XT on oDi Entered* as second class matter D. 0., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924-FORTY PAGES. Yerterday’s Circulation, 100,539 . INO. j)ost office Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON, TWO CENTS.


' HARRIS’ HOT SINGLE WITH TWO ON NEW YORK CLEARVIEW WINS AH. R. 11. O. a. E. Team and Followers Confident LEADAFTER Lindatrom, 3b 4 O O 11 O PUTS WASHINGTON IN 4 O « Frisch. 2b a 1 3 FIRST EVENT AT Young, rs 4 1 O I O O He Could Take Measure of Nelif .* FIVE LEAN INNINGS Kelly, lb 4 O 3 II 11 FOR " <> TRAILING « 4 O 1 1 Meusel, If i <• 1 ° ° and Giants in pitched a to Wilson, cf. 4 ‘-2 LAURELBY NOSE Crucial Battle. j hit the first ball on hound I Harris, who tossed him out. No runs. ** ° ** ** ; Jackson ss s'* a wide * * Zachary WASHINGTON—Goslin bit at dowdy, *J * Hit in Early | hook for liis first Ho swung and Ampoiac Freely I strike. ° Travers So ° ° j and missed another of the same Nehf, p HARRIS SURE FIGHTING ° f *JJ QUALITIES character, was fooled into offer- « « « * 1 then Ryan, p. JT...... Close Official Announcement Invaders ' ins’ at a bad ball over his head and Frames, But Turns | sat down. Struck out on three pitched OF GRIFFS WOULD BRING VICTORY j balls. With one strike on him Judge » > I • *» Needed for Decision. | narrowly missed an extra base by T,UUv. 33 ’ Time. poling a liner to right that was foul d»r-b»tt»S lot l« HsWfc . Back Time. After Sn f by only a foot. Joe took two balls and then in an attempt to dodge WASHINGTON THREE IN BUNCH MAKE Peckinpaugh in another accidentally hit the hall to Line-Up Bolsters Inner Nehf, who tossed him out. Nehf failed AB. n. If. «. a. E. CUTS OFF to locate plate Bluege and CLOSEST OF SEASON SENSATIONAL FIELDING the for 1 « I ° 0 Defense and Strengthens Attack. he walked. After taking one strike McNeely, cf IS I’eck let a Hall go hy on which Harris. 2b 4 0 14 5 0 MANY ALIEN SCORING CHANCES Bluege stole second, sliding in safely 0 at Rice, rs 4 0 14 0 New Low Records Expected if Coolidge Is Game. under (rowdy's high throw to Jack- « son. Peck then waited for three more doslin, H 4 O O I O Present Weather Condi- a McGraw had halls and free ticket. lb O oil o o Karnes llyan, a pair of his right Judge, and “ «» I •* tions Continue. BY HAROLD K. PHILIPS. Rice Reaches Into Temporary Stand to handers, warming up in the bull pen. Bluege, 3b. O With a count of one and one Ituel Peck, 52 1- CLARK GRIFFITH STADIUM, October 9.—Game to th • bounded to who tossed out. ss Dispatch to The Star„ Rob Meusel Nehf. him « « ° " Bf.fPial of Certain hy No runs. Taylor, 3b .RACE core in the face of tremendous adverse odds, and * V » TRACK. LAUREL. Mil., Octo- Bucky Harris Rue., ® « her 9.—Despite the fact that she sixth his never-say-die SEVENTH INNING. game teammates went into the sixth tilt of the world Catch. i{ ° ** i o of the was being Spectacular One-Handed p staged | NEW YORK —Meusel had a count Zachary, in the National Capital, the series before a roaring crowd of 37,000 fans here • of two and one when he lifted a fly 10 ° main frantic this after- - artery from - 4 7 15 which I.aurel Park noon, j short right center, where Harris Totals... draws its daily patronaxe. the at- fighting with the desperation of the knowledge that Ilv BY DENMAN THOMPSON. backed up and got it. Wilson met tendance this afternoon was not ap- ball the pitched for a looper to SCORE BY INNINGS preciably base championship of the world hangs in the balance. first ball T S O R. affected. CLARK GRIFFITH STADIUM, October-9.—The Gritrmen right, on which Rice made a des- ,=345« Many who had journeyed to 'Wash- down count O O- I ington One in the and the professional gamblers in t!;- defeated the Giants, 2 to 1, this afternoon in the sixth game of perate effort, but Sam could not quite 1 O O O O O O in the hope of seeing the Na- reach the ball and it was recorded New York » - * tionals and Giants in and had side lines to call at to 1, ** » <> 2 » ° action ready them losers i the Griffmen wen* the series, the victory necessitating playing of the seventh and a single. Jackson poled a vicious foul Washington « failed to gain the coveted tickets of on the wrong side of the left-field admission turned in their disappoint- into battle with their brawny foemen supported by the most loyal deciding tilt of the series tomorrow. ' foul line, and, after taking a ball, SUMMARY ment to Laurel Park for It ",_o " solace. legion of fans ever portsider, - Griffs, Arthur ‘" ba ****' seemed that that crammed its way into an overpackcd lex Zachary, pitched for the and raised a fly that Goslin captured near Tw«-ba*e hit—Frl«b. S. the crowd In the most moundsnian. the line after a sharp sprint. Gowdy part was an overflow from Grif- stadium and Kehf. left-handed ace of the Giants, was the opposing MoXofly, Uluegc. •»>" Clark overflowed by the hundreds to precarious perches had one strike on him when he Stolen bn«f»— struck out—By Zstkirr, St fith Stadium. The a the opening Feek to Giants counted marker in round. After looped an easy chance to Harris. No Double pity*—Harris to %r h(, 4t by Ryan, 1. A bright sitn added just enough atop nearby houses, astride trees and from plate j accommodating even Lindstrom went out, Bluege to Judge, Frisch singled and was runs. Juilar. Klein, at warmth to the atmosphere to set the Dlneeti, at Rulgley. at »ec- tingling the tip edge of one telegraph pole high WASHINGTON—The fans en- Lett on h*«e»—Yew York, 4t Waal.- tlrati blood through the veins of enough to barely peep over run down when Young tapped to Zachary, “Pep” taking second stood Connolly, at tnlra. man massed as the Nationals came to bat •. «»di both and beast. The clear, cool, into park. single InKtuH, crispy, dry the on the play, from where he scored when Kelly crashed a for their "lucky half" of the seventh. weather of the past week has Tier upon tier, row after row, in banked high pulsating to center. Zachary bunted the first ball pitched resulted in the racing strip be- solid. I with humanic coming lightning fast, and ! fluttering- lines. those fans a dominating note that it seenu- single, a and died when Gowdy worked fast to students roared enuouragement to their In the fifth frame the Nats gained the lead. Peck’s of the sport predict that track records stout- simply could not he denied. It w.i - get off a throw to Kelly. With a SLOWLY hearted idols out on diamond, CROWD GATHERS ganger of being the j the old, “n er say spirit to and Bucky Harris’ timely rap for two bases count two one McNeely are in imminent shat- matching die" thai walk McNeely of and lofteif tered should their own gameness swept a Kelly. a pair the course continue in with the Nationals to the American scoring two lor the local laris. foul to Harris took its the undaunted spirit of the struggling League pennant tallies be- present condition throughout the in the greatest driv- ball, bounded, toward of strikes and two poor deliveries Nationals. ing FIRST INNING. the wlJch had GAME meeting. finish base ball that was evei to No runs. '' HOME-COMING fljing. Wilson.. AT*' * - • Even when old Zachary, second retrieved bv ,* Tom upon known. NEW YORK—Zachary ' t a base! oopbl be <>. R -if J 1 • A With the New York and Canadian ¦Whom tossed Frisch. After 'inspecting one ba'l seasons drawing Bncky Harris pinned his hopes As the players • irikc over for first ball pitched EIGHTH INNING.' to a close there is a for arrived at the pari; the to Meusel, and remained steady influx of the victory that would tie the by twos and came in fast Ruel lofted Snyder, J}an- Wilson to field the more pretentious threes, every one wa to Lindstrom, Bluege Zachary NEW YORK—Prank BV JOHN B, KELLER. to first base, center racing aeries at three-all, yielded twj safe- calling hitless in this series. was ' establishments from those on that old fighting, dogg for Lindatrom’s bunt and grabbing ager McOraw’s first assistant ’To and Meusol to left field. ties in the alien first inning net- set down on three straight strikes. STADIUM—The points, and the meeting bids fair to that refusal to accept defeat Out the the ball with one hand, made a beau- ' ' Gowdy, was sent In to bat CLARK GRIFFITH ted the Giants a rnp, never on No -runs. gather early today for eclipse any of its predecessors the fans side lines, where professional gam tiful throw to nick him -at first. for Nehf. The big fellow took a ball fans did not Calvin .Griffith Robmson, \carn of in gave up hope,, and in the .fifth pt .the 1024 scries for JJt point .ftf.cpmpetitlon ,and,tarUli»h«. . their , -biers weighed the odds with .Frisch sliced a. safety down. the right the sixth snipe, * rewarded.*{k?n Wftwliipigv -Ttep INNING.,. the baaeSbalf flhamfllpnship of the fcofle 4 tA co'itu.ticmcd affair of cold facts, the chances are againsi field line on the fibst ball;pitched iljpl¦ " ton took the lead by one rUn, all but .’l'—.NEW -—With one strike 12:15- o’clock only the cent®- field olds attracted a field of li in the first Washington—three to one that Grif- stretched-it to two bases by sliding • P& strike out Lindstrom. The count,tm At for a sketch'in'a boys’* magazine.* He’s smashing Art Nehf, the enemy charged him Lindstrom1 bleachers were filled. There were- a event, with P. B. Codd's Rose Cloud ace. fith will lose. In under Rice's throw to Harris. aanhst sent Frisch was two and two when he Mrs. Griffith's nephew and Mr. and out of the box. of enthusiasts scattered about the one most favored in the specula- This staid old Capital of the United Young took two balls then bunted a a vicious liner to. right center, on sent a soft roller th Harris. No runs. number Mrs. Griffith’s adopted son. It was a game that matched those of tion, of Ampoiac States . the spacious concrete stand back although the entry t\vo was getting ha. into Us foul in an attempt to sacrifice. On the' which lUncame over fast to make WASHINGTON—Rosy. Bill Ryan was and stirring, record-breaking tilts normal left field, .but those in the main stands First, blood for the Giants! Kelly's Gold Trap were not without with state of mind today. It was next delivery Zachary took his bound- a spectacJiar catch. Frisch turned sent to the slab by McGraw to suc- which the series were opened one could not have numbered more a single to center, after Young took sec- friends. not whit downhearted and, per ~ here five days ago. er and headed oft Frisch at third. over to hfcf right-handed, as is his ceed Nehf. The big right hander had Jhan And time after haps, more loyal few hundred. . ond on a fielder's choice, while Frisch, First Race Thriller. time in the face of pos- Bluege ran Frisch back to second a count of two and two on Rice when when the pinches came or when sible custom against southpaw , who doubled, was being retired, some defeat than ever. where Harris tagged him as he slid 'Sam grounded to passed had The finish provided the greatest stirring play by the locals drew took one Ball and then sliced a dou- Frisch. Goslin Pep Bluege made a fresh With its remarkable faculty of into the Young second up two called strikes. Goslin protested At 12:30 the Nationals came out of rent home. had thrill of the meeting, hut noses sepa- cheers from the throng. Presi- adapting sack. reached ble right line, sr throw of itself to unusual circum- play. Kelly ignored a downs field his ond the second pitch and stepped out of the their dugout for batting practice. Byron great flop and Lindstrom’s rating the first three to cross the dent Coolidge witnessing his second on the wide de- young fellow, line stance: in extraordinarily time, vigorous swing, hit of dimensions at bat. Young Speece, underhand hurler, went to the bunt to get that but and was not until the plac- world series game in a private box short livery, missed a and box. Klein ordered it official the city has become a world fouled off a strike and then rolled to slab to give the club swingers some Rice's one-hand leaping catch of Meu- ing was posted that the crowd was beside the Washington dugout rose series lifter fouling one oft at the count to go ahead and pitch while Goslin veteran the brief span Harris, taking third. Up came His assistants were A1 sel’a liner In front of the centerfield able won. to his feet In in of three Vwo and two lined a single to center Frisch was not at the plate. It was high, exercise. to tell which had excitement. Beside him days, and that, together Kelly, the and Joe Martina. bleachers was a more sensational play. Ralparri's stood Mrs. Coolidge, less with the ur- scoring Young. It was a clean blow who had driven in Giants' however, and called a ball. After tak- Schach't Travers outbroke the no thrilled gent need The ball seemed on the way to a by the tense for quiet nerves in this su- that went to 74cNeely on the first first run* but on this occasion after ing another wide one, he stood and procession and maintained sway to battle for the world's preme test, taking 10 minutes after home run. greatest base hall found its reflection in the bound, but Harris had no chance to a’ball bounded to Bluege. who watched Ryan hook a third strike over. About the Nationals the eighth pole, where he was joined trophy than her gathering the field the Giants appeared for Rice’s line single to right and Kelly’s distinguished crowds. head Young plate- a tossed him out at first. No runs. Judge straight balls and took by A. Nicolai’s Clearview and Ampo- husband. Once off at the with took three warm-up. • fumble that Goslin on first did the It was a more dawn found a sleep relay. one wide one a side line put iac. In a dingdong drive the three crowd that only the few holding Meusel had a count of and WASHINGTON—With a count of one walked when another fol- Nationals no good in the opening Capital patient vigil at the gates Ryan round. raced head and head for the last 50 National could assemble. One two when he walloped a liner to deep one McNeely lowed. Bluege* was easy for and McNeely, who of the bleachers a fortunate and popped to Jackson in to for the Harris had forced out yards. managed might almost say where right on ran back grab Kelly. No runs. Jcz Zachary went the hill Clearview to win the that the whole 2.000 or may squeeze in on tin- which Rice to deep short. Harris had a count of two predicted. had walked, before getting caught at- verdict by while had world watching more with a leaping stab. Sam’s Nationals, as many a nose, Travers was this battle of only ‘ickets least Saturday one-hand and one- when he bounded to NINTH INNING. tempting a delayed steal, and Judge the century for small available. feat was heartily applauded. Had Rice Jackson. but a like margin over Ampoiac. within the and Sunday, however, every one of After working the NEW YORK—Young fouled to Blue- When the Giants took their batting fanned after the two men got on. spades of this historic stadium missed his catch the ball would have Nehf to ultimate Orion's Sivorrt Wins Second. old these seats had been filled by 10 go. Kelly singled to right. drill, Walter Huntzinger the grouped digni- into the temporary count Bice lifted a foul which Lind- did Gowdy a lucky hit in were the accredited At noon today there were carried bleacher for Kelly. got the Giants’ Timber Tophers, which had never most of the larger o'clock. for a swat and two runs. strom on territory. Southworth ran flinging. taries of nations several vacant spaces, but seats circuit under foul No second He pushed at one of ii’ach's won a held the center of the of the hundred runs. sos Meusel forced Southworth, Peck to race, world. But overshadowing all they be One run. Huntzinger and Pep Young of the slow pitches and the ball looped to stage in the second. Fifteen had been else no doubt that would gobbled Harris. were those faithful legions of up an hour before the game was WASHINGTON—Nehf was unable to champions are to be left, Just out of Ooslin's reach. It named over night through the entry call- , FOURTH INNING. I’eck his injured log and was everyday fans who had been so loyal ed. eager a single pitch over the plate for hurt Young will wed meant nothing, for Wilson let a third By the dozens persons ar- get NEW disposed helped off the field. married this week. box, and all accepted the issue. On with voice and purse to the Nationals rived -McNeely, walked. Harris hit the YORK—Pefik easily of In Brooklyn strike pass by and Harris had taken on foot, in automobiles, and who Judge had his foot injured on this Miss Dorothy Pelnicke the strength of her last effort, when in the days of defeat as well as in even Lindstrom, Meusel by tossing his rrounder to night. Huntzinger is to care of Jackson before the wallop, in some rather rural-looking first bad pitched to whose play when Meusel stepped on it. tomorrow she ran second to Ralparr's Warren- these latter, balmy days of champion- Judge fouled off a strike, girl Saturday. while gave McNeely a Jaunt conveyances that old inhabitants said throw to Frisch forced McNeely. The x Wilson then Taylor went to third base, Bluege to marry a Philadelphia Nehf little ton, Dixon Josephine was installed ship. It Is a great, rollicking crowd — captain's pivoted heave to a single to right. After taking center. favorite, although practically were horses and carriages. Giants' slashed in the a hoping for the best, out double up short. but crowd but Girls Wall in JCelly arrived too late ’to ball, Jackson hit into a double play. Judge In the game. Pep Young In base ball, Ross everything in the race received more for holiday Line. continued * Another ' National hit went for a despite the Rice took one strike and fouled Harris a nice, stop of his Youngs of game. He or play. Eager wo^st. In tlie few all night for Harris. made roller Wilson fanned. outside the Sweeny In the session. It was less to spur their heroes on at who waited i>lt another. On an attempted delayed and fired to Peck at signs his name his base ball con- second Bright Lights display’d an excel- slightest seats in the open stands two second. Tills forced Qn a by that Lindstrom the provocation, these thou- were steal, Harris died when Kelly took Wilson, Roger's heave to Judge tracts, though, with that "s” on the scratch Peck lent turn of early speed and led the women,"boys girls and it was they who got the and could not quite handle. Bluege had sands of flushed men and Nehf’s throw and fired to Jackson. off Jackson. No runs. The ¦ club manager anticipates no end of it. pack for the first three-quarters of a girls rose in seats first tickets sold at 9 o'clock this killed been thrown cut by Frisch beforehand, and their time After fouling off another. Rice lined of unusual confusion when the llckets mile, when he was supplanted as the and again to spatter a trembling at- morning, ,'s a result they occupied were WASHINGTON—With a count two southpaw, pitched although gave Fordham flash a clean single to right. The stands for the seventh game go on sale this Art Nehf. who the Ossie the pacemaker by Beverwyok. The latter mosphere roar upon roar front row places, equal to most and and one on him, lifted a high Giants here Satur- a great run for It. Ruel, with of in an uproar as Goslin came to bat. Goslin afternoon. "Oh, they’ll go on sale, first game for the Then who did not last long, being used up in frenzied applause. better than some of the choice grand- Hy Young. With a count of two and all for the Na- has yet to make a hit in the series, Goose, swung on the first ball pitched right!” he asserted. "Holders of day, mounted the slab forcing too fast a pace. On the final Old Tom Zachary, stand and box chairs that had been two Judge lofted to left center, filed to Meusol and Zachary watched a who humbled for a high fly close to the right-field short ticket stubs will be served first, and tional Leaguers again. turn of the field Orion’s Sword moved the mighty Giants Sunday, and who sold several times over two weeks where Jackson made a nice catch. third strike float by. pavilion. Frisch made a desperate ef- they will ho given seats in the same into command and under a well was called upon by Clark Griffith to before that glorious, though rainv the ball, Kelly could Bluege sent an easy chance to Jack- o’clock, just before fielding was home day in Bucky fort to get which section, but not the same seats they At 1:30 proved an fiielder Judged ride by Smoot four the bacon today, had been warm- Boston that Harris and pot sphere dropped Son. flagged him first. No started, players of teams Rice In-and-out reach, but the un- I Who at runs. occupied previously,” he practice both It did no harm. lengths In front of Beverwyck, while ing up on On the op- his team mates clinched the American added. plate, throng in the third frame, but the side lines. touched. Goslin then bounded down the gathered about the the followed a spectacular catch to Beverwyck had 15 on Owen Tudor. posite side of the diamond, just in League pennant. line, and Kelly i; FIFTH INNING. time filling stands, Ho came Grief the the first first-base when fum- at that well the his right -of Llndstrom’s liner with Alloy On to at seventh front of the foemen's dugout. Art When attendance reached ball was safe first, with NEW YORK—Gowdy all and stood for Josephine finished the ball park, bled the he at hit Zachary’s arose and uncovered sluggish fielding of Frisch's hit obstacle and Dixon Nehf, ace of the invading twirlers. sleepy, but ffill of pen roosting on Joe Judge, delivery Peck, silence In memory of 'some lengths. shortly after Rice second. first* to who tossed him a minute in off the field-box last by almost a hundred had been practicing his pep shoots, daybreak, the weather highest batting aver- flrst- that bounded barrier who boasts the out *at first. Nehf also met the first RACE RESULTS. Jake Daubert, former Cincinnati It a But Third Race a too. was clear but crisp. morning. and made double for Frankie. Flivver. age among the Griffs in this series, ball; delivered and died when made sacker, who died this It pole was a lull, a A few hours later it was still cold, Young and Kelly could not the poorest for a race fun There sudden silence a mark of .474, then appeared, a sensational running his near was an impressive tribute to the The excuse that was in oppressive- almost perfect football weather, and •with .catch of ball by the infield. In Maryland during Ihe current tumultuous its but he was victimized on strikes by Texas leaguer close to foul line in memory of a great ball player. sea- ness in the face of such a throng—- old timers looked around anxiously the son came about in the third, a who delivered only three balls right.' It was a brilliant effort, and the LAUREL. 5Vi -the lull before the storm. Now it has wondering whether it would be a day Nehf. Nehf was given little to do by the furlong dash for juveniles, styled to turn the trick. No runs. crowd cheered Sam vociferously. Zach- FIRST broken In all of its fury. The game is suitable for a veteran like Zachary. RACE. Nationals have taken the field Nationals in the third. Jackson took "the Carroll.” In fact at no singe ary then took Lindstrom’s easy roller The on—a king may be crowned the Old Sol. however, smiled with benign Clear View, *20.10, *IO.BO, 93.00, won. for practice. Peck is at shortstop, excellent care of McNeely and Harris, race it ever rcstfinble a iu and tossed him out. Zachary of the did next two hours. glory upon Washington and two SEGONU INNING. earned won. is moving about stifllly. Rice put up an easy foul for in this round of retiring but somewhat while contest. .Fairly sparkling bristling pep, before game time his flaming —Zachary slipped two the-distinction Trevers, 97.80. second. Payne Whitney’s Candy with hours NKW YORK tlie Giants or. pitched balls. No 511..'10. Harry Kid personality had warmed things up to over on one Ampolnc. 5.1.40, the afternoon. the of all the Nationals run out upon the dia- strikes Wilson. The next runs. third. The Giants also have a limping ath- session of had cen hack to exclusion Slowly such an extent even but the one that followed Scratched—Oiotnor, Relic Fay. mond. Zacli follows aud the that the earlier was low, He is Young, who took one of others and went to the post a most a arrivals In the stands began of plate lete. all, colt stands raise up as unit. 37.000 per- discard- cut a corner the and Wilson WASHINGTON—Peck met the first fast ones the leg Peck, sore leg and did much prohibitive choice. The Peter Pan ing lightweight overcoats. jawed SECOND RACE. Johnson’s on In the sons working with the precision of a Wherever retired to the bench. Wilson ball pitched .for a line single to left, his game York yesterday. .to shove the Giants aside In the was the quickest in motion, and that sun shone was positively Oriona’ Sword, *12.20, $520, *4.80, at New machine, to hall the man upon whom it hot Umpire Klem over his decision second consecutive safety of day. fourth. He tossed out Meusel and opening up a five-length going and no place shine with the won. lead Washington pins Us hope, its faith, its did it with greater before going to the dugout. Jackson sacrificed, Nehrf to Kelly. Zach- Zachary Is warming up to pitch for after Wilson singled to right took down the back stretch merely ferocity the on him Ru£l. Bevmvjfk, *B.IO, was ail. than upon diamond. had two strikes and one ball ary met the first ball pitched and rolled 94.30. second. Nationals, while Nehf Is unlim- Harris’ throw of Jackson’s grounder being hand ridden at the end. Harris, Owen Tudor, *4.00, the Suddenly Zachary, squirming, rhyth- At 11 o'clock Meyer Goldman and ,w hen rolled softly to - Kelly, him in a race third. hurling relayed Judge for a two-ply Had Ivan so he Jo who bert to herlng to do the for the and to Parke elected the Whit- mically ties his elongated into his band troop :d into thes park. dowdy a wide one, then raised a Unit, Peck taking on play. All go. killing. Wilson slid second hard frame took third the Giants. Into ney youngster could In all probability an impossible knot and when he There was an instantaneous whoop over Into enough to take Peck his feet, foul which Ruel reached the Nehf failed to get his first three de- RACE. off but have won by just twice or three comes is flashing from the rapidly filling open to get. He suc- THIRD seem harm the short- out of It the ball its stands. box seats would have liveries to McNeely, and on another It did not to times the margin he did. Trailing six way straight a him The leader had begun seating fan had net stood Candy Kid, *2.70, 93.00, 92.G0, won. Umpires today are Klem behind the leg. for Giant. Behind his ceeded if an excited wide one Earl walked. The throng was base, Quigley fielder’s bad lengths in back of Candy Kid at the Bucky just back of plate, bumped Muddy’s glove. Snowdrop, 910.90, 90.00, second. plate, Dlneen at Harris and his teammates musicians home up and Into In a" hubbub as Harris came up. Bucky first. finish came Walter J. Salmon's but whoop from center strikes and a ball on him, Arbitration, *17.80, third. at second base and Connolly at third. Snow- wait.' They are calm, grizzled vet- the field "With two ¦hissed a vigorous swing and swung fu- Nehf seems be getting better as drop, followed by Arbitration. The erans now. nervous, over- swelled Into a roar. Goldman grinned looped a slow floater to left Scratched Retire, Dangerous, to Not the Gowdy tilely at the next, but McNeely had set the game goes along. Neither Goslin, others were only out for the air. that into this joyously, motioned his bandsmen to one base. Nehf missed a Major Finley. All the stands are well filled now zealous novices went field for Saji for second and arrived there safely Judge nor Bluege get hold of fray for the first and the rise, formed them in line and that Klem in- and the band is working overtime to could time, first inarched swing and demanded pnder Gowdy’s heave to Frisch. Harris (ho boll decently in the Nationals’ line re- them across the field, playing ball that Zachary was using. keep tho crowd entertained. of defense Intact, because that spect the fouled off one and took three balls and JAMAICA. batting part of Ahc fourth. The Peck began the fireworks with his 1 liable Roger Peckinpaugh pi in his rollicking, spirited tut.A umpire this and then put the a si-igle to right, me to game, The did \hfcn lined scoring hardest hit ball of the Inning was off second single of the day and Ruel’s place at with Take oat the ball back in play. Zachary slipped McNeely, and A battalion of camera men Is lined accustomed short 'lake me out with the crowd; ball Peck and going to second FIRST RACE. occupied by Goslln's bat. It was a weak fly to sacrifice with Zachary's retiremen* Bluege attending to the-hot corner at strike over after pitching one up before the box to be » reed me on peanuts and crackerjack. another on Young's throw-ln. You-g's Wrack Lane, 0 to 1, 2 to to 1, Young. put Rajah at far There is something more than I Whereupon Nehf raised an easy heave 1.1 President Coolidge. They have snap- the corner. Then third. don't care if I never get back. wide, Harris got no won. McNeely and made thrilling root, root, ball. No wa; but farther ped everything .walked a mere determination in this team to- Oh. root for the home team. fly to McNeely in center. . runs, Hope, 5, about else about the you •than second. After ignoring twd balls New 6 to 3 to 5, second. First hitless frame for the Giants steal of' second. Harris waited for day. It Is self-assurance, confidence It’*one. two. three strikes aie out— hit, no errors, 1 left. park. It's the old ball game. 1 .Klee took a strike and fouled off an- Carthage, 1 to 1, third. was the fifth, but It took a great a three-and-two count to bang a sin- in their ability to win. That was just the spark those men other. / third ball followed, but with Scratched—Battle Dore, Marjorie C. by Rice to make It so. He went gle between Frisch and Kelly that There was no sorrow out here to- WASHINGTON.—BIuege to Just as the President got to his catch and women needed to set off a mighty failed the crowd in an uproar, Nehf fooled tearing to foul line for a tallied both his mates and put his day over Walter's second defeat. In a SECOND RACE. flag-draped box the band played “The almost the explosion of cheering, hokvling and offer at Nehf’s first delivery, strike. Siam by hooking a third strike over the shoe-fop grab of Nehfs.looper while club' In front. Bucky got to second fact, one veteran of long years' stand- fouled off Anticipation, 1, to 1, 1, Star Spangled Banner." All players screaming that never ended from that He took a ball and then plate. runs. , 10 to 4 2 to and Judge when Toung the in, ing at Two * stood before the presi- on the dead rim. Harris threw ball but declared that least three of the moment. another strike. Another ball and an-_ won. of both Clubs after the fly, but neither Rice gazed calmly at a strike after Giant blows that had been charged Ossie roll- Rosa dential suite. / also were Chairs were quickly rushed to other foul followed before SIXTH INNING. Yeta, 8 to 5, 4 to 5. second. had a teal, chance to get 1£ Gowdy working Kehf to the three-and-two against the old master as hits should cen- Frisch, who had to hurry his Stormalong, 5 to 2, third. ter field and the musicians kept up ed to NEW YORK—Frisch ignored two Judge Landis, high commissioner of hkd rolled to. Peck before Sam’s field- point. have been called errors. nip the speedy Grlffman. Scratched—Superlative, Demijohn, an incessant concert until the two throw to bfells before taking a strike and ball, McGraw, manager ing feat accomplished and Zach Ready to Drive Again. . was given big when h*. Byron, Elm, Gladys V, base and John was “My batting eye feels good today,” teams appeared for batting practice. reck a hand off the next for strike two. Cork Warren Giants, came across the field tackled Lindatrom's grounder after- Roger took fouled Lynch. - of the to newspaper "Win today, forget yesterday.” ( There was no time for music then, came to the plate. one Tipped foul and then raised to President. ward. remarked Goose Goslin a single oft Lind* another to be introduced the men before game, and then he was the overwhelming anyhow. Hours before the , ball, then caromed easy to On the That the time reaching first an foul Ruel. the second proceeded to knock a pitched in thought began the Washing- reserved section gates were to be Strom's glove, befor^ 4>aU pitched Young topped a drive Closing and Bonds on The Giants are using their changed Harris was the big noise of the Na- ball that In Stocks batting right ton dugout, swept over the field and thrown open the proud possessors of ’front of plate. line-up against a left-hander. Terry tionals’ fifth, although Peck and Mc- practice literally over the in the Ruel scrambled Page Neely nobly. fence; applause reverberated through the (Continued on g-> Kadio Programs—Page 23. ¦af|er It and nipped him at first. Kelly .30. Is out of the game, so Kelly has gone assisted their leader field echoed. stands I’age 2, Column