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Norbord Ltd - OSB3 Mill Environmental Statement Volume 2: Main Report July 2014 Inverness OSB3 Mill Environmental Statement Norbord Ltd Volume 2 Main Report: Table of Contents Glossary and Abbreviations Chapter 5: Noise Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction The Proposed Development Scope of Assessment Other Planning Documents Assessment Methodology Structure of this Environmental Statement Baseline Characterisation Sensitivity Criteria Chapter 2: Proposed Development Noise Modelling Introduction Significance Criteria Parameter Plan Magnitude of Change Baseline Conditions & EIA Assessment Scenarios Likely Significant Effects Typical Construction Activities Mitigation Residual Effects Chapter 3: Design Evolution and Alternatives Cumulative Effects Key Considerations Summary Alternatives Chapter 6: Water Resources Mitigation by Design Issues Remaining for Impact Assessment Introduction Scope of Assessment Chapter 4: Air Quality Assessment Methodology Introduction Significance of Criteria Scope of Assessment Likely Significant Effects Baseline Characterisation Mitigation Assessment Methodology Residual Effects Significance Criteria Cumulative Effects Likely Significant Effects Summary Mitigation Chapter 7: Landscape & Visual Residual Effects Cumulative Effects Introduction Summary Likely Significant Landscape and Visual Effects Mitigation Volume 2: Main Report Table of Contents ENVIRON Inverness OSB3 Mill Norbord Ltd Environmental Statement Assessment of Residual Effects Residual Effects Nature of Effects Cumulative Effects Significance Criteria Summary Sensitivity Criteria Chapter 10: Aviation Magnitude of Change Cumulative Mitigation of Change Introduction Illustrative Tools Scope of Assessment Baseline Characterisation Assessment Methodology Residual Effects Baseline Characterisation Summary Sensitivity Criteria Magnitude of Change Chapter 8: Cultural Heritage & Archaeology Significance Criteria Introduction Likely Significant Effects Scope of Assessment Mitigation Assessment Methodology Residual Effects Sensitivity Criteria Cumulative Effects Magnitude of Change Summary Significance Criteria Chapter 11: Schedule of Mitigation Likely Significant Effects Mitigation Introduction Residual Effects Cumulative Effects Summary Chapter 9: Traffic & Transport Introduction Scope of Assessment Assessment Methodology Baseline Characterisation Sensitivity Criteria Magnitude of Change Significance Criteria Likely Significant Effects Mitigation Volume 2: Main Report ENVIRON Table of Contents Inverness OSB3 Mill Environmental Statement Norbord Ltd Glossary & Abbreviations Abbreviation Expanded Abbreviation Abbreviation Expanded Abbreviation µg/m3 The concentration of an air pollutant is given in micrograms (one-millionth of a gram) per EIA Environmental Impact Assessment cubic metre air or µg/m3. EIERP Environmental Incident and Emergency Response Plan AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic ELV Emission Limit Value ADMS 5 Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System. ADMS 5 is a dispersion model used to model the EPUK Environmental Protection UK air quality impact of existing and proposed industrial installations ES Environmental Statement AEL Associated Emission Level EW Enabling Works AOD Above Ordnance Datum FEH Flood Estimation Handbook AQMA Air Quality Management Areas FRA Flood Risk Assessment ARCADY Assessment of Roundabout Capacity and Delay GDL Gardens and Designed Landscapes ATC Automatic Traffic Count ( in Chapter 9: Traffic & Transport) GIS Geographical Information System ATC Air Traffic Control in Chapter 10: Aviation) GLVIA Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment ATEX rated ATEX is the name commonly given to the two European Directives for controlling explosive atmospheres. GRH Guaranteed Ride Home ATZ Aerodrome Traffic Zone GWDTE Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystem AURN Automatic Urban and Rural Network HDV Heavy Duty Vehicles BAT Best Available Techniques HEC-RAS Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System BAT-AEL Best Available Techniques Associated Emission Level HER Historic Environment Record BGL Below Ground Level HET Historic Environment Team BGS British Geological Society HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle BREF Best Available Technique Reference HIAL Highlands and Islands Airports CAA Civil Aviation Authority HITRANS The Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership CAP Civil Aviation Publication HMSO Her Majesty's Stationery Office CDMS Construction Document Management Software HwLDP The Highland wide Local Development Plan CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan Hz Hertz, the unit of frequency CFA CFA Archaeology IAQM Institute of Air Quality Management CHP Combined Heat and Power ID fan Induced Draft fan CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association IEMA Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment CoPA Control of Pollution Act IHS Inner Horizontal Surface CPO Compulsory Purchase Order ILS Instrument Landing Surface CSR Corporate Social Responsibilities IOA Institute of Acoustics CTMP Construction Traffic Management Plan IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control dB Decibels LA90,T The A’-weighted statistical noise level exceeded 90% of the time (commonly referred to as the background noise level). dBA A-weighted decibels (an expression of the relative loudness of sounds in air as perceived by the human ear) LAeq,T The ‘A’-weighted energy average noise level over the time in question. It is the constant noise level containing the same energy as the actual fluctuating noise level. DIA Drainage Impact Assessment LAmax The instantaneous maximum noise level in any one minute period DME Distance Measuring Equipment LCA Landscape Character Assessment DMP Drainage Management Plan LCT Landscape Character Type DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges LVIA Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment DTM Digital Terrain Model MA Main Application EAL Environmental Assessment Level mAOD m Above Ordnance Datum EC European Commission Volume 2: Main Report Glossary & Abbreviation ENVIRON Inverness OSB3 Mill Norbord Ltd Environmental Statement Abbreviation Expanded Abbreviation Abbreviation Expanded Abbreviation mg milligrams SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar MIOA Member of the Institute of Acoustics SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest NAQO/EU National Air Quality Objectives (the EU) SuDs Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems NAWR Noise at Work Regulations SWL Sound Power Level NCR National Cycle Route TA Transport Assessment NDB Non-Directional Beacon TAN Technical Advice Note NGD Noise Generating Development THC The Highland Council NIA Noise Impact Assessment TOCS Take-Off Climb Surface Nm3 Normal cubic metre TPC Travel Plan Co-ordinator NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide-an air pollutant which can harm human health TRL Transport Research Laboratory NOTAM Notice to Airmen TS Transport Scotland NOx A generic term for mono-nitrogen oxides NO and NO2 (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide) TVOC Total Volatile Organic Compounds NRTF National Road Traffic Forecast UKTAG UK Technical Advisory Group NSR Noise Sensitive Receptor VDF Very High Frequency Direction Finder NTS Non-Technical Summary VHF Very High Frequency NVC National Vegetation Classification VOC Volatile Organic Compound OLS Obstacle Limitation Surfaces VOR Very High Frequency Omni-Range OS Ordnance Survey WESP Wet Electrostatic Precipitator OSB Oriented Strand Board WFD Water Framework Directive OSB1 Oriented Strand Board Line 1 WHO World Health Organisation OSB2 Oriented Strand Board Line 2 WSI Written Scheme of Investigation OSB3 Oriented Strand Board Line 3 ZTV Zone of Theoretical Visibility PAN Planning Advice Note PC Process Contribution PCU Passenger Car Units PEC Predicted Environmental Concentration PICADY Priority Intersection Capacity and Delay PM10 Particulate Matter up to 10 micrometres in size. PM2.5 Particulate Matter up to 2.5 micrometres in size. PPC Pollution Prevention and Control PSR Primary Surveillance Radar RBMP River Basin Management Plan RFC ratio of flow to capacity RTS Regional Transport Strategy SAC Special Area of Conservation SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency SHEP Scottish Historic Environment Policy SHET Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission SLA Special Landscape Area SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SPA Special Protection Area SPP Scottish Planning Policy SRI Sound Reduction Index Volume 2: Main Report ENVIRON Glossary & Abbreviation Inverness OSB3 Mill Environmental Statement Norbord Ltd 1. Introduction 1.1 Norbord Limited (the Applicant) manufactures orientated strand board (OSB) at its facility at realignment of an existing access. Planning permission, subject to conditions, was granted on Morayhill, approximately 6 km northeast of Inverness (Grid Reference: 275516, 84974). The the 23rd June 2014. Applicant is applying for planning permission (the Application) from the Highland Council (THC) 1.7 The Proposed Development would be constructed on the foundations and infrastructure to install a new OSB production line, which will be accommodated in new buildings to be located established through the implementation of the enabling works application; any additional on land immediately east of the existing facility, and in converted buildings on its existing infrastructure is contemplated within the scope of the Application and is considered, as property (the Proposed Development). The planning application site (the Site) comprises both appropriate, in this Environmental Statement. the land to the east of the facility and the current property, and extends to some 22.5 hectares. (Figure 1.1 Site Location).