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78 Red Bank, N Freehold YMCA Firing Wii| lie lie viewed SBJE STOKY PAGE 15 Clearing, Cold THEDAILY FINAL Snow ending toward noon. Cloudy, windy, cold tonight. Red Bank, Freehold EDITION Fair and cold tomorrow. Long Branch T Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 178 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1969 26 PAGES 10 CENTS Snowfall Closes Schools A Jieavy, wind-driven storm tery about 7 a.m. today, cycles and house trailers tains with up to 7 inches of Additional snowfalls of at struck the shore area early snarling traffic. It had been banned from the highway. snow. least 4 inches were expected today, closing schools and moved by 8:30. • '. Slow on Parkway Moderate to heavy snowfalls in the northern portionsX of creating hazardous driving In Fair Haven, Police Chief Traffic was also reported in .the higher levels of the1 Arizona and New Mexico no conditions. Carl Jakubecy reported, a. slow on the Garden State Appalachians produced haz- Colorado. According to Weather Ob- power failure about 7 a.m. in Parkway. Throughout the ardous driving conditions.* Light snow dusted the north- server Wilbur Lafaye of El- the McCarter Ave. area. No state, road clearing opera- Travelers' warnings were ern sections of the Rockies beron, Wi inches of snow had information was available tions were reported to be posted from the eastern por- and plains an scattered por- fallen by 7 a.m. today. from the Jersey Central Pow- patchy. tion «f Tennessee and Ken- tions of the Great Lakes and In Elberon,. the overnight er and Light Co. at press Schools throughout Mon- tucky into southeastern New fine rain fell in northern Cali- low temperature was 29 and ' time. mouth County' were closed. In York and Connecticut. fornia and parts of the Pacif- it was 30 degrees at 7 a.m. In Newark, the weather bu- the northern part of the state, Two to 4 inches of new snow ic Northwest. today. l reau announced that travel- several schools closed only for fell from, Asheville, N.C:, to Temperatures, before day- . Like the storm of one week ers' warnings were in effect. the morning. The weather Charleston, W. Va., and 4 break ranged from 8 below ago, this one struck hardest At dawn, the bureau reported bureau predicted the storm more- inches were expected. zero at Grand Forks, N.D., in the southern "part of the just under one inch" of snow. would end at mid-day. to 67 at Key West, Fla.- state, dumping about four Train and air facilities in Major storms at opposite Bain soaked most of Florida Some early morning re- inches in the Atlantic City the urban area, were report- ends of the nation gained mo- apd ranged into the southern ports: Boston 30 cloudy; New area before dawn and caus- ed moving normally, but mentum today, dumping rain sections of the Appalachians, York 34 snow; Philadelphia ing a power blackout there. speed limits on the New Jer- and snow on the southern At- the Carolinas and the Vir- 34 snow; Washington 34 snow; A large van jacknifed on sey Turnpike were reduced to lantic. Seaboard and blanket- ginias. Atlanta 37 cloudy; Miami 66 Bt. 35 near Fairview Ceme- 30 miles per hour with motor- ing parts of the Rocky moun- In the West, another storm rain; Detroit 23 cloudy; Chi- dumped 1 to 7 inches of snow cago 31 cloudy; Minneapolis- SCHWEICKART. THE SPACE WALKER—Drawing illustrates how astronaut Rus- on scattered area of the cen^ St. Paul 18 clear; St. Louis 36 sell L. Schweicliart of Wall Township stood outside the orbiting Apollo 9 moon- tral and southern Rockies and" partly cloudy; Kansas City 36 craft yesterday) to perform America's first space walk in more than two years. parts of the Southwest. Land- cloudy; Dallas 42 clear; Den- er, Wyo., measured 7 inches ver 32 cloudy;. P,hoenix 48 Schweickart wore pair of "golden slippers" attached to the platform. The slip- of new snow and Flagstaff, clear; Los Angeles 54 clear; pers, looking like Dutch shoes, held him fast and kept him from drifting away, Ariz., .49" inches. The Arizona San Francisco 46 clear; Seat- enabling him to free his hands. He held a camera with which he snapped pie- community now is buried un-: tle 39 clear; Anchorage 38 der 16 inches of accumulated cloudy; Honolulu 71 partly tures and carried an oxygen-giving back pack that kept him alive and protected snow. cloudy. him from fierce vacuum of space. (AP Wirephoto Drawing) Pair Separate Module From SPACE CENTER, Houston dition of their spindly-legged too, some kind of a ma- erything was working. they return to the command (AP) — Astronauts James A. machine... chine," joked Scott, referring Because, for the first time, ship- to get home. McDivitt and Russell L "You've got a nice looking to the insect-like appearance men were orbiting the earth •The two vehicles used their Schweickart separated their machine," Scott told the of the LEM. in a spaceship not capable radio code names, "Spider" fragile lunar module from the LEM pilots. McDivitt and Scfoweiekart of re-entering the atmo- for the LTM and "Gumdrop" CHRISTMAS IN MARCH — The Larson family of Sea Bright last night celebrated Apollo 9 command ship ''So is yours," was the re- did not want to commit them- sphere. LEM was built to op- for the command module. today, starting a space ren- its Christmas in March. The celebration was delayed until Spec. 4 George Lar- ply. selves to a large separation erate only in space or on the Mission Control commented dezvous maneuver vital to • "That's all it looks like, until they were certain ev- moon, so it is essential that (See MODULE, Pg. 3, Col. 3) ton, lower left, who was serving in Vietnam, came home. With him are his mother, America's moon landing Mrs. Mary Larson, behind George, and to the right, his sister, Miss Merry Larson, plans. his father, Victor Larson, and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Mildred Moorehouse, After a brief hangup, the in the armchair. (Register Staff Photo) two vehicles broke their lock Guidance Counselors Told 145 miles above the Atlantic Ocean at 7:40 a.m. EST. Air Force Col. David R. Scott was left alone in the Christmas in March command module. Student Unrest Will Stay They were not to link up By LONIA EFTHYVOUIOU the 82nd Airborne Infantry Reconnaissance again until mid-afternoon, af- LONG BRANCH — Student SEA BRIGHT — The tree had been Regiment in Vietnam. ter McDivitt and Schweickart unrest is in the high school trimmed for the Christmas holidays. It has He was .home last June, having com- fly the lunar module or LEM, to stay and school systems remained trimmed ever since.. pleted a 12-month tour of duty. After his 11? miles away and then can make the best of it, Mon- The presents, all gift wrapped, have vacation he will be off to his unit, once track down Scott in a celes- mouth County guidance coun- remained untouched under it, waiting for more, having volunteered for another six- tial game of tag. selors were told yesterday. month tour. As Scott pulled an arrow- the return of a local serviceman from Viet- Young activists can point nam. "We expected George home Wednes- like docking probe out of the day," said Mrs. Larson, "but his plane was nose of the LEM, he report- the way to move relevant cur. He was expected home for the holidays delayed in Vietnam for a day. He could not ed: "Undocked." ricula and better school sys- but the vagaries, of war fixed that. The make it. Last night we were informed that Brief Hang Up tems, Earle Clifford, Rutgers family decided to postpone Christmas cele- he was in San Francisco, and would be in University dean of student af- brations until he came home. But he almost immediately Newark-Thursday-afternoon;" reportedthat the probe was fairs, and Harry Morris, Yesterday afternoon George Larson, Waiting to greet the veteran were his hung up on something in the Manasquaii High School prin- 20-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lar- father and mother, his sister, 19-year old docking tunnel cipal, said. son of 2 Via Ripa Way, stepped off an air- Miss Merry Larson, and his maternal "We seem to be hanging And school officials must craft at Newark Airport, and into the arms grandmoiiher, Mrs. Mildred Moorehouse of on something," he reported. respond only to the validity of his mother, Mrs. Mary Larson, the bor- Sea Bright. "I'm going to back up a bit." of student demands, not to ough cleric. So, in a Christmas in March, the Lar- McDivitt asked Mission their source or the style In HOME ON FURLOUGH son family last night celebrated their holi- Control Center if "you have which they're presented, George is home on a 40-day furlough day and the return of George. The tree was any suggestions?" Dean Clifford declared. ' after completing six months' duty in Viet- lit and the gifts were unwrapped in its About that time, Scott jig- They were panelists in a nam. Spec. 4 George Larson Is serving with warm glow. gled the probe out and told discussion on bstudent Un- the LEM pilots: "Okay, you're rest" at the third annual free. You're clear." workshop of the Monmouth Immediately after the sep- .County Guidance Association aration, the two vehicles flew held in the West End Manor, May Use Computers circles aroilnd each other in here. GUIDING. COUNSELORS — Dr. Stanley Lofchie, seated, right, coordinator of psy- an orbital ballet as Scott The panel also included Gus chological services, Children's Psychiafric Center, Eatontown, wai the keynote snapped pictures and the Reichbach, a second-year stu- LEM pilots checked the con- (See STUDENT, Pg.
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    County Flag Salute Stand SEE STORY BELOW Showers Likely Cloudy and warm with show- THEDAILY FINAL ers likely today and tonight. Fair, warm tomorrow. " Red Bank, Freehold 1 long Branch f (See Details, Page 2) EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 39 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1970 32 PAGES TEN CENTS Another Banker Held in Embezzlement MATAWAN — A 40-year-old Colts Neck man self in his fashionable home in the Clover Hill When the suspect was arraigned in Asbury was being held for psychiatric examination today section of Colts Neck for a number of hours. Park, before U. S. Magistrate David Goldstein, after a dramatic arrest at his home yesterday on Friends and officers outside had failed to per- he waived his right to be represented by counsel charges of allegedly embezzling $125,000 from the suade him to come out. and his right to have a preliminary hearing. Farmers and Merchants National Bank. He was apprehended aty2 p.m. yesterday. ) The magistrate advised Mr. Stenger that he Joseph P. Stenger, assistant cashier of the The Stengers are the parents of four children thought he was making a mistake to refuse Matawan bank, was held in lieu of $100,000 bail in under 11 years of age. counsel. Mr. Stenger replied, "Thank you, your the custody of the U. S. Attorney and was await- honor, but I'll go it alone." ing examination for mental competency. •*••*****••*•**•••*•*•*•***••***•**** Mr. Stenger later appeared before U. S. News of the alleged embezzlement followed District Judge Reynier J.
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