( ullSrflI LrC^i’ s day.notified Abbot the DratCt»a \s ^ IS• t ^c C \rCH r **..ft tion tJ,atfired fromhad i irr, u .m . v STORK AT HAMPTON BEACH DOING BUSINESS DIRECTLY WITH THE EASTMAN KODAK CO., WE BRING YOU THIS Theihc Const (Juard was kept (offThe Rye 30-foot Beaeh. rei Daylight Saving Time EXTRAORDINARY SERVICE: b ci" of HampU,n HAMPTON HARBOR . J, und Movie and other Kodachrome and Ektachronie film . it,.arh station. ence O’Neil, loefi Thursday 3:30 a.m. 'i i* 11 more fishingd bybled Frank boat ownedJ. ' ^DeCessar, “’,uopori Aug. IT 3:55 p.m. left with us for developing is rushed daily by special Friday 4:17a.m. y prospect street, Methuen, M Aug. 18 4:40 p.m. courier to the Kodak laboratories in Rochester, New' r The boat was towed to ; Saturday 5:06 a.m. ^ ork. It is returned to us just 48 hours later, excluding harbor, Aug. 19 5:32 p.m. ! Sunday, Coast Guardst Sunday 6:03 a.m. Sundays. Aug. 20 6:29 p.m. 1 transferred a father and Monday 7:05 a.m. * from a party fishing lx Black-and-While film Aug. 21 7:30 p.m. processed locally within 24 hours. Annie and Josephine, after tl Tuesday 8:09 a.m. mar were notified of death in t Aug. 22 8:31 p.m. family. George Stank and 1 Wednesday 9:10 a.m. son, Bruce, of Clinton, Ma Incorporating The Aug. 23 9:31 p.m. were put ashore at the sU Hampton Booth Advocate WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1961 Thursday 10:07 a.m. pier after Coast Guardsm Aug. 24 10:28 o.m. responded to the 10 :15 call. A 32-foot cabin cruiser and 29-foot inboard cruiser wei towed to the state pier by tl Hampton Beach’s PH. Coast Guard after developin minor engine trouble. Just South of the Casin o on Ocean Boulevard A boat owned by Rober Wissinger, Hampton road, Exe er was towed to Rye hurbol ifter developing trouble. Tht raft had been sending distress ignals which Ed Herson, Rye teach, heard at 8:30. He noti. ed the Coast Guard but before icy could arrive on the scene, eon Mowry of Rye notified icm that he had the craft in w. From an array of 32 outstan< testants, Miss Sylvia Gustavaon. Policeman's Ball was crowned Miss New England a Ml SITU The Police Relief Assorit Tuesday evening at the Casino. ion’s second annual hall was A lovely 5’7” blonde, 34-21-34 he is the daughter ittended hv more than BOO per. of Mr. and Mrs. Arvid (fUstavson of Winchester. Ma--. ons at the Casino Ballroom. an<I was sponsored in the contest by Roy Parsons anc John O’Connell, president of Son of Hampton. he group, welcomed the mem. Having placed second in the Miss Hampton Beach ers and guests on behalf of contest several weeks ago. she was again one of thi ie police departments of favorites of the audience each time she appeared or ampton, North Hampton and | HamptonU m — 17Falls. * * stage, wearing an attractive white silk jersey bathing I suit which accented her lovely tan skin and beautifil Committee me blonde hair. Miss Gustavson will be a sophomore at ball were Georg Jackson College, Medford, Mass., this year, majoring ir ets, William Dc treasurer. Willia elementary education. program, Roland For the first time, two Hampton girls were among drew Maguire the five finalists in one of thes? Miss New England c ri­ Robinson, editor tes ts. Miss Jonnye McLeod, 16. who was named Mi*» r RECREATION gram and Sgts. Personality and was tr finalist in the Miss Hampton CENTER and Jon Lovejoy, Beach contest, and Miss Barbara Warner, 16. were each tel. 6-3410 men. given acclaim for their beauty by the audience and HAMPTON BEACH judges. Both girls will be seniors at Winnacunnet High opEN YEAR ROUMn school this year. First runner-up to t\e queen was Miss Su Su Smith, 21. Newton I’pper Falls. Mass., who was crowned Miss Coast Guard two weeks ago in Xewburyport and v as IS OUR BUSINESS third place winner in the Miss Hampton Beach contest this year. A professional model, working in Boston and With New* York, she is a 5 7” beauty, 37-24-37, and was spon­ sored by the Casino Ballroom. Automatic Pinsetters ouse Third place winner was another Massachusetts girl, y Good Alleys Miss Louise Ann Richardson. 16. of Georgetown. She is a 5*4’*. 35-24-35. dark-haired beauty and was wearing a pya —^ Good Pins nuorescent bright red knitted suit which accented her attractive Courteous features. A senior in high school this year, she hopes Q u ip p e d Friendly Service Lighted to attend a New England college after graduation. Stroller: Air Cooled .vfj 7 Brunswick ~ *^r* William Elliot, secretary • »f the Chamber of Bowl to Stay Slim ’ \ Pocket Tables serving as master of ceremor.r introduced each «»f the cont-*:- BOWLING ays & Sundavs ■i • arts as they appeared indivi- uallv for parade before the JC BILLIARDS ' A . I judge: Mu>ic throughout t •* 1 J . BICYCLES V ' J evening was provided by the TO MIDNIGHT L M M * Ted Hebert band and a feat-re W trumpet solo by young S . BOWLING TO MIDNIGHT Pb*ihrick of Xewburyport *'X3 > BILLIARDS 'tV oV a highlight during ore of tr.e ! . A k J . t J intermissions. BICYCLES - T J ft *tJn Using the point system x!:er m id n ig h t prescriptions A j f J £ * a' 1 djr I the first round of eliminati in. i cxeter, Why Not m id n ig h t I -V the scoring was so close or. the EXETER It ^ I tally cards of the judges that 10 Columb BOWLING L M . kl IiH the accountants. Wayne Elliot T Tel. PR 8-8948 • EVERY DAY AND E\ V 1 • ■ 'S GREAT FOh Air Conditioned For Yn POHAlP g PALM(K. B l g(G INVAIIO C SlCK ROOM SUPPUC* H/GH S t PfrJcj/tg tot -H4**P* Miss New England contest photos by Colt l*hoto Service. In 1647 it waa ordered by tne in wnieh they belonged: f*«* Massachusetts General Court! example, *“SM for Btrswberey that all horses be branded with Banke, “H” for Hampton, “E" uront letters to distinguish the towns for Exeter. lO'A-l 1 lb- Avg. to lED CLAMS 13 P M. t u r k e y s \ARY ANNETTE’S Shark d ***** 3Vj lb. Avg Arcade Roody To EtJl 12 P.M* BEAUTY SALON CHICKENS StuHod 4 Gravy Prove ON THE OCEAN fRONT LEAN — 7 Lb. Avg AT THE BARN MOTEL tclligcnt, good n« Have Your Hair Styled With An Ocean View Right In Th# Bom h a m s h o u ld e r trnmelv friendly GREYSTONE HOTEL Opp. Coast Coord Station ire mortally afraid oi h o m e m a d e p a s t r ie s Jet. it . 101-C 4 No. Show Blvd , which are powerful, WA 6-2498 TToeton u.d, c . k- st. Open Year Round Enjoy Fomlly Stylo Broakfoit Baked Twice Doily — 8 A.M. & 7 P.M. Sorvod Dally 8 A M. till Noon s and will kill sharks Oinnors Sorvod 5 - B:30 P.M. poises are constantly | LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DONUTS harks away from New Honey - Ploin - Jelly - Cinnamon 4 Crvltos DAILY SPECIAL FOR ie beaches and fnrtnei | TWO HOME MADE BREAD — WHITE & OATMEAL >t off-shore waters ar- 23c (sliced) 3 % lb. U.S. Choico Portor Houso o the Coast Guard. Margaret M. Junkins Steak Di" ' * 3S4.95 ains Mate Eyles told1 Evening Meals lest week that there CASINO MARKET wc entlv no shark warn-1 Featuring S. S. Pierce Company’s Groceries Sorvod Dally the New Hampshire; Everyone Invited Park In Front Of Market While You Shop Home Made Candies WAvorUr 6-3587 Try our Hand-Dipped Chocolates With Extra Hair lot MADE ON THE PREMISES REMNANTS [oke Summer Income SO ft. from Boulevard CANDY ; it OCEAN BOULEVARD MAILED Sale Price $11,200 COTTONS - WOOLENS - SILKS - SYNTHETICS coastline one to ten miles oil shore lie emphasized that the Coast Ask About 25% Guard becomes concerned only Dividend Insurance when they come in very close or art* reported within a mile or less of the beaches. N*>n«- ill highlight Mardi Gras Exeter Handkerchief Co have been spotted in that close the bandstand. to shi re during the past year. The schools ot porpoises which roam in close to the N.H. shore DINING ROOM Near B&M RR Sta. Lincoln St. Exeter are perhaps ihe Seacoast’s in. sura lice against sharks coming in close enough to bother bath­ Prime Rib Roast of Beef ers. NEW ENGLAND’S GREATEST Where you see porpoises, you GAURON Service Always won’t set* sharks for long. An­ other good insurance against ACROSS FROM THE STATE PARK 7 Ocean Boulevard sharks coming in close to shore Au Jus is their natural fear of being ON STATE PIER Wfiift WA 6-3174 or 6-2512 BINGO washed aground plus the cold AJ kdtet! Wolly Robinson Complete 30 GAME PARTY surf of the breakers and waves SNACK BAR & TACKLE SHOP T * along the beaches. LINES AND BAIT FURNISHED j J K s - r s r s Dinner Every Wednesday TOILET FACILITIES There are many abandoned FREE PARKING All Summer Games Start at 8 P.M. mines in New Hampshire and Smith’s Pharmacy Commerce officials 0ow] ryTuesday, 5-8:30 prospects that furnish excellent SHIP TO SHORE RADIO I C?mt u o n nmemberi! have Ron< hunting grounds for the amateur association Vi»ars pa “rock hound.” prescriptio n s d Delicatessen Specials LEGION HALL i Trip Phone Afternoon Trip fountain !all out to maU fce re DRUGS — COSMETICS rade one that floats.
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