Quad. Bot. Ambientale Appl., 30 (2019): 33-39. Pubblicato online: 24/04/2020 http://www.centroplantapalermo.org/ Taxonomic studies on the genus Islaya (Cactaceae): Islaya camanaensis, a new endemic species from Arequipa region (Peru) †F. CáCeres de Baldárrago1, F.M. raiMondo2, i. PoMa2 & P. Mazzola2 1Herbarium arequipense HUsa. laboratorio de Botánica. dpto. de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad nacional de san agustín. arequipa, Peru. 2PLANTA/Centro mediterraneo di ricerca, documentazione e Formazione, Via serraglio Vecchio 28 i - 90123 Palermo.
[email protected] aBstraCt.–in the context of a research project on cactaceae family of the southern region of Peru, a population of the genus Islaya was particularly critical. the taxonomic study carried allowed to describe a new species called Islaya camanaensis whith reference to the province of Camaná where it occurs between 900 and 1050 m a.s.l.. such species shows clear taxonomic differences from the other Islaya species occurring in Peru, as far as root and stem; ribs, areolas, lilac flowers, fruits and seeds are concerned. the species, which is soli- tary in its habitat, blooms in september and bears fruits in november december. an average of 7 individuals in 100 m2 were evaluated in a transect of 50 km. its main threat are the roads and concession in areas that have been delivered to expand agriculture and housing. Key words: succulent plants, endemic flora, Perù, Camaná province. introdUCtion in turn transferred to several other genera such as Echinocactus, Malacocarpus, Neoporteria and then to the present work is part of a study on the Cactaceae of Eriosyce.