Nor Or, June 6, 2019, No. 23_N.O. Blank 6/5/19 8:30 PM Page 1 Vol. 97, # 23, Thursday, June 6, 2019 èÙÏíñ ïÏ ÎáõëÏóáõû ñ»õÙï» Ù»ñÇÏÛÇ äßïûûñà 97-ñ ïñÇ« ÃÇõ 23, Ç·ßÃÇ!"6 ÚáõÇë 2019

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    :   1      - 2019-    -     -    -       . ,         , 30  2019-,  -      - `  .    -     ,        - .  3     -                - `       - èØÎìîÎÜÎàôêÎòàÆÂÆôÜ    :      κ¸àÜÎÜìâàôÂÆôÜ              - : èèÎÎááññÎλ»ññááÏÏ      - .       -   ,     - ííññããááõõÃû»ÇÇõõÇÇÏÏÙÙ ,    -     -            -   :         -        .    -          -    ,    - ,    ’,  -  23-25  2019-,   ,          -  ,       -   : ,  ,   ,          ,  ,    -       -    -   ,                  ,     -    -      -       -       ,        (       -           ).-       : :   -  .         -             -       -       -    -  , ,   -     -    -           -  .   -          :    -     -     -  ØÇÛí»ñ·Çñ»ñ    -  âáñ»ùßÃÇ,5ÚáõÇë2019    -     -       ,  «    -        .   -  , ,  »       -            -          «   »        40     ( 85  )      Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration      ,   ,     5  2019  2050 ... Nor Or, June 6, 2019, No. 23_N.O. Blank 6/5/19 8:30 PM Page 2

Üáñ úñ 2 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019

äîàôºØ´ ÜàôºÜ ÎÀ ÚÜÒܺÜø ØÎàÚÂÆ Úê κ¸àÜÀ,à äîø  ÌèÚ යôà ºÄîàôºÜ.èüüÆ äȺÜ ÇÙáõÍ 1922-Ç (üñ»û) Established 1922 (in Fresno)

äîúÜº èØÎì îÎÜ ÎàôêÎòàôºÜ ØÆòºÈ Üܶܺàô ºôØîºÜ æÜÆ

An ADLP Publication

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Nor Or Publishing Association, ÜÜââºº¶¶ààôôØØ,,ÚÚÈÈÔÔúúÂÂøøÚÚÔÔààôôØØ Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., ºñ¨áõÙóáõ»óÈáõëÇ¿ùñ»Çïáõ-Ã·ñÁ Altadena, CA 91001 U.S.A. ØÆÜöÚîºÜ 2nd Class: West Coast $75     42      - 2nd Class: East Coast $85  .       ` 1st Class:West Coast, East Coast $120        - Canada Air Mail: $130             ,     ,  All Other Countries         Air Mail: $250 ,   .             © 1922-2019 Nor Or Weekly       ,        ,   Mail Postage Paid at Altadena, CA.  ,       `       & Additional office,      ,      ,      USPS: 391-380 - ISSN: 0029-1161        , »,–      -    ,  -  - POSTMASTER: «      -      «»    - Send address changes to     1-     Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc.   -    .  15 Nor Or, June 6, 2019, No. 23_N.O. Blank 6/5/19 8:30 PM Page 3

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019 3

¶ñ»·Ç´.Ááõ»ó غÜÚÜ Úàò ÎÂàÔÆÎàêÀ ÆôÀÜÎȺò ÀÏ.îáùÃ.èÇäÉ»Á ´ÀØÜÊ¶ äºÖ êº¸κÜÆÜ  2-            .    -            :   -         - ,    -         -    -       -     -     -   `  ,  -    -  .  .      .-   ,  -    :           - ,  31-, .  .-   -        - .      ,       -  :  -    .       -       -                    .    -    .          .    -     -     -      -       -     -             ,          ,  -   .      - ( . ) -         -  -   ,  ,    .     - èÎλñáÏìñãáõû    1-,  -   ,  -     åïáõáÛÙÀÏ.ÚÏá Üñ»ÇÛóÁñóË ¶ÚÆÜÄàÔàìÆÜÊ¶À...

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Üáñ úñ 4 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019

ºñ»õ «ÆõñùãÇõñÛáõß·ñáõÃÇõÇñÙ¿çÇã-áñ·ÕïÇù»ñÏÁåñáõÏ¿ÿ° ÁûñóáÕ»ñáõ,ÿ°Ñ»ïûïáÕ»ñáõÑÙñ». ÚñáõÃÇõØñáõû ÚñáõÃÇõ¶ÉÛ»Ç«ØÇÉÇá¿Ù¿ÏÁ.ò»ÕëåáõûÏï»ë¿ÛÃáõóÇåïÇÇÙÁÛáõß»ñÁ» ·ÇñùÇßáñÑ¿ë

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   «   »  ,   - -         »,–          ,      -        -                            «»     -  - , «»  -   ,     -         91-   -   « »     ,    - ,             ,   « »- ,   -          «»             «  »   - «»   Nor Or, June 6, 2019, No. 23_N.O. 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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019 5

    ,       -      - ääÆÆÈÈ2244ØØÀÀººôôêêÜÜòòôô          :    - àêÎÜØÊÆÂºÜ ,     -    ,        ,                ’   -    -  ,     :  -     ,   ,    : ,  -    ,    ,    -      ...:       ...: ,      104         -       ,  -    -     -           :      -    -  ...     . «    - 5.-    ,   ,       -   ,     :        -    , 6.-    :   -  :        ,       -  ,   -        -     -  :         »:      - ,   -     ,     -      -    -            - -     -  :     - :  :      -        -      ,  104     «»: «                   -  ,      «  -   -  -   -    - »   1915-   :   -   ,    ,   -         :    »:         -     -  « » 1915-    -            -      :      - 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Blank 6/5/19 8:30 PM Page 6

Üáñ úñ 6 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019

ÒÎ¶ÆÀèæÆÜêܸÔÎÆÜ... éçñÏ ÚÏáÚÏá» «äºÖ» ¶îÜ ºÜÆÎÜêºÜ àôêîÄèܶÀ

        - ÊâÆÎÖÜàÚºÜ       -     :      ,     «»    -  ,             Ja noyan Insurance-  ,        -    : :  , «»                         ,  ,     `            ,      :    :        ,  -                     ,   :  ,       ,        -           ,    - 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***       -     ,    .       -      `  -            -               « » :   -  :  :     -    :           -      ,  -     :  ,   `           -   ` «  ,   »: -       `  - ,         ` «  »:  -  ,      `     `    -     :        -    :                   `   . `    ,    -         -   ,   - , ,     -  4-5-             -      ,               :  :     -       -   ,       :   - ,  …:   ` «  -       ,   («  ,  »)     - ,   »:  -      :        (Amazon)  -  `  ,    - 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Thursday, June 6, 2019 Vol. 97, #23

A PUBLICATION OF ARMENIAN DEMOCRATIC LIBERAL PARTY, WESTERN DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES We are ready to any development – MoD Azerbaijan fails to lead OSCE mission spokesperson comments on to frontline positions during monitoring Turkish-Azerbaijani military exercises , JUNE 4, ARMENPRESS. jen Jovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and On June 4, in accordance with the Personal Assistant Simon Tiller (Great YEREVAN, JUNE 4, ARMENPRESS. are ready to any development. The Armed arrangement reached with the authori- Britain). Press secretary of the Ministry of Defense Forces of the Republic of together ties of the Republic of Artsakh, the OSCE The monitoring passed in accordance of Armenia Artsrun Hovhannisyan has with its strategic ally Russian Federation is Mission conducted a planned monitor- with the agreed schedule. However, the commented on the Turkish-Azerbaijani carrying out more large-scale military ex- ing of the ceasefire regime on the Line of Azerbaijani side did not lead the OSCE military exercises taking place these days. ercises”, ARMENPRESS reports Hovhan- Contact between the armed forces of Art- mission to its frontline positions. “We attentively follow everything and nisyan wrote on his Facebook page. sakh and Azerbaijan, in the south-east di- From the Artsakh side, the monitor- rection of Martuni town, the Artsakh ing mission was accompanied by repre- Armenian American Museum foreign ministry told Armenpress. sentatives of the Republic of Artsakh Announces Project Design Team From the positions of the Defense Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry Army of the Republic of Artsakh, the of Defense. Glendale, CA monitoring was conducted by Field As-  Armenian President Armen Sarkissian (June 4, 2019) – The sistant to the Personal Representative of and spouse Nouneh Sarkissian visited the UK Armenian Ameri- the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office (CiO) Embassy in Yerevan ahead of Britain’s national can Museum has Mihail Olaru (Moldova) and staff mem- day – the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, announced the se- ber of the Office of the CiO Personal Rep- lection of design the Presidential Office told Armenpress. resentative Martin Schuster (Germany). On the occasion of the day President consultants who From the opposite side of the Line of will be preparing Sarkissian congratulated UK Ambassador Ju- Contact, the monitoring was conducted dith Farnworth and the whole Embassy staff. the project for by Personal Representative of the OSCE The Armenian President and the UK Am- groundbreaking in Chairperson-in-Office Ambassador An- bassador highlighted the need to expand the bi- 2020. The project drzej Kasprzyk, his Field Assistant Ogn- lateral relations. design team will be led by Alajajian Marcoosi Architects and and developers. The firm’s major partners team members will include Robert P. and projects include the Staples Center, Aznavour Foundation, the Bouches-du-Rhône Goodwin Consulting, IMEG Corp, Rhy- Kaiser Permanente, USC, and CSUN. ton Engineering, Glumac, Courtland Stu- Glumac will be serving as the Me- department and Buzine Castle signed a dio LLC, and Applied Earth Sciences. chanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engi- “We are proud to be working with a neer (MEP) for the project. Glumac Memorandum of Cooperation team of highly skilled, experienced, and specializes in sustainable building tech- reputable professionals who have pride nologies and creating systems that opti- On May 30, the delegation of Bouches-du-Rhône and passion for the Armenian American mize energy efficiencies and minimize Department of France, headed by Department Coun- Museum project,” stated architect Aram environmental impact. cil President Mrs. Martine Vassal was hosted by Nico- Alajajian of internationally acclaimed Ala- Courtland Studio LLC will be serving las Aznavour, co-founder of the Aznavour Foundation jajian Marcoosi Architects. as the Landscape Architect for the project. and Kristina Sarkisyan, CEO of the Foundation. The Armenian American Museum is Paul Lewis and his team of landscape ar- The meeting took place in Yerevan, in the future currently in the pre-construction phase of chitects bring over 20 years of experience , where this unique project was pre- the project with plans to begin construc- specializing in landscape design, land- sented to the guests. The Aznavour Centre will open tion in 2020. The City of Glendale has scape architecture, and site planning. its doors in 2021, following a complete renovation of dedicated a premier downtown location Applied Earth Sciences will be serving the building. The monument will house an interactive for the cultural and educational center as the Geotechnical Engineer for the proj- tech museum focused on the life and career of , as well as a cul- with a $1-per-year ground lease agree- ect. AES is a leading firm in the engineer- tural and educational centre for youth, where programs will be implemented in ment. During the pre-construction phase, ing geologic and environmental services three areas: cinema, music, and French language. The Aznavour Center will also industry. The Los Angeles-based team the design team will be preparing detailed host a French Institute that will be a real cultural platform for French culture with will be led by Founder/President Caro construction plans for submission to the a large media library and certified langauge courses. Minas and General Manager/Engineer- City of Glendale. During the meeting, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Az- ing Geologist Shant Minas. Robert Goodwin of Robert P. Good- navour Foundation, the Bouches-du-Rhône department and the Buzine Castle The design team will also be working win Consulting will be serving as the (Château de la Buzine) located in Marseille. The sides expressed readiness to con- with a number of advisors including Construction Manager for the project. tribute to the further development of French-Armenian cultural ties through the Perry Maljian of Wood Corp, a global Goodwin brings years of construction implementation of joint projects. management experience to the museum, leader in project delivery, engineering and The first project being implemented in the framework of cooperation is the Az- most recently serving as the Construction technical services. navour exhibition opened at Buzine Castle. The unique collection presented at the Manager and Owner’s Representative for Alajajian Marcoosi Architects worked castle includes precious materials - memorabilia, documents, manuscripts, corre- The Broad in Los Angeles. with the museum’s Construction Com- spondence, objects, photographs, videos, records, posters, outfits and various ac- Armenian American Museum Con- mittee to interview, evaluate, and recom- cessories that the legendary artist kept in his Mouriès house. The Aznavour family struction Manager Robert P. Goodwin mend consultants for each of the wished that the royalty fee is directed to the Aznavour Foundation, so a donation with Design Team MembersIMEG Corp. disciplines to the Board of Trustees. The was made by the Castle to the Foundation. The Castle is also committed to use its will be serving as the Structural Engineer Construction Committee consists of expe- experience and knowledge to develop cultural programs for the future Aznavour for the project. IMEG is one of the nation’s rienced industry professionals who are Center. largest design consulting firms with providing their expertise and guidance as Thanks to the efforts of the Departmental Council of Bouches-du-Rhône, notably nearly 1,200 team members across 40 of- the project heads for construction. with the support of Didier Parakian, Deputy Mayor of Marseille, a tribute concert fices providing forward-thinking infra- “We are excited to begin the next structure design and engineering. The phase of the project and look forward to to Charles Aznavour was also organized in Marseille on April 30, 2019. Other local Pasadena-based team will be led by Prin- working with the design team to prepare partners also contributed to the organization of this concert, the proceeds of which ciple Edwin Najarian. the project for the historic groundbreak- will be directed to the Aznavour Foundation for the implementation of cultural proj- Rhyton Engineering will be serving as ing,” stated Construction Committee ects. the Civil Engineer for the project. Rhyton Chairman Paul Karapetian. The museum The Aznavour Foundation thanks its partners and all dedicated persons around is a reputable firm providing civil engi- will be announcing additional design the world who share the values of Charles Aznavour and contribute to the mission neering and design services to architects team members in the coming weeks. of the Foundation. NOR OR ENG.June6:Layout 1 6/5/19 5:20 PM Page 2

8 Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 6, 2019 AGBU Redoubles Efforts to Revitalize the Economy and People of Artsakh

June 4, 2019, Stepanakert, ARTSAKH – English language training and a non-de- Armenian General Benevolent Union gree certificate in Tourism and Hospital- (AGBU) announced today a major push ity Management upon completion of at behind its AGBU Fund for Artsakh, a least five of AUA Extension’s 12-course four-way strategy for sustainable socio- program. economic growth in Artsakh centered AGBU Learn to Earn Artsakh Pro- around programs in education, culture, gram also commits to strengthen capa- humanitarian relief, and socio-economic bilities among officers employed in the development. public sector through professional devel- AGBU President Berge Setrakian be- opment courses and exchange visits with lieves that a sustainable growth economy Armenian counterparts. The program for Artsakh is as indispensable to its sur- will help the Artsakh government de- vival as negotiating a just peace and de- velop action plans to resolve policy gaps fending the right to self-determination, and improve the business climate for stating that, “Along with providing a small and medium enterprises. better life for the people, a strong econ- AGBU Women Entrepreneurs (W.E.) omy also means a stronger military and in Artsakh is implemented together with eventually a safer homeland.” Speakers at the AGBU Fund for Artsakh press conference. From Right: AGBU Armenia Fruitful Armenia Charity Foundation to Executive Director Talar Kazanjian; AGBU Armenia President Vasken Yacoubian; Building on the organization’s boost the entrepreneurial skills of AGBU President Berge Setrakian; and State Minister of Artsakh Grigory Martirosyan. decades of support for humanitarian and women in Stepanakert and the regions socio-economic initiatives in the war- for a new music school in Artsakh, opment initiative that helps locals with and help them succeed in the world of stricken enclave, AGBU Fund for Art- thanks to its global success. different educational backgrounds and business. The project is part of the AGBU sakh was officially launched in 2018 as an Two new agriculture-based initiatives skill sets to create more sustainable and Women Empowerment Program which umbrella entity that better reflects the in- were added to the Fund in 2018—AGBU remunerative sources of income through began in Armenia in 2017 to help pro- terdependence among programs to Fields of Hope and AGBU Olive Tree Or- self-employment and enhanced employ- mote human rights and equal opportu- achieve optimal national renewal—from chards. Both are designed to empower ability. The program also aims to support nity for women in Armenia. providing emergency medical support in farmers, including Syrian-Armenian public servants in their professional de- “The establishment of enterprises, the response to the April 2016 four-day war, refugee settlers, to transform Artsakh velopment, as well as to cultivate a more creation of new jobs, and the promotion educating the next generation of innova- into a cornucopia of produce to sustain supportive environment for small and of export are all key to economic devel- tors through its collaboration with the the populace and open new markets for medium-size enterprises in Artsakh. opment. This is why we are joining TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, regional trade. Selected entrepreneurs will enroll for AGBU in supporting women entrepre- helping advance deserving students with In concert with announcing acceler- a course in Business Administration from neurs in Artsakh by helping them ex- university scholarships, and supporting ated efforts behind the Fund, AGBU in- the American University of Armenia Ex- pand their knowledge of finance and Military Officer Education for both on troduced two new ambitious programs tension Program. Upon completion, they entrepreneurship and to be more effec- and off the battlefield. On the cultural aimed at stimulating economic activity will have the opportunity to compete for tively involved in the development of the front, the Fund continues to support the and reducing poverty: AGBU Women mini-grants and benefit from year-long country’s economy,” noted Jorge Del Artsakh Chamber Orchestra that it Entrepreneurs (W.E.); and AGBU Learn handholding from experts in relevant Aguila-Eurnekian, Board Member of helped found in 2004. The orchestra has to Earn Artsakh Program (LEAP). fields. Fruitful Armenia Foundation and Con- since toured the world, paving the way AGBU LEAP is a professional devel- Other beneficiaries will also receive verse Bank. Rev. Vatche Ekmekjian to present English edition of Balaban Khoja's Memoir

Glendale, CA – The newly released graduated from Karen-Eppe Armenian English edition of, The Stormy and High School and was accepted into Calm Days of My Life: Sarkis Balaban- Haigazian University College where he ian "Balaban Khoja": Educator, Rescuer, completed his BA in Psychology. His Survivor, will be presented by translator first field of service was the Armenian Rev. Vatche Ekmekjian on TUESDAY, Evangelical Churches of Kessab and JUNE 11, 2019 at 7:30pm at ABRIL Kaladouran for five years. From 2002- BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glen- 2004 he served as the junior high and dale, CA. Author will be introduced by college youth minister for the Armenian Kapriel Moloyan. Admission is free. For Evangelical Churches of Syria. In 2005 more information, call (818) 243-4112. he was ordained as minister and in 2010 The Stormy and Calm Days of My he and his family moved to California to Life was published in Armenian almost be the senior pastor of Immanuel Ar- 35 years ago. This autobiographical menian Congregational Church, work of Sarkis Balabanian (Balaban Downey (est. 1930). Currently, he is Khoja) contains ethnographical and his- working on his Masters in Marriage and torical themes that are related to the Ar- Family Therapy. menian Genocide and the restructuring Presented by Abril Bookstore. – and eventual dismantling – of the Ar- menian community of Aintab in Aleppo. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Abril REV. VATCHE EKMEKJIAN was Bookstore (818) 243-4112, noor@abril- born in 1970 in Aleppo, Syria. In 1988 he NOR OR ENG.June6:Layout 1 6/5/19 5:20 PM Page 3

Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 6, 2019 9 AGBU Asbeds Welcome New Committee Members

AGBU Asbeds Chair, Harry Sinanian AGBU Asbeds and Asbedooheener Dr. Giragos Minassian

On Sunday, May 26, 2019, the AGBU plished over the last 17 years and what emonies for the evening. The evening 2002, the AGBU Asbeds have made a Asbeds enjoyed a fun family evening at they aim to accomplish in the coming continued with more speeches by Asbed positive impact in the lives of many Ar- the Viceroy L’Ermitage Hotel in Beverly decade. Sinanian also took this opportu- members, Dr. Simon Simonian and Dr. menians in need. In the most recent Hills, CA. The evening marked a new nity to hold a moment of silence for the Giragos Minassian. years, they have made huge contribu- chapter for the Asbeds as they welcomed memory of the three Asbeds, Raffi Ekiz- The AGBU Asbeds serve as one of tions towards education by becoming ian, Vahan Voskian, and past chair the special committees of the AGBU one of the 100 pillars of the American Ar- Kurken Berksenlar, who lost their lives Western District, offering a platform for menian University of Armenia (AUA) in over the course of one and a half years. Armenian families to participate in cul- 2018. Their first order of business was to Concluding his speech, Sinanian gave tural, social and philanthropic activities provide a scholarship to an Arstakh War the floor to Asbeds member, Shahan Mi- aimed at enriching the Armenian com- Veteran, Arman Vardanyan, to attend nassian, who became the Master of Cer- munity at large. Since their inception in and complete his education at AUA. In 2019, they pledged to donate a total of $120,000 to the Armenian American Mu- seum to help build what will become a landmark and cultural center in the City of Glendale. These important contribu- tions are just among the many good Mr. Shahan Minassian deeds by the Asbeds. “One of the key reasons the Asbeds five new members to the circle, Dr. Gary movement is moving forward into the Kevorkian, Dr. Viken Toutounjian, Dr. next decade with great confidence, is not Avedis Boghossian, Dr. Samuel Demirdji only because we address important is- and Gary Jamelian. sues as pioneers in our community, but AGBU Asbeds Chair, Harry Sinan- also because of an unyielding apprecia- ian, opened the evening with a beautiful tion and respect towards each other, and speech welcoming all of the Asbeds and the joy we derive from working together their families along with introducing the as a team,” expressed AGBU Asbeds new members of the circle. He spoke Chair, Harry Sinanian. about what the Asbeds have accom-  The AGBU Pasadena Participated at the Pasadena City League Lending volumes grow with three teams 24% in Armenia

The AGBU Pasadena sports commit- YEREVAN, JUNE 4, ARMENPRESS. tee along with the athletic director coach Lending volumes have grown in Arme- Khatchig Kejejian would like to congrat- nia, and this is also an important compo- ulate all the participating teams along nent of economic potential development, with our wining girls and boys. said Central Bank President Artur Congratulations to AGBU Pasadena Javadyan in remarks at parliament while and we hope to see more victories in the presenting the cenbank’s report. future. The AGBU Pasadena basketball “In conditions of financial stability, fi- league for the ninth and tenth grade bas- nancial brokerage has increased simulta- ketball boys started on Monday, April neously with economic activity. In the 22nd with the participation of 7 Ameri- past 11 years, financial brokerage grew 4 can and Armenian teams (Every Mon- times, lending volumes increased, which day). And the girls 7-8th grade basketball is an important component of economic league started on Friday, May 3rd, 2019 potential development, if of course they The AGBU Pasadena Participated at of Coach Mike Ter Minassian the AGBU (Every Friday). are directed to the industrial branches. the Pasadena City League with three Team took the second place at the We invite everyone to join us and The average growth of loans in the past teams; 3-4th grade boys’ basketball team, Pasadena City League and on Saturday, cheer for our AGBU Teams. 10 years is 24%, and 20% in deposits,” he 5-6th grade boys’ basketball team and June first the 3-4th grade basketball boys You can follow us on Facebook @agbu said, adding that necessary infrastruc- the 7-8th grade girls Volleyball team. also took the second place in their group. Pasadena Glendale chapter tures for carrying out the targeted pro- The Volleyball league started on gram for development of the financial Tuesday, April 23, 2019 with 7 American system have been introduced – the fi- teams participating (beside AGBU). All nancial litigation system and the deposit the volleyball games were played at the insurance. AGBU Pasadena club. He said the cenbank is currently The same week on Saturday April working with the government in the di- 27th the basketball league started with rection of privatizing state-owned com- 6th teams participating in each group panies through public offer in the stock (beside AGBU). market that have growth potential. The dedication and commitment of Works are also underway in the di- our youth along with sportsmanship rection of including major private com- sparked the journey of our team leading panies in the capital market. them to the finals. The final game for the Javadyan said they are also consider- Volleyball girls played on Tuesday, May ing the possibility of financing major 28, 2019 showed the excitement and en- communities, particularly Yerevan, ergy from the team; with the leadership through securities market. NOR OR ENG.June6:Layout 1 6/5/19 5:20 PM Page 4

Üáñ úñ 10 Thursday« June 6, 2019

Western Diocese Scholarship Fund Donor Appreciation Dinner

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world -Nelson Mandela

The significance and value of educa- tion was championed among dedicated philanthropists in the picturesque set- ting of the Mr. C Beverly Hills on Sun- day, May 19, 2019, during the Donors’ Appreciation Dinner for the Archbishop Hovnan Derderian Scholarship Fund. The backbone of every nation, edu- cation has been key in not only the sur- vival, but the growth and cultivation of Armenia, a country that has weathered many storms yet emerged with strength and prowess. The emphasis placed on she said. “We are all doing God’s mis- powerful effect on the community. Organizations have also come on education throughout its history has al- sion by answering the prayers of par- “Vision has been our motivating board to back this endeavor, including lowed for the social and economic de- ents.” strength,” he said. “We should put our the AGBU Asbeds, who put education at velopment of its citizens in the Following the invocation by Rev. Fr. faith and trust in this most important the forefront of their agenda. homeland and the Diaspora, creating a Khajag Shahbazian, parish priest of St. mission for our children who strive for “AGBU has always believed in edu- symbiotic relationship necessary for the Leon Cathedral and an entertainment an Armenian education.” cation so the Archbishop Derderian endurance of its people. segment by George Ghougasian, Vice He spoke of the ancestral legacy of Scholarship Fund is a very important This unyielding belief in education as Chairlady Eileen Keusseyan, Esq., education and how it is a “moral duty” cause that ensures the future of our a major force in the security of a nation thanked the donors for their contribu- to collectively fortify the Scholarship young people,” said Chairman Harry was the impetus for the establishment of tions and expressed her appreciation for Fund. In the spirit of altruism, Arch- Sinanian. “The Committee has done a the Archbishop Derderian Scholarship their dedication to provide aid to “de- bishop Derderian doubled his pledge for tremendous job of promoting our Fund, founded in 2012 with the mission serving and needy children to keep them the upcoming school year, from $5,000 to youth’s education and giving them the to provide Armenian students in the Di- in Armenian schools.” $10,000. He encouraged those present to chance to keep their culture and heritage aspora with financial aid in order to at- “I’m a product of an Armenian invite friends who seek to support a alive.” tend Armenian schools. To date, over School and you just can’t beat it,” she noble cause with the intention of living a Impressed with Archbishop Derder- $200,000 has been donated to needy fam- said. “meaningful and sacrificial life.” ian’s far-reaching influence and devo- ilies both within the United States and Highlighting the transparency and “We can and we should commit our tion to the Armenian people in many abroad. The Donors’ Appreciation Din- accountability that takes precedence lives to our churches and our schools as different realms, donors Dr. and Mrs. ner, in a buoyant and jovial atmosphere, within the Archbishop Derderian Schol- they are one entity that cannot be sepa- Gabriel and Nirva Aslanian were among provided the platform to thank donors arship Fund, Saro Kotoyan, board mem- rated,” he said. “Because of your active the first to contribute to the Scholarship for their contributions and to outline fu- ber of the AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian participation, we have progressed and Fund. ture plans, ensuring that the advance- Armenian School Finance Committee, advanced and we will continue to do “We have great respect for Hovnan ment of the Scholarship Fund reaches reiterated Archbishop Derderian’s “vi- so.” Srpazan and we have seen him help our new heights. sion and mission that no Armenian Over the course of seven years, 11 community prosper,” said Nirva Aslan- “We believe that not one child should school student should be left behind due schools and a legion of students have ian, who stressed the selfless and hard be left behind,” said Alice Chakrian, to financial restraint.” been the recipients of the Archbishop work of the Committee. “The Scholar- Chairlady of the Archbishop Derderian “Their vision became a reality thanks Derderian Scholarship Fund. Through ship Fund is a good cause that we are Scholarship Fund. “Because of all of you, to all of you,” he said, elaborating on the the distribution of scholarships, the no- happy to support since it gives students our dream became a reality and we have fair and transparent approach to manag- tion of Christianity and the development the chance to receive an education in a changed lives, realized hope and an- ing and disbursing funds. In total, of leadership is reinforced in each of the private Armenian school and provide a swered the prayers of parents.” AGBU-MDS has received $68,000, pro- students. solid foundation for their futures.” Looking towards the future, viding “much-needed financial assis- “Enriching a mind is a wonderful Current main recipients of the Arch- Chakrian announced that $100,000 was tance to 25 families so their children can mission and this investment often ex- bishop Hovnan Derderian Scholarship raised that evening, which will help continue to attend an Armenian school.” ceeds our expectations,” said Michael Fund include: AGBU Manoogian- strengthen the endowment fund, allow- Diran Avagyan, Project Manager at Pratt, Head of School of the AGBU Demirdjian School (Canoga Park, CA); ing the scholarships to become more sus- the Western Diocese, said it was “an Vatche and Tamar Manoukian School in AGBU Vatche & Tamar Manookian High tainable and increase the number of honor” to serve on the board with “tal- Pasadena, California, that has received a School (Pasadena, CA); St. Gregory A. & students who can benefit from this ini- ented and dedicated individuals.” total of $51,000 from the Archbishop M. Hovsepian School (Pasadena, CA); tiative. As a special thank you to its con- “This Fund has made a tremendous Derderian Scholarship Fund. “The the C&E Merdinian Armenian Evangel- tributors, a donor wall will be erected at philanthropic impact on our commu- grants have served our most worthy ical School (Sherman Oaks, CA); the Ar- the Western Diocese, listing the names of nity,” he said. “It has enabled young need-based students, making their colle- menian Sisters Academy (La Crescenta, supporters, in honor of the upcoming people to achieve their dreams and we giate ambitions a reality.” CA); and the Western Diocese of the Ar- 10th anniversary celebration. look forward to expanding exponen- Donor Heidi Kavoukjian saw first- menian Church of North America Satur- “Please continue believing in our tially.” hand the positive impact of scholarships day Schools (Burbank, CA). mission and supporting us so we can re- He noted the collaboration with the when a family friend passed away, leav- Under the auspices of the Primate alize our promise to the Armenian Glendale Unified School District Flag ing the future of her daughter, who was Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, mem- schools,” said Chakrian. She recognized Dual Immersion Program, where stu- enrolled in an Armenian school, uncer- bers of the Scholarship Fund Committee the Fund’s faithful board members and dents who don’t have the opportunity to tain. include: Rev. Fr. Khajag Shahbazian; welcomed new individuals who have attend a private Armenian school, can “Thanks to the financial assistance Alice Chakrian chairlady; Diran Av- come on board to assist in fundraising. earn a strong bilingual education. The she received through scholarships, she agyan, Diocesan Advisor; Eileen Chakrian thanked Archbishop Derder- Scholarship Fund also broadened its was able to remain as a student in her Keusseyan, Esq. Vice Chairlady; Ann ian for his yearly contributions as well as horizons by becoming a Pillar of the Armenian school and excel academically Anahid Andreassian, Endowment for his ongoing encouragement and sup- American University of Armenia, donat- and professionally,” said Kavoukjian. In- Funds Manager; Armine Bedrossian, port. ing $50,000 to defray tuition costs for spired by the beneficial outcome, Funds Manager; Roy Boulghourjian, “You lead by example and you work students currently studying in the home- Kavoukjian’s brother-in-law and sister- Senior Advisor; Angie Garibyan, Advi- harder than anyone we know,” she said. land. in-law, Karo and Sirvart Kavoukjian, de- sor; Vicki Grigorian, Advisor; Peggy “You have exceptional love for children “Thanks to Archbishop Derderian’s cided to establish the Harutun Kankababian, Media Relations; Silva and the elderly and you work nonstop capable leadership, we have reached our Kavoukjian Memorial Scholarship Fund Katchiguian, Advisor; Angela to make your vision a reality.” goals and have huge potential for to help other students whose families Parseghian, Secretary; Silva Sepetjian, She referred to Archbishop Derder- growth,” he said. “We pledge that we may find themselves in financial Advisor; Maggie Sumian, Recording ian as an “exemplary spiritual leader” will always pursue our objectives and predicaments. Secretary; Silvana Vartanian, Treasurer; and expressed gratitude to him for we will continue the good work of God.” “I have witnessed what scholarships Leadership Council, Archbishop Hov- “changing our lives.” In his remarks, Archbishop Derder- can do for a child who wants to study in nan Derderian, Dr. Ellie Andreassian, “Everyone sees the hard work you ian traced the short history of the Schol- an Armenian school and I fully support Alice Chakrian, Hagop Hagopian. put forth for the betterment of our lives,” arship Fund that provided a swift and it,” she said.  Nor Or, June 6, 2019, No. 23_N.O. Blank 6/5/19 8:30 PM Page 7

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019 11

(.    ) ,     ÊÊÔÔÖÖÆÆÒÒÚÚÜÜÀÀ . «   - –    -       -     è.ÎàÆôÜ  .          ,    -        ,    ,   ,  :          , -    - –                ,   .   , ,  -   ,  ,            ,   ,      ,          ,       - ,      ,  `    ,  ,      ,   «    »       :       (     ,     - –    , ,   ...  ),       :       ,   :    - , ,        –  ,      ,  ,   `  , ,     ,   :  ,    ,   ,      , – ,     - ,    ,   ,    ,  ,      -        -            ,      ,   -      ,  -    ,  ,    :  ,    ,   -  ,        : ,        ,  ,    ,    ,  –        »      -       .   -      ,    :      , ,   -  `   ,   - – , ,  , .  ,  ,     ,       : –         , : –      ,    -        - –   . ,      -   . ,    -     ,     - –          -      -   ,   ,   ,    :   ,    -           - –   ,  -   ,  -     -    ,     ,           ,       ,          -        ,  ,   ,   ,   : :          : –       ,    ,  ,    –   ,      ,      ,   -       ,     ,      ,   ,  :     ,  ,   - ,   ,   -  :           ,     : , ***        ,     :      -  .  ,     ,   .    – ,       ,           1915-1923 : ,    ,      -     –   ,     ,       .  14

« »    ÛÂïñáÁÏ»ñáõÃÇõ  2019-2020    ºñ»ù»ñÏÛóáõÙªáõÇñáõÍ ÂáõÙ»ÇÍ»150-Ù»ÏÇ

  ,    150-     ,  ,  :  17-      ,      ,      .     ,   915-1200-   

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Üáñ úñ 12 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019

   ÚÎÎÜ´øº      -     -  ,       -      « - ,    - ¶à¶øúÎºÜ »   -     .   -   ,  -   ,  - ,               -     ,         ,   ,  -    :          -     ,         ,      -           ,  -       -                ,             ,     ,        ,         -   :               -      ,          ,  ,            ,   -     -      ,          ,     -    -      -        -                ,  -           -            -         -       -         -                 ,   -               -    ,    ,            (tex- « » ...  -        ,    ting): ,  ,  -  ,            ,     ,  -   ,      -          , o  ,       ,            ,                      ,  ,         - ,    ,    -          - ,    -    -          -      .    

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Blank 6/5/19 8:30 PM Page 9

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019 13

ÈÇ äºîÎÜ,¶ÚÆÜ¸ØøºàôܺÎÚàôºØ´ ºÀܸÜÆÎÆÀÜîÜÆøÀÎîºòÜàØ¸îÆÜ´òàôØÀ

 ,  -    , -    ,  -       -  :  , --  , 25  2019- ,   - , , ,  ,  ,    -  , , ,   - ,     -  , -   - ,   ,    - -     .   -        .   :     -    :   , -     - - «»   -  -   :    :  -     -      ,  -    -  -   (- :    ,   -    ),   - -   - 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Üáñ úñ 14 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019 ØÇç·ÛÇ Ï»ù යܶÆêî ØÆÜØÚøøÆôÂÜºÜ

«Úõ»ñÅñ»ÏÙáõÃÇõ» ØÜ-Ç»õ     - Ø»Í´ñÇïÇáÛÙÇç»õ    .    ,           -   , 9  2019-, .  4-,  -   , ,   .           -   ,  -  .      -  ,   ,       -    .     -          -           , ,   -         -               -   ÊÔÖÆÒÚÜÀ     « » .  11- ,         ,      -    . «       :                  - 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  : *** ,    -  Nor Or, June 6, 2019, No. 23_N.O. Blank 6/5/19 8:31 PM Page 11

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019 15 ØñÏ Ï»ù

ÛÏÏáõÃåáÉÛÇËÏñ , . , . , .  - ØòºÈ ññï-ñÙ»ÇËáÛ»  , . , . , .  -  , . , .    - ÈàÜƸÊºÜÀ . . , . , .  30-          - 89   -              .  - .    , . , .   .  - - 1-7   -  - 3-2 , ,  - - 0-1        , - 3-2 ÎÛóõÙÇã»õ19ïñ»Ï»ñÇ    -    ºõñû-2019-ÇíÇÏÑáõÃÇõÁ   - . . . . . . ,         1. - 32 18 7 7 53-28 61  31-   19  - 2.  32 18 6 8 46-32 60        ,  (-19)      3.  32 14 10 8 43-35 52 2019     - 4.  32 15 6 11 37-27 51    -       - 5.  32 11 11 10 42-40 44 ,    8  - 6. - 32 10 8 14 38-33 38   -          7.  32 7 15 10 26-30 36 . . , ,  -         8.  32 6 10 16 25-49 28 ,         9.  32 5 7 20 24-60 22 . . , , ,  - ,    ,         ,   17          ÈÇí»ñåáõÉÁËáÛ»»ñÇÉÇÏÛÇ    -, ,  - •     31-   , 1996-97 .     5-0 ·õÃÏÇñ        --2-  77       (..)  1-    -     -  -           -        65  ,        ,     ,       -     ,  -    (..) -    2-0 ,         -     .. 2019-20 .        ,   ..-     -    -   ÛÏÏÙñÏËÏñ ,     •      -         17-   •         -  14-7   ,      -       -          -  •  8-  11-    -      -  -2020-     -  3   2          -                   ,  -    4-8-   -  -    ,   « »,             10  46   -  ,      -     ,       -             -    ,    25         -  1-     . . , .    6-  , . , .   -       . . , . , .  -  ,   , . , . , .       ØñÏ Éáõñ»ñÁ ÏÁ ÑÙñ¿ª  .  . •      - ôºîÆê ´ÚغÜ . , . , .   -      

Üâº¶àôØ...   ,  1965      -       .  2- «  ,   -      -  -    -          ,       -      -      -          -       -      -                  -    »,–    , .    ,  2019-                 -    ..  -    -           -  .  -      -   ,      -    ,                    -    -  ,    - ,     -           ,   ,  ,        - «         -   ,     - ,     ,    -               -   »,–  . -      - -  .              ,                 ,       ,    - ,      ,             ,     -    «      ***       ,    -  -          -     .   ,      - -      ,  ,                 »,–     , ,  -      -   - ,     20- Sputnik Nor Or, June 6, 2019, No. 23_N.O. Blank 6/5/19 8:31 PM Page 12

Üáñ úñ 16 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÇë 2019 Û Ï»ù

Ûëï- ¶ÛÃÏÕáõÃÇõÈáë»ÉÁëÇÙ¿ç øÇÙÁïáÕáí... Úáõëï- ÚêîܺÜÜÒÜ¶Æºàì     -      - ÎÇåñáë»éÏÇõ ¸ØîÜÚÆÜ   4-       ,   Ê¸ÊàôÂÆôÜܺºô         -           - Òº´ÎÈàôÂÆôÜܺ   - ,       -    -      -      - « »     (  -   ,  4-  ,    )              -  ,           -     2014-2016      «         ,  -     -   7,500      1,5    -   1-       «         - »  « » -       ,         »,    -   9- ,       -  29-      ,–   (48    -     -     - ),   (38 ,            - ),   (45    .        -  ,     - ,           ,     -  ),  -   - ,      (30 ),      -   ,    (34  -  19-  30   - ìâäºîÆÜ   36  ),   (38      33  400  ÊîÎØÀ äÆîÆ  331   ),   , «  »   - (49 )   -     -      1,5     (37 ) àôܺÜÚ 720êîÆø   394 ,       1,12      -         -     -        - ,    -    -          30   -     -   ,–  -    83             -   1-         -  ¶ÇõÙñÇÇ «ÇñÏ» ûÏÛÁ      -   ,      -        - áõßñáõûÏ»ñá   720   ,   -  4-,    -   53   - äúÆÜÆ ÜîèîàôØ    « -  ,   - ¸ÆÈÆæÜÆ Øæ ,         -   2001-   -  «»  -  ( 17  »,   -     -     -        « - ,  12-    ,    »-   -  ),   -    «»   -  «»   -    -   600  ,        30    ,  ,    -          ,     ,  «     -     -           »          -      « - 2007-,   -    ,    -  »     «-        »   ,  ,  -     -    «    -        »       - 23,553,817,000      -   ,  -  50  Üñ»Ïêñ·ë»ÁÛëïÇ   2016-2018- -  ÛÓ»Éáõ·áñÍÁÃóÁÏÁßñáõÏáõÇ       -      -      «-»     -             ,     ,    -      6-   Øî 1-Æ ¶àÌàì       -   ,    -    ,  4-   24-   - Òº´ÎÈàôÌ       -       -     ´ÒêîÆÖÜ àêîÆÎÜ ØÀ    50      6    2014-  -   2018-   2008  1-2-   -  2016-   -      -       -   ,  ,        -  4-    -     -              ,       31-  -  ,    -                ,  -           - ,    -     , - ,   , , ,  -      -       -     