December 2010 6 First Yekmalyan Street, Yerevan 0002, Republic of Armenia, Tel: +374 10 53 51 67; E-mail:
[email protected], ORRAN GALA A BIG SUCCESS On Friday, August 20th, 2010 Orran dance group and a song and dance held its 6th Annual Fundraising Dinner at performed by the children of Orran. the Armenia Marriott Hotel’s Tigran Metz Founder Armine K. Hovannisian intro- Grand Ballroom. Through the generosity duced the guests. Diplomats, of its donors, Orran raised over $117,000 representatives of NGO’s and corpora- net. The elegant evening featured enter- tions, journalists and politicians, friends tainment, honored speakers, the from Armenia and aboard congregated to opportunity to sponsor a child, a raffle once again affirm their support of this and dancing. organization. Her eyewitness account of The pre-dinner cocktail hour was abuzz the situation within the families she visits with people from all walks of life brought to life the suffering and pain that showing support for Orran’s mission of the families go through as they struggle Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Armik Yirikian “Helping Families in Need”. The evening for economic survival. was hosted by the beautiful and popular The guests were especially generous vocal artist Christine Pepelian and the during the fundraising hour which was eloquent young author Garin K. presided over by Mr. Jonathan Stark and Hovannisian. Following the cocktail Mr. Narek Durian. They were given the hour, the guests congregated for dinner opportunity to sponsor a child for a total which was convened with a prayer by the of $850 which included $500 for a year’s children of Orran.