Welcome to the world of Naruto. It’s a pretty nice place, though now that it’s been recovering from having a what basically amounts to a world war what the locals call “Fourth Great War” or something a few years ago. Some tensions might be on the rise again with what changing leaders and so on.

Anyway, here’s 600 CP to pick some stuff up. Have fun.



First you should probably roll your age with 1d8+10 if you want to, or you can pay up 50 CP to choose your age and gender. If you start in a village, you will be registered as a Genin of that village. If you don’t start in a village, you may try and join one but don’t expect them to trust you.

Drop-In (Free): Pretty self-explanatory. No extra memories, no friends, no family, no experience, no nothing but yourself. You start with an apartment, a week’s worth of food and four sets of local clothing. You are considered a member of the village you start in.

Clan-born (200 CP): At least one of your parents belonged to a clan, which bloodline you might have inherited. You start with an apartment where you and your family live, four sets of local clothing and two sets of clan-specific clothing. You are considered a member of the village you start in, though expect torabura if they discover that you belong to a clan from another village.

Ninja family (100 CP): Born to an ordinary family of

Normal family (50 CP): Born to an ordinary family of civilians


You can roll 1d8 for your starting location, or choose it for 50 CP.

1. Konohagakure: The Hidden Village of Leaves, based in the Land of Fire. While the hidden villages of the Five Great Ninja Countries are considered to be largely equal on paper, Konohagakure is still considered the most influential due to its contributions in the Fourth Great Ninja War, but the fact that they were invaded twice before said war even began shows. The use of Fire jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninjas of Konohagakure. The leader of Konohagakure is the Hokage.

2. Iwagakure: The Hidden Village of Stone, based in the Land of Earth. Well known for rock-hard attitude of its ninjas; as soon as an order is given the Iwa-nin follow them, even to death. Has the greatest manpower of the hidden villages of the Five Great Ninja Countries, due to which it is considered the most powerful of them. The use of Earth jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Iwagakure. The leader of Iwagakure is the Tsuchikage.

3. Kumogakure: The Hidden Village of Cloud, based in the Land of Lightning. Finally on the rise after having most of its village destroyed during the Fourth Great Ninja War, Kumogakure’s reputation of relentlessly trying to amass power and techniques and other Hidden Villages’ fear of them falling back to their old habits is putting a large strain on the village’s relations with the others. The use of Lightning jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Kumogakure. The leader of Kumogakure is the Raikage

4. Sunagakure: The Hidden Village of Sand, based in the Land of Wind. While Iwagakure is considered the most powerful individual village, there is no doubt that in the world still rebuilding from the Fourth Great Ninja War the alliance between Sunagakure and Konohagakure makes them the defining force amongst the hidden villages, at least for now. The use of Wind jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Sunagakure. The leader of Sunagakure is the Kazegake.

5. Kirigakure: The Hidden Village of Mist, based in the Land of Water. It earned the nickname of “Village of the Bloody Mist” from having the classes of ninja students to fight amongst themselves to death before allowing the survivors to graduate. Said practise might or might not have had a hand in the large amount of missing-nin which have abandoned the village. Those with Bloodline Abilities are regarded with large amounts of suspicion, unlike in other villages. Also home to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, consisting of the greatest blade wielding ninjas of their generation that Kirigakure produces. The swords of the Seven are passed down from generation to generation.

6. Land of Iron: It is an icy, snow-covered country that is politically unusual in that it remains neutral even after the Fourth Great Ninja War. Employs instead of ninja for military which remains strong even after their contribution in the recent war.

7. Land of Noodles: A small country specializing in the production of noodles. Not really significant. Located on the eastern corner of the Land of Fire.

8. Land of Spring: Ruled by the benevolent Koyuki Kazahana, the Land of Spring was formerly known as the Land of Snow. The name was changed after the current daimyo took over and the eternal winter melted and turned into a spring. Has unusually advanced technology, such as railroads, airships, snow mobiles, power generators and volley guns that throw .

Skills & Abilities

Basic Ninja Training (50 CP, Free Clan-born): You know how to throw kunai and , a basic taijutsu style, how to climb a tree without hands, create a bunshin and kawarimi.

Sensor Ninja Training (200 CP): You’re capable of detecting the presence of other people through chakra. Your range and differentiation ability are limited, but will increase with training.

Puppeteer Training (200 CP, Discount Sunagakure): You’re trained to use a puppet controlled by chakra strings in combat. With training you’ll be able to use more complex puppets and perform more complex manoeuvres with them, maybe eventually using one or more at same time. Includes training to care and repair your puppet.

Fuinjutsu training (150 CP): Trained in the basics of Fuinjutsu, you know how to create basic seals like Exploding Notes. You also have a very steady hand from all the drawing practice.

Nin/Tai/Genjutsu Specialization (100 CP): You’ve focused more on one specific style than the other two resulting in slight neglect in their areas. On the plus side, you’re better at what you focused on and learn what falls under it faster than normal.

Kenjutsu (100 CP): You’re proficient with many forms of weapon combat, ranging from to sais to bo-staffs to fuma shuriken. If you can carry it, you likely know how to kill people efficiently with it. You’re also better than average at using kunai and normal shuriken.

Healing Chakra Training (200 CP): You are enrolled on healing ninja training class and know how to heal small cuts, stop or at least slow bleeding and wrap bandages. Includes training on poisons and antidotes. You’re also quite proficient in controlling your chakra.

Elemental Chakra Training (200 CP, Discount Clan-born): You’ve discovered what element you’re naturally inclined towards, and have basic training in using it. Can be taken for two additional times for 300 CP and 400 CP, with the discount from Clan-born continuing. The five elements are  Fire, which is strong against Wind but weak against Water  Wind which is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire  Lightning which is strong against Earth but weak against Wind  Earth which is strong against Water but weak against Lightning  Water which is strong against Fire but weak against Earth

Bloodline Limit (Base 600 CP, discounts specified per limit): You have awakened the ability to use a Bloodline Limit, a special set of skills passed on in clans. Expect major torabura if the village you are in discovers you have an active Bloodline Limit belonging to another village. Unfortunately your body can’t handle only one Bloodline Limit that you can buy here, after entering the world your body will not be able to handle gaining even one.  Ice Release (Drop-In discount): Originating from Land of Water, the clan it belongs to is either decimated or hiding. Allows the user to create and manipulate ice with their chakra, forming it into various structures. Extremely resistant to fire-based attacks. Using it drops the surrounding temperature enough to cause snow to fall.  Uzumaki (Drop-In discount): Member of the scattered and decimated Uzumaki clan, you are naturally inclined to fuinjutsu and have an incredibly strong life force, giving you great endurance and longevity along with recuperative powers. With training, you might be able to create chakra chains from your body which you can manipulate at will.  Aburame (Clan-born discount): Konohagakure based. You are a living nest of bugs, having a breed of insects living inside your body in symbiosis. You can control the ones inside your body which have various effects ranging from tracking to consuming target’s chakra to transfer it to you and more, as well as talk with different kind of bugs and insects.  Akamichi (Clan-born discount): Konohagakure based. You have great physical strength and ability to convert calories into chakra. Main combat ability of the Akamichi clan is increasing the size of their body parts to greatly increase their combat strength. With enough training you might be able to increase your strength without it affecting your size.  Hyuga (Clan-born discount): Konohagakure based. You possess Byakugan, an eye-based Bloodline Limit which gives you a 359 degree field of vision and the ability to see through solid objects and chakra circulatory system and to expel chakra through any tenketsu point in your body. You can also learn the Gentle Fist combat style, which focuses on attacking an enemy’s tenketsu points to disable their use of chakra or directly to their internal organs.  Hozuki (Clan-born discount): Kirigakure based. You can turn your body into a liquid form, but requires you to be hydrated at all times. You are extremely vulnerable to Lightning jutsus, and when passed out, your body turns into a jelly-like substance.  Inuzuka (Clan-born discount): Konohagakure based. Expert trackers with enhanced senses, live and work with their nindogs and are able to use jutsus that affect both the human and nindog at the same time. Your nindog will join you on your travels as a companion if you choose to move on.  Kaguya (Drop-In discount): Kirigakure based. You possess an abnormal skeletal structure making medical treatment somewhat difficult, and can manipulate it at will. Infusing your calcium with chakra, you can manipulate the growth and properties to your liking.  Nara (Clan-born discount): Konohagakure based. You have above-average intelligence at minimum, are skilled in medicine and able to use your shadow to control the movement of those who you trap, perhaps even choke them with enough training and more.  Senju (Drop-In discount): Konohagakure based. Possessing an almost supernatural life force, stamina and physical energy, you are able to create and control trees and flowers, and create wood from any surface, including your own body.  Uchiha: Though being an essential part at ending the Fourth Great Ninja War, the last surviving member of Uchiha clan was exiled from the known world for his actions which in their eyes had great part in leading the world for the Fourth Great Ninja War in the first place. You have the potential to awaken the Sharingan. It usually activates when you a stressful or emotional condition brought out from losing a person you love or have a strong friendship with. After its initial activation, it can be used freely. As it develops, you gain heightened abilities through heightened ocular sense. For example, in the first stage with just first tomoe, you cat at the very least copy hand movements, predict person’s movement and copy techniques at second stage with two tomoes. With the third stage at three tomoes, you are able to use all the abilities of the Sharingan, like seeing a person’s chakra flow and trapping them into genjutsu through eye contact. The Sharingan is greatly hated everywhere due to its part in the Fourth Great Ninja War and one should be careful on letting those who witness it live.


Sword of the Seven Swordsmen (300 CP, Discount Kirikagure/Drop-In combination): You have acquired one of the Seven Swords, either through skill and killing its previous owner, stealing it or some other way. Be prepared for people to come after you in hopes of defeating you and joining the Seven Swordsmen themselves.  Kubikiribocho, Decapitating Carving , the Seversword: A giant sword with a butcher-knife appearance. Has a semi-circle on the blade for decapitation. If broken, can repair itself using the blood of those cut down.  Samehada, Shark Skin, the Greatsword: Regarded as the most terrifying of the Seven Blades, has the appearance of a giant knife covered in shark scales. It is sentient and can eat chakra.  Nuibari, Sewing Needle, the Longsword: Has the shape of a needle with a long thin wire that resembles thread attached to it. It can be used to pierce enemies and sew them together in human bundles.  Kabutowari, Helmet Splitter, the Bluntsword: Consists of a single sided axe and a hammer joined together by a chain. Said to be capable of crushing any and all defences.  Shibuki, Splash, the Blastsword: A sword with an integrated scroll full of explosive tags which can be lined up behind the blade to combine swordsmanship and explosions.  Kiba, Fangs, the Thunderswords: Twin swords imbued with lightning to increase their cutting power. Said to be the sharpest swords ever forged.  Hiramekarei, Flounder Flatfish, the Twinsword: Bandaged double- handled sword capable of storing and emitting wielder’s chakra around the sword in any form they choose.

Fuinjutsu kit (50 CP): Basic equipment to start fiddling with the sealing techniques. Has enough provisions to create 50 explosive notes. Their overall quality depends on your skills to make them, though.

Basic Gear (50 CP, Free Clan-born): Basic ninja gear, enough , smoke bombs, kunai, caltrops, explosive notes and other assorted gear to last you for five missions. Also includes three small re-usable storage scrolls.

Specialized Gear (50 CP): Contains a set of more specialized weapons or equipment, like a big fuma shuriken, , chakra suppression seals or the like.

Chakra Weapon (100 CP): A weapon made from a special metal which allows for easier infusion of chakra with various effects like highly increased sharpness with Wind chakra, or somewhat increased cutting power and numbness from the weapon’s high-frequency vibrations with Lightning chakra. The weapon will be in whatever form you specify.

Chakra Weapon Infusion (150 CP): Modify an existing weapon to make infusing it with chakra for effects like with Chakra Weapon easier.


Hated (100 CP, additional 50 CP per village): Congratulations, a village hates you. Decide on one of the starting villages that hate you and are actively hunting down by their spy networks and operatives. From the first one you get 100 CP, the next one an additional 150 CP, the third one another 200, and so on.

Sealed Bloodline (100 CP): You may belong to a clan and supposed to have a Bloodline Limit. For some reason it will never manifest during the 10 years. After 10 years though, you will be able to activate it. Can’t be taken with Worthless Chakra Coils.

What do you mean it’s an illusion? (150 CP): You’re fall to enemy genjutsu surprisingly easily and have trouble figuring out if you are in one or not.

Worthless Chakra Coils (200 CP): You are not able to use chakra or chakra based techniques. Can’t be taken with Sealed Bloodline.

So, you made it…

You expected Dio? Too bad, it’s just me, the information what happens after you survived your ten years in the world of Naruto.

 Go home you asshole, you’re tired of this shit: You decide to pack your bags, take your stuff and abilities and head back home. It’ll be just like when you left it, except for you of course.  I like this place, it’s grown on me: You decide to stay in the world of Naruto.  The ride never ends: While the place was nice, you decide to embark on your next great adventure to yet another world.