January 27, 2012 Volume 19, Issue 10 Publication Mail Agreement #40065156 News
[email protected] news.usask.ca TeachingInside kids to sing Community music education program turns 25 Kris Foster Why would a baby take a music class? A lot of research is now Because it’s never too early to learn—a looking into early childhood fact the Community Music Education learning…it is believed Program (CMEP) has been proving for that the basis of intellectual 25 years. “We are like a curiosity is laid during the music conservatory, we’re community- earliest months. ” based and we offer Nicole Wilton Elliott classes for all ages, but we are partic- ularly strong in early childhood classes,” said serves to make the child ready Nicole Wilton Elliott, manager for conscious listening with of CMEP, which is offered by understanding at a later point.” the Centre for Continuing and A lot of research is now Distance Education. “Obviously looking into early childhood an infant cannot understand the learning, explained Wilton music he or she hears, but it is Nicole Wilton Elliott, manager of the university’s Community Music Education Program KRIS FOSTER unconsciously absorbed, and it See Parents, Page 2 Rumours of a rink addressed Colleen MacPherson Rumours abound these days stories. “Rutherford is way past about the imminent replace- its prime. We know that and I’ve With a rink, we’re talking a project in the ment of the university’s aging said publicly several times that it Rutherford Rink. According to a needs to be replaced but we don’t order of $20-30 million for two ice pads, and source close to the project, a new have a definitive funded plan.” rink is still a hope and a dream, What the university does there’s no logical funding source.” but not yet a reality.