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10-11-1921 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-11-1921 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-11-1921." (1921). abq_mj_news/351

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUEB.QUE MORNINg Edition' lYlItTY-SKOX- YEAIl jouena:Daily by Carrier or Mall, 85c a Month New October 11, 1921. OU t'LXXI. No. 11. Albuquerque, Mexico, Tuesday, Single Unpk 6c HEADS JAPANESE HERE EL TO PLEAD TREAT HIGH AND IN hott II CAUSE OF KOREA ARMS DELEGATION SENATE ADOPTS ; EMI AT ARMS PARLEY PfiOCMIOT E POOR IS GEN, MANGEL'S BORAH S CN THE YANKEES 10 3 TO J Ml REPUBLICANS IS LIMDSEY'S PLEA ARMYPERFORMS 1 0i: 1 TOLL EXEMPTION VICTORY L Is i GIVEN APPROVA Resolution Adopted By a SERVANTS' IRK MEASURE. 37-4- 7 OVEfeli'S Mass "Meeting Asking Denver Authorities Not to --r- Mem- r. ,. Majority of the Party shnw nico.riminatinn ronowsrs.oT biav general If X s" J Bill Now Goes to the House, GREW III CONTEST bers of Finance briww. utiv!!. III. . IAI- - .1 J- - n FfN the Senate vvno wen i iu Dian m Where It Is Expected It Committee Put Their 0, Search of Happiness Find Will Rest Until After the - u K, on New Measure. Denver. Colo.. Oct. 10. 4 Their Hopes Shattered, Parley, District Attorney Phillip S. Disarming Van CIsc nnnouiH'cd today BABE RUTH'S B- B- IN FOURTH COMMITTEEMEN WERE that lie wnuld summon Juriuc refugees"ob7ect to SUBSTITUTESOFFERED DIVIDED, IS REPORT Hen U. Llnrtsoy of tin? luve- - RETURNING TO RUSSIA 4 nlle court, to nnm-a- r before BY KING ARE REJECTED CATCHES GIANTS FLAT-FOOTE- D the county grand Jury next Repeal of Levy on Freight, Monday, "to tell tlint court Are Being Sent Back to That Debate on Proposal Discloses and Pullman what. If nnvtlilmr. he knows Passenger nbout violations of the prohi- - Distracted Land to Meet a a Split; 12 Demo- mil- - Party Won Three Is One of bition laws by Denver Re- American League Champions Have Transportation lionaires." Fate They Shudder at. crats Support it; 17 Games to Their Opponent's Two; Work of the Provisions, Bird declares, publicans Oppose It. .v Meusel Stands Out (By The Associated rresn.) WILLIAM RIRP. The Associated Prus.) "Bob" Conspicuously; re- (By The AuMirlnled PreM.) Ti' (By Washington, Oct. 10. The STwifii IUimth ta Alfirninic Journal) Prince Iyesato Tokugawa. Oct. 10. The revision Syngman Rhee. Denver, Colo., Oct. 10 At an (Copyright by Alliuqiwrquo Journal) Washington, Brooklyn Lad Would Have Pitched a Shut publican compromise tax Prince presi- for tolls of a open forum meeting at the Grace (Special lulile to morning jciuriiiu; Iyesato Tokugawa, Borah bill exemption program was approved today by Syngman Rhee, president of the the dent of the house of peers American coastwise vessels pass- Out But for a Bobble Made By mem- of Community church last night a (Remnants of Wrangle of and one of was Scrimmage majority of the republican provisional government Korea, resistance Japan the most ing through the Panama canal commit- is in the United States to represent resolution Introduced by Judge Ben army, the last organized influential statesmen in his coun- the senate 47 to bers of the senate finance to tho bolsheviki in Russia, are passed by today, McNally in the First Inning. committee his country at the disarmament B. Lindsey, of the juvenile court, try, has been named to head the 37. The measure now goes to tee. Reports from the In- sent back to that distracted room were that the vote was five conference. was adopted stating "that In the being Japanese delegation to the disar the house where it is expected it terest of the constitution and law land to meet a fate they shudder mament conference at will to indefinite New Oct. the Associated Press) A to four, with one opponent, Sena- at. Yet France cannot maintain Je subject delay. York, 10, (By McLean of ab- and order and fair play and to at least until after the confer- hold a' to a heme tor Connecticut, avoid class we ask the them In a workless condition in on limitation of armament. bunt in a game doesn't candle, sent. hatreds, of ence com- INDICTED authorities to be as diligent In Corsica, the birthplace Napo The senate two sub- run as a feat,, but a little bunt which "Babe" The first test vote on the have been order- rejected spectacular was prosecuting the rich as the poor leon, where they stitutes offered by Senator King, Ruth laid down on the at the Polo Grounds promise, which an outgrowth for ed. Mr. Bird sends a vivid story WORLD the grass today of a threatened revolt against the bootlegging." S SERIES democrat, Utah, to authorize showed how much sometimes attaches to the senators A Denver newspaper, which, it of the strange situation.) president to negotiate for arbitra- importance original bill by republican was Ajucclo, Corsica, Oct. 10. and to less sensational The "Babe's" in the agricultural "bloc," was said JURY asserted, last week gave wide tion of the tolls question performance. 5 to 4 This publicity to "three boys and one Everybody has forgotten Wrangel's appropriate $2,000,000 as a subsidy was Yankees to havo been against. wretched driven Into the sea - in the ninth inning of Sunday's game for the vote was taken Saturday and those poor young man for contributing army, PLAYERS TO GUT for American vessels using- the more. His were Chairman to Juvenile delinquency," was by the bolsheviki a few months ago. canal. Debate on the Borah as a team just one more run and nothing listed in opposition on In is the offi- in Penrose and Senators McCumber, called the resolution to be Everybody, that except proposal disclosed a split in party bunt in the fourth inning of today's game, the fifth of GIVE OP "equally fair to Its readers and cers and men of that army and the ranks, opponents declaring the North Dakota; Smobt, Utah; women and driv Sen- the 1921 , proved the turning point of the McLean and Dillingham of Ver- publish the name" of a Denver refugees, children, bill was inopportune, while PES millionaire named en a i exile with them. A JUICY ator Idaho, de- 3 to mont. Senator Calder of New by Lindsey, "MELON" Borah, republican, contest, which was won by the American leaguers, 1, "and the his con- French took the remnants had with Presi- York, was absent. facts concerning ships clared he talked over their National opponents. Vote. V- - M'Grew Is nection or that of any of his mil- of Wrangol's following on board In dent Harding and Secretary league Penrose Cast Deciding Ray Charged not The the Yan- - Chairman Penrose was reported lionaire friends with the whiskey the Black sea, at the tip of the Hughes and they did share victory again gave With Embezzlement and found In his But what was views. in which to have cast the deciding vote for garage." Crimean peninsula. Will Divide a such kees the edse the series, Judge Lindsey's appearance in to be with them? Tho ships $292,522.33, Dcmocrnts Support Bill. now stands: BOX SCORE the program today, with Senator William J. Hotz With Con- Calder with the opposition. the pulpit last night followed his went to Constantinople, where some New High Record for Twelve democrats voted for the W. L. voting appearance and talk at a mass few could be taken bill while 17 voted 3 Senator Penrose will the to Embezzle. hundreds republicans Americana report spiracy at the state house Satur- but the mass were refused Their Share; Other Clubs Democrats who gave 2 3 Yankees, amendments to the senate as a meeting of, great against. Nationals . called in Interest of Dis- were: Ashurst, Ari- AB. R. H. PO. A. E. proposal, und he predict- (By The Annrliitetl Prew ) day night, the a landing by the authorities. Come in for Prizes. their support Waito the wonder 3 1 2 0 0 majority enforcement of on where Louisiana; Har- Hoyt, boy Miller, cf 0 ed they would command practical- Omaha, Neb., Oct. 10. Ray V. the prohibition ease broke out the ships zona; Broussard, the Yan 4 0 1 2 3 0 laws and a statement read by the were died. rison, Mississippi; Kendrlck, Wy- from Brooklyn, pitched Peckinpaugh, ss ly the united support of tho McGrew, formerly vice president they quartered. Many (By The Auoclutrd Trrm.) 4 1 1 2 0 0 Judge from the bench Saturday In The rest lived oming; Ransdell, Louisiana; Reed, kees to their third victory in the Ruth, If It is understood, how and general mannger of the Mis- wretchedly. Kew Oct. 10 the Asso 1 2 1 2 0 open court on the same subject. Taken to Rio. York, (by Missouri; Robinson, Arkansas; series, his potent right arm being 11. Meusel, 4 ever, that some of the committee souri Cattle Loan com-pun- y Russians rf... con- Valley At the mass ciated Tho .Shields, Tennessee; Stanley, Ken- aided by some great defensive Plpp, lb 3 0 0 6 1 0 members opposing them will of Omaha, which was de- meeting Saturday Then came French reports that Press.) players par In of team mates 3 0 0 6 3 0 on floor and night, which was attended by I.Vuor was wanted in Brazil. Several ticipating In the 1921 world's se tucky; Underwood, Alabama; work the part his Ward, 2b tinue the fight the clared bankrupt some time ago, and in the Giants' 2 1 0 1 1 1 be several east- Governor Shoup, Mayor Bailey and bott lo;tis ot exiled Russians wore ries fund will divide J292.522.33, a Walsh, Massachusetts, Walsh, holding scoring pro McNally, 3b.... will supported by surrendered to the sheriff today District olivines to a minimum. Ha had 3 0 1 7 1 0 senators. Attorney Van Cise, Judg? tiken to Rio. new high record for tho players' Montana. Schang, c ern on indictments, one of which denied the were: been scored in the first in- 3 0 0 0 1 0 Differences between the repub- Lindsey, privilege by On tne way the boat was share. Under the rules, plnyers Republicans voting against upon Hoyt, p charged embezzlement of $100,000 the climbed on tho read- ning, an error by McNally paving lican committeemen were reported of s funds. chairman, Just off Corsica, the passen- and umpires cease to share in tho Brandegee, Connecticut; Colt, the company clerk's desk in the house of io. Rhode island; Ver- the way to the Giants" only tally 29 3 6 27 12 1 to have been one reason for the with others to em ing gers bad to be landed at Ajac gate receipts after today's game, Dillingham, In Totals Conspiracy representatives and declared: "The bar- mont; Ernst, Kentucky; Hale, but the Yankees tied the score Uiants. abandonment of a plan, discussed bezzle $65,000 belonging todivision Hinditds were quartered in the fifth of the series. Increased who was democrat- meeting was a camouflage," and and ad- Maine; Kenyon, Iowa; Keyes, the third when McNally. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Saturday, to call in the No. 1, railway employes' depart racks. Others found work Snatlng capacity higher Massa- denounced efforts of the prohibi- . New Hampshire; Lodge, passed by Art Nehf, tho Giants' 5 0 1 2 0 0 ic members with a view to having ment of American Federation An artist haB a hivise mission charges account for the went to on Burns, cf out the. tion authorities to enforce the new chusetts; McCormick, Illinois: Mc- crack left hander, third 4 1 1 3 1 0 the amendments reported by of Labor, was Wll and an orchard high up on the total. Bancroft, ss.... charged against prohibition laws. There were cries a Cumber, North Dakota; McXlnley, Schang's double and came home 2 1 6 1 vote of the entire membership. ,.. liarn J. Hotz. Omaha hills above Ajaccio. One day While today's attendance and Frlsch 3b 4 0 attorney, of "we want to hear Lindsey" pre- fell beolw Illinois; Nelson, Minnesota; New, I on Elmer Miller's sacrifice fly. 3 0 1 0 0 0 Further Revisions. who also surrendered on indict ragged, half starved, man knocked gate receipts slightly . n Hunt. Young, rf compro- ceding the Judge's address. The those of official Indiana; Spencer, Missouri; Sterl- ftutli Lavs Down 4 1 0 After disposing of the ments returned bv a special grand at his door and asked for work. Friday's game, the Then, to start the fourth for the Kelly, lb 0.311 mise republicans Judge declared that "the police last at to figures gave 3.". 758 pnid admis- ing, South Dakota; Wadsworth, e. If . . . 4 0 1 S 0 0 program, the Jury that investigated stock and week of Anything, any price, enough Now Yankees, Ruth, who had struck Muesel, mnde some further revisions in the In had followed a truck load waa ail he asked. sions for a total gate receipt of 'York; and Warren, Wyom- 4 0 1 0 2 0 other transactions Nebraska. for of eat, that out his first time up, did tho un- Rawlings, 2b... bill. The approved amendments on whiskey, bound the garage The man's French was slightly $1 15,754. Of this amount the ad ing. e. 3 0 0 6 1 0 Released Bonds. a. wealthy Denver citizen, arrested Two Republicans Paired. expected and lftid down a bunt. Smtth, ...... would nrovide for: Both men were ,. released ,orf' but it waB not the visory board collected '117.513.10. 8 U 0 1 the driver end the man Imperfect, - Two other republicans, Du Pont, The Giant infield was taken com Nehf, 10 A graduated increase from tho bonds. The embezzlement indict' permitted of Ignorance. There was the plsyers iri,544.fi4, and the and land- p...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 maximums of to whom the whiskey was con- club owners Delaware, and McLean Con- pletely by surprise Ruth xSnydcr house Income surtax ment against McGrew charges to an exotio quality In it, something $39,606.36. were had signed go unmolested." far-of- far-go- necticut, paired the ed safely on first. The way 3'! ner cent on $66,000 to a maxl that the alleged offense was com that spoke of some f, Rest Previous Figures. against been for a nnd Ruth Totals 35 1 10 27 13 cent on $200,000 In his statement from the bench The best for the bill. opened tally mum of 50 per mitted September 26, 1919. The in court culture. previous figures In to the armament scored it a moment later on "Bob" x Batted for Nehf in ninth. effective next 1. now In open Saturday tho judge players' total share were those of referring January cattle loan company Is the made a similar accusation and Was a Colonel of Infantry. conference, Senator Borah said he Meusel's hot double to left, which Repeal of the tax on freight, hands of & receiver. McGrew wa Ho of In! the 1919 series between Chicago Giant Bv innings: gave suspended sentences to two was a colonel infantry did not understand that this con- his brother, Emil, on the Yankees 001 200 000 3 nassenger. Pullman, oil by pipe also charged with uttering two the late of General Wraugel. and Cincinnati, when the player team socmed somewhat slow In and post young men accused of Riving liq- army pool amounted to $260,349.66 ference will involve the United Giants 100 000 0001 line, express parcel forged and counterfeit promissory uor to on The American hesitated to em States sub- fielding. This ultimately proved transnortation. also effective next in young girls the ground While the present series has not ns bartering away any ' Two-bas- e notes, each for $3,000, with the ploy him what work couid he to be the winning run for the Yan- Summary: hits 1. that "it would be unjust to punish yet evolved a winner and loser, the stantial right. January tent to defraud the conmanv. lesser offender boot- havo, befitting a colonel, a scholar, "X have talked with those most kees but another was rpeedily add- Schang, E, Meusel, R. Meusel, Mil A increase in estate and Ward E. a against the two Inral club players will divide on graduated Marlon F. Shafer, leg laws, while social leaders on a gentleman? responsible for and concerned in ed when Meusel scored Ward's ler, Rawlings. Sacrifices Plpp, rates from tho existing maximum Roy E.' Karls and Samuel H man He $219,391.66 on a basis of approxi- sacrifice This ended scor- on to a Capitol Hill are allowed to have The pleaded, begged. tho conference," he added. "I fly. the Miller. Double play ot 25 per cent $25,000,000 Grace, secretary-treasure- r of the could do lie mately $131,634.97 to tho team who had Ward, BO on their wine cellars .without fear of anything, everything, have had a full understanding and ing for the day. Hoyt, maximum or per cent iu. railway employes' division, all of would be butler, valet which finally Clotures the cham- seemed a bit unsteady In the early Schang and Ward. Left on bases effective next Janua - molestation." gardener, and $S7.756.69 to discussion. The fears expressed 000,000, also Omaha, are named in the conpplr- and valet pionship, the are not shared them." settled down .behind his Yankees. 8: Giants, 2. Bases on n rv 1 . losers. to minor by innings, acy indictment against Mr. Hotz. The American employed him. At Subject possible Senator lead- two run lead and pitched a heady balls Off 2; Nehf, 1. Struck Retention of the corporation Is Marion F. Shaf corrections by the advisory board Lodge, republican biff in Hoyt, It charged that five each morning he arises and er, was among those who raised dame which had the suns 5. stock tax of $1 on each er and Mr. Karls caused Grace to accountants, tho Cleveland and line-u- p cut By Hoyt, 6; Nehf, Umpires capital down the mountain side, of armament the Giant guessing when (inn of canital In excess of 2 ARE CHARGED trudges in the role of the question the to At first base, Mo si endorse In blank three certificates three miles, to the town. Three Pittsburgh players conference. He admitted that the safe blows were necessary put plate, Rigler; $5,000. Repeal of the $2,000 ex of and deliver them to the second place winners will divide across. was hit more third ex deposit hours later he may be seen com- United States had the legal runs Hoyt riarity: second base, Quigley; omniinn allowed corporations Shaferg and Mr. Kails, who are something like $43,878.34. while to right Chill. Time of game, l:6U. net Income is less ing back over the brow of the rock the two St. Louis teams as In pass the bill, but said there (Continued on Page Two.) base, cent where tho alleged to have presented them to a market basket of third were reasons" act effective ridge, heavy each pennant race, will sn'it 3. "potent against than $25,000, January tho First National bank of Council T provisions on his arm. ion at present, in view of the next. Bluffs. la., and caused the cashier Tho four umnlres' remun- By that time his orderly, a eration will be coming conference. Senator Mc- Distilled Spirits. to Issue a certificate of deposit for provided from the ex- A on bright-eye- d Russian boy who was Cormick, republican, Illinois, FOR POLICY flnt rate nf $6.40 a gallon $50,000 and a cashier's check for advisory board's fund upon a ba- EMtENDATIONS rtlstitlort snlilts. but with a provl delighted to bo accepted as cook sis of a sum to ono pressed similar sentiments. $15,000. in the same house with his equal winning Itorali Hill. sion for a rebate of $4.20 a gallon Knrls Got thn Cash. P ARMER colonel, and one losini? player's share com- Explains u'hon It ran be shown to' tne sat has tea on the same table, for they bined and divided Into four Senator Ashurst, democrat, Ari- UNEMPLOYMENT Karls. it Is charged, got tho cash over to equal zona, to FOR RELIEF OF isfaction of the commissioner of for an Omaha 1 have gradually won him parts. suggested an amendment the cheek from and moreover the make the bill clear that tolls internal revenue that tho spirits bank and delivered It to Hotz; who Russian customs, the or medici and orderly makes tea-fi- for gods, but exemption should be confined to are used for industrial Is alleged to have converted It to Mrs. Ross Ashbaugh POISON TESTIMONY American ARE PRACTICALLY COMPLETED nal purposes. de coffee unfit for human consump- vessels engaged "exclu- hla own use. The certificate of sively" in coastwise did Tionea of the excise taxes un posit. It is alleged, was presented Arthur Cahoe Farm Hand, tion. IS CORROBORATED trade, but nnrtini. enods. furs, chewing gum Waits on the Table. not offer It. by Hotz and Karls to the Farmers' Alleged to Have Poisoned at- Senator Borah said hln bill Blortrin fans, thermos bottles, State bank of Eureka, 111. The In Breakfast over, the orderly IN SOUTHARD CASE nmnUlnif nnd equipment, tacks the dishes, the colonel makes would be merely a construction ot Finishing Touches Are to Be Put on the Sug hunting dictment charges thnt they re the Former's Husband. tho toilet soaps, and powders and per Ceived a bank or cashier's check the beds, hoes the garden, trims (By Tlio A.Mirlutpd treaty, which feeds donkjey and Pr.a.) contains a disputed clause to and the Is to Be Sub fumes nnd cosmetics. for more than $44,000. which they (By The Amwiclated rrrM.) the hedges, the Twin Falls, Ida., Oct. 10. Her- give gestions Today Report R on canal to vessels T)mini nt ihn ner cent tax are to have delivered to West Oct. 10. Mr. the poultry. Lunch. The colonel man Harms, state chemist of TTtnh, equal privileges of alleged Union, la., to on "all nations" with the British con- to the Conference in Session; tho licensing or leasing of motion Ward E. Shafer. The latter, It !s Ross Ashbaugh and Arthur Cahoe, carpentering do the fences testifying for the first time this af- mitted Open films. the chicken yard or the little pa tending that It does not authorize picture charged, converted the proceeds hired hand, on the Ashbaugh farm, ternoon, corroborated previous free Retention or tne nouso prupuoai to his own use." Mr. how were arrested goda that he Is laboriously and ns to tho of tolls or even subsidies for for Reclamation Urged. can- - Hotz, here Sunday, charg testimony finding American coastwise Appropriations for a flat tax of 3 per cent on ever, disclaimed all knowledge of ed with murder. painfully constructing at the end of poison In b'thal in the vessels. senate first degree quantities The last official declaration On riv. with elimination of the the alleged conspiracy. Chnmisls allege they found poison the garden walk. At dinner there specimens from Edward F. Mey- (BY THIS ASSOCIATED PRESS.) committee proposal for a 10 per In Mr. Hotz in the are guests, and the colonel, im er's submitted to him for the treaty was the Wilson bill of another indictment the body of Ross Arhbaugh, body 1914, free Washington, Oct 10. Recom- ed that his experience had shown cent tax on candy selling at the Shafers and Mr. Karls are woman's husband, who died July provised butler, serves meat and analysis. This was the main fea- repealing the tolls bill 60 more-tha- n 4U cents late in the Taft administra- mendations for a' general policy that only about per cent of wholesale for charged with aiding nnd abetting 15 after an eight days Illness, drink in a style to rouse envy In a ture of the day's session of the passed relief of the un- thoso out of work really wanted it, a Mr. Grace In embezzle were unable nead waiter at the Reitz. trial of tion, Senator Borah said, adding for the permanent pound. the alleged which four physicians Lyda Meyer Southard for that it was desirable employment problem and the re- Preference for former scrvtce iivilnl ll icpfllicfd. ment of $20,000 certificate of de- to diagnose. The colonel is sad this evening. the murder by poisoning of Meyer. that there of commerce and business to men--. In reclamation employment Tiotentlon of the house provision Two before died All duy something haa been prey The defendant unmoved should be a later declaration to turn 5 posit. days Ashbaugh sit force to - .normal were practically completed was urged by R. C. Jones, Junior for a reduction of from 10 to per C. Flesher nnd Charles E Cahoe, who had been employed on ing on his mind, ever since, on his throughout the recital, give the American posl- the of vice commander of the Veterans of cent in the tax on works or an. whose address was given as tho four but to he at the her husband. 'tonight by commit Miller, farm years discharged trip market, stopped fourth (Continued on Page Two.) the unemployment conference. Foreign Wars, who declared these Kilinlnatlnn of tho senate Kansas City, charged with selling six months previous to Ashbaugh's house where his sister is working. Finishing touches are to be put men had been otherwise engaged tee provisions for taxes on photo- a Texas oil lease without a permit, illness, returned to tho farm and She handed him a letter from one on tho suggestions tomorrow and in time of prosperity and were un- graphic apparatus and accessories, were bound over to district court resumed his duties. He remained of his dearest friends, also a in is to be able to lor the day. Vinini rnnm In excess of certain a snid two tho Wrangel officer one of those tho afternoon a report rainy made by police Judge today. They until days after disinter that STUDENT BARRED FROM ARIZONA submitted to the conference in Ottomar Hainerlo, acting direc- prices and office furniture they did not know a permit was ment of Ashbaugh's body, when he had gone to Brazil on promises of open session. This report Is ex- tor of the reclamation service, said of Imported hardwoods. inese necessary. went to his rented farm a quarter free land, work, good pay, liberty, pected to embody the more lm- - that $16,000,000 could be spent were tho only new taxes proposed mile from tho Ashbaugh place. happiness. Now he Is back, ho the economically the winter on the senate committee. testified Cahoe writes from where his STATE UNIVERSITY APPEALS TO . portant remedies suggested by during by not N. Y. STATE COURTS' Witnesses that Marseilles, committees and are said to be irrigation projects which would Treasury experts have yet and Mrs. Ashbaugh took frequent boat stops a few days on its way in give employment to 16.000 men di rnmnleted their compilation show DECISION UPHELD In s car while the to and their scope. or mese IS trips Ashbaugh Constantinople, perhaps Hearings on government recia rectly, and that, if a loan to the ing the net result cnans" farmer, who was a breeder of Ktissia.' THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR HELP fund was rn TPfl Prfl I rHVBIlUtJW. Ultl. malion work to aid In the unem- reclamation authorized (Ha Oct. 10. Derision blooded stallions, was away on ex The colonel's sister has cooled to- an additional $28,000,-00- 0 estimated that the to Washington. ployment situation were held by congress, was roughly of New York courts hibltlon trips. Mrs. Ashbaugh the letter into, English so that the on could be tal of tho senate commuiBo mn state holding made no or American read day by the committee public Immediately expend- more than the federal employes liability act, Inquiries remarks may it., After din works. 13. F. Blaine, of Seattle, ed on the Boulder Canyon dam, would be reduced by when she was arrested. ner the colonel gives it to him and President Rein- nnn nfln. Chairman Penrose applicable to employes ot inter and Faculty Are Ordered to Wash., representing the Western California, canal, and tioT, state railroads while in Mrs. Ashbaugh is said to have ne reads: Reclamation de tne Arizona San Carlos said the amended bill would yield engaged shown no at the death of her Didn't Remain in Brazil. States association, Parker and leave the switching cars will stand, the grief state Joseph Conway or Show Cause to the clared that a reasonable projects. T'j complete these pro.) sufficient revenue to husband, which fact first aroused "I did not remain in Brazil and. approprla a "safe margin. supreme court today refusing to tlon bv the federal government to ects, he explained, $90,000,000 government review a case awarding Ida Cott, suspicion. manic uod you did not go there. Contrary; Dispute Over the 1920 Annual Is on reclamation projects al-- would be required eventually, but the Two children of tho Ashbaugh They did not give any ground and .arry- J! 1 verdict of $20,000 against ' f. I... ,nHt. during the next five months would FOOD PROFITEERING couple, Lucille, 16, and Robert, 14, tnere is no work except on the As of - Lehigh Valley railroad for the Cause the Trouble. for many thousand men. He add- employ between 25.000 and 30,000 of are expected to be the state's chief coffee plantations. Now I am go-in- g Aligned IN CHARGE death her husband Martin Cott. witnesses.- - Is now 4 men on the work itself and be CHICAGO, Investigation on the boatBurgmeister from tween 10,000 and 15,000 more in being made to learn where the Marseilles to Ajaccio and from (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRES9.) directly, . (By The AMorlatea Pri.) CHARLIE WHITE STOPS poison was procured. there we shall bo taken to Con Tucson, Ariz. Oct. committee of the Institution. Oct. 10. A San Francisco, Calif., BILLY IN stantinople where we shall be that "whereas It manifestly appears Conway claims he later presented e alder ALGER THREE Von WEATHER KLEINSMID group of twenty-fiv- Chicago MAY bOLLECT TAX ON thrown into the streets, or what to this court the verified com- his accounting to President ACCEPTS who are tne coast in God forbid, to Russia. by who refused to con- men,. touring ROUNDS AT FT. BLISS plaint of Kleinsmid, an of food proauc . INTERSTATE BUSINESS "In Marseilles did not Joseph Conway, that sider it. THE PRESIDENCY OF investigation they let the as i to in us on defendants FORECAST. tion and prices with a view (By The Associated FreM.) shcre. If you can help me acting The hearing on the writ has been ' cm-rair- president and of the Uni Denver, Colo., Oct. 10. New UNIVERSITY OF S. C. augurating price reforms in El Paso, Texas, Oct. 10. (By The Auocloled Freee.) to get down from the boat I am faculty set for October 17. Mexico: unsettled and conferred with H. S, Oct. 10. State ready to work only for the food." versity of Arizona, have wrong Tuesday, today Charlie White, of Chicago, Washington. refused cooler; Wednesday, fair and warm (By Tb AMoclsted PreM.) state market commission taxes may be collected upon busi- me sister nos aaneu a ' Trans fully to permit the Maddox, stopped Billy Alger, of El Paso said Joseph to enter ADMITS HE MURDERED er. Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 10. A er. They will leave tonignt. lor ajus in three rounds at Fort Bliss ness done by companies located lator's note" at the foot of the Conway the Arizona: Tuesday, fair: warmer telegram announcing his accept ' jvithin a state although the busi letter: University of Arizona as a student WIFE BY THROWING HER Angeles. tonight. The fight was sched- ness is therein," a writ of mandamus or south portion. Wednesday, fair. ance of the presidency of the Uni Russel J. Poole. Chicago city uled for ten rounds at 135 taxed Interstate and "It Impossible to get him from of Southern California food and expert, is conducted almost exclusively out the boat because they let nobody dering the reinstatement of Conway INTO DETROIT RIVER versity here market acting pounds. Alger proved a game side down or a cause LOCAL RETORT. was received today from Dr. Rufus as secretary for the party. and but was the state. This decision by and those that get to the domandlng showing of - willing fighter,' lower courts will stand as tho boat are not let away. It will to the contrary, was Issued in the The Awoclatrd Conditions for the twenty-fou- r Bernard Von Kleinsmid, president "There Is considers me rooa proi- outclassed. In the second (By PreM.) ended at 6 m. of the of Arizona at in J. H. result of a refusal by, the supreme be a crime if they take him to superior court here today by order Detroit, Mich., Oct. 10. Herman hours p. yesterday, University iteering Chicago," round. White had Alger stag- court to review Russia because of L. F. recoroea oy me Tucson, by the Southern California rlderman said. "Tho dairyman the today proceedings all the officers Judge Fred Ingraham. Rademacher confessed tonight, university: gering at hell as the result by the Krauss Broa Lum- shall be killed or And who was A. Highest SO conference of the Methodist Episco- - eettine cents a quart for ms of landed brought hanged. Conway, last spring according to W. Kent, assistant temperature 3t having a hard right ber company of New Orleans. now the police are every- elected of the student he his Lowest , . GO pai cnurcn, whicn controls the milk, while It is retailing in tho city swing to the Jaw. In the catching president prosecutor, that murdered V - body (Russians) In the streets and! body ot the institution for this wife last her Range 30 local institution. i at 14 and 15 cents. That Is merely third near Thursday by throwing round, the close, DE TOE LOSES DECISIOX. putting them into the boat." coming college year, alleges that he over the of a Into Mean , 65 one example of what we have to White opened a cut on Alger's Meriden, Oct. 10. railing bridge at 6 a. m... 69 JUDGE MARSHALL DEAD. Conn., Billy This last happening, of course. Is was denied right to register for the r trelt river where she was Humidity contend with." v. forehead. Alger went wabbly De Foe, of St. lost the de- In which la in ot 6 n...... , 21 St. Oct. 10. William C. Paul, at Ajaccio, Corsica, last year of his law course, because drowned. The act. he said, fol- Humidity p. Louis, According to Poole the growers' to his corner and his chief cision to Red McDonald when De the French Can anyone precipitation , , , . None Marshall, 72, former judge of the associations, here are to be studied republic. of his alleged failure to render an lowed a quarrel while he and his - second threw up the sponge Foe fouled him In man-hu- wind 16 Missouri died the fifth round Imagine a wholesale in accounting of his managership- - of wife were out He had j'BxImum-- velocity.... supreme court, at closely to determine what effect before it was time for the bell of their match De the streets of a modern with walking. Mrectlon of wind.,, .West local hotel here, where he re their activities nra on to boxing tonight. city, The Desert," the university an been held on a charge of murder J having high ring opening tho fourth Foe had been warned three times the police taking up everybodv nual, asked since Character ot day. Clear sided, today from heart trouble, food prices in Chicago, round, promptly upon being the body was recovered by the referee for unfair hitting. (Continued, on Page Two.) for it last summer by the admlnis-- ! V JOURNAL October 11, 1921. Page Two ALBUQUERQUE MORNING Ward to to to WORK ON RECLAMATION H0YT REPEATS AND Pipp Peckinpaugh IS ELECTED NEW Sch.'tng. PROJECTS URGED BY EMBLEM OFTHE YANKS BEAT GIANTS No runs, two lilts, no errors. G. A. It. C03IMANDER Yankees McNally up. Ball one. GOVERNOR CAMPBELL IN THEFIFTH GAME Hall two. Ball three. Strike one. McNally going to third. Hoyt up. one. a two baso hit. (By The Assoclntfil freu.) (Continued from Page One.) Schang got Phoenix, Ariz., Oct, 10. Gov- McNally going to third. Hoyt up two. Ban- ernor Thomas E. Campbell today than in his shutout gamo of Strike one. Foul, strike mm freely croft out the runners telegraphed E. T. Blolno, repre- Eli threw Hoyt, as the ten safeties sentative of the States Re- last Thursday, holding their bases, Miller up. Western POPULAR for the Nationals attest, but lie Miller filed to Meusel and McNally clamation service, who now is in EMPIRE would have had another scoreless scored. Schang went to third. Washington, urging that the gov- ernment with to his credit with a little bet- Peckinpaugh up. Ball one. Ball proceed Immediately game two. Hall three. Strike one. Foul, work on reclamation projects in ter luck In the first inning, which Foul. Arizona to relieve the unem- Repub-- - strike two. Peckinpaugh help Official Flag of the witnessed tho Yankees' only field- went out to Kelly unassisted. ployment situation. The governor's Is Not Much in Evi-denc- e; ing bobble, a mess made by Mc- One rim, one hit, no errors: telegram was sent to Mr. Blaine in lie Frisch Frisch sin- order that he take the mat- Been Nally of George Burns' hard Glunts up. might Has Never bounder. As it was, Hoyt won the gled over second. Young up. ter up with members of President forced Frisch, McNally to unemployment confer- Provinces. honor of being the first box man Young Bail Harding's ; Flown in Some Ward. Kelly up. Strike one. ence. The governor's telegram fol- m to win two games In the present one. Ball two. Strike two, Kelly lows: 11 n Tlin Aorini I'rmt. series and of holding the heavy fanned on a third called strike. "Four outstanding reclamation Oct. 10. The black, rod to one Strike one. Ball ono. Berlin, re- hitting Giants solitary run Meusel up. projects in Arizona, on which work of the German in Meusel doubled past third, Young include and gold flag than any eighteen innings. is ready to begin. They public Is less in evidence "Hob" Meusel's Work. going to third. Rawlings up. Foul, San Carlos on Gila river, Parker in or more official other of the dozen Both on the offensive and de- strike one. Strike two. Rawlings Indian diversion dam, Charleston which wave from houses fensive sides of Yankees' fouled out to McNally. emblems of the the play, dam and Boulder Canyon dam, the ot every town and city tho work of "Bob" Meusel stood No runs, two lilts, no errors. all American The most popular banner out The FOURTH INNING. latter embracing country. of the conspicuously. lanky right canal in southern California, Ex-- J is the black, white and red fielder hit .600 for the day, with Yankees Ruth up. Buth bunt- the Giant in- haustlve examinations nave Deen former empire. num-- a single and a double in four times ed safely, catching of ar. in a flat-foote- Meusel up. Ball made by government engineers In some provinces up, his double, as related, scoring field and have of towns the republican flai, with the run needed to win one. Strike one. Foul, strike two. all these projects they rcc-gX- d Ruth No rea- been flown. Is not and his own of Ball two. Ruth scored on Meusol s been pronounced feasible. the game, crossing one. son should not be Started and cannot be purchased. the plate diroctly afterward mak- - double to left. Pipp up. Strike why work .. in the seat of the two on threw out Pipp at first, on any or all of them at once ex- Even Berlin, Ing the Yankees up their Rawlings uu. government, the fly In opponents. Meusel going to third. Ward cept for lack of financial provis- - outnumber those of was Mauser scored on Ward's sacrifice ion by government. ; Would of the empire It powerful right Meusel one. the republic, which appear gener- arm, however, which proved the fly to Burns. McNally up. Ball strongly urge that government pro- to be restricted to neccssarj most telling argument of the game Burns made a fine catch of ceed with these undertakings as ally or to Popular dem- action would aid official use new outside of the box work of Hoyt. driva. errors. such materially onstrations In favor of the His quick throw to first on Ban- Two runs', two lilts, no I In relieving unemployment situa- in second GliuiM smith up. Play was tion and under cultivation communists croft's single the trap- was bring reTheed flap of the ping the Giant's shortstop on the halted while an examination several hundred thousand acres of flies side by side with the run mnrte of Ruth's left Kuth limped land. usually way towards second, started a Ba highly productive Reports as republican colors during any up on Bancroft during which back to left field. ;Bal lone. to estimated cost and number of or manifestations, who had back to left neia. u " could be utilized "some situation George Burns, started Strike men that are "'in quarters this from first on the hit and run tried Smith walked, Nehf up. available from reclamation office against mon- to but was the one. Strike two. Nehf fanned. lias caused agitation here score, caught at Ball two. at Washington." archical propagandists and plate as Pecklnpaugh shifted the Burns up. Ball one. resulted in fights be- Ball three. Strike one. btrike and there has play to Burns and threw to Giant tween the police and Schang. two. Moriarity went to the or between won one. Peckinpaugh, filed out to SENATE ADOPTS the monarchy but on riay Saves Ono Tally. archlsts and republicans, This play saved one tally, but at Ward. CANAL unnoticed. 11HS, no crruro. BORAH'S whole it has passed a still more critical point in the No runs, JIO definite effort to Meusel's 1'lWU INNING. EXEMPTION the Room The only re- game deadly aim proved TOLL Living use of the flap of the which broke Giant Yankees Schang up. Strike mercan-- Z the factor up a public come from the con- one. Ball one. rum, mniw a woman this with a pride, as she shows has strenuous- rally, and possibly saved the Commander Lewis S. Pllcher. (Continued from Page On.) says just interests, which are test for the Yankees. It was George Schang popped to Frisch. Hoyt her guest thru her home, for the beautiful enameled to retain their Meu- Ball one. r uu-ik- uu. ly seeking authority Kelly who took chances with oui, Lewis S. Pilcher of Brooklyn, tion in event of arbitration. His woodwork whiteness is of the empire sel's arm after to In Frisch tossed out Hoyt. Miller up. with its porcelain proof Iron cross singling right strike N. Y.. is the new commander-in- - bill, he said, would open the way with theVutllne of an the eighth with Young on first and Ball ono. Strike one. Foul, positive that she was right when she insisted on hand corner. It one man out. two. Moriarity went tt the Giant chief of the Grand Army of th for Great Britain to, ask arbitration known Kelly made a gal- He was elected the which he said would re- having the painter use J.rSuTthat this flagwas lant dash for second, but Meusel's bench and cautioned some of the Republic. at probably of the world Ball two, Miller doubled fifty-fift- h annual encampment held sult. in nearly every port throw was there first. One more players. The before war and that its aoati Giant then had to be atteaded to to into left. Peckinpaugn up. J3au at Indianapolis recently. He' suc- republican platform pledges Chinacote Enamel the Gorman In- for free tolls were by McMurtry donment wonld handicap retire the side, and Hoyt induced one. Peckinpaugn inea out iu ceeds William A. Ketcham of emphasized is with an Pilcher is com- Senator Borah, and also Senator have seen enameled wood- which seeking - Emll Meusel to send up a high Meusel. dianapolis. past nom Both she and her guest Callable means to regain its pre- which to the No runs, ono no crrurs. mander of the of New Willis, republican, Ohio, who foul, Pipp got close tin, ono. department inated President at the work which, because of its yellowish, dingy appear- boxes after a long run. G Lint a Bancroft up. Strike Xorlc. Harding Thnovernment has indicated Ball one. Bancroft rued out 10 Chicago convention. Mr. Borah ance, with its cracks and checks, must have been a soon be "Bulic" Funs Tliroo Times. said had referendum may The crowd of 35,000 which the Mousel. Frisch up. Frisch lined the presidential candidate keen to its owner. that gener-all- y declared often for free and disappointment held to permit the people fine- weather and the great inter- out to Peckiajiaugh. Young up. MEN WEARING KLAN tolls, whether the est in strike one. uau one. uu.ii added: Chinacote Enamel is made by heat treating the to decide dandshould the close series had brought Foul, 'And sub mercantile interests out, besides thrills, two. Young grounded out to ROBES PAY VISIT TO notwithstanding the to reduce their color from brown to water of the getting many marining, the has not liquids witnessed with mixed emotions the Pipp, unassisted. A BLACKWELL CHURCH president white. In this secret method lies the b.yarchnGman state hoMs proud- feat of "Babe" Ruth in No runs, no lius, no errura. changed his mind." superior black-whit- e of surprising to its colors the striking out three times In four SIXTH INNING. Subsidy Question. whiteness of McMurtry Chinacote enamel. The ly blue-whi- te one. (By The Anmirlnted Senator Ari the of Bavaria, times up, making his total eight Yankee Kuth up. Strike Trow.) Ashurst, democrat, heat method the oil and Prussia, ft"d' two. Ball one. Ruin Black Oct. 10. More zona, democrats to "keep the likewise, improves gives of S"0"?' strike outs for the five games. Foul, strike well, Okla., urged its Imone the German residents the Babe has been under.a struck out, for the second time. than two hundred men pledge" of the Baltimore demo Chinacote unusually long wearing qualities. playing one. Aieu- - wearing cratic which favored vellow-whit- e of Upper ones.. He his elbow Meusel up. Strike convention, enameled woodwork of the handicap. injured robes of Ku Klux Kdart filed free tolls. Senator Pomcrene, If you would have that will flies the flag stealing second last Thursday. In- Hel fouled to Kelly. i'lpp and insist on Empire, declares it will have set in a Striko one. Ball one. through the First Methodist democrat. Ohio, declared that the wear beautifully for years years, your and fection and minor opera- up. church here tho tion was performed. Every time Ball two. Strike two. Foul. Nent Sunday night, during Borah bill would "barter way painter using McMurtry Chinacote Enamel neuppeorrters of the republic pro- threw out Pipp at first. church services, and Btopplng in honor of the country for a ship ma- he swung his bat today his face ' also comes in confidence that the great reflected tho caused the No runs, no lilts, no errors. front of the Rev. Fred Mesh, the subsidy." Chinacote Ivory. fess willing- pain by one. spokesman, said: would be jority of the people would injury. In addition, he had been Giants Kelly up. Strike The subsidy Question Recommended Good Painters the republic in an emer- troubled with a bad the result Kelly got a Texas leaguer into "We know you are not with us, brought up later. Senator Borah by Everywhere ly support the wide- leg, but we are behind you 3,000 would advocate gency, notwithstanding of an old pulled tendon, center. Meusel up. Meusel toicea strong declared, stating he For Sale by Leading Dealers to othe,' flags. Ward to in Kay county." egulation ot a' tolls subsidy by the spread attachment Nehf Given Fine Support. Kelly, Peckinpaugn. His ftlanufacturti The Giant fielders gave a good Rawlings up. Strike one. Rawl speech concluded, the interstate commerce commission, iy filed to Minor, fctmun up. spokesman turned and the leader or some other tribunal. Similar IN GEN. performance of the defense, giving ings of the a cross Nehf fine support. Only one error, Ball one. Foul, strike one. Strike group, bearing huge regulations also were urged by two. Foul, Ball two. Foul. lighted with torches, preceded the Senator Cummins, republican. WRANGEL'S ARMY a dropped throw by Frlsch, marred re ainder of the down an TieM'MurtryMfgCo. their record. Nehf held .the slug- Ward threw out Smith. body Iowa, chairman of the interstate Paint and Varniih Makers PERFORMS WORK Gi No runs, ono hit, no errors aisle and out the door. commerce committee. ging Yankees to six hits. The The clansmen carried banners ants' inability to hit Hoyt effec btVKNTU INNING. 1533 Arapahoe Street Denver, Colorado was tbelr fatal Yankees Ward up. Strike one. stating "Wo stand for 100 per cent WEARING (Continued from Page One.) tively handicap. Mc and "We bow CAN'T CURB led his team at bat Ward filed out to Bancroft. Americanism," only McNally popped to to the law, but we want the law OF MEN'S ATTIRE BY that looked like a Russian and with three hits. Nally up. enforced officers." on board for The American leaguers did not Bancroft. Schang up. Strike one. by the right thrusting him ship Strike two. Ball one. Schang The band disappeared almost WOMEN, IS DECISION a destination unknown? get a man on base in the first In after the ' came sent a high fly to Meusel. Immediately leaving j Three Hundred Kscape. ning, but the Nationals - one run. Burns hit No runs, no lilts, no errors. church. The Rev. Mesh has been ny The AHociiited Frets.) The French authorities explain through with one. in his for observ ni't. 10. While reason for this was that to who fumbled, and the Giants Nehf up. Strike emphatic appeals ciinn wmh. that the McNally, Striko two. Nchf filed out to ance of the laws, and Its enforce the wearfng by women of mascu- 800 Russians runner was safe. Bancroft forced m last night when the ment, to members of his per-hi- heard that they Burns at to Ruth. Burns up. Foul, strike according line shirts and trousers "may in barracks here second, Peckinpaugh ono. Ball one. Bancroft went out congregation. ha an Mart tn soma criticism tvere to bo sent back to Russia, Ward. Hoyt tried to get Frisch e HUMORISTS ARE-BUS- ventory and others estimated their The round over to when Pipp took his roller and from an artistio'Or aesthetic stand Idle accessories sums S00 of them escaped. hard hit bull hut it rolled K is drinking at 1b touched first. 2 MEN BELIEVED TO point, it cannot be said tnat TELLING FRANCE HOW as no today aimed at capturing ward uhott and Bancroft drew up No no no errors. almost high. VICTIMS 300. In all Russians at tecond. was a basa runs, hits, prohibited by the law," Attorney these theory Young given K1GMT1C INNING. BE BANK ROBBERS ARE Innarnl T. T. ThnmtlftOn h8S Sd- - TO BOOST RECEIPTS who are without permanent jobs on balls and the bags were full. strike WOMAN must leave AJacclo. There are raised Texas to Yankees Hoyt up. Foul, IN KANSAS vised W. H. Hillyeiv town marshal ASSERTS SHE Kelly a leaguer one. Strike two, lannea. CAPTURED The loud complaints that the police are tenter and Eancroft scored. "Irish" Hoyt of Zillah, wasn. (By Attoelnted I'rest.) Miller Ball one. Ball two. vm-aii- consulted every Oct. 10. The LOANED ROOSEVELT RESCUED little discretion and families Meusel out and up. Aneoclnted rrnivpr Berlin, govern using struck Rawlings out Mil (By The rreK.) means new-sour- separated, and the like. Strike one. Frisch threw authority In his pursuit ot ment's search for a of CHICAGO are being ended the Inning by forcing Kelly, Kansas Oct. 10. Two m.-tl-re $69,00CMN colonel watches the Ameri- ler. Peckinpaugh up. Ball one. City. to curb tne pi men b revenue to meet increasing ex- liver, bladder and uric i The to Ward. wearing rv Kidney, Peckinpaugh Ball two. Bull Strike one. men, believed to be bank bandits, town. Sec-rotn- can. He seems to hope that this Meusel To three. were a by women in his penditures has brough a group of New York, Oct. 10. Mrs, Emma acid troubles are most of an Singles Right. Foul, strike two. got captured, aftor running nt state J.- Grant Mlnkle, to numorists to the rescue, one dangerous representative In the second inning Bob Meu Peckinpaugh gun fight which began in Muncie, Richardson Burkett of Hillsdale, because of their insidious attacks. can find some means "t a single off Frisch'S glove. Ruth whom the question was first put. branch of which, submitting a declar- nation sel, for the Yanks, pmgied to right two. Kansas, and ended in Kansas City, Ind., today persisted in her his old comrades in arms up. Strike one. Foul, strike tne up m a. statute already prepared, suggest ation 1912 Heed the first warning they give getting and advanced to second on Pipp' time.1 Kansas, today. Tho fight followed passed prooiem on that during the repub- off that boat, out Kuth struck out for the third the of the Muncie State director of agriculture, tax on fat folks whose waist lican convention In Chicago ehe need now. tacrifice. As Ward struck robbery , . , . that they attention by taking i Alas! Nothing can be done, No runs, one lilt, no errors. of $300. One of the mm a that tha tvnmen wear line circumference exceeds the lent $69,000 to Roose- from Meusel tried to steal third. Frisch one. bank today Theodore X deep bass note wafts up Smith's Giants Frisch up. Ball captured men was shot through ing men's clothing were engaged chest measurement. velt. the vibrant note of a dropped good throw and strike one. Bail two. Strike worn. iur. Another suggests attention be MEDAL the harbor, a Meusel made a break for the plate, Foul, the head and Is expected to die. in agricultural treura On trial for forging Colonel COLD liner's whistle. Tugs Join in two. Frisch grounded out to Pipp. A third man is believed to be .. .miiiin tn offer a. solution and paid to double chins and "whisky Roosevelt's name to a note for The but was nipped as he slid in. an to Mr. shrieking accompaniment. Frisch was an error. Young up. Young got Infield surrounded in a patch of weeds the matter passed on noses," that amount, Mrs. Burkett re Rill KM colonel straightens, turns and goes given hit. Kelly up. Strike one. Ball west of Kansas Kansas. The proponents of the fat tax mained unshaken hours of the and The Yankees tied the score r. the City, Thompson. through to the pantry for cigars on cne. Ball two. Strike two. Foul. Include the following provisions cross examination. Replying to third. McNally drew a base 1 the brandy. on Young went to third on Kelly's hK EMERY MA PES i;EAD. EMPLOYES OF OIL tn the statuts they have submit the prosecutor's questions she told balls and went to third Schang's to was thrown out 10. 2 ted. of to for two base drive to left. was right, but Kelly Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. taking the money Chicago Tha world's standard remedy these Hoyt for Meusel to Ward. Emery Mapes, G8. president of the COMPANY KIDNAPED Males' between the of 15 after to do so by ward off these dis BELIEVE MYSTERY OF thrown out at first by Bancroft. trying second, ages being requested disorders, will often Meusel up. Strike one. Ball one. Cream of Wheat company, died at and 30 whose waist exceeds the Justice of the Peace Payton ot eases and the body agalnstn A Miller sent a sacrifice fly to Meu his home last of who her strengthen DISAPPEARANCE OF Meusel fouled out to Pipp, who here night heart t J chest circumference shall pay 1,000 Hillsdale, had preceded furtherattaclts. Threesizes.alldrugglsta. sel and McNally scored, Schang over a disease. c. flnt. 10. excess centi- there. . third. went caught the ball leaning r....,m marks yearly for each Leek for tha nam Gold Medal on BRAKEMAN IS SOLVED taking Peckinpaugh box. T imnlnirtl nf the PaclfiO OH meter, between SO and 40 years, She maintained she metMier dis mtr out at first on an unassisted play spectator's bm and aceapt do fauiutioa No rtins, two lilts, no errors. company were kidnaped today from 500 marks. tinguished client and in the pres- (Rjr Tlis Aannrlntrd PreH.t by Kelly. NINTH INNING, store at ence of Payton and Charles J. 10. In the fourth the Giant outfield the company uoaiingn. uj for now TJian Pills? Ogden, Utah, Oct. Mystery Yankees Meusel ut. Ball one. armed men, according to a state- Shunson, exchanged' the money Better the last ers moved towards the fence and STOMACH UPSET! HUNDREDS OF DOZENS a note dated June 21, The question has been asked. In surrounding disappearance Meusel shot a hot drive to left, but ment by O. M. Swindell, secretary Tab- of R. H. Graves, a South- - the infielders stepped back when - Mrs. Burkett produced a number what way are Chamberlain's January fooled the called it a foul. Strike for the Oil producers- assuuiaiiun OF WINE GLASSES ARE VIII . aLiuu ui.ncniau, Hum inn Ruth came to the bat. He one. Frisch threw out Meusel at statement said: of receipts for interest at $4,000 lets superior to the ordinary them down a bunt, and of California. The a which he said she had been liver Our answer by laying first. Pipp up. Strike one. Foul ,tri..n ni,tmnh1lfi lnflrieri with STORED IN NEW YORK year and pills? Carlln in Nevada is believed to beating Nehf's throw to first, the of paid by Colonel Roosevelt and ex- is. they are easier and more pleas- a strike two. Ball one. Foul. Pipp DMPEPSN armed men appeared in front the re- is so have been solved by the discovery Giants kicking at the umpire de u (By The AMoclatel plained he had recovered the ant to take and their effect on went out, Kelly to Nehf. Ward up, store, men entered xne omce Preu.) one realizes that of a skeleton the bank of the clslon. The crowd cheered Ruth's .. rM lHrinnneri Rov Blabon. New York, Oct. 10. Thin, glis ceipts from Shunson, gentle that hardly near to Rawlings threw out Ward. Is medicine. Then, river Argenta, according btrategy. He scored a few minutes No no no of the store, and tening wine glasses, hundreds of it produced by.a information given out here by the later on Bob Meusel's runs, lilts, errors. general foreman not only move the bowels but flashing Giants Rawlings up. Strike one. G I a secuon luicmon, dozens of them worth thousands of they Southern Pacific company. A drive to left. Meusel moved up to Tom uitten, are In LEGAL NOTICE Improve the appetite and strength- Ball one. Rawlings fe t a double them Into the tnacnines ana dollars, stored away the big duck hunter found the body with a third on out at first and loaded of New York stew en the digestion. a switch caboose and Plpp'i to left. Smith up. Smith filed to ,innnffl tnr narta unknown. hotels and the NOTICE, watch, key, key soored the last run of the game on cara ards, don't know what to do about An Ward. Snyder for Nehf. "On the of the . Albuquerque, N. M., Oct. 6, 1921. locket. inquest was to be held Ward's sacrifice fly to Burns. batting causes approach It. .. r at Battle Mountain. Snyder up. Strike one. Strike two Stomach aclditv indiges the two employes lOCKea me quuib To the Stockholders of the Long- - FIRST INNING. i Some few have been sold and Glass-Lumbe- r) one. Foul. Snyder struck out. Burns tion; p thA tnrA nffioA and the armed follow Copper Company. Wind Shield Yankees Miller up. Ball a wi- Others to friends of the hotels CO I Strike one. Miller out to up. Strike one. Strike two. foul. vvu Duuiuie, men forced their way through given You and each of you are hereby O. I.UUHGK popped Ball one. Ball two. Burns lder what upset your stomach? who, it was assumed, were able to notified that a of the 421j Sootb rirtt Street, Vhont 402 Bancroft. Peckinpaugh up. Frisch struck Well. Ann't hother! The moment windows." as It was meeting J Dnnhwan.... I ..-- 1 a HtenoirraDner employ' the gay glassware stockholders of threw out at first. out. ill I O. AJ H ' the Longfellow Peckinpaugh ' you eat a tablet or two of Pape's . intended it should be used. But tiled Ball one. Strike one. No runs, one hit, no errors, - nnt mninntad. the statement Copper Company, is here'jy Ruth up. an tne oi inai- to made the to be 4 6 Ball two. Strike two. Ruth struck uiapepsin lumps - said, but she was warned not prohibition glassware and held at Rooms and ASK FOIt RATE, gestlon pain, the sourness, neart- useless for the hotels, most stew in the Cromwell Building, in the out. REIlCEI hitrn nrA Kn1niln9 nt PARAS, dim tn give a telephone alarm. I No no no errors. Washington, Oct. 10. Fifteen ards feeling It dishonorable to past city of Albuquerque, N. M., at 3 New Mexico Steel Co. Inc. TltM runs, lilts, acidity, vanish truly wonderful! memories to serve ale and o'clock of I one eleven Giants Burns Strike one. western senators Joined today in ginger p. m. on the 18th day f Boilermaker and ftelilrra up. IN I Millions of Know tnac it is JURY IS SECURED in fine old of tlOO Second 1S47-- Ball one. Burns grounded to Mc- telegrams to officers of the prin peopio Imported grape Juice the October, 1921, for the purpose 8. St. Tel, cigarettes western needless to be bothered with in ON win glasses. electing directors of said company, i. Nally, who fumbled It and the bat- cipal railroads, urging - TRIAL OPs WALKER MM e n western a digestion, dyspepsia or a disor- A Fifth avenue hotel announced and for the transaction of such i ter was safe. Bancroft up. Ball that the carriers grant Aarari atntvinnh A fow tnlllets Of one. one. one-ce- nt a mile rate to the Kan EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE It has written off f 109,000 on glass- other business that may properly ill Foul, strike Bancroft acid - sas of Ameri Pape's Diapepsln neutralizes ware its in- come before said forced Burns, Peckinpaugh to City convention the ana rener at once no at meeting. Ward. Frisch up. Frisch bounced can legion. Eastern railroads ity give na (ThA AAAelate4 Prate.) Said meeting is called undT and have such a rate waiting! Buy a sixty-ce- case of Oct. 10. A by virtue for the provisions of Sec. C. H. CARNES a single off Hoyt's glove. Bancroft already granted now! Don't Stay Tombstone, Ariz., went to second. Pnnp'fl ninnansln i . - v.n 1.ioi nf W V. Walker. 62 of, Chapter 79. Laws of 1905, by IN IU.AB Young up. Foul, miserable. stomach own- SPEOIAMS1! strike Ball one. Ball two. Regulate your charged with embezzlement of the undersigned, who are tho RKFIVMTION upe. so can wun- - one-tent- h Ball three. walked and you eat iavorue iooas county funds, was secured mie ers and holders of more than 107 & Phone 1057-- Young the out Taklnff test!- - stock Fourth. bases were filled. Kelly up. Foul, causing regret. .1.1.HUB B.fHniHi. o of of the capital (having strike one. one. will start tomorrow morn- - voting power) of said Longfellow Ball Ball two. mony now snored on Kelly's Texas leaguer. Copper Company, issued and The bases were still filled. Meusel "w.tvw. formerly assistant coun outstanding. one. oner, of Cochlso county, is CORA A. TAYLOR, up. Strike Ball strike f-M- w ty treairer two. Meusel struck out. Form trird on the epeciflo charge FLORENCE W. MOHR, Rawlings being One-tent- h - MIMKOUItAI'H up. Strike one. Rawlings forced of to his own use Owners of of the Cap- appropriating are tal Stock of the Longfellow TV I'ICW IU'1 Kit Kelly, Peckinpaugh to Ward. $104. Other charges pending CAKBON PAPERS One ran, two hits, one error. RESiOl against him. "rich and mellow; Copper Company, Now Issued SKCOXD INNING. and Outstanding, ThreeInseparables Yankees Meusel up. Ball one. Soothinq and Helinq HARRY WILLS KNOCKS always oven-fres-h Albright Strike one. Ball two. Strike two. One for mildnessVIRGINIA Meusel got a hit Into right. Pipp relieves OUT GUNBOAT SMITH dbwalls of bVBTiMMcklilUfcfd -&- Frisch to,Kel-l- y. Quickly for mellowness BURLEY up. Pipp sacrificed, CATARRH One Ward up. Ball one. Ball two. skin and it ThA AAtnAiAtAfl Prett.) our Anderson Strike one. Ball three. Strike two. scalp Trn...a r m Hnrrv Wills paraffin in ef the One for aroma.TURKISH Ward struck out. Meusel stole disorders '0 BLADDER PKINTKR8 negro heavyweight pugilist, today " new - third. Frisch dropped the ball on and knocked out Gunboat Smith In one canisters, &Vsntail niNllHKH- finest tobaccos Smith's throw and Meusel v The perfect dashed stops itching minute and seven seconas ot ngni-ci- Etch Cantule STATIONERS for home but was thrown out, 1adti hlnwa from Wills, ptesetve intact, Mars nam Wended Frisch to Smith. burning and usually aged and among them a crushing right to Htuxtnoftmmt&rti' 208 West Gold Ave. No runs, njie lilt, ono error. restores skin health dazed the its freshness THIRD INNING. the back of emith's neck, former sailor, and a left upperout Giants Smith up. Smith lined PRESCRIBED BY DOCTORS to the flooj out to Miller. Nehft up. Nehf filed to the Jaw sent him out to Ruth. Burns Burns NEARLY THIRTY YEARS , where ha was counted out. Smith up. .1.1 ttrA a hlnw bunted safely. Bancroft up. Bail GLASS, PAINT. one. Bull two. On the hit and Should be in The fight was to have gone twen- - run play Bancroft singled into ty rounds. LUMBER CEMENT. PLASTER right, Burns going to third. Meu- home hhA Ant la AAAontlnl an aril ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER COMPANY , sel threw in behind Bancroft, end DO WOT ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES every Burns was caught running home, cle of diet to the Egyptian as rice COFFEE US NOHTH FlUS'l jrniKKT Meusel to to J th play being Pipp la jo. to iinuui October 11,-1921- . ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Three

STAGE SET FOR latest photo of mrs. Mccormick MTMEHPUTED VENUE U E BANKERS GIVEN E n T... 1 RIGHT FROM THE TO BE SETTLED HEARTYWELCOME IIen O K V V : 'fj ALBUQUERQUE, N.MX. S1) START HUGGIMS BY COURT TODAY AT PEACEJN ALBUOUEROUE AN OLD STORE WITH A NEW SPRtit ': Representatives of Britain "We Should Have Scored a (By The Associated I'nn.) Local Banks and Chamber of Oail Springfield, III., Oct. 10. Coun and Delegates the Flock of Runs in the First sel for Governor Small announced of Commerce Entertains Eireann Will Meet in Lon- late tonight that they had accepted Inning," Says M'Graw; one of the counties which State's More Than 400 Bankers don Today. Probable Batteries. Attorney Mortimer suggested as a From New York State. place in which to try the governor The Associated (By Press.) (By The Awicluteil Prese.l on charges of embezzlement of AssocI- -' Local bankers and the Chamber London, Oct. 10 (by the New York, Oct. 10. Probable state funds. The decision to accept ated Press.) The and tne Mortimer orrer came a of Commerce yester- premier batteries for the sixth game of the alter In 420 ; other representatives of the British world's series tomorrow are: Hnri long conference between Governor day entertaining visiting and the of Small and his bankers and their families from government delegates per or Shflwkey and Scnang for the lawyers. New ar- the dail eireann will face each Final settlement of the question York state. The bankers rived here at 2:50 o'clock re- other across the conference table Snvder for tho Giants. of venue in the Small case will be anil the cabinet room at the smart settled in Judge Burton's court to mained for more than an hour. jin premier "My men played a good Three special trains carried the official residence tomorrow morn game today." said Manager Hug morrow, it was Indicated tonight. Announcement in open court delegates returning from the Rank- - ine. gins of the Yankees, "and when ors' convention at Los i membors of door of that the prosecution and defense Angeles. Mr. Lloyd George, Ruth opened the victory The specials arrived here after ) the cabinet and several officials of In the fourth with his bunt, had reached an agreement, is ex inning, to result in an order stopping in Isleta long enough to the Irish office discussed this they walked right in and sat down. poeted by witness an dance which tomorrow's conference. Ruth's bunt was the point. Judge Burton in accordance with Interesting afternoon turning tho was staged for the benefit of the i It is understood the procedure fa "We should have scored a flock of agreement. bankers. . vored is a speech of welcome by either Shawkoy, Harper or Quinn A committee will In box. I select and bankers' consisting the premier, after which he the If Harper, of Charles S. White, Jerre Haggard outline the methods the govern he has good control, the Giants to hit as and Albert G. Simms, met the ment proposes for dealing with the will find him Just as hard CONCERT GIVEN bankers and. assisted bv members , Hovt." of various phases of the question ' the Chambor of Commerce, Arthur Griffith, the Sinn Felner "My men did not play the game took the visitors the ' were saia through city leader, is expected to reply. they capable of plnylng, and showed them the various ' Manager McGraw of the Giants. of Interest. First Day's Program. We should have scored a flock of B S places The program for the first day GODOW A table was placed by the cham cenversa runs in the first Inning Instead of ber takes the form of open ty of Commerce at the mall box one. The umpiring was bad. on tion with a view to arriving at safe in the the station platform, and a some definite which called Ruth chamber official was in charge of basis, upon fourth Inning when he was out by negotiations looking to an Irish us GREA SUCCESS tho information bureau established at least a step. Rigler gave there. 500 A SALE OF settlement can proceed. the worst of it when he called More than pieces of Either side may raise some con In same - mailable Albuquerque- literature, Burns out on strikes the were; distributed troversial subject. There is the We'll even up the series already stamped, ' inning. from the desk. The chamber also auestion of the release of the in tomorrow. Celebrated Pianist Gives a ALL WOOL PLAID BLANKETS to- assisted in tho bank- terned men. One delegate said "I may Bend against distributing dav it was not the intention to tomorrow. If I don't Program of Splendid Com ers' mail and a number of wires the Yankees which were sent here for delivery mention this subject for the pres pitch Toney, Barnes will draw the With An Entire tnt. the government a positions, Several relatives and friends of Nevertheless, assignment. Barnes pitched Alhuquerqueans were on the trip is rjrecarlnir a reply to such a re great ball game the otner day. Chopin Group. $8.75 M cuest and has summoned General Including Clarence C. MoClellan General president of tho First National Sir Nevil MacReady and The concert given last night by bank at Mt. N. Y., a broth- - if of in the TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT was a Vernon, A word to housewives them that cool Tudor, the forces Ireland, Leopold Godowsky. pianist, er of Judge W. W. McClellan, reminding nights head of the police from Dublin to IN CAUSE tremendous and appreciated sue' BUSINESS . are with cold ones well on the is advise the government, should tn' CHCT, III VI ICCnitu 1.4. V. vol here, way and there no nronosal be made. OF DEPRESSION, SAYS REORGANIZATION OF like The services of these generals Mrs. Harold F. McCormick. ihP.a"f,.t.!!a.M.r",i; time today for selecting plenty of bed covers. Thick when clock to the NATIONAL GUARD IS . all-wo- will also be useful arrange (By The Assarluted Press.) Interrupt him,, great 100 ol This is the latest photo of Mrs. TnrHnnnnnlts. Dot. 10. Ton offered a that was durable double bed size, that will 'ments are suggested for stricter artist program MAKING PROGRESS blankets, observance of the truce, which both Harold F. McCormick. daughter of much government in business hus more than satisfying. maximum the government and the Sinn ein John D. Rockefeller und wife of been the cause of business The opening number, Beethov give warmth without bulky weight. Attractive major "Thirty-tw- o C- - (By The Asoclntcrt Press.) , era desire. Both nave Harold F. McCormick, head of the H. en's Variations, generals depression, George Cushing, 10. in blue been charged by the Sinn Fein International Harvester Company. director of the Whole' Mlnor," was composed of the most Washington, Oct. Encourag plaids and white, pink and white, grey and white managing ar - and The of the McCormicks sale Coal told the con delicate, and at times, variea, ing progress In the .post-w- re- with provoking the people, separation association, use the of as well their ordeis to come to London was verified recently by McCor vention of the National Association overtones. The pianist's of organization the national guard as many other popular color combinations. pedal brought much of the linger- - was reported today by the war ile- - confirms the impression that tho mick. of Purchasing Agents today. - :ntention ;s to avoid all causes o Government agencies, he said, Ing depth of the composer into ac- partment, the aggregate strength of friction. during three years of war, inflat tlve play. In the second number, the state forces 'to date being then contract perfect illusion ot the suDiect ninced at 120.000. as compared with Sinn Fein Boycott. ed the currency and suave and Mr. also Has been ed it. deflating prices, destroying was created, through the the authorized total of 215.297 Lloyd George HARVEY MOORE subtle touch. The selection was under laws to publicly asked to bring before the buying power amounting to be permitted existing up the Slon Fein tween twenty-fiv- e and thirty bil oreius arranscu i.jr June 30. 1922. The statement sain conference boycott Godowsky. The remainder of the ITS W. A. HIGHTOWER of goods, which has been lion dollars a year, the militia bureau had been forced Af English The national tax of five first group Included "Tambourin" to in some cases CALIHIH hurtful to British trade end has budget "Rondeau en of deny recognition here. PASSES billions, he declared, could not ma- and Meusette," to guard units, as available fodernl caused much irritation 01 Itameau, arranged by Godowsky, - It is not likely the conference All terially be decreased because, he funds ior the year- would not per- LEAGUE will concern itself with this at this said, four billions went to pay for ?a"nged ThTiaUer the'r ,nC'Uain FOR THE TIKES STAND IN FEELS 30 YEARS the cost of wars, or for prep hyodowry.' stage or that the Sinn Fein will past was brilliantly handled remove the ex- aratlon for future wars. agree to boycott, MONDAY EVENING The cost of The second group was made up SUPREME COURT cept as part of trade policy, fol present government WILL a he said, was seven and a half per f"1""' was """..lo6 IS COX'S CLAIM lowing upon settlement. cen of estimated value of pro- treatment of these REVIEW CASE OF WIDE YOUNGER HE SAYS The cabinet is said to have dis- the A of and duction of farmB, mines, quarries perfection technique cussed the possibility of extending Deceased Was Member of and 60 cent of tho thoroughness of interpretation gave INTEREST TO THE WEST of the conference in- - factories; per ana t the scope end Increased value of listed to the lyrics that real Chopin, The AMoclnted t Ulster to send Transfer Com property not the bloodless flat Chopin of The (By Press.) All "I've gained 17 pounds In weight visiting delegates. Sprinqer for taxation and 90 per cent of the (By Amnriiltpd Prp.s.) Dayton, O., Oct. 10.--- dem- DeniesIIKnowledge of the by Tanlac and feel This is a matter for the premier total in circulation. the school girl, and the ordinary Washington, Oct. 10. A case of ocratic stands as taking actually V : Had Been Employe money "B-Fl- at party "inflexibly in to decide. The Sinn Fein delegates pany; nlaver. The Sonata wide Interest to the west, Involv- we did when the Manner Which Rev. thirty years younger," said Joseph of the The Funeral polls closed last Fonseca, 637 Hayes street, San are here only as the spokesmen of Santa Fe Railroad. opened group. ing a construction of tho govern- November for "the league of na- Heslin. Catholic Priest represent, and the pre BAR SILVER REACHES March themes were superb, and ment's Jurisdiction over Francisco, Cal. Mr. Fonseca has those they - police pub tions, with the United States as a resided In mier might Invite Sir James Craig, who suffer the Presto throbbed with sup- lic lands, will be reviewed by the Met His Death. 8an Francisco for the Harvey J. Moore. 45, PEAK PRICE OF THE moods. A delicate part of It," former twenty-fiv- e is well the Ulster premier, and Lord Mldie Fri Dressed "Ber. Idaho for assault upon a herder Governor M. Cox. demo- past years, and ed a slight paralytic stroke last "D-Fla- t" Ilq- - Jamts known of the south of Sat- YFAR IM NFW YORK ceuse," the waltz, the was made by the court todav that The Associated and highly respected. ton, representative day and two other strokes on llM "VMeturne " nnd the maenifl- - cratic presidential candidate last (By Press.) "I Ireland unionists, and Sir Horace at a It would hear the case of Charles declared in a sent to always enjoyed good health urday, died Monday afternoon cent "R-Fl- Minor Scherzo" fin McKelvle and others convicted In fall, message Redwood City, Calif., Oct. 10. up to several months ago. when Plunkett, dominion home ruler, local (By The AwHtrliited PreH.) the democratic club of southern William A. was the friends. hospital. - ished the group. Indaho for assault upon a herder H'ghtower first I began to see my usual strength and their Mr. was at kock- New Oct. 10. Bar silver zt California, banqueting tonight at Moore born York, Two Chopin-Lis- songs Intro- - n which case it Is the witness in his own defense today and energy slipping away from The Sinn Fein has not assented but at an age rose to HVi. to 72 cents an ounce govern Los Angeles. is vllle, Ind., early duced the third group, "My Joys," ment's contention that lnwl"sness in his trial on of murder me. I .got so I couldn't enjoy my to any Joint conference and, it moved with his to Newton, in the local market today, an ad was and The message said: charges meals to no to parents - which perfectly treated, upon public lands can be punlphod "Let me extend felicitations the Rev. Patrick E. Heslin. and .seemed get declared, would object strongly Kans. After finishing his school- vance of one cent over the week the "Maiden's Wish," with its under federal law. my ing strength from what I ate. I came forming one of a three or four he entered ot tne end and the price quoted was to the members and guests of your Catholic priest. Illghtower denied home so ng the employ highest complicated passages easily The events of the nights tired I could hardly party conference. Santa Fe Railroad company at for the metal here this year. handled. MacDoweirs agile "Marcn organization. all knowledge of the manner in get along, and often even before Pe Valcra Has a Plan. to more past year are heartening to the which met death and de Newton. He was transferred The advance was the sur Rubensteln's FRANKIE MURPHY IS . the priest done have Wind;" exquisitely cause of In the midst I had half a day's work, it Mr. De Valera is believed to Emporia, Kans., and in 1902 came prising from the fact that London, atmosnherio Serenade, democracy. dared he had never seen the cleric seemed that I Just could not hold a of local self government for of WINNER BY DECISION of chaos internationally and un until lils was recovered from plan to Albuquerque and took a position which invariably governs the and Concert Study," In we body out any longer. I looked sallow, Ulster within an Irish state, more the station ot me American price of silver, reported Poldlni. were feelingly done. A certainty republican policy, a shallow grave in the sand at tired and worn out all the time, attractive to the northeast than Its department ROUTE OVER TILLMAN stand Inflexibly as we did when the Sulada Beach, to which ac Santa Fe. He remained here until a sllgb reduction from last week's groun of three Godowsky airs ioi. closed last for the and never felt at all well. present status, and it is probable he was to final lowed: "Old Vienna," "Watteau polls November, cused man led police and news "One I made mind 1909, when promoted quotation. The AswicliKrd Pr-.- ) the league of nations, with the day up my this will be put forward at the con- Clovis. some two Metal deleaers attlbuted the do Paysage," and "Terpslchorean (By paper men. to Tanlac, heard so gent at yean Denver, Oct. 10. Frankio Mur United States as a Much of try having ference. later he was given the agency at mestlo advance mainly to specula Vindobona." all rather trite in Hlghtower's testimony much about It. and in a few days The real crux, as stated an of- of course phy of Denver, won a referee's de part of It. It Is infinitely better had to do with Doris Shirley Put by Vmiehn. and still later held tne tlve influences, there being no in form, but nicely played, St, to vital even after I started taking it even my ficial Is not finance or the Liszt's "Dance of the Gnomes' cislon over Johnny Tillman. maintain a principle nam, with whom he swore he had wife noticed I was today, same position at Fiagsiau, ash dication of a revival of the recent In a though It involve a temporary set- - getting better, extent of Ulster's local powers, Ariz. and "Tarantella" closed the con Paul welterweight. spent all of the night on which and In a little while I felt Fork and Seligman, inquiries from India and China, bout here Bramer DacK, man ii is to surrenaer nonor Ae- hardly but necessary severance of Ulster to cert. The latter was a tremendous tonight. Harry j)le priest disappeared. He like the same man. .Well, I can Mr. Moore returned Aiouquer mas Denver bantamweight, knocked 10 expeaiency ior uie mere purpose clared. however, that he did not from the imperial parliament, in February, 1918, and became MAY exhibition of the agility and of an election. work fourtetn hours a day now now has it que SHIPPING BOARD with which the virtuoso pre- - out Leonard Lee also of Denver, winning History blame the woman for denying that without where it representation member or tne iranier tery In the round of a scheduled. will record the abandonment of feeling tired out, and my desires to maintain. springer I CnCC c TflniWArcc sides over the keyboard. third ho had been with her as she for legs and arma. which used to ache romnanv. with wnicn lirm ne ini hn ad bout. our allies as an unworthy episode. had In The Sinn Fein desires no repre- to Ltngu iull iwiiunui. in,htnv if merly been trouble with awfully at times, never give tr.e the associated at the time of his death of Tommy Comlskey was awarded It would have been no worse our declared lie sentation in the parlia- A. mitted to be among the ranks withdrawn from the police. Hightower least bit of trouble. Tanlac cer- Imperial Ills mother. Mrs. J. Moore; (By The Aiioelnted Preu.) of the world. the referee s decision over Tommy troops had been wished her and Lee Putnam, whom if it a in the foremost pianists six-rou- bat- tainly made work of my ment, and accepts place sister. Mrs. J. A. Johnston, ana Oct. 10, If the Madison in a eemi-fln- al France on the morning of the quick de- Washington, His to preserve she married after terminating her troubles to a the British commonwealth, it Martha, arrived suggestion is approved by private amazing ability bout. tle of Chateau Thierry. The spec- and I'm glad say no closer adopted daughter, - perfect rythm. and at the same association with himself, all hap word for it." sires affiliation than Albuquerque on train sso. won- ship owners, the shipping board is - .3ri..r tacle of regarding the good , plness. is sold In Albuauernue bv Canada and other dominions. The from Newton, Kansas. willing to lease idle tonnage i. treaty as a scrap of paper, Tanlac Sinn cay morning tion, is one of his most astounding Hightower was preceded on the the Alvarado and by all Feiners declare they are ndrittinn. ne Is survivca Dy a the sum of one dollar per month . ondowskv. rvthm Just as we begin conference with stand Marie house Pharmacy bound to set forth claim ex-- trnlt. Fn. of nations on disarma by Wendel, other leading druggists every Ireland's sister, Mrs. W. A. Sterba, of Wal- per ship for the purpose of it Is Indeed a creed a group for tho slain who -- is all. And is sad on the keeper priest, where. Adv. for complete separation, which, ton. Kansas, end a brother, porting coal to Europe over routes worth'v of imitation. ment, i commentary Identified him as the man who en they have pointed out, Is their now controlled foreign lines, 0001 11 behavior of a country whose life Chnrles A. Moore, general passen by he Is tieed the into accompany. mandate from their constituencies. Chairman As a composer, eminent, and traditions have been above priest The Ganges, India's most Imnor. ger agent for the Santa Fe at Des Lasker said today. He but if the truth must be known, his Ing him at night to an unnamed tant is Any recession from that position vo intimated final decision would be reproach. Apparently the nation river, 1,557 miles long, and Moines, Iowa, who is expeciea specimens of work last night were in place whore a dying man was sup is for a distance of 850 will be made at a price bringing in wcantsaa given when Secretary Hoover, who t were Toughen Skin and Toe Nail al administration is guided its to await consola navigable Ulster, and the Ulster reach Albuquerque satisfying, They nondescript policies by the un- - posed spiritual miles from the sea. question night. technically very good, but they Turns Out Itself. elements made Its t.'on. thus is expected to assume import- died here In this assurance. one would American that The accused man also denied Mr. Moore's wife Mr. lacked the originality election We are not a LEGAL NOTICE ance and may again prove the 1920. Hoover said the rental of expect of him from his playing. possible. writing a letter demanding ran block to settlement. July, idle at a nominal for A few drops of "Outgro" upon renegade nation and we will not 4 348b stumbling a The funeral will be held hero. ships figure the best of his own songs so som for Father Heslin and ex, the nuroose would afford employ Perhaps so the skin surrounding the Ingrow for long permit ourselves to ap- (REPUBLICATION.) " will bo announced. was the "Watteau paysage." Good In our plained the presence In his room NOTICE Arrangements ment for large numbers of Ameri "Vlen ing nail reduces inflammation and pear to others. faith of FOR PlBLll'ATIOV. MEMBERS OF ITALY'S subtle and suggestive. The a a tent said to have been erect Department of the V. S. can 1- u relations will endure as private Interior, Land coal miners who are now idlc, .1,- ... . hit" nrt the ana luuKiiena hid ituua ed at scene of the na "'.'" " ttt ...... : P'n -- 1.1- fho and a virtue. When so the grave by urnce, at Banta Fe, N. M Oct. DELEGATION TO ARMS TO DEMONSTRATE THE .m.ltl. ..nrfM.V, In. national he had It last. i, FATAL "Terpslchorean u can not tne ber reflection brings proper un asserting bought for the A INJURIES TO YOUTH. distinctive only for its minors. The tnat penetrate use of an illicit liquor dealer. He Notice Is hereby riven that fi; CUT PARLEY CHOSEN PRACTICABILITY OF Jefferson Mo., Oct. 10. flesh, and the nail turns derstanding to our pathetlo status City, mastery with which he arranges naturally In was under cross examination when Montoya y, Chaves, of Alameda, N. M.. Arthur a died to- - outward almost dver night. world affairs, vindication of the who, on December 7, 1917, home- NEW AUTOMOBILE ROAD Mueller, youth, selections is only another proof of be In no court adjourned for the day. made Borne, Oct. 10 the Associat- day from suffered in "Outgro" is a harmless!, xntisep, democracy will expressed stead entry, No. 034338, for E'4 SE14, (by injuries vi...... ,,.ini.n.iin terms. SWK ed The del Fop-ol- o baseball He was a the tie manufactured for chiropodists misleading Eli 8E!. E'i BE'i NW'i SEU. Press). Gazetta The AufH-lnte- Frcm.) game yesterday. Haddocks will lay as many as section S7, del- (By on otti.., However, can from the (Signed) township t N., range E., announced that the Italian 10. A of struck the head with a ball, audience was diverted, but on the anyone buy M. 1,500,000 eggs each in one sea N. M. P. ha filed Denver, Oct. party ...... "JAMES COX." meridian, notice of to the conference on limi- Glen-woo- eiure a uuiuo tu. ...s son. egation men and women residents of d whole, enthusiastic appreciation nrug uny intention to make three-yea- r proof, te tation of armaments and far east- Grand prevailed. It is to be regretted tnat uueuuuns. am, establish claim to the land above do. ern in Springs, Junction, U. questions Washington would Red Cliff, and other towns on the the audience did not allow time AMERICAN CONCERN IS scribed, before 8. Commissioner. Al tie composed of the following western of moun- buquerque, N. M.. on November 14, lS2t. slope the Rocky ASKED TO SHOW ITS Claimant names aa wllni : Ouirine members: is scheduled to start from CALOM EL' cores at the end of the concert, JUSJ; JLlttlC ., "Professor Lulgt Luzzattl, for- tains, jne JTimpIe Coulter, Jacobo Medina, Augustln Alfaros; Red Cliff early tomorrow mornln? PROOF OF OWNERSHIP "Gets-It- neitor all of N. M.J mer minster of the treasury; Slg-n- stage after his last, number, they " Chllllll, on horseback for Denver. The n. m. ntnuKKi;, itegister. Schanzer, also a former min will ride arose, and filed out. Ar-- party, according to plans, Mexico Oct. 10. The Mex ister of the treasury; General : across Loveland rasa to silver City. V. J, V. . i vS7 O.ftftJC, , mando Diaz, commander in chief BUTTREAGHEROUS Will Spoil a Beautiful Face. ican department of agriculture has In the District Court, State of New Italian Plume, whore Denver citizens are served notice Palomas of the arwifes and Slgnor to meet the members of the MEXICO MENACED BY upon the Mexico, county of Bernalillo, a member of party Land and Cattle company, an All 12982. i Meda, the Italian in automobiles and escort them to Ends No. war commission." The newspaper BUSINESS PARALYSIS A will often the American concern of Chihuahua to W. T. Morrow, Plaintiff. J.vs.: this city. Next Dose pimple appear despite within 60 of said that Slgnor Roland! RIcci, At the clvio and commercial as May Salivate, care you give your skin. This can be present days proof Charles Chadwlck & Company,! Italian ambassador to the United The Aneoelsted avoided by tire Die ot a pure soap and a Its ownership of property valued a corporation, and Skin--ne- r, sociatlon hero it was announced mock Liver or Attack (By Pre.) cream. t more Joseph States would go as an alternate, Mexico Oct. 10 the As good cleansing than 29.000,000 pesos. The Defendants. 4 , today that the object of the trip "Your City, (by But, how to remove the pimple, which is headed James R. was to demonstrate the practic- Bones. sociated Press.) Paralysis of tne company by Corns Notice is hereby given thatvon appear almost without warning? Garfield, son of former President the 18th of 1921.1 ability of a direct automobile Mexican railroad operating be Just a little Beauty Bleach, applied at day September. You know calomel is. tween Mexico uiirnem. I r-- .. . the District Court of Bernalillo BETTER THAN route between Denver and western what It's Vera Cruz and City. bedtime or whenever convenient and this The Mexican Post asserts""01t... " CALOMEL towns. The distance from mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is due to lack of fuel, the up of little annoying blemish disappears. Beau today Back County in case No. 12982. in which slope tying If It Falls. - Glenwood dangerous. It crashes into sour a of textile industries ty Bleach, the Ideal skin beautlfler, also the action of the department of W. T. Morrow was plaintiff and Denver to Springs by majority the removes skin as "is a to restore to would be bile like dynamite, and in of a other blemishes, such agriculture step Thirty seconds after you touch the Charles Chadwlck & ComDanv a Thousands Have Discovered the proposed route about cramping the city Puebla and genera) tan, liver spots. the nation a vast domain of rich - the shut-dow- n freckles, corn, with this liquid corn remover the Corporation, and Skinner 160 miles. sickening you. Calomel attacks of oil operations involv ' Tou use Black and Wh-lt- ap. Joseph Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets bones and should never be into are should agricultural and grazing lands Jabbing, stabbing pain of it stops, for all were defendants, did render Judg- put ing Several thousand men, It is a pure, antlseptlo compound of The American members of the lime. ment are a Harmless Substitute your system. of the oils like Black la in favor of the plaintiff in OKLAHOMA GAS WELL threatened by the action Beauty delightfully company have made futile efforts the sum 1333.93. If you feel bilious, headachy. of state of Vera Cruz fragrant To keep the skin soft and tne of with interest Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the sub- - governor the use for years to clear up a title to this thereon at the rate of six REPORTED ON FIRE constipated and all knocked out. in an embargo on the on poree free of all Impurities, Black per cent statute for calomel are a mild but sure to placing and White Cream. ( tract of land annum from Just go your druggist and set of 1 a Brltisn Cleansing per the first day of laxative, and their effect on the liver is a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tehe for properties Agulla, This popular beauty treatment shomd April, 1921, until paid, and The concern in state, for alleged m ior olive- (Br Aunplntrd Pren.) few that have place on every woman's Creasing court costs tn sum of m.oo. almost instantaneous. These little - a cents which is a harmless nt 15 CASES OF TYPHOID the Muskogee. Okla.. Oct. 10. A gas of certain state table Black and White Benny Bleach. and did in said coiorea tablets are the result of Dr. well in h Duncan Field of Steph vegetable substitute for dangerous taxes. (Oo the Jar; Black and White Soap, lie Judgment appoint Edwards' determination calomel. Take a spoonful and if AT LAS ANIMAS. COLO. the undersigned as Special Master, not to treat ens county, Oklahoma, that tested the cake; Black and White C1ent)iig and liver and bowel calomel. it doesn't start your liver and Cream, 25o and 60c the package. All ate ordered and dltected him to complaints with sixty-fo- million feet when sell The little tablets do on straighten you up better and SUIT DISMISSED BY guaranteed and eold by your favorite Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 10. Accord at public vendue one certain pleasant the good brought in a month ago, is fire, store. Buick er n quicker than nasty calomel and dug and department to word WSw tourlnz ar calomel does, to officials of Boyn-to- ing received, here, tonight D-4- that but have no bad after according the t m, Mempnis, renn . 4 Model 5 without you elck, you Just U. S. SUPREME COURT writ Dept. fiougrr, an of automobile, 1916, .ntf sffects. They don't the teeth like Oil and Gas company of this making for your copy of the Boole and epidemic typhoid feve' to injure go back ana get your money. Birthday threatens Las Colo. Fif- apply the proceeds thereof to strong liquids or calomel. They take city, owners The welj caught fire von an Interesting leaflet which tells 'uu all Animas, the satisfaction of said Flames are t take calomel! It makes (By The Awoclated Preen.) about Black and White Toilet Frspari- - teen cases are said to have devel Judgment;, hold of the trouble and quickly correct yesterday. shooting you sick next loses su- and In obedience to said ordeV' I', the day; it you , Washington, Oct. 13. The Hons. . there in the last few City it. cure the liver at the of from 200 to buo reel in xne air. a i. oped days. will on the 7th Why expense day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone preme court today dismissed with- end health officials are re , day of November,. the teeth? Calomel Three streams of steam are being county 1921, at the hour of o'clock- sometimes plays well. straightens you right up and you out rendering a written or oral ported the milk and ten ' played on the testing city's As A. B, C. . m., at tne Morrow havoc with the gums. So do strong feel .great No salts necessary. opinion, the suit instituted by Cor- water in an effort to Iocs to lifermple Garage, No.' supply is best not take calomel! Give It to the children because It nelius No corn, hard or soft. Is too old or 13 West Silver avenue, offer fnr liquids. It to DECISION STANDS. Q. Goodrich and others the source of the disease which Let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take la perfectly harmless and can not against the West Lumber company too deeply rooted to resist "" sale the said automobile to satisfy', Washington; Oct. 10. Through las not yet been determined. Immediately It dries and the the said its place. salivate. for .recovery of a large tract of shrivels, Judgment interest, cost!-an- refusal to tevlew. the edges loosen from the true riesh and sale-whl- supreme land in Polk Tex., expenses of the said ch Headaches, "dullness" and that lazy court to decision county, and KANSAS BANK ROBBED. soon you can poel It off with allowed stand a $100,000 in damages for lumber right jour shall be subject to the apy feeling come from constipation and a of a lower court in Pennsylvania A Good Kansas City. Oct. 10. The fingers as painlessly as you trim yuur of the court. The mrmiiW liver. Physic. cut. Lower courts awarded State Barrk of nails. proval disordered Take Dr, Edwards' holding; that banks are responsible When you want a physio that Is J30.000 and to Muncle, Kas., wss of the Judgment, Interest and costs CYivf Tahleta when vnu " lnirv " anH for losses damages title, the robbed and In an Don't coddle corn pests. Don't rmree fel sustained by depositors mild and gentle In effect, easy to land, but the supreme court of today exchange and pamper them. Don't cut and trim on the date of the sale will be chocks take-an- Cham-berlaln- of shots between the robbers and y "heavy." They "clear" clouded brain upon drawn by depositors certain to act, take 's Texas reversed the lower court and them. HEMOVE them with "OETS-IT.- " 1358.60, besides the Special Mas hank it Is L. E. - and tue and. 30c. agents in excess of the amounts Tablets. They are decided in favor of officials, reported, Costs a trifle at any drug store. Mfd. by tor's fee and costs. pent up" spurn it the lumber B. advertising fixed . . Worthlngton, cashier of tho bank, Lawrence & Co.. Sold In Al- - by depositors. company. was Chicago. j GEORGE C. TAYLOR, shot. buquerque by Alvarado Pharmacy. i Special Muster. October 1921. a i m TruTrorklir MnDMlMri miTRTMAl 11, Page Four Creek and mining morning pedestrians who A PIONEER COLORADO Cripple pther Early is dead here of a witnessed the shooting notifieO SECOND TIME ' districts, today Erlckson't C WHEN YANKEES BLANKED GIANTS BAGS MINER ENDS OWN LIFE near the police. Friends of nvTQiurinc stnndinsr features of SHERIFF gunshot wound, here attributed his action to de- WW i'.tM,l. Ij Wff?T''gm1 ll .or,.. the cowboy monument in the civic spondency caused by ill health. dllA III imuuuu I BW'yiWW.W'iltlH ,l. .!. ..nil (By The AMoclnted rreu.) center this morning. The bullet en- between tno lanitees ana uiants Oct. 10. Edward the and or were the continued and Denver, Colo., tered right temple plowed The origin of Freemasonry, 5.VY Si hitting L. 74t for more his brain, emerging at the even name, cannot be traced brilliant fielding of Frank frisch, T Erickson. aged through its FIVE STRAIGHT - mm than twenty years a miner in the left eye. with certainty. Giant ; the play- 1 4 ' fc,i0 mst of McNally, who stole home Hi K3tv in the first (fame; the pitching of IL 7fti If Hmt and Babe Ruth's HUNTED QUA II GIT! SERIES li feat of stealing second and third. McNally and Frisch are shown in hands the upper photo shaking Fine Is Handed Indiana American Team Re- on their "luck." Below, at left, $50 League Babe Ruth is stealing third in Tourist Who Hunted Quail tains Its Title as Cham- - the fifth Giant inning, rnsch, of and With- ' Fail to 51 third Backer, is catching the Out Season . pion'; Opponents throw. At the right, Waite Hoyt, out a Hunters License. Win a Single Contest. who held the Giants to two hits, Taste is a matter of is loping to third after he singled Ortle opened the and moved when Sheriff Tony (By The Awoclntfd Pre.) in the third vp season violators jester- - Chicago, Oct. 10. City Series Peck and Ruth walked. for game The White Sox retained their title day and bagged one. as Chicago champions today by de- H. P. Cummings, a tourist from tobacco feating the Cubs 9 to 6. It was the Indiana, was reported to the quality fifth consecutive victory for the sheriff's office by nenry wesier-fel- d American leaguers, their opponents as having shot some quail near failing to win a game. Algodones. Sheriff Ortiz, who, The Sox forced Cheevcs' retire- aside from being an official, is an ment, in the fifth inning. York's enthusiastic, hunter and a firm be attempt to stop the attack saw liever in the game laws for the Bheely's home run send two men protection of game, immediately In ahead of him, practically cinch- started en investigation and found ing the game. that Cummings was headed lor Al- - Lefty Russell pitched steadily buquerque in his automobile. for the Sox but in the sixth was re- The sheriff and Deputy cnarics We state it as our honest belief placed by Kerr with the buses Banehart drove out the Fourth filled and none out. Ker.- - pitched street road and arrosted Humming that the tobaccos used in Chester- three 10 effectively and although yesterday morning at about field of finer Cubs scored in that frame, they o clock, une tourist was cnargca are quality (and never got dangerous thereafter. with hunting quail out ot season hence of better taste) than in any The attendance was 7,172; gross and with hunting without a hunt- receipts, J7.238; players' pool, $3, ers' license. He was fined $26 on other cigarette at the price. 910.18: clubs' share, $2,460.92; each of the charges. & Tobacco Co. commissioners' share, $1,085.70. Residents of New Mexico or non Liggett Myers ; The total attendance for the five residents must secure game li- games was 76,788 and the gross re- censes before they can fish or hunt ceipts $71,338.18. Of this amount, In the state. These, licenses per- In round figures, the commission- mit them to hunt or fish in season ers' Share was $10,710. The to the rules established be- according amount to be divided equally by law, AH tourists must secure tween the two clubs was $24,254 licenses before birds thid to hunting The players' pool amounted fall. The nt license can Of this amount the win- almost sport- ester $S6,382. be secured from any held di- ning White Sox players will ing goods store at a cost of )10.25. CIGARETTES vide 60 per cent or $21,829. The Cubs will receive 40 per cent and Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended divide $14,653. of artesia high wins L over second team Dftlli of roswell cadets Artesia, N. M.. Oct. 11. The Ar- aitiMtt""11" rwi'''i "viM&iii.,iiifiliTTiiii"1i IT tesia high school football eleven no defeated the New Mexico Military Institute Junior eleven in an intcr-wti- TO 0 GERMS irame on the local gridiron by the score of 19 to 0. Both teams AVERAGES FOR FIRST ADMIT played a very fast game of BATTIRG ball with very few penalties. Yester- Coach Adams used his second City Water Tested team line against the cadets, with FIVE GAMES OF WORLD SERIES Shows It to Be More his first team combination In the TAKING HUBBELL day backfield. Time after time, Bul- Impure Than at Any Time lock. Cole, Yeager and Clyde ' t would make long gains against the New York, Oct. 10. The batting averages for the first five games ki Past Five Weeks. Itoswell lads. Bullock, after a of the world series, with extra base hits, sacrifice hits and stolen bifaes ftUTOYESTERDAY cross buck, raced eighty yards for are as follows: "City water must be boiled be- the Initial touchdown. In the sec- AMERICAN S. fore being used for drinking pur- ond quarter, Bullock fumbled the G. AB. R. II. 2B. 3B. MR, TB. SII. SB. P.C. poses," Dr. J. F. Docherty, county ball on the goal line, which was Miller 5 19 3 1 0 0 4 1 0 .158 Officer Carter health physician, stated yesterday recovered by Johnson, of the N.M. Peckinpaugh 5 17 0 0 .171! Motorcycle when the result of the latest water M. I., who also fumbled. Cble, Ruth 5 15 6 2 .332 Has Hot Chase test was announced. then, recovered the ball for anoth- K. Meusel 5 10 0 1 .20: The city water is in the worst er touchdown for Artesia. PipP- - 5 15 0 0 ,067 Sheriff Arrives in Time to condition It has been in during the Clyde and Yeager made many Ward 5 II! 0 0 .250 past few weeks since It has been 2 Give Assistance. long gains for Artesia In the laBt McNally 5 15 0 .200 contaminated. Every bit of water half. The opposing line could not Bchang 5 12 1 0 .333 tosted yesterday showed contam- ; Black stop them. In the last quarter, Mays 0 0 .167 R, C. Blest and Charles ination, even when tested in quan- Clyde wont around left end for a Hoyt 2 G 0 0 .167 with Roman Hubbell's au tities as small as one C. C. touch- 0 0 .000 caught an- thirty yard run and the last Fewster 1 0 tomobile by Motorcycle Officer Ten samples of water were down. Captain Bullock kicked DeVormer 1 1 0 0 .000 alyzed yesterday. Five of the sam- 1 1 0 0 1000 Carter, who was assisted by offl were of 10 C. C. goal. Shawkey cers of ples quantities. Payne, scrappy quarterback, Quinn 1 2 0 0 .000 the sheriff's department. These all showed impurities as did Shaw and Bradford played a good Collins 1 0 0 0 .000 near Isleta yesterday, were bound also the five samples in one C, C. game for the visiting team. Rogers 1 0 0 0 .000 over to the grand Jury on $2,000 Quantities. was to meet the 1 1 0 .000 of Portales High Baker bonds when they In po No cases typhoid, however, Artesia eleven, but cancelled the appeared have been reported. Officials be- Ros-wel- lice court name, Artesia High will meet l, Totals 145 lfl 31 5 1 1 41 8 .214 yesterday afternoon. lieve this is due to the fact that Clovls and Portales high SATI O X A L S. Shortly after 10 o'clock yester the citizens are adhering to the Shaving-Mileag- e schools In the next few weeks. G. AB. 11. 11. 2B. 313. HR. TB. SII. SB. P.C. day mornUig Hubbell parked his suggestion of the health depart- TheQreatest Burns 6 22 1 7 2 1 0 11 0 1 .318 car at Third street and Central ment and are boiling or otherwise Bancroft 5 21 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 .095 avenue. He was gone a short whil purifying their drinking water. ! ! Frisch 5 IS 3 0 1 n 11 0 .500 and upon returning, saw two men Officials are not able to trace like tires for the Theaters Today Young 5 13 2 1 1 0 7 1 .267 driving his car away. He yelled at the cause of tho added impurity, as blades should be bought & 1 5 19 2 1 0 0 0 .211 but did not I Kelly them, they stop. the greater part of the surface RAZOR men K. Meusel 5 IS 3 2 1 0 10 0 .333 Hubbell the Is now dried or drained Over nine million ' telephoned police water up they give. "B" Theatei" The Weber Rawlings 5 IS 1 1 0 0 s 0 .389 nd within a few minutes Officer off. If the impurity continues, it lls 4 2 0 0 0 s 0 .3S5 Durham-Duple- x presents' the Paramount Snyder 13 Carter had taken up the trail and may become necessary for the city have become enthusiastic users of the company Smith 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 was on "Too Wise Wives," with following his motorcycle to Install a chlonnation piant oil-tempe- picture, 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 red an all-st- ar cast; also presenting Douglas He almost caught up with them through which the water will pass Razor because its wonderful reels of "Burton Holmes' Travel- Barnes 2 5 2 0 0 0 2 0 .400 about half way to Isleta, but when before Koine into the mains. The Events" pic- Nehf 2 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 saw were followed would probably cost $3rO00 than ogue" and "Current 0 0 they they being plaint blades more "mileage" tures. Toney 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 they attempted to go faster. Fall- give shavesgreater Theater The Goldwyn to on the Lyrlo 165 18 46 0 61 .279 ing gain officer, they PROGRAM COMPLETED blade! And a bladethat shaves you corporation present Rupert Totals. abandoned the car and took to the any other Hughes' comedy-dram- a of Ameri- sand hills on foot. FOR REGIONAL MEET and without losing its keen edge is a can married life, "Dangerous Carter left his motorcycle and OF RED CROSS HERE again again Curves Ahead;" also presenting BILLIARD MATCH IS followed them over the hills for al- com- blade doesn't or "puM." ''Turkey Dressing," a Gayety HIGHGGHOOL TO REPLETE WITH UPSETS most two miles, when they gave up, that "rasp" edy. both of them being exhausted from Final arrangements for the first Pastime Theater Repeating to- running. regional conference of the Red for the last time, the Fox (By The Associated Frem.) A Carter Cros in New Mexico which will day Nor- Oct. 10. The few minutes after on were photoplay. "The Moth," with Pittsburgh, Ta., started on the chase, Sheriff convene here Saturday ma Talmadge and Eugene O'Brien MEETSTRBNG FOE beginning of the second week of Tony made at a meeting ot the execu three-cushio- n Ortiz and Deputy Sheriff Charles as the leading stars; the "Fox the national billiard tive committee of the local chap was replete Banghart drove up to the police fed News'" pictures and the comedy. championship today station with H. P. who ter yesterday afternoon at the "Rough Seas," with Gaylord Lloyd with upsets when both August Cummings, eral building. The program of also Kierckhaefer of Chicago and they had arrested Just north of Is and all de " as the star, are being repeated NSATURDAYTILT the on a of speakers completed .."Hi" t'i"M a wim J today. John Layton, cnnmplon, first and city charge shooting tails for the meeting are ar (KatS'!rrwi second in the were de- quail out of season and without a ' standing, ranGred. D. license. turned all-da- feated by their opponents. F. hunters' They The conference will be an y JEWS TO CELEBRATE over to the de- The stage Is all set for the first Denton also lost his match. Cummings police one to be held in the federal Safh Charles and followed Razor ATONEMENT DAY WITH Indian school-Hig- h school game McCourt, Pittsburgh, partment Immediately courtroom with T. J. Mabry pre- won 50 to 42, In the chase. in when A. S. grid-me- n from Kieckhaefer, They arrived there A feature of the program THESE LEADING .DEALERS: CEREMONIES Saturday the II, o siding. FOR SALE BY SPECIAL face a more formidable foe In fifty-tw- innings. Both ran time to give Carter aid in retaining will be a talk by Dr. J. F, Doch did October 1. Last Sat five. Charles Weston, Pittsburgh, the prisoners and bringing them ertv and county health offl N. M. than they won New city ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. LAS VEGAS, Jews throughout the world will urday the Indian school neld Mc- - from Charles Otis, York, back to the city. cer, on the nursing program, and CHARLES 1I.FELU COMrANT, 50 to 49 In eighty-nin- e ILFELD COMPANY. celebrate the Day of Atonement naul to a 0 tie and kept the ball innings. When arraigned before Justlcs a demonstration baby clinic to be CHARLES II.FEI.U, L. W. services tonight and for Each had a run ot five. McClellan, the two stated that they Miss ALVARADO PHARMACY. RICH CROSS DRCO CO. with starting in Menaul's territory the great Mau-pom- conducted by Gladys Harris, over Wednesday. Special Mcnaul Layton fell before Pierre e, had taken the car, but had not In- nurse, in BKIUGS' PHARMACY. Wl.NTEBS DRUG CO. extending er cart of the game. 60 to 26 in in Red Cross public health BUTT'S DRUG STORE. eervlces will be held In Albuquer- showed a much better game than Mexico, fifty tended to steal it. They claimed vltatlons to the conference are be HARDWARE CO. MAGDALEN A, N. If. 7:30 nings. run was CRKKCKNT que at Temple Albert at they offered against the Green and Maupomes high that their intention was to drive as ing sent to the mayors and to the HIGHLAND PHARMACY. BALDWIN BROTHERS. all Wed- school five, Layton's three. Alfred do car of of STORKS. CO. o'clock tonlghfand day White. Although the Indian Kan- tar as Belen and then leave the secretaries the chambers RAIIN'S Rabbi Molse Bergman wlli lacked experience, they snowed Oro, Cuba, defeated Denton, for a train to continue their commerce in the principal towns KIEKE, WILLIAM. nesday. sas 50 to 40 in sixty-thre- e' in- freight CO. MOR1AKTT, N. M. sermons ap- much better than the Menaul team City, west and cities of the state. MATHON, O. A. CO. deliver three special run was way DRUG CO. ESTANC1A VALLEV SUFPLtf for the occasion, bring- even Menaul did some good nings. De Oro's high six, McClellan to was to conduct a baby OTWELL propriate though Denton's Justice explained It planned PALACE DRUG CO, M. that life is not line nlunKine. five. did not excuse them show in the city about November MOUNT AINAIB, N, ing out the thought them that this RAABE MAUUER. I'HAK.MACY. ' but that there The Indian school has all or its and bound over to the 1 for the purpose or exnimting tne PHARMACY. AMBLK'R entirely physical, them grand ROYAL (Hnll'O HIE KUXALL STORE. are higher things for which man last year's men back in the line Jury. Failing to furnish bonds as healthy specimens of childhood RUPPE, BERNARD. lives. up. With the ease that tney Han- SANTA FE SHOP required, the two were consigned which have been developed during ROSENWALD BROTHERS. RATON, N. M. dled the aerial department of the to Jail to await the next grand Jury the past six months of the public WHITNEY HARDWARE CO. WILLARD MERC. CO. came Red Cross UOUBS HARDWARE CO. when they played ftlenaui, which will meet in March. health work of the BELEN, N. the A. II. S. football men will have nurse. Reports were also made NUTTING, WALTER. The BECKER. JOHN CO. RATON DRUG CO. Due a hard game next Saturday. yesterday by the salvage shop CO. Skin Diseases Indian school made passes al- S OUT BOW L and the annual roll BUCKLAND BROTHERS. RED CROSS DRUG long 80 committee by FKIL EI.LKRMEYER. IOHLINSON HARDWARE CO. most at will. Considering all the call committee. GOLDEN EAGLE MERC. CO. done" Albutiueraue high school DUKE CITY FILM ROSWELL, N. M. To Waste Products will have a battle royal when they SPECIAL AGENT GETS BERNALILLO. N. MALONB HARDWARE CO. meet Indians. BERNALILLO MERC. CO. OWL DRUG CO. the FEDERAL TEAM CO. The hirh team is weakened con ALLEGED AUTO PECOS VALLEY DRUG FIVE ENCINO, N. M. PEOG HARDWARE. Blood siderably from the fact that Wil - In the TO AT THIEVES THIS TRIP ENCINO TRADING CO. ROSWELL DRUG CO. liam Goodrich has a badly sprained BE ROSWELL HARDWARE CO. in arm and that he may not be Santa Fe boys worked a 111 EAST LAS VEGAS, N. U. railway RAN N. JL for the game Saturday. on service Five automobile thieves were ar CENTER BLOCK DRUG CO. ANTONIO, Your shape surprise the government ALI.AIRK-MrlNTVR- E For Genuine Relief mucn MURPHEY DRUG CO. CO. Nathan Glassman is also bowlers last night at the "Y" alleys rested and bound over to the fed DRUG Must Be that a IDEAL HARDWARE CO. CITV STORE. Blood Purified hindered by the bruised hip and defeated them three straight THIS WEEK eral grand Jury, as a result of M. Vat harrassing he received in the high echool- - T whirlwind trin of A. H. oere spe. PEOPLE'S DRUG CO. SANTA FE, N. real, downright, games. SHAFFER, O. G. BEACHMAN M1UIIARDOT. discomfort, very few disorders can varslty scrimmage last Wednesday. The score roiiows: clal agent of the U. S. department CAPITOL PHARMACY. BKin aioeaHes, Aside from these two, the team Government Service. of Justice, who has Just returned ltl"l COMPLETE GALLUP, W. M. WILTNER BURROWS. approach Sat- 1 DHUG aiich a eczema, bolls, erup is well for the game Albuquerqueans can see them- Las and where Z BANNER STORE, ' WOOD-DAVI- S HARDWARE CO. tetter, prepared Busch 126 123 142 from Vegas Raton, 1 V aad Mid " irritations and similar and are going a selves, their neighbors and the city attended In the cases. 1 mi K. M. drug co. ZOOK'S PHARMACY. tions, scaly urday through Brinlon 122 76 73 he hearings G. the very hard workout this week. in the movies at the Y. M. C. A. J. O. Price, alias Jack Price ll Casta It SHANKL1N, I, N. M. skin troubles, notwithstanding Klcketts 127 102 133 the VIDAL makra. SOCORRO, lavish use ot calves, lotions, washes Plans are under way for a big Randies , 112 118 131 Fridny anoV Saturday evenings who TMB given a hearing in Raton ii tint price niLTON PHARMACY. will on Of con - N. M. and other treatments appnea pep session Friday and there Boberts 143 149 147 when the special Paths pictures on Saturday the charge 1 1 GRANTS, STANLEY. N. M. to the irritated parts. be a big snake dance Friday night. will be shown. coaling two stolen automobiles 19 Additional BERNALILLO MEKC. CO, WHITE LAKES CO. ternally CO. To correct the basio trouble 632 A. T. Gregory. Pathe operator, which were brought into New N. M. Totals 630 568 . IS BladaSOe WILLARD, tvaate products the blood must be EUROPEAN BILLIARD who has been in the city for the Mexico from Texas, was bound E9TAN0 M. BANLON MERC. CO. blood. Santa Fe. ovor on ' purified. Don't cog your 127 113 118 past few weeks, has taken a spe- to the federal grand Jury foraoackast kbtancia drug co. OTTOBEN DRUG CO. LEADS JAP Smith cial its In four illilll" ESTANC1A VALLEX CO. WILLARD MERC. CO. Just clean it out Nature will do CHAMPION 125 83 109 film of Albuquerque, the charge. Lai Vegas e 0 Sl'PPLT rest. red blood Rawlins schools, clubs, business and rellg men. nert anas iDen mm oro tha Pure, rich, 176 146 178 jhius, DISTRIBUTING JOBBER off Aii(M-liite- Strange ious over 8,000H Fred Wendell, Lee Har nourishes the body and fights (Br The Prm.) 137 120 97 organizations and Smith, CHAS. AND LAS VEGAS. Oct. 10. Barton of its citizens. addition to the Will alias W. H, JLFELD, ALBUQUERQUE disease. New York, Edouard 158 114 170 In ris and Scruggs, 8. & 8.. the standard blood pur Horemans of Belgium, European Eoatright ...... Albuquerque special, there will be Rhodes, alias Harvey Mitchell Ifler and system builder, is the billiard led Yama-d- a other ecenes from New Mexico, in- were held to the grand Jury on the champion, Kojl 723 676 672 DURHAM-DUPLE- Ideal remedy for skin eruptions of 600 to 266, af Totals cluding the fjanta Fe fiesta and the charae of bringing a Dodge car X Japan, tonight to Las Ve The effect of 8. S. S. Is to rid the ter playing two blocks of their first motion pictures ever taken of from Coffeyvllle, Kans., RAZOR COMPANY system ot the waste products 1,800 point 18.2 balk line match BATIGN0LLES TUNNEL Frijole canyon. ul Thev were arrested for va ' the trouble. For In block with the T. M. C. A. there about two months Jmy City, Urt'.T which are causing in Brooklyn. the evening DEMOLISHED Cooperating grancy ykNtw over 60 years 8. 8. 8. ha proven Horemans averaged 37 8 to Ya- - WILL BE Mr, Gregory took a large number iio but were Just recently held to be of unusual merit. Begin tak mada's 15 7, Horemans' best of scenes here when he had In. on the automobile theft charge, liig S. B. 6. today, and write for run of the day was 105 and Yama Paris, Oct. 10. The Batlgnollos tended taking only a few for reg- Illustrated booklet, "Facts da's 71. tiTnnel, near the St. Lazare station. ular distribution with the Patho MOTION IS DENIED. news films.- will be cut Washlnitton. Oct. 10. The mo About the Blood" free. In which a rear end collision of The reel ffaaiaatM Personal medical advice, without Beds, tables, chairs, and stools two suburban trains last Wednes- considerably before being sent in tlon of the state of North Dakota a & Ma also be had by send are shown in 'as resulted in 40 deaths and as a of. southwest film for an interlocutory injunction to hH.E.iPMl..FrK.,T5. CW chant, may Egyptian carvings day port the uoi nDramunm bi mil tontnm ing a complete description of your far back as 4,000 B. C. numerous injuries, will be de- for eeneral showing. nrohlblt the Chicago and North case. Address cmer aieaicai molished, M. Le Trocquen, min- The film will be shown in the western and other railroads in that rector. Bwlft Specific Co., 743 The greyhound hunts entirely by ister of works, announced Y. M. C. A. which has atate from charging Increased public gymnasium, was denied B 8. S. . Laboratory, Atlanta, Gn. sight, its narrow muzzle and small today. The work of demolition a seating capacity for several nun rates within the state All drug stores sell 8. 8. g. nostrils affecting its sense of smell. will be begun October 17, he said. drcd persons, r today by the supreme court. October 1921. 11, ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Five s mn if omaji Daily ctgazine Page I SAME THE WOMAH HE HARRIED Social Calendar EFFICIENT HOUSEKEEPING PRICEI By JANE PHELPS. By LAURA A. RTRKMAN. I For over 1 Tuesday. 30 years La Notre club will meet JU ANITA STILL BELIEVES. publisher, but he had declared the Bridge A SERPENTINE CREPE IXTNCH-- 1 of each of the six doilies and nature of criticisms made with Mrs. James Gladding. the It The P. E. O. will meet at the ouj.. uiiKiuiy larger design in one corner no. hopeless. "She was so sure it of the centerpiece large and Chapter home of Miss Susie Davenport. of writ- (both "What, won't you go away for a would be a success." Beveral my readers have small repetitions of the same de time?" I asked Dick the next "So were you." ten to ask me to print an occasion- sign come on these patterns). morning at breakfast. "Of course "Yes for a time. By the way, SHE IS FOUNDER al needlework article. So In the After buying your crepe materi I don't mean until Junior returns Dick, Juanita told me Just now, future I will comply with this re- al, however, the first step lsiot to to school." I had seen the dole when I called her on the telephone, OF WOMEN'S NEW quest. stamp it- - the first step, after cut- ful look on my boy's face, and to find out about having her for a POLITICAL PARTY Today I will describe one of the ting it irfh) the centerpiece and six knew he I Intended' to bridge game, that she was going new serpentine crepe luncheon dollies. Is to fringe these squares. thought on I , , leave him at home alone. the yachting party." sets that are "all the rage." These The fringe runs all around each Dick made no answer, but when are and yet are a wonder- square and is about three-quarte- rs "I can't afford to bo!" Dick an dainty ' ..jfC(0 swered shortly. he reached the door I called after ful help to a busy housekeeper be- of an inch deep. Do the fringing 'But I can! I haven't spent him: cause they require no Ironing aft- with a pin. The selvage edge nearly all I made on the Baker "If she changes her mind, let er washing. must be cut off to allow fringing. house and we hoth need a change." me know." This set consists of a centerpiece Although the fringe of this lunch- Powder "Go If you like, but leave me out "She'll change It all right," 1 and six dollies (you can also make eon set does not fray out even of said to myself, "when she finds six napkins, if you wish, in the after many neverthe- your calculations. If the book out launderings had been accepted I should have Dick isn't going." same way, only making them a less many women prefer to guard taken that yachting trip. As It Is Dick was gone nearly all --the little smaller than the doilies). against fraying by overhandlng I shall remain at home and write morning. White serpentine crepe comes SO the material in white floss, or fine boilers." "Well, what did Juanita say inches wide, so the is white cotton thread. Just at the pot s centerpiece "But I couldn't have gone on the about the manuscript?" I asked, I thirty by thirty inches square and top of the fringe. yachting trip at least you said knowing by his face that It had the dollies are fifteen inches Now that you have your center- nothing about taking me." been nothing helpful. square (two can be gotten out of piece and six doilies fringed, you I J "No. Somers couldn't take any "She raved like a manlao when the width of the material). Tou can go to work stamping them. USE LESS than of higher brands one-eigh- priced more ladies. Ho said he was sorry I showed her the publisher's letter. will need two and yards Then comes the last step, embroid- sorry not to be able to Invite She wants me to keep on sending for this set (thirty inches the ering them. If you have chosen a I his It out until I find a publisher who length of the material for the cen- butterfly pattern, I would advise you, mean, but that yacht It. MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY THE"" GOVERNMENT would not accommodate any more will accept But I am sure It terpiece and fifteen more inches you to make the circles inside the i than he had asked." would be useless, and told her so.'' the length of the material for each wings yellow, and the border of "So ladies were going?" "I'm terribly sorry for your dls' for the three pair of doilies). This the wings a different color with "Yes." ' appointment, Dick," I said honest- cotton crepe costs anywhere from each napkin; in this way the yel- t said no more, but knew I had ly, "but next time write your book 29 cents a yard to 32 fcents, accord- low spots represent the golden the explanation. Juanita was to alone." ing to the locality in which it is spots on a real butterfly's wings, go. I wanted to ask "You better believe I will! If I bought. and yet the other colors (lavender, desperately ever intro- if he knew she was Invited, in- attempt another." Besides this material you will blue, old rose, etc.) may be tary, and Miss Vera Klech, Alpha vice governor; S. J. Kidder, Mogol-Io- n, stead I questioned as carelessly "And you won't take a short need about 6 skeins of either mer- duced on, the different dollies with Chi Omega, was made treasurer second vice governor; Ira L. T vacation with me why?" cerized silk or real silk floss of the note, the to C01!. WATTERSOH of the as could: I , gold only thing organization. Wright, Silver City, treasurer. "Who wero going? Anyone I "Because I am not going to let v I it various colors, and one of the make thorn similar. Since tho brief after-luncheo- n Executive committee: J. M. Sul- me anv have out to Stack-hous- know?" you support longer. I "transfer designs" gotten by If any reader wishes know period does not permit of much ly, C. T. Brown and Powell e, I believe so Mr. Mrs. paid scarcely anything toward the pattern firms. These transfer pat- the address of a pattern house for transac- Jr. t "Yes, and ever opportunity business Mortimer, Linda Forrester, and expenses for months, since I terns come in flower designs, but- from which she can purchase an tions the association decided to Board of directors: The above commenced over In hosts of oth- .CMINOT IITTEfJI Carroll, and some others. About that failure terfly designs, and autumn needlework catalogue hold afternoon meetings at Inter- officers: E. M. ' he to the er are on cjMits 25c will contain Sawyer, Tyrone; six In all." there," pointed rejected designs; they staVnped (this and ' vals during the winter. The first B. B. Hanger, Albuquerque; M. W. "13 was out. manuscript. "I'm through lotting the material by placing the pattern pictures of transfer patterns which Vol-lac- Juanita going?" It woman will be held at the Phi Mu house Portcrfield, SilverV'lty; F. W. I Just couldn't help It. Dick a support me." on the crepe nnd she can send for, for a small sum) on on Silver h. Dick! differ- I ad- university hill the afternoon Clty; J. Stuber, as he answered: "Monsense, What running a moderately warm iron will be glad to send her this I. Sil- f "hod r. of November 12. It is at Lake R. Kirchman, ence does it make who earns the over pattorn-pape- You will dress of planned Valley; "I believe she wag invited. I do the upon receipt a stamped, 1ETSJE1G1 this time to amend the constitution ver City; If. G. S. Anderson, Hur- not know whether she Intends to money as long as we have enough want a small design in one corner1 envelope. to be comfortable? It Isn't fair of the organization and to plan ley; G. A. Kaseman, Albuquerque; go or not." some work for the V. Carl Grubnau, Waldo. Thera flashed through my mind of you to talk like that, and you Writes Characteristic Letter philanthropic know It. You made money with winter. The services of Burton Bunch the thought that perhaps she Mrs. 0. H. P. Belmont to were continued as Tha would not go unless Dick went your stories. You can do so again. the Committee in secretary. But I think a rest, a change, would With the passage of the secretary was authorized to attend alsor' He had Bald he would not suffrage Is More Than SULLY OPTIMISTIC the national American go, I said no wiore but wont to do you good. Then, too, Juanita amondinont and the transforma- HIPPLIHG RHYMES Charge; convention, ' may feel a bit disgruntled over the tion of the woman's REGARDING FUTURE OF Mining congress In Chicago, Octo- the telephone. I called Juanita. suffrage party Four Score Years Old. ber 17 to 22. "Are you going on the yachting criticisms, and it will give her time it seemed as though the organiza- By WALT MASON. THE INDUSTRY Mr. Somers is I to get over-It.- " Dick, like all men. tion of the feminine voting con COPPER Committees appointed wore: Fi- party giving?" Chattanooga. Tenn., Oct. 10. nance and G. S. asked. , hated any sort of unpleasantness. tingent of the country was stabi- membership: H. Cnl, veteran In "Yes why?" she answered in I tell you I can t go!" Dick lized. Now comes Mrs. Belmont, Henry AVatterson, (Special Correspondence The Jounnl.) Anderson, Hurley; R, I. Kirchman, a returned, "at least not now!" long a leader in the woman's MOTOR MADNESS. remains." And so I went my journalist, former editor of the Silver City, N. M., Oct. 10. Op- Silver City; and I. J. Struber, peculiar voice. field, maxims "Oh, I had of an- Had Dick been disloyal? That with the announcement that In or- dippy way, and laughed at Ijouinville Courier Journal and. timism in the copper situation was Lake Valley. ' thought giving My shining car no more you sec and at saws, at frantic 1 during tho civil war. of Taxation and W. other party cards and wanted to he had been fascinated, carried off der that the women may obtain speed publisher M. of legislation: 0. his feet, I had I wasted more effective with around--, my stately residence; the pushed my dray, and busted all the Chattanooga Rebel, has writ- expressed by John Sully Murray, Silver City; G. A. Kase- know who to ask!" proof. my results their windshield's in an before the muRt tell about love but I was parched votes she is to a hanging from a tree, the traffic laws; and now you see ten a characteristic letter to the Hurley, address man, Albuquerque; C, T. Brown, "I Juanita the perhaps, going organize the nxles are a and mo hero worst old committee In manuscript. I think I'll walk over for the lack of It, and It was only new women's party which will not astride fence, todny, the charge of the forth- members of the New Mexico chap- Socorro; Percy Wilson, Silver Citv; and with It." the love that belonged to me that be content with selecting the most wearily my wlord I dree, and won- wreck that ever was. Learned coming reunion of the United Con- ter of the American con- Frank W. Vollacott, Silver Citv; there get through der I have no sense. to mo but federate to Mining M. W. "That's a good idea. You will I longed for. It had become al suitable candidates put forward why "Don't try make straight, Veterans be held here gress here recently. A resolution Porterfleld Silver City! 8. J. most a mania with me this deter the male voters and in go so fast," I have been told by they are worried and perplext: in which he expressed regret at not' of In of Kidder, Mogollon; B. B. Hanger, feel better when It is over. Of by aiding wise and faith the future the mining course you can't tell her It was mination to hold the man who had the election of these men, but many prudent guys, "or apothecaries near me wait, and bein? able to attend. industry was adopted. Albuquerque; Powell Stackhouse, to cherish me until which will select its own candi- soon a wooden box will hold a del-ega- pastors, with their timely text; and The letter, written from New The was well Jr., San Antonio. her fault, her exaggerated Ideas promised death about coun- meeting attended, that mado the book a failure " did us and whom I loved dates women in all possible cases your size;" their staid morticians, at the pate, are Tork City, and addressed to the those present virtual- part; sel was us good as but pru- their is next. chairman of fol- representing I' had suggested he try another more desperately every day. and direct their campaigns. gold, saying that turn tho committee, ly every line of mining activity in Probably the queerest horseshoes "The full of the women's dent counsel I despise. And so I lows: the state. In tho world are those In power the employed votes will not be felt until they do stepped upon gas and made "I wish it were possible for m? New officers elected were: John the Sudan. They are not really Mrs. Belmont. my gilded wagon fly.,' and. I would to attend tho coming confederate M. this," says let no auto TWO SHADES OF Sully, Hurley, governor; Powell shoes, but stockings msde of pass, however fiercely reunion. It Is not possible, so you Stackhouse, Jr., San Antonio, first camel's skin. it might try; and sage advice like DUVETYN PRODUCE must take the will for the deed. BEAUTY CHATS get started, and pop sed, Very well sounding brass appeared to me as "Chattanooga possesses many tho server serves the ball.' ' I whizzed by. "I've warned you THIS FALL COAT claims upon my affections. It was then, once. I've Bj Edna Kent Forbes. As you sed before, sed ma, and warned you twice," the there that I found my dear wife, pop sed, Well, he's allowed to serve friendly speed cop to me said, "and who, after fifty-nin- e years of devo- 2 if I have to warn you a still balls, and this is the 2nd ball he - thrice, tion, abides and between whom prison- cnt will be your or and es- ANSWERED- - LETTER 8. IS, four feet" eleven served, tho ferst. one went 'n the bed; myself the relations then Inches, weight ever maybe you'll be laid on Ice, with tablished remain un- will be 110 at 13, five net, haw haw, did you get unbroken and pounds; tapers at your feet and head." My changed. She Joins mo In re- Dinty: You should weigh 110 feet seven Inches, weight about 130 stung. me the All rite, go on, go on, wat hap- - paptor urged to reform, and gret that we cannot re-vl- You are the Irish pounds; at; 15, five feet four Inch- " mv together pounds. type. npnfl fliarl ma nnrl non Mart nmall supply of brains: tho scenes of our g. es, 115 at 21, five fhpn ' "a11 early J. A. S.: If you refer to the .new weight pounds: Is dn5r'" he sa,d- - '.'th Rut four-scor- o feet four Inches, about 122 Then the ball hit back by ;.the sapheads at and hair tonic that has In weight man on tho other side of the net Hiuini uliing the pike In noisy upwards functions of sort pilocarpine pounds; at 19. five feet seven, and snon coroners every it, you will surely get results from 133 O, you meen the fert mans wains, the will aro beyond me. It. weight pounds. sed swarm, and sit on your and their It is as The henna, when used with Thankful; Dotty: To overcome pardner, ma. "Perhaps well that I am the tonic. Is merely to tint these nits or vermin in Yes. I meen, ho, certeny not, not again to look upon the thin the hair, first soon to for- stray hairs that have turned grey soak the hair In kerosene. Tie not his pardner, his opponent, sed grey line disappear, in Is up ever, from the scenes of this case, the henna used in the hair overnight, so as not to pop. this world, the shampoo, but not allowed to stain the bed linen. Next Thats wat I ment, sed ma. DID PAIN DISTURB for it might put too great a strain Aspirin morning remain on the hair longer than Is with hot Yes, its the same thing, ony dif- upon an old man's tendercst sensi- shampoo water and soap, sed bilities. needed for the actual time requlr and dry. This killsl the active ferent, pop, and ma sed. Well ed in the hair. go on, wat "My love to the old It can- washing vermin. Then soajc the hair and then? YOUR SLEEP? boys. Eighteen: Cocoa butter Is a nour- In to loosen the Then I stop ixplalnlng before not be long when we shall meet oil comes In scalp vinegar, eggs I on beautiful Bayer on Genuine ishing that cake form which have been glued to the shaft get brano fever, sed pop. that shore, and when Aspirin say "Bayer" and is used in massaging all parts of the hair. Comb out with a Now Wlllyum, you cant say pain and' torture of rheu. we meet, be sure the Bonnie Blue or never on fine-tooth- wasent Will bo Unless see the tne nociy, but the face. comb kept wet with following you, sed ma, and THE can be quickly relieved flag flying at the shorn and Warning? you Rheumatism, Earache. Toothache, Reader; Margie; Edith; S. M. and will out pop sed. You were ahed of me, if an of Sloan'a the bands will be playing Dixie name "Bayer" on package or on Lumbago and for Pain. All drug- - vinegar you get all And he by application on Anxious; Peggy; Fat; Llllle; Zyp- of these eggs. Sometimes it :s enything. opened the pa Liniment. It brings warmth , ease and parade, whilst, tho pretty girls tablets you are not getting genuine gists sell Bayer Tablets of Aspirin At 22 five two ana will be Chattanoo-g- a pye: years, feet necessary to lace the teeth of the per stayed benina it. comfort and lets you sleep soundly. distributing the Aspirin prescribed by physicians In handy tin boxes of It, and in Inches, the weight should be 115 rebel to groups of d twenty-on- e comb to remove the last of these Always have a bottle handy and ragged, for years and proved bottles of 24 and 100.' Aspirin ia pounds; at 17, five feet four inch- Among tho large seas which angels who have not forgot- safe millions. of Manufac- eggs. were apply when you feel the first twinge. tIt-- f by Take Aspirin tha trade mark Bayer es, weight should be 120, d- named for their color are the ten the rebel though Ruth H.: Send a stamoed -i ill yell. Rineerelv, only as told in the Bayer package ture of Monoacetlcacldester. of five pounds less would be all white sea, the Black sea, the Red It penetrates without rubbing. "HEN'UY WATTERSON." right; drossed envelope for directions on to take the out o! for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Salicyllcacld. at 20, five feet seven inches, dieting, which will be mailed to sea, and the Yellow sea. It's splendid pain should be 135 at tired, muscles, sprains and weight pounds; you. - - aching COLLEGE FRATERNITY M. T?.: Strains, still joints, and lame backs. Brunette: Thankful: J. . Asia Madge; Constant Reader; Freck- For forty years pain's enemy. WOMEN HAVE REVIVED les; Miss A. F.: E. W. L.: Bert C. yourneighbor. s B.; The skin and 5, At all 35c, 70c, $1.40. CITY HOW WOMEN Disgusted: oily druggists . , the one inclined to pimples and Hill blackheads should be treated first The city associa- through the system, as their origin TAKE GASCARETS tion whose membership is made up Had iron OF MIDDLE AGE is usually found In digest ve dis of all Greek letter women In the your turbances. The oily skin often in- city, has definitelv reorganized for dicates liver that the is sluggish JLJ.A LI lenen the winter. The first luncheon of j and there is too much food being U1I1C1 the season was held at Alvara-- ! taken into the the the Dreaded Suffer system, which has FOB THE BOWELS do on Saturday noon and other Hay Escape an excess of fat. The skin will try social and business are today? to relieve the body, when the other meetings of That Period by Taking planned. About thirty-fiv- e frater- lags organs of elimination cannot cope women were with it. This will Get a nt box now. nity present. Mr. Block's Adyice also coarsen the The election of new officers was pores, which will be so clogged you're neadachy! You have a The Be$t with this heavy secretion, it be bad taste in your mouth, your eyes Cough Syrup the principal business of the first more Home-mad- e. Ander-ma- n, Eat raisins comes the harbor ofr soil and the burn, your skin is yellow, your Is meeting. Mrs, George P. Hopkins, Minn. "During Change disfiguring blackheads. White- Hps parched. No wonder you feel Phi Mu, was elected presi f Lite I had hot flashes and suffered heads also come from this internal mean, your system is full of bile Ban's an inny wnr'to mn tf. uid dent in the place of Miss Evange the bmt coKgh renfodjr line PI Beta who was A two I derangement. Three cakes of yeast not properly passed off, and what jH bve Perry, Phi, yr-Wn- J8awLydiaE.Pink- - each day will be verv helnful in you need is a cleaning up inside. president last year. Mrs. Isabel jry a Tinam a veeemnie these cases, as the yeast supplies Lion t continue being a bll.ojs nul Riffle", PI Beta Phi, was elected vice 'J I Compound adver ivaa elements wnicb sucn people sance to yourself and thoss who president. Mrs. Guy Rogers, Kap se ttiaaA in have usually neglected and im. love you, and don't resort to harsh You're probably hard,of,tliis n pa Kappa Gamma, was made secre- - pie astringent such as witchhazel pnysics that Irritate ana injure. plan of makipccouh syrup and got good re- will at home. But have ever used autumn create a de- sults from act as a mild astringent that Remember that most disordors of jou Crisp days Notice to the Public: taking will soothe the skin and refine the the stomach, liver and bowels are itt Thousands of families, the world mand for attractive fall coats such it. I 'recommend pores. gone by morning with gentle, thor. over, feel that they could hardly keep as the one above. It ia of navy your medicine to ough Cascarets work while house without' it. It's simple anil and form- WOMENwillbeirladta they hold of a gray duvetyn, the gray The Auto has been my friends and you you sleep. A nt box will koep cheap, but the wayjt" takes at the sides. know of a laxative Albuquerque Exchange pur- cough will soon earn "it. a permanent ing plain panels that operates without may puDiisn this fit your liver and bowels clean; atom' or chased by Malette and Hobbs of the ach sweet, and clear place. in y,our houie:,'v"'' imping weakening. Albuquerque ft your head Into 2 ounces Iiouaanda will tell you B. LITTLE for months. Children love to a pint bottle, pour FURNACE TIME HAS NO y more Auto Co. jMrnoniaL'-Mr- take artll-pjai- get satisfactory Wrecking because never of Pinex; then granulated ilts from Dr. Caldwell's cascarets they to Or, BENNYS or eicken.y- - sugar syrup fiTHup' the'pint. HORRORS IF YOU HAVE repain than from salts, Box 542, Hopkins, Minn. gripe if desired, use .clarified rpplasses, nrl drantla rathnrtin It ha3been said that not one woman honey, or.corn'Byrjj'insteadof sugar NEW ELECTRIC STOKER ttw SvruD Petnin ia a mild, senlla In a thousand passes this perfectly na- "BBC syrup. ither.!wa,rit tsites good, cleanser and regulator. It Costa only WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE nd full about a cent a dose. tural chanee without experiencinar a never spoils, gives you pint "Tony, why didn't you come yes- of better tJian you COiV-TRAC- train of and sometimes coHvrrtneiJy TS very annoying r terday to tend the furnace?" DR. CALDWELL'S FOR ANY DEBTS OR rnose not could' buy tlfree times painful symptoms, areaatui its COSt. "Me alck. and and mv fam'lv. spots before r too." Rashes, sinking spells, It Is Teally,wonderful how quickly they sick, SYRUP PEPSIN MADE ON OR tha eves, aizzv speus. nervousness, home-mad- e said the of this remedy conquers a "Well," lady the THE FAMILY LAXATIVE a few of the svmDtoms. cough usually in 21 hours or less. house, "I had to fix the furnace woman is snouia seems myself and moreover the Take Dr. Caldwell's SyniD Pepsin OCTOBER Every at in age prom It to penetrate through every you 'gas' when BEFORE 8, 1921 : Mrs. Block's experience and L- air passage, loosens a dry, hoarse or house too often. Now, if I can't constipated, bilious, headachy by heals oroutof sorts. You will find your gen- E. Finkham's - cough, lifts the phleam, depend upon you and im- try Lydia Vegetable tight im- yotj persist eral health and complexion so the membranes, and gives almost in "gassing' the whole house, I'll proved that less coemetioa will be Lompouna. Last mediate relief. Splendid for throat have to someone needed. Thousands of women have have doubt that nlte pop was late for aun get else. The name, Albuquerque Auto Exchange will be If you the slightest on tickle, hoarseness, croup, bronchitis This conversation is not new to proved this true. pir agen account of playing and bronchial asthma. householder who HALF-OUNC- discontinued. Our used car will be tennis with Mr. Jonea next "com any has a fur E BOTTLE FREE department rmund will heh vou write to Lvdia E. door, Pinex is a highly concentrated nace. A man must be to and ma ex employed Few continued will have Finkham Medicine Co. (confidential) sed, My goodnlss. Willvum pound of genuine Norway pine " h fail to come, tho wrap eouttbanVm, ta mm tf you do and both the advantage of our it must be a game to tract V" " not require a utxatws at this moment ut me umn. mass., bdoui your neaiiu. fasinating h8 house-mus- t t make you forget your atummlek. tend it tend you a Trial Bottle oj my mechanical ability and our personal guarantee. hee hee. To avottTJXASSSLS'd ask your "wvci, now n SjrkiPefiin FREE OF CHARGE to that disappointment " job mill fiat it namjjmilwn needed. Simply This will be under the name of Is a faslnatintr ruegist for ounces of Pinex" electrically operated automatic tend department It gams, there "iyt stoker""for household use your name trndjiddress to Dr. W. B. ith directions, and don't accept any developed 314 Co. Beauty Contented" oniy one game as raslnatlng aa ten- Caldwell, WJunton St., Momicello, Albuquerque Auto Wrecking nis and thata another of ten- thing eUe. Guaranteed to give abso by a company in Salt Lake City. ill. Write ins today. game lute satisfaction or money refnnded. This fires YoaareaHnm eMfldent nis, hand me the pees please, sed stoker the furnace that your bunt bu ben pop. Wlch ma Permanent Hair Health The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, lad. scientifically and eliminates the Our will not developed to the highest did, saying, Well smoke Wrecking Department only be of IK poIMUtiM after how do you play it, Wlllyum. last usually produced. It is sling Gouraotfi Oriental nite you told me you would lxnlan Promoted by Cub'cura operated by a small electrlo motor A Remarkable Record. continued, but greatly enlarged now that we have Cku. the ru)ea to me some other time, which is also used to operate the Chamberlain's : circuit-changin- g Cough Remedv the additional which we SmdIScfmTrUSIm T ne Frequent with Cuticura draft and mechan- space formerly lacked. 1 I QyH and this ia some other time, ao ahampooa has a remarkable record. It has aasiated when ism. A 250 them now. Soap, necessary by nwniis nam hopper containing been In use for colds, croup and Well, aed pop, in the ferat place anointings with Cuticura pounds of slack coal feeds a chute for a the server aerves gentle afford sweet- from an slide de- whooping cough almost half the ball. thopurest, adjustable and century and has constantly grown Natcherly, sed ma. est and most economical method JSiSt livers the fuel to a conveyor. The ravor Don't in and popularity as Its good Interrupt please. Im trv. of freeing the scalp of ltchings and :atter carries the fuel to an oscillat- qualities became better known. It Auto Co. ing to put it In very simple lane- - ecalinga and of establishing a hair-growi- ing chute projecting into the fur- Is the standard and main reliance Albuquerque Wrecking wldge for you, sed pop, and ma condition. Dr. Ualnl ha. atu)uta proof that tu nace whence it Is dropped on the for these Well dont to berculosis can b healed In all cllraatei diseases in thousands of sed, you need make SntUIiekl'rMbrMii!. AMrmeiMnraUV center of a conical grate. The homes. The It can MALETTE HOBBS it too simple, of corse server by THB INHALANT METHOD. Reaultl fact that always and the nwM.DW.tie,HaMaljlaM." Soldmry. re nation-wid- thermostatic control can be placed be Is and has to serve, Wttyra. SoapKa. Ointnwnt aSftndCOe. Talcum 250. For further particulars depended upon and safe, natcherly. CO.. In any livingroom. The use of this 513-1- Whose aed eon. KaTXaUnn Saw 1wtm without mmt. addreas THB INHALANT METHOD pleasant to take are greatly iri ijg Phone 434 5 West Central ixplalnlng this? Suits (OS Union Leaicua Bide, Key No. stoker effects a marked saving in favor when it is wanted for chil- and m aed, Tou are, If you ever ti, boa Angeles, ,caui. cost of fuel. dren, . N...... PSge Six ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL October 11, 1921.

seal for American Institutions may be directed 1 10 points higher and some of the A NATIONAL ANTHEM. By F. G. Cooper, other continental rates showed Albuquerque Morhing Journal properly. of 15 to almost 25 points The framers of the constitution gains AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER provided every In the bond market a new high for its defense in Published By necessary safeguard the govern record for Liberty first 4's at an PERSONAL JOURNAL PVBIJS1HNG COMPANY ment which it established. That was extreme rise of 210 points was the government some others of CARL C. MAUEE. D. A. MACPHEKSON. founded upon the principles of liberty and of tol dominant feature, Secretary that group also estauilsning tneir VJSIT1.M1 BARBER. Phone 2010-- President; eratlon of free opinion. It conceded to every man D. A. MACPH EKSUN Business Manager best Quotations of the year. Mex BEAUTY SPECIALIST. Phone 2010-- Edltor-ln-Chl- to and to believe and to B's were CARL C. M AUK B the right think speak freely. FATHFR,DEAR lean government strongest DU YOU WANT TO LEARN 8PANI8UT con- of the international division ana C. H EPU BSENTATI V ES Furthermore, it placed the Judgment and SEE J. ESP1NOSA, No. I, WWtln 111. demnation of acts In Brazilian and republic of China is building Phone 466. C. J. ANDKKSON .... Marquette Bldg.. Chicago, solely the Jurisdiction of courts. COME sues A N . 4 New Y strengthened. PRACTICAL NUKSB can take confine- RALPH K. MUUJ U 2d St.. ork Men's and beliefs could not be called in FATHER, $16,775,-000- . JIJil, thoughts Total sales, par value, ment cases during November and De- as second-clas- s' matter at the postofflee acts which were or of Entered or question and the the result of ' cember, city out town. Write of Albuquerque, N. M.. under act of Congress and beliefs were to be dlosintr nrlces: South Edith, March 17. 1879. thoughts punishable only firr-J- HOME WITH 26 If to con T American Beet Sugar TEUMS OF SUBSCRIPTION proved damaging society, by properly American Can PHRENOLOGIST or by mall, one month, IBo: stltuted courts. Upon such foundations do our lib American Sumatra Tob 36' RIDE TO UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, 1U Dally, by carrier South Cornell yearly, In advance.a.uu erties rest and any violation of these sacred prin- American T. & T lu avenue, have your head, Anaconda CoDDer 4n face and hand head. Sara M. Jones. "The Morning Journal has a higher circulation ciples does violence to the constitution and the 'i phone 216J-J- , Is accorded to any other paper In New Atchison rating than government of the United States. 38 Mexico." The American Newspaper Directory. Baltimore & Ohio t Good American makes most of "B" 54 inifi; Tutvv The In New Mexico Issued every day citizenship the Bothlohem Steel THE latest In or ul- - only paper 14J4 very utyles coati in the year. these safeguards of liberty. The best citizenship Butte and Superlpr t ere t tea made In plaid back ma- California 40 to MF.MRRK OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. exerts itself always to promote publlo opln Petroleum terials, your Individual measure; qual- entitled to healthy Canadian Pacific 113 ity fit Ann wnrbmanehln nt..J The Associated Press Is exclusively see Kfi to ion and to that that opinion has the freest & Ohio. 65 Vs nnlv onrl fJ rflrant the use, for of all news credited Chesapeake to The In this and also expression. This la the legitimate and authorized C. M. and St. P 25 you. Upstair Clothes Shop, over It or not otherwise credited paper 25 Oi'lWUILIl s otuie. local news pufrllsheC herein. check upon American institutions. If the properly Chlno Copper the 24 Vi elected officials fall to courts do Colorado Fuel & Iron TUESDAY October 11, 1921 function; if the Crucible Steel 63 BUSINESS CHANCES not executives 6 dispense Justice; it fail to enforce Cuba Cane Sugar fr'OH tiAI.K fiuraKtt. beat uicmuuu in LIBEL LAW. the laws, the electorate can displace these servants Erie , 1$ town. Phone 879. JUDICIAL LEGISLATION AXD THE 74 and choose others to fulfill the purposes of gov- Great Northern pfd WANTED To buy established budneia; 35 fire Insurance Addrua ernment. . Inspiration Copper preferred. Should Judicial decisions be made in a "vacuum," Int. Mer. Marine pfd 47 A Prospect, care Journal. citizen should familiarize himself 21 uninfluenced by the current trend of public thought Every good Kennecott Copper FOR SALE One of the beat bualncfa with his and himself Louisville & Nashville 107 propertlea In Albuquerque. 21J South and opinion, or should the Judicial construc- country's history identify only public with such movements as harmonize with the Mexican Petroleum , WV Flret street. Inquire at Savoy Hotel upon the law accurately reflect the will fully 22 tions put of American institutions. Miami Copper of the people? spirit Missouri Paclfio 19 FOH SALE Phutographlo studio, good theories Montana Power 54 location In Albuquerque; will sacrifice In this question lies the two opposing for a!e; reasons for have In the average age of is New York Central 73 quick selling, concerning our courts. Let it bo recognized by all England bridegrooms 76 oAier business. Address stated to be 20 years, while the brides' average Is Northern Pacific that our system of laws in America is made by two Pennsylvania 86 27 the have a way 13 WANTED Salesmen classes of legislation legislation by legislatures and years. Evidently English girls Ray Consolidated Copper... with callow 7114 WANTED We have a splendid position Judicial decisions. The youths. Reading for a man or legislation by legislature Iron & Steel 52 open good appearance and with of Rep. pleasing1 personality; must be over passes a law, perhaps the accomplishment Oil & 21 e Senator "Jim" Reed has charged Budget Director Sinclair Refining..... twenty-fiv- year's of age and should a certain end in view. Tho courts lay violent hands Southern Pacific 78 have at least a high school education. Dawes with and insolent of 20 upon this law in its administration and construe "impudent usurpation Southern Railway Previous selling experience desirable but deci- legislative authority." Wouldn't there be fireworks Rtudebaker Corporation .... 70 ft not necessary; must be of good character into it a widely different meaning. By that 38 1 and references If those two were to come together in an exchange Texas Co. unquestioned Integrity; sion the courts make law as truly as does the leg- Tobacco Products ....62 required; pleasant outdoor work. Any of words! 121 Inquiry will be held strictly confidential. islature. Union Pacific Address B. F. T.. car Journal. will contend a should United States Steel 79 No one that legislature 6$ be free from the pressure of public opinion. It Is Utah Copper MONEY TO LOAN highly desirable In fact, that our legislatures be VERSE OF TODAY, rmrARO BOARD OF TRADE MONEY To LOAN On watches, dia 10. monds, runs and everything valuable. sensitive to the demands of publlo sentiment and Chicago, Oct. Upward Mr. B. 213 South First. in of wheat re- Marcus, to it in the laws may enact. IX ROBINSON PARK. swings the price TO LOAN uB respond they sulted today from bullish aspects UOiMY diamonds, watcuha How can it be urged that when courts are and gold Jewelry: liberal, reliable, con. then of the government crop report and Identtal. Oottlleh Beer. 108 North first. law means of the construction they place Here in this leafy grove a advance in sterling making by from sharp CONFIDENTIAL loans on Jewelry, dia- law enacted the legislature, they should Rest thee, thy spirit rest! exchange. The close, although un- upon the by Cool is the shade on and was to monds, watches, Liberty Bonds, pianos, be from the pressure of public opinion? Why path glade settled 2o higher automobiles. Lowest rates. Rnthroan's, free To welcome ev'ry guest. with Decemberlo $1.11 to $1.11 117 South First. Bonded to the state. court-mad- e law be less to publlo should responsive In green of lawn are shadows drawn and May $1.15 to $1.16. Corn WANTED Houses sentiment than that of legislatures? Each is mak- Across the sunbeams blaze; gained c to oats finished which we must live and which we With vapor spun In shade and eun unchanged andlc;provisions un- WA.ST.hJD By couple with ing law under two or three rooms and law is to be is most cer- Each Jetty fountain plays. changed to 7o down. child, must obey. What that With government figures show- sleeping porch, furnished or unfurnished, the business of the public. Rest thee O one forlorn of wheat and for houptkeeping; no sick; quots price. tainly ing smaller yields Address Ay care Journal. the of a fixed and And weary of thy strife! corn than had been expected ihe H., In trials involving application WANTED We want sellK-l- case in Bid care to cease, here take thine ease, wheat market took the upgrade as property to Interpreted law to the facts of the specific of busi- worth the money, we can mova Jt. Here win the Joy life. soon as the pit was open for See our advertisement under it is desirable, even essential, that both Judge Mid of Real Eitata hand, bud and bloom thy faith resume, ness. Current expressions opin- column; If your property wera thus ad- and Jury be free from the pressure of public opin- Take heart and hope regain; ion that the United States wheat vertised, It would move, wouldn't H? ion. The idea which the publlo may hold concern- A quiet hour beneath this bower surplus had been well sold out J. U Phillips, Heal Estate, 110 South surcease from S54-- or Innocence of the accused, should Will give pain. tended also to encourage bullish Third, phone ' ing the guilt exclaimed tho "I not sentiment. the steep rise of to influence a decision. The pub- "Oh!" bunny, the front door, stopping to Later, SEWING MACHINES not be permitted Here close to nature's heart thought I'd be here in time to see nibble the ears of any one. foreign exchange, especially sterl- lic can not be presumed to know the facts of the In grass and shrub and tree, Stories you make the cake watch you "Well, what kind of cake was ing, gave decided impetus to de- SEWINO MACHINES repaired or to be able to properly weigh them. Thy thought imbue in ev'ry view Bedtime scramble the eggs, sift the sugar, that, Johnnie?" asked the bunny mand. On the other hand, specu- cleaned: parts and supplies for all spe'cifle case, With made for thee. all work C. H. In "vacuum." beauty dust in the flour and the like of in surprise. lators temporarily depressed prices makes; guaranteed. Such trials should be held a mid-da- 846-- 412 West Lead. 'Tls nature's gift to here uplift For Little Ones that." "Oh, it was the first one I after y anticipating that the Morehead, phone But when the case involves a construction to be The mind away from care; domestic visible total would Howard B. Garla "Oh, I did all those things!" made!" laughed the squirrel boy, supply MATTRESS RENOVATING by the court upon a law, common or statu- The trees confer a comforter By Johnnie. "Mother showed "and I made a mistake! I put in disclose a big increase. The visi- placed Like of answered laughed MATTRESS H INNOVATING. 13.60 and it Is that publlo opinion should express peace prayer! me how. The cake is now baked a lot of stickeiy, prickery chestnut ble supply statement, however, was up. tory, right Joseph Longklng Townsend. 1921. McClure burrs in the cake inBtead and the majority of shorts Rug cleaning, furniture repairing, fur- law- to Copyright by and I'm to cut you a slice." of nut delayed, Bed-dln- a; Itself as to what the people wish the be, going meats were to cover at the niture packing. Phone 471. Ervln Newspaper Syndicate. asked ns I ought, and we set that scrambling Company, especially in those cases where the construction "Where's your mother?" cake to one side. Then I made last rather than risk letting their and the rabbit gentleman. "Perhaps - remain over The given the law involves a matter of public policy CRISP PARAGRAPHS UNCLE WIG GIL Y AND JOHN. she wouldn't like to cut the another, Just- ight. But I thought trades open night. TYPEWRITERS NIE'S CAKE. you I'd fool the old 'Gator on the cake visible supply figures when fin- effcctB the welfare of the people. cake." T EltB All uiBkes ovamkuli vitally that had the prickery burrs in." ally posted a minute or two before PiWlUl When Mr. J. M. Raynolds and Mr. A. B. THEY SEEM TO BE TIRED OF WORKING. "Oh, yes, she would," said John- included St. chine. Albuquerque Typewriter El- Once upon a time, as Uncle "It's good you did," laughed the close the stock at and Ribbons for contend that the Journal is guilty of con- It is stated that the Russians are tired of fight- nie. "She told me I could, before Mo., 1,127,000 repaired erery Wiggily was hopping through the Uncle WiKKily, "for it made him Joseph, bushels, the phona 901-- 1S1 Bouth Fourth. of court for discussion the Interpretation of ing. Who objects to their quitting? Pittsburgh she and Billle went to the six and run away." Then Johnnie cut a first time that St. Joseph accumu- tempt s. woods near' his hollow bun Gazette-Time- stump seven cent store to get a new of Un- lations have been re- the libel laws which they are attempting to crystal- slice the good nut cake for thus duly galow, sort of laughing to himself piano. Come on, we'll eat tho nut cle Wiggily, and it wes most de- ported. lize into fixed law In New Mexico, through Judicial as he remembered how he had cake! lirious. V New low record for this 7.75; pigs, 15c to 25c higher; bulk WHY SCGGEST TOE IDEA? prices desirable $8.00 8.25. decision, they are contending for the theory of a The price of coal wouldn't seem so unreasona fooled the Fuzzy Fox with the Jilly "Yes, and I'll eat you," suddenly So if the broom doesn't make season were touched by corn and rioxUlnn marifl In ble If was law it. Jell, once upon a time, I say, the exclaimed a most voice, the stand on its head and oats. The chief factors Sheep Receipt). 35,000; killing a "vacuum." ' there a against selling Indianap- heard a unpleasant dustpan depressing classes opened steady; feeder has a olis Star. bunny rabbit gentleman tickle the underside of the parlor were the heavy receipts of corn The Journal insists that the public right noise in the bushes. next the of room. lambs, 25c higher; fat natlvo rustling rug, I'll tell you about Uncle and scarcity storage lambs to to make itself felt and to have such an interpreta- "Urn, hum!" said Uncle Wiggily DO Wiggily and Billie's pie. Provisions declined with corn, packers, early, $8.50 THEY LIKE TO WASTE TIME. to his paw over 8 75; to city butchers, $9.00; choice tion of the libel laws as the people feel will best the in can himself, holding although at first reflecting an up- If gentlemen congress think they his pink nose so it wouldn't twin- turn In the value 90 pound western yearlings, $6.75; serve the public Interest. This paper can hold no make a popular tax law they are their time. of hogs. western choice feed wasting kle too loudly, "lira, hum! May- Closing prices: wethers, $5.50 view other than that it has as much right to argue Philadelphia Record. be this is the Fuzzy Fox again!" er lambs, early, $7.50. - Wheat Dec, $1.11; May, the Question of what Is wise Judicial legislation as But it was only Johnnie Bushy- THE MARKETS $1.16. enacted the tall, one of the squirrel boys, who 46 52 c. CHICAGO PRODUCE. it has to argue what laws should be by Corn Dec, c; May, 10. - PLENTY OF ROOM FOR PROGRESS. was scrambling down a tree, chip- Oats Dec. 33 c; 37 c. Chicago, Oct. Butter high- legislature. Massachusetts is "no accident week." II off bits of bark with his May, er; creamery extras, 45c; stand of trying ping sharp (ly Ibe Aaauciiitea I'reKS.) Pork $15.00. We contend that to uphold the contention that proves a success she might try no murder week paw nails. New York, Oct. 10. Lard Jan. ards, 39i4c; firsts, no week. Kennebec were Interesting $8.80; March, $9.02. 34c44c; these gentlemen that "all that we have said about a and "hooch" Journal. "What you doing up the IpSciiv, developments in the financial, in- Ribs Jan., $7.60; May $7.90, seconds, 30c32c. RELATIVE DISARMAMENT. Wig- , of can be considered by the court SURE! tree, Johnnie?" asked Uncle dustrial and commercial markets Eggs Steady; receipts, large group men, Now It is explained that the agen- his off his cases; firsts, ordinary of these acts Japan accepts gily, taking paw pink tcday found only casual reflection LIVESTOCK MARKETS. 39c42c; as a charge by us of all against any da in principle. Just as everybody Is for disarma- nose so it could twinkle again. on the stock firsts, S7c3)38c; mlsoellaneoua, 39c door to such chat- exchange. Dealing? one person of the group, will open the ment "in principle?" Pittsburgh Dispatch. "I'm getting some nuts," there again consisted mainly of Kansas City Livestock. 40c; refrigerator extras, 31c legislation as will wholly destroy the free- tered Johnnie. "And say. Uncle speculative operations in the Kansas Oct. 10. Cattle 32c; firsts, 30c31c. vexatious to come over City, Alive, lower; lowls, lZe of and silence all newspapers on the DO THEY 1LWE ANY CREDIT? Wiggily, you ought cheaper oils. Receipts, 42.000; stockers and Poultry dom the press to our house this afternoon." The of for- 22c; springs, 19c. Inflicted the Let us Probably no form of credit Is more subject to strength Important feeders, steady to weak; early 59 wrongs being upon people. a "Why should I come over to Brit- sales to stock- Potatoes Steady: receipts, discount in the inventory of liquid assets than eign exchanges, especially the feeders, $5.00 6.50; TJ. illustrate: We-hav- said that the "gang" in New your house this afternoon, John- ish rato. the first increase, al- $4.60 to cars; total S. shipments, 1,632, bill owed by a college student. Ohio State Journal. Mr. ers, $7.00; heavy calves, Minnesota and Wisconsin white, Mexico fixed the laws so that the mines escaped nie?" asked Longears. though very slight, in bookings steady to bulk, $5.25 to "Because I'm going to make a strong; $2.102.25 cwt; Minnesota and their Just share of the burdens of taxation. Months shown by the United States Steel 6.25; she stock slow, steady to cake," went on the squirrel boy. since 1920, and most 4.25 ; North Dakota Red River Ohlos, connection with the law suits of the First DAY old corporation July. lower; cows, $3.50 2.00 South later, in EDITORIAL OF THE "Oh, now, don't fool your new high records of the year by feeder heifers. $7.00; most grass $1.85 cwt.; Dakota Katlonal bank us, we said that the "gang" several of the bond Issues classes Early Ohlos, $1.25 1.60 cwt. against "You bake a cake! Ho! Ho!" I Liberty kind, $4.00 5.00; other now their ny. . were as factors. was after ua. These gentlemen allege NOT SOLDIERS. 1 .Uh-nmO- ignored market generally steady, part load yearl- TEACHERS, "yes I am, really," went on tne IJ. .2 Other incidents In KANSAS CITY PRODUCE. official connection with the First National and com- "You see mother favorable ings, $10.00; top otherwise, $9.25; squirrel boy. my cluded the best for choice steers, $8.90; better use of the word on two Free and so year's price heavy Kansas Oct. 10. Butter-Crea- mery, plain that by the "gang" (From the Detroit Press.) hasn't any girl squirrels bar silver, another advance In cop- grassers, S6.00W7.00; most City, both in of Fewer soldiers, more school teachers that Is she says my brother Blllle and I and there, coming in the door, was grades lo higher, 46c; packing widely different occasions, point subject with per metal, based on an extension vealers, $8.00 9.50; bulls mostly accused them the progressive standard marked out for Mexico ought to learn how to do things the Skillory Scallery Alligator of recent and the sub unchanged, 32c. matter and time, that we llbellously under his .President told She's to on his tail. the inquiry $3.253.75. sec- administration, Obregon around the house. going humps stantial improvement noted in bus 5.500; I5cs Eggs lc higher; firsts, 39cj of fixing the mining laws so as to enable the mines foreign visitors to tl.e nation's centennial at a show me how to make a nut cake. "Oh! Oh!" gasped uncle wig Hogs Receipts, onds, 29c. which fixed the iness conditions throughout the 25c higher; mostly 25c higher than IBe to escape taxation. Judicial legislation dinner. That's why I am gathering gily. west with a notable 195 to 225 Poultry Unchanged; hens, "Mexico Intends to moral now. And I "How did you get in here?" and southwest, Friday's avorage; pound to 18c to 21c. such rule as the libel law in New Mexico, would constantly raise the nuts invite you ovei of railway tonnage. to 21c; springs, any and mental status of her people," the president re- to my house this afternoon to chattered Johnnie. growth weights shippers, $8.358.45; be a serious blow at free government. Public opin- walked the 'Ga Money was the one restraining 300 pound averages, JS.25; packer marked, "and she has shown this unmlstakebly, have some of my cake." "I in," snapped Influence of the call loans ris- In Porto Rico a man is known ion a to protest against any such con- and be sure to come," tor. "The door was open!" day, top, $8.40; bull mixed. $7.758.25; his stick. Just as the has right although modestly, by discharging regiments "I'll promised from S cent at the or J7. 40 tnrow-o- ut by walking a for pub- as the "Oh, I'm afraid I forgot to close ing per opening bulk sales. 8.35; social struction being placed on the law. We have right, battalions, by Increasing her appropriations Uncle Wiggily, and then to cent the inter- sows. $6.25 and fan proclaims the position lic and U ichers and open- home with it!" said the bunny. "What shall per during up; pigs s'cady of the foman who carries as we view it, to inform the publlo of the vital instruction, by preparing squirrel boy scampered mediate and to 6 per cent to $8.40 It ing new schools." the nuts, the bunny rabbit gentle- we do, Johnnie?" period strong. paid. of the issue. In doing so we are guilty "You do gar- In the final hour. The advance Sheep Receipts; sneep significance If Senor Obregon is able to make his program man hopped along to look for an needn't anything!" was of to To Gain a Good toward the court nor a con- effective he will be his overotressed land a ' the '.Gator. "I'll do all the occasioned by withdrawal steady strong; bulk fat ewes, Reputation. of neither dlsrepect taking adventure. gled tne to meet $4.76; to 25c Tho way to gain a good reputa- I off down funds from market lambs strong higher; of it. long way on the difficult road It has to travel to He didn't find a very exciting doing! Before I go away tomorrow on tion Is to endeavor to be what you tempt international esteem. One of the chief troubles In one Just a little lady south for the winter I'm going to payments maturing top westerns, $8.75; bulk, $8.25 Laws should be responsive to the publlo demand hoptoad certificates of indebtedness total- 8.65. appear." That Is precisely the the republic to the south has been too many sol- spilled some beans she was carry- nibble both your ears! That's In . Those who would ing $26,000,000. w manner which Chamberlain's and the public need. prevent diers, and too few teachers. The arts of war have ing home to make a bean bag pud- what I'm going to do!" has its rep- of In and Uncle don't!" begged the more popular foreign oils, i Chicago Livestock. Cough Remedy gained such responsiveness are the enemies the people. been emphasized overmuch, teaching prac- ding for her husband. But "O, please were under Oct.. 10. Cattle Re utation as a cure for cougns colds, tice, and the arts of peace have been suffered to Wiceilv very kindly stopped and bunny. especially Mexicans, Chicago, the constant pressure, as also were ceipts, 30,000; choice light fed and croup and whooping cough. Every lapse. The sword has been a mightier weapon picked up the beans, carrying "Yes, I shall!" gurgled to bottle that has ever been put out STOCKING BANKS. than the home ror ner in iau siik rails and the customary leaders good best yearlings, steady; pen. them nis among steels, equipments and mot others, beef steers and butcher she hy the manufacturers has been The wastage of Mexlo, its withdrawal from the hat. 'Before you do, perhaps you'll to the high standard of been ne of Thon If tram aftArnnon and time of my cake," said ors. These' and kindred issues were stock mostly 25o lower; prime fully up A of middle western bankers conducted procession t the times, has the crying try a piece in wider reaction of bulk beef excellence claimed for It. People group shames of this century. That so many millions of to go to the home oi Johnnie Johnnie. foremost the yearlings, $11.50; steers, to ascertain to what extent farmers slice!" the last hour. Sales amounted to J5.75JS8.60; canners and bulls have found that It can be depended an investigation fertile acres have lain fallow, so great a wealth of Bushytall, the squirrel boy, to see "All right! Give me a big for relief and cure of men in sums of ana so very 425,000 shares. steady; calves slow to unevenly upon the and small business keep hiding mineral has remained locked away, many about his cake. snapped the bad chap, hi these ailments and that It is pleas- amount- millions of miserable have been of wonder he can Demand sterling at $3.86 lower; good and choice stockers money. It was found that a large number, peons deprived "I Just if really of about 6 cents about other stocker and ant and safe to take. securities and comforts, h.j been a great evil. make one," thought Uncle Wig- - Johnnie cut a slice of a newly showed a gain steady; to an appreciable percentag of the whole, kept EllV. cake. The 'Gator ovef last week's final quotation. feeder steers 15c to 25c lower. ing If Obregon can build school houses instead of baked opened bonbons contain- sums from 100 to $10,000 hidden about Instead of roads Instead of Soon he was at the squirrel wide his mouth and stuffed the Buying of bills on London to Hogs Receipts, 32.000; open- Chocolates and ranging arsenals, hospitals forts, 15c to 25o well-know- n uj moment he the proceeds of the recent ed higher; later market ing brands of whisky the premises. It is not hard to understand how one cannons, harbors Instead of battleships and pur-- house, and as he went up the steps cake in, but a later be onened door. a loud howl and cried: Australian loan here was given as active, 25o to 35o higher than Sat and other liquors are commonly need to keep temporarily as much as $100 an upright foreign policy besides, he may yet Johnnie the gave bulk sold confectioners In might able to win from the world asknowledgement of his "Come right In!" chattered the "Oh. my throat! Oh, my tongue! a partial reason for the buoyant urday's average; spots, $9.00; by England. the house, but to have $10,000, or any amount Is all of stickers! And advance. lights and light butchers. 8.60 about nation's right to a place in decent international sou rrel bov. "My cake all baked Oh, I'm full were that sum, would be extra- to you a he ran double quick out of French and Belgian rates 8.90; bulk packing sows, $7.25 Journal Want Ads bring results. approaching certainly society. and I'm going give piece." away i hazardous. distance from a bank natur- S. Those who live at a "REG'LAR FELLERS" (Copyright 1921 by George Matthew Adams Trade Mark Registered V. Patent Office) By Gene Byrnes ally might need to keep much more currency on hand than others who could step into a bank when- ever necessary, but to have about the person or on the premises any considerable amount is to invite VJtLL Suppose aomeone to come and take it. Frequently robberies HM where violence directed against the MUM 13 spo nut are reported by Y V APPLfcS ASM' possessor, information as to the hiding place of the ASK. M& . to money is extorted. It is hard enough keep money A.N . ..ssaZ ".SA acm. L under circumstances., To Invite robbery by hiding rive. It about the house should be unnecessary in these yj APPLES AH' days of many banks. Is does The currency that hidden away nothing we. Voo --two for the owner, while if it were deposited in a bank It would work for the possessor and for others also. No doubt the sums iioarded and not working total WOO UP Yoi Hvt? vast figures. Were all of this secreted capital where it would be available for use it would assist greatly In the restoration of Industry.


Induced by an appeal to defend the constitu- tion of the United States and uphold the majesty of the law, many American citizens are said to be joining a secret order and contributing funds for Its support. It is evident that these people are well -'tf intentloned and therein lies the hope that their T- iJtti L h October' 11, 1921. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Paze Seven

BRINGING UP FATHER. Copyright. 1911 by th International Newi Service. 0. S. By George McMamu Registered Patent Office. lirtTirtr V NUIIL-- t ' ( -- i I'LL 40 TO YOU 1 MAJE3TIC Tireg are a seven fSSJgJSJSf OUiN'5 tEE HAD . thousaod-mll- e RETMJRNNT-- I HOPE JUbT CMviE. OCT OF SPECIAL. tire; all adjust- OOCAN'5 CORiSEO ments made by us.

CliOSR IV, IN T1IE TODAY-E- E Oversize and UIGIrL YNDS 1111 - MB M MMMBi- JlJf51 zfe. ; ' t- - Six room brick house, modern; NEVER HIT VX The f Overservice lurjro . clothes closets; large ROVT-- i CfcVZ.Y The best tire for the small VUZ. lAt porches; basement; gar- CORNEO yvj money In the state. age; good walks, shade and full y ,a FER CEEP Tire Repairing and size lot. This la located ."'1 BOT HE HrSO NONE Retread In?. property - Just two blocks from Central TODW- HD TO FILL HIGHLAND TIKB & RCBBER avenue on ono of the best WORKS. streets In Price is the highlands. Gold. Phone 230 only 14.750. Broadway and A KEEX home Located In the very best resi- dential section of the Fourth ward; contains seven rooms; LEVERETT-ZAP- steam heat; servant's room; F & CO, laundry room; hardwood floors REALTOItS. :hroughout; shades and draperies Included; good electrical fix- NEW 5 ROOM BRICK. tures; good walks and lawn; We can guarantee every ounce large double garage. This Is one t workmanship and material In of the finest homes In Albu- It. Has two porches screened; querque and can be bought at a hardwood floors throughout; real bargain, with exceptionally closets, coal and gas ranges, good terms. A look will con- linoleum, shades, electric fix- vince you. tures, etc., included. Lot 37 PRE-WA- R PRICES. 142 feet, all fenced; plenty out- GOOD BUY Six-roo- m brick, glassed sleeping WHY WORK ' 'NEW BUNGALOW buildings, sidewalks, Four rooms, modern; close In two screened bath OPPORTUNITIES lawn, porch, porches, When $4,500 will buy you a WHY PAY RENT tn four rooms two - everything in Fourth ward; good sized lot fine electrio fixtures. House r.ewly Heights, sleep- and priced to sell. Terms if you that will bring $110.00 160 -- ' CLASS WILL TELL Price is $2,760, and can double property When can four-roo- m Foot railroad ins porcnes; also bacK and front only decorated, shade, lawn, gar is in a you buy a frontage like. Owner leaving the city. make some terms. age, walks. Price $4,750. $1,25C per month, this good modern brick with north 'end, $1,600. Terms. Va- porch, bath, oak floors, fire place Can close-i- n location. You will sleeping A look "will convince of the ana buy the furniture also. cash, balance monthly. only 50 close fine cant lot 80x142, Highlands. Pos-itlve- y.'u steam neat, east front, $4,600. need a fair payment to handle porch, lot; in; value offered and the man attract- Terms, or 7 cent off A HARD ONE TO BEAT FOIt RENT. ACKEUSON & GRIFFITH, location for only $3,500. $500 the best location for me- ive features about thin per for cash. New on Highlands. this, balance on easy payments. ' dium rental in hath, frame lot. t RoV.ton. down, $50 month. cottages the city modern home. In the Jirsl It B0xl42 $2,-75- 0. $500 on per ot place. feet; all fenced for apartment, Phone 414. I'M S. Fourth St. will start you a dandy $760 cash. lots Just was built for a home and was not A, four-roo- m J, HAMMOND, I Best terms. furnished $60. OC home in the high- Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! outside the city north of Moun- built to sell. This means It was 3- lands. now. 821 1522-- - Room apartment, with Start tain Road, $300, $400, $500. $20 built of the very best material on East Silver. Phono IF YOU WANT A, L, Martin $10 the market. It's on a valuaole lot, A real value in an eight-roo- porch, furnished ...... $45.00 LARGE. BRICK Shelley Realty Co, Co,, Realtors, Cash, a Month. - Lowlands. has hardwood floors, ext.- lavatory, house in the best location? Five Phono 459-- J. 219 W. Gold. Real Estate, Fire and Auto W. C. south front rooms la "A BARGAIN" city's 4- - Room extra large rooms, porches, THAXTON, large living and We have it. Let's ehow It apartment, built-i- n location Loans. 705 W. so arranged that it may be used as you furnished $70.00 features, splendid Insurance, Mountain Road, Five rooms, bath, glassed-i- n sloep-in- g today? in Fourth ward. chicken 223 w. Gold. Phone 158. 1 to 6 m. a double house. Just one blocc from furnished house. $60.0f Garage, p. Central avenue, and the beet in porch, front porch; garage, UNIVERSITY lot, shade, lawn, and to sell Phone 761-- buy HEIGHTS apartment, priced, I to ( 1. m. town today. Do you want It T etc., furnished complete. Corner Lots Nice Level Lots Lots. J. P. GILL, lot, 011x142, Terms. furnished $32.50 Real Estate. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME Only $3,800. Why are so many buying them? ON WEST ROMA Because: are restricted. WANTED 115 S. Second. Phone 723-- J. J. D, KELEHER, SIoDOXALD & WOUSHAM, They FOB SALE A REAL HOME Ileal Estate Insurance. Because: There is no healthier $5,000 on good first mortgage. A HOME West Oold. Realtor. Phone 410. and to live. 2 On Luna Phono 066-- 108 S. Third. place SUDDEN SERVICE. bath, porches, base, boulevard, paved street, S Because: The mountain us five-roo- brick rooms furnished, glassed In scenery Tell what you want we may The Red Arrow (all over the Welt) ren- ment, Gas, Oalt and sleeping porch, porch changes every hour of the have it. ders sudden service on Kodak finishing floors. Lot 60x150, Ideal neigh- hardwood floors, built-i- n features, large iront porcn, fireplace, lawn (Ire etc. Good location and day. to people who demand quality. Work borhood. We have the exclu- place, furnace, garage, lawn, priced " Bieauae: a account n 11 wltn terms. SOME FINE HOMES It's saving before a. m. mailed same day sive agency for this property trees; all for $6,300. Can you beat ngnt FOR SALE and investment. Work In before I p. m. mailed soon next it. Four-roo- modern and it ia priced to sell. H. F. GILMORE . brick, $4,200. Twenty-acr- e Because: The reasons num- D, T, KINGSBURY, Address work to Five-roo- ranch, two one-ha- lf are day. R. McCLUGHAX, 214 442-- hardwood floors. Fourth and THE RED ARROW, W. Gold Phone miles from town. berless. REAL DIECKMANN REALTY CO. 204 W. Gold. 44.2-- J. $6,500. Seven-roo- A good ESTATE, Albuquerque E. Lae Phone ward, large lot, investment an Go see the beautiful and Vegas REALTORS shade trees, $8,000, Some a bargain. city Loans and Insurance. (We want a repretentatlvt In TO'JH garage, $3,600. note its growth Then pick your 007-Y- Real Estate, Insurance, Loans WANTED MONEY fine lots. 210 W. Gold. Phone V territory.) J. Tj. lot. Only $10 cash and $10 per 309 W. Gold Ave. Phone 670 To 8 cent W. II. McMILLlON. PII1IXIPS, loan, $2,000, $2,600; per 110 8. Third. Phone 854-- month. RENT MONEY interest. First class real estate 208 West Gold. security. Have you seen the plans we hnve WANTED SPLENDID HOMES FOR Can be utilized by purchasing FOR RENT. to build you that brick Miscellaneous one Nice bunga- of these frame houses house with two porch HELP WANTED FOR SALE Miscellaneous low for $3,775 on the easy pay Wanted Carpenter work. Job or days. 'SALE with and electric es, in well Phone 1032-- FOR RENT bath, lavatory fieignts, out, $30 pel ment pian installed. five blocks monin. Male. FOR Milk 1211 WANTED Ideal location in the Highlands, light Only goat. North Quit paying rent today. Decide Wanning and ironing by the brick houses with from postofflce. Price $2,650; R. McCLCGHAV, WANTED Shoemaker. The to own own day. Phone 1204-- oalt floors, . New house of four rooms; Rlghlway your home. built-i- n features. Hot watet $650 down, balance as rent. 204 W. Gold. Phouo 442-- J. Shoe Shop. 218 South Second. FOR SALE Rabbits, bucks and does. Several furnished houses tc WANTED Second-han- d bird cages. modern; immediate possession; 408 North Arno. rent. Phong 1615. heating system. Complete in garage. CITY REALTY CO, FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, beglnnere 8160, every detail. Four and five room later monthly. Write Railway, FOR SALE Threening machine, (75. Second and Gold. Tliono 810. WANTED ana O. Washing ironing; reason- houses, Just completed. 1112 WEST IRON 207 W. Gold. Phone 687. IIEHE'S A BARAIX. care Morning Journal. P. Box 412, City. able prices. Phone 91 new four-roo- Prices Kisrlit Nearly frame house WANTED Mexican sawmill men and TRY BODDV'B MILi BEST IN TOWN, WANTED To borrow $2,600 on first-clas- s Reasonable Terms with two screened porches, garage, some loggers. Tbe Santa Barbara Tie Phone 841S-R- residence 1018-J- , security. Phone large lot, located In Highlands, and Pole Co., Tree Rltos, N. M. FuR Water The Barber-Maitla- nd sale motoi. inquire at WANTED Dining table, give prlne cm! FOR RENT Roomj FOR RENT Owner leaving city. Inspect and WANTED Men wllh small capital to Morning Journal office. 1010 Apartment. description. Address North Secmd. make frour offer. learn tire protector business; real FOR SALE Builders, FOH ton RENT at 2u8 North Have .23 Winchester Ppecl-- 1, WANTED and to Company, RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Apartments We offer two fine money for live wires. 407 West Copper. FOR SALE Washing ironing take 74-- 214 North Kiittn. little ranches rnuan nan, tJarlta. N. M. nome. 13)4 south 8178-- Phono 118 S. Fourth St Walter. WANTED Good out of Walter, phone iwo-roo- today almost on own terms. blackainliii, A Postolicc. FOR RENT Several unfurnished room. iuii KKfli apartment, un- - your FOR SALE Cook stove, Bonny Oak No. few choice lois In University IF YOU WANT anything hauled, call Opposite ItOLLIN E. tonn position Apply stating experi 215, 1700 124 South Edith. rurnlehed, close In. Phone 886. GLTHIUIGE, box 538, . at West Mountain road. Heights, at a bargain. aincnen Transfer, phone 2058-- Real ence, Postofflce Albuquerque FOR RENT upart-men- t. Estate. ONE of those FOU RENT Nice front room, furnace Furnished Flrst-clae- a or handy bags make a dandy WANTED Tour Phone 2409-R- Phono 060-- 108 S. WANTED waiter waitress J. H, PEAK, garbage. heat. 202 South steam heat. Imperial Hotel. Third. Cafe. or Christmas present, phone 827-- or write C. W. Hunter, general High. at the Commercial Write wire delivery. FOR RENT FOR RENT Ktmall furnished Commercial FOR SALE Royal No. 6 HAULING of all klnde. Dwelling! FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 17J7 apartment. Cafe, Holbrook, Arlfona, tvoavrllrr: Boavengerlng 1748-J- . steam 1216 Welt In- good 800 '.'ocond. OK Two-roo- Went Central, phone heated, Roma. Femule. order, South and transfering. 722 East RENT houak, furnished 6. Iron, phone quire Apartment FOR SALE House FOR SALE Uuod ma- - with sleeping porch. 1018 South Walter. FOR RENT FurnlsneS rooms, tit WANTED Girl for general housework; singer sewing PROFESSIONAL 16 6 J. FOR RENT Furnished BAi-- n cntne. ;o. :'3 south CARDS FOR RENT Seven-roo- South Walter, phone vrtiniu, four FoH E brick on ro 310 North High. SEWING Aprons and underwear, mind furnished, two no :104 bouse, washing. n rooms; modern; sick; adults. North Edllh. Phone 84"1-R- DENVL'R l'O.ST delivered A'rrtiKNftVs. ing ana darning tor ladles and gentle giassea-l- sleeping porches. 118 North FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, North Second. WANTED Experienced collar girl, Lx it your door, 18&1-- 2272-w- . t,5c month. Ptrone 1IM9-- mon. Phone mapie, pnone modern. 1011 North First. FOR siALE Modern furnished celslor Laundry. per JOHN tV. WILSON, FOR RENT Unfurnished bungalow, FOR WANTED Watches, crocica and FOR RENT Furnished houae in hlgh- - FOR RENT Front ifuora suitable for two apartment; garage; corner lor. Owner, 1124 South WA.N'fliu A maid fur of two. SALE Three kitchen chairs and Attorney. jewelry two two rooms and 208 Walter. family two rugs. 318 West Hazeldlne. Ronnie 15, 17 and 18, Cromwell io repair. JJ7 Soutn First, 917-- J lanoe; rooms and sleeping porch. gentlemen. 827 tJorth Fifth. sleeping porch. Phone 2008-- 220 North Building. pnone 1451-J- . North Walnut. , Maple. Phone 1158-- Phone Three-roo- FOR SALE nraseriein, mo watch Man. FOR RENT Bed room for one or two FOR SALE house, sleeping WXN1ED Ulrl for uousewuik Canary birds. Mrs. Abel 1 1007-- FOIt RENT One large and one small front general, Duran, River Old WANTED LOAN Will uav 9 ner oent. uuk n&N cottage wltn ladles; lowlands. Phone . porch, large porch. Dractlralles family of two. 811 West Fruit. road, Town, glassed furnished. In modern furnished apartment. 215 modern and furnished. 601 Eaet Gran " FOR SAI E OK. S. U $1,600, 12.000, 14.000; first mortgage. sleeping porch, i HMeUED rooms; hot water heat; i North Seventh. WANTED Woman or for house Tomatoes, 2ic per pound; BURTON, 1676-- quire 822 South Walter. Four-roo- girt also 2415-R- Diseases of tne real estate, pnone elck; m. children. 414 West Foa SAIJi frame home 2002-- 1704 watermelons. Phone Stomach. Bllver. Two work. Phone call North 8. WELDING" AND FOIt RENT Four-roo- RENT rjtnlsfied looms for with sleeping Dorch: eltv wnl.r In FOU Suite. Barnett Building. CUTTING ol cottage, FOR RENT Furnished no Second. SALE Barrels; also good cider m.tlr In A. B. room, furnace light housekeeping; adults: slak house; good terms. 1224 South 201 UK. 8. C. also welders' euppllea and carbide foi Highlands. Mllner, heat; no sick. 807 714 South Second. repair; WANTED Good house vinegar, cheap. East Lewis. CLARKE, M. 818 West Central ave. South Walter. High. girl for general Noeo sale. N. Steel Co.. Inc., 1947-- IS. SALE Thirty-gallo- n Eye, Kar, and Throat. phone Oit RENT Room throe-roo- work. Mrs, J, Johnson, 4:1 Luna Poll barrels, new, FOR or suite of rooms. FOR RENT Nice furnished FOR SALE five-roo- Barnett Bulullng. Phone 886. MAS BARGAIN 8TORB. al 6outb RENT Modern furnished house, 116 North By owner, frame boulevard. 82.50 eaeh. Southwestern Junk Co. ay lit High. apartment Vlth sleeping Dorch and built-i- n Office First, wilt-p- the for fine large rooms; one room occupied stucco; has fireplace, bookceis FOR SNOW llourj highest prices 702 FOR RENT bath. 310 South Walter. china WANTED Woman to do washing an.l WHITE CLOTHES and uo to 11 a. m., and 8 to I m. your second-han- d shoes by owner. East Central. Furnished rooms for light closet, lawn and trees; Third waid. p. clothing, and 222 ibos-- every other week. Call at 218 spots try the Manzano Company Bluing, two-roo- housekeeping. North Third. FOU RENT Two rooms, rnone Ironing MAKGARKT lurmture. rmme 658. FOU RENT Furnished house. large kitchen Marble. IR. CAKTHR1UH1, and glassed-i- n 606 Wtst Oil SALE Nice fresh eggs, 6O0 per Office modern, with elaased north. s 2 fill. FOR RENT Furnished room; ette sleeping norch. FOR SALE By owner, modern elght-roo- Grant Bldg., Room 16. Phone (71 RUO CLEANEHS gentle- 2.180-- at 1113 South man preferred. 416 North Fourth. West Iron, phxme house. Fourth a WANTED Experienced cook; also sec dozen, Ely's Poultry Tarda, 623 South Residence 1123 ISait Central. MATTRESSES renovated. 13 B0 anil on High. ward; good buy 708 1168. jinfee-roo- mod-er- n for oud girl. Mrs. V. Weinman, rcigntn, phone Phone 871. furniture and FOR RENT Attractive new unfurnished FOR RENT Two furnished rooma" FOR RENT DeslraWe home or Investment; priced right; Apply repaired packed. Ervln tor resi- terms. 1027 W est Copper. FOR SALE Full set of "The New Stu- neatling KO., pnone 471. house; three rooms and sleenina uor,'h. housekeeping. Apply 617 West Silver. furnished apartment; beat Forrester. dence 866-- Good references re dent's Reference Wo.ks." 814 West BICTTEK Owner, 1600 North Second. section. Phone FOR SALE By new 100- - WANTED 000k, DB. ALFRED t.. KODAK t'lNIUHINO It' .veatiy rurmsned room owner, house, 303 Roma, TnKUX, FOR RENT Furnished 1001 corner outbuild- - quired; will pay liberally. Apply Dentist. better. Return on mall FOR RENT By November 1, five-roo- team heat! close In. 817 South ' apartments; lot; snade tsees, postage paid Third, South Fourth, mornings. FOR SALE A r, kitchen Phone 628. orders. The Barnum 11 modern three rooms with bath. Albuquerque ings; meai ror cows, chickens, rabblta 110;, South Third. Studio, West home, beautifully furnished; FOR RENT Twe furnished 1000 N. no sick or 604 housekeep notei, ziti Nortn second. terms. uth Elm. WANTED Competent woman for gen range, chairs, bed, Indian rug, etc, Open Evening. Dental vnirui, Aiouquerque, U. children. West Marble. rooms: no Call 1361-- 608 ing ojiiioren. nn! 3ni. Five-roo- eral housework. See Mrs. 1115 North Eleventh. Five-roo- FOR RENT Well furnished modern OR SALE modern Strong, UMawuuis bed FOR RENT furnish J jbimir. stucco 1876-- repairing, upholstering, in.usf, screened-l- n West or FOR SALE An old established enu ISO per month. Rant Miv. r apartment; piano and sewing machine house, sleeping porch, back Tijerna, phone tea and picture irames, bronzing, enamel llus OR RENT Very desirable furnl.hed no ana coffee route. Mr. McCabe, 301 South W. M. D. Ing, car cushions, hall cushions. Satis phone 1568-- sick. 718 South Broadway iront porcnes. bath, lights and gas. WANTED American girl for general SHERIDAN, M. room, convenient to mpni 901 Kn..,h By owner, 828 South home for rcmtn. faction guaranteed. J. H. Austin. 1202 FOR RENT FOR RENT lutes furnished liouufckaep Arno. housework; good right party. Practice Limited to Just vacated, clean and waiter. 114 West 11 6. Five-fo- iuriiT r JZ70-K- . roome with FOI SALE Call '4 Central, tu FOR SALE sheet ba,h GEJiTTO- - irst, pnone nicely furnished four rooms And mnnv FOR RENT Two ing kitchenette, ground modern house, very aljjl URI.NAKX DISEASES. WANTED enclosed nice, clean rooms T noor; no cnildren. 415 West Lead. best location. West In excel- EARN Room ana 8iu a montii tub, en jneled; good as new. Sj4 Careful Kodak finishing sleeping porch. 212 South High. also usa of front Central Board West Roma. AXI) DISEASES OF THE 6KIX nouscKeeping; porch. Two-roo- lent condition; terms If desired. ss while attending school; catalogue free. Waeserman In Twice dally serrloe. Remember, aatls FOR RENT furnished bunii" yveei iron. FOR RENT modern, furnish Laboratory Connection. faction Bend Nicely Hox 66, care Journal. Mackay Business College, 806 Vi South FOR SALE Girl's bicycle, in con guaranteed. your finishing ow. In ' r .- - ed apartment with garage, hot and good Cttitens Hank Ride. Phone 889. modern, gas: nice location. " FOR Main Los Angeles. Phone816-W- . to a reliable, established firm. Hanus highlands. 806 South , .bust 9 com water. 421 South Broadway. FOR SALE Cozlly furnished attractive street, dition, for sale cheap. Edith. neat, water: verv three-roo- 1 A Hanna. Master Plrotngraiihers. running ftttrnfilv - new house, In North Eighth. FOR RENT Four-roo- 111 west FOr. RENT Modern time- oorn unfur hlghlanda; Male and Female. CHIROPRACTORS bungalow with toai. nlshed modern conveniences; price and terms FOR SALE Coral Hot Blast heating sleeping porch. tw& hinnk nn. 41 apartment; lUht and water HELP WANTED We want ono or two t?I-eP'-?- frm ok RENT Two large rooms and 1110 Second. very reasonable. Phone 1827-- stove; best buy la town; also wire m witb Board offlce; no sick. 708 West paldj garage. North women Inquire Sliver. porcn, furnished for housekeep- - FOR BALE men or to write fire and auto cot. East Orand. , Chiropractor, light A three-roo- arid Nearly new house 61 PLAIN board and room FOR RENT Nice four-l-oo- cnttAfe. sn? nig. norm Arno. FOR RENT a Insurance; standard, old line companies; 18 and 20 for $10 week. ies In lowlands; in OR SALE Used 6 Armljo Building. ivw eoucn eecona. West Haaeldlne, 125 furnished anartment. modern. glassed porch, furnace none but producers can be used. Uober, tractive, and per month. Broad OK RENT Two rooms and 609 heat, one block from Robinson with plows.1 Hardware U, S. KN'QE, C, Bicycle Co., 820 South Second. Dhone sleeping South First, Inciulre Hotel Savoy park, Short ft Oober, 220 West Oold. gang Depart l. FOU RENT Sleeping porch and board norcir, mceiy furnished, lie. Phone omce. 66.000; easy terms, phone 1825-- ment J. Korher & Co. Chiropractor. Phone Connection!. 1207 FOR Four-roo- 18 Postal Mail 208 East Central RENT 800 Nor,h First. four-roo- CLERKS, upward, for West Central. Uooix 88 and 8$. nicely furnished Three-roo- FOR SALE New FOR SALE In con ROOM AND BOARD -. FOR RENT fur- modern Service. 4120 month. un- Girls bicycle, good 511 South Broad bungalow; modern excent FOR RENT close-i- n apartment, on Experience 816-- 815 ni Reasonable, sleep nished October 6; can be cottage, South Walter, 600 For free of ex dition, for sale cheap. Phone way. Pld. East Iron. Inquire at 825 rooms and complete: down and necessary. particulars 106 WANTED Position South Arno. ing light housekeeping seen now; no sick and no children. 11 monthly payments. J. A. write R. Civil North Eighth. ouo rcast centra . Dhone 1421.W. Hammond. 624 1522-- aminations, Terry (former WA.V1ED i'UK RENT Room and loom, South Ninth. East Silver, phone 26 FOR SALE One r, lu t'osiilon nursing. sleeping porch. three-roo- Service examiner), Continental Bldg., large with board. 163 East FOR RENT Furnished mod FOR RENT One room FOR SALE Santa Fe. Central. rn two nicely furnished; FOR RENT Two rooms, Big anap In a fin. hom Washington, D. C. , , excellent condition. Inquire of Mrs. W. cottage with screened porches no sick, 406 large nicely swell furnished modern new P. 803 South Fourth. WANTED i'OH RENT Sleeping poroh with board t 818 South Arno. gentleman preferred, furnished for aaa and bungalow, WANTED School first-grad- e Metcalf, Position by good man cook. Inquire 1008 South Arno, 1826-- housekeeping: 84,250; teacher, ana room, garage. 621 south Edith. Jortn pnone coal range; desirable 616 price 81,600 cash, balance to suit. Pecos Mines FOR SALE ; 6,31 8 worth of land con Aaarees Box care Journal. High. location. West You must this fin certificate preferred, for i2, GOOD HOME FOR RENT HousekeeDlnsr rooms an Coal. set little home fo Ranch P. O., N, M. Three-roo- tracts; will sell for 85.000 cash. See YOUNti LAD" would like aeu-- COOKING, aleeplng porcn", FOR RENT Four five-roo- It. school. Valley position, n and house, sleeping for two appreciate Call 801 South Edlth'or E. H 845. eral front room; sick. 1027 Forrester porch, persons,' no FOR RENT Keen three-roo- 1576-- furnished bungalow free, near Prichard, phone office work, emerienced. Then furnished; bargain; free apart phone owner, 1280-- highlands; wiuuim. poutn walnut. n or room 630 month. FOR RENT Room 2128-- ijy ments, large glassed-i- close In. school board and per FOR SALE Navajo rugs, direct from and ooard, with electricity, phone, water. Phone porch, FOR SALE 88.600 mod-r- n first-ela- n FOR RENT Nlcelv fiirnUhert r rea- will buy this State in application, A. II. Hook, PRACTICAL leoplng porch; board. 410 oj pouth Elm, ,.! highlands; furnished; modern; very four-roo- salary reservation; beautiful designs; at a NURSE wanta private nurs- EHSt Central. side entrance; also garage; no sick. sonable. Phone 1S62-R- . home; two large porches secretary, Valley Ranch, P. O, N. M. bargain. 208 South Arno. ing or hospital work. AddIt 419 Rnnih, FOR RENT Modern store-roo- three, four, five md inn r.orin riecona. ou garage ana lot 60x148, Edith. FOR RENT furnished rooms nouses and some FOR RENT Apartment consisting of facing east on street car line, N'o gas liUY YOUR GUN before the season Large with apartments: FOR RENT- - Well at WANTED table board; rates for two 217 furnished, W. H. McMilllon. sat ventilated front room, two rooms, sleenln porch, bath, closet iweirtn. opens; fifty shotguns and rifles 10 Janitor for house people. w. furnished, iiurin city Realty Co., 207 118 cleaning Booth Fourth. VU1U. convenient to meals, garage. and pantry; cely furnisher', and in a west uoia, pnone ssr select from. West Oold. work, floor waxing. J, W. Lowe, phone 1x0 ick. iub soutn Arno. good 624 FOR SALE Chummy roadster, cheap. 197.2-- " Five-roo- location. West Coal. SALE ewoAte.-- , MIRAMONTE8 ON THE ME8A OR RENT brick houae. BV OWNER, modern bouse In Phone 1478-J- . FOR Ladles' woolen IMPERIAL Two-roo- HOTEL, R.os.uu-i- n - ROOMSNIce. clean rooms FOR RENT I green; also black sweater, white An- MARRIED MAN, 25, wants ex- PRIVATE, for tubecular persona sleeping porch; can bo ar- apartment, bath, rourtn ward, nard wood floors, f re- FOR SALT, 8 Bulclr car; work; 240O-J- -- ratea by or week. Over hail en- -- . L. - touring 806 Phone 1 day Pastime and porches, front and back nter.. I, mnmwmjl first-clas- Bond-Dillo- n gora trimmed. West Iron. perienced with General Electrio Tool 'Beu lur BDsnmin ir in nnnn.i.i 1 P..mi ...k.. s Co., rreater, west ..,mu yudiica, miff condition. 1926-- FOR RENT fDui"o, ocx r,as central, zjih Central. trances, completely furnished, modern light airy bed rooma with extra FOR SALE Two steel cots with bed Supply. Phone Nicely furnished room with with 1005 1379-- large olty. FOR RRXT Mo,la-- n u uk KENT Clean, furnlsh-- d gas, Forrester, phone xrvms easi on mattresses and Moore 907 LADY with sick husband board. Lady preferred. 618 West nicely oiuebe, large lot wltll FORD FOR RENT Drive It range. will cook and Fruit. Phone 1472-- lOW. fUmislreiV rooms; reasonable, with or without FOR RENT Apartment" Three rooms tree, in excellent yourself. West Mountain road, phone 1977-- do housework for room and bi ard l.pira .lunU...... I,, hoard. 418 iw, eic; everytning 800 South Broadway, phone 1073-- ( r ... South Broadway. and bath. Also one of two rooms, and FOR SALE Fresh cot- both. Phone 151 1 -W. JAMESON'S RANCH Ideal p,t fltf BUI 1877-- J. driver's license buttermilk and location tor water no RENT Two bath, both steam required. nealthaeekers; few reservation now paid; children. Phone 668, iOR light housekeeping mpletely furnished, tage cheeee: also fresh milk In gallon WANTED Bookkeeping and Job ur irtnn-- heat. Private call FOR SALE Some extra gooet usea cars, typing available. Phone 2238-- rooms, with steeping porch; newly entrance, mornings FOR SALE Immediate possession can lots. Swayne's Dairy. Phone 1816-- by lady who can speak some decorated. 801 402 West Sliver. easy terms. Mcintosh Auto Co 408 Spanish, euK itiiiN 1 We have several house North Elehth. be had of an exceotlonallv clean four. YOU WILL find our carg Journal. FOR RENT In the highlands, steam room house, West Central. Navajo rugs, thelaurf" w'"' ana apartments to rent. OWNERS, "R Rt.T Two furnished large three closets, bath nd and best. 22J North E m. heated apartment; also room and beautifully of SALE 1821 cheapest ws audit. rnKr5 odum no 11st rooms In home. FOR steeping porch: full else lot rich FOR Hudson sport model. i, board. 108 South Walter. your properties with us. We oan modern Apply to Mra SALE Livestock sir. I'liuoe j.o-A- snu aii nortn jnuiDerry, keen books. WILLIAMS A .J rem mem ana Fred 428 dent soil, part in new concrete worth 82.300, will sell for 81.880. 1 730-- ;.mi. save you trouble. Oober, Ham, North Second. alfalfa; phone Mom 6 701-- GRAND VIEW RANCH SALE 8. 4H0-- Mehnl bonding. Phone onon uooer, tin West Gold, 666, FOR ok Alrdale Dundee. J. walks, garage, chicken house and run; In Phone THB phono RENT Modern front room with Vivian 2404-J- FOR SALE A few Selected rugs place to recuperate; modern A SUIT or phone gooa condition ana well worth Inspecting. FOR BALE Or will trade Navajo 8407-R- Overcoat, tailored to glass enclosed sleeping por-M- near and Germantown direct Phone your FOR SALE Inquire 625 North Sixth, phone 1308-- car or run- pillow tops FORRE7Tbffice Rooma .ouiviuuai measure, 816.50 and 828.50 high school; no aick. Phone 1850 J. Frying size and large rab for light truck Ford rrom good BOARD AND ROOM 203 Dlts, 216 FOR SALE A 817 reservation; designs; bargains. FOR for two. In walking quality, style, fit and workman. Mn ,,.... North Arno. West Grand. real bungalow, price and about. South Arno. 1005 East Central, 1419-- RKNT Attractive office, distance to 842.80 worth wood phone stein shops, per month. anteed. The Upstair! Clothes Shop, over FOR RENT One FOR SALE Great Dane pups. W. place Investigating; hard FOR SALE Chalmers car, A- -l condi- heat, light and water furnished. 923 South 1428-- ir two large rooms FOR SALE Another of bar Walter, phone Woolworth'a store. Up a save Ban. N. M. rtoora, fire place, buffet, window seat, will sell on terms or for shipment Wright building, opposite postofflce. flight; with nice sleeping Dorch: modern, olose jUieoelle. Lorento, built-i- n tion; trade In rugs. 117 North Mul OR RENT Front linen Closet; every feature of an car. Call 1500 gains Navajo room, adjoining bath, fiwioiu. In; no elck. 811 West Atlsntlu. FOR SALE Five rabbits and hutches. small South High, phone J730-J- , and 228 North FOR RENT DOCTOR'3 OFFICE board Ideal kitchen; large front and rear 2301-- berry, phone Elm, If desired; gentleman 634 zus-M- . WILL share half of In 605 preferred. FOR RENT Front bedroom; en- cneap. South Broadway, porcnes; pnone my office South High, phone 1679-- LOST AND private stationary tubs, extra number Alfred I,. D. D. S. FOUND trance; adjoining bath: to employed FOR SALE Buckg, does and trying slxe of windows; large lot; three out- FOR SALE Chevrolet 490, touring car, SOFT SPOTS Heel and arch cushions Thelln, FOR RENT no large first-clas- s FOR RENT Nicely furnished front LOST Three "B" briar "pipe and case; man; sick, sis south Seventh. rabblta 828 douth Third. buildings; suitable for business or gar- - in condition. Call Sunday prevent fallen Insteps, cures alt foot Office rooms; heat and room, with board, for 88 e nuoa-- or after p. m. week (13 South above Matson'e two; rates, iinoer t;iyde Tlngley. E 1,(1 IN HOTEL Slee olnar roome an. FOR SALE Two does and one buck. ge; can arrange terms. Phone 1968-- J i days at troubles. 61. Thomas F. Keleher, Leather waterj store. Central per week; you will like. 911 South Third. Arno. 10S7-- avenue. Inquire J. Korber's Auto LOST Platinum pin, set with brilliants, housekeeping apartments, by the dev. 1005 South Edith. Inquire In rear. FOR SALE 81(6 Income four Co.. 408 West Central. Phone FCR RENT Room and property; FOR SALE 1921 Overland 4. run sleeping porch. between Silver and Lead; reward. Call ween or montn. 508t West central. FOR SALE Two tresn milk cows. 1428 iurmsnea nouses In southern h h!nria 6,700 FOR BALE Good small cook store. $6, nun ooara tor oonvaiescents; gentle- - issu-j- . fine close miles; must sell today or tomorrow mattress. In condi- FOR RENT Two well furnished rooms South George Blake. location, in; this will pay you A- $2.50; bicycle, good men only; private nome. Phone 1148-- Broadway. 20 this car Is In -l will sacrifice for LOST Pin, American Society of civil lor Housekeeping: re aleenlnr nnr-- h per cent on your Investment; fine shape; tion, $18; must be sold at once. 89S East 1 FOR SALE Carload cheapest and best 8376 cash. 226 North un tnun niceiy rurnisned rooms Engineers; return to P. O. Sorenson electric lights and gas. 410 East renting district. Will take 84.000 cash, High. Copper. . Centra. load horses ever Bell's Wltn steam heat and first-cla- ; shipped here. balance to la a FOR SALE Two table ue. reward, 62. FOR RENT Two suit. This big snap for Bulck light sues, 1918 DON'T FORGET huh jiK.NT room, 25x90; 110 south Arno, 1827-- light housekeeping Livery. someone who wants a home 8760 and 8860: Ford truck. 'fl.noara. phone LOST A brooch set with one rnoms, ataenlnv and a nice models, WE CAM save you 810 to $20 on a suit Plenty light; very desirable for school. dlamaeid, large nested norh. FOR SALE One three and one-ha- lt to Income. I will sell these houses $200; one-to- n Ford worm drive. lodge or club mom 51s FOR HEALTH SEEKERS Modern four re- separate truck, or overcoat; Quality, style, fit and West Central. a. sapphires and several pearls; bath; private entrance. No sick. 1004 rour cow; fresh. ror nomes. 1 6200: aommodations, with nurse 1178-- e gallon Jersey Just ly need tne money. Phone 8400; Ford speedster, Dodge tour The Upst-tL'- service, ward. Call orrester. mono Z4H3-K- 1576-- J 801 114 workmanship guaranteed. Caea de 616 614-- A. C, Postel. for appointment, or call at Ing ear, $450. West Gold. a etore. Pro, West Gold, phone FOR RENT Two Clothes Strop, over Woolworth STOLEN From In front of Pastime or three modern un FOR SALE One fresh 00 w and noutn Edith, owner. WE WANT yon RENT Nioe rooms with sleeping theater, stairs rooms for housekeenlne". reeaon. Jersey your used, burned, wrecked FOR SALE $18 nifty blue sweater, aize Baturday afternoon, boy's calf, and two heifers over one rear old, FOR SALE By owner, new stucco bun car. He have porcnes witn ooard. for convalescents. 2400-J-- no Highest prices paid. parte 86, In the east this xreicfnr- nicycie. Jnone able; sick; no children; near high Phone 140S-R- most car bought spring, Mrs. Reed. (11 Booth I680-- galow, Just finished; has combined for every wheels, springs, mag worn three Broadway, phone LOST Pocket-boo- k en- - scnooi. Phone 208 North Arno. times, slot Georgette waist, 826.' containing pay FOR SALE Two fresh cows, four living and dining room; two bed rooms, netos, electrical parte and some real bar- size 86, never worn, 14. at Via nu FOR giving cozv In Inquire TIME w.vfo, iiiuubj uuecKs ana iaun RENT To srentleman In rmul and five gallons dally; also sprinjs bath, kitchen, breakfast room, fire gains slightly used tlree, all sizes. duct Oarage, Recond and Coal. CARDS vaimied roung lady, employed, to dr. coupons; return to Excelsior LauD' health and furnished ana rrens. place, oak floors all wood Viaduct 600 South fecond. ooard with employed; front 1600 soutn Elm. throughout, Oarage, ASBESTOS ROOF PAINT several others keeping dry and receive reward. room. South Edith, a short distant-- work done in enamel, many built-i- n house: located. Address B. FOR SALE Hogs 60 to 100 at GOOD for all kinda of roofs, 61 per centrally U. rrom Phone 1461-- - pounds features: this house has been built by CARPENTERING gal care central, Co- Journal DRESSMAKING hicks- Kancn. o to New water tank. day labor and built right from the lon. The Mansano - 110 South FOR RENT Room FOR RENT High-claa- a room, north. East side of university Helchta. then WANTED Odd Jobs and Walnut, phone 1B34-- Try a built up and aleeplng porch. ain soutn four miles ground up. Large lot with five beauti- carpentering bath, hot and cold nEDe and east exposure: south sleen south. ful ehade trees. See It 801 North repair worn, pnone 1204-- roof, will Inst ae long ae the building. water, for eoup'e Fifth. ng In best at or ladles, with board. 115 North porch: private home resi FOR SALE Carload of all purpose Eighth, 1888-- PETTIFORD THE ODD JOB MAN. - dential district. 870. phone HEMSTITCHING, pleating. Williams' Mil- Phone horses at 101 'est Mountain road and Any kind of work. Phone I678-- 800 FORSALB BT OWNER Extra well built llnery. South Broadway, ph. 1078-- WOOD WORTH First street; the cheapest load that has FOR SALE Five hundred shares of City WESTBOUND Dallv. DELIGHTFUL SLEEPING Newly furnished, nice brick house of 6 roome and In WANTED Odd Jobs - PORCH, and DRESSMAKING Ladlea' even clean roome and ever come to Albuquerque. J. F. glassed carpentering, paint Electric below Dr. R. T,ln.- Arrive. Depart. with In furnsce-hest-e- d tailoring: housekeeping apart poroh. . Located In Fourth two and roor Phone 1456-- Railway, par. No. 1 bedroom, board. ward, ing repairing. K. T. The Scout.... :30 pm 8:80 ing dresses, beading and embroidering. ments, by day, week or month. Reduced blocks from car. line near school. House U Hust, Armljo building. No. 8 pro home; reasonable; also table board. Phone 1826-- summer 818 FOR HOUSE OR ROOF PAINTING; Calif. Limited. m n.nn rates South Third. Is In Will first-clas- s 1420 East Sliver, Phona 142S-- FOR SALE Real perfect repair. make fine' home work; reasonable prices. No. 7 Fargo Fast. .10:60 am 11:S0 am PLEATING, acoordion, aide and box. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished front Eitate and la well arranged for renting aa two T Brown. 1020 South Bmedwav No. 8 The 13:38 N. Can George Navajo.. am 1:00 am FOR RENT Nlcet furnished rooms, mall ordera Crane. 816 North bed roort, adjoining bath, nrlvata home. OR SALE Twenty-fiv- e fool lot, 142 apartments. be rented to yield USE VELVA-ROO- F AND IRON PAINT. SOUTHBOUND. 20 dou- BEFORE) BUILDING or your with or without bath; lust across Seventh. Crane Apartments, phone S14 furnace heat, to gentleman employed; feet deep. .. between Second and Third per cent Large lot, fine shade, having Roof Roof leaks. No. S9 El Paao 10:10 from ble will nouse repaired, call 354-- our figures Koter; Cement, stops Exp pm the postofflce; hot water heat for win- WANTED Plain sewing to do et home. not elck. 808 West' Marquette, phone on Lend avenue, 81.600. Frank Trotter garage, accept well located Mohair top dressing; Plymouth Cottage o. it Ml Fano Exp am 1584-- J. lot In Fourth may interest you; no Job too large or too ll:s ter; best of home cooking, served pnone 8058-- or aoo y 823 p,m h building ward as part Enamels, for EASTBOTTN'n family ' FOR SALE Three 'lota In can small. Paint; Valapar automobiles; style; room and board 645 to 156 Third. Monkbrtdge, payment. Terms be arranged. Phone Homestead Floor Satisfaction No. 8 The JVava.10. . 8:10 8:40 per t ' eacn 50x210 one iKoe-- Paint pm pm month: board by week or FOR REVT One large room with all feet; corner lot end Thoa. F. No. meal, ticket; FANCY DRESSMAKING, and two lots: will sell 84001 assured. Keleher Leather Co, Calif. Limited. 8:00 pm 6:40 pm meals. CO cents. 410 West Gold, embroidery windows and large olojet. comnletelv adjoining for FORTISALEouitry-Eggt- ) 408 West Central. 10S7.J. No. 8 8. F. phone bead' work a Call Mrs. Cash or terms. 1868-- hne Eight.. T:28 am 8:10 am Rlll-- specialty. furnished for ght housekeeping; modern Phone SPECIAL SALE No. 10 Perry, 8, NOTICE FOt Squabs ana fancy "pigeons. The Poout.... 7:20 am 7:6 am apartment Dodge Hotel, 11714 conveniences; desirable location. 116 mn3 North First, 869-- J Whi CAN save you 00 poutn mgn, FOR SALE FROM south- phone West Coal. FOR SALE Ranches money electiutao Furniture No, 28 From WANTED Rooms service. Call up and get our estimates FOR SALE Bucks, does and frying rab. El Paso 6:85 pm FOR RENT room i'OR BALE China cabinets, chiffoniers, o. eo rrom it l Paso 7:00 am BUSINESS woman warns FOR SALE OR TRADE Large with small FOR SALE Country hume, stucco hous)", una; nens and frying chickens. 710 ' lou.Nu room adjoining, bath, large screened seven rooms, steam Wret Lead. chlfforobe. wardrobe. child's beds. no. 80 connects at Belen with No. 5J steam or room Wil-- heated, electric OILDERSLEEVB ELECTRIO CO. three-quart- e furnaue heated In good trade "ihree n e beds, violins, man for CIovls. - iota toloradV looping entrance; sult- - on In banjo, Pecos Valley. Citv and lorution, lowlands.- Purmanonti no lick. porch, private lights; ranch; alfalfa and OH KALE Thoroughbred 8. C. While dolins Karen, Springs and some cash for clear resi- bla for two gentlemen, Phone Mrs. A. orchard, Address Postofflce bos er AND CONTRACTORS rifles, 6,160 up: every Gulf Const. 877, ENGINEER cockerels: take vour niok high-grad- e Address "Jii," cart Journal. dence here, 325 South 2273-- S107-R- Leghorn thing In used No, X'n 1 First. B. Hall. 7S4 Eat Quid, phone phone 17:i West 1720-- furniture, priced !9 connects at Helen with Central, phene while last. 419 Granite. -- they Wtst to sou ngnt, i eoutn lirai. (rum CIovls and points eaat and south October 11, 1921. Page Eight ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL

l(4lJI(II.Npiil,U..l KEMPENICH TO FOR SALE. THE CATHOLIC E. Five-roo- m brick, sun parlor, screened back porch, garage Attention Elks! Kow Western State corner lot, 1301 East Central the Firsi or avenue. Furnished You are requested to meet at SOUTHWESTERN OE BURIED HER the Elks' Club rooms at S JONATHAN APPLE o'clock p. m. Tuesday, to at- IRTHEATRE tend the funeral services of These our late brother Eugene Kemp- From the famous Wcnatchee Valley. CURIOS which are to be held at Three Days Today 5c MAGAZINE UT THISAFTERNQON enich, Starting j are extra fancy, 2 lbs NAVAJO RUGS Strong Brother's Parlors at Florida Grapefruit, now in full swing; almost 3:30 o'clock. HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY any size. Extra large. . .25c very large. . .tvc Scottish Rite Masons held mid- Moccasins. Baskets, GROVER DIVINE, 2 for 25c Substantial Weekly Publica- services over the of Jewelry. Gems, Laces. Exalted Ruler. Lanre 15c. Medium, night body Trading Post, more of the Mountain tion Is Distrubuted By the Eugene Kempenich, Btate highway IirDIPUT'C Several hundred pounds found doad at his WKlLirll 3 Indian Building oc commissioner, Postofficc. Grown Hubbard Squash, lb New Publishing Company home at Teralta Friday morning Opposite ! wound his In Santa Fe. with a bullet through Phone 114 body. Many Elks attended the WARD'S STORE ORESCENT GROCERY services. Jeweler ois Weber The A beautifully printed magazine The regular funeral service will FOGG, LADIES, THINK PRESENTS I H. WARD ROBERT JONES of size with many illustra- at 3:30 HOMER large be held this afternoon Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelry All Pure Wool SIS Marble Arena Coal and Booth Walter tions and a colored cover dtsign o'clock at Strong Brothers' chapel, Also Engraving. All Repairing. Post-offic- e. Phone 676 is the first issue of "The South- ttahbl Molse Bergman officiating. work Opposite Coats and Ulsterettes Phones R'nal guaranteed. western Catholic" which is Just Services will then be held at Pluhl Back Materials new Catholic B'rlth cemetery under the direc- off the press of the Phono 003-- J. 122 S. 4th St. AM The Highest Grade Macaroni Publishing company of Santa Fe. tion ot Bethlehem lodge No. 56 $20.00 and $24.50 "TooWiseWives"; fe A. F. A. M of of which I The magazine is the official pub- and Belen, Very latest styles Tailored to A Special Production for Husband and All Others Bell other Macaroni Product lication of tho archdiocese of Mr. Kempenich was a member. your measure Santa Fe. THE UPSTAIRS CLOTHES ADDED ATTRACTION "Tho Southwestern Catholic has Encampment Dance SHOP. come into existence beca'iso there Store. to ARMORY Over Woolworth's was a great need of a Journal LDCA KNIGHTS Up a Flight, Save $10 to $20. reach all of the Catholic people "BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE" (.rot nrnhrilnnpHP nf fianta Friday, 14th. Fe, to give them the Catholic news of the world, to disseminate tain-oll- c "CURRENT EVENTS" doctrine as an auxiliary to the OBSERV E zealous clergy, to answer questions III 1420 EAST GOLD DANCE REGULAR PRICES j about Catholic doctrine and prac- FOR SALE Almost new mod- COLOMBO HALL tices and to combat all movements ern four room house, lights, of whatsoever character that are furn- A1K COOLED. COLUMBUS water, cement basement, Oct. 12. detrimental to the progress and ace, garage, coal and wood Wednesday, E 3 well-bein- accord- g of the church," house, now vacant. Terms. In- ing to an editorial. quire, C2S S. Walter St. The magazine ot 13 large pases W. A. Keleher to Deliver Ad- NORMA TALMADGE carries news and feature articles of all descriptions from all parts dress at St. Mary Hall has of the southwest. It photo- Pro- in "THE MOTH" graphs of prominent Catholics of Wednesday Evening; East End Market pub-- v' the country, views of the 1105-- 7 East Central J300.000 gram Is Announced. emotional drnmn. Star cast with Eugene O'Brien print GROCERIES AND MEATS Her greatest ing plant in Santa Fe. as well as Phone 765-- on an ot me The local council of the Knights OF THE DAY mid illustrated articles Co- We Deliver Free. Also: FOX NEWS, TOrlCS cities in the southwest. of Columbus in observation of Seas" major lumbus will entertain the local Fruits and Vegetables, Fish and Gnylord Lloyd (Harold brother) in "Rough The section of the magazine day in a Ihuniiprmip. for instance. council and the entire congrega- Oysters. Y RIC HEATER REGULAR ADMISSION carries articles by W. A. Munster tion by the following program nr, tho now tnwn eon eregati ons. by which will be held at St. Mary's Rev. P. J. Week, S. J., on the San hall on Wednesday evening at 8 I witn a o'clock. Felipe church, picture- Phono 1" THREE DAYS STARTING TODAY story about the St. Vincent acad- The arrangement will be as fol- o nlntliro fif IVlA St. AntllOnV lows: orphanage, a genera article about Speaker of the day W. A. THINK LOCAL ITEMS ONLY NOW the city and us advantages, perauu- - $85 al notes irom ine miiimuuiuio Vocal selection by Joe McCanna Suit or O'Coat SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! nhurph. nnrl nn article with and Louis Hesselden. the and $23.50 Coal Supply Co Phon 4 and 5. pictures of Father Mandalari. Violin solo by Eleanor Lynch. $16.50 There are undelivered telegrams church and tne parisn scnuui. Reading by J. J. Heany, Jr. Tailored to Tour Measure. for The news section which the bout under the and at the Western Union office FrnH is Special boxing Latest Styles, fit, quality Lee Ellis and H. Southwestern Catholic receives management of James J. Heany, workmanship guaranteed. Mrs. H. C. Brice, Catholic National Welfare Walter. - from the Sr. council which has correspondents The dance will follow, upstairs clothes James B. Duffy, formerly gener- in regular the in Europe, Canada and Mexico music by some of Albuquerque's shop. al passenger agent of the Atlantic addition to all over the United Over Woolworth's Store. and Pacific railway, now connected best talent. a Save $10 to $20 on States. Correspondents are being Up Flight. with the Santa Fe, is in the city established In the principal towns business from San Francisco. and cities of New Mexico, Arizona UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Link Rehekah lodge No. Triple at Odd Easy Payments If Ton Wish. DOINGS JO will meet at 7:30 tonight No promised many special articles, Fellows hall. Initiation. Interest Charged. short stories ana numorous 1 Grand Mask Ball full wagon loai sketches by numerous writers Those living in the highlands an , Four dollars, are over factory, wood; limited amoun. about the country and by tho University Heights driving ARMORY Hahn Coal Co. Phone 91. ROTHIMN'S clergv of the Santa Fe province the Coal avenue viaduct in order to the obnoxious Central avenue A eommmunieation of and others. avoid OFF ON speciat A lcfcro aortln Yrlnt nf tho Most railroad No. 6, A. F. and A. Store croxslng. October 13th HIGH THE Temple lodge Music and Jewelry Reverend Albert T. Daeger. arch B. Clyde Morgan is putting in be held at 2:30 o'clock -- M., will 017 J arciiuio-ces- e YOUNGEST for the purpose of 117 8. first St. Phone bishop or tne santa re the form work lor a new residence Let tho rain this afternoon, is enclosed with the first Is- for E. B. ot the First Sav- Cash prizes for sky conducting funeral services for our Patton, rice and old Without a doubt sue of the Southwestern Catholic ings bank, today. best costumes shoes from late brother, Eugene Kempenich. in to the readers of for H. B. drop the most precious No. 1, Wood- compliment The new home Barker t r c c Albuquerque camp the magazine. There are several on Harvard avenue is nearing LIVELY every, Infant that ever men of World, will meet to- in STEP Harvey and Phoe- lived a n d the articles about the archbishop care. tho night at the Knights of Pythias HUGE BON as well as about be don't durndest n n I g -- the magazine The Superior Lumber and Mill y o n n ir, hall. There will be an initiation. .tho, nniinfnpnt rhnrf'hmpn in the hase- - SYNC0PAT0RS They're once. Phoebe and Tax H School. company are taday pouring they're li a p p y, Pay Poll at gh southwest5. Knights of Columbus Lment and foundation cement for a Harvey were dcs. Miss Mary Anne Cross, field news from all over the district is they're married. lined to have two was in I Wiew residence on Columbia ave Oh, if they could worker for the Kcd Cross, more, with the TO HONOR T also given. There is a Spanish nue. ' see what the city yesterday for a conference section of eight pages in the rear only lay usual round of with the local just around tho doctors, nurses, chapter. of the publication. VOW IS THE TIME TO BUY next curve on A roll call meeting of the De The officers and directors of the BITTNER HOUSE ROOMS the measles, clothes, will be held Tuesday night are TOUR W INTER GOODS matrimonial high- accidents llolays AT U TONIGHT Catholic Publishing company 319 South First. Phone 221-- and at 7:30 o'clock, at the Masonic J. B. Read of Santa Fe, president; way! expenses. new Tho - of Temple. Rev. MacGuire, pastor J. B. Wood, of Santa Fe, vice pres- THE ARMY story- of the Lead Avenue Methodist ident: C. J. Eckert of Santa Fe, "Dangerous Phoebo and be in attendance. who mar- church, will Yells treasurer; Archbishop A. T. Daeger YOU ARE NEXT Curve Ahead" Harley, J. J Foley, division manager of Program of Cheers and of Santa Fe, chairman of the board ried and lived Oil hue the Continental company, to Be Given in Light of of directors, other members of For a limited time only we will NAVY, STORE a warning for scrapplly ever returned to the city after an ab- which are E. P. Davles. of Santa clean watch for $1.60. wives and hus- after, of weeks in the of 1921 your bands as well ns sence three spent Blaze; First Rally Fe, Thomas White of Santa Fe, Expert workmanship guaranteed. OFFERS YOU TOE --northern part of the state on busi- and S. C. McCrimmon of Santa Fe. motorists. ness. Season. There are also 26 vice presidents Wiseman's Watch FOLLOWING: The Dozen club meeting Shop 7 Dandy distributed about the diocese. 215 South Second A v Tontn: first which was to have been held Tues- In honor ot the football team, icie fry. at the homo of Mr. and for class condition. Specially day night which leaves Thursday night " Mrs. Carl Gunderson, at Bernalillo., Colorado Springs to open Its 1921 priced w"-"- until Thurs- DEATHS AMD FUNERALS Man Regulation New Navy has been postponed srasnn, students at the university Brasfield, the Watch Blankets ...... 3.50 are for a huge bonfire In Hospital day evening. planning services loin the club. When you bring Reclaimed O. D. Wool i McClure, Land and Sganzinl wen and meeting" tonight on the KEMPENICH Funeral 1 fix "pep will be two watches at one time rtlonkota 2.75 three Albuquerque boys playing on university campus. for Eugene Kempenich one free of This offer c yes- held at Brothers' charge. O. D. Wool Riding Breech the El Paso Carumus football team Freshmen were set at work Strong chapel Is for two weeks American 3 CtadWick arvd C. wood this afternoon at 8:30 o'clock. only. es; Class a mem. RMWdPhc whe nthey defeated the Texas A terday afternoon garnering Swiss makes. : 3.00 It la to Rabbi Bergman will officiate at and English Class A Saturday. for the fire, and planned 117 S. First St. Phone 917-- J. Re- . seen the and Belen A. F. O. D. Wool Shirts, Ralph C. Jones, after a vlfit of have a blaze which can be chapel, Lodge 100 fft.Ru'berJr Uaqfes? several weeks with relatives and miles around. Cheers and yells and A. M. will hold their Masonic claimed; Class B for i 2.00 friends in southern California, has will constitute the major portion services at the grave. Burial will Class A CU'RVE is under the be in B'Nal B'rlth cemetery. Regulation New O. D. T7ANGERQUS 'AHEM? returned home, of the program, which FOR SALE BY OWNER " orl 'Var- Shirts 'Z Mrs. Steve and two direction of Edward Morgan six-roo- m Balling COSTA Miss Minnie Costa died Just finished modern, Reclaimed Wool Under- PRESENTS RUPERT HUGHES' of in cheer leader. five-roo- GOLDWYN children, after a stay a year sity press brick snd new m as as .73 Alsacs-Lorrain- e, The team and num- at a local hospital yesterday, age wear, good new.... Europe, visiting relatives in alternates, Chi- modorn Both In about 20 men, will leave Al- 19 years. Her home was in except heat. (A Garment) American Life France, have returned to bering Also-- m mod- Drama of Married at 8 o'clock Thursday cago. Remains will be shipped Highlands. Second Hand Russet Comedy the city. Mrs. Balling says France buquerque who are ern house on West Gold. Just 1.50 la after the evening, arriving in Colorado there by Strong Brothers, Shoes recovering rapidly afternoon. An- In charge. completing. Call at (And Up) world's war, and the principal bat- Springs Friday 821 W. Sliver. Phono 1949-- .25 other "pep meeting" will be held Men's Woolen Socks. ... tlefields of the .great war are visit- PEREA Dlonlcio Perea, aged a xn ed hundreds ot Americans at the station Thursday evening, by dally. and a full attendance of university 75, died last night at his apart- Wo Also Carry New Russet and Curve Ahead" folk will bo on hand to send tho ments in the highlands. He Is sur- Hob Kail Shoes, Puttees, Etc. NOTICE. wishes of vived one who lives EAT AT "Dangerous team off with the best by daughter I will not be responsible for bills In Tucson, Ariz. Mr. Perea came unless contracted me tho school. , BRACY'S ARMY & NAVY A Picture by person- Coach Johnson has not yet an- here one year ago from Tucson, Directed by E. Mason Hopper Goldwyn ally. W. J. YOTT. men who are The body was taken to Crollott's October 1921. nounced the list of STORE 10, to make the but will probably funeral parlors pending instruc- CAFETERIA A Gayety Comedy. trip, 7 m. 8 m. Sonth Street. do so today or tomorrow. tions from the daughter. Open from a. to p. 323 First .", We deliver any size any Corner FourtD and ventral. where. Henry Transfer Co., CITT ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP KINCH Mrs. Sylvia Virginia Added Attraction "TURKEY DRESSING" Phon M7-- 13 South Second. Klnch, 27 years old, died at her Phone 939. Frra Call and Delivery. home on 'East Central avenue at 5:30 Monday morning. Mrs. Klnch NOTE ADVANCE IN PRICES was a bride of last February, and before her marriage was Miss Ash- Adults..-.- .2Sc (6 to 11) Adults. .. 35c and Mrs. THE BIG IX THE COAL GAME Matinee ...... Night ley, daughter of Mr. . y,...... Children...... 15c Louis P. ABhley of Albuquerque. Children. tot :r.:clQc ...... Washington Jonathan Apples Besides her husband, Mrs. Klnch Is 3 Including Tax survived by her mother, father Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, per box $4.50 and one brother. Funeral ar- GALLUP DAWSON CANON CITY com- 3 Fancy Jonathan Apples, per box $4.25 rangements have not been Great Heat, Littlo Ash and Net Clinkers. c Jonathan box $4.00 pleted, but the body will be Apples, per shipped to her former home in These apples are very fine, and the boxes are Pardeeville, Wis. Final arrange- COAL SUPPLY AND LUMBER CO. GENTRY'S EGGS. extra heavy pack. ments will be announced later. At Champion, Hawkins, San Jose, Faust Instant Coffee. The finest instant coffee C. T. French is In charge. 4 PHONES 5 Skinner's, Ideal and Pappe's. Price CO. Comfort to Tour Home. 70 cents. BOSWELL GROCERY on the market today. We guarantee it to give CHARGED WITH ARSON. Let Onr Tracks Bring entire use it to directions Blsbee, Ariz., Oct. 10. George 158 Taxi & Baggage 158 612 North Fifth Phone 805-- J satisfaction, according Popovlch was charged with arson and enjoy the finest cup of coffee you ever drank. In a complaint sworn today by OUR OXE CENT SALE Faust Instant Coffee, large size can...... $1.20 Fire Chief Wilson of Bisbec. Tho Something out of the ordinary Buy six articles at regular pries Faust Instant Coffee, small size can.. 73c arrest of Popovlch, Chief Wilson and then pay 1 cent for the next one. said, was the result of an Investi- RAMS NOTICE Example 6 Cans Best Peaches, large slz (35c) $2.10 gation made yesterday by fire and 1 More can large peaches .01 AGAIN IN STOCK police officials in con- department auto 30-o- z. nection with a fire Saturday night We have opened a general Seven cans Parson's Ammonia, bottle, per bottle, ,60c In house In which said 414 W. for ...,...$3.11 a they Pop- Arizona Rambouillets repair shop at Copper Anything in the store at this ridiculous cut in prices. ovlch was living. Ave., and invite our friends and DATS WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY We Deliver Your Orders for 10c. customers to call on us TOREE TTESDAT, heavy-shearin- g and two-year-o- ld former Orders Over $8.00 Delivered FREE Large, smooth, yearling when In need of auto repairing. rams. In carload lots or less Prices right. We will serve you now as we x have done In the past well. Twenty-si- years high quality and low prices. FOR SALE Patrons are requested to place WATER MOTOR WALTER M. COHHELL Tillman & Hoshor, orders for shelled plnon nuts well I Let Us Send a Man In advance in order to be promptly To replace thai broken window WILLY-NILL- Y Inquire New Mexico. Phone 911-- served. Fannie S. Spitz, 323 North glass. Albuqucrqne Lumber Co.. JOURNAL. OFFICE Albuquerque, Tenth St. Tel. 803. Mall orders Phone 421. 423 North First given careful attention. J. A. Skinner 205 South First Street

WANT STAGE LUMP-ANTHRA- CITE Because It's Rich and Mellow Automobiles for Storage. GUARANTEED COAL GALLUP $.00 Per Month. Albuquerque Cerrillos Gas Coke. Swastika Brilliant t Lump H'tse We Sell 401 North First. Gallup Sugarite to Santa Fe. For Comfort, Convenience and Economy Use from cars or from Leaves Albuquerque. . 7:48 am CERRILLOS EGG . Direct the Arrives in Banta Fe. . .10:45 am FACTORS WOOD CHOCOLATE CREAM COFFEE . weatherproof bins. Leaves Santa Fe 4:110 pm First Come Not Only First Served, Bat Best Scrvofl Arrives In Albuquerque 7:80 pm ' Order Today. We Are on the Job Phone 600 Tour Trunk Hauled for riEW STATE COAL CO. .' The Highest Grade Macaroni Iinilll COAL COMPANY tVe and 25 Cents Phone 35 SINGER TAXI Egg Noodles, Spaghetti Office Store. A Sell other Macaroni Products Call Albuquerque Transfer Co. Coal Makes Good, or We Do. Singer Cigar PHONE 91. - Skinners Phono 542. Our 210 West Central