“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

目 录 圣益和农业产业园招商引资项目 衡水湖国际香料小镇农业产业园招商引资项目 秦皇岛市昌黎县千寻酒堡“莓感觉”草莓冰酒研发项目 石家庄天泉良种奶牛有限公司招商项目 承德市国营鱼儿山牧场招商项目 华裕农业科技有限公司新建年孵化能力 2.5 亿枚国际化家禽孵化中心项目 沽源县五花草甸食品有限公司招商项目 沽源县三源食品有限公司智能化育苗工厂招商项目 张家口元汇生物质科技有限公司招商项目 河北喜和圣面业有限公司招商项目 承德御道农产品开发深加工项目招商引资项目 兴春和农业产业园招商引资项目 河北省望都县民得富生态园招商引资项目 1 万头肉牛养殖加工产业化项目招商引资项目 包头黄花滩现代农牧业产业园招商引资项目 包头市达茂旗希勒德格肉羊良种繁育基地招商引资项目 鄂伦春自治旗大杨树千年丰种植农民专业合作社农牧业产业园招商引资项目 鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇蒙农农副产品有限责任公司农牧业产业园招商引资项目 鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇乾旺食用菌有限公司农牧业产业园招商引资项目 鄂伦春自治旗大杨树卓澳农资有限责任公司农牧业产业园招商引资项目 鄂伦春自治旗绿源种植农民专业合作社农牧业产业园招商引资项目 帆达国际物流中心招商引资项目 科右前旗 30 万吨玉米深加工招商引资项目 联丰农业产业园招商引资项目 莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗兴军农业生态发展有限公司招商引资项目 莫旗成功秸秆饲料有限责任公司招商引资项目 内蒙古兴安盟科右中旗特牧牧业开发有限公司中蒙抗寒水稻、大豆种植试验推广基地建设 项目

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

荣盛公司农牧业产业园招商引资项目 扎赉特旗永胜食品有限公司饲料生产项目 50 万头绿色生猪招商引资项目 吉林中新食品区农业产业园招商引资项目 浙江国际农产品贸易中心招商引资项目 潍坊国家农业开放发展综合实验区招商引资项目 山东华山榛业田园综合体招商引资项目 竹山生态谷招商引资项目 诸城市卢山庄园招商引资项目 山东万路达毛梾文化产业园招商引资项目 济南正庄农业科技有限公司招商引资项目 安阳全丰航空植保科技股份有限公司植保无人机产业化推广项目 农业产业化集群(一二三产业融合)建设项目招商引资项目 天中食品产业园技术改造暨质量食品安全升级数字化工厂建设项目(国家军民融合项目) 招商引资项目 (中硒集团)硒多宝融资项目 湖北省金贝嘉天然农业股份有限公司增资扩股项目 亲稀源年产 1000 吨恩施玉露精深加工建设项目 花枝山生态农业茶旅融合建设项目 湖北土家爱食品开发有限公司硒豆产业链建设项目 藻缘硒肽扩产增能融资项目 山友农业年产 1000 万瓶定量补硒产品精深加工项目 林博园硒旅融合项目

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

圣益和农业产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 河北圣益和生物科技有限公司,成立于 2016 年 3 月,注册资金 5000 万元,依托中国医学科学院国 家药用植物研究所、浙江大学的技术支撑,从 2014—2015 年共同研发出符合北方种植的“铁皮石斛(圣 益和 1 号)”,2016 年成功落地怀来,这一特色产业将形成集铁皮石斛遗传研究、选种、育种、组织培 养 GAP 有机种植、产业研发及加工营销于一体的铁皮石斛产业链,突破了铁皮石斛行业产能、功效稳 定的瓶颈,实现了铁皮石斛种植“品质可控、品种可控、栽培过程可控和产能可控”。 公司计划投资 8000 万元,规划建设占地 1180 亩,集生物技术和科技研发中心、种植示范区,绿色 生态中药材种植区,采摘区,创新体验旅游观光区,中药材养生保健示范区,形成“一心五区”格局,截 止目前项目建设投资达 2490 万元。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 河北省张家口市怀来县是世界上自然条件最优越的地区之一,一年四季气候温交替变化明显,雨量 充沛,无台风,土地肥沃、土质优良、日照强烈,非常适合各类农作物的种植合生长;是世界上为数不 多的尚未开发使用、未污染的土地之一。 据浙江大学科学研究所项目可研表明,该项目财务内部收益率较高,投资回收期约为 5 年(含建设 期),财务指标远高于国内农业投资项目的平均收益,且有良好的经济效益。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资商或片区投资商: 1. 注册资本不低于 1000 万美元; 2. 具有海外农业项目运营经验者为佳; 3. 掌握种植或养殖核心技术,拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道; 4. 具有成功融资的经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 大面积长租期(30 年)的优质土地; 2. 项目免税; 3. 优惠的股权分配比例; 4. 优惠的扶持政策; 5. 得天独厚的自然条件。 四、联系方式 联系人:常新钰 联系电话:15932357777 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:河北省张家口市怀来县沙城镇

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

衡水湖国际香料小镇农业产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 项目由石家庄森泰实业公司发起策划,河北泰城农业科技发展有限公司(分公司)承建,项目总占 地面积约为 1000 公顷,其中集体建设用地 33.3 公顷;小镇总投资 80 亿人民币;项目采用产业+文旅+ 康养+国际贸易+大智慧的全域旅游产业体系,以引智的国际香料香药植物搭建平台,集聚全球高端人 才来撬动香料产业,做好中国香料产品、重塑中国香料品牌。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 1、项目优势 衡水地区地处华北平原黑龙港地域低洼地带,平均海拔高 8 米,年降水量 518mm,无霜期 195 天。 有记录以来极限低温-26℃、极限高温超过 43℃。随着地下水位下降和连续治理投入,昔日的盐碱地逐 步改良成为五谷丰登的肥沃农田,排灌系统完备,抵御自然灾害的能力大大增强,机械化程度和自动化 程度大幅提高,项目区域连续 15 年获得稳产高产。加之设施栽培手段,适合世界各地大部分香料植物 的生产需要。通过引种试验,已经筛选出适宜栽植的世界各地上千种香料树木和草本花卉。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求(具有下列单项优势企业即可) 1. 代表本国具有皇家规格的香料系列产品企业; 2. 具有海外农业项目运营经验者为佳; 3. 掌握香药种植生产加工技术; 4. 国际化妆品知名企业; 5. 浪漫婚礼设计、策划、婚庆衍生品加工生产、钻石珠宝设计、加工及零售; 6. 绿色蜂蜜生产加工企业; 7. 中老年功能食品生产加工企业。 (二)优惠政策 1. 基础设施配套完善; 2. 产业相关手续齐全; 3. 科学技术保障优良。 (三)合作方案 中方自行建设场馆出租给乙方 中方出让土地由外方自建场馆 四、联系方式 联 系 人:张佩萱 联系电话:18931362176 邮 箱:[email protected] [email protected] 联系地址:河北省衡水市桃城区邓庄镇速流村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

秦皇岛市昌黎县千寻酒堡“莓感觉”草莓冰酒 研发项目

一、项目建设基本情况 项目计划总投资 1000 万元, 已投资 300 万元。近年来,昌黎县政府引导农民栽种优质草莓,开展 大棚采摘,取得良好的经济效益。全县大棚草莓种植面积达到 2.4 万亩,年产值达到 7.2 亿元,带动近 4 万户农民增收致富。但是,草莓采摘旺季过后,草莓价钱直线下降,到每年的五六月份,农民就基本 上放弃了对草莓的管理,大量的草莓烂在地里。为了减少浪费,增加农民收入,项目组人员潜心研究多 年,经过特殊工艺加工,终于研究出国内首款草莓冰酒。该酒香气浓郁,口感好,老少皆宜,具有美容 养颜、延缓衰老的功效。草莓冰酒项目的建设延长了草莓的采摘时间,增加了农民收入,也增加了企业 效益。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 昌黎县千寻酒堡位于昌黎县南外环东段,占地 10 亩,是一家专注于草莓冰酒研发、生产、销售的 农产品深加工企业,经数年研发,成功研制出国内首款纯汁发酵型草莓冰酒,为国内酒类市场增添了一 款纯天然绿色饮品。目前,公司年加工草莓 800 吨,可生产草莓冰酒 180 吨,年销售收入达到 1500 万 元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,合资 项目联系人:李小松 联系电话:13785071055 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:秦皇岛市昌黎县千寻酒堡

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

石家庄天泉良种奶牛有限公司 招商项目

一、项目建设基本情况 项目计划总投资 3.3 亿元,中美动物生物工程科技创新中心已建设完成,全面启用。 二、项目规划/可行性研究报告简述 公司成立于 2006 年 9 月,是专门利用家畜胚胎移植及相关生物技术快速扩繁优质高产奶、肉牛新 品种的科技型股份制企业,为国家高新技术企业,农业部首批标准化奶牛养殖示范场,河北省引智成果 推广示范基地,石家庄市农业产业化龙头企业、农业科技型企业,是我市奶牛胚胎生物工程技术研究中 心。先后主持或参加国家项目 18 项,省市级项目 20 余项,获省部级以上科技进步奖 5 项;获国家发明 专利 3 项;发表科技论文 40 余篇(其中 SCI 论文 11 篇);建立了 PCR 奶牛胚胎性别鉴定技术、双犊诱 导技术等新工艺 4 项。年产牛体内胚胎 30,000 枚以上,牛胚胎移植总数占全国的 85%以上。 三、项目优势及投资效益分析 建立以奶牛、肉牛、猪等动物为主要研发对象的河北省动物生物工程科技创新中心。引进美国 Trans ova Genetics 公司的核心技术之一,牛活体采卵+体外受精技术(OPU-IVF),并在 3-5 年内实现该技术 的本土化、工艺化、标准化和产业化。建立育种核心群和强有力的国际化技术研发创新团队。 四、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,合资 项目联系人:郝丹 联系电话:18803315803 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:石家庄市鹿泉区上庄镇韩庄村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

承德市国营鱼儿山牧场 招商项目

一、项目建设基本情况 鱼儿山牧场位于东经 116º15',北纬 41º44’的丰宁满族自治县北部坝上,毗邻内蒙古自治区多伦县, 属于内蒙古高原与燕山山脉和华北平原的过渡带,也是全球最佳畜牧业生产黄金带,下辖四个分场,总 人口 1200 人,职工 120 名,距北京市 280 km、承德市 250 km,距承张高速公路出口 30 km,省际二级 公路御大线风景大道(即将打造的国家 1 号风景大道)贯通牧场。全场总面积 10.2 万亩,其中耕地 3.3 万亩(已流转耕地 1.7 万亩)、草场 4.2 万亩(其中草原湿地 0.5 万亩)、林地 1.52 万亩、其他占地 1.18 万亩。粮食种植面积达到 1 万亩、马铃薯达到 1 万亩、蔬菜达到 0.8 万亩(其中有机蔬菜面积达到 0.5 万亩),优质牧草面积达到 2 万亩,羊存栏 3000 只、牛存栏 600 头、年产牧草 0.8 万吨、牧草种子 50 吨。 是坝上地区优质牧草、有机蔬菜和牧草种子基地。 二、项目规划/可行性研究报告简述 鱼儿山牧场充分利用牧场自然、生态、区位、交通、文化等资源优势,借助 2018 年河北省第三届 旅游发展大会举办的契机,大力开展招商引资,引进战略投资者,合力打造国内一流、特色突出、区域 知名的国际旅游牧场。 三、项目优势及投资效益分析 项目区共分六部分:一是以金莲花为主的万亩草原花海旅游观光、娱乐度假区;二是以原有的劳改 监狱为背景,建设红磨坊咖啡休闲度假、演艺区,打造具有欧美风情的特色旅游小镇;三是以优质饲草 基地为基础的万头奶牛畜牧业观光牧场;四是以提升特色产业为重点,打造京郊优质有机农产品生态园; 五是充分挖掘满蒙民族风情,建设京北草原文化博览中心;六是建设全国百万只优质种羊(澳洲白)繁 育基地。 四、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,合资 项目联系人:韩旭 联系电话:13673140371 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:河北省承德市丰宁满族自治县鱼儿山镇

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

华裕农业科技有限公司新建年孵化能力 2.5 亿枚 国际化家禽孵化中心项目

一、项目建设基本情况 该项目由美国海兰国际公司做技术指导和设计,全部进口美国詹姆斯威孵化设备,技术水平达到国 际领先。该项目建成后,将成为世界最大规模蛋种鸡的孵化基地,技术水平达到国际领先。公司拥有 2300 名员工,其中:大专毕业生 105 名,专业技术人才 60 名,公司以中国农业大学为技术依托单位, 聘请 10 名教授为公司常年技术顾问。 拟建在邯郸县农产品加工园区,占地 50 亩。主要建筑物包括孵化中心车间、宿办楼、车库、附属 用房等。厂区占地 33334m2(50 亩),总建筑面积 20650m2。 项目总投资 15000 万元,其中固定资产投资 12000 万元,流动资金 3000 万元。 二、项目规划/可行性研究报告简述 前期各项立项手续已完成,已取得备案证、规划选址意见、能评、环评以及国土部门的宗地利用意 见。 三、项目优势及投资效益分析 1. 交通运输条件 邯郸县位于河北省南部,紧邻两大畜牧产品消费市场北京、天津,京珠高速、青兰高速、107 国道、 309 国道从境内穿过。该项目位于邯郸县农产品加工园区,交通条件比较便利。 2. 环保要求及处理 本项目主要污染源来自生产车间噪声、污水、生活污水和生活垃圾。依据国家相关环境保护标准, 生产废水经过沉淀处理达标后作为灌溉用水;生活污水经过处理后达到《污水综合排放标准》 (GB8798--96)标准限值,用于浇灌大棚和农田;生活垃圾按指定地点分类收集,统一外运到垃圾处 理场;对于噪音较大的生产设备,安装设隔音屏蔽,降低噪音污染;厂区内还考虑了一定的绿化用地, 种花、种草、种树以美化工作环境。 四、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,独资或合资 项目联系人:冀振松 联系电话:0310-8848921 15232005086 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:河北省邯郸市高开区总部基地 4 号楼 5 层

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

沽源县五花草甸食品有限公司 招商项目

一、项目建设基本情况 公司位于平定堡镇口道营村,占地 30 余亩,省道 241 线从门口通过,距张承高速沽源出口 3 公里, 紧邻素称“华北最美花海”的五花草甸旅游景区,地理位置优越。现有办公、储存、加工车间面积 2400 平方米,设备 25 台套,其中大型设备 6 套。拥有资产 1500 多万元,其中固定资产 1000 多万元,注册 资金 2000 万元。从成立之日起,公司经过四次重大的技术改革,目前已成为沽源县乃至张家口市规模 较大的蔬菜保鲜加工企业,连续三年年出口量居全市前列。 二、项目规划/可行性研究报告简述 目前农业产业科技种植观光旅游园基础建设已实现“四通”(通路、通水、通电、通信)、“三配套” (水利、排污、绿化)、“一平”(土地平整);温室大棚采摘区已基本建设完成;有 1000 亩供港西兰花 基地,其中 500 亩蔬菜可实现智能化浇水、施肥和动态实时监测;规划了高产莜麦试验区。 三、项目优势及投资效益分析 公司计划以蔬菜为依托,充分发挥地域优势,用工业化的思路促进蔬菜产业化的快速发展,全力打 造“五花草甸”商标为品牌的沽源特色蔬菜,充分发挥“中国西兰花之乡”的产地优势,全力推动蔬菜产业 化进程,引领周边农户科学种植,规模化经营,市场化发展,不断增产增收扩大效益,推动沽源现代化 农业再现新水平。同时,以农业产业科技种植观光旅游园为依托,努力打造以“农事体验,农家生活, 观光采摘,农科教育,民俗文化展示”为主体的农业旅游综合项目区,弥补沽源农牧业旅游项目的不足, 让更多的人体会农耕文化和草原文化相结合的民俗风情魅力,体会原始农牧业的感受和现代农牧业愉悦。 此外,利用河道、滩涂空闲地搞一些小型养殖,适量养殖一些适宜当地生存的野生动物如狍子、黄羊、 狐、獾、雕等,尽可能的在较小的范围内,看到更多的地方物产。项目共计投资 2679.95 万元(固定资 产投资除外)。 四、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,独资或合资 项目联系人:张秉哲 联系电话:15132352345 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:河北省张家口市沽源县平定堡镇口道营村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

沽源县三源食品有限公司智能化育苗工厂 招商项目

一、项目建设基本情况 智能化育苗工厂建设项目位于平定堡镇元宝山村,地处沽源县城西 1.5 公里处,智能化育苗工厂占 地 20 亩,苗棚、仓库、材料库等附属设施占地 20 亩。 投资预算:育苗工厂主结构 1200 万元,育苗台架 200 万元,主要采暖设施 200 万元,其他材料、 工具、水利配套 100 万元,附属设施、流动资金 1300 万元,共计投资 3000 万元 二、项目规划/可行性研究报告简述 沽源县三源食品有限公司位于河北沽源经济开发区北区,占地 40 亩,注册资金 3500 万元,资产总 额 9967 万元,其中固定资产 5549 万元,现有种植基地 3000 亩,主营业务为西兰花、生菜、西芹、甘 蓝等错季蔬菜的种植、保鲜、出口,年生产成品 8400 吨。公司形成了种植规模化、生产标准化、加工 商品化、销售品牌化、经营产业化的生产经营模式,取得了无公害、绿色、GAP、HACCP 认证,成功 打造了企业品牌,通过品牌建设带动销售价格提高 30%左右。 三、项目优势及投资效益分析 该项目主要采用保温系统、通风系统、灌溉系统等智能化技术,可实现蔬菜育苗的全过程智能化监 控和管理,其优势主要有以下几个方面:一是采用科学的环境控制和管理,大大提高了秧苗质量,从基 质配料、装盘、种子包衣处理、精量播种、催芽、压穴、覆盖到喷水等一整套任务在一条作业线上完成, 并实现了自动化控制。育出的种苗根系发达,吸收水分养分的能力强,定植后发根快,不缓苗,植株生 长旺盛,抗逆力强,养分积累多,并在一定程度上切断病虫通过种苗进入栽培场所的通道。二是提高了 土地利用率、节约种子、降低育苗风险和生产成本 四、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,独资或合资 项目联系人:韩宝林 联系电话:13700330548 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:河北省张家口市沽源经济开发区北区


“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

张家口元汇生物质科技有限公司 招商项目

一、项目建设基本情况 张家口元汇生物质科技有限公司成立于 2016 年 1 月,是以农作物秸秆、畜禽粪污等农业农村有机 废弃物的综合利用为基础,参与全产业链运营为特点,提供城乡生态能源系统解决方案的专业化公司, 营业范围为对沼气及生物天然气、生物二氧化碳生产项目的投资、建设与管理;生物肥料的生产、销售; 燃气输配管网、场站的投资;汽车加气站及工业用气管网投资。 二、项目规划/可行性研究报告简述 本项目以玉米秸秆为基础原料,可灵活配比养殖粪污和其他有机废弃物。年可消纳玉米秸秆约 3.3 万吨或相当于同等数量的其他有机废弃物(均以干物质计算),消纳禽畜粪便 0.4 万吨(TS),年产沼气 为 1460 万立方米、可提纯生物天然气 730 万立方米(即日产沼气 4 万立方米、可提纯生物天然气 2 万 立方米);年产有机肥料 3.5 万吨;年产工业液态二氧化碳 0.92 万吨。主体工程包括 8 个单体容积 5000 立方米的厌氧发酵罐及配套工程,相应的汽车加气站、供气站与燃气输配管网配套工程。项目由原料保 障系统、“生物天然气”转化与纯化系统、沼渣沼液肥料转化系统、村镇分布式能源站及燃气输配管网系 统四部分组成。这四个系统既自成体系,又成为一个完整的循环经济产业链,横跨一、二、三产业,通 过对农业有机废弃物收集,到工业化厌氧转化,生产生物天然气及有机肥料产品,再将产品应用于城乡生 活和农业生产中,使秸秆、畜禽粪污等农业废弃物得到了循环化利用,实现了产业与企业之间横向耦合、 纵向延伸、循环链接。 三、项目优势及投资效益分析 我公司是赤峰元易生物质科技有限责任公司的全资子公司,赤峰元易生物质科技有限责任公司始终 致力于生物天然气项目的全产业链条体系建设,与北京化工大学联合成立技术研发中心,与赤峰学院、 清华大学开展“4+3+3”的教学模式,为项目提供技术支撑和人才输出。 四、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,独资或合资 项目联系人:李廉新 联系电话:13682183875 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:河北省张家口市宣化区塔儿村乡塔儿村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

河北喜和圣面业有限公司 招商项目

一、项目建设基本情况 河北喜和圣面业有限公司,拥有标准化生产基地 86600 多平方米,投资 2 亿元。现拥有国际上最先 进的无锡布勒制粉生产线和精密的检验、化验设备。是河北重点农业产业化龙头企业.是河北唯一一家 拥有标准化仓储、面粉加工、食品加工、等多元化大型民营企业。产品畅销广东、浙江、深圳、贵州、 徐州、云南、山西、陕西、内蒙、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、北京、天津、石家庄等全国各地。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 该项目拟建设多层生产车间和 30 万吨粮食仓储库 1 座;引进国际先进的无锡布勒制粉生产线两条 及精密的检验、化验设备一套,整个生产工艺流程将全部实现自动化,生产规模和产品质量都达到国内 领先水平。项目完成后,可吸纳当地劳动力 300 名,预计日处理小麦可达 800 吨,年转化小麦 30 多万 吨,可消化当地及周边的小麦,有效拉动当地农作物经济效益,促进农民增收。可带动当地农业产业结 构调整、种植业、养殖业、运输业、剩余劳动力再就业等各项事业的发展。预计年产值可达 3.5 亿元, 利润 0.3 亿元,回本期 3 年。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,独资或合资 项目联系人:耿宝骏 联系电话:13833142865 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:河北省宁晋县东汪镇

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

承德御道农产品开发深加工项目 招商引资项目

一、项目建设基本情况 承德御道农产品开发深加工项目位于河北省承德市隆化县工业园区,占地面积 35 亩,总投资 1 亿 元,主要建设内容有:生产车间 2000 ㎡两栋,600 ㎡一栋,仓库 2000 ㎡;休息室 600 ㎡,化验室 120 ㎡,品尝室 180 ㎡,建筑结构为钢结构,一层。办公楼 3000 ㎡,建筑结构为砖混结构,三层。 二、项目规划/可行性研究报告简述 承德裕民白荞面特产有限公司成立于 2010 年 4 月,占地面积 64000 平米,注册资金 2000 万元,现 有资产 4900 万元,位于河北省承德市隆化县张三营镇,主要从事代表地方特色(至今已有几百年历史) 的白荞面产品的传承和延续,拥有荞麦种植基地 2 万亩,是集生产、加工、研发、销售于一体的白荞面 系列产品制造商,是河北省农业产业化经营重点龙头企业,同时也是地方扶持的特色产业龙头企业,已 通过 QS 认证、绿色食品认证和有机产品认证。企业采用传统的加工工艺,购进先进的检测设备,组建 一流的团队,从原料、生产、加工、包装到出厂产品的检测,全程均有专业技术人员把关,确保产品质 量安全。 三、项目优势及投资效益分析 本项目建成后可年生产休闲食品饮料(荞面/白荞面)400 吨/年,灌装饮料 80 万罐/年,特色水饺 (荞面/白荞面)50 吨/年,煎饼(荞面/白荞面)48 吨(1 百万张)/年。实现经济效益 9000 万元。 四、招商需求及优惠政策 招商需求:资金注入,独资或合资 项目联系人:王玉民 联系电话:13131461230 电子邮箱:[email protected] 通讯地址:河北省承德市隆化县张三营镇台沟村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

兴春和农业产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 承德兴春和农业股份有限公司成立于 2014 年 6 月,位于承德市滦平县大屯镇兴洲村。注册资金 5000 万元,法定代表人:郝玉芬。 兴春和生态循环农业示范园区,2014 年开始建设,已流转土地 1900 亩,征占土地 139.47 亩,投资 4.2 亿元人民币。现已初步建成工厂化生产双孢菇项目、高产奶牛养殖项目、绿色有机蔬菜设施项目、 特色蛋鸡养殖项目、小国光苹果园项目、现代休闲观光农业项目、设备制造项目、食品加工项目等 8 个子项目,建成了集养殖、种植、加工、设备制造、观光体验、游玩六次产业为一体的生态循环农业示 范园区,形成了集动物、植物、微生物三大生物界于一园的三维农业体系,实现了一、二、三次产业和 生产、生活、生态的深度融合。 公司 2017 年被国家科技部认定为“高新技术企业”;被列入国家发改委等七部委“首批国家农村产业 融合发展示范园”创建名单、河北省“特色小镇创建类”名单。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 承德是国家绿色发展先行区,国家旅游城市,京津水源涵养区。滦平县隶属承德处于京、津、辽、 蒙的省市“金三角”交汇点,素有北京北大门、后花园之称。滦平属于中温带向暖温带过渡的半干旱、大 陆性、季风性、燕山山地气候,四季分明,冬长夏短。全年平均气温 7.7℃,最热月为 7 月,平均气温 23.0℃。一年之中四分之三时间的自然温度都适宜各类农作物生长,大大减少了给厂房加温和降温所产 生的能耗费用。 项目全部建成达产后可年创产值 24.3 亿元,其中兴春和公司年创产值 8.6 亿元,年均收入 2.8 亿元; 带动周边农民年创产值 15.7 亿元,年均收入 4.2 亿元。新增就业 3000 人。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求 1. 具有雄厚的资金实力,注册资金不低于 1 亿元人民币; 2. 具有成功的融资经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 大面积的适合种养用地; 2. 项目免税; 3. 优惠的股权分配比例; 4. 优惠的扶持政策; 5. 得天独厚的自然条件 四、联系方式 联系人:赵宝华 联系电话:18932861611

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

河北省望都县民得富生态园 招商引资项目

一、基本情况 望都县民得富生态园建于 2012 年 3 月,位于县城北侧 7 公里处。地处北京、天津、石家庄三角地 带,京广铁路、107 国道纵贯全县,北有京昆和京港澳两条高速。南有京广高速铁路。南距石家庄机场 70 公里、距首都机场 200 公里,天津港口 185 公里、黄骅港口 120 公里,交通四通八达,极为便利。 园区长期流转土地 1200 亩,并与当地签订了租赁协议。是注册最早的一家大型综合性农业生态旅游观 光园,主要发展农业规模化有机种植和特色养殖业,并兼具休闲、旅游、采摘项目。被确定为河北省省 级农业示范园核心区;是国家发改委等七部委认定的首批 148 家国家农村产业融合发展示范园之一;望 都县十大重点项目。 二、优势和投资效益 望都县具有优越的自然条件和肥沃的土地,适宜各类农作物的生长,农业上有有机种植、特色养殖 的传统,出产的农业产品、畜牧产品深受首都北京市、省会石家庄市及保定市等大中城市用户喜爱,极 具发展的潜力,升值空间较大。当前,园区发展重点是新业态与种植业、加工业、餐饮业、乡村旅游等 互相渗透、互相提升、融为一体,赋予农业的科技、文化、环境和景观价值,提升农业和乡村的生态休 闲、旅游观光、文化传承、科技教育等功能水平,促使农区变景区、田园变公园、劳动变运动、农产品 变商品。整合资金建设新型农民培训中心及蔬菜产业研发中心、冷链物流配送储运中心、农业科技孵化 基地;实施园区亮化工程,改善灯光视觉环境;完善、翻建现有设施暧棚,全部实现物联网控制;传承 优秀的先贤文化,弘扬“孝为先”传统,建设孝道馆和少儿教育馆等项目。 园区已聘请专业机构研讨、编制了项目的可研报告,项目财务内部收益率为 15.26%,高于基准内 部收益率 12%。投资利润率为 16.37%,具有较好的经济效益,能实现项目的自身良性发展。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求 雄厚的资金投入能力,注册资本不低于 3000 万美元;2、具有农业项目开发、旅游项目运营经验优 先;3、掌握种植或养殖核心技术,拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道;4、具有成功融资的经 验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 长期签约流转租用 1200 亩优质土地; 2. 项目减免税; 3. 优惠的股权分配比例; 4. 当地政府出台多项优惠、扶持政策; 5. 得天独厚的自然条件。 四、联系方式 联系人:张红刚 电话:13933977088 邮箱:[email protected] 地址:河北省保定市望都省级农业示范园核心区(南堽子村)

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

1 万头肉牛养殖加工产业化项目 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 科右中旗现存栏牛 25.6 万头,品种以本地黄牛和西门塔尔改良牛为主,年出栏 10 万头,其肉质达 到国际市场需求标准。通过建设养殖基地,可促进养牛业快速发展,现有可利用草牧场 1300 万亩,耕地 310 万亩,年产粮豆 15 亿斤左右,秸杆 18 亿斤,项目引进多菌种秸杆饲料技术,可为项目提供充足的 饲料资源。境内有铁路、111 国道和省际大通道,形成了四通八达的交通网,电力供应可靠,为项目建 设创造了极为有力的条件。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 科右中旗是自治区确定的兴安盟唯一的牧业旗,畜牧业在全旗农村经济中始终占主导产业的地位, 是全旗广大农牧民赖以生存的基础。经过多年的发展和提升,畜牧业在全旗经济社会中的地位更加突出, 目前畜牧业是最能够代表科右中旗民族特色,经济特色的产业。 年育肥牛 1 万头,年产牛肉 3000 吨,按每吨牛肉 6 万元计算,年销售收入 18000 万元,利税 3060 万元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:投资建设 1 万头肉牛养殖基地。 (二)优惠政策:加大税收优惠力度,征收主营业务税金及附加的税收优惠政策。为重点企业提供 土地优惠。重点企业用地挂牌价高于旗人民政府与企业协商价的部分,允许返还给企业。 四、联系方式 联系人:北静 联系电话:0482-4138155 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:科右中旗农牧业局

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

包头黄花滩现代农牧业产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 包头黄花滩现代农牧业产业园区是包头市 4 个现代农牧产业园之一。产业园总占地面积 23512.5 亩, 投资 10 亿元。由四区组成,分别为食品加工园区,占地面积 1000 亩;体验区,占地面积 4713 亩;采 摘区,占地面积 8048 亩;休闲区,占地面积 9751.5 亩。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 达茂联合旗地处中温带,属中温带半干旱大陆性气候。冬季漫长寒冷,春季干旱风沙多,夏季短促 凉爽。无霜期短,蒸发量大,大风较多,日照充足,有效积温多。黄花滩食品园区基础设施建设项目中, 建设单位只对园区内的基础设施进行建设,不参与园区内今后的生产与销售过程,在使用运行期间建设 单位没有正常的收入,另外该工程全部资金将由国家资金和地方配套资金解决。不需要支付利息,无需 做贷款偿还能力的分析。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求 入驻的企业项目要符合国家相关产业政策,属于无污染项目。注册资金在 1000 万以上的,已设立 企业或新设立企业,冠有省级的企业或者实收资本或首期实收资本 300 万元以上,入园企业项目有发展 前景、人才团队能力强、具有盈利能力、纳税能力。对科技含量高、技术先进、投资额度大、示范带动 作用强的外来投资企业或项目(如世界 500 强企业),各项优惠政策可以“一事一议”,特事特办。 (二)优惠政策 土地出让金优惠政策。我旗每平方米优惠 60 元,出让年限 50 年。为入驻园区企业提供办公场所, 以低于市场价的方式租用。依据企业建设规模给予适当扶持。入驻园区各企业投资不得低于 500 万元, 企业每投资 1000 万元,奖励 100 万元,同时协调 200 万元的贴息贷款,以每投资 1000 万元为基数,以 此类推。 四、联系方式 联系人:阿拉腾巴根那 联系电话:0472-8422492 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:包头市达茂旗农牧业局

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

包头市达茂旗希勒德格肉羊良种繁育基地 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 达茂旗希勒得格肉羊良种繁育基地是由达茂旗政府和内蒙古小尾羊牧业科技股份有限公司共同筹 建,该基地于 2015 年 6 月份开工,2016 年 6 月投入运营。总投资 1.5 亿元,其中,基础设施投资 5000 万元(包括办公楼、专家楼、青储窖、拌料库、企业文化展厅、羊舍、种羊活动场及水电路等基础设施), 购买种羊投入 1 亿元。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 包头市作为全国较大城市和自治区最大的工业城市,基础设施优良,交通发达,辐射能力强;项目 区位于包头市达茂旗境内,属中温带大陆性气候,气候条件优越,适合羊的生物特性,饲养肉羊肉牛产 量高、品质好、营养丰富,是理想的肉羊养殖区域;周边经济发达,种植业、加工业规模较大,饲草饲 料来源广泛,为发展肉羊产业提供了有利条件。当地发展肉羊生产具有广泛的群众基础。 通过利用当地独特的区域经济优势与内蒙古小尾羊牧业科技股份有限公司强大的羊肉消化能力和 市场组织、经营能力相结合发展肉羊繁育基地建设项目,将极大地促进内蒙地区的经济增长,为全面禁 牧后肉羊改良起到决定性作用,项目实施后当地肉羊改良率可达 80%,辐射带动农牧户 3000 户以上, 杂交羊利润可达 220 元/只,真正实现达茂草原羊由草原走向餐桌。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资人或合作人 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力,注册资本不低于 2000 万元人民币; 2. 拥有专业的种畜繁育及肉羊养殖技术团队和农产品销售渠道或具备饲草料生产研发基础,拥有 一定规模的饲草料生产加工基地; 3. 具有成功的融资经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 双方共同合作进行肉羊新品种研究,无偿提供科研场地及设备; 2. 根据战略投资人出资比例可无偿赠送 5-10%的股权; 3. 项目可享受项目实施地草原保护补助奖励及重点龙头企业产业化补助资金; 4. 可享受国家畜牧良种补贴。 四、联系方式 联系人:郭宇核 联系电话:13488535223 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:内蒙古包头市青山文化路 77 号小尾羊大厦六楼

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

鄂伦春自治旗大杨树千年丰种植农民专业合作社 农牧业产业园招商引资项目

一、项目基本情 鄂伦春自治旗大杨树千年丰种植农民专业合作社扩种精选包装加工厂房改扩建项目, 项目拟建地 点位于鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇. 本项目的建设扩大了种植规模,改善了项目单位生产设施现状,可增加 高粱产量 4400 吨,白瓜子成品产量 5000 吨.购进精选设备一套,包装设备一套,耕种设备一套,建设 加工厂房一栋。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)项目优势: 鄂伦春旗是自治区产粮大县,有耕地面积 413 万亩,主要农作物是豆类,年播种面积 300 万亩以上。 因此,该地区具有得天独厚的资源优势。高粱,白瓜子产品没有任何污染,白瓜子经过加工后直接面向 市场,高粱用来酿酒,产品与区内外市场相比具有较强的价格竞争力,凭借着品质优势完全可以在区内 外市场占有一席之地。另外经过加工,使粮食经过转化,还可以提高企业效益。 千年丰合作社精选仓储区位于大杨树镇大杨树西四委,地理位置良好,长短途运输方便快捷,而且 移动、联通等通讯网络覆盖无缝隙,电网电力供应充裕。项目建设从交通、通讯、电力上均有保障。 (二)投资效益分析:该项目总投资 860.95 万元。项目投产后,正常年份可实现销售收入 216.00 万元,税后净利润为 89.29 万元。项目效益较好,具有较强的抗风险能力。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资或合作 有资金投入能力,掌握相关先进技术,或拥有专业技术团队以及销售渠道,有融资整合能力为佳。 (二)优惠政策 鄂伦春自治旗可为项目的实施提供广阔的人力资源和物质资源。 四、联系方式 联系人:孙继景 联系电话:15248711788 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:鄂伦春自治旗大杨树千年丰种植农民专业合作社

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇蒙农农副产品有限责任公司 农牧业产业园招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇蒙农农副产品有限责任公司年产 1000 吨山野菜加工项目,是利用现有闲置 的厂房上马,只需建 8 个储料池,建一个冷冻库,添置必要的机械设备。生产设备及土建工程明细如 下:(1)现有厂房地面维修 1500 平方米(2)现有厂房墙面维修 3000 平方米(3)储料池 8 个(4)冷 冻库 1 座( 5)原料切选机 4 台( 6)原料干燥机 2 台( 7)多功能消毒锅 3 台( 8)生产操作台 10 台( 9) 打码机 2 台(10)紫外线灭菌器 3 套。第一期拟上年产 1000 吨的山野菜加工生产线,今后再逐步扩大 规模。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)项目优势: 该项目实施地点在鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇,气候适宜,交通便利,原料充足,电力供应和水资源有 保障,具有得天独厚的发展空间,项目生产的老山芹等山野菜,是一种营养价值独特的一种蔬菜,维生 素 A,C 和蛋白质、脂肪、糖的含量很高,而且可以入药,退热解毒,清洁血液,降低血糖和降压。同 时也可以抗疲劳,也可以抗辐射,是一种很不错的减肥益智的一种食物。 (二)投资效益分析:该项目总投资 250 万元。项目建成后正常年销售收入 1000 万元,缴纳所得 税 80 万元,正常年利润 167.8 万元,经济效益较好。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资或合作 有资金投入能力,掌握相关先进技术,或拥有专业技术团队以及销售渠道,有融资整合能力为佳。 (二)优惠政策 山野菜加工项目是中药现代化、食品功能化加工项目,是符合呼伦贝尔市鄂伦春自治旗建立生态旗 的战略决策,符合国家、自治区、市产业政策。是一项利国利民、势在必行、带动群众增收致富的好项 目,而且大杨树镇是一个气候、环境适宜、基础条件较好的实施地。 四、联系方式 联系人:尹洪臣 联系电话:13848603279 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇蒙农农副产品有限责任公司

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇乾旺食用菌有限公司 农牧业产业园招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇乾旺食用菌有限公司食用菌加工项目, 新建一层钢结构食用菌原料处理和 生产车间 1 栋,建筑面积 1200 ㎡(含 400 ㎡简易库房),建筑限高 5 米;新建一层钢结构检验化验室, 建筑面积 97.2 平方米,建筑限高 5 米;新建晾晒 1000 平方米. 购置食用菌原料处理及产品检验设备一 组套(设备 8 台套),包括:分析天平(0.1mg)一台、天平(0.1g)一台、干燥箱一套、马弗炉一个、 微生物菌种培养箱一个、灭菌锅一个、生物显微镜一个、超净化工作台等设备。项目建成后,建设年加 工 120 吨黑木耳,年产 250g/盒黑木耳块 48 万盒,其中有机黑木耳块 8 万盒,无公害黑木耳块 40 万盒。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)项目优势:该项目实施地点在鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇,气候适宜,交通便利,原料充足,电 力供应和水资源有保障,具有得天独厚的发展空间,生产的木耳、蘑菇、猴头、桦子菇等食用菌产品口 感适宜,营养丰富,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,食品保健的意识正逐渐增强,食用菌类系列产品做 为润肺补脑、和血养容,经常食用可以降低血脂。预防动脉粥状硬化的有益食品正渐渐走上人们的餐桌, 深受消费者的青睬。因此,产品经加工后,必将有广阔的市场。 (二)投资效益分析:该项目总投资 280 万元。每年销售优质食用菌产品 120 吨。按照每吨价格 15 万元计算,项目年销售总收入 1900 万元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资或合作 具有雄厚的资金投入能力,掌握相关先进技术,或拥有专业技术团队以及销售渠道,有融资整合 能力为佳。 (二)优惠政策 得天独厚的自然条件,优越的地理优势、种植基地稳定,交通便利。 四、联系方式 联系人:杨彦波 联系电话:13190972657 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇乾旺食用菌有限公司

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

鄂伦春自治旗大杨树卓澳农资有限责任公司 农牧业产业园招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 鄂伦春自治旗优质大豆良种繁育产业化基地建设项目, 项目拟建地点位于鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇. 本项目设计年产优质高蛋白大豆良种产品 10000t/a。规划用地面积 7000 平方米,总建筑面积 1500 平方 米,生产车间 1 栋,建筑面积 500 平方米;种子库房 1 栋,建筑面积 1000 平方米,晾晒场 5000 平方米。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)项目优势: 本项目作为种子工程内容,已列入了《国家优质粮食产业工程建设规划》,并且符合《农产品优势 区域布局规划》。 卓澳农资有限责任公司实施优质大豆繁育基地项目。本项目技术依托东北农业大学大豆研究所,我 国大豆遗传育种学科带头人王金陵教授创立并主持领导的以大豆遗传育种为核心,大豆栽培学与大豆食 品科学等多学科联合攻关的研究机构。采用 QTL 定位法,培育的优质高蛋白大豆良种。 (二)投资效益分析:该项目总投资 750 万元。项目投产后正常年份可实现销售收入 5000.00 万元, 年营业税金及附件为 277.50 万元。项目年总成本费用为 4081.14 万元,年利润总额 641.36 万元,年所 得税费为 160.34 万元,税后净利润为 481.02 万元。项目投资利润率 37.51%,销售利润率 12.83%。项 目税后财务内部收益率 19.19%(基准收益率为 8%),税后财务净现值 1307.21 万元;税后投资回收期 年 7.11(含 2 年建设期)。项目效益较好,具有较强的抗风险能力。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资或合作 有资金投入能力,掌握相关先进技术,或拥有专业技术团队以及销售渠道,有融资整合能力为佳。 (二)优惠政策 鄂伦春自治旗可为项目的实施提供广阔的人力资源和物质资源。 四、联系方式 联系人:刘经理 联系电话:15049081777 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:鄂伦春自治旗大杨树卓奥农资有限责任公司

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

鄂伦春自治旗绿源种植农民专业合作社 农牧业产业园招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 鄂伦春自治旗绿源种植农民专业合作社卜留克加工项目,年加工卜留克 4000 吨,生产卜留克产品 4000 吨。建生产加工车间 1000 平方米、办公化验室 380 平方米、宿舍食堂 380 平方米、冷库 400 平方 米、建育苗大棚 10 栋 3000 平方米、地面硬化 10000 平方米,购置生产线设备 1 套及配套生产设备设施 容器具等。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)项目优势:项目实施地点鄂伦春自治旗大杨树镇,气候适宜,交通便利,原料充足,电力供 应和水资源有保障。项目生产的卜留克,在内蒙古东北部地区种植,目前,已形成我国大兴安岭地区独 有的“鲜、香、嫩、脆”等优良品质的特色草本植物,含有 25 种对人体有益的微量元素,对人体生长发 育特别是骨骼发育、维护体液的电解质和化学平衡及促进新陈代谢等具有保健、营养作用,在蔬菜中有 “VC 之王”的美誉。 每百克卜留克含维生素 C54 毫克、钙 63 毫克、粗纤维 7.4 毫克及其它人体所必需 的微量元素,具有很高的营养价值。近些年来,卜留克在欧洲身价倍增,科学界给起了个新名字叫“V C蔬霸”。由于卜留克VC含量高,尤其具有防癌抗癌作用,倍受消费者青睐。 (二)投资效益分析:该项目总投资 1500 万元。项目建成后正常年销售收入 1988 万元,缴纳所得 税 177 万元,正常年利润 300 万元,经济效益较好。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资或合作 有资金投入能力,掌握相关先进技术,或拥有专业技术团队以及销售渠道,有融资整合能力为佳。 (二)优惠政策 充分利用鄂伦春旗的自然资源,抓住西部大开发国家对大兴安岭林区企业改制机遇,开垦鄂伦春旗 这片古老的沉睡万年的绿色原野,全面开发大兴安岭绿色食品,实行品牌战略,进行规模化生产、集约 化经营,走产业化、工业化之路,是呼伦贝尔走向全国及世界,振兴民族经济的必要的战略选择。 四、联系方式 联系人:游淑霞 联系电话:13754101222 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:鄂伦春自治旗绿源种植农民专业合作社

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

帆达国际物流中心 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 帆达国际物流中心项目是依托综保区平台优势而规划建设,以进口汽车优质综合产业园、保税仓储、 跨境物流、跨境电商为主要领域,全方位、专业型保税物流基地。项目总投资约 6 亿元,总占地面积 8.5 万平方米,共分两期建设。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 满洲里综合保税区帆达国际物流中心项目位于国家“一带一路”战略布局的重要节点城市,毗邻俄蒙, 是国内与俄罗斯、欧洲内陆国家重要贸易枢纽,每年与邻国俄罗斯 70%的贸易交易都由满洲里出境; 同时,满洲里综合保税区的政策优势和资源整合优势为项目发展提供有力保障。该项目与国门铁路口岸 一墙之隔,与公路客运、货运口岸仅需 15 分钟车程,区位条件良好;项目布局完整,功能基本涵盖所 有贸易物流业务环节。其中进口食品冷链保税仓储业务,设有 3 个大型冷链保税仓库及 1 个物流配送保 税仓库,主要经营俄罗斯进口食品,开展保税仓储、物流配送、报关报检等业务;平行进口汽车业务主 要经营欧洲高档进口汽车,开展销售、展示、保税仓储及配件进出口、汽车维修改装等业务,设有 1 个平行进口汽车展厅及修配改装中心、1 个平行进口汽车保税仓库。项目整体投入运营后预期年贸易额 和销售额将达到 10 亿元以上,年利润近 1 亿元;预计提供直接就业岗位超过 300 个、带动就业 500 人 以上,具有良好的社会经济效益。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求: 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力; 2. 具有成功融资的经验和资源整合能力; 3. 物流企业、制造和商贸流通企业、汽车服务企业、综合配套企业。 (二)优惠政策 满洲里综合保税区优惠的扶持政策 四、联系方式 联系人:仉长琦 联系电话:18947029905 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:内蒙古满洲里市一道街中苏路 1 号

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

科右前旗 30 万吨玉米深加工 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 项目占地面积 50000 平方米,建筑面积 2.8 万平方米,主要建设联合厂房、原料库、成品库、锅炉 房及设备购置等。日处理玉米 1000 吨,年处理玉米 30 万吨;年生产葡萄糖 10 万吨,麦芽糊精 8 万吨, 焦糖 2 万吨,玉米蛋白 6 万吨。 本项目总投资估算为 40000 万元。其中建设投资估算为 33000 万元,流动资金为 7000 万元。全 部为自筹。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 科右前旗地域辽阔,农业资源丰富,农业生态环境较好,是全国的产粮大县。全旗总耕种面积 416 万亩。玉米种植区土壤结构好,有机质含量高,现代化农业建设水平较高,有利于发展玉米种植,可以 为玉米深加工企业提供原料保障。30 万吨玉米精深加工企业,拟在科右前旗现代农牧业园区区内选址 建设,农牧业园区现已完成道路、供电、供水等基础设施建设,为企业生产建设提供了保障条件。项目 区交通便利。便捷的航空、公路和铁路运输网,为加强中国东北与俄罗斯东部地区的区域合作提供了优 越的交通条件。科右前旗是农业大旗,随着农业机械化率、科技率的提高,农村富余劳动力充足,可以 满足企业用工需求。 项目建成后,可以每年就地消化掉 30 万吨玉米,解决全旗及周边地区玉米的销售出路问题,促进 当地相关产业发展。经过对玉米的深加工,把资源优势转化为产业优势和经济优势,利于无公害、绿色 食品品牌的创立,增加和扩大就业机会 400-500 个,促进我旗玉米种植及加工业的进一步发展。玉米深 加工的主要产品,可以根据市场需求,生产玉米加工初级产品淀粉和酒精,在国内市场销售,在初级加 工产品的基础上,进一步精深加工生产玉米油、味精、赖氨酸、柠檬酸、玉米蛋白、葡萄糖等产品,在 国外和国内市场销售。年实现销售总收入 55000 万元,利润 3580 万元,税金 900 万元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资商 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力; 2. 能够主动延伸产业链条,具备核心竞争力; 3. 具备较大的储备能力和专业的检测能力。 (二)优惠政策 可以享受国家西部开发、东北振兴、少数民族地区发展等优惠政策。 四、联系方式 联系人:刘文明 联系电话:15034803000 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:内蒙古兴安盟科右前旗农牧业和科学技术局

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

联丰农业产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 本项目总投资 128.91 万元,总建筑面积 1463.4 平米。项目建成后可形成集蔬菜新品种引进、农残 检测、蔬菜分级包装、冷藏保鲜、物联网信息化服务与冷藏配送于一体的产业化基地建设规模。年可销 售优质果蔬 912500 斤;为当地种植蔬菜的农户提供信息咨询共 40000 条;同时可为当地 35 家蔬菜流通 企业提供检验检测及蔬菜安全保障等方面的培训服务。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 项目选址于巴彦淖尔市临河区八一乡联丰村,距临河城区 8km,属典型的城郊结合型经济区,属温 带大陆性气候,降雨量小,蒸发量大,日照时间长,年平均降水量 135mm,气温 6.9 度,地域开阔, 土地肥沃,光照充足,积温高,昼夜温差大,远离城市污染,是发展种植业的优良基地。 巴彦淖尔市已经成为内蒙古西部最大的绿色设施农产品生产加工输出基地,但当地的设施农业新技 术应用推广不够广泛,农产品仓储流通体系没有达到更快捷、更方便的销售程序;农产品产业链体系不 完善。项目引进可以加大引进蔬菜新品种、新技术推广力度,减少农业投入品消耗,减少农业污染,促 进冷链物流体系建设及物联网信息化的发展。 项目建成后可实现年营业收入 245.76 万元,利润总额 33.53 万元,财务内部收益率 29.97%,投资 回收期为 4.28 年,具有良好的经济效益。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商要求:战略投资商或片区投资商 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力; 2. 具有海外农业项目运营经验者为佳; 3. 掌握种植或养殖核心技术,拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道; 4. 具有成功融资的经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 优惠的用地政策; 2. 项目免税; 3. 优惠的扶持政策; 4. 协调银行贷款优惠政策; 5. 优惠的股权分配比例; 6. 得天独厚的自然条件。 四、联系方式 联系人:王宇鹏 联系电话:18347888855 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:内蒙古巴彦淖尔市临河区八一乡联丰村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗兴军农业生态发展有限公司 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 兴军农业生态发展有限公司是专业从事绿色种植、绿色养殖、休闲农业的内蒙古自治区农牧业产业 化重点龙头企业。公司创办于 2015 年,注册资金 4000 万元。公司总占地面积 3.05 万亩,建筑面积 1.5 万㎡,目前公司拥有 1.5 万亩种植基地及养殖基地,包括设施农业、观光农业、无土栽培、精准农业等 现代农业生产、经营模式,形成“绿色生态循环产业链”。与内蒙古农业大学结成产、学、研合作关系, 产品科技含量及核心竞争力显著增强,公司自行研发的育肥牛饲料及配制方法以获得专利。专利号: 201710342855.6。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)项目优势 莫旗地域辽阔,水草丰美,农畜产品品质优良,种类丰富,凭借莫旗地区水质、土壤、空气等环境 指标符合开发绿色、有机食品标准这一优势条件,丰富的秸秆资源,唯一的发展一、二、三产业融合的 企业,发展一、二、三产业融合发展项目。 (二)投资效益分析 莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗兴军农业生态发展有限公司一、二、三产业融合发展项目已于 2017 年投 产,年销售收入 2600 多万元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求 具有雄厚的资金,掌握种植或养殖专业核心技术,拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道,具 有成功融资经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 我公司拥有自己的土地,附近村屯有大量可长时间流转的土地;拥有得天独厚的自然条件和优惠的 扶持政策及优惠的股权分配。 四、联系方式 联系人:张海军 联系电话:13578664666 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗尼尔基镇龙兴村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

莫旗成功秸秆饲料有限责任公司 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 莫旗成功饲料有限责任公司成立于2013年5月,是一家以玉米秸秆、玉米、大豆粕为主要原料进 行秸秆生物饲料精深加工的自治区级农牧业产业化龙头企业,更是目前内蒙古乃至东北地区最大的饲料 生产企业,企业建设总投资6500万元,厂区占地24196平方米,建筑面积15074平方米,年产20万吨畜禽 秸秆饲料。项目投产后,年可实现销售收入4.8亿元,上缴税金4800万元,解决就业100余人;年可回收 100万亩玉米秸秆,带动近万个农户增加收入。 二、项目优势和投资效益分析 项目达产期年可回收玉米秸秆30万吨(100万亩),消耗玉米约4.5万吨、大豆粕及附料约2.25万吨,可 带动当地及周边10000个农户及5000个畜牧养殖户,每亩可增收20元,户均增收3000元以上。年可生产综合 饲料20万吨,产销率可达到90%以上,按年产销18万吨,平均售价每吨2400元计算,可实现销售收入近 4.32亿元,同时可提供130余个就业岗位。由此可见,该项目的实施,在节能环保的同时,必将推动农 区畜牧业快速发展,实现社会效益和经济效益双赢。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 具有雄厚的投资能力,掌握种养殖专业核心技术,拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道,具 有成功融资经验和资源整合能力。我公司拥有得天独厚的自然条件和优惠的扶持政策及优惠的股权分配。 四、联系方式 联系人:付红仁 联系电话:13947012594 地址:莫旗工业园区

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

内蒙古兴安盟科右中旗特牧牧业开发有限公司 中蒙抗寒水稻、大豆种植试验推广基地建设项目

一、 项目基本情况 科右中旗特牧牧业开发有限公司成立于 2009 年,是集牧草、饲料出口和肉牛养殖为一体生产企业。 2014 年 8 月,特牧公司在乌兰巴托·中国兴安盟蒙古国东方省第二届投资贸易对接洽谈会期间与蒙 古国“Bornuur Eco foods”公司签署了在蒙古国进行水稻与黄豆、杂豆种植试验工作合作协议。拟在 2016-2020 年蒙古国中央省建设示范基地 100 公顷。 从 2016 年开始至 2018 年 8 月,特牧公司在蒙古国中央省宝日努尔县距首都乌兰巴托北 100Km 处 的“Bornuur Eco foods”公司试验基地,已进行了 3 年的水稻与黄豆种植的小试和中试种植试验。2016 年 完成水稻 3 个品种、大豆 3 个品种的种植小试。2017 年进行 3 个水稻早熟抗寒品种和 2 个大豆早熟抗 寒品种中试种植试验种植 7 公顷。2018 年试验种植水稻 4 公顷,试验种植黄豆、绿豆、红小豆 各 1 亩。 目前长势良好。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 大米和黄豆蒙古人民日常生活主要食用的主食,到目前为止全部依赖进口。市场极大,大米每年的 需要量约 5.3 万吨;大豆的需要量约 2,6 万吨。 本项目以科右中旗特牧牧业开发有限公司为项目主持单位,由内蒙古农牧业科学院农畜产品加工研 究所提供技术支持、蒙古国“Bornuur Eco foods”公司负责提供土地及附属设施。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求: 1. 具有一定投资能力和开拓战略眼光的合作公司和投资公司。 2. 投资额度 500-2000 万元,购置相应的农业机械,建设育秧温室及农资。 (二)优惠政策 蒙古国的优惠政策:土地租赁费极低,政府对此项目非常重视。2018 年 5 月 17 日蒙古国食品农业 轻工业部致函中国农业农村部:“中国内蒙古特牧牧业开发有限公司与蒙古国中央省 Eco Food LLC 合作, 从 2016 年开始在蒙古国试验种植抗寒大豆、水稻我方将大力积极配合,恳请贵国农业农村部国际合作 司给与项目上支持”。 四、联系方式 联系人:特木勤 联系电话:15849838488 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:内蒙古兴安盟科右中旗巴彦呼舒镇科右中旗特牧牧业开发有限公司

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

荣盛公司农牧业产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 2017 年荣盛公司开发紫苏项目,该项目拟占地面积 2300 平方米,总建筑面积 2300 平方米,其中 新建紫苏油生产车间 1650 平方米、恒温储藏库 650 平方米;同时。引进紫苏籽压榨生产线一条,紫苏 籽油精炼生产线一条,储油罐及自动定量灌装设备,共计设备 56 台/套,项目建成达产后,生产紫苏油 600 吨。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 我国紫苏资源丰富,易种植,生物学产量很高,成本较低,作为一种特殊营养源油料,它可以与传 统食用油共制成调和油,为居民提供营养必需的、膳食中缺乏的 ω-3 系列不饱和脂肪酸。 紫苏油其药理学研究表明,其对于预防脑栓塞、高胆固醇血症、高血压、心肌梗死、气喘、过敏性 疾病、癌症等多种慢性疾病有缓解症状的特性,可以利用其将紫苏油开发成治疗药物或辅助治疗药物。 紫苏油作为一种食用油,其在日常生活中的应用价值越来越多的被人们开始重视起来。随着人们对 饮食需求的提高,逐渐从“吃得饱”向“吃得好”转化的社会中,开发利用新的营养因子改善居民饮食水平 成为迫切的需求。; 紫苏项目投资收益率 59.5%,经营成本在增加 5%的情况下,税后内部收益率为 19.98%,高于基准 收益率 12%;项目销售收入降低 5%的情况下,税后内部收益率为 18.13%,高于基准收益率 12%;项 目建设投资增加 5%的情况下,税后内部收益率为 18.13%,高于基准收益率 12%;因此本项目有一定的 风险,且具有较好的抗风险能力。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资或合作 具有雄厚的资金投入能力,掌握相关先进技术,或拥有专业技术团队以及销售渠道,有融资整合能 力为佳。 (二)优惠政策 得天独厚的自然条件,优越的地理优势、种植基地稳定,交通便利。 四、联系方式 联系人:曲艳文 联系电话:13947041578 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:大杨树镇中央街七委荣盛公司

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

扎赉特旗永胜食品有限公司 饲料生产项目

一、项目基本情况 项目期限为两年,2018 年 9 月至 2020 年 9 月。占地面积 3.3 万 m2(50 亩),建筑面积 2.3 万 m2, 建设生产车间 6000m2、库房 8000 ㎡ 、5 个钢板仓 7500 ㎡、办公室 2000m2、年产猪饲料 10 万吨设 备一套。厂房车间:6000 平米 原料库 4000 平 成品库 4000 平 设备及中控室(4 层) 1000 平。 生产设备:浓缩料生产线一条 颗粒料(42)生产线两条 总产能 40 吨/小时 年产 10 万吨。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 市场分析:饲料厂覆盖 200 公里内有能繁母猪 2 万头。按 PSY 计算可提供育肥猪 40 万头。可消耗 全价饲料 20 万吨。公司饲料按占有率 20%计算可消化产能 15 万吨。公司按照公司+农户保价回收模式 可带动新养殖户 2000 户,每户按养 100 头育肥猪计算可增加育肥猪 20 万头饲料占有率 100% 可消化 产能 10 万吨 。 经济社会效益分析: 公司为农户提供猪苗、饲料、疫苗、猪保险和养殖技术。解决了农户的资金问题。降低养殖风险。 公司拟订生产计划,按照饲料厂产能,屠宰场产能,市场需求的季节性变化。制定每月入栏出栏计划。 公司将对农户养殖的保价猪按计划回收。农户养殖生产 1 斤合格育肥猪(180_280 斤)每斤给予养殖户 0.60 元补助,按每头 250 斤计算每头可得 150 元,按一批 100 头计算,可得 15000 元 ,按照 4 个月育肥 期计算,月收入达 3750 元,实现公司和养殖户双赢。 饲料场建设为永胜食品有限公司提供充足的猪原,减少要原材料成本提高公司总体利润。饲料厂建 成后可年产饲料 10 万吨,年平均可实现利润 2000 万元。形成“投料、农户养殖、保底回收、屠宰、销 售”的产业链,不仅促进了养猪产业发展,也解决了猪源的培育问题。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 项目总投资3800万元。资金筹措企业自筹1800万元,计划招商投资2000万元,可享受永胜公司入股利 润分红。 四、联系方式 联系人:朱永胜 联系电话:18704816888 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:内蒙古兴安盟扎赉特旗绰尔工业园区永胜食品有限公司

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

50 万头绿色生猪 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 2015 年底,辽宁省铁岭市政府给辽宁国美农牧集团养殖绿色生猪 50 万头的项目,配套项目:有机 肥厂、加盟店、中央厨房食品加工、电子商务系统等,总投资 13.405 亿元。 在现有基础上,在昌图县昌图镇,昌图县马仲河镇建立核心示范区和深加工基地等。已于 2016-2017 年完成种猪扩繁场建设,与铁岭银行股份有限公司达成食品深加工项目融资合作意向,与沈阳农业大学, 沈阳农业大食品学院分别签订了合作协议。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 昌图县处在世界玉米黄金带,这里地势平坦、土质肥沃,是全国著名产粮大县,为养殖业发展, 提供了充足的饲料来源,生猪养殖全省第一。农副产品加工业已具规模,并有着巨大的发展潜力。企业 是国家现代农业示范区绿色生猪养殖基地。企业的绿色生猪经中国绿色食品发展中心审核,该产品符合 绿色食品 A 级标准,被认定为绿色食品 A 级产品。中国名牌农产品。全国农产品加工业示范企业。国 家食品工业优秀龙头企业。国家生猪生产监测点。国家动物疫病净化创建场。辽宁省种猪核心育种场。 辽宁省农业产业化重点龙头企业。 据沈阳农业大学畜牧学院所作的项目可研表明,该项目财务内部收益率为 8%左右,投资回收期 4.5 年(含建设期),财务指标远高于国内农业投资项目的平均收益,具有良好的经济效益。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资商或片区投资商; 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力,注册资本不低于 100 万美元; 2. 具有海外项目运营经验者为佳; 3. 具有农产品销售渠道。 4. 具有成功融资的经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 优惠的用地政策,大面积长期租 20 年的优质土地; 2. 项目免税; 3. 优惠的股权分配比例; 4. 优惠的扶植政策; 5. 得天独厚的自然条件。 四、联系方式: 联系人:吕国才 电话 13591075999 刘树良 电话 13470111853 邮 箱:[email protected] 联系地址:辽宁省铁岭市昌图县昌图镇

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

吉林中新食品区农业产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 中国-新加坡吉林食品区位于吉林省吉林市,是中国和新加坡在农业和食品安全领域的重要合作项 目,是吉林省对外开放的重要平台。 2008 年在第七届“亚欧首脑会议”上,中新两国总理就合作建设中新食品区达成共识。2012 年 9 月, 在北京人民大会堂,中新食品区项目在中新两国总理见证下正式签约。2015 年 11 月,国家主席习近平 访问新加坡,签署《中新建立合作伙伴关系联合声明》,明确提出“继续办好中新吉林食品区,推进农业 及食品安全交流与合作”。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)国际平台优势 国家农业对外开放合作试验区、中国首家内陆无规定动物疫病区、国家级食品药品检验检测中心、 国家级出口食品农产品质量安全示范区等近十种国家、省、市级发展平台。 (二)区位交通优势 地处东北亚的几何中心,是长吉图战略的重要节点,距长春、吉林各 40 公里,可直接辐射 1000 余万人口。三、保障体系优势。已建成无疫区和正在打造成为国际安全食品示范区。四是资源优势。充 足的粮食、长白山特产资源和丰富的水电资源。五是渠道优势。正在搭建东北亚安全农产品(食品)交 易博览中心和供销体系等销售终端渠道。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资商或片区投资商; 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力; 2. 具有海外农业项目运营经验者; 3. 掌握种植或养殖核心技术,拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道; 4. 具有成功融资的经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 优惠的用地政策; 2. 项目税收奖励; 3. 国家级农业对外开放合作试验区、侨梦苑等国家级平台; 4. 创新创业产业孵化基地; 5. 核心科技支撑、政策环境优越,具有得天独厚的发 展优势。 四、联系方式 联系人:孟昕蕴 联系电话:13019270177 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:吉林省永吉县岔路河镇食品区总部经济大厦

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

浙江国际农产品贸易中心 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 建设浙江国际农产品贸易中心是扩大开放、强化对外经贸联结的重要举措,是浙江自贸试验区实现 跨越发展的重要抓手,也是舟山全力打造的进口商品“世界超市”的核心载体。 2017 年 8 月,浙江国际农产品贸易中心启动运作;同年 12 月,浙江省政府批复了《浙江国际农产 品贸易中心建设方案》。中心是一个综合性贸易平台,以进口为导向,聚焦活牛进口、牛肉、远洋水海 产品等高端动物蛋白,大豆、小麦等大宗粮油商品以及高端蔬菜、水果等天然健康食品,形成“一核心 一平台四基地”的空间布局。 二、项目优势 1. 政策方面:舟山现正处于“中国(浙江)自由贸易试验区”、“浙江舟山群岛新区”、“江海联运 服务中心”等多个国家战略叠加时期,建设浙江国际农产品贸易中心符合国家的政策导向和发 展定位; 2. 区位方面: 舟山处于我国南北航运和长江水运 T 字型交汇处,区域内拥有中国最大的港口群, 目前已经开辟国际航线 240 余条,农产品在舟山集散极为经济、便捷; 3. 产业方面:舟山远洋渔业年捕捞量约 40 余万吨,占全国的 25%、全省的 80%,拥有 50 万吨 冷库库容、粮食进境指定口岸以及专业的仓储、加工、物流体系; 4. 需求方面:背靠长江经济带,人口集中规模大,经济发展水平高,预计未来 3~5 年长三角地 区农产品需求增长速度将超过 10%。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 招商对象为农产品加工供应商、贸易商以及金融投资商,远洋渔业企业,水产品精深加工及贸易企 业,高端动物蛋白精深加工企业,物流(冷链)配送企业,粮油加工、贸易企业,水果贸易经销商等; 符合条件的入驻企业将享受自贸区优惠政策,包括开办补助、办公用房补助、人才激励、经营贡献奖励 等。 四、联系方式 联系单位:浙江国际农产品贸易中心建设领导小组办公室 联系电话:+86-580-8612366 联系邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:浙江省舟山市新城海天大道 681 号市行政中心 4 号楼

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

潍坊国家农业开放发展综合实验区 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 潍坊国家农业开放发展综合实验区涵盖潍坊市全域,分为核心区与辐射区。核心区规划面积120.9 平方公里,核心区以外区域为辐射区。核心区重点搭建农业科技研发、集成创新和成果转化的高端平台 及产业创新总部基地。辐射区承接核心区先行先试成果,与核心区配套联动,着力在产业融合、农业开 放、农村综合改革等方面,创新领先发展。 二、项目优势 潍坊国家农业开放发展综合实验区交通条件十分优越,紧邻潍坊高铁北站、潍坊新机场、潍坊港; 这里是高端要素的聚集区,中国食品谷片区搭建了“农业及食品产业创新(研发)中心、品牌展示暨交 易中心、物流配送中心、检验检测认证中心、信息及大数据中心”和“食品产业总部基地”;国际院士谷 吸引国内外多位知名院士、博士入驻;与美国加州戴维斯分校、荷兰瓦赫宁根大学、以色列特拉维夫大 学等知名大学合作,建立了中美食品与农业创新中心、中荷农业创新培训中心、中以技术转移转化平台; 东亚畜牧产品交易所开辟了东亚地区畜牧业合作交流的新通道;“中国食品谷号”冷链班列,打通了潍坊 面向全国以及“一带一路”沿线国家的冷链运输通道;潍坊综合保税区北区,进口肉类、屠宰用肉牛指定 口案获批建设,形成了农产品保税加工、仓储物流、分拨配送、保税展示,以及农产品进出口贸易服务 体系。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求: 1. 入驻企业具有雄厚的资金投入能力; 2. 具有与国外农业项目合作者为佳; 3. 掌握先进农业(种子)核心技术; 4. 食品检测、农产品加工、种子繁育、一二三产融合等项目。 (二)优惠政策 国家和山东省给予相关政策试验和创设支持,自贸区的相关政策在这里可以复制、推广,市里给 予土地、人才、金融等优惠政策支持。 四、联系方式 联系人:张树林 联系电话:13615367897 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:山东省潍坊市东风东街 6396 号 6 楼东区

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

山东华山榛业田园综合体 招商引资项目

一、 项目基本情况 华山榛业田园综合体位于潍坊、青岛、日照三市交界处的诸城市皇华镇,地理位置优越,区位优势 明显,由山东华山农林科技有限公司投资建设,规划总投资 4.63 亿元。规划面积 1.65 万亩,园区由中 国农科院农业区划研究所规划,规划以榛子产业为载体,充分挖掘当地人文资源和自然资源,把生产、 生活体验,民俗居住,科技培训与推广,山地休闲旅游,野外拓展训练,历史传承与现代文明有机统一, 形成一二三产业高度融合的布局体系。总体布局“一环”“ 二带” “五区” 。一环: 农耕山水游-原生态涵 养环 二带: 南北向-生态山水休闲文化旅游带,东西向-农耕文化生产体验带。 五区: 榛意门庭-综合 服务接待区,榛情农场-农业文化创意区, 榛缘公社-农耕怀旧体验区, 榛品食堂-加工仓储物流区, 榛 悟水岸-山水休闲度假区 。目前,已投资 1.2 亿元完成榛子栽植 1.2 万亩,建设塘坝 13 座,修建道路 50 千米;投资 5000 万元建设仓储物流深加工车间,榛子油,榛子粉,榛子仁,榛子乳等产品已生产并 投放市场,榛业田园综合体的基本框架已基本形成。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 (一)规划总投资为 46254.03 万元,其中建设投资 44051.46 万元,流动资金 2202.57 万元。工程 费用: 40574.25 万元,其中综合服务接待区 6338.50 万元、农业文化创意区 11972.40 万元、农耕怀旧体 验区 3175.00 万元、加工仓储 物流区 12420.20 万元、山水休闲度假区 6668.15 万元。(2)工程建设其 他费用 3130.45 万元。(3)预备费用 4760.12 万元。 流动资金 2202.57 万元。 (二)效益分析:园区年实现产值 60312 万元。其中,园区经营性收入 10312 万元,榛子深加工产 品收入 50000 万元, 年实现利润总额 16800 万元,投资利润率约 25%,静态投资回收期约 5-7 年。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求:战略投资商或片区投资商。 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力,注册资本不低于 1000 万美元; 2. 具有专业的农业项目运营团队和运营经验; 3. 有成熟的营销团队和产品销售渠道; 4. 具有成功融资的经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 优越的地理位置,30-50 年的土地租赁期限; 2. 项目免税; 3. 优惠的股权分配比例; 4. 优惠的扶植政策。 四、联系方式 联系人:魏玉光 联系电话:13583659988 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:山东省潍坊市诸城市皇华镇龙华街 6501 号

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

竹山生态谷 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 竹山生态谷项目是由山东润竹山文化旅游发展有限公司承建的集农业休闲、文化旅游与一体的综合 体项目。本项目总面积 13.3 平方公里(2 万亩),计划总投资 15 亿元。本着边建设边运营的原则,拟定 2026 年全部完成建设。项目坐落在潍坊、青岛、日照三市交界处的诸城市林家村镇内,处于胶东城市 圈中心,是‘青岛-济南-泰安’山东黄金旅游线上的节点城市,地理位置优越,区位优势明显。通过与上 海同济城市景观规划设计研究院合作,融合了山野观光、森林康养、生态农业、运动游乐、房车露营、 民俗文化、温泉度假、特色小镇等新业态版块。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 近年来,诸城旅游开发主要集中在恐龙公园、恐龙博物馆、白垩纪恐龙地质公园、潍河景观带、潍 河公园、名人馆、超然台、大舜苑、刘墉板栗园等,诸城旅游的核心吸引物体系已初步形成,“中国龙 城·舜帝故里”的旅游品牌,初步显现南部山区以乡村田园旅游为主题,以山地休闲观光度假、民俗文化 体验为主要旅游功能,市场需求旺盛,开发潜力较大,有望成为新时期诸城旅游发展新的突破口,应成 为未来几年诸城旅游产品开发的主体和重要旅游板块。 该项目的建设符合国家有关产业政策,项目选址可行、地块区位优势明显,工程规划符合国家城市 居住区规划设计规范,建筑以及户型设计方案优秀;各项费用取费全面、合理,符合当地工程造价一般 水平,住房价格合理、比价优势明显棚户区改造住房制度建设的目标和进程。项目建成后,可加快推进 城市化进程,都将起到积极地推动作用。 本项目所得税前投资财务内部收益率为 19.392%,项目投资财务净现值(ic=8%)为 7570.55 万元,投 资回收期为 5.38(含建设期);所得税后项目投资财务内部收益率为 13.04%,项目投资财务净现值(ic=8%) 为 6010.90 万元,投资回收期为 6.44 年(含建设期);总投资收益率 31.23%。各项指标尚可,项目盈利能 力尚可。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 (一)招商需求: 战略投资商或片区投资商: 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力,注册资本不低于 2000 万美元; 2. 具有海外农业项目运营经验者为佳; 3. 掌握种植或养殖核心技术,拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道; 4. 具有成功融资的经验和资源整合能力。 (二)优惠政策 1. 优惠的用地面积,大面积长租期(30 年)的优质土地; 2. 项目免税; 3. 优惠的股权分配比例; 4. 优惠的扶植政策; 5. 得天独厚的自然条件。 四、联系方式 联系人:王秀娟 联系电话:18866768884 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:山东省潍坊市诸城市密州街道兴华东路 158 号

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

诸城市卢山庄园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 诸城市卢山庄园项目由诸城市绿达农业发展有限公司投资建设,该公司成立于 2015 年 7 月,注册 资本为贰仟万元,位于山东省诸城市皇华镇东尚庄村东南,卢山南麓。本项目总体发展规划目标是将园 区建设成为集生态农业科技展示、无公害农副产品种植及深加工、休闲旅游餐饮、四季果蔬采摘、卢山 文化展示等内容于一体的现代农业示范基地及田园综合体。项目总投资约 1 亿元。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 卢山庄园距离市区约 10 公里,北靠平日路,西临卢山大道,南靠市寿路,交通方便,地域环境优 美,山清水秀,是市民工作之余休闲游玩、无公害农产品采摘的好地方,非常适合市民前往体验。本项 目全部投产后,预计每年可实现销售收入约 0.2 亿元,利润 500 万元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入实力; 2. 拥有专业的农业技术团队和农产品销售渠道 四、联系方式 联系人:魏洪军 联系电话:18866776568 邮箱:[email protected] 地址:山东省诸城市皇华镇东尚庄村

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

山东万路达毛梾文化产业园 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 万路达毛梾文化产业园是由国家林业重点龙头企业——山东万路达毛梾文化产业发展有限公司投 资建设的,主要从事毛梾新品种良种选育、毛梾油等产品的深加工、不饱和脂肪酸 ω-7 的提纯、森林康 养旅游观光等一二三产业融合在一起的“新六产”产业园。园区规划面积 3 万亩,计划投资 5.5 亿,现已 投资 7000 万元建成了 3000 亩的毛梾文化产业园。 二、项目优势 (一)中国第一家全方位研究毛梾的企业,具有独立的自主知识产权。现已取得发明专利 1 项,实 用新型专利 2 项、植物新品种权 3 项,计算机软件著作权 3 项,省级科技成果鉴定 1 项,已申报发明专 利 7 项、实用新型 10 项,新品种 10 余种。 (二)拥有创新型科研团队。联合中国科学研究院、中国林业科学研究院、北京林业大学、山东省 林业科学研究院、山东大学、山东农业大学、齐鲁工业大学等科研机构合作,建立了一支高水平科研创 新型团队,并联合向国家林业局申报“毛梾工程技术中心”。 三、投资效益分析 毛梾文化底蕴深厚、产业链条长,社会、经济、生态效益显著。1.苗木销售.年可销售种苗 100 万株, 营业额可达 5000 万,利润 1500 万元。2.毛梾油作为产业园中的主要产品之一,具有人很大的海外市场, 国际价值很高,可以食用、医用、化妆品用。它的重要成份之一是 ω-7 不饱和脂肪酸, 是人体所必需 的单不饱和脂肪酸,仅存在于深海鱼油中,植物中存在极少。ω-7 在国际上的价值堪比黄金。参考资料, 99%纯度的油酸 ω-9 在国际上每克的价值为 110 美元。而我公司近几年来一直研发的毛梾油中 ω-7 的含 量高达 36%以上,将其提纯到 90%以上,一旦投资运行的话,年营业额 3 亿人民币,利润可到达 1.5 亿 元。3.毛梾综合产业园,我公司力争 2020 年底建设成省内领先的现代农业先行区、旅游休闲农业引领 区、高效农业聚集区,集农业,旅游观光于一体的现代化产业园,三产的年受益不低于 2 个亿。园区一 二三产整体年营业额 5 亿以上,年利润可达到 2 亿以上。 四、招商需求 1. 入驻企业具有雄厚的资金投入实力; 2. 具有与国外食品、保健品及药品等销售合作渠道者为佳。 联系人:张帆 联系电话:13505315900 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:山东省泰安高新区

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

济南正庄农业科技有限公司 招商引资项目

一、项目基本情况 超级水果基地:济南正庄现代农业园研发甄选最优良的果树品种,推出了正庄“四大美人”系列:唐 贵妃梨、玖红苹果、西施蟠桃、樱桃十二钗。 济南正庄农业现代农业园区位于历城区唐王镇岳家寨村,项目总投资 1 亿元,规划建设面积 5000 亩。我园区在国内首创以现代农业为基础的“3 人制—5 人制农场+365 管理模式”,实现了最高效的生产 主体管理模式和日常生产的指导与监督科学化管理系统。依托现代农业技术,以蚯蚓养殖、生物菌应用、 沼气工程为基础,以最先进的品种为源头,以物联网标准化数字控制系统为保障,实现互联网+现代化 生态农业发展管理模式,每年可复制推广园区 1 万亩。 二、项目优势 我园区以国内前沿的科学技术为支撑,以国内外先进技术集成与自主创新技术相结合为原则,创立 了当前国内“互联网+现代农业信息化系统”的领先水平,实现了产前产品与市场调研分析预测,产中生 产全过程精准农业管理物联网系统化管理,产后仓储运售及社区会员服务。利用物联网手段来保障标准 的数字化方案顺利可靠地实施推广,保障 copy 不走样。 三、联系方式 联系人:陈杰 联系电话:15610141230 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:济南市历城区唐王镇岳家寨

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

安阳全丰航空植保科技股份有限公司 植保无人机产业化推广项目

一、项目建设基本情况 “年产 3000 架植保无人机生产基地建设项目” 发展农业航空植保专业化统防统治,是防控突发性、暴发性、流行性重大病虫害的有效手段,对于 提高农作物病虫害统防统治机械化防治水平,增强农业抗风险能力,保障国家粮食安全、农业生态安全、 农产品质量安全,推进农业绿色发展,加快转型升级,实现农业可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。 预计到 2020 年,中国植保无人机需求量将达到 10 万架,植保无人机从业人员需求量 90 万人,每 年存在 900 亿产值的农药喷洒劳务市场。而且无人机植保下游产业涵盖无人机操作培训、无人机维修保 养服务、植保喷洒服务、无人机租赁、专用农药销售、无人机代理销售、空中灾情评估、飞机及安全保 险、飞行俱乐部及竞技表演等项目,无一不是可以独立经营具有发展前景的项目。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 全丰植保无人机具有四大特点:(1)方便安全,垂直起降,无需专用起降机场;可空中悬停,远距 离遥控操作,确保喷洒作业人员安全;(2)防治效果好,作业高度低(1-3 米),施药漂移少,旋翼产 生的向下气流有助于提高雾流对作物的穿透性;(3)使用成本低,每亩汽油成本仅 0.4 元,可节约 20% 的农药使用量,节约 90%的用水量;(4)效率高,效益大,每小时可防治 80-100 亩,是人工作业的 12.5 倍以上。 通过市场化运作、专业化的服务,2016 年起飞防作业累计面积已超过 2000 万亩次,2017 年 5 月及 2018 年 5 月分别在河南省安阳市小麦病虫害统防统治项目 100 万亩次及 200 万亩次,在世界农业领域 及行业内是史无前例的新里程碑。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 目前的招商需求: 1. 具有雄厚的资金投入能力,具有海外农业项目运作者为佳,拥有专业的技术团队和销售网络; 2. 以植保无人机为切入点农业综合服务平台的合作,共同在“一带一路”沿线构建起植保无人机 生产企业; 3. 构建以专业飞防药剂和助剂为当地作物病虫害提供优质、高效的植保飞防解决方案; 4. 开启新型农业培训,借助“一带一路”推广国内先进的植保、精准农业施药技术,在友方国家 建立起新型农业服务平台,复制安阳全丰航空商业模式。 5. 引进外商合作的模式,进行广泛的磋商与探讨,制定适宜的合作模式。 优惠政策,依据“一带一路”产业政策及地方政策进行商讨。 四、联系方式 联系人:胡誉延 电话:18567789196 邮箱:[email protected]

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

农业产业化集群(一二三产业融合)建设项目 招商引资项目

一、项目建设基本情况 项目名称:农业产业化集群(农业一二三产业融合)建设项目。 建设地点:河南省驻马店市 项目占地:占地面积 278 亩 投资估算:18 亿元 建设规模及内容 新建年产 45 万吨全谷物健康食品及主食产业化食品生产园区; 建设原料仓储规模仓容量 30 万吨; 年转化谷物规模 45 万吨/年(包括 1000 吨/日全谷物面粉生产线、300/日全谷物石磨面生产线、200/ 日各类杂粮生产线); 全谷物营养食品深加工区规模 30 万吨/年(包括全谷物营养挂面、全谷物纤维饼干、冷冻面食)。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 驻马店市位于河南省中南部,古为皇家驿站,是历史上的交通要道。该项目紧邻京珠高速、商南高 速、107 国道、京广铁路,具备得天独厚的区位优势。该项目建成投产,可实现年销售额 30 亿元、利 润可观,还款能力强,经济效益显著,并有较强的抗风险能力。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 对于投资客商,享受当地的土地、税收、服务、用工等优惠政策。 四、联系方式 招商单位:河南省大程粮油集团股份有限公司 联系人:徐元士 联系电话:18037539388 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:河南省驻马店市刘阁

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

天中食品产业园技术改造暨质量食品安全升级数字化工厂建设项目 (国家军民融合项目)招商引资项目

一、项目建设基本情况 项目名称:天中食品产业园技术改造暨质量食品安全升级数字化工厂建设项目 招商(合作共建)单位:河南省大程粮油集团股份有限公司 建设地点:河南省驻马店市 项目占地:占地面积 313 亩 建设规模:年产 50 万吨食品深加工能力的大型农产品加工产业园。 投资规模:15.5 亿元 建设规模及内容 新建年产 45 万吨全谷物健康食品及主食产业化食品生产园区; 1. 原料仓储规模仓容量 30 万吨; 2. 年转化小麦规模 40 万吨/年(包括 1000 吨/日全谷物面粉生产线、300/日全谷物石磨面生产线); 3. 全谷物发芽营养主食食品深加工区规模 8 万吨/年; 4. 干法大米制粉规模 20 万吨/年; 5. “一日三餐”连锁经营中央厨房规模 15 万吨/年(熟面、馒头、鲜面条、粥、面包、蛋糕、米线、 米粉等) 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 驻马店市位于河南省中南部,古为皇家驿站,是历史上的交通要道。该项目紧邻京珠高速、商南高 速、107 国道、京广铁路,具备得天独厚的区位优势。该项目销售收入、利润可观,还款能力强,经济 效益显著,并有较强的抗风险能力。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 对于投资客商,享受当地的土地、税收、服务、用工等优惠政策 四、联系方式 招商单位:河南省大程粮油集团股份有限公司 联系人:徐元士 联系电话:18037539388 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:河南省驻马店市刘阁

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

(中硒集团)硒多宝 融资项目

一、项目基本情况 硒多宝饮品集团股份有限公司隶属于中硒集团,简称“硒多宝饮品集团”,共投资 5000 万,是中国国 际商会会员单位。集团公司核心产品-硒多宝 (SeDouble@),是定量补硒复合植物原饮。第一代产品是由解放军军事医学科学院、北京大学、中 山大学、湖北民族学院等专业团队研发,于 2016 年上半年面市。第二代饮品经北京大学药学院、华中 科技大学同济医学院药学院、中科院上海药物研究所、湖北省富硒产业技术研究院等知名教授的配方校 正后,于 2016 年年底更新。至 2017 年 12 月,硒多宝定量补硒复合植物原饮已经过上百次小试,9 次 中试,5 次规模量产,自主专利配方,100%科学植萃工艺。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 全世界有 42 个国家和地区缺硒,我国约 7 亿人口处于缺硒和低硒生态环境中,随着人们生活水平 的提高,硒对人体健康的作用得到越来越多的人重视,而硒多宝(SeDouble⑩)定量补硒复合植物原饮是 国内第一款定量补硒且无任何人工食品添加剂的补硒饮品,市场需求量巨大。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 方案一:根据投资方的要求,对“硒多宝(SeDoub le⑧)”定量补硒复合植物原饮进行产品定制,或者 根据实际活性硒需求量,对饮品成分含量进行专业调制,更新优化“硒多宝”,满足不同的活性硒含量需 求。 方案二:股权融资,具体细节由合作双方洽谈确定。 四、联系方式 联系人:柯昌英 联系电话:18007269900,0718-8262882 E-Mail:[email protected] 联系地址:恩施市金子坝路州传媒中心报业大楼裙楼二楼

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

湖北省金贝嘉天然农业股份有限公司 增资扩股项目

一、项目基本情况 湖北省金贝嘉天然农业股份有限公司坐落于恩施州高新区松树坪产业园,总投资 1.3 亿元,目前已 经投资 8000 多万元;已建设完成 6 栋主体结构,建有油茶基地 38000 多亩。园区公司成立了研发中心,拥 有发明专利 4 项和专有技术 7 项,合作共建硒产业国家级众创空间标准化孵化中心和全球首家水溶性硒 蛋白原料 GMP 提取中心。 合作方案:1.增资扩股。资方出资,获得公司部分股权,可持股和控股。2.项目分块合作:(1)山 茶油和双底菜籽油加工项目合作。投资 1000 万,用于购买生产设备,利润分红加工工厂利润 40%收益, 收购原材料周转资金为临时借支,大约 500 万-1000 万按照月利息 1%计算资金成本。(2)GMP 车间的 药食同源保健食品项目合作。投资 1000 万元,用于购买生产设备和装修 GMP 车间,加工合作收益 40%。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 市场分析:我国是世界食用植物油消费第一大国,食用植物油年需求规模将达到 3500 万吨。2008 年到 2011 年山茶油产量平均年递增量达到 7%,至 2011 年茶油的产量达到了 28.8 万吨,但只占我国食 用油市场的份额不到 1%,且我国山茶油市场尚处在探索的起步阶段。 效益分析:1.合作后的山茶油和双底菜籽油加工项目,厂家纯利润预计在 10%以上。2.合作后的 GMP 车间的药食同源保健食品项目,2019 年按 1/5 加工饱和量算,利润大约 540 万元;2022 年,产饱 和量可达到 1/3,利润可达近 900 万元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 出让股权 15%-51%,融资金额 1000-5000 万元。 四、联系方式 联系人:程经甫 联系电话:15571859111 联系地址:恩施州高新技术园区松树坪工业园 30 号

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亲稀源年产 1000 吨恩施玉露精深加工 建设项目

一、项目基本情况 恩施亲稀源硒茶产业发展有限公司成立于 2012 年,注册资本 1000 万元,主要从事茶叶种植、加工、 销售和茶旅融合发展产业。公司总投资 4800 万元,其中固定资产 3800 万元,现有员工 48 人,拥有绿 色食品认证茶园面积 1000 亩, 有机食品认证茶园面积 665 亩。公司占地 8000 平方米,有生产车间 5000 平方米,综合楼 1400 平方米,已建成恩施玉露、富硒茶、抹茶、红茶等 4 条现代化生产线,年生产可 达 300 吨。 建设项目:项目设计年产 1000 吨,其中恩施玉露 600 吨,抹茶粉 100 吨,抹茶制品 300 吨。建有 机茶园 500 亩,建有标准厂房、仓库 20000 平方米,建有恩施玉露博物馆 1 个,建有恩施玉露体验馆 10 个,总投资 1 亿元。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 市场分析:恩施玉露是中国历史上保留下来的唯一一支蒸青针形绿茶,是中国蒸青茶的代表, 60 年代被评为中国十大名茶,2008 年被认定为湖北第一历史名茶,系 2018 年 4 月 28 日国家主席习近平同 印度总理莫迪在湖北武汉东湖茶叙品,据初步估计,恩施玉露市场份额在今后的 10 年内有望突破百亿。 效益分析:项目投产后每年可实现销售收入 2 亿元,产生利润 4000 万元,实现税收 1000 万元,带 动就业 500 人,投资回收期 6 年,经济效益可观。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 出让股权(比例协商),融资金额 5000 万元。 四、联系方式 联系人:蒋子祥 联系电话:15997738088 E-Mail:[email protected] 联系地址:恩施市白杨坪镇洞下槽村大宝坪组

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花枝山生态农业茶旅融合 建设项目

一、项目基本情况 恩施花枝山生态农业股份有限公司是一家集茶叶及农副产品种植、加工、研发、销售和旅游产品开 发为一体的综合型企业。目前公司在花枝山新建 6000 多平方米的茶叶加工综合厂房,具备年产高中档 绿(红)茶 200 吨的能力。 项目内容:一期新建清洁化节能型标准厂房 6400 平方米,配套用房 3040 平方米,建冷藏保鲜库 600 立方米,配置名优绿茶生产线 2 套,安装专电线路及设备 1 套,配套道路硬化、绿化、消防相关设施工 程;二期打造周边休闲山庄、生态旅游、茶旅融合项目。 项目规模:预计项目总投资 4500 万元,实现年产恩施硒茶 100 吨。其中第一期 2500 万元(清洁化 标准厂房建设、流水线生产设备、配套用房、变配电等项目建设);第二期 2000 万元(周边休闲山庄、 生态旅游项目开发)。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 经济效益:年产恩施硒茶 100 吨,企业新增销售收入 2000 万元,可产生利税 800 万元,带动农民 集体增收 800 万元。 社会效益:农民可通过龙头企业的“订单农业”销售模式直接受益。根据项目设计规模,企业每年可 以新增鲜叶收购量 450 吨,需支付鲜叶款 900 万元以上,每年可使专业合作社及周边茶农 1000 余名茶 农直接受益,可解决农村 100 人的就业问题。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 出让股权比例待协商,预计融资 2000 万元。 四、联系方式 联系人:刘小英 联系电话:18671885828 E-Mail:[email protected] 联系地址:湖北省恩施市屯堡乡花枝山柿子湾组

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湖北土家爱食品开发有限公司硒豆产业链 建设项目

一、项目基本情况 湖北土家爱食品开发有限公司位于宣恩县椒园工业园,成立于 2010 年 3 月,注册资本 2000 万,总 投资 4986 万元,是一家集种植、研发、生产、销售、电商于一体的富硒豆制品深加工民营企业。公司 于 2017 年挂牌成立湖北土家爱硒豆食品研发中心,与州农科院、湖北民族学院等高校合作,已获得授 权专利 21 项。 项目合作拟将土家爱打造成全国富硒豆制品高新技术示范企业,建立集硒豆产业产学研、科工贸于 一体的全产业链发展模式,整合形成全国最具竞争力的硒豆生态农业产业化集团企业。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 市场分析:目前,豆制品已成为国际主流消费食品,被认为是二十一世纪的绿色朝阳产业。结合硒 元素的健康产业优势,含硒类豆制品在市场有良好的竞争优势。现在天然含硒的豆制品基本上还处于一 片空白市场,随着豆制品需求量的增加及人们对硒健康作用认识的加深,天然含硒的豆制品将是消费者 不可多得的保健食品,会更加受广大消费者的青睐,其市场前景不可估量。 效益分析:四条生产线满负荷生产,产生净利润可达 2 亿元。发展种植基地 38 万亩,每年可为老 百姓集体增收 1.12 亿元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 合作方式:股权融资或债权融资。 股权融资:出让股权 40%,融资 3000 万元,可通过回购、分红的方式退出。 债权融资:购债权 5 年,年利率 7.8-9.5%。 四、联系方式 联系人:侯令谦 联系电话:15071856666 邮箱:[email protected] 联系地址:湖北省恩施州宣恩县工业园区椒园生态产业园

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藻缘硒肽扩产增能 融资项目

一、项目基本情况 恩施藻缘硒肽生物科技有限公司成立于 2018 年 1 月,注册资本 1000 万元,已投入 580 余万元,主 要从事生物工程技术研发、无机硒向有机硒的转化研发及硒蛋白、硒肽产品的生产与销售。公司目前已 申报专利 13 项,完成了标准化生产厂房的修建和示范基地建设,现已实现产品量产。现有产品为富硒 藻粉,经中科院检测,该产品总硒含量 1200ppm,有机硒含量达 85%以上。富硒藻粉亦可作为原材料, 进行硒蛋白、硒多糖、硒肽、氨基酸等高附加值产品的开发。 项目融资扩建,拟融资 2000 万元用于完成富硒蛋白提取设备购置以及 GMP 车间的建设,另建设 二期 10000 平方米的养殖基地,进行高附加值产品研发。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 市场分析:微藻是广泛分布在海水、淡水中的单细胞微生物,系新生物资源,食品认证藻种微藻对 硒有极强的富集能力,是硒有机化的良好生物载体。富硒藻粉可作为原材料进行富硒蛋白、富硒多糖、 硒肽产品、氨基酸等高附加值产品的开发,市场前景广阔。 效益分析:公司目前拥有 1800 平方米的示范基地,可年产富硒藻粉 7 吨,按照富硒蛋白获得率 34% 计算,可生产 2 吨富硒蛋白,年产值 1000 万元。若扩大生产规模,扩大养殖基地 10000 平方米,将实 现年产值 5000 万元,同时带动下游产值 5 亿元。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 出让 20%的股权,融资 2000 万元。 四、联系方式 联系人:郑国清 联系电话:15171977621 联系地址:湖北省恩施市六角亭街道办事处松树坪村工业园西区 30 号

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山友农业年产 1000 万瓶定量补硒产品 精深加工项目

一、项目基本情况 湖北山友特色农业有限责任公司成立于 2009 年 5 月,注册资本 3000 万元,总资产 1.3 亿元,年营 业收入 1.2 亿元,是集葛粉、箬叶、食用菌、富硒功能性食品特色农产品种植、收购加工、科研开发及外贸出 口于一体的企业。 项目内容:建设综合大楼,其中配设硒产品生产研发中心、检测中心、电子商务中心、仓储物流中 心、展厅、会议中心等;建设生产加工净化车间及仓库;建设硒片产品加工生产线 1 条,并配套相关设 施。项目占地面积 10594 平方米,总建筑面积 18000 平方米,其中厂房建筑面积 10000 平方米,综合大 楼 8000 平方米;生产加工净化车间 3200 平方米,仓库 6800 平方米。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 市场分析:硒是人体必需的微量元素,是与蛋白质、淀粉一样人体每天必需补充的十五种微量元素, 而且是与维生素等生化物质同等重要的生命元素。公司新开发的硒片产品,是利用先进的现代生物技术 提取植物硒蛋白与特色农产品精华成分而合成,产品含硒量符合人体营养健康标准,是人体补硒的有效 食源,市场前景广阔。 经济效益:项目全面建成达产后,可年产硒片 1000 万瓶,实现商品产值 30 亿元。考虑到有市场开 发期,按照实际生产经营 500 万瓶,可实现营业收入 10 亿元,实现净利润 2 亿元,实现税收 6 千万元。 同时可带动全体种养殖合作户增收 5 亿元以上,安置农村及城镇就业人员 300 人以上。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 出让股权 51%,投资 5000 万元。 四、联系方式 联系人:刘友凯 联系电话:13972400851 E-Mail:[email protected] 联系地址:恩施市金子路硒谷产业园

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林博园 硒旅融合项目

一、 项目基本情况 恩施林业文化博物园股份有限公司成立于 2012 年 3 月 29 日,注册资金 9966 万元人民币。公司现 准备建设融高端疗养、度假、旅游于一体的养老公寓项目,总投资 52957 万元,总用地 825 亩(其中养 老公寓住宿楼建设用地 42.74 亩)。该项目已经恩施市发改局核准批复,将分三期建设完成,共设置养 老公寓床位 1994 张,目的是打造中高端老年健康养老、养生、旅游度假老年公寓。建筑物全部按恩施 民族特色仿古建筑物设计,以期建成一座高端园林式庭院健康养老养生疗养基地。项目以健康养老、养 生、旅游度假结合硒资源开发,打造“宜人宜居生态+健康生活方式指导+完备的服务设施+适度的医养 辅助”的养老模式。 二、项目优势及投资效益分析 市场分析:恩施市老年公寓目前基础设施建设较为薄弱,现有民政老年公寓由于基础设施建设较差, 而通过民间资本建设的老年公寓又处刚起步,接待能力不足以满足市场需求。随着恩施旅游经济的迅速 发展,越来越多的老年人选择到恩施旅居康养,因此在恩施建设老年公寓市场前景广阔。项目地处清澈 见底的芭蕉河畔,加之四周森林茂密,绿树成荫,距恩施州城很近,交通进入性好,可为老年人提供舒 适宜居、交通便利的居住地。 效益分析:该项目建成运营后,年接待量可达 19.94 万人(次),预计实现年营业收入 18408.04 万 元,年上缴所得税可达 2050.05 万元,年净利润可达 6150.16 万元,投资利润率 15.83%,投资收益率 11.87%, 财务内部收益率为 10.09%,固定资产投资回收期 15.83 年(含建设期)。 三、招商需求及优惠政策 出让股权 49%,融资金额 1 亿元。 四、联系方式 联系人:陈可忠 联系电话:13339945025 E-Mail:[email protected] 联系地址:恩施市芭蕉侗族乡高拱桥村林博园

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Shengyihe Agro-industrial Park Investment Promotion Project Hengshui Lake International Spice Town Agro-industrial Park Investment Promotion Project Qianxun Chateau Strawberry Icewine in Changli County, City Investment Promotion Project Tianquan Cow Breeding Co., Ltd. Investment Promotion Project Chengde State-owned Yu’ershan Ranch Investment Promotion Project Huayu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd The international poultry incubation center project with the annual production capacity of 250 million eggs Wuhua Meadow Food Co., Ltd. of Guyuan County Investment Promotion Project Intelligent Seedling Factory of Guyuan Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd. Investment Promotion Project Zhangjiakou Yuanhui Biomass Science and Technology Ltd. Investment Promotion Project Hebei Xingtai Xihesheng Flour Co., Ltd. Investment Promotion Project Chengde Yudao Agricultural Products Development and Deep Processing Project Xingchunhe Agro-industrial Park Investment Promotion Project Investment Promotion Project of Mindefu Eco-Park in Wangdu County, Hebei Province Industrialization Project of Breeding and Processing 10,000 Beef Cattle Investment Promotion Project of Huanghuatan Modern Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park in Investment Promotion Project of Hilledagger Mutton Sheep Breeding Base in Damao Banner, Baotou City Qiannianfeng Farmers’ Planting Cooperative in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner Investment Promotion Project of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park Investment Promotion Project of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park of

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Mengnong Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner Qianwang Edible Fungi Co., Ltd. in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner Documents of Investment Attraction for the Agricultural and Husbandry Industry Park Zhuoao Agricultural Means of Production Co., Ltd in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner Documents of Investment Attraction for the Agricultural and Husbandry Industry Park Investment Promotion Project of Agricultural and Husbandry Industry Park of Lvyuan Specialized Farmers’ Cooperative in Oroqen Autonomous Banner Investment Promotion Project of Fanda International Logistics Center Investment Promotion Project of 300,000-Ton Corns Deep Processing in Horqin Right Front Banner Investment Promotion Project of Lianfeng Agricultural Industrial Park Investment Promotion Project of Xingjun Agricultural and Ecological Development Co., Ltd. in Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner Investment Promotion Project of Chenggong Straw Forage Co Ltd of Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner Project of Constructing -Mongolia Plantation, Experimentation and Promotion Base for Cold-Resistant Rice and Soybean Organized by Temu Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd. in Keyouzhong Banner, , Autonomous Region Investment Promotion Project of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park of Rongsheng Commercial and Trade Co., Ltd Forage Production Project of Yongsheng Food Co., Ltd. in Jalaid Banner The 500,000 Green Live Pigs Investment Promotion Project Investment Promotion Project of Agriculture Industrial Park in Jilin Zhongxin Food Zone Zhejiang International Agricultural Products Trade Center Investment Promotion Project

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Weifang National Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Agricultural Opening up and Development Investment Promotion Project Shandong Mount Hua Zhenye Rural Complex Investment Promotion Project Zhushan Ecological Valley Investment Promotion Project Mount Lu Manor in Zhucheng City Investment Promotion Project Shandong Wanluda Cornus Walteri Culture Industrial Park Zhengzhuang Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd Extension Project of Plant Protection UAV Industrialization of Quanfeng Aviation Plant Protection Technology Co., Ltd. in Anyang Construction of Agricultural Industrialization Cluster (The integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries) Technical Transformation of Tianzhong Food Industrial Park and the Construction of Digital Factory of Food Safety Upgrading (The National Military-Civilian Integration Project) (Selenium Co., Ltd.)Financing Project for SeDouble Capital Increase and Share Expansion Project of Hubei Jinbeijia Natural Agriculture Co., Ltd Intensive Processing Project of 1,000 tons’ Jade Dew of Qinxiyuan Co., Ltd Huazhishan Eco-Agriculture Tea-Tourism Project Project of Selenium Soybean Industrial Chain Construction Project of Hubei Tujia’ai Food Development Co., Ltd Financing Project of Expansion and Capacity Increase of Algal Rim Selenium Peptide Production Project of Annual Output of 10-million-bottle Quantitative Deep-Processing Selenium Products of Shanyou Agriculture Co. Ltd Integration Project of Selenium and Tourism in the Forestry Culture Museum

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Shengyihe Agro-industrial Park Investment Promotion Project

I. General Introduction Hebei Shengyihe Biotech Co., Ltd. was established in March 2016 with a registered capital of RMB 50 million Yuan.Relying on the technical support of the National Institute of Medicinal Botany in Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Zhejiang University, Dendrobium candidum (Shengyihe No.1) which could be planted in the north of China was developed jointly from 2014 to 2015 and successfully planted in Huailai in 2016. This characteristic industry will form an industrial chain of Dendrobium candidum which integrates genetic research,selection,breeding, tissue culture, organic planting of GAP,industrial research and development, processing and marketing.It breaks through the bottleneck of stable productivity and efficiency of the Dendrobium candidum industry, and realizes “the controllable quality, variety, cultivation process and productivity"of the Dendrobium candidum planting. The company plans to invest RMB 80 million Yuan to build an Industrial Demonstration Park of 1,180 mu.It will set up a biotechnology and technology R&D center, planting demonstration areas, green ecological Chinese herbal medicine planting areas, picking areas, innovative experience tourism and sightseeing areas, and Chinese herbal medicine health care demonstration areas to form the pattern of “One center and five areas”.Until now, the investment in project construction has reached RMB 24.9 million Yuan. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Huailai County,Zhangjiakou City,Hebei Province is one of the regions which have the best natural conditions in the world.The climate changes significantly throughout the year, with abundant rainfall, excellent soil quality and strong sunshine and no typhoon.It is very suitable for the cultivation and growth of various types of crops.It is one of the few undeveloped and uncontaminated lands in the world. According to the research results of Zhejiang University Scientific Research Institute, the internal rate of return of this project is high and the investment payback period is about 5 years (including the construction period),which means the financial index is far higher than the average return of domestic agricultural investment projects, with very good economic benefits. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment demands: strategic investors or regional investors: a. Strong capital investment capacity with no less than 50 million US dollars of the registered capital.

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b. Management experience of overseas agricultural projects. c. Master of core planting or breeding technologies, and with a professional agricultural planting team and agricultural product marketing channels. d. Mature financing experience and resource integration ability (Ⅱ) Preferential policies a. A large area of long-term (30 years) leasing quality land. b. Tax exemption. c. Preferential share distribution ratio. d. Preferential supporting policies. e. Particularly favorable natural conditions. Ⅳ.Contact Contact: Chang Xinyu Tel: 1593235777 Email: [email protected] Add: Shacheng Town,Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

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Hengshui Lake International Spice Town Agro-industrial Park Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information The project was initiated by Shijiazhuang Sentai Industrial Co., Ltd. and contracted by Hebei Taicheng Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. (branch). The project covers a total area of about 1,000 hectares, including 33.3 hectares of collective construction land. The total investment of the town is RMB 8 billion Yuan. Aiming to do a good job in Chinese spice products and reshape Chinese spice brand, the project adopts the whole tourism system of “the industry + literary tourism + health and wellness + international trade + great wisdom”, building a platform of international spices and fragrant herbs to attract and gather the world's high-end talents to incite the spice industry. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Project Advantages Hengshui is located in the low-lying areas of in the North China Plain. The average elevation is 8 meters, the annual precipitation is 518mm, and the frost-free period is 195 days. It has a record low temperature of -26 °C and high temperature of over 43 °C. With the drop of groundwater level and continuous management, the former saline-alkali land has been gradually improved to a fertile farmland, with a complete irrigation and drainage system, great ability to withstand natural disasters, and a significant increase in mechanization and automation. The project areas have achieved stable production and high yield for 15 consecutive years. In addition to facility cultivation, it is suitable for the production of most spice plants around the world. Through experiments of planting, thousands of spice trees and herbaceous flowers from all over the world have been selected. (Ⅱ) Investment Benefits: a. Tourism revenue is about RMB 180 million Yuan b. The income from scientific research achievements is about RMB 500 million Yuan. c. The trading volume of the spice market is about RMB 3.5 billion Yuan. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands (enterprises with one of the following advantages ) a. Enterprises that have royal specifications for its range of spice products. b. Enterprises with the management experience of overseas agricultural projects. c. Enterprises mastering the planting, production and processing technology of fragrant medicine.

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d. Well-known international cosmetics enterprises . e. Enterprises engaged in romantic wedding design and planning, wedding derivatives processing and production, diamond& jewelry design, processing and retail. f. Green honey production and processing enterprises. g. Health food production and processing enterprises for the elderly. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies a. Complete infrastructure facilities. b. Complete industrial procedures. c. Excellent scientific and technical support. (Ⅲ) Cooperation Plan China's self-built venues are leased to Party B. The Chinese side leases land to Party B for building venues. IV. Contact Contact: Zhang Peixuan Tel: 18931362176 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Add: Suliu Village, Dengzhuang Town, Taocheng District, Hengshui City, Hebei Province

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Qianxun Chateau Strawberry Icewine in Changli County, Qinhuangdao City Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information The total planned investment of the project is RMB 10 million Yuan, and RMB 3 million Yuan has been invested. In recent years, the Government of Changli County focused on guiding farmers to grow high quality strawberries and develop greenhouse picking, which has achieved good economic benefits. The total planting area of greenhouse strawberries in the whole county has reached 24,000 mu and the annual output value has reached RMB 720 million Yuan, which has helped nearly 40,000 farmers to increase their income and get rich. However, after the strawberry picking season, the price of strawberries plummets. In May and June of each year, farmers basically give up the management of strawberries, and a large number of strawberries get rotten in the field. In order to reduce waste and increase farmers' income, the project team devotes themselves to research for many years. After special processing, they finally invented the first strawberry wine in China. With strong aroma and good taste, this wine is suitable for both young and aged people. Meanwhile, it has the effect of beautifying and deferring senility. The strawberry wine project prolonged the picking period of strawberries and increased farmers’ income as well as the enterprise’s benefits." II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Located at the eastern part of south outer ring covering an area of 10 mu, Qianxun Chateau in Changli County is a deep processor of agricultural products, specialized in the research, development, production and sales of strawberry wine. After years of R&D, it has successfully invented the first strawberry wine fermented by pure juice. At present, it can annually process 800 tons of strawberries and produce 180 tons of strawberry wine. The annual sales revenue can reach RMB 150 million Yuan. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Investment Demands: capital injection, joint venture Contact: Li Xiaosong Tel: 13785071055 Email: [email protected] Add: Qianxun Chateau, Changli County, Qinhuangdao City

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Shijiazhuang Tianquan Cow Breeding Co., Ltd. Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information The total planned investment of the project is RMB 330 million Yuan. The Sino-US Animal Bioengineering Science and Technology Innovation Center has finished its construction and been put into operation in an all-round way. II. Project Planning/Feasibility Study Report Shijiazhuang Tianquan Cow Breeding Co., Ltd. was established in September 2006. It is a scientific and technological livestock enterprise, specialized in fast breeding high quality beef and cattle by using livestock embryo transplantation and related biotechnology. It is one of the national high-tech enterprises, the first batch of standardized demonstration dairy farms approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China (MARA) the demonstration base for promoting the achievements of talent introduction in Hebei province, the leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization in Shijiazhuang city, agricultural science and technology enterprise, and the cow embryo biological engineering technology research center in Shijiazhuang City. It has presided over or participated in 18 national projects and more than 20 provincial and municipal projects. it has won 5 provincial and ministerial scientific and technical progress awards and 3 national invention patents. it has published more than 40 scientific papers (including 11 SCI papers). It has invented four new technologies including PCR cow embryo gender identification technology and double calf induction technology. More than 30,000 embryos are produced, and the total number of cattle embryo it transfers accounts for 85 percent of the total number in China. III. Advantages and Investment Benefits It aims to build a scientific and technical innovation center of animal bioengineering in Hebei province, which mainly focuses on dairy cows, beef cattle and pigs, etc. By introducing the ovum pick-up and in vitro fertilization technology (OPU - IVF), one of the core technologies of Trans ova Genetics in the United States, it is expected to make the technology localized, standardized and industrialized in 3-5 years and establish a core breeding team and strong international team for research and innovation. IV. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Investment Demands: capital injection, joint venture Contact: Haodan Tel: 18803315803 Email:[email protected] Add: Hanzhuang Village, Shangzhuang Town, Luquan District, Shijiazhuang

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Chengde State-owned Yu’ershan Ranch Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information Chengde State-owned Yu’ershan Ranch is located at 116º15'east longitude and 41º44’ north latitude in the north of Fengning Manchu , , adjacent to of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It belongs to the transition zone between Inner Mongolia Plateau and Yan Mountains and North China Plain. It is also the world's best gold belt for animal husbandry production with 4 sub-ranches under its jurisdiction. The total population is 1,200 with 120 employees. It is 280 km away from , 250 km away from Chengde City, 30 km away from the exit of Zhangjiajie-Chengde Expressway. The provincial secondary road - Yuda Line Scenic Avenue (the upcoming National No. 1 Scenic Avenue) runs through the ranch. The total area of the ranch is 102,000 mu, including 33,000 mu of cultivated land (17,000 mu has been transferred), 42,000 mu of meadow (including 5,000 mu of grassland and wetlands), 15,200 mu of woodland and other areas of 11,800 mu. The grain planting area is 10,000 mu, including 10,000 mu of potatoes, 8 000 mu of vegetables (including 5,000 mu of organic vegetables), 20,000 mu of quality pasture. There are 3000 sheep and 600 cattle in the ranch. It has an annual production capacity of 8,000 tons of grass and 50 tons of grass seeds. It is a base of high-quality forage, organic vegetable and forage seed. II. Project Planning/Feasibility Study Report Yu’ershan Ranch fully utilizes its natural resources, ecology, location, transportation, culture and other resource advantages, and the opportunity of the Third Tourism Development Conference of Hebei Province in 2018 to vigorously carry out investment promotion, introduce strategic investors, and strive to build a first-class international tourism farm with outstanding characteristics. III. Advantages and Investment Benefits The project area is divided into six parts: one is the 10,000-mu grassland flower sea sightseeing and entertainment resort mainly based on the golden lotus flower. The other is to build the Moulin Rouge coffee leisure resort, the performing arts area and the characteristic tourist towns of Europe and the United States with the original labor reform prison as the background. The third is the 10000-dairy cattle animal husbandry sightseeing farm based on the high-quality forage base. The fourth is to build a high-quality organic agricultural ecological park in Beijing suburbs with the focus on improving the characteristic industry. The fifth is to build Jingbei Grassland Cultural Expo Center by fully exploring Manchu and Mongolian customs. the sixth is to build a breeding base of millions of high-quality sheep (Australian white). IV. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Investment Demands: capital injection, joint venture Contact: HanXu Tel: 13673140371 Email:[email protected] Add: Yu'ershan Village, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Chende City, Hebei Province.

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Huayu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd The international poultry incubation center project with the annual production capacity of 250 million eggs

I. General Information This project is designed and guided by the American Hy-Line International. All the incubation equipment is imported from American Jamesway Incubator Company which takes the lead in the world. After it is completed, the project will become the world’s largest incubation base for breeding hens with internationally leading technologies. The company has 2,300 employees, among which 105 are college graduates and 60 are professional and technical talents. With China Agricultural University (CAU) as the technical support unit, the company employs 10 professors from CAU as its annual technical consultants. It is planned to be built in the Agricultural Product Processing Park of County, covering an area of 50 mu. The main buildings include incubation center workshops, accommodation buildings, garages, accessory rooms, etc. It covers an area of 33,334 ㎡(50 mu), with a total construction area of 20,650 ㎡. The total investment of the project is RMB 150 million, including RMB 120 million of fixed asset investment and working capital of RMB 30 million Yuan of circulating capital. II. Project Planning/Feasibility Study Report The approval procedures have been completed in an early period. The record certificate, planning and site selection opinions, energy technology assessment, environmental impact assessment and land use opinions of the land department have been obtained. III. Project Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Transportation Located in the south of Hebei province, Handan County is close to two major consumption markets of animal husbandry products: Beijing and . Beijing- Expressway, - Expressway, No.107 and No.309 National Highway pass through the county. The project is located in the Agricultural Product Processing Park of Handan County with a convenient transportation. (Ⅱ) Environmental Requirement and Treatment The main sources of pollution of this project are noise, sewage, domestic sewage and garbage. According to relevant national environmental protection standards, the production sewage will be used as irrigation water when it can reach the standard after the precipitation treatment. The domestic sewage will be used for watering greenhouses and farmland after reaching the limit value of Comprehensive Sewage

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Discharge Standard (GB8798--96). The domestic garbage is collected by classification according to the designated place and transported to the waste disposal site. For the production equipment with large noise, sound insulation shielding is installed to reduce noise pollution. There is also a certain amount of green land for growing flowers, grass and trees to beautify the work environment in the factory. IV. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Investment Demands: capital injection, joint venture Contact: Ji Zhensong Tel: 0310-8848921 15232005086 Email: [email protected] Add: 5th floor, No.4 building of Headquarters Base, High-tech Development District, Handan City, Hebei Province.

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Wuhua Meadow Food Co., Ltd. of Guyuan County Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information Located at the Koudaoying Village, Pingdingbao Town, Guyuan County, Wuhua Meadow Food Co., Ltd covers an area of over 30 mu and has No.241 Provincial Road passing through the door. Meanwhile, it is only 3 kilometers away from the Guyuan Exit of Zhangjiakou-Chengde Expressway and located next to the Wuhua Meadow scenic spot, which is known as the most beautiful sea of flowers in North China. It now covers an area of 2,400 square meters including the office building, storage and processing workshops with 25 sets of equipment consisting of 6 large-scale equipment. The registered capital of the company is RMB 20 million Yuan and its total capital is over RMB 15 million Yuan, of which the permanent assets is over RMB 10 millionYuan. Since its establishment, the company has become a large-scale vegetable fresh-keeping processing enterprise in Wuyuan County and even Zhangjiakou City after four major technical reforms. It ranks the top in terms of the export volume for three consecutive years. II. Project Planning and Feasibility Study Report At present, the Agro-industrial Science and Technology Planting and Sightseeing Tourism Park has finished its construction of transportation, water, electricity and communication supply, water conservancy, drain contamination and green areas, and leveled the land. The picking area of greenhouses has been almost finished. The park also includes the 1000-mu broccoli base which will be exported to Hongkon. It also plans a test area for high-yield naked oats. III. Advantages and Investments Benefits By making the best use of the geological advantages and on the basis of vegetables, we plan to boost the development of vegetable industry with the idea of industrialization and strive to build the vegetable brand of Wuhua Meadow. By giving full play to the advantages of the "Hometown of Broccoli in China", it will fully promote the process of vegetable industrialization, lead the scientific cultivation of surrounding farmers, carry out large-scale operation, push forward market-oriented development, continuously increase production, income and benefits, and promote the development of modern agriculture to a new high. Meanwhile, on the basis of the Agro-industrial Science and Technology Planting and Sightseeing Tourism Park, we will build a comprehensive agricultural tourism project area with farming experience, rural life

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experience, sightseeing and picking, agricultural education and folk culture demonstration to make up for the shortcomings of the tourism of Guyuan agriculture and animal husbandry. We hope more and more people can experience the joy of primitive and modern agriculture and animal husbandry. Besides, we will use small rivers and tidal flats to conduct small-scale farming and properly breed some wild animals that can adapt to local climate such as scorpions, yellow sheep, foxes, oysters, and carvings. The total investment of the project is RMB 26.7995 million Yuan (except the fixed assets). IV. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Investment Demands: capital injection, eth sole proprietorship joint venture Contact: Zhang Bingzhe Tel.:15132352345 Email:[email protected] Add: Daoying Village, Pingdingbao Town, Wuyuan County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

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Intelligent Seedling Factory of Guyuan Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd. Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information The intelligent seedling factory is located in Yuanbaoshan Village, Pingdingbao Town, 1.5 kilometers west of Guyuan County. The project covers an area of 40 mu, 20 mu for the intelligent seedling factory and 20 mu for auxiliary facilities, such as seedling sheds, warehouse and supply rooms. Investment budget: The total investment is RMB 30 million Yuan. The budget of the main structure of the seedling factory is RMB 12 million Yuan, seedling racks RMB 2 million Yuan, main heating facilities RMB 2 million Yuan. The budget for other materials, tools and water conservancy facilities is RMB 1 million Yuan, the auxiliary facilities and circulating capital RMB 13 million Yuan. II. Project Planning and Feasibility Study Report Guyuan Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd. is located in the north area of Hebei Guyuan Economic Development District, covering an area of 40 mu. Its registered capital is RMB 35 million Yuan and the total asset is RMB 99.67 million Yuan, including RMB 55.49 million Yuan of fixed assets. The planting base covers an area of 3,000 mu. Its main businesses are planting, preserving and exporting of out-of-season vegetables such as broccoli, lettuce, celery and cabbage, with the annual production of finished products 8,400 tons. The company has formed an operating mode of scale planting, standardized production, commercial processing, branding sales, industrial management. It has achieved pollution-free, green, GAP, HACCP certification, and successfully built an enterprise brand, which has promoted sales prices by 30%. III. Advantages and Investment Benefits The project adopts intelligent technologies such as the insulation system, ventilation system and irrigation system, which can realize intelligent monitoring and management during the whole process of vegetable seedlings breeding. Its advantages mainly include the following aspects: first, by using scientific environmental control and management, the quality of the seedlings has been improved greatly. A whole set of operations from substrate batching, tray loading, seed coating treatment, precision seeding, germination, indentation, covering to water spraying can be finished on one production line, which means an automatic control has been realized. The roots of the seedlings are developed with strong abilities to absorb water and nutrients. After planting, they will grow very fast and vigorously. To some extent, pests and diseases can be cut off through seedlings to the passage of the cultivation place. Second, this project can improve land utilization, save seeds and reduce seedling breeding risks and production costs. IV. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Demands: capital injection, sole proprietorship or joint venture Contact: Han Baolin Tel: 13703330548 E-mail: [email protected] Add: North Area of Guyuan Economic Development District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

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Zhangjiakou Yuanhui Biomass Science and Technology Ltd. Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information Established in January 2016, based on the comprehensive utilization of agricultural and rural organic waste such as crop straw, livestock and poultry manure, Zhangjiakou Yuanhui Biomass Science and Technology Ltd. is a professional company providing solutions for the urban and rural ecological energy system and participating in the operation of the whole industrial chain. Its business scope covers the investment, construction and management of biogas, bio-natural gas and bio-carbon dioxide production projects, the production and sales of bio-fertilizer, the investment in gas transmission and distribution networks and stations, automobile refueling stations and industrial gas pipe networks. II. Project Planning and Feasibility Study Report Our company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yuanyi Biomass Technology Co., Ltd., which has always been committed to the construction of biogas projects to a whole industry chain system. With corn stalks as basic materials, manure and other organic waste can be flexibly mixed together at a certain ratio. The annual consumption of corn stalks is about 33,000 tons which is equivalent to the same amount of other organic wastes (both in dry matter), and that of the livestock manure is 0.4 million tons (TS). The annual output of biogas is 14.6 million cubic meters, and that of the purified bio-natural gas is 7.3 million cubic meters (ie, 40,000 cubic meters of biogas per day, and 20,000 cubic meters of purified bio-natural gas). The annual output of organic fertilizer is 35,000 tons and that of industrial liquid carbon dioxide is 0.92 million tons. The main project includes 8 anaerobic fermentation tanks with a single volume of 5000 cubic meters and supporting projects, and corresponding supporting projects for automobile filling stations, gas supply stations and gas transmission and distribution pipeline networks. The main body of the project includes 8 anaerobic fermentation tanks with a volume of 5,000 cubic meters and supporting projects, and corresponding automobile filling stations, gas supply stations and gas transmission and distribution pipeline networks. The project consists of four systems including the raw material supporting system, “bio-natural gas” conversion and purification system, biogas slurry and bio-liquid fertilizer conversion system, distributed energy stations in villages and towns and gas transmission and distribution network system. These four self-independent systems form a complete industrial chain of circular economy, covering the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. From the collection of agricultural organic waste, industrial anaerobic conversion, production of bio-natural gas and organic fertilizer products to the application of these products in urban and rural life and agricultural production, the agricultural waste such as straw and livestock manure is recycled, and the horizontal coupling, vertical extension and circular linkage between the industry and the enterprise are realized. III. Advantages and Investment Benefits Our company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chifeng Yuanyi Biomass Technology Co., Ltd., which has always been committed to the construction of a whole industrial chain of bio-natural gas projects. It

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jointly established a technology R&D center with Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and carried out a “4+3+3” teaching model with Chifeng College and Tsinghua University to provide technical support and talent output for the project. IV. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Demands: capital injection, sole proprietorship or joint venture Contact: Li Lianxin Tel:13682183875 Email: [email protected] Add: Taercun Village, Taercun Town, Xuanhua District, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, P.R. China.

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Hebei Xingtai Xihesheng Flour Co., Ltd. Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information With the total investment of RMB 200 million Yuan and more than 86,600 ㎡ of standardized production base, Hebei Xihesheng Flour Co., Ltd. has the most advanced flour production lines named Buhler and the precise inspection & detection equipment. It is one of the key leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization and the only one diversified large-scale enterprise engaged in standardized warehousing, flour processing and food processing in Hebei Province. Its products are sold well in Guangdong, Zhejiang, , Guizhou, , Yunnan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, etc. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits This project plans to build multi-story production workshops and one grain storage warehouse with the capacity of 300,000 tons. It will introduce two milling production lines named Wuxi Buhler and one set of precise inspection & detection equipment which are the most advanced in the world, making the entire production process completely automatic. The production scale and product quality will take the lead in China. After the completion of the project, it can provide jobs for 300 local people. It is expected to process 800 tons of wheat per day and convert more than 300,000 tons of wheat per year. It can utilize the local and surrounding wheat, effectively improve the economic benefits of local crops and increase farmers' income, promote agricultural industrial restructuring and push forward the development of the planting, aquaculture, transportation, and surplus labor re-employment. It is estimated that the annual output value will reach RMB 350 million Yuan, the profit will be RMB 30 million Yuan and the payback period will be 3 years. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Demands: capital injection, sole proprietorship or joint venture Contact: Geng Baojun Tel: 13833142865 Email: [email protected] Add: Dongwang Town, Ningjin County, Hebei Province, P.R. China.

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Chengde Yudao Agricultural Products Development and Deep Processing Project

I. General Information The Chengde Yudao Agricultural Products Development and Deep Processing Project lies in the Industrial Park of Longhua County, Chengde City, Hebei Province. It covers an area of 35 mu and has a total investment of RMB 100 million Yuan. It plans to build 2 production workshops covering 2,000 m2, a production workshop covering 600 m2, a warehouse covering 2,000 m2, a lounge covering 600 m2, a laboratory covering 120 m2 and a tasting room covering 180 m2, which are all steel structures and has one floor. The office building covers 3000 m2, which is brick-concrete structure with three floors. II. Project Planning and Feasibility Study Report Established in April 2010 and located in Zhangsanying Town, Longhua County, Chengde City, Chengde Yumin White Buckwheat Specialty Co., Ltd covers an area of 64,000 m2, with the registered capital of RMB 20 million Yuan and the existing assets of RMB 49 million Yuan. It is mainly engaged in the production of white buckwheat products with local characteristics (several hundred years). It has 20,000 mu of buckwheat planting base and is a manufacturer of white buckwheat products integrating the production, processing, research and development and sales. It is a key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization in Hebei Province and also a leading enterprise of the characteristic industry supported by the local government. It has passed QS certification, green food certification and organic product certification. It adopts traditional processing technology, purchases advanced testing equipment, and establishes a first-class team. From raw materials, production, processing, packaging to inspection of outgoing products, professional technicians check the whole process to ensure the quality and safety of the products. III. Advantages and Investment Benefits When the project is accomplished, it can produce 400 tons of leisure food and beverage (made of buck-noodles/white buckwheat), 800 thousand of canned drinks, 50 tons of featured dumplings (made of buck-noodles/white buckwheat) and 48 tons of pancakes (made of buck-noodles/white buckwheat ) every year, realizing the economic benefit of RMB 90 million Yuan. IV. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Demands: capital injection, sole proprietorship or joint venture Contact: Wang Yumin Tel: 13131461230 Email: [email protected] Add: Taigou Village, Zhangsanying Town, Longhua County, Chengde City, Hebei Province

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Xingchunhe Agro-industrial Park Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information Located in Xingzhou Village, Datun Town, Luanping County, Chengde City, Chengde Xingchunhe Agriculture Co., Ltd was established in June 2014 with the registered capital of RMB 50 million Yuan. The legal representative is Hao Yufen. Xingchunhe Eco-cycle Agricultural Demonstration Zone, which started construction in 2014, has transferred a land area of 1.27km2(1900 mu)and expropriated a land area of 92,980 m2 (139.47 mu), and invested RMB 420 million Yuan. Eight sub-projects have been preliminarily completed, including the Industrialized Agaricus Bisporus Production Project, High-yielding Dairy Breeding Project, Green Organic Vegetable Facility Project, Characteristic Laying Hen Breeding Project Ralls Apple Orchard Project, Modern Leisure & Sightseeing Agriculture Project, Equipment Manufacturing Project and Food Processing Project. In this way, an Eco-cycle Agricultural Demonstration Zone integrating raising, planting, processing, facility manufacturing, sightseeing and touring has been built, a three-dimensional agricultural system integrating animal, plant and microbial communities in one park has been formed, and the deep integration of the primary, secondary & tertiary industries with production, life and ecology has been realized. In 2017, the company was recognized as a "High-Tech Enterprise" by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the Government of the People's Republic of China. Meanwhile, it was included in the list of "the first batch of national rural industrial integration development demonstration parks" established by the National Development and Reform Commission of China and other 6 ministries as well as in the list of "Characteristic Towns" in Hebei Province. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Chengde is a national pioneer area of green development, a national tourist city and a water conservation area for Beijing and Tianjin. Luanping County, under the jurisdiction of Chengde, is located at the junction of Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning and Inner Mongolia, and also known as “the North Gate & Back Garden of Beijing”. Luanping, transiting from the middle temperate zone to the warm temperate zone, is the semi-arid, continental, monsoon and Yan mountain climate with four distinct seasons, long winter and short summer. The annual average temperature is 7.7℃. The hottest month is July, with the average temperature of 23 ℃. The natural temperature of three quarters of the whole year is suitable for the growth of crops, which will considerably reduce the energy costs of heating and cooling in plants.

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After the project is completed and put into production, the whole project will generate an annual output value of RMB 2.43 billion Yuan, of which the annual output value of Xingchunhe will reach RMB 860 million Yuan with an average annual income of RMB 280 million Yuan. In this way we shall lead surrounding farmers to create an annual output value of RMB 1.57 billion Yuan with an average annual income of RMB 420 million Yuan. What’s more, we can provide jobs for 3,000 people. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands a. Strong financial strength with the registered capital of no less than RMB 100 millionYuan b. Successful financing experience and resource integration capabilities (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies a. Large area of land suitable for breeding and planting b. Tax exemption c. Preferential share allocation ratio d. Preferential supporting policies e. Particularly favorable natural conditions IV. Contact Contact: Zhao Baohua Tel: 18932861611

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Investment Promotion Project of Mindefu Eco-Park in Wangdu County, Hebei Province

I. General Information Mindefu Eco-Park was built in March 2012, 7 kilometers north of Wangdu County. It is located in the triangle area of Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang. It has highly convenient cross-linked public transportation network, with Beijing- Railway and 107 national highway running across the county. In its north, it is Beijing- Expressway and Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway. in the south, it is Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway. It is 70 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang Airport, 200 kilometers away from Beijing Capital Airport, 185 kilometers away from Tianjin Port and 120 kilometers away from Huanghua Port. The park covers a 1,200-mu long-term transferred land with lease. It is the first registered large comprehensive agricultural eco-tourism park and its main features are scale organic agricultural farming and special animal husbandry, supported by leisure, tourism and fruits picking projects. It is recognized as Hebei Provincial Agricultural Demonstration Core Area, one of the 10 key projects in Wangdu County, and approved by 7 ministries and commissions including National Development and Reform Commission as one of the first 148 national rural agriculture integrative development demonstration parks. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Wangdu County’s favorable natural conditions and fertile land are suitable for various crops. It has a proven track record in organic agricultural farming and featured animal husbandry. Quality agricultural and animal products produced here are well-received by residents in middle and big cities like Beijing, Shijiazhuang (provincial capital city) and Baoding, thus holding great promise for development and value appreciation. Currently, the developing focus in the park is the mutual enhancement and integration of new form of industries with planting industry, processing industry, catering services and rural tourism, to reinvest agriculture with technological, cultural, environmental and landscape values, and to improve agricultural and rural development in terms of ecological leisure, tourism and sightseeing, cultural transmission and science education, turning farm areas into scenic areas, fields into parks, labor into sports and farm products into commodities. Through funds integration, we built a new-type farmers training center, a vegetable industry R&D center, a cold-chain logistics distribution and storage center, and an agricultural technology incubation base. The lighting project has been developed in the park to improve lighting effects. The existing warm sheds have all been renovated and refurbished to be controlled by the Internet of Things. a filial piety featured hall and a children education hall have been

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built to promote good traditional culture and the tradition of putting filial piety first. The park has hired professional agencies to study and write the feasibility report of the project. The financial internal rate of return (FIRR) of the project is 15.26%, higher than the 12% of benchmarked FIRR. Return on investment is 16.37%, which is quite good and will allow for the sound development of the project itself. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands The investor is expected to have: a. Strong investment capability, with registered capital no less than 30 million US dollars. b. Experience in agricultural project development and tourism project operation. c. Planting or animal husbandry core skills, professional agricultural technology team and agricultural products sales channels. d. Successful financing experience and resource integration capability. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies a. Long-term transferred land with lease covers an area of 1200 mu. b. Reduction and exemption of tax for the project. c. Preferential equity distribution ratio. d. Multiple preferential and supporting policies from local government. e. Exceptional natural conditions. IV. Contact Us Contact: Zhang Honggang Tel: 13933977088 Email: [email protected] Add: Core Area of Wangdu Provincial Agricultural Demonstration Park (Nangangzi. Village), Baoding City, Hebei Province

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Industrialization Project of Breeding and Processing 10,000 Beef Cattle

I. General Information There are 256,000 heads of cattle in the Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner and the varieties are mainly local yellow cattle and improved Simmental cattle. The annual output is 100,000 heads and the beef quality meets the international market standard. The construction of breeding bases can promote the rapid development of the cattle raising industry. The existing grassland is 13 million mu and the cultivated land is 3.1 million mu. The annual output of grain and beans is about 1.5 billion jin and the figure of straw is 1.8 billion jin. The project introduces multi-strain straw forage technology, which can provide sufficient forage for the project. There are railways, 111 national highways and inter-provincial large passages in the area, which forms a transportation network extending in all directions. The reliable power supply has created favorable conditions for project construction. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner is the only Animal Husbandry Banner of Xing' an League approved by the autonomous region. Animal husbandry is always the dominant industry in the Banner's rural economy and the basis for the majority of farmers and herdsmen to survive. After years of development and improvement, the animal husbandry has become more prominent in the economic and social development of the whole Banner. At present, animal husbandry is the industry that best represents the national and economic characteristics of the Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner. The annual production capacity includes 10,000 heads of fattened cattle and 3,000 tons of beef. If the price of beef is 60,000 RMB Yuan per ton, the annual sales revenue is 180 million RMB Yuan and the profit and tax is 30.6 million RMB Yuan. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demand: The ability to invest in the construction of breeding base for 10,000 beef cattle (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies We will increase tax incentives, levy taxes on major businesses and provide additional tax incentives. Land concessions will be provided for key enterprises. The part of the land listing price of a key enterprise, which is higher than the negotiated price between the local government and the enterprise, shall be returned to the enterprise. IV. Contact Us Contact: Bei jing Tel: 0482-4138155 E-mail:[email protected] Add.: Farming and Animal Husbandry Bureau of the Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner

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Investment Promotion Project of Huanghuatan Modern Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park in Baotou

I. General Information Huanghuatan Modern Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park is one of the 4 modern farming and animal husbandry industrial parks in Baotou. With 1 billion RMB Yuan investment, the industrial park covers an area of 23,512.5 mu. It consists of four districts including food processing parks, covering an area of 1,000 mu. experience area, covering an area of 4,713 mu. picking area, covering an area of 8,048 mu. leisure area, covering an area of 9,751.5 mu. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits The Damao United Banner is located in the mid-temperate zone and belongs to the mid-temperate semi-arid continental climate. The winter is long and cold. the spring is dry and windy and the summer is short and cool. Due to short frost-free period and strong wind, the evaporation is large. With sufficient sunshine, the effective accumulated temperature is abundant. In the infrastructure construction project of Huanghuatan Food Park, the construction contractor only constructs the infrastructure in the park and will not participate in the future production and sales process. During the operation period, the construction contractor has no normal income. In addition, the entire funds of the project will be national funds and local matching funds. There is no need to pay interest and analyze the loan repayment ability. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Projects that will be implemented in the industrial park must be in line with the relevant national industrial policies and belong to non-polluting projects. It welcomes established enterprises or newly established enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million RMB Yuan, the provincial-level enterprises and enterprises whose paid-in capital or the first-phase paid-up capital is over 3 million RMB Yuan. The projects of enterprises implemented in the park shall be profitable and taxable and boast development prospects as well as strong talent teams. For foreign-invested enterprises or projects with high-level science and technology, advanced technology, large investment quota and exemplary role (such as the World's Top 500 Enterprises), the preferential policies can be adjusted according to the realities. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies Preferential Policy on land transfer fees: In Damao United Banner, the land transfer fee will be deducted 60 RMB Yuan per square meter and the transfer period is 50 years. Office space is provided for

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enterprises in the industrial park and the rent price is lower than the market price. Appropriate support will be given to enterprises according to their scale of construction. The investment of enterprises in the park shall be over 5 million RMB Yuan. If the enterprise invests 10 million RMB Yuan, it will 1 million RMB Yuan will be returned as reward. At the same time, it shall coordinate 2 million RMB Yuan of discount loans with a base of 10 million RMB Yuan per investment. IV. Contact Us Contact: Alatengbagenna Tel: 0472-8422492 E-mail: [email protected] Add: Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Damao United Banner, Baotou City

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Investment Promotion Project of Hilledagger Mutton Sheep Breeding Base in Damao Banner, Baotou City

I. General Information The Hilledagger Mutton Sheep Breeding Base in Damao Banner was established by the government of Damao Banner and Inner Mongolia Little Lamb Husbandry Technology Co., ltd. The Base started construction in June 2015 and was put into operation in June 2016. The total investment is 150 million yuan, of which 50 million yuan was for infrastructure construction (including office building, expert building, silo, mixed stock storage, enterprise culture exhibition hall, sheep house, sheep farm and water and electricity supply, etc.), and 100 million yuan was for sheep breeding. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits As a big city in China and the largest industrial city in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Baotou has good infrastructure, developed transportation and strong radiation capacity. The project is located in Damao Banner, Baotou city. It belongs to middle temperate zone with favorable climatic conditions, especially suitable for the biological characteristics of sheep. Here is the ideal place for mutton sheep breeding as the mutton and beef produce here is of high yield, high quality and rich nutrition. The developed peripheral economies, large scale of planting and processing industries and wide sources of forage and feed provide favorable conditions for the development of the meat and sheep industry. Local development of sheep production has a broad mass base. With the unique regional economic advantage and the strong capacity in market organization and management of Inner Mongolia Little Lamb Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd, the project will greatly promote the economic growth of Inner Mongolia region and play a decisive role for mutton sheep improvement after comprehensive grazing prohibition. The project will promote the local mutton sheep improvement rate to 80%, benefiting more than 3000 farmers and herdsmen. The profit of a hybridized sheep will reach 220 yuan. The project will realize the dream of bringing the Damao sheep to the local market. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demand: Strategic Investment and Cooperation a. The investor is expected to have strong investment capability with registered capital of no less than 20 million yuan. b. The investor is expected to have a professional technical team and sales channels, or the forage

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production research and development foundation, and a certain scale forage production and processing base. c. The investor is expected to have the successful experience in financing and resource integration. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies a. Both parties shall jointly carry out the research on new meat sheep varieties, and provide free scientific research sites and equipment. b. 5 to 10% of equity can be donated without compensation according to the proportion of investment by strategic investors. c. The project can enjoy grassland protection subsidies and subsidies for the industrialization of key leading enterprises. d. The project can enjoy the national animal husbandry subsidies IV. Contact Us Contact: GUO Yuhe Tel: 13488535223 Email:[email protected] Add: 6th Floor, Little Lamb Building, No. 77 Qingshan Culture Road, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia

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Qiannianfeng Farmers’ Planting Cooperative in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner Investment Promotion Project of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park

I. General Information The Farmers’ Cooperative’s project that rebuilding and expanding the selected packaging processing plant is planned to be located in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner. This project will expand the planting scale and improve the current unit production facilities of the project, which can increase the output of sorghum by 4,400 tons and the output of white melon seeds by 5,000 tons. It has purchased a set of selected equipment, a set of packaging equipment, a set of cultivation equipment and has constructed a processing plant. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Project Advantages The Oroqen Banner is a large grain-producing county in the autonomous region. It has a cultivated land of 4.13 million mu. The main crops are beans, with an annual planting area of more than 3 million mu. Therefore, the region has a unique resource advantage. Sorghum, white melon seeds are pure organic without any pollution. White melon seeds can be directly put into the market after processing. As for the sorghum, it can be used for wine making. Compared with products within and out of the region market, they have stronger price competitiveness. With the advantage of quality, they can fully have a place in the market. In addition, the grain can be transformed after processing, which has improved the efficiency of the enterprise. Qiannianfeng Farmers’ Cooperative’s Selected Storage Area is located in the Xisi Committee of Dayangshu, Dayangshu Town. The location is convenient for short and long way transportation. Besides, communication network such as China Mobile and China Unicom is fully covered. The power supply of the grid is abundant. In conclusion, the construction of the project is guaranteed in terms of transportation, communication and electricity. (Ⅱ) Investment benefits: the total investment of the project is 8.695 million RMB Yuan. After the project is put into production, the sales income in the normal year will be (Ⅰ) 6 million RMB Yuan and the net profit after tax will be 892,900 RMB Yuan. The project has good benefits and strong risk resistance capacity. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies

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(Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic Investment and Cooperation The investor is expected to provide strong financial support, related advanced technologies or have an expert team and sales channels. Those who have capabilities for financial integration will be preferred. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies Oroqen Autonomous Banner can provide abundant talent and material resources for the program. IV. Contact Us Contact:SUN Jijing Tel: 15248711788 Email:[email protected] Add:Qiannianfeng Farmers’ Planting Cooperative in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner

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Investment Promotion Project of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park of Mengnong Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner

I. General Information Mengnong Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner, plans to process 1,000 tons of wild vegetables every year. Based on the existing unused factory workshops, the company needs to build up 8 storage tanks as well as a freezer and purchase necessary machinery and equipment. Details of necessary production equipment and civil engineering are as follows: (1) ground maintenance of existing factory workshops: 1,500 m2( 2)wall maintenance of existing factory workshops: 3,000 m2 (3) 8 storage tanks (4) a freezer (5) 4 raw material cutting and sorting machines (6) 2 raw material dryer (7) 3 multi-function sterilizers (8) 10 production consoles (9) 2 coders (10) 3 UV sterilizers. In the first phase, the factory plans to establish a wild vegetable processing production line with an annual output of 1000 tons and gradually expand its scale in the future. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Project Advantages: The project is implemented in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner, where enjoys suitable climate and convenient transportation. With sufficient raw materials, guaranteed power and water resources supply, the project processes unique developing space. Among wild vegetables processed by the factory, Heracleum moellendorffii Hance, is a kind of organic wild vegetable with unique nutritional value. Its content of vitamin A and C, protein, fat and sugar is very high. In addition, it can be used as medicine for detoxification, blood-cleaning, lower blood sugar and blood pressure. At the same time, it can also resist fatigue and radiation. Therefore, it is a very good diet for weight loss and brain development. (Ⅱ) Investment Benefits: The total investment of the project is 2.5 million RMB Yuan. After the completion of the project, the normal annual sales income will be 10 million RMB Yuan. With 800,000 RMB Yuan income tax, the normal annual profit will be 1.678 million RMB Yuan. In conclusion, the economic benefits are profitable. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic Investment and Cooperation;The investor has the ability to invest capital and master relevant advanced technologies or has a professional technical team and sales channels. The ability to integrate financing is preferred.

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(Ⅱ) Preferential Policies: The wild vegetable processing project is a modernization of Chinese traditional medicine and a food functional processing project. It is in line with the strategic decision to establish an ecological Banner for the Oroqen Autonomous Banner of Hulunbeier City and the national, autonomous region as well as municipal industrial policies. It is imperative to implement the good project which benefits the country and the people in pursuit of increasing people’s income. The Dayangshu Town is an ideal place of implementation with good climate, environment and basic conditions. IV. Contact Us Contact: YIN Hongchen Tel: 13848603279 E-mail: [email protected] Add: Mengnong Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd., Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner

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Qianwang Edible Fungi Co., Ltd. in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner Documents of Investment Attraction for the Agricultural and Husbandry Industry Park

I. Program Overview Qianwang Edible Fungi Co., Ltd. in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner conducts an edible fungi processing business. The company’s newly constructed edible fungi processing and producing workshop is a steel building and has a floor area of 1,200 square meters (a 400-square-meter warehouse is included). The company also has a new steel testing lab, which occupies 97.2 square meters. The building height for both the workshop and the lab is five meters. In addition, the company has acquired a 1,000-square-meter drying area recently. The company also purchased a set of equipment for edible fungi processing and product tests (eight pieces in total): an analytical balance (0.1 mg), a balance (0.1 g), a set of drying ovens, a muffle furnace, a microorganism incubator, an autoclave, a biological microscope and a super-purgative working table. After the program is completed, the company is able to process 120 tons of black fungi every year. Their annul output will be 480,000 boxes of black fungi: 80,000 boxes of organic black fungi and 400,000 boxes of green black fungi. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Advantages: The program will be carried out at the Dayangshu Town in Oroqen Autonomous Banner. The town enjoys a pleasant climate, convenient transportation and sufficient supplies of power and water resources, which create a favorable developing environment. Auricularia, hericium erinaceus, mushrooms and other edible fungi produced in the area have great flavors and rich nutrition. As people’s living standards get better, more people have a stronger awareness of healthy diet. Eating edible fungi can benefit people’s lung, brain, blood system and reduce blood lipids. Thanks to their performance in protecting people against atherosclerosis, edible fungi will be more popular as healthy food in the market. As a result, processed edible fungi products will have great market potential. (Ⅱ) Investment benefits: The program requires an investment of RMB 2.8 million in total. The company’s annual output of high-quality edible fungi product is 120 tons. If the price for a ton of fungi is RMB 150,000, the program’s total revenues will be RMB 19 million. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment demands: Strategic investment or collaboration The investor is expected to provide strong financial support, related advanced technologies or have an expert team and sales channels. Those who have capabilities for financial integration will be preferred.

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(Ⅱ) Preferential policies The company is endowed with rich natural resources, geographic advantages and is located in a stable farming base that enjoys convenient transportation. IV. Contact Contact: Yang Yanbo Mobile Phone: 13190972657 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Qianwang Edible Fungi Co., Ltd. in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner

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Zhuoao Agricultural Means of Production Co., Ltd in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner Documents of Investment Attraction for the Agricultural and Husbandry Industry Park

I. Program Overview The high-quality soybean seed production base construction program is planned to be carried out in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner. The program aims to produce 10,000 tons of high-protein soybean varieties per year. According to the plan, the program will occupy 7,000 square meters of land and the total floor area of buildings will be 1,500 square meters. There will be a production workshop which has a floor area of 500 square meters, a seed warehouse which has a floor area of 1,000 square meters and a 5,000-square-meter drying area. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Advantages: As a seed engineering program, the project has been listed into the National High-quality Grain Industry Engineering Planning and meets the requirements for the Planning for Agricultural Production Regions Zhuoao Agricultural Means of Production Co., Ltd conducts high-quality soybean cultivation center program, which is supported by the Soybean Research Institute of Northeast Agricultural University. The institute is founded and chaired by Professor Wang Jinling, a leading researcher in soybean genetics and breeding science in our country. The institute has also grown into a research institute that focuses on the soybean genetics and breeding science and has researches on soybean cultivation, soybean bromatology and other related subjects. Using the QTL positioning technologies, the program aims to cultivate high-protein soybean varieties. (Ⅱ) Investment Benefits: the program requires a total investment of RMB 7.5 million. Once the production starts, the annual revenues can reach RMB 50 million and the annual tax and additional expenses will be RMB 277.5 million. The program’ total annual costs are RMB 40.8114 million and the annual profits are RMB 6.4136 million. The income tax expense will be RMB 1.6034 million and the after-tax profits will be RMB 4.8102 million. With its returns on investments of 37.51, returns on sales of 12.83%, after-tax internal rate of returns of 19.9% (benchmark yield of 8%), the program’s after-tax net present value is RMB 13.0721 million and its after-tax payback period is 7.11 years (including a two-year construction period). It is a high-return and risk-resilient program. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies

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(Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic investment or collaboration The investor is expected to provide strong financial support, related advanced technologies or have an expert team and sales channels. Those who have capabilities for financial integration will be preferred. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies Oroqen Autonomous Banner can provide abundant talent and material resources for the program. IV. Contact Contact: Mr./Ms. Liu Mobile Phone: 15049081777 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Zhuoao Agricultural Means of Production Co., Ltd in Dayangshu Town, Oroqen Autonomous Banner

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Investment Promotion Project of Agricultural and Husbandry Industry Park of Lvyuan Specialized Farmers’ Cooperative in Oroqen Autonomous Banner

I. General Information The Rutabaga Processing Program of Lvyuan Specialized Farmers’ Cooperative in Oroqen Autonomous Banner processes and produces 4,000 tons of rutabaga products every year. The cooperative has a 1,000 m2 processing workshop, a 380 m2 testing lab, a 380 m2 dormitory and canteen, a 400 m2 refrigerated warehouse and 10 seedling greenhouses, which occupy 3,000 m2 in total. In addition, the cooperative has completed ground hardening for 10,000 m2 of land and has purchased a set of equipment for production lines and supporting production equipment, facilities as well as containers. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Advantages: The program will be carried out in the Dayangshu Town which is located in the Oroqen Autonomous Banner. The town enjoys a pleasant climate, convenient transportation and sufficient supplies of raw materials, power and water resources. Rutabagas produced by the program will be grown in the northeastern area of Inner Mongolia. The plant cultivated in the Greater Khingan Mountains boasts a fresh favor and a delicate and crispy texture. It contains 25 health benefitting micronutrients, which are good for bone development, balancing electrolytes and chemical substances in body fluids and metabolism. As the “King of VC”, every 100 grams of rutabaga contain 54 milligrams of Vitamin C, 63 milligrams of Calcium, 7.4 milligrams of crude fiber and other micronutrients that human body needs. Therefore, it has high nutritional value. In recent years, the price of rutabagas has doubled and redoubled in the Europe and scientific community also gives a new name to the vegetable, namely, the “Vegetable Overlord of VC”. Thanks to its high content of Vitamin C and performance in healing and protecting against cancers, rutabagas have become very popular among consumers. (Ⅱ) Investment benefits: the program requires a total investment of 15 million RMB Yuan. Once the operations start, the program’s annual sales revenues will reach 19.88 million RMB Yuan. The program’s annual income tax payable will be 1.77 million RMB Yuan and its annual profits will be 3 million RMB Yuan. The program enjoys a promising economic prospect. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic investment or collaboration The investor is expected to provide strong financial support, related advanced technologies or have an expert team and sales channels. Those who have capabilities for financial integration will be preferred.

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(Ⅱ) Preferential Policies The program fully uses natural resources in Oroqen Autonomous Banner and seizes the opportunity of enterprise ownership reform provided by the nation’s western development campaign and policies for enterprises in the Greater Khingan Mountains. Reclaiming the land in Oroqen Autonomous Banner which has been idle for tens of thousands of years, fully developing green food in the Greater Khingan Mountains, implementing the brand strategy, conducting large-scale production as well as intensive business management and facilitating industrialization is an inevitable strategy to develop the Hulun Buir area and to boost the nation’s economy. IV. Contact Us Contact: You Shuxia Tel: 13754101222 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Lvyuan Specialized Farmers’ Cooperative, Oroqen Autonomous Banner

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Investment Promotion Project of Fanda International Logistics Center

I. General Information Thanks to the platform advantages provided by the Integrated Free Trade Zone, the Fanda International Logistics Center develops the imported vehicle industrial park, bonded warehouses, cross-border logistics and cross-border e-commerce and has grown into a multifaceted and professional bonded logistics center. The program requires a total investment of RMB 600 million Yuan and covers an area of 85,000 square meters. The center’s construction will be completed in two phases. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits The Fanda International Logistics Center is located at the Manzhouli Integrated Free Trade Zone. As a pivotal city in the strategic planning of the Belt and Road initiative, Manzhouli is adjacent to Russia and Mongolia and serves as an important trade hub between China and Russia and inland countries on the European continent. 70% of annual commodities exported from China to Russia are departed from Manzhouli. In addition, the Manzhouli Integrated Free Trade Zone’s preferential policies and advantages in resource integration provide strong support for the program. The program’s location is right next to the railway port and is 15-minute drive from the highways and ports. In addition to its great location, the program also has comprehensive businesses and almost covers the whole value chain of trade logistics. For the cold chain bonded warehousing businesses, the center has three large-scale cold chain bonded warehouses and a logistics bonded warehouse. The primary business is to import food from Russia. The Center also conducts businesses such as bonded warehousing, logistics, customs and inspection declaration. For the parallel importing of cars, the Center focuses on importing high-end European cars and are also engaged in car sales, exhibition, bonded warehousing, auto parts imports and exports, car maintenance and refitting. The Center has a parallel-import car showroom, maintenance and refitting workshop and a parallel-import car bonded warehouse. Once the project starts operation, the expected annual trade volume and sales revenues will exceed 1 billion RMB Yuan and its annual profits will be close to 100 million RMB Yuan. The project can provide 300 jobs directly and help over 500 people to get employed. In conclusion, the project has great social and economic benefits. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment requests: a. The investor is expected to have strong capabilities in providing capital investments. b. The investor is expected to have successful financing and resource integration capabilities.

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c. Logistics, manufacturing, trading, automotive services and comprehensive companies are preferred. (Ⅱ) Preferential policies The Manzhouli Integrated Free Trade Zone’s preferential policies. IV. Contact Us Contact: Zhang Changqi Tel: 18947029905 Email: [email protected] Add: No. 1, Zhongsu Road, Yidao Street, Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia Province

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Investment Promotion Project of 300,000-Ton Corns Deep Processing in Horqin Right Front Banner

I. General Information The program occupies 50,000 m2 of land and the building area is 28,000 m2. It aims to jointly build up plants, raw materials warehouses, products warehouses, boiler rooms and purchase equipment. It is estimated to process 1,000 tons of corns every day and the annual processing capability is 300,000 tons. In addition, the program can produce 100,000 tons of glucose, 80,000 tons of maltodextrin, 20,000 tons of caramel and 60,000 tons of zein every year. The program requires a total investment of 400 million RMB Yuan, including 330 million RMB Yuan for construction investment. The rest 70 million RMB Yuan will be a flexible fund. All of the investments are independently raised. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Thanks to its sufficient land and agricultural resources and sound agricultural ecological environment, Horqin Right Front Banner is an important grain producing area in China. The banner’s total arable land area is 4.16 million mu. The soil of the corn planting area in the banner boasts a good soil structure and high content of organic substances. The modern agriculture can facilitate corn cultivation and provide stable raw material supplies for the corn deep processing companies. Companies to process the 300,000-ton corns will be located in the Horqin Right Front Banner’s Agricultural and Husbandry Industrial Park. The park already has roads, power, water supplies and other infrastructures, which create a sound environment for development of companies. The convenient airline, highway and railway transportation networks provide favorable conditions to cooperation between the Northeast of China and Russia’s eastern areas. Horqin Right Front Banner is an important agricultural banner. With the development of agricultural mechanization and related technologies, surpluses rural labor forces can meet requirements of the companies. Once the operations start, 300,000 tons of corns can be processed every year. As a result, corn sales of the banner and nearby areas can be boosted, and the development of related local industries can also be facilitated. Through Corn deep processing, the local resource advantages will be transferred to industrial and economic advantages. The program also facilitates the establishment of green food brands, adds 400-500 job opportunities and promotes the banner’s corn cultivating and processing industries. According the market’s needs, corns can be primarily processed into amylum and alcohol to sell in the

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domestic market. Corns can also be further processed into corn oil, MSG, lysine, citric acid, zein, glucose and other products to sell in both domestic and overseas markets. The annual sales revenues can reach 550 million RMB Yuan, the profits will reach 35.8 million RMB Yuan and the tax payable will be 9 million RMB Yuan. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment requests: Strategic investors a. The investor is expected to have great capabilities in providing capital investments. b. The investor should be able to extend the value chain and have key competitiveness. c. The investor is anticipated to have great warehousing capabilities and professional testing capabilities. (Ⅱ) Preferential policies The investors can enjoy national preferential policies on the Western Development Strategy, the revitalization of northeast China strategy and programs to develop areas inhabited by the minority nationalities. IV. Contact Us Contact: Liu Wenming Tel: 15034803000 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Bureau of Agriculture, Husbandry and Technology, Horqin Right Front Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

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Investment Promotion Project of Lianfeng Agricultural Industrial Park

I. General Information The total investment volume of the project is 1.2891 million RMB Yuan and the total building area is 1,463.4 m2. After completion of the project, it will play a role as an industrial base which integrates functions such as introduction of new vegetable varieties, testing of pesticide residues, classification and packaging of vegetables, cold storage and freshness preservation, information service related to the Internet of Things as well as cold storage and delivery. The yearly sales volume of high-quality fruits and vegetables will reach 456,250 kg, and 40,000 pieces of information will be provided for local vegetable farmers. Meanwhile, it can also provide training service including testing and inspection as well as vegetable security, for 35 local vegetable retailing companies. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits The project is implemented in the Liangfeng village, Bayi Township, , . It is 8 km away from the urban areas of Linhe District, and can be classified as a typical economic zone between urban and rural areas. Influenced by temperate continental climate, local precipitation is minimal while the amount of evaporation is high and the sunshine time is long. The annual average precipitation is 135 mm and the annual average temperature is 6.9℃. In addition, the area enjoys open terrain, rich soil, adequate sunshine, high accumulated temperature and sharp differences in temperature between day and night. At the same time, it is far away from urban pollution. Therefore, it is an ideal place to develop planting industry. Although Bayannur has become the largest production, processing and export base of green-facility agricultural products in western Inner Mongolia, the application and popularization of new technology in the local facility agriculture is not extensive. Meanwhile, a faster and more convenient sales process has not been established through the storage and circulation system of agricultural products and the system of agricultural product chain is incomplete. The introduction of the project will promote the introduction of new vegetable varieties and extension of new technologies. At the same time, it will reduce the consumption of agricultural inputs as well as agricultural pollution and push forward the construction of cold chain logistics system and the informatization development of Internet of Things. After completion, the project can achieve a yearly income of 2.4576 million RMB Yuan and a total profit of 335,300 RMB Yuan. The Financial Internal Rate of Return is 29.97%, and the payback period is 4.28 years. In conclusion, the project will bring about good economic benefits.

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III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic or regional investors who are able to meet following requirements: a. Strong capacities for financial input. b. Experience in operating overseas agricultural programs is preferred. c. Master of core technologies in plantation or breeding, and have a professional team of agricultural technology and sales channels for agricultural products. d. Experience in successful fund raising and abilities to integrate resources (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies: a. Favorable land policies. b. Tax free program. c. Favorable support policies. d. Coordination in bank loans. e. Favorable offering. In equity distribution. f. Unparalleled natural conditions IV. Contact Us Contact: Wang Yupeng Tel: 18347888855 E-mail: [email protected] Add.:Lianfeng village, Bayi Township, Linhe District, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

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Investment Promotion Project of Xingjun Agricultural and Ecological Development Co., Ltd. in Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner

I. General Information Xingjun Agricultural and Ecological Development Co., Ltd. is a key leading enterprises in terms of agriculture animal husbandry industrialization in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, which specializes in green planting, green aquaculture, leisure agriculture. The company was founded in 2015 with a registered capital of 40 million RMB Yuan. It covers an area of 30,500 mu with a building area of 15,000 m2. At present, the company has 15,000 mu of planting base and breeding base, including facility agriculture, sightseeing agriculture, soilless cultivation, precision agriculture and other modern agricultural production and management models, all of which have formed a green, ecological and recycled industrial chain. The company has established cooperative relations in production, study and research with Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, and the partnership has significantly enhanced the scientific and technological element and core competitiveness of the products. The company has obtained patent (Patent No.201710342855.6) for its independently developed feed for fattening cattle. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Advantages The Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner has a vast area, abundant water and grass, high-quality and rich varieties of agricultural and livestock products. The water quality, soil, air and other environmental indicators in the banner are in line with the development of green, organic food standards. With its rich straw resources, the company, as the only enterprise that integrates the development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, will push forward the development of a program that integrates the three sectors. (Ⅱ) Investment Benefits The development program of integrating the the primary, secondary and tertiary industries of the Xingjun Agricultural and Ecological Development Co., Ltd. in Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner has been put into operation in 2017, with an annual revenue of more than 26 million RMB Yuan. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demand Strong financial capacity. Master of the core planting or breeding technology. Having professional agricultural technical team and marketing channels of agricultural products. Having successful financing

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experience and resource integration ability. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies Our company has its own land and a large number of nearby villages that can provide long-term land transfers. The natural condition is unique and local support policies and equity distribution will be more than favorable. IV. Contact Us Contact: Zhang Haijun Tel: 13578664666 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Longxing village, Nierji Township, Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner

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Investment Promotion Project of Chenggong Straw Forage Co Ltd of Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner

I. General Information Established in May 2013, Chenggong Straw Forage Co Ltd of Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner is a regional level leading enterprise that is devoted to the industrialization of agriculture and animal husbandry. The company uses maize straw, maize and soybean meal as the main raw materials for intensive processing of straw biological forage. With a total investment of 65 million RMB yuan, it is the largest forage production enterprise in Inner Mongolia and even in northeast China. The factory covers an area of 24196 square meters, with a building area of 15074 square meters, and an annual output of livestock and poultry forage of 200,000 tons. After the project is put into operation, the annual sales income will reach 480 million RMB yuan. The annual tax payment from the company will reach 48 million RMB yuan, and more than 100 jobs will be created. The project can also enable the recycling of maize straw of 1 million mu, which will increase the income of nearly 10,000 rural households. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Upon its completion, the project can recycle 300,000 tons of corn straw (1 million mu) annually, consume about 45,000 tons of maize and 225,000 tons of soybean meal and accessories. It will also benefit 10,000 local households and 5,000 livestock farmers. In the local and surrounding areas. The income per mu can be increased by 20 yuan, and the average household income will increase by more than 3,000 yuan. The project can produce 200,000 tons of comprehensive forage, with the production and sales rate expected to reach more than 90 percent. Based on an estimated annual production and sales of 180,000 tons and an average price of 2,400 yuan per ton, the sales revenue can reach nearly 432 million RMB yuan. More than 130 jobs will also be created. Therefore, the implementation of this project will promote the rapid development of animal husbandry in agricultural areas while achieving energy conservation and environmental protection, and a win-win situation for both social and economic benefits. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies The investor is expected to have strong financial capability, mastering the core technology of planting or breeding, having professional agricultural technical team and marketing channels of agricultural products, having successful financing experience and resource integration ability. Our company has excellent natural conditions, and we enjoy preferential support policies and preferential equity allocation. IV. Contact Us Contact: Fu Hongren Tel: 13947012594 Add: Industrial park of the Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner

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Project of Constructing China-Mongolia Plantation, Experimentation and Promotion Base for Cold-Resistant Rice and Soybean Organized by Temu Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd. in Keyouzhong Banner, Hinggan League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

I. General Information Temu Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd. in Keyouzhong Banner was established in 2009. It is a production enterprise that incorporates the export of forage grass, animal feeds and breeding of beef cattle. In August 2014, the company signed a cooperative agreement with Bornuur Eco Foods of Mongolia over work to experiment the plantation of soybeans, rice and mixed beans in Mongolia during the 2nd Ulan Bator Butt Joint Symposium on Investment and Trade Between the Hinggan League of China and Dornod Province in Mongolia. The two companies are expected to establish a demonstration base of 100 hectares between 2016-2020 in the Töv Province of Mongolia. Between 2016 and August 2018, Temu company has conducted lab-scale and pilot-scale plantation experiments of rice and soybeans for three years at the experiment base of Bornuur Eco Foods at the Töv Province of Mongolia, which is 100 km away from the north of Ulan Bator, the Capital of Mongolia. The preliminary test plantation of three varieties of rice and three varieties of soybeans was completed in 2016. In 2017, the pilot-scale plantation experiments of three varieties of rice and two varieties of soybeans, all of which can resist cold and see earlier harvests, is completed with a total acreage of 7 hectares. In 2018, the test plantation of four hectares of rice, as well as one mu of soybeans, mung bean and small red beans respectively was completed. The crops grow well. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Rice and soybeans are the staple food of the Mongolian people in their daily life, but their domestic supply has so far relied purely on exports. The market is huge. The annual demand for rice is about 53,000 tons and the annual demand for soybeans is about 26,000 tons. Under the technical support from the Institute of Processing Agricultural and Animal Products of the Inner Mongolian Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, the project will be hosted by the Temu Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd. in the Keyouzhong Banner. The land and affiliated facilities will be provided by Bornuur Eco Foods Company of Mongolia. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands a. (Cooperative companies and investors) must have a certain level of investment capacities as well as

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strategic eyes for exploration b. The total investment must be between 5 million to 20 million RMB Yuan to purchase agricultural machinery required, construct greenhouses for sprout cultivation and other agricultural production materials. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies Favorable policies of Mongolia: The price for land renting is very low, and the government attaches great importance to the project. On May 17 of 2018, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry wrote in a letter to the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: “The Temu Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd. of Inner Mongolia, China, has conducted cooperation with Eco Food LLC from the Töv Province of Mongolia to test the plantation of cold-resistant soybeans and rice in Mongolia starting from 2016. The Mongolian side will do all we can to cooperate, and we would like to ask the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to provide assistance over the project.” IV. Contact Us Contact: Te Muqin Tel:15849838488 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Temu Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd., Bayanhushu Township, Youzhong Banner, Hinggan League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

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Investment Promotion Project of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park of Rongsheng Commercial and Trade Co., Ltd.

I. General Information In 2017, Rongsheng Commercial and Trade Co., Ltd. developed the Purple Perilla Project, which was designed to take up an area of 2,300 m2 with a total building area of 2,300 m2 including a newly constructed perilla oil plant of 1,650 m2 and a constant temperature storage of 650 m2. Meanwhile, the company also introduced a perilla seed pressing production line, a perilla oil refinery production line as well as oil tanks and automatic quantitative filling equipment. There are a total of 56 equipment and the project will produce 600 tons of perilla oil upon its completion. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits China boasts a rich resources of perilla, which is also easy to be cultivated. The crop has high biological yield and low cost of cultivation. As an oil with special nutrients, it can be made into blend oil together with traditional edible oil and provide the ω-3 fatty acid, the essential nutrient for residents, which lacks in the daily diet. The pharmacological studies of perilla oil show that it can relieve symptoms of chronic diseases such as cerebral embolism, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, asthma, allergic diseases, cancer and so on. Therefore, Perilla oil can be developed into therapeutic drugs or adjuvant therapeutic drugs. As a kind of edible oil, the value of perilla oil in daily life has obtained more and more attention from the people. With the improvement of people’s dietary demand, the social dietary demand has been shifted from merely feeding the stomach to enjoying good food. Thus, it is increasingly urgent to develop and utilize new nutritional factors to improve the dietary of residents. The rate of return on investment of the purple perilla project is 59.5%. With the operating cost increased by 5%, the internal rate of return after tax is 19.98%, which is 12% higher than the benchmark rate of return. When the project sales income is reduced by 5%, the internal rate of return after tax is 18.13%, which is 12% higher than the benchmark rate of return. When the project construction investment is increased by 5%, the internal rate of return after tax is 18.13%, which 12 % higher than the benchmark rate of return. Therefore, there is a certain amount of risk with the project, and the project has a good risk resistance capacities. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies

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(Ⅰ) Investment demand: Strategic investment or cooperation Strong financial input ability. Master of relevant advanced technology or professional technical team and sales channels. Financing integration ability is preferred. (Ⅱ) Preferential policies Unparalleled natural conditions, excellent geographical advantage, stable plantation base and convenient transportation IV. Contact Us Contact: Qu Yanwen Tel: 13947041578 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Rongsheng Commercial and Trade Co., Ltd., Zhongyangjieqiwei, Dayangshu Township

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Forage Production Project of Yongsheng Food Co., Ltd. in Jalaid Banner

I. General Information The duration of the project is two years (September 2018 to September 2020). It covers an area of 33,000 m2 (50 mu) and the building area is 23,000 m2. It has constructed a production plant of 6,000 m2, a warehouse of 8,000 m2, five steel silos with a total area of 7,500 m2 and an office area of 2,000 m2. It also boasts a set of equipment that can produce 100,000 tons of pig forage annually. At the same time, the project has a production plant of 6,000 m2, a raw material storehouse of 4,000 m2, a warehouse for product of 4,000 m2 and a 4-floor building for equipment and central control which takes up 1000 m2. Production Equipment: One production line for concentrated animal feed. Two production lines for granulated feed (42). The total production capacity is 40 tons per hour and 100,000 tons per year. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) Market analysis: There are 20,000 sows within a range of 200 km that can be covered by the forage company. According to calculation of PSY, 400,000 fattening pigs can be provided. They can consume 200,000 tons of full price forage. If the market share of forage produced by the company is 20 %, 150,000 tons of capacity will be consumed. The company can mobilize 2,000 new breeders with the company plus farmers model that can guarantee price for retrieving. If each household can raise 100 fattening pigs, it will bring about 200,000 fattening pigs, the market share will increase to 100% and 100,000 tons of capacity will be consumed. (Ⅱ) Analysis of social and economic benefits: The company provides farmers with piglets, feed, vaccine, pig insurance and breeding technology. It can help solve the fund problem of farmers, and reduce the risk for farmers. The company draws up production plans based on seasonal changes in feed plant capacity, slaughterhouse capacity and market demand. It also makes monthly plans for breeding and slaughtering. The company will reclaim the insured pigs raised by farmers according to the plan. Farmers will be offered a subsidy of 0.6 RMB Yuan for breeding and producing 1kg of qualified fattening pigs (180-280 jin). If the weight of a qualified fattening pig is 250 jin, they can get 150 RMB Yuan from each pig. Thus they can get can get 15,000 RMB Yuan if they raise 100 pigs. They can achieve a monthly income of 3,750 RMB Yuan based on a fattening period of four months, which realizes a win-win situation between the company and farmers. The construction of the feed mill can provide adequate source of pigs for Yongsheng Food Co., Ltd., reduce cost of raw material and improve the overall profit of the company. After the completion of the

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feed mill, it can produce 100,000 tons of forage per year with an average annual profit of 20 million RMB Yuan. An industrial chain that involves forage production, raising pigs, buying pigs with guaranteed price, slaughtering and sales will be established. It will not only promote the development of pig raising industry, but also help solve the problems of pig breeding. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies The total investment volume is 38 million RMB Yuan, of which 18 million RMB Yuan will be raised by the company. Another 20 million RMB Yuan will be raised through investment attraction. Investors can enjoy the profit dividends from Yongsheng company. IV. Contact Us Contact: Zhu Yongsheng Tel: 18704816888 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Yongsheng Food Co., Ltd., Chuoer Industrial Park, Jalaid Banner, Xing’an League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

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The 500,000 Green Live Pigs Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information The Tieling Municipal Government has set up a project of breeding 500,000 green live pigs for Liaoning Guomei Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Groupy. The supporting projects include the organic fertilizer factory, franchised outlets, central kitchen food processing, e-commerce system and etc. The total investment is RMB 1.3405 billion Yuan. On the existing basis, the company will set up a core demonstration area and deep processing base in Changtu Town and Mazhonghe Town of Changtu County. In 2016-2017, it has expanded its pig breeding farm, reached the financing cooperation intention on the deep food processing project with Tieling Bank Co., Ltd., and signed cooperation agreements with Agricultural University and the Food College of Shenyang Agricultural University. II. Advantage and Investment Benefits Changtu County is located in the world’s golden belt of corn with a flat and fertile land. It is a famous grain-producing county in China, which provides plenty fodder for the development of animal husbandry It ranks the first in terms of live pig breeding in the province. The agricultural and sideline products processing industry has a large scale with a great potential for development. The enterprise is a green pig breeding base in the National Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone. The green pigs it produces have been audited by China Green Food Development Center. The products can meet the A-grade green food standards and are recognized as A-grade green food products and China Famous Brand of Agricultural Products. China Famous. It has also got the following honors such as the National Demonstration Enterprise of Agricultural Product Processing, National Excellent Leading Enterprise of Food Industry, National Monitoring Point of Pig Production. National Station of Animal Epidemic Disease Purification, the core breeding farm of pig in Liaoning Province and the leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization of Liaoning Province. According to the feasibility study report of Animal Husbandry College of Shenyang Agriculture University, the internal rate of return will reach about 8% and and the investment payback period is about 4.5 years (including the construction period). The financial index is far higher than the average return of domestic agricultural investment, with very good economic benefits. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic investors or regional investors.

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a. Strong capital investment capacity and no less than USD 1 million. b. Management experience of overseas agricultural projects . c. Marketing channels of agricultural products d. Successful financing experience and resource integration ability. (Ⅱ) Preferential policy a. Preferential land policy and a large area of long-term (20 years) preferential leasinge land, b. Tax exemption. c. Preferential share allocation ratiod. d. Preferential supporting policies. e. Particularly favorable natural conditions. IV. Contact Us Contact: Lu Guocai Tel: 13551075999 Liu Shuliang Tel: 13470111853 Email: [email protected] Add: Changtu Town, Changtu County, Tieling City, Liaoning Province

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Investment Promotion Project of Agriculture Industrial Park in Jilin Zhongxin Food Zone

I. General Information China-Singapore Jilin Food Zone, located in , Jilin province, is an important cooperation project between the two countries in agriculture and food safety, and a major platform for Jilin’s opening-up. During the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting in 2008, both the Chinese and Singapore Premiers reached consensus on jointly setting up the China-Singapore Food Zone. In September 2012,the project agreement was formally signed under the witness of the two premiers in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In November 2015, during his visit to Singapore, President Xi Jinping signed the Joint Declaration on Building Cooperation Partnership Between China and Singapore, which specified the “further development of China-Singapore Jilin Food Zone for promotion of agriculture and food safety related communication and cooperation.” II. Advantages and Investment Benefits International platform. There are nearly 10 kinds of development platform at national, provincial and municipal levels including the National Agriculture Opening-up and Cooperation Pilot Zone, the first inland Specified Animal Disease Free Zone in China, the National Food and Medicine Inspection and Testing Center and the National Export Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Demonstration Area. Geographical advantages. Located in the geometric center of Northeast Asia, it is a key node in the Chang-Ji-Tu strategy. It is 40 kilometers away from and Jilin and can influence as many as 10 million people. A strong security system. A disease-free zone is well in place and efforts are being made to turn it into an international safe food demonstration zone. Resources advantage. There are abundant food, specialty resources in the Changbai Mountain and rich hydroelectric resources. Channel advantage. End sales channels like Northeast Asia Safe Agricultural Products (Food) Exhibition Center and supply-sales systems are being built. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic investors or area investors. a. Sufficient funds for input. b. Experience in overseas agricultural project operation. c. Investors should have core skills of planting or animal husbandry, professional agricultural technology team and agricultural products sales channels.

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d. Successful financing experience and resource integration capability are required. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies a. Preferential land-using policies. b. Taxation incentives for the project. c. National Agriculture Opening-up and Cooperation Pilot Zone and other national platform such as Overseas Chinese Innovation Zone. d. Industrial incubation base for innovation and entrepreneurship. e. Core technologies support, favorable policy environment and unique development advantages. IV. Contact Us Contact: Meng Xinyun Tel: 13019270177 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Jingji Building, Food Zone HQ, Chaluhe Town, Yongji County, Jilin Province

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Zhejiang International Agricultural Products Trade Center Investment Promotion Project

I. General Introduction The construction of Zhejiang International Agricultural Products Trade Center is an important measure to expand opening up and strengthen foreign trade and economic cooperation, a vital opportunity to realize the leap-forward development of Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, and also the core carrier for Zhoushan City to build a “World Supermarket” of imported products. It was officially launched in August 2017, and the Construction Plan for Zhejiang International Agricultural Products Trade Center was approved by Zhejiang provincial government in December 2017. As a comprehensive trading platform, guided by import, the center focuses on high-end animal protein such as living cattle import, beef, aquatic products, bulk grain and oil products such as soybeans and wheat, natural healthy food such as high-end vegetables and fruit, which has formed a spatial layout of "One center, one platform and four bases". II. Project Advantages In terms of policies, under the background of building the "China (Zhejiang) Free Trade Pilot Zone", "New Zone of Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands" and “River-Ocean Combined Transportation Center” of China's national strategies, the construction of Zhejiang International Agricultural Products Trade Center conforms to the national policy and development orientations. In terms of the location, Zhoushan City is located at the T-shaped junction of China's north-south shipping transportation and Yangtze River water transportation. Zhoushan owns the largest port group in China and over 240 international sea routes, which makes the distribution of agricultural products in Zhoushan extremely economical and convenient. In terms of the industrial development, the annual catch of pelagic fishery in Zhoushan is about 400,000 tons, accounting for 25% of the whole country and 80% of Zhejiang Province. Moreover, it has 500,000 tons of cold storage capacity, the designated grain entry port and the professional warehousing, processing and logistics system. In terms of demands, backed by the Yangtze River Economic Zone, Zhoushan has a highly concentrated population and a higher level of economic development. The demand for agricultural products in the Yangtze River Delta is expected to grow at a rate of more than 10% in the next three to five years. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies The Investment targets include agricultural products processing suppliers, traders, investors. deep-sea

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fishing enterprises, intensive aquatic products processing & trading enterprises, deep processing enterprises of high-end animal protein, logistics (cold chain) distribution enterprises. grain & oil processing & trading enterprises. fruit trade dealers, etc. Eligible settled enterprises will enjoy preferential policies in the FTA, including starting up subsidies, office buildings subsidies, talents incentives and business contribution awards. IV. Contact Us Unit: Construction Leadership Group Office of Zhejiang International Agricultural Products Trade Center Tel.: +86-580-8612366 Email: [email protected] Add.: No.4 Building of the Municipal Administration Center, No. 681 Xincheng Haitian Street, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province

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Weifang National Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Agricultural Opening up and Development Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information The Comprehensive Pilot Zone covers Weifang City, including the core zone and the radiation zone. The core zone has a planned area of 120.9 square kilometers, while the outside of the core zone is the radiation zone. The core zone focuses on building a high-end platform for agricultural science and technology research and development, integrated innovation and achievement transformation, and the ABP (Advanced Business Park) for industry innovation. The radiation zone follows the lead and matches the development of the core zone, focusing on the innovative development of industry convergence, opening up and rural comprehensive reforms in agriculture. II. Advantages It has an excellent traffic condition. It is right next to the Weifang High-speed Railway North Station, Weifang Airport, and Weifang Port. Here is the accumulation area of high-end elements resources. Food Valley of China has built the Agriculture and Food Industry Innovation (R&D) Center, Brand Exhibition and Trading Center, Logistics Distribution Center, Inspection and Detection Certification Center, Information and Big Data Center and the Headquarter Base of Food Industry. The International Academician Valley has attracted many well-known academicians and doctors at home and abroad. It has conducted cooperation with many prestigious universities such as the University of California in Davis, Wageningen University in the Netherlands and Tel Aviv University in Israel and so on, and built the Sino-US Food and Agriculture Innovation Center, Sino-Dutch Agricultural Innovation Training Center and the Sino-Israel Technology Transfer and Transformation Center. The East Asia Livestock Products Exchange opens up new channels of cooperation and exchanges of livestock and husbandry in East Asia. The Cold Chain Train of Food Valley of China gets through the cold chain transportation corridor from Weifang City to China and other foreign countries along “Belt and Road”. The construction of designated ports for meat import and beef slaughter in North District of Weifang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone) was approved, thus a service system integrating agro-products bonded processing, storage and logistics, distribution logistics, bonded exhibition and the import and export for agro-products will be set up. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: a. Strong capital investment capacity.

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b. Cooperation experience with overseas agricultural projects. c. Master of advanced and core agricultural ( seed ) technology. d. Food testing, agricultural products processing, seed breeding, and the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies The central and Shandong provincial government give relevant policy and creation support. The relevant policies of the Free Trade Zone can be applied and popularized here. Weifang municipal government provides preferential policies support for talents, finance, land and so on. IV. Contact Us Contact: Zhang Shulin Tel: 13615367897 Email: [email protected] Add: East Section, 6F, Sunshine Mansion, No.6396 Dongfeng East Street, Weifang city. Shandong Province, China

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Shandong Mount Hua Zhenye Rural Complex Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information Mount Hua Zhenye Rural Complex is located in Huanghua Town, Zhucheng City, at the junction of Weifang, Qingdao and Rizhao City with excellent geographical location and obvious location advantages. It is invested and constructed by Shandong Mount Hua Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. with a total planned investment of RMB 463 millionand the planned area of 16,500 mu. The park is planned by the Agricultural Regional Planning Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The plan is to take the scorpion industry as the basis to fully exploit local human and natural resources, realize the organic integration of production, life experience, folklore,, science and technology training and promotion, mountain leisure tourism, field development training,historical culture and modern civilization, and set up a highly integrated layout system for the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The overall layout is "one ring", "two belts" and "five zones". One ring is the agricultural landscape tourism - the original ecological conservation ring. Two belts include the ecological landscape leisure and cultural tourism belt in the north-south direction and the farming culture production experience belt in the east-west direction. Five zones include the Comprehensive Service Reception Zone, Agricultural Culture Creative Zone, Farming Nostalgic Experience Zone, Processing, Storage and Logistics Zone, and Mountain and Water Leisure Resort. At present, it has invested RMB 120 million Yuan to plant 12,000 mu of scorpion and build 13 pond dams and 50 km of roads, RMB 50 million Yuan to construct warehousing, logistics and deep processing workshops. Hazelnut oil, powder, kernel, milk and other products have been produced and sold on the market. The basic framework of Zhenye Rural Complex has been basically formed. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits (Ⅰ) The total planned investment is RMB 463.5403 Yuan million, including RMB 440.5146 million Yuan of construction investment and RMB 22.0257 million Yuan of circulating capital The project cost is RMB 405.7425 million Yuan , including RMB 63.385 million Yuan for the Comprehensive Service Reception Zone, RMB 119.724 million Yuan for the Agricultural Culture Creative Zone, RMB 31.75 million for the Farming Nostalgic Experience Zone, RMB 124.202 million Yuan for the Processing, Storage and Logistics Zone, and RMB 66.6815 million Yuan for the Mountain and Water Leisure Resort. Other cost for project construction is RMB 31.3045 million Yuan. The reserve cost is RMB 47.6012

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million Yuan. The circulating capital is estimated at RMB 22.0257 million Yuan . (Ⅱ) Benefits analysis: the annual output value of the park is RMB 603.12 million Yuan including RMB 103.12 million Yuan of operating income and RMB 500 million Yuan from the deep processing hazelnut products. The total annual profit is RMB 168 million Yuan, the profit margin of investment is about 25%, and the static payback period is about 5-7 years. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic investors or regional investors: a. Strong capital investment capacity with the registered capital of no less than RMB 10 million US dollars. b. Professional agricultural project operating team and operating experience. c. Mature marketing team and product marketing channels. d. Successful financing experience and resource integration ability. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies a. Preferential land area and a large area of long-term (30 years) leasing land. b. Tax exemption. c. Preferential share allocation ratio. d. Preferential supporting policies. IV. Contact Us Contact: Wei Yuguang Tel: 13583659988 E-mail: [email protected] Add: No. 6501, Longhua Street, Huanghua Town, Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province

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Zhushan Ecological Valley Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information Zhushan Ecological Valley Project is a comprehensive project which is built by Shandong Runzhushan Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. The total area of the project is 13.3 square kilometers (20,000 mu), with a total investment of RMB 1.5 billionYuan. In line with the principle of operation while under construction and, we will complete the construction in 2026. The project is located at the junction of Weifang, Qingdao and Rizhao City in Linjia Town of Zhucheng City and the center of Jiaodong City Circle. It is a node city of “Qingdao-Jinan-Taian” gold tourism line in Shandong with superior geographical position and obvious location advantage. Through cooperation with Tongji Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, it combines mountain and field sightseeing, forest recreation, ecological agriculture, sports and recreation, RV camping, folk culture, hot spring vacation, special town and other new formats. II. Advantages and Investment benefits In recent years, tourism development in Zhucheng has been mainly concentrated in the Dinosaur Park, Dinosaur Museum, Cretaceous Dinosaur Geopark, Weihe Landscape Zone, Weihe Park, Hall of Fame, Dasun Garden and Liu Yong Chestnut Garden, and so on. The core attraction system of Zhucheng tourism has been initially formed. The tourism brand of "China Dragon City, Hometown of Emperor Shun” initially shows that southern mountainous areas are characterized by rural tourism with mountain leisure sightseeing and folk culture experience as its main tourism functions. The tourism brand of "China Dragon City, Hometown of Emperor Shun” has a strong demand on the market and large development potential, which is expected to become a new breakthrough in the development of Zhucheng tourism in the new era, the main body of Zhucheng tourism product and the important tourism sector in recent years. With feasible site selection and obvious geographical advantages, the construction of the project conforms to relevant industrial policies of the country. The project planning, with excellent building and apartment design schemes, is in line with the planning and design specifications of national urban residential area. All the expenses are reasonable, which are also the general level of local project. The completion of the project will accelerate the process of urbanization and will play an active role in promoting it. The financial internal rate of return of the project before income tax is 19.392%, the financial present value of project investment (ic=8%) is RMB 75.705 million Yuan, and the investment payback period is

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5.38 (including the construction period). After the income tax, the financial internal rate of return of the project investment is 13.04%, the net present value of project investment (ic=8%) is RMB 601.090 million Yuan, and the investment payback period is 6.44 years (including the construction period). The total investment return rate is 31.23%. The indicators are acceptable and the project’s profitability is acceptable. III. Investment Demand and Preferential Policies (Ⅰ) Investment Demands: Strategic investors or regional investors: a. Strong capital investment capacity and no less than 20 million dollars of the registered capital. b. Management experience of overseas agricultural projects. c. Master of core planting or breeding technologies, and with a professional agricultural planting team and agricultural product marketing channels. d. Successful financing experience and resource integration ability. (Ⅱ) Preferential Policies a. Preferential land area and a long-term (30 years) leasing quality land. b. Tax exemption. c. Preferential share distribution ratio. d. Preferential supporting policies e. Particularly favorable natural conditions. IV. Contact Contact: Wang Xiujuan Tel: 1888 66768884, Email: 10 Rzsnykj @ 163.com Add: 158 Xinghua East Road, Minzhou Avenue, Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province

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Mount Lu Manor in Zhucheng City Investment Promotion Project

I. General Information Mount Lu Manor in Zhucheng City was invested and built by Zhucheng Lvda Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. The company was established in July 2015 with the registered capital of RMB 20 million Yuan, located in the southeast of Dongshan Village, Zhucheng Town, Zhucheng, south of Mount Lu. The overall development goal of the project is to build the park into a modern agricultural demonstration base and pastoral complex integrating ecological agricultural science and technology display, pollution-free agricultural and sideline products planting and deep processing, leisure tourism catering, fruit and vegetable picking in four seasons, Mount Lu cultural display. The total investment of the project is about RMB 100 million Yuan. II. Project Advantages and Investment Benefits Mount Lu Manor is about 10 kilometers away from the urban area, with Pingri Road in the north, Lushan Avenue in the west and Shisou Road in the south. It has convenient transportation, beautiful regional environment and picturesque mountains and rivers. It is a good place for citizens to play after work, pick non-pollution agricultural products, and experience. After the project is put into operation, it is estimated that the annual sales revenue can reach about RMB 20 millionYuan and the profits can reach RMB 5 million Yuan. III. Investment Demand and Preferential Policies a. Strong capital investment capacity. b. Professional agricultural technology team and marketing channels of agricultural products. IV. Contact Us Contact: Wei Hongjun, Tel: 18866776568, Email: Zchhnwy @ 163.com, Add: Dongshangzhuang Village, Huanghua Town, Zhucheng City, Shandong Province

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Shandong Wanluda Cornus Walteri Culture Industrial Park

I. General Information Shandong Wanluda Cornus Walteri Culture Industrial Park is invested and built by Shandong Wanluda Cornus Walteri Cultural Industry Development Co., Ltd., a key leading enterprise of national forestry. It is mainly engaged in the new variety breeding of cornus walteri, deep processing of cornus walteri oil and other products purification of unsaturated fatty acid omega-7, and forest recreation tourism. It also aims to build an industrial park integrating the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The planned area of the park is 30,000 mu, and the planned investment is RMB 550 million. Now it has invested RMB 70 million to build a 3,000 mu Cornus Walteri Cultural. II. Industrial Advantages (Ⅰ) It is the first enterprise in China to conduct researches on all aspects of cornus walteri with independent intellectual property rights. Now it has obtained 1 invention patent, 2 utility model patents, 3 new plant variety rights, 3 computer software copyrights, 1 provincial scientific and technological achievement appraisal. It has applied 7 invention patents, 10 utility model patents and 10 new varieties. 2.2 It has an innovative research team. It has cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Shandong Forestry Research Institute, Shandong University, Shandong Agricultural University, Qilu University of Technology and other scientific research institutions to establish a high-level scientific research and innovation team, and jointly declare the “Cornus Walteri Engineering Technology Center” to the State Forestry Bureau. III. Investment Benefits The industrial chain of cornus walteri is long with significant social, economic and ecological benefits and profound cultural heritage. First, seedling sales. The annual sales of seedlings is 1 million, with a turnover of RMB 50 million and a profit of RMB 15 million. Second, cornus walteri oil, as one of the main products in the industrial park, has a large overseas market and high international value, which can be used for food, medical and cosmetics. One of its important ingredients is the unsaturated fatty acid omega-7, which is essential in the human body and only found in deep-sea fish oils rare in plants. The value of ω-7 in the world is comparable to gold. For reference, 99% pure oleic acid omega-9 is worth $110 per gram internationally. The content of omega-7 in cornus walteri oil that our company is researching and developing can reach 36%. If the content of omega-7 in cornus walteri oil can reach more than 90%, the annual turnover will be RMB 300 million and the profit will reach RMB 150 million. Third,

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Comprehensive Cornus Walteri Industrial Park. Our company strives to build the leading modern agricultural pioneer zone, leading tourism and leisure agriculture zone, high-efficiency agricultural accumulation zone, modern industrial park integrating agriculture, tourism and sightseeing in the province by the end of 2020. The annual profit is no less than RMB 200 million. The annual turnover of the park’s primary, secondary and tertiary industries is more than RMB 500 million, and the annual profit can reach more than RMB 200 million. IV. Investment Demands Contact: Zhang Fan Tel: 13225313616 13505315900 Email: [email protected] Add No. 496, Huangdaogou Village, Tianbao Town, Happy District, Tai'an City, Shandong

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Jinan Zhengzhuang Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd

I. General Information Super fruits production base: Jinan Zhengzhuang Modern Orchard has breed fine varieties and developed “Four Beauties” of Zhengzhuang Orchard: Tang Gufei Peer, Red Apple, Xishi Flat peach and 12-girl Cherry. Located in Yuejiazhai village,Tangguang town, Licheng District, Zhengzhuang Modern Orchard covers an area of 5,000 mu with the total investment of RMB 100 million Yuan. Zhengzhuang Orchard is the first in China to adopt the 3 person--5 person+365 days management system, which is an efficient producer-management model and a management system of scientific guiding and monitoring for daily production. Depending on the modern agricultural techniques and with the guarantee of the standard digital control system of the Internet of Things, Zhengzhuang Orchard has adopted the Internet+ modern eco-agriculture development and management model by taking earthworm breeding, bio-fungus application and bio-gas project as its foundation and the advanced variety as its source. II. Advantages With the support of advanced technology and the principle of integrating domestic and international leading technology and self-innovation, we have established the “Internet+ Modern Agricultural Information System” which takes the lead in China. With this system, we can carry out the prediction and analysis of products and market research before production, the systematic management of precision agriculture by the means of the Internet of Things during the whole production process, and provide storage and sales information as well as community service after production. Standard digital solution can be promoted reliably and smoothly by the means of Internet of Things III. Contact Us Contact: Chen Jie Tel: 15610141230 E-mail: [email protected] Add: Yuejiazhai Village,Tangwang Town, Licheng District, Jinan City

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Extension Project of Plant Protection UAV Industrialization of Quanfeng Aviation Plant Protection Technology Co., Ltd. in Anyang

I. General Information “Production base project with an annual production of 3,000 plant protection UAVs” The development of professional and unified agricultural aviation plant protection is an effective method to prevent and control sudden, violent and epidemic major pests and diseases and is of great significance to improving the mechanized control of crop pests and diseases, enhancing agricultural anti-risk ability, and ensuring national food security, agricultural ecological security, agricultural product quality and safety, promoting green development of agriculture, accelerating transformation and upgrading, and achieving sustainable agricultural development. It is estimated that the demand for plant protection UAVs in China will reach 100,000 by 2020, and the demand for plant protection UAV workers will stand at 900,000. There will be a market of pesticide spraying services with an annual output value of 90 billion RMB Yuan. Moreover, the downstream industry covers UAV operation training, UAV repair and maintenance services, plant protection spraying services, UAV rental services, special pesticide sales, UAV agent sales, air disaster assessment, aircraft and safety insurance, flight clubs and competitive performances, which can be independent projects with promising development prospects. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Four characteristics of Quanfeng plant protection UAVs are as follows: a. Convenience and safety. There is no need for special take-off and landing airport because of vertical take-off and landing. They can realize air hovering and remote operation will ensure the safety of spraying workers. b. Good control effects. They enjoy low working height (1-3 meters) and little pesticide application drift. The downward airflow generated by the rotor helps to improve the penetration of the mist flow for crops. c. Low cost of use. The cost of gasoline per mu is only 0.4 RMB Yuan, and 20% of the pesticide and 90% of water will be saved. d. High efficiency. 80-100 mu can be managed per hour, which is over 12.5 times of the manual work. Through market-oriented operation and professional services, the cumulative area of flight prevention operations in 2016 has exceeded 20 million mu. In May 2017 and May 2018, 1 million mu and 2 million mu of wheat fields are conducted pest and disease control respectively. It is an unprecedented milestone in the world’s agriculture. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Current investment demands: a. Strong capital investment ability, management experience of overseas agricultural projects, a professional technical team and sales network. b. The cooperation of comprehensive agricultural service platform with UAVs as the breakthrough point and the construction of plant protection UAVs production enterprises for the Belt and Road countries.

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c. Solutions of high-quality and efficient plant protection for local crop pests and diseases based on professional aviation protection, anti-agents and additives. d. Create new-type agricultural training, make use of the opportunity of the “Belt and Road Initiative” to promote domestic advanced plant protection as well as precision agricultural application technology, establish a new agricultural service platform in the host countries and extend Anyang Quanfeng aviation business model. e. Introduce foreign cooperation models, conduct extensive consultations and discussions and formulate appropriate cooperation models. The preferential policies are discussed based on the industrial and local policies for the “Belt and Road Initiative”. IV. Contact Us Contact: Hu Yuyan Tel: 18567789196 E-mail: [email protected]

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Construction of Agricultural Industrialization Cluster (The integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries)

I. General Information Name: Construction of Agricultural Industrialization Cluster (The integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries) Location: Zhumadian City, Henan Province Land area: 278 mu Investment estimate: RMB 1.8 billion Yuan Scale and content: A newly-built agro-industrial production park with the annual output of 450 thousand tons of the whole grain foods and staple foods. The raw material storage capacity: 300, 000 tons (1) The annual capacity of grain processing : 450,000 tons/year (including the whole grain flour production line with an output of 1000 tons/day, the whole grain stone flour production line with an output of 300 tons/day, and various coarse cereals production line with an output of 200 tons/day). (2) The deep processing capacity of the whole grain nutritious food: 300,000 tons/year (including the whole grain nutritious noodles, the whole grain fiber biscuits, and the frozen wheaten food). II. Project Advantages and Investment Benefits Zhumadian City is located in the central south of Henan Province. As an ancient royal courier station, the city is a historical transportation hub. This project is adjacent to Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, Shangqiu-Nanyang Expressway, 107 National Highway and Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, with a unique geographical advantage. After the project is completed and put into production, it can achieve annual sales of RMB 3 billion, featuring considerable profits, strong repayment ability, significant economic benefits, and strong anti-risk ability. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Investors can enjoy local preferential land, taxation, service and employment policies. IV. Contact Investment invitation unit: Henan Dacheng Cereals and Oils Group Co., Ltd. Contact: Yuanshi XuTel: Tel: 18037539388 Email: [email protected] Add: Liuge Villagee, Zhumadian City, Henan Province

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Technical Transformation of Tianzhong Food Industrial Park and the Construction of Digital Factory of Food Safety Upgrading (The National Military-Civilian Integration Project)

I. General Information Name: Technical Transformation of Tianzhong Food Industry Park and the Construction of Digital Factory of Food Safety UpgradingProject Investment invitation (co-construction) unit: Henan Dacheng Cereals and Oils Group Co., Ltd. Location: Zhumadian City, Henan Province Land area: 313 mu Project scale: a large-scale agricultural product processing industrial park with an annual deep processing capacity of 500,000 tons Investment estimate: RMB 1.55 billion Yuan Scale and content: A newly-built agro-industrial production park with the annual output of 450 thousand tons of the whole grain foods and staple foods a. The raw material storage capacity: 300, 000 tons. b. The capacity of wheat processing: 400,000 tons/year (including the whole grain flour production line with an output of 1,000 tons/day, the d whole grain stone flour production line with an output of 300 tons/day). c. The deep processing capacity of the whole grain germination staple food: 80,000 tons/year. d. The production capacity of dry rice flour: 200,000 tons / year. e. The “three meals a day” chain central kitchen with a scale of 150,000 tons/year (cooked noodles, steamed bread, fresh noodles, porridge, bread, cake, rice noodles, rice vermicelli, etc.) II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Zhumadian City is located in the central south of Henan Province. As an ancient royal courier station, the city is a historical transportation hub. This project is adjacent to Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, Shangqiu-Nanyang Expressway, 107 National Highway, Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, with a unique geographical advantage. After the project is completed and put into production, it can achieve annual sales of RMB 3 billion Yuan, featuring considerable profits, strong repayment ability, significant economic benefits, and strong anti-risk ability.

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III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Investors can enjoy local preferential land, taxation, service and employment policies. IV. Contact Investment invitation unit: Henan Dacheng Cereals and Oils Group Co., Ltd. Contact: Yuanshi Xu Tel: 18037539388 Email: [email protected] Add: Liu Ge, Zhumadian City, Henan Province

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(Selenium Co., Ltd.)Financing Project for SeDouble

I. General Information SeDouble Drinks Group Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Selenium Co., Ltd. with a total investment of 50 million RMB yuan. It is a member of China Chamber of International Commerce. The core product of this group is SeDouble, a compound botanical beverage for regular supplement of selenium. The first generation of this product was developed by professional teams from Chinese PLA Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Peking University, Sun Yat-sen University and Hubei Institute for Nationalities, and has been fully introduced into the market in the first half of 2016. Later the formula was adjusted by well-known professors from the Peking University School of Medicine, Tongji Medical College School of Medicine of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, and Hubei Selenium Industrial Research Institute and relaunched in late 2016. By December 2017, SeDouble botanical beverage has passed hundreds of small tests, 6 pilot tests and 5 mass production. It has independent patented formula and 100% scientific plant extraction technology. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Forty-two countries and regions around the world are deficient in selenium. In China, around 700 million people live in the ecological environment that is deficient or low in selenium. As living standards have been improved, more and more people are paying attention to the importance of selenium to health. SeDouble, a compound botanical beverage for regular supplement of selenium is the first selenium supplement drink with zero artificial additives and is in great demand. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Plan A: according to investors’ demands. We will customize SeDouble le⑧ compound botanical beverage. or professionally modify the formula based on actual needs for active selenium to optimize SeDouble. Plan B: equity financing (details to be discussed by both sides). IV. Contact Us Contact: Ke Changying Tel: 18007269900 or 0718-8262882 Email: [email protected] Add: 2nd floor, Side Building of Baoye Building, Enshi Media Center, Jinziba Rd, Enshi City

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Capital Increase and Share Expansion Project of Hubei Jinbeijia Natural Agriculture Co., Ltd.

I. General Information Hubei Jinbeijia Natural Agriculture Co., Ltd. is located in the Songshuping Industrial Park in the High-Tech Zone of Enshi Tujia&Miao . Over 80 million of its total 130 million RMB Yuan investment has been made. Six main buildings have been in place and over 38,000 mu of oiltea camellia base have been built. Companies in the industrial park set up a R&D center and have 4 patents as well as 7 proprietary technologies. They have jointly established a national standard mass entrepreneurship incubation center for selenium industry and the world’s first GMP extraction center for water-soluble selenium protein materials. Cooperation Plan: 1. Capital increase and share expansion. Investors can acquire equity stakes of the company, which can be owned or controlled by the stakeholders. 2. Project cooperation in segments: (1) Cooperation on camellia oil and canola oil processing. The 10 million investment would be used for production equipment procurement. 40% of the plant profits would be distributed as shared profit. the working capital for raw material purchasing is borrowed temporarily. and the capital cost would be calculated based on 1% of monthly interests of around 5 to 10 million RMB Yuan. (2) Cooperation on medicinal and edible health food in the GMP plant. The 10 million RMB Yuan investment is for production equipment procurement and GMP plant fitting up. Profit for this processing cooperation is 40%. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Market analysis: China consumes the largest consumer of edible vegetable oil around the world with annual demand reaching 35 million tons. Camellia oil production increased by 7% year-on-year from 2008 to 2011, and the figure for 2011 reached 288,000 tons, accounting for less than 1% of total edible vegetable oil market. The camellia oil market in China is still at its early stage of development. Benefits analysis: 1.For camellia oil and canola oil processing cooperation, the manufacturer’s net profit is expected to be above 10%. 2. For the cooperation project on medicinal and edible health food in the GMP plant, the profit for 2019 is about 5.4 million RMB Yuan with its 1/5 processing capacity, and for 2022, the profit can reach around 9 million RMB Yuan when the processing capacity would be 1/3. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies 15%-51% of the shares would be sold and the financing amount is 10-50 million RMB Yuan.

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IV. Contact Us Contact: Cheng Jingfu Tel: 15571859111 Add.: No.30, Songshuping Industrial Park, High-Tech Zone, Enshi Tujia&Miao Autonomous Prefecture

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Intensive Processing Project of 1,000 tons’ Jade Dew of Qinxiyuan Co., Ltd.

I. General Information Enshi Qinxiyuan Selenium-Rich Tea Industry Development Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012 with 10 million RMB Yuan registered capital. It mainly works on tea trees planting, tea production, selling and integrated development of tea-tourism. Total investment for the company is 48 million RMB Yuan, among which 38 million RMB Yuan are fixed assets. The company boasts 48 employees, 1,000 mu of ntea gardens that are certified as green food level and 665 mu of tea gardens that are certified as organic food. The company covers an area of 8,000 m2, including 5,000 m2 of production workshop and 1,400 m2 of complex building. The company has established 4 production lines for Enshi jade dew, selenium-rich tea, matcha and black tea with annual production of 300 tons. Project construction: the project is designed to produce 1000 tons of products including 600 tons of Enshi jade dew, 100 tons of matcha powder and 300 tons of matcha products. It has built up 500 mu of organic tea gardens, 20,000 m2 of standard plant and warehouse, one Enshi jade dew Museum and 10 Enshi jade dew experience halls. The total investment is 100 million RMB Yuan. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Market analysis: As the symbol of steaming green tea, Enshi jade dew is the only steaming green tea that’s been reserved in Chinese history. It was rated as one of the top ten teas in China in the 1960s and named the No.1 famous historic tea in Hubei in 2008. President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Modi drank the tea by the East Lake in when they met on April 28, 2018. Preliminary estimation shows that the market share of Enshi jade dew would exceed 10 billion RMB Yuan in the next decade. Benefit analysis: When put into production, the annual sales revenue of the project would reach 200 million RMB Yuan, generating 40 million RMB Yuan profits, 10 million RMB Yuan taxation and creating 500 job opportunities. The investment would be recovered in 6 years with considerable economic benefits. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Company shares would be partially sold (to be discussed) and the financing amount is 50 million RMB Yuan. IV. Contact Us Contact: Jiang Zixiang Tel: 15997738088 E-mail: [email protected] Add.: Dabaoping Group, Dongxiacao Village, Baiyangping Town, Enshi City

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Huazhishan Eco-Agriculture Tea-Tourism Project

I. General Information Enshi Huazhishan Eco-Agriculture Company Limited is an integrated enterprise engaged in the plantation, processing, R&D and selling of tea leaves, agricultural and sideline products and development of relevant tourism products. The company has newly built tea leaves processing plant with an area of over 6,000 square meters, with the annual output capacity of 200 tons’ medium and high-grade green/black tea. Project content: work during the first phase includes the building of standard clean and energy-conservation plant with an area of 6,400 square meters, supporting buildings with an area of 3,040 square meters, refrigerated storage with an area of 600 square meters, the installation of 2 quality green tea production lines, 1 set of special use electric lines and equipment, and development of road hardening, landscaping, firefighting and other supporting facility projects. The second phase is about the development of surrounding leisure mountain villas, eco-tourism and tea-tourism integration projects. Project scale: the program requires an investment of 45 million RMB Yuan in total for annual production of Enshi selenium-rich tea 100 tons. The first phase investment would be 25 million RMB Yuan for clean and standard plant building, production line equipment, supporting building and electricity transformation and distribution. The remaining 20 million RMB Yuan is for second phase projects, including the development of surrounding leisure mountain villas and eco-tourism. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Economic benefits: the annual production of Enshi selenium-rich tea would be 100 tons, with the sales revenue of 20 million RMB Yuan, profit and tax of 8 million RMB Yuan, and additional income of 8 million RMB Yuan for farmers. Social benefits: farmers can directly benefit from the contract farming sales model of the leading companies. The project is designed to increase companies’ purchase volume of fresh leaves by 450 tons, which would translate into over 9 million RMB Yuan payment, directly helping around 1,000 tea growers nearby or the Farmers’ Cooperatives, creating 100 job opportunities in the villages. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Company shares would be partially sold (to be discussed) and the estimated financing amount is 20 million RMB Yuan. IV. Contact Us Contact: Liu Xiaoying Tel: 18671885828 Email: [email protected] Add: Shiziwan Group, Huazhishan Mountain, Tunbao Town, Enshi City, Hubei Province

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

Project of Selenium Soybean Industrial Chain Construction Project of Hubei Tujia’ai Food Development Co., Ltd.

I. General Information Hubei Tujia’ai Food Development Co., Ltd. was established in March 2010 in Jiaoyuan Eco-industrial Park, Xuan’en County with a registered capital of 20 million RMB Yuan and a total investment of 49.86 million RMB Yuan. It is a private enterprise engaged in selenium-rich food intensive processing, integrated with plantation, R&D, production, sales and e-commerce. Established in 2017, Hubei Tujia’ai Selenium Soybean Food Research and Development Center now cooperates with Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei University for Nationalities and other universities and has obtained 21 authorized patents. The project plans to develop Tujia’ai into a national demonstration hi-tech enterprise of selenium-rich soybean products and establish a whole industrial chain development model integrating scientific research, industrial production, and marketing and sales of selenium-rich soybean industry to form the most competitive group company that industrializes selenium-rich soybean ecological agriculture. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Market Analysis: At present, soybean production is viewed as a green sunrise industry in the 21st century with soybean products becoming an international mainstream consumer food. Selenium-rich soy products, which has the healthy industrial advantage of selenium, are very competitive in the market. Though currently there are basically few natural selenium-rich soy products in the market, they will gain more popularity among consumers and enjoy immeasurable market prospects with people’s increasing understanding of the role of selenium for health and their growing demand for soy products. Benefit Analysis: The four production lines with full capacity can earn a net profit of up to 200 million RMB Yuan. The planting bases with an area of 380,000-mu (253.33-sq.km) can increase people’s income by 112 million RMB Yuan collectively each year. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies Cooperation Approach: Equity financing or debt financing. Equity financing: 40% of the equity will be transferred to get the 30 million RMB Yuan financing, which can be withdrawn through repurchase and dividends.Debt financing: Creditor’s right is purchased for five years with an annual interest rate of 7.8-9.5%.

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

IV. Contact Us Contact: Hou Lingqian Tel: 15071856666 E-Mail:[email protected] Add: Jiaoyuan Eco-Industrial Park, Xuan’en County Industrial Park, Enshi Tujia Prefecture, Hubei Province

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

Financing Project of Expansion and Capacity Increase of Algal Rim Selenium Peptide Production

I. General Information Enshi Algal Rim Selenium Peptide Biological Technology Co., Ltd was established in January 2018 with a registered capital of 10 million RMB Yuan. More than 5.8 million RMB Yuan has been invested in bioengineering technological research and development, R&D of conversion from inorganic selenium to organic selenium as well as production and sales of selenoprotein and selenium peptide products. At present, the company has applied for 13 patents, completed the construction of standardized production plants and demonstration bases, and achieved mass production. The current product is selenium-rich algae powder, which has been tested by the Chinese Academy of Sciences that it contains 1200ppm of selenium in total and of which 85% is organic selenium. Selenium-rich algae powder can also be used as a raw material for the development of high-value-added products such as selenoprotein, selenium polysaccharide, selenium peptide, amino acid and others. The project is scheduled to get a financing of 20 million RMB Yuan for the purchase of selenoprotein extraction equipment and the construction of GMP workshops as well as the construction of Phase Ⅱ breeding base with an area of 10,000-sq.m. for high value-added product research and development. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Market Analysis: Microalgae, single-celled microorganism widely distributed in seawater and fresh water, is a new biological resource. The food-certified microalgae have strong enrichment ability for selenium and is a good biological carrier for selenium organification. Selenium-rich algae powder, which can be used as a raw material for the development of high-value-added products such as selenium-rich protein, selenium-rich polysaccharide, selenium peptide products and amino acids, etc., has a broad market prospect. Benefit Analysis: at present, the company has a demonstration base of 1,800 square meters, which can produce 7 tons of selenium-rich algae powder each year. According to the selenoprotein-acquired rate of 34%, it can produce 2 tons of selenoprotein, with an annual output value of 10 million RMB Yuan. Once the scale of production is expanded, the breeding base could be expanded to 10,000-sq. m. with an annual output value of 50 million RMB Yuan and would increase the downstream output value by 500 million RMB Yuan.

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

III. Investment Demand and Preferential Policies 20% of the equity will be transferred for the financing of 20 million RMB Yuan. IV. Contact Us Contact: Zheng Guoqing Tel: 15171977621 Add: No. 30, West District, Songshuping Village Industrial Park, Liujiaoting Sub-district Office, Enshi City, Hubei Province

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

Project of Annual Output of 10-million-bottle Quantitative Deep-Processing Selenium Products of Shanyou Agriculture Co. Ltd

I. General Information Hubei Shanyou Featured Agriculture Co., Ltd. was established in May 2009 with a registered capital of 30 million RMB Yuan, a total asset of 130 million RMB Yuan and an annual operating income of 120 million RMB Yuan. It is a company that integrates planting, purchasing, processing, scientific research and development, and export of characteristic agricultural products of arrowroot, eucalyptus leaves, edible fungi, selenium-rich functional food. Project content: construction of a comprehensive building, which is equipped with a production and research center for selenium products, a testing center, an e-commerce center, a warehousing and logistics center, an exhibition hall, and a conference center, etc.. Construction of production and processing purification workshops and warehouses. and construction of a selenium product processing production line, and related facilities. The project covers an area of 10,594 sq. m., with a total construction area of 18,000 sq. m., of which the factory building area is 10,000 sq. m., the comprehensive building is 8,000 sq. m., the production and processing purification workshop is 3,200 sq. m., and the warehouse is 6,800 sq. m. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Market Analysis: selenium is one of fifteen essential trace elements that must be supplemented daily by human body like protein and starch and an important life element equivalent to biochemical substances such as vitamins. The company's newly developed selenium products are synthesized by using advanced modern biotechnology to extract plant selenoprotein and characteristic agricultural products’ essence. The product enjoys a broad prospect as it contains enough selenium to meet the human nutrition and health standards and is an effective food source for selenium supplementation. Economic Benefits: When the project is fully completed and put into production, it can produce 10 million bottles of selenium tablets each year and realize an output value of 3 billion RMB Yuan. Considering that there is a market development period, the actual production and operation of 5 million bottles can generate an operating income of 1 billion RMB Yuan, net profit of 200 million RMB Yuan, and tax revenue of 60 million RMB Yuan. At the same time, it can increase the income of all breeding cooperatives by more than 500 million RMB Yuan, and employ more than 300 people in rural and urban areas. III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies 51% of equity is transferred for the investment of 50 million RMB Yuan. IV. Contact Us Contact: Liu Youkai Tel: 13972400851 E-Mail:[email protected] Add: Selenium Valley Industrial Park, Jinzi Rd., Enshi City

“一带一路”农业投资合作论坛 招商项目汇编 Belt and Road Forum for Agricultural Investment Cooperation Investment Project Manual

Integration Project of Selenium and Tourism in the Forestry Culture Museum

I. General Information Enshi Forestry Culture Museum Co., Ltd. was established on March 29th, 2012 with a registered capital of 99.66 million RMB Yuan. The company is ready to build up apartments for elderly that integrates high-end recuperation, vacation and tourism with a total investment of 529.57 million RMB Yuan and a total land use of 825 mu (including 42.74 mu of construction land for residential buildings). The project has been approved by the Enshi Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, and will be completed in three phases. A total of 1,994 beds will be set up, aiming to build the apartment into the one with middle- and high-end elderly health care, tourism and vacation. The buildings are all designed according to the antique buildings of Enshi ethnic characteristics in order to build a high-end garden-style courtyard health care base for the elderly. The project integrates selenium resource development with health care for the elderly, tourism and vacation to build a pension model of “friendly and livable ecology + healthy lifestyle guidance + complete service facilities + moderate medical support”. II. Advantages and Investment Benefits Market Analysis: The infrastructure construction of the elderly apartments in Enshi is relatively weak: The infrastructure construction of the current apartments built up by local bureau of civil affairs is poor. the ones built with private capital are just getting started, and the reception capacity is insufficient to meet the market demand. With the rapid development of the tourist economy in Enshi, more and more elderly people choose to stay in Enshi, so this city has a broad market prospect for building elderly apartments. The project, located on one bank of the crystal Bajiao River and surrounded by dense forests and trees, is close to the downtown area of Enshi Prefecture and has good traffic access, so it can offer a comfortable and livable place and convenient transportation for the elderly. Benefit Analysis: When the project is completed and put into operation, the annual reception volume can reach 199,400 person-times. It is estimated that it can make an annual operating income of 184.0804 million RMB Yuan, an annual income tax of up to 20.5005 million RMB Yuan, an annual net profit of 61.5016 million RMB Yuan. At the same time, the rate of return and ROI 15.83% and 11.87% respectively and the financial internal rate of return is 10.09%. In addition, the fixed asset investment payback period is 15.83 years (including the construction period). III. Investment Demands and Preferential Policies 49% of equities is transferred for the financing of 100 million RMB Yuan. IV. Contact Us Contact: Chen Kezhong Tel: 13339945025 E-Mail:[email protected] Add.: Forestry Culture Museum, Gaogongqiao Village, Bajiao Dong Ethnic Town, Enshi City