Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Casco Bay Weekly (1989) Casco Bay Weekly 3-23-1989 Casco Bay Weekly : 23 March 1989 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989 Recommended Citation "Casco Bay Weekly : 23 March 1989" (1989). Casco Bay Weekly (1989). 12. http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989/12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Casco Bay Weekly at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Casco Bay Weekly (1989) by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE TREASURE HUNT: WEEK 9 - SEE PAGE 28 ~ cr--. rf\" ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.-, 2 Casco Bay Weekly It----t "P 1 me~ evej e're ( are ~~ for IN BRIEF: GOT A GRIPE? GET A GRIP. JOIN A GROUP. tid en More marine money Neighborhoods educating for elections etition! be Maine Rep. Joseph Bren­ A dozen neighborhood ac­ tric nan and Sen. George Mitchell tion organizations in Portland said Hagge, who volunteered ar~ have introduced legislation to have joined their voices in the to represent his Stroud water in! their respective houses of Portland Neighborhood Coun­ neighborhood group. Al­ alll Congress to establish marine cil. The PNC formed last sum­ though Hagge is a representa­ research programs nation­ mer during city council discus­ tive, he is aIso an "individual." m When the PNC votes, Hagge M wide. The aim of the bill is to sions of zoning and historic Re identify pollution sources. preservation, concerned that can vote once as a representa­ iss The bill would funnel $3 mil­ the little neighborhood groups tive, and seperately as an indi­ Casco Bay Weekly PRAs vidual. No measure can pass !xi lion a year to each of a num­ were being ignored by city Thursday ber of marine regions, the Gulf government. without approval from both March 23,1989 of Maine being one. The re­ Now the PNC is taking up leveIs. And anyone can be a 28 page. LOW AS gional programs would bead­ election issues. The tax cap and member. Annual dues are $10 /n~r* ministered by a board drawn the city council elections are at for an organization or an indi­ .....;;:0;~~ from existing environmental vidual. UPDATES U' the top of the fledgling agenda. 'i: ~:....... ::-- 4.9 %! agencies in the area. In early The PNC:s approach is to edu­ ''We're pretty close to hav­ i::lli May Brennan nominated cate the public rather than do ing representatives from the TALK .iF ."'.«» You Pay Casco Bay to the National Es­ heavy lobbying. It will be spon­ various neighborhoods around The pastryman of Monument Square tuaries Program, a program soring a tax cap debate April 9 the city," said one of PNC's • JI. that funds clean-up planning. at Franklin Towers on Cum­ founders, Donna Williams. "It ~::f::;:;::;W ""r cond.,. ;::% • P IIOning berland Avenue at 7 p.m. and a has been very effective in pro­ viding an opportunity for f VIEWS OWer Lock • Rea 0 candidates' night on April 25 . S.D. Warren. recycling people from different neigh­ and demographics • Du IS. L. r efroster "This organization is really 8ROMCO XlT 4~~a2 a Elect. Ballpark bought inclined to be benevolent," said borhoods to see similarities 1989 • Tilt W nc Mirrors '9ht Group The Town of Old Orchard Cyrus Hagge, a PNC represen­ from neighborhood to neigh­ fORO L\st 1528 heel • 2.3 Liter E . Beach Ballpark has finally tative from the Stroudwater borhood." She hopes the PNC • P785170R7. • H ng'ne agreed to sell its cumbersome ImprovementAssociation. "It's can help to organize neighbor­ fORO DISC 3255 gen '( lMlEE • AM/F 4 T,res a/o Lamp ballpark. Rhode Island con­ trying to draw neighborhoods hoods that aren't yet repre­ O'SC_~ M Stereo • PS/Pg s cert promoter Frank J. Russo together and show them they sented. and Dale Biow (whose name do have rights before the city The next PNC meeting is 157i • Interval W· is also associated with real council." AprilS at Franklin Towers at 7 CHOOSE! 'Pers o estate development and port­ Neighborhood groups usu- p.m. "There's no formality here," -Hannah Holmes able toilets) have agreed to COVER STORY pay back taxes, loan pay­ bY' Hannah Holm•• You pay $11,999* ments, plus lease fees, all Photos by Tonee Harbert toward a $2.7 million pur­ eant chase within three years, said • Dell.D<e A r g Rebates Town Manager Jerry Plante. -.... '?:~~ /p • XLT Trim Wheels I Last spring OOB agrred to • Floor conso e sell the ball park to Stadium ART SEEN .Jt .""1$ • AIC WindoWs Light GrouP Up To Colorful photography"idhe • power ks PlIrtners, but the company Congress Square Gallery • hometer • power LOc . nS Chairs • T ac M cassette $1000 COUldn't come up with the Dual captal • AM/F r cash; the town has owned it • GlasS • ElectriC Rea ever since. · • Privacy 8 EFI WindoW. Away Tire • 5.0 L V- pkg. • Handling w Pkg. • OIS SWI~~15C RWL Trailer To • 31)(10.5 Tax cap ballot • Defrost Tires The Portland City Coun­ • Rear OlD Trans , cil, after warnings that any • Auto summary would be inade­ ]N(jJ~ LIST/NCr quate, has decided to print Tax help on page 21 theentiretax-<:approposalon the May 2 ballot. In a rare GET THE HIGHEST TRADE & burst of verbosity Councilor Peter O'Donnell reminded LOWEST PRICE ON ANY NEW the council of problems with wording the 1987 waterfront OR USED CAR OR TRUCK referendum, and stated, "I don't think we should be tink­ & TAKE HOME A NEW SEARS ering with this." Marchers remembered Archbishop Oscar Romero ofEl Salvador, killed by deatb squads March CRAFTSMAN LAWN MOWER AT 20, 1980, witb a walk through the Old Pott on March 18. Afterward 60 people stood infreeztng * * rain to bear a speach by Romero's asSOCiate, Fatber Jose Alas. The next day 32 people died in ' OFFER GOOD THRU Yarmouth spends NO ADDITIONA L COST. MARCH31,1989 elecHon-day violence in El Salvador. Central America Week events conHnue tbrougb Marcb 29... /···11~ f.~:t~~1f money for space see Llsttngs. ,/.. , ./ REAL * * Yarmouth voters have ap­ ",,,:,::,,,,1 / PUZZLE proved a $1.5 million bond ERNIE POOK * issue to buy land for open space. The bond is unusual in * NEWS OF THE WEIRD TREASURE that it doesn't specify what HUNT land will be bought, but leaves orRafael Benitez, 18, died ---Bush Consolidators, an after being tumbled for 10 min­ gade that will barehandedly * that up to the town council, Anchorage building-II)aterials c..co B8Y Weekly is a paper fight swarms of marauding said Town Manager Osmond utes in an industrial clothes supplier, found a loophole in for people living in or concerned Bonsey. The money may be dryer in Huntington Park, fieldrnice that are endangering about the cities and lowns of Ihe Free Estimates postal service regulations last crops. Portland area. It is published by * used to implement any part Calif., recently. Police suspect summer and mailed 6,000 con­ Mogul Media, Inc. from posh * of a new public access and murder. orLt. Col. Romeo Maganto, corporate headquarters at * 1-800 A DEAL 4 U • crete blocks and 4,600 bags of police commander in Manila, 187 Clark Street, Portland, recreation plan. On April 6 orA University of viTginia cement to a remote Alaskan Maine 04102. the council will decide how student reported that 150 pairs has offered 100 pesos ($4.75) Send us your event listings. village at rates of 8 percent to for every 1,000 dead flies turned your angry leiters and especially to go about spending the of her underwear were miss­ 25 percent of normal postage your advertisemenls! We need ing after a burglar.broke into in by citizens. He formed a to receive all that kind of sluff by *** money, approved March 14. costs. the end of Ihe Thursday prior to cOrnrnitteeof prisoners to count her apartment in Charlot­ orA Bulgarian governmen­ the issue in which you want il ·prlce renects all applicable rebates. lax I UUe excluded tesville, Va. Nothing else was them to keep the city from being to appear. tal agency has offered lO-day shortchanged. -Hannah Holmes taken. holidays to volunteers for a bri- -Chuck ShepardlAlterNet 775-6601 4 Casco Bay Weekly March 23,1989 5 ~-------------------------------------, 2O%OffEv~ Get In Here Now ... SMITH HOUSE for our .Rug On Our Hoo£ A Life-Changing 2nd Birthda" Blowout Sale. by Resource for CMmical Laura Dependency Drastically Reduced Prices Conaway. Treatment Tables • Desks • Vases Wine racks • Clothing • Clocks A CONVERSATION WITH Treatment for Ken Margel Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency • an alternative to inpatient care • family program every day • three-month aftercare program An Old Port Tradition • fees reimbursable by most insurers and Maine Medicaid ."<~ GREAT STEAKS LUNCH Monday - Saturday 11:30-4:30 Bring in this ad for2O% offow~~:uJarpr~ ... u ...u .• _~"'" ....v .... , '1" Coupon expire. April 2, 1989. FRESH SEAFOOD DINNER At Smith House, clients Monday - Saturday 4:30-12:30 And when we say every rug on our floor. we mean every rug on our floor. "I.'i continue with their From beautiful dhunies and chenilles to stunning cotton combers and rag COMFORTABLE SUNDAY HOURS day-to-day lives while rugs. From itty-bitty ones that can be used as doormats to colossal rugs for ATMOSPHERE 1l:30-9p.m. receiving treatment. your living room floor. They're all handloomed, hand dyed, and"extremely long-lasting. Unfortunately, the sale isn·t.
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