Curtiss Wright Fifing Service - .Ueeomuer Mdtn 27 Rest 57Th Street, New York City
From: Clara Trenckman, roman's Department FOR HJiLMSE: Curtiss Wright Fifing Service - .ueeomuer mdtn 27 Rest 57th Street, New York City. or thereafter, \ RQ¥i.dN AKD AVIATION Number 16 December 29, 1929 97 Well over two-thirds of the 126 licensed romen pilots in the country are represented on the list of 07 charter members whose number makes the name of the national organization of licensed women pilots which met on December 14th in Mew York City. It be came necessary for the name 86, announced at the adjournment of the meeting to take a deep breath and do some substantial expanding. A telegram from the coast, it seems, had been put into the mail be cause that particular telegraph company had no branch at the town to which it was sent. Several letters bearing a much earlier postmark, it was found, had also been held up in the pre-Christmas mails. Twenty-four pilots were present at the meeting, and one more arrived just after it had been adjourned and charter memberships were closed. She became the club's first new member. Any licensed women pilots who are not yet members, as well as all fledglings as they qualify for their pilots' licenses, are invitee- to join the organization by sending their applications to Mrs. Neva Paris, . ur es. t N eck, L . 1., N . Y . Ballots will be sent through the mails to the charter members ior the election of regular offices, nominees being: for president, Opal Logan Kunz, Blanche Noyes, Louise Thaden; for vice president, Amelia Earhart, Frances Karrell, Betty Ifuyler; for secretary-treas urer, Fay Gillis, Neva Paris, Wilma Walsh.
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