



The CFFF is proud to have CIFFC representing all Canadian Wildland Firefighters as the honorary host of the 10 th annual ceremony. / La FCPMS est fière d'annoncer que le CIFFC représenta tous les pompiers forestiers canadiens en tant que hôte honoraire de la 10ème cérémonie annuelle.

2013 Memorial Service 1 Service commémoratif 2013 ORDER OF SERVICE / DÉROULEMENT DE LA CÉRÉMONIE

Master of Ceremony / Maître de cérémonie Mike McKenna 2nd Vice-President CFFF / 2e vice-président FCPMS O Canada

Reading of Added Names / Lecture des noms rajoutés Doug Wylie 1st Vice-President CFFF / 1er vice-président FCPMS

ALBERTA Captain Ed Kelsch, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Fire Chief Wayne Morris, Calgary Fire Dept. Asst. Deputy Chief Albert Grundy, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Captain Harold Scotten, Calgary Fire Dept. Firefighter George McLean, Winnipeg Fire Dept. District Chief Leslie Badry, Calgary Fire Dept. Captain Robert Derrheim, Calgary Fire Dept. ONTARIO Captain Rik Taylor, Calgary Fire Dept. Captain William Mills, Cumberland Fire Dept. Corporal Joseph Miller, Canadian Forces - PPCLI Firefighter Jack Cameron, Etobicoke Fire Dept. Firefighter Walter Cunliffe, Etobicoke Fire Dept. BRITISH COLUMBIA District Chief Chester Wells, Fort Erie Fire Dept. Lieutenant Clifford Bergen, Parksville Vol. Fire Dept. Deputy Chief Donald MacInnes, Firefighter Bernard Moriez, Nanaimo Fire Dept. Quinte West Fire & Emergency Services Captain Robert Owen, Nanaimo Fire Dept. Fire Prevention John Virostek, Sarnia Fire Rescue Services Lieutenant Gordon Odgers, Nanaimo Fire Dept. Firefighter John Duffield, Sarnia Fire Rescue Services Captain Ronald Carlisle, Vancouver Fire & Rescue Disctrict Chief James MacDonald, Scarborough Fire Dept. Captain Leister Geddes, Vancouver Fire & Rescue District Chief John Lalonde, Scarborough Fire Dept. Firefighter Bruce Holland, Vancouver Fire & Recue Captain Gerald Hagerman, Toronto Fire Services Firefighter Hugh Taylor, Saanich Fire Dept. Firefighter Raymond Cranswick, Toronto Fire Services Lieutenant Thomas Jennings, Saanich Fire Dept. Firefighter Randy Burch, Toronto Fire Services District Chief William Brew, Toronto Fire Services MANITOBA Firefighter Erik Christensen, Toronto Fire Services (North York) Captain Robert Innes, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Firefighter Thomas Clark, Toronto Fire Services (North York) Captain Frank Spooner, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Deputy Chief Norman Meeks, Wasaga Beach Fire Dept. Captain Henry Philpott, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Deputy Chief Robert Tam, West Perth Fire Dept. Captain Alfred Papson, Winnipeg Fire Dept. District Chief Mario Piva, Windsor Fire Dept. Captain Murray Eastoe, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Deputy Chief Lorne Green, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Captain Paul Gyselinck, Winnipeg Fire Dept. SASKATCHEWAN Captain Ray Zillman, Winnipeg Fire Dept. Battalion Chief Frank Sabo, Regina Fire Department

2013 Memorial Service 2 Service commémoratif 2013 ORDER OF SERVICE / DÉROULEMENT DE LA CÉRÉMONIE

Remarks / Remarques

ROBERT KIRKPATRICK President / Président Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation / Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts en service

GÉRARD LACASSE Information Coordinator / Coordonnateur à l'information Quebec Provincial Forest Fire Control Agency / Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU)

THE HONOURABLE STEVEN BLANEY Minister of Pubic Safety and Emergency Prepardness / Ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

Honouring the Fallen / Hommage aux disparus Master of Ceremony / Maître de cérémonie (page 4)

Ringing of the Bell / Sonnerie de la cloche

Last Post / Sonnerie aux morts - Moment of Silence / Moment de silence

Lament / Complainte – Reveille / Réveil militaire

Chaplain / Aumônier Firefighters prayer / priere du pompier Bruce Rushton Chaplain CFFF / Aumônier de la FCPMS

“Amazing Grace” / « Grâce infinie »

Passing of the Helmet / Passage du casque

March Past / Défilé – Final Salute

Dernier salut – Dismissal / Ordre de rompre

2013 Memorial Service 3 Service commémoratif 2013 HONOURING THE FALLEN HOMMAGE AUX POMPIERS MORTS EN SERVICE

FIREFIGHTER FIREFIGHTER PETER DRUMMOND ROGER KING JR. Coquitlam Fire Rescue BC Yarmouth Fire Department NS November 19, 2007 January 25, 2012

CREW LEADER FIREFIGHTER SYLVAIN PERRON RICHARD ELDON Société de protection des Toronto Fire Services ON forêts contre le feu QC May 21, 2012 May 10, 2011 FIREFIGHTER ACTING CAPTAIN PETER VOYNOVICH SR. JAMES M ac LEAN Welland Fire & Emergency Services ON Toronto Fire Services ON May 29, 2012 July 5, 2011 POMPIER FIRE CHIEF THIERRY GODFRIND GORDON KEMP Service de sécurité Lanark Highlands Fire Department ON incendie de Montréal QC August 13, 2011 July 13, 2012

ACTING CAPTAIN SHANE M cCREADY Brampton Fire & Emergency Services ON October 26, 2012

2013 Memorial Service 4 Service commémoratif 2013 FIREFIGHTER PETER DRUMMOND COQUITLAM (BC) FIRE RESCUE

Firefighter /Engine Operator Peter Drummond died from a work-related illness on November 19, 2007. He joined the fire service in 1980. Le pompier et opérateur d’autopompe Peter Drummond a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 19 novembre 2007. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 1980.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Peter was a proud, dedicated and extremely caring firefighter for the City of Coquitlam Fire/Rescue, starting his career in 1980. His brothers/sisters in the department were his extended family. Peter had a tremendous sense of humour and quick wit which he shared with everyone. With his crooked smile and laugh he would light up a room. Peter had three very special girls in his life: his high school sweetheart and wife, Judy, and his two beautiful daughters, Hayley and Dalyce (Todd) who miss him every day. He would have been the most amazing Grandpa to Jayce Peter born in 2012. He is also dearly missed by his siblings Linda (Dennis), Colin (Beth), Debbie, Larry (Nadine) and his in-laws Bern and Chris, his son-in-law David, and his devoted 24/7 bedside companion Riley. Peter loved music, hiking, mountain biking, boating, camping and exploring B.C. with his family. The Mayan Riviera was a favourite destination for Peter and Judy where they loved to relax, soak up the sun and watch the waves roll in, with a cold cerveza in hand. With dignity and determination Peter fought a courageous battle with cancer for four and a half years, but always his focus was the well-being of his family. We love him and miss him so much. Always and forever.


Le chef de lutte et formateur de main-d’œuvre auxiliaire Sylvain Perron est mort d’une crise cardiaque sur le lieu d’un incendie le 10 mai 2011. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie SOPFEU section Vald’Or en 2005 et était basé à Matagami depuis 2006. Fire foreman and training instructor Sylvain Perron, died at the scene of a fire on 10 may 2011. He joined the SOPFEU Val-d’Or base in 2005 and has been stationed at Matagami since 2006.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Sylvain de par la signification de son nom (qui aime la nature) était prédestiné à devenir protecteur des forêts. Il a terminé sa technique forestière et a par la suite travaillé à reboiser, à débroussailler et à faire de la coupe de bois jusqu’au jour où il fit sa première expérience auprès de la SOPFEU en tant que main-d’œuvre auxiliaire en 2004. Ayant aimé l’expérience il fit son entrée au service de la SOPFEU en tant que pompier boréal en 2005. Sylvain a su communiquer sa passion à son père qui travaille depuis 2005 comme main-d’œuvre auxiliaire. Sylvain se faisait un plaisir de donner la formation annuelle à son père ainsi qu’aux membres de la main-d’œuvre auxiliaire. Sylvain était généreux, sociable et toujours prêt à rendre service. Il aimait être le protecteur de sa famille. Dans ses moments de liberté il aimait être auprès de sa conjointe et de ses deux enfants Sarah-Maude et Nathan qu’il accompagnait avec plaisir à leurs différentes activités sportives. Il aimait jouer aux Xbox en ligne avec son frère et ses amis, et passer des moments en famille autour d’une bonne table. Mais ce qu’il préférait par-dessus tout était de terminer la soirée autour d’un bon feu avec ceux qu’il aimait. Sylvain tu seras toujours présent dans nos cœurs et vivant à travers l’amour de ta conjointe Geneviève, de tes enfants Sarah-Maude et Nathan, de ton frère et ta belle-sœur François et Kate, de ta sœur et ton beau-frère Natacha et Michel, de ton père et ta mère Pierre et Denise, de ton filleul Nicholas, de ta nièce et tes neveux Léa, Emrick et Adam, ainsi que de tes nombreux collègues et amis.

2013 Memorial Service 5 Service commémoratif 2013 ACTING CAPTAIN JAMES M ac LEAN TORONTO (ON) FIRE SERVICES

Acting Captain James (Jamie) Alton MacLean died from a work related illness on July 5, 2011. He joined the fire service in 1989. Le capitaine par intérim James (Jamie) Alton MacLean a succombé à une maladie profes - sionnelle le 5 juillet 2011. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 1989.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Jamie became a Toronto Firefighter in 1989 and devoted his life to helping others. Jamie lived his life to the fullest with his passion, dedication; great sense of humor and strength of character. He beat the odds time and time again and has left an indelible mark on all lives touched along the way. Jamie’s valiant effort to live life to the fullest ended peacefully surrounded by family on July 5, 2011 at the age of 48 at Southlake Regional Health Centre. Jamie leaves behind his beloved wife of 11 years, Milena and his little angel Madison, whom he adored. He will be sadly missed by his parents Alton and Shirley MacLean, his sister Patti (Kirt) Marshall and his brother Jason MacLean. Jamie will also be greatly missed by his in-laws Stan and Anka Jeremic, brothers in law, Nenad (Lisa) Jeremic and Milenko Perse, his nieces and nephews; Michael, Tyler, Meaghan, Cassandra, Julia, Caitlyn and Cameron as well as his many aunts, uncles, cousins and countless number of friends. We will miss him more than words can say.

When I am gone release me. Let me go, I have so many things to see and do. You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears. Be happy that we had so many beautiful years. I gave to you my love. You can only guess how much you gave me in happiness. I thank you for the love you each have shown. But now it's time I travel alone So grieve awhile for me, if grieve you must. Then let your grief be comforted by my trust. It's only for awhile that we must part. So bless the memories within your heart. I won't be far away, for life goes on. So if you need me, call and I will come. Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near. And if you listen within your heart you'll hear All my love around you soft and clear. And then when you must come this way alone, I'll greet you with a smile and say "Welcome Home."


Firefighter Roger King, passed away from a work related illness on January 25, 2012. He joined the fire service in 1973. Le pompier Roger King a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 25 janvier 2012. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 1973.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Roger was in the Fire service for 38 years as a volunteer and served in a variety of roles attaining the rank of Captain of the Reliance . Fire Service was his passion and helping people in need was his priority. Roger served on many community boards and was very well known and respected in his community. Roger was an avid outdoorsman who loved to share his knowledge with others. Roger and his wife Sharon travelled extensively, giving him the opportunity to enjoy another passion diving. Roger was a loving husband to Sharon, and a proud father and father-in-law to Shannon and Heidi, Darren and Shawnda. Roger was also a cherished Grampy to Emily. He will be missed by many.

2013 Memorial Service 6 Service commémoratif 2013 FIRE CHIEF GORDON KEMP TOWNSHIP OF LANARK HIGHLANDS (ON) FIRE DEPT.

Fire Chief Gordon Kemp died from a work related illness on August 13, 2011. He joined the fire service in 1970. Le chef des pompiers Gordon Kemp a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le13 août 2011. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 1970.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Gord started in the Gloucester Fire Department in June 1970. He attained the rank of Lieutenant and was very active in the Association holding the position of President for many years. He also represented his Department and other Fire Departments in Boards of Arbitrations. In March 1984 he became Fire Chief for the City of Kanata and in October 2001 became Fire Chief for the Township of Lanark Highlands. Gord was a proud, passionate and dedicated firefighter. He enjoyed his work immensely, and most importantly, he enjoyed the camaraderie in the fire service and the people he met through the fire service. Gord was a loving husband and best friend to Susan, and a proud father and father-in-law to Michael (Sabrina), Patricia (Adam), Scott (Laura) and Steven (Josh). Family was very important to Gord. His grandchildren Benjamin, Braeden, Madeline, and Crosby brought him laughter and joy. He never got to meet the newest member of the family, Timothy. I am sure he continues to watch out for them all. Gord was diagnosed with Leukemia in December 2009. He continued to live every day to the fullest. His positive attitude was infectious and his will to see the best in every situation and everyone was inspiring. He welcomed everyone and was always up for a good time. His laughter and smile were contagious. Remembering Gord is easy as we do it every day. Missing him is a heartache that never goes away.


Firefighter Richard Eldon died from a work related illness on May 21, 2012. He joined the fire service in 1994. Le pompier Richard Eldon a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 21 mai 2012. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 1994.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Richard or “Rich” as he was known at the fire hall was hired with the East York Fire Department in 1994. Richard loved his job and always enjoyed the company of his fellow “brothers” around him. He was a loving, kind-hearted, generous and motivated individual. Ask anyone who knew Richard, when he believed in something, he made sure to let you know all about it! Richard was a musician as well. He played the guitar (self-taught) and sang vocals. He played around his home town of Hamilton, ON and enjoyed bringing out his guitar around the campfire at his family cottage up in Elliot Lake, ON. Richard leaves behind his life partner, Shari and their three children Justin (10), Christian (8) and Cole (3). Richard is missed dearly by his mother, Terry, his Dad and his wife, Tony and Fran, his brothers, Mike, Paul and his sister, Katie. May you rest in peace my darling Richard. Until we meet again xo

2013 Memorial Service 7 Service commémoratif 2013 FIREFIGHTER PETER VOYNOVICH SR. WELLAND (ON) FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES

Firefighter Peter Voynovich Sr. died from a work related illness on May 29, 2012. He joined the fire service in 1977. Le pompier Peter Voynovich Sr a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 29 mai 2012. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 1977.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Pete lived an extraordinary life, full of laughter, adventure, honour, and courage. He was a mentor and inspiration to many, and friend to all. Peter was brother of hundreds of firefighters who continue to fight the brave fight each and every day; he loved you as family and is proud to have served with you. Pete lived his life as it ended: with dignity, bravery and heroism. Peter had a strong affiliation within the Welland Professional Fire Fighters Association and held a number of executive positions including Vice President, Secretary, and Health and Safety Officer. Peter is also affiliated with the OPFFA and IAFF. Being a firefighter was more than a job to Pete, it was a way of life and a role that suited him perfectly: fearless protector and hero. Peter loved sports, drag racing, hot rods, woodworking, and traveling with his family for his kids sporting events. Helping his buddies, friends, and family and afternoon coffees with his hot rod pals also brought him great joy. He will also be dearly remembered for perfecting the world's tastiest Peterburger. Wife: Connie , Sons: Peter Jr. (Chantal) Matthew (Jody) and Joshua (Bridgette) Grand Children: Adele, Parker, Mabel and Maude.


Le pompier Thierry Godfrind est décédé sur les lieux d’un d’incendie le 13 juillet 2012. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 2010. Firefighter Thierry Godfrind, died at the scene of a fire on July 13, 2012. He joined the fire service in 2010.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Départ imprévu alors que tu avais tant de projets en cours.

Les pages du calendrier se tournent et tu nous manques toujours autant. Tu es parti avec une étincelle de bonheur dans les yeux et le sourire d’avoir pleinement vécu ta vie.

Puisses-tu être un modèle pour nous tous.

Je t’aime et t’aimerai encore.

2013 Memorial Service 8 Service commémoratif 2013 ACTING CAPTAIN SHANE M cCREADY BRAMPTON (ON) FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES

Acting Captain Shane McCready died from a work related illness on October 26, 2012. He joined the fire service in 2003. Le Capitaine par intérim Shane McCready a succombé à une maladie professionnelle le 26 octobre 2012. Il s’est joint au service d’incendie en 2003.

Family Memories / Souvenirs de famille Shane McCready embodied what it means to be a firefighter. Always a gentleman, Shane maintained lifelong friendships and was the stable voice among his close friends. Immensely proud of his profession, Shane never stopped furthering his fire service education. Not only did Shane receive his Ontario Fire College Company Officer Diploma in 2012, he also wrote his Captain’s exam while an in-patient at Princess Margaret Hospital. Shane was also active within his department as an auto-ex instructor and was very passionate about firefighter safety, possibly too passionate: no one was allowed near the station BBQ while Shane was preparing a meal! Shane was a true outdoorsman. No matter the season, he loved fishing, hunting, hiking, and camping, usually accom - panied by his chocolate lab Chief. Shane was drawn indoors however by his passion for curling, representing Ontario numerous times in Canadian Firefighters Curling Championships. A skilled craftsman, Shane loved household projects and building furniture. Shane served as a firefighter for 16 years, first as a volunteer with Niagara-on-the-Lake and then professionally with Brampton Fire and Emergency Services. During his illness, Shane never lost his positive attitude and fighting spirit. He will be forever loved by his fiancé, friends, and family.

Please make a donation today so they will…never be forgotten! www.cfff.ca Veuillez SVP effectuer un don dès aujourd’hui et faire en sorte…qu’ils ne soient jamais oubliés!


Names of the fallen are listed alphabetically with the memorial wall location number in brackets. The last name should appear within 2 feet of either side of the corresponding bronze marker joint. ______Les noms des pompiers morts en service sont présentés en ordre alphabétique; le chiffre entre parenthèse identifie le point de repère sur le mur commémoratif. Le nom de famille devrait être inscrit dans un rayon de deux pieds du point de repère de bronze correspondant.

Harry Adams (19) 19/06/1914 Clifford Barrett (16) 05/04/2010 Robert Bezeau (9) 24/10/1997 Kenneth Aikenhead (9) 13/05/1987 Bill Barrett (8) 30/09/1961 Joe Billings (11) 19/03/1981 Harvey Aitcheson (16) 06/10/2004 Michael Barry (5) 18/04/1877 Arthur Bisson (8) 27/11/1967 Edgar Aitchison (14) 22/08/1950 Gordon Bartlett (1) 02/07/1994 Paul Bjerg (1) 23/06/1965 Alexander Aitchison (14) 05/04/1905 Donald Barwell (14) 29/04/1975 William Black (5) 28/04/1998 Paul Alain (7) 24/10/1945 Percival Barwick (17) 09/02/1967 James Blackier (3) 13/03/1984 Jean-Charles Alarie (7) 27/03/1984 Eric Basarowich (19) 22/02/1985 Léonard Blain (7) 23/05/1940 Alfred Albert (8) 01/01/1928 Glen Bassett (10) 13/02/1994 Ted Bochan (22) 26/06/2011 David Allan (21) 25/08/1976 Lionel Beaton (1) 14/05/1975 Jean-Marie Boivin (7) 27/07/1954 James Anderson (10) 09/03/1966 Harold Beaton (10) 01/07/1992 Clayton Bollong (1) 30/10/1956 Thomas Andrews (14) 02/02/1949 Robert Beatson (20) 28/11/1955 Leonard Bondy (11) 27/02/1971 Alan Anketell (9) 10/03/1999 William Beattie (21) 09/05/2005 George Booth (5) 11/10/1975 Richard Ardagh (14) 27/01 1885 Simon Beauchamp (23) 01/07/1982 Donald Booth (16) 14/10/2007 Jesse Armitage (16) 19/01/1980 Léon Beaudoin (5) 11/12/1958 Leslie Booth (10) 30/06/1967 Jack Armstrong (11) 06/03/1974 Richard Beaulieu (22) 30/08/1971 Leslie Booth (13) 28/08/1953 Jim Arnold (13) 06/11/1999 Denis Beauregard (7) 03/03/1981 Randy Borecki (22) 23/11/2003 William Ashfield (14) 05/10/1880 Robert Belyea (3) 27/12/1983 Leonard Borrow (24) 24/08/1973 Les Ashton (21) 23/12/2002 Wayne Bench (10) 10/07/1997 Daniel Botkin (23) 29/12/2011 Denis Asselin (4) 02/08/1992 Lester Bengay (9) 24/09/1972 Raymond Boulanger (8) 29/01/1976 Jasper Assman (23) 06/10/1956 George Bennett (14) 14/06/1907 Jacques-Henri Boulet (7) 21/06/1986 Alan Auger (10) 16/01/1985 Leroy Bennett (13) 20/09/1975 Ralph Boulton (24) 04/09/1989 Moise Aumond (5) 27/09/1890 Clifford Bergen (24) 2/26/2012 Bernie Bourne (10) 17/04/1994 Raymond Ayotte (7) 03/03/1971 John Bertram (13) 13/12/1896 Edmond Boutin (4) 21/07/1929 Donald Babineau (16) 09/09/1987 Robert Bertrand (24) 12/05/2010 Walter Bowen (21) 22/04/1951 Leslie Badry (22) 3/6/2013 Alphonse Bertrand (7) 12/05/1930 Robert Bowery (14) 06/01/1895 Theophilus Ballinger (17) 02/06/1962 Rolland Bérubé (6) 01/06/1961 Ray Brackenbury (21) 03/12/1964 Elton Bannon (16) 09/03/1965 Ken Best (11) 29/10/1989 George Branch (1) 24/11/1980 James Banting (21) 23/02/2011 Sampson Best (10) 13/01/1926 Édouard Brazeau (4) 20/08/1919 James Barabash (24) 15/04/1995 William Bettke (15) 30/01/2010 George Bremner (16) 19/07/1947 E. Barnett (23) 14/09/1945 Jack Beuving (14) 18/03/2001 William Brew (14) 9/24/1979

2013 Memorial Service 10 Service commémoratif 2013 John Bricknell (16) 24/02/2000 James Carrington (21) 24/11/2008 Ronald Clowes Sr. (3) 23/04/2010 Edward Briggs (22) 23/01/2004 William Carson (10) 07/12/1999 George Clynick (3) 19/03/1927 James Brigham (19) 19/08/2000 Craig Carter (17) 25/08/2004 Norman Cocks (21) 08/05/1962 William Brindle (15) 25/01/1901 Billy Carter (2) 03/12/1973 William Coe (9) 26/09/1920 Armand Brisebois (5) 01/03/1942 John Case (9) 18/06/1916 Walter Collard (14) 10/07/1902 William Broderick (2) 06/12/1917 Norman Caskie (10) 09/07/1960 Jérémie Collin (5) 21/08/1934 Raymond Brooks (13) 23/02/1991 Edward Caskie (16) 13/07/1946 Clarence Collins (16) 16/10/1954 Keith Brown (17) 08/08/2005 Bruce Catchpole (15) 26/01/1964 Doran Collins (11) 10/06/1988 Frederick Brown (19) 06/04/1953 Albert Cayen (13) 08/12/1947 James Collins (16) 13/07/1980 Charles Brown (9) 24/10/2004 Robert Chalmers (22) 06/07/2009 Joe Comeau (24) 17/05/1999 William Brown (13) 20/09/1929 Thomas Chambers (16) 12/03/1956 Edward Condon (2) 06/12/1917 William Bruce (21) 13/01/1940 John Chappelle (11) 05/09/2007 Kevin Conlon (16) 06/06/2005 William Brunt (2) 06/12/1917 Jean-Claude Charbonneau (7) Ivan Cook (17) 13/05/1968 17/09/1977 Gary Bryant (9) 19/04/2006 William Cooke (12) 30/11/1998 Hormidas Charest (6) 12/12/1922 James Bryant (24) 29/06/1914 James Copeland (16) 25/06/2000 William Charlton (14) 10/07/1866 Harvey Buckley (10) 09/09/1949 Aurèle Cormier (4) 22/06/1982 Thomas Charters (10) 14/04/1881 Alexander Budd (10) 21/11/1957 William Cormier (1) 24/04/1930 Louis Chartier (8) 17/05/1935 Victor Budz (20) 31/05/1980 Robert Corrigan (24) 01/07/1958 Raymond Chatten (24) 20/08/1979 Murray Bulmer (14) 28/08/1953 Edward Cosgrave (14) 24/06/1947 Joseph Cheeseman (10) 30/11/1996 Randy Burch (16) 11/12/2012 James Cote (21) 18/07/1969 Harry Chevalier (11) 04/07/1990 Ken Burfield (9) 15/10/1989 Léopold Coté (6) 13/10/1951 Normand Chiasson (5) 19/06/1991 Stanley Burnett (14) 01/03/1961 Fernand Côté (17) 23/12/2007 Lucien Chicoine (5) 24/11/1941 Fred Burr (24) 04/05/1960 Lucien Cotnoir (4) 08/02/1976 Barry Chipka (18) 22/04/2006 Randy Bush (10) 25/03/1981 John Coull (19) 03/07/1944 Hormidas Choquette (5) 28/03/1927 Tim Butland (17) 16/11/1988 Donald Coulter (17) 24/10/1983 Richard Choules (5) 29/04/1877 Arthur Cade (23) 01/07/1984 Kent Cousineau (15) 14/05/2008 Mark Christensen (22) 17/08/2008 Robert Calhoun (14) 07/06/1933 Rémi Couturier (3) 02/06/1940 Erik Christensen (13) 3/19/2010 John Calhoun (17) 07/07/1957 Raymond Cranswick (16) 12/15/1983 Frank Christie (19) 18/02/1952 Fred Cameron (13) 30/06/1934 Roy Creen (13) 20/01/1908 Thomas Christie (23) 29/02/2008 William Cameron (24) 15/05/1918 Gary Cross (16) 14/05/2008 Thomas Christie (11) 24/11/1905 Jack Cameron (10) 8/4/2012 Robert Crothers (9) 28/08/1997 Philip Clack (23) 02/08/1974 Philippe Camiré (8) 06/06/1910 James Crowley (10) 03/11/2001 John Clark (11) 04/12/1978 Robert Campbell (13) 23/11/2004 Steve Cudnik (11) 15/11/1994 Roy Clark (20) 14/05/2006 Alan Campbell (24) 23/11/1960 William Culling (16) 20/01/1953 Lawrence Clark (15) 18/08/1908 Ross Campbell (14) 29/01/1962 Walter Cunliffe (13) 5/29/2011 Murray Clark (22) 15/08/1976 David Campbell (24) 03/08/1997 Ken Currie (16) 01/02/2000 Thomas Clark (10) 14/08/1992 Doug Cantelon (13) 15/07/1999 Ernest Cyr (4) 13/03/1948 Thomas Clark (16) 12/5/08 Guy Cantin (16) 15/04/1997 Yvon Cyr (7) 15/05/1981 Harry Clarke (13) 10/07/1902 Auguste Cardinal (8) 31/10/1913 Stan Dabrowski (14) 18/05/1981 Francis Cardinal (21) 21/07/2010 Roy Clarkson (10) 11/02/1980 Georges Dagenais (6) 22/04/1893 Joseph Careau (7) 15/05/1920 Yvon Clément (5) 03/08/1971 Ted Daher (11) 05/12/1999 Patrick Carey (13) 30/04/2001 Patrick Cleveland (17) 13/07/1989 Ken Daigneau (11) 05/05/1998 Ronald Carlisle (24) 2/15/2011 Richard Cline (23) 27/06/1992 Jacques Daigneault (5) 24/12/2002 Charles Carolan (10) 25/02/2002 John Cloran (6) 03/08/1884 Raymond-Lomer D'amours (8) Sylvain Carpentier (5) 16/10/1896 William Closs (16) 21/06/2009 12/12/1948

2013 Memorial Service 11 Service commémoratif 2013 John Dance (11) 07/09/1977 Gaston Dorval (8) 12/03/1961 Richard Eldon (15) 5/21/2012 Bruce Dancy (21) 31/08/2006 William Douglas (5) 16/04/1849 Jack Elgar (19) 27/06/1998 Michel Daragon (8) 29/06/1998 Robert Douglas (3) 18/02/1941 William Elliott (17) 07/03/2007 Hubert Daudelin (4) 24/02/1959 William Downey (10) 25/09/1967 Wilfrid Elliott (9) 29/04/1947 George Dauphinee (2) 01/12/1933 Roy Downing (13) 28/08/1953 Herbert Ellis (24) 17/04/1930 Alexander Davidson (24) 16/07/1967 Gerhard Drachenberg (24) 22/07/1966 Robert Ellis (16) 06/10/1993 James Davidson (17) 02/12/1947 Walter Drake (11) 07/10/2001 Fred Ellis (10) 29/11/2002 Thomas Davidson (20) 13/07/1984 Roland Drolet (7) 12/03/1961 Mathieu Émond (5) 04/03/2008 Alexander Davidson (14) 04/06/1937 Peter Drummond (23) 11/19/2007 Dustin Engel (24) 20/06/2004 John Davis (15) 11/07/1884 Jean-Roch Dubreuil (7) 07/01/1987 John Enright (5) 22/01/1904 Charles Dawson (19) 21/01/1896 Desmond Dubroy (13) 01/04/1959 John Eskdale (14) 17/12/1885 Charles Dawson (9) 29/12/1977 Jean Ducharme (6) 09/09/1965 Arthur Etter (2) 25/01/1885 Kenneth Day (15) 22/07/2011 Peter Duchnicki (10) 12/06/1957 Robert Evans (23) 29/11/2002 Louis De Brienne (4) 17/06/1932 Nestor Dudar (19) 10/04/2007 Thomas Everist (11) 24/04/1890 Thomas Deacon (14) 01/04/1898 John Duffield (17) 8/7/2011 Theo Farquharson (1) 01/09/1890 Jean-Luc Deba (21) 20/05/2011 Jacques Dufort (7) 28/10/2002 William Farrington (19) 23/12/2002 Grover Deck (13) 19/05/1951 Pierre-Alexandre Dufour (5) Greg Fecteau (16) 14/02/2007 James Deemert (11) 30/09/2003 09/06/1893 Peter Ferguson (9) 09/04/1955 Fernand Defoy (6) 25/08/1957 Denis Dufour (7) 01/08/1978 Léonard Ferland (7) 17/05/1935 Fred Deinhart (10) 31/10/1968 Napoléon Dugal (8) 22/10/1937 James Fewell (24) 02/08/1974 Charles Delano (3) 16/12/1959 John Duggan (2) 06/12/1917 Rae Fidler (9) 09/05/1980 Willard Delano (3) 16/12/1959 Amédée Dumas (4) 16/03/1901 Michael Fikis (9) 05/03/1979 Napoléon Deloge (5) 22/01/1922 Murray Duncan (10) 07/04/2003 Guy Filiatrault (7) 14/05/1974 Brent Dempsey (22) 08/09/2003 William Duncan (15) 25/03/2011 Alexandre Filion (5) 18/10/1927 Paul Denesuik (10) 09/12/1982 William Dundas (9) 15/11/1949 David Findley (17) 13/03/1944 Wilfred Derocher (21) 04/05/1944 Ray Dunning (11) 01/06/1977 Arthur Fiset (7) 24/11/1930 Robert Derrheim (22) 7/14/2011 Robert Dupont (7) 01/08/1978 Dennis Fisher (11) 19/03/1981 Louis Deschamps (9) 16/06/1927 Laurent Dupont (5) 08/01/1994 Edward Fisher (24) 25/07/1959 René Desharnais (7) 27/06/1993 Gilbert Dupuis (16) 16/02/1962 Frederick Fisher (23) 21/06/1982 Wilbrod Desjardins (7) 01/02/1925 Hugh Durkin (14) 13/05/1913 Richard Fofonove (24) 16/07/1984 Lionel Desjardins (16) 24/04/1968 J. Dusablon (18) 04/06/1976 Pierre-Agapit Foisy (8) 28/11/1917 Andy DesLauriers (9) 03/06/1992 Yannick Dutin (1) 12/07/1967 Hector Forest (5) 15/07/1933 Martin Desrochers (7) 27/06/1993 Stan Dutka (11) 09/03/2007 Ross Forfar (10) 01/09/2005 Pierre Déziel (5) 19/03/1990 Lloyd Dutnall (22) 06/09/1970 James Forrest (14) 25/04/1878 Harris Diack (19) 18/06/2006 Pierre Duval (6) 31/12/1883 John Forsyth (5) 22/06/1913 Clarence Dibble (13) 15/08/1964 Ronald Dysart (18) 06/06/2007 Jérémie Fortin (6) 16/10/1909 Patrick Dineen (16) 18/05/2006 Donald Dyson (15) 21/01/2000 Jérémie Fortin (4) 22/09/1930 Raynald Dion (7) 27/06/1993 Murray Eastoe (19) 5/4/2012 Earl Fox (2) 15/01/1956 James Dixon (13) 23/07/1934 Victor Ebbs (17) 05/12/2002 Jean-Claude Fraser (5) 29/05/1984 Paul Dixon (12) 16/10/1988 Eric Ebert (24) 16/07/2003 John Fraser (9) 13/11/1962 Duncan Doan (9) 06/08/1969 Jack Edwards (24) 23/06/1961 William Fraser (13) 06/11/1967 Paul Dolbec (7) 15/05/1981 James Edwards (10) 15/12/1985 Earl Fraser (17) 01/02/1953 Frederick Dolding (18) 12/08/1929 Alan Edwards (21) 12/05/2005 Edward Frederick (1) 14/04/1878 Paul Donahoe (16) 09/10/2007 Donald Eichenberger (9) 11/08/1984 James Frederick (24) 31/07/1962 Leo Dorgan (14) 27/05/2009 Robert Elder (22) 09/09/2005 Frank Freemantle (11) 31/03/1973

2013 Memorial Service 12 Service commémoratif 2013 Mike French (17) 10/01/1990 Kevin Gordon (13) 19/07/2011 William Harpe (21) 21/05/1943 Alvin French (18) 12/02/1973 Tom Gordon (10) 24/03/1997 Leonard Harper (24) 08/12/1947 Roy Friesen (24) 29/06/1985 William Gorman (1) 14/02/1926 Alex Harris (22) 20/06/2009 Richard Frost (23) 10/05/1918 David Gottfredson (24) 26/07/1969 John Harrison (16) 06/03/1969 Otis Fulton (24) 10/05/1918 Paul Goulet (16) 13/05/1993 Harold Harrison (22) 06/05/1995 Cyril Fyfe (21) 21/03/2005 Charles Jr. Goulet (4) 29/11/1984 Éric Hart (5) 30/11/1979 Napoléon Gagnon (6) 12/01/1908 Stanley Gower (13) 04/10/1943 Lawrence Hart (23) 12/08/1990 Gary Galipeau (11) 10/08/2001 Terrence Graham (3) 10/07/2008 Lorne Hartley (17) 02/11/1991 Anthony Gallager (19) 14/08/1914 Murray Graham (15) 29/06/1994 Arthur Hartop (11) 03/03/1934 Jerald Gallaghan (16) 12/10/2008 John Graham (22) 25/05/2001 Myron Harvey (2) 15/09/1992 Lawrence Gant (19) 21/05/1978 Gary Graham (10) 13/04/1998 Albert Hatch (14) 14/04/1904 Kurt Gantner (23) 23/08/2011 John Graham (24) 10/11/1979 William Hauber (24) 16/07/1985 Gilbert Garand (4) 15/07/1892 Francis Graham (14) 25/07/1877 John Hawley (19) 15/08/1949 Lionel Gariépy (7) 02/03/1960 Martin Gramm (14) 17/08/1998 William Haynes (16) 01/02/1955 Ernest Garrett (10) 14/10/1966 Andrew Grant (23) 16/10/1933 Lloyd Hayward (4) 22/10/1958 Robert Gaston (15) 17/04/1952 William Gratton (14) 21/08/1952 Frederick Hazines (7) 10/03/1886 Robert Gaston (17) 18/12/1967 David Gray (13) 09/03/2010 Rex Heath (17) 26/12/2009 Ian Gatehouse (11) 11/04/2004 Ian Gray (16) 26/08/2000 Steven Heatherington (20) 18/07/1969 Raoul Gauthier (5) 17/06/1932 Lorne Green (18) 4/1/2011 James Heaton (15) 24/01/2010 Albert Gauthier (8) 11/10/1917 Robert Greer (3) 24/05/1874 Clifford Heaton (21) 18/01/1970 Thomas Gauthier (7) 29/03/1911 Bertrand Grenier (7) 05/02/1962 Andrew Hebenton (19) 22/01/1955 Viateur Gauthier (7) 16/12/1938 Jacques Grenier (7) 01/03/1991 Georges Hébert (3) 10/04/1952 Lance Geary (23) 17/11/2008 André Grenier (8) 23/02/1988 Elmer Helm (10) 29/12/1977 William Geddes (9) 30/08/1950 Maurice Grenon (14) 13/09/1982 Les Helman (18) 14/05/2008 Leister Geddes (23) 7/7/2011 Dale Griffin (24) 01/08/1985 George Heming (21) 26/06/2003 Yvon Gendron (7) 18/08/1981 John Groves (10) 25/05/2000 Walter Hennessey (2) 06/12/1917 Jean-Marie Genest (5) 05/12/2007 Albert Grundy (20) 11/8/2001 Napoléon Henrichon (4) 17/06/1932 Patrick Geraghty (5) 27/01/1981 Dennis Guenter (20) 31/05/1980 Svend Henriksen (17) 15/07/1999 David Gerow (9) 27/03/1923 Albert Guérin (7) 17/08/1936 James Henry (13) 23/07/1934 James Getty (9) 05/08/1972 Adolf Guterson (22) 16/12/1951 Douglas Herbers (21) 30/09/2003 Leonard Gibbons (14) 05/02/1955 Paul Gyselinck (19) 2/4/2012 Martin Hicks (3) 12/07/1993 Austin Gibson (9) 09/08/1971 Gerald Hagan (22) 18/08/2006 Thomas Higgins (5) 29/04/1877 Phillip Gibson (7) 17/01/1901 Gerald Hagerman (16) 2/2/2013 George Hill (17) 27/12/1948 Richard Gietz (17) 29/12/2007 Edward Hains (5) 20/02/1923 Herbert Hill (9) 20/02/1979 Gary Giffin (24) 11/06/2002 Gordon Hales (21) 01/09/1971 Donald Hill (24) 08/08/1967 Howard Gilbert (11) 06/09/1974 Don Haley (13) 21/11/2008 Reg Hill (24) 14/09/1945 Sidney Gilbert (22) 15/03/2007 Robert Hall (24) 27/08/2007 Douglas Hillis (10) 12/01/2004 Albert Gilbert (14) 16/07/1884 Archibald Hall (1) 16/05/1966 William Holdbrook (5) 08/11/1909 Russell Gilchrist (23) 29/06/1985 Per Halvorsen (24) 31/03/1997 Bruce Holland (23) 11/15/1991 George Gilliland (16) 30/09/1954 Reginald Hamblin (24) 17/04/1973 Roger Holmes (11) 10/08/1999 Philidor Gladu (6) 16/03/1950 Lucien Hamelin (5) 17/06/1932 Allen Holmes (12) 19/03/1981 Ross Gledhill (16) 31/12/1958 Alphonse Hamelin (5) 13/03/1948 Frederick Holmes (10) 01/08/1983 Patrick Glendinning (24) 14/11/2008 Patrick Hamill (4) 22/06/1913 Harry Hook (13) 08/04/1948 Thierry Godfrind (8) 7/13/2012 John Hamilton (9) 03/01/1965 April Hopkin (11) 20/10/2002 Byron Goodin (3) 09/02/1972 Leslie Hamilton (13) 20/08/1962 Ralph Hopp (21) 15/08/1976

2013 Memorial Service 13 Service commémoratif 2013 Jacques Houle (8) 29/06/1998 Patrick Kelly (6) 18/09/1873 Joseph Labarre (8) 03/10/1911 Reginald House (10) 18/03/1967 Elmer Kelly (12) 14/01/1945 Louis Labrie (5) 09/12/1932 M. Howell (24) 14/06/1952 Thomas Kelly (12) 28/09/1973 Joseph Lacey (11) 22/10/1975 John Howlett (13) 02/11/1874 Ed Kelsch (18) 12/19/2011 Ovila Lachance (14) 16/08/1898 Robert Hughes (13) 04/10/2008 Gordon Kemp (17) 8/13/2011 Denis Lachance (5) 12/11/1988 Robert Hughes (18) 13/09/1979 Vernon Kempffer (10) 26/05/1947 André Lacoste (8) 17/02/2003 Nick Hughes (1) 08/07/1988 Gary Kendall (16) 31/01/2010 Normand Lafrance (7) 05/08/1990 Ernie Hughes (10) 26/10/1993 William Kennard (16) 30/11/1957 Denis Lafrenière (7) 21/06/1986 Roy Humes (3) 16/02/1940 David Kennedy (11) 05/10/2003 Jeff Laishes (16) 03/02/2006 Thomas Humphrey (9) 05/11/2001 David Kennedy (13) 22/01/1948 William Lake (16) 15/11/1978 James Hunt (23) 14/09/1945 Gary Kennedy (11) 09/03/1989 Donat Lalonde (21) 29/06/1988 Murray Huntley (1) 15/09/1992 Joseph Kennedy (14) 29/08/1960 John Lalonde (17) 2/2/2010 Milford Hurlbert (9) 07/02/1962 Walter Kent (16) 03/02/1950 Edmond Lamontagne (5) 19/02/1917 Victor Husband (23) 07/06/1990 Melville Kerfoot (13) 17/05/1947 Wilfrid Lamoureux (4) 30/09/1901 Sydney Hutnick (10) 30/08/1950 Donald Kerr (11) 04/12/1978 Maurice Landriault (9) 09/03/1978 George Hutt (5) 05/01/1904 James Kerr (10) 30/09/1913 Marvin Lane (23) 03/11/2006 Robert Innes (19) 8/7/1999 Adam Kerr (13) 10/07/1902 Gary Lang (14) 12/03/2006 Roy Ireland (10) 05/02/1992 Alex Kerrigan (9) 03/03/1947 Elmer Langdon (11) 08/12/1986 Raymond Jackson (11) 24/10/2000 Benjamin Kerton (3) 27/01/1976 James Langton (14) 30/09/2007 Paul Jackson (10) 09/06/2008 Reino Keski-Salmi (24) 29/06/1985 Gary Lanyon (23) 15/06/2008 Nathan Jackson (21) 21/07/2010 James Kidd (14) 18/09/1869 Rolland Lapointe (7) 15/05/1981 Victor Jackson (24) 22/07/1960 Richard Kiely (1) 12/12/1960 Edmond Laporte (5) 16/10/1896 Robert Jacobs (16) 24/09/1948 Charles Kieswetter (13) 27/12/1988 Rolland Larin (5) 10/05/1961 J. James (22) 13/07/1992 Jan Kikals (24) 03/08/1997 Dean Larivee (24) 10/07/2006 Lloyd Janes (11) 04/12/1978 Frank Kileen (1) 06/12/1917 Rolland Larochelle (16) 02/03/1964 Frederick Jenkins (24) 01/01/1928 Paul Killingbeck (10) 06/06/1987 Maurice Latour (6) 30/03/1966 William Jenner (24) 25/09/1957 Henry King (6) 16/10/1896 Charles Law (10) 27/06/1950 Thomas Jennings (24) 12/25/1968 Roger King Jr. (1) 25/01/2012 William Lawrence (10) 06/03/2010 Lewis Jessome (1) 30/01/1959 Ernie Kingston (23) 01/08/1991 George Layfield (24) 24/05/1959 Donald Jeyes (14) 24/01/1987 Charles Kirkaldy (16) 02/09/1952 Bernard Leach (10) 25/06/1986 William Johnson (14) 05/10/1928 Teras Kitzul (22) 24/04/1980 Frank Leahy (2) 31/12/1917 Robert Johnson (10) 07/02/1978 Raphael Klein (22) 04/05/1944 Emery Lebeau (4) 01/03/1942 Vic Johnson (24) 01/01/1960 Raymond Kline (1) 23/12/1981 Brian LeBeau (24) 03/10/1996 Hamilton Johnston (3) 24/08/1932 William Sr. Knapman (2) 25/01/1939 Gaston Leblanc (7) 22/11/1981 James Johnston (9) 25/05/1922 William Jr. Knapman (1) 21/04/1915 Frank LeClair (14) 09/08/2011 Mark Johnston (13) 07/04/2006 Palmer Knight (17) 18/07/2003 Eugene Lecompte (15) 10/04/1930 Roger Joly (5) 01/08/1975 Jim Knight (17) 15/09/2007 Henry Lecreux (10) 24/02/1993 Jacques Joncas (7) 12/03/1961 Patrick Knowles (23) 06/08/1984 Robert Leek (16) 10/08/2008 Arthur Jones (13) 12/01/1941 Elford Knox (18) 25/01/1956 William Leeson (10) 21/01/1991 Mel Jones (16) 25/06/2005 Howard Koehler (17) 09/11/2003 Harry Lefebre (22) 02/02/1937 Michael Kaatz (11) 25/04/2007 John Kohlier (3) 27/12/1933 Claude Lefebvre (6) 19/03/1990 Roger Kane (10) 02/09/1978 William Koshylanyk (21) 01/09/1971 Robert Leggett (8) 06/08/1963 Gerald Karl (16) 15/02/1987 John Krahn (19) 27/04/2005 Émile Lelièvre (5) 06/12/1928 Kevin Kavanagh (9) 23/09/2002 Edward Kurtz (21) 01/03/2004 Joseph Lepage (8) 25/06/1937 Rufus Keating (1) 19/01/1894 Peter Kuryluk (21) 01/09/1971 Frederick Lepper (16) 08/04/1858

2013 Memorial Service 14 Service commémoratif 2013 Léodel Leprohon (6) 10/03/1927 James MacLean (14) 7/5/2011 William McGowan (14) 16/09/1960 Jules Leroux (8) 03/06/1940 Shawn MacLeod (1) 23/12/2006 George McGowan (3) 23/02/1941 Charles Leslie (13) 17/05/1947 Wilfrid Magnan (6) 08/06/1966 William McIllhagga (19) 02/02/1921 Harold Lessard (19) 04/02/2007 Edward Maloney (24) 18/07/1979 Harvey McKay (24) 14/03/2003 Marius Létourneau (7) 02/03/1960 George Maltus (1) 06/12/1917 Bruce McKenzie (17) 30/07/1977 Pierre Létourneau (5) 25/05/1987 Harry Manderson (10) 18/11/1980 Colin McKenzie (24) 10/05/1918 Jacques Levert (5) 28/03/1927 Richard Mann (15) 09/04/2004 John McKenzie (23) 12/04/1912 Claude Levesque (10) 26/02/2005 Lucien Manning (5) 09/02/1987 Frederick McLean (15) 24/03/1972 William Lewin (2) 01/01/1898 André Manseau (7) 09/03/2008 George McLean (18) 9/26/2012 Harvey Lewis (9) 03/02/1982 Thomas Marks (9) 02/11/1943 Patrick McManus (7) 06/08/1963 Barry Ley (16) 23/12/2001 Marcel Marleau (8) 21/01/2006 Gerald McNally (14) 03/04/2004 Charles L'Heureux (5) 19/02/1917 James Martin (17) 28/09/1981 Joseph McNulty (14) 01/12/1938 C. Lindberg (22) 18/05/2010 William Martin (19) 15/01/2006 Malcolm McPhatter (23) 07/04/1949 Alexander Lindsay (3) 25/03/1926 Kirk Martin (14) 23/02/1976 Charles McPherson (19) 09/03/1912 Andrew Lipsett (3) 05/03/1905 Ernest Martin (3) 02/06/1940 Peter McRae (18) 09/06/1915 John Livingstone (5) 01/05/1877 Irénée Martin (8) 25/06/1937 Hugh McShane (22) 17/11/1923 Alexander Lockhart (14) 04/02/1969 John Mason (11) 19/03/1981 William Mearns (5) 16/11/1929 Eusèbe Loiseau (8) 02/03/1960 Alfred Mason (16) 02/03/1955 Kevin Mechefske (10) 18/12/2008 Dale Long (17) 16/04/2004 René Massé (5) 20/12/1990 Fred Medley (23) 24/10/1925 Jean-Pierre Longpré (5) 25/05/1987 Donald Massender (16) 14/12/2009 Terrance Meehan (15) 09/041858 Frederick Longstaff (17) 25/07/1950 Ronald Masson (5) 27/06/1973 Norman Meeks (13) 3/9/2009 George Look (21) 01/01/1981 Ronald Mathe (14) 02/03/2008 Hartley Megill (16) 06/06/1971 Stanley Lough (9) 13/06/1941 Arthur Matte (8) 06/02/1968 Ronald Meilleur (5) 30/04/1974 Talmadge Loughery (3) 25/10/1975 Robin May (16) 21/08/1973 Donald Melville (19) 23/12/1926 W. Love (24) 23/09/1970 Doug McAdam (19) 19/12/2003 Frank Mercer (16) 16/10/1954 Maxwell Lovel (18) 16/04/1986 E. McAllister (6) 15/09/1942 Raymond Michaud (7) 27/06/1993 Osborne Lowe (3) 15/01/1971 Gerald McCabe (5) 04/12/1974 Théophile Michaud (3) 02/06/1940 John Lowry (15) 12/08/1896 Joseph McCabe (14) 13/04/1948 Archie Mignault (3) 02/06/1940 Cecil Lowry (9) 13/02/1952 Gérard McCallum (5) 22/01/1930 George Miller (14) 20/10/1860 Glenn Lucas (19) 06/10/2001 Leo McCallum (9) 12/04/1972 John Miller (13) 02/10/1860 Robert Ludlow (13) 07/11/1960 Donald McCavour (23) 15/03/1966 Joseph Miller (22) 6/6/1956 Joseph Lund (24) 02/09/1918 James McConnell (16) 09/04/1952 William Mills (11) 1/7/1996 Frank Lunny (19) 26/02/1915 Shane McCready (11) 10/26/2012 Charles Milne (23) 02/05/1915 William MacDiarmid (16) 26/05/1931 Thomas McCullagh (13) 25/11/2001 Donald Milne (17) 03/02/1974 Alex MacDonald (13) 09/02/2008 James McDermott (4) 22/06/1913 Joe Milner (23) 15/01/1947 Ron MacDonald (2) 02/11/1997 John McDonald (24) 06/06/1928 Cyrus Miner (14) 24/10/1892 James MacDonald (17) 7/6/2011 Alfred McDonald (19) 06/12/1979 Thomas Minhinnett (22) 28/06/2005 Mick MacFarlane (2) 20/01/1980 James McDonald (18) 03/11/2009 Edward Mitchell (13) 03/04/1944 John MacFarlane (11) 29/08/1996 Joseph McDonnell (6) 24/10/1913 David Moffitt (11) 14/11/1960 Donald MacInnes (11) 12/9/2002 John McEwen (19) 24/05/1956 Webster Molson (5) 22/06/1913 David MacIntyre (15) 01/06/2011 John McEwen (13) 16/11/1940 Edmond Molyneux (19) 09/03/1912 Archibald MacIntyre (16) 25/06/1919 Neil McFadyen (17) 26/09/2001 William Monroe (14) 17/10/2006 Ian Mackay (24) 16/07/2003 Dennis McFarland (17) 17/09/2009 Dennis Montgomery (24) 07/10/2008 David MacLean (1) 01/01/1997 Francis McGovern (14) 08/11/1984 Aimé Montmarquette (5) 26/04/1929 Ian MacLean (3) 12/07/1993 Edward McGovern (21) 30/10/2004 Elzéar Montpellier dit Beaulieu (5)

2013 Memorial Service 15 Service commémoratif 2013 01/03/1942 Thomas Nobles (17) 06/11/2002 Ronald Penney (1) 12/07/1967 François-d'Assise Montpellier Yvon Noël (7) 18/01/1968 Dennis Percival (23) 27/06/1992 dit Beaulieu (7) 17/08/1936 Dennis Nolan (13) 08/06/1902 Coleman Perkins (10) 30/08/1950 Paul Montreuil (17) 03/02/1976 Edward Normoyle (5) 24/02/1959 Jeannot Perreault (8) 13/01/1990 Kenneth Moody (21) 14/09/1999 Melvin Northway (14) 09/10/1984 Sylvain Perron (7) 5/10/2011 Robert Moore (23) 16/07/1967 James O’Regan (2) 03/02/1901 William Perry (5) 29/04/1877 Fred Moose Sr. (18) 28/06/1995 Gerald Oakley (17) 02/01/2010 James Phillips (14) 14/09/1879 Siméon Morand (5) 15/11/1919 Larry O'Brien (24) 12/08/1974 George Phillips (15) 25/01/1901 Garry Morden (16) 22/10/2008 Richard O'Brien (5) 29/07/1943 Richard Phillips (10) 30/08/1950 Edwin Morette (14) 23/04/1966 Frank O'Brien (3) 15/03/1970 Clifford Phillips (9) 03/11/1982 Bernard Moriez (23) 9/7/1977 Gordon Odgers (24) 10/20/1974 Henry Philpott (20) 12/22/2007 Robert Morin (23) 23/06/1961 David O'Keefe (11) 18/01/2008 Albert Picotte (13) 31/01/1919 Wilfred Morin (17) 20/01/1941 Terrance O'Keeffe (24) 09/04/1988 Larry Pilkey (15) 27/10/2011 Daniel Morin (4) 22/03/1986 Roy Oliver (16) 16/10/1954 John Pitolay (18) 12/02/1973 Donald Morrison (24) 10/05/1918 Harry Oliver (14) 08/11/1966 Mario Piva (15) 8/9/2012 Alexander Morrison (19) 12/08/1929 George Olmstead (19) 01/10/2007 Pierre-Jérome Plouffe (7) 17/08/1936 John Morrison (17) 21/08/1980 Kevin Olson (21) 17/03/2005 Jack Plumridge (16) 14/05/1996 Darcy Moses (22) 03/07/2006 John O'Rourke (5) 11/05/1893 Reuben Poffenroth (22) 05/09/2005 Joseph Moss (16) 12/11/2005 Clarence Orser (16) 18/09/1958 Nelson Poirier (9) 29/01/1921 Victor Mowat (24) 31/08/1987 Maurice Ostiguy (7) 31/10/1959 Serge Poirier (7) 28/02/2003 Matthew Mroczeck (9) 28/09/2002 Oliver Ough (11) 22/07/1918 Édouard Poitras (8) 25/05/1968 George Muir (11) 24/06/1991 Robert Owen (24) 8/17/2010 Jocelyn Pomerleau (5) 29/05/1984 Leo Mulleray (11) 26/01/1960 Pierre Paiement (5) 20/02/1986 Herman Ponsford (13) 16/07/1887 Jack Mulligan (9) 07/05/1967 Jack Painter (11) 02/06/1999 Albert Popadick (5) 13/02/1970 James Mullin (24) 18/10/1975 David Palmateer (16) 16/10/1954 Vincent Porter (3) 04/10/1974 Thomas Mulloy (4) 08/11/1909 Larry Palmer (9) 26/11/1977 Alfred Potter (16) 19/02/1904 Sandy Munro (23) 31/07/1962 Henry Panacheese (10) 12/08/1991 William Potter (10) 18/05/1975 James Munro (10) 24/08/1976 Alfred Papson (19) 4/14/2010 Laurence Powers (14) 13/09/1854 James Murdoch (14) 10/06/1922 André Paquet (5) 17/06/1995 Robert Pratt (9) 19/05/1930 Harley Murphy (15) 31/03/1962 Andrew Park (10) 12/09/1944 Paul Presseau (4) 22/01/1922 James Murray (19) 31/03/1940 Terry Parker (17) 02/07/1980 Charles Price (14) 22/05/1964 Wayne Murray (9) 11/08/1978 George Parks (3) 04/11/1924 Thomas Pritchard (17) 17/08/1997 George Musgrave (24) 17/10/2005 Orest Parsey (24) 17/09/1979 John Puckey (24) 15/04/1945 Gord Myles (16) 13/02/1978 Norm Partington (14) 04/02/1981 Lawrence Pyle (21) 11/07/1994 David Naar (21) 04/07/2006 Willie Patchinose (19) 08/05/2007 William Quanstrom (23) 09/08/1979 Willie Nadeau (3) 02/06/1940 Robert Paterson (24) 18/12/1997 Lawrence Quinn (19) 14/06/1990 Paul-Émile Naud (5) 13/10/1951 Robert Patten (11) 19/12/1975 Carl Quinn (13) 14/01/1999 Paul Nelson (13) 27/12/2011 John Patterson (13) 02/03/2006 Allan Rae (24) 23/02/1972 Abe Neufeld (19) 10/04/1995 Charles Patterson (13) 25/04/1878 Seward Rankin (24) 21/08/1973 Wilbur Newell (2) 01/01/1970 Gordon Paul (22) 07/08/2007 James Ratcliffe (7) 06/06/2005 Robert Nicholls (17) 18/05/1937 Thomas Payne (24) 22/08/1997 Vianney Ratté (10) 15/05/1993 Thomas Nichols (19) 04/02/2007 Cyril Peacher (23) 12/08/1990 Lloyd Rauw (24) 07/08/1974 Frank Nicholson (16) 27/05/1961 Wilfrid Pelletier (4) 09/03/1925 Kenneth Rea (10) 17/03/2011 Kenneth Nicoll (11) 12/07/1995 Norman Penfound (14) 24/01/1966 Dennis Redman (14) 05/01/2001 Thomas Nigro (17) 24/11/1997 Jacob Penner (24) 26/01/1969 William Reeks (15) 25/12/1870

2013 Memorial Service 16 Service commémoratif 2013 Oscar Regimbald (16) 11/05/1992 Derrick Saliken (23) 26/07/1994 David Smith (23) 14/07/1985 William Reid (9) 18/12/1959 Willliam Salmond (16) 05/08/2007 Bill Smith (10) 05/02/2005 Marcel Rémillard (8) 06/08/1963 Wesley Salter (13) 07/06/1949 George Smith (13) 26/12/1914 Ronald Renard (22) 02/07/1998 William Sameluk (23) 02/08/1974 Robert Smith (24) 25/07/1978 Omer Renaud (5) 04/01/1924 Benoit Samson (8) 18/07/1987 Gordon Smith (11) 16/05/1974 Harold Revell (9) 24/10/1958 Walter Samson (19) 7/26/2011 Alfred Smith (1) 12/09/1962 Frank Reynolds (16) 28/11/1964 William Sanders (10) 02/01/1965 James Smith (19) 24/03/1945 George Reynolds (13) 19/05/1951 Frank Sandison (19) 24/03/1945 Arthur Smith (19) 23/12/1926 Alexandre Rhéaume (4) 20/03/1928 Wilfrid Sansoucy (4) 28/08/1921 Harold Smith (22) 26/05/1971 David Richard (22) 23/10/2003 Wilfrid Sarazin (4) 22/02/1928 Allan Snider (10) 06/03/1968 Ray Richards (9) 16/08/2009 James Saunders (17) 04/02/1978 Albert Solmon (10) 01/05/1997 Robert Richardson (19) 11/07/2001 Edward Savage (9) 09/10/1966 Harry Sorley (16) 21/05/2005 Grenville Richert (20) 25/05/2001 Chad Schapansky (24) 29/03/2004 Erban Soucy (7) 02/03/1960 William Richmond (24) 23/06/1961 Barry Schedler (19) 30/05/1999 Jimmy Spence (18) 28/06/1995 John Riendeau (20) 09/07/1978 Ernie Schmidt (14) 09/07/1974 Jeffrey Spencer (15) 06/02/2001 Brian Ritchie (11) 28/02/2003 Carl Schultz (14) 16/01/1921 Frank Spooner (20) 9/8/2008 Bruce Ritchie (17) 18/08/1998 M. Scott (5) 21/03/1868 John Spruin Sr. (2) 06/12/1917 Dave Rivers (19) 26/10/2003 Harold Scott (16) 18/10/1959 Helmut Stadel (23) 27/05/1965 Mario Rivest (4) 02/08/1992 Harold Scotten (21) 12/3/1985 Thomas Starmer (19) 31/01/1913 Elzéar Robert (6) 27/09/1938 Thomas Scrase (18) 11/09/1936 Robert Starnes (7) 23/10/1909 Alfred Roberts (24) 31/07/1963 Stanley Scruby (11) 03/03/1934 Kevin Stenfert (10) 28/06/1996 John Roberts (9) 14/11/1970 Arthur Searle (13) 09/10/1977 George Stephenson (14) 25/04/1878 Donald Robertson (19) 18/01/1993 William Seccombe (9) 31/05/1908 John Stephenson (9) 12/07/1994 James Robertson (19) 21/05/1978 Clarence Sedwick (9) 13/01/1965 John Sterenberg (22) 25/10/2004 Henri Robichaud (7) 02/03/1960 David See (14) 10/07/1902 George Stevens (10) 24/02/1966 John Robinson (17) 31/12/1937 Albert Seguss (13) 20/12/1951 Clarke Stevens (22) 19/08/2006 Eric Robinson (24) 26/06/1947 Bruce Seitz (22) 8/11/2010 William Stevenson (12) 25/10/1937 Robbie Robinson (21) 07/10/1948 Armand Sénécal (8) 25/06/1937 Robert Stewart (18) 23/12/1926 Blair Robson (14) 03/10/2005 Rosaire Sergerie (5) 22/02/2006 John Stewart (15) 06/09/1954 Roger Rochon (5) 03/01/1968 Ron Seymour (16) 08/10/2008 Russell Stewart (14) 31/05/1955 John Roe (13) 06/01/1904 Albert Shackleton (16) 09/09/1940 Albert Stewart (23) 11/09/1914 Richard Roman (9) 30/04/1979 John Shapton (16) 22/04/1955 John Stewart (20) 16/01/1908 Orville Rome (13) 19/05/1951 William Sharpe (6) 17/09/1867 William St-George (6) 04/09/1894 Robert Roshard (24) 16/07/1984 Joe Shaw (10) 01/01/1989 Joseph St-Hilaire (5) 19/02/1917 Joseph Ross (14) 16/08/1944 Robert Shearer (19) 23/12/1926 Douglas Storey (16) 15/05/2001 Kenneth Ross (19) 07/10/1954 Michael Sherrod (24) 29/06/1985 R. Stoyko (18) 22/02/2003 Thomas Ross (13) 16/11/1940 Arthur Simmons (22) 30/12/1948 Philip Strang (3) 14/05/2009 Léopold Roussin (5) 23/05/1923 Maurice Simonin (22) 21/03/2000 Charles Stroud (10) 02/05/2007 Howard Rowe (24) 02/07/1975 Bob Simpson (10) 17/03/2001 Christopher Sullivan (1) 02/09/2005 Fred Roy (18) 15/10/2008 William Simpson (11) 29/04/1966 Michael Sullivan (1) 06/03/1903 Frederick Russell (14) 10/07/1902 Ken Skwark (19) 28/06/1995 Richard Supple (1) 21/03/1903 Matthew Rydings (8) 23/01/1923 Angus Small (16) 16/10/1954 Gervais Sutherland (14) 04/10/1922 Frank Sabo (21) 12/23/2010 John Smalley (24) 05/06/1893 Ronald Sutherland (2) 25/07/1997 Norbert Sabourin (18) 14/03/1997 Edward Smith (5) 12/02/1899 Gerald Sutton (11) 19/03/1983 Eric Sadler (9) 07/10/1970 Theodore Smith (15) 19/12/1901 Harold Sutton (14) 04/03/1941

2013 Memorial Service 17 Service commémoratif 2013 Bernard Swan (20) 16/12/1993 Horace Trudel (7) 22/11/1913 Grahame White (24) 20/08/1981 O. Swanson (24) 11/07/1990 Edward Turner (24) 01/06/1985 Joseph Whiteduck (5) 28/07/1974 Thomas Swanson (24) 08/08/1968 Lawrence Turner (16) 13/07/1980 Brian Whitehead (14) 15/06/2005 William Swire (13) 23/07/1934 Rick Tymchuk (21) 28/10/2005 Timothy Whiting (24) 31/07/2010 James Sym (10) 26/04/1976 James Tynan (2) 09/06/1909 Walter Wiggins (23) 23/06/1961 James Symon (22) 24/11/2005 James Tyrell (9) 30/08/1950 John Wilde (14) 29/08/1960 Robert Tam (10) 7/8/2004 Carl Umphrey (10) 30/08/1978 Arthur Wilkins (24) 19/05/1946 Samuel Tardif (7) 26/01/1949 Thomas Upton (23) 08/04/2006 William Wilkins (16) 27/05/2002 Hervé Tassé (8) 28/10/1977 Frank Urquhart (14) 22/09/1899 William Willette (9) 19/05/1930 Hugh Taylor (23) 11/14/1994 Philippe Vaillancourt (7) 29/06/1977 William Williams (4) 11/01/1974 Louis Taylor (24) 20/10/1942 Harro van Bockel (21) 02/06/1995 Daniel Williams (24) 18/06/1985 Rik Taylor (21) 4/23/2012 Henry Van Kessel (24) 20/11/2010 Donald Willis (14) 14/09/2009 Royden Taylor (21) 18/01/2008 Peter Van Kirk (10) 20/05/1967 Victor Willison (14) 10/02/1956 Geoffrey Teeple (24) 26/07/1969 Bertrand Vandal (8) 29/05/1986 Peter Willms (21) 01/09/1971 Paul Tell (24) 07/08/2005 Gérald Vendette (7) 17/06/2001 John Wilson (11) 18/02/1955 Robert Teply (16) 20/03/1994 Robert Vint (22) 14/06/1963 Thomas Wilson (14) 28/05/1897 Gord Thatcher (11) 31/07/1991 Robert Wilson (11) 26/06/1914 John Virostek (15) 11/4/2010 John Theis (24) 27/07/1988 Scott Wilson (3) 14/06/2001 Xavier Volpé (3) 02/06/1940 Joseph Thibeau (1) 01/03/1995 Olaf Wilson (22) 17/10/2007 Behrnard von Hardenberg (24) Robert Thibert (15) 03/12/2009 17/08/2003 Gary Wilson (17) 16/03/2007 Patrick Thibodeau (17) 26/04/2006 Peter Voynovich (15) 29/05/2012 Alan Wilson (17) 09/06/1994 Roger Thivierge (8) 14/11/1952 Dale Waithman (20) 27/07/2011 Edward Wilson (22) 16/12/1922 Jean-Claude Thivierge (7) 22/06/1955 Kerry Walchuk (24) 25/08/2004 Albini Wistaff (14) 12/05/1961 Bernard Thomas (9) 14/09/1914 Joseph Walker (14) 17/05/1947 Adrien Witty (8) 26/08/1972 Alfred Thomas (24) 21/11/1912 Wayne Walker (13) 30/04/1975 Donald Wood (23) 17/04/1973 Jeremiah Thomas (14) 13/02/1891 William Walker (14) 28/09/1993 Leo Wood (1) 12/05/1965 Moses Thompson (14) 05/02/1919 John Walsh (14) 10/03/1929 Lawrence Woodhead (20) 16/06/1944 Harry Thompson (9) 01/05/1969 Raymond Walter (10) 17/03/2011 Robert Woodhead (24) 14/08/2009 Randy Thompson (12) 19/03/1981 Jerald Walter (21) 19/04/1972 George Woodhouse (16) 22/09/1986 George Thomson (17) 08/07/1948 James Wardle (11) 03/08/1950 James Woodman (19) 22/04/2004 William Thomson (24) 15/08/1986 James Warren (10) 11/08/1998 William Woods (15) 13/09/1854 William Thornton (13) 24/11/1848 George Watkins (16) 03/06/1955 William Woodvine (8) 22/12/1924 Grant Thorpe (23) 29/06/1985 Clarence Watson (16) 21/09/1946 Steven Woodworth (23) 26/12/1998 Robert Thurlow (13) 30/06/1915 Gordon Watson (24) 01/01/1964 William Woolley (10) 25/07/1964 Brian Tilley (23) 31/07/2010 John Watson (4) 19/06/1991 William Wootton (24) 13/11/1943 Walter Tilson (14) 21/02/1960 Frank Watt (18) 18/01/1997 Thomas Worley (24) 08/08/1968 Robert Timms (9) 31/01/2007 Patrick Watters-Michaud (21) Thomas Worrell (10) 19/09/1905 John Timney (10) 23/12/1941 22/07/2007 Ian Wright (24) 17/04/1973 Wayne Topping (16) 24/08/2007 Henry Wein (14) 18/08/1908 Gordon Wyatt (23) 29/05/1983 Robert Tourangeau (17) 28/06/2007 Chester Wells (10) 8/24/2003 Ernest Wyndham (22) 18/01/2004 Joseph Towers (4) 10/07/1881 Arthur Wellwood (16) 26/11/1929 George Wyse (17) 08/11/1975 Gerald Trecartin (3) 28/05/1975 Gerald Welsh (13) 08/11/1969 William Yates (17) 24/03/2008 Robert Tremblay (7) 13/12/1984 Fred Wenechuk (13) 24/01/2005 Al Yates (16) 02/11/1996 Edmour Tremblay (8) 04/06/1941 Alois Wenig (22) 29/06/1988 Eric Yuill (23) 11/08/1974 Joe Truax (10) 15/07/1997 Paul Whalen (3) 28/02/1972 Ray Zents (10) 08/02/2003 Raynald Trudel (5) 15/02/1975 Patrick Whelan (5) 16/10/1958 Ray Zillman (18) 7/3/2008

2013 Memorial Service 18 Service commémoratif 2013 CEREMONY SPONSORS / COMMANDITAIRES DE LA CÉRÉMONIE

The Foundation would like to thank the following companies and organizations for sponsoring this year’s memorial ceremony. / La Fondation tient à remercier les compagnies et organisations suivantes pour leur commandite de la cérémonie commémorative de cette année.


2013 Memorial Service 19 Service commémoratif 2013 ABOUT THE FOUNDATION

he Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation The Education Endowment Fund © is a registered, non-profit charitable organi - provides scholarships and bursaries to the T zation dedicated to honouring Canada’s children and spouses of Canadian firefighters whose fallen firefighters. The Foundation honours all line of duty death has been recognized by the types of firefighters whether volunteer/part-time, Foundation. Several bursaries and a scholarship will paid/full time, industrial, military, urban, rural, wild - be awarded each year. The Foundation’s ultimate land, airport, or marine. The Foundation’s directors, goal is to provide education assistance to every child who volunteer their time, include members from of a fallen firefighter. The current full Scholarship is all areas of the Canadian Fire Service as well as named after former Treasurer Doug Lock who representatives from the business community. spearheaded the introduction of the program and The objectives of the Foundation are: passed away in 2012. • To operate the Canadian Firefighters Annual Memorial Ceremony and update the memorial wall. • To provide financial subsidies to families of fallen firefighters for transportation to and lodging in Ottawa during the memorial weekend. • To provide scholarships and bursaries for the children and spouses of firefighters whose line of duty death is recognized by the Foundation. The Canadian Firefighters Memorial was completed Since 2004, the Foundation has operated the ceremony in 2012 and dedicated by the Governor of with the assistance of Fire Services and organizations Canada on September 9, 2012. The new monument from across Canada acting as honorary hosts in Ottawa honours over 1100 Canadian firefighters who died who represent the Canadian Fire Service with pride. in the line of duty serving their communities since The cost of running a large scale ceremony is daunting 1848. While the Foundation has now reached all and the Foundation would like to thank all of our past of its initial goals laid out in 2004, the work is not and current sponsors for supporting this event. The over. The Foundation will now begin to broaden Foundation operates solely on fundraising from private its assistance to the families of fallen firefighters donations, local fundraising events, and sponsorships while continuing to honour them at the annual from the business community. national ceremony.

2013 Memorial Service 20 Service commémoratif 2013 AU SUJET DE LA FONDATION

a Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts Depuis 2004, la Fondation a poursuivi la tenue © en service est un organisme de bienfaisance à Ottawa de la cérémonie avec l’aide de services Lenregistré, à but non lucratif, vouée à rendre d’incendie et d’organisations de partout au Canada qui hommage à tous les pompiers canadiens morts dans ont agi à titre d’hôtes honoraires et fièrement représenté l’exercice de leurs fonctions, ceux-ci tant réguliers que le Service d’incendie canadien. Le coût pour la tenue volontaires, et en provenance de tous les milieux, y d’une cérémonie de cette envergure en est un important; compris des secteurs industriel, militaire, urbain, rural, à cet égard, la Fondation désire remercier tous ses forestier, portuaire et aéroportuaire. Les directeurs de commanditaires, passés et présents, qui l’ont soutenue la Fondation, qui donnent de leur temps de façon lors de ces événements. La Fondation opère uniquement bénévole, sont composés de membres en provenance à partir du financement en provenance de dons de de tous les secteurs du Service d’incendie canadien et particuliers, de diverses activités de financement locales de représentants des milieux d’affaires. et de commandites du milieu des affaires. Le Fonds de dotation du pro - gramme d’éducation remet des bourses d’étude et de subsistance aux enfants et aux conjoints des pompiers canadiens dont le décès dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions a été reconnu par la Fondation. Plusieurs bourses de subsistance et une bourse d’études seront octroyées chaque année. L’objectif ultime de la Fondation est d’être en mesure d’offrir une aide à l’éducation à chaque enfant d’un pompier mort en devoir. La bourse d’études actuelle porte le nom de notre ancien trésorier, Doug Lock, qui a été l’artisan de la mise en place du programme et qui est décédé plus tôt en 2012. Le Monument aux pompiers canadiens (MPC) a été La Fondation a les objectifs suivants : complété en 2012 et inauguré par le gouverneur • Tenue de la Cérémonie annuelle à la mémoire des général du Canada le 9 septembre 2012. Le nouveau pompiers canadiens et mise à jour du Mur du souvenir. monument rend hommage à plus de 1 100 pompiers canadiens qui, depuis 1848, sont morts en devoir au • Soutien financier – transport et hébergement - aux service de leur collectivité. Bien que la Fondation ait familles des disparus lors de leur participation à atteint tous ses objectifs qu’elle s’était donnés au Ottawa à la fin de semaine commémorative. départ en 2004, le travail n’est pas pour autant terminé. • Soutien financier, sous la forme de bourses d’études et La Fondation entend dorénavant élargir son soutien de subsistance, aux enfants et aux conjoints des aux familles des pompiers morts en service, et ce, tout pompiers disparus dont le décès dans l’exercice de leurs en continuant à leur rendre hommage chaque année fonctions a été reconnu par la Fondation. lors de la cérémonie nationale.


he journey to build the national firefighters other. A lone pine tree, planted in a significant spot in the memorial began in 2003 and ended on memorial site, represents the lone Canadian and the T September 9, 2012 with the dedication ceremony Canadian forests protected from fire by the bronze by his Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, firefighter and the large fire pole which also acts as a the Governor General and Commanderin Chief of lightning rod. The Foundation’s motto, “Never to be Canada. The Foundation’s goal was reached with the Forgotten”, is engraved on the pine tree rock. The site assistance of the Ministry of Canadian Heritage and the contains unique materials which symbolize Canada. National Capital Commission who now maintain the site. Plantings, which turn red in the fall, represent the retardant dropped by air crews who fight devastating This location of the Canadian Firefighters Memorial forest fires in western Canada. Canadian Wildland fire (CFM) is significant in the fire history of our nation’s service organizations and its supporters raised the capital as it is the area where the Ottawa-Hull conflagra - funds for the Lone Pine and its maintenance. tion of 1900 crossed over from Hull on the morning of April 26, 1900 after destroying 1300 buildings. Another unique aspect of the CFM includes the use of On the Ottawa side of the river the fire razed 1400 old brass hose couplings in the production of some of buildings and killed seven. At the end of the day the fire the bronze elements. Fire departments from across was stopped from spreading downtown near the exact Canada each sent one hose coupling; a piece of their spot where the monument is located. The site is also history, to the foundry to be used as part of the close to where Captain John Lowry of the Ottawa Fire Memorial. Parts of the finished bronze elements of the Department was killed in the line of duty on August 12, memorial actually have a piece of many departments 1896 on Booth Street. from across Canada, making it truly national. The design “We Were There” by the team of artist Mobile access to the Internet at the site will enable Douglas Coupland and landscape architect Mary Tremain visitors to quickly locate names on the 105 foot wall. of PLANT Architects includes a large bronze statue of a The national LODD database kept on the CFFF website firefighter who has returned to earth from heaven via a includes the location marker for every name engraved sixty-foot high fire pole to point out the names of his fall - on the monument. en comrades on a memorial wall. The memorial wall, in The Canadian Firefighters Memorial is open 365 days a the abstract shape of Canada, contains the names of all year. It captures the significance of the sacrifices made by fallen firefighters randomly in cloud like formations the Canadian Fire Service in a uniquely Canadian setting roughly over the area of Canada near where they died. where we can remember those in the fire service who Firefighters who died together are listed beside each have given their lives for communities across Canada.

’aventure pour ériger le monument national à la incendies de la capitale nationale. En effet, c’est là même, mémoire des pompiers a débuté en 2003 et s’est le matin du 26 avril 1900, que l’incendie d’Ottawa-Hull a L terminé le 9 septembre 2012, avec la cérémonie traversé la rivière à partir de Hull après y avoir détruit d’inauguration du mémorial présidée par Son Excellence 1 300 bâtiments. Du côté d’Ottawa, la conflagration le très honorable David Johnston, gouverneur général et avait rasé 1 400 immeubles et entraîné la mort de sept commandant en chef du Canada. L’objectif de la Fondation personnes. En fin de journée, le feu avait été maîtrisé a été atteint grâce à l’aide du ministère de Patrimoine au centre ville, tout près du site où le monument se Canada et de la Commission de la capitale nationale qui dresse aujourd’hui. Le site se trouve aussi à proximité de verra dorénavant à maintenir le site. l’endroit où le capitaine John Lowry, du Service des Le site ou se trouve le Monument aux pompiers canadiens incendies d’Ottawa, est mort en service le 12 août 1896 sur (MPC) revêt un caractère important pour l’histoire des la rue Booth.

2013 Memorial Service 22 Service commémoratif 2013 2013 Memorial Service 23 Service commémoratif 2013 Le concept « Nous étions là », issue de l’équipe composée Un détail tout à fait unique du MPC consiste dans le fait de l’artiste Douglas Coupland et de l’architecte paysagiste que quelques-uns des éléments de bronze du monument Mary Tremain, comprend une grande statue en bronze ont été produits à partir de vieux raccords de boyaux en d’un pompier descendu du ciel par un mât de descente laiton. En effet, des services d’incendie de partout au de soixante pieds, et atterri là pour indiquer du doigt les Canada ont été invités à soumettre à la fonderie un rac - noms de ses camarades disparus s’échelonnant sur le Mur cord de boyau en laiton, soit un morceau de leur histoire, du souvenir. Empruntant la forme abstraite du Canada, le pour être utilisé dans la construction du mémorial. Cela mur accueille les noms des sacrifiés dans des formations dit, les éléments de bronze du monument commémoratif nébuleuses surplombant la région ou province aux comportent une parcelle de plusieurs services d’incendie environs de laquelle ils ont péri. Les pompiers qui sont de partout au Canada, ce qui le caractérise comme étant morts ensemble y sont inscrits un à côté de l’autre. Un un monument vraiment national. pin solitaire, poussant à un endroit significatif du site L’accès Internet à partir d’appareils mobiles permettra mémorial, représente le Canadien solitaire et la forêt aux visiteurs sur le site de rapidement localiser les noms canadienne que le pompier en bronze protège de la sur le mur de 105 pieds (32 mètres). La base de données conflagration. On constate que le mât de descente agit nationale des décès en service, accessible sur le site Web aussi en guise de paratonnerre. La devise de la Fondation, de la Fondation, inclut le marqueur d’emplacement de « Gravé dans nos mémoires », est inscrite sur la pierre à chaque nom gravé sur le monument. laquelle s’accroche le pin. Le site contient des matériaux uniques qui représentent le Canada. Les plantations, qui Le Monument aux pompiers canadiens est ouvert 365 tournent rouge à l’automne, représentent le retardateur jours par année. Il exprime la portée des sacrifices largué par les équipages d’avions-citernes qui tentent consentis par ceux et celles qui font partie du Service d’éteindre les incendies ravageant les forêts de l’Ouest d’incendie canadien, et ce, dans un contexte typique - du Canada. Il est à noter que ce sont des organisations ment canadien où l’on peut se recueillir et se rappeler de lutte contre les feux de forêt et leurs supporters qui ceux et celles du service d’incendie qui, partout à travers ont amassé les fonds nécessaires pour le projet du « Pin le Canada, auront fait le sacrifice ultime en venant en solitaire » et de sa maintenance. aide à leur collectivité respective.

2013 Memorial Service 24 Service commémoratif 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / REMERCIEMENTS

MUSIC / MUSIQUE AERIAL LADDER TRUCKS PROVIDED BY: GRANDES ÉCHELLES FOURNIES PAR : Bob Rainboth CFFF Music & Stage Manager, Ottawa Fire Services Ottawa Fire Service / Service des incendies d’Ottawa Gary Ford Gatineau Fire Service / Piper (Lament) Fire Dept. Service de sécurité incendie de Gatineau Karen McKenna Ottawa Fire Chief John de Hooge Soloist/soliste, National Anthem / Hymne national Logistical Support, Ottawa Fire Services Tom Lascelles Last Post / Sonnerie aux morts Ottawa Fire Services Nettleton’s Jewellery Ltd, Ottawa Bullard CFFF Mass Pipe and Drum Band Manfred Kihn, Regional Sales Manager, Canada Pipe Gary Ford, Drum Major Simon Smith CBU Publications Ltd. Richard J. Robertson, Executive Director, Publications Ottawa Fire Department Band Paul Casagrande, Director Céline Guérin CFFF / FCPMS hospitality CONTRIBUTORS / COLLABORATEURS Michael Dunlop CFFF / FCPMS hospitality CFFF Ambassador & Headdress Party Commander, Brian Hutchinson, Vancouver Fire Rescue Hulse, Playfair and McGarry Funeral Services Mr. Peter McGarry, Funeral Director CFFF Colour Party Tom Koch, Ottawa Fire Services All Signs, Navan CFFF Chaplain/ Aumônier de la FCPMS Dave Western Bruce Rushton, Surrey, BC Sheraton Ottawa Hotel Bruce Armstrong 872 Kiwanis Kanata Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn Ceremonial Services / Services de cérémonial Public Works and Government Services Canada Parade assistance provided courtesy of Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada Major DL Dixon, CD Commanding Officer

AUDIO PROVIDED BY: Budget Car Rental DIMEUS 5-5, Technical Maintenance (TM) Troop, Audio Alain Mongenot Section, Department of National Defence Operations Manager Avis-Budget Ottawa Airport

DSUFGI 5-5 TMT- Troupe de maintenance technique, Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre / Section Audio, Ministere de la Défense Nationale Centre interservices des feux de forêt du Canada

Linda Matta National Capital Commission / official photographer of the CFFF/ FCPMS Commission de la capitale nationale

2013 Memorial Service 25 Service commémoratif 2013 THE FOUNDATION WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR PAST HONORARY HOSTS

Toronto Fire Services 2004 Ottawa Fire Services 2005 Service de Securite Incendie de Montreal 2006 Halifax Regional Fire Serices 2007 Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services 2008 Brampton Fire & Emergency Services 2009 Calgary AB Fire Department 2010 Saint John NB Fire Department 2011 C.F.F.F. & Past Hosts 2012

2013 Memorial Service 26 Service commémoratif 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS / CONSEIL D'ADMINISTRATION


President / Président ROBERT KIRKPATRICK Captain, Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services

1st Vice President / 1er vice-président 2nd Vice President / 2e vice-président DOUG WYLIE MIKE M cKENNA Division Chief, Vancouver Fire and Rescue (Retired) Fire Chief, North Hatley - Canton Hatley Fire Department (Also representing British Columbia) (Also representing Quebec)

Treasurer / Trésorier Secretary / Secrétaire JOHN CLARE TIM HINDS District Chief, Brampton Fire & Emergency Services Fire Marshal, Nunavut Territory (Retired) (Also representing the North)


Representing the Representing the C.A.F.C. Serge Tremblay Families of the Fallen Bruce Paradis Directeur, Service de Carey Taylor Fire Chief, CFB Greenwood NS sécurité incendie Firefighter, Calgary Fire Department AB de Montréal QC (Retired) Representing the I.A.F.F. William Stewart Representing Scott Marks Wildland Firefighters Fire Chief, Toronto Fire Services ON Paul Buxton-Carr Ottawa ON (Retired) Air Attack Officer, British Columbia Forest Representing the C.V.F.S.A. Sandy Lethbridge Service - Protection Branch Martin Bell Businesswoman, Ottawa ON Ottawa ON Representing Military Chad Sartison Firefighters Martin Rousseau Ceremony Chairman Captain, Foothills Fire Department, AB John Sobey Office of the Canadian Gaetan Magnan Firefighter, Ottawa Fire service ON Forces Fire Marshal Administration Officer, Ottawa Office CFFF Representing Ontario Application Chairman David Sheen Wayne Jasper Bruce Rushton Division Chief, Toronto Fire Services ON Firefighter, CFB Esquimalt Fire & Rescue BC CFFF Chaplain, Surrey BC

2013 Memorial Service 27 Service commémoratif 2013 2013 Memorial Service 28 Service commémoratif 2013 2013 Memorial Service 29 Service commémoratif 2013 THE FALLEN 1167 Canadian Firefighters have died in the line of duty since the first recorded casualty in 1848. The Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation exists to be sure they and those who come after them are never forgotten. The Foundation organizes and manages this Canadian Firefighters Annual Memorial Ceremony and has created an endowment fund to support scholarships and bursaries for the children of those firefighters. To find out more, please visit www.cfff.ca Please make a donation today so they will…never be forgotten! MORTS EN SERVICE

Depuis le tout premier décès enregistré en 1848, 1167 pompiers canadiens sont morts dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions. La raison d’être de la Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts en service est de faire en sorte que tous ces pompiers - et ceux et celles qui suivront - ne soient jamais oubliés. La Fondation, qui voit à l’organisation et à la gestion de cette Cérémonie annuelle à la mémoire des pompiers canadiens, a par ailleurs mis sur pied un fonds de dotation visant à venir en aide, sous la forme de bourses d’études et d’entretien, aux enfants de ces pompiers. Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez visiter www.fcpms.ca Veuillez SVP effectuer un don dès aujourd’hui pour faire en sorte qu’ils ne soient jamais oubliés!

CANADIAN FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS FOUNDATION 440 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 200, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X6 FONDATION CANADIENNE DES POMPIERS MORTS EN SERVICE 440, av. Laurier Ouest, Suite 200, Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 7X6
