat 10:30 am-5 pm. 773-2755. Tuesday - South Africa Now 45 Danforth, Portland. 774-1441. craps tables and more Mar 25,7 pm at the The Art Call.ry at Sill D_ring NTV Portland Jewish Community Center, 57 Wednesday - Hello Austria PO 80x 446 DTS SeIIrtagl.n (Irish music) 8 pm in the Olin Street, Portland. An Exhibition of water­ arts center Concert Hall, Bates College, Ashmont, Portland. Entry donation $2. colors by Eliot O'Hara. Exhibit continues Thursday - Looking East Portland, ME 04172 Lewiston. Admission is $4/$2.786-6135. Adults only. Proceeds benefit the JCC. 2071761-2442 through Mar 25. Hours : By chance or ap­ Friday - Bravo For more Information, call 722-1959. pointment, 772-9605. 11:00 Critic's Choice· Portland Stage Company Spring Portland Wine and Ch•••• 8 Forest * NIGHT AT THE MOVIES * dancing. Cotillion Fundraiserto benefilthe PSC's Ave, Portland. "Picking Up the Pieces," HAPPY HOUR 23 THU Scarlet Street Zootz, 31 Forest, Portland. Thu: house Student Matinee Program Mar 30, 4:30- ceramic artist Lynn Duryea's latest show SATURDAY music and new music; Fri: progresSIve 8 :30 pm at Sables, Portland Marriott, Sable THE RED LIGHT REVUE • Wed.• Thurs.. Frl, 4:30 • 6:30 • 24 FRl Meet John Doe of hand made paper collages and painted 4:00 Canadian Sport Fishing dance mix; Sat: latest dance music; Sun: Oaks Rd., S. Portland. Door prizes, cash terra cotta wall pieces through Mar 31. • Free Expanded Buffet • 4:30 Direct Line/Israel-USA 25 SAT It's a Wonderful Life reques! night; Wed: new wave - all ages. bar, hot buffet. Tickets are $20 per per­ Hours: Mon·Fri 9 am-6 pm. Sat 9 am-5 5:00 30 Wall Street 26 SUN Passport to Pimlico 773-6187. son. For information, call 774-1043. pm . Tom'. Sp.ak.a.y The Maine Histori· 5:30 Gillette World Sport Special 27 MON Lady of Burlesque The Exchang. Club, 33 Exchange, F.R. Vanc. Window Installation - Portland. Open Wed-Sun, until 3:30 am cal Society turns the Portland Club into a PARTY NIGHT 6:00 Snelgrove Snail 28 TUE The Green Promise see it day or night at Sherry's Tropical Art on Fri·Sat. 773..()3()(). full·fledged speakeasy. Music provided Store, 612Congress, Portland. 761-0611. (ThursdOl,ls) 29 WED Jamaica Inn 6:30 Snelgrove Snail Spring Point Caf., 175 Picket, S. Port· by Sid Lerman and his Orchestra, dance Bayvi.w Call.ry 75 Market, Portland. BEST RHYfHM & BLUES BAND 7:00 Game of the Week 30 THU The Steel Claw land. Dancing Friday nights WIth Gerry steps demonstrated by the people from An exhibition of watercolors by area art­ • College Students, Lodles Admitted free • 9:00 Night at the Movies· 31 FRl The Outlaw HunHey. Maone Ballroom Dance. Tickets are $50. ists. Pamela Johnson and Carol Hayes, • CmTICS CHOICE • Proceeds will benefit the Society. For PLAYING 40 YEARS OF GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC • $1.25 for all domestic wine, beet & well drinks • 11:00 International News depicting a variety of scenes from Maine 23 THU Umberto D more information, call 774-1822. Specializing in Weddings, Corporate & Private functions and ~ightclubs. • free Buffet starting at 10:00 p.m. • 11 :30 Critic's Choice· and through Apr 1. Hours : 24 FRl Open City upcoming. Maine H.alth Foundation B.nefit Tue·Sat 9:30 am-5:30 pm . 773-3007. • Best Dance Club In the Old Port Exchange • D.von.qua.. Mar31, 8 pm atTheCenter Ball Proceeds from the ball will assist the CAlL 883·2802 25 SAT Smash-Up Cre.n Mountain Coff•• 15 Temple, SUNDAY for The Arts at the Chocolate Church, 804 Maine Health Foundation in its fight 26 SUN The Gershwin Festival Portland. Painting by Teresa Sullivan 4:00 Fishing News , Bath. Tickets are $1 0, avai~ a~ainst AIDS. Senalor George Mitchell through Mar 26 . 773-4475. Dry Dock 24th & 25th • Private Functions 31st & 1st 27 MON The Stranger able at the Chocolate Church, Mac Beans . WIll be the keynote speaker. The Benefit 4:30 Newscope/Japan Digest Cood Egg Caf. 705 Congress, Port­ T.G.I.W. 28 TUE Night Is My Future Music, Record Exchange. 354-8928. Ball will be held Apr8, 6pm at the Holiday land. Photographs of wildlife and Haitian 5:00 Business Nippon/ Cathy Barton and Dav. Para play Inn By The Bay, SprinQ St., Portland. (Thank God It's The Weekend) 29 WED The Trial people by Randy Ury through Apr 6.773- Learning Japanese folk music from the Ozarks April 1 at the Tickets are $75, which Includes dinner Frldoo,ls & SoturdOl,ls 30 0801. 5:30 30 Wall Street THU The Blue Angel First Parish Church, 425 Congress, Port­ and dancing. T ockets may be obtained by Th. W ••t Side R ••taurant 58 Pine, 31 FRl The Emperor Jones land Showtime is 8 pm. Tickets are $6 in mailing a check to Maine Health Founda­ • Rock to the Beat of the Latest Sounds • 6:00 ~sk the Manager Portland. Pastel drawings by Paul advance (available at Amadeus Music, tion, P.O. Box 7329 DTS, Portland, 04112. Hollingsworth through Apr 16. 773-8223. LOOKING Top 40 Hits Starting at 10:00 p.m. 6:30 Democracy in Action March is Buckdancer's Choice and Gallery Mu­ For more information, call 773-3564. The Arti.an. 334 Forest Ave, Portland. • Peaple 17 or older welcome after 1: 1 5 a.m. • 7:00 Portland Independents sic), $8 at the door. 773-9549. Old Port F ••tlval Intown Portland Ex­ Ma~orie Vaughn: color photographs of • Dancing until 3:00 a.m. • 7:30 Newsreel Wrap the month M.Ualica with Q ....n.rych. Mar 30, change needs marshals for the annual religious rituals and human endurance 8:00 Night at the Movies· 7:30 pm at the Cumberland County Civic Old Port Festival on 11. Marshals Mar 24-Apr 14. Hours: Mon· Fri 9 am-6 R • Free Buffet starting at 11 :30 p.m. • Center. Tickets are $16.50 in advance, provide information on festival activities, 10:00 Critic's Choice· for movies! pm, Sat 9 am-3 pm. 772-5522. • First 44 Ladles Admitted free • $17.50 day of the show. 775-3481. help set up sites and assist vendors. Nancy Margoli. Call.ry 367 Fore, FI ...t AnnUal Main.'. B ••t Cuitar­ Marshals are on duty from 9 am-5 pm and Portland. "Imagination Runs WIld" The i.t C",,-tition will be held at T-Birds undergo a training session with the Port­ Fourth Annual WeddinQ Band Exhibition on Apr 18. Registration forms for tape land Police Dept and an orientation ses· through Apr 30; tapestnes by Carol Ade· "Old Port Exchange" submission to the judging committee and sian with IPE. For more information, call son through May 15. 775-3822. 29 Exchange Street, Portland, ME tickets are available at Daddy's in Pine Julie'Monahan at IPE, 772-6828. St.in Cia•• Call.ry 20 Milk, Portland. Tree Plaza, Brighton Ave, Portland;WBLM Summer In the Park. Portland Rec­ Newwork by Peter Andres and Bruce Piz­ 773-1454 in One City Center, Portland; Face Maga· reation is now accepting audition tapes zichillo through Apr 29. 772-9072. zine, 10 Beech St., Portland; and T -Birds, from local artists for the 1989 "Summer in C ...nhut Call.rI•• 146 Middle, Port­ Marginal Way, Portland. Registration the Parks' performance series. The land. Original artwork by Chris Neilson, deadline is Mar 31 . summer series features a variety of enter· Frederick McDutt, Neil Welliver, Glenn Annual Portland Rock·Off is sched· tainment for children and adults: music, Renell, Jane Dahmen and others through uled for May 28 at the Reiche School. Any comedy, storytelling, magic and vaude­ Mar 31. Hours: Mon·Sat 10:30 am-5:30 band interested in participating must ville. Interested performers should send pm. 772-2693. submit a registration form along with a promotional matenals to: Summer In the Maine Pott .... Market 376 Fore St. , cassette of two oriQinal tunes no later Parks, Portland City Hall, Rm 312, 389 Portland. Special Easter display, works than Apr 1. RegistratIon forms and details Congress St. , Portland 04101 Attn: Ted by gallery artists through Mar 26. Hours: are available at Maine Musicians Asso­ Musgrave or call 874-8793 for more infor·. Daily 10 am-6 pm. 774-1633. ciation, 547-A Congress St. Suite 48, or mation. by calling 874-9002. schools+libraries March 31· April 1 Dry Dock, Portland Portland School of Art 619 Congress, April 7·8 Port Garden, Kennebunkport Portland Surface and Intent: Works by L __ Joseph Amar, CaroleSeborovski and Ford Beckman (through Apr 26) at the Baxter DON'T GET MAD••• GET UPSET! Gallery; An Idiosyncratic History of Pho· In the heart of the Historical tography (through Apr 21) at The Photo Gallery (Hours: Mon-Thu 8 am-9:30 pm, Old Port Exchange Fri 8 am-5 pm, Sun 11 am-4 pm.) Bowdoin College Mu•• um of Art "At last, a Chinese restaurant of the ON~ Brunswick: Liberte, Egalite, Fratemite: THE MAINE French Prints at the Time of the Revolu· first dass called IluShang opened in tion through Mar 26; Picasso: Imaginary Portraits, 1969 through June 4. (Hours: Portland, and it has changed the en­ Tue-Fri 10 am-4 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm and Sun 2-5 pm. 725-3275.) tire gastronomic landscape, IluShang "EXPO '89" Univ.... ity of South.m Maine A serves first rate Northern Chinese food Timely Encounter: 19th Century Photog· raphy of Japan through Mar 30 at the ... at a level that would do credit to USM Art Gallery in Gorham. (Hours: Sun· any major American City ... Thu 12-4 pm. 780-5(09); Works by Maine MAINE TIMES CAMPER and RV SHOW opening. Women Artists: Abby Shahn, Cicely In.ide Out Will Holtzman's play pre­ P.r.p.ctlv•• : Duncan Hewitt, Aikman Marjorie Moore, Sherry Miller, 1979 • sented by Portland Stage Company Michael Moo.. and Ro•• Mara.co Cathy Kaelin, Anne Gresinger, Gretchen through Mar 26. Performances are Tue­ Second part of the PMA's series of con­ Lagner, Susan Webster and Lisa Brunell FRI-SAT-~UN • MARCH 31, APRIL 1,2 Thu at 7:30 pm, Fri at 8 pm, Sat at 5 and temporary Maine artists opens Mar 23 atthe Area Gallery, USM Campus Center " ... and the food is every bit as ap­ 9 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Tickets are $8-$19. and continues through May 21 at the (Hours: Mon·Sat 10 am-l0pm, Sun 12-5 pealing. fresh. and delightful as before For ticket information, call 774-0465. Portland museum of Art. pm. 780-4090.) Lov. and MalTiag., Thank. to Artisan'. Call.ry 334 Forest Ave., Port­ ; PORTLAND EXPOSITION BUILDING Olin Art. Cent.r Bates CoII!l9B, lewis­ Broadway Mar 24-25 and Mar 31-Apr 1 land. Exhibit of color photography, "Voca­ ton. Fine Arts Fao.Jlty: New VIsions, an MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM Portland, Maine at the Thomas Inn and Playhouse, Old Rt. tion; by liturgical artIst Ma~one MannIng exhibition of paintings, frescoes and ce­ 302, S. Cascol Dinner at 7 pm; show Vaughan Mar 27-Apr 14. Openong recep­ ramics by artists Robert Feintuch, Paul 1982 begins at 8:30 . Price for dinner and show tion Mar 29, 6-9 pm. Hours; Mon-Sat 9 Heroux, Donald Lent and Joseph Nico­ is $27 per person. For more information, am·S pm. letti (through Mar 31); Recent Work: "Best Ethnic Restaurant" call 655-3292. O'Far.. 1I Call.ry 46 Maine St., Brun· Mozambique and Beyond, an .exhibition MAINE'S Who'. Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? swick. April Journal: New Paintings by of pastels and watercolors by Bulgarian MAINE.SUNDAY TELEGRAM performed by the Portland Players through Marguerite Robichaux Apr I-May 27. amst Stefan Kantardjiev. 786-6158. 1989 Apr 2 at Thaxler Theater, 420 Cottage Opening reception Apr 1, 5-7 pm. 729- .loan Whitney Payson Gall.ry of COMPLETE Rd S Portland. Performances are Fri·Sat 8228. Art Westbrook College, 716StevensAve. at 8 pm Sun at 2:30 pm. For ticket infor· Pa.t T.n.. 247 Congress St., Portland: Portland. Kuniyoshi: Warriors, Ghosts and 29-33 Exchange Street CAMPER and RV SHOW mation, call 799-7337. Retrospective of abstr~ct works by LUIgI Natural Wonders: Japanese Prints by Co Out Singing Hank Beebe's musical Tavelli Apr 1-15. Openong receptIon Apr Utagawa Kuniyoshi from SprWlgfield Portiand. ;"\1£ 04101 presented by the Embassy Players Mar 1, 2 pm. 772-3355. Museum of Art through Apr9. Hours:Tue­ 23-25, 30-31, Apr 1, 6-8 at 8 pm at the Fri 10am-4 pm, Thu 10am-9 pm, SaIl­ (207) 773-0300 More Than 35 Campgrounds Schoolhouse Arts Center, Rt. 114, Se· S pm. 797-9546. bago Lake. Tickets are $8 in advance, ar.und town Portland Public 'Ubrary Revolution in From Maine, N.H., Mass. $10 at the door ($41$5 for senior citiz~ns Portland Mus.um of Art Seven Con· Print: France: 1789 The exhibit, which and children under 12). For Infoo:mabon, gress Square, Portland. Hours: Tue·Sat, commemorates the Bicentennial of the call 642-3743 or 773-1648. 10-5' Sun 12-5' Free on Thursday eve­ French Revolution, addresses the ques­ A Complete Selection of.RVs Pllobus Danc. Th.at.. performs Mar ning~, 5-9.' Current exhibits: Maine Vanes, tion, how do the print media affect the Pop Ups. Travel Trailers. Truck Campers. 5th Wheels 29, 7:30 pm at Portland City Hall Audito­ an exhibition of 25 weather vanes from news they report? The exhibit continues rium. Tickets are $5, $11 and $17. For the collection of Ida and Kenneth Manko through Mar 25. For more information, Motor Homes • Mini / Micros • RV Accessories more information, call the Portland Con· of Wells (through Apr 2); Contemporary call 773-4761. cert Association. 772-8630. Australian Art: Selections from the LotI Thomu Memorial Library 6 Scott The Crackwalk.r Judith Thompson's and Victor Smorgan Collection (through Dyer Rd., Cape Elizabeth. Exhibitofdraw­ new and profeSSional Apr 30). Perspectives: Duncan HeWitt, ~h~6J~~~ON TOUR "lay presented by the Mad Horse Theater ings, paintings and photographs by stu­ Company Mar 30·Apr 23 at the Theatre of Michael Moore and Rose Marasco (Mar dents of Cape Elizabeth HIgh School organization molded from THE 0 NLY CAMPER and RV SHOW IN MAINE TO Fantasy, 50 Danforth, Portland. Perform­ 23-May 21). 775-6148. Studio Art classes through Mar 25. 799- the area's most legendary bands. FROM QUEBEC ances are Thu-Sat at 8 pm, Sun at 7 pm . BalTidoff Call.ry 26 Free, Portland. 1720.(Hours: Mon-Fri 10 am·S pm (Thu FEATURE MORE THAN 1000 SQ. FT. Tickets are $11 on Thu and Sun, $13 on Works by Pat Hardy, Robert Solotaire, until 7 pm), Sun 1I am-4 pm.) Fri and Sat. For more information, call Stuart Ross through Mar 31 . Also at the rn laying ... R & B, Mot;wn, OF TENTS, CANOES and CAMPING 775-5657. gallery a selection of 19th and early 20th ... Sixties Classics, Swing anti FRIDAY Bat.. Mod.m Danc. Company century American art Hours: Mon·Fn 10 Miscellaneous Musical Jewels. Spring Show Mar 2O·Apr 2 ~t Shaeffer am-5 pm, Sat 12-4 pm . 772-5011. out.f town EQUIPMENT Theater, Bates College, LeWIston. Per· D.an V.I.ntga. Call.ry 60 Hamp· Chrl.tin.'. Call.ry 24 US Rt. 1, Yar­ shire SI. Portland. New paintings by Mary Now booking for formances are Thu-Sat at8 pm, Sun at 2 mouth. Exhibit of work by local artists weddings, special events, MARCH 24 pm. Tickets are $41$2. For advance res­ Hart through Apr 2. Hours: Thu ,5-9 pm , Joseph Cousins, Evelyn Wonter Pogorzel­ MORE THAN ervations, call 786-6161 . Sat·Sun 1-5 pm, and by appOIntment, iski, Nancy DeYoung, and Carmen Melito company and private parties. OPENING ••• SS,OOOIN Plan.tarlum Show. Southworth Plane­ 772-2042. through Apr 7. Hours: Mon·Sat 10 am-6 FREE CAMPLNG tarium, 96 Falmouth St., Portland (USM COng.... Squa.. Call.ry 594 Con­ pm, Thu until 8 pm. 848-6128. 3.31· TREAT HER RIGIIT THEE TALISMEN TO BE Call: 774-4349 campus). Astonomy shows: Wednesday, gress Portland. Cibachromephotographs Attorney C.n.ral'. OffIc. Call.ry with GIVEN AWAY Friday and Sunday at 7:30. Laser and by Charles Steinhacker through Apr 15. Spac., sixth Hoor of the State Office The Walkers and Darien Braums music shows: Son of a Well-Tempered Hours: Mon·Fri 10 am·S pm, Sat 11 am· Building, Augusta. Tapestries by Mary 4n·ROBllIvnLL~N or 767-0873 5 pm. 774-3369. Laser (classical) on Saturday at 6:30 pm; Lane of Brewer and Ii no cuts by Holly March 24-25 Top 40 on Saturday at 7:30 pm; The Dark FrI...... A show of new paintings by Sherry Berry of Waldoboro are on display through Incredible Siring Band Side olThe Moon (Pink Floyd) Fri.day and Miller on the walls at the Portland Per­ Mar 31 . For more informahon, call 4.6 . LEGENDARY PINKOOTS Port Gardens' Kennebunkport Saturday at 8:30 pm. AdmISSIon IS $3 for forming Art Center throughout perform· 289-2724. March 3 I-April 1 adults, $2 for seniors and children. For ances of "Inside Out.' The gallery WIll be 4.10· FISH BONE Moose Alley· Portland more information, call 780-4249. open to the public Mar 23. 773-1043. FULL SIZE 45 Danforth Street, Portland LUXURY ENTERTAINMENT 20 C.sco Bay Weekly M.rch 23, 1989 21

The Impact ot Corporat. R.struc· turing on Business Politics and the Org.nlzatlon ot M.n.gerl.1 Worll Lecture given by Michael Useem FREE MOVIES FOR AYEAR! of B.U. Mar 28. 1 pm in 204 Payson Smith YOU'RE • Hall, USM Portland. Free and open to the Cast your vote in VIDEOPORT'S Oscar poll, you'll receive a FREE movie rental public. For more information, call 780- INVITED! 4100. Stained Glass just for voting!. .. and a chance to win fifty two FREE movie rentals! Why the .Japan.. e Don't Lik. FILL OUT THIS BALLOT AND BRING· IT TO VIDEOPORT TODAY! American Lawye,. lecture on the by Frank Gaziano Renovation and Design OFF~ authority of law in Japan in the United Somebody slUt cares about quality _ know that a 12-year old boy once won a of Fine Art Glass Windows States Mar 28, 4-6 pm in the Moot Court Budweiser. This Is nol merely a slogan! BEST PICTURE TITLE Room. USM Portland law School. Ad­ gold medal at the Olympicsl...He holds Since 1976 EXPECTED VIDEO YOUR VOTE Did you know navor panels meet at every Producer RELEASE DATE mission is $5 for the public, $3 for stu­ the record as the youngest person eYer to Anheuser·Busch Brewery to ensure that Kasdan, Okun. Grillo Accidental Tourist September dents and $1 for Japan American Society win an Olympic gold medal...He was t2- 630 Forest Avenue, product remains constant? ' Heyman, Moonjean Dangerous Liaisons November members. For more information, call n4- year old Bernard Malivoire of France, Portland, ME Zollo, Colesberry Mississippi Burning July 4014. Tax~ Strangely enough, there was once a major who won a gold medal in the 1952 Olym­ 774·4154 Johnson Rain Man October Entering N.tuN Reading and discus­ anxiety _ league baseball parlc:in which pics by serving as the cox· Wick Working Girl July sion program on 'contemporary views of it was ALMOST IMPOS­ swain in a Towing the human self in the natural world" is SIBLE TO HIT A HOME evenl. .. Youngest girl BEST ACTOR Palnte,. and Poetry Stephen Petroff, being held at the Curtis Memorial Library RUN!...!t was Braves Field in Brunswick. "Arctic Dreams' by Barry FEDERAL ever 10 win an Olympic Gene Hackman Mississippi Burning July Kendall Merriam, Lee Sharkey, Mark in BosLon, which was in use Melnicove and Pam Smith speak Mar 24, Lopez will be discussed Mar 29, 7:30 pm. Phone help gold medal was l3·year Tom Hanks Rig March 23 from 1915 till the Braves Dustin Hoffman 7:30 pm at the Maine Writers Center, 19D For more information, call 725-5242. Tax questiona old Marjorie Gestring of Rain Man October moved out of BoslOO. in Edward James Ohnos Stand and Deliver Mason St., Brunswick. Presented by the Education in China in Contrast to 1-800-424·1040 the U.S., who won a AVAILABLE NOW 1953 ... NOBODYhitahomer Max Von Sydow Pelle the Conqueror June 13 Union of Maine Visual Artists, the evening the West Lecture given Mar 29, 7 pm in Weekdays 8 am-8 pm swimming event in the EAT LIGHT, EAT RIGHT is free and .open to the public. For more Chase Hall Lounge, Bates College. le­ Saturday 9 am·2 pm overthe fence there the fmt 1936 games. BEST ACTRESS information, call 729-6333. wiston. Free and open to the public. For Sunday 12 noon-4 pm two years the park was Did you know Anhe· Glenn Close .Japanes. Woodblock Prints Keiji Shi­ more information, call 786-6330. used ...And in six years, only with a Tuna Sub, Vegetarian Grinder, Dangerous liaisons November M.ry Baker Eddy.nd Christl.n Sci, Forma only user-Busch brewers or Iodie Foster The Accused nohara will demonstrate the centuries­ two homers were hit there. . .It April old process of making colored woodblock .nee Lecture given as part of the "Explo­ 1-800-424-FORM Budweiser, Bud Light, Melanie Griffith Working Girl July Weekdays 8 am·8 pm was over 400 feet down each Michelob, Mlchetob Meryl Streep prints on Mar 25, 2-5 pm al the Payson rations in New England Spirituality' se­ or a Greek, Tuna or Antipasto Salad A Cry In The Dark May ries being offered by The General theo­ Saturday 9 am-3 pm foul line and over 550 feet to Light, Mlchelpb Dry, Sigourney Weaver Gorillas In The Mist Gallery of Art, Westbrook College, 716 April 13 Stevens Ave, Portland. Free and open to logical Center of Maine Mar 30, 7:30 pm cenler field -making it the biggest ball park Michelob Classic Dark, Busch, Natural in playing aream majorlcague hi story ... The BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR the public. For more information, call at the State Street Church, 159 State, Walk·in help Light and LA was the nrst Amel:Jcan 797-9546. Portland. Cost is $5. For more informa­ distances were later shortened, but for many brewery to establish a brewing quality Alec Guiness J..jt~e Dorrit ??? Federal Building Art Auction Benefit for the Foundation tion , call 847-2214. years Braves Field was the aU-time pitcher's laboratory? Now more than a ccotury Kevin Kline A Fish Called Wanda AVAILABLE NOW 151 Forest Avenue for Blood Research Mar 29 at One City Comput.r Prot... lonala tor Socl.1 paradise. old, the laboratory exemplifies Anhe· Martin Landau Tucker: The Man And His Dream April 12 Center, Portland. Admission is $12, which R.sponslbility Marc Lesvesque dis­ Portland r50--¢-~fr-~~:~~£--) Anheuser·Busch welcomes visitors to River Phoenix Running On Em~y April 19 Weekdays 8:30 am-4:30 pm user·Busch dedlc.tlon to quality. includes complimentary wine and hors cusses the 'Humane Technologist' pro­ their breweries located in Merrimack, Dean Stockwell Married To The ob. AVAILABLE NOW d·oeuvres. Preview is at 7 pm: auction gram he developed at USM within non· Portland Public Library Few people realize how fast a human being N.H., Tampa, and Williamsburg. Seeing can swing a golf c1ub ... Recent tests have begins at 8 pm. credit computer courses Mar 30,5:30 pm Room 113 : With this coupon BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS is believing - and it's a gt'eat experience, Veg~:~~a~~~~:er I\~ Art Criticism In M.lne Panel discus­ in Room 340. PRVTI, 196 Allen Ave., Monument Square shown that at Ihe instant a good player hits Joan Cusack Working Girl July sionwith Phil Isaacson acting as modera­ Portland. For more information, call Alan Wed and Fri too. the ball, lhe clubhead is moving more than Geena Davis .- t;tl8!d=:J:t=t=l::~-:~tm ::m~~ ::~ ~::rM;k%10t'!mmk=tlt~mJl;ll!tm The Accidental Tourist September tor, and Patricia Davidson, Edgar Allen White at 781 -2613. 9 am-1 pm Here's an amazing spons fact .. . Did you 100 miles an houri Frances McDormand Mississippi Burning July Beem, William Berry, Shirley Jacks and Revolution, F.mlly and Women's 773-4761 1373 Washington Ave. at the corner of Allen Ave., Michelle Pfeiffer Dangerous liaisons November Stuart Henderson Mar 31, 7:30 pm at the Llb.ratlon In the Sovl.t Union Sigourney Weaver Working Girl July Maine Writers canter, 19D Mason St., Lecture given by Wendy Goldman of The USM men's and the near Northgate • 797-9030 • EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Brunswick. Presented by the Union of Carnegie Mellon University Mar 30, 7:30 MAINE Portland High girls' basket­ BEST DIRECTOR Maine Visual Artists, the evening is free pm in the USM Portland Campus Center Phone help Charles Crichton ball teams for great seasons. A Fish Called Wanda AVAILABLE NOW and open to the public. For more Informa­ Amphitheater. Freeandopen to the public. Tax questions Manin Scorcese The Last Temptation Of Christ ??? tion, call 729-6333. For more information, call 780-4440. lit-) ,i i lF3~i .) 1-800-452·1983 Alan Parker Mississippi Burning July Spring Exhibition ot Art at the Choco­ Portland Writ.,.' Networll Lyn Riddle, Barry Levinson Rain Man October late Church in Bath opens Apr 7. Entries stringer with "The New York Times" will Weekdays l3 am-4 pm Mike Nichols Working Girl July for this juriedexhibition should be submit­ speal< on working for a national newspa­ Forms Only HOUSE OF PIZZA -' ted on Apr 4. All artistic media except pho­ per Mar 31, 7:30 pm in the Publ ic Safety 1-800-388-5811 .... Cootc:stRuJes: I ) No p.1rchuc DCa:lJ&f)' 2) EmrieJmusl be submincd on balIOl.""i1ablc at Vidcoport cwu publiJhc:d in Cuco Bay Weekly, in. penm at Vadcoport tography are eligible. There is no entry Building, 109 Middle, Portland. Free and 24 hours a day before IOpm on Much 28, 1989. Employee. ofV1Cicopc.1 or il'. \'mOOn, lind their (amiltct uc IKIIdi,aible to win. 3)WIDIEI will rcoci¥e me Cra: I1X7YKs ~tal for tee for members of the Chocolate Church. open to the public, but contributions to fifty two weeks. 4) Winner will be chOlen atrandmn &om adrawina 10 be held al Videoport OI'ITlmnday, March 30, 1989. 5) Limit OlE! ~ aDdono free movie For non-members there is a charge to PWN are welcome. For more information, Walk·in help rcnlaI per member. membcrWlip it available I' no Uwac to all .... ho.pply. mpo.it may. II thD diJm:tim ofthc ml.DlF. be required in crdc.r ton:dccm fn:c movie help defray the cost of operating the gal­ call 871-0466 or 775-0985. rcnUJ. You mult be. member 10 redeem fru: movie rcnlal.. Federal Building Membership # ______lery: $5 for one entry, $8 for two and $10 Exploring Am.... ca by Youth Ho.. for three. For more information. call t.1 Sally Jenecek of American Youth Room 2001 OUT ON THE TOWN 422-8455. Hostels presents slides of hosteling Mar 151 Forest Avenue Early~S~ Deering O.ka F.stlval Aria & Crafts 31,7:30 pm at the L.L. Bean Casco st. Portland WEEKNIGHTS 7:00 PM Show Applications are now being ac­ Conference Center, located off Rt. " Weekdays UHF CHANNEL 24 cepted for the 1989 festival, which takes Freeport. Free and open to the public. 8 am-12,pm Daily 4-6 p.m. Entree comes with soup place July 21-23. The application dead­ An Introduction to Bla-Dynamlc 1-4 pm Lower Lobby line for thiS juried show is May 1 . Applica­ F.nnlng .nd Gardening Lecture or salad, beverage and dessert for 151 Middle SI. tions are available by writing the Cham­ given by Hilmar Moore, president of the Portland, Maine ber of Commerce of the Greater Portland Bic-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Region, 142 Free SI., Portland, 04101 or Association Mar 31, 7:30 pm in Beam by Calling 722-2811. Classroom, Visual Arts Center, Bowdoin only$6.95 Special Project In Arts Education College, Brunswick. Free and open to the ,. , .- Application deadline is Mar 31. Collabo­ public. rabOns between schools and cultural Fonn.r Apollo .stronaut Rnty Mondays thru Wednesdays get your institutions. and professional development Schw.lckart will speak on his expen­ for teachers. For more information, write ence and hope for space exploration and Early Bird Special unti110:00! Maine Arts CommiSSion, State House global awareness following the annual Station 125, 55 Capitol Sl, Augusta 04333 dinner meeting of Physicians for Social or call 289-2724. Responsibility Apr 1,8 pm, at the Holiday Inn by The Bay, Portland. Tickets for the lecture are $8 in advance, $1 0 at the door. For more information, call Nancy Sheriff SPECIAL INTRODUCING: at 781-5611, Dr. John Goodich at 781- ·Upt05qts.oIMOBIL ,-:-._ 2067 or Peter Wiley at 781-2047. 33 INDIA ST. IOW30 or 10W40 .... _ , CARBON CLEAN Poetry Workshop Poet William Car­ penter focuses on the creative process • New Oil Filter __-=- Today's automobiles develop Apr 1, 11 am4 pm at the Maine Writers PORTIAND • Chassis lubrication , carbon deposits in your engine. Center, 19D Mason St., Brunswick. Par­ • Check tires I t.1obil : which can rob your car of power ticipants are asked to brin9 two or three of • Vacuum interior .... per) and performance - SpeeOee has their own poems for reading and discus­ BRUNO'S 773-3530 • Check wipers & air tilter (low.40 new technology to clean the 390 Fore St. 773.3080 Free parking • VISA • MASTERCARD • AMERICA EXPRESS ,; sion. Fee is $30 for Maine Writers and • Check & top off all ...-/ luel injectors/fuel system. Publishers Alliance members, $35 for non­ essentiailluids (up to 'h pint) YOUR CAR WILL RUN ! . members. For more information, call J' Harriet Mosher at 729-6333. , Loan Worllout. tor the Comme.... , An Introduction to ChIna - Its CuI­ cl.1 B.nk.r Seminar offered by the tUN .nd History Craig Dietrich, pro­ Portland Chapter of the American Insti­ :~~1:~:7~i;~:9~~;e5:F'~~ ,., ~:::::OS39'9S r fessor of history at USM, relates some of tute of Banking Apr 4, 9 am4 pm, at the his own experiences in China Mar 23, 7 Sheraton Tara Hotel, S. Portland. The EF GLOBAL VILlAGE pm in the Community Room, Thomas seminar is open to the public and will help $ '~~~~~;S $R~~:95 ~~~; Memorial Ubrary, Cape Elizabeth. Free lenders and bankers identify real estate BRINGING THE WORLD TO "OST CARS r and open to the public. For more informa· problems, addressing banking issues as , MONEY BACK GUARANTEE tion, call 799-1720. well as leQal issues. Fee is $75. Registra­ TilE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND REG. $19.95 INCREASES PERFORMANCE. Pulitzer Prlze-wlnnln" poet Donald tion deadfine is Mar 28. For more informa­ ECONOMY & DRIVEABILITY .Justlc. will read from hiS works Mar 23, tion, call 772-7842 . 500 High-school students from arowtd the NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED , 8 pm in Chase Hall Lounge, Bates Col­ OFFER EXPIRES 4/30/ 89 WHILE IT LOWERS EMISSION ~ Inside the Criminal Mind: N.w P.", globe will come this sununer, to celebrate lege, lewiston. Free and open to the spectlv.s on Antisocl.1 B.havlor OFFER NOT VALID WITH OTHER OFFERS LEVELS DRASTICALLY. friendship wi!h !he people of Portland. OFFER GOOD ONLY AT PARTICIPATING SPEEOEE LOCATIONS public. For more information, .call Two-

Casco Bay Weekly Classifioos are the marketplace that I (el' '9 jJ 1*1 ;.lj1 i i j ,r9 jJ f1 biz services well over 16,000 active readers tum to flrsl whenever they're in the market for goods or services ... even real COUNTRY SETTING CUMBERLAND AVE. HAIL MARY' TYPING AUDIO CONSULTANTS Service. Don't 'pass' this estate, roommates, and relationships . To place your ad, (Gorham) eighl miles to Port­ three bedroom plus heat and of Americal is Portland's up!! Will type your resumes, simply lill out the convenient 'do-it-yourself' form land. Victorian house, up­ utilities $510 per month. Two newest source for invest­ term papers, law briefs, per­ appearing on this page, then mail or deliver it along with stairs apt. Two bedrooms, bedroom plus heat and utili­ ment quality stereo equip­ sonalized multiple letters, payment to Casco Bay Weekly, 187 Clark Street. heat and hot water. $625 ties $485 par month. Both ment. We have B&K Compo­ Engineering reports, plays Portland, Maine 04102. If you have questions, please 892-5356 Easy commute to include stove and nents, lTD; PROTON Audio and scripts. I type nearly call 775-660 1. Portland, Saco or Gray refrigerator. 883-3803 components; and legacy 100 words per minute. Quick loudspeakers. 24 State CLASSIFIED POLICY tum around time. Pickup and Street, first floor. We are delivery available. Call 774- open 6pm to 9pm weekdays, 5410 Classified ads must be paid for in advance. We accepl and lOam to 9pm Saturdays, DRINKING WATER a cash, personal checks, money orders, VISA and also we are open to appoint­ FOR RENT/LEASE Af­ SM. OFFICE space with problem? You deserve guar­ MASTERCARD. Consult the RATES in the AD FORM ments. (207) 774-9046 fordable 450sq ft. 2nd floor view. Big traffic area. E. anteed chlorine free, pure, - Portland below to determine the cost of your ad. FOUND items PROFESSIONAL 16 office/retail space with the Deering. Carpeted and ready sparkling 'MUL TI-PURETM West End location. are listed free as a public service. DEADLINE for all track recording . Live dIgital best visibility on Congress for use. $290 G. Locke 772- Drinking Water" and for only $129,000. 3 bedroom types of classified advertising is Monday at 12:00 noon and video recordings and St. Redecorated. 553 8558 pennies a gallon. Free 7 day townhouse. for the following Thursday's edition. Ads received aftel recording instruction. Af­ Congress St. $350 per TRIAL BASIS with no obliga­ the deadline will be run starting with the next issue. ACCESSIBLE first floor fordable rates. Call now. - Cumberland location. month, all utilities included. tion. Call Max Carter, 772- $184,900. New house CBW will not print ads that seek to buy or sell sexual intown location. 450 square Tree Frog Productions. (207) 773-4200 feet. plus bath. $275 par 6740 929-5415 Box 360, Hollis to be built services for money or goods, or ads with purely sexual PAINTING and Wallcover­ content. CBWwili not print full names, street addresses CAPE ELIZABETH: New month. Off street parking. Center, ME 04042 on beautiful lot. Call 772-1003 ing. Quality craftsmanship at or phone numbers in the PERSON TO PERSON 600 sq. ft. office space. High affordable rates. References PERSONAL COMPUTER - Cape Elizabeth section. PERSON TO PERSON advertisers MUST visibility location, minutes to and payment plans Consulting: Services in- AVOID 'Sunday Classified location. $173,500. either provide a Post Office Box number in their ad our intown Portland. Plenty of available. Contact Robert clude: New systems setup, 3 or 4 bedroom use the CBW BOX SERVICE (rate inlormation in AD parking . $495 per month . Clutter". Call the CBW Clas­ Ruddy at 774-0582 or 773- Aid with software packages, spacious home in FORM). All information pertaining to PERSON TO 767-3655 or 799-4554 sified Ho~ine : 775-6601. 0796 Custom Application Software excellent neighborhood. PERSON advertisers is kept strictly confidential. RENT A SCULPTURE- development. Not a Co. rep. Casco Bay Weekly reserves the right to categorize, No task too small. Reason­ refuse or edit ads due to inappropriate content, etc. Gallery quality-sculptor able rates. 772-1626 CBW shall not be liable for errors of omissions in, or a overstocked-Large or small, INCOME TAXES pre­ failure to insert, any advertisement for which it may be indoor or outdoor-your pared at reasonable rates. roor of Maines responsible, beyond actual space occupied by the ad in choice $5 or $10 per month Experienced, accurate, muestmenJ real which error, omission or failure to insert occurred. Tel. 774-4810 prompt personal service. For eslate leaderS have Classified ads are not refundable. PORTLAND/ SALE by CAPE ELIZABETH Come COLLEGE STUDENT with free estimale or appointmenl formed G&.S Com· owner. Two bedroom/two enjoy this four bedroom, two truck avaiiable to do odd call John Hudson. 772-1199- mercia/ Brokers. bath condo. 1,400 sq. ft. bath newly remodeled Cape. jobs. Very handy and can fix 7AM-tOPM seven days a Piduff!d. /efl to Washer/dryer, dishwasher, riShl. Charlie MULKERIN ASSOOATES Large lot, two car garage and most anything. Excellent week. Gendron. Roger CLASSIFIED INDEX tenth floor. Bay view. Secu­ full basement. Wonderful references. Call anytime, WE WANT TO housesit for GerrJfOfI, Don REALFSfATE rity building, pool, tennis, view and great school sys­ night or day. 781-40411 you this summer. We're re­ notices Smith aIK1 animals garage, sauna, $110,000 tem. $175,000. Call 799- BUSINESS SERVICES! sponsible and flexible con­ ChnsSmith person to person 426 Forest Avenue, Portland ME 01401 antiques (718) 658-0423 8-9am 4718 Place an ad in our classified cerning duration of stay. recreation (207) 772-2127 Fax: (207) 871-8695 auctions section anytime and reach Need to occupy early July. ride board SCARBOROUGH, Old auditions well over 16,000 readers for Call Deidre or Charlie 892- , billboard roommates Neck area. Spacious 4 bed­ FOUR BEACH Units, good cash flow. Income produc­ only $7! 384•• 1______... biz services stuff for sale rooms, 2 1/2 baths, formal ing. Parking lot, great water What commercial real estate needs: boats wanted dining room, formal living views. Expansion possibili­ body & soul wheels room, fireplace, 2 car Asbestos ~, ties. $269,000 lionel Roy caw now is business opportunities yard sales garage, great water views. ERA Home Sellers. Office Removal Real brokers for real investors. catering Lionel Roy ERA Home Sell­ 774-5766 or Home 934- -Building child care ers. Office 774-5766 or Safe· Prompt. Low Rates Horne 934-2202 EPA Cerlnled • Free Esllmat. featuring ... dating services -Remolding State Llcensad Presenting G&S Commercial Brokers. employment REAL ESTATE INDEX entertainment for hire -Carpentry Port City for rent. apartments I ell J '9 jlll'tt$H [.] j.. Asbestos Abatement What's a real broker?One who works exclusively have an excellent selection of quality listings. Call a weekly flea markets gigs for rent. houses 772-2932 Call us and BREATHE EASY for rent. office for you, the investor. G&S Commercial Brokers con· today and choose from a variety of properties. home services LONG ISLAND-Charming RENT WITH US. Next time 767·0873 learning for rent. retail three bedroom collage in 799-3843 centrate solely on your sales and acquisitions. The four principals of G&S Commercial Brokers Real Estate for rent. vacation you have a rental, advertise legal services quiet, scenic location. Close it in Casco 'Bay Weekty. When selling, you can be sure of getting the high­ know about real brokering from hundreds of trans­ lost & found for sale. commercial to beaches, tennis, ferry ,­ for sale. residential You may be surprised, like learnin est market price. Because G&S Commercial Brokers actions totalling millions of dollars. And, they know section. musical instruments, etc and store. All conveniences. many charter advertisers in give your property the widest possible exposure to how to analyze your investment options using state- $300 per week, May. June, our For Rent sections, at the MAINTENANCE MEN WEAVING Workshops and Sept. $500 per week response you receive. Why and mechanics : I will teach and Classes. Double Weave investors. What you won't gel is an offer of-the·art computer software. -----1 July and August. Call 839- Call not give CBW Cla,\sifieds you how to pick locks for the Workshop April 1, 10 :00- 4 _ from G&S to buy your property. That's how real brokers work. If you derive I 6240 or 766-2037 a try? You'll like it! low price of $19.95. Mait to 4:00. $65.00, materials in­ When buying, you can be Call Roger or Charlie Gendron, regular income Pick locks Box 4174A Port­ cluded. Call to rellister and from the subject(s) land, ME. 04101 Instruction sure of seeing the best avail· Dan or Chris Smith at 773-1000. Kate Halpert of your Classified Ad(s), to find out about other work­ please use the business rate , roomma es and Picks included. shops. Silver Yam-33 Silver able properties. Because G&S And get into Commercial And thank you for chOOSing YOUR CHILD is an artist. Street-879-0771 Casco Bay Weekly! Commercial Brokers always 'G®S' real estate for real. 775·6601 ROOMMATE needed to TWO DRUG FREE women Experienced professional A NO-PAIN, all-gain, all­ share three bedroom house artist, Jane Wray offers (All Charges are Per Week) needed to share Pownal around good deal is what you Individual Business in Falmouth, 1/4 mile from 195 house with two other women. unique approach to Creative get with a Casco Bay Weekly Up to 30 words S 5.00 $ 7.00 and turnpike. Has yard and Convenient to Portland, Painting and drawing for classified. It's simple, cheap COMMERCIAL.BROKERS 31-45 words $ 7.00 $ 9.00 two car garage, furnished Brunswick, lewiston. $212 children in her studio near and effective. What else 46-60 words $ 9.00 $11.00 except for bedroom, M/F, per month plus utilities. Call Woodfords Corner. Call Jane ONE UNION SfREET, PORTLAND, MAINE 04101 (207) 773-1000 needs be said? Each Add'i word $ .15 $ .21 non-smoker. $250 per at 773-0446 CBW Box Service $ 3.00 $ 5.00 688-2218 or Candice, days month plus utilities, available 781-2330 April 1. Call anytime 781- FOR DISPLAY CLASSIFIED (BORDERED AD) RATES M OR F to share spacious, CALL JOHN SHALEK AT CBW: 775-6601 2808, leave message. sunny apt. near Eastern Please read the CBW Classified Policy before completing this form. 35 GWM DISCREET Prom. Water view from back Write legibly or type, and use additKlnal paper if necessary. looks for one person to share porch. References and se­ four bedroom house in South curity deposit. No pets. $225 Recovering from E.tlng Disorders: Self Defen_ CI.s_ Portland YMCA T_n .ndYoung Adult Clinic at Maine E.ster En Hunt Hunt for chocolate Portland. WID, fireplace , plus utilities. 774-4231 A Personal Story .nd Reflecllons and Fred Villari Stucios offer classes in Medical Center, Mondays 4-8 pm. Ap­ eggs about the Children's Museum Mar deck, living room plus family on New Beginnings Topic of the self defense for children and adults be­ pointments are requested, but Walk-ins 25, .10-11 am. The hunt is limited to 50 1 room. Smoker OK lots of HOME TO SHARE. One block from Highland Lake. monthly meeting of New England Eating ginning the week of Mar 20. Classes are welcome. For people ages 13-21. For children with accompanying adult. 1 space. Comfortable. $375 Disorders (NEED) Program Mar 28, 7:30 offered on Mon, Wed and Sat. Cost is $40 appointments or more information, call Children's Museum, 746 Stevens Ave., per month plus utility. Avail­ Includes home cooked meals pm at Westbrook Community Hospital, monthly, $10 weekly and $5 per class 871-2763. Portland. Free with museum admission. 1 and pastries. Non-smoker. 40 Park Rd., Westbrook. For more infor­ ($10 registmtion fee for non-members). Transupport is anon-profit, non-sexual, For more information, call 797-KITE. able April 1. Security and 1 references required. 761- No pets. $425 per month Call mation, call 76H)128. F'or more information. call Jackie at social and educational peer support group The.ter Arts Wortt.hop Four-week 892-8391 Single ParentSupportGroupopan to single 874-1111. for transsexuals, aossdressers, their WOrkshop for children taught by John 1 1656

parents of all backgrounds Mar 28, 7-9 Soulh Portl.nd Recre.llon Registra­ families, friends and people interested in Saccone at the Theater of Fantasy on 1 FURNISHED four bedroom ROOMMATE WANTED • pm at the Jewish Community Center, 57 tion for Spring Programs- includi ng crea­ gender issues. Meebngs are held every Tuesdays Mar 28-Apr 18, 3:30-4 :30 pm . house in Portland seeks to share house in Portland Ashmont, Portland. Call Chnstina at 772- tive movement, martial arts, pottery, land­ other Sunday at 6 pm. For more informa­ Mime, storytelling, juggling and much 1 professional M/F non­ with professional GM Penin­ 1959 by Mar 23 if you plan to attend. scaping, April Vacation Camp, and more tion, call 854-3528 or write to Transup- more. For more information, call 761- PREFERRED CATEGORY: ______TOTAL WORDS: ___ I smoker. Washer/dryer and sula location, with yard and Fender to Fender (or understanding - is now taking place at the Recreation port, P.O. Box 17622, Portland 04101. 2508. puppy included. All this for your car problems) is the topic of this Center, 21 Nelson Rd., S. Portland. Call Medll.tlon for Women every Monday Peter and the Wolf North Adantic Ballet 1 parking. Seek non-smoking, BASIC RATE (from above) $175 per month plus 1/4 utili­ responsible person to share week's Divorce Perspectives meeting Mar 799-7996 for details about the classes. at the Quaker Meeting House, Forest Company designed this program just for 1 BODY 29, 7:30 pm at Woodfords Congrega­ + __ EXTRA WORDS AT __ ¢ EACH ties. Interested? Call 797- a home. CBW Box 238 VW GTI 'Rabbit t983 NISSAN 200 SX Turbo­ Wooclfords Educ.tlonal Center is Ave, Portland. Guided meditation and kids with audience participation and an +--- 1 7057 for details. AM'FM cassene, five speed, only 20 thousand miles, tional Church, 202 Wood fords , Portland. looking for a volunteer, who is good at ritual. For more information, contact the introduction to dance Arr 1, 11 am at le­ CBW BOX SERVICE (optIonal) Open to the public. Donation $1.50. For carpentry, to build specially adapted Feminist Spiritual Community at 773- wiston Jr. High Schoo. Tickets are $3. +--- good condition. $2000 or stored winters, like new, very 1 CAPE ELIZABETH room­ LOOKING FOR a chem­ more information, call Ingraham Volun­ equipment for people WIth developmental 2294. For more information, call 782-7228. SUBTOTAL = --- free, smoke-free roommate .bestoffer Call 781-3052 clean, lots of extras, one 1 mate wanted to share house teers at 774-HElP. disabilities. Work would be done under The AIDS Project 22 MonumentSquare Storlee for KI. Portland Public Ubrary NUMBER OF WEEKS YOU WANT AD RUN x ___ PONTIAC PHOENIX owner with two extra tires Openings to Ihe Ughl Experimental the director of the thempy staff. For more (fifth floor), Portland, lists many support (773-4761): Mon and Wed and Fri, 10:30 in nice neighborhood with for April 1. Prefer a feminist. 1 Rent is $250 par month, heat 1979, rear wheel drive, two and bra. $8900 or best offer. workshop providing . basic tools for ac­ information, call the Center for Voluntary groups around Portland for PWAs and am; Riverton Branch Ubrary (797-2915): TOTAL ENCLOSED two GMs . Walk to Crescent Call t-934-7548 AfrIc.n& D.nce CI..... withL Ron cessing unrversalwlsdom.lntroduction to Action at 874-1015. the lovers, caregivers and friends of Fri, 10:30 am; Scarborough Public 1I­ = --- 1 Beach. 15 min . to Portland. and off-street parking in­ door, six cylinder, automatic, Payton sponsored by American Bailet soundilJ1usic healing, spiritual use of . Aerobic. Group Leader Viking ICF is PWAs. For more information, call 774- bmry (883-4723): Wed, 10:30 am and 1 cluded. Intown. Spacious PS.-PB, one owner. 71,000 RAMCHARGER 1978 1 M'F $200 per month plus util­ 4x4-318. Runs, interior East Mar 23 at the School of American crystals, learning to see auras, dowsing looking for a volunteer to lead a Iow­ 6877. pm (3-5 year olds) and Tue, 6:30 ~ (5- ities CBW Box 237 apt Call 773-3072 miles. Sticker. $850 firm Dance, 17 Bishop SI., Portland. Work­ as a guidance tool and exploring the impact, seated exercise class. For more 6 year aids); Prince Memorial Ubrary, Not for public.lion: 1 773-5176 great. Body and engine need shop for children and lamil ies at 6 :30 pm; myths and practical uses of channelling. information, call the Center for Voluntary Cumberland (829-3180): Wed, 10:30 am We need the following information to print your ad It will be held in strict ccnlidence. 1 CADILLAC SEVILLE- work. 1974 Dodge pick-up. Master class for intermediate and ad­ Workshop held Apr 1, 10 am-4 pm at Action at 874-1015. (2-3 year olds); Thu, 10:30 am (3-5 year notices . , > 350, 1979, automated, ex­ Make one truck or part out. vanced dancers at 7:30 pm. For informa­ Friends Meetinghouse, 1845 ForestAve, Hoaplce of M.lne needs volunteer olds). NAME ______I $850 or best offer. 892-5725 tion, call 878-3032. Portland. Donation $35. To pre-register visitors to provide emotional sUfPort and Flicks for KI. Portland Public Ubrary cellent condition , new radial ADDRESS ______I tires, 80,000 miles. Call 774- or 892-6925 Feld Ballel'. Swnmer Wot'Iwhop is call, 363-4005. visit the homes of terminally iI patients (773-4761): Sat, 10:30 am and Tue. at AN OPINION: Have uni­ I THE PLEDGE of allegiance 8838 NISSAN SENTRA 1982 holding auditions Mar 24, 5 pm at The Young F.lhers Program of the Port­ and their families. Volunteers also offer $:30 pm; South Portland Pubic Ubrary versities become School for American Dance, 17 Bi shop land YMCA needs volunteer mentors to help with transportation and phone cover­ (799-2204): Fri, 3:30 pm. CITY ______STATE ___ ZIP ___ i'!; a lie. In 1954 right-wing FORD BRONCO II 1987, four door. New brakes, ex- • 1 'churches'? Separation of zealots sandoNiched-in the St., Portland. The workshop is being held workwithyounglathers. Tmining issched­ age. Training session covering communi­ DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER ______5-speed. Excellent condi­ 1 -, atSugartoafin JUly. Masterclasses taught uled in April, Monday evenings, 7-8:30 cation skills, different aspects of cancer, church and state stabilizes a words, 'under God: in con­ tion. 29,000 miles.Touch 4 ~~~~~ t~~~~;~~e~O~~~ti:~ ~ free and independent nation, tempt of the U.S. Constitu­ by Cynthia Westaway of the Feld Banet pm althe YMCA, 70 ForestAve, Portland. and questions on death and dying must PAYMENT METHOD _ Check _ Money Order MasterCard Visa 1 wheel drive plus many op­ call Janet at 761-2450 will be offered Mar 25 at The School of For more information, call 874-1111 x be completed to become certified. Matur­ yet combination of church tion which does not say this . tions. $10,995 or best offer. AUDI GT Coupe 1986 lim­ Credit Card # ______Exp Date ____ 1 American Dance. Intermediate class, 1- 291. ity and an ability to relate to people is and state occurs today. Uni­ In World War II and Korea ited Edition, power every­ 2:30 pm; advanced class, 2:30-4 pm. Fee Portl.nd YWCA is offering 8' variety of needed and previous volunteer experi­ Call Tom or Sue at 773-4449 FOR Signature ______1 versity system preaches the over 400,000 Americans 280Z STOCK 1978 five thing, red leather interior, is $8. For more information, call 878- activities for adults and children starting ence is desired. For more information, false 'Christianity' of athe­ died for their country. Their the week of Apr 3. All classes require 1 speed. Texas car, linle rust, sunroof, digital dash, AM­ 3032. call the Center for Voluntary Action at ism (non-neutral secular pledge of allegiance did not COMPLETE THIS FORM & MAIL OR DELIVER TO: 1 no crumble, stereo, more. FM cassette, five cylinder­ Portl.nd Model. G~ is having an advance registration. Activities include 874-1015. humanism) for Marxist open model call on Mar 24 between the aquacises, arthritis aquacises. advance eenterfor Perfonnance Studl.. isof­ say, 'one Nation under God." Needs paint. 139,000 miles, Incredible carl $9000 Call change (one-world It said the proud, Constitu­ hours of 9 am and 6 pm at 10 Moulton SI., lifesaving, aerobics, karate, lifeguard train­ fering a new session of acting classes be­ I CASCO BA-V ""EEKL'V 1 runs strong, $1300 firm, se­ 773-9835 gov'I.) ... and discriminates tional, 'one Nation, indivisi­ Portland. PMG is looking for women: age ing, pre-natal exercises, self-defense for ginning Apr 3. Classes are held for 10 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT. 207/775-6601 1 rious only. 1-800-822-3367 PONTIAC GRAND le­ 13-22, 5'7" and '1ver; and men: age 35- women, swim lessons and yoga. For a weeks in Studio III at Island Dance, against conservative Chris­ ble." Patriots-PO Box 901 Ram 187 CLARK STREET, PORTLAND, MAINE 04102 NISSAN SENTRA red Mans Safari station wagon, 45,5'10' and over lor print work in fashion free Spring Program Catalogue, call the 25A Forest Ave, Portland. Classes for tians who openly disagree. Portland, ME 04104 DS 1985, highway miles, great and advertising. Everyone should bring YWCA at B74-113O. adults, children and high school students. Ea.ter Egg Painting Wortr..hop for Education? Intellectual 1981 . Power steering, power car, standard, two door, photos to show. Photographers interested For more information, call 774-2776. children eges 3-5 Mar 23 at 10 am and 1 freedom? INS'ANE See p.ge 26 for more brakes, air conditioning. In model testings are encoumged to stop great gas mileage, new pm at the Children's Resource Center, HYPOCRISY! PO Box NOTICES $1995. Call 772-9521 by, 9am-12 noon, with portfolio and refer­ 741 SlevensAve, Portland. Cost is $1 per 10405, Portland 04104 muffler and tail pipe. $2888. ences. , child. To register, call 797~25. Can 829-4227 \ 26

March 23, 1989 __-,-_ ~_ Cg ii j., r'l'J i ,rg il_ rec- PORTMANTEAU has full bod & soul Short stories sought for and part time openings for MEDICAL OFFICE" Re­ ~ xg i' ('1 ~ Xi) i _ I ti-, tl-' f Casco Bay Weekly's first people to'construct and sell ceptionist. Warm, out-going, the 81 Duut ill by Don Rubin canvas clothing and leather relaxed, efficient person for THOMAS MERTON Sem­ RELAX & REJUVE" BALLOON FLIGHTS inar. May 6-7. Winslow tapestry and canvas bags in holistically oriented office. You've always wanted to but NATE! Enjoy Certified Mas­ our Old Port workshop. 774- Some simple bookkeeping. Maine: To enhance and sage Therapy by Carol Anne Relevant Fiction 7276 never have. Here is your nourish our pilgrimage by QUIZ Experienced preferred. Part­ cha(lce. 2 for 1 Springtime Fusco, Licensed Massage "PoP" time. Please call Pam at ImmerSing ourselves in the Therapist at Acupuncture PERSONAL OFFICE HELP We need an special. Call Hot FUn for de­ This week's puzzle is for kids, which 846~1 life and writing of the very Health Care- a natural energetic person to ruri our tails . 761-1735 "We're not OF THE WEEK Competition LOOKING FOR someone human poeVmystic/monk, means we've finally created a problem small design office. Duties just another pretty balloon health care center offering who has the knowledge and Thomas Merton. Led by acupuncture, massage, di­ even you can solve. include light bookkeeping, ride." the love of art, who enjoys James Thuline. Call: 207- etary consultations, osteo­ Winner receives two free movie tickets Go find a child (unless, of course, you billing(it's easy!), errands, selling and talking to people. 799-1024. filing, no typing. Full time. pathic diagnosis and treat­ are one) and ask him or her to color in Send resume to Gallery PO ment, and educational pro­ Will consider part-time if the child THERAPIST: John P. com~liments of the Maine Mall Cinema! both ears of the popular mouse who's Box 777 4-DTS Portland, ME Carroll, M.S. NCC oflers grams. 278 State Street right person comes along . hidden among these bubbles. 04112 psychotherapy and body­ Portland 04101. Phone 775:'" Call Skinner & Lambe Inc. at ";'I ~- -L:,. -;.~..:...... DA Y CARE home near onented therapy. Groups in­ 5020 2008 PRESIDENTIAL Candidate 871-0661 60 Forest Ave. SWM, 33, 5'9" 160lbs professional seeks "' "':.:...... ~-~ .--:.-- Portland, ME Willard Beach, So. Portland, clude: Chronic Pain group, Can you solve the Real Puzzle? looking for day care profes­ PROFESSIONAL Couple and group for Adults Raised MIDWIFE" Services running mate for exciting afternoons DRAFTER We need a lull­ and romantic evenings. 00n1 care much If so there could be a $20 gift certificate sional to work Mon.-Thur. 10 greater Portland area in Dysfunctional Families. inclUde prenatal care, for Alberta's in it for you (first prize). Or time or part-time drafter with 8:30 - 5:30. Mixed ages. seeking a lOVing out going Workshop offering: nutrition counseling, about budget deficits or arms reduction Casco Bay Weekly is accepting original, unpublished civil engineering or land­ but live for fun filled weekends at Camp Must be warm, creative, re­ person to provide care for a "EmbraCing Your Inner homebirth, pap smears. Call tickets for two aboard the Longfellow short stories on topics relevant to modern life in the Casco scape architecture knowl­ sponsible and fun loving new born and a 2 1/2 year Child," April 8. Individual for free consultation visit. Oavi~. 00n1 care what you look like, but Cruise Lines (second prize). Winners will edge/experience. Sketching a slightly off-tha-wall personalny would Bay region. A panel of four judges will choose the three most 799-4983 old. Must have excellent ref­ work integrates psychother­ Heidi Fillmore-Patrick, 657- be selected from among the correct en­ and design ability a definite 3180. be a perfect co.mplement to my straight compelling, well-written and relevant short stories for EMPLOYERS There is a erences, be outdoor oriented apy with Polarity Therapy to tries by a random drawing. Contestants plus. Pay commensurate less espensive alternative. and a non-smoker. Use of discover causes of problems laced, conservative nature. Schizophrenic crazy, neurotic WOmen more than welcome' are ineligible to win more than one prize inclusion in Casco Bay Weekly's first Relevant Fiction Issue, with ability. Call Skinner & Advertise your openings ir your own car preferred. We in body-mind. Spiritually CHANGE YOUR negative Lambe Inc. at 871-0661 60 CBW Box 235 . June 22,1989. Casco Bay Weekly. The offer competitive salary. Call based. 73 Deering St. Port­ thinking, feel better about in a four-week span, and only one entl)' is Forest Ave. Portland, ME response you get may 283-,'3280 land. 775-5903 yourself, maximize your po­ allowed per contestant. We seek stories that raise questions abou t some facet of SUrprise you! EXPERIENCED profes­ tential. Learn the skills you II you hove Dlocod on od tn the ~J:;r. _I, I>«oonoll r All entries for this week's Real Puzzle everyday life here in the cities and towns of the Casco Bay DEVELOPING YOUR in­ need to turn bad thoughts OdlllUtomIl/lClln'''''.clln tho ALOFTHEWEEK ..l':'.. sional Nanny seeking part­ tuition. Want to learn to trust for th.twMk. w. •• Jooklng for .dath~ .recr._v.. wltt)' ..d fun must be received by noon Wednesday, region, and we are looking for stories that demand to be told: IOta good. Learn to do Winn •• wlll '''¥etheir tlde •• fl.mell. . time employment in Scarb. to th~se gut feelings? Come 'n March 29. The solution to this week's Portland area. Own trans­ affirmations. Call Marilyn fiction that is evocative and finely tuned to the author'S JOin us as we explore the in­ Tnus 883-3919 Real Puzzle will appear in the April 6 portation and lots of refer­ tuitive self. Tues. April 4 7- intention. (Please do not submit stories in the "genre" ences. Call 883-1473, leave 8:30 pm. Center fa New Age COME ON BABY light our issue of Casco Bay Weekly. Send your traditions of erotica, fantasy, mystery, science fiction, VOICE LESSONS for DWM 37 broken in but not message if no answer. StUdies. Instructor Rose fires (barbecue that is)! If best guess to: students of all levels offered evenings filled with seaside down. A smoker'who's shy supernatural, reminiscence or romance.) Mary Whittaker. To register and quiet(until you get to . Portland Public Library call 775-7135 by European trained classi­ breezes, Chilled wine and The judges are: Elizabeth Cooke, author of "Complicity" cal Singing teacher and per­ sizzling hot food, as well as know me). I enjoy camping, The Real Puzzle #12 week-ilnd get aways, long (Little, Brown/1988) and chairperson of the English Part·time Openings TAROT CARD Readings. former. My work focuses on conversation, appeal to you Casco Bay Weekly Call Judith 934-1108 vocal technique, interpreta­ then stock up on the char­ walks, movies, not crowds or 187 Clark Street Department at Waynflete School in Portland; Gary Lawless, Are y?U a lover seeking part-time fast-paced work? loud bars. I'd like to meet a b?~k tion and breathing and body coal; we'll supply the sparks! author, publisher of Blackberry Books and co-owner of Gulf of ConSider jOining the team providing library services to the CORE ENERCETICS Portland, ME 04102 awareness through yoga We're two intelligent, sar­ woman in her 40s, open Portland community. We have part-time clerical openings PRETZEL MANIA is seil­ Bioenergetic AnalYSis, Maine Books in Brunswick; Barbara Hope McGrath, author, exercises. Christina castic, stunning, perplexing minded who knows what she 1) Library Clerks .to shelve and other materials and ing their licensed street Pamela Chubbuck, M.A., c 1989 United Feature Syndicate. books L. Astrachan 772~031 and independent SWFs wantll from life. PO Box director of the "Celebrate Writers!!" program and a writing to keep collectIOn In order on shelves, with lIexible vending cart. The cart is Certified Bioenergetic thera­ 15011 Portland, ME 04103 wanting some summer teacher at University of Southern Maine; and Mark schedules IOta 20 hrs/wk, including some evenings complete and ready to go! pist, experienced Psy­ JUNGIAN Psychology fun .. .and who knows, maybe SOLUTION TO REAL PUZZLE #10 and Saturdays, at $4.92 per hour. This is a unique chance to chotherapist of twenty years Melnicove, author and publisher of Dog Ear Press in Seminars. Thursday, March even romance?! If you are THE EASTER BUNNY 2) Office Assistants for 01H:a1l, part-time, substitute work work for yourself and make opens practice in Yarmouth. The fat man is insatiable. The "food" 30, and the first Thursday in two intelligent, attractive, knows I'm a good egg, but Brunswick. at the Circulation Desk, using computer terminals to $150 per day. 846-5124 Core Energetics is a Holistic movies are: each following month. 7:30- non-smoking SWMs 20-36 can you take his word for it? Double-spaced manuscripts of' 2500 words or less (only) check books out and in, issue library cards, enter data, approach Which unifies mind, at $5.24 per hour. Applicants must be available weekdays SOFA 76", dark rose cot­ 9:30pm at 302 Stevens Ave. with a flair for spontaneity SWF with children. Average body, spirit, emotions. Indi­ will be accepted until the end of the business Friday, May 12, - Tues and Thurs. eves, and Saturdays. ' ton, contemporary, $200. Dr. G Astrachan 772~031 and just plain goofin' around 10~ks though ~ot thin. Long 1) Bananas viduals, couples, groups, and Dr. C Burstein 883-4989 1989. Complete submission guidelines can be picked up at: II you are a serviC&-<>riented high school grad with clerical Two year Old, orig $800. Call then bener buy marShmal­ hal~, great smile, big heart, 2) Nuts experience or training, work well independently and take 772-2726 classes. Call for appt.. or lows too. CBW Box 234 active mind. LeI's welcome inlormation. 846-{)SOO 3) The Onion Field Pride In the qualrty of your work, we want 10 hear from you. SEARS electric typeWriter, LIFE READINCS chan­ the season together. CBW neling and traditional therapy Box 236 4) Pork Chop Hill Application deadline: April 1, 1989. like new, new ribbon. What a A MYSTERY WOMAN I for empowerment for people 5) Meatballs CASCO deal at $100. Call 774-1938 Applications available, Mon., Wed., Fri., 9anHipm, Tues. in transition. Barbara Bart­ sometime. wonder where WEE K L Y and Thurs., 12-9pm,SaI. 9am-Spm at the Circulation Desk 6) Tequila Su.nrise MACINTOSH SE/l Meg ley, M. A. Certified Reiki you are and What you are SJM 27 nice, sensitive, doing? I envision your en­ RAMl20 Meg Hard Disk. Low Practitioner. Center for New smart, attractive, physically 7) The Coca-Cola Kid Portland Public Library dearing smile. I live to dis­ BAY Age Studies, Thompsons fit. ~ttorney from eight to six, 8) A Raisin in the Sun 5 Monument Square, Portland, ME 04)01 mileage. Only used on alter­ cover your heart, sailing on a Point Portland. 775-7135 or mUSICian twenty four hours a 187 Clark Street (207) 773-4761 nate Sundays by little old summer breeze. Why must 9) Animal Crackers lady playing "Dark Castle." 802- 436-2355 day. Are you a single woman, Portland, Maine 04102 you remain so elusive? Do 22-29, who loves living in 10) Duck Soup New snows. $2500. Call traditional values and Granny at 772-4400. your Maine but is tired of appreci­ 11) The Grapes of Wrath down-to-earth characteris­ - ' -i==1 ating the "Quality of Ufe" by 12) Days of Wine and Roses =~=~ YOU WANTED the best tics preclude the joy of our yourself? Let's meet for din­ 13) A Clockwork Orange meeting. I inhale your and you got the best. Th~ ner or for a movie or concert hottest band in the world­ fragran~ for life, lingering, or for a quiet walk in the sun­ as you disappear on a bike or shine. CBW Box 227 First prize goes to Christopher Bundy KISS! KISS concert pic­ MAINELY ~ 1989 UnIted Feature Syndicate. tures, video tapes, cas­ skiing the slopes. A SWM, of Portland. Second goes to Nathan Lukas Every day, allover America, more and more settes and various collection FRIENDS 30, 5'6", 1451bs, attractive, GWM thirtysomething. Tall of South Portland. companies are tUrning to Personnel Pool to items for sale. Call Pat 772- professional, college edu­ dark hair, bearded hairy. Has help them find qualified, skilled people to fill 5614 ... A very affordable cated, outdoors oriented opening for soul mate. Ouali­ temporary work assignments. That's match making service well-travelled, sense of hu: fied GWMs must posses for people of all life­ because our exclusive Skillmatching,m 1986 MOTOBECANE mar, searches the pools of dark hair, beard, hairy. Living System and Matchmaker.m process enables men's bicycle. Like new. 23" styres. We offer low loneliness to solve the mys­ prices and high quality in the greater Portland area. us to find just the right person to fit your needs. fr~me, alloy rims, 12 speed. tery. Please send me a clue. Into starlight, passion, rap­ Bike has been tuned every service. For more info. For over forty years, Personnel Pool has call, or write to P.O.B. Does this make any sense? ture, moon shadows, lust. been ~el ping skilled people get the job... and spring. $175. Call 767~131 CBW Box 161 ernie pook's 251, Augusta, ME. 04330 cOm!!k after 6pm Secure with their sexuality. helpmg companies get the job done right. Free Info, Kit Write PO Box 681 Freep!Ort 'lb find out how Personnel Pool can help you ME 04032 ' NEED FURNITURE? Why 1 - 7 pm Weekdays PROFESSIONAL 30 year qwckly fill your temporary staffing needs 626-0195 old GM seeks new friends for CLUE #5 call us today. ' not rent with option to buy. .-- TVs, furniture and appli­ dinner movies, theater. eM married retired book­ FOR Hickory, dickory, dock ances from Rent-A-Set. Elm (never tried hang gliding yet) worm, with incurable travel­ on tbe comer stlnds a clock st. Topsham, ME. 729-6637 No chemical dependents bug compulsion/delusion need apply. CBW Box 233 thin walle~ looking for GM', that OflCt timed trains Personnel Pool. LYNDA BARRY and any age, for infrequent lATE and now remains """.... •LOCK. C'"PW'¥• "Ernie Pook Comeek Fans" weekends away, my il lead you eas~ and il the top. 2008 PRESIDENTIAL 477 Congress. St., Suite 801, now is the time to get on ou; car,haunting non-local mu­ Portland, Moone 04101 (207) 7757415" 1I2 Price Lifetime Memhership Candidate, SWM, 33, 5'9" mailing list. We carry all the seums, tourist traps. CBW An Equat Opportunity Employer books, T-Shirts, and posters ¥ Only $20 • 1601bs professional seeks Box 232 STARTERS created by Lynda Barry. running mate for exciting af­ CLUE #6 Send your name and TIm MATCIIMAKER DATING ternoons and romantic address to: Mad Poodle, Box evenings. Don't care much SF 39 seeks M or F natura­ Amble eastward from Henry's glance about budget deficits or arms CLUE #1 99093-CB, Seattle WA., SERVICE OF MAINE loving companions for long /0 a hotcl named for a guy from France, 98199-0093 reduction but live for fun ~alks, hiking, biking, camp­ Ncar a corner named for Milk 1-800-548-5646 and in a str"""'id< shop you'll find a clue filled weekends at Camp Ing, canoeing, bird-Watch" jUu'll fmd drinks of a different ilk, David. Don't care what you that (ouki be cu,/Om mad. for you. Free Application ing. Please be positive, con­ And if you chance /0 sec The Dragon, look like, but a slighUy off the Siderate, communicative and Brochure c1unge your ~'YS or you'll be draggin' '-.: wall personality would be a and appreciative of Maine's perfect compliment to my vast possibilities for outdoor and longing for the bnd of silk. straight laced, conservative exploration. CBW Box 196 CLUE #7 nature. Schizophrenic, In the lorest there is a quay crazy, neurotic women more MM 50. 6' 1751bs quiet, CLUE #2 fdlcd with things from far away. than welcome. CBW Box 235 gentle, warm, lOVing, seeks , Asuitcase isa handy thing Though crucial to Ihis treasure hun~ MARTIN ENTERPRISES SWM IN 20s, athletic and younger woman Who likes to this pier's not on the waterfront. hike 2-3 times a month. Let's ~TIcn you skip Iown, or have a fling. handsome. Seeking an aider, So skip .Iong the wharf of s/Ones SERVICE sensual woman, late 20s to have lunch and talk. Please write in all honesty. PO Box il • cache of bags with natty ilnes. mid 40s, for discreet fun, CLUE #8 friendship and adventure. 8036 Portland, ME 04102 Send phone • and photo if In swanky Westport there's, warehouse which is t p!Ossible. CBW Box 231 TWO SWF. mid 2Os, look­ CLUE#3 home to clever seams and stitches. 4i')I(;*_ ing for SWMs same age cat­ In Tommy's building, long and high, If you can choose 574 CongreSS St. egOI)' to go out and to have a I"M TIRED of spending ev­ there is a tinrpiett in the sky. you'll find these clues (Above Record Land) good time. We enjoy dining, PORTLAND Residents ery night alone. I want to ex­ Abcwe the /Own and port 01 old, and be the one to find the riches. ADOPTION" Warm, family 761-8084 dancing, movies, and vari­ open your home and heart to perience the love of another o'er a s/rttt fUmed for things sold, -- ous sports. If you are ener­ foreign high school students Oriented professional couple man. I'm hopelessly roman­ find a place with Casco's name this summer! Global Village, wishes to adopt white infant. tic, monogamous, and help­ getic, honesl and have a a new international youth We are both architects and lessly devoted. I want sense of humor, write to us. ~r your nal due in litis trc1Sute game. Portland area. CBW Box 228 education program, offers will prollide a loving and car­ someone to teach me things, foam/board stipend and ing home. Help us have a WANTED 20 ft. motor because I'm willing to learn. RESPONSES to advertis­ travel benefits to Hosts with family and we will prollide a PHOTO BUFF wants at­ ers using CBW Box Service secure luture for your child. travel-trailer, With duel However I might sound, I'm CLUE # 4 room for 2-3 students. tractive men and women for not perfect. Simply, I'm a should be sent to: Casco Medicaillegal expenses. In LOST Small male cat 314 wheels, air conditioner fj"t arne Woodman, wjth Mansard top. Caillwrite: EF Global Village, pure White with raccoon tail swivel passenger seat, group or individual poses in GWM seeking anyone Who Bay Weekly, CBW Box.~ PO Box 5157 Sta. A, Port­ compliance with Maine laws. the buff, on the beach or in 187 Clark Street, Portland !ben further "es~ the Earry block Call Margaret at (718) 858- and spots. Missing from the ' years 1982 to 1985, also can accept me as I am and land, ME 04101 772-1979 West End. Reward. 773- awning, one full sized bed, the bush. Full photo appreci­ love me for me. CBW Box Maine 04102. Your letter will and beneath the floor 6250 collec~ evenings and ated and address or phone. be forwarded,unopened, to weekends. 9022 motor home in good condi- 229 of the one next door tion. Tel. 854-4401 CBW Box 230 the box holder within 48 is a port of prerecorded pop. hours! PRESENTS


CLUE #9 To find yourself a taste that's hotter, up from Tommy's you should totter. H your're not too crazy you can be a bit lazy; _~ :..-______- _ - -- - ~ .. ...:!!:---~. ~...... _0. -... ~~_ .~.~_'__ but what e're you do, don't drink the water.

Late Starters? Turn to page 27.

THE CONTEST It's easy to play. There are two parts: The grand prize is a Carnival Cruise for two to the 1. The Weekly Riddle: A weekly riddle will appear on the Treasure Hunt page in Bahamas from Hewins Travel, where vacations are Casco Bay Weekly. Each week's clue also will be read on the air on WBLM (107.5 FM) [-lOT! Other prizes include an ensemble of blue­ and on Portland's newest TV station, NTV (UHF Channel 24). The answer to each and white-striped luggage from Portmanteau; a week's riddle will be one of the businesses sponsoring the Treasure Hunt. Papasan chair from Pier 1 Imports; a Sonesta Hotel 2. The Treasure Map: Once you solve that week's riddle, go to that sponsoring Theatre Package (two tickets to a show at the location and ask for that week's piece of the treasure map. At the end of the 10-week Performing Arts Center, a double occupancy deluxe contest, you will have a 9-piece treasure map and a map legend. Once it's pieced room and breakfast, taxes and gratuities included); together correctly, you will have a map of Casco Bay. By using the legend and reading a $75 gift certificate from Abacus Handcrafters the map, you will be able to find the location of the treasure: a location in Casco Bay. Gallery; a $100 shopping extravaganza from Casco And don't worry if you're a late starter - each week's correct location will keep extras Variety; a collection of the Academy Award-winning of their map piece for the entire contest. "Best Pictures" of the past 10 years from Videoport; Send your contest answer to Treasure Hunt, Casco Bay Weekly, 187 Clark St., a stylish Drizzle Partner pullover from Options; a Portland, ME 04102. It must be received by noon April 12. A drawing will be held at $50 gift certificate from HuShang on Exchange the conclusion of the contest, and the first correct entry drawn will win the entire Street; a $75 gift certificate from Dos Locos; a $25 treasure, including a Carnival Cruise for two to the Bahamas from Hewins Travel, gift certificate from Squire Morgan's; a $100 gift where vacations are HOT! certificate towards custom-made draperies at Employees and family members of Casco Bay Weekly, WBLM, NTV/Channel 24 and The Custom Shop; and a Wristrock watch Hewins Travel are not eligible to win. from Conceits.


Sponsored by Videoport, Options, The Top of the East, Casco Variety, Portmanteau, Pier 1 Imports, The Custom Shop, HuShang on Exchange Street, Abacus Handcrafters Gallery, Squire Morgan's, Dos Locos and Conceits.