1. Introduction



Tropical are not only the most biodiverse ecosystems known on earth, they also play a vital role in stabilising the world climate, fixing carbon dioxide, and protecting against soil erosion (Jacobs, 1981; Prance and Lovejoy, 1985). Yet most economic appraisals of tropical forests have focused exclusively on timber resources or the possible creation of agricultural land (Peters et al., 1989a). Meanwhile, thousands of and animal in tropical regions have been providing a variety of non-timber products that are used by billions of people all over the world (Nepstad and Schwartzman, 1992; Balick and Mendelsohn, 1992; Hall and Bawa 1993). Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are defined here as all wild plant and animal products harvested from the forest or other natural and man-made vegetation types, except for industrial timber (Ros-Tonen et al., 1995).

The importance of NTFPs tends to be underestimated, because the majority are not traded through established market channels and do not appear in national economic statistics (de Beer and McDermott, 1996). As a result, NTFPs often remain beyond the vision of policy makers and development planners (Ros-Tonen et al., 1995). But for the subsistence economy of forest-dwelling people, NTFPs offer a great source of food, shelter, household equipment, forage, and medicine. Furthermore, commercial exploitation of NTFPs offers cash income for the (mostly indigenous) people that are engaged in their extraction, processing, and/or trading. The labour- intensive, capital-extensive aspect of NTFP harvesting is often well-suited to local conditions in many tropical countries (Plotkin and Famolare, 1992). NTFP extraction has also been mentioned as a viable alternative to commercial logging and slash-and-burn agriculture (Peters et al., 1989a; LaFrankie, 1994). Several scientists have stressed that NTFPs can be harvested without much destruction of the forest, while maintaining essential environmental functions and preserving biological diversity (Anderson, 1990; Plotkin and Famolare, 1992; Richards, 1993). It has often been stated that marketing of NTFPs could add substantial economic value to the forest and thus provide economic incentives for conservation and sustainable resource management (Vasquez and Gentry, 1989; FAO, 1991; Clay, 1992; Hall and Bawa, 1993; Broekhoven, 1996). In other words, the sustainable expansion of commercial NTFP extraction is generally viewed as a promising conservation strategy (Duke, 1992; Richards, 1993; Ros-Tonen et al., 1995).

However, uncontrolled extraction or low prices for NTFPs may cause overharvesting, forest degradation, and even local depletion of species (Nepstad and Schwartzman, 1992; Richards, 1993; Boot, 1997). As a result, extractors may shift again to less-sustainable land uses like logging or cattle ranging. Conservation and long-term utilisation of forest products require that they be harvested on an ecologically sustainable basis. The extraction of NTFPs is considered sustainable if it has no long-term deleterious effect on the regeneration of the harvested population, and when the yield remains more or less constant throughout the years

12 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Part I

(Strudwick, 1990; Hall and Bawa, 1993; Pollak et al., 1995). The ecological impact of NTFP extraction, however, depends on the nature of the harvested product. It makes a difference if entire individuals are harvested or only parts (e.g., , fruits, or eggs). Extraction of the latter might not kill the species, but could slow down its growth or reproduction. The different effects of harvesting on individual species affect the size and structure of the population, which ultimately determines the availability of the resource (Boot, 1997). The question remains whether natural populations are adequate to provide such a regular harvest (LaFrankie, 1994).

To be economically successful, a NTFP must have a lasting market appeal. Harvesters should receive a good price for the product in order to avoid destructive extraction techniques or abandoning the product altogether (Pollak et al., 1995). Therefore, it is necessary to assign an economic value to NTFP-producing forests, to weigh their advantages against alternative land uses (McNeely, 1988; Peters et al., 1989a; Godoy and Lubowski, 1992). Middlemen must be guaranteed a consistent supply of the product and therefore, the harvest should also be ecologically sustainable (Pollak et al., 1995). But successful NTFP extraction should not only contribute to the conservation of forests and stimulate the economic development of the country, it should also offer an increased income to local forest-dwelling people (de Beer and McDermott, 1996). Commercial extraction of NTFPs depends for a great deal on the knowledge and skills of local people, as well as on their possibilities and willingness to engage in the collection and trade of NTFPs (Ros- Tonen et al., 1995). Posey (1992) and Hall and Bawa (1993) stressed that rural communities, which have been relying on a variety of plant and animal species for their livelihoods, should have a direct stake and interest in the sustainable extraction and conservation of tropical biodiversity.

The usefulness of forests as confirmed by indigenous peoples who rely on them, is often cited as a reason for rain forest conservation (Myers, 1982; Prance et al., 1987; Phillips, 1996). However, with the continuing destruction of tropical forests and the consequent erosion of indigenous, forest-dependent cultures, much of the traditional knowledge about the natural environment is being lost (Plotkin and Famolare, 1992). In some areas, the knowledge of useful is disappearing even more rapidly than the plant species themselves (Arvigo and Balick, 1993; Slikkerveer, 1999). If no efforts are made to conserve this biological and cultural diversity, a potential source of new medicines for human diseases, food crops for international trade, and indigenous management systems will disappear together with the forest and its people. A thorough knowledge of the economic potential of the diverse forest products and a better understanding of how mankind can profit from their existence is a prerequisite for forest conservation (Posey, 1983; Milliken et al., 1992). Ethnobotany, defined by Schultes (1992: 7) as ‘the complete registration of the uses and concepts about plant life in primitive societies’, can play a key role in the revitalisation and revaluation of indigenous knowledge (Martin, 1995; Posey, 1999). Although the western science is generally aware of the urgency of ethnobotanical conservation, the pace of research into indigenous plant uses and vegetation management processes that could offer alternatives to the destruction is dwarfed by the accelerating rates of cultural and biological extinction (Phillips and Gentry, 1993).

13 1. Introduction


With its international programme for multidisciplinary research, training, and information, the Tropenbos Foundation aims to contribute to the conservation and wise use of tropical forests. From this objective, it shares the interest with many organisations in promoting the extraction of non-timber forest products as a strategy for conservation and sustainable use of tropical forest. By means of scientific research in various tropical countries, Tropenbos aims to develop an exploitation system for NTFPs which is ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially acceptable (Ros-Tonen et al., 1995). Within the framework of the Tropenbos programme, research programmes on indigenous forest use and NTFPs were carried out in Cameroon (van Dijk, 1999), Ivory Coast (Bonnéhin, 2000), (van der Hammen, 1992; Duivenvoorden et al., 1999), Indonesia (van Valkenburg, 1997), and Guyana (this study; Reinders, 1996; Forte, 1997; Sullivan, 1999).

In the second phase of the Tropenbos-Guyana Programme, various research projects were started to obtain more insight in the economy, and floristic diversity of NTFPs, as well as the social and cultural factors influencing their trade and use (van Andel and Reinders, 1999). The present PhD research on the use of NTFPs in the North-West District of Guyana was started in June 1995. This project was carried out by the Utrecht branch of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands, one of the major herbaria world-wide storing Neotropical biodiversity reference collections, and with a long time experience in the flora and biodiversity of the Guianas. The training of MSc students from the Netherlands was an essential part of the project.


In the present study, the term NTFPs comprises wild plant products found in forests and other natural and man-made vegetation types (e.g., secondary forest), including products used by indigenous peoples. The term ‘non-wood forest products’, frequently used in international projects (FAO, 2000), will not be used in this research, since it excludes the variety of wood products used by forest-dwelling peoples for tools, canoes, house construction, fuel, crafts, poison, and medicine. Including these aspects in an ethnobotanical survey gives a more realistic view of the importance of a tropical forest to its native inhabitants (de Beer and McDermott, 1996).

Products of animal origin (pets, meat, hides, honey, eggs, etc.) form an important proportion of the NTFPs harvested in many tropical countries (Godoy and Lubowski, 1992). Guyana is no exception to this (van Andel, 1998), but since wildlife falls outside the scope of this research, it is only mentioned in a few words in chapter 6. Non-tangible services from tropical rain forests that are often viewed as NTFPs (e.g., watershed and soil protection, aesthetic and spiritual values, ecotourism and climate control) were also excluded from this study.

14 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

The main objectives of the present research can be summarised as follows:

1. To make a complete survey of the NTFP-producing plant species and their uses. 2. To study the harvest and processing methods used by local communities. 3. To understand the role of these plants in the local economy. 4. To assess the abundance and diversity of NTFPs in different forest types. 5. To compare the above-mentioned data between different locations within the study area.

This project aims to assess the importance of non-timber forest products to the indigenous peoples of the North-West District (Figure 1.1). Differences in plant use will be discussed for Amerindian communities that vary in ethnicity, surrounding vegetation types, distance to the market, and level of acculturation. One would expect that relatively isolated communities have a greater traditional knowledge of plants than more westernised groups, because there is a greater need to practise it, since the access to market and health facilities is more limited. The results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of the floristic diversity in northwest Guyana, and the traditional and (potential) commercial use of this resource. This research will also provide baseline data necessary for subsequent ecological and economical studies on NTFP extraction as a sustainable forest management system.

The present research was carried out in co-ordination with several anthropological and socio-economical PhD studies conducted in the North-West District. These included the study of M.A. Reinders (Utrecht University) on indigenous agricultural management systems in relation to gold mining activities, the research of J. Forte (University of Guyana) on adaptive strategies of Kariña (Carib) people, the study of . Sullivan (Keele University) on the economical valuation of NTFP resources, and the research of G. Ford (Free University of Brussels, Belgium) on food and nutrition among Amerindians in , Barima. This multidisciplinary research team offered an opportunity to underpin the socio-economic and cultural factors determining indigenous forest use and their participation in the market economy (van Andel and Reinders, 1999). The researchers co-ordinated fieldwork and shared information and experience in the framework of the Carib Studies Group, a collaborative research effort within the Tropenbos-Guyana Programme. Results from these studies will lead to recommendations for the Guyanese government, (inter-) national NGOs, institutions involved in forest research and management, and local communities themselves.


1.4.1 From early Amerindian trading systems to colonialism Guyana, a poor and sparsely populated country suffering under a heavy debt burden, harbours one of the world’s last large undisturbed tracts of tropical rain forest. With a population of less than 800,000, of which the great majority lives on a narrow coastal strip, the country has allowed the preservation of the interior rain forest for many years. An estimated 80 to 86% of the land is covered with forest, and much of this is still in a pristine state (Flaming et al., 1995; Sizer, 1996; ter Steege, 2000).

15 1. Introduction

Figure 1.1 Map of Guyana. The North-West District is indicated in the rectangle. Drawing by H.R. Rypkema.

16 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Guyana’s interior is sparsely populated by nine Amerindian tribes: the Arawak, Akawaio, Arekuna, Carib, Macushi, Patamona, Wai-wai, Wapishana, and Warao. Their total population is now estimated at around 40,000 (Forte, 1988), but may have been much greater in the past (Davis and Richards, 1934; Whitehead, 1988; Benjamin, 1992).

Guyanese Amerindians have traded forest products among each other since the early ages (Im Thurn, 1883; Butt, 1973). Indian merchants were allowed to pass unmolested through hostile territories in order to exchange their valuable products; the enmity between tribes never disrupted mutual trade (Boomert, 1984). Each tribe had its own speciality: the Warao and Wapishana, for example, were masters in canoe building, while the Macushi were the chief makers of arrow poison and cotton hammocks. The Arekuna were specialised in blowpipes, the Wai-wai were famous for their cassava graters and hunting dogs, the Caribs were skilful potters, and the Arawaks made ingenious fibre hammocks (Im Thurn, 1883). These intertribal trading links also created a medium for the dissemination of ethnobotanical knowledge (Matheson, 1994).

Soon after the discovery of Guyana in the early 16th century, the Dutch found their way into the existing trade channels. By 1653, they were already engaged in large- scale bartering activities with Amerindians along the Guyana coast (Simmons, 1991). From their fortified trading posts, the Dutch exchanged axes, machetes, knives, beads, mirrors, earthenware, cloth, and alcohol for wildlife, cassava, tobacco, Indian slaves, hammocks, canoes, anatto dye (Bixa orellana), crab oil (Carapa guianensis), copaiba balsam (Copaifera spp.), and other timber and non- timber forest products (Benjamin, 1988, 1992; Simmons, 1991; Colchester, 1997). One of the early European adventurers in Guyana who explicitly reported the value of non-timber forest products was Sir Walter Raleigh (1596). He was among the first to mention the existence of curare, a paralytic arrow poison based either on the Strychnos or various Menispermaceae, used for hunting by Amerindians in southern Guyana (DeFilipps, 1992). Raleigh was followed by many other naturalist- explorers and ethnologists like Charles Waterton (1825), the Schomburgk brothers (1835-1844), Everard Im Thurn (1883), and Walter Roth (1924), who all were attracted by the riches of plants, animals and indigenous cultures of the land behind the ‘Wild Coast’.

Since the 18th century, Guyana’s economy has become dependent on the exports of primary commodities: bauxite, sugar, and rice, supplemented by minerals (gold, diamonds) and timber (Sizer, 1996; Colchester, 1997). Only from 1859 to the 1920s, during the boom of the balata industry, the trade in NTFPs was once again the most important economic activity in Guyana (Fanshawe, 1948). The world market for balata, the rubber-like latex of Manilkara bidentata, collapsed in the 1930s, after the discovery of synthetic substitutes (Pennington, 1990). In the 1940s, the bark of the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), used for leather tanning, and bartaballi gum (Ecclinusa spp.), a chewing gum base, were important NTFPs exported from Guyana (Fanshawe, 1948).

17 1. Introduction

Figure 1.2 Map of the North-West District and Pomeroon region. Drawing by H.R. Rypkema.

18 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

1.4.2 Present-day NTFP harvesting in Guyana To address its present need for economic development, the Guyanese government has recently stimulated the utilisation of natural resources by allocating large areas as concessions to foreign logging and mining companies (Sizer, 1996). Once based on sustainable management systems, Guyana will benefit from the continued presence of a permanent forest cover, which can provide services and products for the future (Tropenbos, 1991; ter Steege, 2000). However, some of these foreign companies have questionable environmental and social track records (Sizer, 1996; Colchester, 1997). Several international NGOs and research institutes (e.g., World Resources Institute, Conservation International, Tropenbos, IUCN) have recommended that Guyana should try to diversify the forest-based portion of the national economy, instead of focusing primarily on the production of a few valuable timber species. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs is viewed as one opportunity to benefit from Guyana’s tropical forests without plundering them (Ziegler and Zago, 1993; Sizer, 1996; Tropenbos, 1999; IUCN, 1999; Iwokrama, 1999). Furthermore, the country should take up the challenge to safeguard its natural and cultural heritage before it is too late.

Prior to this study, very little research on NTFPs had been carried out in Guyana. Although substantial amounts of forest products were said to be sold on local village markets (Atkinson, 1990; Forte, 1996c), quantitative information on traded goods on the domestic market was scarce (Sizer, 1996). Recent information on the role of NTFPs in indigenous society or the availability of these products in different forest types is virtually absent. The only more extensive literature available, the publication on ‘minor forest products’ by Fanshawe (1948), based on records compiled by the Forestry Department of British Guiana, is rather out of date and in some aspects incomplete. As Austin and Bourne (1992: 293) put it: “Guyana has yet to receive the ethnobotanical attention that many of its smaller neighbours have had”. The few detailed studies for Guyana have focused on medicinal plants (Lachman-White et al., 1992; Austin and Bourne, 1992; Reinders, 1993). Several ethnographical studies have been conducted on the country’s indigenous tribes (e.g., Im Thurn, 1883; Roth, 1924; Gillin, 1936; Yde, 1965; Coles et al., 1971; Adams, 1972; Butt, 1973, 1976, 1977; Forte, 1988; Forte et al., 1992; Mentore, 1995). Unfortunately, the researchers have put little emphasis on verifying the scientific names of plant species used by their Amerindian informants.


1.5.1. The North-West District Together with the Rupununi in the southern part of the country, the North- West District forms the main Amerindian region in Guyana. This administrative division, also known as Region 1, stretches from the Venezuelan border to the watersheds of the Barama and Waini Rivers (Figure 1.2). The region’s 20,117 square kilometres are largely forested, and inhabited by some 20,000 people, of which some 75% are Amerindians, belonging to the Arawak, Carib or Warao tribes (Forte, 1997). The North-West District is one of the most important areas in Guyana

19 1. Introduction for commercial extraction of NTFPs, and Amerindians are the main people involved in the harvesting and processing of these products (Forte, 1995; van Andel, 1998). Most indigenous people in the area make a living by subsistence activities, such as hunting, fishing, slash-and-burn agriculture, and the gathering of NTFPs for household purposes. Recent regional developments in the area include Guyanese and Canadian gold mining activities, Asian logging companies, and a French palm heart processing factory (Colchester, 1994; Forte, 1995). Many Amerindians now earn cash income by small-scale (independent) gold mining, wage labour in the logging and mining industry, and commercial NTFP extraction.

The adjacent is geographically not included in the North-West District, but belongs to the Essequibo District (Region 2). However, the Pomeroon area is economically en ethnically strongly connected with the North-West District and acts as a major centre for the harvesting and marketing of NTFPs from that region. Therefore, the Pomeroon River was included in this research, together with the regional market of Charity, a strategically located trading point where the road from Georgetown ends and transportation continues by boat.

The exact research locations were determined after consultation with J. Forte of the Amerindian Research Unit (University of Guyana), official counterpart of this study and co-ordinator of the Carib Studies Programme. Fieldwork was carried out in the period 1995-1998 and was concentrated in two regions: the community of Kariako, Barama River (central North-West District), and the Santa Rosa Mission, Moruca River (coastal North-West District). Additional research was carried out along the Pomeroon River, Koriabo (middle ), and the coastal wetlands along the Waini, Baramanni, lower Kaituma, and lower Barima Rivers (Figure 1.2). Surveys were held at the regional markets of Charity, and Georgetown, and at local Amerindian markets (Santa Rosa, Kariako) and craft shops (Santa Rosa, Hossororo, , and Haimaracabra). To compare plant use and marketing of NTFPs between a remote, traditional community and a relatively ‘westernised’ Amerindian settlement, ethnobotanical research focused on the fairly isolated Barama Caribs (Kariako) and the largely acculturated Arawaks (Moruca River).

1.5.2. The Barama River Caribs The central and western parts of the North-West District are inhabited by Carib Indians, who constitute ca. 6% of the total Amerindian population in Guyana (Forte, 1990b). Their settlements are mainly located along the Barama River, which has its origin in the Imataka Mountains near the Venezuelan border and flows into the Waini River. Since the discovery of gold in the early twentieth century, the Caribs in the upper Barama region () have experienced the negative influence of mining activities, including heavy epidemics and the loss of their arts, crafts, and language (Peberdy, 1948; Adams, 1972; Forte, 1990a). The lower Barama region, however, has been relatively ‘untouched’ and remained unnoticed, since the river is hardly navigable during the dry season due to rapids and fallen blocking the waterway (Sanders, 1972; Forte, 1994). This isolation is the reason why, outside the ethnography of Gillin (1936), there is very little information available on the lower Barama Caribs, their numbers, the location of their settlements, and their way of living.

20 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Research in the Barama region was concentrated in the community of Kariako (7º 23' N, 59º 43' W), consisting of approximately 334 persons, nearly all Caribs (Reinders and van Andel, 1996). Although many Carib families along the upper and middle Barama still seem to live a migratory life (Forte, 1993, 1997), the village of Kariako was already mentioned by Schomburgk (1842), and a century later again by Gillin (1936). Prior to this study, the most recent news of Kariako was given by Forte (1994), who briefly visited the village that year. According to her observations, the Kariako Caribs still largely depend on subsistence agriculture, hunting, fishing, and gathering. Cash is obtained by means of small-scale gold mining and labour in the larger gold mines. They interact only with outsiders when they want to sell gold or excess game and make purchases. They have a high protein intake, because wild life is still abundant. Nearly all the villagers speak their native language and many old people (especially women) know little or no English. The access to health facilities and regional markets is very limited (Forte, 1994). It is expected that, because of their traditional lifestyle and isolation, the Kariako Caribs still rely heavily on the surrounding forest for their primary needs. Therefore, the village will be suitable to study the role of NTFPs in subsistence activities, and subsequent comparison with communities deeply involved in commercial NTFP harvesting.

Another reason for choosing Kariako as one of the research sites was the general lack of information about its inhabitants and their uncertain position concerning the near future. Unlike other groups of Barama River Caribs, Kariako villagers do not have legal land titles. The settlement is situated within the 1.67 million hectare timber concession of the Asian logging operation Barama Company Ltd. (BCL). Logging is supposed to start in the area within a period of 10 years. This may offer prospects of employment opportunities and improved health and education services, but may also bring a disruption of the traditional subsistence economy in the area, as well as a possible increase of venereal diseases and AIDS (ECTF, 1993). Moreover, the Geology and Mines Department has given out several gold claims covering the village and the surrounding forest. There is a steady influx of (mostly Afro- Guyanese) miners from the coast. A number of shops have been established near the village, selling a limited number of highly priced food items, clothes, tools, and alcohol (Forte, 1994). Although the BCL management plans state that timber extraction on Amerindian lands should not be encouraged (ECTF, 1993, 1995), Kariako was not clearly mentioned in the list of indigenous settlements in the concession area. The village was either omitted or considered part of the Kokerite Reserve, which is in fact located some 40 km down river. Forte (1994) reported that the majority of the Kariako inhabitants were not aware of the existence of the Company. The Guyanese law obviously states that concessions for mining and logging cannot interfere with officially recognised Amerindian lands (Sizer, 1996), but communities without title to their lands seem rather powerless against logging and mining activities in their homelands (Colchester, 1997). The researchers of the Carib Studies Group try to raise awareness from (inter-) national organisations for the fragile situation of the Barama River Caribs, by documenting their dependency on their traditional culture and surrounding forest for their survival, and support their recent petition to the Guyanese government for title to their traditional lands.

21 1. Introduction

1.5.3 The Santa Rosa Arawaks The coastal part of the North-West District is inhabited by Arawak and Warao Indians, who account for respectively 33% and 10% of the total Amerindian population of Guyana (Forte, 1990b). The (predominantly Arawak) Santa Rosa Amerindian Reserve (7º 38' N, 58º 56' W) is the largest Amerindian village in Guyana. It is not a compact settlement, but rather a conglomerate of about 10 satellite settlements, spread out along the Kumaka- road and the many small islands that lay in the flooded along the Moruca River (Figure 2.2). It is generally assumed that the village was founded by ‘Spanish Arawaks’, catholic Indians who migrated from at the beginning of the 19th century (Hilhouse, 1825; Pierre, 1988). They intermarried with local Arawaks, who had been occupying the lands along the Moruca River since 1560, as indicated by the earliest maps of the region (Benjamin, 1988). At the end of the 17th century, Moruca had become one of the most important trading posts for anatto and boats, and served as a suitable point for intercepting runaway slaves (Pierre, 1988). When Schomburgk visited Moruca for the first time, he was impressed by the high level of civilisation of the Moruca Indians, as compared to neighbouring Amerindian tribes (Schomburgk, 1847).

Nowadays, the population of the Santa Rosa Amerindian Reserve is estimated to be between 3,500 (Forte, 1995) and 10,000 (Jara and Reinders, 1997). The number of residents is still increasing, which can be explained by the attractiveness of Santa Rosa as a centre of government, commerce and religion. Facilities like a hospital and a secondary school are also contributing to the growing population (Jara and Reinders, 1997). The population of the reserve is somewhat divided into a poor, more traditional class that combines cash crop agriculture (peanuts, copra, coffee, citrus fruit) with commercial fishing and subsistence activities, and a more ‘modern’, richer class with salaried jobs (e.g., teachers, government officers, and shopkeepers). The settlements in the periphery of the reserve are inhabited by Caribs and Warao. These groups often belong to the lower agricultural class (Jara and Reinders, 1997; van Breugel, 1998). The main language in Moruca is English. Although the descendants from the Spanish Arawaks still speak some Spanish, only a few elder people are able to speak Arawak, Warao, or Carib. The loss of the traditional Arawak culture, caused by a long history of contact with outsiders, was already noted by Im Thurn (1883: 272). He stated that ‘they (the Arawaks) have become so far civilised, and have so far adopted habits similar to those of the colonists that they no longer have need of much interaction with other Indians’.

Santa Rosa has a small weekly market and a relatively easy access to the larger regional market of Charity. There have been various cooperative agricultural and marketing ventures, but few of them have been successful over the medium or long term. High transportation costs from the shallow Moruca River to the Essequibo coast still seem to be a major problem (Forte, 1995; van Breugel, 1998; Sullivan, 1999). Integration into the national market economy (Georgetown) is even more limited. Farming among the young people of Moruca is declining. During the last decade, the Moruca River has become an important gateway for gold miners and other people travelling to the Waini and Barama River further inland. Many young men and women from Santa Rosa are working in the gold mines and logging companies in the interior (Forte, 1995). Commercial NTFP extraction also provides an income for a substantial number of Amerindians in the coastal area. Products include palm

22 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I heart, wildlife, roof thatch, craft work, and raw material for the furniture industry (Forte, 1995; Jara and Reinders, 1997). It was expected that due to the better market access the Santa Rosa Arawaks had more opportunities to commercialise their forest products than inhabitants of remote communities like Kariako. On the other hand, one might assume that the availability of synthetically manufactured goods and the loss of traditional Amerindian culture would reduce the need to use NTFPs for subsistence purposes.

1.5.4 The Warao The majority of the Warao communities are found in the Orinoco delta in Venezuela, the Mabaruma-Hossororo area and the coastal swamplands of the North- West District. Since the early ages, the Warao have been swamp-dwellers, who have adapted themselves to surviving in areas where no other tribe would live (Benjamin, 1988; Wilbert, 1993). In the beginning, they did not practice agriculture, but relied totally on hunting, gathering, fishing and the collection of shellfish. Prehistoric shell mounds have been found near several coastal communities (e.g., , Waramuri, Warapoka). These mounds consist of huge deposits of the remainders of mollusks, periwinkles and bones of fishes and mammals (Williams, 1989). Occasionally, stone axes, pieces of Delft blue pottery and human skeletons are found in these shell mounds (Poonai, 1992). Lacking dry land for agriculture, the Warao obtained their starch from the pith of Mauritia flexuosa and Manicaria saccifera palms (Heinen and Ruddle, 1976; Wilbert, 1976). They exchanged their excellent canoes with the Dutch for manufactured trade goods (Schomburgk, 1842; Colchester, 1997). Nowadays, most Warao have engaged in cassava cultivation or buy rice and flour in shops, but they are still famous for their canoes (Wilbert, 1993).

Additional information on NTFP use and marketing was gathered in cooperation with anthropologist Ford in the mixed Arawak/Warao/Carib village of Koriabo, the Arawak/Warao community of Assakata (in cooperation with Sullivan), the Warao village of Warapoka, and the predominantly Arawak community of Kabakaburi (Figure 1.2). Since detailed research had been done by Reinders (1993) on medicinal plant use among the Warao, most of the time spent at Warao communities was reserved for research on palm heart harvesting (Chapter 5) and less attention was paid to the local pharmacopoeia. Regular market surveys on NTFPs were held at the Georgetown markets.


This PhD thesis consists of two parts. In Part I, a general analysis is made of the present status of NTFP harvesting in the North-West District and Pomeroon region. Research is focused on the availability of NTFPs in different forest types and their importance for forest-dwelling peoples, both concerning subsistence and commercial use. Special attention is paid to the harvesting, processing, and marketing of the main commercial NTFPs. Part II of this thesis, published in a separate volume, is a field guide of useful plants of the North-West District. It contains scientific and vernacular plant names, short botanical descriptions and uses of 471 NTFP-

23 1. Introduction producing species. For the 85 NTFPs of major importance, detailed species and use descriptions are provided, as well as illustrations and information on habitat preference and seasonal availability.

For the design of appropriate conservation and management plans, quantitative information is required on the diversity, population structure, and distribution patterns of useful (and non-useful) species. A total of seven hectare plots were laid out in the major forest types of northwest Guyana: mixed primary forest, secondary forest, Mora swamp forest, manicole swamp forest, and quackal swamp forest.

In chapter 2 of this volume, a vegetation description is made for mixed primary forest and secondary forest in the Barama and Moruca regions. The following questions are addressed:

1. Which plant species are characteristic and/or abundant in these forest types? 2. Do these forest types correspond to earlier classifications? 3. How does the regeneration proceed from secondary to primary mixed forest? 4. What are the patterns of species diversity in these forests?

Swamp forests cover a large proportion of Guyana’s North-West District. They are also the major vegetation types used for commercial NTFP extraction. In chapter 3, the floristic composition, structure, and diversity of three swamp forest types are described. The main questions addressed in this chapter correspond with those listed for chapter 2 (except for question No. 3).

Forests with high species diversity may contain more useful plants than low- diversity forests, but they generally contain low densities of conspecific adults. Forests dominated by a few, economically important species have been mentioned as very suitable for sustainable NTFP extraction (Peters et al., 1989b; Johnston, 1998). Chapter 4 provides a quantitative assessment of the useful species in the seven hectare plots and concentrates on the following questions:

1. What are the most important NTFPs in the different forest types and how abundant are these species? 2. Which plant families provide most NTFPs and which have the largest use value? 3. What percentage of the total number of species in a forest is utilised by local Amerindians? 4. Are there differences in plant use between Arawaks and Caribs? 5. Which forest types offer the best opportunities for commercial NTFP harvesting?

Palm heart from Euterpe oleracea is the most important commercial NTFP of northwest Guyana, with an annual export revenue of US$ 2 million. In chapter 5, the impact of the current palm heart extraction on E. oleracea populations is compared between areas with a high and those with a low harvest pressure. A general overview is given of the socio-economic aspects of palm heart harvesting, which is an important source of income for local Amerindians. This leads to the following questions:

24 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

1. What is the extent and ecological impact of palm heart harvesting in the North- West District? 2. Are their significant differences in population structure, reproduction, yield and mortality of E. oleracea between sites with different harvest pressures? 3. Can the current harvesting methods be considered sustainable? 4. Is a five-year fallow period sufficient for the regeneration of Euterpe populations? 5. What is the socio-economic importance of palm heart harvesting for Amerindian communities? 6. Which are the underlying causes for overharvesting of palm hearts?

Guyana’s vast potential of NTFPs has only partly been developed commercially. Many plant and animal products are gathered from the country’s extensive forests, but the majority are used only for subsistence purposes. Just a few NTFPs are extracted on a commercial basis and even fewer are harvested for export purposes. The lack of information on export and domestic markets obstructs the involvement of NTFPs in land use and economic planning. In chapter 6, a general impression is given of the main commercial NTFPs of the North-West District and Pomeroon region. The questions addressed in this chapter include:

1. Which NTFPs are actually being marketed and at what prices? 2. Which NTFPs are exported and which have only local or regional commercial value? 3. What are the main problems in commercialising NTFPs? 4. Do these NTFPs have a potential for sustainable harvesting? 5. Can these NTFPs contribute to forest conservation and improve local people’s livelihood?

Although prohibited by law, fish poison plants are still widely used by indigenous tribes in Guyana. Chapter 7 attempts to clarify the and ethnobotany of the fish poisons used in the North-West District, in particular those species containing rotenone. Fish poisons not only serve as a quick method of providing food in times of shortage, they also play an important role in magic rituals and traditional medicine. Particularly striking is the use of these plants in the treatment of cancer and AIDS.

Medicinal plants form an important proportion of the NTFPs used in the study area. The health situation in Guyana’s interior is generally poor. Many Amerindians have to rely on traditional medicine, since nothing else is affordable or available. Chapter 8 deals with the variety of medicinal plants and their uses recorded during this study. General aspects of present-day traditional health care and the role of medicinal plants in this system will be discussed. The main research questions with regard to the use of were: 1. Which plant species are being used for which diseases? 2. What is the present role of herbal medicine in the health care system of indigenous communities? 3. Are there differences in medicinal plant use between the two ethnic groups studied (Carib and Arawak)? 4. In what ways are medicinal plants commercialised in Guyana?

25 1. Introduction

Finally, the implications of the obtained results for the sustainable management of NTFPs will be discussed in chapter 9. The importance of non-timber forest products to the indigenous peoples of the North-West District is highlighted. Comparisons are made with other NTFP studies within and outside the Tropenbos programme. General theories on the role of NTFPs in sustainable forest management will be reviewed with regard to their relevance for Guyana.

26 10. References


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312 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


This thesis describes the use of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) by the indigenous peoples of northwest Guyana. It provides a complete survey of the NTFP-producing plant species and their uses, the harvest and processing methods used by local communities, the role of these plants in the local economy and their abundance in different forest types. This thesis consists of two parts. In Part I, a general analysis is made of the present status of NTFP harvesting in the North-West District and Pomeroon region. Part II is a field guide of the useful plants in the study area and is published in a separate volume.

In Part I, the variations in plant use among Amerindian groups are discussed, which can be ascribed to differences in ethnicity, surrounding vegetation types, distance to market and health facilities, and level of acculturation. It was expected that relatively isolated communities had a greater traditional plant knowledge than more westernised groups. This study may contribute to a better understanding of the floristic diversity in northwest Guyana, and the traditional and (potential) commercial use of this resource. It will also provide baseline data for subsequent ecological and economical studies on NTFP extraction as a sustainable forest management system.

The adequate protection and management of a tropical rain forest requires a good knowledge of its biodiversity. Considerable parts of Guyana’s North-West District have been allocated as logging concessions, but little has been published on the forest types present in this region. Chapter 2 reviews the floristic composition, vegetation structure, and diversity of well-drained mixed and secondary forests in northwest Guyana. Trees, , lianas, herbs, and hemi-epiphytes were inventoried in four hectare plots: in primary forest, 20-year-old secondary forest, and 60-year- old forest. The primary forests largely corresponded with the Eschweilera-Licania association described by Fanshawe (1952, 1954), although there were substantial variations in the floristic composition and densities of dominant species. The late succession forest had the highest number of species and was not yet dominated by Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae. There is a great need for updating the existing vegetation maps of the region. Previous studies based on large-scale forest inventories predicted a general low diversity for the North-West District, but the present forest plots turned out to rank among the most diverse studied in Guyana so far. These results are important for the planning of protected areas in the country.

Flooded forests cover a considerable part of Guyana, but little is known of the different types of swamp vegetation present in the North-West District. Chapter 3 reviews the floristic composition, vegetation structure, and diversity of three types of swamp forests. Trees and smaller life forms were inventoried in three hectare plots in Mora forest, quackal and manicole swamp. The Mora forest, flooded annually by white water, was dominated by Mora excelsa. The quackal swamp, almost permanently flooded by black water, was characterised by Tabebuia insignis and Symphonia globulifera and contained few Mauritia flexuosa palms. The manicole swamp, flooded regularly by brackish water, was distinguished by large numbers of

313 11. Summary the palm Euterpe oleracea. Although the three swamps showed little overlap in floristic composition and densities of dominant species, they represent some of the lowest diversity forests in the Neotropics. These low-diversity wetlands are quite important for the extraction of commercial NTFPs. Furthermore, they form the last stretch of natural coastline in Guyana and play an important role in the protection of riverine ecosystems. Adequate management and conservation strategies must therefore be developed for the area.

The usefulness of a forest for indigenous peoples is a strong reason for its conservation. For the design of appropriate management plans, however, quantitative data are needed on the population densities and distribution patterns of useful species. They can also be used for calculating the forest’s economic value. Chapter 4 provides a quantitative assessment of the useful species in the seven hectare plots, of which the vegetation was described in chapters 2 and 3. The numbers and percentage of NTFPs are given in the different use categories (food, construction, technology, medicine, firewood, etc.). A total of 616 species were found in the seven plots, of which 357 (58%) were utilised. Between 20 and 60% of these NTFPs were found in the understorey.

Species with the highest use-value included Carapa guianensis, Hymenaea courbaril, Symphonia globulifera, Mauritia flexuosa, and Inga alba. The most important NTFP-producing families were Mimosaceae, Guttiferae, Annonaceae, and Palmae. Variations in the number of useful species between the plots were caused by floristic diversity, socio-economic and cultural differences. The species-rich mixed forests contained more useful species and had a higher overall use value than the species-poor swamp plots. High floristic diversity, however, is not a prerequisite for economically and ecologically sustainable NTFP extraction. Craft-producing hemi- epiphytes are among the few species that have a potential to preserve this diverse forest, as standing forest is needed for the required products. The low-diversity forests, in particular the manicole swamp, offered the best opportunities for sustainable NTFP harvesting, since the vegetation was dominated by economically important species.

All forest types were of great importance to the local residents. High use percentages (especially in the tree layer) indicated that people had a great knowledge of their surrounding forest. Since several of the sampled forest types are threatened by timber harvesting, slash-and-burn agriculture, mining or forest fires, there is an urgent need for protection measurements and sustainable management plans. Some of the highly valued NTFPs were produced by commercial timber species. Selective logging of these species would deprive local Amerindians from these products.

Chapter 5 deals with the most important vegetal NTFP of Guyana: palm hearts from the multi-stemmed Euterpe oleracea. Supporting a canning industry worth US$ 2 million annually in export value, the harvesting of palm hearts is the principal source of income for Amerindian communities in the coastal wetlands. To assess the impact of the current extraction on Euterpe populations, population structure, regeneration, and clump mortality were compared between areas with a high and with a low harvest pressure. An undisturbed area was used as a control. Extractors, factory personnel and canning company staff were interviewed to get a general idea

314 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I of the socio-economic aspects of palm heart harvesting. The study revealed that, after several years of exploitation, Euterpe populations showed a steady decline in height and diameter of stems, clump vitality, reproduction, and expected palm heart yield. It was suggested that the main reason for this is that harvesting took place at much shorter intervals than the generally recommended four to five years. The present extraction procedures will lead to severe problems with future yields, because the palm populations are not given sufficient time to regenerate.

Neglect of traditional farming and total dependency on the palm heart industry have led to high pressure on the forest and to socio-economic problems in several communities. In areas where extraction was combined with subsistence farming, however, fallow periods appeared to be longer and Euterpe populations were subject to lower extraction intensity. Maintaining a minimum diameter for palm hearts prevented the extraction of immature stems to a certain extent. A management plan is needed to ensure the future supply of palm hearts, since the sustainable harvest of this resource is of vital importance to the country’s well being. Not only are large- scale rotation plans necessary to allow adequate regeneration, community-based rotation systems should also be encouraged. Subsistence agriculture should be stimulated to guarantee food security. The abundance and rapid growth of E. oleracea offer good opportunities for sustainable extraction and the potential for conflictive land uses is minimal.

Non-timber forest products still remain a neglected natural resource in Guyana. The lack of information on export and domestic markets obstructs the potential role of NTFPs in land use and economic planning. In chapter 6 an overview is given on the present commercial extraction of the major NTFPs in the region: palm hearts, wildlife, craft fibres, palm leaves and mangrove bark. Total export revenues were estimated at US $4.2 million per year. Most products have an ecological potential for commercial extraction, but more studies on the impact of harvesting on the forest and monitoring of harvested quantities are needed to develop sustainable management policies.

Commercial NTFP extraction offers indigenous peoples an income without having to move far from home. Harvesting can be combined with subsistence activities and helps to maintain the social cohesion and indigenous culture, although the low social status of Amerindians in the Guyanese society prevents them to fully benefit from the available resources. Low prices for the raw material, insecure land tenure, little organisation among harvesters, high transport costs and unequal participation in the market economy are the main problems in commercialising their NTFPs. Another key factor for a successful NTFP trade is the improvement of the institutional and legal base for the management of NTFPs. Community-based management plans should be designed for NTFPs. To minimise the chances of exploitative contracts between companies and indigenous communities, training is needed in village administration, law and marketing. Additionally, diversification of the trade and certification of responsibly harvested products could enhance the potential of NTFPs to improve local people’s livelihood in the region.

Although prohibited by law, fish poison plants are still widely used by indigenous tribes in Guyana. Chapter 7 attempts to clarify the taxonomy and ethnobotany of

315 11. Summary the fish poisons, in particular those containing rotenone, currently used in northwest Guyana. Specimens were collected from 11 species known to be ichthyotoxic, both from wild and cultivated sources. It was found that fish poisons not only serve as a quick method of providing food in times of shortage, but also play an important role in magic rituals and traditional medicine. Particularly striking was the use of Lonchocarpus spp. and Tephrosia sinapou in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. Further ethnobotanical and pharmacological research should focus on the medicinal applications of rotenone-yielding plants.

The importance of herbal medicine for the indigenous communities in the study area is further highlighted in chapter 8. The general health conditions in the study area are discussed, as well as the local attitude towards medicinal plants and traditional healing practices. A total of 294 medicinal plant species were found, used in more than 800 recipes. Many of these species have not previously been reported as medicinal or have uses distinct from those of other indigenous groups. Some 80% of these species were harvested from the wild. The highest number of plants (48 spp.) was used to treat common colds and coughs, followed by skin sores (38) and malaria (30), the latter being a major health problem in the area. The most common method of preparing a medicine was boiling the ingredients as a tea. Leaves were by far the most used plant organs, followed by bark, the whole plant (e.g., herbs) and roots.

Although quite some medicinal species are being sold in the capital, very few are commercialised within the interior. Nevertheless, many indigenous communities are almost completely dependent on medicinal plants for their health care, since modern health facilities are limited and prescription medicine is unavailable or expensive. Community health workers should cooperate with traditional healers, because medicinal plants have a great potential for rural health care improvement.

Since indigenous tribes in Guyana are under great pressure from the western society, the present knowledge of herbal medicine may rapidly be lost. Documentation and revitalisation of indigenous knowledge may help to preserve both cultural and biological diversity. The great variety of Guyanese medicinal plants could have a much larger potential for the (inter-) national market than it has today, if it would be processed in a more sophisticated manner and collected in a sustainable way, while respecting traditional resource rights.

In chapter 9, the main outcomes of this study are discussed. The efficacy of the two research methods (‘walk-in-the ’ and hectare plots) is compared. It appeared that 39% of the NTFPs were found outside the plots. Most of these grew in secondary shrubland, an important habitat for NTFP collection and enrichment planting. It can be concluded that a combination of the two methods provides the most accurate picture of local plant use.

From the large numbers of useful plants and the high use percentages in the plots, it can be concluded that the Amerindian communities rely heavily on their surrounding forest for subsistence. An easier connection with the coastal market enhances the possibilities for the marketing NTFPs, but the influx of luxury goods does not necessarily reduce the need to harvest NTFPs, as was assumed in the introduction of this thesis. Even when synthetic alternatives are available, indigenous people

316 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

(especially the poorer households) continue to use foods and material from the forest, as they are free, easily available, and culturally more accepted than industrial substitutes.

The species-poor swamp forests have the highest potential for large-scale single- species extraction. For the highly diverse mixed forests, commercial extraction can only become successful if several products are harvested simultaneously. With the help of external subsidies, NTFPs from remote forests may be able to compete with similar products harvested closer to the capital. Another conclusion of this study is that extractivism can only act as a potential saviour of the rain forests if it is able to prevent or reduce deforestation. However, extractors need to combine NTFP harvesting with subsistence agriculture in order to guarantee their food security.

Part II of this thesis contains scientific and vernacular plant names, short botanical descriptions and uses of 471 NTFP-producing species. For the 85 NTFPs of major importance, detailed species and use descriptions are provided, as well as illustrations and information on habitat preference and seasonal availability.

317 12. Samenvatting


Dit proefschrift beschrijft het gebruik van niet-hout bosproducten (bosbijproducten, NTFPs) door de inheemse bevolking van noordwest Guyana. Het bevat een complete inventarisatie van nuttige plantensoorten en hun gebruik, en verstrekt bovendien informatie over de plaatselijke oogst- en verwerkingsmethoden, de rol van bosbijproducten in de lokale economie en hun voorkomen en dichtheden in verschillende bostypes. Dit proefschrift bestaat uit twee delen. In Deel I wordt de huidige situatie wat betreft de oogst van NTFPs in het Noordwest District en de Pomeroon regio geanalyseerd. Deel II is een veldgids voor de nuttige planten in het onderzoeksgebied en wordt apart gepubliceerd.

In Deel I wordt nagegaan of het verschil in plantgebruik tussen Indianengroepen kan worden toegeschreven aan de etniciteit, de plaatselijke vegetatie, de toegang tot de markt en de moderne gezondheidszorg en/of de mate van acculturatie. Verwacht werd dat bij relatief geïsoleerde groepen meer traditionele kennis van planten aanwezig zou zijn dan bij de meer ‘verwesterde’ groepen. Dit onderzoek draagt bij aan de kennis van de floristische rijkdom van noordwest Guyana, alsmede van het traditionele en (toekomstig) commercieel gebruik van deze diversiteit. Deze studie levert de basisgegevens voor verder ecologisch en economisch onderzoek naar de exploitatie van NTFPs als duurzaam systeem voor bosbeheer.

Voor de adequate bescherming en het beheer van tropisch regenwoud is een goede kennis van de lokale biodiversiteit essentieel. Grote delen van Noordwest Guyana zijn uitgegeven als kapconcessie, maar er is weinig bekend over de bostypen in de regio. Hoofdstuk 2 behandelt de floristische samenstelling, de vegetatiestructuur en de diversiteit van goedgedraineerde primaire en secundaire bossen in noordwest Guyana. Bomen, struiken, lianen, kruiden en hemi-epiphyten zijn geïnventariseerd in vier hectare plots in primair bos en secundair bos van 20 en 60 jaar oud. Het primaire bos kwam grotendeels overeen met de Eschweilera-Licania associatie beschreven door Fanshawe (1952, 1954), ondanks de variatie in floristische samenstelling en dichtheden van dominante soorten. Het laat-secundaire bos had het hoogste aantal soorten en werd nog niet gedomineerd door Lecythidaceae en Chrysobalanaceae. Het is noodzakelijk de bestaande vegetatiekaarten van de regio te herzien. Eerdere studies, gebaseerd op grootschalige bosinventarisaties, voorspelden een lage diversiteit in het Noordwest District. De huidige onderzoeksplots behoren echter tot nog toe tot de meest soortenrijke van Guyana. Deze resultaten zijn van belang voor het plannen van beschermde gebieden in het land.

Vloedbossen beslaan een groot deel van Guyana, maar er is weinig bekend over de verscheidene types moerasbos in het Noordwest District. Hoofdstuk 3 behandelt de floristische samenstelling, de vegetatiestructuur en de diversiteit van drie moerasbossen. Bomen en kleinere planten zijn geïnventariseerd in drie hectare plots: in Mora bos, ‘quackal’ en ‘manicole’ moeras. Het Mora bos, jaarlijks overstroomd door sedimentrijk (‘wit’) water, werd gedomineerd door Mora excelsa. Het quackal moeras, bijna permanent geïnundeerd door voedselarm (‘zwart’) water, werd gekarakteriseerd door Tabebuia insignis en Symphonia globulifera en een enkele

318 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Mauritia flexuosa palm. Het manicole moeras, regelmatig overstroomd door brak water, werd gekenmerkt door grote aantallen Euterpe oleracea palmen. Hoewel de drie moerasbossen weinig overeenkomsten vertoonden op floristisch gebied, behoren ze wel tot de minst soortenrijke bossen in de Neotropen. Deze soortenarme bossen zijn vrij belangrijk voor commerciële NTFP exploitatie. Bovendien vormen ze het laatste stuk natuurlijke kustlijn van Guyana en spelen ze een belangrijke rol in de bescherming van het delta ecosysteem. Een adequaat beheersplan is van groot belang voor dit gebied.

De bruikbaarheid van een bos voor de inheemse bevolking is een belangrijk argument voor de bescherming ervan. Voor het ontwerpen van aangepaste beheersplannen zijn echter kwalitatieve gegevens nodig over de populatiedichtheden en verspreiding van nuttige planten. Met deze gegevens kan ook de economische waarde van het bos berekend worden. Hoofdstuk 4 bevat een kwantitatieve analyse van de nuttige soorten in de zeven hectare plots, waarvan de vegetatie is beschreven in de hoofdstukken 2 en 3. De aantallen en percentages NTFPs zijn berekend voor de verschillende gebruikscategorieën (voedsel, constructie, technologie, medicinaal, brandhout, etc.). In totaal zijn er 616 soorten in de zeven plots gevonden, waarvan er 357 (58%) als bruikbaar werden geregistreerd. Zo’n 20 tot 60% van deze planten kwamen alleen voor in de struik- en kruidlaag. Soorten met de hoogste gebruikswaarde waren Carapa guianensis, Hymenaea courbaril, Symphonia globulifera, Mauritia flexuosa en Inga alba. De belangrijkste NTFP families waren de Mimosaceae, Guttiferae, Annonaceae en Palmae. Het aantal bruikbare planten per plot werd bepaald door de floristische diversiteit, maar ook door de sociaal- economische en culturele achtergrond van de lokale gebruikers.

Het rijke, primaire bos bevatte meer nuttige soorten en had een hogere gebruikswaarde dan de armere moerassen. Een hoge diversiteit is echter geen voorwaarde voor een economisch en ecologisch duurzame oogst van NTFPs. De luchtwortels van hemi-epiphyten, gebruikt in de meubelindustrie, zijn één van de weinige producten die de potentie hebben dit diverse bos te beschermen, aangezien deze wortels alleen in hoge bomen voorkomen. De soortenarme moerasbossen (met name het manicole moeras) bieden de beste mogelijkheden voor duurzame NTFP oogst, omdat de vegetatie gedomineerd wordt door economisch belangrijke soorten.

Alle bostypes zijn van groot belang voor de lokale bevolking. De hoge gebruikspercentages (vooral in de boomlaag) duiden op een grote lokale kennis van het bos. Aangezien verscheidene van de bestudeerde bossen bedreigd worden door houtkap, landbouw, mijnbouw en bosbranden, zijn beschermingsmaatregelen en duurzame beheersplannen op korte termijn gewenst. Een aantal belangrijke NTFPs is afkomstig van commerciële hardhoutsoorten. De selectieve kap van deze bomen zou de lokale Indianen van deze producten beroven.

Hoofdstuk 5 gaat in op het belangrijkste plantaardige bosbijproduct van Guyana: de palmhart van de klonale palm Euterpe oleracea. Jaarlijks wordt voor 2 miljoen dollar aan geconserveerde palmharten geëxporteerd. Het oogsten van palmharten vormt de belangrijkste inkomstenbron van Indianen in het noordwestelijke deltagebied. Om de impact van deze oogst op de Euterpe populaties te meten, zijn de populatiestructuur, de regeneratie en mortaliteit van de palmen vergeleken tussen

319 12. Samenvatting gebieden met een hoge extractiedruk en gebieden die minder vaak werden geoogst. Een ongestoord moeras diende als controle. Verzamelaars, fabriekspersoneel en bedrijfsleiders zijn geïnterviewd om een idee te krijgen van de sociaal-economische aspecten van de palmhartindustrie. Het onderzoek wees uit dat de gemiddelde hoogte, diameter, vitaliteit en reproductie van palmen steeds verder daalde naarmate er langer achtereen werd geoogst. De belangrijkste reden hiervoor is het feit dat de rotatieperiodes veel korter waren dan de aanbevolen vier tot vijf jaar. Het huidige kapregime zal leiden tot ernstige problemen met de toekomstige opbrengst, aangezien de palmen te weinig tijd krijgen om te herstellen van de kap.

Het verwaarlozen van de traditionele landbouw en de totale afhankelijkheid van de palmhartindustrie heeft in een aantal gebieden geleid tot een hoge kapintensiteit en sociaal-economische problemen. Daar waar men extractie afwisselde met kleinschalige landbouw werden de Euterpe populaties minder intensief geoogst. De kap van juveniele palmen werd tot op een zekere hoogte voorkomen door de handhaving van een minimum diameter voor palmharten. Toch is een beheersplan noodzakelijk om de toekomstige aanvoer van palmharten te verzekeren, aangezien een duurzame productie van groot belang is voor de werkgelegenheid en het welzijn van de bevolking van Noordwest Guyana. Er is behoefte aan grootschalige rotatiesystemen, waarin de moerassen voldoende tijd krijgen om te regenereren. Kleinschalige, door de gemeenschap zelf gecontroleerde rotatiesystemen zouden ook moeten worden gestimuleerd. Het aanleggen van landbouwgrondjes zou aangemoedigd moeten worden om voedselzekerheid te garanderen. De abundantie en snelle groei van E. oleracea bieden goede mogelijkheden voor duurzame exploitatie, ook omdat de potentie voor ander landgebruik (commerciële landbouw, houtkap en mijnbouw) minimaal is.

Bosbijproducten blijven een ‘verwaarloosde’ natuurlijke hulpbron in Guyana. Het gebrek aan informatie over de export en de nationale markt belemmeren de rol die NTFPs zouden kunnen spelen in de economische landgebruiksplanning. In Hoofdstuk 6 wordt een overzicht gegeven van de huidige handel in de belangrijkste commerciële NTFPs in de regio: palmharten, wilde dieren, vlechtvezels, palm bladeren en mangrove bast. De jaarlijkse exportopbrengsten zijn geschat op 4.2 miljoen dollar. De meeste producten hebben de ecologische potentie voor commercieel gebruik, maar er is meer onderzoek nodig naar het effect van de oogst op het bos. Bovendien moeten de geoogste hoeveelheden geregistreerd worden om een duurzaam beheersplan te ontwikkelen.

Commerciële extractie van NTFPs biedt de inheemse bevolking een inkomen in hun directe woonomgeving. Het verzamelen kan worden gecombineerd met zelfvoorzienende landbouw, vissen en jagen, wat bijdraagt aan de sociale cohesie en goed past binnen de Indiaanse cultuur. De lage status van Indianen binnen de Guyanese samenleving belemmert hen echter om optimaal gebruik te maken van de aanwezige hulpbronnen. De belangrijkste obstakels voor de marketing van NTFPs zijn de lage prijzen voor de producten, de onzekere landrechten, de hoge transportkosten, het gebrek aan organisatie onder verzamelaars en hun ongelijkwaardige positie in de markteconomie. Een andere voorwaarde voor de succesvolle handel in bosbijproducten is de verbetering van de institutionele en wettelijke basis voor het beheer van deze natuurlijke hulpbron. Gemeenschappen

320 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I zouden zelf kleinschalige beheersplannen moeten opzetten voor NTFPs. Hiervoor is training op dorpsniveau nodig op het gebied van administratie, marketing en wettelijke aangelegenheden, zodat de kans op wurgcontracten tussen bedrijven en Indianengemeenschappen beperkt blijft. Bovendien zou de productdiversificatie en de certificering van duurzaam geoogste NTFPs de levensomstandigheden van lokale bewoners kunnen verbeteren.

Hoewel het bij de wet verboden is, wordt visgif nog steeds regelmatig gebruikt door Indianen in Guyana. In Hoofdstuk 7 wordt een uiteenzetting gegeven van de taxonomie en de ethnobotanie van de voor vissen giftige planten die vandaag de dag in noordwest Guyana worden gebruikt, met name de soorten die rotenon bevatten. Elf soorten visgif werden verzameld, zowel wilde planten als gecultiveerde. Het bleek dat visgif niet alleen dienst doet als een snelle manier van voedsel verzamelen in tijden van schaarste, maar dat visgif ook een rol speelt in magische rituelen en de traditionele geneeskunst. Opvallend was het gebruik van Lonchocarpus spp. en Tephrosia sinapou in de behandeling van kanker en AIDS. Toekomstig ethnobotanisch en farmacologisch onderzoek zou zich moeten richten op de medicinale toepassing van rotenon-houdende planten.

Het belang van medicinale planten voor inheemse volkeren in noordwest Guyana wordt verder belicht in Hoofdstuk 8. De algemene gezondheidstoestand in het onderzoeksgebied wordt besproken, alsmede de lokale houding ten opzichte van medicinale planten en traditionele geneeswijzen. In totaal werden er 294 medicinale plantensoorten gevonden, die in meer dan 800 recepten werden verwerkt. Veel van deze soorten waren nog niet eerder als medicinale plant vermeld in de literatuur, of ze werden op een andere manier gebruikt. Ongeveer 80% van de planten werd uit het wild geoogst. Het grootste aantal planten werd gebruikt tegen verkoudheid en hoesten (49 soorten), gevolgd door huidzweren (38) en malaria (30), een van de ernstigste gezondheidsproblemen in de regio. Meestal werd een medicijn bereid door een thee te trekken van de ingrediënten. Bladeren werden het vaakst gebruikt, gevolgd door de bast, de hele plant (in het geval van kruiden) en de wortel.

Hoewel een flink aantal geneeskrachtige planten in de hoofdstad te koop is, worden ze in het binnenland nauwelijks verhandeld. Veel inheemse gemeenschappen zijn niettemin grotendeels afhankelijk van medicinale planten voor hun gezondheidszorg, aangezien moderne faciliteiten en medicijnen ontbreken of te duur zijn. Lokaal ziekenhuispersoneel zou meer moeten samenwerken met traditionele genezers, omdat medicinale planten de mogelijkheid bieden voor het verbeteren van de gezondheid op het platteland. Aangezien de inheemse volkeren van Guyana onder grote druk staan zich aan te passen aan de westerse maatschappij, kan de huidige kennis van medicinale planten snel verloren gaan. Het documenteren en herwaarderen van deze kennis zou kunnen bijdragen tot de bescherming van zowel biologische als culturele diversiteit. De enorme variëteit aan medicinale soorten in Guyana zou een veel grotere rol kunnen spelen op de (inter-) nationale markt, als de planten enigszins verder verwerkt zouden worden en op een duurzame manier zouden worden geoogst, met respect voor de traditionele eigendomsrechten.

In Hoofdstuk 9 worden de belangrijkste resultaten van dit onderzoek besproken. De efficiëntie van de twee onderzoeksmethoden (gewoon door het bos lopen en

321 12. Samenvatting verzamelen versus hectare plots) wordt vergeleken. Het blijkt dat 39% van de NTFPs buiten de plots zijn gevonden, vooral in secundair struikgewas, wat kennelijk een belangrijke habitat is voor het verzamelen en aanplanten van NTFPs. De conclusie is dat de combinatie van de twee methoden het meest complete beeld geeft van het lokale plantgebruik.

Gezien het grote aantal nuttige planten en de hoge gebruikspercentages in de plots, mag er geconcludeerd worden dat de lokale Indianen in hoge mate afhankelijk zijn van het hun omringende bos. Een betere integratie in de markteconomie biedt de mogelijkheid tot het verkopen van bosproducten, maar de aanwezigheid van luxegoederen heeft niet automatisch een verminderd gebruik van NTFPs tot gevolg, zoals werd verwacht in het begin van dit onderzoek. Zelfs als er synthetische alternatieven voor handen zijn, blijven vooral de armere huishoudens gebruik maken van bosbijproducten. Die zijn immers gratis, makkelijk verkrijgbaar en cultureel verantwoord.

De soortenarme moerasbossen bieden de beste mogelijkheid voor de grootschalige oogst van één bepaald product. In de zeer diverse bossen kan commerciële exploitatie van NTFPs alleen succesvol zijn als er verscheidene producten tegelijk geoogst worden. Alleen met behulp van externe subsidies kunnen bosbijproducten van verafgelegen bossen concurreren met soortgelijke producten die dichter bij de hoofdstad geoogst worden. Een andere conclusie van dit onderzoek is dat de commerciële extractie van bosbijproducten alleen ‘het regenwoud kan redden’ als het de ontbossing werkelijk voorkomt of vermindert. Verzamelaars moeten echter hun activiteiten combineren met kleinschalige landbouw voor hun voedselzekerheid.

Deel II van dit proefschrift bevat de wetenschappelijke en lokale namen, korte botanische en gebruiksbeschrijvingen van 471 soorten. Van de 85 meest belangrijke bosbijproducten wordt een gedetailleerde beschrijving en een illustratie gegeven, alsmede informatie over habitat preferentie en bloei- en vruchtseizoenen.

322 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I



Although the Guyanese government has handed out large forested areas as concessions to foreign timber and mining companies (Sizer, 1996), the country has also set up a National Protected Area System (NPAS) to ensure the protection and sustainable use of its natural resources. Some of the objectives of this system include the preservation of viable examples of the different natural ecosystems in Guyana and the protection of areas of particular biological significance (Persaud, 1997). However, for the conservation and wise use of these forests, a good understanding of their biodiversity is needed (Ek and ter Steege, 1998). Unfortunately, there are still many gaps in this knowledge that need to be filled in order to develop a sound protected-area system (Nasir et al., 1997; ter Steege, 1998).

Forest inventories in Guyana have mainly focused on the timber-producing region in the central part of the country (Davis and Richards, 1934; ter Steege, 1993, Johnston and Gillman, 1995; Ek, 1997; van der Hout, 1999; ter Steege et al. 2000e). In contrast, little (published) quantitative information is available on the forest types in the North-West District, even though a substantial part of this region has been designated as logging concessions. Moreover, the area has not been of major interest to plant collectors (ter Steege et al., 2000b). One of the first general accounts of the vegetation of northwest Guyana was given by Anderson (1912), who distinguished two major forest categories: ‘forests of the swamp lands’ and ‘forests on the slightly elevated or hilly lands’, the latter being characterised by Lecythidaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, and Alexa imperatricis. More than a decade later, Davis (1929) divided the vegetation of the North-West District into swamp forests, Mora forests, and mixed forests. These mixed forests, whether primary or secondary, were all found on higher ground and were dominated by Lecythidaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Alexa imperatricis, and Catostemma commune. The frequency data, collected on the trees in plots of one square mile in the mixed forests along the Barama, Barima, and Aruka Rivers, suggested that these forests were of “rather poor quality” (Davis, 1929: 126).

1. This chapter was accepted in a slightly different form by Biodiversity and Conservation. 2. Data from this chapter have been published in ter Steege et al. (2000a, 2000c, and 2000d).

27 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

In 1968-1969, the Forest Industries Development Surveys (FIDS) sampled a total area of 23.6 hectares, divided over 14 different locations in the North-West District. Although all field and location data were lost, a summary was recaptured by ter Steege (1998). It revealed a forest type with high numbers of Eschweilera, Mora excelsa, Alexa, Eperua, Licania, and Protium, but lower in species diversity than southern Guyana (ter Steege, 1998). In the early 1990s, numerous permanent sample plots were laid out by the logging company Barama Company Ltd. (BCL) and the Edinburgh Centre for Tropical Forests (ECTF). These plots also showed a dominance of Lecythidaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Alexa imperatricis, and Protium sp. (ECTF, 1995). Unfortunately, all of the above-mentioned inventories were based on vernacular (Arawak) plant names. One name is often used for different species. Reliable scientific names were only provided for the major commercial species. Plant collection and subsequent scientific identification during those surveys was minimal. Trees of different size classes were counted in the ECTF plots, while the other surveys only included trees larger than 30.5 cm (FIDS) or even 40 cm in diameter (Davis, 1929).

The only detailed vegetation study of the North-West District was published by Fanshawe in the early 1950s (1952, 1954). He provided exhaustive information on the structure, physiognomy, and floristic composition of various forest types and complemented his findings with extensive plant collections in the region (Ek, 1990). Fanshawe established a plot in mixed forest along the Moruca River, which he classified as the Alexa imperatricis faciation. This forest type belongs to the Eschweilera-Licania association, a type of rain forest typical of the Guyana lowlands (Fanshawe, 1954). Various authors have suggested that this well-drained mixed forest growing on brown sands represents a late successional stage of a climax forest dominated by only few species, since it is generally favoured by Amerindians for their swidden agriculture (Davis, 1929; Fanshawe, 1954; Hammond and ter Steege, 1998). Very little, however, has been documented about succession in Eschweilera-Licania forests after slash-and-burn agriculture. In contrast, long-term monitoring of species composition in disturbed and undisturbed primary forests has been done for greenheart forests (van der Hout, 1999; Ek, 1997) to measure the (selective) logging damage by timber companies.

The FIDS surveys resulted in a vegetation map, based their own forest plots, aerial photographs, and Fanshawe’s forest classifications (FIDS, 1970). The map distinguished a mosaic of vegetation types, although no details were given on species composition. The vegetation map drawn by Huber et al. (1995) was also mainly based on Fanshawe’s work. The mixed forest type on that map, covering almost half of the North-West District, was thus based on the single plot of 2.1 ha made by Fanshawe in 1954. Ter Steege (1998) concluded from the FIDS results that the forests of the North-West District are quite different from those of central Guyana: because of its lack of legume dominants and the high occurrence of Alexa, the district had to be classified as a separate forest region. Such large inventories, however, tend to be crude and underestimate biodiversity (ter Steege et al., 2000b, 2000c). In general, hectare plots give the best estimates of local species diversity and have emerged in the past few years as a popular standard for forest surveys (Martin, 1995). Nevertheless, a few plots do not cover the total spatial variation within a forest type. This lack of quantitative data on the distribution and abundance of tree

28 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I species is one of the main limitations in understanding tropical forest dynamics (Johnston and Gillman, 1995).

For the design of appropriate conservation and management plans, quantitative information is required on the diversity, population structure, and distribution patterns of useful (and non-useful) species. Some of the results of an extensive inventory of the major forest types of northwest Guyana will be presented in this chapter. Floristic composition, vegetation structure, and diversity are compared between two well-drained mixed primary forests and two stages of succession forest. Information on the swamp forests of the North-West District will be published in the following chapter. The vegetation descriptions presented here should contribute to a better understanding of the forests of northwest Guyana, which may in turn be useful in the NPAS programme. It is further hoped that the results of this research will provide baseline data for future sustainable exploitation of both timber and non- timber forest products.


2.2.1 Study area The climate of the North-West District is tropical, with a mean annual temperature of 26.5 ºC. The average precipitation is 2750 mm per year (Ramdass, 1990). There is a distinct dry season from February to April and a less obvious dry period from August to November. Rainfall is at its highest from May to July, with another small peak occurring in December and January. There is little indication of climate differences within the district.

The first study site was located at the remote village of Kariako on the Barama River, a few days’ journey by boat from the Atlantic coast (Figure 1.2). The settlement is inhabited by Carib Indians. The Barama is a strongly meandering white-water river, with its origin in the Imataka Mountains near the Venezuelan border and its mouth in the Waini River. At Kariako, situated some 80 km from its mouth, the Barama has a width of about 50 meters (Figure 2.1). The riverbank collapses in the convex bends, while sediments are deposited in the concave curves. In the dry season, the water level in the river drops significantly, so that the Barama is barely navigable due to fallen trees blocking the waterway. During the rainy season, the forest adjacent to the river is flooded. Behind this floodplain forest, which is dominated by Mora excelsa, the vegetation gradually changes into a mixed forest growing on well- drained, sandy-loamy, lateritic soils (Ferralsols or ferralic Arenosols) (Fanshawe, 1952; van Kekem et al., 1996). There is no real dominance of a single species in this mixed forest. The primary forest in the periphery of the village had been replaced by secondary vegetation as a result of shifting cultivation, while the first long stretches of undisturbed forest were found at a distance of only five km inland. Occasionally, higher terraces occur directly along the river. Amerindian villages are often built on these cliffs, since they do not flood during the rainy season, facilitate water transport, and offer good agricultural soil. As a consequence of this human activity, the well-drained forest close to the river has been replaced by secondary vegetation.

29 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

Figure 2.1 Map of Kariako and surrounding forest, indicating the plots in mixed, Mora and secondary forests. Drawing by H.R. Rypkema.

30 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

The second study site was the Santa Rosa Mission, located along the Moruca River in the coastal swamplands (Figure 1.2). The Moruca is a black-water river that flows into the Atlantic Ocean. It is linked to the Waini River by a network of smaller rivers. The Moruca is flanked on both sides by a flooded savanna, in which many small sandy islands arise. Moving inland, these islands gradually merge into a mainland of well- drained, brown loamy sands and red lateritic soils (Ferralsols or ferralic Arenosols, Fanshawe, 1952; van Kekem et al., 1996), covered with secondary and primary forest (Figure 2.2). Due to Santa Rosa’s growing population and the activities of the Mazaharally logging company at Kwebanna (Waini), the area of undisturbed primary forest is decreasing rapidly. Santa Rosa itself is fringed by a wide zone of disturbed vegetation, varying from shrubland to late secondary forest.

2.2.2 Layout of hectare plots From July to October 1996, two hectare plots (10 x 1000 m) were laid out at Kariako: one in mixed primary forest (7º 25' N, 59º 44' W) and one in a 20-year-old secondary forest (7º 24' N, 59º 43' W). From July to October 1997, two plots of a similar size were made at Santa Rosa: one in mixed primary forest (7º 36' N, 58º 57' W) and one in a 60-year-old secondary forest (7º 38' N, 58º 54' W). All plots were laid out in areas accessible to local Amerindians, to be sure that these forests were subject to NTFP collection. Information about the age and boundaries of the secondary forests was obtained from the former ‘owners’ of the abandoned farms.

Although neglected in most studies, the undergrowth generally contains between 25 and 46% of the species found in wet tropical forests (Gentry and Dodson, 1987), and harbours many useful species as well. Because of this, a nested sampling method was used in the present study, including trees, shrubs, lianas, and herbs (Alder and Synott, 1992; Hall and Bawa, 1993; Ek, 1997). Each plot was systematically surveyed by identifying, measuring, and tagging all trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) > 10 cm, and estimating their height. Every 100 m, species with a DBH < 10 cm and a height > 1.5 m (‘ layer’) were sampled in a subplot of 10 x 10 m (Figure 2.3).

Herbs and seedlings smaller than 1.5 m were sampled in quadrates of 2 x 2 m. (Hemi-) epiphytes were counted only if they occurred within reach on lower trunks or on the forest floor, or when their aerial roots had a DBH > 10 cm.

Care was taken that the hectare plots covered a homogeneous forest area and did not include transitions in vegetation. This was particularly the case in the secondary forests, since the original ‘farms’ had a circular size rather than an elongated rectangular shape. Creeks lined with Mora forest frequently traversed the mixed forests. When the vegetation changed along the kilometre line, the shape of the plot was altered (smaller plots were laid out next to each other), in order to still achieve a total surface of one hectare. Natural gaps were included in the plots.

31 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

Figure 2.2 Map of Santa Rosa, indicating the plots in secondary forest (Blanco), mixed forest (Kabrora) and swamp forest (Quackal). Drawing by H.R. Rypkema.

32 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

2.2.3 Plant collection Plant collections, fertile ones when 1 km possible, were made of all species occurring in the plots. In addition, flowering and fruiting material was collected outside the plots to match the sterile specimens in the plots. Although 100 m this procedure required a great deal of 2 time, it definitely decreased the number 10 2 of unidentified plants. This ‘additional collection’ method was also 10 successfully implemented in biodiversity studies conducted in the Mabura Hill area (Ek, 1997).

10 m Figure 2.3 Layout of a hectare plot.

Flowering and fruiting material is particularly important in the study of useful plants, as correct identifications are essential. Duplicates were deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Guyana (BRG) and the Utrecht branch of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands (U). A full list of the identifiable species found in the four hectare plots is given in the Appendix of this chapter.

2.2.4 Data analysis The Importance Value index (I.V.) of Cottam and Curtis (1956) was used to describe and compare the species composition of the plots. This method has been employed in various quantitative studies on vegetation structure and NTFP (Balée, 1994; Comiskey et al., 1994; van Valkenburg, 1997; Dallmeijer and Comiskey, 1998; Ferreira and Prance, 1999). The I.V. of a species is defined as the sum of its relative dominance (Rdom), its relative density (Rden), and its relative frequency (Rfreq): i.e., I.V. = Rdom + Rden + Rfreq.

The last three indices are calculated using the following equations:

Rdom = total basal area for a species / total basal area for all species x 100%

(basal area = π * (DBH/2)²)

Rden = number of individuals of a species / total number of individuals x 100%

Rfreq = frequency of a species / sum frequencies of all species x 100%

33 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

The frequency of a species is defined as the number of subplots (100 x 10 m) in which it is present. The theoretical range for Rdom, Rden, and Rfreq is 0-100%. Thus, the I.V. of a species may vary between 0 and 300%. According to Johnston and Gillman (1995), a dominant species in the vegetation is defined as a single species accounting for > 20% of the total number of individuals. Co-dominance is defined as two or more taxa each representing 10-20% of the trees. To see whether a plot size of one hectare was sufficient to cover the major variety of species in a particular forest type, species-area curves were drawn for trees with a DBH > 10 cm in each of the four plots. To compare the results of the study plots with other forest types, species richness was quantified using the Fisher’s α diversity index (Fisher et al., 1943). Fisher’s α is relatively insensitive to sample size and is calculated with α the formula: α - (α + N) e(-S/ ) = 0; where N is the number of individuals in the sample, S the number of species in the sample, and α = Fisher’s α.


2.3.1 General forest composition A total of 462 plant species (including 10 unidentified specimens) were found in the four one-hectare plots (see Appendix). A summary of the findings in the four plots is shown in Table 2.1. The number of tree species and families in 60-year-old secondary forest equalled that of primary forests. However, even though tree density came within the range of the undisturbed forest, the mean diameter, basal area, and height were lower in the secondary forest. Moreover, there were obvious differences in species composition between the primary and late secondary forests. The 20-year-old forest had the lowest tree diversity, but, due to its open canopy, the lower strata contained many more species than the other plots. Because of the dense undergrowth, both secondary forest plots had a higher number of species per hectare than the primary plots. Lianas were particularly common in the succession forests, but most species were < 10 cm DBH. True herb species were rare in all plots. It can be deduced from Table 2.1 that the understorey harboured 41% (Moruca mixed) to 60% (Barama secondary) of the total number of species in the plots. Trees > 10 cm DBH represented 40% (Barama secondary) to 59% (Moruca mixed) of the total number of species. These figures illustrate the importance of nested sampling when studying vegetation structure and species richness in a tropical rain forest.

Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae clearly co-dominated the canopy of both primary plots (Table 2.2), representing over 34% of the total number of trees in Barama and almost 49% in Moruca. Chrysobalanaceae were more abundant than Lecythidaceae in Barama, and vice versa in Moruca. Papilionaceae ranked third in Barama, but were less abundant in Moruca. Sapotaceae occupied the third place in Moruca, while only 1.4% belonged to that family in Barama. After 60 years of forest succession, Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae were still of minor importance compared to Mimosaceae. The high percentage of the latter family can be ascribed to the abundance of Pentaclethra macroloba and various Inga species, of which I. alba was the most common in both secondary plots. The canopy of the 20-year-old forest was dominated by pioneer families, such as Araliaceae, Malpighiaceae, Melastomataceae, and Cecropiaceae. These families had lost most of their

34 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I importance in the 60-year-old forest and were either absent or rare in the primary forests. The high score for Euphorbiaceae in the 60-year-old forest was largely due to the abundance of Mabea piriri. Families like Burseraceae, Celastraceae, and Sapotaceae seemed to appear late in the succession stage. Not one plant family dominated all four study plots; however, if the three subfamilies were summed, Leguminosae had a higher overall score than Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae.

Table 2.1 Summary of the floristic composition of four hectare plots in mixed and secondary forests in Barama and Moruca. The second number in the range of species and families includes the number of unidentified species, regarded as a previously unrecorded species or family. species include hemi-epiphytes and climbing ferns.

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca Forest type mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for. Floristic composition primary primary 20 years 60 years TREE LAYER > 10 cm DBH Number of individuals in 1 ha 496 550 657 528 Number of species in 1 ha 92-93 94-95 78 95 Number of families in 1 ha 39-40 37-38 35 38 Mean diameter trees > 10 cm DBH [cm] 23.6 23.6 18.8 21.0 Canopy height [m] 20-40 30-40 15-20 15-25 α-diversity 28.2 28.6 21 31.2

SHRUB LAYER < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m Number of individuals in 0.1 ha 524 716 590 870 Number of species in 0.1 ha 88 91 139 137 Number of families in 0.1 ha 49 42 57 53

HERB LAYER < 1.5 m Number of individuals in 4*10-3 ha 268 536 431 588 Number of species in 4*10-3 ha 50-55 66-68 75-77 65 Number of families in 4*10-3 ha 28-33 34-36 40-42 36-41

Total no. of tree species > 10 cm DBH 82-83 86 73 90 Total no. of liana species > 10 cm DBH 10 9 5 5 Total no. of shrub/small tree species < 10 cm 27 27 56 46 DBH Total no. of liana species < 10 cm DBH 31 27 38 43 Total no. of species only found in herb layer 17 12 25 20 True herb species 2 0 5 4

Total no. of species found in 1 ha plot 168 161 197 204 Total no. of families found in 1 ha plot 59-62 54 65 61-66

35 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

Table 2.2 Family dominance by tree density (percentage of individuals > 10 cm DBH) for the 15 most common families in the four forest hectare plots.

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca Forest type mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for. Families primary primary 20 years 60 years

Lecythidaceae 12.7 31.6 2.3 6.3 Leguminosae-Mimos. 5.8 5.1 14.6 23.0 Chrysobalanaceae 21.6 16.9 6.5 1.9 Euphorbiaceae 4.0 2.5 3.3 14.2 Leguminosae-Papil. 11.3 3.3 2.4 5.9 Annonaceae 4.4 1.6 7.2 4.2 Sapotaceae 1.4 10.0 - 1.9 Araliaceae - 0.2 10.0 1.1 Malpighiaceae - - 10.5 0.2 Leguminosae-Caesalp. 3.2 0.9 4.7 1.5 Burseraceae 4.4 1.6 0.9 2.8 Celastraceae 2.8 2.4 0.5 4.2 Melastomataceae - - 7.8 1.1 Guttiferae 1.2 3.8 3.2 0.4 Cecropiaceae 0.8 - 6.4 0.9

Unidentified 0.2 - 0.2 - Total of other families 26.2 20.0 18.7 30.5

2.3.2 Barama mixed forest The mixed forest in Barama was characterised by the abundance of Couepia parillo (Table 2.3). Other species with a high I.V. were Eschweilera wachenheimii, Licania alba, and Alexa imperatricis. Except for a few 40-m-tall emergent trees (mostly Goupia glabra or Inga alba), the height of the canopy varied between 20 and 30 m. The crown layer was closed except for an occasional gap caused by a fallen tree. Dense clusters of secondary species were found in these openings (e.g., Senna multijuga subsp. multijuga, Posoqueria longiflora, and Olyra longifolia). The largest diameter (133.5 cm) was recorded for Goupia glabra.

The few small depressions in the landscape were occupied by some large Mora excelsa trees, which, in spite of their low density, attributed to a high basal area. Lianas were common and attained rather large diameters, particularly Pinzona coriacea and to a lesser extent Bauhinia scala-simae and Dioclea scabra.

36 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 2.3 Density, basal area, and importance value of the 20 most common species of trees > 10 cm DBH in one hectare of mixed forest, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value. * Liana.

Barama mixed forest Absolute Importance Relative Relative Relative Basal area Tree layer density value density dominance frequency Species [# ind./ha] [m2/ha] [%] [%] [%] [%]

Couepia parillo 89 6.00 40.23 17.94 18.24 4.05 Alexa imperatricis 43 3.06 22.03 8.67 9.31 4.05 Eschweilera wachenheimii 45 1.70 17.87 9.07 5.16 3.64 Mora excelsa 8 3.86 14.57 1.61 11.74 1.21 Goupia glabra 6 2.79 10.90 1.21 8.47 1.21 Licania alba 16 1.35 10.57 3.23 4.11 3.24 Protium decandrum 17 0.74 8.90 3.43 2.23 3.24 Neea cf. constricta 14 0.57 8.20 2.82 1.73 3.64 Inga alba 7 1.56 8.17 1.41 4.74 2.02 Inga rubiginosa 12 0.76 7.97 2.42 2.32 3.24 Catostemma commune 15 0.80 7.89 3.02 2.44 2.43 Eschweilera pedicellata 14 1.08 7.74 2.82 3.29 1.62 Unonopsis glaucopetala 15 0.38 7.00 3.02 1.15 2.83 Mabea piriri 12 0.31 5.37 2.42 0.93 2.02 Paypayrola longifolia 9 0.09 4.91 1.81 0.26 2.83 Pinzona coriacea * 8 0.11 4.39 1.61 0.35 2.43 Myrcia graciliflora 7 0.13 4.22 1.41 0.38 2.43 Sloanea grandiflora 6 0.22 3.89 1.21 0.66 2.02 Tetragastris altissima 4 0.57 3.74 0.81 1.72 1.21 Aspidosperma sp. 2 0.83 3.73 0.40 2.52 0.81 (TVA1583)

Total of other species (73) 147 6.01 97.69 29.64 18.26 49.80 Total 496 32.91 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

The shrub and herb layers of this forest were quite open and hardly formed well- marked strata. Although some true shrub species were common (Tabernaemontana undulata, astrellantha), most individuals in the shrub layer were saplings of the canopy species (Table 2.4). Understorey palms like Bactris humilis and B. oligoclada were found every now and then. Common hemi-epiphytes included Evodianthus funifer subsp. funifer and the climbing fern Cyclodium meniscioides var. meniscioides. Their seedlings were also frequent on the forest floor (Table 2.5). Occasional hemi-epiphytes were Heteropsis flexuosa, Thoracocarpus bissectus, and Clusia grandiflora. The long aerial roots of these species often reached the forest floor.

37 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

Table 2.4 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m in height in 0.1 ha of mixed forest, ‘shrub layer’, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana.

Barama mixed forest Relative Absolute density Relative density Shrub layer frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%] Tabernaemontana undulata 45 8.59 4.27 Paypayrola longifolia 41 7.82 3.85 Protium decandrum 37 7.06 2.99 Quiina guianensis 36 6.87 3.42 Alexa imperatricis 32 6.11 3.42 Psychotria astrellantha 26 4.96 3.85 Couepia parillo 20 3.82 3.42 Anaxagorea dolichocarpa 19 3.63 3.42 Paullinia cf. rufescens * 19 3.63 2.14 Myrcia graciliflora 11 2.10 2.99

Total of other species (78) 238 45.41 66.23 Total 524 100.00 100.00

Although tree seedlings were locally abundant (Eschweilera wachenheimii, Quiina guianensis, Paypayrola longifolia), the herb layer was poor in true herbaceous species (Table 2.5). This group was represented by only two species: erythrothyrsus and the fern Triplophyllum funestum var. funestum. The lowest stratum further consisted of shrub and liana seedlings.

Table 2.5 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 1.5 m in height in 4*10-3 ha of mixed forest, ‘herb layer’, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana; • hemi-epiphyte.

Barama mixed forest Absolute Relative Relative Herb layer density density frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%] Paypayrola longifolia 28 10.45 5.31 Psychotria apoda 23 8.58 1.77 Quiina guianensis 19 7.09 6.19 Triplophyllum funestum var. funestum 18 6.72 3.54 Protium decandrum 13 4.85 3.54 Bauhinia guianensis * 12 4.48 3.54 Cyclodium meniscioides var. meniscioides • 12 4.48 3.54 Psychotria astrellantha 11 4.10 5.31 Philodendron rudgeanum • 10 3.73 4.42 Eschweilera wachenheimii 10 3.73 3.54

Total of other species (55) 112 41.81 59.28 Total 268 100.00 100.00

38 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

2.3.3 Moruca mixed forest The primary forest in Moruca showed a strong dominance of Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae, in particular large numbers of Eschweilera sagotiana, E. wachenheimii, and E. decolorans (Table 2.6). The canopy of this forest was ca. 30 m high, with a few emergents growing to 45 m (Aspidosperma excelsum, Hymenolobium flavum, and Peltogyne venosa subsp. venosa). The latter species (purpleheart) had the largest diameter (159.7 cm). Purpleheart was quite rare in the Barama region. The mean diameter of trees > 10 cm DBH was the same in the two study sites (23.6 cm). Couepia parillo, which was abundant at Barama, was totally absent at Moruca, not only from the plot but also from the surrounding area. In contrast, E. sagotiana, dominant in Moruca, was infrequently collected in the mixed forest in Barama and was not found in the hectare plot.

Table 2.6 Density, basal area and importance value of the 20 most common species of trees > 10 cm DBH in one hectare of mixed forest, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value.

Moruca mixed forest Absolute Importance Relative Relative Relative Basal area Tree layer density value density dominance frequency Species [# ind./ha] [m2/ha] [%] [%] [%] [%]

Eschweilera sagotiana 62 3.66 25.67 11.27 10.58 3.82 Eschweilera wachenheimii 60 3.28 24.23 10.91 9.50 3.82 Licania alba 49 1.83 16.88 8.91 5.30 2.67 Eschweilera decolorans 28 2.06 14.86 5.09 5.96 3.82 Pouteria durlandii 17 1.55 11.02 3.09 4.50 3.44 Licania heteromorpha var. 24 0.53 9.33 4.36 1.53 3.44 perplexans Peltogyne venosa subsp. 3 2.66 9.00 0.55 7.69 0.76 venosa Alexa imperatricis 15 0.74 7.92 2.73 2.14 3.05 Goupia glabra 9 1.54 7.61 1.64 4.45 1.53 Pentaclethra macroloba 14 1.00 7.34 2.55 2.89 1.91 Tovomita cf. schomburgkii 17 0.25 7.25 3.09 0.72 3.44 Aspidosperma excelsum 6 1.00 5.90 1.09 2.90 1.91 Pouteria cf. coriacea 11 0.29 5.90 2.00 0.84 3.05 Licania sp. (TVA2332) 13 0.43 5.89 2.36 1.23 2.29 Inga alba 6 0.83 5.40 1.09 2.41 1.91 Pouteria guianensis 11 0.59 5.24 2.00 1.72 1.53 Jacaranda copaia subsp. 7 0.75 4.96 1.27 2.16 1.53 copaia Quiina guianensis 10 0.16 4.95 1.82 0.46 2.67 Lecythis sp. (TVA2380) 8 0.47 4.72 1.45 1.35 1.91 Trattinickia cf. lawrancei 9 0.40 4.31 1.64 1.15 1.53 var. boliviana

Total of other species (75) 172 10.54 111.80 31.27 30.54 50.01 Total 550 34.55 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

39 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

The importance of Sapotaceae was noticeable in Moruca, represented by six different species of Pouteria, with P. durlandii being the most common. Alexa imperatricis played a less important role in Moruca, while late secondary species like Goupia glabra, Jacaranda copaia subsp. copaia, and Inga alba were common in both primary plots. Large lianas were less frequent in the mixed forest in Moruca. Tetracera volubilis subsp. volubilis was present with five individuals over 10 cm; of the six other large climbing species, only Dicranostyles guianensis was represented by more than one individual. Some of the large hemi-epiphytes (Clusia palmicida and C. grandiflora) had aerial roots with a diameter greater than 10 cm.

The shrub layer in this forest was denser and richer in species than in Barama: 716 individuals belonging to 91 species in 0.1 ha, vs. 524 individuals and 88 species in Barama. The most abundant species in the understorey, the small tree Quiina guianensis and the shrub Tabernaemontana undulata, accounted for only 17.7% of the individuals (Table 2.7). The small palm Bactris oligoclada was rather common. Major hemi-epiphytes in this stratum included Clusia palmicida and C. grandiflora. Connarus perrottetii var. rufus was the most important woody climber (n = 30) in the shrub layer, followed by Tetracera volubilis subsp. volubilis with ten individuals.

Table 2.7 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m in height in 0.1 ha of mixed forest, ‘shrub layer’, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana.

Moruca mixed forest Relative Absolute density Relative density Shrub layer frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%]

Quiina guianensis 64 8.94 3.60 Tabernaemontana undulata 63 8.80 4.00 Alexa imperatricis 56 7.82 2.00 Licania alba 32 4.47 4.00 Trichilia schomburgkii subsp. schomburgkii 32 4.47 3.60 Licania heteromorpha var. perplexans 31 4.33 3.20 Bactris oligoclada 31 4.33 2.80 Connarus perrottetii var. rufus * 30 4.19 1.20 Duguetia pauciflora 22 3.07 2.80 Tovomita cf. schomburgkii 20 2.79 3.20

Total of other species (81) 335 46.78 69.60 Total 716 100.00 100

40 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

No true herb species were found in the herb layer, just seedlings of trees, shrubs, and lianas (Table 2.8). Juveniles of Eschweilera wachenheimii were the most abundant, followed by the hemi-epiphyte Thoracocarpus bissectus and the liana Rourea pubescens var. spadicea. Seedlings of more than 20 liana species were found in the herb layer.

Table 2.8 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 1.5 m in height in 4*10-3 ha of mixed forest, ‘herb layer’, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana; • hemi-epiphyte.

Moruca mixed forest Absolute Relative Relative Herb layer density density frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%]

Eschweilera wachenheimii 129 24.07 4.64 Thoracocarpus bissectus • 61 11.38 0.66 Rourea pubescens var. spadicea * 60 11.19 5.30 Tabernaemontana undulata 24 4.48 3.31 Eschweilera cf. sagotiana 20 3.73 2.65 Quiina guianensis 18 3.36 5.30 Paypayrola longiflora 16 2.99 1.99 Trattinickia cf. lawrancei var. boliviana 14 2.61 3.31 Licania heteromorpha var. perplexans 12 2.24 3.97 Unidentified liana seedling (TVA2394) * 11 2.05 1.99

Total of other species (58) 171 31.91 66.89 Total 536 100.00 100.00

2.3.4 20-year-old secondary forest (Barama) The young secondary forest plot in Barama had an irregular, open canopy of 15-20 m high, with several emergents of Schefflera morototoni, Miconia fragilis, and Jacaranda copaia subsp. copaia (Table 2.9). The tree layer was mainly composed of secondary pioneer species (e.g., S. morototoni, Byrsonima stipulacea, Cecropia sciadophylla, and J. copaia subsp. copaia), and other light-demanding species like Pentaclethra macroloba, Inga alba, and Bellucia grossularioides. The largest diameter recorded was 47.5 cm for Tapirira guianensis, while the mean diameter was only 18.8 cm. Because of their valuable bark, some of the large I. alba trees had been spared when the original primary forest was felled, thus attributing to the relatively high basal area. Some of the dominant species in the Barama primary forest (Couepia parillo, Alexa imperatricis) were already common in the 20-year-old forest, while other typical species of the mature forest (Eschweilera wachenheimii, Licania alba) were only represented by a few individuals, three and one respectively. No large palms were found. Only five liana species were present in this size class, of which only Bauhinia guianensis was represented by more than one individual. Large hemi-epiphytes were absent.

41 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

Table 2.9 Density, basal area, and importance value of the 20 most common species of trees > 10 cm DBH in one hectare of 20-year-old forest, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value.

Barama secondary forest Absolute Importance Relative Relative Relative Basal area Tree layer density value density dominance frequency Species [# ind./ha] [m2/ha] [%] [%] [%] [%]

Schefflera morototoni 66 2.96 27.40 10.05 13.85 3.50 Byrsonima stipulacea 69 2.18 24.20 10.50 10.20 3.50 Cecropia sciadophylla 35 1.63 17.27 5.33 7.66 4.28 Pentaclethra macroloba 41 1.14 15.47 6.24 5.34 3.89 Couepia parillo 41 1.16 14.78 6.24 5.43 3.11 Alexa imperatricis 29 1.42 14.56 4.41 6.64 3.50 Inga alba 22 1.37 12.48 3.35 6.41 2.72 Jacaranda copaia subsp. 29 1.10 12.30 4.41 5.17 2.72 copaia Bellucia grossularioides 25 0.70 10.19 3.81 3.27 3.11 Miconia fragilis 18 0.44 7.92 2.74 2.07 3.11 Tapirira guianensis 16 0.67 7.92 2.44 3.15 2.33 Hyeronima alchorneoides 15 0.37 7.13 2.28 1.74 3.11 var. stipulosa Xylopia aff. surinamensis 15 0.36 6.31 2.28 1.69 2.33 Cordia tetrandra 15 0.24 6.14 2.28 1.13 2.72 Vismia guianensis 18 0.25 5.47 2.74 1.18 1.56 Apeiba petoumo 7 0.35 5.42 1.07 1.63 2.72 Clathrotropis brachypetala 10 0.28 5.18 1.52 1.33 2.33 Pourouma guianensis 9 0.38 4.73 1.37 1.80 1.56 subsp. guianensis Xylopia sp. (TVA1176) 9 0.17 4.52 1.37 0.81 2.33 Catostemma commune 7 0.30 4.43 1.07 1.42 1.95

Total of other species (58) 161 3.86 86.16 24.51 18.09 43.59 Total 657 21.33 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Although the shrub layer did not contain that many individuals, it was very dense because of the numerous lianas (38 species < 10 cm), impenetrable patches of razorgrass (Scleria secans), and Melastomataceae shrubs (Table 2.10). The most common small tree was Couepia parillo, a species that was dominant in the primary forest (Table 2.3). The highest diversity was scored by the genus Inga with eight species, of which I. umbellifera was the most abundant. The families and Melastomataceae were also represented by eight species. Hemi-epiphytes were occasionally found, mainly Evodianthus funifer subsp. funifer and Philodendron rudgeanum.

42 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 2.10 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m in height in 0.1 ha of 20-year-old forest, ‘shrub layer’, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana.

Barama secondary forest Absolute density Relative density Relative frequency Shrub layer Species [# ind.] [%] [%]

Couepia parillo 36 6.10 3.51 Scleria secans 36 6.10 0.70 Tabernaemontana undulata 26 4.41 2.11 Inga umbellifera 23 3.90 1.40 Pentaclethra macroloba 18 3.05 1.75 Neea cf. floribunda 15 2.54 2.11 Aciotis sp. (TVA1384) 14 2.37 1.40 Bactris humilis 14 2.37 3.16 Bauhinia guianensis * 13 2.20 2.11 Dioclea cf. scabra * 13 2.20 1.75

Total of other species (127) 382 64.73 79.99 Total 590 100 100.00

The most common species in the herb layer are listed in Table 2.11. This stratum was characterised by liana seedlings, large patches of the herb Leandra divaricata, and juveniles of trees and shrubs typical of a secondary forest (e.g., Pourouma guianensis, Miconia spp., and Inga spp.). Five true herb species were recorded.

Table 2.11 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 1.5 m in height in 4*10-3 ha of 20- year-old forest, ‘herb layer’, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana; • hemi-epiphyte.

Barama secondary forest Relative Absolute density Relative density Herb layer frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%] Pourouma guianensis subsp. guianensis 64 14.85 3.23 Leandra divaricata 61 14.15 3.23 Bauhinia guianensis * 31 7.19 4.03 Triplophyllum funestum var. funestum 16 3.71 2.42 Miconia ceramicarpa var. ceramicarpa 16 3.71 0.81 Selaginella parkeri 15 3.48 0.81 Psychotria poeppigiana var. barcellana 14 3.25 4.03 Philodendron rudgeanum • 13 3.02 3.23 Inga melinonis 12 2.78 1.61 Piper nigrispicum 11 2.55 2.42

Total of other species (167) 178 41.29 74.19 Total 431 100.00 100.00

43 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

2.3.5 60 year-old secondary forest (Moruca) The canopy of the late secondary forest plot in Moruca was more closed than that of the younger forest in Barama. The crown layer was 15 to 25 m high, with several large emergents ( amara, Pentaclethra macroloba, and Inga alba). Although diversity, density, and mean diameter of trees in this late secondary forest were almost equal to that of the primary forest, the floristic composition was very different (Table 2.12). Mabea piriri had the greatest number of individuals, but due to its much larger trunks, Pentaclethra macroloba had the highest I.V. score. A maximum diameter of 67.8 cm was recorded for Goupia glabra, while the mean diameter was 21 cm.

Table 2.12 Density, basal area, and importance value of the 20 most common species of trees > 10 cm DBH in one hectare of 60-year-old forest, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value.

Moruca secondary forest Absolute Importance Relative Relative Relative Basal area Tree layer density value density dominance frequency Species [# ind./ha] [m2/ha] [%] [%] [%] [%]

Pentaclethra macroloba 55 3.45 28.07 10.42 14.28 3.38 Mabea piriri 62 1.28 20.01 11.74 5.31 2.95 Goupia glabra 22 1.87 15.69 4.17 7.73 3.80 Inga alba 13 1.85 12.24 2.46 7.67 2.11 Alexa imperatricis 23 1.04 12.05 4.36 4.32 3.38 Lecythis cf. chartacea 19 0.84 9.63 3.60 3.50 2.53 Laetia procera 12 0.89 8.89 2.27 3.67 2.95 Inga cf. acreana 23 0.41 7.74 4.36 1.70 1.69 Cordia sericicalyx 13 0.65 6.84 2.46 2.69 1.69 Cupania hirsuta 20 0.30 6.72 3.79 1.24 1.69 Jacaranda copaia subsp. 9 0.59 6.25 1.70 2.44 2.11 copaia Protium unifoliolatum 7 0.66 5.77 1.33 2.75 1.69 Schefflera morototoni 6 0.66 5.55 1.14 2.73 1.69 Brosimum guianense 10 0.22 5.35 1.89 0.93 2.53 Carapa guianensis 8 0.37 5.15 1.52 1.52 2.11 Clathrotropis brachypetala 5 0.61 5.15 0.95 2.51 1.69 Rollinia exsucca 9 0.27 4.94 1.70 1.12 2.11 Aniba cf. riparia 9 0.16 4.91 1.70 0.67 2.53 Parinari rodolphii 3 0.58 4.25 0.57 2.42 1.27 Hyeronima alchorneoides 7 0.36 4.08 1.33 1.49 1.27 var. stipulosa

Total of other species (75) 193 7.08 120.73 36.57 29.32 54.86 Total 528 24.14 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

44 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Several large palms were present: Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa, Maximiliana maripa, and Astrocaryum aculeatum; the latter being a sign of previous human occupation (Wessels Boer, 1965). Except for Alexa imperatricis, characteristic species of the mature mixed forest (Eschweilera spp., Licania spp.) were either absent or present with very few individuals. Just five woody climbers over 10 cm DBH were present, of which Tetracera volubilis subsp. volubilis was the largest.

The shrub layer in the 60-year-old forest was very dense (with 870 individuals in 0.1 ha) and mainly composed of small trees (Paypayrola longiflora and Mabea piriri) and the shrub Tabernaemontana undulata (Table 2.13). Lianas were common (43 species), both as saplings in the shrub layer and as seedlings on the forest floor. However, apart from Bauhinia spp. and Dichapetalum pedunculatum, most climbing species were only represented by few individuals. Six species of the genus Inga were noted. Except for Alexa imperatricis and Pentaclethra macroloba, saplings of trees common in primary forests were not abundant in the shrub layer.

Table 2.13 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m in height in 0.1 ha of 60-year-old forest, ‘shrub layer’, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana.

Moruca secondary forest Relative Absolute density Relative density Shrub layer frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%]

Paypayrola longiflora 84 9.66 1.45 Mabea piriri 79 9.08 2.32 Tabernaemontana undulata 73 8.39 2.32 Pentaclethra macroloba 55 6.32 2.90 Lecythis corrugata subsp. corrugata 30 3.45 0.87 Alexa imperatricis 29 3.33 2.03 Protium unifoliolatum 20 2.30 0.87 Dichapetalum pedunculatum * 19 2.18 2.32 Duguetia pauciflora 19 2.18 2.03 Trichilia schomburgkii subsp. schomburgkii 18 2.07 0.58

Total of other species (127) 445 51.83 82.90 Total 870 100.00 100.00

45 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

Mabea piriri was again numerous in the herb layer, followed by juveniles of Tabernaemontana undulata (Table 2.14). Numerous Inga seedlings were found, but many were impossible to identify to species level at this early stage. Lianas and hemi-epiphytes were particularly common. Only four true herbs were found, of which the small fern Triplophyllum funestum var. funestum was the most frequent. Just a few seedlings of primary tree species were found in the herb layer.

Table 2.14 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 1.5 m in height in 4*10-3 ha of 60- year-old forest, ‘herb layer’, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana; • hemi-epiphyte.

Moruca secondary forest Relative Absolute density Relative density Herb layer frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%]

Mabea piriri 182 30.95 5.13 Tabernaemontana undulata 104 17.69 4.49 Inga spp. (various) 30 5.10 5.77 Paypayrola longiflora 24 4.08 3.21 Philodendron surinamense • 24 4.08 2.56 Pentaclethra macroloba 21 3.57 2.56 Rourea surinamensis * 17 2.89 3.21 Virola elongata 12 2.04 2.56 Paullinia cf. rufescens * 10 1.70 1.92 unidentified seedling (TVA2160) 10 1.70 0.64

Total of other species (55) 154 26.19 67.94 Total 588 100.00 100.00


2.4.1 Classification of mixed forest Although no more than 10 km apart as the crow flies, the hectare plot in the Moruca mixed forest and the mixed forest plot of Fanshawe (1954) differed in several ways. The latter was laid out on a sandy island at the headwaters of the Moruca River, probably near the village of Kamwatta (Figure 1.2). As stated above, the Moruca mixed forest plot was established on the brown loamy sands and lateritic soils of the mainland. Alexa imperatricis was the second most abundant tree species in Fanshawe’s plot (with a relative density of 13%), while it ranked eighth in the Moruca plot (Rden = 2.73%). Eschweilera wachenheimii was an important species in the plots of this study (ranking second in Moruca and third in Barama), but was unnoticed by Fanshawe. Licania heteromorpha var. perplexans was a common species in Moruca, but was absent in the Kamwatta plot. Interestingly, this species was noted earlier by Fanshawe (1952) to occur in every known faciation of the Eschweilera-Licania association. Fanshawe also did not mention Licania alba in his descriptions, while it was quite common in both the Moruca and Barama mixed

46 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I forests. In contrast, Hebepetalum humiriifolium, a tree common in Fanshawe’s plot, was not observed anywhere in the study area.

The Barama plot, located almost 100 km further inland, differed from the Moruca and Kamwatta plots by the abundance of Couepia parillo (number one in the tree layer of the mixed forest and also frequent in the young secondary forest). Alexa imperatricis ranked second in Barama mixed forest, following Fanshawe’s definition of the faciation named after that species. Eschweilera sagotiana and Licania heteromorpha var. perplexans were both present, but not common, in Barama primary forest.

Much of the rain forest in Guyana remains to be explored, and as Fanshawe (1952) already noted, each faciation tends to be divided into smaller floristic groups. Species are restricted by their natural range, limits not yet fully known for many taxa in the Guianas. Davis (1929) and Anderson (1912) mentioned earlier that densities of dominant taxa are quite variable, even over small areas with apparently similar conditions. This proves again that a few plots are not sufficient to define a particular forest type. Apart from the geographical variations in floristic composition and densities of dominant species, the two mixed forest plots showed a substantial overlap with Fanshawe’s plot (1954). Therefore, it is very likely that both the Barama and the Moruca mixed forests are members of the same Alexa imperatricis faciation, and consequently correspond with the Eschweilera-Licania association, although ‘Lecythidaceae-Chrysobalanaceae association’ would be a better term for this vegetation type. No direct comparisons could be made with Fanshawe’s plot, as the islands behind Kamwatta had been transformed into coconut .

Chlorocardium rodiei (greenheart) was not found in any of the plots nor in their surroundings, although it was noted by Huber et al. (1995) on their vegetation map as growing in the mixed forests of the North-West District. Fanshawe (1952) had cited the northern limit of greenheart around the Pomeroon River, even though it was found by Davis (1929) and Anderson (1912) around St. Bedes (lower Barama) and the Aruka River. There is a great need for updating the existing vegetation maps of northwest Guyana, as they were based on limited information.

In general, the plots of this study seem to correspond with the mixed forest as described by Davis (1929), even though many of the scientific names used in his article have changed and many trees were listed by family or local names only. Less overlap was found between the plots of the North-West District and the mixed forest in central Guyana (Davis and Richards, 1934; ter Steege, 1993; Johnston and Gillman, 1995; Ek, 1997; ter Steege et al., 2000c). The forest in Barama, in particular, differed substantially in floristic composition and species dominance. The central Guyana mixed forest is dominated by other species of Chrysobalanaceae and Lecythidaceae; E. wachenheimii and Couepia parillo play a much less prominent role in the canopy. The Eschweilera-Licania dominance also seems to change in species composition along the geographical range (ter Steege et al., 2000b). For example, mixed forests dominated by Chrysobalanaceae and Lecythidaceae continue far into Venezuelan Guayana, but E. decolorans, Gustavia poeppigiana, and Licania densiflora take over the leading part there (Huber, 1995a).

47 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

2.4.2 Disturbance and succession If the mixed forests in Barama and Moruca are regarded as the same forest type, putting aside some regional differences like the abundance of C. parillo, then the secondary plots may be considered as two stages of succession. This being the case, we then see that 60 years since abandonment is not long enough for Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae to become dominant. The canopy of the late succession forest was occupied by different species and families than the primary forest, while pioneer species were present in much lower numbers than in the early secondary forest. The basal area of the 60-year-old forest (24.1 m2/ha) was much lower than that found in the Moruca primary plot (34.6 m2/ha), indicating that after 60 years of succession the forest still has not attained a forest structure similar to that of a primary forest. This does not quite correspond with the conclusions of Aide et al. (1996), who suggested that 60 years was sufficient for abandoned pastures to regain a basal area comparable with that of primary rain forest. In fact, with regard to floristic composition, it may take more than a century before a secondary forest resembles the surrounding primary forest (Ferreira and Prance, 1999).

The Moruca area has a long history of Amerindian occupancy (Schomburgk, 1848; Benjamin, 1988). The frequent findings of stone axes and potsherds in the primary forest in Barama also point towards an early presence of humans. The large individuals of late successional species (Goupia glabra, Inga alba) further suggest that both areas of mixed forest were subjected to disturbance in the past, although local Amerindians considered the forest as ‘high bush’ or primary forest. Fanshawe discovered charcoal traces at a depth of 30-70 cm in the soil of his Kamwatta plot, which he related to prior slash-and-burn cultivation. He concluded that: “With the evidence of a once numerous Amerindian population and consequent widespread shifting cultivation, it is extremely difficult not to be suspicious of the primeval state of any forest type encountered” (Fanshawe, 1954: 80). He assumed that the Eschweilera-Licania association represented a late stage of succession to the climax rain forest, ‘more or less indistinguishable from primary forest’, but he did not give an example of how this undisturbed forest should look. No soil samples were taken during the present study, so verification of whether burning had occurred in the past was not possible. Nevertheless, it is to be expected, since charcoal has even been found in the little-disturbed forests in central Guyana (Hammond and ter Steege, 1998). Furthermore, there is evidence that the North-West District has acted as an important centre for pre-Columbian peoples (Williams, 1989).

In comparison to the Moruca plot, the mixed forest in Barama contained fewer Eschweilera, but more Alexa imperatricis, Goupia glabra, and Mabea piriri, and more large lianas (29 vs. 17 individuals over 10 cm). The overall dominance of Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae in Barama was a bit lower than in Moruca. Following the theory of Hart (1990), who proposed that high species dominance might be achieved during early and late successional stages and co-dominance during mid-successional stages, this might indicate that the Barama forest represents a slightly earlier stage of succession than the Moruca forest. Davis (1929) stated that the abundance of Sapotaceae (as was the case in Moruca) almost certainly indicates primary forest. However, the present data offer only a snapshot in forest succession. The real patterns of regeneration can only be assessed after long-term monitoring of regrowth in permanent sample plots.

48 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

2.4.3 Efficacy of one-hectare plots The question remains whether a one-hectare sample is large enough to detect most of the variation in a particular vegetation type. Looking at the species-area curves for trees > 10 cm DBH in the four hectare plots, we see that the slopes of the curves for each plot decline as the sample area increases (Figure 2.4). The curves of the primary forest plots begin to level off at one hectare, which means that enlarging the sample area will yield just a few more species. The curves of the secondary plots, especially the one of the 60-year-old forest, however, have not started flattening out at 1 hectare. This means that increasing the sample area would bring about a considerable increase in species numbers. Therefore, hectare plots may give a fair estimate of the local diversity, but one plot is certainly not enough to classify an entire vegetation community.

Number of species 100 90 80 70 Barama mixed 60 Moruca mixed 50 20 y sec for 40 60 y sec for 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Area [ha]

Figure 2.4 Species-area curves of trees > 10 cm DBH in the four hectare plots.

2.4.4 Biodiversity Except for the 20-year-old secondary forest, the study plots appeared to have a relatively high diversity when comparing their Fisher’s α values with those of more or less similar forest types in Guyana (Table 2.15). Plant diversity and forest composition strongly correlate with geographical location, soil type, and disturbance (ter Steege, 1998). The high species-richness of the forest plots in Moruca and Barama might be explained by the fact that the North-West District has been subjected to extensive and frequent human disturbance (Williams, 1989). According to the intermediate-disturbance theory, a high dominance of species indicates a low rate of disturbance (Hart, 1990; Huston, 1994). Short intervals between slash-and- burn cultivation certainly reduce species-richness, but a longer return time between fire events may promote diversity by facilitating a re-establishing process driven by colonisation rather than (Hammond and ter Steege, 1998). The 60-year- old secondary forest plot had the highest alpha diversity of all plots studied in Guyana so far. Since it was surrounded by both older and younger forests, the plot contained elements from early and late secondary forests, as well as from primary forests. Comparisons with similar succession forests could not be made, since no other plots of secondary forest have yet been studied in Guyana.

49 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests

Table 2.15 Comparison of density and diversity (Fisher’s α) of trees > 10 cm DBH in forest plots in Guyana and Peru: 1) This study; 2) Fanshawe (1954); 3) Johnston and Gillman (1995); 4) Davis and Richards (1934); 5) Ek (unpublished data, cited in ter Steege, 2000); 6) Comiskey et al. (1994); 7) Philips et al. (1994).

Location Forest type No. of Plot size No. of No. of Fisher’s plots [ha] individuals species alpha

Northwest Guyana1 mixed 2 1 467-533 83-86 28.2-28.6 Northwest Guyana1 20 year old 1 1 650 73 21 Northwest Guyana1 60 year old 1 1 524 90 31.2

Northwest Guyana2 mixed 1 2.1 744 52 13.1

Iwokrama3 mixed 1 1 459 71 23.5 Moraballi4 mixed 1 1.5 644 91 28.9 Mabura Hill5 mixed 1 1 459 71 23.5

Kwakwani6 mixed 1 1 493 59 17.5 Kwakwani6 mixed 1 1 504 85 29.3

Tambopata, Peru7 tierra firme 1 1 575 172 83.1

The central Guyana forests have only recently been disturbed by logging and mining. Because of their low soil fertility, the white sands in this region are less favoured for shifting cultivation. Perhaps for this reason, the region was never inhabited by a substantial Amerindian population. The low rate of large-scale disturbances may have led to competitive exclusion and to the higher dominance of few, often Caesalpinoid, species (Hammond and ter Steege, 1998). In contrast, the mixed forest in Moraballi Creek had an alpha diversity comparable to the northwestern forests (Table 2.15). According to Davis and Richards (1934), there was reason to believe that the indigenous population of that area was once greater than at the time of their research. The mixed forest plots in , also an area with a long history of human intervention, were even more species-rich than those in the North-West District, but they were different in species composition and less dominated by Lecythidaceae and Chrysobalanaceae (Comiskey et al., 1994). It remains unclear, then, why Fanshawe’s mixed forest in Kamwatta had such a conspicuous low diversity when compared to the nearby plots on the Moruca mainland. One explanation might be a low level of colonisation through inadequate . Studies have shown that the distance from a primary forest is an important factor of forest regeneration (Ferreira and Prance, 1999). Fanshawe’s mixed forest plot was laid out on a relatively small island, surrounded by a wide area of marsh forest. Moreover, the islands in the vicinity of Fanshawe’s plot were already cultivated at the time of his research (1954) and the first patch of well- drained primary forest was situated several kilometres away.

Ter Steege (1998, 2000) suggested a geographical decline in tree alpha diversity from southern Guyana northward, implying that the forests of the North-West District were among the most species-poor of the country. The results of this study, however, contradict that hypothesis, since the Barama and Moruca plots rank among

50 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I the most diverse in Guyana so far. One reason might be that although ter Steege left out two coastal swamp forest plots in his analysis of the FIDS inventories, he may have included the extremely species-poor Mora forests, thus reducing the overall diversity in the northwestern region. Another explanation for the suggested low diversity in northwest Guyana might be the FIDS’ inclusion of only those trees larger than 30.5 cm DBH. The mean diameter in the Barama mixed plot was 23.6 cm: only 22% of the individuals and 31% of the total number of species had a DBH > 30.5 cm. Thus, 78% of the individuals and 69% of the tree diversity at that site were represented by species with a DBH below the diameter threshold of the FIDS inventories.

The large-scale inventories of Barama Company Ltd. and FIDS also underestimated diversity as they were based on vernacular (Arawak) plant names, which often included several species within one name (ECTF, 1995; ter Steege, 1998). Although many commonly used vernacular names in forestry come from Arawak, the language itself is hardly spoken anymore (Fanshawe, 1949). Enumeration by native names is not a rigidly accurate nor an absolutely satisfactory method of working out the floristic composition of a tropical forest, but it is often the only method available to third-world forestry officers (Davis and Richards, 1934). This system can give useful results as long as the indigenous tree spotters are familiar with the particular forest region. However, if Arawak plant names are used for species identification in remote interior (non-Arawak) areas, this might lead to unreliable results, especially when the different species of a genus are barely distinguishable in the field (e.g., Licania, Swartzia, Protium, and Pouteria). This has become obvious from the sample plots of the BCL, where Licania species were listed as either ‘kauta’ or ‘kairiballi’, all Inga species were summed as ‘waikey’, and various Eschweilera species were called ‘kakaralli’ (ECTF, 1995).

During the fieldwork of this research, it was discovered that the Barama Caribs had separate names for 19 different Inga species. They also made a clear distinction between the various Licania and Eschweilera species in their homeland. Unfortunately, Carib names are hardly ever used in forestry in Guyana. Carib informants are less familiar with Arawak and Creole names, as these are not their native languages. Moreover, many species restricted to remote (Carib) areas do not even have an Arawak name. These aspects may also have played a role in the low estimation of plant diversity of the northwest forests. Therefore, forest inventories should always be combined with plant collection and local indigenous informants should be involved as much as possible.

The forests of the North-West District are nevertheless poor in species when compared to similar vegetation types in western Amazonia (Philips et al., 1994; Table 2.15). With markedly fewer than 100 species > 10 cm DBH per ha, the forests in Guyana may have the lowest diversity in Neotropical forests. This may be caused by low soil fertility, low rates of disturbance, and a relative isolation (Connel and Lowman, 1989; Johnston and Gillman, 1995; ter Steege, pers. comm.).

Except for a small fringe of mangrove forest, none of the NPAS’ existing proposals for protected areas include a significant portion of the North-West District (Persaud, 1997). Ter Steege (1998) has already recommended that rapid action should be taken

51 2. Floristic composition and diversity of mixed primary and secondary forests to preserve a portion of the northwest forest, which is possibly unique to South America. Moreover, the forests in this region are under serious threat from logging and mining concessions (Sizer, 1996; Nasir et al., 1997). The fact that these forests rank among the most species-rich of Guyana should also influence the planning of protected areas in Guyana. The long-term protection of the forest of northwest Guyana requires the maintenance of the conditions of low disturbance under which they have evolved (ter Steege, 2000). This offers the opportunity for indigenous management, instead of strict protection measures.


The forests of the North-West District largely corresponded with the vegetation types described by Fanshawe (1952; 1954), although there were substantial geographical variations in floristic composition and densities of dominant species. There is a great need for updating the existing vegetation maps of northwest Guyana, as they were based on very limited information.

Large scale forest inventories (FIDS, BCL) provide a fair indication of species dominance and forest composition, but do not give a reliable insight in floristic diversity. To produce trustworthy results, quantitative forest inventories should always be combined with plant collection. Hectare plots give a fair estimate of local diversity, but enlarging the sample area in well-drained forest (especially in late secondary forest) would substantially increase the total number of species.

The mixed forests plots of this research ranked among the most diverse plots studied in Guyana so far, a result that should have its influence in the planning of protected areas in Guyana.

52 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


Species identified in four hectare plots of well-drained forest, North-West District, Guyana.

Specimens unidentified at the family level (n = 10) have been omitted

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

ACANTHACEAE Mendoncia hoffmannseggiana Nees x

ANACARDIACEAE Astronium cf. lecointei Ducke x x Tapirira guianensis Aubl. x x x Tapirira cf. obtusa (Benth.) J.D. Mitch. x

ANNONACEAE Anaxagorea dolichocarpa xx Sprague & Sandw. Annona symphyocarpa Sandw. x Bocageopsis multiflora (Mart.) R.E. Fr. x Duguetia calycina Benoist x Duguetia megalophylla R.E. Fr. x Duguetia pauciflora Rusby x x Duguetia pycnastera Sandw. x Duguetia yeshidan Sandw. x x Guatteria schomburgkiana Mart. x Guatteria sp. (TVA1127) x Rollinia exsucca (DC. ex Dunal) A. DC. x x x x Unonopsis glaucopetala R.E. Fr. x x x x Xylopia cayennensis Maas x Xylopia aff. surinamensis R.E. Fr. x Xylopia sp. (TVA1176) x Xylopia sp. (TVA1165) x

APOCYNACEAE Ambelania acida Aubl. x Aspidosperma excelsum Benth. x Aspidosperma marcgravianum Woodson x x Aspidosperma sp. TVA1583 x Forsteronia guyanensis Müll. Arg. x Forsteronia sp. (TVA2460) x Himatanthus articulatus (Vahl) Woodson x x Odontadenia puncticulosa (Rich.) Pulle x Odontadenia sp. (TVA1401) x Odontadenia sp. (TVA2178) x Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist x Tabernaemontana heterophylla Vahl x x Tabernaemontana aff. siphilitica (L.f.) xx Leeuwenb. Tabernaemontana undulata Vahl x x x x

53 2.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

ARACEAE Heteropsis flexuosa (Kunth) G.S. Bunting x x Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) x Kunth Philodendron rudgeanum Schott x x x Philodendron scandens K. Koch & Sello x x Philodendron surinamense (Schott) Engl. x x Philodendron spp. (unidentified seedlings) x

ARALIACEAE Dendropanax sp. (TVA2414) x Schefflera morototoni xx (Aubl.) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin

ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia daemoninoxia Mast. x

BIGNONIACEAE Anemopaegma sp. (TVA1661) x Arrabidaea sp. (TVA2357) x Clytostoma binatum (Thunb.) Sandw. x Distictella magnoliifolia (H.B.K.) Sandw. x Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don ssp. copaia x x x Jacaranda copaia ssp. spectabilis xx (DC.) A. H. Gentry Memora flavida (DC.) Bureau & K. Schum. x x Musatia prieurei (DC.) Bureau ex K. Schum. x Parabignonia steyermarkii Sandw. x Tabebuia insignis (Miq.) Sandw. var. x monophylla Sandw. Bignoniaceae sp. (TVA2099) x

BOMBACACEAE Catostemma commune Sandw. x x x x Pachira aquatica Aubl. x x Pachira insignis (Sw.) Savigny x

BORAGINACEAE Cordia nodosa Lam. x x x x Cordia sericicalyx A. DC. x x Cordia tetrandra Aubl. x x x

BURSERCEAE Protium decandrum Marchand x x x Protium guianense Marchand x x x Protium heptaphyllum x Marchand ssp. heptaphyllum Protium sp. (TVA931) x Protium unifoliolatum Engl. x Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart x x

54 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

BURSERCEAE Trattinnickia cf. lawrancei x var. boliviana Swart Burseraceae sp. (TVA1464) x

CECROPIACEAE Cecropia peltata L. x x Cecropia sciadophylla Mart. x x x Pourouma guianensis Aubl. ssp. guianensis x x x

CELASTRACEAE Goupia glabra Aubl. x x x x Maytenus cf. guyanensis Klotzsch ex xx x Reissek Maytenus sp. (TVA958) x x

CHRYSOBALANACEAE Couepia parillo DC. x x Hirtella racemosa L. var racemosa x Licania alba (Bernoulli) Cuatrec. x x x x Licania cf. divaricata Benth. x Licania heteromorpha Benth. xxx var. perplexans Sandw. Licania kunthiana Hook.f. x Licania micrantha Miq. x Licania persaudii Fanshawe & Maguire x Licania sp. (TVA2324) x Licania sp. (TVA2332) x Parinari rodolphii Huber x x

COMBRETACEAE Combretum laxum Jacq. x Combretum rotundifolium Rich. x Terminalia cf. amazonia (J.F. Gmel.) Exell x x Terminalia dichotoma G. Mey. x

COMPOSITAE Mikania cf. psilostachya DC. x

CONNARACEAE Connarus perrottetii var. rufus Forero x Connarus sp. (TVA2350) x Pseudoconnarus cf. macrophyllus Radlk. x x Rourea pubescens (DC.) Radlk. var. spadicea xxxx (Radl) Forero Rourea surinamensis Miq. x x x

CONVULVULACEAE Dicranostyles ampla Ducke x Dicranostyles guianensis Mennega x Dicranostyles sp. (TVA2364) x Dicranostyles sp. (TVA2407) x

55 2.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

CONVULVULACEAE Maripa scandens Aubl. x Maripa sp. (TVA2009) x

COSTACEAE Costus erythrothyrsus Loes. x Costus scaber Ruiz & Pav. x

CUCURBITACEAE Cayaponia jenmanii C. Jeffrey x Helmontia leptantha (Schltdl.) Cogn. x

CYCLANTHACEAE Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm. ssp. xx funifer Thoracocarpus bissectus (Vell.) Harling x x x x sp. (TVA2471) x

CYPERACEAE Scleria secans (L.) Urb. x x

DICHAPETALACEAE Dichapetalum pedunculatum (DC.) Baill. x x x x Tapura guianensis Aubl. x x x

DILLENIACEAE Davilla kunthii A. St. Hil. x x x Doliocarpus brevipedicellatus Garcke ssp. xx brevipedicellatus Doliocarpus cf. dentatus (Aubl.) Standl. x Pinzona coriacea Mart. & Zucc. x Pinzona sp. (TVA2509) x Tetracera volubilis L. ssp. volubilis x x x x

DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea pilosiuscula Bert. ex Spreng. x

DRYOPTERIDACEAE Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl xxx var. meniscioides Polybotrya caudata Kuntze x x

EBENACEAE Diospyros cf. ierensis Britton x Diospyros tetrandra Hiern x x x

ELAEOCARPACEAE Sloanea grandiflora Sm. x x Sloanea cf. guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. x x x Sloanea latifolia (Rich.) K. Schum. x x Sloanea obtusifolia (Moric.) K. Schum. x Sloanea cf. parviflora Planch. ex Benth. x

56 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

ELAEOCARPACEAE Sloanea cf. schomburgkii Benth. x x Sloanea aff. synandra Spruce ex Benth. x x Sloanea sp. (TVA2006) x Sloanea sp. (TVA2195) x

ERYTHROXYLACEAE Erythroxylum macrophyllum Cav. x x x

EUPHORBIACEAE Alchornea schomburgkii Klotzsch x Alchorneopsis floribunda (Benth.) Müll. Arg. x Chaetocarpus schomburgkianus (Kuntze) xx x Pax & Hoffm., Conceveiba guianensis Aubl. x x Drypetes fanshawei Sandw. x Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemao var. xxx stipulosa Franco Hyeronima oblonga (Tul.) Müll. Arg. x x x Mabea piriri Aubl. x x x x Maprounea guianensis Aubl. x Pausandra hirsuta Lanj. x Pausandra sp. (TVA2058) x Pera glabrata (Schott) Baill. x Sandwithia guyanensis Lanj. x x x x Sapium jenmanii Hemsl. x Senefeldera sp. (TVA1621) x Senefeldera sp. (TVA1369) x

FLACOURTIACEAE Casearia aff. acuminata DC. x Casearia aff. arborea (Rich.) Urb. x Casearia javitensis Kunth x x x x Casearia cf. ulmifolia Vahl ex Vent. x Caesearia sp. (TVA1522) x Caesearia sp. (TVA2334) x Laetia procera (Poepp.) Eichl. x x Flacourtiaceae sp. (TVA2448) x

GESNERIACEAE Paradrymonia maculata (Hook. f.) Wiehler x

GNETACEAE Gnetum sp. (TVA1612) x

GRAMINAE Olyra longifolia Kunth x x

GUTTIFERAE Clusia grandiflora Splitg. x x Clusia palmicida Rich. ex Planch. & Triana x x x Symphonia globulifera L.f. x x

57 2.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

GUTTIFERAE Tovomita cf. brevistaminea Engl. x x Tovomita calodictyos Sandw. x Tovomita cf. choisyana Planch. & Triana x Tovomita cf. obscura Sandw. x x x Tovomita schomburgkii Planch. & Triana x Vismia guianensis (Aubl.) Choisy x Vismia macrophylla Kunth x

HERNANDIACEAE Sparattanthelium guianense Sandw. x

HIPPOCRATEACEAE Hippocratea volubilis L. x Salacia sp. (TVA1498) x Salacia sp. (TVA1584) x Tontelea coriacea A.C. Sm. x Tontelea cf. glabra A.C. Sm. x x

HUMIRIACEAE Humiria balsamifera (Aubl.) A. St. Hil. var. x balsamifera Sacoglottis aff. cydonioides Cuatrec. x Sacoglottis guianensis Benth. var. guianensis x

ICACINACEAE Casimirella ampla (Miers) R.A. Howard x Discophora guianensis Miers x x Leretia cordata Vell. x

LACISTEMATACEAE Lacistema aggregatum (Bergius) Rusby x x

LAURACEAE Aniba cf. guianensis Aubl. x x Aniba hostmanniana Mez x Aniba cf. kappleri Mez x Aniba cf. riparia (Nees) Mez x x Aniba sp. (TVA988) x Nectandra cf. cuspidata Nees x Nectandra sp. aff. x Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez x x Ocotea schomburgkiana (Nees) Mez x x x Ocotea splendens (Meisn.) Mez x x Ocotea tomentella Sandw. x x x Ocotea sp. (TVA2111) x Ocotea sp. (TVA2710) x

58 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

LECYTHIDACEAE Eschweilera alata cf. A.C. Sm. x Eschweilera decolorans Sandw. x Eschweilera pedicellata (Rich.) S.A.Mori x Eschweilera sagotiana Miers x x Eschweilera wachenheimii (Benoist) Sandw. x x x x Eschweilera sp. (TVA2144) x Lecythis cf. chartacea Berg x x Lecythis corrugata Poit. ssp. corrugata x x x Lecythis zabucajo Aubl. x x x x Lecythis sp. (TVA2380) x Lecythidaceae sp. (TVA1348) x

LEGUMINOSAE-CAESALPINIACEAE Alexa imperatricis (R.H. Schomb.) Baill. x Bauhinia guianensis Aubl. var. guianensis x x x x Bauhinia scala-simiae Sandw. x x Brownea latifolia Jacq. x Dicorynia cf. guianensis Amshoff x Eperua falcata Aubl. x Hymenaea courbaril L. var. courbaril x Mora excelsa Benth. x x Peltogyne venosa (Vahl) Benth. ssp. venosa x Sclerolobium micropetalum Ducke x x Senna bacillaris (L.f.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby x Senna multijuga xx (Rich) H.S. Irwin & Barneby var. multijuga Tachigali paniculata Aubl. x

LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSACEAE Abarema jupunba var. trapezifolia (Vahl) xxx R.C. Barneby & J.W. Grimes Hydrochorea cf. corymbosa (A. Rich.) x Barneby & J.W. Grimes Inga cf. acreana Harms x Inga cf. acrocephala Steud. x x Inga alba (Sw.) Willd. x x x x Inga capitata Desv. x x x Inga edulis (Vell.) Mart. x x Inga graciliflora Benth. x x x x Inga huberi Ducke x x x Inga lateriflora Miq. x x Inga leiocalycina Benth. x Inga marginata Willd. x Inga melinonis Sagot x x Inga pezizifera Benth. x Inga rubiginosa (Rich.) DC. x x x Inga splendens Willd. x Inga thibaudiana DC. ssp. thibaudiana x Inga umbellifera (Vahl) Steud. ex DC. x Inga sp. (TVA1352) x Inga sp. (TVA1535) x

59 2.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSACEAE Inga sp. (TVA2463) x Inga sp. (TVA920) x Inga spp. (unidentified seedlings) x x x x Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze x x x x Zygia cataractae (Kunth) L. Rico x

LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONACEAE Alexa imperatricis (R.H. Schomb.) Baill. x x x Clathrotropis brachypetala (Tul.) xxxx Kleinhoonte var. brachypetala Clitoria sp. (TVA2008) x Dioclea scabra (Rich.) R.H. Maxwell x x Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Amshoff x x Dipteryx odorata (Aubl.) Willd. x Hymenolobium flavum Kleinhoonte x Lonchocarpus cf. heptaphyllus (Poit.) DC. x Lonchocarpus negrensis Benth. x x Lonchocarpus sp. (TVA2113) x Machaerium ferox Ducke x x Machaerium kegelii Meisn. x Machaerium madeirense Pittier x x x x Machaerium myrianthum Spruce ex Benth. x x Machaerium quinata (Aubl.) xx Sandw. var. quinata Machaerium sp. (TVA2072) x Machaerium sp. (TVA2082) x Machaerium sp. (TVA2172) x nobilis Tul. x Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq. ssp. officinalis x Pterocarpus cf. rohrii Vahl x Swartzia arborescens (Aubl.) Pittier x x Swartzia grandifolia Bong. x x Swartzia guianensis (Aubl.) Urb. x x Swartzia sp. (TVA1654) x

LOGANIACEAE Strychnos glabra Sagot ex Progel x Strychnos cf. melinoniana Baill. x Strychnos mitscherlichii xx M.R. Schomb. var mitscherlichii Strychnos sp. (TVA2479) x

MALPIGHIACEAE Banisteriopsis sp. (TVA2132) x Byrsonima aerugo Sagot x Byrsonima stipulacea A. Juss. x Heteropterys multiflora Hochr. x Hiraea affinis Miq. x x Hiraea sp. (TVA1534) x Mezia cf. includens (Benth.) Cuatrec. x x Tetrapterys crispa A. Juss. x

60 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

MALPIGHIACEAE Malpighiaceae sp. (TVA2360) x

MARANTACEAE Ischnosiphon arouma (Aubl.) Körn. x x Ischnosiphon foliosus Gleason x x x x Maranta sp. (TVA2217) x Monotagma spicatum (Aubl.) J.F. Macbr. x

MELASTOMATACEAE Aciotis sp. (TVA1384) x Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana x Clidemia japurensis DC. var. japurensis x Henriettea cf. multiflora Naudin x Leandra divaricata (Naudin) Cogn. x x Loreya mespiloides Miq. x Miconia ceramicarpa x (DC.) Cogn. var. ceramicarpa Miconia fragilis Naudin x Miconia hypoleuca (Benth.) Triana x Miconia nervosa (Sm.) Triana x Miconia plukenetii Naudin x Miconia punctata D. Don. x Miconia cf. racemosa (Aubl.) DC. x Miconia cf. ruficalyx Gleason x x Miconia cf. traillii Cogn. x Miconia sp. (TVA1752) x Melastomataceae sp. (TVA1130) x

MELIACEAE Carapa guianensis Aubl. x x x x Cedrela odorata L. x Guarea cf. guidonia (L.) Sleumer x Guarea sp. (TVA1125) x Trichilia schomburgkii C. DC. ssp. xx x schomburgkii Trichilia sp. (TVA2116) x

MENISPERMACEAE Abuta barbata Miers x Anomospermum grandifolium Eichler x Cissampelos cf. andromorpha DC. x Curarea candicans (Rich.) Barneby & x Krukoff Odontocarya sp. (TVA1545) x Telitoxicum krukovii Moldenke x Telitoxicum sp. (TVA1265) x

MONIMIACEAE Siparuna guianensis Aubl. x x

61 2.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

MORACEAE Brosimum guianense (Aubl.) Huber x broadwayi Urb. x Helicostylis tomentosa x (Poepp. & Endl.) Rusby Naucleopsis cf. guianensis x (Mildbr.) C.C. Berg Pseudolmedia laevis x (Ruiz & Pav.) J.F. Macbr. Sorocea hirtella ssp. oligotricha xx Akkermans & C.C. Berg

MUSACEAE Heliconia acuminata Rich. var. acuminata x x

MYRISTICACEAE Iryanthera juruensis Warb. x Virola calophylla Warb. x Virola elongata (Benth.) Warb x x Virola sebifera Aubl. x x Virola surinamensis (Rol.) Warb. x Myristicaceae sp. (TVA956) x

MYRSINACEAE Cybianthus cf. surinamensis (Spreng.) G. x Agostini Stylogyne surinamensis (Miq.) Mez x

MYRTACEAE Calycolpus goetheanus (Mart. ex DC.) x O. Berg Eugenia patrisii Vahl x x Marlierea schomburgkiana O. Berg x x x Myrcia graciliflora Sagot x Myrcia cf. guianensis (Aubl.) DC. var. x guianensis

NYCTAGINACEAE Neea cf. constricta Spruce ex J.A. Schmidt x Neea cf. floribunda Poepp. & Endl. x

OCHNACEAE Ouratea guianensis Aubl. x

OLACACEAE Minquartia guianensis Aubl. x

PALMAE Astrocaryum aculeatum G. Mey. x Astrocaryum gynacanthum Mart. x x Bactris humilis (Wallace) Burret x x x x Bactris oligoclada Burret x x x x

62 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

PALMAE Bactris simplicifrons Mart. x Euterpe oleracea Mart. x Euterpe precatoria Mart. x Geonoma maxima (Poit.) Kunth x x Jessenia bataua (Mart.) Burret ssp. xx oligocarpa (Griseb. & H. Wendl.) Balick Maximiliana maripa (Correa) Drude x x


PIPERACEAE Piper adenandrum (Miq.) C. DC. x x x Piper aequale Vahl x Piper arboreum Aubl. x x Piper avellanum (Miq.) C. DC. x Piper hostmannianum (Miq.) C. DC. x Piper vs. humistratum Görts & K.U. Kramer x Piper nigrispicum C. DC. x Piper vs. oblongifolium (Klotzsch) C. DC. x Piper sp. (TVA2098) x Piper sp. (TVA2170) x

POLYGALACEAE Moutabea guianensis Aubl. x x

POLYGONACEAE Coccoloba gymnorrachis Sandw. x Coccoloba cf. lucidula Benth. x Coccoloba marginata Benth. x Coccoloba cf. parimensis Benth. x

PTERIDOPHYTAE Triplophyllum funestum (Kunze) Holttum xxx var. funestum

QUIINACEAE Quiina guianensis Aubl. x x x x Quiina indigofera Sandw. x x x x Quiina obovata Tul. x Quiina sp. (TVA1360) x

RUBIACEAE Amaioua corymbosa Kunth x Amaioua guianensis Aubl. x x Faramea aff. guianensis Bremek. (poss. sp. xx nov.) Faramea quadricostata Bremek. x Faramea sp. (TVA1380) x crocea (Sw.) Roem. & Schult. x Palicourea cf. guianensis Aubl. x

63 2.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

RUBIACEAE Posoqueria longiflora Aubl. x x Psychotria apoda Steyerm. x x x Psychotria astrellantha Wernham x Psychotria brachybotrya Müll. Arg. x Psychotria poeppigiana Müll. Arg. var. x barcellana (Müll. Arg.) Steyerm. Psychotria sp. (TVA1368) x Rubiaceae sp. (TVA1173) x Rubiaceae sp. (TVA1416) x Rubiaceae sp. (TVA1440) x Rubiaceae sp. (TVA1476) x Rubiaceae sp. (TVA1618) x x Sabicea glabrescens Benth. x Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel. x x

RUTACEAE Zanthoxylum sp. (TVA2333) x x

SAPINDACEAE Cupania hirsuta Radlk. x x x Cupania scrobiculata Rich. var. reticulata xx (Cambess.) Radlk. Matayba guianensis Aubl. x Paullinia cf. capreolata (Aubl.) Radlk. x x x x Paullinia cf. rufescens Rich. ex Juss. x x Paullinia sp.(TVA2131) x Talisia cf. guianensis Aubl. x x Talisia hexaphylla Vahl x x

SAPOTACEAE Chrysophyllum pomiferum xx (Eyma) T.D. Penn. Chrysophyllum sanguinolentum x (Pierre) Baehni Micropholis venulosa xxx (Mart. & Eichler) Pierre Pouteria bilocularis (Winkl.) Baehni x Pouteria caimito (Ruiz & Pav.) Radlk. x x Pouteria cf. coriacea (Pierre) Pierre x Pouteria cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni x Pouteria durlandii (Standl.) Baehni x Pouteria guianensis Aubl. x x x x Pouteria hispida Eyma x Pouteria sp. (TVA1525) x Pouteria sp. (TVA2151) x Pouteria sp. (TVA2359) x Pouteria venosa (Mart.) Baehni ssp. x amazonica T.D. Penn.

SCHIZAEACEAE Lygodium volubile Sw. x

64 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Barama Moruca mixed mixed sec. for. sec. for.

SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella parkeri (Hook. & Grev.) Spring x

SIMAROUBACEAE Simarouba amara Aubl x x x

SMILACACEAE Smilax cumanensis Willd. x Smilax schomburgkiana Kunth x Smilax syphilitica Willd. x

SOLANACEAE Markea sp. (TVA2466) x x

STERCULIACEAE Herrania kanukuensis R.E. Schult. x Sterculia pruriens (Aubl.) K. Schum. x x Sterculia sp. (TVA1753) x x Sterculia sp. (TVA2372) x Sterculia sp. (TVA2709) x x

TILIACEAE Apeiba petoumo Aubl. x x x

TURNERACEAE Turnera aff. rupestris Aubl. x

VERBENACEAE Petrea bracteata Steud. x Vitex compressa Turcz. x x x

VIOLACEAE Paypayrola longifolia Tul. x x x x

VITACEAE Cissus descoingsii Lombardi x

ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma cf. xanthorrhiza Roxb. x (Rottb.) Maas x Renealmia orinocencis Rusby x x

65 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests



Amazonian flooded forests have been the focus of increasing interest in recent times. The reasons for this scientific attention are the importance of flooded forests for conserving biodiversity and protecting river quality (Rosales Godoy et al., 1999), their suitability for agriculture due to the constant process of soil enrichment through sedimentation (Prance, 1979; Padoch and Pinedo-Vasquez, 1999), and their significance to local fish ecosystems (Goulding et al., 1988; Henderson and Robertson, 1999). Furthermore, the general low diversity of Amazonian swamp forests has been mentioned as a great advantage for the sustainable extraction of non-timber forest products (Peters et al., 1989b; Johnston, 1998). The management of forests dominated by economically important species could be a viable enterprise if product value is high and the potential for conflicting land uses is minimal (Anderson, 1988).

Although floodplain forests cover extensive areas in the deltas of Guyana’s magnificent rivers, they have not yet received much scientific attention. Forest inventories have mainly focused on the timber-producing region in central Guyana (Johnston and Gillman, 1995; Ek, 1997; van der Hout, 1999; ter Steege et al., 2000e). In fact, only the riparian Mora forest, dominated by the commercial timber species Mora excelsa, has been described in detail (Davis and Richards, 1934; Polak, 1992; ter Steege, 1990, 1993; Johnston and Gillman 1995). Few surveys have been conducted in the coastal peat swamps, because of the rather high costs of survey work and ‘the forest being of little economic importance’ (Davis, 1929: 159).

Recently, the Guyanese Government developed its National Protected Area System (NPAS), to guarantee the protection and wise use of its natural resources (Persaud, 1997). Some of the objectives of this programme are:

1) Preservation of viable examples of all natural ecosystems in Guyana 2) Protection of areas of particular biological significance 3) Protection of key watersheds and provisions of buffer zones to mitigate the effects of climate change and natural hazards.

For the conservation of tropical forests and the establishment of protected areas, however, a good understanding of their biodiversity is needed (Ek and ter Steege, 1998). Moreover, in order to design adequate management plans, quantitative information is needed on the diversity, population structure, and distribution patterns of useful (and non-useful) species in these vegetation types.

1. This chapter was submitted in a slightly different form to Plant Ecology.

66 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

This is especially true for the coastal wetlands of Guyana’s North-West District (Figure 5.1), which are subject to the extraction of palm heart, one of the main commercial NTFPs of the country (see chapter 5 of this thesis).

Little has been published on the swamp forests of the North-West District, although some general accounts of dominant swamp species were given by Anderson (1912) and Davis (1929). The only detailed quantitative study of the coastal wetlands was provided by Fanshawe (1952, 1954), who described several different plant assemblages and communities based on species composition, soil type, seasonal flooding, and palm dominance. Fanshawe based his swamp forest classifications on a few study plots of 1.5 to 2.1 hectares, but stated that “the formation is so complicated and obscure that only a complete study of the whole complex will bring out the dominant vegetation trends. Localised studies are of little value for the understanding of the whole” (Fanshawe, 1952: 41). The few existing vegetation maps of the North-West District (FIDS, 1970; Huber et al., 1995), are largely based on Fanshawe’s forest classifications and provide few details on species composition.

This chapter compares the floristic composition, structure, and diversity of three swamp forest types in Guyana’s North-West District, to provide baseline data for the future sustainable exploitation of NTFPs. The vegetation descriptions presented here will hopefully contribute to a better understanding of the structure and floristic diversity of the forests of the North-West District and may be useful in the NPAS programme. Information on the well-drained primary and secondary forests is given in the previous chapter.


The first study site was located near the village of Kariako, Barama River (Figure 1.2 and 2.1). Like many meandering rivers, the riverbank collapses in the convex bends, while sediments are deposited in the concave curves. Although the forest adjacent to the river is flooded only during the rainy season, the heavy clay soils (distric Fluvisols) remain swampy for most of the year (Fanshawe, 1952; van Kekem et al., 1996). This floodplain forest is dominated by Mora excelsa and is therefore known as Mora forest. This forest gradually gives way to mixed forest on the higher, well- drained soil behind the floodplain. However, large Mora trees can be found along creeks traversing the mixed forest.

The second study site was located in the coastal swamplands in the vicinity of the Santa Rosa Amerindian Reserve, (Figure 2.2). The Moruca River is flanked on both sides by an open flooded savanna, in which many small sandy islands arise, remnants of ancient sand dunes (Anderson, 1912). Individual homesteads, cultivated fields, and entire villages can be found on these islands. Moving inland, these sandy islands gradually merge into a mainland of well-drained secondary and primary forest (chapter 2). The soil of the savanna is largely organic, consisting of a thick layer of decayed vegetative matter, also known as ‘pegasse’ (Histosol) (Fanshawe, 1952; van Kekem et al., 1996). The acid peat is underlain with alluvial and marine clay at a depth of sometimes more than 4 m. This clay layer impedes drainage and keeps the soil

67 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests waterlogged most of the time. Only in the dry season can these soils be walked on. Moving towards the coast beyond the savanna, one encounters a dense swamp forest that has been given the name ‘quackal swamp’ because of the abundance of the small tree Marlierea montana, locally known as ‘quackoo’. It was in such a forest that the second plot was laid out.

Moving up the Moruca River towards the Baramanni River (Figure 1.2), the savannas change into dense swamp forest, in which Euterpe palms (manicole) are dominant. The third study site was located in a manicole swamp near the mouth of the Assakata Creek, which leads to a village by the same name. In the wet season, both the quackal and manicole swamps are heavily flooded and can only be entered by canoe.


The first hectare plot was laid out in August-September 1996 in Mora forest near Kariako (7º 23' N, 59º 43' W). The second plot was established in September 1997 in a quackal swamp near Santa Rosa (7º 41' N, 58º 55' W), while the third plot was laid out in November 1997 in a manicole swamp near Assakata (7º 44' N, 59º 04' W). All plots were located in areas accessible to Amerindians of nearby villages to be sure that these forests were subject to NTFP collection. The same nested sampling method was used as in the better-drained forests. In paragraph 2.2.4 of chapter 2, a detailed account of the methodology used for plant collection and data analysis is presented.


3.4.1 General forest composition A total of 228 species (including three unidentified specimens) were found in the three hectare plots (see Appendix) and a summary of these findings is presented in Table 3.1. One remarkable aspect is that the Mora forest plot contained an rather small number of trees. Mean diameter and canopy height, however, were the highest of all plots, indicating that the Mora forest was composed of a few number of large trees. In contrast, the other two swamp forests consisted of many thin-stemmed trees. The α-diversity was generally very low. The manicole plot had the lowest number of tree species, but a richer understorey than the other two plots.

The shrub layer of the quackal swamp was less dense than that of the Mora and manicole forests. Lianas and hemi-epiphytes were relatively common in all three plots. It can be deduced from Table 3.1 that the understorey harboured 45.3% (quackal) to 69.6% (Mora) of the total number of species in the plots. These figures illustrate again the importance of nested sampling when studying vegetation structure and species richness of tropical rain forests.

68 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 3.1 Summary of the floristic composition of three hectare plots in swamp forests in Barama, Moruca and Assakata. The second number in the range of species and families includes the number of unidentified species, regarded as a previously unrecorded species or family. Liana species include hemi-epiphytes and climbing ferns.

Forest type Barama Moruca Assakata Floristic composition Mora quackal manicole

TREE LAYER > 10 cm DBH Number of individuals in 1 ha 321 946 664 Number of species in 1 ha 31 41 30 Number of families in 1 ha 21 24 18 Mean diameter trees > 10 cm DBH [cm] 29.0 17.2 20.8 Canopy height [m] 30-45 12-15 15-25 α-diversity 7.4 8.0 5.7

SHRUB LAYER < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m Number of individuals in 0.1 ha 1594 720 1603 Number of species in 0.1 ha 63 49 82 Number of families in 0.1 ha 34 29 37

HERB LAYER < 1.50 m Number of individuals in 4 *10-3 ha 407 481 548 Number of species in 4 *10-3 ha 47 34 47-48 Number of families in 4 *10-3 ha 29 21 27-28

Total no. of tree species > 10 cm DBH 28 38 27 Total no. of liana species > 10 cm DBH 323 Total no. of shrub /small tree species < 10 cm 31 13 24 DBH Total no. of liana species < 10 cm DBH 22 15 37 Total no. of species only found in herb layer 18 7 7 True herb species 9 2 4

Total no. of species found in 1 ha plot 102 75 98 Total no. of families found in 1 ha plot 49 36 43

The three swamp forest plots clearly differed in family composition (Table 3.2). The only common aspect in the three plots seemed to be the abundance of Mimosaceae. The Mora forest was obviously dominated by Caesalpiniaceae (Mora excelsa). Papilionaceae and Lecythidaceae were also more important in the Mora forest than in the two pegasse swamps. In contrast, Guttiferae, Bignoniaceae, Ebenaceae, and Myristicaceae were typical aspects of the pegasse swamps, although somewhat more of the quackal than of the manicole swamp. The quackal forest was further characterised by the high presence of Humiriaceae and Myrtaceae, an aspect not shared with the others.

69 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests

The manicole swamp was the only forest dominated by Palmae. Mimosaceae and Caesalpiniaceae were the second and third most important families in that plot.

Table 3.2 Family dominance by tree density (percentage of individuals > 10 cm DBH) for the 15 most common families in the three swamp forest plots.

Percentage of trees > 10 cm DBH per Barama Assakata Moruca quackal plant family Mora manicole Leguminosae-Caesalp. 57.9 0.3 13.1 Leguminosae-Mimos. 10.0 13.5 20.0 Palmae - 0.6 30.4 Guttiferae 0.9 17.0 9.8 Bignoniaceae - 12.9 6.0 Leguminosae-Papil. 11.5 2.4 3.8 Ebenaceae - 8.9 5.4 Humiriaceae - 11.3 - Myristicaceae 0.3 7.4 3.5 Sapotaceae 1.6 4.8 0.8 Myrtaceae - 6.6 - Lecythidaceae 6.5 - - Anacardiaceae 0.6 1.6 3.5 Sapindaceae 0.3 2.6 0.6 Lauraceae 0.3 2.4 0.3

Unidentified - - 0.2 Total of other families 10.0 7.6 2.7

3.4.2 Mora forest The Mora forest in Barama is a tall, riparian forest with an average height of 30-45 m. Table 3.3 shows the I.V. scores of the 20 most common tree species. The forest is heavily dominated by Mora excelsa, accounting for more than 56% of the trees. All individuals with a DBH > 65 cm belonged to this species as well. The towering Mora trees have large buttresses, but are not deeply rooted. They were often felled by rainstorms or by the force of the meandering river. Apart from these natural gaps, the canopy was more or less closed. Several creeks traversed the plot. The clay soil remained swampy for months after the annual flooding in June-July. Mora fruited massively in December, as made evident by a carpet of seeds on the forest floor. Other common trees were Pterocarpus officinalis subsp. officinalis, Pentaclethra macroloba, and Eschweilera wachenheimii: the latter was also a characteristic species of the mixed forest further inland. Species like Zygia latifolia var. communis, Spachea elegans, Ficus spp., Inga spp., and Spondias mombin were common directly on the waterfront, but their importance gradually decreased further from the river.

70 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Likewise, curtains of lianas covered the riverbanks, while they were less abundant more inland. Uncaria guianensis was the most common woody liana in Mora forest.

Table 3.3 Density, basal area and importance value of the 20 most common species of trees > 10 cm DBH in one hectare of Mora forest, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value. * Liana.

Mora swamp forest Absolute Basal Relative Relative Relative I.V. Tree layer density area density dom. frequency Species [# ind./ha] [m2/ha] [%] [%] [%] [%]

Mora excelsa 182 28.44 152.81 56.70 84.49 11.63 Pterocarpus officinalis subsp. 27 1.41 20.75 8.41 4.20 8.14 officinalis Eschweilera wachenheimii 21 1.25 17.23 6.54 3.72 6.98 Pentaclethra macroloba 15 0.96 16.82 4.67 2.85 9.30 Zygia latifolia var. communis 16 0.27 13.93 4.98 0.80 8.14 Licania persaudii 5 0.14 7.79 1.56 0.42 5.81 Spachea elegans 4 0.17 6.40 1.25 0.51 4.65 Brownea latifolia 4 0.05 6.05 1.25 0.15 4.65 Alexa imperatricis 7 0.24 5.23 2.18 0.73 2.33 Uncaria guianensis * 5 0.05 5.20 1.56 0.15 3.49 Chrysophyllum argenteum subsp. 4 0.06 4.91 1.25 0.18 3.49 auratum Vitex compressa 3 0.11 4.76 0.93 0.34 3.49 Trichilia rubra 3 0.05 4.58 0.93 0.16 3.49 Tovomita sp. (TVA1020) 3 0.03 3.36 0.93 0.09 2.33 Duguetia pycnastera 3 0.03 3.35 0.93 0.09 2.33 Spondias mombin 2 0.09 3.21 0.62 0.26 2.33 Clathrotropis brachypetala var. 2 0.10 2.08 0.62 0.30 1.16 brachypetala Carapa guianensis 2 0.02 1.86 0.62 0.07 1.16 Hyeronima alchorneoides var. 1 0.03 1.56 0.31 0.09 1.16 stipulosa Ficus maxima 1 0.02 1.54 0.31 0.07 1.16

Total of other species (11) 11 0.11 16.56 3.42 0.34 12.78 Total 321 33.66 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Mora excelsa regenerated abundantly in the understorey. The thin saplings occupied most of the shrub layer (Table 3.4), leaving little space for other small trees like Duguetia spp. and Tovomita sp. (TVA1020). True shrubs were represented by Gustavia augusta and Psychotria bahiensis var. cornigera. Geonoma baculifera was frequently present in large quantities in Mora forest, but only two individuals were found in the plot. This may have two explanations. This clustered palm has a rather patchy distribution and, because its leaves are used as roof thatch, the species tends to be scarce around Amerindian settlements (van Andel, 1998). The same applies to Euterpe oleracea, which also has an irregular distribution in Mora forests: it was only found in juvenile stages along small streams outside the plot. Hemi-epiphytes, such as Philodendron rudgeanum and the climbing fern Cyclodium meniscioides

71 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests var. meniscioides, were common. The most frequent liana was Dioclea scabra, followed by Paullinia caloptera. The broad crowns of the Mora trees were covered with epiphytes (mostly bromeliads and orchids); however, these plants fell outside the scope of this inventory.

Table 3.4 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m in height in 0.1 ha (‘shrub layer’) of Mora forest, Barama. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana; • hemi-epiphyte.

Mora swamp forest Absolute Relative Relative Shrub layer density density frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%] Mora excelsa 1330 83.44 6.34 Duguetia pycnastera 31 1.94 5.63 Tovomita sp. (TVA1020) 19 1.19 4.23 Duguetia yeshidan 16 1.00 4.23 Cyclodium meniscioides var. meniscioides • 10 0.63 4.93 Gustavia augusta 10 0.63 2.82 Philodendron rudgeanum • 10 0.63 2.11 Psychotria bahiensis var. cornigera 10 0.63 2.82 Zygia latifolia var. communis 10 0.63 4.23 Dioclea scabra * 9 0.56 2.11

Total of other species (53) 139 8.72 60.56 Total 1594 100.00 100.00

Table 3.5 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 1.5 m in height in 4*10-3 ha (‘herb layer’) of Mora forest, Barama Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. • Hemi- epiphyte.

Mora swamp forest Absolute Relative Relative Herb layer density density frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%] Adiantum latifolium 148 36.36 8.64 Mora excelsa 96 23.59 11.11 Philodendron sp. (TVA1362) • 19 4.67 1.23 Philodendron rudgeanum • 18 4.42 4.94 Pterocarpus officinalis subsp. officinalis 14 3.44 4.94 Hyeronima oblonga 13 3.19 2.47 Olyra longifolia 13 3.19 4.94 Hymenocallis tubiflora 10 2.46 1.23 Celastraceae sp. (TVA1364) 5 1.23 1.23 Cyclodium meniscioides var. meniscioides • 5 1.23 4.94

Total of other species (37) 66 16.20 54.31 Total 407 100.00 100.00

72 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

The lowest stratum contained several true herb species, such as Hymenocallis tubiflora, Hypolytrum longifolium subsp. longifolium, and Calathea cf. micans. The fern Adiantum latifolium was the most numerous plant in the herb layer, followed by recently germinated Mora seedlings (Table 3.5).

3.4.3 Quackal swamp This dense swamp forest beyond the Moruca savannas continues towards the Atlantic Ocean, where it gradually changes into mangrove forest. The soil consists of a pegasse layer several meters thick. In the wet season, the water level rose to 2 m above the soil, so that the area could only be entered by boat. Access to the forest was easier in the dry season. The canopy was low (12-15 m), with a few emergent Mauritia flexuosa palms and Calophyllum brasiliense trees (20-25 m tall).

Table 3.6 Density, basal area and importance value of the 20 most common species of trees > 10 cm DBH in one hectare of quackal swamp forest, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value.

Quackal swamp forest Absolute Basal Importance Relative Relative Relative Tree layer density area value density dominance frequency Species [# ind./ha] [m2/ha] [%] [%] [%] [%]

Tabebuia insignis var. 122 3.20 30.98 12.90 12.79 5.29 monophylla Symphonia globulifera 104 3.63 30.80 10.99 14.52 5.29 Macrosamanea pubiramea 123 3.02 30.38 13.00 12.09 5.29 var. pubiramea Humiriastrum obovatum 76 2.61 23.25 8.03 10.46 4.76 Diospyros guianensis subsp. 84 1.68 20.91 8.88 6.74 5.29 guianensis Pradosia schomburgkiana 40 1.54 15.69 4.23 6.17 5.29 subsp. schomburgkiana Virola elongata 57 1.36 15.68 6.03 5.42 4.23 Marlierea montana 59 0.84 14.89 6.24 3.36 5.29 Humiria balsamifera var. 31 1.59 13.89 3.28 6.38 4.23 balsamifera Clusia fockeana 50 0.70 12.85 5.29 2.81 4.76 Pachira aquatica 21 0.47 8.33 2.22 1.87 4.23 Trattinnickia burserifolia 20 0.26 7.91 2.11 1.04 4.76 Matayba camptoneura 25 0.33 7.68 2.64 1.33 3.70 Tapirira guianensis 15 0.41 6.95 1.59 1.66 3.70 Dulacia cf. guianensis 12 0.25 5.45 1.27 1.00 3.17 Calophyllum brasiliense 7 0.35 5.32 0.74 1.41 3.17 Mauritia flexuosa 6 0.46 4.04 0.63 1.82 1.59 Macoubea guianensis 5 0.18 3.89 0.53 0.72 2.65 Ormosia coutinhoi 13 0.50 3.89 1.37 1.98 0.53 Iryanthera juruensis 10 0.17 3.87 1.06 0.70 2.12

Total of other species (21) 66 1.43 33.33 6.97 5.72 20.65 Total 946 24.99 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

73 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests

The most common woody species were Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla, Symphonia globulifera, Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea, Clusia fockeana, and Humiriastrum obovatum (Table 3.6). Marlierea montana, characteristic of this forest type, was also frequent. Large lianas were rare; the only two individuals > 10 cm DBH were Machaerium myrianthum and Norantea guianensis.

The shrub layer was characterised by clustered palms, including the spiny Bactris campestris and the unarmed Euterpe oleracea (Table 3.7). Neither palms produced stems > 10 cm DBH. Cassipourea guianensis and Marlierea montana were common in the understorey, as was the shrub Ischnosiphon obliquus. Hemi-epiphytes grew abundantly on the lower tree trunks; however, apart from some fertile specimens of Philodendron fragrantissimum and P. linnaei, most individuals were sterile and could not be identified to species level. Saplings of the common canopy species further typified the shrub layer. Tetracera volubilis subsp. volubilis was one of the few lianas.

Table 3.7 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m in height in 0.1 ha (‘shrub layer’) of quackal swamp forest, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. • Hemi-epiphyte.

Quackal swamp forest Absolute Relative Relative Shrub layer density density frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%]

Bactris campestris 214 29.72 5.92 Philodendron spp. • 52 7.22 2.96 Cassipourea guianensis 44 6.11 5.33 Marlierea montana 34 4.72 3.55 Euterpe oleracea 29 4.03 2.37 Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla 28 3.89 4.14 Diospyros guianensis subsp. guianensis 26 3.61 4.73 Asplundia cf. gleasonii • 24 3.33 2.96 Humiriastrum obovatum 23 3.19 2.96 Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea 22 3.06 2.96

Total of other species (39) 224 31.11 62.14 Total 720 100.00 100.00

The quackal swamp had a dense ground cover of Rapatea paludosa subsp. paludosa (Table 3.8). Seedlings of various Philodendron species were also common. Juveniles of the common canopy species further occupied the herb layer. Seedlings of Euterpe oleracea and Bactris campestris were found in small quantities, while seedlings or saplings of Mauritia flexuosa were rare.

74 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 3.8 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 1.5 m in height in 4*10-3 ha (‘herb layer’) of quackal swamp forest, Moruca. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. • Hemi-epiphyte.

Quackal swamp forest Absolute Relative Relative Herb layer density density frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%]

Rapatea paludosa var. paludosa 134 27.86 11.76 Marlierea montana 64 13.31 7.06 Asplundia cf. gleasonii • 58 12.06 7.06 Diospyros guianensis subsp. guianensis 53 11.02 7.06 Philodendron spp. • 38 7.90 5.88 Philodendron surinamense • 26 5.41 3.53 Humiriastrum obovatum 13 2.70 5.88 Symphonia globulifera 11 2.29 4.71 Philodendron lanceolatum • 9 1.87 2.35 Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea 9 1.87 3.53 Total of other species (24) 66 13.73 41.18 Total 481 100.00 100.00

3.4.4 Savannas Residents along the Moruca River have been burning the quackal swamp forest for decades. In prolonged dry periods, the pegasse dries out and is easily set on fire. From August 1997 to March 1998, when Guyana suffered from the El Niño droughts, large stretches of savanna were set on fire (Figure 3.1). The reasons for burning swamp forests and the consequences for the collection of NTFPs are discussed in the following chapter. Half-burnt pieces of quackal forest were observed, with Mauritia flexuosa being the only surviving species among the dead stumps. After several fire events, most shrubs and stumps disappear and the vegetation is transformed into an open plain with Mauritia flexuosa palms and a ground cover of grasses and sedges (e.g., Oryza rufipogon, Rhynchospora spp., Fuirena umbellata, and Cyperus haspan).

These extensive, ‘man-made’ savannas are found alongside the Moruca and neighbouring rivers. Similar savannas are occasionally found deeper in the interior, but always close to Amerindian settlements (e.g. Assakata, Koriabo). Since juveniles of M. flexuosa do not survive repeated burning, the palms gradually disappear from the savannas which are directly surrounding human settlements. The few herbaceous plants that withstand fire very well (e.g., Eleocharis mitrata, Nephrolepis biserrata, and Ludwigia nervosa) are dominating these treeless plains.

75 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests

Figure 3.1 Burning savanna along the Moruca River, with the quackal swamp and Mauritia flexuosa palms on the background.

In the wet season, Nymphaea ampla, Nepsera aquatica, Xyris laxiflora, Crinum erubescens, Habenaria longicauda, and Utricularia foliosa in the flooded savannas. Remnants of tree trunks are found in the pegasse layer. Riverbanks and other parts of savanna that have escaped annual burning quickly become invaded by a dense shrubland of Montrichardia arborescens, Chrysobalanus icaco, saplings of Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla, and Virola surinamensis.

3.4.5 Manicole swamp As its name suggests, the multi-stemmed manicole palm (Euterpe oleracea) was the most numerous tree species in the manicole plot (Table 3.9). In fact, more than 30% of the individuals > 10 cm DBH were palms. However, since the manicole stems did not attain a diameter over 18 cm, the basal area and importance value of this species were lower than those of Pentaclethra macroloba and Symphonia globulifera. The canopy of the swamp forest was 15-25 m high, with a few emergents of Iryanthera juruensis and Virola surinamensis. The latter species achieved a maximum diameter of 153.5 cm, while the mean DBH of all trees was only 20.8 cm. Other common trees included Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla, Diospyros guianensis subsp. guianensis, and Eperua falcata. The single-stemmed palms Euterpe precatoria and Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa were also frequent. A few scattered individuals of Mora excelsa were found; their diameters were not larger than 63 cm. Lianas were poorly represented: Machaerium myrianthum and Sapindaceae sp. (TVA3056) were among the few large species encountered in the plot.

76 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 3.9 Density, basal area and importance value of the 20 most common species of trees > 10 cm DBH in one hectare of manicole swamp, Assakata. Species are ranked in order of decreasing importance value. * Liana.

Manicole swamp forest Absolute Basal Importance Relative Relative Relative Tree layer density area value density dominance frequency Species [# ind./ha] [m2/ha] [%] [%] [%] [%]

Pentaclethra macroloba 116 3.90 34.82 17.47 10.86 6.49 Symphonia globulifera 65 4.96 30.11 9.79 13.82 6.49 Euterpe oleracea 124 1.37 28.99 18.67 3.82 6.49 Virola surinamensis 7 7.58 26.08 1.05 21.12 3.90 Tabebuia insignis var. 40 2.84 19.79 6.02 7.92 5.84 monophylla Diospyros guianensis subsp. 36 2.04 17.61 5.42 5.70 6.49 guianensis Eperua falcata 49 2.03 16.29 7.38 5.66 3.25 Macrolobium cf. 32 1.48 14.80 4.82 4.14 5.84 angustifolium Iryanthera juruensis 16 2.67 14.41 2.41 7.45 4.55 Euterpe precatoria 45 0.86 14.36 6.78 2.39 5.19 Pterocarpus officinalis subsp. 21 1.56 13.35 3.16 4.35 5.84 officinalis Jessenia bataua subsp. 33 0.61 12.52 4.97 1.71 5.84 oligocarpa Tapirira guianensis 23 0.83 11.63 3.46 2.32 5.84 Alchorneopsis floribunda 12 0.87 9.43 1.81 2.42 5.19 Inga marginata 13 0.30 7.99 1.96 0.84 5.19 Mora excelsa 6 0.54 3.70 0.90 1.49 1.30 Micropholis venulosa 4 0.11 3.51 0.60 0.31 2.60 Ficus gomelleira 1 0.88 3.26 0.15 2.46 0.65 Sapindaceae sp. TVA3056 * 4 0.05 2.70 0.60 0.14 1.95 Inga cf. java 3 0.04 2.50 0.45 0.10 1.95

Total of other species (10) 14 0.34 12.18 2.10 0.98 9.10 Total 664 35.88 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

The understorey was characterised by saplings of Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea, Euterpe oleracea, and Pentaclethra macroloba (Table 3.10). Large numbers of hemi-epiphytes grew on the lower tree trunks, from the giant Philodendron melinonii to the delicate P. surinamense. Tococa aristata was one of the few true shrubs. Lianas were common in the lower strata (37 species), especially the vigorously climbing palm Desmoncus polyacanthos. Other climbers included Maripa scandens, Machaerium spp., and Marcgravia coriacea.

77 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests

Table 3.10 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 10 cm DBH and > 1.5 m in height in 0.1 ha (‘shrub layer’) of manicole swamp, Assakata. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana; • hemi-epiphyte.

Manicole swamp forest Absolute Relative Relative density Shrub layer density frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%] Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea 303 18.90 3.40 Philodendron surinamense • 216 13.47 3.02 Euterpe oleracea 170 10.61 3.40 Pentaclethra macroloba 92 5.74 3.40 Philodendron scandens • 57 3.56 2.64 Philodendron linnaei • 54 3.37 1.89 Desmoncus polyacanthos * 39 2.43 2.26 Evodianthus funifer subsp. funifer • 39 2.43 1.89 Ischnosiphon obliquus 34 2.12 2.26 Philodendron sp. (TVA3007) • 33 2.06 1.51

Total of other species (72) 566 35.30 11.70 Total 1603 100.00 100.00

The fleshy herb Dieffenbachia paludicola formed a dense ground cover in the manicole swamp (Table 3.11). Juveniles of hemi-epiphytes and lianas were also numerous in the herb layer. The seedling density of Euterpe oleracea was not very high; this was probably caused by the selective cutting of mature individuals for palm heart (chapter 5). Other herb species were Rapatea paludosa var. paludosa and Spathiphyllum cannifolium. The most common tree seedlings were Pterocarpus officinalis and Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea.

Table 3.11 Density and frequency of the 10 most common species < 1.5 m in height in 4*10-3 ha (‘herb layer’) of manicole swamp forest, Assakata. Species are ranked in order of decreasing numbers. * Liana; • hemi-epiphyte.

Manicole swamp forest Relative Absolute density Relative density Herb layer frequency Species [# ind.] [%] [%] Dieffenbachia paludicola 83 15.15 8.62 Sapindaceae sp. (TVA3056) * 59 10.77 0.86 Philodendron sp. (TVA3007) • 44 8.03 5.17 Spathiphyllum cannifolium 44 8.03 3.45 Philodendron surinamense • 32 5.84 3.45 Machaerium myrianthum * 29 5.29 1.72 Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea 25 4.56 6.03 Philodendron scandens • 22 4.01 3.45 Pterocarpus officinalis subsp. officinalis 21 3.83 2.59 Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana • 20 3.65 0.86

Total of other species (38) 169 30.84 63.78 Total 548 100.00 100.00

78 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


3.5.1 Classification of Mora forest As previously reported by Davis (1929) and Anderson (1912), the Mora forest along the Barama and Barima Rivers have only developed fully above the tidal influence. Going upriver, the numbers of Euterpe oleracea decreased, as did typical brackish swamp species like Symphonia globulifera, Pterocarpus officinalis, and Pachira aquatica. For a geographical distribution of Mora forest within the North-West District, see Figure 5.1, where Mora forest is indicated along the major rivers as ‘swamp with fewer E. oleracea, dominated by other species’. Fanshawe (1952) did not include Mora forest in his inventories, but did briefly mention that this forest was co-dominated above the tidal limits by Carapa guianensis, Clathrotropis brachypetala, and Eschweilera sagotiana. The Barama plot, however, was not consistent with this description, as C. guianensis and C. brachypetala were only represented by two individuals per ha, and E. wachenheimii, not E. sagotiana, was the third most important species. The low density of C. guianensis (crabwood) might be attributed to a patchy distribution (Davis, 1929) or to past logging activities. Before gold mining became their major source of income a few decades ago (Forte, 1999b), local Amerindians used to float crabwood logs down the Barama to a sawmill along the Waini. At the beginning of the previous century, almost all crabwood in the riverine forest along the Barama and Barima Rivers had been felled for timber (Anderson, 1912).

Pterocarpus officinalis and Pentaclethra macroloba ranked as second and third canopy species in the central Guyanan Mora forest studied by Davis and Richards (1934). They ranked second and fourth in the present study. Moreover, various Annonaceae were present in the understorey of both forests. Even though Mora excelsa accounted for only 24% of the species in central Guyana and several minor tree species (e.g., Aldina insignis and Eschweilera pedicellata) were not found in the North-West District, the central Guyanan Mora forest (sensu Davis and Richards, 1934) seemed to correspond better with our Mora forest plot. The Mora forest in Iwokrama (Johnston and Gillman, 1995) also had much less in common with the Barama plot than the central Guyanan forest. There, M. excelsa made up only 20% of the species, and Eperua spp. and Myrcia phaeoclada were sub-dominant. Fanshawe (1952) described another Mora forest co-dominated by E. wachenheimii along the Mazaruni River. The densities of other common trees in that forest, however, differed again from those in the forest in Kariako. Nevertheless, since more than 56% of the individuals > 10 cm DBH in the Barama plot were M. excelsa, there is no doubt that this vegetation type belongs to the Mora excelsa consociation (Fanshawe, 1952). Mora-dominated forest occurs from Venezuelan Guayana to Western Suriname (Lindeman and Moolenaar, 1959; Huber, 1995a), but there seems to be a substantial geographical variation in species composition and density.

3.5.2 Classification of manicole swamp Forests dominated by Euterpe oleracea are widely distributed in swamplands in northern South America and attain their greatest concentration in the Amazon Estuary (Henderson and Galeano, 1996). The vegetation of the manicole swamp in

79 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests this study was quite consistent with Fanshawe’s description of the ‘palm marsh forest on pegasse’ (Fanshawe, 1952). This climax swamp forest, 30-40% of which was made up of palms, is typical of the delta area of the North-West District and belongs to the Symphonia-Tabebuia-Euterpe association. Fanshawe sketched several subdivisions of this vegetation type: his Pentaclethra macroloba community corresponded best with our manicole swamp in Assakata as this species had the highest in I.V. in the plot. Fanshawe (1952) also noted a manicole swamp with Virola surinamensis as the characteristic emergent along creeks in the Courantyne- Canje district. That particular forest had more aspects in common with the Assakata plot, such as the abundance of Diospyros guianensis and Macrosamanea and a ground cover of Dieffenbachia paludicola and Rapatea paludosa.

Not a single individual of Manicaria saccifera (troolie) was found in the Assakata plot, while the species was very abundant (ca. 120 mature palms per ha) in other Euterpe swamps in the North-West District (van Andel et al., 1998). Except for the absence of troolie, however, the species composition of the Assakata plot did not differ much from the other coastal Euterpe swamps. Troolie swamp has been classified as the Manicaria saccifera faciation, occurring in narrow belts along rivers where alluvial silt mixes with pegasse. Fanshawe (1952: 96) noted that “for some obscure reasons, this faciation only occurs in patches along the lower Waini, instead of in a solid belt as it does on other rivers”. Along the middle and lower Barima, the majority of Euterpe oleracea was found just behind the mangrove belt to about 100 m inland. In contrast, troolie grew up to 300 m from the river, after which the vegetation changed to a dense, thin-stemmed swamp of Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea and Symphonia globulifera, probably a form of quackal forest. Deeper inland, the swamps gave way to well-drained mixed forest. This zonation from riverbank to watershed did not quite correspond with the transition reported for this region by Fanshawe (1952).

3.5.3 Classification of quackal swamp The quackal swamp showed traits common to several of Fanshawe’s forest types, but did not fully coincide with one particular community or assemblage. For example, Fanshawe (1952) described a ‘manni-dalli swamp’ along the Moruca River, which he classified as the Symphonia globulifera community within the Symphonia-Tabebuia- Euterpe association. That community also contained Clusia fockeana and Pradosia schomburgkiana, with Euterpe oleracea as canopy dominant. It belonged, therefore, to the palm marsh forests. In contrast, Euterpe was only present in the understorey in our quackal swamp. Moreover, less than one percent (six individuals) of the tree layer were occupied by palms (Mauritia flexuosa). The quackal swamp, therefore, bore more resemblance to a marsh forest, in which palms only account for 5% of the stand, lianas are few, and epiphytes frequent (Fanshawe, 1952).

The Iryanthera-Tabebuia assemblage, with a few scattered Mauritia palms, has been said to cover most of the pegasse forest behind the riverine palm swamps along the lower Barima (Davis, 1929; Fanshawe, 1954; Ramdass, 1990). This assemblage, especially the Iryanthera macrophylla facies or ‘kirikaua forest’, had several features in common with our quackal swamp. They both contained Diospyros guianensis, Humiriastrum obovatum, Humiria balsamifera, Bactris sp., Tapirira

80 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I guianensis, and Marlierea montana. However, the Myristicaceae species typical of a kirikaua forest were missing from the quackal forest. Instead of Iryanthera macrophylla and I. lanceifolia, I. juruensis and I. sagotiana, Virola surinamensis, and V. elongata were found in Moruca. None of them, however, were dominant. The Arawak name ‘kirikaua’ was not used in the Moruca area, while it is used elsewhere in the country for I. sagotiana and I. macrophylla (Mennega et al., 1988).

Fanshawe (1952) and Davis (1929) also described a ‘palm marsh woodland’ occurring contiguous to the flooded savannas. It was a small-stemmed, dense forest, with Mauritia as sole emergent along with Tabebuia, Ilex martiana, Pradosia schomburgkiana, and Marlierea montana, species also common to our quackal swamp. Their forest, however, was consistently dominated by Clusia fockeana, a tree that ranked only tenth in the Moruca swamp plot (Table 3.6). A ‘kwako community’ was also found in a few places on the Essequibo, with a couple of Mauritia palms towering over a 5 m high shrub layer of M. montana, Tabebuia, Bactris, and Symphonia (Fanshawe, 1952). This community seems to be a less- developed stage of the quackal forest in Moruca. Then again, the marsh forest on pegasse was said to vary from place to place in floristic composition, dominants, and physiognomy (Fanshawe, 1954).

The composition of our quackal swamp coincided with the ‘flooded shrublands of the coastal plains’, with Mauritia flexuosa, Clusia, and Pradosia distinguished by Huber et al. (1995) as small patches on their vegetation map. In contrast, the swamp woodland containing Bombax, Pterocarpus, Croton, and Inga that covers the entire Moruca area on the map was not found in the present study. The marsh forest along the Surinamese coast, described by Lindeman and Moolenaar in 1959, also had several species in common with our quackal forest (e.g., M. flexuosa, Virola surinamensis, Tabebuia insignis, and Symphonia globulifera), but differed substantially in other aspects. The ‘permanently flooded swamp and palm forests’ found by Huber (1995a) along the lower Orinoco delta were not treated in such detail that an adequate comparison could be made.

3.5.4 Savannas Fanshawe (1952) mentioned that the pegasse of the kirikaua forest could dry out to the underlying clay pan during severe periods of drought and easily start to burn. Although the vast savannas between the Essequibo and the Courantyne Rivers probably have an edaphic-biotic origin, there are signs that fire has been partly responsible for their development along the Moruca River. Besides the fires during the latest El Niño droughts, when rainfall was the lowest in over a century (Hammond and ter Steege, 1998), large forest fires are known to have occurred around Moruca in 1898, 1912, 1926, and 1940 (Fanshawe, 1954). When M.R. Schomburgk visited the Moruca area, he also noted the occurrence of extensive savanna fires (Schomburgk, 1847). Moving from the populated islands towards the (uninhabited) coast, the swamp vegetation in Moruca seems to follow a man-made zonation: aquatic swamp Æ flooded savanna Æ palm marsh Æ marsh forest (quackal) Æ mangrove forest. This sequence is slightly different from the transition found by Fanshawe (1952) in the delta area of the North-West District.

81 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests

The savannas of the North-West District do not appear on the vegetation map by Huber et al. (1995). As there are clear indications that most of them are of recent, man-made origin, one should wonder if they should be called ‘savannas’ at all. They do not form part of the coastal savanna belt of the Guianas, which stretches from the Berbice River to Amapá (Brazil) and consists mostly of coarse (white) sands (Sarmiento, 1983). Vegetation types similar to the Moruca savanna, with extensive colonies of Mauritia flexuosa towering over a thick, floating peat layer of Cyperaceae, are also found in coastal Suriname. These open swamps are sometimes thought to have resulted from peat fires, initiated by lightning, excessive droughts, and human activities (Lindeman and Moolenaar, 1959; Theunissen, 1993). As the germination of M. flexuosa is enhanced in open fields (Hiraoka, 1999) and adult palms are fire-resistant, burning may ultimately result in pure stands of the species. However, M. flexuosa does not tolerate even periodic brackish conditions (Theunissen, 1993), which may explain its absence in the Euterpe-dominated swamps bordering the nearby brackish rivers. The lowland plains of the Orinoco delta have a similar appearance: large Mauritia colonies standing out above a herbaceous layer with flood-resistant grasses and sedges (Huber, 1995a). The species in the herb layer, however, were different from the Moruca savanna. Huber (1995a, 1995b) did not mention the role of fire in this vegetation type, although the Orinoco savannas have long been inhabited by Arawak and Warao Indians and peat fires are thought to have taken place at least since the arrival of Amerindians in South America (Janssen, 1974; Theunissen, 1993).

3.5.5 Comparison with other Amazonian floodplain forests There is a considerable variation in Amazonian forest types subject to inundation (Prance, 1979). Not only the length and frequency of flooding, but also water chemistry and acidity are very important for the floristic differentiation of these forests (Kubitzki, 1989; Rosales Godoy et al., 1999). Following the terminology of Prance (1979), a Mora forest can be classified as a seasonal várzea, i.e., a forest flooded by regular annual cycles of white-water rivers. The Mora plot in this study contained typical seasonal várzea species like Gustavia augusta and Carapa guianensis. A manicole swamp, on the other hand, represents a tidal várzea, inundated and drained twice daily, as high tides temporarily block the flow of the rivers in the estuarine region. Typical species of this forest type, such as Virola surinamensis, Euterpe oleracea, and Manicaria saccifera, were also common elements in the plots in the North-West District. Finally, a quackal forest can be considered as a permanent swamp forest, occurring behind the main riverbanks in depressed areas that rarely fully drain in the dry season (Prance, 1979). In the present study, the quackal swamp was flooded by excessive rain or black water from the Moruca River. For this reason, the quackal swamp shows some traits similar to the Amazonian igapó forest, e.g., the abundance of Virola elongata. In addition, it shares a few species with extremely nutrient-poor white sand forests, such as Humiria balsamifera (Kubitzki, 1989) and Pradosia schomburgkiana (ter Steege, 1998). That Mauritia flexuosa more or less replaced E. oleracea may also be explained by the fact that M. flexuosa can withstand a terrain with poorer drainage better than E. oleracea (Hiraoka, 1999).

82 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

3.5.6 Usefulness of one-hectare plots The question remains whether a one-hectare sample is sufficient to detect most of the variation in a particular vegetation type. Looking at the species-area curves for trees > 10 cm DBH in the three hectare plots (Figure 3.2), we can see that the curves of the three swamp plots soon level off, more quickly than those of the better drained forest types (Figure 2.4, chapter 2). This means that one hectare gives a rather complete view of the tree diversity in these swamp forests. Increasing the sample area would yield only a few more species. Therefore, hectare plots may give a fair estimate of the local diversity, but one plot is certainly not enough to classify an entire vegetation community.

Number of 45 species 40 35 30 Mora 25 quackal 20 manicole 15 10 5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Area [ha]

Figure 3.2 Species-area curves of trees > 10 cm DBH in the three one-hectare plots.

3.5.7 Biodiversity When the Fisher’s α values of the three study plots were compared with more or less similar forest types in Guyana, the Barama Mora forest emerged as extremely species-poor (Table 3.12). In addition, the plots of Johnston and Gillman (1995) and Davis and Richards (1934) in central Guyana were much less dominated by Mora excelsa than the Barama plot. Mora forests are considered to represent relatively established forests (Davis and Richards, 1934; Hammond and ter Steege, 1998), although little is known about their succession. Data from this research offer no further explanation for the striking differences in diversity and species composition between northwest and central Guyanan Mora forests.

With regard to species richness, all three swamps in the North-West District were clearly much poorer in species than the better-drained forests described in the previous chapter. The two swamp plots on pegasse were comparable to the swamp plots studied by Fanshawe (1954).

83 3. Floristic composition and diversity of swamp forests

Table 3.12 Comparison of density and diversity of trees > 10 cm DBH in 1 ha study plots in Guyana and Peru. (1) This study; 2) van Andel (chapter 2); 3) Fanshawe (1954); 4) Johnston and Gillman (1995); 5) Davis and Richards (1934); 6) ter Steege et al. (2000e); 7) Dallmeijer et al. (1996); 8) Philips et al. (1994).

Location Forest type No. of Plot size No. of No. of Fisher’s plots [ha] individuals species alpha

Northwest Guyana1 Mora 1 1 314 28 7.4 Northwest Guyana1 quackal 1 1 942 39 8.2 Northwest Guyana1 manicole 1 1 657 27 5.7 Northwest Guyana2 mixed 2 1 467-533 83-86 28.2-28.6

Northwest Guyana3 kirikaua 1 1.5 1034 29 5.6 Northwest Guyana3 troolie 1 1.5 1057 30 5.8

Central Guyana Iwokrama4 Mora11 3576422.7 Moraballi5 Mora 1 1.5 462 60 18.4 Mabura Hill6 palm swamp 6 - - - 12.6

Manu, Peru7 swamp 1 1 668 73 20.9 Tambopata, Peru8 swamp 1 1 713 60 15.6

Low diversity is a general pattern in Neotropical swamp forests, since living conditions are quite extreme in seasonally and permanently flooded habitats (Hiraoka, 1999). Inundated forests are exposed to severe oxygen stress in the root zone, especially when the duration of the annual flood lasts up to 10 months. Moreover, one must keep in mind that the water quality of a river can change during the course of a year (Kubitzki, 1989). This is particularly important in the delta of the North-West District, where the salt content of the large rivers rises not only twice a day during high tide, but also throughout the year in periods with low rainfall. These severe conditions may possibly explain the exceptionally low diversity of the manicole swamp: it ranked among the least diverse of all swamp forests studied in Guyana so far (Table 3.12).

According to Prance (1979) and Kubitzki (1989), local species diversity in várzeas is higher than in igapós, because soils frequently inundated by sediment-rich white water are supposedly relatively richer in nutrients than those of forests flooded by nutrient-poor black water. The results of the present study, however, do not agree with this theory, since the nutrient-poor quackal plot had a higher tree diversity than the Mora and manicole plots, which were both flooded by relatively nutrient-rich white water. Fanshawe’s kirikaua forest was indeed quite species-poor, but the troolie swamp (inundated by brackish water) had a similar low diversity (Fanshawe, 1954). Another reason for the low species diversity in the swamp forests in Guyana may be that they form a heavily fragmented habitat (ter Steege, pers. comm.). In contrast, the swamp and floodplain forests in Western Amazonia generally have a higher diversity than those in the North-West District (Philips et al., 1994;

84 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Dallmeijer et al., 1996). This could be because these forests are less fragmented, but it might also be linked to a higher habitat complexity, such as oxbow lakes, floodplain depressions, ridges, and river terraces (Salo et al., 1986). To date, the underlying causes of diversity and vegetation gradients in the North-West District remain poorly understood. More quantitative data on swamp forest communities, flood periods, and nutrient contents of soils and rivers are needed to fully comprehend the conditions which lead to the formation of a particular kind of swamp forest.

3.5.8 Conservation priorities The NPAS is aspiring to protect key watersheds and buffer zones in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and natural hazards (Persaud, 1997). However, except for a small fringe of mangrove forest, none of the existing proposals for protected areas include a significant portion of northwest Guyana. Although poor in plant species, the wetlands of the North-West District form the last stretch of natural coastline in Guyana and play an important role in the protection against spring tides, rising seawater levels, and other natural hazards. This fact alone should be of influence in the planning of protected areas in Guyana. In addition, protected areas should aim at conserving representative examples of all forest regions in the country, so the northwestern swamp forests should be included as well (ter Steege, 2000). Furthermore, the actual and future commercial value of these forests for the extraction of non-timber forest products should also promote the development of adequate management and conservation strategies.

85 3.6 Appendix


Species identified in three hectare plots of swamp forest in the North West District, Guyana.

Species unidentified at the family level (n = 3) have been omitted

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole ADIANTACEAE Adiantum latifolium Lam. x

AMARYLLIDACEAE Hymenocallis tubiflora Salisb. x

ANACARDIACEAE Spondias mombin L. x Tapirira guianensis Aubl. x x

ANNONACEAE Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandw. x Duguetia megalophylla R.E. Fr. x Duguetia pycnastera Sandw. x Duguetia yeshidan Sandw. x Guatteria schomburgkiana Mart. x Guatteria sp. (TVA666) x

APOCYNACEAE Macoubea guianensis Aubl. x Malouetia flavescens (Willd.) Müll. Arg. x Tabernaemontana disticha A. DC. x Tabernaemontana sp. (TVA1593) x Apocynaceae sp. (TVA3045) x

ARACEAE Dieffenbachia paludicola N.E. Br. x Monstera adansonii Schott x var. klotzschiana (Schott) Madison Philodendron cf. brevispathum Schott x Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) Kunth x Philodendron lanceolatum (Vell.) Schott x Philodendron linnaei Kunth x x Philodendron megalophyllum Schott x x Philodendron cf. melinonii Brongn. ex Regel x Philodendron pedatum (Hook.) Kunth x x Philodendron quercifolium Engl. x Philodendron rudgeanum Schott x x Philodendron scandens K. Koch & Sello x Philodendron surinamense (Schott) Engl. x x Philodendron spp. (unidentified seedlings) x x Philodendron sp. (TVA1362) x Philodendron sp. (TVA3007) x Spathiphyllum cannifolium Schott x x Syngonium sp. (TVA1447) x

86 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium serratum L. x Asplenium sp. (TVA3058) x

BIGNONIACEAE Anemopaegma paraense Bureau & K. Schum. x Anemopaegma sp. (TVA1394) x Ceratophytum tetragonolobus x (Jacq.) Sprague & Sandw. Mansoa kerere (Aubl.) A.H. Gentry x Schlegelia violacea (Aubl.) Griseb. x Tabebuia insignis (Miq.) Sandw. xx var. monophylla Sandw. Bignoniaceae sp. x

BOMBACACEAE Pachira aquatica Aubl. x

BORAGINACEAE Cordia nodosa Lam. x

BROMELIACEAE Araeococcus sp. x

BURSERCEAE Trattinnickia burserifolia Mart. x

CECROPIACEAE Cecropia peltata L. x

CELASTRACEAE Celastraceae sp. (TVA1364) x

CHRYSOBALANACEAE Licania alba (Bernoulli) Cuatrec. x Licania heteromorpha Benth. var. perplexans Sandw. x Licania incana Aubl. x Licania persaudii Fanshawe & Maguire x Parinari rodolphii Huber x

COMBRETACEAE Combretum cacoucia Exell x

COMPOSITAE Mikania gleasonii B.L. Rob. x

CONVULVULACEAE Maripa scandens Aubl. x

COSTACEAE Costus arabicus L. x

87 3.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole CUCURBITACEAE Cucurbitaceae sp. (TVA1696) x

CYCLANTHACEAE Asplundia cf. gleasonii Harling x x Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm. ssp. funifer x x Thoracocarpus bissectus (Vell.) Harling x x x

CYPERACEAE Hypolytrum longifolium (Rich.) Nees ssp. longifolium x Rhynchospora gigantea Link x

DENNSTAEDTIACEAE Lindsaea lancea (L.) Bedd. var. lancea x

DICHAPETALACEAE Tapura sp. (TVA1466) x

DILLENIACEAE Tetracera volubilis L. ssp. volubilis x

DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea amazonum Mart. ex Griseb. x

DRYOPTERIDACEAE Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) xx C. Presl var. meniscioides Elaphoglossum sp. (TVA2309) x

EBENACEAE Diospyros guianensis (Aubl.) Gürke ssp. guianensis x x Diospyros tetrandra Hiern x

ELAEOCARPACEAE Sloanea grandiflora Sm. x

EUPHORBIACEAE Alchorneopsis floribunda (Benth.) Müll. Arg. x Amanoa guianensis Aubl. x Hieronyma alchorneoides Allemão var. stipulosa Franco x Hieronyma oblonga (Tul.) Müll. Arg. x x Mabea piriri Aubl. x Sandwithia guyanensis Lanj. x Euphorbiaceae sp. (TVA1481) x

FLACOURTIACEAE Casearia guianensis (Aubl.) Urb. x Homalium guianense (Aubl.) Oken x

GESNERIACEAE Codonanthe crassifolia (Focke) C.V.Morton x

88 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole GRAMINAE Olyra longifolia Kunth x

GUTTIFERAE Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. x Clusia fockeana Miq. x Clusia grandiflora Splitg. x x x Clusia palmicida Rich. ex Planch. & Triana x x Clusia sp. x Symphonia globulifera L.f. x x Tovomita schomburgkii Planch. & Triana x Tovomita sp. (TVA1020) x

HAEMODORACEAE Xiphidium caerulum Aubl. x

HIPPOCRATEACEAE Cheiloclinium cognatum (Miers) A.C. Sm. x

HUMIRIACEAE Humiria balsamifera (Aubl.) A. St.-Hil. var. balsamifera x Humiriastrum obovatum (Benth.) Cuatrec. x

LAURACEAE Aniba cf. guianensis Aubl. x Aniba jenmanii Mez x x Aniba cf. terminalis Ducke x Licaria sp. (TVA2251) x Ocotea schomburgkiana (Nees) Mez x x Ocotea splendens (Meisn.) Mez x

LECYTHIDACEAE Eschweilera wachenheimii (Benoist) Sandw. x Gustavia augusta L. x

LEGUMINOSAE-CAESALPINIACEAE Bauhinia guianensis Aubl. var. guianensis x Brownea latifolia Jacq. x Eperua falcata Aubl. x Eperua rubiginosa Miq. var. rubiginosa x Macrolobium cf. angustifolium (Benth.) Cowan x Mora excelsa Benth. x x Sclerolobium sp. (TVA2282) x

LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSACEAE Abarema jupunba var. trapezifolia x (Vahl) Barneby & J.W. Grimes Inga capitata Desv. x Inga edulis (Vell.) Mart. x Inga cf. java Pittier x Inga marginata Willd. x x Inga splendens Willd. x

89 3.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSACEAE Inga thibaudiana DC. ssp. thibaudiana x Inga sp. (TVA2283) x Macrosamanea pubiramea (Steud.) xx Barneby & J.W. Grimes var. pubiramea Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze x x x Zygia latifolia (L.) Fawc. & Rendle xx var. communis (Benth.) Barneby & Grimes

LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONACEAE Alexa imperatricis (R.H. Schomb.) Baill. x Clathrotropis brachypetala (Tul.) xx Kleinhoonte var. brachypetala Crudia sp. (TVA1468) x Dioclea scabra (Rich.) R.H. Maxwell x Dioclea sp. (TVA3064) x Machaerium leiophyllum var. leiophyllum (DC.) Benth. x Machaerium myrianthum Spruce ex Benth. x x Machaerium quinata (Aubl.) Sandw. var. quinata x x Ormosia coccinea (Aubl.) Jackson x Ormosia coutinhoi Ducke x Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq. ssp. officinalis x x Swartzia guianensis (Aubl.) Urb. x Vatairea guianensis Aubl. x Leguminosae-Papil. sp. (TVA1426) x Leguminosae-Papil. sp. (TVA1444) x Leguminosae-Papil. sp. (TVA2276) x Leguminosae-Papil. sp. (TVA2302) x

LOGANIACEAE Strychnos mitscherlichii M.R. Schomb. var x mitscherlichii

MALPIGHIACEAE Hiraea affinis Miq. x Mezia cf. includens (Benth.) Cuatrec. x Spachea elegans (G. Mey.) A. Juss. x Tetrapterys crispa A. Juss. x Malpighiaceae sp. (TVA2277) x

MARANTACEAE Calathea cf. micans (Mathieu) Körn. x Ischnosiphon foliosus Gleason x Ischnosiphon obliquus (Rudge) Körn. x Ischnosiphon sp. (TVA3016) x

MARCGRAVIACEAE Marcgravia coriacea Vahl x Marcgravia sp. (TVA3061) x Norantea guianensis Aubl. x

90 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole MELASTOMATACEAE Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana x Clidemia japurensis DC. var. japurensis x Miconia serrulata (DC.) Naudin x Miconia sp. (TVA3053) x Tococa aristata Benth. x x

MELIACEAE Carapa guianensis Aubl. x x Trichilia rubra C. DC. x Trichilia sp. (TVA3046) x

MENISPERMACEAE Orthomene schomburgkii (Miers) Barneby & Krukoff x

MORACEAE Ficus maxima Mill. x Ficus paraensis (Miq.) Miq. x Ficus vs. roraimensis C.C. Berg x Sorocea hirtella Mildbr. ssp. oligotricha x Akkermans & C.C. Berg

MYRISTICACEAE Iryanthera juruensis Warb. x x Iryanthera sagotiana (Benth.) Warb. x Virola elongata (Benth.) Warb x x Virola surinamensis (Rol.) Warb. x x

MYRSINACEAE Cybianthus aff. surinamensis (Spreng.) G. Agostini x Stylogyne surinamensis (Miq.) Mez x

MYRTACEAE Calyptranthes sp. (TVA2239) x Marlierea montana (Aubl.) Amshoff x

OCHNACEAE Ouratea guianensis Aubl. x

OLACACEAE Dulacia cf. guianensis (Engl.) Kuntze x Heisteria cauliflora Sm. x

ORCHIDACEAE Catasetum sp. (TVA1927) x Epidendron anceps Jacq. x

PALMAE Bactris campestris Poepp. ex Mart. x x Desmoncus polyacanthos Mart. x x Euterpe oleracea Mart. x x Euterpe precatoria Mart. x

91 3.6 Appendix

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole PALMAE Geonoma baculifera (Poit.) Kunth x Jessenia bataua (Mart.) Burret ssp. oligocarpa (Griseb. x & H.Wendl.) Balick Mauritia flexuosa L. x

PASSIFLORACEAE Passiflora garckei Mast. x Passiflora cf. laurifolia L. x

PIPERACEAE Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A. Dietr. x Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth x Piper vs. berbicense Miq. x Piper nigrispicum C. DC. x Piper sp. (7M4H7) x

POLYGALACEAE Moutabea guianensis Aubl. x

POLYGONACEAE Coccoloba densifrons Mart. ex Meisn. x x

POLYPODIACEAE Campyloneurum repens (Aubl.) C. Presl x

RAPATACEAE Rapatea paludosa Aubl. var. paludosa x x

RHIZOPHORACEAE Cassipourea guianensis Aubl. x x

RUBIACEAE Alibertia acuminata (Benth.) Sandw. x Duroia eriopila L.f. var. eriopila x x Geophila repens (L.) L.M. Johnst. x Gonzalagunia dicocca Cham. & Schltd. x Palicourea sp. (TVA3012) x Psychotria bahiensis DC. var. cornigera (Benth.) x Steyerm. Randia armata (Sw.) DC. x Rubiaceae sp. (TVA1651) x Rubiaceae sp. (TVA2257) x Schradera polycephala A.DC. x Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel. x

SAPINDACEAE Allophylus racemosus Sw. x Matayba camptoneura Radlk. x Paullinia caloptera Radlk. x Sapindaceae sp. (TVA3056) x

92 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Barama Moruca Assakata Mora quackal manicole SAPOTACEAE Chrysophyllum argenteum Jacq. x ssp. auratum (Miq.) T.D. Penn. Micropholis guyanensis (A.DC.) Pierre ssp. guyanensis x Micropholis venulosa (Mart. & Eichl.) Pierre x x Pouteria bilocularis (Winkler) Baehni x Pouteria cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni x x Pouteria guianensis Aubl. x Pouteria sp. (TVA3070) x Pradosia schomburgkiana x (A. DC.) Cronq. ssp. schomburgkiana

SCHIZAEACEAE Schizaea fluminensis Miers ex J.W. Sturm x

SMILACACEAE Smilax syphilitica Willd. x

STERCULIACEAE Sterculia sp. (unidentified seedling) x

VERBENACEAE Vitex compressa Turcz. x

VIOLACEAE Paypayrola longifolia Tul. x x Rinorea cf. flavescens (Aubl.) Kuntze x

93 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots



4.1.1 Quantitative ethnobotany The sustainable harvest of non-timber forest products is assumed to play a crucial role in the conservation of tropical forests and the well-being of indigenous peoples relying on these resources (Nepstad and Schwartzman, 1992; Balick and Mendelsohn, 1992; Hall and Bawa, 1993). A thorough knowledge of the economic potential of the diverse forest products and a better understanding of how mankind can profit from their existence is a prerequisite for forest conservation (Posey, 1983; Milliken et al., 1992). For the design of appropriate conservation and management plans, information is required on the population dynamics and distribution patterns of useful species. Quantitative data are needed to estimate the feasibility of commercial NTFP exploitation, and the effect of harvesting on the long-term viability of natural populations (Hall and Bawa, 1993; Peters, 1994; Boot, 1997).

Various researchers have quantified useful plants in Amazonian forests (Boom, 1987; 1990; Prance et al., 1987; Peters et al., 1989a; Pinedo-Vásquez et al., 1990; Milliken et al., 1992; Phillips, 1993; Balée, 1994). Counting and identifying all trees with a DBH > 10 cm per hectare was the commonly used method in these inventories. Hectare plots have emerged as a popular standard, not only for rapid inventories of useful species, but also for long-term monitoring of forest dynamics (Martin, 1995). Trees > 10 cm may provide a fair image of the structure and composition of a forest (Gentry, 1988; ter Steege et al., 2000c), and possibly account for a large percentage of the useful species (Prance et al., 1987). However, this method has the limitation that it does not take into account shrubs, small trees, herbs, lianas, or epiphytes used by local people. For this reason, it does not give a complete picture of the available NTFPs in a certain forest type. If the aim is to conduct a general ethnobotanical survey, a broad range of useful plants needs to be sampled (Martin, 1995). For future sustainability assessments it is also important to sample individuals of all age/size classes. In this way the recruitment of economically important species can be estimated (Hall and Bawa, 1993; Peters, 1996). It was shown in the previous chapters that in northwest Guyana, the understorey held 41 to almost 70% of the total number of species in the sample plots. NTFPs produced by these smaller species would have been overlooked if only trees > 10 cm DBH had been considered.

Most quantitative inventories have focused on well-drained, primary ‘terra firme’ forest, usually characterised by high species diversity and low densities of conspecific trees. Such a great species-richness would automatically have its reflection on the variety of indigenous uses (Milliken et al., 1992). Although much of this forest is presently being disturbed, only few quantitative ethnobotanical surveys have included secondary forest (Pinedo-Vásquez et al., 1990; Grenand,

94 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

1992; Balée, 1994; van Dijk, 1999). Swamp forests have neither been a favourite subject of NTFP studies, even though they cover several millions of hectares in Amazonia and are often dominated by economically important species (Peters et al., 1989b).

4.4.2 Valuation of forests Quantitative ethnobotany has been used to indicate that tropical forests can generate substantial benefits if their non-timber forest products are marketed and properly managed. Especially in the long term, revenues earned by commercial NTFP exploitation are thought to be much higher than those resulting from timber harvesting or conversion of the forest into pasture or agricultural land (Peters et al., 1989a). Quantitative techniques have also been developed to analyse patterns of plant use knowledge among indigenous informants (Phillips and Gentry, 1993). Quantitative ethnobotany has furthermore been used to evaluate the degree to which traditional people use their forest environment. According to Phillips (1996), the paper of Prance et al. (1987) is considered a bench mark study in this field, being the first to systematically address the question: How important is the forest to indigenous people?

There are several, often complicated, methods to calculate the economic value of a forest. In the past, this was done by simply measuring the volumes of commercial timber (Panayotou and Ashton, 1992). Since NTFPs became a research topic, the value of forests needed reassessment. This was done by just counting the numbers of useful species in a forest plot (Balée, 1994; Johnston, 1998), or summing up the potential or actual market prices of plant products (Peters et al, 1989a). Prance et al. (1987) designated useful plants as ‘minor’ or ‘major’ and gave them a symbolic value. The sum of these values was then used as an indication of the usefulness of the forest. Other researchers have quantified the importance of forest resources by putting arbitrary prices on forest-derived subsistence goods (Sullivan, 1997), or by measuring local people’s agreement on the utility of various species (Phillips and Gentry, 1993). Calculating the use value of biological resources will continue to be a controversial aspect of ethnobotanical methodology (Martin, 1995), but these methods do shed a light on the importance of the forest for its local inhabitants and their cultural survival (Prance et al., 1987; Phillips, 1996).

4.4.3 Quantitative NTFP studies in Guyana Very little quantitative studies on useful plants have been done in Guyana. Matheson (1994) carried out an ethnobotanical inventory in three forest plots in upper Demerara, while Johnston (1998) assessed the relative abundance of potentially useful species of several forest types around Kurupukari and Moraballi. In these two central Guyana studies only trees over 10 cm DBH were taken into account. The North-West District is much more important for commercial NTFP extraction than central Guyana. It is a major Amerindian area, where various enterprises are processing and marketing local forest products. But apart from a study by Hoffman (1997), who calculated the density of the commercial craft fiber Heteropsis flexuosa in the lower Pomeroon, virtually nothing is known about the abundance and diversity of NTFPs in the forest types of the North-West District. During a short economic study in three northwestern villages, Sullivan (1997) estimated the

95 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots contribution of NTFPs to the gross village product on the basis of interviews with local villagers.

This chapter provides a quantitative assessment of the useful species in seven one- hectare plots in northwest Guyana. The following questions will be addressed:

• What are the most important NTFPs in the different forest types studied and how abundant are they? • Which plant families provide most NTFPs and which have the largest use value? • What percentage of the total number of species in a forest is utilised by local Amerindians? • Are there differences in plant use between Arawaks and Caribs? • Which forest types offer the best opportunities for commercial NTFP harvesting?

The aim of this research is to determine quantitatively the degree to which Amerindians in the North-West District utilise their surrounding forest resources. With the figures of diversity and abundance of useful species, this study hopes to provide baseline data for future sustainable management of non-timber forest products. The strong dependence of local Amerindians on the floristic diversity of their environment may have its influence on the decision-making process in the allocation of forested land for self-sustaining Amerindian Reserves.


Seven one hectare plots were sampled in the major forest types of Guyana’s North- West District. Exact locations, vegetation descriptions, and forest classifications are given in chapters 2 and 3. The plots were carefully selected to represent the particular vegetation types: their exact location was chosen with the help of people familiar with the topography and recent history of land use. In these plots, trees > 10 cm DBH, as well as shrubs, small trees, lianas, hemi-epiphytes and herbs were collected, counted and identified. Plant uses were recorded with the assistance of local informants.

Three plots were established near the small, traditional Carib settlement of Kariako, Barama River: in mixed forest, seasonally flooded Mora forest, and 20-year-old secondary forest. Kariako is located a couple of days travelling by boat to the nearest regional market of Charity. Although very few NTFPs are commercialised at present, the Kariako Caribs heavily depend on forest products, since luxury goods are expensive or unavailable. Another three plots were laid out in the vicinity of Santa Rosa, Moruca River: in mixed forest, 60-year-old secondary forest and quackal swamp. This large Amerindian village with its predominantly Arawak population is much more integrated in the coastal Guyanese market economy. Several NTFPs are commercially harvested and traded among villagers and at the Charity market. A seventh plot was made in a brackish manicole swamp near the settlement of Assakata. The region is inhabited by Arawak and Warao Indians, but since the informants that were involved in the plant identification were Arawak, plant uses in the plot largely reflect their cultural preferences. Although located

96 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I further away from the market than Santa Rosa, most Assakata residents had direct access to commodity items by bartering palm hearts from Euterpe oleracea (see chapter 5).

To cover the widest variety of plants used by the Amerindian communities, the botanical inventories in the plots were combined with interviews and the ‘walk-in- the-woods’ method, as described in Prance et al. (1987). As the expertise of a few field assistants is often not representative for the knowledge of the whole community, various residents of the same village were asked to identify the species encountered during the surveys. In case of doubt, voucher specimens were carried from house to house to broaden and crosscheck ethnobotanical information. Additional collecting of fertile specimens outside the plots (with different informants) was carried out to increase the number of identified species and to yield supplementary information on their utilisation. In this chapter, only useful plants found in the seven one-hectare plots will be discussed. Except for 22 species used as minor fuel source, all useful species are listed in the Appendix of this chapter. Detailed use descriptions are given in Part II of this thesis.

Plants were divided in six use categories that largely corresponded with those of Prance et al. (1987): a) food: any plant or plant part (fruits, seeds, bark, leaves, or latex) used for human consumption; b) construction: all roundwood and sawn boards used for permanent and temporary Amerindian dwellings, canoes and bridges, leaves for roof thatch, and lianas for tying rafts and house frames; c) technology: lashing material, dyes, poisons, glues, craft fibers, household equipment (sifters, baskets) and tools (arrows, paddles); d) medicine: plants used to treat or prevent illnesses and physical afflictions; e) other: plants with miscellaneous uses (wrapping material, (fish) bait, toys, ornamental, magic); f) firewood: all plants that are used as fuel.

These categories are artificial and do not necessarily reflect the classification of the indigenous people themselves (Prance et al., 1987). Plants with multiple uses fall in more than one category. The categories were principally used to facilitate comparison with the various other studies that have adapted this method (Boom, 1987; Pinedo-Vásquez et al., 1990; Grenand, 1992; Milliken et al., 1992; Johnston, 1998). It was not possible to make a sharp distinction between ‘timber’ and ‘non- timber’ species, as the same wood species used for canoes and house frames were usually sawn into boards for house construction, particularly in Moruca. To give an overall impression of the forest use by local Amerindians, it was decided to include sawn boards in this chapter. The number and percentage of species in the different use categories (food, medicine, etc.) was calculated for each forest type.

Local informants clearly considered some plants ‘more useful’ than others. For example, small Melastomataceae berries were often eaten by children, but generally neglected or considered insignificant by adults, while fruits such as Spondias mombin were much sought after and sold at local markets. In order to quantify the

97 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots relative importance of NTFPs, plant uses were classified as minor or major within the different categories, following Prance et al. (1987). Each major use was indicated in the Appendix with a capital letter and given a use value of 1.0, while minor uses were indicated with a small letter and counted as 0.5. When products were irreplaceable or the object of intensive gathering and economic exchange, they were given a major score (1.0). In most cases, informants gave their own account of the importance of a NTFP by emphasising the strength of a certain fibre or the effectiveness of a medicine. Although the significance of a specific plant was also influenced by the number of informants who independently reported knowledge of its use, this was not categorically measured. Thus, the relative importance of each use was subjectively assigned by the researcher.

The difficulty with this technique is that it does not allow for more than one use within each category. In this study, a category was also given a major score if more than one use was mentioned within this group. For example in the case of Protium heptaphyllum, of which the Barama Caribs eat both the fruit and the exudate, the food category was given a score of 1.0. All scores were summed for each species to calculate its use value. To calculate relative family use values, species’ use values were summed within each plant family, and divided by the total number of species of that family occurring in the plot. The most important multi-use species were listed for each forest type, with their numbers of individuals > 10 cm DBH per hectare, the amounts below 10 cm, found in the shrub layer (subplots of 0.1 ha) and herb layer (subplots of 4 * 10-3 ha, see chapter 2).

The Kariako Caribs used several species in a different way than the Santa Rosa Arawaks did and vice versa. For instance, Barama Caribs mixed the seeds of Mora excelsa with cassava flour in times of scarcity, while this practice was unknown to informants in Santa Rosa. The uses given in the Appendix thus indicate local uses only. To give a realistic image of present indigenous plant utilisation in the forest plots, uses mentioned in literature were left out. However, when a plant was not found within a plot, this did not mean that the species was absent from the region or remained unutilized. For a complete account of plant uses in northwest Guyana, the reader should consult Part II of this thesis.

Canopy hemi-epiphytes like Heteropsis flexuosa, Thoracocarpus bissectus and Clusia spp. were barely visible from below, but their aerial roots often reached the forest floor. As these roots were intensively used in craft production, the numbers of roots were counted throughout the seven hectare plots. The total use value was determined by summing all species’ use values per forest plot. Finally, the use percentage per forest type was calculated by dividing the number of useful species by the total amount of species encountered in the plot.


A total of 616 species (including unidentified specimens) were found in the seven one-hectare plots (see chapters 2 and 3), of which 357 species (58%) were utilised in one way or another. Of these useful species, 61% (216 spp.) were trees with a DBH

98 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

> 10 cm in one of the plots. The remaining 39% included trees < 10 cm DBH, lianas, hemi-epiphytes, shrubs, and herbs. In Table 4.1 the numbers and percentages of useful plants in the different categories are shown for the seven plots. Firstly, some important examples for each use category will be discussed in more detail. Secondly, the most important multi-use species will be listed for each forest types. All species are listed with their use categories and minor and major uses in the Appendix of this chapter.

Table 4.1 Numbers and percentages of useful plant species in the different categories for the seven hectare plots in northwest Guyana. The three plots in Barama are the homeland of Caribs, while Arawaks are the predominant user group of the plots in Moruca and Assakata. Note that species > 10 cm may include large lianas, unless mentioned otherwise; fw = firewood.

Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata mixed 20-year Mora mixed 60-year quackal manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp No. of useful species 113 (17) 136 (13) 66 (6) 103 (3) 124 (3) 51 (2) 71 (3) (firewood only) Food 32 41 19 29 36 17 16 Construction 40 54 23 58 59 23 24 Technology 31 43 19 47 53 17 28 Medicine 35 44 23 34 39 20 26 Other 20 26 15 8 16 5 14 Firewood 38 54 17 13 15 8 4

Food [%] 28.3 30.1 28.7 28.2 29.0 33.3 22.5 Construction [%] 35.3 39.7 34.8 56.3 47.6 45.1 33.8 Technology [%] 27.4 31.6 28.8 45.6 42.7 33.3 39.4 Medicine [%] 31.0 32.4 34.8 33.0 31.5 39.2 36.6 Other [%] 17.7 19.1 22.7 7.8 12.9 9.8 19.7 Firewood [%] 33.6 39.7 25.8 12.6 12.1 15.7 5.6

No. of species > 10 cm 93 (83) 78 (73) 31 (28) 95 (86) 95 (90) 41 (38) 30 (3) DBH (trees only) No. of useful species 77 (17) 70 (12) 29 (6) 80 (3) 86 (3) 34 (2) 27 (3) > 10 cm (fw only) Use % of species > 10 83 (65) 90 (74) 94 (74) 84 (81) 91 (87) 83 (78) 90 (80) cm DBH (excl. fw) % of useful indiv. 92 90 94 94 97 90 99 > 10 cm DBH Total no. of species 168 197 102 161 204 75 98 No. of useful species 36 66 37 23 38 17 44 < 10 cm DBH Use percentage 51 55 53 35 35 50 65 of species < 10 cm Total use value 128 161.5 s 129.5 143.5 60 71 Use percentage of 67.3 69.0 64.7 64.0 60.8 68.0 72.4 all plants [%]

99 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots

4.3.1 Food Of the 113 useful species found in the Barama mixed forest, local Caribs considered 28.3% as a major or minor food source. The more important edible products include the seeds of Lecythis zabucajo, the red berries of Eugenia patrisii and highly esteemed juicy fruits of Pouteria guianensis, only fruiting once every few years. In the young secondary forest, 41 species were categorised as food, of which 11 species belonged to the genus Inga. Some of them (I. edulis and I. pezizifera) produce large fruits and are preferred above others. Other notable fruit trees are Byrsonima stipulacea, Bellucia grossularioides and Astrocaryum gynacanthum. The shoots of Costus scaber are boiled and fermented into a strong alcoholic beverage. The coagulated of Protium heptaphyllum is used as a sort of chewing gum. The Mora forest is poorer in wild fruits, although Spondias mombin ranks among the most appreciated fruits in the region. In times of plenty, the pulp is made into an alcoholic drink and sold in the village. The barks of Brownea latifolia and Clusia grandiflora are boiled into a hot beverage resembling chocolate milk.

Ambelania acida, Maximiliana maripa and several Pouteria species produce the most esteemed fruits in the Moruca mixed forest. The watery sap of Tetracera volubilis subsp. volubilis is drunk to quench thirst. In the 60-year-old secondary forest, 36 edible species were found. A notable species is Hymenaea courbaril var. courbaril, of which the fruit pulp is consumed and a beverage is produced from the bark. Again, the main fruit-producing genus is Inga (8 species). Other favourites are Astrocaryum aculeatum (probably a relic of human occupancy), Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa, and Maximiliana maripa. Fruits of these three palms are sold at the local market. Curcuma xanthorrhiza, an herb of which the rhizome is as an ingredient for curry, is another remnant of a once abandoned farm. No more than 17 edible species were found in the quackal swamp. Fruits of importance are Pouteria cuspidata and Marlierea montana, the latter made into an alcoholic drink. Less esteemed, but present in large quantities is Humiriastrum obovatum, of which the fruits are pounded in hot water to make a beverage. The manicole swamp does not contain many edible species, but J. bataua subsp. oligocarpa, of which the fruits are boiled into a popular beverage, occurs frequently in the plot. Euterpe oleracea is harvested commercially for its edible palm heart (chapter 5). Fruits of Euterpe spp. are not much liked by the locals.

4.3.2 Construction In general, the Barama Caribs used fewer species for construction or timber than the Moruca Arawaks (Table 4.1). Traditional Carib dwellings are constructed of a roundwood frame tied together with lianas and a thatched roof. They lack walls and floors and hardly contain any furniture. In the deep interior, few people possess chain saws, so boards are rarely used and quite expensive. Because of their flexible wood, Vismia guianensis and various Annonaceae (often harvested from secondary forest) are used as roof rafters and ridges.

100 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Figure 4.1 Schematic drawing of a Carib house. Drawing by H.R. Rypkema.

Most roofs were thatched with Geonoma baculifera, a small palm irregularly distributed in Mora forest. A layer of Euterpe leaves always covered the ridge (Figure 4.1). Trunks of Eschweilera spp., Lecythis spp., Mora excelsa and Trichilia schomburgkii subsp. schomburgkii were favoured for house post, because of their strong and rot-resistant wood. Canoes were principally made from Carapa guianensis, Inga alba, Hyeronima alchorneoides var. stipulosa, and various Lauraceae species. As some of the valuable wood species were only found in primary forest, dragging a canoe or a house post through the forest was an arduous

101 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots task. Therefore, large trunks were preferably cut near the village in Mora or secondary forest.

Arawak houses are mostly build on stilts, with floors and walls of industrially processed wood, bought from a nearby sawmill or from one of the various local chain saw operators. Frames and posts are often made of Eschweilera spp., Lecythis spp., Carapa guianensis, and Peltogyne venosa subsp. venosa. Roofs are either thatched with Manicaria saccifera or Maximiliana maripa, or made from corrugated iron. Less-privileged house owners make their walls in the traditional Arawak ‘wattle and stave’ style, in which young stems are woven between a horizontal frame (see plate 29, Part II). Flexible saplings are needed for this construction, such as Cupania spp. and several Flacourtiaceae, abundant in secondary forest. Both Arawak and Caribs beat the bark of Catostemma commune with an axe into large slabs, which are spread out as floors and walls. The most durable canoes in Moruca are made from Diplotropis purpurea, Peltogyne venosa subsp. venosa, Hymenaea courbaril var. courbaril, Hyeronima alchorneoides var. stipulosa, various Burseraceae and Lauraceae. These trees do occur in secondary forest, but large individuals are only found in primary forest. Unfortunately, the area of undisturbed mixed forest is rapidly disappearing around Santa Rosa, as many large trees are felled for commercial timber and large forested areas are burned for agriculture. As a result, good quality house material and canoes is quite expensive in Moruca. For this reason, people shift to less durable timber species, such as Tapirira guianensis and Simarouba amara. Both Caribs and Arawaks use the strong aerial roots of Thoracocarpus bissectus and Heteropsis flexuosa, as well as the stems of various Bignoniaceae lianas to tie the frames of temporary and permanent dwellings.

The pegasse swamps yield fewer species for construction (Table 4.1). In the quackal swamp, Calophyllum brasiliense, Symphonia globulifera, and Macoubea guianensis were mentioned to yield good material for houses and canoes. Makeshift walls are made by tying the petioles of Mauritia flexuosa together. People living in the manicole swamps make their floors from the split trunks of Euterpe spp. Leaves of Manicaria saccifera, a palm dominating the manicole swamps around the Waini River, but absent from Assakata and Moruca, are shipped towards these villages for roof thatch and walls. The leaves are stitched on the roof with strips of the split stems of Ischnosiphon arouma, a species common in secondary forest. Holes in old roofs are patched with the giant leaves of Philodendron melinonii. The wood of Iryanthera juruensis and Virola surinamensis is used as a minor timber source and to build low-grade canoes.

4.3.3 Technology Species used for technology in Barama ranged from 19 (28.8%) in Mora forest to 43 (31.6%) in the young secondary forest. Inga alba is important tree to the Caribs, as a black dye is made from the bark to strengthen clay pottery (see Part II of this thesis). Individuals are often spared from felling when clearing forest for agriculture, which explains the presence of large individuals in secondary forest (Table 4.3). The mixed forest provides hard wood for cotton spindles (Eugenia patrisii), arrow sockets, and sifter frames (Quiina guianensis). Both indigenous groups make tool handles from Pouteria guianensis, Carapa guianensis, and Cedrela odorata. The valuable wood

102 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I of the latter is used for music instruments as well. The hemi-epiphytes Thoracocarpus bissectus and Heteropsis flexuosa furnish the major craft fibres found in the Barama and Moruca mixed forest. Their aerial roots are woven into burden baskets, carried with head straps from bark strips of Sterculia pruriens var. pruriens, and sold in nearly all Amerindian communities. In the Pomeroon forests and to a lesser extent in Moruca, H. flexuosa, Clusia grandiflora, and C. palmicida are commercially exploited for the furniture industry (chapter 6). The numbers of aerial roots of these species per plot are presented in Table 4.9. The fine basketry used in processing bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta) is made from Ischnosiphon arouma, a major craft fibre present in both types of secondary forest.

In Mora swamp forest, the main technology species is Duguetia pycnastera, preferred above other Duguetia species for fishing rods, because its wood is the strongest and most flexible. Stems of D. megalophylla and Anaxagorea dolichocarpa are carved into blunt arrow points to shoot birds. Occasionally occurring in Mora forest, but much more common in pegasse swamps, is Symphonia globulifera (Tables 4.7 and 4.8). The yellow latex of this tree is made into a tar-like substance to fasten arrow points in their sockets. This so-called ‘karaman wax’ is a major NTFP in areas where hunting is still done with bow and arrow. In the quackal swamp, the young shoots of Mauritia flexuosa yield a soft fibre used in commercial basketry and hammocks. Ischnosiphon obliquus is harvested as a craft fibre to substitute I. arouma. In the whole coastal swamp region, paddles from the wood of Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla are an important trading item.

4.3.4 Medicine Between 31.0 and 39.2% of the species in the plots was used as major or minor remedy. The Barama Caribs recognise 35 medicinal species in the mixed forest. Most remedies are prepared from the bark of trees and lianas. The watery sap from several Dilleniaceae is drunk by snakebite victims and to provoke abortions. Throughout Guyana, the wood of these lianas is boiled into an aphrodisiac. Women use the bark of Inga alba to induce permanent sterility. The leaves of Philodendron scandens are placed on skin sores, while the same leaves are applied on bites in Assakata. The highest number of medicinal species (44) are found in the 20-year-old secondary forest. The important ones include Cecropia peltata, the leaves of which are boiled as tea for kidney disorders and back pain, and Cordia nodosa, prepared similarly to alleviate headache and high blood pressure. The Mora forest yields fewer medicinal species (23). A major remedy is prepared from the poisonous bark of Clathrotropis brachypetala var. brachypetala, applied externally on swellings and bush .

Both Amerindian groups consider the bark of Unonopsis glaucopetala the best remedy for snakebites. Roots of Bauhinia spp. are used in the deep interior against diarrhoea, while the wood of these lianas is known as an aphrodisiac in the coastal region. The only commercially traded medicine in the central North-West District is crabwood oil, extracted from the seeds of Carapa guianensis and used externally to repel insects and disinfect skin wounds. The oil is taken orally for malaria, whooping cough and colds. In the Moruca mixed forest, the bark of Aspidosperma spp. and the wood of Curarea candicans are said to be effective against malaria as

103 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots well. In the late secondary forest, 39 species are used medicinally. Piper avellanum is pointed out as a miracle plant, as its sap is administered to patients suffering from severe stomach cramps, unconsciousness, blocked jaws, and snakebites. In Assakata, P. horstmannianum is recommended for scorpion and snakebites. The milky bark of Pradosia schomburgkiana subsp. schomburgkiana from the quackal swamp is mentioned as an effective cure for cough and tuberculosis. The bark is occasionally traded around Santa Rosa. Other significant medicinal species of pegasse swamps are Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla, the bark of which is boiled and taken for malaria. The latex of Symphonia globulifera is rubbed on abscesses to make them go down. The bark of Pachira aquatica, a small tree common in the brackish manicole swamps, is taken against dysentery. More herbal remedies and differences in medicinal plant use between indigenous groups will be discussed in chapter 8.

4.3.5 Other uses Species used for miscellaneous purposes in the Barama mixed forest accounted for 17.7% of the total uses. An example is Alexa imperatricis, of which the poisonous bark and seeds are thrown in armadillo holes. The venom kills the animal, but apparently does not make the meat inedible. In the early secondary forest, 26 species (19.1%) fall in this category. For instance, the bark of Lecythis corrugata subsp. corrugata is beaten with a club and split in numerous thin layers, which are used as cigarette paper. When a baby is born, the fresh, smelly leaves of Jacaranda copaia subsp. copaia are thrown in the fire to ward off evil spirits that could attack the newborn. Children gather the hard berries of Siparuna guianensis for slingshot ammunition. Fewer species (15), but a relative larger percentage (22.7%) of species with a miscellaneous use were found in Mora forest, represented by various fruits and seeds used as fish bait (Ficus spp., Brownea latifolia, Spachea elegans, and Carapa guianensis). The large leaves of Sloanea grandiflora, present in all forest types in Barama, are used to wrap up the piles of cassava bread that are carried into the gold mines for sale.

In the Moruca mixed forest, just eight species (7.8%) are found in the miscellaneous category. An example is the bark of Humiria balsamifera var. balsamifera, stuffed in roofs to chase away insect larvae feeding on the thatch. In the 60-year-old forest, 16 species (12.9%) are employed for ‘other’ uses, such as the saplings of Licania kunthiana, which are decorated with light bulbs during Christmas. Only five species in the quackal plot fall within this group. People believe that if they beat a fruit tree with a twig of Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea or Pentaclethra macroloba, it produces a good crop the following year. Peperomia rotundifolia, a delicate vine from the manicole swamp, is said to have magic properties. A love charm is made by mixing the pounded leaves with perfume and rubbing this on the body. The beloved one will now follow this person everywhere.

104 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

4.3.6 Firewood Table 4.1 shows that not all woody species are used as fuel. Some types of wood are avoided, like Alexa imperatricis and Clathrotropis brachypetala var. brachypetala, since their poisonous sap produces an acrid smoke. The various Chrysobalanaceae from the mixed forests are highly valued as firewood, because their wood is easily sliced into small sticks and quickly lit, even when wet. In Barama, these trees are even cut down for fuel, as the wood is preferred for the small fires under the circular iron plates used for baking cassava bread, the staple food in Barama. Wood is still the only fuel source in Barama, which is illustrated by the high number of species (54) harvested for this purpose in secondary forest. Tapirira guianensis and Byrsonima stipulacea are also mentioned as good quality fuel. Much fewer species are harvested for firewood in Mora forest. Several trees are said to yield potential fuel, but due to the swampy soil the fallen trees are wet and muddy. Firewood is mostly harvested from the secondary forest surrounding the village and from the charred trunks lying in the cultivated fields.

Wealthy Moruca residents use gas stoves, but the poorer section of the community still depends on firewood. In the more traditional villages, all households use and collect firewood. Chrysobalanaceae wood is sold at the Moruca market for cassava baking, although cassava bread is no longer the main staple food. Commercial charcoal is produced from Aspidosperma excelsum and traded at the Charity market. Fewer species (resp. 13 and 15) are harvested for firewood from the mixed and secondary forest. Apart from some Myrtaceae and Chrysobalanaceae, few species are used for fuel in the waterlogged quackal and manicole swamps. Occasionally, dry leaves and waste of Mauritia flexuosa straw is used to burn out and widen the opening of new canoes. In the old days, twigs of Tabernaemontana disticha, a species frequent in manicole swamp, were rapidly swizzled together to start a fire.

4.3.7 Differences in forest use Although differences in useful plants between the seven hectare plots and the two indigenous groups were not statistically tested, several trends could be distinguished. In Table 4.1, it can be seen that the number of useful species in the swamp forest was much lower than that of the better-drained forests. This was caused by their low floristic diversity, as the percentage of useful plants was not lower than in forest types. One of the poorest forest plots, the manicole swamp, had even the highest use percentage for the understorey. This might be explained by the familiarity of the locals with these swamps as they were frequently visited to harvest palm hearts. Thus, the number of useful species in a forest does not depend entirely on its floristic diversity, but it is also influenced by the knowledge of local informants. The more traditional Amerindians (such as the Assakata Arawaks and the Barama Caribs) seemed to spend more time in the forest and had a better knowledge of indigenous plant names and uses than the Moruca Arawaks, who had been strongly influenced by the ‘western’ society. This possibly explains the higher numbers of useful plants in the Barama mixed and young secondary forest plots, although their floristic diversity was comparable to the well-drained plots in Moruca.

105 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots


4.4.1 Barama mixed forest The well-drained mixed forest in Barama, called ‘ituru’ or ‘high bush’ by the Caribs, was frequently visited to harvest forest products. Most species were extracted for subsistence only. The total use value of this forest type was 128 (Table 4.1). Of the 113 useful species, 77 (including species used for firewood) had a DBH over 10 cm, accounting for 92% of the individuals in the tree layer. This high percentage indicates that the forest was extremely useful to the local Amerindians. The most important multi-use species are listed in Table 4.2. Inga alba and Carapa guianensis had the highest use values and were indeed important NTFPs in the mixed forest. The seeds of Lecythis zabucajo were much liked, but they were only produced once very few years and then the majority was consumed by monkeys and birds before they could be collected from the forest floor. Despite its high use value, the species was just an occasional product. Other species with less-varied uses (and a lower total use value) were more important, like Heteropsis flexuosa and Thoracocarpus bissectus, present with 105 resp. 32 mature roots in the plot (Table 4.9). The heavy duty baskets (‘warishis’) woven from these roots were one of the few regularly traded NTFPs in Kariako. Five more species had a use value of 2, but since they were not very abundant, they were omitted from Table 4.2. The most common tree species in the plot (Couepia parillo, Eschweilera wachenheimii, and Alexa imperatricis, see Table 2.3) all had indigenous uses, but were no important NTFPs.

Table 4.2 Most important multi-use species in 1 ha of mixed forest, Barama (with use values > 2) and their abundance in tree layer and undergrowth.

Species Use value # individuals # individuals > 10cm DBH understorey Inga alba 3.5 7 1 Carapa guianensis 3.5 4 0 Unonopsis glaucopetala 2.5 15 7 Lecythis zabucajo 2.5 4 0 Catostemma commune 2.0 15 6 Protium decandrum 2.0 17 50 Tovomita cf. brevistaminea 2.0 3 5 Mora excelsa 2.0 8 13 Pentaclethra macroloba 2.0 4 1 Myrcia graciliflora 2.0 7 13

4.4.2 Young secondary forest A total of 136 species (69%) in the 20-year-old forest plot was used by the Barama Caribs, of which 70 had a DBH over 10 cm (Table 4.1). Thus 97.3% of the trees in the plots were used, representing 90% of the species in the tree layer. If firewood was excluded, 74% of the species > 10 cm were considered useful. The canopy of the young secondary forest, called ‘mainyapo’ by the Caribs, was less diverse than

106 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I the those of mature mixed forest, but fewer species were unknown to the informants. Due to the open canopy, the shrub and herb layer contained more species than those in the mature forest. Consequently, more species (66) in these strata were utilised than in the other forest plots. The species-rich understorey attributed to a total use value of 161.5, the highest of all plots. The largest variety of edible fruits was found in this young secondary forest. Generally neglected by their parents, the fruits of Byrsonima stipulacea, Inga spp. and various Melastomataceae were collected daily by children walking through this forest on their way to school. As trees were low and fruit producing shrubs abundant, their berries were easily accessible compared to the mature forest. Fruits from young secondary forest almost certainly played an important role in the diet of young children.

The most important multi-use species are listed in Table 4.3. Inga alba was abundant and its bark was often harvested for the manufacturing of clay pots. Carapa guianensis and Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla were present with too few individuals to produce a substantial part of the NTFPs collected in this forest type. Essential species with less diverse uses but frequently harvested from this forest were Ischnosiphon arouma, Costus scaber, Schefflera morototoni, Pentaclethra macroloba and Protium heptaphyllum subsp. heptaphyllum. Firewood was also an important product collected from secondary forest.

Table 4.3 Most important multi-use species in 1 ha of 20-year-old fallow, Barama (with use values > 2.5) and their abundance in tree layer and undergrowth.

Species Use value # individuals # individuals > 10cm DBH understorey Inga alba 3.5 22 4 Carapa guianensis 3.5 1 0 Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla 3.0 0 1 Unonopsis glaucopetala 2.5 5 6 Lecythis zabucajo 2.5 3 1 Duguetia megalophylla 2.5 1 1 Xylopia sp. (TVA1165) 2.5 1 0 Smilax schomburgkiana 2.5 0 6

4.4.3 Mora forest The Mora forest along the Barama riverbanks was dominated by towering Mora excelsa trees. It was called ‘parakuwa patï’, translated as ‘Mora’s hammock’ or ‘Mora’s home’, as in the Carib world the place where you hang your hammock is your home. The total use value of this plot was rather low (69.5), which corresponds with the low diversity of this forest. Nearly all trees over 10 cm were considered useful (94% of the species and 99% of the individuals), but then again, most were Mora trees (Table 4.4). Other multi-use species were Carapa guianensis, present with few individuals, Pentaclethra macroloba and Duguetia spp., Spondias mombin did not have many different uses, but its edible fruits were highly esteemed. Geonoma baculifera, the principal source of roof thatch in Barama, was rather scarce, with only two individuals. This was probably the result of overharvesting, as large populations of this understorey palm were found further away from settlements. The same applies to Euterpe oleracea, of which the leaves were used to

107 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots cover the ridge of the roofs. Palm leaves and canoes made of Mora and Carapa were the main objects commercialised from Mora forest. No cultivated fields were made in this seasonally flooded forest, as cassava generally requires well-drained soils.

Table 4.4 Most important multi-use species in 1 ha of Mora forest, Barama (with use values > 1.5) and their abundance in tree layer and undergrowth.

Species Use value # individuals # individuals > 10cm DBH understorey Carapa guianensis 3.5 2 0 Duguetia megalophylla 2.5 0 5 Pentaclethra macroloba 2.0 15 2 Bellucia grossularioides 2.0 0 1 Duguetia pycnastera 2.0 3 31 Mora excelsa 2.0 182 1426 Duguetia yeshidan 1.5 0 19 Eschweilera wachenheimii 1.5 21 3 Clathrotropis brachypetala var. brachypetala 1.5 2 0 Dioclea scabra 1.5 0 9 Brownea latifolia 1.5 4 1 Zygia latifolia var. communis 1.5 16 14 Pterocarpus officinalis subsp. officinalis 1.5 27 17 Geonoma baculifera 1.5 0 2

4.4.4 Moruca mixed forest The mixed forest plot of this study was probably one of the last pieces of primary forest in the vicinity of Santa Rosa village. Although located far away from the settlement, the mixed forest was frequently visited to collect NTFPs, to work on the cultivated fields in the surroundings, to saw wood or build canoes from large trees (Diplotropis purpurea, Peltogyne venosa subsp. venosa). The total use value (129.5) was comparable to that of the mixed forest in Barama, just like the percentage of useful species over 10 cm DBH (84%), accounting for 94% of the individuals in the tree layer. A total of 26 species had a use value of more than 2, but only those with a significant number of individuals are mentioned in Table 4.5.

Carapa guianensis and Symphonia globulifera had the highest use values, but were present with few individuals. Fruits of Pouteria spp. were cherished, but seldom available. Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa and Maximiliana maripa were fruiting at more regular intervals. Tool handles were carved from the spurs at the stem base of Pouteria spp. and the fluted stem of Aspidosperma spp., a practice that did not seem to harm the trees. Several people gathered medicinal barks and lianas (e.g., Bauhinia guianensis, Aspidosperma spp., Curarea candicans, Dilleniaceae spp.). Heteropsis flexuosa was an important craft fibre in this forest, but only immature roots were found in the plot (Table 4.9). Firewood was not often collected from the primary forest itself, but from the Chrysobalanaceae trunks felled in the cultivated fields. The most common tree species (Eschweilera spp.) were primarily used for house frames and boards.

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Table 4.5 Most important multi-use species in 1 ha of mixed forest, Moruca (with use values > 2) and their abundance in tree layer and undergrowth.

Species Use value # individuals # individuals > 10cm DBH understorey

Carapa guianensis 3.0 1 0 Symphonia globulifera 3.0 0 8 Unonopsis glaucopetala 2.5 4 12 Lecythis zabucajo 2.5 5 0 Lecythis corrugata subsp. corrugata 2.5 4 0 Maximiliana maripa 2.5 0 3 Cupania scrobiculata var. reticulata 2.5 3 15 Alexa imperatricis 2.0 15 59 Pouteria durlandii 2.0 17 4 Pouteria guianensis 2.0 11 6 Eschweilera sagotiana 2.0 62 28 Aspidosperma excelsum 2.0 6 6

4.4.5 Late secondary forest The 60-year-old plot in Moruca contained the most species of all forest plots (204), but had the lowest overall use percentage (60.8%). This low percentage must be sought in the high numbers of unknown species in the understorey, as 91% of the trees species and 97% of the individuals in the tree layer were utilised. Only 38 undergrowth species were used, much less than in the young secondary forest. Still, this area was subject to frequent NTFP harvesting and the overall use value of the plot was high (143.5). The most important multi-use species are listed in Table 4.6. Cupania scrobiculata var. reticulata and other tree saplings were collected to build kitchen walls. These species also grew in mixed forest, but people preferred to harvest their products close to home.

Fruits of Hymenaea courbaril var. courbaril, Maximiliana maripa, Pouteria spp., and especially Astrocaryum aculeatum were harvested when ripe. Several Inga species were present, but they were less consumed by Arawaks than by Caribs. Fishing rods (Duguetia pauciflora) and craft fibres (Ischnosiphon arouma) were frequently taken from this forest. Timber harvesting was also a common activity; species like Simarouba amara and various Lauraceae were sawn into boards in the forest surrounding the plot. Bark of Brownea latifolia, Astronium cf. lecointei, and several Burseraceae were gathered for medicinal purposes. This late succession forest was already considered suitable for establishing cultivated fields. As a result, much of this forest had already been converted to agricultural land again.

109 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots

Table 4.6 Most important multi-use species in 1 ha of 60-year-old fallow, Moruca (with use values > 2) and their abundance in tree layer and undergrowth.

Species Use value # individuals # individuals > 10cm DBH understorey

Hymenaea courbaril var. courbaril 3.5 1 0 Symphonia globulifera 3.0 0 1 Carapa guianensis 3.0 8 2 Ischnosiphon arouma 3.0 0 3 Unonopsis glaucopetala 2.5 5 8 Lecythis zabucajo 2.5 2 1 Lecythis corrugata subsp. corrugata 2.5 2 31 Maximiliana maripa 2.5 3 7 Cupania scrobiculata var. reticulata 2.5 1 25 Astrocaryum aculeatum 2.5 7 3 Pentaclethra macroloba 2.0 55 76 Pouteria guianensis 2.0 5 3 Marlierea schomburgkiana 2.0 2 2 Davilla kunthii 2.0 0 5 Brownea latifolia 2.0 4 2 Hyeronima alchorneoides var. stipulosa 2.0 7 0

4.4.6 Quackal swamp Except for the quackal forest, named after the abundance of ‘kuaku’ or ‘quackoo’ (Marlierea montana), no traditional Arawak names were given to forest types in Moruca. The quackal swamp had the lowest number of species per hectare (75) and also the least useful species (51), of which two-third was present in the tree layer (Table 4.1). The total use value was the lowest of all plots, but still 83% of the species > 10 m DBH (90% of the individuals) were mentioned as useful. Most parts of the year, the peat soils were flooded and the swamp had to be entered by canoe. Few people felt like walking or paddling the large distance over the flooded savanna to harvest NTFPs in the quackal swamp, especially if these products could be found closer to home. The most important multi-use species are presented in Table 4.7.

Symphonia globulifera and Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla had high use values and were present with large numbers of individuals. Wild fruits were occasionally harvested, mostly the berries of Marlierea montana and Humiriastrum obovatum, which were made into an alcoholic ‘wine’. Palm heart had been harvested from the quackal swamp in the past. Boats would come down the Santa Rosa market to buy palm hearts, probably to sell them again to AMCAR agents along the Biara River (see chapter 5). This resource must have depleted quickly, as neither mature Euterpe oleracea palms or signs of harvesting were observed. Valuable species occurring exclusively in this forest were Calophyllum brasiliense, favoured for canoe making and Pradosia schomburgkiana subsp. schomburgkiana, of which the bark was a reputed medicine against tuberculosis. Both species were commercialised on a small scale. People living on the islands close to this forest were cutting Ischnosiphon obliquus for craft production. Firewood was seldom harvested in this swamp forest.

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Table 4.7 Most important multi-use species in 1 ha of quackal forest, Moruca (with use values > 1.5) and their abundance in tree layer and undergrowth.

Species Use value # individuals # individuals > 10cm DBH understorey Symphonia globulifera 3 104 31 Mauritia flexuosa 3 6 1 Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla 2.5 122 29 Pentaclethra macroloba 2 2 2 Humiria balsamifera var. balsamifera 2 31 0 Pouteria cuspidata 2 2 0 Marlierea montana 2 59 98 Tapirira guianensis 1.5 15 8 Macoubea guianensis 1.5 5 1 Pachira aquatica 1.5 21 18 Parinari rodolphii 1.5 0 8 Humiriastrum obovatum 1.5 76 36 Ocotea schomburgkiana 1.5 8 6 Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea 1.5 123 31 Euterpe oleracea 1.5 0 34

4.4.7 Ité savannas Although Mauritia flexuosa, known locally by its Arawak name ‘ité’, was a major NTFP-producing species in the quackal swamp, it was seldom harvested from this forest. The young shoots of this palm, processed into ‘tibisiri’ fibre and used in commercial craft production, were mostly cut from the individuals growing on the adjacent savanna. As was described in chapter 3, large tracts of swamp forest have been burned and transformed into savannas, in which M. flexuosa occurs as single tree species above a waterlogged herb layer. The reason for this annual burning did not become totally clear. The ité savanna is not suitable for cattle grazing, as the animals sink down in the pegasse. Few people keep cows in Moruca anyway. Elder people said that in their youth the savanna was much smaller and the swamp forest almost extended till the village edge. Some persons said they burned the vegetation to keep open the channels for canoe transport. The population of the Santa Rosa Amerindian Reserve has grown substantially in recent years (Forte, 1990b; Jara and Reinders, 1997). Amerindian communities no longer have to hide themselves in the forest like in the past, when violent encounters between tribes were common (Brett, 1868, cited in Benjamin, 1988). More of the ancient sand dunes, visible as hills in the flooded savanna, became inhabited and traffic between these islands intensified. From the air, the savanna appeared to be crisscrossed by a network of ‘short cuts’, used at different times of the year, depending on the water level.

It is also possible that the quackal swamp was initially burned to facilitate the access to Mauritia flexuosa palms and to enhance their growth. Juveniles of M. flexuosa were rare in the quackal plot, but seemed to be more abundant in the open plains adjacent to the swamp forest that had been burned only once or twice. According to Hiraoka (1999), the palm is an early successional species, germinating on open ground and able to colonize open wetlands and gaps along stream banks. In the recent past, coastal Amerindians were much more dependent on the ité palm than

111 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots they are today. Ité fruits and the starch from the pith of the trunk provided the staple food for the Warao (Wilbert, 1976), while the Arawaks made fermented beverages from the fruits and boiled down the sap from the trunks into a sugar substitute. Both groups relished on palm grub larvae found in the notches of fallen trunks (Forte, 1988). Nowadays, the palm is mainly used for its fibre. In the wet season, shoots are harvested from the savanna by approaching the palms by boat, which is more difficult in the dense swamp forest. In Suriname, similar herbaceous swamps and savannas have been set to fire to keep the areas accessible to man and attractive to wildlife (Theunissen, 1993). Hunting is easier in the open field as the visibility is better, but people said the wildlife on the Moruca savanna had decreased substantially in the last decades, probably due to overharvesting. According to Janssen (1974), peat fires must have taken place at least since the arrival of Amerindians in Suriname, some 10,000 years before present.

Except for the ité palm, few useful plants were found in the open savanna. Some Moruca residents admitted they burned the savanna because they thought it was ‘fun’ and enjoyed the cool breeze of the northeastern trade winds blowing over the open plains. However, ité seedlings apparently do not survive repeated burning, since the palms had gradually disappeared from the savannas near human settlements. Tibisiri harvesters complained that they could not approach the palms during the annual fires and had to travel further each year to obtain their raw material. Although probably beneficial at first, the burning of the savanna will eventually become fatal to one of the most valuable NTFP resources in Moruca.

4.4.8 Manicole swamp The Euterpe-dominated forest had a low floristic diversity, with just 30 species > 10 cm DBH in one ha and a total use value of only 71 (Table 4.1). Local residents recognised 71 useful species, of which 27 were found in the tree layer and 44 (62%) in the lower strata. Still 90% of the trees (over 99% of the individuals in the tree layer) were considered useful. The most important multi-use species are listed in Table 4.8. In spite of their low species-richness, the manicole swamps are probably the most important forests for commercial NTFP extraction in Guyana. Euterpe oleracea (manicole) is harvested for its palm heart and sold to a canning company located at the Barima River. Since the opening of the factory, palm heart harvesting has become the main source of income for Amerindians in the coastal swamps of the North-West District. The impact of this palm heart extraction is discussed in the following chapter.

Except for palm heart, the palm was also used for roof thatch, construction, and as minor food source. E. precatoria was used similarly, although its palm heart was only consumed for subsistence and rarely traded, since it was too large for the cans. Other important plants were Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa, frequently harvested for its edible fruits, and Eperua falcata (wallaba), cut into poles and sold to construction workers in Santa Rosa. Near the Waini River, the palm Manicaria saccifera suddenly became an important canopy element in the manicole swamp. Its giant leaves were used as roof thatch and commercialised throughout the North- West District. In the past, Iryanthera juruensis and Virola surinamensis were felled for timber, but logging activities in the coastal swamp area have now ceased.

112 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Frequently gathered medicinal species in this swamp forest were Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla, Schlegelia violacea, Philodendron scandens, Pentaclethra macroloba, and Symphonia globulifera. In the wet period the swamps had to be entered by canoe, but soils remained swampy the rest of the year. Consequently, firewood was just a minor NTFP in these forests.

Table 4.8 Most important multi-use species in 1 ha of manicole swamp, Assakata (with use values > 1.5) and their abundance in tree layer and undergrowth.

Species Use value # individuals # individuals > 10cm DBH understorey Euterpe oleracea 3.5 127 184 Symphonia globulifera 3.0 65 11 Carapa guianensis 3.0 1 0 Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla 2.5 40 12 Pentaclethra macroloba 2.5 116 98 Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa 2.5 33 4 Euterpe precatoria 1.5 45 14 Tapirira guianensis 1.5 23 25 Macrosamanea pubiramea var. pubiramea 1.5 0 328 Mora excelsa 1.5 6 0 Micropholis venulosa 1.5 4 3

4.4.9 Most important NTFP species from the seven hectare plots Although most culturally important species had multiple uses, some plants with fewer uses produced quite essential NTFPs as well. The most important NTFPs found in the seven hectare plots, both for commercial and subsistence purposes, were: Euterpe oleracea, Heteropsis flexuosa, Clusia spp., Geonoma baculifera, Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla, Carapa guianensis, Mauritia flexuosa, Hymenaea courbaril var. courbaril, Ischnosiphon arouma, and Inga alba. Hemi- epiphytes in the canopy were not covered in the nested sampling method, but some of the species had a substantial commercial value. Heteropsis flexuosa (‘peeling nibi’), Clusia grandiflora, and C. palmicida (‘kufa’) were commercially exploited for the furniture industry, while Thoracocarpus bissectus (‘scraping nibi’) was mostly used for heavy duty baskets, often traded with gold miners in the interior (chapter 6). Nibi and kufa plants were patchily distributed throughout the region, but seemed to have a preference for well-drained primary forest (Table 4.9). They were much more abundant in Barama than in Moruca. It takes long before these plants have settled in the canopy, as only after 60 years of succession the first harvestable roots were found. Harvestable roots are mature and straight; young roots lack the required strength. Unsuitable roots may be mature, but contain many knots or wrap around the tree trunk. Nibi and kufa were rare in swamp forest on pegasse, but seemed to be somewhat more frequent in Mora forest. Most of the raw material for the furniture industry was harvested around the Pomeroon area. However, if overharvesting would cause a scarcity of roots in that region, or if a similar cottage industry would be set up in Moruca, there might be a chance that these roots will be harvested to a greater extent in the future.

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Table 4.9 Numbers of aerial roots of hemi-epiphytic species used in commercial craft production. Numbers indicate the amount of mature and young or unsuitable roots found in one hectare in each of the seven plots.

Species Type of aerial roots Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata mixed 20-year Mora mixed 60-year quackal manicole forest sec. for forest forest sec. for. swamp swamp

Heteropsis flexuosaharvestable105------Heteropsis flexuosa young or unsuitable 87 - - 7 - - - Thoracocarpus bissectus harvestable 32 - 16 18 - - - Thoracocarpus bissectus young or unsuitable 67 6 8 5 22 1 1 Clusia grandiflora harvestable 43 - 7 6 - - 1 Clusia grandiflora young or unsuitable 10 - 5 14 - 3 - Clusia palmicida harvestable - - - 32 3 7 - Clusia palmicida young or unsuitable 1 - - 21 2 3 2

115 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots

4.4.10 Commercialisation of NTFPs Because of their limited access to the market, the Barama Caribs commercialised few plant species. Of the 213 species harvested from the three hectare plots, ca. 42 species (20%) were traded within the region. Raw plant products were occasionally sold, like in the case of Geonoma baculifera leaves. Most species had an indirect commercial value, since they were processed into sawn wood (27 species) or household equipment (e.g., clay pots treated with Inga alba bark). No more than six species were sold on a regular basis: Heteropsis flexuosa, Ischnosiphon arouma, Quiina guianensis, I. alba, G. baculifera, and Carapa guianensis.

If we assume that most sawn boards in the Arawak region were subject to economic exchange, about 32% (73 species) of the 229 useful species in the Moruca and Assakata plots were commercialised. Most of these (54 species) were sold as lumber. Since timber harvesting was not the subject of this research, the exact amount of wood species sawn into boards was not verified. Nine species of NTFPs were sold on a regular basis: Euterpe oleracea, Duguetia pycnastera, Heteropsis flexuosa, Ischnosiphon arouma, I. obliquus, Carapa guianensis, Mauritia flexuosa, Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla, and Astrocaryum aculeatum.

4.4.11 Most important NTFP families The relative use value of each plant family was calculated for both indigenous groups. The major family use values of the Barama plots are listed in Table 4.10, adjusted to their number of species occurring in the plots. The Meliaceae had the highest importance, which resulted from the various uses of Carapa guianensis, such as medicinal oil, bark, seeds, canoes, and household equipment. However, the species was not very abundant, since it was frequently logged for its valuable wood.

Table 4.10 Most important multi-use families in the Barama plots (mean use value > 1), adjusted for the number of species per family.

Families Barama Barama Barama mixed forest 20-year secondary Mora forest Meliaceae 2.33 2.00 2.25 Annonaceae 1.67 1.72 1.50 Costaceae 1.50 2.00 1.00 Tiliaceae 2.00 2.00 - Bombacaceae 2.00 2.00 - Cyclanthaceae 1.25 2.00 2.00 Guttiferae 1.60 1.50 1.25 Myrtaceae 2.00 1.75 - Lecythidaceae 1.00 2.00 0.75 Leguminosae-Mimos. 1.10 1.13 1.50 Myristicaceae 0.75 1.25 1.50 Anacardiaceae 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.50 1.75 - Cecropiaceae 0.75 1.00 1.50 Chrysobalanaceae 1.13 1.00 1.00 Monimiaceae 1.50 1.50 -

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The Annonaceae, of which most members stayed below the 10 cm DBH, was quite a useful family, because of its strong and flexible wood. The importance of Costaceae indicates that species present in the shrub and herb layer were also producing essential NTFPs. The relative high value of the Cyclanthaceae illustrates the contribution of useful hemi-epiphytes.

Palmae, Guttiferae and Anacardiaceae came out as most important multi-use families in the Moruca and Assakata plots (see Table 4.11). Meliaceae had less diversified uses than in Barama, but Myrtaceae were somewhat more important because of the various species with edible fruits. Again several families with only smaller species (Marantaceae, Cyclanthaceae) produced important NTFPs. Just like in the Barama plots, the swamp forest plots contained less multi-use families than the better-drained forests.

Table 4.11 Most important families in the Moruca and Assakata plots (mean use value > 0.75), adjusted for the number of species per family.

Family Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata mixed 60-year quackal manicole forest secondary swamp swamp Guttiferae 2.00 1.75 1.50 2.25 Palmae 1.00 1.43 1.67 1.80 Anacardiaceae 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.50 Meliaceae 2.00 1.33 - 1.50 Myrtaceae 2.00 1.67 1.00 - Chrysobalanaceae 1.07 1.00 1.17 1.00 Lauraceae 1.17 0.88 0.83 1.13 Bignoniaceae 0.17 0.13 2.50 1.17 Marantaceae 1.50 1.67 - 0.75 Myristicaceae 2.00 0.25 0.63 1.00 Bombacaceae 1.00 1.33 1.50 - Dilleniaceae 1.13 1.17 1.50 - Leguminosae-Mimos. 0.82 0.73 0.92 1.08 Lecythidaceae 1.75 1.80 - - Leguminosae-Caesalp. 1.00 1.31 - 1.17 Cyclanthaceae 1.25 1.50 1.17 1.17 Sapotaceae 1.00 0.58 1.00 0.63 Apocynaceae 0.75 0.43 1.50 0.50

The present valuation method, deduced from Prance et al. (1987), favours families present that have a few species with multiple uses. For instance, the family Tiliaceae was represented by a single species (Apeiba petoumo) with minor uses in four categories, but these were in reality not very important forest products. If we just look at the mean family use values for all plots, calculated from the summed use values of NTFP species, but not divided by the number of species in the plots, we see a quite different list (Table 4.12). Mimosaceae now are in first place, because of the numerous edible Inga species. Guttiferae, Annonaceae and Palmae remained important families, but Araceae and Euphorbiaceae ranked higher than before, as

117 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots these families had large numbers of species with few uses each. This new valuation method is clearly related to the species diversity of the various families.

Table 4.12 Most important NTFP-producing families in northwest Guyana, averaged over the seven hectare plots (mean use value > 2.50).

Family Mean use Family Mean use value value Leguminosae-Mimos. 9.43 Lauraceae 4.00 Guttiferae 7.21 Sapotaceae 3.79 Annonaceae 6.36 Chrysobalanaceae 3.50 Palmae 5.50 Euphorbiaceae 2.93 Lecythidaceae 5.21 Araceae 2.93 Leguminosae-Papil. 4.71 Dilleniaceae 2.50 Leguminosae-Caesalp. 4.21 Myrtaceae 2.50 Meliaceae 4.07


4.5.1 Nested sampling and plot size The use of the nested sampling method revealed that 35 to 65% of the species present in the lower forest strata were utilised by the local population. Some of these plants were saplings of canopy trees, but others were herbs, shrubs, lianas, or hemi- epiphytes. Above all in the young secondary forest and the manicole swamp, more useful species were found in the understorey than in the tree layer. These results point out that those inventories that only count trees > 10 cm DBH may overlook at least 20% and sometimes even more than 60% of the useful species. If this method was followed in the present study, important NTFPs such as Geonoma baculifera and Ischnosiphon arouma would have been overlooked. Lianas, usually left out of forest hectare inventories, also provided essential products, often with medicinal properties (e.g., Curarea candicans, Dilleniaceae spp.). The nested sampling method still does not cover all useful species, as was shown by the craft-producing hemi- epiphytes.

The question remains if seven hectare plots are sufficient to cover all the useful plant species in the different forest types. The species-area curves in chapter 2 and 3 (Figure 2.4 and 3.2) suggest that, especially in the secondary forests, the number of tree species would increase considerably if the sample area would be enlarged. As up to 91% of the trees in secondary forest were utilised, more plots in fallow forest would almost certainly yield ‘new’ NTFPs. The same applies to the primary forests, although to a lesser extent, as their species-area curves were already levelling off. Establishing plots in similar vegetation types elsewhere in the North-West District would probably bring even more previously unrecorded species. Collection efforts outside the plots indeed yielded several other useful species not found within the plots, of which some were valuable NTFPs. Most of these species were quite rare, such as Lonchocarpus spp., renowned fish poisons and Anacardium giganteum, a

118 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I locally marketed fruit species (see Part II of this thesis). Abandoned farms and open shrub lands also contained numerous useful plants. The species-area curves for the swamp forests had flattened considerably, so one hectare was likely to cover the majority of the species. Just a few useful species were collected in swamp forests outside the plots. In chapter 9, the effectiveness of the hectare plots versus the ‘walk-in-the woods’ method will be discussed further.

4.5.2 Arawak vs. Carib plant use Prance et al. (1987) reasoned that differences in plant use between indigenous groups might be more a reflection of plant endemism within the tropical forest than intercultural differences per se. This makes sense when Amerindians from distinct Amazonian countries are evaluated, but seems less valid when plants uses are compared between groups spaced just a few hundred kilometres apart. Several useful plants were found in Barama that were not encountered in Moruca and vice versa, but the overlap in species and uses was still rather large. There certainly existed cultural differences in plant use. Moruca Arawaks, for example, did not eat the fruits of Astrocaryum gynacanthum, which were favoured by Caribs. In the more traditional Arawak-Warao village of Assakata, however, people did consume these palm fruits. Recipes for medicinal plants varied among communities and even among households. It was hard to pinpoint which uses were ‘typical Arawak’ or ‘typical Carib’, although informants often characterised them as such.

Except for cultural heritage and traditional ways of living, plant use may also be correlated with poverty. The richer inhabitants of Santa Rosa (mostly of Spanish Arawak or mixed origin) lived in the village centre and seemed much less dependent on NTFPs than the ‘lower class’, formed by Carib, Warao and Arawaks living in the forested periphery of the settlement. Basketry on the Santa Rosa village market was for the most part made and sold by Caribs from these ‘outskirts’, while Warao came paddling from far to trade their fish and wildlife. This in accordance with the theory that integration through the market for crops and labour signals a shift away from extractivism, and consequently implies that people will probably lose knowledge of wild plants and animals because they spend less time foraging in the forest (Godoy et al., 1998). However, data from this study do not allow for the statistical testing of differences in useful plants (and/or animals) between ethnic groups and forest types. More quantitative data on local plant availability and the loss or retention of knowledge would be needed for such an analysis, but this was somewhat outside the scope of this research.

4.5.3 Valuation of forests The valuation method of Prance et al. (1987) underestimates species with fewer uses that might be of great importance for subsistence and commercial use (e.g., Geonoma baculifera). Furthermore, it does not differentiate between abundant and rare species. Carapa guianensis ranked among the most important NTFPs in nearly each forest type, while the density of this species remained low in all plots. To get a complete picture of actual NTFP harvesting, one should make long-time observations at the forest gate, in stead of focusing on (hypothetical) use values alone. In addition, the valuation method was less practical in nested sampling plots,

119 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots as adults and juveniles of useful species were counted equally. Some trees already produce NTFPs in their juvenile stage (such as bark or leaves), but canoes or house posts can only be made from adult individuals. Another difficulty with the technique of Prance and co-workers is that is does not allow for more than one use within each category; a species either has a major or a minor use. This problem could be solved by introducing more levels of cultural significance, as was done by Berlin et al. (1966) and Turner (1974), or by using complex models composed of use importance, intensity, and exclusivity (Turner, 1988; Stoffle et al, 1990). However, the outcomes all rely on posterior subjective decisions by the researcher about the relative importance of a species, and it is unlikely that these concepts are applied consistently by different researchers (Phillips, 1996).

Simply totalling the number of uses, treating minor uses equivalent to more important forest uses, as was done by Johnston (1998), does not differentiate the relative importance of the various uses. The sheer quantity of uses may overwhelm the reality of NTFP importance in the field (Phillips, 1996). In a forest near Iquitos, Peters et al. (1989a) just summed the existing market prices for the volumes of NTFPs that could possibly be harvested per hectare. This method was heavily criticised, since it yielded extraordinary high values per hectare, but did not include fluctuations in price and demands, nor actual extraction volumes (Padoch and de Jong, 1989; Piñedo-Vasquez et al., 1990; Godoy and Lubowski, 1992). This method was less useful in the Guyanese context, as few of the NTFPs present in the forest plots were actually marketed. And even if all available commercial NTFPs would be harvested from a forest, the price per item would drop substantially.

In spite of these unfavourable aspects, this method was used by Sullivan (1999) to calculate the economic value of NTFPs in three Amerindian villages in the North- West District. On the basis of single interviews, held during two weeks of fieldwork per village, she calculated the total volumes of NTFPs collected per week and simply extrapolated this to one year, assuming that the seasonal variety in available plants and animals was of minor importance. The monetary value of the NTFPs was either based on existing or hypothetical market prices for these goods, or on the amount of time spent on collecting these items, by taking a shadow wage based on the earnings obtained during palm heart harvesting. But it is shown in chapter 5 that this shadow wage was not representative for the actual revenues earned by cabbage cutting, since wages varied substantially throughout the study area. Furthermore, the majority of NTFPs were used for subsistence, since the nearest market was located as far as six hours away from the villages studied by Sullivan. Especially in the dry season, when transport costs are high, the commercialisation of NTFPs is strongly limited in this region. Finally, several of the marketed ‘forest fruits’ in her study (e.g., Maximiliana maripa, Astrocaryum aculeatum) were probably coming from cultivated sources. This misinterpretation led to a rather high contribution of ‘wild foods’ in the income of local people.

Similarly, the value of medicinal plants used in the villages was based on a figure of US$ 0.70 per lbs., derived from the local price of crabwood seeds (Carapa guianensis). Strangely, none of the informants in the present study ever mentioned crabwood seeds as a commercial item. Crabwood oil, however, was regularly sold in the interior for US$ 3.50 a litre, for which 20 lbs. of seeds were needed. Using

120 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Sullivan’s seed price, a bottle of oil would then cost $ 14, excluding the (substantial) labour costs. In the end, Sullivan calculated the imputed annual value of medicinal plants at $ 78 to $ 131 per household. By keeping in mind that crab oil is the most expensive herbal medicine in the country, and that other medicinal plants are seldom commercialised within Amerindian communities and cost only $ 0.10 per bundle in Georgetown (chapters 6 and 8), these figures are clearly exaggerated. Through a complicated series of formulas, Sullivan calculates that the total value of forest inputs used per capita in the three villages amounts to US$ 357 per year. She then multiplies this with the number of Amerindians in the North-West District (14,075) and divides this by the surface of land (20,117 km2), and concludes that the use- value of NTFPs by Amerindian forest-dwellers in the region is US$ 2.25 per hectare. She thereby assumes a total homogeneity in the distribution of Amerindian households, equal marketing opportunities, and similar forest types throughout the region.

Putting hypothetical monetary values on species used for subsistence, also known as ‘contingent valuation’, is a rather arbitrary method. Although this technique might encourage researchers and policy makers to reflect on the total value of forests, it is impractical to apply them in most ethnobotanical studies (Martin, 1995). It assumes that the value people say they are willing to pay is the value they would actually pay, while in remote areas the willingness to pay for goods than can be freely collected in the forest is likely to be zero (Mitchell and Carson, 1989; Godoy and Lubowski, 1992). Although it is important to show that NTFPs have an economic value, the quality of data is crucial to the reliability of the results. By using inaccurate prices and false assumptions from the beginning, the final outcomes will have a limited credibility. Sullivan’s data are therefore only used in this study when they seemed trustworthy.

Only in the manicole swamp plot in Assakata, where NTFPs were directly sold ‘at the forest gate’, the potential harvest of palm heart (Euterpe oleracea) could be estimated at US$ 27.6 per ha (chapter 5). Hoffman (1997) estimated the revenues of Heteropsis flexuosa extraction in the lower Pomeroon mixed forest at US$ 2.4 per ha (62 mature roots/ha). This would result in US$ 4.1 per ha for the Barama mixed forests (105 mature roots/ha), but such an estimate is of little use as these forests are located far away from the Pomeroon market. Because of the high transportation costs, roots from Barama have little chance to compete with those extracted near the market. The large amount of taxa evaluated in this study, the low percentage of commercialised species, and the focus on indigenous plant use made the forest valuation method of Prance et al. (1987) the most appropriate for this study.

4.5.4 Use percentages and categories When we look at other quantitative NTFP inventories, percentages of useful trees over 10 cm DBH are quite variable among Amazonian forests. Researchers that included the categories firewood and game animal food came to use percentages of 100% (Balée, 1986, 1987) and 94.8% (Grenand, 1992). According to Prance et al. (1987), any tree could be burned as fuel or eaten by animals, so they omitted these categories from their calculations. Not all woody species in northwest Guyana were used as fuel, but including firewood also resulted in high percentages of useful trees

121 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots in (83-94%). Animal food was left out from this inventory, but plant products deliberately used by humans to catch game (bait) were included in the ‘other’ category. Use percentages without firewood varied between 65% (Barama mixed forest) and 87% (60-year-old forest), more or less comparable to those found by Prance et al. (1987) for other Amazonian groups. In northwest Guyana, a lower percentage of tree species was used for food and a higher percentage for medicine than in the plots surveyed by Prance and co-workers in Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia.

The use percentage of a particular forest is determined both by local plant diversity and by the level of acculturation or specialisation of its indigenous users. Prance et al. (1987) stated that different sets of species within the Amazonian forests do not have to affect the utility of these forests per se to comparable indigenous groups. Still, comparisons between use categories are difficult to make, since the floristic composition of the forest types in central and western Amazonia are quite different from those in Guyana.

In one of the few quantitative NTFP studies in Guyana, Matheson (1994) found that an average of 84% (65% excluding firewood) of the trees > 10 cm DBH in Mora, mixed and wallaba forest was used by local Akawaio in upper Demerara. She stated that the species-poor wallaba and Mora forest had a higher usefulness than the diverse mixed forest, but these values were based of the number of individuals rather than the number of species. She mentioned the Palmae as the most useful family, but many of these palm species in her report were cultivated and none occurred in the plots. The percentage of useful individuals in the northwest plots was much higher, ranging from 90 to 99% of the trees > 10 cm DBH. Further comparisons were impractical, as Matheson’s plots were smaller (0.64 ha), and many trees were not fully identified.

In his assessment of NTFP availability in central Guyana, Johnston (1998) made hectare plots in Mora, morabukea, mixed, wallaba, and greenheart forest in Kurupukari (Iwokrama Reserve). He compared them with similar vegetation plots made by Davis and Richards (1933, 1934) in Moraballi Creek. The number of useful trees found in the two localities (112 species > 10 cm DBH in 9 ha), was much lower than in the present study (216 useful tree species in 7 ha). Some of the most important NTFP-producing families in central Guyana were similar to those in the northwest (Mimosaceae, Palmae), while other widely utilised families (Caesalpiniaceae, Bombacaceae and Chrysobalanaceae) were less important in the present study. Annonaceae and Guttiferae, important NTFP families in the northwest plots, seemed to be less significant in central Guyana, probably because attention was only paid to trees > 10 cm DBH.

The mixed forest plots in Kurupukari, described in detail by Johnston and Gillman (1995), had a lower tree diversity than the mixed plots in this study. In chapter 2, we have seen that the species-richness of the Moraballi mixed forest plot (Davis and Richards, 1933) was similar to those of the North-West District (Table 2.15). However, the Mora forest in the two central Guyana locations was much more diverse than the one in Barama (chapter 3, Table 3.12). Thus, the general lower number of useful trees in central Guyana cannot be explained by a lower tree

122 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I diversity. It seems to be caused by the fact that many of Johnson’s plant uses were based on the survey of Fanshawe (1948), which is by no means exhaustive and in many cases outdated in its botanical names and uses. Moreover, the plots of Davis and Richards were made in the 1930s. Johnston apparently assumed that the forest composition in Moraballi was still the same in the 1990s, but according to H. ter Steege (pers. comm.), the area has been repeatedly logged since the 1930s. On-the- spot surveys of these forest plots with present inhabitants of Moraballi creek would probably have yielded more accurate results. Thus, Johnston’s forest valuations were largely based on the potential availability of NTFPs, rather than on the actual forest utilisation by local Amerindians. This makes a comparison between use categories with this study not very relevant.

4.5.5 Forest diversity and marketing of NTFPs Many of the quantitative NTFP inventories were made in well-drained terra firme forest in western and central Amazonia. These forests were usually characterised by a high species diversity, which was often reflected by a large variety in indigenous uses (Peters et al, 1989a; Milliken et al., 1992; Phillips et al., 1994). But such low densities of conspecific trees may result in low quantities of specific harvestable products per hectare and high extraction costs (Peters et al, 1989b; Johnston, 1998). Commercial extraction of NTFPs from diverse forests is further complicated by a discontinuous product supply and an unknown sustainability as populations are small (Richards, 1993). The only viable option for these forests would be multiple- species extractivism (Johnston, 1998). Low-diversity forests seem to offer much better possibilities for sustainable single-species harvesting (Salafsky et al., 1993). Johnston (1998) assumed that Mora, wallaba and greenheart-dominated forests were likely to produce economically sustainable NTFPs, provided that the few dominating species generated valuable products. Unfortunately, these canopy dominants are also being exploited on a large scale by logging companies. Although they yield some subsistence products that could be harvested without killing the tree (e.g., a decoction of Mora bark is used against diarrhoea), their timber is also highly valued by Amerindians for canoes and house post.

Looking at the present-day NTFP extraction in Guyana, we see that the least diverse forests are the main areas for commercial harvesting. Mangrove bark is collected from the tidal forests dominated by Rhizophora mangle. Troolie leaves (Manicaria saccifera) and palm hearts (Euterpe oleracea) are extracted in substantial volumes from manicole swamps. The great economic potential of permanently flooded, species-poor swamp forests was already brought up by Peters et al. (1989b). These so-called oligarchic forests cover over several millions of hectares in Amazonia and often are dominated by few, economically important species. With 490 harvestable stems per ha (E. oleracea develops a mature palm heart at a DBH of ca. 8.4 cm), the manicole swamp is an example of an oligarchic forest in Guyana. The quackal swamp is a less prominent case, as the major commercial species (Mauritia flexuosa) does not occur in such high densities, but the ité savanna can definitely be considered an oligarchic vegetation type.

123 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots

These ‘natural monocultures’ produce large volumes of fruits, but unfortunately, few Guyanese value this abundant resource. In Brazil and Peru, hundreds of tons of E. oleracea, M. flexuosa and Jessenia bataua fruits are processed annually into juices, ice creams and preserves (Peters et al., 1989b; Richards, 1993). If an export market for these products could be developed or local consumption would be stimulated in Guyana, the swamp forests of the North-West District would bring in even more economic revenues than they do today.

Fruit collection does little damage to the forest ecosystem (Peters, 1989), but palm heart harvesting may have a serious impact on Euterpe populations. Programmes for controlled extractivism and non-destructive harvesting techniques should therefore be implemented. This would imply a ban on the annual burning of ité savanna and quackal forest, in order to increase the survival chances of Mauritia flexuosa. Recommendations for sustainable palm heart extraction are given in chapter 5. According to Anderson (1988), in-situ management of forests dominated by economically important species could be a viable enterprise when product value is high and the potential for conflictive land uses is minimal. Increased utilisation of the oligarchic northwestern swamps seems to be a feasible development option, as these areas are less suitable for agriculture, mining, or timber harvesting.

4.5.6 Secondary forest In Barama as well as in Moruca, the highest numbers of species and the greatest total use values were found in secondary forest. The large amount of useful species in succession forest might have two causes: a general floristic diversity and the phenomenon that local plant knowledge is likely to decrease if moving away from the village. The plants most utilised are generally found close to home, with intensity of use decreasing at greater distances (Martin, 1995). The lower use percentages of the two mixed forest plots and the quackal plot could possibly be explained by the fact that these plots were located further from the villages and less often visited than the other plots. The succession forest plots in the North-West District also contained more fruit species than the other plots. Smaller trees and abundant fruit-producing shrubs further facilitated the gathering of edible berries. Balée (1994: 136) called the exceptionally rich 40 to 100-year old secondary forest in Brazil ‘an indigenous contribution to regional biodiversity’. The high percentage of fruit species made him consider these fallow forest as ‘indigenous orchards, whether consciously planted or not’. Results of this study seem to confirm the theory that secondary forest is most intensively used and best known since it is always surrounding the settlements (Martin, 1995).

High densities and short distances are very decisive factors in plant collection (Grenand, 1992). This means that if useful products occurring in primary forest also grow in old fallows, they are much likely to be harvested from there. For instance, the bark from Inga alba was more often collected in secondary than in primary forest in Barama, although the species was present in both forest types (chapter 2). Commercial NTFP exploitation is often believed to be able to ‘save’ the forest, as it may yield more revenue than other land uses (Peters et al, 1989a). But this can only be achieved if NTFPs are able to prevent or reduce deforestation.

124 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

In the case of the quackal swamp, we have seen that fibre extraction from Mauritia flexuosa is not capable of preserving the forest. On the contrary, the natural habitat is destroyed in order to harvest the desired product. NTFPs that also occur in secondary forest have a limited potential to conserve the primary forest. The aerial roots of nibi and kufa, used in the commercial furniture industry, are examples of NTFPs with an actual market value in Guyana that are only present in standing primary forest. Given their economic importance, their possibilities for sustainable harvesting and their potential for forest conservation, there is an urgent need for developing adequate management plans for these species (see chapter 6).

According to Prance et al. (1987), the well-drained terra firme forest with its large numbers of species and useful plants should have a high conservation priority. The successful marketing of NTFPs from these forests is obstructed by high transport costs and low densities of commercial species. These problems could be solved only if external subsidies would be introduced for NTFPs from remote forests, or products would be processed locally (Hall and Bawa, 1993; Richards, 1993; Johnston, 1998). Precisely these species-rich forests in northwest Guyana are most threatened by mining and logging activities (ter Steege, 1998).

Large tracts of relatively undisturbed primary forest can still be found along the Barama, as the Carib villages are rather small and scattered over a large area (Forte, 1995). But this might change in the near future, as several communities within the BCL logging concession have not (yet) been granted official land rights (Forte, 1994). Although BCL’s management plan states that timber extraction on Amerindian lands should not be encouraged (ECTF, 1993), Kariako and several other Barama Carib communities were omitted from the list of indigenous settlements in the concession area. As the company reports remain vague about the time schedule of their logging operations, urgent action is needed to ensure that their diverse and intensively used forest is still available to the Barama Caribs in the future.

The mixed forest in Moruca is officially included in the Santa Rosa Amerindian Reserve, but this does not automatically imply that local authorities follow sufficient protection measurements. Adequate management plans for the remaining forest in this area are needed on a short term, to guarantee the availability of forest products for the future generations of Moruca. These plans should include the quackal swamp. This forest forms an important buffer zone between the seacoast and the densely populated Moruca area, but it is severely threatened by annual burning.

Finally, one should consider that plants alone do not make up the total value of NTFPs in a forest. Wildlife is by far the most important NTFP in Guyana, both for subsistence use and for commercial trade (van Andel, 1998). Hunting is done in all forest types, but primary forest may harbour different species than open fallows. Dense swamps offer an important refuge for animals, and provide food and shelter to fishes during the seasonal flooding (Goulding et al., 1988). This was illustrated by the fishing activities in the inundated swamps and the variety of seeds and fruits used as bait. As was already stressed by Godoy and Lubowski (1992), a complete valuation of NTFPs in a particular forest type should include both flora and fauna.

125 4. Useful plant species in the seven hectare plots


Although not covering every single species, nested sampling gave a fairly good picture of the useful plants in the seven forest hectare plots. Between 20 and 60% of the useful species in the plots was found in the understorey.

Variations in the number of useful species between the hectare plots seem to be caused by floristic diversity, socio-economic and cultural differences. The species- rich mixed forests contained more useful species and had a higher overall use value than the species-poor swamp plots. High floristic diversity, however, is not a prerequisite for economically and ecologically sustainable NTFP extraction. Craft- producing hemi-epiphytes are among the few species that have a potential to preserve this diverse forest, as standing forest is needed for the required products. The low-diversity forests, in particular the manicole swamp, offered the best opportunities for sustainable NTFP harvesting, since the vegetation was dominated by economically important species.

Except for regional differences in species and use techniques, we can conclude that all forest types sampled in this study were of great importance to their local inhabitants. High use percentages (especially in the tree layer, in which up to 99% of the individuals were considered useful) indicated that people had a great knowledge of their surrounding forest.

Many highly valued NTFPs were produced by commercial timber species (e.g., Carapa guianensis, Aspidosperma spp., Hymenaea courbaril var. courbaril, Brosimum guianense, and Inga alba). Selective logging of these species would deprive local Amerindians from these products, of which some are essential elements in their daily lives.

Since several of the sampled forest types were threatened, either immediately by local timber harvesting and slash-and-burn agriculture (Moruca), or in the near future by logging and mining (Barama), there is an urgent need for protection measurements and sustainable management plans in the region.

126 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


Useful species in the seven one-hectare forest plots in northwest Guyana Use catogories: A = major food, a = minor food, B = major construction material, b = minor construction material, C = major technology product, c = minor technology product, D = major medicine, d = minor medicine, E = major other use, e = minor other use, F = major firewood species. ? = occurring in the plot but not used in this region., ** = commercial timber species in Guyana (Polak, 1992), * = local commercial timber. Life forms: H = herb, T = tree, S = shrub, HE = hemi-epiphyte, L = liana. Minor firewood species (22 spp.) are omitted from the table.

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis tubiflora Hds

Anacardiaceae Astronium cf. lecointei T? D Spondias mombin TA Tapirira guianensis * T bcF abd abd abd abd T. cf. obtusa TF

Annonaceae Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Tbcbcbc Annona symphyocarpa Tcf Bocageopsis multiflora Tc Duguetia calycina Tc D. megalophylla T abCd abCd D. pauciflora Tcdcd D. pycnastera TBC BC

127 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Annonaceae Duguetia yeshidan T bcd bcd bcd Guatteria schomburgkiana * Tbb Guatteria sp. (TVA1127) T bf Guatteria sp. (TVA666) T b Rollinia exsucca TcDfcDf cece Unonopsis glaucopetala * T BcD BcD BcD BcD Xylopia cayennensis Tb X. aff. surinamensis *T bf Xylopia sp. (TVA1165) * T BcF Xylopia sp. (TVA1176) T Bc

Apocynaceae Ambelania acida TA Aspidosperma excelsum TcdF A. marcgravianum TcDcD Forsteronia guyanensis Ld Himatanthus articulatus TBB Macoubea guianensis * T Bc Maloueta flavescens Se Tabernaemontana disticha S de T. undulata Sd d d d

128 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Araceae Dieffenbachia paludicola H e Heteropsis flexuosa HE BC BC Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana HE D Philodendron cf. brevispathum HE d P. deflexum HE cd P. fragrantissimum HE ce P. linnaei HE dd P. melinonii HE ce P. rudgeanum HE cccc c P. scandens HE cD cD D P. surinamense HE cccc Spathiphyllum cannifolium He ?

Araliaceae Schefflera morototoni ** T bcdf bdf

Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia daemoninoxia Ld

Bignoniaceae Ceratophytum tetragonolobus Lb Jacaranda copaia subsp. spectabilis ** Tbcebce b b Mansoa kerere L b Parabignonia steyermarkii Lb

129 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Bignoniaceae Schlegelia violacea L d Tabebuia insignis var. monophylla ** T BCD bCD bCD

Bombacaceae Catostemma commune ** TBcdBcd BcBc Ceiba pentandra Tce Pachira aquatica T cDcDcD

Boraginaceae Cordia nodosa SaDaD ddd C. sericicalyx Tacac C. tetrandra Tacac ac

Burseraceae Protium decandrum ** T bcde bcde bc P. guianense * Tb b bc P. heptaphyllum ssp. heptaphyllum * TAbc P. unifoliolatum * Tbc Tetragastris altissima ** Tabfabf Trattinnickia cf. lawrancei v. boliviana * Tbc T. burserifolia T c

Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata TcDcDD C. sciadophylla Tcece D

130 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Pourouma guianensis subsp. Cecropiaceae Tc c c guianensis

Celastraceae Goupia glabra ** Tbdbd bdbd Maytenus cf. guyanensis Td ? ?

Chrysobalanaceae Couepia parillo TbFbF Hirtella racemosa var. Tb racemosa * Licania alba ** TFF FFF L. heteromorpha var. perplexans T F F bdF F L. incana T F L. kunthiana Te L. micrantha Tbf L. persaudii Tbf bf Licania sp. (TVA2324) T F Licania sp. (TVA2332) T F Parinari rodolphii ** T dFdFdF

Combretaceae Combretum cacoucia L c Terminalia cf. amazonia ** T b b T. dichotoma ** Tb

131 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Convolvulaceae Maripa scandens L? a

Costaceae Costus arabicus SDe Costus erythrothyrsus SaD Costus scaber SAD

Cyclanthaceae Asplundia cf. gleasonii HE cc Evodianthus funifer ssp. funifer HE c ccc Thoracocarpus bissectus HE BC BC BC BCe BCe BCe BCe

Cyperaceae Scleria secans He e

Dichapetalaceae Tapura guianensis T? ? b

Dilleniaceae Davilla kunthii LaD aDeaDe Doliocarpus cf. dentatus LaD Pinzona coriacea LD Pinzona sp. (TVA2509) L D D Dilleniaceae Tetracera volubilis ssp. volubilis LaDaD aDaDaD

132 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Cyclodium meniscioides var. Dryopteridaceae HE dddd d meniscioides Dryopteridaceae Polybotrya caudata HE dd

Diospyros guianensis subsp. Ebenaceae T ac c guianensis * D. tetrandra T???a

Elaeocarpaceae Sloanea grandiflora Te e e S. cf. guianensis T? c c S. latifolia Tf c S. obtusifolia * Tbc

Erytroxylaceae Erytroxylum macrophyllum Tb b ?

Euphorbiaceae Alchorneopsis floribunda * Tf b Chaetocarpus schomburgkianus * T b bdf bdf Hyeronima alchorneoides var. TB B B BC stipulosa** H. oblonga * T? ?bbb Mabea piriri T d d d bc bc Maprounea guianensis Td

133 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Euphorbiaceae Pera glabrata * Tb Sandwithia guianensis * T ? ? ? bc bc Sapium jenmanii Te Snefeldera sp. (TVA1369) T b

Flacourtiaceae Casearia aff. acuminata Td C. javitensis T? ? bfbf Laetia procera ** TF b

Gesneriaceae Codonanthe crassifolia HE d

Graminae Olyra longifolia Hee?

Guttiferae Calophyllum brasiliense * T B Clusia grandiflora HE acDe acDe aCD aCD aCD C. palmicida HE acD aCD aCD aCD aCD Symphonia globulifera ** T BCD BCD BCD BCD Tovomita cf. brevistaminea T abef abef T. calodictylos Tcf T. cf. obscura T acf acf c T. schomburgkii Tbcbc

134 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Guttiferae Vismia guianensis TB V. macrophylla TDf

Haemodoraceae Xiphidium caeruleum Hd

Humiria balsamifera var. Humiriaceae TBefBef balsamifera ** Humiriastrum obovatum * T abf

Humiriaceae Sacoglottis aff. cydonioides Td

Lauraceae Aniba cf. guianensis *T BB B A.hostmanniana * TB A. jenmanii * T BB A. cf. kappleri * TB A. cf. riparia * TB B A. cf. terminalis * TB Aniba sp. (TVA988) * TB Nectandra cf. cuspidata * TBf Ocotea cernua * TB B O. schomburgkiana * T f Bc Bc Bc Bc

135 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Lauraceae O. splendens * TBfB B O. tomentella * TB B B

Lecythidaceae Eschweilera alata ** TB E. decolorans ** TBc E. sagotiana ** TBceBC E. wachenheimii ** TBcBcBcBcBc Eschweilera sp. (TVA2144.) T B Lecythis cf. chartacea * TBcBc L. corrugata subsp. corrugata ** T BE Bcde Bcde L. zabucajo ** T ABe ABe ABc ABc Lecythis sp. (TVA2380) * TBc

Leg.- Caesalp. Bauhinia guianensis LDDDDD B. scala-simae LD D Brownea latifolia TaefabD Dicorynia cf. guianensis Tc Eperua falcata ** TBB E. rubiginosa var. rubiginosa ** TB Hymenaea courbaril ** TABcD

136 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Leg.- Caesalp. Macrolobium cf. angustifolium * T bc Mora excelsa ** TaBd aBd Bc Bc Peltogyne venosa subsp. venosa ** TBc Sclerolobium micropetalum ** Te e Senna multijuga var. multijuga Tef ef Tachigali paniculata * Tb

Leg.- Mimos. Abarema jupunba v. trapezifolia ** Tbcbcbcbc Hydrochorea cf. corymbosa Tbf Inga cf. acreana Ta I. cf. acrocephala Taa I. alba ** TaBCdeaBCde bc bc I. capitata T a aaa I. edulis TAfAfAf I. graciliflora Tafaf a a I. huberi T a ab ab I. cf. java T a I. lateriflora T acd acd I. leiocalycina Taf I. marginata Taaa I. melinonis Tafaf

137 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Leg.- Mimos. I. pezizifera TAf I. rubiginosa Tafaf a I. splendens Tafaf I. thibaudiana subsp. thibaudiana Taf a I. umbellifera Taf Inga sp. (TVA2283) T a Inga sp. (TVA2463) T a Macrosamanea pubiramea var. T cde cde pubiramea Pentaclethra macroloba T bDf bDf bDf bDe bDe bDe bDef Zygia cataractae Tcd Z. latifolia var. communis T bdf d

Leg.- Papil. Alexa imperatricis ** Tdededebdbd Clathrotropis brachypetala TbDbDbDbdbdbd var. brachypetala ** Dioclea scabra L cde cde cde Diplotropis purpurea ** TBB Dipteryx odorata ** Tc Hymenolobium flavum ** Td Machaerium quinata Lcc? ? Ormosia coccinea ** T be

138 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Leg.- Papil. O. nobilis Te Pterocarpus officinalis subsp. Tcdecde ce officinalis Swartzia guianensis Tbfbfbf Vatairea guianensis ** T d

Strychnos mitscherlichii var. Loganiaceae Lad ad D mitscherlichii

Malpighiaceae Byrsonima aerugo TaF Byrsonima stipulacea TAF Spachea elegans Te

Marantaceae Ischnosiphon arouma SCeBCde I. foliosus Scecececdecde I. obliquus S ce Ischnosiphon sp. (TVA3016) S e Maranta sp. (TVA2217) H e Monotagma spicatum He

Marcgraviaceae Marcgravia coriacea L d Norantea guianensis L d

139 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Melastomataceae Bellucia grossularioides TAcfAcf Clidemia japurensis var. japurensis Saa Henriettea cf. multiflora Ta Leandra divaricata Hae? Loreya mespilioides ta Miconia ceramicarpa v. ceramicarpa Sa M. fragilis Tbf M. nervosa Sa M. cf. racemosa Sa

Meliaceae Carapa guianensis ** T BCDe BCDe BCDe BCD BCD BCD Cedrela odorata ** TBC Guarea cf. guidonia TdF Trichilia rubra Tac T. schomburgkii subsp. schomburgkii TBC bcbc

Menispermaceae Curarea candicans LD Ortomene schomburgkii L a Telitoxicum sp. (TVA1265) L d

Monimiaceae Siparuna guianensis SDeDe

140 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Moraceae Brosimum guianense * TC Ficus maxima Te F. paraensis Tcde F. vs roraimensis T cd

Musaceae Heliconia acuminata var. acuminata Se e

Myristicaceae Iryanthera juruensis * Tbdbdbd Virola calophylla * Tbd V. elongata * T bdf bdf b b V. sebifera Tbdbd V. surinamensis ** Tbdbdbd

Myrsinaceae Cybianthus cf. surinamensis * Tb Stylogyne surinamense Tac

Myrtaceae Calycolpus goetheanus Tadf Calyptranthes sp. (TVA2239) T af Eugenia patrisii TACAC Marlierea montana T AF M. schomburgkiana T aC abcf abcf

141 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Myrtaceae Myrcia graciliflora Tabcf M. cf. guianensis var. guianensis * Tabf

Nyctaginaceae Neea cf. constricta Ta Neea cf. floribunda Taf Ochnaceae Ouratea guianensis Tbb

Orchidaceae Epidendrum anceps E e

Palmae Astrocaryum aculeatum TACe A. gynacanthum TAdac Bactris campestris T cc B. humilis Sbcbc c c B. oligoclada Sa a a a B. simplicifrons Sa Desmoncus polyacanthos Lacc Euterpe oleracea TAbAbABcde E. precatoria TaB abe Geonoma baculifera SaB G. maxima Sb ? Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa TAbAbAbce

142 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Palmae Mauritia flexuosa TaBcef Maximiliana maripa T Abce Abce

Passifloraceae Passiflora garckei L a P. cf. laurifolia L D P. nitida Lad

Piperaceae Peperomia rotundifolia HE e Piper avellanum SD P. vs. berbicense S d P. hostmannianum SD P. nigrispicum S? D

Polygonaceae Coccoloba densifrons S aa C. marginata Sad

Quiinaceae Quiina guianensis TaCaC ? ? Q. indigofera Tbcfbcf b b

Rapateaceae Rapatea paludosa var. paludosa H bd d

143 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Rubiaceae Amaioua corymbosa * Ta A. guianensis Tabfabf Duroia eriopila var. eriopila S aa Faramea aff. guianensis Saa Geophila repens Hd Gonzalagunia dicocca Sa Posoqueria longiflora T? be Psychotria bahiensis var. cornigera Sa P. poeppigiana var. barcellana Sd Sabicea glabrescens Lade Uncaria guianensis La d Rubiaceae sp. (TVA1173) S a

Sapindaceae Allophylus racemosus T b Cupania hirsuta Tf f bF C. scrobiculata var. reticulata TaBFaBF Matayba camptoneura T b M. guianensis * Tb Paullinia cf. capreolata Ld d ? ? Talisia cf. guianensis Tc ? T. hexaphylla Tc ?

144 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Sapindaceae Sapindaceae sp. (TVA3056) L c

Chrysophyllum argenteum subsp. Sapotaceae Ta auratum C. sanguinolatum Tc Micropholis venulosa * Tafafaf ? abc Pouteria bilocularis Taa P. caimito ta a P. cf. coriacea TA P. cuspidata ** TABABa P. durlandii Tabcd P. guianensis ** TAbAbAbAbcAbc P. hispida Tac P. venosa subsp. amazonica TA Pradosia schomburgkiana subsp. T D schomburgkiana

Schizaeaceae Lygodium volubile LD

Selaginellaceae Selaginella parkeri He

Simaroubaceae Simarouba amara TB

145 4.7 Appendix

Families Species Barama Barama Barama Moruca Moruca Moruca Assakata Mixed 20-year Mora Mixed 60-year Quackal Manicole forest secondary forest forest secondary swamp swamp Carib Carib Carib Arawak Arawak Arawak Arawak Smilacaceae Smilax schomburgkiana LaDce

Sterculiaceae Herrania kanukuensis SA Sterculia pruriens var. pruriens ** T C C Sterculia sp. (TVA1753) T C Sterculia sp. (TVA2372) T c

Tiliaceae Apeiba petoumo T bdef bdef f

Verbenaceae Vitex compressa Tffc

Violaceae Paypayrola longifolia Tbfbfbf? ? ?

Zingiberaceae Curcuma cf. xanthorrhiza HAd Renealmia alpinia ScDe R. orinocencis Scdecde

146 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


By T.R. van Andel, K.C.A. Bröker and P.E. Huyskens


Palm heart from Euterpe oleracea Mart. is the most important non-timber forest product of vegetal origin in Guyana. This multi-stemmed palm species, known locally as ‘manicole’, grows in large numbers in the brackish coastal wetlands of Guyana, and particularly in the country’s North-West District. The heart of this palm consists of the young, rolled leaves in the crownshaft that have not yet been exposed to sunlight. This palm heart or ‘cabbage’ is consumed raw or cooked and is considered a delicacy in both Europe and the United States. Although several palm species have edible hearts, E. oleracea is the world’s main source (Strudwick, 1990). This species is widely distributed in the swamplands of northern South America and attains the greatest concentrations in the Amazon estuary (Henderson and Galeano, 1996). Because of its frequency and clonal, self-regenerative habit, E. oleracea is able to support a large palm heart industry in Brazil, worth US$ 120 million annually in domestic consumption and export value (Strudwick and Sobel, 1988).

An individual clump (genet) of E. oleracea may have up to 25 stems (ramets) of different ages, each of which can attain a height of 20 m and a diameter of 18 cm. A prominent crownshaft is formed when a stem reaches maturity. Young shoots sprout from buds in the clump (Wessels Boer, 1965; Henderson and Galeano, 1996). This clustered growth form is characteristic of palms growing in wet or saline conditions (Hallé et al., 1978). E. oleracea becomes dominant in hydrologically stressed biotopes that are subject to periodic, tidal-driven inundation (Anderson and Jardim, 1989). Even when a stem is felled for its palm heart, the individual clump will survive. The basal sprouts eventually grow into harvestable stems in about four years. Since E. oleracea is locally abundant and regenerates quickly after harvesting, it is relatively easy to extract palm hearts in an ecologically sustainable way (Calzavara, 1972; Anderson, 1988; Strudwick, 1990; Pollak et al., 1995). The extraction of palm hearts (and other NTFPs) is considered sustainable if it has no long-term deleterious effect on the regeneration of the population and the yield remains more or less constant throughout the years. Sustainability involves an equilibrium between harvesting and growth (Strudwick, 1990; Hall and Bawa, 1993; Pollak et al., 1995).

1. A more extensive version of this chapter was published as a Tropenbos-Interim report: van Andel, T.R., Huyskens, P.E. and K.C.A. Bröker. 1998. Palm heart harvesting in Guyana’s Northwest District: Exploitation and Regeneration of Euterpe oleracea swamp forests. Tropenbos-Guyana Interim Report 98-1. Utrecht University.

147 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

However, repeated harvesting with short rotation periods (high harvest pressure) may lead to the weakening of the individual clump and a slower regeneration (Pollak et al., 1995). These authors found that harvesting at short intervals (1-2 years) in Brazil caused clump mortality and a steady decline in production, while harvesting at longer intervals (4-5 years) caused less damage to the Euterpe population and produced a higher palm heart yield. The felling of mature stems may also affect the fish and bird populations that depend on Euterpe fruits for food (Johnson, 1995).

The study was carried out in the only concession for palm heart in Guyana. In 1990, the Company obtained a concession of 47,935 hectares for a period of 20 years from the Guyana Forestry Commission (G. Marshall, pers. comm.). They set up a canning factory at Drum Hill, Barima River, (7° 52' N, 59° 25' W), located in the centre of the Euterpe-dominated swamp forests of the North-West District (Figure 5.1). The Company started with commercial production in 1989 and established a network of agents in the areas where harvesting takes place. Independent ‘cabbage cutters’ sell their harvest to these agents, who then pile up the palm hearts on makeshift platforms on the riverbanks and sell them to the Company for a slightly higher price. The Company operates several boats, which travel along the main rivers according to a well-known schedule to collect palm hearts from the agents’ camps (Figure 5.1). Euterpe is not cultivated anywhere in Guyana; all extraction takes place in natural vegetation. Extractors are given the choice to either sell their palm hearts or exchange them for food and basic commodities (e.g., soap, machetes, kerosene, clothes, and cigarettes). As the Company supplies these goods at prices much lower than the local shops, bartering is very inviting. Commodities are transported by company boats and distributed among the agents when cabbage is collected. People not involved in palm heart harvesting are not allowed to buy these subsidised provisions (Johnson, 1995).

In 1994, the Company processed about 20,000 palm cabbages per day, six days a week. More than six million stems were felled that year. In 1995, export revenues were just over US$ 2 million (NGMC, 1996). The estimated number of cutters that year was about 600. All worked on a freelance basis, as the Company did not employ people to harvest palm hearts. The average cutter was estimated to produce 90 to 100 cabbages a day. At the factory, there were approximately 150 employees, 80 of whom were directly employed in the processing plant (Johnson, 1995). The majority of the palm hearts was (and still is) exported to France (NGMC, 1996, 1997).

Over the past decade, several researchers have started to question the ecological sustainability of palm heart harvesting in Brazil (Anderson and Jardim, 1989; Peters et al., 1989; Kahn and de Granville, 1992; Pollak et al., 1995). Furthermore, they have recommended several protection measures to guarantee a continuous supply of palm hearts in the future. For example, Euterpe populations should be allowed to regenerate for no less than four years between subsequent harvests (Calzavara, 1972), and at least one mature stem per cluster should be left intact to increase the chances of survival and the growth of new stems (Anderson, 1988). Other measures include careful cutting techniques to protect young stems and suckers (Calzavara, 1972), selective thinning of forest competitors (Anderson, 1988), minimum size regulations (Pollak et al., 1995), and sufficient control over harvested areas, following a strict management plan (Strudwick, 1990). It seems, however, that only a

148 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I handful of factories in Brazil have adapted their extraction techniques according to these recommendations (Anderson, 1988; Pollak et al., 1995).

After a one-week field study on the ecological impact of palm heart harvesting in Guyana, Johnson (1995) recommended several of the above-mentioned measures to the Company. He further urged for a ban on the extraction of the single-stemmed Euterpe precatoria, a palm at first glance very similar to E. oleracea. Not only is E. precatoria unable to produce new shoots from its root system after being felled, but it also grows very slowly and takes more than 50 years to reach maturity (Peña and Zuidema, 1999). The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) has repeatedly asked the Company to conform to the policy of sustainable harvesting (Sunday Chronicle, 1993; Forte, 1995), but to date no management plan has been published.

The successful commercial extraction of NTFPs (including palm hearts) should not only be ecologically sound and economically viable, but also socially and politically acceptable (Ros-Tonen et al., 1995). Previous research in the North-West District suggested that socio-economic conditions determine the underlying driving factors of palm heart harvesting (Forte, 1995; G. Ford, pers. comm.). The Company was frequently blamed in the Guyanese media for ‘indiscriminate cutting practices’, ‘destruction of manicole swamps’, and ‘low rates of pay’ (Catholic Standard, 1993a, 1993b; Sunday Chronicle, 1993). Extractors have complained that they have to travel longer distances every day to collect sufficient manicole to earn a living, while the price per cabbage remains the same. In certain areas, people have even considered to cease cutting as it is no longer economically viable (Johnson, 1995).

Palm heart harvesting is one of the main sources of income for Amerindians in the North-West District. In fact, many villages depend almost entirely on the factory for their cash income and food supply, as few other economic opportunities exist in the area (Forte, 1995; van Andel, 1998). Surpluses from subsistence agriculture are rarely sold, since low market prices seldom cover the transportation costs. Wildlife trapping provides some additional income, but then only during the official season from July to December (van Andel, 1998). Other employment options (gold mines, logging operations) are situated deep in the interior, requiring workers to stay away from their families for months (Forte, 1995).

Despite its economic significance, no in-depth scientific research has yet been conducted on palm heart harvesting in Guyana. In order to learn more about the ecological impact of current extraction methods and the socio-economic importance of the palm heart industry, we carried out a four-month field study in the manicole swamps of the North-West District. The objective of this pilot study was to obtain a general overview of the importance of palm heart harvesting in the region and to provide baseline data for further research. Specific objectives were not only to assess the regeneration ability and mortality of E. oleracea under different harvest pressures, but also to identify the main ecological and socio-economic problems concerned with the sustainability of the current harvesting system, and to provide recommendations to improve its management.

149 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

Figure 5.1 Distribution of manicole swamps (dominated by Euterpe oleracea) in the North-West District. Drawing by H.R. Rypkema.

150 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

The research questions of this pilot study were:

1. What is the extent and ecological impact of palm heart harvesting in the North- West District? 2. Are their significant differences in population structure, reproduction, yield and mortality of Euterpe oleracea between sites with different harvest pressures? 3. Can the current harvesting methods be considered sustainable? 4. Is a five-year fallow period sufficient for the regeneration of Euterpe populations? 5. What is the socio-economic importance of palm heart harvesting for Amerindian communities? 6. Which are the underlying causes for overharvesting of palm hearts?

The first findings of the pilot research were published in an interim report (van Andel et al., 1998). The contents of this report were discussed with the Tropenbos-Guyana Programme, Utrecht University, the Company and the Guyana Forestry Commission. The majority of their comments have been included in this chapter, which firstly gives an overview of the socio-economic aspects of the palm heart industry, and secondly elaborates on the ecological impact of harvesting on Euterpe populations. Finally, some recommendations are given for a better management of this valuable resource.

The present study is intended to provide a source of information to Government agencies, the Company, (indigenous) NGOs, Amerindian village leaders, and the cabbage cutters themselves. As the reader will discover, the results challenge all parties to improve the conditions for successful palm heart extraction in such a way that the conservation of the coastal swamps is guaranteed, while ensuring a steady income for the people of Guyana’s northwestern forests.


5.2.1 Climate and topography The climate of the North-West District is wet tropical with an average precipitation of 2750 mm per year and a mean annual temperature of 26.5 ºC (Ramdass, 1990). There is a distinct dry season from February to April, while rainfall is at its greatest from May to July. The coastal area is characterised by extensive brackish swamps, which are subject to both seasonal and diurnal flooding. These swamps are composed of palm marsh forests dominated by Euterpe oleracea. These forests grow on peat soils underlain by a clay layer that inhibits drainage. These so-called ‘pegasse’ soils fluctuate in moisture and salt condition, but remain waterlogged for most of the year. Detailed descriptions of the floristic composition and the useful plants of Euterpe–dominated swamps are given in chapter 3.

5.2.2 Field inventories Ecological aspects The four-month pilot study was carried out from November 1997 to February 1998. To assess the ecological impact of palm heart extraction on Euterpe populations, we

151 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts compared vegetation structure, regeneration, and presence of dead clumps between areas with high and those with low harvest intensity. Our methodology was based on a study by Pollak et al. (1995), who compared sites with a harvesting cycle of 1-2 years (high harvest pressure) to sites with a fallow period of 4-5 years (low harvest pressure) on the island of Marajó in the Brazilian Amazon. Areas with fallow periods longer than two years were not found in Guyana, because extractors usually returned to the same part of the forest after one or two years to harvest again. Therefore, a low-pressure site (LP) was defined as an area that had been harvested once or twice, while a high-pressure site (HP) was an area where extraction had taken place more than two times. In other words, the number of consecutive harvests (the history of extraction) defined the harvest pressure, instead of the length of the fallow periods.

A total of nine plots were laid out, distributed over the coastal swamp region (Figure 5.1). The names and locations of the sites are given in Table 5.1. The plots were established near seven Amerindian villages where palm heart harvesting was the main source of income. The villages were selected according to their history of involvement with the palm heart industry, after consulting the Company and local cabbage cutters, and studying the existing literature (Forte, 1995; Johnson, 1995). On two occasions, more than one plot was established per village (Koriabo and Lower Kaituma), because both high and low harvest pressure areas were present. Plot sites were chosen in areas where people had recently been harvesting. Each plot had been harvested shortly before the measurements were taken. A previously undisturbed manicole swamp (Bullet Tree, no pressure, NP) was used as a control.

To get an idea of the amount of palm hearts extracted from a virgin swamp under normal circumstances, an area of 200 x 10 m was experimentally harvested in the control plot after the measurements had been taken on the undisturbed vegetation. Cutters were asked to fell palms as if they were working for themselves, and were observed during their work. The weight and size of harvested palm hearts were measured and the yield was extrapolated to one hectare.

Table 5.1 Location and size of the nine plots and number of consecutive harvests.

Harvest pressure Site Village River Location No. of Plot size no. harvests [ha]

No Pressure 1 Bullet Tree Waini 8° 05’ N 59° 21’ W 0 0.3 Low Pressure 2 Assakata Assakata 7° 44’ N 59° 04’ W 2 0.3 Low Pressure 3 Koriabo Barima 7° 37’ N 59° 38’ W 1 0.3 Low Pressure 4 Warapoka Waini 7° 48’ N 59° 15’ W 2 0.3 Low Pressure 5 Lower Kaituma Kaituma 8° 07’ N 59° 40’ W 1 0.15 High Pressure 6 Lower Kaituma Kaituma 8° 07’ N 59° 40’ W 3 0.15 High Pressure 7 Red Hill Barima 7° 52’ N 59° 26’ W 6 0.3 High Pressure 8 Black Water Barima 8° 05’ N 59° 28’ W 6 0.3 High Pressure 9 Koriabo Barima 7° 37’ N 59° 38’ W 3-4 0.3

152 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Seven of the nine plots had a surface area of 3000 m2 (300 x 10 m) and two a size of 1500 m2 (150 x 10 m, see paragraph 5.3.8). The total area sampled was 2.4 hectares. The following measurements were taken in each plot:

• Diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥ 2 m. • Diameter of harvested stems. • Number of E. oleracea clumps with at least one living stem ≥ 2 m. • Number of dead clumps. • Height of living clumps (from forest floor to stem base). • Number of reproductive stems of E. oleracea and E. precatoria. • Number of living and dead suckers per clump.

The height of living stems ≥ 2 m was estimated. Stems below 2 m were considered suckers. Similar measurements were carried out in a nursery owned by the canning factory. This nursery had been planted five years previously to study the growth and development of E. oleracea in cultivation. Data were taken from about half the nursery, with a total of 86 clumps and 234 stems (dead and alive).

Four causes of E. oleracea stem death could be distinguished (Figure 5.2):

1) Cut for cabbage (harvested trunks were recognized by their slant surface). 2) Cut for clearing (suckers and young stems cleared away in order to reach the mature stems). 3) Dead by felling other stems (stems broken by falling trunks). 4) Natural mortality (visible as long bare stems without a crown).

In order to get an idea about the recruitment of young Euterpe palms, the number of seedlings (< 1.50 m) of both E. oleracea and E. precatoria were counted in subplots of 2 x 2 m in every 100 m section of the plot. The total sample area for seedlings was thus 12 m2 per plot. Fertile specimens were collected of all palm species harvested for palm heart. Duplicates were deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Guyana (BRG) and the Utrecht branch of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands (U). Euterpe specimens were identified by palm specialist A. Henderson of the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY).

Since clump mortality has been mentioned as a clear sign of overharvesting (Pollak et al., 1995), the numbers of dead clumps in the study plots were compared with those in the control plot. A clump from which all stems and suckers have been removed may still be alive, even though no living sprouts are visible. Its root system might have sufficient food reserves to produce new suckers from dormant buds. Theoretically then, there is a small chance that one sucker could turn a clump into a vital individual again (Hallé et al., 1978). However, this chance seemed to be so minute that we defined a dead clump as an individual without any visible remains of living sprouts.

153 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

Figure 5.2 Euterpe oleracea

Socio-economical aspects In order to gain information on the socio-economic aspects of palm heart harvesting in local communities, we employed two extractors in each village to act as local informants and assist with the fieldwork. Informal interviews were held with these informants, their families and several other people involved in palm heart extraction. Several topics were included in these interviews: the role of palm heart harvesting in daily life, other available means of cash income, subsistence activities (hunting, fishing, farming), harvesting techniques, types of palm heart collected, daily production and earnings (mean and maximum), number of consecutive harvests in the plotted areas, relations with agents and the company, availability of palm hearts in the area, and the distance to extraction sites. Following participatory research methods (Martin, 1995), we accompanied several extractors in the field to observe their daily work. In total we questioned more than 40 extractors.

154 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Additionally, several agents were interviewed to gather data on the number of extractors in the area, selection criteria for palm hearts, availability of the resource, and the relations with extractors and the Company. Piles of accepted and rejected palm hearts were counted and measured. The canning factory at Drum Hill was visited on several occasions to interview factory workers, boat drivers, and management personnel. The Company offered us a guided tour through the factory compound, to be able to study the canning process. The staff in Drum Hill supplied unpublished data on export volumes and quantities of palm heart collected per river. Meetings were held with members of the Company management in Georgetown, as well as a representative of the Guyana Forestry Commission. The outcomes of these interviews were cross- checked and discussed with the Company management, the extractors, and several anthropologists working in the North-West District at the time of our research (J. Forte, M. Reinders, and G. Ford).

Export and production data were compiled from the annual reports of the New Guyana Marketing Cooperation (1996, 1997, 1998), the Guyana Forestry Commission and unpublished Company data. Throughout the chapter, monetary values obtained in Guyana currency were converted into US dollars, using the official exchange rate in January 1998 (US$ 1 = G$ 142).

5.2.3 Data processing and statistical analysis In contrast to other palm species, Euterpe palms do show some secondary diameter growth. In their Brazilian study, Pollak et al. (1995) found an allometric relation between the height and DBH of a stem and the diameter and weight of its palm heart. To see whether their equations were also valid for Guyanese E. oleracea populations, a sample of 66 stems of varying age was felled. Total length and DBH were measured, as were crownshaft diameters with all leaf sheaths, with only three sheaths (as transported to the factory), and without sheaths (as found in a can). A linear multiple regression was used to test the newly found correlations. The slopes and intercepts of the equations were compared with the formulas by Pollak et al. After statistically analysing these equations, one of the formulas fit our data in such a way that it was used unaltered:

Palm heart weight [g] = 27.255 * (palm heart diameter [cm])2 + 37.517 * palm heart diameter - 16.603 (r 2 = 0.66; n = 180)

The following formulas were derived from our own data:

Palm heart diameter [cm] = 0.18 * stem DBH + 0.687 (r2 = 0.56; n = 66)

Stem height [m] = 11.7 * (stem DBH [cm])2 + 3.85 * stem DBH - 12.49 (r2 = 0.59; n = 66)

Stem height [m] = 0.0284 + 6.01 * palm heart diameter [cm] - 0.15 * (palm heart diameter)2 (r2 = 0.50; n = 66)

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Palm heart yield in kg/ha was calculated from the diameters of harvested stems in the extraction sites. The current potential yield, which is derived from standing stock at the time of measurement, was calculated using the above-mentioned equations of the palm heart size of mature trees that remained in the plots after harvesting. Assuming that each remaining mature stem in the plot was able to produce a commercial palm heart, the monetary value of the potential yield for the cutters was assessed using the January 1998 unit price of G$ 8 (US$ 0.056) per cabbage.

Parameter values of the nine plots were averaged first per sample plot, using an unweighed mean. Data were then averaged per pressure category (NP, HP, LP), using a weighed mean, since the numbers of measured palms differed among the sample plots. Because of the great variability in the height and diameter of palms, not only within the (rather large) plots, but also within one individual clump, we chose to use the palms as the unit of observation. Therefore, the number of measured palms was taken as N for the stem parameters, and the number of clumps was used as N for the clump comparisons. Mean values were compared between the pressure groups. Initially, a one-way ANOVA (Heath, 1995; Mead et al., 1995) was applied for the ordinal parameters. If significant differences were found, contrasts were used to detect differences between the three pressure categories. A Bonferonni correction was used to correct for the number of comparisons made. Since it was not possible to use the one-way ANOVA for the nominal parameters, a Chi-square test (Sokal and Rolf, 1995) was applied. The computer programme SPSS (Howitt and Cramer, 1996) was used for all statistical analyses.


5.3.1 Types of palm heart harvested in the North-West District Local people involved in palm heart harvesting distinguish five different ‘types’ of Euterpe by their habit, palm heart size, and crownshaft colour (Figure 5.3): three multi-stemmed and two single-stemmed types. The most common multi-stemmed type is the ‘green manicole’. This type has a bright green crownshaft and is preferred by the canning factory. The rare ‘red manicole’ has an orange-red crownshaft, hard wood, and a soft heart that quickly falls apart in the can. The Company occasionally accepts this type. Finally, the ‘savannah manicole’ has a pale yellow crownshaft and a trunk that is difficult to cut. Because of its soft texture, this type of palm heart is seldom harvested. All multi-stemmed types have similar bifid seedlings. According to A. Henderson (pers. comm.), the three multi-stemmed types belong to Euterpe oleracea, but further taxonomic research is needed to see whether they can be considered different botanical varieties.

The two single-stemmed types are the common ‘winamoro’ or ‘big green manicole’, easily recognised by its large, bright green crownshaft, and the rare ‘abua’ or ‘dusty winamoro’, with its smaller, darker, drooping leaves and a yellowish-brown crownshaft covered with rusty brown scales. Both types have palmate seedlings and are classified as Euterpe precatoria.

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They may, however, be considered as different genetic varieties (A. Henderson, pers. comm.). A fully sheathed abua crownshaft weighs about 10 kg and ca. 1 kg when all sheaths are removed.

Figure 5.3 Five different types of palm hearts, from left to right: green manicole, savanna manicole, red manicole (all three Euterpe oleracea), abua and big green winamoro (Euterpe precatoria).

The heart of a young winamoro (the same size as a mature heart of a green manicole) can only be distinguished from the green manicole by its slightly greener core. The Company rejects mature winamoro cabbages, because of their large size and soft texture. Our informants indicated that some cutters try to sell immature winamoro hearts, as they are not always recognised by the factory personnel. In general, winamoro and abua are harvested only for subsistence use, just like the hearts of Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa and Maximiliana maripa, other palms growing in the coastal wetlands.

5.3.2 Extraction techniques The following describes a typical extraction operation, based on our observation of palm heart harvesters in the field. A palm heart is obtained by cutting an individual stem with a machete and removing the crownshaft from the trunk. The leaves and the coarse outer layer of the crownshaft are then cut off. The soft edible part of the palm heart lies the centre, surrounded by concentric layers of older leaf sheaths. stubs and encircling leaf sheaths are sliced along their length, one at a time, so that the entire piece can be removed. The procedure is repeated until the two last fibrous leaf sheath cylinders remain (Figure 5.4). These are left to prevent the dehydration and discoloration of the hearts during transportation from the forest to the factory.

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The cabbage, now a flexible white cylinder, is reduced to the standard length of 46 cm, the length of the iron blade of a standard machete. The bottom of the palm heart is cut off two inches below the actual heart to prevent rotting. Harvesting one palm heart takes about five minutes. When sufficient cabbages are cut, they are tied together in bundles of 25 to 50 and transported by canoe to an agent’s camp. Palm hearts can be stored for about three days before they turn brown and start decaying.

When entering a virgin swamp, cutters prefer to start with medium-sized stems (ca. 9-14 cm DBH), as these are the easiest to fell. When there are no more medium-sized stems, cutters shift to larger stems (DBH > 14 cm), which are harder to cut and often have crowns that are entangled in the canopy. Since stems with ‘fastened’ crowns may not fall after being chopped, they are usually ignored if there is enough manicole to choose from. In virgin swamps and low-pressure areas with large palm resources, cutters usually fell one to four stems per clump and leave the remaining mature stems as they are. Larger palms contain heavier cabbages, which means that more weight has to be carried for the same amount of money. When all the larger stems have been removed, cutters will start felling younger stems. These are easier to cut, but run the risk of being rejected because of their small-sized palm heart. Most extractors said they knew from experience whether a palm heart had the required size, just by looking at its crownshaft. This implies that immature cabbages are hardly ever cut without the cutter’s knowledge. The felling of mature stems often damages young manicoles or other small trees.

In addition, some cutters clear young stems and suckers around the clump before felling a mature stem. Chain saws are never used and large trees are hardly ever chopped down to facilitate palm heart extraction. Time and energy can be better spent searching for freestanding manicoles. In sites with abundant manicole resources, quite some mature palms remain in the vegetation after the forest is considered ‘worked out’ and abandoned. In areas with limited manicole resources, however, cutters seem to be felling every mature stem they can find, even those with ‘fastened’ crowns.

Sometimes, lianas are cut and small trees chopped with axes to liberate crowns. In heavily harvested swamps, very few mature stems are left when the area is abandoned. Figure 5.4 Cutting a palm heart out of a crown shaft.

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5.3.3 Selection criteria Agents act as middlemen between the Company and the cutters. In 1998, they paid the harvesters US$ 0.056 per palm heart and sold them to the Company for US$ 0.063. According to a factory manager, the Company only buys fresh, straight palm hearts with a minimum diameter of 20 mm and a maximum of 35 mm. At least three undeveloped leaves (‘bones’) must be visible in the palm heart. Cabbages with fewer than three bones, a diameter less than 20 mm or a rotten bottom are rejected, as are those from the red and yellow manicole, winamoro, and abua. Some of these unsuitable palm hearts may slip through, as the cabbage boats travel day and night and selection often takes place in the dark. To avoid the waste of raw material, these ‘second-rate’ palm hearts are still processed when they reach the factory. At the time of our research, arguments among extractors, agents, and boat personnel were reported to be common, especially in the high-pressure areas. Cutters complained that cabbages were ‘rejected without reason’, while the factory employees argued that extractors ‘tried to cheat the Company’ by selling small or otherwise unsuitable cabbages. Rejected palm hearts were often cooked in stew or fed to domestic animals.

5.3.4 Provenance of the resource Figure 5.5 illustrates the provenance of palm hearts collected in 1997. As can be seen, the canning factory obtained the majority of its raw material in this period from the Barima and Waini Rivers. Absolute amounts collected per river were presented in van Andel et al. (1998). Only 2% of the cabbage were brought to the Drum Hill factory by people living in its immediate surroundings. The bulk of the resource was brought in by the five factory boats, each capable of containing some 9000 palm hearts. These vessels travelled day after day throughout the concession to collect palm hearts and to distribute provisions. They sailed from the Aruka River near the Venezuelan border to the upper Waini River in the southern part of the concession (Figure 5.1). Factory 2% Arawau Barima/Koriabo 6% 4% Aruka 8% Aruka-Koriabo Waini 3% 27%

Barama 1% Barima Baramanni 38% 10% Morebo 1% Figure 5.5 Percentage of palm heart collected by river in 1997. Source: unpublished Company records (1998).

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According to the factory management, palm heart resources in the northern part of the concession (Aruka and Koriabo Rivers) have sharply declined during the last couple of years. The boat personnel confirmed this by saying that sometimes one third to one half of the cabbage offered for sale by Aruka extractors were rejected because of their size. Travelling to this area, therefore, was considered to be no longer economically feasible for the Company. Early in 1998, the Company planned to reduce its purchases from the lower Barima, Arawau, Aruka, and Koriabo Rivers, while intensifying extraction along the Barama, Baramanni, and Waini Rivers.

According to the transport manager, the Company advised people from the overharvested areas to move to the Waini and built several riverside camps to accommodate the newcomers. The Waini has the largest remaining Euterpe resources of the North-West District, but is rather isolated. In January 1998, there was still a lack of available workforce, although Aruka cutters were slowly migrating into the Waini area. The cabbage boats were used to transport both construction material and cabbage cutters.

As the transport manager further explained, some people were willing to ‘move behind the cabbage’, while others preferred to stay in their homeland. The latter group tried to convince the Company to continue its activities in the Aruka River, even though manicole resources had almost been depleted. The only option for the Company to stay in Aruka was to encourage people to harvest manicole from the Sebai area (Figure 5.1). Mature palms were still abundant there, but access to this river was limited in the dry season. In 1996, only two households were involved in palm heart harvesting (Sullivan, 1999). The transport manager said the Company was willing to pay US$ 0.007 extra per cabbage to cover transport costs. According to Forte (1999a), who attended a community meeting in Sebai in November 1998, the Sebai villagers expressed their concern about the fact that people from the Aruka River were increasingly coming over to cut palm hearts near their titled land.

According to recent information (J. Gérin, pers. comm.), the Company stopped purchasing cabbages from Koriabo River in 1999. After requests from politicians and Amerindian communities, the Company agreed to buy palm hearts again from Aruka and Hotoquai in mid 1999. The camps along the Koriabo River remained closed. In the beginning of 2000, more than 50% of the raw material was coming from the Waini River. More camps had been built for cabbage cutters and their families.

The route of the cabbage boats, therefore, both influences and reflects extraction patterns. In some areas, for example in Anabisi, Waini, and Barama, people were stimulated to cut palm hearts because the Company promised a regular boat service there. In other areas, such as Assakata, extraction already took place and cabbages were paddled to the nearest camp before a regular boat service was arranged in that direction. At the time of our research, some boat routes (e.g., Santa Rosa, Moruca River) had already been abandoned due to depletion of the resource.

At a factory meeting in January 1998, a manager announced that there would be no increase in cabbage production that year. The aim was to keep the annual production at 6 million palm hearts, which would mean a reduction of 10% compared to 1994- 1997. This was decided in order to prevent a further increase in pressure on the

160 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I swamps. The manager stated that when production at Drum Hill remained at its present level, there would be enough palm hearts left for future generations of cabbage cutters. A new canning factory opened along the Berbice River (eastern Guyana) in 1998, in order to meet sudden high demands from the world market. Early 2000, this second factory was producing 3200 cartons of palm heart cans per month (J. Gérin, pers. comm.).

5.3.5 Canals The palm heart cutters we interviewed indicated that they harvested 30 to 200 palm hearts per day, depending on the availability of mature stems, the distance to the extraction site, and the means of transport. Transport by foot strongly limits the daily harvest, as the bundles of cabbages are rather heavy (20-25 kg), and the water level in the swamps becomes waist-deep in the rainy season. Felled trunks in the swamps impede easy movement for the cutters. Extractors usually try to reach into the forest as far as possible by canoe to avoid walking long distances on the swampy ground. They said that although the flooded forest made walking more arduous, the need for cash urged them to continue their work in the wet season. The dry season was preferred for harvesting, since the accessibility of the swamps was much better.

In order to facilitate access to remote swamps, the Company paid local cutters to deepen some of the forest creeks in several areas along the lower Barima. Cutters welcomed these canals and used them frequently. Although hardly visible to the casual visitor, these canals enabled the cutters to go deeper inland, reduce walking distances, and transport the harvest by canoe. More palm hearts were cut per day, because the harvest did not have to be carried on the cutter’s back for long distances. This system seems to relieve the pressure on the riparian swamps in the wet season, since cutters paddle up the canals to cut on drier grounds further inland. Even though people work somewhat closer to the river in the dry season, the hinterland remains better accessible than it was before. According to a factory manager, preliminary plans exist to build a canal from the Kaituma to the Barima River, in order to gain access to the remote swamps between these rivers.

5.3.6 Processing of palm hearts The processing method described below is based on the information provided by Company officials during a guided tour in the factory in November 1997. The first step in the processing of palm hearts at the canning factory at Drum Hill is the removal of the last two outer leaf sheaths. There are preliminary plans to build a biogas installation capable of converting the waste that is produced in the processing into cooking gas or electricity. Currently, some of the palm heart waste is used as organic fertiliser at the factory farm (J. Gérin, pers. comm.), but most of it is still dumped in the factory yard. The tender cylindrical hearts are immediately cut into pieces of 10 cm long and placed in a solution of water, citric acid, and salt to prevent oxidation and discoloration. In the third step, the pieces are put into cans filled with the solution and hand-weighed to ensure the right content. The different types of cans are listed in Table 5.2.

161 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

Table 5.2 Can types produced by the Company.

Type of can Content [g] No. of pieces No. of palm hearts per can

Normal large cans 500 12 3.5-3.8 Normal medium cans 220 5 1.6-1.8 Aluminium rip cans 220 9 1.8-2.0

Subsequently, the cans are covered with a loose cap and left to rest for 20 minutes to allow the palm hearts to absorb the citric acid. After preheating the cans to 80 °C for a few minutes, temperature and pH are measured and the cans sealed. Next, the cans are sterilised in a computerised oven for a maximum of 36 minutes. Cooling is done with river water, after which the cans are packed into cartons and shipped to Georgetown, where they are labelled. At the time of the study, a carton with 24 small cans or 12 large ones was exported for US$ 18.50 FOB (GFC, 2000). Several cans are opened each day to control diameter and quality.

The minimum diameter of a canned cabbage is 15 mm. Officially, only palm hearts with a diameter > 20 mm are accepted. Smaller pieces in cans come either from immature hearts that slipped through the selection or from large pieces from which rotten or fibrous parts have been removed. No more than one piece of ‘soft’ cabbage (from other types of Euterpe) is allowed in a small can. Large cans may contain at most two inferior pieces.

5.3.7 The economics of palm heart extraction According to a factory manager, a total of 160 employees (25% female) were working at the industrial unit in January 1998. The majority of the factory personnel were recruited from the neighbouring village of Red Hill and from Mabaruma and Santa Rosa, the larger Amerindian towns of the district (Figure 5.1). They were paid US$ 77 per month and received free food and lodging in large dormitories behind the factory. Several recreational activities were available to the employees, such as a video screen and a table tennis facility. Church services, dance parties, and sports days were also occasionally organised by the management.

At that time, a Company manager estimated the number of people selling palm hearts to the Company to be around 1000. All cutters worked on a freelance basis; none were officially employed by the Company. Most people extracted palm hearts only part-time and spent the rest of the week hunting, fishing, and farming. Most of the cutters said that the main reason why they got involved in palm heart harvesting was to benefit from the cheap food offered by the Company. Sullivan (1997) estimated the mean income of a cabbage cutter in 1996 to be US$ 4 per day, based on an average of ten palm hearts per hour and 80 per day, if working eight hours a day. She calculated that the mean annual sum earned by palm heart extraction per household in Assakata was US$ 396.

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The production of canned palm heart has increased since the beginning of the 1990s (Table 5.3). Export revenues and production in tons peaked in 1995, with more than US$ 2 million in export value. The following year the production in tons had slowed down by nearly 12%, but the number of palm hearts processed had increased. This may suggest that the palm hearts were smaller in size; according to the factory management, however, the decline was caused by the rusting of cans and a sudden dip in the world market. No Company profit figures were made available to the researchers.

In 1997, the rust problem had been solved by the introduction of aluminium rip cans and by submerging the other cans in an oily mixture. Unpublished factory figures revealed that more than 23,000 palm hearts were processed per day in 1997. The maximum capacity of the factory, 30,000 cabbages a day, was reached just before Christmas. According to a factory manager, extractors usually tried to earn a bonus for their holiday and increased their cutting activities at the end of the year. In 1997, a total of 2.3 million rip cans and 0.6 million large cans were said to be produced and almost seven million palm hearts processed. According to the Company, approximately 1,446 tons of canned palm hearts were produced that year; much higher figures (1,700 tons) were published by the New Guyana Market Corporation (NGMC), the national entity that monitors non-traditional agricultural export (NGMC, 1998).

The latest preliminary company figures point towards a considerable decline in production in 1999. The reason for this decrease was said to be a fall in demand on the world market, caused by the competition of palm heart from Bactris gasipaes plantations elsewhere (GFC, 2000).

Table 5.3 Production figures and exports via seaports (1991-1997). Sources: NGMC (1996, 1997, 1998), Johnson (1995), GFC (2000), and unpublished Company data. - = data not available.

Year Cabbages processed [n] Weight [tons] Export value [US$]

1990 162,679 - - 1991 - 734 - 1992 4,514,231 797 - 1993 5,278,923 941 - 1994 6,454,976 1,218 1,500,000 1995 6,461,779 1,648 2,071,162 1996 6,835,820 1,456 1,965,978 1997 6,789,104 1,446 - 1997 - 1,700 2,338,431 1998 6,936,983 - - 1999 4,538,664 - -

163 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

Until 1996, palm heart was only exported to France and formed 35% of the total export volume of non-traditional agricultural produce from Guyana (NGMC, 1996). In 1997, this percentage had increased to 57%, and palm heart was the fourth most important vegetal export product of the country after rice, sugar, and timber (NGMC, 1998). According to a factory manager, palm hearts from Guyana comprised about 5% of the 1997 world trade. In 1998, the Company started exploring the palm heart market in the USA (LaRose, 1999). Only recently have cans entered the Guyanese market. No difference in quality or cabbage diameter is made between cans for export and those for the domestic market.

5.3.8 The role of palm heart harvesting in the village economy A great variation in the available Euterpe resources and existing alternative sources of income was found among the seven villages, reflected in the number of palm hearts harvested per day (Table 5.4). Daily income of extractors also varied greatly, from less than US$ 1 in high-pressure areas (Koriabo) to US$ 11.30 in low-pressure areas (Assakata), the latter being almost three times the shadow income of US$ 4 calculated by Sullivan (1997). Socio-economic conditions in the settlements seemed to be influenced not only by palm heart resources and the level of dependence on the palm heart industry, but also by the availability of alternative sources of income, population density, subsistence farming, and access to health and education.

Several household heads interviewed near vicinity of the factory (Red Hill, Black Water, and other lower Barima and Aruka communities) said they started with cutting the manicole directly around their homes when the Company started the commercial processing of palm hearts in 1989. Many of them decided to stop farming, because they were now able to buy their food. They said that at first they were not aware that full-time cutting would be needed to provide their families with daily staple food (rice). Soon the nearby stocks of Euterpe declined and the cutters had to search for palm hearts in more remote places. Over the years, more and more effort was needed to obtain the same income. This process continued until the distance to new virgin swamps became too large to make palm heart extraction economically viable. The transport of palm hearts over large distances by foot strongly limited the amounts that could be extracted per day. The swamp forest surrounding the settlements became severely overharvested, and, as they had no farms to fall back on, severe socio-economic stress and poverty were the result. Similar complaints were made by the cutters interviewed by Forte (1995), Johnson (1995), and G. Ford (pers. comm.).

At the time this study was conducted, the situation in Black Water seemed the most desolate of all areas visited. Cutters explained that before the Company started to buy palm heart, they had been working as wage labourers on the several agricultural grants along the Barima River. They also had small subsistence farms on which they grew their own food. In 1989, most of the farm labourers switched to cabbage cutting and gave up farming completely. The landowners interviewed said could no longer get labourers and, by the end of 1997, quite a few of them had reduced or abandoned their grants. The salary they offered ($ 2.8 per day) apparently could not compete with the revenues from palm heart harvesting (ca. $ 5.50). According to the cutters, however, even the latter salary was barely enough to sustain a family without a farm.

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Table 5.4 General socio-economic conditions in the villages near the study plots in January 1998.

1 = Forte and Pierre (1995) and G. Ford (pers. comm.). - = data not available

No Low High Harvest intensity Pressure Pressure Pressure Lower Lower Bullet Tree Assakata Koriabo Warapoka Red Hill Black Water Koriabo Kaituma Kaituma

Amerindian Reserve no yes yes yes no no yes no yes Subsistence farming no yes yes few farms large farms large farms few farms none yes Cabbage boat passes per week 3x 2x 1x 7x 3x 3x factory 3x 1x Population 1 - 300 262 262 ± 200 ± 200 203 70-200 262 No. of cutters per village - 8-20 6 90 20 20 37-60 - 3-6 Days per week spent cutting 5-6 1-2 3-4 3-6 3 3 3-6 4-6 3-4 70-100 No. of palm hearts / day (max.) 110 (200) 100 (200) 50 (60) 60-80 40-65 (100) 30-65 80 (115) 0-5 (140) Daily wage [US$] 6.2-11.3 5.6-11.3 2.8-3.4 3.4-4.5 2.3-5.6 1.7-3.7 3.9-7.9 4.5-6.5 < 1 Do cutters stay in camps? no sometimes sometimes yes no no often yes sometimes Distance to harvest site [km] 5 12 8 5-16 6.5 2-5 11-12 - 5 Distance in time 1 hr 2 hr 2 hr - 1½ hr < 1 hr - 3½ hr 1½ hr Means of transport foot + boat foot + boat foot foot + boat foot foot boat foot + boat foot First year of harvesting 1996 1992 1996 ± 1994 1996 1990 1989 1989 1992 No. of harvests in plot 0 2 1 1 1 6 7 6 4 Euterpe precatoria sold? no no yes some occasional occasional yes yes yes Length of fallow period - > 2 year 2 year 1-2 year 1-2 year 1 year 7 months < 1 year 1 year

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Drinking water was a problem in Black Water, since all of the creeks were brackish. According to the local agent and shopkeeper, weekly cabbage sales had dropped from around 3500 to 600 in the past years. He stated to have problems in getting payment for the goods he had given the cutters on credit and encouraged them to continue harvesting palm hearts. Black Water extractors had to travel the longest (3½ hours) to reach their harvesting site (Table 5.4). They said that of the maximum 115 cabbages they could cut per day, at least 20 would be rejected. To relieve the pressure on the heavily exploited riparian swamps, the Company had recruited villagers to deepen the head of a small Barima tributary.

According to Black Water cutters, arguments with factory personnel about immature palm hearts occurred regularly. There were few other means of income available in the area. The social distress in the community had already been noted by anthropologist G. Ford (pers. comm.), and the situation seemed to have changed little since she visited the area in 1996. Some household heads in Black Water indicated they were thinking of starting a farm again, but few had actually done so. They realised that farming meant food security and more independence, but said they could hardly allow themselves to take time off from cabbage cutting to burn a piece of forest, which would take several months before it started to produce. People also brought these aspects forward in Koriabo, Warapoka, and Red Hill. The situation in these settlements, however, was not to such an extent, since other means of employment were available, such as gold mining, wildlife trapping, trading food with mining camps, logging, and factory jobs.

People who did maintain their cassava fields were never obliged to cut cabbage full- time to provide for their daily needs. They worked on a part-time basis and spent the rest of the time hunting, fishing, and farming. Income earned by selling palm hearts was used to buy luxury items (e.g., kerosene, baking powder, and cigarettes) rather than staple food. In Assakata, where all households had a farm and 65% of the households were involved in cabbage cutting, people said they could harvest sufficient cabbage in two days to buy the weekly necessities for their families. Sullivan (1997) calculated that Assakata residents spent only 10% of their labour time harvesting palm hearts; the same amount of time they spent on craft making. More time was dedicated to fishing (17%), while farming turned out to be the most time-consuming activity (38%). The average size of the farms was 1.4 ha (Sullivan, 1999). These aspects may have contributed to the fact that Euterpe resources around Assakata were relatively abundant and the pressure on the forest was much lower than in the other study sites. Fallow periods indicated by the respondents in that area were also the longest in the entire study area.

In some villages, both high and low pressure areas were present. In Koriabo, for instance, villagers explained that cabbage resources had declined over the past years, as had the number of cutters (from 20 to 6). The village never had large Euterpe resources, because in the upper Barima the tidal Euterpe forest gave way to Mora swamps with only few scattered manicoles (Figure 5.1). When the palm hearts from the Mora forest were exhausted, people moved to the Euterpe-dominated creek depressions in the high forest back from the riverbanks. These swamps have been intensively exploited since 1992.

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In December 1997, manicole was extracted some five kilometres inland from the last remaining virgin swamp, and no more than 50 to 60 palm hearts could be extracted per person per day, since the bundles had to be carried home on the cutter’s back. The Company said they were losing money on their weekly trip to Koriabo. The villagers said they were afraid to lose their opportunity to purchase cheap provisions from the Company. The few remaining cutters estimated that there would be enough palm hearts for another four years. After that, there would be no palm hearts left. At the time of this study, the Company was encouraging Koriabo residents to spend more time along the Anabisi River, which harboured large unexploited swamps; but cutters said they were reluctant to settle there, as there were no schools or suitable farmland in the vicinity.

In Red Hill, palm heart yields had declined from almost 15,000 per week in 1989 (Forte, 1995) to 2000 in 1997 (unpublished Company data, 1998). According to Forte, the swamps around the village were already exhausted in 1994. At the time of our survey, cutters reported that they extracted cabbage with very short intervals between harvests. They said they could obtain a maximum of 120 cabbages a day if they worked continuously for eight hours. They remembered that in the early days, they extracted 170-180 palm hearts daily. At the time of our visit, a total of 17 persons (predominantly women) were working in the processing plant. Most adult males had left home to harvest palm hearts along the Morebo and Anabisi Rivers and stayed in riverside camps for several weeks to months. Children were either taken along or left in the village to attend school.

The factory management was under the impression that no palm hearts had been harvested along the Kaituma River for five years, because their boats had stopped entering the Kaituma in 1992 when Barama Company Ltd. started to transport logs over the river. The logging firm used large pontoons that made other motorised river transport quite dangerous. A factory manager recommended Kaituma as a suitable to study Euterpe populations that had been regenerating for five years. Comparison of this forest with an undisturbed area could ascertain whether a five-year fallow period would be sufficient for a harvested population to recover from harvesting. However, after arriving at Kaituma, we found that cabbage cutting had continued in the area over the years. In fact, it had never slowed down, as the agent had been paddling his palm hearts to a camp on the Barima River for five years. Thus, conditions on the Kaituma were no different from other areas studied. Because of this, only two small plots (0.15 ha) were laid out to obtain additional data. One plot was set up in a high- pressure area close to the river, the other in a low-pressure site several kilometres inland.

There were about 20 cutters active in the village, who collected ca. 2500 palm hearts a week (Table 5.4). In the past, extractors used to cut 100-200 cabbages a day in the swamps close to the river. Now, they could harvest an average of 50 palm hearts a day and had to carry them on their backs for eight kilometres. Many immature cabbages had also been rejected lately. Villagers said they badly needed a canal in order to locate resources deeper inland.

167 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

The majority of the cabbage cutters were Amerindian males. In areas where farming was less practised, a substantial percentage of women and children participated in palm heart harvesting as well. Only 5% of the women in Assakata said they extracted manicole on a regular basis (Sullivan, 1997), while from our observations it seemed that in Warapoka, a much higher percentage of female cutters were active. Sullivan estimated that women extracted 50% less than men under the same conditions, while children harvested only half the amount of women. Schoolchildren in Warapoka said they helped their parents in the weekends. If families were staying in forest camps, all but the youngest members were involved in harvesting.

5.3.9 Opening the undisturbed areas Undisturbed ‘maiden’ swamps with large Euterpe resources were found at a one- hour walk inland from the lower Waini riverbanks. These dark forests had a high canopy and the manicole clumps seemed to be much larger than in swamps subject to repeated extraction. Due to the shortage of labour and the large available resources, the Company built several camps at the previously abandoned settlement of Bullet Tree. That same year (1997), the first cutters from the Aruka region moved there to work. They were reported to extract 100-120 cabbages a day from the virgin swamps, with an occasional maximum of 200. All cutters, even the local agent, worked full-time. No subsistence agriculture was practised and few fruit trees or home gardens were planted. The only school in the area was too far away for children to attend. Except for the wage labour on one commercial farm, the only employment was harvesting palm heart.

The migrated cutters said they were glad to escape the poverty of Aruka, where they could only cut 30-50 cabbages a day, many of which were too small to be accepted. They said cabbage resources were plenty along the Waini, as were wildlife and fish. Several kilometres up the Waini, however, Warapoka residents feared the influx of ‘homeless’ Aruka cutters. This was because cabbage resources in the Warapoka Amerindian Reserve had all been depleted and cutters had to travel up to 16 km per day or stay for months in riverside camps to make a living cutting palm hearts. Although they seldom came to harvest in Bullet Tree, Warapoka cutters were anxious about future competition.

5.3.10 Relationship between cutters and the Company We observed that the attitude towards the canning company varied greatly among the communities. In Red Hill, a positive relationship existed between the community and the Company, since the village had been donated a school building. The residents also benefited more directly from the employment in the factory. In villages with rapidly declining Euterpe resources and a lack of agricultural self-sufficiency (Black Water, Warapoka), the general opinion on the Company was quite negative. Residents were eager to utter their frustrations to the researchers. They blamed the Company for the decline in palm hearts and accused them of being unwilling to listen to their problems. Some communities seemed quite cohesive, in particular those with official land titles. These villages had achieved many things in the past, such as a health centre, a village boat, etc. However, when palm heart extraction was

168 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I concerned, it was still ‘everybody for himself’, as a Warapoka cutter formulated it. No feeling of unity existed among the cutters and no attempts were made to organise themselves into some sort of union. In general, however, people praised the fact that they had a steady income and were able to barter their palm hearts for the cheap goods distributed by the Company. As one cutter explained: ‘it is the foreign companies who provide jobs here, not the Government of Guyana. If it wasn’t for the Company, I don’t see how people could live in this place’.

One of the repeated complaints of extractors was that the Company seldom offered any help or compensation for injuries suffered during cabbage cutting. They said the Company refused responsibility, since they were not officially employed. Cutters considered palm heart harvesting to be hard and dangerous work, especially in the wet season when the aggressive labaria (Bothrops atrox) was frequently found between the clumps. This poisonous snake, whose bite can cause death within hours, was said to be the greatest risk of manicole harvesting. As most cutters walked barefoot, labaria bites were common.

Accidents from falling palms mostly happened during heavy rains, when extractors did not always hear the sound of breaking stems. Attempts to transport sick people to hospitals were often made too late. The cabbage boat occasionally transported patients to a hospital, but the Company did usually not cover the patients’ expenses. Forte (1995), Roopnaraine (1998), and G. Ford (pers. comm.) noted similar grievances. The Company contradicted these complaints and stated that snakebites were an extremely rare occurrence among manicole cutters and that they provided transportation for injured cutters and their families to the Mabaruma hospital (X. Richard, pers. comm.). The Company had donated first-aid boxes and snakebite kits to a number of villages. Unfortunately, these goods were often kept in the community health hut or the captain’s house, while cutters usually worked far from the village and snakebites require immediate treatment. Synthetic antiserum is not available outside the major hospitals of the North-West District, as storage at a low temperature is required to keep this medicine effective. The Brazilian antidote ‘Específico’, which does not need to be refrigerated, is frequently sold by interior shops, but it has a questionable reputation.

The year 1998 was extra burdensome for many Guyanese, because of the severe drought caused by the ‘el niño’ weather phenomenon. Unlike the southern part of the country, no massive forest fires occurred in the North-West District. However, farming was impossible and clean drinking water was extremely difficult to obtain. In the critical months of March and April, the Company distributed free drinking water along the main rivers. According to a factory manager, more people than ever were involved in palm heart harvesting during the el niño period, since there was no work to be found in mining, fishing, or agriculture. Fewer cabbages were harvested per person due to competition and limited access to remote swamps because of dry creeks.

169 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts


5.4.1 Population structure In the following section, we will concentrate on the effects of the different cutting practises on Euterpe populations. The results from the nine plots (Table 5.5) and the averages of these figures per pressure group (Table 5.6) show several trends. Euterpe stems in the high-pressure plots (HP) were significantly shorter than in the low- pressure plots (LP) and twice as small as the stems in the control plot (NP). The number of living stems per hectare in HP areas was also much smaller than in the LP and NP plots, although these data were not tested statistically.

The results from the nine plots (Table 5.5) and the averages of these figures per pressure group (Table 5.6) show several trends. Euterpe stems in the high-pressure plots (HP) were significantly shorter than in the low-pressure plots (LP) and twice as small as the stems in the control plot (NP). The number of living stems per hectare in HP areas was also much smaller than in the LP and NP plots, although these data were not tested statistically.

In Figure 5.6, the diameter distribution of living stems is presented for the different pressure groups. There were significant differences in the DBH of living stems (mature and juveniles > 2 m) between the pressure categories. Only a small difference in the DBH of harvestable stems was found between the NP and LP/HP plots. Stems in the virgin swamp were relatively equally distributed along size classes, while almost 50% in the HP plots had a DBH between 3 and 4 cm.

No pressure Low pressure High pressure

50 50 50 % of stems 40 40 40

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10

0 0 0 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 DiameterDiameter [cm [cm].]

Figure 5.6 Diameter distribution of living stems in the three harvest pressure groups.

170 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 5.5 Parameter values from the individual plots. - = data not available.

Parameter values No Pressure Low Pressure High pressure Bullet tree Assakatta Koriabo Warapoka L.Kaituma L. Kaituma Red Hill Black Water Koriabo mean ± std. mean ± std. mean ± std. mean ± std. mean ± std. mean ± std. mean ± std. mean ± std. mean ± std.

Height of living stems > 2 m [m] 10.36 ± 7.07 6.94 ± 3.81 9.36 ± 6.36 7.28 ± 5.46 6.72 ± 5.11 4.72 ± 3.16 5.19 ± 2.88 4.33 ± 2.73 4.43 ± 2.40 No. of living stems per ha 3290 1473 1210 1103 2100 1393 1177 1060 683 Dbh of living stems [cm] 7.98 ± 3.47 6.49 ± 2.67 8.01 ± 3.76 6.24 ± 3.26 6.28 ± 3.67 5.00 ± 2.81 5.15 ± 2.45 4.23 ± 2.46 4.91 ± 2.27 Dbh of harvested stems [cm] - 9.85 ± 1.97 11.78 ± 2.10 11.16 ± 1.96 10.28 ± 1.26 11.13 ± 1.90 10.12 ± 2.02 8.80 ± 2.46 13.17 ± 2.45 Dbh of dead stems (natural) [cm] 9.41 ± 2.79 9.47 ± 3.21 9.58 ± 3.23 8.41 ± 3.57 8.77 ± 2.74 9.24 ± 3.88 10.16 ± 2.01 9.01 ± 2.41 8.84 ± 2.97 % of reproductive stems 15.5 3.8 4.2 8 6.3 4.3 1.4 0 0.5 % of harvestable stems 39.4 33.3 29.6 25.2 27.2 7.2 13.6 6.0 2.5 Stems extracted last harvest [%] 0 29.9 56.2 64.4 21.2 34 81.5 73.2 65.2 No. of harvests in plot 0 2 1 1 1 6 7 6 4 No. of stems /clump (dead + alive) 10.11 ± 6.1 5.31 ± 3.60 6.21 ± 4.46 5.43 ± 4.46 3.45 ± 3.6 2.60 ± 2.64 3.14 ± 2.79 1.77 ± 1.66 4.98 ± 6.10 No. of harvested stems per clump 0 0.39 ± 0.91 2.15 ± 2.30 1.53 ± 1.88 0.04 ± 0.2 0.31 ± 0.96 0.69 ± 1.15 0.37 ± 0.87 1.79 ± 3.11 No. of dead (natural) stems /clump 1.31 ± 1.77 0.7 ± 1.09 0.54 ± 0.89 0.26 ± 0.59 0.15 ± 0.54 0.27 ± 0.93 0.14 ± 0.46 0.11 ± 0.55 0.22 ± 0.78 No. of living suckers per clump 10.42 ± 10.46 4.04 ± 3.69 3.52 ± 4.06 3.56 ± 3.08 3.61 ± 3.07 2.47 ± 2.41 5.25 ± 6.93 1.49 ± 1.95 3.37 ± 3.85 No. of dead suckers per clump 0.01 ± 0.09 0.03 ± 0.22 0.08 ± 0.41 0 ± 0 0.01 ± 0.10 0.02 ± 0.13 0.14 ± 0.75 0.10 ± 0.50 0.20± 0.47 No. of clumps / plot (dead + alive) 114 114 270 110 118 126 166 268 101 No. of seedlings per 4 m2 15 ± 18 2.7 ± 0.6 11.3 ± 9.9 10.6 ± 14 13.5 ± 7.5 -9.0 ± 7.8 1.0 ± 2.5 3.0 ± 3.5 No. of remaining mature stems/ha 1296 490 358 278 571 100 160 64 17 Potential harvest [US$ / ha] 73.0 27.6 20.2 15.7 32.2 5.7 9.0 3.6 1.0 Percentage of dead clumps [%] 3.5 0 4.4 4.5 6.3 10.3 6.0 19.0 5.9 Clump height [cm] 46.31 ± 24.17 29.31 ± 13.58 36.12 ± 18.79 36.45 ± 23.64 18.10 ± 12.49 15.0 ± 12.13 32.95 ± 21.83 14.41 ± 16.31 30.25 ± 18.26

171 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

The diameter distribution of harvested stems is shown in Figure 5.7. Hardly any palms were felled in the category 5-6 cm, since most of the hearts would probably be below the required diameter. It can be seen that fewer medium-sized stems (11-12 cm DBH) were harvested in HP plots when compared to LP plots. This could possibly be caused by the fact that most medium-sized stems had already been felled and cutters had shifted to felling larger and smaller stems. Therefore, the mean DBH of harvested stems in LP and HP plots was almost the same (Table 5.6). Still, over 20% of the stems harvested in the HP plots were close to the minimum diameter (ca. 8.4 cm), which corresponds with a palm heart diameter of ca. 2.0 cm (can size).

Much fewer stems in this risky size class were cut in LP areas. This selection standard seems to prevent the felling of immature stems; the mean DBH of harvested stems in HP plots would have otherwise been much lower than in LP plots.

Low pressure Highpressure

50 50 % of stems 40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 Diameter [cm]

Figure 5.7 Diameter distribution of harvested stems in low- and high-pressure plots.

Significantly fewer living stems per clump were found in HP plots than elsewhere. Figure 5.8 shows that clumps in the undisturbed plot often contained relatively large numbers of stems, while 50-80% of the clumps in extraction areas had only one or two living stems. The increased establishment of saplings (new clumps) under the open canopy may also have caused the high percentage of few-stemmed clumps in the HP plots. More clumps were found per ha in extraction areas than in the virgin swamp, but they had fewer mature stems per clump available for extraction (Table 5.6).

Clumps in the control plot were significantly taller than clumps in areas subject to extraction. Although the felling of stems might decrease the height of the clumps, the low clump height in harvested areas also result from a larger amount of young clumps. Besides harvest intensity and age, clump height might also be influenced by fluctuations in water level and soil characteristics.

172 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 5.6 Parameter values averaged per pressure group. Differences between values in a row are statistically significant when the superscript letter is not identical and the p-value is <0.05 - = no data available.

Parameter values No Pressure NP-LP Low pressure LP-HP High pressure NP-HP (NP) (LP) (HP) mean ± std. p-value mean ± std. p-value mean ± std. p-value

Height of living stems [m] 10.36 ± 7.07 a 0.000 7.59 ± 5.32 b 0.000 4.8 ± 2.52 c 0.000 Number of living stems per ha 3290 - 1472 ± 387 - 1078 ± 258 - Dbh of living stems [cm] 7.98 ± 3.47 a 0.000 6.78 ± 3.41 b 0.000 4.71 ± 2.84 c 0.000 Dbh of harvested stems [cm] - - 11.44 ± 2.11 a 0.226 11.15 ± 2.92 a - Dbh of dead stems [cm] 9.41 ± 2.79 a 0.088 9.31 ± 3.24 a 0.135 9.31 ± 2.98 a 0.205 DBH of harvestable stems 11.58 ± 1.53 a 0.000 10.71 ± 2.6 b 0.391 10.03 ± 2.32 b 0.001 [cm] % of reproductive stems 15.5 a 0.000 5.6 b 0.000 1.4 c 0.000 % of harvestable stems 39.4 a 0.000 29.2 b 0.000 8 c 0.000 % of all stems harvested - - 22.1 a 0.103 23.8 a - % of dead stems (natural) 12.89 8.2 5.98 No. of stems per clump 10.11± 6.10 a 0.000 5.24 ± 4.21 b 0.000 2.75 ± 3.34 c 0.000 (dead and alive) No. of living stems per clump 8.86 ± 5.51 a 0.000 3.36 ± 2.81 b 0.000 1.92 ± 1.64 c 0.000

No. of dead stems per clump 1.31 ± 1.77 a 0.000 0.43 ± 0.85 b 0.000 0.16 ± 0.66 c 0.000 No. of harvested stems/clump 0 ± 0.0 a 0.000 1.16 ± 1.87 b 0.013 0.65 ± 1.59 c 0.005 No. of living suckers/clump 10.42 ± 10.46 a 0.000 3.67 ± 3.55 b 0.023 2.89 ± 4.37 c 0.000 No. of dead suckers/clump 0.01 ± 0.09 a 0.158 0.04 ± 0.26 a 0.000 0.11 ± 0.53 b 0.004 No. of seedlings per 4 m² 15 a > 0.05 10.4 ± 4.59 a > 0.05 4.33 ± 3.40 a > 0.05 Total no. of clumps per ha 380 - 510 ± 225 - 551 ± 212 - (dead and alive) Percentage of dead clumps 3.5 a 0.070 3.8 a 0.001 10.3 b 0.002 Average height clumps [cm] 46.31 ± 24.17a 0.000 31.72 ± 19.0 b 0.000 24.28 ± 20.8 c 0.000 Number of harvests in plot 0 1.25 5.75 Yield of last harvests [kg / ha] - - 149.94 - 108.14 - Yield of last harvest [US$/ha] - 32.1 18.1 Potential yield [kg / ha] 383.01 - 108.03 - 20.53 - Potential harvest [US$ / ha] 73.0 24.2 4.9 Weight of harvested palm 292.63 286.74 -- 0.170 - heart [g] ± 70.95 a ± 98.93 a Weight of remaining palm 270.72 247.78 295.38 ± 51.87a 0.000 0.085 0.001 heart [g] ± 84.39 b ± 74.51 b

173 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

No Pressure Low Pressure High pressure 20 60 100

% of 50 80 clumps 40 60 10 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 0 1-2 5-6 9-10 13-14 17-18 19-20 1-2 5-6 9-10 13-14 17-18 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 3-4 7-8 11-12 15- 3-4 7-8 11-12 15-16 16 Number of stems

Figure 5.8 Number of living stems per clump in the three harvest pressure groups.

As Euterpe palms develop a crownshaft before producing , all reproductive stems are in principle suitable for extraction. The removal of mature stems seemed to have consequences for the sexual reproduction of Euterpe populations. There was a large variation in the number of flowering and/or fruiting stems among the nine plots, varying from 15.5% in the virgin swamp to 0% at Black Water (Table 5.5). A low number of seedlings were present in the HP plots (Table 5.6), but differences in seedling density were not significant due to the patchy distribution of juveniles and the small sample size (12 m2 per plot). Clumps in the undisturbed plot had more than three times as many suckers than clumps in HP plots, which might indicate that the extraction of palm hearts has a negative effect on the vegetative regeneration as well.

5.4.2 Sucker and clump mortality Clumps in the HP plots had significantly more dead suckers than those in the LP and NP plots, although some dead sprouts might have been overlooked as they tend to rot quickly. The ratio between living and dead suckers was about 1000:1 in the control plot, 92:1 in the LP plots, and 26:1 in the HP plots. Increasing harvest pressure seemed to augment sucker mortality, a possible result of the clearing of clumps and removal of energy-producing ramets. Table 5.6 also shows that the percentage of dead clumps in the HP plots (10.3%) was almost three times as high as the natural mortality in the control plot (3.5%). The mortality in the LP plots was not significantly different from that in the control plot.

5.4.3 Palm heart yield The last reconstructed yield in the LP plots, calculated from the DBH of harvested stems, was more than 40 kg/ha higher than the last yield of the HP plots (Table 5.6). The current standing stock in the undisturbed plot was more than three times the potential yield of the LP plots and more than 18 times that of the HP plots. Although a slight downward trend was noticed in the average weight of harvested and remaining palm hearts, especially when compared to the standing stock in the virgin plot, no significant differences were found between the LP and HP plots. This is most probably the result of the minimum diameter (2.0 cm) required by the Company. As smaller palm hearts are not accepted, our data suggest that extractors can extract fewer mature palm hearts from the same sites at each subsequent harvest. If expressed in monetary value, this effect becomes even more obvious. The current

174 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I potential economic value of the undisturbed swamp was almost 15 times that of the high-pressure areas.

5.4.4 Effects of harvesting practices per study site Available Euterpe resources and socio-economic conditions obviously have a great influence on harvesting practises, as there was quite some variance in extraction methods within the pressure groups. To illustrate the effects of harvesting practices per study site, the absolute parameter values for the nine plots are listed in Table 5.5. Even though the plot in Assakata had just been harvested for a second time, many mature stems remained. The percentage of remaining mature stems after harvesting (33.3%) approached that of the undisturbed plot (39.4%). Cutters said they did not deliberately leave one mature stem per cluster to enhance regrowth, but this did seem to happen in practice. Since there was ample choice in mature stems, the cutters did not systematically eliminate all mature stems. They would fell one or two stems, walk a little further, and continue cutting from another clump. The absence of dead clumps, fallow periods of two years or more, and a maximum harvest of 200 palm hearts a day made Assakata the least affected area after the virgin swamp.

In most high-pressure areas, cutters regularly checked the swamps surrounding their village on their way back home from the distant extraction sites. These forests were heavily exploited as nearly all stems were felled just after reaching maturity. This practice is rather destructive, as it does not allow the population to recover from harvesting and strongly limits sexual reproduction. The Koriabo HP plot was laid out in such an exhausted swamp. Not only had four ‘crops’ of palm heart been extracted in five years, but mature stems were also extracted between harvests. Stem height and diameter were among the lowest of all plots (Table 5.5). Very few mature or reproductive stems were present and the number of dead suckers was relatively high. The canopy was very open and secondary pioneers had taken over the vegetation. Shrubs of Melastomataceae and Piperaceae and aggressive lianas competed with the recovering manicole for light and space. These secondary species usually do occur in Euterpe swamps (chapter 3), but they are less competitive in undisturbed conditions. The potential harvest in the Koriabo HP plot had been reduced to less than US$ 1 per hectare.

Cutters in high-pressure areas used undesired harvesting techniques, such as clearing young stems and suckers from a clump before felling a mature stem and rigorously cutting almost every mature stem they could find, except those ‘fastened’ with their crowns in the canopy. This is illustrated in Table 5.5 by the high percentage of stems felled during the last harvest. These intensively exploited areas require more time to regenerate than less rigorously harvested swamps, but their fallow periods were even shorter. The HP plot at Red Hill had been harvested seven times in eight years. The percentage of dead clumps was almost twice of that found in the virgin swamp. Red Hill cutters said they would leave a harvested swamp to regenerate for at least seven months. Then, they would return to cut the ‘seven-month cabbage’, the smallest palm heart still accepted by the Company. The effects of overharvesting were clearest at Black Water. The HP plot was harvested six times in the past five years. The mean height and diameter of Euterpe stems were the lowest of all plots, while the

175 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts percentage of dead clumps was the highest (19%). Clumps hardly contained any living suckers. No single reproductive stem was left in the plot.

5.4.5 Harvesting the virgin swamp To see how much palm heart could be extracted from a virgin swamp in a normal situation, an area of 0.2 ha was experimentally harvested in the control plot. In Table 5.7 these data were extrapolated to one hectare. Cutters collected 57 cabbages in one morning, with a total weight of 46 kg (the palm hearts still had two outer leaf sheaths). The extractors said that they had only cut the ‘first-choice stems’ that morning. Under normal circumstances, they would return the following day to harvest the palms that were less easy to fell. Thus, the total yield of one harvest would be higher than the actual yield listed in Table 5.7. The mean weight of the palm hearts (without outer leaf sheaths) from the virgin swamp was higher than that from previously harvested areas (ca. 319 gr vs. 248-271 gr, Table 5.6). The DBH of felled stems was also slightly higher; but then again the data from Table 5.7 do not represent the entire harvest. The potential value of palm heart in 1 ha of virgin swamp was approximately US$ 73, assuming that all mature stems in the plot (1296) were suitable for harvest. In practice, cutters would not fell every mature stem, as several palms were entangled in tree crowns and were impossible to bring down. When there was a wide choice of suitable stems, the cutting intensity was generally much lower. This was also observed at Assakata. Due to the small sample size and the experimental character of this harvest, parameters of harvested stems from the virgin swamp were not included in the statistical analysis.

Table 5.7 Parameter values from the virgin swamp.

Parameter values mean ± st. dev.

DBH of harvested stems [cm] 11.7 ± 1 .6 Height of harvested stems [m] 16.9 ± 2 .5 Diameter harvested cabbage [cm] 2.8 ± 1 . 4 Palm heart weight (can size) [gr] 319.1 ± 8 2.8 No. of mature stems /ha 1296 No. of stems harvested /ha 285 Potential yield [kg/ha] 383 Potential yield [US $/ha] 73.0 Actual yield (first day) [kg/ha] 230 Actual yield (first day) [US $/ha] 16.1

5.4.6 Harvesting of Euterpe precatoria Special attention was paid to the presence of Euterpe precatoria (winamoro or abua) in the plots. This single-stemmed palm species was much less abundant than E. oleracea. Few signs of extraction were notified in populations of E. precatoria. Moreover, E. precatoria was never sold in areas with extensive E. oleracea resources. People did not want to risk an argument with the Company and used the large palm hearts only in local stew dishes. Large E. precatoria palms remained after extraction in the LP plots in Assakata and Lower Kaituma. However, in regions with

176 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I rapidly declining palm heart stocks and a tense relationships with the Company (Koriabo, Black Water, Warapoka), people admitted that they occasionally tried to cheat the Company by secretly mixing winamoro cabbages with the other cabbages. Despite this, only six (10%) of the 57 individuals of E. precatoria found in all plots together had been felled for palm heart.

5.4.7 Growth of Euterpe oleracea in cultivation In 1993, a nursery with Euterpe oleracea seedlings was established in a cleared field next to the factory building in Drum Hill. This plantation was started for research purposes and was frequently weeded. No fertilisers or insecticides were used. The nursery offered a chance to study the growth of E. oleracea under plantation conditions. Results of the measurements from 86 clumps (about half of the nursery), with a total number of 234 stems (dead and alive), are shown in Table 5.8. Factory workers had secretly cut some of the stems in order to sell the palm hearts.

Table 5.8 Properties of Euterpe oleracea in the Company nursery

Parameter values (n = 234) Mean ± st. dev

Height of living stems [m] 3.3 ± 1.4 DBH of living stems [cm] 6.4 ± 3.0 DBH of harvested stems [cm] 9.2 ± 1.9 Percentage of reproductive stems [%] 5.9 Percentage of immature stems [%] 53.4 Percentage of harvested stems [%] 37.6 Percentage of dead stems (natural) [%] 1.7 Percentage of harvestable stems [%] 7.3 Number of suckers per clump 2.3 Palm heart weight [g] 217.9 Actual yield last harvest [kg] 19.2

Growing in full sunlight, the trunks were much sturdier than Euterpe stems in wild populations. Inflorescences were formed at no more than 2 m above the stem base. In January 1998, the clumps were almost five years old and looked healthy. As the largest stem was 7 m tall with a DBH of 17.1 cm, the maximum growth rate per year under these conditions would be 1.4 m in height and 3.4 cm in DBH. It was impossible, however, to determine which stems were indeed five years old and which had sprouted later.

These growth rates are thus merely an indication, but do confirm the theory that stems invest less in height when planted in the open. Diameters of 17 cm were seldom found in wild E. oleracea populations. The results from the nursery proved that manicole can be easily grown in plantations and that it produces harvestable palm hearts within five years. However, with such extensive wild resources at hand, it would be rather senseless to establish large plantations. Nevertheless, enrichment plantings in open areas are an option, considering the rapid growth of the species.

177 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

5.4.8 Effects of palm heart harvesting on other NTFPs No direct negative effects were noticed of palm heart harvesting on the availability of other NTFPs, although no quantitative data were collected on this subject. Rumours that cabbage cutters were destroying troolie palms (Manicaria saccifera, the major source of roof thatch in coastal Guyana) were not based on reality. Cutters seldom damaged troolie leaves when extracting palm hearts and the palm was still present in large numbers along the Waini and Barima Rivers. Increasing prices for troolie leaves were probably the result of high transport costs, rather than of the scarcity of the product.

Wildlife is another important NTFP of the coastal Euterpe swamps. In fact, many cabbage cutters earn some additional cash by selling parrots, macaws, snakes, aquarium fish, wild meat, and living mammals to wildlife traders. Since many birds feed on Euterpe fruits, extraction of reproductive palms was thought to lead to declining bird populations (Forte, 1995; Johnson, 1995). However, extractors said they had not noticed a decrease in the number of birds or other animals since they had started to cut manicole. They said that most birds did not depend entirely on manicole, but also fed on the fruits of Euterpe precatoria, Jessenia bataua, Mauritia flexuosa, and Inga spp. This corresponds with Galetti and Aleixo (1998), who found no decline in parrot populations in Brazilian Euterpe edulis forests after exploitation.


5.5.1 Impact of palm heart harvesting on Euterpe populations Although there were no detailed aerial photographs of the coastal manicole swamps available at the time of this survey, we estimate that most of the swamp forest directly alongside the large rivers of the North-West District (Barima, Aruka, Koriabo, Kaituma and Waini Rivers) can be considered high-pressure areas. Depending on the particular area, low-pressure areas are found several kilometres inland from the riverbanks, behind the heavily extracted riverine swamps. The majority of the low-pressure areas can be found in the lower Waini, the Baramanni, and the lower Barama regions.

The significantly higher percentage of dead clumps in the HP plots compared to the undisturbed plot could be interpreted as a sign of excessive pressure on the Euterpe populations. The percentage of dead clumps in the LP plots was not significantly different from that of the control plot, suggesting that extraction in LP sites had not yet led to higher mortality rates. More dead stems were present in the control plot than in the harvested plots, but probably the stems are felled in the harvested plots before they get a chance to die by natural causes. Age, wind damage, insect attacks, and competition for light and nutrients are all probable causes of natural mortality of stems (Calzavara, 1972; Hallé et al., 1978). Stems in all size classes run the risk of a natural death; however, since juvenile ramets decay much faster than larger ones, the latter are more obvious to the observer. Our data do not indicate that felling a mature stem has an effect on the fitness of the remaining stems on that particular clump.

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There were some differences in the depth of the pegasse layer between the plots (van Andel et al., 1998), and there might also have been some variety in the salinity, length, and intensity of the flooding. However, the vegetation of the manicole swamps seemed rather comparable throughout the North-West District (chapter 3). Moreover, since the variety in soil and hydrology was present both within and between the pressure groups, we do not consider them to have a great influence on the outcomes of this study.

The extraction of palm hearts appeared to have a negative effect on the vegetative regeneration, since less living suckers and more dead suckers per clump were found in the HP plots. According to Strudwick (1990) and Pollak et al. (1995), palm heart extraction is considered sustainable if it has no long-term deleterious effect on the regeneration of the population and the yield remains more or less constant throughout the years. Since the results of this study showed a steady decline in the height and diameter of stems, clump vitality, reproduction, and palm heart yield, the current methods of palm heart extraction cannot be considered ecologically sustainable.

5.5.2 Fallow periods and growth rates The Company has been operating under the assumption that when all mature stems of an Euterpe population are felled, a second harvest can be conducted in about five years (Johnson, 1995). Results from this study point out that harvest cycles in the study area are not much longer than two years and often are even shorter. It also became clear that extraction in the area with the longest fallow periods (Assakata) seemed to have the least impact. The time needed for full regeneration is determined by the number of palm hearts extracted per harvest and the growth rate of the species. Although Euterpe oleracea is frequently cultivated in Brazil (Strudwick and Sobel, 1988), few studies have been done on the growth rates of the palm, and their results are quite different. Calzavara (1972), for example, estimated a stem increment of ca. 1 m per year in wild populations, while Ricci (1987) measured a maximum annual growth of 24 cm in height and 0.59 cm in diameter for young stems (DBH 3- 5 cm). In Ricci’s experiment, Euterpe stems showed an initial stage of secondary growth, but after reaching a DBH of 8 cm, annual diameter increase was minimal.

Higher light intensities caused by the removal of mature stems resulted in a slight acceleration in the growth of young ramets. Nevertheless, the stress inflicted by too intensive harvests had a negative effect on growth rates (Ricci, 1987). Anderson (1988) found that the removal of adult stems stimulated sucker growth. In this study, extraction had a strongly negative effect on the number of suckers per clump and even seemed to enhance sucker mortality; the effects on sucker growth have not been measured. Calzavara (1972) warned for the clearing of debris around Euterpe clumps, as this practice seriously damaged suckers and slowed down regeneration. Removal of adult ramets of the clonal palm Geonoma congesta also resulted in higher mortality of the suckers (Chazdon, 1991).

Cabbage cutters in Guyana estimated that it would take five years for a sucker to grow into a mature stem. This more or less corresponds with the outcomes of the nursery experiment, although growth conditions in the open field are without doubt

179 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts much different than those in a natural environment. On the other hand, a sucker from a clump might grow much faster than a seedling, since the latter lacks the photosynthetic support of its fellow ramets. Calzavara (1972) recommended a harvest cycle of at least four years for Brazilian Euterpe swamps, as did Ricci (1987, 1989) for French Guiana. Although our results do not allow for a clear indication of the required fallow periods to ensure sustainable harvest, an interval of four to five years seems reasonable for a population to recover from cutting damage. Extraction cycles of five years are relatively short compared to other wild species used for palm heart. For instance, a report by PROMAB (1998) recommends fallow periods of 30 years between harvests of E. precatoria in Bolivia. It also states that only 20% of the single-stemmed adults should be extracted per harvest and that silvicultural treatments are needed to guarantee sufficient regrowth. However, these extraction rates would still lead to declining populations. Because of the high management costs and long fallow periods, the authors conclude that sustainable extraction of E. precatoria would not be economically feasible.

5.5.3 Decline in production: Guyana versus Brazil After several years of exploitation, the Euterpe populations studied in the North- West District have shown a steady decline in height, diameter, reproductivity, potential, and actual yield. This indicates that with the current extraction levels and short fallow periods, the harvesting of palm heart is not sustainable. When comparing our results with those of Pollak et al. (1995), there were several striking differences with the situation in Brazil (Table 5.9). Guyanan palm hearts were required to have a minimum diameter of 2.0 cm, while Brazilian factories accepted immature cabbages of 1.3 cm diameter. Low-grade or small-sized palm hearts, which would have been rejected or discarded in Guyana, were kept for the national market in Brazil (Strudwick and Sobel, 1988; Pollak et al., 1995). The Brazilian Environmental Agency IBAMA had proposed a minimum size of 2.0 cm, but regulations were not enforced and many ‘illegal’ palm hearts were being processed (Pollak et al., 1995). At the time of that study, Brazilian extractors were being paid according to the size of their palm hearts. They received US$ 0.04 for a small cabbage (< 2 cm), $ 0.05 for a medium cabbage (2-3 cm), and $ 0.07 for a large palm heart (> 3 cm). In Guyana, the standard price for all palm hearts was ca. $ 0.06. The slightly higher prices in Brazil resulted in a daily income of $ 8-10 for Marajó extractors, more than in most areas in the North-West District (Table 5.4).

Table 5.9 Comparison of palm heart harvesting between Guyana and Brazil.

Parameters North-West District Marajó Island, Brazil < 2 times > 2 times 4-5 yrs fallow 1-2 yrs fallow harvested harvested period period DBH of harvested stems [cm] 11.44 11.15 10.6 6.2 DBH of living stems > 2 m 6.8 4.7 6.3 4.9 Palm heart diameter [cm] 2.75 2.69 2.6 1.3 Palm heart weight [g] 293 287 262 76 Actual yield [kg/ha] 149.9 108.1 192.3 43.9 No. of stems needed for this yield 512 377 734 577 Percentage of dead clumps 4 10 11 25

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The average palm heart weight of the Brazilian plots with short fallow periods was more than three times lower than in the Guyanese HP plots (harvested more than 2 times). The Company’s strict size control, therefore, is a good instrument to prevent a strong decline in palm heart weight due to the harvesting of immature stems. Although they were difficult to find in Marajó, Pollak et al. showed that fallow periods of 4-5 years led to a higher net yield than short periods of 1-2 years (Table 5.9). No direct comparisons could be made between the low-pressure plots in Brazil (with a fallow period of 4-5 years) and LP plots in Guyana, since areas with fallow periods longer than two years were not found in Guyana. The Brazilian LP plots also had a slightly higher yield than LP plots in Guyana, probably because of the higher numbers of small cabbages collected. The fallow periods in the Brazilian and Guyanese HP plots were more or less equal in length, which enables a more direct comparison. Although many more stems were cut in the Brazilian HP plots, the yield in those plots was much lower than in Guyanese HP plots. As Pollak and co-workers did not calculate potential yield, nothing is known about the number of stems remaining in the field after harvest in Marajó Island.

One quarter of all the clumps was dead in the Brazilian stands subject to frequent harvest, while clump mortality was around 10% in Guyanese HP plots. Palm heart extraction in Brazil started in the 1970s, and Euterpe resources in the area have certainly dwindled since then. Pollak et al. (1995) predicted that the economic boom in the palm heart industry would be short-lived, since many of the hundreds of canning factories in the Amazon estuary were closing down in the early 1990s. Overharvesting in the study area of Pollak et al. appeared to be more severe than in our study plots in Guyana; population parameters in Marajó low-pressure plots seemed more similar to HP plots in Guyana. Nevertheless, if extraction continues at the current level of intensity, in 10 years from now, Guyana may face similar problems with future yields as Brazil.

Overharvesting and low-quality palm hearts have already weakened Brazil’s position on the world market (Richards, 1993). In the 1990s, other Latin American countries (e.g., , Ecuador) started to harvest palm hearts from Bactris gasipaes plantations and filled the gap in the export market to France. This multi-stemmed species only needs two years to produce adequately sized palm hearts. If properly managed, a Bactris plantation can yield ca. 4500 palm hearts annually per hectare in the first ten years (PROMAB, 1998). According to Arkcoll and Clement (1989), plantations of B. gasipaes can produce palm hearts at six times the rate of E. oleracea in experimental plantations.

5.5.4 Socio-economic benefits of palm heart harvesting According to Forte (1995), the traditional Amerindian culture in Guyana is threatened by the long periods of absence of able-bodied males. Women can plant and tend their subsistence farms only after men have cut and burned a piece of forest. If heads of households work in remote cities, mines, or logging concessions, the farms will be neglected. When the men return, their earnings rarely last to feed the family until the next paycheque. The socio-economic advantages of palm heart harvesting are that it provides locally available cash income and allows most extractors to return home every day and maintain their indigenous lifestyle. Those

181 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts who stay in forest camps for long periods usually take their families with them. In fact, spending time in temporary camps during fishing and hunting trips has always been part of Amerindian life (Roth, 1924). Commercial NTFP extraction is one of the few employment opportunities available within the Amerindian reservations (Forte, 1995; van Andel and Reinders, 1999). Although cabbage cutters have neglected their farms in some areas, they still spend considerably more time at home with their families than men who found work in remote logging or mining camps. Therefore, it is of great socio-economic importance that the Company continues its activities in the North-West District.


5.6.1 Management plan Harvesting palm hearts is not only socially more acceptable than the gold and timber industry, it also appears to be less environmentally destructive. Flying over the North-West District, we immediately noticed large openings in the forest cover when passing logging or mining operations. In the palm heart region, the canopy appeared quite intact from the air, even in high-pressure areas. According to Johnson (1995), Euterpe swamps represent a concentrated resource that is potentially simple to manage compared to more species-rich heterogeneous forests. To guarantee a continuous supply of palm hearts in the future, the Company must develop a management plan as soon as possible. It should be based on adequate resource inventories and include post-harvest monitoring. The Company should design a strategy to continue processing manicole while relieving the pressure on overharvested areas. The Company has already announced informally that they want to keep production in the North-West District at its present level to prevent further pressure on the forest. According to manager X. Richard (pers. comm.), the Company tries as much to minimise its effects on the ecological and social environment in the region. He further states that within the framework of globalisation, food processors have to be guided by the rules of the international market with regards to competition and marketing. In his opinion, the Company has experienced a strong influence of currency valuation, trade agreements, and mergers. A publicly available management plan, however, would give the Company a better image and lessen the suspicion felt by the Guyanese public. The plan might also serve as an instrument to monitor the sustainability of the extraction practices. After the publication of the interim report by van Andel et al. (1998), the Guyana Forestry Commission requested the Company again to develop a management plan for the next five years (G. Marshall, pers. comm.).

5.6.2 Further research For valid statements on regeneration periods and sustainable harvesting levels, further research is needed on the population dynamics of E. oleracea. Repeated measurements on recovery are necessary to assess the long-term effects of different harvest pressures. Experimental cutting at different intensities should be carried out in permanent sample plots. Regeneration should be measured for several years in order to develop growth models and sustainable harvest levels. These models, accompanied by resource mapping made through aerial photographs and GIS

182 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I systems, should form the basis of a sustainable management plan. Attention should further be paid to the optimum relationship between the ecological limits of palm heart extraction and the socio-economic subsystem.

5.6.3 Certification Canned palm heart is consumed mainly in developed countries like France and the USA, where ‘green’ products from rainforests are popular among environmentally minded people. These consumers are willing to pay a higher price for a product if it is harvested in a sustainable way and guarantees a better income for extractors in developing countries (Browder, 1992; Clay, 1992). Once the Company succeeds in developing an ecologically sustainable management system, in which attention is paid to the social needs of the cabbage cutters, the Company could market its palm heart as a ‘sustainably harvested rainforest product’. This would benefit the marketing position of the Company and ultimately lead to better living conditions for the cutters. Currently, the company is only certified to produce palm heart without fertilisers and pesticides (J. Gérin, pers. comm.).

5.6.4 Large-scale rotation systems From an ecological viewpoint, the best solution for overharvesting would be to stop buying palm hearts from heavily exploited areas. If the Company would withdraw from those areas and intensify extraction in less-disturbed areas, the damaged populations could regenerate and perhaps permit harvesting again in another five years. An adequate control system is needed to prevent illegal cutting in overharvested areas. A large-scale rotation system, however, may have severe socio- economic consequences. Local employment opportunities would suddenly be limited and cheap commodities would no longer be available in closed areas. With few food reserves grown at home, this could lead to extreme poverty and malnutrition among cabbage cutter families. These cutters should either be offered alternative sources of income or stimulated to migrate to less-disturbed areas. Adequate housing, health and education facilities would make it more attractive for people to move to new extraction sites. In addition, newcomers should definitely be encouraged to combine palm heart harvesting with subsistence farming, in order to prevent resource depletion and forced migration in the future. This is especially relevant in the Lower Waini, where migrants from the Aruka and Barima Rivers have already started harvesting on a full-time basis. Food security is essential to prevent a total dependency on the canning industry and the consequent destruction of Euterpe swamps.

Several authors have designed large-scale management systems for the Brazilian palm heart industry. Calzavara (1972), for example, presented results from a plantation in which palm hearts were harvested every four years, felling 30% of the stems > 10 m and 30% of the stems between 2 and 5 m during each harvest. Anderson and Jardim (1989) reported a system in which three large palm hearts were extracted from each clump every third year, combined with selective thinning of weeds and vines and girdling of canopy trees without local uses. Strudwick (1990) gave an example of a successful management plan in Marajó, in which a palm heart factory divided an area of 5 x 2 km into smaller rectangles of 200 x 500 m. These plots were harvested every four years and actively managed by the Company.

183 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

Undesirable vegetation and palm leaf debris where cleared to provide sufficient light and a better germination of E. oleracea. The forest was thus maintained in an optimum state for the future production of palm heart. This system supplied approximately 700 harvestable stems per ha. It was estimated that it would take just over two years to harvest the entire area. Upon completion, the project would go to another area and return two years later, when the palms had reached a sufficient size to harvest again. To encourage the cutters to follow this management scheme, they were paid two times the standard payment. Palm heart operations of the same company, using similar methods in other areas, had been in practice for over ten years, thus demonstrating the apparent sustainability of the system (Strudwick, 1990). In the North-West District, 1296 harvestable stems per ha were counted in the control plot, while ca. 400 mature stems per ha were left after harvest in the low- pressure plots. If a sustainable system allows the felling of 700 stems per ha every four years, extraction rates would still be lower than in the present LP plots. Further research should be conducted to see if this management system could be applied in Guyana as well.

At first glance, these harvesting systems look rather costly and complicated. However, Pollak et al. (1995) argued that low- and high-intensity management systems both resulted in significant long-term savings for factories, when compared to the costs of purchasing wild palm hearts from independent extractors. The management of forests dominated by economically important species could be a successful venture, if the product value is high and conflictive land uses are few (Anderson, 1988; Peters et al., 1989b). This seems to apply for northwest Guyana as well, since commercial agriculture would require drastic changes in the swampy, saline environment of the coastal wetlands, while the absence of commercial timber species and valuable minerals make them unsuitable for logging or mining. The harvesting of palm hearts (and other NTFPs) seems to be the most viable land use in this region, provided that an adequate management plan is developed. Strudwick (1990) predicted that if the Amazonian coastal wetlands would be carefully managed, a steady, renewable source of palm heart could result, while at the same time helping to conserve the native forests and soils.

5.6.5 Small-scale rotation systems From a socio-economic standpoint, the best solution for overharvesting would be the development of rotation systems at community level. This would enable people to earn a living in their near surroundings, without having to move away from their families or homelands. As villages differ from each other in resource availability, each should make its own management plan. In such a system, some areas are predestined for harvest, while others are left to regenerate for at least four years. Whichever occurs, at least one mature stem per clump should be spared and marked with paint in order to enhance the growth of suckers and young stems. Other recommended silvicultural measures are: 1) avoid the cutting of suckers and young stems when felling large stems; and 2) selective clearing of lianas and shrubs that inhibit the growth of seedlings and young stems.

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Strict agreements among cutters are needed to avoid extraction in regenerating areas. However, guaranteed land or access rights are a prerequisite for the success of such a system. In high-pressure areas, subsistence agriculture should be stimulated to guarantee food security.

Training programs should focus on the following subjects:

• Improving agricultural techniques in subsistence farming • Designing village-based management plans for palm heart extraction • Developing community administration skills

At the time of this research, no attempts had ever been made by cabbage cutters to organise themselves. Everyone was a direct competitor of his neighbour, a factor that strongly weakened his or her bargaining position. In addition, hardly any agreements were made among villagers on the division of working space. Extractors were inclined to harvest palm hearts as soon as possible, instead of waiting for the stems to reach larger size and thus losing them to other cutters. When a small-scale rotation system was discussed with extractors from Warapoka, they rejected the idea. They considered the palm heart resources around their village too limited to establish a rotation system with such long fallow periods. People said they were too dependent on cabbage cutting to slow down harvesting. They needed the cash to meet their daily needs. They also wondered who would control the regenerating areas.

Since in the end it is the extractor who decides which stems to cut and which to leave for future harvests, he exercises the ultimate control over whether or not the activity is sustainable (Pollak et al., 1995). For this reason, conditions must be made favourable for the extractor to carry out his job in a way that protects the natural resource against over-exploitation. According to Schwartzman (1990), the palm heart industry in Brazil was a clear case where land reform would result in sustainable management practices. This should happen through the combination of extractive reserves and cooperative marketing.

In Guyana, a system to relieve the pressure on the Euterpe swamps would only work if alternative resources were available to the cutters. To ensure food security and overcome the loss of income, self-help days could be organised during which villagers work together establishing farms in exchange for food. Similar programs have been executed successfully by SIMAP in other communities in the North-West District (Forte, 1995). Community-based management systems should first be tested in low-pressure areas, where sufficient manicole resources are still available. Village councils should always be fully involved in this process, as well as local agents and representatives from the Company. The lack of communication between the Company and communities involved in palm heart harvesting has often led to tense relations and mutual distrust. Therefore, it has been suggested that an intermediary be employed to start a dialogue between cutters and the Company and to explain company policies (G. Ford, pers. comm.).

185 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

Communities should try to organise themselves and take a responsible attitude towards the future. Harvest quota should be set for vulnerable areas. Village administration is essential in order to control the amounts of palm hearts extracted. Cutters must be registered, both at the Company and in at village itself. More creeks should be deepened to avoid further depletion of riparian Euterpe stocks. These activities should be co-ordinated by village councils and stimulated by the Company, the Guyanese government, SIMAP, and other (Amerindian) NGOs concerned with rural welfare.

5.6.6 Safety Palm heart harvesters repeatedly mentioned snake bites as the greatest risk of their work. Ideally, every cutter should carry a personal snakebite kit, containing a suction pump, a razor blade, and a bottle of anti-venom. This is of course quite expensive, but local health huts are often badly equipped for emergencies and hospitals may be as far as a day’s travel in a fast boat. The cheapest option is to minimise the risk of snakebites. Distribution of free rubber boots to all cabbage cutters would greatly reduce injuries. When we recommended this in our interim report (van Andel et al., 1998), the Company replied that cutters found it impractical to wear boots in the forest (X. Richard, pers. comm.). When the GFC later urged the Company to provide safety gear for extractors, the general manager answered that cutters were not employed by the Company (LaRose, 1999). LaRose also noted that neither cutters nor agents were insured by the country’s National Insurance Scheme.

5.6.7 Utilisation of Euterpe fruits In Brazil, a popular drink (‘açai’) is made from the fruits of Euterpe oleracea. People harvest the fruits by climbing the palms, cutting the inflorescences, and extracting the pulp by hand. Açai supports a huge domestic economy in the Brazilian Amazon: in 1987 it had become the most important extractive product (by value) in the Brazilian economy (Richards, 1993). The liquid is processed into ice cream, pastries, and other food items. Mixed with cassava flour, rice, or sugar, açai is consumed in huge quantities by the poor section of the Amazonian population. In some areas, people consume over two litres a day (Strudwick and Sobel, 1988; de Castro, 1993). E. oleracea has a major fruiting season from August to December in Brazil (Kahn and de Granville, 1992), but nothing is known about its phenology in Guyana. In this study, reproductive adults were frequently observed between October and February, and locals said that fruits and flowers were produced throughout the year.

For some reason, the Guyanese do not fancy Euterpe juice, although a similar drink from the fruits of Jessenia bataua is very popular. In this way, a product with such an enormous potential remains unused, because it lacks opportunities on the domestic market. The Company was not very positive about processing Euterpe fruits (X. Richard, pers. comm.), but once a stable external market is found, they might reconsider developing a conserving system for fruit pulp export. Using the existing infrastructure for palm heart collection, the revenues from manicole swamps could then increase significantly, resulting in more income and employment for local people. Palm heart harvesting does not necessarily have negative consequences for

186 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I fruit collection (Peters et al., 1989b; Richards, 1993). Leaving intact one mature stem per cluster increases the vitality of the clump and supplies the extractor with fruits.

Once Euterpe fruits are considered valuable, fewer reproductive trees will be felled. In Surinam and Brazil, local people widely cultivate E. oleracea for its fruits. Anderson and Jardim (1989) found that pruning a few mature Euterpe stems per clump for palm heart did not have negative effects on the fruit production of the remaining stems and that selective thinning of forest competitors significantly increased fruit productivity. Alternative land use practices that permit both fruit harvest and palm heart extraction are being increasingly implemented by the rural population in Amazonia (Anderson and Jardim, 1989). Since malnutrition is not uncommon in the North-West District (Forte, 1995), the use of Euterpe fruits in the local diet should be promoted.


After several years of exploitation, Euterpe populations in the coastal wetlands of northwest Guyana showed a steady decline in the height and diameter of stems, clump vitality, reproduction, and palm heart yield. The main reason for this phenomenon is that the fallow periods between subsequent harvests are too short. Our data suggest that the present level of palm heart harvesting will lead to severe problems with sustainability in the near future, in particular when harvest cycles remain shorter than the generally recommended four to five years. Information about the growth rates of E. oleracea is needed to confirm the evidence presented here.

Amerindians in the coastal swamp region rely heavily on the employment and cheap commodities provided by the canning company. Declining Euterpe resources and neglect of traditional farming have caused severe socio-economic problems. Fallow periods in these high-pressure sites were very short, leading to a very limited time for the vegetation to regenerate. In areas where people combined palm heart harvesting with subsistence farming, hunting, and fishing, less damage was done to the vegetation and harvest cycles were longer. This suggests a link between the availability of alternative sources of income and subsistence and the intensity of palm heart extraction.

No significant decline in the mean weight of palm hearts and diameter of harvested stems could be established. This was probably caused by the minimum palm heart size required by the Company. This requirement appears to be a powerful method to prevent the extraction of immature stems, a practice that has led to severe overharvesting in Brazil. Populations of Euterpe precatoria do not run much risk of being depleted nor does the harvesting of manicole seem to have a strongly negative effect on other NTFPs.

187 5. Commercial extraction of palm hearts

It is of great economic and social importance that the Company continues its activities in the North-West District. However, a detailed management plan, based on adequate resource inventories and post-harvest monitoring, is needed to ensure the future supply of palm hearts, since sustainable harvesting of this resource is of vital importance to the country’s well-being. Palm heart extraction seems to be the most viable land use for the coastal wetlands of Guyana, since the vegetation is dominated by a fast-growing, economically important species with a lasting market value. Moreover, the potential for competitive land uses is minimal.

In the near future, the Company will probably implement large rotation systems that allow the regeneration of overharvested areas, while intensifying extraction in undisturbed areas. To avoid the migration of extractors in the future, community- based rotation systems should also be encouraged. Subsistence agriculture should be stimulated to guarantee food security. The Company, extractors, and the government should consider palm heart harvesting in the context of the social, economic, and ecological realities of the North-West District. This implies that each party should assume its responsibilities in ensuring that palm heart harvesting continues to play its current important role.

188 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I



One of the ways to ensure that Guyana can profit from its natural resources without plundering them, is to diversify the forest-based portion of the national economy (Sizer, 1996). An increased commercial extraction of NTFPs, for example, could add more economic value to the forest, generate income for forest-dwelling people, and provide economic incentives for conservation and sustainable resource management (Vasquez and Gentry, 1989; FAO, 1991; Clay, 1992; Hall and Bawa, 1993; Broekhoven, 1996). Guyana’s vast potential of NTFPs has only partly been developed commercially. Many plant and animal products are gathered from natural forests in Guyana, but the majority is used for subsistence purposes only. Few NTFPs are extracted on a commercial basis and even less are harvested for export purposes.

NTFPs are often viewed as a promising forest use, as they can often be harvested without much damage to the ecosystem (Plotkin and Famolare, 1992). The impact of their extraction is minimal compared to logging, mining, or cattle ranching (Nepstad and Schwartzman, 1992). It was suggested that the long term potential value of NTFPs, including plants, animals, ecotourism and pharmaceutical prospecting, could outstrip the value of the timber itself (Sizer, 1996). Therefore, only the commercial extraction of NTFPs, in contrast to extraction for subsistence, has the potential to contribute to the economic development of forest-dependent people (Boot, 1997).

Furthermore, the labour-intensive, capital-extensive approach is well suited to local conditions in many tropical countries (Plotkin and Famolare, 1992). Economically successful NTFPs must have a permanent market appeal. Harvesters should receive a good price for the product in order to prevent destructive extraction techniques, wasting, or abandoning the product altogether. Distributors must be guaranteed a consistent supply of the product and therefore its harvest should be ecologically sustainable (Pollak et al., 1995).

1. Parts of this chapter have been published in the two following articles: van Andel, van T.R. 1998. Commercial exploitation of Non-Timber Forest Products in the North-West District of Guyana. Caribbean Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources 2 (1): 15-28 van Andel, T.R. and M.A. Reinders. 1999. Non-Timber Forest Products in Guyana’s Northwest District: Potentials and pitfalls. In M.A.F. Ros-Tonen (ed.): Seminar Proceedings ‘NTFP Research in the Tropenbos Programme: Results and Perspectives’, 28 January 1999. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, the Netherlands: 47-62.

189 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District

Figure 6.1 Commercial extraction of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District. Drawing by H.R. Rypkema.

190 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Amerindians in Guyana have traded forest products among each other since their very existence (Butt, 1973). Nowadays, substantial amounts of NTFPs are still traded on local village markets (Forte, 1996c), but quantitative data on NTFPs from Guyana are scarce (Sizer, 1996; Sullivan, 1999). Apart from recent research on aerial roots harvesting (Hoffman, 1997) and on the availability of useful plants in the Iwokrama Reserve (Johnston and Gillman, 1995; Johnston and Culquhoun, 1996; Johnston, 1998), and the household surveys of Sullivan (1999), there is little known on the habitats and ecology of commercially important NTFPs, the amounts harvested, their importance for the local and national economy, or the impact of their extraction on the forest.

The commercial exploitation of the interior forests is regulated by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC). Inadequate facilities, finance, and personnel have forced the GFC to limit its activities to the allocation of harvesting rights, control of the timber export, and revenue collection (Sizer, 1996). Only recently, under the influence of international donor agencies and NGOs, Guyana is beginning to consider its Amerindian inhabitants as stakeholders in the decision-making process in forestry issues (Government of Guyana, 1996). Guyana now faces the challenge to set up sustainable land use plans for its interior, in which commercial extraction of NTFPs should be fully integrated with other forest uses (Sizer, 1996). According to Conservation International, the country’s opportunities for harmonising economic development with biodiversity conservation are extremely promising (Parker et al., 1993).

Marketing efforts for NTFPs should focus initially on products for which there are already markets (Clay, 1992). Record keeping is essential to facilitate the public access to the information of species harvested from the wild and the status of their populations (Edwards et al., 1994). This chapter will focus on those NTFPs from the North-West District that are currently extracted for commercial purposes. The general aspects of their trade are discussed, after which some recommendations are given that might help to realise their sustainable extraction.


During the fieldwork period of 1995-1998, regular surveys were held at the regional markets of Charity, Mabaruma, and Georgetown. Local Amerindian markets (Santa Rosa, Kariako), craft shops (Santa Rosa, Hossororo, Kabakaburi) and furniture producers (Haimaracabra, Pomeroon, Hossororo) were visited as well. Interviews were held with NTFP harvesters, middlemen, and craftspeople in each of these places, including some of the larger furniture factories and craft shops in Georgetown. Export figures of NTFPs were calculated from commercial export invoices present in the archives of the Guyana Forestry Commission. Additional information was derived from crude company figures, agricultural export reports, published, and unpublished literature.

191 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District

Table 6.1 Major commercial NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West district and Pomeroon region. Prices are given in US$. The exchange rate in 1997 was 1 US$ = 142 Guyana dollars.

Product Species Extraction region End use Markets Price/unit Price/unit (harvester) (end user) wildlife birds, mammals, entire North West District pets, skins, food Georgetown, USA, Europe $ 2.50-10 / animal up to $ 10,000/ reptiles, fish, wild meat and Pomeroon animal palm heart Euterpe oleracea coastal swamps canned delicacy France, USA, Georgetown $ 0.06 / palm heart $ 1.5 / can nibi & kufa roots Heteropsis flexuosa Pomeroon, Mabaruma furniture, basketry Georgetown, Caribbean, USA, $ 5-10 / bundle $ 20-700 / Clusia spp. coastal Guyana $ 0.14-0.35 / root furniture troolie leaves Manicaria saccifera Pomeroon, coastal swamps roofs, walls NWD, West Coast Essequibo $ 0.03-0.11 / leaf $ 127-408/ roof mangrove bark Rhizophora mangle Mabaruma, Waini mouth leather tanning Georgetown $ 0.04 / kg $ 0.13 / kg (tannery) tibisiri fibre Mauritia flexuosa Pomeroon, Moruca crafts, carpets, Georgetown, Caribbean, USA $ 0.35 / basket $42 / carpet Mabaruma hammocks, $ 7 / hammock $ 18 / hammock car seats mokru Ischnosiphon arouma Pomeroon, Moruca basketry, crafts Georgetown, USA Caribbean, $ 0.20-$4 / basket $ 4-10 / basket I. obliquus Mabaruma NWD, medicinal plants various species occasionally from NWD medicine Georgetown, USA, UK $ 0.07-0.14 - crab oil Carapa guianensis entire North West district medicinal oil Georgetown, NWD $ 3.5 / litre $ 7 / litre

192 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


6.3.1 Total export revenues of NTFPs Several NTFPs already account for a share in Guyana’s exports and many of those are harvested in the North-West District. Species and unit prices of the most important commercial NTFPs (both concerning the national and the international market) are listed in Table 6.1. Unfortunately, even for products that have been traded for years, little information is available on revenues earned and number of people employed in the collection, processing, and trade. When the limited published information (Edwards et al., 1994; World Bank, 1995; Sizer, 1996; NGMC, 1996, 1997, 1998), GFC tax forms, and unpublished production figures were all compiled, total export figures of NTFPs could only be calculated with some accuracy for 1996 (Table 6.2). This sum still might be a conservative estimation, as exporters often give low product values for reasons of tax evasion and wildlife products are smuggled out of the country in substantial quantities (Sizer, 1996). Nevertheless, these figures at least provide some insight in the export of commercial NTFPs from Guyana.

As taxes had to be paid and licenses had to be issued before products were sent abroad, export revenues are the only data available on the NTFP trade in Guyana. Except for the harvesting of mangrove bark, of which records were kept by the GFC, there was no quantitative information available on NTFPs produced for the national market. At the time of the research there were no entities monitoring the volumes of NTFPs put up for sale at local or regional markets. Except for the heart of palm industry, it was not known how many people benefited from the NTFP trade in Guyana. Most commercial NTFPs in the North-West District were harvested close to transportation facilities and regional markets (e.g., Mabaruma and Charity). More detailed accounts on the main products are given below, in order of importance.

Table 6.2 Annual export values in US$ of the major commercial NTFPs in Guyana, in order of importance. Figures are given in tons if revenues were not available. - = Data not available; * = Harvested in the North-West District only. Sources: Edwards et al. (1994), World Bank (1995), Sizer (1996), Thomas et al. (1996), NGMC (1996, 1997, 1998), and GFC (unpublished data). Revenues do not include export taxes.

Product 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Wildlife 1,500,000 1,871,000 banned banned - 2,100,000 - Palm heart * 734 tons 797 tons 941 tons 1,500,000 2,071,162 1,965,978 2,338,431 Nibi and kufa * - - - - 190,133 137,120 125,165 Tibisiri - - - - 11,209 10,401 4,850 Medicinal plants - - 0.33 tons 1.96 tons 5,361 6,213 2,313 Mokru - - - - 1,823 131 75

Total - - - - 2,279,688 4,219,843 -

193 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District

6.3.2 Wildlife Wildlife is by far the most important commercial NTFP in Guyana, both regarding the foreign trade and the national market. The legal export of animals was estimated to be worth around US$ 2 million annually, more or less equalling the palm heart export (Table 6.2). However, this sum seems to be a moderate guess, since profits generated by the domestic trade and illegal export of live animals and game meat would add significantly to this estimate (Sizer, 1996; Forte, 1996c). Guyana’s wildlife exports are significant on a global scale. The country ranks among the world’s leading bird exporters, with Psittacidae (parrots, macaws and parakeets) as main commercial product (Edwards et al., 1994). In 1986, more than 30 thousand parrots, over 5300 live primates and 52,000 reptile skins were exported from Guyana (Broekhoven, 1996). The trade of ornamental fish with the USA was estimated to have generated more than $ 250,000 in 1992 (World Bank, 1995).

The Wildlife Division under the Office of the President registers and monitors the legal export of animals, but has little statutory authority to support the management of wildlife. The Division is understaffed, ill equipped and inadequately funded to carry out its responsibilities effectively (Brown, 1992; Thomas et al., 1996). The animal trade is scarcely monitored and reports of highly predatory collecting and export methods are common (Sizer, 1996). In 1977, Guyana signed an agreement with CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). In 1987, quotas were set for all species legally exported, but these were only assumed to be below the levels at which wild populations might be threatened. Except for the caiman (Caiman crocodrilus crocodrilus) and a preliminary survey of boid snakes, baseline population data and management plans were lacking (Edwards et al., 1994; De Souza, 1997).

Concerns over the sustainability of the commercial wildlife extraction prompted the government in 1993 to suspend temporarily exports of wild species (Edwards et al., 1994). The export prohibition was said to last until a better system for harvesting levels was established and administration and control procedures were improved (Stabroek News, 1993). The ban caused great consternation among wildlife exporters, Amerindian trappers and Government officials (Guy, 1993; Persaud, cited in Stabroek News, 1993; Bisnauth, 1993). A detailed framework to conserve and manage wild species for sustainable use was provided to the Government by the IUCN (Edwards et al, 1994). In this report, guidelines for all stakeholders were clarified and scientific surveys were strongly recommended before the ban should be lifted again.

The trade was reopened in November 1995, but according to De Souza (1997), there were still no estimates of sustainable harvest levels for the majority of the wild animals. The quota were in most cases not based on population surveys, nor location specific, which could lead to a local extinction of species if the situation was not mentioned clearly (De Souza, 1997). A closed season for trapping was set from January to April for birds and from June to August for mammals (Edwards et al., 1994). This system could enhance the recovery of populations, although it was not

194 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I known if the periods referred to breeding seasons of marketable species (De Souza, 1997).

In spite of the country’s official CITES agreements, Georgetown souvenir shops were still selling the skins of jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) in 1998 (see Plate 31 of Part II of this thesis). These animals are listed on Appendix I and thus officially banned for international trade (CITES, 1973). The trade in species mentioned on Appendix II (toucans, monkeys, parakeets and macaws) is only permitted if this does not threaten their continued survival. Guyana has been exporting these animals in large quantities, regardless of the fact that little research has been done on the effects of harvesting on their populations. In 1999, after the country failed to adopt a law that regulated the export of species listed on the Appendices, CITES recommended international wildlife dealers to suspend the animal trade with Guyana (CITES, 1999). After a survey of the status and distribution of Psittacidae, in which recommendations where made concerning harvest quota, scientific research, protected areas, and captive breeding, the temporary export ban was lifted again by the end of the year (CITES, 1999).

Between 6000 and 54,000 people are estimated to earn a living in the wildlife trade in Guyana, the great majority of which are Amerindians (Catholic Standard, 1992; Forte et al., 1992). It remains unknown how much the North-West District contributes to the international trade. The wildlife business certainly generates considerable income and employment in the region (ECTF, 1993; Edwards et al., 1994), but it is not clear how many trappers and middlemen are directly supported by this trade. In the household surveys conducted by Sullivan (1999) in three Amerindian communities in the North-West District, it appeared that in some villages up to 61% of the animals and 42% of the fish caught were sold. A total of 1600 parrots were reported to be caught in Sebai in 1996, while 2300 parrots and 1200 macaws were trapped in Karaburi, all for the purpose of trade. These figures greatly outweighed the numbers of animals caught for home consumption. However, the annual earnings of commercial trapping in these villages could not be recovered, as Sullivan summed these figures with hypothetical market values of wildlife caught for food. Living and dead mammals, reptiles, and birds are being sold to shopkeepers in the interior or directly to traders at the regional markets of Santa Rosa, Mabaruma, and Charity, from where they are sometimes flown out by chartered aircraft. The large profits, however, seem to stay in the hands of foreign traders. A trapper might receive US$ 10 for a rainbow (Epicrates cenchria), while the animal is offered for sale in the USA for over $ 200.

In spite of the low prices received by the trappers, wildlife is generally more lucrative per unit than any other non-timber forest product. Even if it takes a whole day to catch a macaw, it still pays more than an average day of nibi or palm heart harvesting (Hoffman, 1997; van Andel et al., 1998). Animals are often the only NTFPs worthwhile to bring from remote areas. Song birds, in particular the lesser seed finch or towa towa (Oryzoborus angolensis), were among the few NTFPs profitable enough to catch in Kariako (Barama) and bring out all the way to the coast to sell. Other forest products, such as nibi, kufa, crafts or medicinal plants, were definitely not worth the transportation costs. Merchants in Charity were selling caged call birds for US$ 28 to Amerindians travelling to the interior and offered $ 7

195 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District to 14 for each finch they would bring back (van Andel, 1998). In Europe a towa towa would cost at least US$ 80.

In 1996, the trade in aquarium fish was concentrated along the Barima River, where businessmen were buying among others the small silver-hatchet (Gasteropelecus sternicla), captured by local people in creeks and ponds in the beginning of the dry season. Buyers distributed plastic containers and collected them again when full, paying $ 4 to $ 7 for a thousand fishes, depending on the species. The dealers maintained that this trade did little ecological damage, as the fish would die anyway during the dry season when the creeks stayed without water. However, no surveys have been conducted and little is known about the impact of the extraction on the populations of these species. There is neither a harvest quota nor a closed season for the ornamental fish trade. In 1992, the potential value of export quota for aquarium fishes was calculated at $ 251,002 (Edwards et al, 1994).

Almost no regulation or monitoring takes place in the domestic wildlife trade, even though bush meat and fish are the major protein source in the interior. In villages with little access to markets, the majority of the catch is consumed within the household, but communities more integrated into the money economy may sell up to 61% of their catch (Sullivan, 1999). Bush meat and fish are commonly traded among villagers, gold miners, and loggers and at local markets. An increasing number of restaurants in Georgetown offer wild meat on their menu as a delicacy. There also exists a significant domestic market for parrots, monkeys, and songbirds (Forte, 1996c). At the annual revenues earned from domestic wildlife trade can only be guessed (Thomas et al., 1996). Sullivan (1999) estimated the total amount of bush meat caught in Assakata (pop. 176) at 27,735 kg per year and fish at 26,213 kg. However, these figures were based on questionnaires and only two weeks of fieldwork. Seasonal variety in hunting and fishing yields was assumed to be minimal. Since quantitative data are lacking, it is impossible to estimate the impact of wildlife harvesting on animal populations.

Changing settlement patterns, resulting in large Amerindian towns (e.g., Santa Rosa and Mabaruma), have increased the local demand for fresh meat and fish. Wildlife resources around these villages seem to be rapidly declining, and people now depend heavily on salted sea fish. At the same time, Amerindians in remote gold mining areas complained that the silting of rivers by land and river dredges diminished their fish resources (van Andel and Reinders, 1999). In order to establish sustainable management systems for commercial species, extensive surveys are needed to assess population sizes, spatial distributions, extraction rates, mortality, and breeding seasons of (potentially) commercial species (Edwards et al., 1994; Nasir et al., 1997; Iwokrama 1998). Only with these data sustainable extraction models can be designed, in which the rate of removal by humans does not exceed the rate of natural reproduction (Redford and Robinson, 1987; van Wieren, 1999). The first steps in this direction for Guyana are taken by Iwokrama, by means of organising workshops to bring together all stakeholders in the wildlife business to discuss critical issues relating to wildlife harvesting in the Guiana Shield and the Rupununi in particular (Iwokrama, 1998).

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According to Ziegler and Zago (1993), the export of wildlife from Guyana could be a profitable and sustainable use of renewable natural resources, if properly regulated. Problems of wastage, cruelty, and dishonesty characteristic for this trade should be addressed and resolved. Edwards et al. (1994) states that benefits from using Guyana’s wild resources could contribute to the country’s development and provide incentives to conserve its biodiversity. Sizer (1996), however, argues that trapping is an inherently unsustainable activity that does lasting damage to the forest. It may provide significant short-term employment for collectors, and certainly generates large profits for exporters and retailers abroad, but unless this trade can be adequately regulated and monitored, with quota based on scientific research, it should be prohibited again.

6.3.3 Palm heart The second most important commercial NTFP of Guyana is palm heart, harvested from Euterpe oleracea and worth around US$ 2 million annually in export (Table 6.2). In contrast to wildlife, the domestic market for canned palm heart is negligible, although the fresh product is occasionally consumed as a snack in the forest. Export figures of palm heart are much more transparent, as there is only one processing company involved and the marketing overseas is closely monitored by the New Guyana Market Cooperation (NGMC). The extraction patterns and problems concerning the sustainability of the palm heart harvest have been discussed at length in the previous chapter and in van Andel et al. (1998). Compared to wildlife, palm heart is relatively easy to manage, since the species occurs in huge quantities, regenerates quickly and nearly forms monospecific stands. Still, there are strong indications that current palm heart harvesting is not sustainable. The neglect of traditional farming and a total dependency on the palm heart industry has led to short harvest cycles and subsequent overharvesting of Euterpe oleracea. This has caused socio-economic problems in many Amerindian communities, as the canning industry is a major source of income in the coastal swamp region. It is of vital socio- economic importance that the canning company continues its activities in the North- West District. Management plans are badly needed to guarantee the continuous supply of palm hearts in the future, while ensuring the recovery of overharvested areas.

6.3.4 Nibi and kufa furniture After wildlife and palm hearts, the most important NTFPs in Guyana are the aerial roots of several hemi-epiphytes that provide the raw materials for the furniture industry. The most important species are Heteropsis flexuosa (‘nibi’), Clusia grandiflora and C. palmicida (both known as ‘kufa’). The mature aerial roots of these species are pliable, strong, and serve as plaiting material for sturdy baskets and furniture. The woody kufa roots are bent into frames, while the flexible nibi roots are woven around these frames, in designs similar to rattan furniture. In the interior the strong roots of Thoracocarpus bissectus (‘scraping nibi’ or ‘mamuri’) are also used for the manufacture of heavy duty baskets (‘warishis’), when H. flexuosa is scarce. Heteropsis roots, also known as ‘peeling nibi’, are of finer structure and easy workable. The cortex from the roots can be peeled off by hand and therefore the peeling nibi is preferred for commercial furniture. Thoracocarpus roots are sturdier and less workable, since the cortex must be scraped off with a knife. Roots of the

197 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District scraping nibi are occasionally sold, when furniture producers place special orders for it, but they are mostly used for subsistence only. Both nibi species are very important as binding material in local house construction and as a general ‘bush rope’. In remote areas, locally made warishis are sold for about US$ 4 to gold miners, who use them for carrying provisions and gasoline into their mines. As few Amerindians in the interior posses elaborate furniture, kufa is of less commercial importance here. The roots are sometimes employed in cassava storing baskets and the cortex is used as a remedy against back pain (see Part II of this thesis).

The main area of commercial extraction and processing of nibi and kufa is the Pomeroon River. The trade subsists on a smaller scale in the area (near Mabaruma) and in Haimaracabra and Manawarin (near the Moruca River). Especially along the Pomeroon, the furniture business benefits a large number of people. Most of the cheaper furniture is made here in small workshops by Amerindian and East Indian craftsmen. Some is sold locally (at about US$ 20-25 per chair), but the bulk is transported to Georgetown. The more elaborate furniture (up to US$ 700 a piece) is made in small factories in the capital. These firms send out middlemen to purchase the raw material in Charity. Nibi and kufa harvesting is the major source of income for Amerindian families in the lower Pomeroon. Collectors may stay in the forest for weeks, combining root harvesting with hunting and fishing. Nibi is sold per bundle of 100 root pieces of ca. 4.5 m each. A person can cut one or two bundles of nibi per day (Hoffman, 1997). Extractors are paid $ 5-8 per a bundle, depending on the length and quality of the roots. Kufa is sold in pieces of ca. 4 m, for $ 0.35 (a thick root) or $ 0.14 (thinner roots). Middlemen reject roots that are immature, cracked, or bent.

Extractors generally consider the price they receive too low for the hard work and the long distance to harvesting sites. Tense relationships often exist between Amerindian extractors and middlemen, who are mainly of East Indian origin and have better access to markets and credit (Verheij, 1998). They may take advantage when possible, but no extremely abusive relations were observed (Hoffman, 1997). Sometimes Caribbean traders travel directly to the Pomeroon to place their orders. Although they are willing to pay higher prices and offer advancements to the collectors, complaints were heard about the reliability of the orders (Verheij, 1998). Because of the higher transport costs, furniture workshops in Mabaruma can hardly compete with the mass production in the Pomeroon and Georgetown.

No more than 30% of the nibi and kufa crafts are sold on the domestic market, the remaining 70% is exported. In 1996, more than 30 craft shops in Georgetown were exporting furniture and crafts. The two main exporters were responsible for 74% of the total export value (van Andel, 1998). Liana Cane Interiors Ltd., one of the largest enterprises of this kind, used some 60,000 nibi and 20,000 kufa roots in 1997, employing 56 persons on the work floor. Only a small percentage (5%) was exported to Canada and the United States; the majority went to Barbados (29%), Trinidad (18%), and other Caribbean countries (48%). On these islands, furniture is used in tourist accommodations, while nibi crafts are sold again in souvenir shops for much higher prices. The craft business in Guyana seems to be triggered more by the tourist industry in the Caribbean than by tourism in the country itself. Although craft shop owners in Georgetown predicted a growing market, export figures seemed

198 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I to be dropping (Table 6.2). This is possibly caused by the fierce competition among producers, a shortage of the raw material, or by declining demands. Total export revenues are probably higher than those listed in Table 6.2, as exporters tend to report low values on their invoices to avoid taxes.

All species of nibi and kufa are hemi-epiphytes, growing high in the treetops and sending down aerial roots, which eventually reach the soil to take up nutrients. The majority of the roots wrap around the tree trunk or contain many knots, which makes them unsuitable for plaiting. The roots preferred for craft production are the ones that drop straight from the branches of the tree to the ground. According to Hoffman (1997), the present harvest techniques of nibi and kufa roots are unlikely to decimate populations, because people harvest much less roots than they leave behind. Research in Venezuela on Heteropsis spruceana, used for similar purposes as H. flexuosa, indicated that when all roots of a single plant were harvested, its survival chance was reduced to only 5%. But when only half of the roots were cut off, the survival was 100% (Romero, 1993). Hoffman considered the ecological sustainability of nibi and kufa to be promising, since the plants occurred in relatively high abundance, roots could be removed without killing the plant and there was a year-round availability. When aerial roots are cut off, the epiphytes will form new ones and some the cut roots grow back. Hoffman mentioned growth rates of 26 cm per month for H. flexuosa. Roots required approximately five years to reach the soil, after which they matured within six months and became suitable for craft making.

Nibi and kufa are common, but patchily distributed throughout the northwestern forests. The plants seem to have a preference for well-drained primary forest, as fewer individuals were found in swamp forests. Only a couple of mature roots were present in 60-year-old secondary forest and none were recorded in 20-year-old forest (chapter 4). This indicates that it takes decades before the epiphytes have settled in treetops. The maintenance of ‘terra firme’ forest is thus essential for the future supply of aerial roots. Unfortunately, most primary forest along the Pomeroon has been given out as timber concession. Logs are also felled in Amerindian reserves and sold to sawmills (Forte, 1995). Companies sometimes offer extractors to harvest all suitable nibi and kufa before they start logging, but since trees full of nibi or kufa may be worth more in aerial roots over a few years than they are once by timber, host trees should better be spared from felling. Because of uncontrolled commercial extraction, logging of host trees, and the destruction of young roots, mature nibi and kufa roots are getting scarce around the Pomeroon villages. The epiphytes may be still there, but only with young or unsuitable roots (Hoffman, 1997). Extractors complained they had to cover larger areas of forest than before to harvest the necessary amounts. Hoffman (1997) estimated the revenues of H. flexuosa extraction in the lower Pomeroon mixed forest at US$ 2.4 per ha (62 mature roots/ha). Much more nibi and kufa roots were found in the remote Barama mixed forests (105 mature roots/ha), than in the densely populated Pomeroon and Moruca area. However, the Barama nibi resources are too far away from the Pomeroon market to render their harvest economically profitable.

In 1998, Liana Cane Interiors planned to increase production. The firm said they were willing to cooperate in sustainable harvesting, and with the help of Conservation International, they organised a workshop for local extractors in the

199 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District

Pomeroon. The company agreed to pay a higher price for large kufa roots to prevent the harvesting of immature ones. Local craft making for the export market was also encouraged, as this would increase the revenues of nibi and kufa in the villages (F. Alfonso, pers. comm.). It was also mentioned that extractors could earn a larger share of the profits by forming an organisation that sells directly to Georgetown factories. The Charity market bond should play a role in monitoring the volumes of raw material put up for sale. A storage facility for roots is also needed, so harvesters could wait for a better price instead of having to choose between taking a middlemen’s first offer or paddling back home with their harvest (Verheij, 1998). Export of nibi and kufa furniture is likely to become more important in the future, since Asian rattan resources are declining steadily as a result of overharvesting and deforestation, while the demand for ‘natural’ furniture is still rising (de Beer and McDermott, 1996). Given the economic importance of nibi and kufa, the possibilities for sustainable harvesting, and the increasing international demand, there is an urgent need for adequate management plans for these species.

6.3.5 Tibisiri Tibisiri is name of a fibre obtained from the young leaves of the ité palm (Mauritia flexuosa). The outer skin of the leaves is rolled into a soft but strong twine and woven into hammocks, tourist basketry, car seats, furniture seats, and carpets. The palms also have a local economic value, as hammocks and mats are used in rural households, the fruits are eaten and made into drinks. Ité leaves are also used for roof thatch in the Rupununi. The species occurs in large quantities on the flooded coastal plains (chapter 3 and 4), in swamp forests and on the Rupununi savannas. The majority of the handicrafts are made around Moruca, Santa Mission (Demerara) and St. Cuthberts ( River). Crafts are sold in shops in Moruca, Mabaruma, Charity, and Georgetown, where a hammock costs US$ 18 (retail) and a carpet between $ 7 and $ 30. Again, the export is predominantly directed to the Caribbean Islands. Overseas sales dropped substantially in recent years (Table 6.2), but it is unclear whether this resulted from a dwindling market or from the low product values reported to the GFC. On some tax forms wholesale prices of no more than US$ 1 were given for a hammock. Tibisiri harvesters complained that because of the frequent burning of ité savannahs in the dry season they could not approach the palms and had to travel further each year to obtain their raw material. Although probably beneficial at first, (the surrounding vegetation is eliminated and seed germination is enhanced), the burning of the savanna eventually becomes fatal to the Mauritia saplings (chapter 3). Overharvesting through felling of Mauritia palms for craft material was reported from St. Cuthberts (DeFilipps, 1992), but this was not observed in the North-West District.

6.3.6 Mokru Mokru is the name for two species of Marantaceae, Ischnosiphon arouma and I. obliquus (see Part II of this thesis). Both are shrubs of several meters high, growing in secondary or disturbed primary forest. The stem is split into thin strips, which are used as plaiting material for basketry and tourist souvenirs. I. arouma is preferred because it yields a stronger fibre and its crafts tend to last longer. I. obliquus is used when there is a local scarcity of I. arouma, or when the basketry does not have to serve heavy-duty purposes. Mokru is of great importance for the Amerindian

200 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I society, because it provides the fibre for the manufacture of matapis, sifters, and fans. This equipment is indispensable for the processing of the staple food bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta). Mokru basketry is made by traditional craft workers and sold in nearly all indigenous villages for ca. US$ 3.5 (a matapi) to $ 0.70 (a fan). The larger Amerindian towns (Mabaruma, Karakaburi, and Santa Rosa) have local craft centres where mokru and tibisiri items are produced. The craft business of the North-West District is concentrated along the Pomeroon, where the basketry is sold to middlemen and transported to Georgetown. Mokru souvenirs are exported in very small quantities, mostly together with nibi and tibisiri basketry (Table 6.2). It could not be deduced from the invoice forms what percentage of the exported tibisiri and mokru crafts was produced in the North-West District. Mokru crafts may have a limited export value, but they contribute substantially to the local household economy in Amerindian Reserves. Traditionally, the cassava basketry is made by men, but since the craft shops are mostly run by women, they offer initiatives for empowerment on a small, but manageable scale (van Andel and Reinders, 1999). The craft industry could become more important when tourism in Guyana would increase. However, other options for export should not be overlooked. Recently, furniture and basketry from Guyana are being offered for sale on the Internet (www.artscraftsGuyana.com/basketry).

6.3.7 Medicinal plants A wide array of medicinal plants is used in the interior, but the great majority of the species are gathered for subsistence only. Money is occasionally involved when services are offered by herbal healers or in the case of specifically prepared medicinal or magic brews (chapter 8). There is a modest, but steady demand for herbal medicine in the capital. The use of ‘bush teas’ is common among coastlanders. More than 15 stalls at the Georgetown markets sell a variety of dried and fresh medicinal plants. Although modern medicine is widely available, people prefer to treat some diseases with herbal medicines. Bush tea is also very cheap: prices vary between US$ 0.07 to 0.14 for a bundle of medicinal herbs. Some stalls are selling seven days per week, but a few of them stay open for 24 hours a day. During the market surveys, a total of 85 medicinal species were recorded, of which almost 60% were of wild origin. A list of all species and uses of medicinal plants found in northwest Guyana and at the Georgetown markets is given in chapter 8.

Most medicinal plants are harvested along the Lynden highway and the area. Some species are cultivated (e.g., Aloe vera, Jathropa curcas), while many of the others are common weeds in secondary shrubland. There seems to be little danger of overharvesting. The market stalls also sell a number of medicinal barks and roots gathered from primary forest, like Pinzona sp., Smilax schomburgkiana, Strychnos sp., Curarea candicans, and Clusia spp. Few of them are brought from the Moruca and Pomeroon area. Prices are generally too low to make extraction from remote areas economically feasible. The barks and roots are mostly used as ‘builders’ or aphrodisiacs. They are either sold per piece or processed into milk shakes and tonics, which cost from $ 0.70 to $ 4.2 a bottle. The stands also sell crab oil, extracted from of the seeds of the crabwood tree (Carapa guianensis). Because of its complicated processing method, the oil costs as much as $ 7 per litre. It is used

201 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District as internal and external medicinal oil, as hair oil and mosquito repellent. Crab oil is one of the few herbal remedies frequently sold in the North-West District. At present, some pharmacies in Georgetown are taking initiatives to process the oil industrially into soap, candles, and insecticidal washes.

Fresh and dried medicinal herbs and barks are exported in small quantities (Table 6.2). No distinction into species was made in the export documents, probably to avoid custom problems. The exported plants were mentioned as ‘tea bush and bark’, ‘plant parts’ or ‘medicinal herbs’ (NGMC, 1998). According to the New Guyana Marketing Cooperation (pers. comm.), the bulk of the exported volume consisted of cultivated lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and wild caryla vines (Momordica charantia), harvested in coastal sugarcane fields. These herbs are dried and exported to the United Kingdom and the USA, where they are processed into tea bags. Export peaked in 1996, when 14.65 tons of medicinal herbs were sent abroad. It remains unknown which other species are involved in this international trade. The diversity of Guyanese medicinal plants, barks, roots, oils, and resins could have a much larger potential for the foreign market, if they would be processed in a more sophisticated manner and sold as ‘rain forest medicines’. Initiatives are being taken at the moment by small businesses (e.g., Family D’lite and Caledonia Canning Co.) to bottle certain aphrodisiacs industrially.

6.3.8 Mangrove bark Another commercially harvested product in the North-West District is the bark of the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), commonly used for tanning leather. The bark is collected by Amerindians along the estuary of the Waini and Aruka Rivers. Entire trees are cut down and skinned, the bark is sliced into manageable pieces and sold to middlemen in Mabaruma for US$ 0.04 per kg. These traders ship the produce with the fortnightly ferry to the capital, where the actual leather production takes place in small tanning industries. Hardly any tanning is done in northwest Guyana, as cattle are virtually absent here. In the 1940s, the bark was exported to the West Indian islands (Fanshawe, 1948). In the 1960s, more than 250 tons were harvested annually for the domestic market. Since the 1970s, mangrove has lost its economic importance, probably as a result of the decline in cattle production in the Rupununi. Production dropped to 8 tons in 1991, but increased again to 53 tons in 1996. In 1998, the production remained at 35 tons (GFC, unpublished data).

Requests for permission to harvest mangrove bark on larger scale in the North-West District were recently submitted to the Guyana Forestry Commission. According to a GFC official, some tanners nowadays prefer mangrove bark above synthetic substitutes. However, the GFC does not want to hand out permissions before a proper management plan is developed and criteria for harvesting techniques have been established. The GFC predicted that the bark could be exported again in the near future if the necessary permits were issued. Although the species occurs in near monospecific stands along the coast, felling of trees could have certain risks. Mangrove forests play an essential role in protecting the seashore and riverbanks against damage by tidal movements. The dense aerial roots form a natural barrier against the waves and prevent the soil from being washed away. To minimise the damage, the GFC advised harvesters not to fell trees growing directly along the

202 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I waterfront. No studies have yet been done on the impact of mangrove harvesting on tidal ecosystems in Guyana.

6.3.9 Palm leaves Palm leaves are widely used as roof thatch in the interior. These forest products hardly ever reach Georgetown and are not exported, but they still are of considerable commercial importance in the interior. Troolie (Manicaria saccifera), dhalebana, (Geonoma baculifera), and to a lesser extend manicole (Euterpe oleracea) are the main palm species used in roof construction in the North-West District. A well-made roof could last up to 12 years and is waterproof and cool. Special traditional skills are needed to construct such roofs, so Amerindians are often hired to harvest palm leaves and build roofs for shopkeepers, gold miners, commercial farmers, and restaurant owners.

Dhalebana grows in dense patches in the understorey of the riverine Mora forest, deep in the interior. Dhalebana roofs last long (6 to 12 years), but the plaiting is labour intensive. In Barama, prices of US$ 50-60 were paid for construction of a roof of 4.5 x 3 m, containing some 80 kg of leaves. The price included one day of collecting and half a day of paddling to the place where the dhalebana was harvested, since near to Amerindian villages the palm was rather scarce (chapter 3). No dhalebana is transported to the coastal areas.

Troolie is absent in the deep interior, but common in the coastal wetlands, where dhalebana does not occur. Troolie roofs are made easier and quicker, but last shorter than dhalebana roofs (4 to 8 years). Troolie provides an income for quite a number of Amerindians, paddling with boats full of leaves from remote brackish swamps to regional markets and towns. Troolie grows in the same swamps as Euterpe oleracea, but rather occurs in narrow patches instead of in solid belts (chapter 3). Traditionally used for roofs and walls of indigenous dwellings, troolie roofs are gaining popularity for tourist accommodations and poultry farms. Most commercial extraction takes place along the upper Pomeroon, where leaves are sold in bundles of 50 at the Charity market.

According to their size, $ 0.03 to $ 0.11 is paid per leaf. Every week several truck loads full of troolie leave Charity to various destinations along Essequibo and Demerara Coast, where the bundles are sold for $ 2.5 to $ 9, mostly to commercial poultry farmers. Prices paid for the raw material and the plait work together vary from $ 127 for a small beer garden top in Charity to $ 400 for a chicken pen roof in Georgetown. In the coastal swamp region, the roof of an average Amerindian house costs $ 35 (without labour costs).

Due to the patchy distribution of troolie, leaves are not always widely available. Troolie does not occur around the large Amerindian towns of Santa Rosa and Mabaruma, so it has to be brought from elsewhere to meet the large demand in these settlements. In the dry season, when transportation is difficult, the price of troolie rises. People in Santa Rosa grumbled that troolie had become as expensive as corrugated iron. Palm heart cutters were blamed for damaging troolie trees, causing a shortage of the product. But these accusations were not based on reality, as troolie

203 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District palms were seldom destroyed during palm heart harvesting. The palm is still present in large quantities along the Waini and Barima River, and no signs of overharvesting were observed. The reason for the higher price should be sought in the transport costs rather than in the scarcity of the product.

6.3.10 Other NTFPs There exists a substantial trade in wooden crafts (furniture, sculptures, and souvenirs), but these are hardly produced in the North-West District and thus fall beyond the scope of this research. Balata, the latex of the bulletwood tree Manilkara bidentata, used to be Guyana’s most important NTFP. It was exported as raw material for the rubber industry, but has lost its economic importance since the invention of synthetic substitutes and the establishment of Hevea plantations in Asia (Fanshawe, 1948; Pennington, 1990). Recently, a successful project in the Rupununi has reintroduced the use of balata for making handicrafts, sold at Georgetown tourist shops (Conservation International, 1998). No balata products were made in the study area. In the capital there also exists a small business in jewellery made out of wild seeds, such as horse eye (Ormosia coutinhoi), lucky seed (Ormosia coccinea), and job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi), the latter an introduced weed species. These products are mostly made around the capital or in southern Guyana.

The trade in living orchids from the North-West District is concentrated around Christmas. The living plants are sold to merchants in (Essequibo) for up to US $ 20 per individual. According to Edwards et al. (1994), the Guyana Forestry Commission authorises the export of orchids and bromeliads that are listed under CITES. No permits are issued for these species, in contravention of the treaty. The following species from the North-West District were said to be occasionally marketed: Brassia verrucosa, Catasetum spp., Encyclia diurna, Oncidium baueri, Rodriguezia lanceolata, and Zygosepalum labiosum. These orchids are rather common elements in the coastal wetlands. None of them are listed on the CITES Appendices. Taxes paid by orchid exporters were reported as very low, while the specimens were valued at hundreds of dollars in the USA (Edwards et al., 1994). Bromeliads were not mentioned as commercial items in the study area. No figures could be found concerning the marketing of wild ornamental plants from Guyana, but various Heliconia species are commercially grown for the export market (DeFilipps, 1992). However, since these plants are multiplied in special nurseries, they cannot be considered as NTFPs.

A variety of non-timber forest products are offered for sale at the regional markets of the North-West District, in particular those of Kumaka (Mabaruma), Santa Rosa, and Charity. Except for wild meat, living animals, and fish, these NTFPs are not commercialised in huge quantities. The most frequently found products at the markets were mokru basketry and paddles made from Aspidosperma spp. or Tabebuia insignis (sold for $ 2-4, depending on the size). Other items included arrows, fishing rods (from Duguetia pycnastera, $ 0.70), Lonchocarpus roots for fish poisoning (at $ 0.22 per kg), bird cages from Mauritia flexuosa ($ 0.70), wild honey ($ 8 per litre) and firewood from Chrysobalanaceae ($ 0.25 per basket). Canoes were not sold on markets, but rather ordered from specialised boat builders. Dugouts made from valuable wood species (e.g., Carapa guianensis, Hymenaea

204 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I courbaril, Diplotropis guianensis, and Hyeronima alchorneoides) were valued at around $ 55, depending on their size.

Although a wide variety of wild fruits are consumed in the region (see Part II of this thesis), few of these are actually commercialised. The small numbers of fruits that appear on local Amerindian markets are mostly prepared into (alcoholic) drinks. The consumption of fermented fruit drinks has always been popular among indigenous peoples in Guyana (Schomburgk, 1848; Roth, 1924). These drinks can be kept for some days, while unprocessed fruits tend to spoil quickly. An ample assortment of home made fermented drinks was available on the Saturday market of Santa Rosa. Most were made from cultivated food crops (e.g., cassava, sweet potato), but some were prepared from wild fruits, such as Anacardium giganteum, Spondias mombin, or Syzygium cumini, the latter from both cultivated and wild (escaped) trees. The palm fruits of Maximilliana maripa and Astrocaryum aculeatum that were put up for sale also originated from wild and domesticated individuals.

6.3.11 Importance of non-commercial NTFPs The vast majority of NTFPs extracted in Guyana are not marketed, and their importance tends to be underestimated. For the subsistence economy of most Amerindian communities, however, these NTFPs provide a vital source of food, shelter, household equipment, medicine, and fuel. From the household surveys held by Sullivan (1999) in Karaburi (near Santa Rosa), Assakata, and Sebai, it appears that 24 to 74% of the households interviewed were regularly hunting. In addition, 38-70% said they collected medicinal plants from the forest, 27 to 94% were fishing, 19-54% made crafts, 30-92% collected wild forest plants for food, and all but one household collected firewood. Even if products are not directly exchanged for cash, their commercial value should not be overlooked. Without palm leaves for roof thatch, medicinal plants, or mokru to construct the cassava-processing equipment, life would be virtually impossible for most forest-dwelling people in Guyana. Those who cannot afford zinc sheets, prescription medicine, sawn boards, or plastic household items are heavily dependent on forest products. The deeper one goes into the interior, the more expensive the transport costs. Inevitably, commodity items become extremely costly or simply unavailable. It is rarely worth the effort for remote communities to harvest NTFPs commercially, but the local use of NTFPs in the far interior is often much higher than on the coast. Moreover, Amerindians in those places live a more traditional life and retain an intensive knowledge of the use of plant and animal products. For example, in the far away village of Kariako, people used over 120 different wild plants for medicine, while only one species (Carapa guianensis) was commercialised.


6.4.1 Monitoring of NTFP harvesting and export The export revenues of NTFPs from Guyana are certainly dwarfed by the figures of countries like Indonesia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Bolivia (Broekhoven, 1996; de Beer and McDermott, 1996). But when figures are recalculated for population size, a small country like Guyana exports more NTFPs per capita ($ 5) than Indonesia ($

205 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District

1.4), Bolivia ($ 3.9), or Brazil ($ 0.4). Nonetheless, the NTFP export contributes much less to the Guyanese economy than the timber industry, which increased from $ 3 million in 1993 to over $ 30 million in 1995 (Sizer, 1996). And then again, logging still forms only a small part (2% in 1994) of the total exports from Guyana, which consist mainly of gold, sugar, bauxite and rice (Sizer, 1996; Haden, 1999).

Table 6.3 Export figures of several leading countries on the world market of NTFPs.

Country Total export of NTFPs Year Remarks [million US$]

Guyana 4.2 1996 Indonesia 238 1987 $ 138 million by rattan alone Ecuador 13 1990 $ 25 million in Brazil nuts Brazil 53 1990 $ 10 million in palm hearts Bolivia 23 1990

In spite of its small contribution to the Gross Domestic Product, the extraction of NTFPs is still an important factor in the economy of the North-West District. Therefore, it deserves a place in the regional land use planning, especially in the coastal wetlands, where NTFP harvesting (troolie, tibisiri, wildlife, orchids, mangrove, palm hearts) seems to be the most viable form of land use. Due to waterlogged soils and the absence of valuable timber or minerals, the potential for commercial farming, mining, or logging is minimal here. However, the lack of information on export volumes, domestic and international trade, makes it difficult for the Guyanese government to include NTFPs in their economic planning or to develop sustainable harvesting policies for these products.

Not only the Wildlife Services Division in Guyana is under-staffed. In 1993, the Fisheries Department had only one part-time person to oversee the ornamental fish trade. No staff was assigned to oversee the harvest of NTFPs under the Guyana Forestry Commission (Edwards et al., 1994). In 1996, the GFC planned a national symposium on NTFPs to assess the potential for developing and managing ‘new’ forest products, but in the end this event never took place. It is hoped that with their Code of Practice for Forest Operations (GFC, 1998), the Commission will be able to address the issue of NTFPs and hinterland communities more effectively. Their efforts may be supported by the National Biodiversity Action Plan, set up by the recently created Environmental Protection Agency to act as a overall framework for biodiversity related aspects (EPA, 2000, ter Steege, 2000).

The absence of entities monitoring the quantities of harvested and commercialised NTFPs is a problem in many developing countries (Broekhoven, 1996; Ros-Tonen et al., 1995; de Beer and McDermott, 1996). However, even if clear guidelines exist, such as the management framework for wildlife produced by Edwards et al. (1994), the implementation of management plans still requires considerable political and financial commitment. Harvest rules may be difficult to implement in remote areas, but since the trade is concentrated on regional markets, price regulations and control

206 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I of illegal practices should start here. More effort should also be put to raise public awareness for the protection of endangered species.

6.4.2 Social advantages of commercial NTFP extraction One of the great socio-economic benefits of commercial NTFP extraction is that it allows most harvesters to return home every day. People involved in wildlife trapping, hunting, fishing, the harvesting of palm heart, troolie, nibi, kufa, or tibisiri, spend considerable more time with their families than labourers in logging or mining concessions. The NTFP trade allows harvesters to combine their work with traditional subsistence activities and maintain their indigenous culture. This trend was also noted by Hoffman (1997), Sullivan (1998), and Rivière (1984). The latter author also stated that the NTFP trade accorded much with the individual lifestyle of Guyanese Amerindians. The decision to harvest NTFPs can be made on an ad-hoc basis, whenever a family is in need of cash. NTFP extraction minimises the contact with ethnic groups outside their own social sphere, so there is less fear for abuse or discrimination (van Andel and Reinders, 1999). Despite the stressful relations that may exist between extractors and buyers, most Amerindians prefer the independent NTFP harvesting above the monotony of wage labour (Forte, 1995). Daily earnings may be variable, ranging from $ 2.5 (nibi) to $ 11 (palm heart and wildlife), but these are often higher than wages offered by other available employment (farming, mining, logging).

6.4.3 NTFP extraction: development or underdevelopment? The commercial extraction of NTFPs is contributing significantly to the income of forest-dwelling people and certainly stimulates the economic development of the North-West District. However, often the poorest indigenous families are involved in NTFP collection. Indigenous harvesters seem to perform a job that most other Guyanese are not willing to do (Hoffman, 1997). For most urban citizens, the interior forests are an unknown and dangerous place, which should be ‘developed’ as soon as possible (van Andel and Reinders, 1999). Amerindians are on the lowest step of the social ladder in Guyanese society, and are looked down upon in social, economic, and political sense (Sanders, 1972). They encounter many obstructions to an equal participation on the regional markets, often are unfamiliar with prices and transport costs, and do not have access to credit or storage facilities. The distrust between the different ethnic groups operating in the market hinders the development of durable trade relations (Verheij and Reinders, 1997). The lack of functioning Amerindian organisations or market cooperatives inhibits their independence in trade.

According to Forte (1997), the indigenous peoples in Guyana cannot fully benefit from the economic potential of the forests, as they are handicapped by a failing educational system, precarious health conditions and poverty. She further argues that with approximately 88% of the Guyanese Amerindians living below the poverty line, some inherent contradictions in Guyana’s society seem to impede the potential role of NTFPs in the improvement of people’s livelihoods. Therefore, the conservation and sustainable use of forest resources in this region can only be realised if development projects include the support of basic human needs.

207 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District

6.4.4 Land tenure Of Guyana’s 16 million hectare of forested lands, some 1.4 million is legally under the control of Amerindians (Haden, 1999). Unlike the State Forests, which are under the control of the GFC, the Amerindian Reserves are regulated by elected village captains and councils. The GFC has neither jurisdiction over resources within titled Amerindian lands, nor on arrangements made between village councils and private companies (Colchester, 1997). Most State Forests have already been leased to timber and mining companies (Sizer, 1996). Because of the inefficient forest laws, Amerindian reserves are an easy option for new enterprises looking for remaining land. Private businessmen and logging companies were reported to hand out free chain saws and buy the logs without any legal contract (Forte, 1995). Royalties are seldom paid for products harvested from indigenous lands, and reservation boundaries are not clearly marked (Colchester, 1997). Amerindians often lack the know-how and financial means to effect binding contracts or seek legal recourse when agreements break down. Amerindians cannot request the GFC for legal advice, but have to deal with the Regional Democratic Council, whose bureaucracy scares off many people to lodge complaints. Unfortunate deals are usually announced too late for any practical intervention to be effective (Forte, 1995; van Andel and Reinders, 1999).

The extent of lands allocated to Amerindian communities under the Amerindian Act was not based on sustainability studies of their subsistence patterns (Toppin-Allahar, 1995). Twenty years after the publication of the Act in 1977, several communities have grown to such an extent that agricultural land has become scarce (Forte, 1995; van Andel and Reinders, 1999). The Act neither contains provisions for the protection of wildlife or vulnerable habitats (Iwokrama, 1998). Apart from those communities living within reservation boundaries, at least 30% of the indigenous groups have not yet been granted official land titles (Haden, 1999). As control of resources is a prerequisite for sustainable management (Freese, 1998), communal ownership should be arranged for those communities lacking land rights. As long as the property rights of forest areas are not clearly defined, even the most sustainable forms of resource use are highly subject to disruption (Peters et al., 1989b).

6.4.5 Participatory forest management Since Guyana lacks a credible institutional and legal base for the management of NTFPs, especially when located in Amerindian reserves, indigenous communities have little other options than designing their own management plans (Iwokrama, 1998). Community-based resource management would allow people to continue NTFP extraction, without having to move away to search for jobs elsewhere. Rotation systems for NTFPs should be designed, with some areas predestined for harvest and others set aside for regeneration. Strict agreements among villagers are needed on the division of working space and to avoid harvesting in recovering areas (see chapter 5). But communal systems are fragile in the face of strong commercial markets, and the lure for large profits causes a breakdown in social cohesion and management rules within the community (Freese, 1998). Until today, no association of NTFP extractors has ever existed in the North-West District; every harvester stays a direct competitor of his neighbour. Differences in tribal background and church affiliation further obstruct successful organisation. The ‘Tragedy of the Commons’

208 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I is still a topical phenomenon among Guyana’s rural poor (van Andel and Reinders, 1999; Sullivan, 1999).

Subsistence agriculture techniques should definitely be improved to guarantee food security and relieve pressure on NTFP resources. Village administration is essential to control the amounts of NTFPs marketed by the community. Extractors must be registered and harvest quota should be set for vulnerable populations. Training is needed in administration, law, marketing, farming techniques community strengthening, contract negotiation, and finance (Sizer, 1996). These activities should be stimulated by the government, the GFC, Amerindian organisations, and other NGO’s concerned with rural welfare. Currently, forest service extension into rural areas is weak and national forest policy is often unclear to local communities. Development programmes should provide basic technical assistance to communities interested in developing forest-based enterprises, including the access to small loans (Sizer, 1996). Finally, this participatory forest management depends on cooperation among all stakeholders: extractors, village councils, traders, and exporters.

6.4.6 Future commercial NTFPs Existing products offer the best chance of quickly creating and benefiting from (inter-) national markets (Clay, 1992). Therefore, further research is needed on growth rates, population sizes, and optimum harvest levels for those NTFPs that already proved to be economically viable: palm heart, wildlife, nibi, kufa, troolie, tibisiri, and mangrove bark. However, a diversification of the market reduces the risk of commercial failure (Sizer, 1996). There are several NTFPs that are currently harvested for subsistence only, which have a promising potential for commercial extraction. In particular the so-called ‘oligarchic forests’, dominated by few species, offer interesting possibilities for the sustainable harvesting of NTFPs, provided that the dominant species generate useful products. Several of the successfully commercialised NTFPs in the North-West District (palm heart, troolie, tibisiri) are already being harvested from oligarchic vegetation types (manicole swamp and ité savannahs). These ‘natural monocultures’ also produce large volumes of edible fruits (e.g., Euterpe oleracea, E. precatoria, Marlierea montana, Mauritia flexuosa, Jessenia bataua subsp. oligocarpa, Spondias mombin, and Humiriastrum obovatum). Unfortunately, too few Guyanese are familiar with these fruits. In this way an abundant resource is left untouched.

In Iquitos, Manaus, and other large Amazonian towns, tons of these fruits (in particular M. flexuosa, Spondias mombin, and Euterpe spp.) are processed annually into juices, ice creams and preserves (Padoch, 1987; Peters et al., 1989b). A high- quality oil is extracted from Jessenia fruits and marketed as hair oil and medicine (Balick, 1988). If a stable export market for these products could be developed or local consumption would be stimulated, the coastal wetlands of Guyana could bring in much more economic revenues. Commercial fruit harvesting should primarily focus on palm fruits (as these species produce the largest volumes) and on species- poor seasonal swamps and alluvial plains, since these forests generally yield more fruits per hectare than more diverse primary forests (Phillips, 1993). Fruit collection does little damage to the forest ecosystem (Peters, 1989), but programmes for controlled extractivism and non-destructive harvesting techniques should be

209 6. Commercial exploitation of NTFPs in Guyana’s North-West District implemented (Peters et al., 1989b). This would imply a ban on the felling of fruit- producing trees and on the annual burning of ité savannas and quackal forest. At present, large numbers of reproducing Euterpe oleracea stems are being harvested for palm heart (chapter 5). In Brazil, however, the monetary value of Euterpe fruits has proved to stimulate the protection of reproductive individuals and even lead to the cultivation of the palm (Strudwick and Sobel, 1988). Natural populations of Mauritia flexuosa in Peru, however, have dwindled due to the felling of trees for their fruits (Padoch, 1988).

A problems is that many NTFPs are harvested far away from major markets, and processing facilities, which often implies high transport costs and spoiling of perishable products (Padoch, 1987; Peters et al., 1989b; Johnston, 1998). The establishing of cottage industries near productive forests could possibly solve this problem (Phillips, 1993). With local residents being responsible for the harvesting and processing of fruits (freezing, canning, candying or oil extraction), this would increase the share of the product value (Peters et al., 1989b). Producers should also consider ‘eco-certification’, to distinguish their products from others and improve the marketing. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for products from well- managed forests, where environmental and social impacts are reduced to a minimum, laws are respected, and employment conditions are fair (Clay, 1992; Richards, 1993).

Market-oriented research is needed to introduce these ‘new’ NTFPs, as well as the development of innovative processing techniques. Other suggestions for commercialisation of new NTFPs are the reproduction of locally abundant orchids and other ornamental plants (DeFilipps, 1992; Sullivan, 1999), keeping (Forte, 1995), and breeding wildlife for consumption and export (Edwards et al., 1994; Sullivan, 1998; Iwokrama, 1998). Products and market development, training, and investment in this sector may take several years to bear fruit on a scale comparable to logging, but the pay-off will be commensurate (Sizer, 1996).

6.4.7 The potential contribution of NTFPs to forest conservation Even if the extraction of NTFPs from forests dominated by one or few species would be done on a sustainable basis and provide substantial income for local people, it does not help to conserve the biodiversity of these forests (Boot, 1997). This can only be achieved if NTFP extraction is capable of preventing or reducing deforestation, and when these products yield more revenue than other land uses. In the case of nibi and kufa, where primary forest is essential to gather the required products, their extraction could indeed contribute to forest preservation. But if prices for the raw material are low, the products are either overharvested or extractors may shift to timber cutting again.

Commercial NTFP extraction has also little chance to compete with the large-scale forest exploitation by multinational logging and mining companies. Particularly those NTFPs from highly diverse forests that are located far away from the market towns can hardly compete with similar products extracted closer to the market. Products from remote areas offer few incentives for forest conservation, unless they are highly exclusive or heavily supported by external subsidies.

210 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


Commercial NTFPs provide an important source of income for Amerindians in northwest Guyana. However, these indigenous groups do not fully enjoy the profits made in the NTFP business. Some communities heavily depend on NTFPs for their survival. The main commercial products are wildlife, palm heart, nibi and kufa furniture, tibisiri crafts, troolie leaves, and mangrove bark. The latter two products are only important on the national and regional market. The annual export of NTFPs from Guyana was estimated at US$ 4.2 million. Real export revenues are probably higher, as illegal export of wildlife is to be expected and traders often declare low prices for their goods to avoid taxes.

The main obstructions for the successful commercialisation of NTFPs in the North- West District are the low prices paid for the raw material, the lack of storage facilities for perishable products, the little organisation among harvesters, and the high transportation costs. Most commercial NTFPs are extracted close to the regional markets and transportation facilities. These markets are essential places where monitoring of volumes, price regulation, and control of illegal trade should take place.

Most commercial NTFPs have an ecological potential for commercial extraction. However, more research is needed on population densities, growth rates, and sustainable harvest levels. The absence of land use planning and government control has so far prevented the development of management plans for these products.

NTFPs can play an important role in participatory forest management, especially in areas where the possibilities for conflictive land uses are minimal. Several other products present in the northwestern forests, some naturally occurring in large quantities, have a potential for commercial extraction. Unfortunately, the present forest laws and land tenure system in Guyana make it difficult for indigenous peoples to manage their reserves in a sustainable way.

211 7. The diverse uses of fish poison plants



Although the use of certain plants to poison fish has been documented on all continents, the indigenous tribes of South America use the greatest variety of plant species (Howes, 1930; Acevedo-Rodríguez, 1990). Poisoning methods may vary from place to place, but they usually consist of throwing macerated material of ichthyotoxic plants into creeks or shallow ponds. After a while, the stupefied fish start to float to the surface, where they can be easily collected by hand or shot with bow and arrow.

One of the main chemical compounds of ichthyotoxic plants is rotenone. This isoflavonoid is extremely toxic to cold-blooded animals, but less active in birds and animals. Rotenone is much more toxic to warm-blooded animals when applied directly in the bloodstream than when taken orally. Due to its low toxicity when ingested, fishes stupefied by rotenone can be eaten by humans without any adverse reaction (Acevedo-Rodríguez, 1990). Rotenone causes respiratory depression in fish, forcing them to gasp for breath with wide-open gills at the water surface. The poison is also highly toxic to insects. Rotenone has two major advantages: (1) humans can digest it relatively safe, and (2) it is unstable in light and heat, loosing almost all its toxicity after 2-3 days (Matsumura, 1985; Leslie, 1994; Hamid, 1999).

In contrast to other flavonoids, rotenone has a rather limited taxonomic distribution. It occurs mainly within the , especially in the genera Lonchocarpus, Paraderris, and Tephrosia. When rotenone was isolated for the first time from Peruvian Lonchocarpus roots by Clark (1929) and its effectiveness as an insecticide became known, a significant export trade in Lonchocarpus utilis and L. urucu developed in Peru and Brazil. The roots, locally known as ‘barbasco’ or ‘cube’, were processed industrially into insecticides (Krukoff and Smith, 1937). As commercial extraction quickly depleted wild plants, they are now grown almost exclusively on plantations. The region around Iquitos (Peru) is currently the world’s largest producer of Lonchocarpus (Rehm and Espig, 1991). Nowadays, the dried, pulverised roots are gaining renewed interest, since natural insecticides with rapid biological degradation are very well received by both ecologists and consumers.

1. A slightly different version of this chapter was accepted for publication by Economic Botany.

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The use of fish poisons by indigenous tribes in Guyana was described comprehensively in the first half of this century (Roth, 1924; Howes, 1930; Archer, 1934; Gillin, 1936; Martyn and Follett-Smith, 1936; Fanshawe, 1948, 1953). Based on the idea of commercial trade, some planting trials with Lonchocarpus nicou and an unidentified Lonchocarpus species were carried out in Guyana’s North-West District in 1929. These species were identified later as L. martynii and L. chrysophyllus (Krukoff and Smith, 1937). However, due to the low rotenone content, the species never became an export product (Archer, 1934; Martyn and Follett-Smith, 1936). In their search for South American rotenone-yielding plants, Krukoff and Smith (1937) also considered the rotenone content of the Guyanese Lonchocarpus species too low to be commercially competitive with those of Peru and Brazil: the fresh roots of the Brazilian species contained 5-12% rotenone, while those of the Guyanese species L. martynii and L. chrysophyllus possessed only 2.4% of the compound.

Local Amerindians have apparently been cultivating ichthyotoxic plants for a long time. This can be deduced from field labels of early L. chrysophyllus collections from the upper Essequibo (A.C. Smith 2823) and Berbice regions (Krukoff 7699) and from the early reports by Howes (1930) and Archer (1934) on the cultivation of the ichthyotoxic species Euphorbia cotinifolia (syn.: E. cotinoides), Tephrosia sinapou (syn.: T. toxicaria), sp., and Phyllanthus sp. in Guyana. In fact, this cultivation might even have a pre-Columbian origin, as species within these genera were already domesticated in Amazonia at the time of the first European contact (Chevalier, 1925; Clement, 1999).

Although prohibited by law since the 1950s, recent anthropological studies indicate that fish poisoning is still an important activity in the life of Guyanese Amerindians today (Reinders, 1993; Forte, 1996a; Sullivan, 1997; Riley, 1998). The indiscriminate poisoning of creeks and ponds, however, has caused a decline in fish stocks around Amerindian settlements and has increased mortality among cattle that drink from poisoned pools (Forte et al., 1992; Forte, 1996a; Iwokrama, 1998). Since these anthropological studies did not always combine the recording of local names with plant collections, it remains unclear which kinds of fish poisons are currently being used in Guyana.

When collections did take place, specimens were often lost or could not be identified properly due to incomplete sampling, resulting in few reliable scientific names for the fish poisons mentioned by indigenous informants. Unfortunately, no recent, comprehensive studies on fish poisons have been conducted in Guyana, like the one by Moretti and Grenand (1982) in French Guiana. Furthermore, the scientific names listed in older publications are not always up-to-date and are often based on sterile collections (Martyn and Follett-Smith, 1936), making it rather difficult to compare present-day plant use with that of the past.

Although reports from other countries have noted that plants with ichthyotoxic activity are also used as arrow poisons, soap substitutes, and medicines (Acevedo- Rodríguez, 1990), very little is known of these additional uses in Guyana. As stated above, few ethnobotanical studies have been conducted in Guyana (Austin and Bourne, 1992), and not many authors have documented the use of fish poisons other

213 7. The diverse uses of fish poison plants than for stupefying fish or killing insects. This chapter presents an overview of the ichthyotoxic plant species currently being used by three Amerindian tribes of Northwest Guyana (Carib, Arawak, and Warao). Special attention is paid to the species’ state of domestication and their importance in activities other than fishing. Voucher specimens have been deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Guyana (BRG) and the Utrecht branch of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands (U). The preliminary results of this study point out that, in present-day Amerindian life, fish poisons are not only important in providing food, but also play an important role in religion and traditional medicine.


Specimens of 11 plant species used as fish poison were collected in northwest Guyana: five are only known from cultivated sources, four are harvested exclusively in the wild, and two are collected in the forest, but also propagated by cuttings taken from wild plants (Table 7.1).

The fast-growing shrubs Clibadium surinamense and Phyllanthus brasiliensis are the most frequently used species to poison fish and are cultivated on the majority of Amerindian farms. A large basket full of leaves and branches is stuffed into a hole in the ground and crushed with a wooden pestle into a pulpy mass. The pulp is then simply thrown in the water or immersed along with the basket in a creek. According to informants, both species are capable of stunning only small fish and Phyllanthus brasiliensis is especially effective in catching huri (Hoplias malabaricus). P. brasiliensis seems to be more potent when in flower or fruit (Roth, 1924; Acevedo- Rodríguez, 1990), therefore adult individuals, which are fertile most of the time, are most often used. Two cultivars were collected (one with green twigs and leaves and one with purplish stems), but local users did not indicate any difference in efficacy between the two types. Clibadium and Phyllanthus occasionally ‘escape’ from cultivation. The ‘wild’ Clibadium is considered less poisonous and thus less powerful.

Carib Indians living along the Barama River prepare ‘kunami balls’ as fish poison. They first pound Clibadium leaves mixed with freshly grated, but unsqueezed cassava roots, then roll the mixture in leaves and bake it in a fire. Ashes of burnt Cecropia leaves and sometimes some peppers are added to the sticky paste, after which the mass is pounded in a mortar and kneaded into small balls. These balls are then rolled in flour to make them white and, thus, more visible to fish. When the kunami balls are thrown in the water, the fish eat them whole. Soon thereafter the fish start floating belly upwards.

Leaves of the shrub Solanum leucocarpon are sometimes mixed with Clibadium leaves. Since S. leucocarpon is only used in combination with another poison, it is not clear whether the plant itself contains ichthyotoxic ingredients. Therefore, it was not included in the table. Tephrosia sinapou used to be one of the most common and effective piscicides in Guyana (Martyn and Follett-Smith, 1936). Today, however, the shrub is only sporadically grown in northwest Guyana. Its black roots are

214 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I pounded with a club or hammer and thrown in a creek, giving the water a whitish appearance. The poison is capable of killing hassa (Hoplosternum littorale) and yarau (Hoploerythrinus unitaeniatus), but hardly affects huri.

Euphorbia cotinifolia is probably the most toxic of all fish poisons. Its white latex causes blisters on human skin and temporary blindness if it comes in contact with the eyes. A few branches are placed in an old basket and beaten after being submerged in the water, to prevent the poisonous latex from touching the body. Guts and scales should be removed from the fish immediately, so that the toxic triterpenes cannot affect the consumer (Killip and Smith, 1935; Prance, 1972). The fish tends to spoil even before it is removed from the water (Fanshawe, 1953). For this reason, E. cotinifolia is rarely used as fish poison anymore. Every now and then, however, the species is cultivated in home gardens for ornamental, medicinal, or magical purposes. Two cultivars were collected for this study: one with green twigs and leaves (white kunaparu) and one reddish variety called ‘purple kunaparu’. The latter is said to be more poisonous than the white variety. Although E. cotinifolia will be divided in two in the near future (Christenhusz, 1999), both cultivars fall within the same subspecies.

The wild plants providing the most effective fish poisons belong to the genus Lonchocarpus, locally known as haiari. In the past, there was some confusion about the exact species utilised, since the absence of flowering and fruiting material on the collected specimens made it difficult to identify them to species level (Howes, 1930; Killip and Smith, 1935; Krukoff and Smith, 1937; Moretti and Grenand, 1982). In fact, the identification of Lonchocarpus remains a problem, as no comprehensive revision of the genus exists for South America. Fortunately, taxonomic research is currently being conducted on this genus by Mr. Sousa Sánchez of the National Herbarium of (MEXU) and Mr. Poppendieck of the Institüt für Allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg (HBG).

Four species of Lonchocarpus are used as fish poison in northwest Guyana. The black haiari, Lonchocarpus chrysophyllus (see Part II of this thesis) is considered the strongest of all. The stem of this large canopy liana can reach a diameter of 20 cm. It is distinguished vegetatively from the other species by having darker twigs and leaves and fine golden hairs on young twigs and leaves. Both the stems and roots are used for poisoning, although the latter are said to be stronger. Black haiari is particularly efficient in stunning yarau. In the past, several other species were collected in Guyana under the name black haiari, e.g. L. rariflorus (A.C. Smith 2161) and L. nicou (Killip and Smith, 1935). These species were not found during the present study.

215 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 7.1 Species used as fish poisons in northwest Guyana. Active components taken from Acevedo-Rodriguez (1990).

Species Family Part used Medicinal uses Wild or cultivated Active components

Clibadium surinamense Asteraceae leaves cold, snake bites cultivated ichthyocthereol

Euphorbia cotinifolia Euphorbiaceae leaves ant deterrent, sores cultivated triterpene branches disinfectant, magic

Phyllanthus brasiliensis Euphorbiaceae leaves ant bites cultivated cyanogenics, triterpene branches

Lonchocarpus chrysophyllus Leguminosae-Pap. root skin sores, AIDS wild and rotenone, saponins stem cancer, eczema cultivated

Lonchocarpus martynii Leguminosae-Pap. root skin sores, AIDS wild and rotenone, lonchocarpin cancer, eczema cultivated

Lonchocarpus spruceanus Leguminosae-Pap. root head ache cultivated rotenone, lonchocarpin

Lonchocarpus sp. (TVA1247) Leguminosae-Pap. root cancer, AIDS wild rotenone, lonchocarpin

Tephrosia sinapou Leguminosae-Pap. root cancer, eczema cultivated rotenone, tephrosine

Serjania paucidentata Sapindaceae stem , aphrodisiac wild saponins

Talisia cf. guianensis Sapindaceae wood none wild saponins

Talisia hexaphylla Sapindaceae wood none wild saponins

217 7. The diverse uses of fish poison plants

The white haiari, Lonchocarpus martynii, is also a canopy liana, but has glabrous, lighter coloured twigs and leaves. Only its roots contain the poisonous substance. Most collections of white haiari in the North-West District were identified as L. martynii, although L. nicou was collected under that name by Martyn and Follett- Smith (1936). The ‘fine kind of haiari’, L. spruceanus, is less known. This shrubby tree with its small leaves was only observed once on an abandoned farm in a Warao village along the Waini River. Fanshawe (1948) identified the rare red haiari as L. rariflorus, while another red haiari, collected along the Barima River by Archer (2520a), was identified in 1997 as L. utilis. A sterile specimen of red haiari was collected in Barama during the present study, but could not be identified to the species level (Lonchocarpus sp. TVA1247).

Figure 7.1 Bundle of Lonchocarpus roots collected from the forest, sufficient to poison a medium-sized creek.

The lateral roots of the haiari species are dug out and cut into pieces about 75 cm long (Figure 7.1). About 15 pieces are needed to poison an average creek. The roots are pounded with a wooden club on a trunk at the water’s edge, preferably at the head of a forest creek (Figure 7.2). After a while, a white, milky juice is released from the roots. The shredded fibers are then soaked in the water and the creek bottom is stirred with the feet in order to mix the mud with the poison. After several minutes, the first fish start coming to the surface. Although clearly stupefied, they disappear quickly when touched. It still requires great expertise to kill these fish by striking them on the head with a machete.

Larger fish like the haimara (Hoplias macrophtalmus) tend to sink when poisoned, forcing the fishermen to dive down and catch them by hand. To intercept fish floating downstream, a wicker fence made from mokru stems (Ischnosiphon spp.) is used to close off the creek mouth.

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If the fish reach the fresh river water, the poison rapidly loses its effect. Baskets full of fish are caught with this method, and the surplus is often sold to villagers. Local fishermen advise washing the fish well and carefully removing the gills, “because that is what sucks up the poison”.

Deeper in the interior, where population pressure is relatively low, informants said they needed one day to collect the required amount of haiari to poison a creek. As quite a distance must be covered in the well- drained upland forest to find enough roots, the search is often combined with hunting or gold prospecting. Cuttings from L. martynii and L. chrysophyllus are occasionally planted in farms or home gardens.

Figure 7.2 Beating the roots till they become fibrous and release the white juice that contains the rotenone.

In the more densely populated coastal villages, wild haiari lianas have become so scarce that they are predominantly found in cultivation. It seems that the wild lianas are wrenched from the ground and do not survive the harvesting of the roots. Much more care is taken with the cultivated plants; in fact, some of the plants that are now large lianas were planted in home gardens more than 20 years ago. Cuttings are put in the ground during the wet season, in a shadowy place, with a fruit tree as support. Owners of a haiari liana sporadically allow their neighbours to dig out some roots to use for poison.

The ribbed liana Serjania paucidentata is occasionally used by Arawaks and Warao to poison small streams or ponds in the coastal savannas. The stem is chopped into small pieces and the saponins released from the bark and wood kill the smaller fish by asphyxiation (Moretti and Grenand, 1982).

The name ‘sand mora’ has been given to two rare tree species in mixed upland forests: Talisia hexaphylla and T. cf. guianensis. According to Carib Indians, the wood is extremely poisonous. In order to catch fish, wood chips are thrown into the water and apparently turn it pitch-black. Guts, scales, and skin of the fish must be

219 7. The diverse uses of fish poison plants removed as quickly as possible and the flesh thoroughly cleaned with lime to avoid poisoning the consumer. Although used more commonly in the past (Gillin, 1936), people are now reluctant to use these species. The wood is even considered to be too poisonous for use in house construction or as firewood.

Apparently, the various poisons all have a different mode of action and vary in their ability to stupefy certain species of fish. Otherwise, why would people make the effort to walk large distances to collect Lonchocarpus, if Phyllanthus or Clibadium are available within the village boundaries and have the same effect? Unlike in the study of Moretti and Grenand (1982), no correlation was found between the salinity of the water and the type of fish poison used. Many other Guyanese plant species have been mentioned as fish poisons (Killip and Smith, 1935; Fanshawe, 1948, 1953). Some of these species occur widely in Northwest Guyana (e.g., Mora excelsa, Bauhinia spp., Alexa imperatricis, Clathrotropis brachypetala, Gustavia augusta, Macrolobium acaciifolium, Paullinia pinnata, Pentaclethra macroloba, and Ryania pyrifera), but they are not utilised by the local population for this purpose.


Poisoning is considered to be a very productive fishing method in northwest Guyana, more effective than hooks or fish traps (Sullivan, 1997). Nets, however, are preferred above poisoning and are used most frequently, although not everyone can afford them. It seems that poisoning is more important in traditional, isolated settlements, where 16% of the fishermen said they used this method most. In larger and more acculturated villages, only 5.3% of the fishermen said they used poison more than any other fishing method (Sullivan, 1997).

In gold mining areas, where land dredges and hydraulic pumps have disrupted the riverbeds and increased water turbidity and pollution, fish in the large rivers have become so scarce that people are being forced to revert to poisoning forest creeks. Pounding holes for kunami leaves can be seen all along the creeks bordering the villages. In densely populated Amerindian areas, where fish tend to be overharvested, poisoning remains an easy option for poor families unable to buy fish or fishing gear. These people are very well aware that poisoning implies the killing of many small fish, but often see it as an emergency method to relieve hunger. Or as one informant put it: “Without this kunami, Amerindians would never live”.

Roots of L. chrysophyllus and L. martynii are regularly sold for US$ 0.10 per lb. at the regional market in Mabaruma. Since approximately 25 lbs. of roots are needed to poison a medium-sized creek, then US$ 2.5 is needed per event. Buyers are Amerindians living in the brackish coastal swamps, where Lonchocarpus does not grow. They live predominantly from commercial palm heart harvesting and many have abandoned the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture (van Andel et al., 1998). Since home gardens are not common in these communities, Clibadium and Phyllanthus are seldom grown.

220 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Even though the Guyanese law prohibits the use of fish poison, people are only incidentally arrested for using it. In fact, in the largest Amerindian Reserve of Santa Rosa (Moruca River), Clibadium and Phyllanthus are grown in the vicinity of the police station. Deeper in the interior, there is no control at all.


Fish poisons are used in various traditional remedies, not only by the indigenous population, but also by the Creoles and East Indians living in Guyana. The juice from the leaves of Clibadium surinamense is squeezed into a cup, mixed with a few drops of kerosene, and drunk as a remedy for snake bites, in particular bites by the deadly labaria or fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper) and the bushmaster (Lachesis mutus). The kerosene is probably added to extract alkaloids that are only fat-soluble. Dried branches are boiled in water and drunk as tea to treat colds. A decoction of the whole plant is also used to wash out cuts and sores.

The leaves of Serjania paucidentata are boiled and given to babies suffering from thrush. Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the Candida albicans, resulting from unhygienic milk bottles or dirty nipples (Lachman-White et al., 1992). The liana is also an ingredient of a popular aphrodisiac. For that purpose the woody stem is boiled with one or more of the following products: the roots of cockshun (Smilax schomburgkiana), kupa (Clusia spp.), and sarsparilla (Dioscorea trichanthera), the wood of kapadula (Tetracera sp., Pinzona sp., or Doliocarpus sp.), granny backbone (Curarea candicans), and devildoer (Strychnos spp.), and locust bark (Hymenaea courbaril var. courbaril). These ‘builders’ are said to protect against a variety of diseases and stimulate the sexual activity of both men and women. Medicinal herb stalls in Georgetown sell dry branches of Clibadium surinamense, wood of Serjania paucidentata, and a wide assortment of ready-made tonics and aphrodisiacs.

The macerated leaves of Phyllanthus brasiliensis are heated above a fire and applied as a poultice to the painful bites of the munuri ant (Pariponera clavata). The biting sap of Euphorbia cotinifolia is dropped on inflamed fingernails to get rid of the infection. A whole branch of E. cotinifolia is boiled in water into a thick syrup and applied to persistent skin sores caused by bacteriosis or leishmaniasis parasites.

By far the most remarkable medicinal application of fish poisons is the use of Lonchocarpus and Tephrosia roots in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. Concentrated root juice is applied externally to sores and lesions caused by skin cancer and AIDS. The poison is also dissolved in a bucket of water and used to bathe patients with skin cancer and eczema. Small doses of the poison, varying from three drops in a glass of water to one spoonful of undiluted sap, are taken orally in the treatment of AIDS and cancer of the skin, stomach, liver, and intestines. These medicines are taken on a daily basis. People believe the fish poison ‘to kill the germs causing cancer and AIDS’. People from different ethnicity and provenance in northwest Guyana are enthusiastic about the healing properties of the fish poisons. They tell stories about miraculous recoveries after using this treatment, both of

221 7. The diverse uses of fish poison plants terminally ill patients and people in the early stages of the disease. AIDS patients from Georgetown have even been reported to visit Amerindian reserves, seeking to be cured with haiari poison.

Only the roots of Lonchocarpus chrysophyllus, L. martynii, and Tephrosia sinapou are used in this treatment. The side effects of the poison are obviously quite bad. Incidents have been reported of desperate patients taking an overdose of a whole calabash full of haiari juice. After suffering from heavy nausea, fainting, and vomiting for a few days, the patients were said to recover and feel much better. In several cases, this therapy extended the lives of terminally ill patients for several months, long after the hospital had given up on them. However, since most patients could no longer be traced back, the exact diagnosis and history of their illness could not be studied during this investigation.

The juice of Lonchocarpus spruceanus is not mentioned as a cancer medicine, but it is applied to the forehead to relieve headaches. The red haiari (Lonchocarpus sp. TVA1247) is also not associated with cancer treatment. Lachman-White et al. (1992) reported that the bark of L. martynii is used in coastal Guyana as a tranquilliser and a decoction of the root to treat venereal diseases. The stems and roots are roasted, ground, and mixed with oil and applied externally for the relief of pain. The authors also mentioned that the bark of L. chrysophyllus is used to treat labaria bites and that a decoction of the bark mixed with the stems of Costus scaber, Justicia pectoralis, and a little alum is used as a suppressant for severe coughs. None of these uses, however, were mentioned in Northwest Guyana.


In the 1930s, Gillin (1936) saw Caribs pouring haiari juice around the roots of their tobacco plants to kill the grubs infesting them. Nowadays, the use of fish poisons as insecticides in northwest Guyana is very limited. High quantities of haiari juice are said to kill leaf cutter ( sp.), but people prefer to use the fruit pulp from the abundantly growing herb Renealmia orinocensis for this purpose. The toxic sap of Euphorbia cotinifolia is also mentioned as an effective repellent for these ants (Dance, 1881, Grenand et al., 1987; Reinders, 1993). However, people said they did not like to jam the branches of this plant into ants nests, because they feared skin injuries by the vesicant sap. The custom of planting these shrubs in cassava fields to prevent the ants from building their nests was not observed during this study. The indigenous people of Northwest Guyana rub the oil of Carapa guianensis or the bark juice of Alexa imperatricis on their bodies to eradicate lice and scabies, instead of using fish poisons like other indigenous groups do (Moretti and Grenand, 1982; Acevedo-Rodríguez, 1990; Lachman-White et al., 1992). Nevertheless, the possibilities of producing cheap insecticides from haiari roots to handle local insect plagues should not be underestimated.

Finally, fish poisons play a role in the magical beliefs and practices of Amerindian life, although informants seldom admit this when asked. If somebody dies unexpectedly under suspect circumstances, people may believe that the person was

222 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I poisoned or murdered, or that death was caused by a magic spell cast by an enemy. To find the offender, a cross of Euphorbia cotinifolia leaves is carefully placed in the coffin before the deceased is laid down in it. A few days after the funeral, the murderer will betray him self by contracting a terrible itch over his body, which will subsequently lead to his death. Despite its vesicant latex, this might be one of the reasons Euphorbia cotinifolia is still cultivated.

An evil spirit much feared by many Amerindian tribes is the Kenaima, a ruthless murdering ghost who seeks innocent victims in order to practice his revenge for injustice done to him in the past. To complete his task, the Kenaima must visit the grave of its victim and suck the fluids from the dead body through a hollow reed inserted in the ground. If he does not succeed in drinking the liquids of the deceased, he will die a horrible death (Gillin, 1936). To deceive and frighten the Kenaima, a bowl with haiari juice mixed with some body fluids of the dead person is placed on the grave. This custom is still sporadically practised among the Barama River Caribs when a person is believed to have died from an attack by the Kenaima spirit.


Although over 3000 plants are used in various parts of the world for the treatment of cancer (Hartwell, 1967-1971), few South American fish poisons appear on this list. Kosteletzky (1831-1836) mentions the use of Tephrosia sinapou roots to combat tumours and scirrhosities in Brazil, while the roots of the Brazilian Lonchocarpus peckoltii have been reported to treat glandular tumours (Peckolt, 1868). Peculiarly, some plants with proven antitumor activity (Hartwell, 1976) are used by the Guyanese to treat diseases other than cancer. For instance, Catharanthus roseus is prescribed for diabetes and heart failure, Allamanda cathartica for constipation, and Heliotropum indicum for venereal diseases. However, this might be explained by the fact that the alkaloids with antitumor activity are present in lower concentrations than other effective chemical compounds in these plants.

Spjut and Perdue (1976) screened 254 ichthyotoxic species, belonging to 64 plant families from all over the world, for anticancer properties. They found that some 39% of the species and 66% of the 158 genera proved to be active against tumours. Unfortunately, the authors did not provide a list of the species that were screened nor the outcome of the tests. They just gave a number of references they used to select plants. Howes (1930) is the only reference in this list that mentions fish poisons being used in Guyana. Since he cited Tephrosia sinapou, it is likely that this species was screened for its antitumor properties. Howes was unable to identify the black and white haiari to the species level; thus, it is possible that the Lonchocarpus species mentioned in this chapter have never been screened for active compounds. Spjut and Perdue (1976) argue that most poisonous plants are likely to have antitumor properties, especially those that are used in folk medicine, and that plants used as arrow poisons generally show a higher percentage of activity than fish poisons because of their effectiveness on warm-blooded animals.

223 7. The diverse uses of fish poison plants

The most known active ingredient of Lonchocarpus and Tephrosia is rotenone, which could be responsible for the alleged antitumor effect. Hartwell (1976) tested rotenone in a chemotherapy program of the National Cancer Institute and found it to be active against two types of tumours. He did not, however, consider this result particularly interesting. Fang and Casida (1998) reported that the 11 rotenoid constituents present in cube insecticide (made from Lonchocarpus utilis) showed clear anticancer activity in rats and mice. They also predicted that rotenoid concentrations would be potent in vivo against cultured human breast cancer cells. Intense cytotoxic activity of rotenone was observed in lymphocytic leukaemia, carcinoma of the nasopharynx, and a number of human cancer cells (e.g., fibrosarcoma, lung cancer, colon cancer, melanoma and breast cancer cell lines). Hamid (1999) therefore evaluated rotenone as a potential antitumor agent.

Confusing is that Gosalvez and Merchan (1973) classified rotenone as an oncogenic agent, that induced mammary tumours in 60-100% of the female rats injected with the substance. Apparently, numerous plant compounds have been shown to be oncogenic in animals, including certain antitumor agents. According to Farnsworth et al. (1976), this is not unexpected, since almost all clinically useful antitumor agents, both natural and synthetic, are also carcinogenic. It is known that rotenone has a rat oral LD50 that ranges from 60 mg/kg to 1500 mg/kg, depending on the carrier (Leslie, 1994). Although equivocal evidence exists on the carcinogenic activity of a diet containing rotenone fed to rats and mice (NCTR, 1999), little is known about the carcinogenic effects of the oral intake by humans regularly eating poisoned fish.

Screening of fish-poison plants or rotenone against HIV or AIDS has not been mentioned in the literature at all. AIDS is spreading rapidly among female prostitutes in the Guyanese capital, as a result of inadequate information services, the refusal of using condoms, and severe poverty. More than 10% of these women are Amerindian, a rather disproportionate number, since they form only 1% of the population in Georgetown (Carter, 1993). The disease is brought into the interior by gold miners from the coast and by the prostitutes travelling with them to work in mining camps. Since interior clinics are generally ill-equipped with regard to staff and medicines, cancer and AIDS patients from remote areas often try to seek treatment in Georgetown hospitals. However, since these people are usually not aware that they are infected with HIV until they start to develop AIDS, the disease is often in a late stage at the time of diagnosis. Furthermore, since most indigenous people can hardly manage to pay for an aeroplane ticket to the capital and often lack proper insurance, a long-term treatment for cancer or AIDS is not within their means. Many then return to their village to be treated with traditional medicine or to die in peace.

The question remains whether treatment with rotenone-yielding fish poisons is only a desperate attempt to cure a mortal disease or indeed successful in relieving (some of) the symptoms of cancer and AIDS. Plants used in traditional medicine tend to have active ingredients and are far more likely to be useful as pharmaceuticals than randomly collected species (Mendelsohn, 1997). Therefore, more detailed pharmacological research on the effectiveness of rotenone on cancer and HIV is strongly recommended.

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More ethnobotanical studies are needed to find out if fish poisons are used for similar purposes in other parts of the Guianas. Detailed ethnobotanical studies have been carried out in French Guiana (Moretti and Grenand, 1982; Grenand et al., 1987), while no such studies exist for Surinam and southern Guyana. Furthermore, since only six of the 18 species listed by Moretti and Grenand (1982) coincide with those used in northwest Guyana, a considerable diversity in utilisation, species preference, and domestication can be expected within the Guianas. The region counts 15 species of Lonchocarpus, 25 species of Phyllanthus, and six species of Tephrosia (Boggan et al., 1997) and harbours several indigenous tribes knowledgeable about traditional medicine. Since vernacular names differ from place to place and one name may include several species, plant collections should definitely be included in this research. The genus Lonchocarpus is especially in need of good fertile collections. The use of ethnobotany to identify promising plants could substantially reduce the costs for the search of at least some pharmaceutical drugs (Mendelsohn, 1997).

It can be concluded that fish poisons play an important role in the lives of indigenous tribes in northwest Guyana. They serve not only as a quick method of providing (emergency) food, but also as important ingredients in magical practices and traditional medicine. Conservationists calling for stricter laws and increased control on fish poisoning should realise that a ban on the cultivation and use of fish poisons would also deprive Amerindians of some essential medicines. Artificial fish ponds and community-based poisoning rules may be a better alternative than preventing people from using plants they have been gathering and growing for centuries - plants that one day might prove to have unexpected values for mankind in general.

225 8. Medicinal plant use



Whereas forests have for long been regarded more or less exclusively as a source for timber extraction, non-timber forest products, in particular plant products used for herbal medicine, have only recently gained attention. Medicinal plants, used since the early ages by traditional peoples, are assumed to be potential sources of new drugs and thus hold a great value for international industries developing pharmaceutical products, phytomedicines, and dietary supplements (King et al., 1999). Nowadays, 25 to 50% of all synthetic drugs prescribed in the USA is plant- based, although only 1% of the higher plant species has been screened for active compounds (Sheldon et al., 1997; Swerdlow, 2000). This percentage will continue to grow, since the pharmaceutical industry continues to investigate (and confirm) the efficacy of many medicines and toxins used by indigenous peoples (Posey and Dutfield, 1996).

The most effective way of finding new drugs is to follow the indigenous knowledge on medicinal plants. This experience, passed down from generation to generation, is gained from thousands of years of trial and error with plant remedies (Spjut and Perdue, 1976; Mendelsohn and Balick, 1995; Swerdlow, 2000). The longer the history and the more common the use of a certain plant among indigenous groups, the more it is likely to be effective (Milliken, 1997; King et al., 1999). Using ethnobotany to identify promising plants could substantially reduce the costs for developing at least some pharmaceutical drugs (Mendelsohn, 1997). As many as 80% of the world’s population rely on traditional medicine, since for them nothing else is affordable or available (Farnsworth et al., 1985). Especially in remote areas in developing countries, medicinal plants may form the only available source of health care (Kasparek et al., 1996).

Guyana is no exception to this phenomenon. The better hospitals are all located in the capital Georgetown and the densely populated coastal region. Infant mortality is high (48/1000 live births) and by 1992, an estimated 23% of children under 5 years of age were classed as undernourished (Government of Guyana, 1995). The health situation in the forested interior of the country is generally worse. The few hospitals and health centres in the interior are often ill equipped and suffer from a lack of medicines and trained staff (ECTF, 1993). No commercial pharmacies exist in the interior. Although many of the large Amerindian communities in the North-West District have a trained Community Health Worker (CHW), most small indigenous settlements have not acquired this benefit (Forte, 1995). The few persons who can afford it travel to the hospitals in the capital when they need medical assistance, instead of seeking treatment in local health centres. For the majority of indigenous people in the interior, however, these facilities are out of reach. Many of them are not even insured by the country’s National Insurance Scheme (LaRose, 1999), and lack the financial means to search treatment in private hospitals. The major health problems in the North-West District are created by malaria, malnutrition, and

226 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I diarrhoea caused by waterborne parasites. The prevention of malaria and parasitic infections is very low. The whole area has the notoriety of a fever hole (Forte, 1995). There is an urgent need for preventative medicine, more and better medical facilities and staff, improved sanitary conditions and pit latrines (ECTF, 1993).

Although in many Amerindian communities medicinal plants form the only available source of medical treatment, it seems that local indigenous remedies are less used now than before (ECTF, 1993; Forte, 1999). Due to the process of acculturation and the antipathies to Amerindians expressed by other ethnic groups in Guyana, traditional knowledge is rapidly being lost (Forte, 1999). This is a global process, and in many tropical regions indigenous knowledge is at risk of extinction just as is biodiversity (Slikkerveer, 1999).

Ethnobotanical research can play a key role in the revitalisation and revaluation of indigenous knowledge (Martin, 1995; Posey, 1999). Guyana has received much less ethnobotanical attention than many of its smaller neighbours (Austin and Bourne, 1992). Several anthropological and ethnographical studies have been conducted on the indigenous tribes present in Guyana (e.g. Im Thurn, 1883; Roth, 1924; Gillin, 1936; Yde, 1965; Wilbert, 1970, 1976; Coles et al., 1971; Adams, 1972; Butt, 1973, 1976, 1977; Wilbert and Layrisse, 1980; Forte, 1988; Forte et al., 1992; Mentore, 1995). Most of these studies have paid some attention to traditional health care, but little effort has been done to verify the scientific names of the medicinal plants mentioned by local informants. Most works have just cited vernacular plant names, without supporting them with herbarium collections. The few extensive studies on the region’s useful plants that were combined with professional herbarium collections (Stahel, 1944; Fanshawe, 1948), unfortunately lack up-to-date botanical information. In some of the recent ethnomedicinal studies for Guyana in which plant collection was part of the research methods (Matheson, 1994; Forte, 1996a; Riley, 1998), many specimens were lost or could not be identified properly due to incomplete sampling. The few research projects that provided rather adequate species lists are only available from the ‘grey literature’ (Lachman-White et al., 1992; Reinders, 1993). Only a handful of ethnobotanical studies has been published in international journals (Austin and Bourne, 1992; Johnston and Culquhoun, 1996; Johnston, 1998).

To highlight the importance of herbal medicine in the indigenous communities of northwest Guyana, this chapter will deal with the variety of medicinal plants and their uses recorded during the two-year survey of NTFPs in that region. Detailed species descriptions and preparation methods are given in Part II of this thesis, but the general aspects of present-day traditional health care and the role of medicinal plants in this system will be discussed here. The main research questions with regard to the use of herbal medicine were:

1. Which plant species are being used for which diseases? 2. What is the present role of herbal medicine in the health care system of indigenous communities? 3. Are there differences in medicinal plant use between the two major ethnic groups (Carib and Arawak)? 4. In what ways are medicinal plants commercialised in Guyana?

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One would expect that the relatively isolated and traditional communities have a greater knowledge of traditional medicine, because there is a greater need to practise it than in the more ‘westernised’ areas, which have better access to government health facilities and prescription medicines.

It is hoped that the documentation of this herbal knowledge, which is often not present in an organised structure but rather spread among communities and individuals, may contribute to the conservation of both cultural and biological diversity in Guyana. By compiling and spreading this knowledge, many other groups in the region could benefit from this locally abundant, relatively safe, effective, and cheap resource.


The main part of the research on medicinal plants took part during the plant collection in the seven hectare plots (chapters 2 and 3) and in the areas surrounding these plots. Using the ‘walk-in-the-woods’ method (Prance et al., 1987), special collecting trips were organised with people involved in traditional healing, local midwives, schoolteachers, and village elders. Children and adolescents were also asked to venture what they knew about herbal medicine. Informal interviews were mostly conducted during these collection trips. Most information was double- checked with other informants. In some cases, however, unconfirmed information was retained, since for many informants their personal experience was an important factor in their perception of efficacy of herbal medicines. Direct observation of the effectiveness of medicinal plants in the field was in most cases not possible, so the information was largely based on the reports of informants.

Local hospitals and community health huts, which often served a double purpose as village guesthouse, were frequently visited. The researcher witnessed several medical expeditions of the Malaria Eradication Programme, US army volunteers and the Raleigh International team, and offered assistance during their vaccination and malaria detection activities. In this way, a general impression of the local status of the Primary Health Care was obtained.

All plants (trees, lianas, shrubs, herbs, epiphytes, and fungi) that were considered by local people to have medicinal properties were collected and identified. These plants included not only wild species (NTFPs), but also cultivated plants and wild plants that had been taken from the forest and planted in home gardens or agricultural fields. Plants used specifically for magic rituals or (hunting) charms were not included in the medicinal category, but are dealt with in Part II of this thesis. Medicinal plants and uses mentioned in other ethnobotanical studies (Gillin, 1936; Coles et al., 1971; Lachman-White et al., 1992; Reinders, 1993) were checked with informants as well. Botanical specimens were collected of all useful plants. One voucher of each specimen is deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Guyana; another complete collection exists in the Herbarium of Utrecht University (U). Additional vouchers were sent to international specialists for identification. The information was stored in a FilemakerPro database, including scientific and local

228 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I plant names, uses, recipes, collection numbers, locations, ethnicity, and provenance of the informants. The screening of medicinal plants on their therapeutic chemicals was not part of this study.


The majority of the medicinal plants were collected in Kariako and Santa Rosa. Additional information on medicinal plant use was gathered in Koriabo, Assakata and Warapoka. Plants were also collected at the two major herbal markets in Georgetown (Stabroek and Bourda), and interviews were held with the plant vendors. Supplementary information on herbal medicine was obtained from community health workers, gold miners, schoolteachers, and the numerous other people that I met during my travels through the North-West District.


8.4.1 General health conditions in Kariako The Caribs of the remote settlement of Kariako make a living of fishing, hunting, slash-and-burn-agriculture and gathering forest products for subsistence. Cash income is earned by small-scale gold mining. The region has a relatively high protein intake, since wildlife is still abundant (Forte, 1994). Nearly all villagers still speak their native language, while many elder people (especially women) speak little or no English. Their access to the market is limited to a few gold miner shops. Due to the discovery of gold close to Kariako at the end of the 19th century, there has been an irregular influx of (mostly Afro-Guyanese) miners from the coast. Many Amerindian families had mixed feelings about the gold mining culture. At one hand it offered the opportunity of earning fast money and the access to luxury goods, but on the other hand it brought about the abuse of alcohol and drugs, prostitution, venereal diseases (including AIDS/HIV), typhoid, malaria, and the pollution of rivers and creeks.

At the time of this research, health facilities in Kariako were very limited. A medical team visited the village about once a year to administer malaria prescriptions, worm and vitamin tablets, and vaccinations (DTP, German measles, polio, and whooping cough). There was one local miner who owned a microscope and who was able to detect malaria in blood smears. He distributed free malaria tablets, but lived several hours paddling upriver from the village. The few medicines that were sold in the nearby shops (painkillers, malaria tablets, and one type of antibiotic) were fairly expensive and not always in stock. The nearest hospital, which still offered limited services, was located at Kwebanna (Waini River), some 150 km downstream from Kariako. Only in emergency cases, people took the effort to carry out a patient to Kwebanna. Gold miners sometimes offered a ride down to the Waini, but not every motorised boat was willing to bring out sick people from the village. Except for miners and shopkeepers, hardly anybody in the region could afford the costs to visit one of the better hospitals in Georgetown.

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Malaria, malnutrition, diarrhoea, and other gastrointestinal complaints caused by waterborne parasites (e.g., typhoid, amoebas) seemed to be the major health problems in the area (Forte, 1995; Reinders and van Andel, 1996). In the dry season from February to April, drinking water was a major problem. Forest creeks ran dry and people depended on river water for washing clothes, bathing, and drinking. Few people had water tanks or zinc roofs to collect rain water, and hardly anyone boiled the water before drinking it. Pit latrines were a rarity.

In 1997, the Tropenbos scientists working in Kariako constructed a building, which was donated to the community as a health hut annex guesthouse. In 1997, a boat and an outboard motor were given to the village. In the same year, after long efforts of the community, two Kariako villagers participated in a training course in the district hospital in Santa Rosa to become a community health worker. The future health workers also received instruction in microscope reading. This enabled them to detect and treat malaria in their own community, since registered microscopists will receive free malaria medicines from the Guyanese government.

In spite of these recent activities, the Kariako Caribs were still much deprived of modern medical facilities. For the majority of diseases, people entirely depended on herbal medicine and the traditional healing skills of the village elders. The last ‘piaiman’ (shaman) died more than ten years ago, but he seemed to be more involved in witchcraft and spiritual healing than in herbal medicine. Although people were somewhat ashamed to admit they used ‘bush medicines’ and preferred synthetic tablets when available, medicinal plants were widely used in Kariako. Particularly elder men and women had a thorough knowledge of herbal medicine, which they still passed on to the younger generations. Since the Carib language was still spoken in many households, children had an ample opportunity to learn about indigenous plant names, their uses, and healing properties. However, the recent introduction of the Assemblies of God Church (locally known as ‘handclap church’), which prohibited the use of alcohol and tobacco, has accelerated the process of acculturation and the subsequent loss of traditional Carib culture, language, and use of medicinal plants. The church leaders, Amerindians from Kwebanna who stayed in close contact with North American evangelists, urged people to pray first when suffering from illnesses. They discouraged the use of ‘uncivilised’ healing practices or visiting the nearby rum shops or gold mines to obtain medicine. Although it was too early to conclude that this resulted in a decline in the use of medicinal plants and an increase in illnesses, this may happen in the near future.

The villages of Kariako and Koriabo are situated in the logging concession of Barama Company Ltd. The firm has promised a more regular health service to the Amerindian settlements within their concession boundaries (ECTF, 1993), but prior to the publication by Forte (1994) on the village of Kariako, the company was not even aware of the existence of this settlement (chapter 1). Logging is supposed to start in the area within a period of 10 years, which may bring a further disruption of traditional subsistence economy in the area, as well as a possible increase of venereal diseases and AIDS (ECTF, 1993).

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8.4.2 General health conditions in Moruca The Santa Rosa Amerindian Reserve is the largest indigenous village in Guyana. Its principally Arawak population is still increasing, because of the attractiveness of Santa Rosa as a centre of government, commerce, and religion. The Moruca district hospital offers its services not only to the Santa Rosa villagers, but also to people from faraway settlements. Although recently refurbished by a US army team, the hospital has only one trained doctor. Wealthy Morucans go for medical treatment to the larger regional hospitals (Charity, ) or the clinics in the capital. At the time of this research, the medical staff posted at the Santa Rosa hospital had a very negative attitude towards herbal medicine. Patients were sent away or verbally abused if it appeared they had been using medicinal plants prior to visiting the clinic.

As a result, people were reluctant to go to the hospital. They denied using traditional medicine towards the staff or waited long before seeking medical treatment. Others, often dissatisfied by the hospital treatment, preferred to consult the various herbalists in the region. These herbalists were elder men and women, very knowledgeable in the field of medicinal plant use, but also familiar with the so- called ‘Spanish prayers’. These prayers were spoken and sometimes written during the medical treatments. Remarkably, they were not Spanish at all, but turned out to be traditional Arawak healing rituals, much valued because of their healing powers, but surrounded by mystery and not shared easily with outsiders. These Moruca herbalists were occasionally consulted by people from the urban region. In many cases, the complaints of their patients concerned ailments that ‘the hospital could not treat’, such as mental illness, paranoia, psychosomatic complaints, fertility problems, thrush, impotence and possession by evil spirits. In spite of their reputation, none of these herbalists called themselves a traditional healer, piaiman, or ‘obeiahman’. To trivialise their activities, they preferred to say they ‘helped some people out some time’.

In spite of the antipathy of the local hospital staff towards traditional healing practises, the general attitude of the villagers with regard to medicinal plants was quite positive. One of the local herbalists, an Arawak lady of 93 years old who had helped hundreds of women with problematic births, earned great respect among the community members. The Catholic Church, quite powerful in Santa Rosa, openly praised her knowledge. The growing number of Gospel and Protestant churches neither reacted negatively on the use of herbal medicine. Even though there was no cooperation between the two systems of health care in Moruca, local residents had at least the opportunity to choose and compare between the traditional and the modern system.

Although malaria was not frequent in Moruca, young men returning from interior gold mines and logging concessions often brought back the disease with them. Pit latrines were more common in Santa Rosa, but drinking water facilities were far from hygienic. Malnutrition and infant diarrhoea were common. Synthetic drugs (painkillers, malaria tablets, antibiotics, and anti-flu medicine) were widely sold in the village shops.

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In the remaining three villages studied, the general health conditions were somewhat in between the situation of Kariako (almost no access to Primary Health Care) and Santa Rosa (reasonable health facilities). Warapoka, Assakata and Koriabo all had a trained community health worker and a health hut built by the national NGO Futures Fund. Community health workers receive a regular supply of medicines from the district hospital, but in the dry season, transport is difficult and supplies are few. Again, malaria, gastro-intestinal diseases, and malnutrition were common in these communities. Each community counted with one or more persons that acted as traditional healers. The mother of the Koriabo village captain had a good reputation as a midwife, and was frequently asked to offer her services to women in labour. Since most local health workers were indigenous community members, they did not disapprove herbal medicine, but they neither were too enthusiastic about it. In all three villages, subsistence activities (hunting, fishing, and farming) were important, while cash income was earned by small-scale gold mining (Koriabo) and the harvesting of palm hearts (Assakata, Koriabo, and Warapoka). People involved in gold mining regularly became infected by malaria and typhoid, while those working in the palm heart industry often contracted snake bites and injuries caused by falling trees (chapter 5).

8.4.3 Medicinal plant use in the North-West District. A total of 294 medicinal plant species were found in the North-West District, belonging to 214 genera and 99 families, and involved in more than 800 different treatments and recipes. Several animal species were involved in healing practises as well, but these fell outside the scope of this research. A complete list of all plant species used for medicinal purposes is given in the Appendix of this chapter. Most plants were used for more than one illness. The mean number of diseases treated per plant species was 2.5. The most widely used medicinal plant species were Carapa guianensis (15 different ailments), Senna occidentalis (12), Irlbachia alata subsp. alata (11), Desmodium barbatum (10), Costus scaber (10), and Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (8). The main plant families involved in herbal treatments were Papilionaceae (19 medicinal species), Euphorbiaceae (11 spp.), Araceae (10 spp.), Compositae (9 spp.), Annonaceae, Guttiferae, and Caesalpiniaceae (each 8 spp.). Detailed use descriptions and recipes are given in Part II of this thesis.

In general, people made a distinction between plants that only provided symptomatic relief and those that actually cured the illness. However, the opinions about the efficacy of certain species differed among informants. People often warned for the side effects caused by certain bark concoctions (e.g., Aspidosperma spp., Alexa imperatricis, Strychnos spp., and Lonchocarpus spp.). The obvious toxicity of these plants should be taken into serious consideration when encouraging their local use. Stories were told about persons that became seriously ill or died after taking an overdose or by confusing the poisonous bark with another (aphrodisiac) species. In case toxic plant parts were used as ingredients in herbal medicine, detailed accounts were given of the quantities needed and the possible side effects. When the species were not toxic, the amount of plant material in the recipe was often less precise, like ‘a handful of leaves’, ‘some roots’, or ‘a piece of bark’. Along with the recipes, informants often provided stories about patients that were cured after using a certain plant remedy. In general, people seemed quite objective

232 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I on the effectiveness of a particular species. When they had tried a plant that did not work, they would mention this sceptically and doubted its usefulness. Plants were used for a wide variety of ailments, varying from headache and hair loss to cancer and AIDS (Figure 8.1).

8.4.4 Diseases treated with herbal medicine Figure 8.1 shows that the highest number of plants were used to treat fairly common diseases, such as colds, skin sores, wounds, cuts, and diarrhoea. This was the case by both Caribs and Arawaks, although these diseases were ‘ranked’ in a slightly different order in each group.

Common colds A total of 48 plant species was used to treat common colds, accompanied with a sore throat, cough, and a running nose. Most remedies consisted of a decoction of leaves (less frequently bark or shoots), that was drunk as tea. Apart from their curing capacities, these brews may also supply the patient with some extra vitamins or other nutritious elements usually found in green vegetables. These herbal teas were sometimes boiled down with sugar into thick (cough) syrup. Some plants were specifically used to treat children’s cold. Whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis were clearly distinguished from common colds and treated differently. Some plant species, however, such as Hebeclinium macrophyllum, Aloe vera, and Pityrogramma calomelanos, were said to be effective against ‘every heavy chest cold’, including the more severe lung ailments.

Wounds, cuts, and sores Spiny lianas, razorgrass, and machetes frequently cause skin cuts when walking in a forest. Cuts soon become infected and may develop into deeper wounds and even skin sores (bacteriosis), a very common ailment in tropical regions. Proper disinfecting is a must, and quite a number of barks and leaves appeared to contain antiseptic elements. Common treatments included squeezing the sap from heated leaves directly in the cut, or cleansing the wound with a decoction of bark or leaves. Sores were put in a different disease category, since they were considered more severe and included ‘lifetime sores’ or ‘bush yaws’ (leishmaniasis), persistent sores caused by a protozoan spread by means of the bite of a phlebotomine sand fly (Fournet et al., 1994).

Malaria If the number of plant species used against a certain disease could be interpreted as an indicator for the frequency and importance of that disease, malaria occupies an alarming third place in the North-West District. As many as 30 plants were used to treat or prevent malaria in the study area. Caused by vivax and P. falciparum parasites, spread by Anopheles mosquitoes that breed in (gold mine) ponds and swamps with stagnant water, the disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Guyanese interior (Forte, 1995, 1996b). Malaria occurred mostly in the wet season from May to July, but cases were known throughout the year. The disease seemed to have a weakening effect on the overall fitness of both the indigenous and coastlander population in gold mining areas. In 1994, close to one out of three of the blood smears taken by the government Malaria Eradication

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Personnel had tested positive for malaria (Forte, 1995). Even though the common synthetic anti-malarial drugs (fansidar, halfan, and chloroquine) were regularly available in the interior, patients often took these medicines too late, did not finish the therapy, or did not understand the complicated prescriptions.

A large number of plants were used against malaria, but few species were said to cure the disease completely. Most treatments only lowered down the fever or enhanced the general resistance against malaria. Some of the most effective remedies, (e.g., the decoction of Aspidosperma bark), were said to be poisonous if drunk in excess. Many of the anti-malarial brews were distinctly bitter, (‘bitter like quinine itself’), which was believed to indicate their effectiveness against the parasite. It was a widespread practise to drink bitter tasting tonics or decoctions made from a mixture of barks, roots, woods, and herbs (e.g., Quassia amara, Scoparia dulcis, and Curarea candicans).

People suffering from diabetes, regular malaria outbreaks, or quickly developing skin sores were said to have ‘sweet blood’, a condition that called for a regular intake of ‘bitters’. These tonics were also taken to prevent malaria, skin sores, or diabetes. Mosquitoes and ‘germs’ were said to dislike bitter blood. Laxatives were also thought to ‘clean out’ the body from the malaria parasites. Gold miners were often quite knowledgeable on the preparation of malaria medicines and actively exchanged recipes with local Amerindians to combat the disease. Some of them said that Amerindians had a greater resistance against malaria because of their frequent use of bitters. The constant presence of alkaloids and other secondary plant compounds in the body might indeed prevent certain diseases.

Diarrhoea Often caused by amoebic or bacterial dysentery, typhoid, cholera, or other gastrointestinal parasites, diarrhoea is particular fatal to young infants. Most of these common disorders are attributable to poor sanitary practises (lack of pit latrines) and drinking water infected by parasites. Although people in the study area tried to drink rainwater as much as possible, few boiled their water before consumption. In the dry months, there was little choice than using the water from shallow pools or rivers. Heavy outbreaks of diarrhoea may occur in this season, which in some years have lead to the death of many children.

The year 1998 was extra burdensome for many Guyanese, since the severe drought caused by the ‘el niño’ weather phenomenon made clean drinking water extremely difficult to obtain. Bark and root decoctions are specifically used to treat all sorts of diarrhoea. Some treatments were said to be effective against ‘diarrhoea with blood’, which indicates amoebic or bacterial dysentery. The term ‘operation’ was locally used for diarrhoea accompanied with vomiting. The use of laxatives to treat intestinal disorders was common, as in this way the body was purified from all sorts of ‘dirt’ causing the illness.

234 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Figure 8.1 Number of plant species used for different illnesses in the North-West District. 1. common colds and coughs, 2. skin sores, 3. malaria, 4. diarrhoea, 5. wounds and cuts, 6. thrush, 7. snake bites, 8. haemorrhage, 9. sore eyes, 10. fever, 11. headache, 12. abscesses, 13. whooping cough, 14. stomach ache, 15. sprain, 16. aphrodisiac, 17. general pain, 18. swelling, 19. laxative, 20. biliousness, 21. venereal diseases, 22. hypertension, 23. heart problems, 24. back pain, 25. skin fungi, 26. diabetes, 27. mouth sores, 28. hair loss, 29. abortifacient, 30. tuberculosis, 31. skin burns, 32. scorpion bites, 33. kidney problems, 34. ground itch, 35. disinfect navel cord, 36. ant bites, 37. itches, 38. induce vomiting, 39. toothache, 40. pneumonia, 41. eczema, 42. ease birth, 43. botfly larvae.

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Thrush Trush is the local Guyanese term for an infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans, which commonly occurs in the mouths of young babies (Lachman-White et al., 1992). Symptoms are a rash on the whole body, sores bursting on the neck and between the legs, and a sore (white) mouth. Thrush is mostly caused by unhygienic feeding habits (dirty bottles or nipples). Local people also associated thrush with the stomach cramps of a baby as a reaction on breast milk, after the mother had eaten certain foods. In most cases, babies with thrush were given small quantities of leaves macerated in water. Meanwhile, the mother had to refrain from eating hot peppers, garlic, or catfish.

Snakebites The ferocious labaria snake (Bothrops asper) is a common snake in the North-West District, especially in swamp forests. When a person is bitten in the upper parts of the body, the bite can be deadly within hours. A famous medicine against labaria bites was obtained by rubbing the crushed eyes and brains of the same snake within five minutes after its bite. It was said that the animal’s own anti poison worked for humans as well. The bark of Unonopsis glaucopetala was considered as the most effective herbal cure for snakebites. The skin was sliced open, and some of the inner bark was applied to the bite. Meanwhile, the patient had to suck on some of the juicy bark scrapings. The victim should drink the clear sap from the kapadula liana (Dilleniaceae spp.), instead of river- or rainwater, since this would worsen the symptoms. All herbal medicines had to be taken as soon as possible after the bite. Synthetic antiserum was not available outside the major hospitals of the North-West District, as storage at a low temperature was required to keep them effective. The Brazilian antidote ‘Específico’ did not need to be refrigerated. It was frequently sold in interior shops, but had a questionable reputation.

Haemorrhage Quite some plants that were used to stop haemorrhage (a term used for excessive bleeding during child birth or severe injuries), were also involved in the treatment of ‘lining cold’ (puerperal fever), womb cramps, to prevent miscarriages and to keep down the menstruation flow. Many of those species were also used by women to ‘clean out the womb and tubes’, which implies widening the mouth of the uterus and initiating a curettage. Drinking high doses of these herbal teas in an early stage of pregnancy was said to cause abortions. They could even bring about complete sterility. In remote areas, where there was no doctor to stitch a woman’s vagina after it had been ruptured in childbirth, local midwives washed the women’s genitals with a warm decoction of astringent barks and leaves. This remedy was said to be very effective, as shortly afterwards the bleeding would stop and the birth channel would close back. The effectiveness of some remedies against haemorrhage and general weakness of blood (anaemia) was explained by the red colour of the particular herbal tea or exudate (‘red like blood itself’), which would help to replenish the blood lost by the patient.

Sore eye Sore or red eye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, causing a red, itchy eye (Lachman-White et al., 1992). Sore eye was very common in the study area, especially among children. People believed that it was caused by diving in the river

236 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I with the eyes open. This could be true if the water would be polluted by bacteria, but sore eyes were mostly caused by rubbing the eyes with dirty hands or clothes. This highly contagious ailment was often treated by squeezing plant latex or sap directly into the affected eye.

Aphrodisiacs Quite a number of barks, roots, and woods were used to prepare aphrodisiacs or ‘builders’. These concoctions were drunk (mostly by men) ‘to cure a weak back’ (impotence) and to stimulate their sexual activities. Aphrodisiacs were popular in the capital and among coastlanders working in gold mines and logging operations in the interior. Amerindians sometimes classified these beverages as ‘pork-knocker medicine’ or ‘black man’s tea’, implying that they were not familiar with them. Yet many Amerindians knew exactly how to prepare these beverages. They were often asked to collect the ingredients from the forest when coastlanders could not identify the required species. Young Amerindian men admitted that they tried out these drinks and told wild stories about their effects. The kapadula liana (represented by six species of Dilleniaceae) was the most notorious ingredient in these aphrodisiacs.

Abortifacients The clear sap of the kapadula lianas can be drunk, but pregnant women were warned that this could cause abortion. The sap was sometimes deliberately drunk for this purpose. Several other plant parts were said to provoke abortions, such as unripe pineapples (Ananas comosus), calabash fruits (Crescentia cujete), the seeds of Gnetum nodiflorum, and the bark tea of Aristolochia daemoninoxia. It was believed that even cutting the stems of the latter two lianas with a machete during pregnancy was sufficient to cause a miscarriage.

Disinfecting umbilical cords Several species were used to disinfect the umbilical cord of a newborn. Infection of the navel could lead to the baby’s death, so precautions were needed to make sure that the navel dried up rapidly. The leaves of several species were burned; their ashes ground to powder and rubbed on the navel remains after cutting the umbilical cord with a razor blade. This ash quickly dried the navel and prevented inflammation. This practise was only mentioned in remote settlements, where women delivered their babies at home. In the areas within reach of a hospital, pregnant women preferred to give birth in the clinic.

Cancer and HIV/AIDS A remarkable aspect of herbal medicine was the involvement of several fish poisons in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. The roots of Tephrosia sinapou and Lonchocarpus spp., known to possess the chemical compound rotenone and generally used to stupefy fish, were mentioned as effective treatments for these lethal diseases. To treat intestinal cancer and AIDS, people drank small quantities of the sap from the roots of these species. The same liquid was applied externally on the skin lesions caused by skin cancer and AIDS. This treatment was practised throughout the North-West District, by both coastlanders and Amerindians. Although the patients were said to suffer from heavy side effects (nausea, unconsciousness), cases were mentioned of the miraculous healing of terminal patients. The strong poison was believed to ‘kill the cancer germs in the body’.

237 8. Medicinal plant use

More information about the use and probable effectiveness of fish poisons in the treatment of cancer and AIDS is given in chapter 7.

Illnesses caused by spirit attacks Although most people were aware that there existed certain ‘germs’ in the body that caused diseases, there were also cases of mysterious illnesses caused by malicious forces. Some of these complaints had to be treated by an herbal specialist, but there also existed numerous ‘household’ remedies and ceremonies to ward off evil spirits. These included burning the foul-smelling leaves of Jacaranda copaia under the hammock of a sick person, bathing children with a decoction of strong-scented leaves (Crescentia cujete), rubbing them with the aromatic rhizome of Cyperus odoratus, or burning the fragrant resin of Protium spp. According to one informant, this resin was also used as incense in the Santa Rosa Catholic Church, ‘to chase away bad spirits and invite the good ones’.

Babies and toddlers were often thought to be attacked by bad spirits. ‘Sometimes they cry all night with fever and you don’t know what is wrong with them’, one woman explained. Laxative teas were also believed to loosen the grip which spirits have taken on the bowels. One of the most powerful evil spirits was the ‘water woman’, a large anaconda disguised as a beautiful white woman, which lured people into the water to drown them. Menstruating women bathing in the river and young babies were extremely vulnerable to the attacks of these water ghosts. Spirits strongly disliked the smell of certain strong-scented plants. Newborn babies were often adorned with amulets made from scented plants to protect them against evil forces. In contrast, large strangler figs were believed to be inhabited by benevolent spirits. The trees were occasionally consulted by people in extreme despair about sick family members. If properly addressed, these spirits could cause miracles.

8.4.5 Collection and preparation of medicines The most common method of preparing medicines was cutting the particular bark, roots or leaves in pieces and boiling them in water. The decoction was then drunk as tea, sometimes mixed with milk and sugar to camouflage its unpleasant taste. Decoctions were also used as steam baths or to bathe the body. Few infusions (solutions of plant material in cold water) were used. When the undiluted sap from herbs was needed to disinfect cuts or sores, leaves were briefly heated over a fire until they became soft, and then rolled firmly between the hand palms and squeezed. Amerindians used most plants singly.

Complicated mixtures of several different species were prescribed only occasionally. As is shown in Figure 8.2, most herbal treatments included leaves (34%), followed by bark (15%), the whole plant (12%, mostly in the case of smaller herbs), roots (10%, including tuberous rhizomes and bulbs), and exudate (8%, including latex, resin, or gum).

238 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I








s k t t e s p d it t s s s a roo s fru ud bar woo stem b leave seed shoo lower thorn exudat f hole plan w

Figure 8.2 Number of recipes including the different plant organs.

From the 294 species of medicinal plants recorded in the North-West District, some 80% was collected exclusively from the wild (Figure 8.3). These were all plants naturally occurring in different vegetation types (primary and secondary forest, secondary shrubland, swamp forest, and open savanna). Some 12% of these species were also taken from the forest and planted in home gardens or agricultural fields (e.g., Lonchocarpus chrysophyllus and Martinella obovata). This ‘semi- domestication’ reduced the need to cover long distances in the forest to search for rare plants. The high percentage of medicinal species collected from the wild illustrates the importance of non-timber forest products in traditional health care.

wild, but also planted in home gardens 12% 11% cultivated for food 6% cultivated for medicine 3% cultivated for other purposes

68% wild

Figure 8.3 Provenance of medicinal plant species used in the North-West District.

239 8. Medicinal plant use

Around 20% of the species involved in herbal healing practises were cultivated plants. Although most of these (11%) were cultivated primarily as a food crop (e.g., Manihot esculenta and Carica papaya), they were valued for their healing properties as well. Only 6% of the medicinal species were cultivated exclusively for their medicinal value. Many of those were renowned herbal medicines throughout the continent, like Jathropa curcas and Bryophyllum pinnatum. A small percentage (3%) of non-food cultivated plants, such as cotton (Gossypium barbadense), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and fish poison (Clibadium surinamense), was mentioned to have healing capacities as well.

8.4.6 Differences in medicinal plant use between Carib and Arawaks A total of 236 medicinal plant species were recorded among the Arawaks, while the Caribs mentioned only 138 species (Table 8.1). The higher number of ‘Arawak’ medicinal plants might have several reasons. Firstly, the Arawak region in the North-West District had a greater variety in habitats (e.g., primary and secondary forest, open savanna, manicole, mangrove, and quackal swamps). The Carib area was only characterised by Mora swamp, primary and secondary forest (chapters 2 and 3). Secondly, Carib uses were only recorded from the small, relatively isolated communities of Kariako and Koriabo. In contrast, Arawak knowledge was recorded from the large village of Santa Rosa, and from the smaller communities Assakata and Koriabo. Thus, in total, more Arawak persons were interviewed than Caribs. Furthermore, the Arawaks have a longer history of contact with the urban region. Many coastlanders of East Indian or African origin have introduced medicinal (and non-medicinal) plants from their countries of origin. Examples of these exotic plants include Aframomum melegueta and Catharanthus roseus from Africa, and Syzygium cumini and Asystasia gangetica from Asia. These species had entered the local pharmacopoeia of Santa Rosa, but they were not (yet) observed in the inland Carib communities.

The general knowledge on medicinal species, however, seemed to be greater in the Carib communities. As modern health care facilities in the deep interior were almost non-existent, a greater number of people had to rely on medicinal plants than in the coastal Amerindian areas. While most adults in Kariako and Koriabo had a relatively broad knowledge on herbal medicine, in Santa Rosa this information was restricted to a few ‘bush medicine specialists’. Since these herbalists were actively involved in this study, the outcomes of this study seem to point at a higher medicinal plant use among the Arawaks than among the Caribs. However, since Santa Rosa citizens had a much greater access to hospital facilities and prescription medicines, it is likely that they made use of medicinal plants less often than people living in the deep interior.

Although the settlement of Kariako was surrounded by secondary forest, the primary forest was not far away and was visited frequently by nearly all the villagers. The Caribs harvested 84% of their medicinal plants from the wild (117 species), of which 25% were species that only occurred in primary forest (Table 8.1). Secondary vegetation types harboured 75% of the medicinal plants. The Caribs

240 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I cultivated only five medicinal species, all of which were grown in coastal Guyana as well.

Table 8.1 Provenance of medicinal plants used by Caribs and Arawaks

Forest type Caribs Arawaks

Primary forest only 25% (35 spp.) 22% (51 spp.) Secondary forest only 16% (22 spp.) 15% (36 spp.) Primary and secondary forest 23% (32 spp.) 11% (25 spp.) Open savanna 0.7% (1 sp.) 3% (7 spp.) Secondary shrubland 19% (26 spp.) 22% (51 spp.) Cultivated 16% (22 spp.) 27% (64 spp.)

Total 100% (138 spp.) 100% (236 spp.)

The Arawaks used much more agricultural species in their healing practises (27%) and cultivated 18 medicinal plant species (8%). They harvested less plant products from the wild (73%), but the percentage of wild plants that was taken from the forest and cultivated (14%, 33 spp.), was higher than by the Caribs (7%, 10 spp.). Although the percentage of primary forest species was nearly equal to that of the Caribs, the absolute values were even higher. This could be explained by the fact that the communities of Assakata and Koriabo were located at a much shorter distance from the primary forest than Santa Rosa. In particular the Assakata villagers collected many medicinal plants in the (primary) manicole swamp forest (chapter 4). The percentage of primary forest-harvested medicinal plant species in Santa Rosa was much lower, since logging and slash-and-burn agriculture have severely reduced the area of undisturbed forest around Santa Rosa (chapters 2 and 4).

The particular plant part needed for a medicine also determines in which vegetation type the species is harvested. For instance, lianas with healing properties (Dilleniaceae, Strychnos spp., Curarea candicans, etc.) were present as juveniles in secondary forest. However, since their wood was needed, people harvested the larger individuals that grew in primary forest. On the other hand, as was shown in chapter 4, distance is a decisive factor in plant collection. If the desired medicinal product could be collected from nearby secondary forest, people preferred to take it from there, instead of walking all the way to the primary forest.

The Warao during this study mentioned 50 medicinal plant species. However, since most of the time spent at Warao communities was reserved for the research on palm heart harvesting, no detailed description could be given on the Warao pharmacopoeia. For more information on this subject, the reader should consult the report by Reinders (1993) or the publications of Wilbert (1970, 1976) and Wilbert and Layrisse (1980).

241 8. Medicinal plant use

8.4.7 Commercialisation of medicinal plants

North-West District Of the 294 species of medicinal plants recorded in the study area, only one was commercialised on a regular basis. Crab oil, extracted from the seeds of the crabwood tree (Carapa guianensis), was the sole herbal medicine offered for sale in the interior shops. The oil is used throughout the country as mosquito repellent, hair oil, and medicinal oil; both for internal and external use (see Part II of this thesis). Because of its complicated processing method, crab oil is relatively expensive. A litre bottle was sold for US$ 3 in the interior and for $ 7 in the capital. Raw medicinal plant materials were seldom marketed in the interior; people simply refused to pay for goods they could easily collect themselves.

Money was occasionally involved in traditional healing practises in the North-West District. In small communities where the bartering principle was still prevalent, patients brought small gifts in the form of food when they came to be treated. But in most cases, medicinal plants were collected and administered by the patients themselves or by their family members. In the surroundings of Santa Rosa, however, herbalists were not only consulted by fellow community members, but also by people from the urban region. They often required a payment for their services; in particular when they were asked to prepare specific medicinal or magic brews. When their help was required to get rid of an evil spell or ‘obeiah’ (black magic), put on a patient by another person (in most cases an enemy or rival shaman), their fee could even be pretty high. Most healing sessions were held in strict secrecy.

Decoctions of herbal medicines for heart problems, venereal diseases, and diabetes were sold by a traditional healer in Moruca for up to US$ 7 per litre, although many of his neighbours accused him of cheating. The bark of the kakarawa tree (Pradosia schomburgkiana), growing only in remote quackal swamp and supposedly very effective in the treatment of tuberculosis, was occasionally sold in Moruca for US$ 7 a rice bag (± 50 kg).

Urban areas Medicinal herbs, barks, and roots were not only used by Amerindians, but also by the Afro-Guyanese and East Indian population in the urban areas. There was a modest, but steady demand for medicinal plants in the capital. Although modern medicine was commonly available in the major urban centres, some diseases were preferred to be treated with ‘bush medicine’. Medicinal plants were also very cheap; prices varied between US$ 0.07 to 0.14 for a bundle of dried leaves or a piece of bark. A total of 85 species were offered for sale by more than 15 different market vendors in Georgetown (Table 8.2).

242 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Table 8.2. Dried and fresh medicinal plants sold at the Georgetown herbal markets

Family Species Family Species Acanthaceae Justicia pectoralis Lauraceae Cinnamomum verum J. secunda Persea americana Ruellia tuberosa Leguminosae-Caesalp. Hymenaea courbaril Adiantaceae Pityrogramma calomelanos Senna alata Agavaceae Aloe vera S. alexandria Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera S. bicapsularis Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica S.occidentalis Annonaceae Annona muricata S. reticulata Apocynaceae Catharanthus roseus Leguminosae-Papil. Bauhinia guianensis Araceae Montrichardia arborescens Desmodium sp. Bignoniaceae Crescentia cujete Loganiaceae Strychnos spp. Boraginaceae Cordia curassavica Malvaceae Gossypium barbatum Heliotropium indicum Sida rhombifolia Cactaceae Opuntia cochenillifera Meliaceae Azadirachta indica Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata Menispermaceae Curarea candicans C. sciadophylla Moraceae Artocarpus altilis Combretaceae Terminalia catappa Myrtaceae Eucalyptus camaldulensis Commelinaceae Tripogandra serrulata Eugenia uniflora Compositae Bidens cynapiifolia Pimenta racemosa Clibadium surinamense Psidium guajava Cyathillium cinereum Syzigium cumini Mikania micrantha Palmae Euterpe oleracea Sphagneticola trilobata Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida var. hispida Struchium sparganophorum Passiflora laurifolia Unxia camphorata Phytolaccaceae Microtea debilis Costaceae Costus scaber Petiveria alliacea Cucurbitaceae Luffa cylindrica Pinaceae Pinus caribea Momordica charantia Piperaceae Piper reticulatum Dilleniaceae Doliocarpus sp. Rubiaceae Chinchona sp. Tetracera sp. Morinda citrifolia Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea sp. Sapindaceae Cardiospermum halicacabum Ebenaceae Diospyros discolor Serjania paucidentata Euphorbiaceae Caperonia palustris Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis Croton trinitatis Simaroubaceae Quassia amara Jatropha curcas Smilacaceae Smilax schomburgkiana Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata Solanaceae Physalis cf. angulata Gramineae Bambusa vulgaris Solanum stramoniifolium Cymbopogon citratus Sterculiaceae Waltheria indica Eleusine indica Verbenaceae Citharexylum spinosum Guttiferae Clusia sp. Lantana camara Labiatae Hyptis pectinata Lippia alba Leonotis nepetifolia Stachytarpheta cayennensis Ocimum campechianum

243 8. Medicinal plant use

Thirteen of these species were not found in the North-West District. In contrast to the Amerindian recipes, herbal vendors in Georgetown often prescribed mixtures of several different species. Some of the medicinal herb stalls stayed open for seven days a week. A few of them, mostly those selling aphrodisiac brews, were even selling for 24 hours a day.

About half of the medicinal plants on the Georgetown market were cultivated. Most of the wild species were common herbs in secondary shrubland (e.g., Unxia camphorata, Stachytarpheta cayennensis). There seemed to be little danger of overharvesting. Most species were harvested along the Lynden highway and the national airport. The barks and roots from lianas and epiphytes (e.g., Pinzona sp., Smilax schomburgkiana, Strychnos sp., Curarea candicans, and Clusia spp.) were gathered from primary forest. They were either sold per piece for home preparation or processed into milkshakes and tonics. These species were mostly used as aphrodisiacs. Recently, some initiatives were taken by small businesses (e.g., Family D’lite and Caledonia Canning Co.) to bottle these aphrodisiacs on a larger scale. Some pharmacies in Georgetown have started to process crab oil industrially into soap, candles, and insecticidal washes. A very small percentage of the medicinal species sold in the capital came from the Moruca and Pomeroon area. The majority of the primary forest species was harvested in the nearby Essequibo and Demerara forests. The prices paid for the raw material were too low to make extraction from remote areas economically feasible. Although Amerindian men occasionally carried a bag full of ingredients for aphrodisiacs with them when travelling to the capital, there was no regular trade in medicinal plants with the North-West District. Fresh and dried medicinal herbs and barks were exported in small quantities (chapter 6), but export documents did not provide information on the particular species and plant parts marketed abroad.


8.5.1 The importance of herbal medicine in the North-West District The ancient system of indigenous health care and religion seems to have disappeared in the North-West District. In the past, each indigenous community counted with a piaiman, who played the double role of medicine man and priest. He possessed supernatural powers and was able to communicate with spirits that caused diseases. Through the medium of dreams and visions, enhanced by the use of a rattle with magic stones, smoking tobacco and drinking a hallucinating infusion of tobacco leaves, the piaiman was able to diagnose the source of the evil. He then performed ritual healing ceremonies to combat the spirits that had possessed the patient (Gillin, 1936; Forte, 1996a). Nowadays, not many of these piaiman remain in Guyana (Forte, 1996a), and if they do, they keep quiet not to upset the church or other authorities. However, in the past, only the serious cases of illness (often combined with psychological complaints) were cured by medicine men. For the less-complicated diseases, people consulted elder women or men, who constituted a group of minor healers in the community (Gillin, 1936; Coles et al., 1971). The results of this study already proved that this part of the traditional healing system is still very much alive in the North-West District. As was already mentioned by

244 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Lachman-White et al. (1992), Austin and Bourne (1992), and Reinders (1993), medicinal plants are still widely used by both indigenous and non-indigenous groups in Guyana. In the economic surveys of Sullivan (1999), 38 to 70% of the households said they collected medicinal plants from the forest, usually twice per month. The annual weight of collected plants used for medicinal purposes was estimated at 19 to 59 kg per household. According to Sullivan, a large proportion of the villagers she interviewed claimed that they preferred treatments with medicinal plants above those using synthetic medicine. As long as many people in Guyana’s interior do not have access to good medical facilities, herbal medicine will continue to play its important, often life-saving role in traditional healing systems.

The belief that any manifestation of illness results from the presence of an evil spirit, as was noted among others by Forte (1996a) among the Macushi and by Gillin (1936) among the Barama Caribs, was not widespread (anymore) in the study area. In the past, much more plants seemed to be used to ward off away evil spirits than today. Many of the magic plants listed by Gillin (1936) and Coles et al. (1971) for upper and middle Barama were not recognised as such by Barama Caribs during this survey. Only certain complaints were thought to be caused by evil forces. The use of pungent smelling plants to chase away bad spirits was noted among many indigenous tribes in the region (Coles et al., 1971; Reinders, 1993; van ‘t Klooster, 2000).

8.5.2 Comparisons with other regional studies on medicinal plant use To see whether the pharmacopoeia of the North-West District had common characteristics with those of neighbouring regions, the results of this study were compared with the medicinal plants and uses found by other authors (Table 8.3). Both wild and cultivated medicinal species were taken into account.

Although the general patterns of plant use recorded during this survey were expected to show the greatest overlap with other ethnobotanical studies from the North-West District, this could not be verified with the existing literature. In the earlier Barama Carib studies (Gillin, 1936; Coles et al., 1971; Adams, 1972), plant collection was minimal and botanical names were few and inaccurate. Comparisons had to be based on vernacular (Carib) names only.

The expedition report of Coles et al. (1971) provided valuable information on the ethnomedicine of the upper Barama Caribs. Many of their recipes and ideas about illnesses and healing were similar to those in Kariako: for instance, the variety of herbal medicines for cuts and skin lesions, the common use of decoctions as a way to administer medicine, and the food taboos for the nursing mother in the case of infant thrush. Unfortunately, botanical verification of the plant material was limited.

245 8. Medicinal plant use

Table 8.3 Number of medicinal plant species mentioned in other ethnobotanical studies in the Guiana Shield. The number of plant species with one or more identical uses is given between brackets.

Researchers (year) Location Indigenous Medicinal Species in group species used common (# of uses in common) North-West District Kariako, Koriabo, Arawak, Carib This study Assakata, Santa Rosa, 294 - Warao Warapoka Gillin (1936) Sawari (Barama River) Carib + 35 20 (16) Coles et al. (1971) Baramita (Barama River) Carib + 109 + 72 (15) Adams (1972) Baramita (Barama River) Carib + 29 + 15 (13) Reinders (1993) Wauna, Mabaruma Warao + 164 + 102 (72)

Coastal Guyana Austin and Bourne (1992) (Lynden highway) unknown 55 36 (21) Lachman-White et al. Coastal Guyana diff. ethnic (1992) groups 167 94 (75) Central Guyana Johnston and Culquhoun (1996) Kurupukari (Iwokrama) Arawak 130 37 (22) Matheson (1994) Great Falls (Essequibo) Akawaio 58 + 27 (18)

Southern Guyana Forte (1996a) North Rupununi Macushi + 139 + 19 (10) St. Ignatius Riley (1998) Macushi + 95 + 24 (10) (North Rupununi)

Total Guyana diff. ethnic Fanshawe (1948) 127 100 (61) groups

French Guiana Palikur, Wayãpi, Grenand et al. (1987) 487 112 (52) Creoles Raghoenandan (1994) Suriname Hindu 154 59 (38)

Brazil (Roraima) different Milliken (1997) 99 24 (8) (anti-malaria plants only) ethnic groups

A substantial number of species and uses found among the Warao by Reinders (1993) were also recorded during this study. However, the overlap would have been greater if more of Reinders’ plants had been identified. In general, the results of her study corresponded most with the plant lore of the coastal Arawaks. Only 11 of the 83 recipes mentioned by the Warao in this study coincided with those found by Reinders. This is probably a matter of geographical difference, as Reinders conducted her studies in the forested hills near Mabaruma, where there is a large influence of non-Warao Indians and coastlanders. The Warao interviewed in this study lived in rather isolated settlements in the dense manicole swamps (Warapoka and lower Waini River).

Many of the plant uses found in Santa Rosa were also mentioned in the coastal Guyana studies (Lachman-White et al., 1992; Austin and Bourne, 1992). Most similarities were found with regard to the uses of ruderal herb species, common in

246 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I areas with a long history of cultivation. Many of these herbs (e.g., Hebeclinium macrophyllum and Waltheria indica), were less common or absent in the remote interior. The pharmacopoeia of the North-West District also showed a substantial overlap with the study of Fanshawe (1948), who deposited an excellent plant collection in several of the large herbaria in the world (Ek, 1990). Remarkably, the present study shared most medicinal plants with the pharmacopoeia of French Guiana, composed by Grenand et al. (1987). Since there are substantial differences in vegetation between French Guiana and the North-West District, the degree of overlap in plant lore with other studies seemed to be more a result of the plant collection efforts of the particular researchers, than of similarities in indigenous health care. The extensive list of medicinal plants from the North-West District includes a large number of species that has not yet been reported for medicinal purposes. Many other plants were used distinctly than by indigenous groups. The discovery of so many medicinal plants in a region that harbours only three indigenous tribes suggests that further research among the remaining six indigenous groups in Guyana’s interior would yield a vast amount of so far unrecorded information.

8.5.3 Differences in medicinal plant use between indigenous groups According to Prance et al. (1987), differences in plant use between indigenous groups might be more a reflection of plant endemism within the tropical forest than intercultural differences per se. This may be true when indigenous plant uses from distinct regions are compared, but it seems less relevant when plant lore is compared between neighbouring groups. Although there existed a substantial overlap in vegetation types and plant uses among the different northwestern tribes (chapter 4), recipes for medicinal plants varied not only between ethnic groups, but also between villages and even between households. Still, it was hard to make out if these differences were caused by cultural heritage (e.g., Arawak vs. Carib), by differences in contact with outsiders (traditional vs. ‘modern’), or simply by differences in living standards and access to health facilities (using leaves to disinfect umbilical cords vs. giving birth in a clinic).

It seems that a complex set of factors, such as migration and contact patterns, the geographical occurrence of certain plants, and individual experience of the efficacy of different cures has moulded the present pattern of dissemination of curative knowledge (Coles et al., 1971). Milliken (1997) also states that the depth of knowledge on medicinal plants depends on the degree and nature of contact between the group and neighbouring groups, the relative importance of phytotherapy in the group’s traditional medicine, and the occurrence of effective medicinal plants in the area. Furthermore, Table 8.3 shows that the number of medicinal plants mentioned in ethnobotanical publications does not necessarily reflect the real number of species used in a particular region. These figures are strongly influenced by the amount of time the researcher has spent with the tribe, the accuracy of the plant collections, the scope of the research, the number of communities visited and people interviewed.

Milliken (1997) further argues that the number of plants and recipes used to treat illnesses depends on the length of the time that a certain indigenous group has been

247 8. Medicinal plant use exposed to these diseases, and the seriousness of the epidemics when they came. He found that tribes in Roraima which came into contact with malaria long ago, knew more plant species to combat this infection than groups that only recently contracted the disease (Milliken and Albert, 1997; Milliken, 1997). The fact that the Arawaks in this study knew more anti-malarial species (26) than the Caribs (16), may possibly be explained by the fact that the first group has a longer history as a labour force in gold mines than the second, even though the majority of the gold mines in the North-West District are located in Carib territory. According to Forte (1999) and Reinders (pers. comm.) the Barama Caribs have only recently started mining themselves.

The regularity at which certain illnesses occur in a community also seems to influence the number of plant species used to treat it. The wide array of plants used against colds, cough, and cuts, may indicate that people have spent more time in searching for plant cures for common ailments than for rare diseases like cancer or epilepsy. However, it could also be that more plant species contain simple antibacterial chemicals useful to disinfect cuts than complicated compounds that work against tumours or epilepsy. Finally, the desire to treat a certain ailment, as opposed to consider it a ‘fact of life’ and not paying attention to it, can also have a cultural origin (Slikkerveer, pers. comm.).

Contact with outsiders may have negative effects on a group’s traditional knowledge due to acculturation, but it can also broaden their knowledge due to the exchange of information and plants (Milliken, 1997). Gold prospectors may have introduced malaria to even the most remote areas in the North-West District, but they have also played an important part in transmitting medical practises of different tribes and groups (Coles et al., 1971). The famous ‘pork-knocker medicines’ are examples of the transculturation process of African and Asian ideas and techniques and Amerindian knowledge and ingredients. Especially on the coast, where most Afro-Guyanese and East Indians live, Guyana’s medicinal plant lore is a carryover of Amerindian, Asian, and African medical and spiritual traditions (Im Thurn, 1883; Lachman-White et al., 1992; Austin and Bourne, 1992). This was illustrated by the fact that herbalists in Georgetown more frequently recommended mixtures of plants (as is common in Africa), while the use of medicinal plants singly (or in combination with few other species) appears to be a characteristic of Amazonian medicine (Grenand et al., 1987; Milliken, 1997). Another aspect is that through the commercialisation of medicinal plant products, people may ultimately gain greater knowledge of those NTFPs exported from the village economy to the non-local world (Godoy et al., 1998). This was illustrated by the wide knowledge of plants by some of the (commercial) herbal healers in the Moruca area.

Some of the indigenous perceptions of illness and healing in the North-West District seemed to be cosmopolitan in nature, for instance the connection between bitterness and supposed effectiveness against internal parasites. This concept was not only voiced by many indigenous groups in the Guianas (Stahel, 1944; Fanshawe, 1948; Coles et al., 1971; Veth and Reinders, 1995; Milliken, 1997; Milliken and Albert, 1997), but it was also noted among indigenous groups in Namibia (VanDamme et al., 1992), and it even forms part of the traditional Dutch folklore. However, the common use in the Guianas of herbal teas and tonics to ‘bitter the blood’ as a

248 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I preventive medicine against malaria and other parasites, was hardly practised by indigenous groups in Roraima (Milliken, 1997).

8.5.4 Loss of traditional knowledge As long as traditional cultures are stigmatised as backwards, savage or old- fashioned, indigenous people will be ashamed to speak their native language and live according to their cultural heritage. The knowledge on medicinal plants, especially those with only indigenous names and uses, may even disappear sooner than the plants themselves. If a tribe forgets its language, it also looses most of its indigenous classification system of plant species, diseases, and treatments. Research in several primary schools in the North-West District proved that many children were still able to identify medicinal plants and give recipes, but the present knowledge on traditional healing practices can be lost within a few decades if further pressure is put on indigenous tribes to become ‘civilised’. The fact that many parents in the region were ashamed that their children ate small forest berries and disdainfully called them ‘monkey food,’ and that most people denied using medicinal plants when first asked, illustrates the embarrassment of many indigenous people about the use of forest products. The neglect of traditional food and medicines, however, may seriously deteriorate the health and well being of indigenous peoples. Although often regarded as supplementary to local peoples diet, wild food and medicine is essential in times of crisis, and plays an important nutritional role (FAO, 1992; IIED, 1994). Guyanese often referred to the use of certain plants ‘during Burnham times’. When former president Burnham’s socialist government banned the import of luxury goods in the 1970s, many Guyanese were forced to fall back on their knowledge of plants to substitute soap, toothbrushes, medicines, and other imported goods.

8.5.5 Incorporating medicinal plants in Primary Health Care The neglect of traditional health care systems in Guyana is in great contrast to the increasing importance of medicinal plants in western medicine and the worldwide movement towards the revaluation of natural products and interest in indigenous plant use (Attisso, 1983; Posey and Dutfield, 1996; Ellen and Harris, 1999). In the early 1980s, the World Health Organisation recommended each state to utilise its natural medicinal resources in the framework of its Global Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000 (WHO, 1993). Several health organisations and local NGOs in the third world now promote the use of herbal medicine in Primary Health Care, since medicinal plants are cheap, locally available and more appealing to the philosophy of local peoples (Richards, 1993; Slikkerveer and Slikkerveer, 1995; King et al., 1999).

Community health workers in Guyana should be made aware of the great possibilities of medicinal plants and incorporate elder community members with traditional knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Medicinal gardens could be planted around community health centres for education purposes and when certain herbs are not available in the neighbourhood. Since the supply of prescription medicines to health facilities in the interior is often hampered, the need to include herbal medicines in remote health centres is essential. Schoolteachers in the interior should also pay more attention to indigenous knowledge and culture.

249 8. Medicinal plant use

The documentation of ethnobotanical practises, including local names of plants and diseases, not only helps to conserve cultural diversity by revitalising local knowledge, it also contributes to the protection of biodiversity, since more importance is attached to a great number of useful plant species. However, the printed or published ethnobotanical knowledge should by all means be made freely available to the communities that provided the information. Furthermore, pharmacological companies and research institutes should find out ways to share their economic benefits from ethnobotanical research with the indigenous peoples involved. The quantity of compensation may depend on the stage in which indigenous knowledge and resources have contributed to the final product, but these aspects should be negotiated with the particular communities themselves. Money is not always the most useful form of compensation for biogenetic resources and traditional knowledge. According to the needs of the particular communities, donations could be done in an adequate form (community development funds, creation of protected areas, providing legal assistance for the demarcation of traditional lands), ensuring that compensation is shared equitably between and within existing indigenous groups and future generations (Posey and Dutfield, 1996; King et al., 1999).

8.5.6 The commercial potential of Guyanese medicinal plants The enormous diversity of Guyanese medicinal plants, barks, roots, oils, and resins could have a much larger potential for the national and regional market if they would be processed in a more sophisticated manner, such as ready-to-use tonics, powders, tablets, ointments, or pre-packed ingredients for herbal teas and baths. In countries like Indonesia, where the use of medicinal plants is much more accepted and appreciated than in Guyana, the government even promotes the cultivation and use of indigenous medicinal plants to enhance the self-reliance of rural communities. The local manufacture of certain mixtures of herbal medicine proved to be so successful that part of it became commercialised into modern factories. The medicinal plant trade in Indonesia is now a million-dollar industry (Slikkerveer and Slikkerveer, 1995; de Beer and McDermott, 1996). If laboratory studies on pharmacological and phytochemical properties and clinical trails are carried out in the developing country itself, as it is done in Indonesia, it requires much less time to develop a phytotherapeutic medicine from a medicinal plant than if the same species is processed into a patented medicine in one of the industrialised countries (Attisso, 1983).

In Guyana, this process is still in its infancy, although a few medicinal plants are exported to the U.K. (chapter 6) and some basic screening and bioprospecting attempts have been done in the past (Lachman-White et al., 1992; Forte, 1999a). Guyana’s neighbouring country Suriname exports substantial volumes of fresh, dried, and frozen medicinal plants to the Netherlands, where they seem to play a key role in the health care of Surinamese immigrants. Van ‘t Klooster (2000) found more than 180 wild and cultivated plant species in an Amsterdam shop owned by Saramaccan Bush Negroes specialised in traditional Winti religion. Many of the species successfully marketed by Suriname also occur in Guyana, but it seems that

250 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I this country still has to discover the commercial potential of its ‘medical rain forest’ on the world market.

At the same time, Suriname has reached an agreement with Bristol Myers Squibb, in which medicinal plants used by traditional Bush Negro communities are sold to the company for testing. Sales-based royalty payments will be deposited in a special ‘Forest Peoples Fund’, controlled by the leaders of the country’s traditional peoples and used to promote sustainable forest use and conservation (Sizer, 1996; FAO, 2000). Up to now, Guyana’s enormous wealth of plant and animal products of pharmaceutical value has practically been left unexplored. Bioprospecting was recently mentioned as an opportunity to obtain extra benefits from the country’s biodiversity (Sizer, 1996; Iwokrama, 1999). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now developing a policy and institutional framework to regulate the collection of specimens by scientists and pharmaceutical companies in Guyana (EPA, 2000). However, bioprospecting can only act as an innovative way to ‘save the forests’ if it is carried out according to the guidelines of the Convention of Biological Diversity (launched in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro). These include the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of its components, and a fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources (Posey and Dutfield, 1996; King et al., 1999; Dutfield, 2000).


The results of this study have shown that indigenous tribes in the North-West District use a large number of medicinal plants for a wide variety of diseases. Although malaria and gastrointestinal diseases were the most precarious ailments in the area, the largest number of plant species was used to treat common diseases, such as colds, skin cuts and sores. Many indigenous communities are almost completely dependent on medicinal plants for their health care, since modern health facilities are limited and prescription medicine is either unavailable or too expensive. Therefore, community health workers in the interior should include traditional healers in their work. Medicinal plants have a great potential for rural health care improvement, as they are cheap, locally available, and agree more to local people’s viewpoints than synthetic medicines.

The extensive list of medicinal plants used in the North-West District is remarkable not only for its substantial number of species that have not previously been reported for medicinal purposes or have uses distinct from those of other indigenous groups, but also for its botanical and cultural diversity. The discovery of so many medicinal plants in a region that harbours only three indigenous tribes suggests that further research among the remaining indigenous groups in Guyana’s interior would yield a tremendous amount of so far unrecorded information.

However, since the indigenous tribes in Guyana’s interior are under great pressure from the western society (logging, mining, churches, and prescription medicine), the present knowledge of herbal medicine may rapidly be lost. There is a great need for the documentation and revitalisation of indigenous knowledge, as this may help to

251 8. Medicinal plant use preserve both cultural and biological diversity. Efforts should be made that the documented knowledge is made available to the indigenous groups and economic benefits from ethnobotanical research are shared with the communities involved.

The great diversity of Guyanese medicinal plants could have a much larger potential for the (inter-) national market than it has today, if it would be processed in a more sophisticated way. However, commercial harvesting of medicinal plants and bioprospecting should be carried out according to the guidelines of the Convention of Biological Diversity: conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and respecting traditional resource rights.

252 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


Medicinal plant used in the North-West District of Guyana: Ar = Arawak, Ca = Carib, W = Warao, GT = Georgetown uses (coastlanders). X = similar plant use. w = wild, c = cultivated, w (c) = wild, sometimes cultivated; c (w) = cultivated, sometimes wild

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Acanthaceae Asystasia gangetica cough/cold whole plant X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia calycina cough/cold leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia calycina sore eye leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia calycina whooping cough leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia pectoralis haemorrhage whole plant X X c (w) Acanthaceae Justicia pectoralis whooping cough whole plant X X X c (w) Acanthaceae Justicia secunda anaemia leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia secunda cough/cold leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia secunda fever leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia secunda malaria leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia secunda measles leaves X w (c) Acanthaceae Justicia secunda whooping cough leaves w (c) Adiantaceae Pityrogramma calomelanos asthma whole plant X w Adiantaceae Pityrogramma calomelanos cough/cold whole plant X X w Adiantaceae Pityrogramma calomelanos pneumonia whole plant X w Adiantaceae Pityrogramma calomelanos tuberculosis whole plant X X w Adiantaceae Pityrogramma calomelanos whooping cough whole plant X w Adiantaceae Pityrogramma calomelanos wound/cut leaves X X X w Amaryllidaceae Crinum erubescens biliousness root X w Amaryllidaceae Crinum erubescens induce vomiting root X w Amaryllidaceae Crinum erubescens laxative root X w Amaryllidaceae Hippeastrum puniceum asthma root X w (c)

253 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Amaryllidaceae Hippeastrum puniceum biliousness root X w (c) Amaryllidaceae Hippeastrum puniceum induce vomiting root X w (c) Amaryllidaceae Hippeastrum puniceum laxative root X w (c) Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis tubiflora headache leaves X w Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis tubiflora induce vomiting root X w Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis tubiflora sprain leaves X w Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis tubiflora swelling leaves X w Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis tubiflora swelling root X w Anacardiaceae Anacardium giganteum diarrhoea bark X w (c) Anacardiaceae Anacardium occidentale diarrhoea bark XXXX c Anacardiaceae Anacardium occidentale diarrhoea fruit X c Anacardiaceae Anacardium occidentale diarrhoea leaves X c Anacardiaceae Anacardium occidentale thrush bark X X c Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica diabetes leaves X X X c Anacardiaceae Spondias mombin cough/cold bark X w (c) Anacardiaceae Spondias mombin diarrhoea leaves X w (c) Anacardiaceae Spondias mombin haemorrhage bark X w (c) Anacardiaceae Spondias mombin haemorrhage leaves X w (c) Anacardiaceae Spondias mombin sores leaves X X w (c) Anacardiaceae Spondias mombin sores bark X w (c) Anacardiaceae Tapirira guianensis sores bark X X w Anacardiaceae Tapirira guianensis wound/cut bark X X w Annonaceae Annona montana fever leaves X w (c) Annonaceae Annona montana headache leaves X w (c) Annonaceae Annona muricata headache leaves X X X c Annonaceae Annona muricata heart problems leaves X X c Annonaceae Annona muricata hypertension leaves X X c

254 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Annonaceae Duguetia megalophylla snake bite bark X w Annonaceae Duguetia pauciflora snake bite bark X w Annonaceae Duguetia pycnastera cough/cold bark X w Annonaceae Duguetia yeshidan snake bite bark X w Annonaceae Rollinia exsucca fever bark X w Annonaceae Rollinia exsucca haemorrhage bark X X w Annonaceae Unonopsis glaucopetala snake bite bark X X X w Apocynaceae Allamanda cathartica biliousness leaves X X X w (c) Apocynaceae Allamanda cathartica laxative leaves X X w (c) Apocynaceae Allamanda cathartica malaria leaves X X w (c) Apocynaceae Aspidosperma cf. cruentum malaria bark X w Apocynaceae Aspidosperma excelsum malaria bark X w Apocynaceae Aspidosperma marcgravianum headache bark X w Apocynaceae Aspidosperma marcgravianum malaria bark X w Apocynaceae Catharanthus roseus urinary tracts leaves X w (c) Apocynaceae Forsteronia guyanensis cough/cold root X w Apocynaceae Odontadenia sandwithiana pain leaves X w Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana disticha scorpion bite bark X w Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana disticha sore eye exudate X w Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana undulata headache root X w Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana undulata munuri ant bite exudate X w Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana undulata sore eye exudate X w Araceae Caladium bicolor botfly larvae root X X w (c) Araceae Dieffenbachia cf. humilis botfly larvae exudate X w Araceae Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana abscess leaves X w Araceae Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana pain leaves X X w Araceae Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana scorpion bite shoot X w

255 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Araceae Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana snake bite shoot X w Araceae Montrichardia arborescens cough/cold sap X X w Araceae Montrichardia arborescens diabetes leaves X X w Araceae Montrichardia arborescens stingray bite stem X w Araceae Montrichardia arborescens tuberculosis leaves X X w Araceae Montrichardia arborescens wound/cut stem X X w Araceae Philodendron cf. brevispathum scorpion bite shoot X w Araceae Philodendron deflexum munuri ant bite root X w Araceae Philodendron fragrantissimum aphrodisiac root X X w Araceae Philodendron linnaei skin fungi exudate X w Araceae Philodendron linnaei swelling leaves X w Araceae Philodendron pedatum back pain leaves X w Araceae Philodendron scandens munuri ant bite leaves X w Araceae Philodendron scandens snake bite leaves X X w Araceae Philodendron scandens sore eye leaves X w Araceae Philodendron scandens sores leaves X X w Araceae Philodendron scandens wound/cut leaves X w Araliaceae Schefflera morototoni scorpion bite bark X w Araliaceae Schefflera morototoni sores bark X X w Araliaceae Schefflera morototoni wound/cut bark X X w Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia daemoninoxia abortive stem X X w Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia daemoninoxia contraceptive stem X X w Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia daemoninoxia female sterility stem X w Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia daemoninoxia fever stem X w Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia daemoninoxia stomach ache stem X w Auriculariaceae Laetipous sp.TVA 1997 menstruation whole plant X w Auriculariaceae Pycnoporus sanguineus menstruation whole plant X w

256 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Bignoniaceae Crescentia cujete abortive fruit X X c Bignoniaceae Crescentia cujete eases birth fruit X c Bignoniaceae Crescentia cujete evil spirits leaves X c Bignoniaceae Jacaranda copaia ssp. copaia evil spirits leaves X X X w Bignoniaceae Jacaranda copaia ssp. copaia fever leaves X w Bignoniaceae Macfadyena cf. unguis-cati female sterility whole plant X w Bignoniaceae Macfadyena cf. unguis-cati haemorrhage whole plant X w Bignoniaceae Martinella obovata sore eye rootXXXX w (c) Bignoniaceae Martinella obovata sores root X X w (c) Bignoniaceae Schlegelia violacea sore eye sap X X w Bignoniaceae Tabebuia insignis malaria bark X X X w Blechnaceae Blechnum serrulatum abscess leaves X w Bombacaceae Catostemma commune snoring seed X w Bombacaceae Pachira aquatica diarrhoea bark X w Boraginaceae Cordia nodosa headache leaves X w Boraginaceae Cordia nodosa hypertension leaves X X X w Boraginaceae Cordia nodosa whooping cough leaves X w Boraginaceae Heliotropium indicum diabetes whole plant X w (c) Boraginaceae Heliotropium indicum venereal disease whole plant X w (c) Bromeliaceae Ananas comosus abortive fruit X X X c Bromeliaceae Ananas comosus fractures leaves X c Bromeliaceae Araeococcus micranthus thrush leaves X w Burseraceae Protium decandrum arthritis exudate X w Burseraceae Protium decandrum skin burns bark X w Burseraceae Protium decandrum wound/cut bark X w Burseraceae Protium sp. TVA 1038 skin burns bark X w Burseraceae Protium sp. TVA 1038 sores bark X w

257 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Burseraceae Protium sp. TVA 1038 wound/cut bark X w Cactaceae Epiphyllum phyllanthus back pain leaves X w (c) Cactaceae Epiphyllum phyllanthus cough/cold leaves X w (c) Cactaceae Epiphyllum phyllanthus laxative leaves X w (c) Cactaceae Epiphyllum phyllanthus whooping cough leaves X w (c) Cactaceae Opuntia cochinellifera spleen problems leaves X c Campanulaceae Centropogon cornutus bed wetting leaves X w Campanulaceae Centropogon cornutus sore eye exudate X X X w Campanulaceae Centropogon cornutus urinary tracts leaves X w Caricaceae Carica papaya diarrhoea bark X c Caricaceae Carica papaya diarrhoea leaves X c Caricaceae Carica papaya hypertension fruit X X X c Caricaceae Carica papaya venereal disease flower X c Caricaceae Caryocar microcarpum back pain bark X w (c) Cecropiaceae Cecropia obtusa back pain leaves X X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata abcess shoot X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata back pain leaves X X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata kidney problems leaves X X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata sickness (general) leaves X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia peltata wound/cut shoot X X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia sciadophylla abcess bark X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia sciadophylla heart problems leaves X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia sciadophylla kidney problems bark X X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia sciadophylla liver problems leaves X w Cecropiaceae Cecropia sciadophylla wound/cut bark X w Celastraceae Goupia glabra chickenpox bark X w Celastraceae Goupia glabra eczema bark X w

258 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Celastraceae Goupia glabra toothache bark X X w Celastraceae Maytenus cf. guyanensis skin burns bark X w Chrysobalanaceae Licania heteromorpha venereal diseases bark X w Chrysobalanaceae Parinari rodolphii snake bite bark X X w Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa biliousness whole plant X w Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa hair fall whole plant X w Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa kidney problems whole plant X w Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa malaria whole plant X w Commelinaceae Tripogandra serrulata biliousness whole plant X X X w Commelinaceae Tripogandra serrulata hair fall whole plant X w Commelinaceae Tripogandra serrulata kidney problems whole plant X w Commelinaceae Tripogandra serrulata clean womb & tubes whole plant X w Compositae Bidens cynapiifolia diabetes whole plant X w (c) Compositae Bidens cynapiifolia ground itch whole plant X w (c) Compositae Bidens cynapiifolia sore eye sap X w (c) Compositae Bidens cynapiifolia thrush whole plant X w (c) Compositae Clibadium surinamense snake bite leaves X c (w) Compositae Erechtites cf. hieracifolia sores leaves X w Compositae Hebeclinium macrophyllum asthma whole plant X w Compositae Hebeclinium macrophyllum bronchitis whole plant X w Compositae Hebeclinium macrophyllum cough/cold whole plant X w Compositae Hebeclinium macrophyllum pneumonia whole plant X w Compositae Hebeclinium macrophyllum tuberculosis whole plant X w Compositae Hebeclinium macrophyllum whooping cough whole plant X w Compositae Mikania micrantha eczema whole plant X w Compositae Mikania micrantha malaria whole plant X X X w

259 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Compositae Sphagneticola trilobata cough/cold whole plant X X w Compositae Struchium sparganophorum thrush whole plant X w Compositae Struchium sparganophorum thrush leaves X w Convolvulaceae Ipomoea batatas measles leaves X c Costaceae Costus arabicus cough/cold shoot X w Costaceae Costus arabicus cough/cold stem X w Costaceae Costus arabicus sores stem X w Costaceae Costus erythrothyrsus cough/cold shoot X w Costaceae Costus scaber cough/cold leaves X w Costaceae Costus scaber cough/cold shoot X w Costaceae Costus scaber cough/cold stem X X w Costaceae Costus scaber groin rupture flowers X w Costaceae Costus scaber groin rupture root X w Costaceae Costus scaber haemorrhids flowers X w Costaceae Costus scaber haemorrhids root X w Costaceae Costus scaber malaria whole plant X X w Costaceae Costus scaber pneumonia leaves X w Costaceae Costus scaber sore eye flowers X w Crassulaceae Bryophyllum pinnatum cough/cold leaves X X X c Crassulaceae Bryophyllum pinnatum sore eye leaves X X X c Crassulaceae Bryophyllum pinnatum sores leaves X X c Crassulaceae Bryophyllum pinnatum wound/cut leaves X c Cucurbitaceae Cucumis melo scrotal hernia leaves X X c Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita moschata haemorrhage leaves X c Cucurbitaceae Momordica charantia malaria leaves X X X c (w) Cyatheaceae Cyathea cyatheoides strained back stem X w Cyperaceae Cyperus articulatus stomach ache root X w

260 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Cyperaceae Cyperus digitatus sore eye root X w Cyperaceae Cyperus ligularis cough/cold stem X w Cyperaceae Cyperus ligularis earache stem X w Cyperaceae Cyperus ligularis sore eye stem X X w Cyperaceae Cyperus odoratus evil spirits root X c Cyperaceae Cyperus odoratus fever root X c Cyperaceae Cyperus odoratus stomach ache root X X c Cyperaceae Rhynchospora cephalotes pain whole plant X w Cyperaceae Rhynchospora cephalotes hair fall whole plant X w Dilleniaceae Davilla kunthii abortive sap X w Dilleniaceae Davilla kunthii aphrodisiac wood X X w Dilleniaceae Davilla kunthii desinf. navel bark X w Dilleniaceae Doliocarpus cf. dentatus abortive sap X w Dilleniaceae Doliocarpus cf. dentatus cough/cold sap X w Dilleniaceae Doliocarpus cf. dentatus desinf. navel leaves X w Dilleniaceae Doliocarpus cf. dentatus snake bite sap X w Dilleniaceae Doliocarpus sp. TVA 1914 aphrodisiac wood X w Dilleniaceae Pinzona coriacea aphrodisiac wood X X X w Dilleniaceae Pinzona coriacea desinf. navel leaves X w Dilleniaceae Pinzona coriacea diabetes whole plant X X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera asperula desinf. navel leaves X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera tigarea abortive sap X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera tigarea aphrodisiac wood X X X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera tigarea desinf. navel bark X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera tigarea desinf. navel leaves X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera volubilis aphrodisiac wood X X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera volubilis diabetes sap X w

261 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Dilleniaceae Tetracera volubilis snake bite sap X X w Dilleniaceae Tetracera volubilis sore eye sap X w Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea trichanthera aphrodisiac root X X X w Dryopteridaceae Cyclodium meniscioides var. meniscioides abcess root X w Dryopteridaceae Cyclodium meniscioides var. meniscioides whooping cough root X w Dryopteridaceae Polybotrya caudata abcess root X w Euphorbiaceae Chaetocarpus schomburgkianus evil spirits bark X w Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia cotiniifolia var. kunapalua infected nail exudate X X c Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia cotiniifolia var. kunapalua sores whole plant X c Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia cough/cold leaves X X X c Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia diabetes leaves X c Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia fever leaves X c Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia neriifolia infected nail leaves X c Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas abscess leaves X X c (w) Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas cough/cold leaves X c (w) Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas heart problems leaves X c (w) Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas pain leaves X c (w) Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas sores leaves X c (w) Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas toothache leaves X c (w) Euphorbiaceae Jatropha gossypifolia bruises leaves X c Euphorbiaceae Jatropha gossypifolia headache leaves X X c Euphorbiaceae Jatropha gossypifolia heart problems leaves X X c Euphorbiaceae Jatropha gossypifolia sores leaves X X c Euphorbiaceae Jatropha gossypifolia swelling leaves X X c Euphorbiaceae Mabea piriri sore eye exudate X X w Euphorbiaceae Manihot esculenta abcess root X X X c Euphorbiaceae Manihot esculenta evil spirits root X c

262 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Euphorbiaceae Manihot esculenta sores root X X X c Euphorbiaceae Maprounea guianensis itches leaves X w Euphorbiaceae Maprounea guianensis sores leaves X w Euphorbiaceae Microstachys corniculata headache whole plant X w Euphorbiaceae Microstachys corniculata heart problems whole plant X w Euphorbiaceae Microstachys corniculata sores whole plant X w Euphorbiaceae Microstachys corniculata thrush whole plant X w Euphorbiaceae Microstachys corniculata wound/cut whole plant X w Euphorbiaceae Pedilanthus tithymaloides warts exudate X c Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus brasiliensis munuri ant bite leaves X c Flacourtiaceae Casearia aff. acuminata ground itch bark X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata bete rouge sap X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata biliousness leaves X X X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata cough/cold leaves X X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata eczema sap X X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata evil spirits leaves X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata fever leaves X X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata ground itch leaves X X X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata itches sap X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata laxative whole plant X X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata malaria leaves X X w Gentianaceae Irlbachia alata subsp. alata sores leaves X X X w Gesneriaceae Codonanthe crassifolia improve eyesight leaves X w Gesneriaceae Codonanthe crassifolia sore eye leaves X w Gnetaceae Gnetum nodiflorum abortive nuts X w Gramineae Axonopus compressus heart problems whole plant X w Gramineae Bambusa vulgaris abcess shoot X c (w)

263 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Gramineae Bambusa vulgaris eases birth leaves X X c (w) Gramineae Bambusa vulgaris heart problems leaves X c (w) Gramineae Bambusa vulgaris malaria leaves X X c (w) Gramineae Bambusa vulgaris malaria shoot X c (w) Gramineae Bambusa vulgaris rheumatism stem X c (w) Gramineae Cymbogopon citratus contraceptive root X c Gramineae Cymbogopon citratus cough/cold leaves X X X c Gramineae Cymbogopon citratus fever leaves X X c Gramineae Cymbogopon citratus malaria leaves X X c Gramineae Cymbogopon citratus venereal disease leaves X X c Gramineae Eleusine indica contraceptive leaves X X w Gramineae Eleusine indica haemorrhage leaves X w Gramineae Eleusine indica hair fall leaves X w Gramineae Gynerium sagittatum snake bite stem X X w (c) Gramineae Panicum pilosum eases birth leaves X w Gramineae Saccharum officinale cough/cold sap X c Gramineae Saccharum officinale snake bite sap X c Guttiferae Clusia grandiflora back pain root X X w Guttiferae Clusia grandiflora botfly larvae exudate X w Guttiferae Clusia palmicida back pain root XXXX w Guttiferae Clusia palmicida botfly larvae exudate X w Guttiferae Clusia palmicida impotence root X X X w Guttiferae Clusia pana-panari back pain root X w Guttiferae Mammea americana fleas/lice seeds X c Guttiferae Mammea americana jiggers seeds X c Guttiferae Symphonia globulifera abcess exudate X X w Guttiferae Symphonia globulifera diarrhoea bark X w

264 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Guttiferae Symphonia globulifera sickness (general) bark X w Guttiferae Symphonia globulifera skin fungi seeds X w Guttiferae Symphonia globulifera thrush bark X X w Guttiferae Vismia guianensis ground itch exudate X X w Guttiferae Vismia guianensis skin fungi exudate X X w Guttiferae Vismia guianensis sores bark X X w Guttiferae Vismia guianensis warts exudate X w Guttiferae Vismia laxiflora eczema bark X w Guttiferae Vismia laxiflora itches bark X w Guttiferae Vismia laxiflora skin fungi exudate X X w Guttiferae Vismia laxiflora skin fungi bark X w Guttiferae Vismia macrophylla diarrhoea leaves X X w Guttiferae Vismia macrophylla skin fungi exudate X X w Guttiferae Vismia macrophylla skin fungi bark X w Haemodoraceae Xiphidium caeruleum swelling root X w Haemodoraceae Xiphidium caeruleum wound/cut root X w Humiriaceae Sacoglottis aff. cydonioides diarrhoea bark X w Icacinaceae Poraqueiba aff. guianensis itches bark X w Iridaceae Eleutherine bulbosa female infertility root X c Iridaceae Eleutherine bulbosa haemorrhage root X c Labiatae Coleus amboinicus cough/cold leaves X c Labiatae Hyptis pectinata lining cold whole plant X w (c) Labiatae Ocimum campechianum film on eye seeds X c Lauraceae Persea americana biliousness leaves X X X c Lauraceae Persea americana diarrhoea bark X c Lauraceae Persea americana diarrhoea leaves X c Lauraceae Persea americana heart problems leaves X X c

265 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Lauraceae Persea americana hypertension leaves X X c Lauraceae Persea americana malaria leaves X X X c Lauraceae Persea americana stomach ache leaves X c Lecytidaceae Lecythis corrugata diarrhoea bark X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia guianensis aphrodisiac wood X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia guianensis diarrhoea root X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia guianensis diarrhoea sap X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia guianensis pain wood X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia guianensis venereal disease stem X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia scala-simae diarrhoea root X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia scala-simae diarrhoea wood X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Bauhinia scala-simae malaria wood X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Brownea latifolia cough/cold flowers X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Brownea latifolia haemorrhage bark X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Brownea latifolia haemorrhage flowers X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Brownea latifolia tuberculosis flowers X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Brownea latifolia whooping cough flowers X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Hymenaea courbaril aphrodisiac bark X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Hymenaea courbaril cough/cold bark X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Mora excelsa diarrhoea bark X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna alata bete rouge leaves X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna alata diarrhoea leaves X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna alata laxative flowers X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna alata laxative leaves X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna alata skin fungi leaves X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna alata sores leaves X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna alata worms flowers X w

266 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis cough/cold leaves X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis cough/cold whole plant X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis diarrhoea root X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis fever leaves X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis haemorrhage seeds X X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis haemorrhage leaves X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis headache leaves X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis kidney problems seeds X X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis lining cold whole plant X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis thrush leaves X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis clean womb & tubes seeds X X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis worms seeds X X c (w) Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna reticulata fever leaves X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna reticulata laxative flowers X X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna reticulata laxative leaves X X w Leg. Caesalpiniaceae Senna reticulata pneumonia leaves X w Leg. Mimosaceae Inga alba female sterility bark X X w Leg. Mimosaceae Inga alba swelling bark X w Leg. Mimosaceae Inga lateriflora sores bark X X w Leg. Mimosaceae Inga lateriflora wound/cut bark X w Leg. Mimosaceae Macrosamanea pubiramea fractures bark X w Leg. Mimosaceae Macrosamanea pubiramea sprain bark X w Leg. Mimosaceae Mimosa polydactyla bruises leaves X X w Leg. Mimosaceae Mimosa polydactyla cough/cold leaves X w Leg. Mimosaceae Pentaclethra macroloba chickenpox leaves X w Leg. Mimosaceae Pentaclethra macroloba measles leaves X w Leg. Mimosaceae Pentaclethra macroloba snake bite bark X X w

267 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Leg. Mimosaceae Pentaclethra macroloba sores bark X X X w Leg. Mimosaceae Pentaclethra macroloba sprain bark X w Leg. Mimosaceae Pentaclethra macroloba toothache bark X X X w Leg. Mimosaceae Pentaclethra macroloba wound/cut bark XXXX w Leg. Mimosaceae Zygia cataractae sprain bark X w Leg. Mimosaceae Zygia latifolia pain bark X X w Leg. Mimosaceae Zygia latifolia sickness (babies) bark X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Alexa imperatricis dandruff exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Alexa imperatricis fleas/lice exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Alexa imperatricis ground itch bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Alexa imperatricis malaria bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Alexa imperatricis munuri ant bite bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Alexa imperatricis snake bite bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Alexa imperatricis sores bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Andira surinamensis mouth sores exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Clathrotropis brachypetala abcess bark X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Clathrotropis brachypetala itches exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Clathrotropis brachypetala pain sap X w Leg. Papilionaceae Clathrotropis brachypetala pain bark X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Clathrotropis brachypetala snake bite bark X X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Clathrotropis brachypetala sores bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Clathrotropis brachypetala swelling bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium adscendens hair fall leaves X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum cramps (babies) whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum fever whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum haemorrhage whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum hair fall leaves X w

268 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum heart problems whole plant X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum impotence whole plant X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum menstruation whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum pain whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum prevent miscarriage whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium barbatum stomach ache whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium incanum haemorrhage whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Desmodium incanum wound/cut whole plant X w Leg. Papilionaceae Dioclea scabra diarrhoea exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Dioclea scabra mouth sores exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Dioclea scabra stomach ache exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Hymenolobium flavum sores bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Indigofera suffruticosa fever leaves X c Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus aff. martynii AIDS root X X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus aff. martynii cancer root X X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus aff. martynii sores root X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus chrysophyllus AIDS root X X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus chrysophyllus cancer root X X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus chrysophyllus sores root X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus sp. TVA 1247 AIDS root X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus sp. TVA 1247 cancer root X w (c) Leg. Papilionaceae Lonchocarpus spruceanus headache root X w Leg. Papilionaceae Machaerium cf. floribundum diarrhoea exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Machaerium cf. floribundum haemorrhage exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Machaerium cf. floribundum thrush exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Machaerium sp.TVA 921 malaria wood X w Leg. Papilionaceae Mucuna cf. urens itches seeds X w

269 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Leg. Papilionaceae Pterocarpus officinalis diarrhoea exudate X w Leg. Papilionaceae Pterocarpus officinalis mouth sores exudate X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Pterocarpus officinalis thrush exudate X X w Leg. Papilionaceae Tephrosia toxicaria cancer root X c Leg. Papilionaceae Vatairea guianensis eczema seeds X w Leg. Papilionaceae Vatairea guianensis scabies bark X w Leg. Papilionaceae Vatairea guianensis scabies seeds X w Leg. Papilionaceae Vatairea guianensis sores seeds X w Liliaceae Aloe vera abcess leaves X c Liliaceae Aloe vera asthma leaves X X c Liliaceae Aloe vera cough/cold leaves X X c Liliaceae Aloe vera laxative leaves X c Liliaceae Aloe vera malaria leaves X c Liliaceae Aloe vera pneumonia leaves X X c Liliaceae Aloe vera sores leaves X c Loganiaceae Strychnos erichsonii aphrodisiac bark X X X w Loganiaceae Strychnos mitscherlichii aphrodisiac wood X X X w Loganiaceae Strychnos mitscherlichii aphrodisiac bark X w Lomariopsidaceae Lomariopsis japurensis abcess root X w Loranthaceae Phoradendron perrottetii malaria leaves X w Loranthaceae Phoradendron perrottetii sprain leaves X w Loranthaceae Phoradendron perrottetii thrush leaves X w Loranthaceae Phoradendron perrottetii venereal disease leaves X w Loranthaceae Phthirusa pyrifolia malaria leaves X w Loranthaceae Phthirusa pyrifolia sprain leaves X w Loranthaceae Phthirusa pyrifolia thrush leaves X w Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum abortive leaves X w

270 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum eases birth leaves X w Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum fever leaves X X w Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum headache leaves X X X w Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum heart problems root X w Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum skin burns leaves X w Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum skin fungi leaves X w Malpighiaceae Stigmaphyllon sinuatum swelling root X w Malvaceae Abelmoschus esculentus dandruff leaves X c Malvaceae Abelmoschus esculentus eases birth fruit X c Malvaceae Abelmoschus esculentus sore eye fruit X c Malvaceae Abelmoschus esculentus stingray puncture leaves X c Malvaceae Gossypium barbadense diarrhoea leaves X X c Malvaceae Gossypium barbadense laxative leaves X X c Malvaceae Gossypium barbadense thrush leaves X X c Malvaceae Hibiscus bifurcatus cough/cold leaves X w Malvaceae Hibiscus rosa-sinensis abcess leaves X c Malvaceae Hibiscus rosa-sinensis induce vomiting leaves X c Malvaceae Hibiscus rosa-sinensis whooping cough flowers X c Malvaceae Malachra alceifolia sores leaves X c Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia kidney problems whole plant X w (c) Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia menstruation whole plant X w (c) Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia clean womb & tubes whole plant X w (c) Malvaceae Urena lobata lining cold whole plant X w (c) Marantaceae Calathea cyclophora cough/cold sap X w Marantaceae Calathea cyclophora skin burns leaves X w Marantaceae Calathea cyclophora sore eye sap X w Marantaceae Ischnosiphon foliosus warts leaves X w

271 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Marantaceae Ischnosiphon foliosus wound/cut leaves X w Marcgraviaceae Marcgravia coriacea sore eye sap X w Marcgraviaceae Norantea guianensis diarrhoea wood X w Marcgraviaceae Norantea guianensis stop vomiting wood X w Marcgraviaceae Souroubea guianensis venereal disease whole plant X w Melastomataceae Aciotis annua cough/cold whole plant X w Melastomataceae Aciotis purpurascens cough/cold whole plant X w Melastomataceae Clidemia japurensis sores leaves X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis cough/cold seedsXXXX w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis diarrhoea bark X X X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis groin rupture seeds X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis haemorrhids seeds X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis insect bites seedsXXXX w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis malaria seedsXXXX w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis malaria bark X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis skin burns bark X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis sores bark X X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis sores seedsXXXX w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis stomach ache bark X X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis thrush seedsXXXX w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis whooping cough seedsXXXX w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis wound/cut bark X X w Meliaceae Carapa guianensis wound/cut seeds XXXX w Meliaceae Cedrela cf. odorata sores bark X w Meliaceae Guarea guidonia induce vomiting bark X w Meliaceae Guarea pubescens biliousness root X w Meliaceae Guarea pubescens induce vomiting root X w

272 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Menispermaceae Curarea candicans aphrodisiac wood X X w Menispermaceae Curarea candicans malaria wood X X w Menispermaceae Curarea candicans sores wood X w Menispermaceae Telitoxicum sp. TVA 1265 diabetes wood X w Menispermaceae Telitoxicum sp. TVA 1265 fever wood X w Menispermaceae Telitoxicum sp. TVA 1265 malaria wood X w Monimiaceae Siparuna guianensis munuri ant bite barkXXXX w Monimiaceae Siparuna guianensis sickness (babies) bark X w Monimiaceae Siparuna guianensis wound/cut leaves X w Moraceae Artocarpus altilis abcess exudate X c Moraceae Artocarpus altilis bruises exudate X c Moraceae Artocarpus altilis sprain exudate X c Moraceae Artocarpus altilis urinary tracts leaves X c Moraceae Ficus amazonica abcess exudate X w Moraceae Ficus amazonica pain exudate X w Moraceae Ficus amazonica swelling exudate X w Moraceae Ficus caballina sprain exudate X w Moraceae Ficus caballina wound/cut exudate X w Moraceae Ficus nymphaeifolia fractures exudate X w Moraceae Ficus nymphaeifolia sprain exudate X w Moraceae Ficus paraensis sprain exudate X w Moraceae Ficus paraensis wound/cut exudate X w Moraceae Ficus vs. roraimensis fractures exudate X w Moraceae Ficus vs. roraimensis sprain exudate X w Moraceae Ficus sp. TVA 892 sprain exudate X w Musaceae Musa paradisiaca fits (epilepsy) fruit X c Musaceae Musa sp. TVA 1720 wound/cut shoot X c

273 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Musaceae Musa sp. TVA 1854 haemorrhage sap X c Musaceae Musa sp. TVA 1854 lining cold sap X c Musaceae Musa sp. TVA 1854 strained back sap X c Myristicaceae Iryanthera juruensis mouth sores exudate X w Myristicaceae Iryanthera juruensis thrush exudate X w Myristicaceae Iryanthera juruensis wound/cut exudate X w Myristicaceae Virola calophylla mouth sores exudate X w Myristicaceae Virola calophylla thrush exudate X w Myristicaceae Virola cf. elongata mouth sores exudate X X w Myristicaceae Virola cf. elongata thrush exudate X X w Myristicaceae Virola sebifera mouth sores exudate X w Myristicaceae Virola surinamensis mouth sores exudate X w Myristicaceae Virola surinamensis thrush exudate X w Myristicaceae Virola surinamensis toothache exudate X w Myrtaceae Calycolpus goetheanus hypertension leaves X w Myrtaceae Psidium guajava diarrhoea bark X X c Myrtaceae Psidium guajava diarrhoea leaves X X X c Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini diabetes seeds X c (w) Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini diarrhoea bark X X c (w) Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini diarrhoea fruit X c (w) Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini diarrhoea leaves X c (w) Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini stop vomiting bark X X c (w) Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini teeth whitening branch X c (w) Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea ampla warts leaves X w Ochnaceae Sauvagesia erecta cough/cold whole plant X w Oleandraceae Nephrolepis biserrata wound/cut leaves X w Oxalidaceae Averrhoa carambola cracks in feet fruit X c

274 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Palmae Astrocaryum gynacanthum desinf. navel leaves X X w Palmae Astrocaryum gynacanthum thrush leaves X X w Palmae Cocos nucifera haemorrhage root X c Palmae Cocos nucifera hypertension fruit X c Palmae Cocos nucifera skin oil seeds X X X c Palmae Euterpe oleracea haemorrhage sap X w Palmae Euterpe oleracea scorpion bite sap X w Palmae Euterpe oleracea wound/cut sap X X w Palmae Manicaria saccifera diarrhoea fruit X w Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida cough/cold whole plant X X w (c) Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida tuberculosis whole plant X w (c) Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida worms whole plant X X X w (c) Passifloraceae Passiflora nitida bowel disorders leaves X w (c) Phytolaccaceae Microtea debilis cough/cold leaves X w (c) Phytolaccaceae Microtea debilis fever leaves X X w (c) Phytolaccaceae Microtea debilis thrush leaves X X w (c) Phytolaccaceae Petiveria alliacea fever leaves X c Piperaceae Piper avellanum cramps leaves X w Piperaceae Piper avellanum snake bite leaves X X w Piperaceae Piper avellanum stomach ache leaves X w Piperaceae Piper vs. berbicence snake bite leaves X w Piperaceae Piper cf. glabrescens snake bite leaves X w Piperaceae Piper cf. hostmannianum scorpion bite leaves X w Piperaceae Piper cf. hostmannianum snake bite leaves X w Piperaceae Piper nigrispicum snake bite leaves X w Piperaceae Piper sp. TVA 2666 scorpion bite leaves X w Piperaceae Piper sp. TVA 2666 snake bite leaves X w

275 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Piperaceae Piper sp. TVA 2666 stomach ache leaves X w Piperaceae Pothomorphe peltata abcess leaves X w Piperaceae Pothomorphe peltata cough/cold leaves X w Piperaceae Pothomorphe peltata haemorrhage leaves X w Piperaceae Pothomorphe peltata headache leaves X X X w Piperaceae Pothomorphe peltata swelling leaves X X w Piperaceae Pothomorphe peltata clean womb & tubes leaves X X w Polygonaceae Coccoloba marginata diarrhoea bark X X w Polypodiaceae Polypodium adnatum whooping cough buds X w Pterophytae Pterophytae TVA 1774 whooping cough stem X X w Rapataceae Rapatea paludosa var. paludosa+B670 hair fall exudate X w Rhizophoraceae Rhizophora mangle diarrhoea root X w Rhizophoraceae Rhizophora mangle diarrhoea bark X w Rubiaceae Coffea liberica headache leaves X c Rubiaceae Coffea liberica sore eye leaves X c Rubiaceae Geophila repens skin fungi fruit X w Rubiaceae Psychotria poeppigiana var. barcellana cough/cold flowers X X w Rubiaceae Psychotria poeppigiana var. barcellana cough/cold leaves X X w Rubiaceae Sabicea glabrescens female sterility whole plant X w Rubiaceae Sabicea glabrescens haemorrhage whole plant X w Rubiaceae Uncaria guianensis cough/cold leaves X w Rubiaceae Uncaria guianensis tuberculosis leaves X w Rutaceae Citrus aurantifolia dandruff fruit X c Rutaceae Citrus aurantifolia ground itch fruit X c Rutaceae Citrus aurantifolia haemorrhage root X c Rutaceae Citrus aurantifolia venereal disease root X c Rutaceae Citrus aurantium biliousness fruit X c

276 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Rutaceae Citrus medica cough/cold fruit X X X c Rutaceae Citrus medica malaria fruit X c Rutaceae Citrus reticulata splinter thorns X c Sapindaceae Paullinia capreolata desinf. navel leaves X w Sapindaceae Paullinia capreolata sores bark X w Sapindaceae Paullinia capreolata sores leaves X w Sapindaceae Paullinia capreolata wound/cut bark X w Sapindaceae Paullinia capreolata wound/cut leaves X w Sapindaceae Serjania paucidentata thrush leaves X w Sapotaceae Manilkara zapota diarrhoea fruit X c Sapotaceae Pradosia schomburgkiana cough/cold bark X w Sapotaceae Pradosia schomburgkiana tuberculosis bark X X w Schizaeaceae Lygodium volubile back pain leaves X w Schizaeaceae Lygodium volubile thrush leaves X X w Scrophulariaceae Capraria biflora gal stones leaves X c Scrophulariaceae Mourandia cf. erubescens arthritis root X c Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis biliousness whole plant X X w Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis cough/cold whole plant X w Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis laxative whole plant X w Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis malaria whole plant X X X w Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis sores whole plant X X X w Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dulcis venereal disease whole plant X X w Simaroubaceae Quassia amara biliousness wood X c Simaroubaceae Quassia amara fever leaves X X c Simaroubaceae Quassia amara malaria seeds X c Simaroubaceae Quassia amara malaria wood X X c Simaroubaceae Quassia amara sores wood X c

277 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Smilacaceae Smilax schomburgkiana aphrodisiac root X X X w Smilacaceae Smilax schomburgkiana back pain root X X X w Solanaceae Capsicum frutescens cough/cold fruit X X c Solanaceae Nicotiana tabacum botfly larvae leaves X c Solanaceae Physalis angulata skin diseases whole plant X w (c) Solanaceae Physalis pubescens ground itch whole plant X w (c) Solanaceae Physalis pubescens kidney problems whole plant X w (c) Solanaceae Physalis pubescens swelling leaves X w (c) Solanaceae Physalis pubescens worms whole plant X w (c) Solanaceae Solanum leucocarpon sores leaves X X w Solanaceae Solanum stramoniifolium fever root X X X w Solanaceae Solanum stramoniifolium malaria root X X X w Solanaceae Solanum stramoniifolium malaria leaves X w Solanaceae Solanum stramoniifolium stomach ache leaves X w Solanaceae Solanum stramoniifolium venereal disease root X X w Solanaceae Solanum subinerme pain leaves X w Solanaceae Solanum subinerme fever whole plant X w Solanaceae Solanum subinerme malaria whole plant X w Sterculiaceae Waltheria indica cough/cold leaves X X w (c) Sterculiaceae Waltheria indica hypertension leaves X w (c) Sterculiaceae Waltheria indica thrush leaves X w (c) Tectariaceae Tectaria incisa f. vivipara female infertility leaves X w Tiliaceae Apeiba petoumo snake bite bark X w Tiliaceae Triumfetta altheoides haemorrhage leaves X w hair fall leaves X c (w) Turneraceae Turnera ulmifolia thrush leaves X c (w) Ulmaceae Trema micrantha sore eye sap X w

278 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Umbelliferae Eryngium foetidum cough/cold leaves X w (c) Umbelliferae Eryngium foetidum fits (epilepsy) leaves X w (c) Umbelliferae Eryngium foetidum haemorrhage whole plant X w (c) Umbelliferae Eryngium foetidum headache leaves X w (c) Urticaceae Laportea aestuans bed wetting leaves X w (c) Urticaceae Laportea aestuans haemorrhage leaves X w (c) Verbenaceae Lantana camara cough/cold leaves X X w (c) Verbenaceae Lantana camara haemorrhage leaves X w (c) Verbenaceae Lantana camara sores leaves X w (c) Verbenaceae Lippia micromera cough/cold leaves X c (w) Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta cayennensis diabetes leaves X w (c) Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta cayennensis hypertension whole plant X X w (c) Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta cayennensis malaria leaves X w (c) Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta jamaicensis hypertension leaves X w (c) Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta jamaicensis skin burns leaves X w (c) Vitaceae Cissus verticillata sores leaves X w (c) Vitaceae Cissus verticillata swelling leaves X w (c) Vochysiaceae Vochysia cf. guianensis toothache bark X w Zingiberaceae Aframomum melegueta cough/cold seeds X X c Zingiberaceae Aframomum melegueta fits (epilepsy) seeds X c Zingiberaceae Aframomum melegueta pain seeds X X c Zingiberaceae Aframomum melegueta sore throat seeds X c Zingiberaceae Aframomum melegueta stomach ache seeds X c Zingiberaceae Aframomum melegueta wind seeds X c Zingiberaceae Curcuma xanthorrhiza pain root X c Zingiberaceae Curcuma xanthorrhiza sprain root X c Zingiberaceae Renealmia alpinia hypertension leaves X w

279 8.7 Appendix

Family Species Illness Plant part Ar Ca W GT wild/cult. Zingiberaceae Renealmia alpinia snake bite shoot X w Zingiberaceae Renealmia alpinia stomach ache shoot X w Zingiberaceae Renealmia alpinia strained back root X X w Zingiberaceae Renealmia orinocensis stomach ache shoot X w Zingiberaceae Zingiber officinale haemorrhage root X c Zingiberaceae Zingiber officinale malaria root X c

280 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I



A total of 587 useful plant species was recorded from northwest Guyana during this study. Some 61% of these species (357 species) were found in the seven hectare plots. Of the 230 NTFP species that were found outside these plots, the majority (44%) was encountered in secondary shrubland, pastures, and abandoned fields (Table 9.1). Many of them also occurred as ‘weeds’ in cultivated fields and gardens. The ‘remaining’ NTFPs found in mixed and secondary forests were often quite rare (e.g., Manilkara bidentata, Disteganthus lateralis), while those from Mora forest were mostly found directly along the riverbank (e.g., Inga nobilis, Cydista aequinoctialis). A total of 11 species were only found in cultivated state (e.g., Annona montana, Inga pilosula, Buchenavia grandis), although they were explicitly referred to as wild species in literature (Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, 1995- 1999; Boggan et al., 1997; Pennington, 1997). Their status as NTFPs in Guyana is thus open to discussion. Finally, some additional NTFPs were encountered in vegetation types that were not included in the hectare plots, such as flooded savanna, mangrove forest, and white sand shrubland.

Table 9.1 Provenance of the NTFP species found outside the hectare plots.

Vegetation type No. of species found (%)

Secondary shrubland 102 (44%) Riverbank Mora forest 30 (13%) Mixed primary forest 30 (13%) Flooded savanna 18 (8%) Secondary forest (> 20 years old) 12 (5%) Only found cultivated 11 (5%) Manicole swamp 11 (5%) White sand shrubland 7 (3%) Quackal swamp 5 (2%) Mangrove forest 4 (2%)

Total 230 (100%)

The majority (134 spp.) of the plants found outside the study plots were used for medicinal purposes. These included many herbs and shrubs growing in pastures and roadsides, such as Stachytarpheta cayennensis and Eleusine indica. Some 60 species of the remaining NTFPs were used for food, some of which were rare but highly esteemed primary forest trees (Anacardium giganteum, Caryocar nuciferum), while others were common berries in secondary shrubland (Solanum stramoniifolium,

281 9. Discussion and conclusions

Miconia spp.). In the miscellaneous category (55 spp.), magic and fish bait plants were often found outside the plots. Magic plants or ‘binas’ are sporadically found in the wild and mostly confined to house yards, while species used for fish bait often occur in overhanging riverbank and creek vegetation. The remaining species used for construction (19 spp.) were mostly rare primary forest trees. If we compare the use categories of the plants found outside and inside the plots, we see that construction material is an important commodity harvested from the forest plots (34- 56% of the species, Table 4.1), while little of these NTFPs are found in secondary shrubland or savannas. The same accounts for firewood. Food and medicine are important categories in the forest plots (23-33% resp. 31-39%), but these species are obviously not confined to these vegetation types.

We may conclude from these results that the seven hectare plots surveyed in the North-West District only yielded a narrow majority of the available NTFP species in the region. The species-area curves presented in the chapters 2 and 3 (Figures 2.4 and 3.2) already suggested that enlarging the sample area (within a certain forest type) would bring about more species. This was in particular the case in the better- drained forest types, and indeed, the search for useful plants outside the hectare plots yielded several ‘new’ NTFPs.

Although two plots of succession forest were sampled (20- and 60-year-old secondary forest), a large number of useful secondary species seemed to occur only in earlier stages of forest regeneration. Establishing hectare plots in young secondary forest is quite complicated, because of its patchy structure, the uncertainty of its age, and the habit of ‘cleaning up’ secondary shrubland by villagers.

Hectare plots force the researcher to examine (nearly) every single species in an enclosed space, while the ‘walk in the woods method’ offers the opportunity to find species that have a limited distribution or just grow outside the sampling area. Inconspicuous species, however, are often overlooked by this technique. The combination of two methods proved to be successful in obtaining the most complete overview of useful plants in the study area. Although it seems likely that the great majority of NTFPs from the North-West District is covered in this thesis, it is by no means totally exhaustive. Further research in less accessible areas of the North-West District, such as the upper tributaries of the Barama, Barima, Waini, and Aruka Rivers, which have a high potential of endemic richness (ter Steege, 2000), might yield thus far unrecorded species and uses.

With regard to the size of the one-hectare plots, the 10 x 1000 m plots used in this study showed to be less suitable to assess the distribution of NTFPs within a certain forest type. Particularly in the secondary forests, the elongated hectare strips included a range of microhabitats, so smaller plots had to be laid out next to each other to cover a more homogeneous area. To be sure that a plot covers a uniform forest type instead of forming a belt transect, rectangles of 20 x 500, 50 x 200 or even square plots may be more functional (Martin, 1995). However, sample areas with square dimensions are less easy to survey, require more time in the field, and there is a larger effect of ‘roads’ in the plots.

282 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I


Results of this study point out that secondary forest, both of natural (gaps) and man- made origin, is an important vegetation type for NTFP extraction. Succession forest harbours a wide variety of useful plant species, it is found close to the settlements (which implies low transport costs), and its floristic composition is generally well known (due to its proximity). This is especially the case in the more densely populated areas like Santa Rosa, where the primary forest may be too far away for many NTFP collectors (in particular women and children). Although the area of secondary forest is rapidly extending in the tropics and many products are collected from this vegetation, this does not mean that the role of primary forests in NTFP extraction is minimal (de Beer and McDermott, 1996; van Rijsoort, 1999). Certain useful plants and animals may be more abundant in succession forest (Elliot and Brimacombe, 1986; Grenand, 1992; van Dijk and Wiersum, 1999), but many valuable species are refined to primary forest (Whitmore, 1980; Jessup and Peluso, 1985). This is also the case in Guyana, where most commercial NTFP extraction takes place in primary forest (including climax swamp forests), such as palm heart, troolie, nibi and kufa, mangrove, dhalebana, canoes, and a variety of animal species. When primary forest is found much at closer distance to the village, like in the more remote Amerindian communities (e.g., Kariako, Assakata), it is also more frequently visited by NTFP collectors of different age and gender groups.

Enrichment planting is frequently suggested to increase the production of NTFPs and relieve the pressure from natural forests (Anderson, 1990; Richards, 1993; Dubois, 1996; van Valkenburg, 1997; Wiersum, 1999). In forests where the majority of NTFPs has a low density (< 5 individuals per ha), it is often seen as the only possibility to harvest NTFPs on a commercial scale (Browder, 1992; Boot, 1997; van Dijk, 1999). During the present research, it was frequently observed that people stimulated the growth of valued wild species by planting their roots or cuttings in their yard, sparing them when weeding or cutting the surrounding vegetation, or actively sowing their seeds. Examples are the propagation of rare fish poison plants (Lonchocarpus spp.), the protection of medicinal herbs in house yards (Stachytarpheta spp.), and the planting of valuable forest fruit trees (Caryocar nuciferum, Annona montana). The Santa Rosa Arawaks were clearly more involved in the domestication of NTFPs than the Barama Caribs, which may be explained by the relative high population density and scarcity of primary forest in the Moruca area. Evidently, enrichment planting is only an option if the plants are scarce in natural forest, if they are frequently needed, easily propagated, and their product value is high enough to make these investments worthwhile (Sheldon et al., 1997).


One of the main conclusions of this research is that the Amerindian communities in the North-West District rely heavily on their surrounding forest for subsistence. This is illustrated by the enormous amount of useful plants found during this study and

283 9. Discussion and conclusions the remarkably high use percentages in the forest plots: 90 to 99% of the individuals in the tree layer were considered useful (Table 4.1). Although the well-drained forest harboured more useful species per hectare, swamp forests were also regularly visited to gather forest products. The nested sampling method has shown that 35 to 65% of the species in the undergrowth of the hectare plots were utilised. These percentages and the numerous NTFPs found in secondary shrubland (Table 9.1) demonstrate the importance of smaller growth forms in the ethnobotany of local indigenous groups. Although many NTFPs are used only occasionally, they may serve as an emergency buffer during times of famine and seasonal or economic scarcity. The total harvest on a yearly basis may be small, but subsistence NTFPs often play a vital role in helping people through lean times (de Beer and McDermott, 1996). According to Falconer and Arnold (1989), fruits and seeds consumed between meals might be one of the most significant dietary contributions of wild plants, especially for children. This is certainly true for northwest Guyana, where children were often seen searching for small berries in the secondary forest (chapter 4). The surveys of Sullivan (1999) in Assakata, Sebai, and Karaburi, showed that 43 to 62% of the labour time of the households was spent on collecting and processing NTFPs, including hunting and fishing.

The variation in NTFP use between the Caribs, Arawaks and Warao was caused by several factors: local floristic diversity, socio-economic conditions, and cultural differences. We have seen in the chapters 4 and 8 that (among others) the greater variety in habitats in the Moruca area resulted in a higher number of plant species used by the Arawaks than by the Barama Caribs. Another explanation for this outcome is that Arawaks have a longer history of contact with outsiders, which has led to the exchange of ethnobotanical knowledge (chapter 8). The deeper in the interior, the less available and the more expensive commodity items and medicines become. It was obvious that on average, the Barama Caribs depended more on the forest for their primary needs than the residents of Santa Rosa. The Moruca district hospital also reduced the need for certain herbal medicines. For instance, plants used during childbirth or to set broken limbs were only used far from the hospital. For quite a number of diseases, however, Moruca people still preferred to search for traditional cures (chapter 8). Moreover, for the poorer section of the Moruca population (which was still the great majority), NTFP harvesting was still a part of every day life, as synthetically manufactured goods were largely beyond their means. With regard to the cultural differences, it seems that several of the ancient tribal specialities in NTFP use and craft making as reported by Im Thurn (1883) and Roth (1924) still exist today. The Caribs remain the best potters, the Warao continue to build good canoes, and the Arawak tibisiri hammocks have become a popular tourist craft. But then again, the craftspeople in the larger Amerindian towns mostly belong to the less fortunate classes (Jara and Reinders, 1997).

The tendency towards substitution with cultivated or synthetic alternatives under better socio-economic conditions is often mentioned as a potential pitfall of NTFP harvesting (FAO, 1989; Richards, 1993; van Valkenburg, 1999; Ros-Tonen, 1999). An increased degree of exposure to the market is thought to lead to foraging specialisation, resulting in the extraction of fewer (types of) NTFPs and less time spent in forest-related activities (Godoy et al., 1998; Overman and Demmer, 1999). It was also suggested in this study that the greater access to the market and the loss

284 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I of traditional culture in coastal Amerindian villages would reduce the need for NTFPs (chapter 1). Wealthier households in Santa Rosa did not depend (anymore) on NTFPs for their income and subsistence, but the poorer ones still did. Consistent with what Pearce (1989) and de Beer and McDermott (1996) found in South East Asia, it seems that even when commercial alternatives are available, rural people continue to use foods and material from the forest. In most cases, and certainly in Guyana, NTFPs are free and easily available, which is of great relevance to people who lack the cash for purchases. Furthermore, NTFPs are more familiar and culturally more attractive to local peoples than industrial substitutes (Slikkerveer and Slikkerveer, 1995; de Beer and McDermott, 1996). This phenomenon was illustrated by the steady demand of herbal medicine in Georgetown, even though the city counted several modern pharmacies and hospitals (chapter 8).

The easier connection with the coastal market did enhance the possibilities for the marketing NTFPs in the North-West District, but the influx of luxury goods did not reduce the need to harvest NTFPs, as was assumed in the introduction of this thesis. Forte (1988) already noted that in spite of their constant exposure to the ‘modern’ coast and their incorporation in the money economy, the coastal way of living has not completely replaced Amerindian traditions in Santa Rosa. A web of indigenous customs and beliefs still survives among Guyanese Arawaks, which was demonstrated by the varied use of NTFPs in the region. It seems that in Guyana, higher standards of living do not reduce the need for NTFPs, but rather cause a shift in the demand for certain products. For example, nibi and kufa furniture is hardly used in traditional indigenous villages, but it is gaining popularity in coastal Amerindian towns. Canned palm heart was recently launched on the Guyanese market, troolie roofs for holiday facilities are becoming trendy along the coast, and an increasing number of restaurants in the capital offer wild meat on their menu (chapter 6). The development of a tourist industry in Guyana would only further increase the demand for NTFPs (e.g., crafts, furniture, wild fruit juices, wild meat, and rustic cottages).

Integration into the market through the sale of NTFPs also seems to have a positive influence on the retention of indigenous knowledge (Godoy et al., 1998). During their research in two Honduran indigenous villages with different degrees of exposure to the market, they found that integration into the market through the sale of agricultural crops and labour was associated with the loss of knowledge on wild plants and animals. However, people who were specialised in the commercialisation of NTFPs seemed to have a wider ethnobotanical knowledge. Spending more time harvesting these goods in the forest than villagers not involved in NTFP extraction expanded their understanding of the forest environment. This phenomenon was also noticeable in the North-West District. People in Santa Rosa that were not involved in palm heart extraction did not know the difference between the single-stemmed winamoro (Euterpe precatoria) and the multi-stemmed manicole (E. oleracea), while cabbage cutters in Assakata distinguished two genetic types winamoro and three types of manicole (chapter 5).

285 9. Discussion and conclusions


The annual world trade in NTFP was estimated at several billion US dollars, including nearly three billion in rattan products from Southeast Asia (de Beer and McDermott, 1996). With just US$ 4 million in export revenues per year, Guyana is just a very small actor in this play. But taking into account its modest population size, the export of NTFP per capita is much higher in Guyana than in most other exporting countries (chapter 6). In general, the relatively species-poor mixed forests of the Guiana Shield offer better opportunities for the sustainable harvesting of NTFPs than those of the middle and eastern Amazon Basin, which are characterised by an extremely high diversity and a low density of conspecific species (Johnston, 1998). Guyana’s large forest resources, its wide array of useful plant and animal products, and its relatively low deforestation rate, further enhance the possibilities for the development of commercial NTFP harvesting. Within Guyana, the oligarchic forests of the North-West District (chapter 4) seem to offer much better possibilities for sustainable single-species harvesting than the more species-rich mixed forests. In the coastal wetlands, where the potential for logging, mining, and agriculture is minimal, commercial NTFP extraction even appears to be the most viable form of land use.

The main obstacles for the marketing of NTFPs are the poor infrastructure (resulting in high transport costs), the low prices paid for the raw material, and the lack of information on market opportunities and sustainable management systems. These limitations seem to be typical to the extractive industry in the Amazon Basin (Richards, 1993). Products that have already shown to be economically viable offer the best chances of success (Clay, 1992), so policy makers and researchers should focus on the trade in palm heart, wildlife, nibi, kufa, troolie, tibisiri, and mangrove bark. All presently marketed NTFPs seem to have a potential for commercial extraction, and apart from certain species of wildlife, increasing demands have not yet led to a severe degradation of resources. Further research is needed on growth rates, population sizes, environmental impacts of extraction, and optimum harvest levels for these NTFPs, as well as the development of community management systems. Although this sounds like a huge investment in time and money, management systems for NTFPs are generally much easier in their application than those for timber products. In contrast to most timber species, NTFPs generally have shorter harvest cycles, many providing products annually over long periods (Peters and Hammond, 1990).

Since the diversification of the market reduces the risk of commercial failure, marketing efforts should also pay attention to ‘new’ NTFPs, which may now only be harvested for subsistence, but have a potential for commercial extraction (chapter 6). The establishment of small-scale processing units near productive forests could solve the problem of high transport costs and the spoiling of perishable products. A working example of such an industry is the palm heart processing plant, located in the centre of the coastal manicole swamps. The collection of fresh palm hearts by the factory boats strongly reduces the transport costs for the individual harvester and

286 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I thereby enables remote communities to participate in the marketing of NTFPs as well.

To be able to cope with unstable demands, variation in product quality, and fluctuating prices, marketing strategies should not focus merely on the export market to Europe and the USA, but also include the domestic and regional economy (the Guianas, Brazil, and the Caribbean). Products and market development, training, and investment in this sector may take several years to produce results on a scale comparable to logging, but the reward will be equal (Sizer, 1996). Producers should definitely consider to obtain a certification of environmental sustainability for their products, to improve their chances on the growing ‘green market’ in Europe and the United States (Clay, 1992; Richards, 1993).

A key factor in the development of a successful NTFP trade is the improvement of the institutional and legal base for the management of NTFPs. The Guyana Forestry Commission, the Wildlife Services Division, and the Environmental Protection Agency should be more involved in the monitoring of harvested volumes, land use planning, price regulation and control of illegal trade. Further aspects that require attention are the absence of storage facilities for harvested products, the low level of organisation among extractors, and the lack of information about prices and marketing opportunities among local extractors. Hoffman (1997) calculated that the value of a bundle of nibi roots increased more than 35 times in moving from an indigenous harvester to becoming a component of export-quality furniture. Harvesters could get a larger share of the profits by forming an organisation that sells directly to the Georgetown furniture shops, evading the chains of middlemen. Training programs are needed for designing village-based management plans for NTFP extraction and developing community administration skills (chapter 5). These programs should make an effort to include women, since they are important actors in the harvesting and processing of NTFPs (van Andel and Reinders, 1999; Sullivan, 1999). Finally, one should keep in mind that the development of the NTFP trade offers no guarantee that rural people receive benefits (de Beer and McDermott, 1996). Moreover, in the more remote communities in the forested interior, commercial trade in NTFPs only plays a minor role in the livelihood strategies.


9.5.1 Can NTFP extraction prevent forest destruction? Another conclusion of this study is that extractivism can only act as a potential saviour of the rain forests if it is able to prevent or reduce deforestation. There are strong indications that this process has already taken place and is still going on in the North-West District. Before the canning company started processing palm hearts, logging was the primary economic activity of the indigenous communities in the coastal swamplands. Large Virola logs were rolled out of the manicole swamps by manpower to be sold to the Surinamese Company Bruijnzeel for plywood production. From the upper Barima, Mora excelsa, Goupia glabra, and other valuable timbers were floated down in rafts to the Aruka sawmill (Forte, 1995). The

287 9. Discussion and conclusions introduction of palm heart harvesting has put an end to this practise. However, in the more remote areas, commercial logging was replaced by a much more profitable land use than commercial NTFP extraction: mining. Until a few decades ago, local Amerindians used to float crabwood logs (Carapa guianensis) down the Barama to a sawmill along the Waini. At the beginning of the 20th century, almost all crabwood in the riverine forest along this river had been felled for timber (Anderson, 1912). Nowadays, gold has become the major source of income in this region, and it seems obvious that few NTFPs have such a high unit values that they can compete with this resource.

Apart from the use of cyanide to extract gold and the total removal of forest cover in the gold pits, land and river dredges also seem to have drastic environmental consequences, as was indicated by the decline in fish stocks in the Barama River (van Andel and Reinders, 1999; Reinders, in prep.). The impact of mining and logging on the availability of NTFPs was not quantitatively measured during this study. The secondary forest sampled was caused by slash-and-burn agriculture instead of by commercial logging, although wood from the forest farms may have been commercialised. No hectare plots were established in logged-over forest or abandoned mining sites. Logging and mining operations are known to scare away wildlife and increase the hunting and fishing pressure, caused both by their labourers and by local Amerindians (Sullivan, 1999; ter Steege, 2000). An example was provided by the community of Sebai, which found a steady market for its bush meat and fish in , the centre of the logging activities of Barama Company Ltd. The majority of the Sebai villagers thought that the numbers of animals in the region had declined over the past 10 years (Sullivan, 1999).

Direct competition between logging and NTFP collection was reported from the Pomeroon River, where host trees for furniture fibres were regularly felled for timber (chapter 6). Not only has most primary forest outside the Amerindian Reserves been designated as timber concession, logs are also felled in Amerindian reserves and sold to sawmills (Forte, 1995). Companies sometimes offer extractors to harvest all suitable nibi and kufa roots before they start logging, but the host trees can be worth more in aerial roots over a few years than they are once by timber. In addition, the timber species themselves often produce valuable NTFPs (e.g., Carapa guianensis, Aspidosperma spp., and Catostemma commune). The harvesting of epiphyte roots has a great potential for forest conservation, since standing forest is essential to provide the particular product. This aspect was also brought forward by Gentry (1992) with regard to Heteropsis crafts around Iquitos, and by Whitehead and Godoy (1991), who stated that the rattan-like furniture in Brazil was one of the few highly promising NTFPs in the Neotropics. Unfortunately, the prices paid for nibi and kufa roots in Guyana are often too low to convince the harvester to spare the host tree from felling and selling its timber. Further research on nibi and kufa harvesting should include the possibilities to combine timber and aerial root extraction in logging concessions.

Changing settlement patterns in northwest Guyana have resulted in larger Amerindian towns (e.g., Santa Rosa, Mabaruma). These population concentrations were stimulated by the government to allow easy access to education, church, and health facilities. However, they have increased the local demand for agricultural soil

288 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I and for wild meat, fish, craft materials, and other frequently used NTFPs (Forte, 1988; van Andel and Reinders, 1999). Common Amerindian management practises, such as the burning of swamp forests, are getting out of hand. We have seen in the chapters 3 and 4 that the fibre extraction from Mauritia flexuosa is not capable of preserving its natural habitat. On the contrary, the original quackal swamp is destroyed in order to facilitate the harvest of the desired product. Although this practise might enhance the germination of palm seedlings at first, it becomes fatal after a few years when juvenile palms are killed by the annual fires.

9.5.2 NTFP harvesting in high-diversity forests There is a need to create economic activity at the edge of rainforests to provide incentives for sustainable resource management (Sheldon et al., 1997). It was often stressed that harvesting plants in the increasingly prevalent secondary forest could help deflect some of the development pressure from primary forest (Gentry, 1992; van Dijk, 1999; Wiersum, 1999). Some authors even state that non-timber forestry should not be initiated in forests of exceptionally high diversity, as the chances for sustainable extraction are minimal (Pendelton, 1992). Others have the opinion that harvesting NTFPs from species-poor (swamp or secondary) forests does not help to conserve the species-richness of tropical forests (Boot, 1997). Without the added financial value of NTFPs, there would be even less motivation for the protection of primary forest (Richards, 1993; LaFrankie, 1994; de Beer and McDermott, 1996).

The mixed primary forests of this research ranked among the most diverse plots studied in Guyana so far (chapter 2), which should have its influence in the planning of protected areas in Guyana. Since several of the sampled forest types were threatened, either immediately by local timber harvesting and shifting cultivation (Moruca), or by (future) commercial logging and mining (Barama), there is an urgent need for protection measurements and sustainable management plans. The (relatively) diverse mixed forests have shown to harbour a wide array of useful plant products (chapter 4), but since product value for vegetable NTFPs in Guyana is generally low, the only viable option for these forests would be multiple-species extraction (Clay, 1992; Richards, 1993; La Rotta, 1992; Johnston, 1998). If the harvest of a large number of products is combined simultaneously under a scheme of ‘high diversity forestry’, the productivity of searching would increase and the economic portrait may greatly improve (LaFrankie, 1994; van Valkenburg, 1999). However, it is essential to conduct socio-economic research on existing activities to see how new approaches can be integrated into existing livelihood systems (Richards, 1993).

An example of this product diversification could be the harvesting of barks, roots, and lianas for medicinal purposes (e.g., Strychnos spp., Dioscorea trichanthera, Dilleniaceae spp.). Medicinal plants offer great possibilities, since the worldwide demand for plant-derived medicine still increases. Although in some cases researchers have been able to synthesise the active components of medicinal plants, there are numerous important species which are either to difficult to domesticate or too expensive to synthesise and thus continue to be harvested from the wild (Sheldon et al., 1997). We have seen in chapter 8 that medicinal forest products were sold in Georgetown at very low prices per volume. Therefore, processing is needed

289 9. Discussion and conclusions close to the extraction sites to increase the local share of the product value and prevent spoiling of the material on its way to the market. This could include oil extraction (e.g., Carapa guianensis), and the preparation of herb- or resin-based ointments, dried mixtures for herbal baths, alcoholic tinctures, or aphrodisiacal tonics like the ones listed in Part II of this thesis. This production could be combined with the manufacture of crafts (in stead of harvesting only the raw materials) and preserved food products (e.g., cooking oil from Jessenia bataua, candying forest fruits or preparing cassareep from cultivated cassava roots). For the remote mixed forests of the North-West District, such incentives would only become successful with the help of external subsidies. In this way, the products have the capacity to compete with NTFPs harvested from forests closer to the capital. In Brazil, government subsidies for rubber extraction have avoided the negative external effects of alternative (more destructive) land uses (Richards, 1993).


We can conclude from this study that the commercial extraction of NTFPs is contributing significantly to the income of forest-dwelling people of northwest Guyana and certainly stimulates the economic development in the region. However, the indigenous extractors do not fully benefit from the profits made in the NTFP trade. It are often the poorest indigenous families that are involved in the collection of forest products. Indigenous harvesters seem to perform a job that most other Guyanese are not willing to do (Hoffman, 1997). For most urban citizens, the interior forests are an unfamiliar and hazardous place, and both Amerindians and NTFP extraction are looked down upon. As a result, many young people are ashamed of being Amerindian and living in the forest, by believing that it is another link with poverty, backwardness, and underdevelopment (Forte, 1988). Unlike other forested areas in South America and Southeast Asia (Richards, 1993; de Beer and McDermott, 1996; Assies, 1997; van Valkenburg, 1997), the North-West District is not subjected to an influx of urban-based seasonal labour gangs getting engaged in NTFP extraction and thereby replacing and marginalising the forest-dwelling extractors. Only in the case of palm heart harvesting in the previously sparsely inhabited lower Waini River, the NTFP business opened a structure for permanent settlement in the forest. But this concerned just a small number of Amerindian extractors moving from one indigenous settlement to another.

A crucial factor limiting the potential of NTFPs to improve local people’s income is that extractors are seldom paid in cash for their work. Instead they are advanced goods by the buyers or middlemen, so that many labourers find themselves unable to escape from the contractual obligations with their employers (Hoffman, 1997; Forte, 1999a). This was illustrated in chapter 5 by the canning company, which offered low-priced food to extractors, but only when exchanged for palm hearts. This form of ‘bonded labour’ was considered by Forte (1999a) as a form of debt-peonage, a highly regressive credit and marketing system which is still prevalent in many (more and less exploitative) forms in the Amazon Basin (Richards, 1993; Ros-Tonen, 1999). However, one should keep in mind that in Guyana, these in-debt relationships

290 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I are not confined to NTFP extraction. They are also quite common in other labour sections, such as cash crop agriculture and gold mining. Furthermore, the canning company supplies food at relatively low prices, while in most debt-peonage systems (such as the mining industry), market goods are supplied on credit at inflated costs, while low prices are offered for the extractive products. Richards (1993) affirms that this system maintains extractors in severe deprivation, but he points out that it also has the capacity to bridge the gap between the remote, non-market subsistence economy and the market economy. Furthermore, the system forces extractors to maximise the time devoted to the collection of NTFPs and leaves little time for subsistence agriculture. According to Richards (1993), this structure is thus more environmentally sound than alternative, more autonomous labour relationships. The situation in the North-West District is just the reverse, since apart from the areas around the major Amerindian towns like Santa Rosa and Mabaruma, deforestation due to subsistence agriculture is not a major problem. In the coastal swamp region, the bonded labour and the consequent neglect of traditional agriculture has led to the destruction of palm heart resources.

NTFP extraction has often been mentioned as a viable alternative to slash-and-burn agriculture (Peters et al., 1989a; Richards, 1993; LaFrankie, 1994), but in many cases, extractors need to combine NTFP harvesting with subsistence agriculture in order to make a decent living (Mori, 1992; Richards, 1993). If one of the extractive activities declines in importance, they need to compensate the loss by expanding their agricultural activities. Commercial NTFP extraction can hardly be defined as a separate land use type (Ros-Tonen, 1999). One of the key elements in the rural household economy is the provision of nutrition and food security (de Beer and McDermott, 1996), but in most cases, the natural forest is unable to produce the human staple food, while the NTFP harvest is too unpredictable to provide for all needs. The concept of this ‘agro-extractive cycle’, which was introduced with reference to Brazil nut gatherers in Bolivia (Assies, 1997), is very relevant for Guyana as well, although the situation in the two countries seems to be quite different. In Bolivia, the conversion of forest to farming land threatens the sustainability of the agro-extractive cycle, while in Guyana, the pressure on NTFP resources should be relieved by improving subsistence agriculture techniques and guarantee food security (chapter 5). This is in accordance with Richards (1993), who stated that for indigenous groups with a historical tradition of extractivism and swidden farming, their indigenous technical knowledge provides a firm basis for sustainable forest management, incorporating multi-species extractivism and traditional swidden management techniques.

Moreover, we have seen in the chapters 5 and 6 that commercial NTFP extraction has the great advantage that it allows most harvesters to earn a living while spending most of their time within their traditional dwelling-grounds. The NTFP harvest allows for a combination with subsistence activities (hunting, fishing, and slash-and- burn agriculture), while this opportunity is not offered by other means of employment in the North-West District. In communities where most men have found work in distant logging and mining camps, women are performing male activities, such as burning pieces of forest for farms, weaving cassava processing equipment from mokru, and hunting (van Breugel, 1998). The workload for women has increased even more, as children are attending school and cannot assist with the

291 9. Discussion and conclusions farm work. When their men return, their earnings rarely last to feed the family until the next pay cheque (Forte, 1995).


The lack of secure land tenure in tropical forest countries brings into question the broad applicability of non-timber forestry (Pendelton, 1992). As long as the property rights of forest areas are not clearly defined, even the most sustainable forms of resource use are highly subject to disruption (Peters et al., 1989b). Although Amerindian Reserves comprise about 16% of Guyana’s surface, as many as 41 Amerindian communities (home to more than 8000 people) have not been officially recognised (Forte, 1990b; Sizer, 1996). For those indigenous groups that live within a logging or mining concession and have not (yet) been granted official land rights, direct action is required to make sure their forest is still available to them in the future. The situation is most urgent for groups like the Kariako Caribs, who heavily depend on the biodiversity of the surrounding forests, but find their traditional dwelling grounds covered with logging and mining claims.

The Guyanese law states that Amerindians have the right to enter state lands and to extract forest products for their own uses (Pierre and Marco, 1992). But since NTFPs are still an open-access resource, nobody feels responsible for the management of the resource. The overharvesting of palms hearts (chapter 5) and the depletion of fish and wildlife around the larger indigenous villages (chapter 6) has made clear that secure land tenure is not a guarantee for sustainable resource management in Amerindian Reserves. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that the extent of lands designated to Amerindian communities under the Amerindian Act of 1977 was not based on sustainability studies of their subsistence patterns (Toppin-Allahar 1995). Furthermore, many communities have grown to such an extent that agricultural land has become scarce (Jara and Reinders, 1997). The Act neither contains provisions for the protection of wildlife or vulnerable habitats (Iwokrama, 1998), and there is a lack of clear land demarcation due to inaccurate surveying of reserve boundaries (Sizer, 1996; Colchester, 1997). As Forte (1995) argued, there is a threshold of poverty below which the poor become disproportionally destructive, damaging the very resources that could nurture them for years. She further states that without the most basic improvements in social conditions, development more specific to resource use appears to be mostly wishful thinking.

Since indigenous communities have little other options than designing their own management plans (Iwokrama, 1998), increasing harvester’s political power and marketing efficiency by means of cooperative organisations would be a crucial step towards responsible management (Hoffman, 1997). Development programmes should provide basic technical assistance to communities interested in developing forest-based enterprises, including the access to small loans. Training is needed in administration, law, marketing, subsistence farming techniques, community strengthening, contract negotiation, and finance (Sizer, 1996).

292 Non-Timber Forest Products of the North-West District of Guyana Part I

There is an obvious task here for the government, the Guyana Forestry Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, indigenous and non-indigenous NGOs concerned with rural welfare. The Iwokrama programme has already begun to develop land use systems that incorporate biodiversity conservation, in close cooperation with indigenous communities (Iwokrama, 1998). International donors should therefore continue to support institution building in these sectors. Finally, all stakeholders in the NTFP trade (extractors, village councils, traders, and exporters) are challenged to assume their responsibilities and make sure that NTFPs can continue to play their present important role in Guyana’s forested interior.