March/April 2002 March/April 2002 No.2/2002 The Native Title Newsletter is published on a bi-monthly basis. The newsletter includes a Contents summary of native title as reported in the News from the Native Title press. Although thethe summarysummary canvassescanvasses me-pa- Research Research Unit Unit 2 diapers fromfrom aroundaround Australia,Australia, itit isis not intended to be an exhaustive review of de- Features velopments. IndigenousAn update on fisheries: the British cultural, Columbia social The Native Title Newsletter also includes Treatyand commercial Process by Mark McMillan 33 contributions from people involved in Indigenous rights to water 5 native title research and processes. Views ex- Yorta Yorta – Court Report pressed in the contributions are those of the byCapacity Lisa Strelein building for Native Title 7 authors and do not necessarily reflect the Representative Bodies 6 Native title in the news 11 views of the Australian Institute of Aborigi- nal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. NativeApplications title in the news 13 7 ApplicationsNotifications 1014 STOP PRESS!! NotificationsRecent publications 1411 Native Title Research Unit publications 16 AIATSIS and YAMATJI LSC Recent publications 11 announce Native Title Research Unit publications 13 The Native Title Conference 2002: Outcomes and Possibilities 3-5 September Geraldton WA The Newsletter is now available in ELECTRONIC format. This will provide a FASTER service for you, and will make possible much greater distribution. If you would like to SUBSCRIBE to the Native Title Newsletter electronically, please send us an email on
[email protected], and you will be helping us pro- vide a better service. Electronic subscription will replace the postal service, please include your postal address so we can cross check our records.