RP \ 12 THL NEW YORK HERALD. _S.VTUKDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1922. JACK seaTT-THA'rs ALL! AS; A NEW wORL.JSEFilES HERC) COMES 1 O LIGHT ( Exciting Incidents in Play of Third Clame I of Giarits' | j Story Carolina v. _ Victory Souiuboners Four _

"W ! i y .. ""^N Written 2,000 Years Ago Hit Feat F7ull of - -< Drama i > , \ \ t * Vergil Wrote 'They Cai11 Because They Think They OBr$srks Back of Yankees' W eak Attack When He Fans w-'x r « «1 jMr.Can' and He 1 Hare /Elmer Smith With Two (Dn in Seventh.Came to y Displayed Foresight.Scott I i s Came to McGralw Stone Broke. Giants 'to Work Out With Boys' in July. } \ * ';v;Y i " ' 1 , ife *k" r .SIWp < * y< 'V - By EDM*I? C. HILL. i By IMEL. J It Is interesting to reflect that the of invincible determination before going was a A liltbrill lit. pleasant morning last July. tall, angular individual, story of lire Giants' victory was back to the beginning of tilings when the vith a raincoat on liis arm the skies were cloudless came to the gates opened at 10 A. M. though t',000 years ago. A young fellow If clubhouse of the Giants at the Polo Grounds and asked for John written anything the stands filled catHyr meekly who was versifying elegantly around than on charity day, if one may so refer 11 man with the raincoat want? Oh, ~M$r \Sg&ijjr, 3 :30 o'clock it was evident that there Ridgway, " upon a tablet of wax: can He wanted lission "to work out with the .boys "They was to be as great a crowd or greater Clothing much. just perm they think they can." A little than that because booed the white hairs of Judge Yesterday afternoon angular tlian th#> V#>rpil nn*» Kenesaw Mountain Landls in the decline more than of Carolinian went out before / N greater than he who recommended Thursday's afternoon. 87,000 persons in the Brush Stadium, What a shock that was to the Pool that, bread he cast upon the waters if conscious of had pitched the Giants to a .startling Players' 4n| having absolutely Amounts to ^ one wanted really amazing returns. to do with the umpires' decisionnot.iingIn triumph over the Yankees and took $123,108.90 call the on account of This is not In the least cryptic, as game darkness: liis among the brightest He knows now what Ruth endures from place will see. In the middle last of world series history. luminariesThe official attendance and you of the fickle public. a At ] I raincoat who for the third game ret^iptsof summer baseball , with a o'clock the great sweep of man with the "just TIIE bleachers was as was the the world series yesterday, worth while past but no future jammed, uppei wanted to work out -with the boys" a new grand stand. the reserved seats which follow, show gute turned at the Only same who record for a da>: jjjj up players'whatever,gate of the lower grand stand showed was John Scott.tho Scott single receipt empty, Paid attendance. .T7.C20. at the Polo Grounds. lie had a curious contrast. The last April was released nothing police reported Receipts, $122,354. to his name but nine letters. His arm a good deal of crowding on station by Pat Moran and unconditionallypronounced Players' share, $02,400.54. and in the entrances, but noplatforms was "gone,*" as they say; hopelessly / v done forever with major league Each club's shore, S20.S00.1S The crowd remains good natureddisorder. some whose old Commissioner's share, $18,353.10. lamed and irreparably weakened. and without much disposition to get very Sc in Fourth Inning. Nobody wanted him. Boston and ( sirm of the Carolinian. Xot only did ones.and Elmer would not bite. I^uth \r had handed him his hat. He It was very quiet, almost sedate, at Scott give only four hit-, scattered ovs fast ball.how it zipped and Punning 4to grow. and Groh'5 up-set Cincinnati three innings, to the Yankees hut he Acother was headed straight for oblivion, or half past twelve -when the Giants sizzled.and Elmer struck the ambient. throng!) their hole in the wallappeared held them scoreless.runless for only Three balls, two strikes.and Metisel so everybody thought except one *4oa oaoAHel r\ pUvAll WfYrl.i spric and came across the field, Carmen Hill, darting' up and back off third. The battles In two had the young man himself. person,spectacled pitcher, leading. Bill McNutt years. Yankee rooters were howling and the clash When he on the of the says that Carmen's father wanted to lone that before him.In final shouting.beseeching as they had not rapped gate of 1921 the same Waite Polo Grounds that day he didn't have mukc a preacher of him so he became a against very beseeched this week. hall the Hoyt who was forced to yield to Scott the of the price of a week's room rent nor the player. Groh, temperamental, Scott faced biggest moment a as a real star this > esterday. the he He shot wherewithal to nourish body strong series, received rattling day.and triumphed. as a horse. He was a man down applause from all sides, as did Km:l a fast ball on the outside.Snilth took simply Climax of f ouruitooiis f'la lit. and out through no fault of his own. Mousel the slugger, and Frisch the fast a terrific swing.and missed by a foot! The accustomed only to the second baseman. Proud fathers Behind that for The menace had fanned himself out gateman. greet spectacular victory successful and the stars, rebuffed him some of these young men at their Scott lies a talc teeming -with human of the picture! Then Deacon Scott from the of Davy Bancroft's dad shakes handdugout. Interest.the of a man himself out of the scenario portal. Crippled story courageous grounded no consequence meant nothing in the life with him. who would not be downed by adversity. by way of Bancroft. The one big of this accustomed to Away out In right field the Yankees was the chance of the Yank « had come and warden, daily by fence The victory over the touching his hat to the mighty Ruth or sat a gray haired man who had heard climatic achievement of a steady, uphill gone. the enormous for himself on these John now a obsequiously saluting great cheering battle against hard luck, gigantic Scott stood like pitching very grounds, hut not for more than Colossus, more confident than ever. MvGraw. things which would have handicaps. jtwenty years, Amos Rusle. a Job. When Scott came discouragedmeekly pitching w ith his early speed and energy, A 3ln« Down Iml Not Out. Tho Yankees a victor to remain a victor. The appeared at ten minutes to the door of the Giants' clubhouse he after one as the Giants at i-as broke His wife, a little were done for the day, and the The young inan went away.that time. batting financially. Yankees The next timo he waited until lie could sent bullet like liners over thepractice daughter and ids old father.a white Giants' adherents, who wer in the Little Kddie who In for it was a "home for the get a word with McGraw himself. He Bennett, mascot, lei!*'Infield. haired septuagenarian gloried game" majority, the men of to the his son's success down National nearly ripped the said, this persistent young chap who Hugglns visitors' yesterday.were Leaguers, bench. Thw Yankees looked a in Ridgway, hoping against hope. roof off the stadium. didn't know he was licked by fate, that trifle before the he didn't take much stock in what the downcast, or so 16 seemed. Their chins Jack could not do much with his arm. Scott radiated confidence to be was started. "I feel that luck three specialists and the noted bone-' appeared down. The Giants, on . but he still had great confidence in the game the a chance setter had ruled about his crippled right other hand, were perceptibly venerable soupbone. He felt that by is going to be with me if I get and he said as he tossed a bal! arm. He said he believed he could displayed dash and drive. Tliecconfident "working out with the boys" for a spell to-day," is not. the smash In time. i* ~ "come back" if he had a chance.and hearty the practice he could it back to its old around half an hour before game ^ ( . bring strength, 5^. would with all that yara hitting of the American Leaguers thai which made friim one of the best pitch- \t sure could stand some luck," he McGraw, big- to lot him use a little of it characterizes the hatting tryouts of the ers with the Boston Nationals before added with his Carolina drawl. play in, "Last fail when I came back from every day to practice in. to try to get champions. ltuth did traded liim last winter to the Reds '- ihe>j - arm back to and his best to hit a ball into the for Rube and Boston I got in my tobacco crop, drove ;« t - 7i*v* the ailing strength bleachers, Marquard Barry Kopf. and but failed. Meuscl one into "Got a to Scott?" two mules eighteen miles to market, suppleness cunning? dropped place sleep, *: He said it so that McGraw tho bleachers In left center, a asked hirn that bright, pleasant about *800, and was lucky to sellexpected NSraB earnestly M»Oraw believed he he and performance. Neither hasstupendousbeen morning in Jul". for *32. Hard luck was running at :^:.' might right, right J. the able to uo of "No." me. Wher I got home I was told that there John McGraw cast upon anything that sort In ' brook trickling into the invisible future a actual combat, in moments that, count. 1 some corn - '' *ts "Got any money to you g at. (he granary where stored keep goh had burned down. No insurance. Then :':'" Seventh Rourni Breaks and sensibly along the usual physicalsteadilyseemed indeed to have pleased nobody. details of play down to his home town, lines of practice, but he did more. Ho The have miles off the railroad players beeni grumbling, Scott "worked out with the boys" and Ridgway. X*. C., said to himself, "I'm going to get right. asserting that injustice was done to nssurad McGraw that bis arm was line, back in the woods. "We have only I'm going to beat this game. I'm going them. As they figure it they will get back. McGraw. Jennings. Tlurkett. cnc store down there." said Scott after Back of Weak Attacik to make McGraw bless the day he let coming of Yankees a there Surprisingly little less money. all three wstehed him closely. The the game "Population? Why, me into his >> ballyard." Antid an Incessant crack of bat Glanta were In desperate need of ain't none!" Whether or not he had ever heard of ball, the half human cries of A was down Sim Peece's against doctor called in an(J Scott'spitchers. But there in place r v M. Kmile Coue, the waif of baseb.il(l the peanut and pop vendors, the sudden .soupbone was ex-rayed and kneaded for the natives gath^fd yesterday from all Bancroft, Groli and Dugan Put! Young, With Three Hits, that fate had left on McGraw's door- bursts of unexplainable merriment from yan entire afternoon. Tlu next day came over the Tar Heel back country county nevertheless repeated to himself on on Yankees Are Favored to of step this region and that of the immense the verdict. listening in while old man Scott's son the Fireworks Win To-day Leads Offensive the daily, "I'm getting better, and better the of motion picture and was to a in crowd, scurry Scott suffering from water In the hurled himself niche the and better!" And one day lie went to plain ordinary photographers out on ,r;gt.t shoulder socket. ha'i of fame. baseball Defense. Over the Giarits at Odds of 6 to 5 Maulers. MeGraw.McGraw. happy as a king full and said, the field, the clicking of telegraph There was some hope. l>ut not too As for Hoyt, the Flatbush pitcher was "Boss, I'm right." Thereafter he or.- sending out bulletins to rimInstruments much. Pitchers afflicted with water on not the flinger who gave the Giants joyed a regular contract with regular the world and the blare of ' the shoulder or elbow ever came two hits in the second game last DESPITE the fact that haivo lost two tho Yankees more pleasant hardly only U.» DANIEL. they games were inaugurated In the center field money and did his part and than ttic Caseys' Band, Jack Dempsey went, hack. and won 3 to < year by 0, beat Nehf. arc favorites at odds of 6 tc> 5 to beaF the Giants to-day In bleachers. There were hoots for Kutli his part toward the winning of the to the Giants' dugout to call on he want to submit to a 3 to in the fifth contest and to is out for the rest of t)r\*j Did hiinslef 1, lost " the third game of the world series. on the result of and cheers for Ruth. There Was much National Rescue pennant. players .and get himself photographed" course of boiling out? "Certainly," and Nehf, 1 to 0, in the eighth game after Betting And now the climax, the part of the the series," was the announcement the world scries, was 9 to 5 with the Giants favorites agitation. The series^had come to real with McGraw. i Hte Carolinian started on It at once, giving only six hits. Hoyt was sluggish however, strong story which proves that the old before 2 o'clock the eta-» CV... C.lanla r.,, from the of the Chants as I life. Just whole ' lli.-r cAKnnil trln' and he did not have anything like the camp they at these odds. maxims are often priceless:copyhookthat Schanc started the flftli with a dium was full and rupnlng over and into Wi«t and Scott was left behind control of to take the field the a t determination and the great Scott. prepared against W. L. Darnell & Co.. Wall Stree firm, had $3,000 of Yank money to who grit and people were settling for tho game. to work with a few rookies at the Polo Hoyt was to shine Vanl.-r.rn In thn thlrrl cantp nf thn a-ftrl/l grounder Kelly, tossed to Scott. with his - » a fellow hard to expected I r, to lay at 6 to 5 that the Giants will not be successful In to-day's at- Ward make self-confidencestop; the There was not much noise. At no tims ' rounds. When the Giants back curve | raised a high one to Cunningham not ball, but that was not curving Polo Grounds tempt. That firm also has $2,000 to bet on the McGraw clan and Scott fouled part that takes you back to Vergil and was there feverish excitement. There Scott his on well most of the was series at the yesterday. to-day, to Groh, who made a suddenly made appearance way. Hoyt in of to his "Possunt quia possunt vldentur" as were moments of or one us a finisher bad was black and blue but bettors sought odds 7 5. meritorious catch. hearty cheering the mound afternoon trouble nearly all the time. The Giants Stengel's log In the true reason why men get ahead. earnest booing, but nothing very wild. of a lost two hits in the their half the Giants did not ac- game.eighth inning against got first with.only one from the knee to the ankle and Casey V J much. , rejected by all the clubs, When Wliitey Witt was caught the Pirates. It was on Tuesday, August out, but hit into a double complish Bancroft was called turned out In the cold with his himself was blue all over. His loss no out on Groh bunted himself out. helpless off first base in the thirdslcepwalking 1. and the Pirates trounced the Giants play and saved Hoyt'a Akin. The Giants Rtrlkes, arm, si urnrii rvni >y inr gaieneeper -11 when made a stellar and a laugh went rollicking aroundinning. by 10 to 2. But in his two" innings got two more hits in the second.and no doubt will handicap the. Giants, who were very warm 1 i Dugan pickup the Polo Grounds. into the George. Both petting ir line with tho dignity of a world throw, Frlsch was and stepped the stands. When Iluth was I oord In Scott gave neither lilt nor run. run. Two more hits in the third, will miss his hitting in a and at the "«ank o< scorers call it an patient walked. breach yesterday afternoon and pinch. kept looking dugout. ries.the voted to After Irish had fouled one pitched tho fourth for crashing into Groh Mrott from Rldgway was on his way. with an excusable error by But failed this time. It. was c rror. off Frlsch, the finest game that has been achieved togetherlohn McGraw did not know whether Irish was out Ho kicked. It. who seemed to block beMfenioth's lunge Sftou he made a second appearance. He Ward, got two Tuns. Two more lilts strike ono strike two fouled, ball .Scott had third base in tho stealing. was in this series by any pitcher.flner than to start John Scott or called, reached close. toward third. Judge Landis shook bis had earned the right to start a game. in the fourth were wasted. Two in Hughie one, ball two, and then a liner to Ward, nleontime. Groh bounced a high one Xehf's or Shawkey's or Barnes's. head Ruth shouldn't was a winner. The old the To inaugurate the sixth for the sympathetically. and Scott seventh brought a third run. Finally he decided on McQuillan.who threw to Pipp to double Frisch off t<) Hoyt, who threw to Dugan to land have been booed, so Matty said. had responded to treatment. Scott Hoyt pitched Just ball and fir4t. Ohoers for the Yanks. J ohn trying to come back to third or to troupe Hoyt singled to center.llugglnsPerseverance Heaps Its Kesvanl. souphone ordinary who complained that McQuillan,his "Hero's where Scott cracks," emitted the Bursts of cheering for Scott began and earned was grew better with every game saved a lot more trouble by nimble Pipp sent the American League cham- hicoot to safety at home. There was a Cool, confident and utterly skillful, he to punctuate the proceedings as the a one of the thigh," which had been hit by a liner Oassandras. But Witt's grounder to himself position us regulars. support. Scott pitched extraordinary pions nway to a good start In the second slhurt rundown process which resulted turned back the Yankees as fast as they crowd realized what a comeback was wrote himself out of all was hi Bancroft forced Iloyt. Dugan raised an When and also got fine support, Bancroft on Tuesday morning, still very round when he singled to right. "Ha, the demise of the pitcher. But came to the plate, and the mighty Ruth taking place, and after tho fifth or the league the rise of Scott proved i.n< Groli In particular fine ball. said Cassnn- n got to third and Groh to second.Dante anaemic one to Irish and Ruth, with playing sore. McGraw sent Hughie to wt^m the break already!" many 1 antf l, bounded to in Scott's hands was as feeble as an sixth inning, tnany persons sympathetic » for the Giants. He won eight .Toe riugan was the shining light for the,' dras who been the a nd the rally still was a rally. Kelly. would providential up, saw him throw Just two balls to had prognosticating The tlrst. happening of the Giants' of days. Srott beat the Yankees,Infantto the Yankees have hated to s«-o names for them In that lust desperate Yankees. Joe was in remarkable form. retirement of John Scott. Kr&nkie Frlsch raised a long sacrifice not a but he tose. But there was no early to of the sixth was a brother allowing them single run. Scott danger run down the homestretch.a little more Aleck Gaston.and then called him However, the break wan not In Scott. ly Witt, on which Dannie scored and -act.sectionbeat also dim' -ack. It was on the ball. Meusol fouled to got Young are some than this young man who believed in ,(|" singled over the Deacon's There greatei tilings way, New Yorks. and filed to menacing wand at Hoyt and got head, but It was when was Irish Mruscl rime within one of the "Go out and warm up. Scott." came Kelly Scliang Cunningham. wo to In baseball games. necessary,baseballhimself the world against Scott worked hard on Ward and then strikes against him. Then Irish Kelly fouled dismally Pipp and and A Peculiar Comeback. record when he drove in his sixth run the from the and lammed n grounded to Ward. threreforo. to tell this story of pluck him. command manager !l steal second. With I' single to right center and HoytCunninghamhad of the series In the third round. John Pipp pia first. As >pp fRiinod enthusiastically fanned. Elmer was ab r h a o ab r h po a c hall dnnimrd Already on Job. with vehemence s fact, expected to p<> Babe Ttuth thrice failed to push the Ross Young, with three hits, was a lit on tihe second pitch Imith nlmoat nipped Ruth off first. mace the ball; but he swung at. a 0 0 0 0 0 more than force Cun- \ high Witt.cf 3 0 0 1 Bancroft,ss .3 2 5 out of the Infield. Once he was hit by hero on attack and so were Frisch and As the Giants trotted out to their but did nothing Vlth Meusel at hat Ruth walked off fast one on the outside for his third * 3 0 ... I 2 0 d low ball on the shin and trudged to Groh. Heinle's startling hitting Is a. positions.they were the home club en- i.ingham, Ward to Scott. ho bag and would have been trapped strike. Deacon Scott grounded to I)ugan,3b. .4 0 0 2 Groh,3b 4 2 2 also could not hit tertalning.and John Scott ascended ''lad Scott thrown to ' first. Hob Meuscl revelation. A creat money player, this t Kelly. Instead he and the excitement was over. ... 0 0 0 0 0 Frisch,2b 2 0 2 1 5 1 Otg Laugh on Witt. t hrew to WhileDannie Ruth.rf 3 the leather outside tho Inner works. He Heinle. In 1919 for the Reds against Mount Hennery Fabian. McGraw sent Krisch and the Babe had a it lksted It was considerable rucus. 0 1 10 0 0 K.McuscMf. t 0 I 10 0 got. an infield single and went to first the White Sox he got only five hits in word to Claude Jonnard, the well of the day came in the cbanco to snealf back. There were wild cheers for John Pipp. lb 4 known undertaker, to start The big laugh Seott on a fumble by Frankle Friseh.an eight games. Now he has six hits in getting third Inning. Whitey Witt acted the Kventually Meusel grounded to Krisch, as be cama off the hill. R.MeuselJf. 4 0 1110 Young,rf.... 1 0 3 2 0 0 to In the three himself ready for the worst. Scott shot and *rho committed a boot. As the ball event! A single right by Plpp games. title role of La Sonnambula rather When the Giants went to bat Mike 2 0 . 3 0 1 15 I 0 over a strike for and founded toward Schang.c. ..3 0 1 2 Kelly lb. second, a single to center by Hoyt In the To-day It looks like McQuillan for the .Whitey Witt tha overdid the thing. If you ask us. Witt center field with Krisch MeNally, the Mlnooka flash, was on Giant rooters emitted the }n hot 0 0 2 4 1 .30 1 3 0 0 Meusel's hit to Bancroft and Giants and Mays for the Yanks. It customary was too realistic. Scott, the pursuit Ruth matched his speed second for tho Yankees. Smith grounded Ward,2b. .2 Cunngm.cf. sixth, salute. watched two altogether a double to right In the seventh would not surprise us if MoOraw Whitey fast ones ason with a fly to Young and gainst that of thn Flash and Krisch to Scott to who 0 0 0 11 0 EarlSmith.c. 4 0 12 10 Schang's bad and then bunted to d' opened * Hoyt, grounded Dugan, McNal|y,2b were all the safe blows struck switched to Nehf for the key game. go Scott, who followed with a grounder to the Hon. The Babe tried to get to third, made a Bancroft walked these made a fair throw to lloyt great pickup, .3 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 I 1 0 i Kelly. One out. Witt waited and nit. Frankle's throw to Oroh beat the to on a nnd E.Scott,88.. J.Scott,p.... by the Yankees. with ono strike and two Fordham Flash. nnd Oroh singled right hit balls called - la.be feet. 0 1 12 0 Scott was hit hardest in the seventh Share of Tie Game wnllcca. i nai was 111"' "ni.v l>a i.-v-uc-u by ryn which landed Bannie on tlilrd. lilt Hoyt.p 2 Propose Joseph Dugati lifted an oasv fly lo One strike Ruth went Into Oroh with as Inning, and he pitched his best In that Young. Now the . the Carolina Soupboner. by violence, number nix for Heinle. JoneM.p 0 0 0 (k I 0 Totals.. 31 3 12 27 15 I saw the American Receipts for Red Cross Use great on and Witt turned ' lelnle was blocking tbo base. Oroh with a rctind. too. which Ball ono was low. Strike ono was was called Pugan Prlsch followed single to right 1 0 0 0 0 0 as was, rise to statement was out to and began to count tIropped like a load of coal down a Bancroft nnd *Klmc; Smith Leaguers' attack, such It The following given when Ituth missed a fast hie back the game which scored put Heinle then break to stay the American Red Cross. 598 Modi- rung up house. Then Whltey shut hla eyes <-' liuto and bobbed up elastlcally with his third. Irish hit tho first It. Baker 1 0 0 0 0 0 Its height and liv curve. fftrike two was posted when the Isls on pitch. f broken. With one gone those hits by son avenue. lut night: and went off Into a siesta. raised, ready for a scrap. There caromed off Plpp's shin over to Ward, Ruth whiffed at another fast curve. ten *vero liarsh words and Meusol and Schang followed in quick Diversion of a share of the receipt* two was to the Now. as nearly everybody knows, threats and all who threw to Wallle to close the Ball far outside. Then base In a world series t hat sort of thing whtlo the Totals. 30 0 4 U 16 1 succession. The Schang drive sent Hob of yesterday'* tied game at the Polo the Babe topped weakly to Vrlsch. feet off first, crowd Pair enough. session. Two on, one out. and Scott Ground* to the work of the Red Cross, game is no place for a auy to tnke a ' In this sudden development ofreviledthe J. Baker, world series' hero Batted for WurTl in seventh inui to third. Bancroft wasted no time in erasing Smith threw the f which had been Franklin apparently fired and gone. whose annual roll noil begin* on himself in the ("Bants* half, lie bunted snooze. Karl quietly ury lacking; woefully, of other days, trudged to tho pinto to 1 Batted for Hoyt in eighth innini»ei- The crowd roared and I t luid been too a Elmer Smith, hero of the 1920 world Day. November 11, was proposedArmisticeto Hoyt, who darted to flrat to get the ball to Kelly. polite aerlea. hat vice Hoyt in tho eighth. He 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New awoke the sleeplnR albino. He rubbed Witt sent a low to Yankees series for the Clevelands, whose great to-day by several prominent York putput himself. Hoyt splnned over a lilt and Han to Kelly. groundedfly 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 x I full killed off the men and women active In work for his pink eyes, looked sheepish.and Pgllg, and Pugan lost a hit when Giants fin run with bases strike for Oroh and then Heinle got center Cunningham was rushed into the men and their families. These of the a trudged Into field. Tn tliolr half the Oroh made a great stop of his red base riodgers. then e!tservlcehlH fifth hit series, single to half of the third was the Olanta Rot hits but Kuns batted in Hy Friseh. 2; by E. Mcuscl, 1. Two hit Schang. Ward. The left havo been sent to Judge had the The Giants' 10 run. a hit cutter. breach to hit for proposal* right. Rrlsch count 1 and 1 smacking session of the en- Kelly got to Ward. hot. grass Stolen base Pipp. Sacrifice hits Frisch and Kelly. Double play Ward to the nnd when he lashed a hit to resounding, Villi funnlnghnm at hn.t a a second deacon on 1 ended smiter stepped plate Landis. center. Helnio tire shebang. It saw two runs born for hit and run Tho Yankees put and Pipp. I,eft on bases Yankees. 4 : (jianls. 9. Base on balls Off Hoyt, ,;ohn Scott called a recess. There wai Martin W. Littleton, chairman of a stopping at second. and licked the nlle«l and Kelly waa caught, Sohang to tho premises when Sam Pond Jones. J. Scott, I (Wit off .lones, I (< Earl citizens' committee of 100 In the This concussion of lilts Frlsch the world champions |Tcott. then Snd Samlvel.camo to tho to 2 (Frisrh and Banrroft); off unningham). n consultation among the pitcher. by then and there. John Rc.ott runnlngham grounded to mound out Scott and It I J. 2 and Klmer sent, a letter to and Oroh In the first Yankees J Smith hit in their half. Struck By Hoyt, 2 (J. ancroft); Srott. (Plpp Smith and Bancroft Then Hughey roll call, Judgecoming Inning had the chapter with a lugaii. tho flrat pitch to left face the Giants Young off .! I one Hit In the and hud himself opened a a to center. Ttmith). Hits Off Hoyt. 11 in seven iianinv's: >ncs. in inning. Jennings came out and had a Short talk Landl* to-day In which he opening game It happened over second. AVIth one and one 'or base, but Hcott was called out on got his third hit, single the second sinrIof J. Scott (Ruth). l,osina Hoyt. .* ion to th< fart that approximately 00 happened In battle. With a hot to itrikee, Kelly sacrificed. Cunningham walked, by pitcher By pitcher with Scott. ca11ed«attenI the situation looked Hannie slainmed grounder in chief, at 1h Owens (American), fffst base: Tho big pitcher nodded his head and per rent, of the funds obtained In the Irish up precarious Ward. It might have been called a hit. A a tho Yankee* came In from the field Jones was not very effective, it seemed. toick (National), umpire plate: McUorle The first one was right over Red Cross appeal would be devoted tn for Hoyt and waived to In view of the fact that Ward 'tilth went cloao to Oroh to paaa tho time Smith tando WcNallyv run Into center Klem (National), second base, nnd HiIdehrund (American), third base. Time smiled. to hut Scott the heart of the plate.a. itrlke. Then the next year to the care of ex-service George Murray begin warming dp fumbled the hall and then kicked If fif day and mich. Five flghta were started field for his fly and fouled to of game One hour and 53 minutes. «ue<-< In the bull pen Catl Mays I 11 th* left came three bills In ««ion Wide men and their dep^ndnnta. goory^ioiiKd lulu left field a procedure which .» not field IdkUvhtra, Mix scrapt Pugan. |v J " s A 4 '