CIRCL - DFIR 1.0.2 Introduction: File System Forensics and Data Recovery CIRCL TLP:WHITE
[email protected] Edition May 2020 Thanks to: AusCERT JISC 2 of 93 Overview 1. File System Analysis - Overview 2. FAT - File Allocation Table 3. NTFS - New Technology File System 4. NTFS - Advanced 5. File System Time Line 6. Carving 7. String Search 8. Forensics Challenges 9. Bibliography and Outlook 3 of 93 1. File System Analysis - Overview 4 of 93 1.1 Abstract: Components of a file system File System: - Organize data on a block device - Maintain an allocation table - Utilize meta data --------------------------------------------- | | | VVV FileName Metadata Content --------------------------------------------------------------------... | file1.txt | |Time stamps, | 13 |................................| 5001 | -> Inode: 13 | |Owner, Group, | |................................| 5002 |---------------| |Rights:MACB, | |.... |5003 | file2.txt | |5001,5002,5003 | |................................| 5004 | -> Inode: 14 | |Size: 68 Byte | |....................... | 5005 |---------------| |---------------| | |5006 |file3.txt | |Timestamps, |14 | |... |->Inode:xyz| |Owner,Group,| | |... |---------------| |Rights:MACB, | | |... |............| |5004,5005 | | |... |............ | |Size:55Byte | | (32Byte cluster) |5011 --------------------------------------------------------------------... |............| | | | | | |............| 0 8 16 24 31 ----------------- Allocation table (Meta): 13, 14 Allocation table: 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005 5 of 93 1.2 Delete a file: