NARUTO JUMPCHAIN by NAnon and NINJAnon Alpha .11

Welcome to the world of Naruto! The series takes place in a group of countries known collectively as the Elemental Nations. The political climate is a dead ringer of feudal Japan, but what makes the Elemental Nations special is the existence of Hidden Villages, special settlements controlled by military dictatorships that house . Ninja, or shinobi, are specially trained soldiers that can harness the power of Chakra, a combination of spiritual and physical energy that allows normal people to pull off superhuman feats, including techniques known as Jutsu. Ninja are basically state sponsored mercenaries, and most will take any job that doesn’t oppose their home nation for the right price. Assassination, intelligence gathering, or massacring thousands of innocents to cover something up, so long as the client has the money, rest assured that somewhere, a ninja would accept the job. The tensions are building between the nations once more, and a mysterious group of criminals names Akatsuki are beginning to move. War seems to be inevitable. You have just passed your Genin Exam, while the titular character has just failed his. For the third time. And this is where I leave you.] WIP 3

Ninja C Backgrounds

First you start off at 12 or 13 years old, your choice, and you can pay up 50 CP to choose gender. If you start in a village, you will be registered as a Genin, the strating rank of ninja. If you don’t start in a village, you may try and join one but don’t expect them to trust you.

Drop-In (Free): Pretty self-explanatory. No extra memories, no friends, no family, no experience, no nothing but yourself. You start with an apartment, a week’s worth of food and local clothing. You are considered a member of the village you start in, and have the documents to prove it.

Clan-Born (200 CP): At least one of your parents belonged to a clan, whose bloodline you might have inherited. You start with an apartment or house where you and your family live inside of your clan's compound. You own local clothing as well as clan-specific clothing. You are considered a member of the village you start in, though you should expect trouble if they discover that you belong to a clan from another village. Your family, immediate and extended, will likely help you hone your ninja skills. You may select one bloodline of any cost that you receive a discount for. You may then select a second bloodline, so long as it is 400 CP or less, reflecting interclan marriages. If you do, one of those clansis the clan you were born into. Any other blood lines you purchase are waved away as a throwback to a previous interclan marriage. The only exception is the Hyuga clan. If you purchase the Hyuuga bloodline you are always considered part of that clan, and your starting location is set to Konohagakure.

Civilian Family (100 CP): Born to a wealthy family, your parents encouraged your interest in the ninja arts of your patron village seeing it as a way to increase their influence. Though you won't be inheriting the business, they've still taught what they can of business. Because of this you might know quite as many ninja tricks as some of your graduating class. Depending on who your family is, you may also know hot to cook a mean bowl of ramen. You live in an estate, own local clothing, and can expect your family's servants to take care of meals for you.

Orphan (100 CP): People don't often live to a ripe old age when they're sent on life threatening missions every week. The fact that you grew up without parents is a testament to that fact. You've been set up with an apartment and some local clothing. You are considered a member of the village you rolled.


You can roll 1d8 for your starting location, or choose it for 50 CP.

1. Konohagakure: The Hidden Village of Leaves, based in the Land of Fire, and led by the Hokage. While the hidden villages of the Five Great Ninja Countries are considered to be largely equal on paper, Konohagakure is still considered the most influential due to winning the previous wars, but the fact that the nine tailed demon fox rampaged inside the city has many people casting aspersions on exactly who is the strongest. The use of Fire jutsu is prevalent amongst the of Konohagakure. They pride themselves on the will of Fire, a philosophy emphasizing teamwork and self sacrifice. They are based in a great forest.

2. Iwagakure: The Hidden Village of Stone, based in the Land of Earth, led by the Tsuchikage. Well known for the rock-hard attitude of its ninjas; as soon as an order is given the Iwa-nin follow them, even to death. Has the greatest manpower of the hidden villages of the Five Great Ninja Villages, due to the emergency protocols it was forced to erect after badly losing the Third Ninja War. The use of Earth jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Iwagakure. Their relations with Konoha are heavily strained, largely due to Konoha's Fourth Hokage single highhandedly slaying a thousand of Iwa's ninja in a single battle. They are based in a barren plain of stone.

3. Kumogakure: The Hidden Village of Cloud, based in the Land of Lightning, led by the Raikage. Kumogakure has a poor reputation for relentlessly trying to amass power and techniques among the other Hidden Villages, particularly Konoha after the attempted kidnapping of the heiress of one of their major clans. They never demilitarised after the third Ninja World War, giving them arguably the stronget militray might among the Great Five. The use of Lightning jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Kumogakure, though many of their ninja also use a sword. In this village, Jinchuriki, those who contain and use the power of one of the nine great demons, are seen as powerful ninja of the village instead of mentally unstable super weapons. They are based on a giant mountain.

4. Sunagakure: The Hidden Village of Sand, based in the Land of Wind, led by the Kazekage. Vastly weakened by the Daimyo of the Land of Wind slashing their funding, they are growing desperate. Unable to support a more normal ninja curriculum, they rely on having superior individual ninja, as opposed to a large force. Though they are allies with Konoha, they hold a grudge for their Daimyo assigning so many of his missions to them. The use of Wind jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Sunagakure. Their Jinchuriki is insane, and listens to the commands of his demon. They are the only village to make wide use of the ninja puppeteer arts. They are based in a desert.

5. Kirigakure: The Hidden Village of Mist, based in the Land of Water, led by the Misukage. It earned the nickname of “Village of the Bloody Mist” from having the classes of ninja students to fight amongst themselves to death before allowing the survivors to graduate. Said practice might or might not have had a hand in the large amount of missing-nin which have abandoned the village. Those with Bloodline Abilities are regarded as abominations to be purged, unlike other villages. Also home to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, consisting of the greatest blade wielding ninjas of their generation that Kirigakure produces. The swords of the Seven are passed down from generation to generation through death combat. The are highly isolationist, due in no small part to the civil war the bloodline purges have caused.

6. Land of Iron: It is an icy, snow-covered country that is politically unusual in that it remains neutral to all other nations. Largely employs in stead of ninja, who are generally expected to come out top in anything even resembling a fair fight against a ninja. Their metalworking is highly advanced in comparison to the other nations.

7. Amegakure: The Hidden Village of Rain, based in an unnamed buffer zone, formerly led by Hanzo the Salamander, now led by the deific figure Pein. It's heavily industrialized country that often serves as a battle ground for larger nations. As it's name suggests, it is nearly always raining here, and much of the country is a wetland. Akastsuki, a group of legendarily powerful mssing ninja, is based here and they're beginning to stir. [This is a joke country from a filler arc lead by a fat, blonde Elvis looking dude. As such, it should probably be replaced by a country that is more relevant to the series. Due to the general theme of locations getting more dangerous, this should probably be replaced with a relevant and highly dangerous country or village like Rain or Sound. -Nu]

8. Free Choice. Yes, believe it! It's all up to you now.

Skills & Abilities Free: Basic Ninja Training: You know how to use kunai and , a basic taijutsu style, how walk on any solid surface, regardless of petty gravity, how to walk on water, create a non-physical illusion of yourself and change places with a previously prepared log or another generic item to dodge attacks. You are also significantly faster, stronger and more difficult to hurt, and if you apply yourself, will be able to keep up with and surpass Captain America, and it's all topped off with some serious stealth skills. Like, keep yourself from being spotted while wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and defacing Mount Rushmore levels of stealth.

Nin/Tai/Gen/Bukijutsu Specialization (200 CP, discount Orphan): You are particularly skilled and talented in an area of the ninja arts. You will start out knowing at least one normal technique for the category, and one dangerous forbidden technique from the category. In addition, all techniques from your category will be faster, stronger and more efficient. Can be taken once per ninja category. [finished?]

Taijustsu aka hand to hand. With a lot of training, a taijustu user might be able drive their boot through a foot of steel, and and punch the air so fast and hard the air friction makes a fire balls.

Genjustsu aka illusion magic. A genjustu specialist may be able to cast an illusion with a simple hand gesture, and the target won't know what happened even after they've had their throat slit.

Ninjutsu aka physical magic. A ninjutsu master may be able to wring the necessary materials needed for a technique out of thin air, and then flatten a city block with it. Bukijutsu aka weaponry arts. An adept of bukijutsu might be able to force their weapons to arc in midair and rebound off each other to strike a dozen targets all hid behind cover, and then draw a sword faster than their shadow to finish of their friends.

Puppeteer Training (300 CP, Discount Merchant): You’re trained to use a puppet controlled by thin strings of your chakra in combat. With training you’ll be able to use more complex puppets and perform more complex maneuvers with them, maybe eventually using multiple puppets at same time. Includes training to care and repair your puppet, as well as a battle puppet to use it on. Puppets usually rely on mechanical weaponry, such as poisoned blades and nalpam to dish out the hurt. Particularly sturdy puppets can be used as shields and front line fighters instead though. Your chakra strings can connected to other things than just your puppet, though binding someone in them would be nigh impossible. Instead you could use it to to rob the unwary of their balance, spring traps, or grabbing something from the fridge without getting your lazy ass up from the couch. [Maneuvers is misspelled. Please start by explaining what Chakra Strings are so people unfamiliar to the setting may learn. -Nu]

Sensor Ninja Training (400 CP Discount Drop-In, Uzumaki): You’re capable of detecting the presence of other people through chakra. With enough training, you'll be able to use your sensory ability to tell who specific people are from miles away.

Medical Ninjutsu Training (400 CP, Discount Civilian): You are enrolled on a medic-nin training class and know how to heal small cuts, stop or at least slow bleeding and wrap bandages. Includes training on poisons and antidotes. You’re also quite proficient in controlling your chakra.

Therapy No Jutsu (400 CP, Discount Orphan): You gain the peculiar ability to beat psychological trauma and negative feelings out of your enemies. The worse you hurt them in combat, the more they like you. This doesn't apply to people who aren't fighting you. If you beat your waifu, she's still going to hate your guts. [Combine ^ with v?]

Talk no Jutsu (400 CP, Discount Merchant): Your charisma is massive. You're the life of the party, the heart and soul of your team. You can even convince [Talk no Jutsu just makes you really charismatic.]

Elemental Chakra Afinity (400 CP, One purchase free for all, additional purchases Discount Clan- Born): You’ve discovered what element you’re naturally inclined towards, and have basic training in using it. You can use techniques for afinites you aren't naturally inclined towards, but they'll be significantly weaker.

The five elements are * Fire, which is strong against Wind but weak against Water o Mostly used by molding super heated chakra inside the stomach before releasing it via lungs and mouth, though other mediums can be used, such as ash or gun powder. Fire jutsus are generally mid to long-ranged offensive techniques which cause combustive and explosive damage. o Strong against wind because the air feeds the flames, while water cools and smothers them.

* Wind which is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire o Used by making the chakra as thin and sharp as possible. Mostly consists of short to mid-ranged offensive techniques which rely upon precision for maximum cutting and slashing damage. Some techniques instead rely on a brute force to simple blow things away. o Strong against lightning because of its natural insulation but weak against fire as it feeds the flames.

* Lightning which is strong against Earth but weak against Wind o Allows the generation of lightning by increasing the high frequency vibrations of the user’s chakra, allowing piercing damage and fast movement. Usually also has a paralysing effect. o Strong against earth as it easily travels through and breaks it apart, while weak against wind due to its natural insulation.

* Earth which is strong against Water but weak against Lightning o Used to manipulate the surrounding earth for offensive and defensive purposes, or if required to create it; dirt, mud and rock are all options. o Can be used to change the strength and composition of the earth from hard as metal to as soft as clay, as well as manipulating the density to make it heavier or lighter. Yes, it can be changed to allow the user to travel through ground and rock. o Strong against water because earth naturally contains and absorbs water to the point it becomes muddy and then drying, weak against lightning because it can travel through and break ground apart.

* Water which is strong against Fire but weak against Earth o Allows the user to manipulate pre-existing water or create their own by turning their chakra into water. It is also possible to create water outside the user’s body but this is very difficult. Can be used to change the density of water as well. o Strong against fire because it naturally extinguishes them, weak against earth as earth structures can dissipate the force of water and thus rendering the technique ineffective. Note to self, move those that aren’t actual Bloodline Limits somewhere else

One Handed Seals (600CP Discount Clan-Born)

Genius of Hard Work (600 CP Discount Orphan)

Fuinjutsu Prodigy (600 CP Discount Civilian)

Pseudo-jinchuriki (800CP, Discount Drop-in): Increased chakra pool, vague elements of whatever tailed beast, yada yada gotta take poor control without gaining any CP

Bloodline Limit: You have awakened the ability to use a Bloodline Limit, a special set of skills passed on in clans. Expect major trouble if the village you are in discovers you have an active Bloodline Limit belonging to another village. Unfortunately your body can only handle the Bloodline Limits that you buy here, after entering the world your body will not be able to handle gaining the necessary genetic tampering to receive anymore.

* Yuki Clan (400 CP, Drop-In discount): Originating from Land of Water, the clan it belongs to is either decimated or hiding. Allows the user to create and manipulate ice with their chakra, forming it into various structures. Extremely resistant to fire-based attacks. Using it drops the surrounding temperature enough to cause snow to fall. Skilled users can jump inside of the ice they create. Lava Release

Boil Release

Magnet Release

Storm Release

Dust Release

Wood Release

Uzumaki (400 CP, Drop-in discount): Member of the scattered and decimated Uzumaki clan, you are naturally inclined to fuinjutsu and sensor techniques and have an incredibly strong life force, giving you great endurance and longevity. With training, you might be able to create chakra chains from your body which you can manipulate at will. You may now change your hair color to red at no cost, reflecting your lineage. Your clan was crushed and scattered to the winds in a previous war.

Aburame (400 CP, ): Konohagakure based. You are a living nest of bugs called kikaichu, having a breed of insects living inside your body in symbiosis. You can control the ones inside your body which have can tracking other kikaichu using pheromones, to consuming a target’s chakra, to poisoning others, destroying poisons with in yourself and others, and as well as talk with different kind of bugs and insects. People are going to find you a little creepy, beings you have a bunch of beetles living inside of you.

Akamichi (300 CP, Discount Civilian): Konohagakure based. You have great physical strength and ability to convert calories into chakra. Main combat ability of the Akamichi clan is increasing the size of their body parts to greatly increase their combat strength. With enough training you might be able to increase your strength without it affecting your size. You're family makes three medicinal pills that convert fat into vast reserves of power, at the expense of your health. Taking the third pill is generally considered to be suicide. You're going to be pretty hefty on the downside though.

Hyuga (300 CP or 500 CP, Clan-Born only): Konohagakure based. You possess Byakugan, an eye- based Bloodline Limit which gives you a 359 degree field of vision and the ability to see through solid objects and view the chakra circulatory system and to expel chakra through any tenketsu point in your body. If you focus on your sight you may also see things as if your eyes were telescopes. You can also learn the Gentle Fist combat style, which focuses on attacking an enemy’s tenketsu points to disable their use of chakra or directly damage their internal organs. You may also hit pressure points to disable limbs. For three hundred points you are born a branch member, and a slaves seal that can be used to cause you sever pain, or even outright kill you is inscribed upon your forehead. They also keep all the best techniques away from your filthy plebeian hands. For five hundred points you are a member of the head family, giving you access to the best techniques and a bunch of your family members as slaves. Of course, most of those 'docile' slaves hate you for it.

Hozuki (400 CP, ): Kirigakure based. You can turn your body into a liquid form, but requires you to be hydrated at all times. You can fuse with surrounding water, though it is extremely tiring. Though it quickly drains your water and chakra reserves, you can also temporarily strengthen yourself far beyond your normal physical abilities. You are extremely vulnerable to Lightning jutsu, and when passed out, your body turns into a jelly-like substance.

Inuzuka (300 CP, ): Konohagakure based. Expert trackers with enhanced senses, live and work with their nindogs and are able to use jutsus that affect both the human and nindog at the same time. You may also temporarily fuse with your nindog, createing a giant Cerberus like monster that you jointly control. Yes, that takes a lot of team work. Your nindog will join you on your travels as a companion if you choose to move on.

Kaguya (600 CP, Discount Orphan): Kirigakure based. You possess an abnormal skeletal structure making medical treatment somewhat difficult, and can manipulate it at will. Infusing your calcium with chakra, you can manipulate the growth and properties to your liking. This can render you effectively immune to all damage from kinetic energy by growing an armor of bone immediately beneath your skin.This also comes with some minor regenerating abilities. Selecting this turns your hair white. Bone white. This clan is renowned for it's blood thirst, and was one of the first clans put to the sword in kirigakure.

Nara (400 CP, Discount Civilian): Konohagakure based. You have above-average intelligence at minimum, are skilled in medicine and able to use your shadow to control the movement of those who you trap, perhaps even choke them with enough training and more. [WIP]

Senju (600 CP, Discount Orphan): Konohagakure based. Possessing an almost supernatural life force, stamina and physical energy, and are generally talented ninja. You gain a lesser form of the specialization in each and every ninja discipline. As a bonus, if you start in Konoha your considered the next best thing to royalty.

Uchiha (800 CP): [WIP] [Make it less shitty. No Mangekyo crap, no evolving to Rinnegan. Implanted maybe, with no ability to turn it off? If y, drop to 600 and make it per eye? Grab some rum before working on this particular shit.]

[Some sort of Bootleg Rinnegan: (400 CP, no Discount on Rinnegan, even with Clan-Born, requires both Uchiha and Senju bloodline-limits to be purchased) : [In the high-power addition only.)

Equipment Sword of the Seven Swordsmen (400 CP, 500 CP Samehada, Discount Civilian): You have acquired a perfect copy one of the Seven Swords. Be prepared for people to come after you in hopes of defeating you and claiming the Sword for themselves. Take the Hunted Kirigakue drawback without gaining any CP. Kubikiribocho, Decapitating Carving , the Seversword: A giant sword with a butcher-knife appearance. Has a semi-circle on the blade for decapitation. If broken, can repair itself using the blood of those cut down. Samehada, Shark Skin, the Greatsword: Regarded as the most terrifying of the Seven Blades, has the appearance of a giant knife covered in shark scales. It is sentient and can eat chakra, and transfer what it's eaten back to you. It can even cut through most techniques. It constantly feeds on it's wielders chakra when not in battle, which will help you increase your own reserves in the long run, but will make you tire out more quickly now. It may also move and attack under it's own power.

*Nuibari, Sewing Needle, the Longsword: Has the shape of a needle with a long thin wire that resembles thread attached to it. It can be used to pierce enemies and sew them together in human bundles.

Kabutowari, Helmet Splitter, the Bluntsword: Consists of a single sided axe and a hammer joined together by a chain. Said to be capable of crushing any and all defenses.

Shibuki, Splash, the Blastsword: A sword with an integrated scroll full of explosive tags which can be lined up behind the blade to combine swordsmanship and explosions.

Kiba, Fangs, the Thunderswords: Twin swords imbued with lightning to increase their cutting power. Said to be the sharpest swords ever forged.

Hiramekarei, Flounder Flatfish, the Twinsword: Bandaged double-handled sword capable of storing and emitting wielder’s chakra around the sword in any form they choose. [HELLA OP]

Fuinjutsu kit (100 CP): Basic equipment to start fiddling with the sealing techniques. Has enough provisions to create 50 explosive notes. Their overall quality depends on your skills to make them, though.

Basic Gear (Free): Basic ninja gear, enough , smoke bombs, kunai, caltrops, explosive notes and other assorted gear to last you a while. Also includes three small re-usable storage scrolls.

Specialized Gear (100 CP, discount): Contains a set of more specialized weapons or equipment, like a big fuma shuriken, , chakra suppression seals or the like. [Explaining more or limiting what Specialized Gear you can grab seems like a good idea. -Nu]

Chakra Weapon (300 CP, Discount Clan-Born): A weapon made from a special metal which allows for easier infusion of chakra with various effects like highly increased sharpness with Wind chakra, or somewhat increased cutting power and numbness from the weapon’s high-frequency vibrations with Lightning chakra. The weapon will be in whatever form you specify.

Chakra Weapon Infusion (400 CP): Modify an existing weapon to make infusing it with chakra for effects like with Chakra Weapon easier.

[Scroll of Seals copy (800 CP, drop in discount): A flawed copy of the Scroll of Seals, only contains the Shadow Clone jutsu.] [Also you must state that this takes FUCKTONS of chakra to use.][m-muh uzumaki/senju] [This seems like a weird option. Why not just say “add a scroll with the shadow clone technique”? Don’t do this please. -Nu] Maybe, but prolly not. [Summoning Scroll (600CP): You have signed the summoning scroll of the animal of your choice. [WIP]

Drawbacks [600 CP max? Probably.]

Reviled (100 CP) Your home village, by and large, hates you. Perhaps it's for your family, your personality, or maybe it's just a coincidence of your birth. Expect rising through the ranks and getting the good missions to be all but impossible. It's possible to put an end of this, but you'll have to have a major Rudolph the red nosed reindeer moment. Saving the vast majority of the village, or destroying one of it's greatest enemies is the minimum to quell their ire.

Hunted (100 CP, additional 50 CP per village): Congratulations, a village hates you enough to place a bounty on your head! Decide on one of the starting villages that hate you and are actively hunting down with their spy networks and operatives. From the first one you get 100 CP, the next one an additional 150 CP, the third one another 200, and so on. This can only be purchased for the five major villages. [That could lead to thousands of extra CP if you have enough people hate you. Tone down the gains or establish a hard cap.] [A hard cap of only the five great villages would be nice, yeah. -Nu.]

Annoying Catchphrase/ Verbal tick (100 CP) BELIEVE IT!!!!! You have an anoying verbal tick that you can't help but shouting, almost every time you open your mouth. Expect this to grate on absolutely anybody you spend more than a few moments around.

Sealed Bloodline (150 CP+50CP per bloodline max 300 CP): You are supposed to have a Bloodline Limit. For some reason it will never manifest during the 10 years. After 10 years though, you will be able to activate it. Can’t be taken with Worthless Chakra Coils. Requires at least bloodline limit to take. This applies to all bloodlines taken.

What do you mean it’s an illusion? (150 CP): You fall into genjutsu surprisingly easily and have trouble figuring out if you are in one or not. Getting out of them on your own is very difficult. [Typo.]

Bad Chakra Control (200 CP): You have difficulty manipulating chakra both inside and outside your body. This can be improved somewhat, but you will never be a medic-nin. It will be more taxing to use your jutsu.

Thick (200 CP) Reading books now cause you actual literal pain. You'll quickly forget what you do manage to read.

THE CHOSEN ONE ?(300 CP?) Inability to flip out and murder people like a ninja should. Everyone always needs you to do everything for them. And you'll do it because you're a damn push over. [Maybe I should get rid of this one?]

Malformed Chakra Coils (300 CP) You are unable to use chakra outside of your body. You can only use Bukijutsu and Taijutsu, and even some of those techniques will be beyond you. Cpmes with a free green jumpsuit and a pair of huge eyebrows.

No Chakra Coils (500 CP): You are not able to use chakra or chakra based techniques. Can’t be taken with Sealed Bloodline or Malformed Chakra Coils. Taking this will render you completely unable to use any ninja technique or bloodline-limit. How did you even become a ninja in the first place? Bloodlust-300 : You have a insatiable appetite for combat, and anything resembling order just begs for you to destroy it. Furthermore, you often challenge mysterious strangers to duels, and also have a knack for overestimating yourself.

Angst - 100: You’re constantly angsty, overdramatizing everything you do and for some reason your back story is full of blood, betrayal and hatred. Expect to act like Sasuke the Emo King for the entirety of the 10 years.

Fan-verse +100cp: The canon of Naruto as you know it has been replaced with one from a work of fanfiction. Don’t expect anything you know about the plot to still be accurate. Additionally, it's very poorly written, full of plot whole and god-like OCs, and all the characters of their preferred gender are head over heels and unrealistically in love with them despite anything you do. Every character of their unpreferred gender is a spiteful mindless asshole, also despite anything you do. Every damn character is beyond retarded. You shall endure pain everlasting. -100 CP You can choose a particular fan-verse in stead, and the characters all act like they should according to it.

So, you made it… Now the choice is yours. * Moon's Eye Ending: You decide to pack your bags, take your stuff and abilities and head back home. It’ll be just like when you left it, except for you of course. * Gave up on Giving Up: You decide to stay in the world of Naruto. [WHY?] * Samsara: While the place was nice, you decide to embark on your next great adventure to yet another world. Naruto might try to follow you because of NAKAMA. And stalking your nakama is OK, no matter what Sausuke says.