Federal Communications Commission Pt. 74

RULES APPLY TO ALL SERVICES, AM, FM, AND RULES APPLY TO ALL SERVICES, AM, FM, AND TV, UNLESS INDICATED AS PERTAINING TO A TV, UNLESS INDICATED AS PERTAINING TO A SPECIFIC SERVICE—Continued SPECIFIC SERVICE—Continued [Policies of FCC are indicated (*)] [Policies of FCC are indicated (*)] Telephone conversations, Broadcast of 73.1206 TV/FM dual-language in 73.1210 Telephone conversation broadcasts 73.4625 (*) Puerto Rico. (network and like sources). Type approval of modulation monitors, 73.692 Television channels, Numerical des- 73.603 General requirements (TV). ignation of. Temporary authorizations, Special 73.1635 U (STA’s). Unauthorized operation ...... 73.1745 Tender offers and proxy statements .... 73.4266(*) U.S./Mexican Agreement ...... 73.3570 Territorial exclusivily in non-network 73.658 USA-Mexico FM Broadcast Agree- 73.504 program arrangements; Affiliation ment, Channel assignments under agreements and network program (NCE-FM). practices (TV). Unlimited time ...... 73.1710 Territorial exclusivity, (Network)— Unreserved channels, Noncommercial 73.513 AM ...... 73.132 educational broadcast stations oper- FM ...... 73.232 ating on (NCE-FM). TV ...... 73.658 Use of channels, Restrictions on (FM) 73.220 Test authorization, Special field ...... 73.1515 Use of common site— Test stations, Portable ...... 73.1530 FM ...... 73.239 Testing antenna during daytime (AM) 73.157 TV ...... 73.635 Tests and maintenance, Operation for 73.1520 Use of multiplex subcarriers— Tests of equipment ...... 73.1610 FM ...... 73.293 Tests, Program ...... 73.1620 TV ...... 73.665 Time brokerage ...... 73.4627 (*) Use of multiplex transmissions (AM) ... 73.127 Time of operation ...... 73.1705 Time, Limited ...... 73.1725 V Time, Reference to ...... 73.1209 Vertical blanking interval, Tele- 73.646 Time, Share ...... 73.1715 communication service on. Time Sharing, Operating schedule 73.561 Vertical plane radiation characteristics 73.160 (NCE-FM). Visual and aural TV , Op- 73.653 Time, Unlimited ...... 73.1710 eration of. Tolerances, Carrier frequency depar- 73.1545 Visual modulation monitoring equip- 73.691 ture. ment. Tolerances, Directional antenna sys- 73.62 W tem (AM). Tolerances, Operating power and 73.1560 Want ads ...... 73.1212 mode. Z Tone clusters: Audio attention-getting 73.4275 (*) devices. Zone, Quiet ...... 73.1030 Topographic data (FM) ...... 73.3120 Zones— Tower lighting and painting ...... 73.1213 FM ...... 73.205 Transferring a station ...... 73.1150 NCE-FM ...... 73.505 Transmission standards, Changes in .. 73.1695 TV ...... 73.609 Transmission standards (TV) ...... 73.682 Transmission system, Automatic (ATS) 73.1500 [50 FR 38530, Sept. 23, 1985; 50 FR 40395, Oct. Transmission system emission limita- 73.44 3, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 34621, 34622, tions, (AM). Sept. 30, 1986; 52 FR 37316, Oct. 6, 1987; 52 FR Transmission system inspections ...... 73.1580 47569, Dec. 15, 1987; 53 FR 2499, Jan. 28, 1988; Transmission system installation and 73.49 safety requirements, AM. 58 FR 51250, Oct. 1, 1993; 59 FR 67103, Dec. 28, Transmission system performance re- 73.40 1994; 63 FR 33878, June 22, 1998] quirements (AM). Transmission system requirements— FM ...... 73.317 PART 74—EXPERIMENTAL RADIO, TV ...... 73.687 AUXILIARY, SPECIAL BROADCAST Transmission systems, Modification of 73.1690 Transmission systems, subscription TV 73.644 AND OTHER PROGRAM DISTRIBU- Transmissions, Permissible (FM) ...... 73.277 TIONAL SERVICES duty operators ...... 73.1860 Transmitter, Location— FM ...... 73.315 Subpart—General; Rules Applicable to All TV ...... 73.685 Services in Part 74 Transmitter location and antenna sys- 73.685 tem (TV). Sec. Transmitters, Auxiliary ...... 73.1670 74.1 Scope. Transmitters, broadcast, Acceptability 73.1660 74.2 General definitions. of. 74.3 FCC inspections of stations. Transmitters, Main ...... 73.1665 74.5 Cross reference to rules in other parts. Transmitters, TV, aural and visual, Op- 73.653 74.6 Licensing of broadcast auxiliary and eration of. TV Channel 6 protection (NCE-FM) .... 73.525 low power auxiliary stations. TV colorburst during black/white pro- 73.4272 (*) 74.12 Notification of filing of applications. gramming. 74.13 Equipment tests. 425

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74.14 Service or program tests. 74.452 Equipment changes. 74.15 Station license period. 74.461 Transmitter power. 74.16 Temporary extension of station li- 74.462 Authorized bandwidth and emissions. censes. 74.463 Modulation requirements. 74.18 Transmitter control and operation. 74.464 Frequency tolerance. 74.19 Special technical records. 74.465 Frequency monitors and measure- 74.21 Broadcasting emergency information. ments. 74.22 Use of common antenna structure. 74.482 Station identification. 74.23 Interference jeopardizing safety of life or protection of property. Subpart E—Aural Broadcast Auxiliary 74.24 Short-term operation. 74.25 Temporary conditional operating au- Stations thority. 74.501 Classes of aural broadcast auxiliary 74.28 Additional orders. stations. 74.30 Antenna structure, marking and light- 74.502 Frequency assignment. ing. 74.503 Frequency selection. 74.32 Operation in the 17.7–17.8 GHz and 17.8– 74.531 Permissible service. 19.7 GHz bands. 74.34 Period of construction; certification of 74.532 Licensing requirements. completion of construction. 74.533 Remote control and unattended oper- ation. Subpart A—Experimental Broadcast 74.534 Power limitations. Stations 74.535 Emission and bandwidth. 74.536 Directional antenna required. 74.101 Experimental broadcast station. 74.537 Temporary authorizations. 74.102 Uses of experimental broadcast sta- 74.550 Equipment authorization. tions. 74.551 Equipment changes. 74.103 Frequency assignment. 74.561 Frequency tolerance. 74.112 Supplementary statement with appli- 74.562 Frequency monitors and measure- cation for construction permit. ments. 74.113 Supplementary reports with applica- 74.564 Posting of station license. tion for renewal of license. 74.582 Station identification. 74.131 Licensing requirements, necessary showing. Subpart F—Television Broadcast Auxiliary 74.132 Power limitations. Stations 74.133 Emission authorized. 74.151 Equipment changes. 74.600 Eligibility for license. 74.601 Classes of TV broadcast auxiliary sta- TECHNICAL OPERATION AND OPERATORS tions. 74.161 Frequency tolerances. 74.602 Frequency assignment. 74.162 Frequency monitors and measure- 74.603 Sound channels. ments. 74.604 Interference avoidance. 74.163 Time of operation. 74.631 Permissible service. 74.165 Posting of station license. 74.632 Licensing requirements. 74.181 Station records. 74.633 Temporary authorizations. 74.182 Program service and charges. 74.634 Remote control operation. 74.183 Station identification. 74.635 Unattended operation. 74.184 Rebroadcasts. 74.636 Power limitations. 74.637 Emissions and emission limitations. Subparts B–C [Reserved] 74.638 Frequency coordination. Subpart D—Remote Pickup Broadcast 74.641 Antenna systems. 74.643 Interference to geostationary-sat- Stations ellites. 74.401 Definitions. 74.644 Minimum path lengths for fixed 74.402 Frequency assignment. links. 74.403 Frequency selection to avoid inter- 74.651 Equipment changes. ference. 74.655 Authorization of equipment. 74.431 Special rules applicable to remote 74.661 Frequency tolerance. pickup stations. 74.662 Frequency monitors and measure- 74.432 Licensing requirements and proce- ments. dures. 74.663 Modulation limits. 74.433 Temporary authorizations. 74.664 Posting of station license. 74.434 Remote control operation. 74.682 Station identification. 74.436 Special requirements for automatic 74.690 Transition of the 1990–2025 MHz band relay stations. from the Broadcast Auxiliary Service to 74.451 Certification of equipment. emerging technologies.


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Subpart G—Low Power TV, TV Translator, 74.803 Frequency selection to avoid inter- and TV Booster Stations ference. 74.831 Scope of service and permissible 74.701 Definitions. transmissions. 74.702 Channel assignments. 74.832 Licensing requirements and proce- 74.703 Interference. dures. 74.705 TV broadcast analog station protec- 74.833 Temporary authorizations. tion. 74.851 Certification of equipment. 74.706 Digital TV (DTV) station protection. 74.852 Equipment changes. 74.707 Low power TV and TV translator sta- 74.861 Technical requirements. tion protection. 74.870 Wireless assist devices. 74.708 Class A TV and digital Class A TV 74.882 Station identification. station protection. 74.709 Land mobile station protection. Subparts I–K [Reserved] 74.710 Digital low power TV and TV trans- lator station protection. Subpart L—FM Broadcast Translator 74.731 Purpose and permissible service. Stations and FM Broadcast Booster Stations 74.732 Eligibility and licensing require- ments. 74.1201 Definitions. 74.733 UHF translator signal boosters. 74.1202 Frequency assignment. 74.734 Attended and unattended operation. 74.1203 Interference. 74.735 Power limitations. 74.1204 Protection of FM broadcast, FM 74.736 Emissions and bandwidth. Translator and LP100 stations. 74.737 Antenna location. 74.1205 Protection of channel 6 TV broad- 74.750 Transmission system facilities. cast stations. 74.751 Modification of transmission sys- 74.1231 Purpose and permissible service. tems. 74.1232 Eligibility and licensing require- 74.761 Frequency tolerance. ments. 74.762 Frequency measurements. 74.1233 Processing FM translator and boost- 74.763 Time of operation. er station applications. 74.765 Posting of station and operator li- 74.1234 Unattended operation. censes. 74.1235 Power limitations and antenna sys- 74.769 Copies of rules. tems. 74.780 Broadcast regulations applicable to 74.1236 Emission and bandwidth. translators, low power, and booster sta- 74.1237 Antenna location. tions. 74.1250 Transmitters and associated equip- 74.781 Station records. ment. 74.783 Station identification. 74.1251 Technical and equipment modifica- 74.784 Rebroadcasts. tions. 74.785 Low power TV digital data service 74.1261 Frequency tolerance. pilot project. 74.1262 Frequency monitors and measure- 74.786 Digital channel assignments. ments. 74.787 Digital licensing. 74.1263 Time of operation. 74.788 Digital construction period. 74.1265 Posting of station license. 74.789 Broadcast regulations applicable to 74.1269 Copies of rules. digital low power television and tele- 74.1281 Station records. vision translator stations. 74.1283 Station identification. 74.790 Permissible service of digital TV 74.1284 Rebroadcasts. translator and LPTV stations. 74.1290 FM translator and booster station 74.791 Digital call signs. information available on the Internet. 74.792 Digital low power TV and TV trans- ALPHABETICAL INDEX—PART 74 lator station protected contour. 74.793 Digital low power TV and TV trans- AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 307, 336(f), lator station protection of broadcast sta- 336(h) and 554. tions. EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to 74.794 Digital emissions. part 74 appear at 64 FR 4055, Jan. 27, 1999. 74.795 Digital low power TV and TV trans- lator transmission system facilities. 74.796 Modification of digital transmission Subpart—General; Rules Applica- systems and analog transmission sys- ble to All Services in Part 74 tems for digital operation. 74.797 Biennial Ownership Reports. § 74.1 Scope. (a) The rules in this subpart are ap- Subpart H—Low Power Auxiliary Stations plicable to the Experimental, Auxiliary 74.801 Definitions. and Special Broadcast, and Other Pro- 74.802 Frequency assignment. gram Distributional Services.


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(b) Rules in part 74 which apply ex- § 74.5 Cross reference to rules in other clusively to a particular service are parts. contained in that service subpart, as Certain rules applicable to Experi- follows: Experimental Broadcast Sta- mental, Auxiliary, Special Broadcast tions, Subpart A; Remote Pickup and other Program Distribution serv- Broadcast Stations, Subpart D; Aural ices, some of which are also applicable Broadcast STL and Intercity Relay to other services, are set forth in the Stations, Subpart E; TV Auxiliary following Parts of the FCC Rules and Broadcast Stations, Subpart F; Low- Regulations: power TV, TV Translator and TV (a) Part 1, ‘‘Practice and procedure’’. Booster Stations, Subpart G; Low- (1) Subpart A, ‘‘General Rules of power Auxiliary Stations, Subpart H; Practice and Procedure’’. (§§ 1.1 to FM Broadcast Translator Stations and 1.120). FM Broadcast Booster Stations, sub- (2) Subpart B, ‘‘Hearing Pro- part L. ceedings’’. (§§ 1.120 to 1.364). (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; (3) Subpart C, ‘‘Rulemaking Pro- 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) ceedings’’. (§§ 1.399 to 1.430). [47 FR 53022, Nov. 24, 1982, and 49 FR 32583, (4) Subpart F, ‘‘Wireless Tele- Aug. 15, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 31402, Aug. communications Services Applications 20, 1987; 69 FR 72045, Dec. 10, 2004] and Proceedings’’. (§§ 1.901 to 1.981). (5) Subpart G, ‘‘Schedule of Statu- § 74.2 General definitions. tory Charges and Procedures for Pay- Broadcast network-entity. A broadcast ment’’. (§§ 1.1101 to 1.1120). network-entity is an organization (6) Subpart H, ‘‘Ex Parte Presen- which produces programs available for tations’’. (§§ 1.1200 to 1.1216). simultaneous transmission by 10 or (7) Subpart I, ‘‘Procedures Imple- more affiliated broadcast stations and menting the National Environmental having distribution facilities or cir- Policy Act of 1969’’. (§§ 1.1301 to 1.1319). cuits available to such affiliated sta- (8) Part 1, Subpart W of this chapter, tions at least 12 hours each day. ‘‘FCC Registration Number’’. (§§ 1.8001– Cable network-entity. A cable net- 1.8005.) work-entity is an organization which (b) Part 2, ‘‘Frequency Allocations produces programs available for simul- and Radio Treaty Matters, General taneous transmission by cable systems Rules and Regulations’’, including sub- serving a combined total of at least parts A, ‘‘Terminology’’; B, ‘‘Alloca- 5,000,000 subscribers and having dis- tion, Assignments and Use of Radio tribution facilities or circuits available Frequencies’’; C, ‘‘Emissions’’; D, ‘‘Call to such affiliated stations or cable sys- Signs and Other Forms of Identifying tems. Radio Transmissions’’; and J, ‘‘Equip- ment Authorization Proceedings’’. [51 FR 4601, Feb. 6, 1986] (c) [Reserved] (d) Part 17, ‘‘Construction, Marking § 74.3 FCC inspections of stations. and Lighting of Antenna Structures’’. (a) The licensee of a station author- (e) Part 73, ‘‘Radio Broadcast Serv- ized under this part must make the ices’’. station available for inspection by rep- (f) Part 101, ‘‘Fixed Microwave Serv- resentatives of the FCC during the sta- ices’’. tion’s business hours, or at any time it is in operation. [53 FR 2499, Jan. 28, 1988, as amended at 60 (b) In the course of an inspection or FR 55482, Nov. 1, 1995; 66 FR 47896, Sept. 14, 2001; 68 FR 12761, Mar. 17, 2003] investigation, an FCC representative may require special equipment tests or § 74.6 Licensing of broadcast auxiliary program tests. and low power auxiliary stations. (c) The logs and records required by Applicants for and licensees of re- this part for the particular class or mote pickup broadcast stations, aural type of station must be made available broadcast auxiliary stations, television upon request to representatives of the broadcast auxiliary stations, and low FCC. power auxiliary stations authorized [47 FR 53022, Nov. 24, 1982] under subparts D, E, F, and H of this


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part are subject to the application and showing the station to be in satisfac- procedural rules for wireless tele- tory operating condition, the permittee communications services contained in or any class of station listed in this part 1, subpart F of this chapter. Appli- part may, without further authority of cants for these stations may file either the Commission, conduct service or manually or electronically as specified program tests. in §§ 1.913(b) and (d) of this chapter. (b) Program test authority for sta- tions authorized under this part will [68 FR 12761, Mar. 17, 2003] continue valid during Commission con- § 74.12 Notification of filing of applica- sideration of the application for license tions. and during this period further exten- sion of the construction permit is not The provisions of § 73.1030 ‘‘Notifica- required. Program test authority shall tion concerning interference to Radio be automatically terminated with final Astronomy, Research, and Receiving action on the application for station li- Installations’’ apply to all stations au- cense. thorized under this part of the FCC (c) The authorization for tests em- Rules except the following: bodied in this section shall not be con- (a) Mobile remote pickup stations strued as approval by the Commission (subpart D). of the application for station license. (b) TV pickup stations (subpart F). (c) Low power auxiliary stations [38 FR 18378, July 10, 1973] (subpart H). § 74.15 Station license period. [44 FR 58735, Oct. 11, 1979, as amended at 44 FR 77167, Dec. 31, 1979; 47 FR 28388, June 30, (a) Licenses for experimental broad- 1982] cast stations will be issued for a one year period. § 74.13 Equipment tests. (b) Licenses for stations or systems (a) During the process of construc- in the Auxiliary Broadcast Service held tion of any class of radio station listed by a licensee of a broadcast station will in this part, the permittee, without be issued for a period running concur- further authority of the Commission, rently with the license of the associ- may conduct equipment tests for the ated broadcast station with which it is purpose of such adjustments and meas- licensed. Licenses held by eligible net- urements as may be necessary to as- works for the purpose of providing pro- sure compliance with the terms of the gram service to affiliated stations under subpart D of this part, and by el- construction permit, the technical pro- igible networks, cable television opera- visions of the application therefor, the tors, motion picture producers and tel- technical requirements of this chapter, evision program producers under sub- and the applicable engineering stand- part H of this part will be issued for a ards. period running concurrently with the (b) Equipment tests may be contin- normal licensing period for broadcast ued so long as the construction permit stations located in the same area of op- shall remain valid. eration. (c) The authorization for tests em- (c) The license of an FM broadcast bodied in this section shall not be con- booster station or a TV broadcast strued as constituting a license to op- booster station will be issued for a pe- erate. riod running concurrently with the li- [38 FR 18378, July 10, 1973] cense of the FM radio broadcast sta- tion or TV broadcast station (primary § 74.14 Service or program tests. station) with which it is used. (a) Upon completion of construction (d) Initial licenses for low power TV, of a radio station in accordance with TV translator, and FM translator sta- the terms of the construction permit, tions will ordinarily be issued for a pe- the technical provisions of the applica- riod running until the date specified in tion therefor, technical requirements § 73.1020 of this chapter for full service of this chapter, and applicable engi- stations operating in their State or neering standards, and when an appli- Territory, or if issued after such date, cation for station license has been filed to the next renewal date determined in


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accordance with § 73.1020 of this chap- (9) Wyoming: ter. Lower power TV and TV translator (i) FM translators, June 1, 1998 station and FM translator station li- (ii) LPTV and TV translators, June 1, censes will ordinarily be renewed for 8 1999 years. However, if the FCC finds that (10) Montana: the public interest, convenience or ne- (i) FM translators, August 1, 1998 cessity will be served, it may issue ei- (ii) LPTV and TV translators, August ther an initial license or a renewal 1, 1999 thereof for a lesser term. The FCC may (11) Idaho: also issue a license renewal for a short- (i) FM translators, October 1, 1995 er term if requested by the applicant. (ii) LPTV and TV translators, Octo- The time of expiration of all licenses ber 1, 1996 will be 3 a.m. local time, on the fol- (12) Washington: lowing dates, and thereafter to the (i) FM translators, December 1, 1995 schedule for full service stations in (ii) LPTV and TV translators, De- their states as reflected in § 73.1020 of cember 1, 1996 this chapter: (13) Oregon: (1) Nevada: (i) FM translators, February 1, 1996 (i) FM translators, February 1, 1997. (ii) LPTV and TV translators, Feb- (ii) LPTV and TV translator, Feb- ruary 1, 1997 ruary 1, 1998. (14) Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, (2) California: Mariana Islands and Hawaii: (i) FM translators, April 1, 1997. (i) FM translators, April 1, 1996 (ii) LPTV and TV translators, April (ii) LPTV and TV translators, April 1, 1998 1, 1997 (3) Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, (15) Colorado: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhodes Is- (i) FM translators, June 1, 1996 land, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- (ii) LPTV and TV translators, June 1, vania, Maryland, Delaware, West Vir- 1997 ginia, Ohio and the District of (16) New Mexico: Colbumia: (i) FM translators, August 1, 1996 (i) FM translators, June 1, 1997 (ii) LPTV and TV translators, August (ii) LPTV and TV translators, June 1, 1, 1997 1998 (17) Utah: (4) Virginia, North Carolina, South (i) FM translators, October 1, 1996 Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, (ii) LPTV and TV translators, Octo- Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mis- ber 1, 1997 souri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, (18) Arizona: Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pureto (i) FM translators, December 1, 1996 Rico and the Virgin Islands: (ii) LPTV and TV translators, De- (i) FM translators, August 1, 1997 cember 1, 1997 (ii) LPTV and TV translators, August (e) Licenses held by broadcast net- 1, 1998 work-entities under Subpart F will or- (5) Oklahoma and Texas: dinarily be issued for a period of 8 (i) FM translators, October 1, 1997 years running concurrently with the (ii) LPTV and TV translators, Octo- normal licensing period for broadcast ber 1, 1998 stations located in the same area of op- (6) Kansas and Nebraska: eration. An application for renewal of (i) FM translators, December 1, 1997 license shall be filed in accordance (ii) LPTV and TV translators, De- with the provisions of § 1.949. cember 1, 1998 (f) The license of an experimental (7) Iowa and South Dakota: broadcast station, FM translator or (i) FM translators, February 1, 1998 FM broadcast booster, TV translator or (ii) LPTV and TV translators, Feb- TV broadcast booster, or low power TV ruary 1, 1999 station will expire as a matter of law (8) Minnesota and North Dakota: upon failure to transmit broadcast sig- (i) FM translators, April 1, 1998 nals for any consecutive 12-month pe- (ii) LPTV and TV translators, April riod notwithstanding any provision, 1, 1999 term, or condition of the license to the


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contrary. Further, if the license of any ties and for operation of other trans- AM, FM, or TV broadcasting station li- mitting stations if such other duties censed under part 73 of this chapter ex- will not interfere with the proper oper- pires for failure to transmit signals for ation of the station transmission sys- any consecutive 12-month period, the tems. licensee’s authorizations under part 74, subparts D, E, F, and H in connection [60 FR 55482, Nov. 1, 1995] with the operation of that AM, FM, or TV broadcasting station will also ex- § 74.19 Special technical records. pire notwithstanding any provision, The FCC may require a broadcast term, or condition to the contrary. auxiliary station licensee to keep oper- ating and maintenance records nec- (Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1068, 1082 (47 U.S.C. 154, 155, 303)) essary to resolve conditions of actual or potential interference, rule viola- [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 tions, or deficient technical operation. FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984; 50 FR 26758, June 28, 1985; 52 FR 7142, Mar. 9, 1987; 52 FR 25604, [48 FR 38482, Aug. 24, 1983] July 8, 1987; 52 FR 31402, Aug. 20, 1987; 59 FR 63052, Dec. 7, 1994; 61 FR 28767, June 6, 1996; 62 § 74.21 Broadcasting emergency infor- FR 5347, Feb. 5, 1997; 68 FR 12761, Mar. 17, mation. 2003; 69 FR 72045, Dec. 10, 2004] (a) In an emergency where normal § 74.16 Temporary extension of station communication facilities have been licenses. disrupted or destroyed by storms, Where there is pending before the floods or other disasters, the stations Commission any application, investiga- licensed under this part may be oper- tion, or proceeding which, after hear- ated for the purpose of transmitting es- ing, might lead to or make necessary sential communications intended to al- the modification of, revocation of, or leviate distress, dispatch aid, assist in the refusal to renew an existing auxil- rescue operations, maintain order, or iary or experimental broadcast station otherwise promote the safety of life license or a television broadcast trans- and property. In the course of such op- lator station license, the Commission eration, a station of any class may in its discretion, may grant a temorary communicate with stations of other extension of such license: Provided, classes and in other services. However, however, That no such temporary ex- such operation shall be conducted only tension shall be construed as a finding on the frequency or frequencies for by the Commission that the operation which the station is licensed and the of any radio station thereunder will used power shall not exceed the max- serve public interest, convenience, and imum authorized in the station license. necessity beyond the express terms of When such operation involves the use such temporary extension of license: of frequencies shared with other sta- And provided further, That such tem- tions, licensees are expected to cooper- porary extension of license will in no ate fully to avoid unnecessary or dis- wise affect or limit the action of the ruptive interference. Commission with respect to any pend- (b) Whenever such operation involves ing application or proceeding. communications of a nature other than [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 37 those for which the station is licensed FR 25843, Dec. 5, 1972] to perform, the licensee shall, at the earliest practicable time, notify the § 74.18 Transmitter control and oper- FCC in Washington, DC of the nature ation. of the emergency and the use to which Except where unattended operation the station is being put and shall sub- is specifically permitted, the licensee sequently notify the same offices when of each station authorized under the the emergency operation has been ter- provisions of this part shall designate a minated. person or persons to activate and con- (c) Emergency operation undertaken trol its transmitter. At the discretion pursuant to the provisions of this sec- of the station licensee, persons so des- tion shall be discontinued as soon as ignated may be employed for other du- substantially normal communications


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facilities have been restored. The Com- short test operations may be made dur- mission may at any time order dis- ing the period of suspended operation continuance of such operation. to check the efficacy of remedial meas- ures. (Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1068, 1082 (47 U.S.C. 154, 155, 303)) [47 FR 1395, Jan. 13, 1982]

[28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 37 § 74.24 Short-term operation. FR 25843, Dec. 5, 1972; 44 FR 65765, Nov. 15, 1979; 47 FR 40175, Sept. 13, 1982] All classes of broadcast auxiliary sta- tions provided for in subparts D, E, F § 74.22 Use of common antenna struc- and H of this part, except wireless ture. video assist devices, may be operated The simultaneous use of a common on a short-term basis under the author- antenna structure by more than one ity conveyed by a part 73 license or a station authorized under this part, or broadcast auxiliary license without by one or more stations of any other prior authorization from the FCC, sub- service may be authorized. The owner ject to the following conditions: of each antenna structure is respon- (a) Licensees operating under this sible for ensuring that the structure, if provision must be eligible to operate required, is painted and/or illuminated the particular class of broadcast auxil- in accordance with part 17 of this chap- iary station. ter. In the event of default by the (b) The short-term broadcast auxil- owner, each licensee or permittee shall iary station shall be operated in con- be responsible for ensuring that the formance with all normally applicable structure complies with applicable regulations to the extent they are not painting and lighting requirements. superceded by specific provisions of this section. [61 FR 4368, Feb. 6, 1996] (c) Short-term operation is on a sec- ondary, non-interference basis to regu- § 74.23 Interference jeopardizing safe- larly authorized stations and shall be ty of life or protection of property. discontinued immediately upon notifi- (a) The licensee of any station au- cation that perceptible interference is thorized under this part that causes being caused to the operation of a regu- harmful interference, as defined in § 2.1 larly authorized station. Short-term of the Commission’s rules, to radio station operators shall, to the extent communications involving the safety practicable, use only the effective radi- of life or protection of property shall ated power and antenna height nec- promptly eliminate the interference. essary for satisfactory system perform- (b) If harmful interference to radio ance. communications involving the safety (d) Short-term operation under this of life or protection of property cannot section shall not exceed 720 hours an- be promptly eliminated and the Com- nually per frequency. mission finds that there exists an im- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d): Certain fre- minent danger to safety of life or pro- quencies shared with other services which tection of property, pursuant to 47 are normally available for permanent broad- U.S.C. 312 (b) and (e) and 5 U.S.C. 558, cast auxiliary station assignment may not operation of the offending equipment be available for short-term operation. Refer shall temporarily be suspended and to any note(s) which may be applicable to shall not be resumed until the harmful the use of a specific frequency prior to initi- interference has been eliminated or the ating operation. threat to the safety of life or property (e) The antenna height of a station has passed. In situations where the pro- operated pursuant to this section shall tection of property alone is jeopard- not increase the height of any man- ized, before taking any action under made antenna supporting structure, or this paragraph, the Commission shall increase by more than 6.1 meters (20 balance the nature and extent of the feet) the height of any other type of possible property damage against the man-made structure or natural forma- potential harm to a licensee or the tion. However, the facilities of an au- public caused by suspending part 74 op- thorized broadcast auxiliary station erations. When specifically authorized, belonging to another licensee may be


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operated in accordance with the terms event, such as a convention, sporting of its outstanding authorization. event, etc. (f) Stations operated pursuant to this (h) Short-term operation is limited section shall be identified by the trans- to areas south or west of the United mission of the call sign of the associ- States-Canada border as follows: ated part 73 broadcast station or broad- (1) Use of broadcast auxiliary service cast auxiliary station, or, in the case of frequencies below 470 MHz is limited to stations operated by broadcast net- areas of the United States south of work and cable network entities, by Line A or west of Line C unless the ef- the network or cable entity’s name and fective radiated power of the station is base of operations city. 5 watts or less. See § 1.928(e) of this (g) Prior to operating pursuant to the chapter for a definition of Line A and provisions of this section, licensees Line C. shall, for the intended location or area- (2) A broadcast auxiliary service sta- of-operation, notify the appropriate tion operating on frequencies between frequency coordination committee or 470 MHz and 1 GHz must be at least 56.3 any licensee(s) assigned the use of the kilometers (35 miles) south (or west, as proposed operating frequency, con- appropriate of the United States-Can- cerning the particulars of the intended ada border if the antenna looks within ° operation and shall provide the name a 200 sector toward the border; or, the and telephone number of a person who station must be at least 8.1 kilometers may be contacted in the event of inter- (5 miles) south (or west, as appropriate) ° ference. Except as provided herein, this if the antenna looks within a 160 sec- notification provision shall not apply tor away from the border. However, op- where an unanticipated need for imme- eration is not permitted in either of diate short-term mobile station oper- these two situations if the station ation would render compliance with would be within the coordination dis- the provisions of this paragraph im- tance of a receiving earth station in practical. Canada which uses the same frequency band. (The coordination distance is the (1) A CARS licensee shall always be distance, calculated for any station, given advance notification prior to the according to Appendix 28 of the Inter- commencement of short-term oper- national Radio Regulations.) ation on or adjacent to an assigned fre- (3) A broadcast auxiliary service sta- quency. tion operating on frequencies above 1 (2) The Commission may designate a GHz shall not be located within the co- frequency coordinator as the single ordination distance of a receiving earth point of contact under this section for station in Canada which uses the same advance coordination of major national frequency band. (The coordination dis- and international events. Once des- tance is the distance, calculated for ignated, all short-term auxiliary broad- any station, according to Appendix 28 cast use under this section must be co- of the international Radio Regula- ordinated in advance through the des- tions.) ignated coordinator. (i) Short-term operation of a remote (i) Coordinators under this provision pickup broadcast base station, a re- will not be designated unless the Com- mote pickup automatic relay station, mission receives an initial request, in an aural broadcast STL station, an writing, to designate a coordinator. aural broadcast intercity relay station, (ii) The Commission will issue a Pub- a TV STL station, a TV intercity relay lic Notice with information regarding station or a TV translator relay sta- the designation of such a coordinator. tion in the National Radio Quiet Zone, (iii) All coordination must be done on the Table Mountain Radio Receiving a non-discriminatory basis. Zone, or near FCC monitoring stations (iv) All licensees must abide by the is subject to the same advance notifi- decision of the coordinator. The Com- cation procedures applicable to regular mission will be the final arbiter of any applications as provided for in §§ 73.1030 disputes. and 74.12, except that inasmuch as (3) An unanticipated need will never short-term operation does not involve be deemed to exist for a scheduled an application process, the provisions


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relating to agency objection proce- addition, the applicant shall indicate dures shall not apply. It shall simply in its application to the Commission be necessary for the licensee to contact the date notification was made to the the potentially affected agency and ob- Observatory. Generally, submission of tain advance approval for the proposed the information in the technical por- short-term operation. Where protection tion of the FCC license application is to FCC monitoring stations is con- adequate notification. After receipt of cerned, approval for short-term oper- such applications in non-emergency ation may be given by the District Di- situations, the Commission will allow rector of a Commission field facility. the Arecibo Observatory a period of 20 (j)(1) This paragraph applies only to days for comments or objections in re- operations which will transmit on fre- sponse to the notification indicated. quencies under 15 GHz. Prior to com- The applicant will be required to make mencing short-term operation of a re- reasonable efforts in order to resolve or mote pickup broadcast station, a re- mitigate any potential interference mote pickup automatic relay station, problem with the Arecibo Observatory an aural broadcast STL station, an and to file either an amendment to the aural broadcast intercity relay station, application or a modification applica- a TV STL station, a TV intercity relay tion, as appropriate. If the Commission station, a TV translator relay station, determines that an applicant has satis- a TV pickup station, or a TV micro- fied its responsibility to make reason- wave booster station within the 4-mile able efforts to protect the Observatory (6.4 kilometer) radius Commonwealth from interference, its application may of Puerto Rico Protection Zone (cen- be granted. In emergency situations in tered on NAD–83 Geographical Coordi- which prior notification or approval is nates North Latitude 18°20′38.28″, West not practicable, notification or ap- Longitude 66°45′09.42″), an applicant proval must be accomplished as soon as must notify the Arecibo Observatory, possible after operations begin. located near Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Op- erations within the Puerto Rico Co- (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; ordination Zone (i.e., on the islands of 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) Puerto Rico, Desecheo, Mona, Vieques, [47 FR 9219, Mar. 4, 1982, as amended at 49 FR or Culebra), but outside the Protection 34356, Aug. 30, 1984; 50 FR 23709, June 5, 1985; Zone, whether short term or long term, 62 FR 55532, Oct. 27, 1997; 68 FR 12762, Mar. 17, shall provide notification to the Are- 2003; 70 FR 31373, June 1, 2005] cibo Observatory prior to commencing operation. Notification should be di- § 74.25 Temporary conditional oper- ating authority. rected to the following: Interference Office, Arecibo Observatory, HC3 Box An applicant for a new broadcast 53995, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00612, Tel. auxiliary radio service station or a (809) 878–2612, Fax (809) 878–1861, E-mail modification of an existing station [email protected]. under subparts D, E, F, or H of this (2) Notification of short-term oper- part may operate the proposed station ations may be provided by telephone, during the pendency of its applications fax, or electronic mail. The notifica- upon the filing of a properly completed tion for long-term operations shall be formal application that complies with written or electronic, and shall set the rules for the particular class of sta- forth the technical parameters of the tion, provided that the conditions set proposed station, including the geo- forth are satisfied. graphical coordinates of the antenna (a) Conditions applicable to all broad- (NAD–83 datum), antenna height above cast auxiliary stations. (1) Stations oper- ground, ground elevation at the an- ated pursuant to this section shall be tenna, antenna directivity and gain, identified by the transmission of the proposed frequency and FCC Rule Part, call sign of the associated part 73 of type of emission, effective radiated this chapter broadcast station, if one power, and whether the proposed use is exists, or the prefix ‘‘WT’’ followed by itinerant. Applicants may wish to con- the applicant’s local business tele- sult interference guidelines, which will phone number for broadcast or cable be provided by Cornell University. In network entities.


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(2) The antenna structure(s) has been mission or District Director. When au- previously studied by the Federal Avia- thorized by the District Director, short tion Administration and determined to test operations may be made. pose no hazard to aviation safety as re- (e) Conditional authority ceases im- quired by subpart B of part 17 of this mediately if the application(s) is re- chapter; or the antenna or tower struc- turned by the Commission because it is ture does not exceed 6.1 meters above not acceptable for filing. ground level or above an existing man- (f) Conditional authorization does made structure (other than an antenna not prejudice any action the Commis- structure), if the antenna or tower has sion may take on the subject applica- not been previously studied by the Fed- tion(s). Conditional authority is ac- eral Aviation Administration and cepted with the express understanding cleared by the FCC; that such authority may be modified or (3) The grant of the application(s) cancelled by the Commission at any does not require a waiver of the Com- time without hearing if, in the Com- mission’s rules; mission’s discretion, the need for such (4) The applicant has determined that action arises. An applicant operating the facility(ies) will not significantly pursuant to this conditional authority affect the environment as defined in assumes all risks associated with such § 1.1307 of this chapter; operation, the termination or modi- (5) The station site does not lie with- fication of the conditional authority, in an area identified in § 1.924 of this or the subsequent dismissal or denial of chapter. its application(s). (b) Conditions applicable to remote [68 FR 12762, Mar. 17, 2003, as amended at 69 pickup broadcast auxiliary stations. (1) FR 17958, Apr. 6, 2004; 71 FR 69048, Nov. 29, The auxiliary station must be located 2006] within 80 km (50 mi) of the broadcast studio or . § 74.28 Additional orders. (2) The applicant must coordinate the In case the rules contained in this operation with all affected co-channel part do not cover all phases of oper- and adjacent channel licensees in the ation or experimentation with respect area of operation. This requirement to external effects, the FCC may make can be satisfied by coordination with supplemental or additional orders in the local frequency committee if one each case as may be deemed necessary. exists. (3) Operation under this provision is [47 FR 53022, Nov. 24, 1982] not permitted between 152.87 MHz and § 74.30 Antenna structure, marking 153.35 MHz. and lighting. (c) Conditions applicable to aural and television broadcast auxiliary stations. (1) The provisions of part 17 of the FCC The applicable frequency coordination rules (Construction, Marking, and procedures have been successfully com- Lighting of Antenna Structures) re- pleted and the filed application is con- quire certain antenna structures to be sistent with that coordination. painted and/or lighted in accordance (2) The station site does not lie with- with the provisions of §§ 17.47 through in an area requiring international co- 17.56 of the FCC rules. ordination. [47 FR 53022, Nov. 24, 1982] (3) If operated on frequencies in the 17.8–19.7 GHz band for any services or § 74.32 Operation in the 17.7–17.8 GHz on frequencies in the 17.7–17.8 GHz band and 17.8–19.7 GHz bands. for MVPD operations, the station site (a) To minimize or avoid harmful in- does not lie within any of the areas terference to Federal Government Sat- identified in § 1.924 of this chapter. ellite Earth Stations located in the (d) Operation under this section shall Denver, Colorado and Washington, DC be suspended immediately upon notifi- areas, any application for a new sta- cation from the Commission or by the tion license to provide MVPD oper- District Director of a Commission field ations in the 17.7–17.8 GHz band or to facility, and shall not be resumed until operate in the 17.8–19.7 GHz band for specific authority is given by the Com- any service, or for modification of an


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existing station license in these bands § 74.34 Period of construction; certifi- which would change the frequency, cation of completion of construc- power, emission, modulation, polariza- tion. tion, antenna height or directivity, or (a) Each aural and television broad- location of such a station, must be co- cast auxiliary station authorized under ordinated with the Federal Govern- ment by the Commission before an au- subparts E and F of this part must be thorization will be issued, if the sta- in operation within 18 months from the tion or proposed station is located in initial date of grant. whole or in part within any of the (b) Each remote pickup broadcast areas defined by the following rectan- auxiliary station authorized under sub- gles or circles: part D of this part must be in oper- ation within 12 months from the initial DENVER, CO AREA date of grant. Rectangle 1: (c) Failure to timely begin operation 41°30′00″ N. Lat. on the north means the authorization terminates 103°10′00″ W. Long. on the east automatically. 38°30′00″ N. Lat. on the south (d) Requests for extension of time 106°30′00″ W. Long. on the west may be granted upon a showing of good Rectangle 2: cause pursuant to § 1.946(e) of this chap- 38°30′00″ N. Lat. on the north ter. ° ′ ″ 105 00 00 W. Long. on the east (e) Construction of any authorized fa- ° ′ ″ 37 30 00 N. Lat. on the south cility or frequency must be completed 105°50′00″ W. Long. on the west by the date specified in the license and Rectangle 3: the Commission must be notified pur- 40°08′00″ N. Lat. on the north 107°00′00″ W. Long. on the east suant to § 1.946 of this chapter. 39°56′00″ N. Lat. on the south [68 FR 12763, Mar. 17, 2003] 107°15′00″ W. Long. on the west

WASHINGTON, DC AREA Subpart A—Experimental Broadcast Stations Rectangle: 38°40′00″ N. Lat. on the north § 74.101 Experimental broadcast sta- 78°50′00″ W. Long. on the east tion. 38°10′00″ N. Lat. on the south 79°20′00″ W. Long. on the west The term experimental broadcast sta- tion means a station licensed for exper- or (b) Within a radius of 178 km of imental or developmental transmission 38°48′00″ N. Lat./76°52′00″ W. Long. of radio telephony, television, fac- (c) In addition, no application seek- simile, or other types of telecommuni- ing authority for MVPD operations in cation services intended for reception the 17.7–17.8 GHz band or to operate in and use by the general public. the 17.8–19.7 GHz band for any service (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; will be accepted for filing if the pro- 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) posed station is located within 20 km of the following coordinates: [49 FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984] Denver, CO area: 39°43′00″ N. Lat./ ° ′ ″ § 74.102 Uses of experimental broad- 104 46 00 W. Long. cast stations. Washington, DC area: 38°48′00″ N. Lat./ 76°52′00″ W. Long. A license for an experimental broad- cast station will be issued for the pur- Note to § 74.32: The coordinates cited poses of carrying on research and ex- in this section are specified in terms of the ‘‘North American Datum of 1983 perimentation for the development and (NAD 83)’’ with an accuracy of ±30 me- advancement of new broadcast tech- ters with respect to the ‘‘National nology, equipment, systems or services Spacial Reference System’’. which are more extensive or require other modes of transmission than can [71 FR 69048, Nov. 29, 2006; 71 FR 75614, Dec. be accomplished by using a licensed 15, 2006]


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broadcast station under an experi- (a) That all operation upon the fre- mental authorization (see § 73.1510). quency requested is for experimental purposes only. (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; (b) That the frequency requested may 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) not be the best suited to the particular [49 FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984] experimental work to be carried on. (c) That the frequency requested need § 74.103 Frequency assignment. not be allocated for any service that (a) Frequencies allocated to broad- may be developed as a result of the ex- casting and the various categories of perimental operation. auxiliary stations, in the FCC’s Table (d) That any frequency which may be of Frequency Allocations (Part 2 of assigned is subject to change without this chapter), may be assigned respec- advance notice or hearing. tively to experimental broadcast and (e) That any authorization issued experimental auxiliary stations. pursuant to the application may be (b) More than one frequency may be cancelled at any time without notice assigned upon a satisfactory showing of or hearing, and will expire as a matter the need therefor. of law if the station fails to transmit (c) Frequencies best suited to the broadcast signals for any consecutive purpose of the experimentation and on 12-month period, notwithstanding any which there appears to be the least provision, term, or condition of the li- likelihood of interference to estab- cense to the contrary. lished stations shall be selected. (f) That if approval of the experi- mental broadcast station may have a (d) In a case of important experimen- significant environmental impact, see tation which cannot be feasibly con- § 1.1307 of this chapter, submission of ducted on frequencies allocated to an environmental assessment, under broadcasting or the various categories § 1.1311 of this chapter, and compliance of auxiliary stations, the FCC may au- with the Commission’s environmental thorize an experimental station of any rules contained in part 1 of this chap- class to operate on other frequencies ter is required. upon a satisfactory showing of the need therefore and a showing that the pro- (Sec. 319, 48 Stat. 1089, as amended; 47 U.S.C. posed operation can be conducted with- 319; secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, out causing harmful interference to es- 1032; 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) tablished services. However, experi- [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 mental operation which looks toward FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984; 55 FR 20398, May 16, the development of radio transmitting 1990; 61 FR 28767, June 6, 1996] apparatus or the rendition of any type of regular service using such fre- § 74.113 Supplementary reports with application for renewal of license. quencies will not be authorized prior to a determination by the FCC that the (a) A report shall be filed with each development of such apparatus or the application for renewal of experimental rendition of such service would serve broadcast station license which shall the public interest. include a statement of each of the fol- lowing: (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; (1) Number of hours operated. 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) (2) Full data on research and experi- [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 mentation conducted including the FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984] types of transmitting and studio equip- ment used and their mode of operation. § 74.112 Supplementary statement (3) Data on expense of research and with application for construction operation during the period covered. permit. (4) Power employed, field intensity A supplementary statement shall be measurements and visual and aural ob- filed with, and made a part of, each ap- servations and the types of instru- plication for construction permit for ments and receivers utilized to deter- any experimental broadcast station mine the station service area and the confirming the applicant’s under- efficiency of the respective types of standing: transmissions.


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(5) Estimated degree of public par- (c) A license for an experimental ticipation in reception and the results broadcast station will be issued only on of observations as to the effectiveness the condition that no objectionable in- of types of transmission. terference to the regular program (6) Conclusions, tentative and final. transmissions of broadcast stations (7) Program of further developments will result from the transmissions of in broadcasting. the experimental stations. (8) All developments and major changes in equipment. (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; (9) Any other pertinent develop- 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) ments. [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 (b) Special or progress reports shall FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984] be submitted from time to time as the Commission shall direct. § 74.132 Power limitations. (Sec. 308, 48 Stat. 1084, as amended; 47 U.S.C. The license for experimental broad- 308; secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, cast stations will specify the maximum 1032; 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) authorized power. The operating power [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 shall not be greater than necessary to FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984] carry on the service and in no event more than 5 percent above the max- § 74.131 Licensing requirements, nec- imum power specified. Engineering essary showing. standards have not been established for (a) An applicant for a new experi- these stations. The efficiency factor for mental broadcast station, change in fa- the last radio stage of transmitters em- cilities of any existing station, or ployed will be subject to individual de- modification of license is required to termination but shall be in general make a satisfactory showing of compli- agreement with values normally em- ance with the general requirements of ployed for similar equipment operated the Communications Act of 1934, as within the frequency range authorized. amended, as well as the following: (1) That the applicant has a definite (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; program of research and experimen- 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) tation in the technical phases of broad- [49 FR 32583, Aug. 15, 1984] casting which indicates reasonable promise of substantial contribution to § 74.133 Emission authorized. the developments of the broadcasting art. In case emission of a different type (2) That upon the authorization of than that specified in the license is the proposed station the applicant can necessary or desirable in carrying on and will proceed immediately with its any phases of experimentation, appli- program of research and experimen- cation setting out fully the needs shall tation. be made by informal application. (3) That the transmission of signals [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963] by radio is essential to the proposed program of research and experimen- § 74.151 Equipment changes. tation. (4) That the program of research and The licensee of an experimental experimentation will be conducted by broadcast station may make any qualified personnel. changes in the equipment that are (b) A license of an experimental deemed desirable or necessary pro- broadcast station will not authorize ex- vided: clusive use of any frequency. In case (a) That the operating frequency is interference would be caused by simul- not permitted to deviate more than the taneous operation of stations licensed allowed tolerance; experimentally, such licensees shall (b) That the emissions are not per- endeavor to arrange satisfactory time mitted outside the authorized band; division. If such agreement cannot be (c) That the power output complies reached, the FCC will determine and with the license and the regulations specify the time division. governing the same; and


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(d) That the transmitter as a whole (c) The FCC may require that an ex- or output power rating of the trans- perimental broadcast station conduct mitter is not changed. such experiments as are deemed desir- able and reasonable for development of (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; the type of service for which the sta- 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) tion was authorized. [28 FR 13706, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984] (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) TECHNICAL OPERATION AND OPERATORS [49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984]

§ 74.161 Frequency tolerances. § 74.165 Posting of station license. The departure of the carrier fre- The instrument of authorization or a quency or frequencies of an experi- clearly legible photocopy thereof shall mental broadcast station must not ex- be available at the transmitter site. ceed the tolerance specified in the in- [60 FR 55482, Nov. 1, 1995] strument of authorization. For modes of transmission that do not have a § 74.181 Station records. resting or center carrier frequency, the (a) The licensee of each experimental occupied bandwidth of the station broadcast station must maintain ade- transmissions may not exceed that quate records of the operation, includ- specified in the instrument of author- ing: ization. (1) Information concerning the na- (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; ture of the experimental operation and 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) the periods in which it is being con- [49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984] ducted. (2) Information concerning any spe- § 74.162 Frequency monitors and cific data requested by the FCC. measurements. (b) Station records must be retained The licensee of an experimental for a period of two years. broadcast station shall provide the nec- (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; essary means for determining that the 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) frequency of the station is within the [49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984] allowed tolerance. The date and time of each frequency check, the frequency § 74.182 Program service and charges. as measured, and a description or iden- (a) The licensee of an experimental tification of the method employed broadcast station may transmit pro- shall be entered in the station log. Suf- gram material only when necessary to ficient observations shall be made to the experiments being conducted, and insure that the assigned carrier fre- no regular program service may be quency is maintained within the pre- broadcast unless specifically author- scribed tolerance. ized. (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; (b) The licensee of an experimental 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) broadcast station may make no charges nor ask for any payment, di- [49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984] rectly or indirectly, for the production § 74.163 Time of operation. or transmission of any programming or information used for experimental (a) Unless specified or restricted broadcast purposes. hours of operation are shown in the station authorization, experimental (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; broadcast stations may be operated at 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) any time and are not required to ad- [49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984] here to a regular schedule of operation. (b) The FCC may limit or restrict the § 74.183 Station identification. periods of station operation in the Each experimental broadcast station event interference is caused to other shall make aural or visual announce- broadcast or nonbroadcast stations. ments of its call letters and location at


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the beginning and end of each period of Automatic relay station. A remote operation, and at least once every hour pickup broadcast base station which is during operation. actuated by automatic means and is used to relay transmissions between re- (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) mote pickup broadcast base and mobile stations, between remote pickup broad- [49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984] cast mobile stations and from remote pickup broadcast mobile stations to § 74.184 Rebroadcasts. broadcasting stations. (Automatic op- (a) The term rebroadcast means recep- eration is not operation by remote con- tion by radio of the programs or other trol.) transmissions of a broadcast station, Carrier power. The average power at and the simultaneous or subsequent re- the output terminals of a transmitter transmission of such programs or (other than a transmitter having a sup- transmissions by a broadcast station. pressed, reduced or controlled carrier) (1) As used in this section, the word during one cycle under ‘‘program’’ includes any complete pro- conditions of no modulation. gram or part thereof. Mean power. The power at the output (2) The transmission of a program terminals of a transmitter during nor- from its point of origin to a broadcast mal operation, averaged over a time station entirely by common carrier fa- sufficiently long compared with the pe- cilities, whether by wire line or radio, riod of the lowest frequency encoun- is not considered a rebroadcast. tered in the modulation. A time of 1/10 (3) The broadcasting of a program re- second during which the mean power is layed by a remote broadcast pickup greatest will be selected normally. station is not considered a rebroadcast. Necessary bandwidth. For a given (b) No licensee of an experimental class of emission, the minimum value broadcast station may retransmit the of the occupied bandwidth sufficient to program of another U.S. broadcast sta- ensure the transmission of information tion without the express authority of at the rate and with the quality re- the originating station. A copy of the quired for the system employed, under written consent of the licensee origi- specified conditions. Emissions useful nating the program must be kept by for the good functioning of the receiv- the licensee of the experimental broad- ing equipment, as for example, the cast station retransmitting such pro- emission corresponding to the carrier gram and made available to the FCC of reduced carrier systems, shall be in- upon request. cluded in the necessary bandwidth. (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; Occupied bandwidth. The frequency 47 U.S.C. 158, 303) bandwidth such that, below its lower [49 FR 32584, Aug. 15, 1984] and above its upper frequency limits, the mean powers radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean Subparts B–C [Reserved] power radiated by a given emission. Operational communications. Commu- Subpart D—Remote Pickup nications concerning the technical and Broadcast Stations programming operation of a broadcast station and its auxiliaries. § 74.401 Definitions. Remote control operation. Operation of Associated broadcasting station(s). The a base station by a properly designated broadcasting station or stations with person on duty at a control position which a remote pickup broadcast sta- from which the transmitter is not visi- tion or system is licensed as an auxil- ble but that position is equipped with iary and with which it is principally suitable controls so that essential used. functions can be performed therefrom. Authorized bandwidth. The occupied Remote pickup broadcast base station. or necessary bandwidth, whichever is A remote pickup broadcast station au- greater, authorized to be used by a sta- thorized for operation at a specified lo- tion. cation.


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Remote pickup broadcast mobile station. pickup stations using any emission A remote pickup broadcast station au- (other than single sideband or pulse) thorized for use while in motion or dur- that will be in accordance with the pro- ing halts at unspecified locations. (As visions of § 74.462. used in this subpart, mobile stations (1) [Reserved] include hand-carried, pack-carried and (2) HF Channels: 25.87, 25.91, 25.95, other portable transmitters.) 25.99, 26.03, 26.07, 26.09, 26.11, 26.13, 26.15, Remote pickup broadcast stations. A 26.17, 26.19, 26.21, 26.23, 26.25, 26.27, 26.29, term used in this subpart to include 26.31, 26.33, 26.35, 26.37, 26.39, 26.41, 26.43, both remote pickup broadcast base sta- 26.45, and 26.47 MHz. The channels tions and remote pickup broadcast mo- 25.87–26.09 MHz are subject to the con- bile stations. dition listed in paragraph (e)(2) of this Remote pickup mobile repeater unit. A section. vehicular receiver-transmitter repeater (3) VHF Channels: 166.25 and 170.15 used to provide extended communica- MHz. These channels are subject to the tions range for a low-power hand-car- condition listed in paragraph (e)(8) of ried or pack-carried transmitter. this section. Station. As used in this subpart, each (4) UHF Channels: Up to two of the remote pickup broadcast transmitter, following 6.25 kHz segments may be and its associated accessory equipment stacked to form a channel which may necessary to the radio communication be assigned for use by broadcast re- function, constitutes a separate sta- mote pickup stations using any emis- tion. sion contained within the resultant Studio. Any room or series of rooms channel in accordance with the provi- equipped for the regular production of sions of § 74.462: 450.00625 MHz, 450.0125 broadcast programs of various kinds. A MHz, 450.01875 MHz, 450.025 MHz, broadcasting booth at a stadium, con- 450.98125 MHz, 450.9875 MHz, 450.99375 vention hall, church, or other similar MHz, 455.00625 MHz, 455.0125 MHz, place is not considered to be a studio. 455.01875 MHz, 455.025 MHz, 455.98125 Systems. A complete remote pickup MHz, 455.9875 MHz, and 455.99375 MHz. broadcast facility consisting of one or These channels are subject to the con- more mobile stations and/or one or dition listed in paragraph (e)(9) of this more base stations authorized pursuant section. to a single license. (b) Up to four of the following 7.5 kHz [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 42 VHF segments and up to eight of the FR 14728, Mar. 16, 1977; 47 FR 28388, June 30, following 6.25 kHz UHF segments may 1982; 47 FR 54448, Dec. 3, 1982; 51 FR 4601, Feb. be stacked to form a channel which 6, 1986] may be assigned for use by broadcast remote pickup stations using any emis- § 74.402 Frequency assignment. sion contained within the resultant Operation on all channels listed in channel in accordance with the provi- this section (except: frequencies 26.07 sions of § 74.462. MHz, 26.11 MHz, and 26.45 MHz, and fre- (1) VHF segments: 152.8625, 152.870, quencies listed in paragraphs (a)(4) and 152.8775, 152.885, 152.8925, 152.900, (c)(1) of this section shall be in accord- 152.9075, 152.915, 152.9225, 152.930, ance with the ‘‘priority of use’’ provi- 152.9375, 152.945, 152.9525, 152.960, sions in § 74.403(b)). The channel will be 152.9675, 152.975, 152.9825, 152.990, assigned by its center frequency, chan- 152.9975, 153.005, 153.0125, 153.020, nel bandwidth, and emission desig- 153.0275, 153.035, 153.0425, 153.050, nator. In general, the frequencies listed 153.0575, 153.065, 153.0725, 153.080, in this section represent the center of 153.0875, 153.095, 153.1025, 153.110, the channel or channel segment. When 153.1175, 153.125, 153.1325, 153.140, an even number of channels are 153.1475, 153.155, 153.1625, 153.170, stacked in those sections stacking is 153.1775, 153.185, 153.1925, 153.200, permitted, channel assignments may 153.2075, 153.215, 153.2225, 153.230, be made for the frequency halfway be- 153.2375, 153.245, 153.2525, 153.260, tween those listed. 153.2675, 153.275, 153.2825, 153.290, (a) The following channels may be as- 153.2975, 153.305, 153.3125, 153.320, signed for use by broadcast remote 153.3275, 153.335, 153.3425, 153.350, and


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153.3575. These channels are subject to 455.075, 455.08125, 455.0875, 455.09375, the conditions listed in paragraphs 455.100, 455.10625, 455.1125, 455.11875, (e)(3), (4), (5), and (10) of this section. 455.125, 455.13125, 455.1375, 455.14375, (2) VHF segments: 160.860, 160.8675, 455.150, 455.15625, 455.1625, 455.16875, 160.875, 160.8825, 160.890, 160.8975, 160.905, 455.175, 455.18125, 455.1875, 455.19375, 160.9125, 160.920, 160.9275, 160.935, 455.200, 455.20625, 455.2125, 455.21875, 160.9425, 160.950, 160.9575, 160.965, 455.225, 455.23125, 455.2375, 455.24375, 160.9725, 160.980, 160.9875, 160.995, 455.250, 455.25625, 455.2625, 455.26875, 161.0025, 161.010, 161.0175, 161.025, 455.275, 455.28125, 455.2875, 455.29375, 161.0325, 161.040, 161.0475, 161.055, 455.300, 455.30625, 455.3125, 455.31875, 161.0625, 161.070, 161.0775, 161.085, 455.325, 455.33125, 455.3375, 455.34375, 161.0925, 161.100, 161.1075, 161.115, 455.350, 455.35625, 455.3625, 455.36875, 161.1225, 161.130, 161.1375, 161.145, 455.375, 455.38125, 455.3875, 455.39375, 161.1525, 161.160, 161.1675, 161.175, 455.400, 455.40625, 455.4125, 455.41875, 161.1825, 161.190, 161.1975, 161.205, 455.425, 455.43125, 455.4375, 455.44375, 161.2125, 161.220, 161.2275, 161.235, 455.450, 455.45625, 455.4625, 455.46875, 161.2425, 161.250, 161.2575, 161.265, 455.475, 455.48125, 455.4875, 455.49375, 161.2725, 161.280, 161.2875, 161.295, 455.500, 455.50625, 455.5125, 455.51875, 161.3025, 161.310, 161.3175, 161.325, 455.525, 455.53125, 455.5375, 455.54375, 161.3325, 161.340, 161.3475, 161.355, 455.550, 455.55625, 455.5625, 455.56875, 161.3625, 161.370, 161.3775, 161.385, 455.575, 455.58125, 455.5875, 455.59375, 161.3925, 161.400. These channels are 455.600, 455.60625, 455.6125, 455.61875. subject to the condition listed in para- (c) Up to two of the following 25 kHz graph (e)(6) and (10) of this section. segments may be stacked to form a (3) VHF segments: 161.625, 161.6325, channel which may be assigned for use 161.640, 161.6475, 161.655, 161.6625, 161.670, by broadcast remote pickup stations 161.6775, 161.685, 161.6925, 161.700, using any emission contained within 161.7075, 161.715, 161.7225, 161.730, the resultant channel in accordance 161.7375, 161.745, 161.7525, 161.760, with the provisions of § 74.462. Users 161.7675, 161.775. These channels are committed to 50 kHz bandwidths and subject to the conditions listed in para- transmitting program material will graphs (e)(4), (7), and (10) of this sec- have primary use of these channels. tion. (1) UHF segments: 450.6375, 450.6625, (4) UHF segments: 450.03125, 450.0375, 450.6875, 450.7125, 450.7375, 450.7625, 450.04375, 450.050, 450.05625, 450.0625, 450.7875, 450.8125, 450.8375, 450.8625, 450.06875, 450.075, 450.08125, 450.0875, 455.6375, 455.6625, 455.6875, 455.7125, 450.09375, 450.100, 450.10625, 450.1125, 455.7375, 455.7625, 455.7875, 455.8125, 450.11875, 450.125, 450.13125, 450.1375, 455.8375, 455.8625 MHz. 450.14375, 450.150, 450.15625, 450.1625, (2) [Reserved] 450.16875, 450.175, 450.18125, 450.1875, (d) Up to two of the following 50 kHz 450.19375, 450.200, 450.20625, 450.2125, segments may be stacked to form a 450.21875, 450.225, 450.23125, 450.2375, channel which may be assigned for use 450.24375, 450.250, 450.25625, 450.2625, by broadcast remote pickup stations 450.26875, 450.275, 450.28125, 450.2875, using any emission contained within 450.29375, 450.300, 450.30625, 450.3125, the resultant channel in accordance 450.31875, 450.325, 450.33125, 450.3375, with the provisions of § 74.462. Users 450.34375, 450.350, 450.35625, 450.3625, committed to 100 kHz bandwidths and 450.36875, 450.375, 450.38125, 450.3875, transmitting program material will 450.39375, 450.400, 450.40625, 450.4125, have primary use of these channels. 450.41875, 450.425, 450.43125, 450.4375, (1) UHF segments: 450.900, 450.950, 450.44375, 450.450, 450.45625, 450.4625, 455.900, and 455.950 MHz. 450.46875, 450.475, 450.48125, 450.4875, (2) [Reserved] 450.49375, 450.500, 450.50625, 450.5125, (e) Conditions on Broadcast Remote 450.51875, 450.525, 450.53125, 450.5375, Pickup Service channel usage as re- 450.54375, 450.550, 450.55625, 450.5625, ferred to in paragraphs (a) through (d) 450.56875, 450.575, 450.58125, 450.5875, of this section: 450.59375, 450.600, 450.60625, 450.6125, (1) [Reserved] 450.61875, 455.03125, 455.0375, 455.04375, (2) Operation is subject to the condi- 455.050, 455.05625, 455.0625, 455.06875, tion that no harmful interference is


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caused to stations in the broadcast (9) The use of these frequencies is service. limited to operational communica- (3) Operation is subject to the condi- tions, including tones for signaling and tion that no harmful interference is for remote control and automatic caused to stations operating in accord- transmission system control and te- ance with the Table of Frequency Allo- lemetry. Stations licensed or applied cations set forth in part 2 of this chap- for before April 16, 2003, must comply ter. Applications for licenses to use fre- with the channel plan by March 17, quencies in this band must include 2006, or may continue to operate on a statements showing what procedures secondary, non-interference basis. will be taken to ensure that inter- (10) Stations licensed or applied for ference will not be caused to stations before April 16, 2003, must comply with in the Industrial/Business Pool (Part the channel plan by March 17, 2006, or 90). may continue to operate on a sec- (4) These frequencies will not be li- ondary, non-interference basis. censed to network entities. (f) License applicants shall request (5) These frequencies will not be au- assignment of only those channels, thorized to new stations for use on both in number and bandwidth, nec- board aircraft. essary for satisfactory operation and (6) These frequencies are allocated for which the system is equipped to op- for assignment to broadcast remote erate. However, it is not necessary that pickup stations in Puerto Rico or the each transmitter within a system be Virgin Islands only. equipped to operate on all frequencies authorized to that licensee. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(6): These fre- quencies are shared with Public Safety and (g) Remote pickup stations or sys- Industrial/Business Pools (Part 90). tems will not be granted exclusive channel assignments. The same chan- (7) These frequencies may not be used nel or channels may be assigned to by broadcast remote pickup stations in other licensees in the same area. When Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. In such sharing is necessary, the provi- other areas, certain existing stations sions of § 74.403 shall apply. in the Public Safety and Industrial/ Business Pools (Part 90) have been per- [68 FR 12763, Mar. 17, 2003, as amended at 68 mitted to continue operation on these FR 25540, May 13, 2003] frequencies on the condition that no harmful interference is caused to § 74.403 Frequency selection to avoid interference. broadcast remote pickup stations. (8) Operation on frequencies 166.25 (a) Where two or more remote pickup MHz and 170.15 MHz is subject to the broadcast station licensees are author- condition that harmful interference ized to operate on the same frequency shall not be caused to present or future or group of frequencies in the same Government stations in the band 162– area and when simultaneous operation 174 MHz and is also subject to the band- is contemplated, the licensees shall en- width and tolerance limitations and deavor to select frequencies or sched- compliance deadlines listed in § 74.462 ule operation in such manner as to of this part. Authorization on these avoid mutual interference. If mutual frequencies shall be in the lower 48 con- agreement to this effect cannot be tiguous States only, except within the reached the Commission shall be noti- area bounded on the west by the Mis- fied and it will specify the frequency or sissippi River, on the north by the par- frequencies on which each station is to allel of latitude 37°30′ N., and on the be operated. east and south by that arc of the circle (b) The following order of priority of with center at Springfield, Illinois, and transmissions shall be observed on all radius equal to the airline distance be- frequencies except frequencies 26.07 tween Springfield, Illinois, and Mont- MHz, 26.11 MHz, and 26.45 MHz, and fre- gomery, Alabama, subtended between quencies listed in § 74.402(a)(4) and the foregoing west and north bound- (c)(1): aries, or within 150 miles (241.4 km) of (1) Communications during an emer- New York City. gency or pending emergency directly


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related to the safety of life and prop- may be used for any purpose related to erty. the programming or technical oper- (2) Program material to be broadcast. ation of a broadcasting station, except (3) Cues, orders, and other related for transmission intended for direct re- communications immediately nec- ception by the general public. essary to the accomplishment of a (g) [Reserved] broadcast. (h) In the event that normal aural (4) Operational communications. studio to transmitter circuits are dam- (5) Tests or drills to check the per- aged, stations licensed under Subpart formance of stand-by or emergency cir- D may be used to provide temporary cuits. circuits for a period not exceeding 30 [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 68 days without further authority from FR 12764, Mar. 17, 2003] the Commission necessary to continue broadcasting. § 74.431 Special rules applicable to re- (i) Remote pickup mobile or base sta- mote pickup stations. tions may be used for activities associ- (a) Remote pickup mobile stations ated with the Emergency Alert System may be used for the transmission of (EAS) and similar emergency survival material from the scene of events communications systems. Drills and which occur outside the studio back to test are also permitted on these sta- studio or production center. The trans- tions, but the priority requirements of mitted material shall be intended for § 74.403(b) must be observed in such the licensee’s own use and may be cases. made available for use by any other broadcast station or cable system. [51 FR 4602, Feb. 6, 1986, as amended at 68 FR 12764, Mar. 17, 2003] (b) Remote pickup mobile or base stations may be used for communica- § 74.432 Licensing requirements and tions related to production and tech- procedures. nical support of the remote program. This includes cues, orders, dispatch in- (a) A license for a remote pickup sta- structions, frequency coordination, es- tion will be issued to: the licensee of an tablishing microwave links, and oper- AM, FM, noncommercial FM, low ational communications. Operational power FM, TV, Class A TV, inter- communications are alerting tones and national broadcast or low power TV special signals of short duration used station; broadcast network-entity; or for telemetry or control. cable network-entity. (c) Remote pickup mobile or base (b) Base stations may operate as stations may communicate with any automatic relay stations on the fre- other station licensed under this sub- quencies listed in § 74.402(b)(4) and (c)(1) part. under the provisions of § 74.436, how- (d) Remote pickup mobile stations ever, one licensee may not operate may be operated as a vehicular re- such stations on more than two fre- peater to relay program material and quency pairs in a single area. communications between stations li- (c) Base stations may use voice com- censed under this subpart. Precautions munications between the studio and shall be taken to avoid interference to transmitter or points of any intercity other stations and the vehicular re- relay system on frequencies in Groups peater shall only be activated by hand- I and J. carried or pack-carried units. (d) Base stations may be authorized (e) The output of hand-carried or to establish standby circuits from pack-carried transmitter units used places where official broadcasts may be with a vehicular repeater is limited to made during times of emergency and 2.5 watts. The output of a vehicular re- circuits to interconnect an emergency peater transmitter used as a talkback survival communications system. unit on an additional frequency is lim- (e) In Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto ited to 2.5 watts. Rico, and the Virgin Islands, base sta- (f) Remote pickup base and mobile tions may provide program circuits be- stations in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, tween the studio and transmitter or to Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands relay programs between broadcasting


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stations. A base station may be oper- at any other location without prior au- ated unattended in accordance with the thority of the Commission. following: (j) The license shall be retained in (1) The station must be designed, in- the licensee’s files at the address stalled, and protected so that the shown on the authorization, posted at transmitter can only be activated or the transmitter, or posted at the con- controlled by persons authorized by the trol point of the station. licensee. (k) In case of permanent discontinu- (2) The station must be equipped with ance of operations of a station licensed circuits to prevent transmitter oper- under this subpart, the licensee shall ation when no signal is received from cancel the station license using FCC the station which it is relaying. Form 601. For purposes of this section, (f) Remote pickup stations may use a station which is not operated for a only those frequencies and bandwidths period of one year is considered to have which are necessary for operation. been permanently discontinued. (g) An application for a remote pick- up broadcast station or system shall NOTE: Licensees of remote pickup broad- specify the broadcasting station with cast stations licensed prior to August 31, 1976, should not file applications to consoli- which the remote pickup broadcast fa- date individually licensed transmitters cility is to be principally used and the under a single system license until the re- licensed area of operation for a system newal application of the associated broad- which includes mobile stations shall be cast station is filed. Applications filed be- the area considered to be served by the tween August 31, 1976, and the date of filing associated broadcasting station. Mo- of the renewal applications to obtain author- bile stations may be operated outside ization to use additional transmitters or the licensed area of operation pursuant modification of existing stations shall be re- stricted to a single system application nec- to § 74.24 of this part. Where the appli- essary to accomplish the desired change, but cant for remote pickup broadcast fa- may include consolidation of previously-li- cilities is the licensee of more than one censed transmitters within the system li- class of broadcasting station (AM, FM, cense. Applications submitted for system li- TV), all licensed to the same commu- censing prior to the time when renewal ap- nity, designation of one such station as plications would normally be filed which are the associated broadcasting station unnecessary for either administrative or will not preclude use of the remote operational purposes will be returned as un- acceptable for filing. pickup broadcast facilities with those broadcasting stations not included in (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) the designation and such additional use [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 42 shall be at the discretion of the li- FR 2071, Jan. 10, 1977; 47 FR 21496, May 18, censee. 1982; 49 FR 14509, Apr. 12, 1984; 51 FR 4602, (h) In cases where a series of broad- Feb. 6, 1986; 58 FR 19775, Apr. 16, 1993; 60 FR casts are to be made from the same lo- 55482, Nov. 1, 1995; 65 FR 30011, May 10, 2000; cation, portable or mobile transmitters 68 FR 12764, Mar. 17, 2003] may be left at such location for the du- ration of the series of broadcasts: Pro- § 74.433 Temporary authorizations. vided, The transmitting apparatus is (a) Special temporary authority may properly secured so that it may not be be granted for remote pickup station operated by unauthorized persons when operation which cannot be conducted unattended. Prior Commission author- in accordance with § 74.24. Such author- ity shall be obtained for the installa- ity will normally be granted only for tion of any transmitting antenna operations of a temporary nature. which requires notification to the Where operation is seen as likely on a FAA, pursuant to § 17.7 of the Commis- continuing annual basis, an application sion’s rules and regulations, and which for a regular authorization should be will be in existence for more than 2 submitted. days. (b) A request for special temporary (i) The location of each remote pick- authority for the operation of a remote up broadcast base station will be speci- pickup broadcast station must be made fied in the station or system license in accordance with the procedures of and such stations may not be operated § 1.931(b) of this chapter.


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(c) All requests for special temporary circuits between the control point and authority of a remote pickup broadcast transmitter. station must include full particulars [51 FR 4602, Feb. 6, 1986, as amended at 60 FR including: licensee’s name and address, 55482, Nov. 1, 1995] facility identification number of the associated broadcast station or sta- § 74.436 Special requirements for auto- tions, call letters of remote pickup sta- matic relay stations. tion (if assigned), type and manufac- (a) An automatic relay station must turer of equipment, power output, be designed, installed, and protected so emission, frequency or frequencies pro- that the transmitter can only be acti- posed to be used, commencement and vated or controlled by persons author- termination date, location of operation ized by the licensee. and purpose for which request is made (b) An automatic relay station may including any particular justification. accomplish retransmission of the in- (d) A request for special temporary coming signals by either heterodyne authority shall specify a frequency or frequency conversion or by modulating frequencies consistent with the provi- the transmitter with the demodulated sions of § 74.402: Provided, That, in the incoming signals. case of events of wide-spread interest (c) An automatic relay station trans- and importance which cannot be trans- mitter may relay the demodulated in- mitted successfully on these fre- coming signals from one or more re- quencies, frequencies assigned to other ceivers. services may be requested upon a show- [51 FR 4602, Feb. 6, 1986, as amended at 60 FR ing that operation thereon will not 55483, Nov. 1, 1995] cause interference to established sta- tions: And provided further, In no case § 74.451 Certification of equipment. will operation of a remote pickup (a) Applications for new remote pick- broadcast station be authorized on fre- up broadcast stations or systems or for quencies employed for the safety of life changing transmitting equipment of an and property. existing station will not be accepted (e) The user shall have full control unless the transmitters to be used have over the transmitting equipment dur- been certificated by the FCC pursuant ing the period it is operated. to the provisions of this subpart, or (f) Special temporary authority to have been certificated for licensing permit operation of remote pickup under part 90 of this chapter and do not broadcast stations or systems pending exceed the output power limits speci- Commission action on an application fied in § 74.461(b). for regular authority will not normally (b) Any manufacturer of a trans- be granted. mitter to be used in this service may apply for certification for such trans- [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 47 mitter following the certification pro- FR 9220, Mar. 4, 1982; 47 FR 55936, Dec. 14, cedure set forth in part 2 of the Com- 1982; 50 FR 23709, June 5, 1985; 58 FR 19775, Apr. 16, 1993; 68 FR 12765, Mar. 17, 2003] mission’s rules and regulations. Atten- tion is also directed to part 1 of the § 74.434 Remote control operation. Commission’s rules and regulations which specifies the fees required when (a) A remote control system must filing an application for certification. provide adequate monitoring and con- (c) An applicant for a remote pickup trol functions to permit proper oper- broadcast station or system may also ation of the station. apply for certification for an individual (b) A remote control system must be transmitter by following the certifi- designed, installed, and protected so cation procedure set forth in part 2 of that the transmitter can only be acti- the Commission’s rules and regula- vated or controlled by persons author- tions. ized by the licensee. (d) All transmitters marketed for use (c) A remote control system must under this subpart shall be certificated prevent inadvertent transmitter oper- by the Federal Communications Com- ation caused by malfunctions in the mission. (Refer to subpart J of part 2 of


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the Commission’s Rules and Regula- delivered to the antenna, antenna tions.) transmission line, or any other imped- (e) Remote pickup broadcast station ance-matched, radio frequency load. equipment authorized to be used pursu- For the purpose of this Subpart, the ant to an application accepted for fil- transmitter power is the carrier power. ing prior to December 1, 1977, may con- (b) The authorized transmitter power tinue to be used by the licensee or its for a remote pickup broadcast station successors or assignees: Provided, how- shall be limited to that necessary for ever, If operation of such equipment satisfactory service and, in any event, causes harmful interference due to its shall not be greater than 100 watts, ex- failure to comply with the technical cept that a station to be operated standards set forth in this subpart, the aboard an aircraft shall normally be Commission may, at its discretion, re- limited to a maximum authorized quire the licensee to take such correc- power of 15 watts. Specific authoriza- tive action as is necessary to eliminate tion to operate stations on board air- the interference. craft with an output power exceeding (f) Each instrument of authority 15 watts will be issued only upon an which permits operation of a remote adequate engineering showing of need, pickup broadcast station or system and of the procedures that will be using equipment which has not been taken to avoid harmful interference to certificated will specify the particular other licensees. transmitting equipment which the li- censee is authorized to use. (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 43 (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) FR 14662, Apr. 7, 1978] [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 42 FR 14728, Mar. 16, 1977; 42 FR 43636, Aug. 30, § 74.462 Authorized bandwidth and 1977; 43 FR 14661, Apr. 7, 1978; 45 FR 28142, emissions. Apr. 28, 1980; 63 FR 36604, July 7, 1998; 68 FR (a) Each authorization for a new re- 12765, Mar. 17, 2003] mote pickup broadcast station or sys- § 74.452 Equipment changes. tem shall require the use of certifi- cated equipment and such equipment (a) Modifications may be made to an shall be operated in accordance with existing authorization in accordance emission specifications included in the with §§ 1.929 and 1.947 of this chapter. grant of certification and as prescribed (b) All transmitters initially in- in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this stalled after November 30, 1977, must be section. certificated for use in this service or (b) The maximum authorized band- other service as specified in § 74.451(a). width of emissions corresponding to [68 FR 12765, Mar. 17, 2003] the types of emissions specified below, and the maximum authorized fre- § 74.461 Transmitter power. quency deviation in the case of fre- (a) Transmitter power is the power at quency or phase modulated emission, the transmitter output terminals and shall be as follows:

Maximum Authorized bandwidth frequency Frequencies Type of emission 2 (kHz) deviation 1 (kHz)

MHz: 25.87 to 26.03 ...... 40 ...... 10 Frequencies 25.87 to 153.3575 26.07 to 26.47 ...... 20 ...... 5 MHz: A3E, F1E, F3E, F9E. 152.8625 to 153.3575 3 ...... 30/60 ...... 5/10 160.860 to 161.400 ...... 60 ...... 10 161.625 to 161.775 ...... 30 ...... 5 166.25 and 170.15 4 ...... 12.5/25 ...... 5


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Maximum Authorized bandwidth frequency Frequencies Type of emission 2 (kHz) deviation 1 (kHz)

450.00625 to 450.025 Frequencies 160.860 to 450.98125 to 450.99375 455.950 MHz: A1A, 455.00625 to 455.025 A1B, A1D, A1E, A2A, 455.98125 to 455.99375 ...... A2B, A2D, A2E, A3E, ...... F1A, F1B, F1D, F1E, ...... F2A, F2B, F2D, F2E, Up to 12.5 ...... F3E, F9E...... 1.5 ...... 450.03125 to 450.61875 455.03125 to 455.61875 ...... Up to 25 ...... 5 450.6375 to 450.8625 455.6375 to 455.8625 ...... 25–50 ...... 10 450.900, 450.950 455.900, 455.950 ...... 50–100 ...... 35 1 Applies where F1A, F1B, F1D, F1E, F2A, F2B, F2D, F2E, F3E, or F9E emissions are used. 2 Stations operating above 450 MHz shall show a need for employing A1A, A1B, A1D, A1E, A2A, A2B, A2D, A2E, F1A, F1B, F1D, F1E, F2A, F2B, F2D, or F2E emission. 3 New or modified licenses for use of the frequencies will not be granted to utilize transmitters on board aircraft, or to use a bandwidth in excess of 30 kHz and maximum deviation exceeding 5 kHz 4 For stations licensed or applied for before April 16, 2003, the sum of the bandwidth of emission and tolerance on frequencies 166.25 MHz or 170.15 MHz shall not exceed 25 kHz, and such operation may continue until January 1, 2005. For new stations licensed or applied for on or after April 16, 2003, the sum of the bandwidth of emission and tolerance on these frequencies shall not exceed 12.5 kHz. For all remote pickup broadcast stations, the sum of the bandwidth of emission and tolerance on these fre- quencies shall not exceed 12.5 kHz on or after January 1, 2005.

(c) For emissions on frequencies NOTE: The measurements of emission above 25 MHz with authorized power can be expressed in peak or mean val- bandwidths up to 30 kHz, the emissions ues provided they are expressed in the same parameters as the unmodulated transmitter shall comply with the emission mask carrier power. and transient frequency behavior re- quirements of §§ 90.210 and 90.214 of this (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) chapter. For all other emissions, the [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 41 mean power of emissions shall be at- FR 32429, Aug. 3, 1976; 41 FR 35068, Aug. 19, tenuated below the mean output power 1976; 43 FR 14662, Apr. 7, 1978; 43 FR 38391, of the transmitter in accordance with Aug. 28, 1978; 44 FR 65765, Nov. 15, 1979; 56 FR 28498, June 21, 1991; 63 FR 36604, July 7, 1998; the following schedule: 68 FR 12765, Mar. 17, 2003; 68 FR 25540, May 13, (1) On any frequency removed from 2003] the assignment frequency by more than 50 percent up to and including 100 § 74.463 Modulation requirements. percent of the authorized bandwidth: at (a) Each new remote pickup broad- least 25 dB: cast station authorized to operate with (2) On any frequency removed from a power output in excess of 3 watts the assigned frequency by more than shall be equipped with a device which 100 percent up to and including 250 per- will automatically prevent modulation cent of the authorized bandwidth: at in excess of the limits set forth in this least 35 dB; subpart. (3) On any frequency removed from (b) If amplitude modulation is em- the assigned frequency by more than ployed, modulation shall not exceed 100 250 percent on the authorized band- percent on negative peaks. width; at least 43 plus 10 log10 (mean (c) If is em- output power, in watts) dB. ployed, emission shall conform to the (d) In the event a station’s emissions requirements specified in § 74.462. outside its authorized channel cause [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 47 harmful interference, the Commission FR 54448, Dec. 3, 1982] may, at its discretion, require the li- censee to take such further steps as § 74.464 Frequency tolerance. may be necessary to eliminate the in- For operations on frequencies above terference. 25 MHz using authorized bandwidths up


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to 30 kHz, the licensee of a remote broadcast stations participating in the pickup broadcast station or system operation shall be made at approxi- shall maintain the operating frequency mately one-hour intervals. Identifica- of each station in compliance with the tion transmissions during operation frequency tolerance requirements of need not be made when to make such § 90.213 of this chapter. For all other op- transmissions would interrupt a single erations, the licensee of a remote pick- consecutive speech, play, religious up broadcast station or system shall service, symphony, concert, or any maintain the operating frequency of type of production. In such cases, the each station in accordance with the identification transmissions shall be following: made at the first interruption in the Tolerance (percent) program continuity and at the conclu- Frequency range Base sta- Mobile sta- sion thereof. Hourly identification may tion tion be accomplished either by transmission

25 to 30 MHz: of the station or system call sign and 3 W or less ...... 002 .005 unit designator assigned to the indi- Over 3 W ...... 002 .002 vidual station or identification of an 30 to 300 MHz: 3 W or less ...... 0005 .005 associated broadcasting station or net- Over 3 W ...... 0005 .0005 work with which the remote pickup 300 to 500 MHz, all powers ...... 00025 .0005 broadcast station is being used. (c) In cases where an automatic relay (Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, station is a part of the circuit, the call 1068, 1082 (47 U.S.C. 154, 155, 303)) sign of the relay transmitter may be [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 42 transmitted automatically by the relay FR 2071, Jan. 10, 1977; 43 FR 38391, Aug. 28, transmitter or by the remote pickup 1978; 44 FR 65765, Nov. 15, 1979; 68 FR 12766, Mar. 17, 2003; 68 FR 25540, May 13, 2003] broadcast base or mobile station that actuates the automatic relay station. § 74.465 Frequency monitors and (d) Automatically activated equip- measurements. ment may be used to transmit station The licensee of a remote pickup sta- identification in International Morse tion or system shall provide the nec- Code, provided that the modulation essary means to assure that all oper- tone is 1200 Hz±800 Hz, the level of mod- ating frequencies are maintained with- ulation of the identification signal is in the allowed tolerances. maintained at 40%±10%, and that the [51 FR 4603, Feb. 6, 1986] code transmission rate is maintained between 20 and 25 words per minute. § 74.482 Station identification. (e) For stations using F1E or G1E (a) Each remote pickup broadcast emissions, identification shall be station shall be identified by the trans- transmitted in the unscrambled analog mission of the assigned station or sys- (F3E) mode or in International Morse tem call sign, or by the call sign of the Code pursuant to the provisions of associated broadcast station. For sys- paragraph (d) of this section at inter- tems, the licensee (including those op- vals not to exceed 15 minutes. For pur- erating pursuant to § 74.24 of this part) poses of rule enforcement, all licensees shall assign a unit designator to each using F1E or G1E emissions shall pro- station in the system. The call sign vide, upon request by the Commission, (and unit designator, where appro- a full and complete description of the priate) shall be transmitted at the be- encoding methodology they currently ginning and end of each period of oper- use. ation. A period of operation may con- sist of a single continuous trans- NOTE: Stations are encouraged to identify mission, or a series of intermittent using their associated part 73 station call transmissions pertaining to a single sign. event. [41 FR 29686, July 19, 1976, as amended at 47 (b) In cases where a period of oper- FR 9220, Mar. 4, 1982; 52 FR 47569, Dec. 15, ation is of more than one hour dura- 1987; 56 FR 28499, June 21, 1991; 68 FR 12766, tion identification of remote pickup Mar. 17, 2003]


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Subpart E—Aural Broadcast band by the technical standards speci- Auxiliary Stations fied in § 101.105(c)(2). (b) The frequency band 944–952 MHz is § 74.501 Classes of aural broadcast available for assignment to aural STL auxiliary stations. and ICR stations. One or more of the following 25 kHz segments may be (a) Aural broadcast STL station. A stacked to form a channel which may fixed station for the transmission of be assigned with a maximum author- aural program material between the ized bandwidth of 300 kHz except as studio and the transmitter of a broad- noted in the following Table. The chan- casting station other than an inter- nel, will be assigned by its center fre- national broadcasting station. quency, channel bandwidth, and emis- (b) Aural broadcast intercity relay sion designator. The following fre- (ICR) station. A fixed station for the quencies are the centers of individual transmission of aural program mate- segments. When stacking an even num- rial between radio broadcast stations, ber of segments, the center frequency other than international broadcast sta- specified will deviate from the fol- tions, between FM radio broadcast sta- lowing frequencies in that it should tions and their co-owned FM booster correspond to the actual center of stations, between noncommercial edu- stacked channels. When stacking an cational FM radio stations and their odd number of channels, the center fre- co-owned noncommercial educational quency specified will correspond to one FM translator stations assigned to re- of the following frequencies. served channels (Channels 201 to 220), 944.0125, 944.0375, 944.0625, 944.0875, 944.1125, between FM radio stations and FM 944.1375, 944.1625, 944.1875, 944.2125, 944.2375, translator stations operating within 944.2625, 944.2875, 944.3125, 944.3375, 944.3625, the coverage contour of their primary 944.3875, 944.4125, 944.4375, 944.4625, 944.4875, stations, or for such other purposes as 944.5125, 944.5375, 944.5625, 944.5875, 944.6125, 944.6375, 944.6625, 944.6875, 944.7125, 944.7375, authorized in § 74.531. 944.7625, 944.7875, 944.8125, 944.8375, 944.8625, (c) Aural broadcast microwave booster 944.8875, 944.9125, 944.9375, 944.9625, 944.9875, station. A fixed station in the broadcast 945.0125, 945.0375, 945.0625, 945.0875, 945.1125, auxiliary service that receives and am- 945.1375, 945.1625, 945.1875, 945.2125, 945.2375, plifies signals of an aural broadcast 945.2625, 945.2875, 945.3125, 945.3375, 945.3625, STL or intercity relay station and re- 945.3875, 945.4125, 945.4375, 945.4625, 945.4875, transmits them on the same frequency. 945.5125, 945.5375, 945.5625, 945.5875, 945.6125, 945.6375, 945.6625, 945.6875, 945.7125, 945.7375, [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 945.7625, 945.7875, 945.8125, 945.8375, 945.8625, FR 7129, Feb. 27, 1984; 53 FR 4169, Feb. 12, 945.8875, 945.9125, 945.9375, 945.9625, 945.9875, 1988; 55 FR 50692, Dec. 10, 1990; 57 FR 41111, 946.0125, 946.0375, 946.0625, 946.0875, 946.1125, Sept. 9, 1992] 946.1375, 946.1625, 946.1875, 946.2125, 946.2375, 946.2625, 946.2875, 946.3125, 946.3375, 946.3625, § 74.502 Frequency assignment. 946.3875, 946.4125, 946.4375, 946.4625, 946.4875, 946.5125, 946.5375, 946.5625, 946.5875, 946.6125, (a) Except as provided in NG30, 946.6375, 946.6625, 946.6875, 946.7125, 946.7375, broadcast auxiliary stations licensed as 946.7625, 946.7875, 946.8125, 946.8375, 946.8625, of November 21, 1984, to operate in the 946.8875, 946.9125, 946.9375, 946.9625, 946.9875, band 942–944 MHz 1 may continue to op- 947.0125, 947.0375, 947.0625, 947.0875, 947.1125, 947.1375, 947.1625, 947.1875, 947.2125, 947.2375, erate on a co-equal, primary basis to 947.2625, 947.2875, 947.3125, 947.3375, 947.3625, other stations and services operating 947.3875, 947.4125, 947.4375, 947.4625, 947.4875, in the band in accordance with the 947.5125, 947.5375, 947.5625, 947.5875, 947.6125, Table of Frequency Allocations. These 947.6375, 947.6625, 947.6875, 947.7125, 947.7375, stations will be protected from possible 947.7625, 947.7875, 947.8125, 947.8375, 947.8625, interference caused by new users of the 947.8875, 947.9125, 947.9375, 947.9625, 947.9875, 948.0125, 948.0375, 948.0625, 948.0875, 948.1125, 948.1375, 948.1625, 948.1875, 948.2125, 948.2375, 1 NOTE: In addition to this band, stations in 948.2625, 948.2875, 948.3125, 948.3375, 948.3625, Puerto Rico may continue to be authorized 948.3875, 948.4125, 948.4375, 948.4625, 948.4875, on 942.5, 943.0, 943.5, 944.0 MHz in the band 948.5125, 948.5375, 948.5625, 948.5875, 948.6125, 942–944 MHz on a primary basis to stations 948.6375, 948.6625, 948.6875, 948.7125, 948.7375, and services operating in accordance with 948.7625, 948.7875, 948.8125, 948.8375, 948.8625, the Table of Frequency Allocations. 948.8875, 948.9125, 948.9375, 948.9625, 948.9875,


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949.0125, 949.0375, 949.0625, 949.0875, 949.1125, band 18,760–18,820 and 19,100–19,160 MHz 949.1375, 949.1625, 949.1875, 949.2125, 949.2375, on a shared co-primary basis with 949.2625, 949.2875, 949.3125, 949.3375, 949.3625, other services under parts 21, 25, and 949.3875, 949.4125, 949.4375, 949.4625, 949.4875, 101 of this chapter until June 8, 2010. 949.5125, 949.5375, 949.5625, 949.5875, 949.6125, 949.6375, 949.6625, 949.6875, 949.7125, 949.7375, Prior to June 8, 2010, such stations are 949.7625, 949.7875, 949.8125, 949.8375, 949.8625, subject to relocation by licensees in 949.8875, 949.9125, 949.9375, 949.9625, 949.9875, the fixed-satellite service. Such reloca- 950.0125, 950.0375, 950.0625, 950.0875, 950.1125, tion is subject to the provisions of 950.1375, 950.1625, 950.1875, 950.2125, 950.2375, §§ 101.85 through 101.97 of this chapter. 950.2625, 950.2875, 950.3125, 950.3375, 950.3625, After June 8, 2010, such operations are 950.3875, 950.4125, 950.4375, 950.4625, 950.4875, not entitled to protection from fixed- 950.5125, 950.5375, 950.5625, 950.5875, 950.6125, 950.6375, 950.6625, 950.6875, 950.7125, 950.7375, satellite service operations and must 950.7625, 950.7875, 950.8125, 950.8375, 950.8625, not cause unacceptable interference to 950.8875, 950.9125, 950.9375, 950.9625, 950.9875, fixed-satellite service station oper- 951.0125, 951.0375, 951.0625, 951.0875, 951.1125, ations. No applications for new licenses 951.1375, 951.1625, 951.1875, 951.2125, 951.2375, will be accepted in these bands after 951.2625, 951.2875, 951.3125, 951.3375, 951.3625, June 8, 2000. 951.3875, 951.4125, 951.4375, 951.4625, 951.4875, (1)(i) 5 MHz maximum authorized 951.5125, 951.5375, 951.5625, 951.5875, 951.6125, 951.6375, 951.6625, 951.6875, 951.7125, 951.7375, bandwidth channels: 951.7625, 951.7875, 951.8125, 951.8375, 951.8625, Receive 951.8875, 951.9125, 951.9375, 951.9625, 951.9875. Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) (MHz) (1) A single broadcast station may be authorized up to a maximum of twenty 340 MHz Separation segments (500 kHz total bandwidth) for transmission of program material be- 18762.5 ...... 19102.5 18767.5 ...... 19107.5 tween a single origin and one or more 18772.5 ...... 19112.5 designations. The station may lease ex- 18777.5 ...... 19117.5 cess capacity for broadcast and other 18782.5 ...... 19122.5 uses on a secondary basis, subject to 18787.5 ...... 19127.5 availability of spectrum for broadcast 18792.5 ...... 19132.5 18797.5 ...... 19137.5 use. However, an FM station licensed 18802.5 ...... 19142.5 for twelve or fewer segments (300 kHz 18807.5 ...... 19147.5 total bandwidth) or an AM station li- 18812.5 ...... 19152.5 censed for eight or fewer segments (200 18817.5 ...... 19157.5 kHz total bandwidth) may lease excess capacity for broadcast and other uses (ii) Licensees may use either a two- on a primary basis. way link or one frequency of a fre- (2) An applicant (new or modification quency pair for a one-way link. of existing license) may assume the (2) [Reserved] cost of replacement of one or more ex- (d) For the coordination of all fre- isting licensees equipment with quency assignments for fixed stations narrowband equipment of comparable above 944 MHz, for each frequency au- capabilities and quality in order to thorized under this part, the inter- make available spectrum for its facili- ference protection criteria in ties. Existing licensees must accept § 101.105(a), (b), and (c) of this chapter such replacement without cost to them and the frequency usage coordination except upon a showing that the re- procedures of § 101.103(d) of this chapter placement equipment does not meet will apply. the capability or quality requirements. (e) The use of the frequencies listed (c) Aural broadcast STL and inter- in paragraph (b) of this section by city relay stations that were licensed aural broadcast intercity relay sta- or had applications pending before the tions is subject to the condition that Commission as of September 18, 1998 no harmful interference is caused to may continue those operations in the other classes of stations operating in


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accordance with the Table of Fre- their primary stations. This use shall quency Allocations contained in § 2.106 not interfere with or otherwise pre- of this chapter. clude use of these broadcast auxiliary [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 48 facilities by broadcast auxiliary sta- FR 50332, Nov. 1, 1983; 49 FR 37777, Sept. 26, tions transmitting aural programming 1984; 50 FR 4658, Feb. 1, 1985; 50 FR 7341, Feb. between broadcast stations as provided 22, 1985; 50 FR 34150, Aug. 23, 1985; 50 FR 48600, in paragraph (b) of this section. Nov. 26, 1985; 54 FR 10329, Mar. 13, 1989; 54 FR (d) An aural broadcast STL or inter- 24905, June 12, 1989; 54 FR 30043, July 18, 1989; 65 FR 38325, June 20, 2000; 65 FR 54172, Sept. city relay may be used to transmit ma- 7, 2000; 68 FR 12766, Mar. 17, 2003; 68 FR 16967, terial between an FM broadcast radio Apr. 8, 2003; 73 FR 25496, May 6, 2008] station and an FM booster station owned, operated, and controlled by the § 74.503 Frequency selection. licensee of the originating FM radio (a) Each application for a new station station. This use shall not interfere or change in an existing station shall with or otherwise preclude use of these be specific with regard to frequency. In broadcast auxiliary facilities by broad- general, the lowest suitable frequency cast auxiliary stations transmitting will be assigned which, on an engineer- aural programming between the studio ing basis, will not cause harmful inter- and transmitter location of a broadcast ference to other stations operating in station or between broadcast stations accordance with existing frequency al- as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of locations. this section. (b) Where it appears that interference (e) An aural broadcast microwave may result from the operation of a new booster station is authorized to re- station or a change in the facilities of an existing station, the Commission transmit the signals of an aural broad- may require a showing that harmful in- cast STL or intercity relay station. terference will not be caused to exist- (f) Multiplexing of the STL or inter- ing stations or that if interference will city relay transmitter may be em- be caused the need for the proposed ployed to provide additional commu- service outweighs the loss of service nication channels for the transmission due to the interference. of aural program material, news-wire teleprinter signals relaying news to be [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963] associated with main channel program- § 74.531 Permissible service. ming, operational communications, (a) An aural broadcast STL station is and material authorized to be trans- authorized to transmit aural program mitted over an FM station under a material between the studio and trans- valid Subsidiary Communications Au- mitter location of a broadcasting sta- thorization (SCA). An aural broadcast tion, except an international broad- STL or intercity relay station may not casting station, for simultaneous or de- be operated solely for the transmission layed broadcast. of operational, teleprinter or sub- (b) An aural broadcast intercity relay sidiary communications. Operational station is authorized to transmit aural communications include cues, orders, program material between broad- and other communications directly re- casting stations, except international lated to the operation of the broadcast broadcasting stations, for simulta- station as well as special signals used neous or delayed broadcast. for telemetry or the control of appa- (c) An aural broadcast intercity relay ratus used in conjunction with the station is authorized to transmit aural broadcasting operations. program material between noncommer- (g) All program material, including cial educational FM radio stations and subsidiary communications, trans- their co-owned noncommercial edu- mitted over an aural broadcast STL or cational FM translator stations as- intercity relay station shall be in- signed to reserved channels (Channels tended for use by broadcast stations 201 to 220) and between FM radio sta- tions and FM translator stations oper- owned or under common control of the ating within the coverage contour of licensee or licensees of the STL or


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intercity relay station. Other broad- tions. Auxiliary stations licensed to cast stations may simultaneously uti- low power FM stations must accept lize such program material with per- any interference caused by stations mission of the STL or intercity relay having primary use of aural auxiliary station licensee. frequencies. (h) In any case where multiplexing, is (b) More than one aural broadcast employed on an aural broadcast STL STL or intercity relay station may be station for the simultaneous trans- licensed to a single licensee upon a sat- mission of more than one aural chan- isfactory showing that the additional nel, the STL transmitter must be capa- stations are needed to provide different ble of transmitting the multiple chan- program circuits to more than one nels within the channel on which the broadcast station, to provide program STL station is authorized to operate circuits from other studios, or to pro- and with adequate technical quality so vide one or more intermediate relay that each broadcast station utilizing stations over a path which cannot be the circuit can meet the technical per- covered with a single station due to formance standards stipulated in the terrain or distance. rules governing that class of broad- (c) If more than one broadcast sta- casting station. If multiplex operation tion or class of broadcast station is to is employed during the regular oper- be served by a single aural broadcast ation of the STL station, the addi- auxiliary station, this information tional circuits shall be in operation at must be stated in the application for the time that the required periodic per- construction permit or license. formance measurements are made of (d) Licensees of aural broadcast STL the overall broadcasting system from and intercity relay stations may be au- the studio microphone input circuit to thorized to operate one or more aural the broadcast transmitter output cir- broadcast microwave booster stations cuit. for the purpose of relaying signals over [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 45 a path that cannot be covered with a FR 51564, Aug. 4, 1980; 52 FR 31403, Aug. 20, single station. 1987; 55 FR 50693, Dec. 10, 1990; 57 FR 41111, (e) Each aural broadcast auxiliary Sept. 9, 1992] station will be licensed at a specified transmitter location to communicate § 74.532 Licensing requirements. with a specified receiving location, and (a) An aural broadcast STL or an the direction of the main radiation aural broadcast intercity relay station lobe of the transmitting antenna will will be licensed only to the licensee or be a term of the station authorization. licensees of broadcast stations, includ- (f) In case of permanent discontinu- ing low power FM stations, other than ance of operations of a station licensed international broadcast stations, and under this subpart, the licensee shall for use with broadcast stations owned cancel the station license using FCC entirely by or under common control of Form 601. For purposes of this section, the licensee or licensees. An aural a station which is not operated for a broadcast intercity relay station also period of one year is considered to have will be licensed for use by low power been permanently discontinued. FM stations, noncommercial edu- cational FM translator stations as- [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 49 FR 7129, Feb. 27, 1984; 49 FR 10930, Mar. 23, signed to reserved channels (Channels 1984; 52 FR 31403, Aug. 20, 1987; 55 FR 50693, 201–220) and owned and operated by Dec. 10, 1990; 57 FR 41111, Sept. 9, 1992; 58 FR their primary station, by FM trans- 19775, Apr. 16, 1993; 65 FR 7649, Feb. 15, 2000; lator stations operating within the 68 FR 12766, Mar. 17, 2003] coverage contour of their primary sta- tions, and by FM booster stations. § 74.533 Remote control and unat- Aural auxiliary stations licensed to tended operation. low power FM stations will be assigned (a) Aural broadcast STL and inter- on a secondary basis; i.e., subject to the city relay stations may be operated by condition that no harmful interference remote control provided that such op- is caused to other aural auxiliary sta- eration is conducted in accordance tions assigned to radio broadcast sta- with the conditions listed below:


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(1) The remote control system must (b) In no event shall the average provide adequate monitoring and con- equivalent isotropically radiated power trol functions to permit proper oper- (EIRP), as referenced to an isotropic ation of the station. radiator, exceed the values specified in (2) The remote control system must the following table. In cases of harmful be designed, installed, and protected so interference, the Commission may, that the transmitter can only be acti- after notice and opportunity for hear- vated or controlled by persons author- ing, order a change in the equivalent ized by the licensee. isotropically radiated power of this (3) The remote control system must station. prevent inadvertent transmitter oper- Maximum Al- ation due to malfunctions in circuits Frequency band (MHz) lowable 1 between the control point and trans- EIRP (dBW) mitter. 944 to 952 ...... +40 (b) Aural broadcast auxiliary sta- 17,700 to 18,600 ...... +55 tions may be operated unattended sub- 18,600 to 19,700 ...... +35 ject to the following provisions: 1 Stations licensed based on an application filed before April (1) The transmitter shall be provided 16, 2003, for EIRP values exceeding those specified above, with adequate safeguards to prevent may continue to operate indefinitely in accordance with the terms of their current authorizations, subject to periodic improper operation of the equipment. renewal. (2) The transmitter installation shall (c) The EIRP of transmitters that use be adequately protected against tam- Automatic Transmitter Power Control pering by unauthorized persons. (ATPC) shall not exceed the EIRP spec- (3) Whenever an unattended aural ified on the station authorization. The broadcast auxiliary station is used, ap- EIRP of non-ATPC transmitters shall propriate observations must be made be maintained as near as practicable to at the receiving end of the circuit as the EIRP specified on the station au- often as necessary to ensure proper sta- thorization. tion operation. However, an aural broadcast STL (and any aural broad- [68 FR 12766, Mar. 17, 2003] cast microwave booster station) associ- ated with a radio or TV broadcast sta- § 74.535 Emission and bandwidth. tion operated by remote control may (a) The mean power of emissions be observed by monitoring the broad- shall be attenuated below the mean cast station’s transmitted signal at the transmitter power (PMEAN) in accord- remote control or ATS monitoring ance with the following schedule: point. (1) When using frequency modulation: (c) The FCC may notify the licensee (i) On any frequency removed from to cease or modify operation in the the assigned (center) frequency by case of frequency usage disputes, inter- more than 50% up to and including ference or similar situations where 100% of the authorized bandwidth: At such action appears to be in the public least 25 dB in any 100 kHz reference interest, convenience and necessity. bandwidth (BREF); (Sec. 318, 48 Stat. 1089, as amended by sec. 1, (ii) On any frequency removed from 74 Stat. 363; 47 U.S.C. 318) the assigned (center) frequency by [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 47 more than 100% up to and including FR 55936, Dec. 14, 1982; 49 FR 7130, Feb. 27, 250% of the authorized bandwidth: At 1984; 50 FR 32417, Aug. 12, 1985; 50 FR 48599, least 35 dB in any 100 kHz reference Nov. 26, 1985; 60 FR 55483, Nov. 1, 1995] bandwidth; (iii) On any frequency removed from § 74.534 Power limitations. the assigned (center) frequency by (a) Transmitter output power. (1) more than 250% of the authorized band- Transmitter output power shall be lim- width: At least 43+10 log10 (PMEAN in ited to that necessary to accomplish watts) dB, or 80 dB, whichever is the the function of the system. lesser attenuation, in any 100 kHz ref- (2) In the 17,700 to 19,700 MHz band, erence bandwidth. transmitter output power shall not ex- (2) When using transmissions employ- ceed 10 watts. ing digital modulation techniques:


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(i) For operating frequencies below 15 D = the displacement frequency (kHz) from GHz, in any 4 kHz reference bandwidth the center of the authorized bandwidth. W = the channel bandwidth (kHz). (BREF), the center frequency of which is removed from the assigned frequency (2) On any frequency removed from by more than 50 percent up to and in- the channel edge by more than 2500 Hz: cluding 250 percent of the authorized At least 43+10 Log10 (PPEAK in watts) bandwidth: As specified by the fol- dB. lowing equation but in no event less (c) In the event a station’s emissions than 50 decibels: outside its authorized channel cause A = 35 + 0.8(G ¥ 50) + 10 Log B. harmful interference, the Commission 10 may require the licensee to take such (Attenuation greater than 80 decibels is further steps as may be necessary to not required.) eliminate the interference. Where: (d) For purposes of compliance with the emission limitation requirements A = Attenuation (in decibels) below the mean output power level. of this section: G = Percent removed from the carrier fre- (1) If the transmitter modulates a quency. single carrier, digital modulation tech- B = Authorized bandwidth in megahertz. niques are considered as being em- ployed when digital modulation occu- (ii) For operating frequencies above pies 50 percent or more of the total 15 GHz, in any 1 MHz reference band- peak frequency deviation of a trans- width (BREF), the center frequency of mitted radio frequency carrier. The which is removed from the assigned total peak frequency deviation will be frequency by more than 50 percent up determined by adding the deviation to and including 250 percent of the au- produced by the digital modulation sig- thorized bandwidth: As specified by the nal and the deviation produced by any following equation but in no event less frequency division multiplex (FDM) than 11 decibels: modulation used. The deviation (D) A = 11 + 0.4(G ¥ 50) + 10 Log10 B. produced by the FDM signal must be (Attenuation greater than 56 decibels is determined in accordance with § 2.202(f) not required.) of this chapter. (2) If the transmitter modulates two (iii) In any 4 kHz reference bandwidth or more carriers, with at least one (BREF), the center frequency of which is using digital modulation and one using removed from the assigned frequency frequency or other analog modulation, by more than 250 percent of the author- digital modulation techniques are con- ized bandwidth: At least 43 +10 Log10 sidered as being employed when the (PMEAN in watts) decibels, or 80 deci- necessary bandwidth of the digital sig- bels, whichever is the lesser attenu- nal(s) is 50 percent or more of the ag- ation. gregate bandwidth of the system, com- (b) For all emissions not covered in prising the digital necessary band- paragraph (a) of this section, the peak width(s), the analog necessary band- power of emissions shall be attenuated width(s), and any bandwidth(s) between below the peak envelope transmitter the digital and analog necessary power (PPEAK) in accordance with the bandwidths. In this case, the aggregate following schedule: bandwidth shall be used for the author- (1) On any frequency 500 Hz inside the ized bandwidth (B) in paragraph (a) of channel edge up to and including 2500 this section, and for purposes of com- Hz outside the same edge, the following pliance with the bandwidth limitations formula will apply: in § 74.502 of this subpart; and the sum 2 A = 29 Log10 [(25/11)[(D + 2.5 ¥ (W/2)] ] of the powers of the analog and digital dB signals shall be used for mean trans- mitter power (P ) in paragraph (a) (Attenuation greater than 50 decibels is MEAN or the peak envelope transmitter power not required.) (PPEAK) in paragraph (b) of this section, Where: and for purposes of compliance with A = Attenuation (in dB) below the peak enve- the power limitations in § 74.534 of this lope transmitter power. subpart.


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(3) For demonstrating compliance (1) The booster station must receive with the attenuation requirements for and amplify the signals of the origi- frequency modulation and digital mod- nating station and retransmit them on ulation in paragraph (a) of this section, the same frequency without signifi- the resolution bandwidth (BRES) of the cantly altering them in any way. The measuring equipment used for meas- characteristics of the booster trans- urements removed from the center fre- mitter output signal shall meet the re- quency by more than 250 percent of the quirements applicable to the signal of authorized bandwidth shall be 100 kHz the originating station. for operating frequencies below 1 GHz, (2) The licensee is responsible for cor- and 1 MHz for operating frequencies recting any condition of interference above 1 GHz. The resolution bandwidth that results from the radiation of radio for frequencies removed from the cen- frequency energy outside the assigned ter frequency by less than 250 percent channel. Upon notice by the FCC to the of the authorized bandwidth shall be station licensee that interference is the reference bandwidth (BREF) speci- being caused, operation of the appa- fied in the individual emission limita- ratus must be immediately suspended tions, but may be reduced to not less and may not be resumed until the in- than one percent of the authorized terference has been eliminated or it bandwidth (B), adjusted upward to the can be demonstrated that the inter- nearest greater resolution bandwidth ference is not due to spurious emis- available on the measuring equipment. sions. However, short term test trans- In all cases, if BRES and BREF are not missions may be made during the pe- equal, then the attenuation require- riod of suspended operation to deter- ment must be increased (or decreased) mine the efficacy of remedial meas- as determined by a factor of 10 log10 ures. [(BREF in megahertz)/(BRES in mega- (3) In each instance where suspension hertz)] decibels, where a positive factor of operation is required, the licensee indicates an increase in the attenu- must submit a full report to the FCC ation requirement and a negative fac- after operation is resumed. The report tor indicates a decrease in the attenu- must contain details of the nature of ation requirement. the interference, the source of inter- (4) Stations licensed pursuant to an fering signals, and the remedial steps application filed before March 17, 2005, taken to eliminate the interference. using equipment not conforming with [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 48 the emission limitations specified FR 50332, Nov. 1, 1983; 49 FR 7130, Feb. 27, above, may continue to operate indefi- 1984; 49 FR 37777, Sept. 26, 1984; 50 FR 48599, nitely in accordance with the terms of Nov. 26, 1985; 68 FR 12766, March 17, 2003.] their current authorizations, subject to periodic renewal. Existing equipment § 74.536 Directional antenna required. and equipment of product lines in pro- (a) Aural broadcast STL and ICR sta- duction before April 16, 2003, authorized tions are required to use a directional via certification or verification before antenna with the minimum beamwidth March 17, 2005, for equipment not con- necessary, consistent with good engi- forming to the emission limitations re- neering practice, to establish the link. quirements specified above, may con- (b) An aural broadcast STL or inter- tinue to be manufactured and/or mar- city relay station operating in the 17.7– keted, but may not be authorized for 19.7 GHz band shall employ an antenna use under a station license except at that meets the performance standards stations licensed pursuant to an appli- for Category A, except that in areas cation filed before March 17, 2005. Any not subject to frequency congestion, non-conforming equipment authorized antennas meeting standards for Cat- under a station license, and replaced on egory B may be employed. However, or after March 17, 2005, must be re- the Commission may require the re- placed by conforming equipment. placement, at the licensee’s expense, of (e) The following limitations apply to any antenna or periscope antenna sys- the operation of aural broadcast micro- tem of a permanent fixed station that wave booster stations: does not meet performance Standard A,


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which is specified in the table in para- (c) Licensees shall comply with the graph (c) of this section, upon a show- antenna standards table shown in this ing that said antenna causes or is like- paragraph in the following manner: ly to cause interference to (or receive (1) With either the maximum beam- interference from) any other author- width to 3 dB points requirement or ized or proposed station; provided that with the minimum antenna gain re- an antenna meeting performance quirement; and Standard A is unlikely to involve such (2) With the minimum radiation sup- interference. pression to angle requirement.


Maximum Minimum radiation suppression to angle in de- beam- grees from centerline of main beam in decibels width to 3 dB Minimum Frequency (GHz) Category 1 antenna ° ° ° ° ° ° points gain (dbi) 5° to 10 15 20 30 100 140 (included ° to to to to to to angle in 10 15° 20° 30° 100° 140° 180° degrees)

17.7 to 19.7 ...... A 2.2 38 25 29 33 36 42 55 55 B 2.2 38 20 24 28 32 35 36 36 1 If a licensee chooses to show compliance using maximum beamwidth to 3 dB points, the beamwidth limit shall apply in both the azimuth and the elevation planes.

[48 FR 50333, Nov. 1, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 7130, Feb. 27, 1984; 50 FR 48599, Nov. 26, 1985; 51 FR 19840, June 3, 1986; 62 FR 4922, Feb. 3, 1997; 68 FR 12767, Mar. 17, 2003]

§ 74.537 Temporary authorizations. (d) A request for special temporary (a) Special temporary authority may authorization shall specify a frequency be granted for aural broadcast STL or or frequencies consistent with the pro- intercity relay station operation which visions of § 74.502. However, in the case cannot be conducted in accordance of events of widespread interest and with § 74.24. Such authority will nor- importance which cannot be trans- mally be granted only for operations of mitted successfully on these fre- a temporary nature. Where operation is quencies, frequencies assigned to other seen as likely on a continuing annual services may be requested upon a show- basis, an application for a regular au- ing that operation thereon will not thorization should be submitted. cause interference to established sta- (b) A request for special temporary tions. In no case will operation of an authority for the operation of an aural aural broadcast STL or intercity relay broadcast STL or an intercity relay station be authorized on frequencies station must be made in accordance employed for the safety of life or prop- with the procedures of § 1.931(b) of this erty. chapter. (e) When the transmitting equipment (c) All requests for special temporary utilized is not licensed to the user, the authority of an aural broadcast auxil- user shall nevertheless have full con- iary stations must include full particu- trol over the use of the equipment dur- lars including: licensee’s name and ad- ing the period it is operated. dress, facility identification number of (f) Special temporary authorization the associated broadcast station(s), call letters of the aural broadcast STL to permit operation of aural broadcast or intercity relay station, if assigned, STL or intercity relay stations or sys- type and manufacturer of equipment, tems pending FCC action on an appli- effective isotropic radiated power, cation for regular authority will nor- emission, frequency or frequencies pro- mally not be granted. posed for use, commencement and ter- [47 FR 9220, Mar. 4, 1982, as amended at 50 FR mination date and location of the pro- 23709, June 5, 1985; 58 FR 19775, Apr. 16, 1993; posed operation, and purpose for which 68 FR 12767, Mar. 17, 2003] request is made including any par- ticular justification.


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§ 74.550 Equipment authorization. result in a facility that would be more costly to relocate. Each authorization for aural broad- cast STL, ICR, and booster stations [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 38 shall require the use of equipment FR 6827, Mar. 13, 1973; 47 FR 54448, Dec. 3, which has been certificated or verified. 1982; 49 FR 7130, Feb. 27, 1984; 50 FR 48599, Nov. 26, 1985; 58 FR 19775, Apr. 16, 1993; 61 FR Equipment which has not been ap- 4368, Feb. 6, 1996; 65 FR 54172, Sept. 7, 2000; 68 proved under the equipment authoriza- FR 12768, Mar. 17, 2003; 68 FR 16967, Apr. 8, tion program and which was in service 2003; 68 FR 20225, Apr. 24, 2003; 69 FR 43772, prior to July 1, 1993, may be retained July 22, 2004] solely for temporary uses necessary to restore or maintain regular service § 74.561 Frequency tolerance. provided by approved equipment, be- In the bands above 944 MHz, the oper- cause the main or primary unit has ating frequency of the transmitter failed or requires servicing. Such tem- shall be maintained in accordance with porary uses may not interfere with or the following table:

impede the establishment of other Tolerance as aural broadcast auxiliary links and percentage of Frequency band (MHz) assigned fre- may not occur during more than 720 quency cumulative hours per year. Should in- terference occur, the licensee must 944 to 952 ...... 0 .005 17,700 to 19,700 ...... 0 .003 take all steps necessary to eliminate it, up to and including cessation of op- eration of the auxiliary transmitter. [54 FR 30043, July 18, 1989, as amended at 68 FR 12768, Mar. 17, 2003] All unapproved equipment retained for temporary use must have been in the § 74.562 Frequency monitors and possession of the licensee prior to July measurements. 1, 1993, and may not be obtained from The licensee shall ensure that the other sources. Equipment designed ex- STL, ICR, TVP, or booster transmitter clusively for fixed operation shall be does not exceed the emission limita- authorized under the verification pro- tions of § 74.535. This may be accom- cedure. The equipment authorization plished by appropriate frequency meas- procedures are contained in subpart J urement techniques and consideration of part 2 of the rules. of the transmitter emissions.

NOTE TO § 74.550: Consistent with the note [50 FR 48599, Nov. 26, 1985] to § 74.502(a), grandfathered equipment in the 942–944 MHz band and STL/ICR users of these § 74.564 Posting of station license. frequencies in Puerto Rico are also required (a) The station license and any other to come into compliance by July 1, 1993. The instrument of authorization or indi- backup provisions described above apply to vidual order concerning the construc- these stations also. tion of the equipment or manner of op- [63 FR 36604, July 7, 1998] eration of the station shall be posted in the room in which the transmitter is § 74.551 Equipment changes. located, provided that if the station is (a) Modifications may be made to an operated by remote control pursuant to existing authorization in accordance § 74.533, the station license shall be with §§ 1.929 and 1.947 of this chapter. posted at the operating position. (b) Permissible changes in equipment (b) Posting of the station license and operating in the bands 18.3–18.58, 18.76– any other instruments of authorization 18.82 GHz and 19.1–19.16 GHz. Notwith- shall be done by affixing the licenses to the wall at the posting location, or by standing other provisions of this sec- enclosing them in a binder or folder tion, licensees of stations that remain which is retained at the posting loca- co-primary under the provisions of tion so that the documents will be § 74.502(c) may not make modifications readily available and easily accessible. to their systems that increase inter- ference to satellite earth stations, or [48 FR 24385, June 1, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 55483, Nov. 1, 1995]


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§ 74.582 Station identification. Subpart F—Television Broadcast (a) Each aural broadcast STL or Auxiliary Stations intercity relay station, when transmit- ting program material or information § 74.600 Eligibility for license. shall transmit station identification at A license for a station in this subpart the beginning and end of each period of will be issued only to a television operation, and hourly, as close to the broadcast station, a Class A TV sta- hour as feasible, at a natural break in tion, a television broadcast network- program offerings by one of the fol- entity, a low power TV station, or a TV lowing means: translator station. (1) Transmission of its own call sign [ 65 FR 30011, May 10, 2000] by aural means or by automatic trans- mission of international Morse teleg- § 74.601 Classes of TV broadcast auxil- raphy. iary stations. (2) Aural transmission of the call (a) TV pickup stations. A land mobile sign of the radio broadcast station with station used for the transmission of TV which it is licensed as an STL or inter- program material and related commu- city relay station. nications from scenes of events occur- (3) Aural transmission of the call ring at points removed from TV station sign of the radio broadcast station studios to a TV broadcast, Class A TV whose signals are being relayed, or, or low power TV station or other pur- when programs are obtained directly poses as authorized in § 74.631. from network lines and relayed, the (b) TV STL station (studio-transmitter network identification. link). A fixed station used for the trans- (b) Station identification trans- mission of TV program material and missions during operation need not be related communications from the stu- made when to make such transmission dio to the transmitter of a TV broad- would interrupt a single consecutive cast, Class A TV or low power TV sta- speech, play, religious service, sym- tion or other purposes as authorized in phony concert, or other such produc- § 74.631. tions. In such cases, the identification (c) TV relay station. A fixed station transmission shall be made at the first used for transmission of TV program interruption of the entertainment con- material and related communications tinuity and at the conclusion thereof. for use by TV broadcast, Class A TV (c) Where more than one aural broad- and low power TV stations or other cast STL or intercity relay station is purposes as authorized in § 74.631. employed in an integrated relay sys- (d) TV translator relay station. A fixed tem, the station at the point of origi- station used for relaying programs and nation may originate the transmission signals of TV broadcast or Class A TV of the call signs of all of the stations in stations to Class A TV, LPTV, TV the relay system. translator, and to other communica- (d) Aural broadcast microwave boost- tions facilities that the Commission er stations will be assigned individual may authorize or for other purposes as call signs. However, station identifica- permitted by § 74.631. tion will be accomplished by the re- (e) TV broadcast licensee. Licensees transmission of identification as pro- and permittees of TV broadcast, Class vided in paragraph (a) of this section. A TV and low power TV stations, un- (e) Voice transmissions shall nor- less specifically otherwise indicated. mally be employed for station identi- (f) TV microwave booster station. A fication. However, other methods of fixed station in the TV broadcast auxil- station identification may be per- iary service that receives and amplifies mitted or required by the Commission. signals of a TV pickup, TV STL, TV relay, or TV translator relay station [28 FR 13716, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 42 and retransmits them on the same fre- FR 36830, July 18, 1977; 42 FR 38178, July 27, quency. 1977; 45 FR 26067, Apr. 17, 1980; 49 FR 7130, Feb. 27, 1984] [65 FR 30012, May 10, 2000]


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§ 74.602 Frequency assignment. described in paragraph (g) of this sec- (a) The following frequencies are tion. The band segment 6425–6525 MHz available for assignment to television is available for broadcast auxiliary sta- pickup, television STL, television tions as described in paragraph (i) of relay and television translator relay this section. Broadcast network-enti- stations. The band segments 17,700– ties may also use the 1990–2110, 6425– 18,580 and 19,260–19,700 MHz are avail- 6525 and 6875–7125 MHz bands for mobile able for broadcast auxiliary stations as television pickup only.

Band D 1 GHz Group A channels Group B channels Band A MHz Band B MHz Channel bound- Channel bound- Designation aries Designation aries

1990–2008 ...... A01 ...... 12.700–12.725 B01 ...... 12.7125– 12.7375 2008–2025 ...... A02 ...... 12.725–12.750 B02 ...... 12.7375– 12.7625 2025–2042 ...... A03 ...... 12.750–12.775 B03 ...... 12.7625– 12.7875 2042–2059 ...... A04 ...... 12.775–12.800 B04 ...... 12.7875– 12.8125 2059–2076 ...... 6875–6900 ...... A05 ...... 12.800–12.825 B05 ...... 12.8125– 12.8375 2076–2093 ...... 6900–6925 ...... A06 ...... 12.825–12.850 B06 ...... 12.8375– 12.8625 2093–2110 ...... 6925–6950 ...... A07 ...... 12.850–12.875 B07 ...... 12.8625– 12.8875 2450–2467 ...... 6950–6975 ...... A08 ...... 12.875–12.900 B08 ...... 12.8875– 12.9125 2467–2483.5 ...... 6975–7000 ...... A09 ...... 12.900–12.925 B09 ...... 12.9125– 12.9375 7000–7025 ...... A10 ...... 12.925–12.950 B10 ...... 12.9375– 12.9625 7025–7050 ...... A11 ...... 12.950–12.975 B11 ...... 12.9625– 12.9875 7050–7075 ...... A12 ...... 12.975–13.000 B12 ...... 12.9875– 12.0125 7075–7100 ...... A13 ...... 13.000–13.025 B13 ...... 13.0125– 13.0375 7100–7125 ...... A14 ...... 13.025–13.050 B14 ...... 13.0375– 13.0625 A15 ...... 13.050–13.075 B15 ...... 13.0625– 13.0875 A16 ...... 13.075–13.100 B16 ...... 13.0875– 13.1125 A17 ...... 13.100–13.125 B17 ...... 13.1125– 13.1375 A18 ...... 13.125–13.150 B18 2 ...... 13.1375– 13.1625 A19 2 ...... 13.150–13.175 B19 2 ...... 13.1625– 13.1875 A20 2 ...... 13.175–13.200 B20 2 ...... 13.1875– 13.2125 A21 ...... 13.200–13.225 B21 ...... 13.2125– 13.2375 A22 ...... 13.225–13.250 1 For fixed stations using Band D Channels, applicants are encouraged to use alternate A and B channels such that adjacent R.F. carriers are spaced 12.5 MHz. As example, a fixed station, relaying several channels, would use A01, B01, A02, B02, A03, etc. 2 The band 13.15–13.20 GHz is reserved for television pickup and CARS pickup stations inside a 50 km radius of the 100 tele- vision markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter. Outside a 50 km radius of the 100 television markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter, television pickup stations, CARS stations and NGSO FSS gateway earth stations shall operate on a primary co- equal basis. The band 13.20–13.2125 GHz is reserved for television pickup stations on a primary basis and CARS pickup sta- tions on a secondary basis inside a 50 km radius of the 100 television markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter. Outside a 50 km radius of the 100 markets delineated in § 76.51 of this chapter, television pickup stations and NGSO FSS gateway earth stations shall operate on a co-primary basis, CARS stations shall operate on a secondary basis. Fixed television auxiliary sta- tions licensed pursuant to applications accepted for filing before September 1, 1979, may continue operation on channels in the 13.15–13.25 GHz band, subject to periodic license renewals. NGSO FSS gateway uplink transmissions in the 13.15–13.2125 GHz segment shall be limited to a maximum EIRP of 3.2 dBW towards 0 degrees on the radio horizon. These provisions shall not apply to GSO FSS operations in the 12.75–13.25 GHz band.


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(1) Frequencies shown above between 2025.275–2025.300 MHz 2450 and 2500 MHz in Band A are allo- 2025.300–2025.325 MHz cated to accommodate the incidental 2025.325–2025.350 MHz 2025.350–2025.375 MHz radiations of industrial, scientific, and 2025.375–2025.400 MHz medical (ISM) equipment, and stations 2025.400–2025.425 MHz operating therein must accept any in- 2025.425–2025.450 MHz terference that may be caused by the 2025.450–2025.475 MHz operation of such equipment. Fre- 2025.475–2025.500 MHz quencies between 2450 and 2500 MHz are Upper band DRL channels also shared with other communication services and exclusive channel assign- 2109.500–2109.525 MHz ments will not be made, nor is the 2109.525–2109.550 MHz channeling shown above necessarily 2109.550–2109.575 MHz 2109.575–2109.600 MHz that which will be employed by such 2109.600–2109.625 MHz other services. 2109.625–2109.650 MHz (2) In the band 2483.5–2500 MHz, no ap- 2109.650–2109.675 MHz plications for new stations or modifica- 2109.675–2109.700 MHz tion to existing stations to increase 2109.700–2109.725 MHz the number of transmitters will be ac- 2109.725–2109.750 MHz cepted. Existing licensees as of July 25, 2109.750–2109.775 MHz 2109.775–2109.800 MHz 1985, and licensees whose initial appli- 2109.800–2109.825 MHz cations were filed on or before July 25, 2109.825–2109.850 MHz 1985, are grandfathered and their oper- 2109.850–2109.875 MHz ations are on a co-primary basis with 2109.875–2109.900 MHz the mobile-satellite and radiodetermin- 2109.900–2109.925 MHz ation-satellite services, and in the seg- 2109.925–2109.950 MHz ment 2495–2500 MHz, their operations 2109.950–2109.975 MHz are also on a co-primary basis with 2109.975–2110.000 MHz part 27 fixed and mobile except aero- (iii) Broadcast Auxiliary Service, nautical mobile service operations. Cable Television Remote Pickup Serv- (3)(i) After January 7, 2004, stations ice, and Local Television Transmission may adhere to the channel plan speci- Service licensees will be required to fied in paragraph (a) of this section, or use the Band A channel plan in para- the following channel plan in Band A: graph (a)(3)(i) of this section after com- pletion of relocation by an Emerging Channel A1r—2025.5–2037.5 MHz Channel A2r—2037.5–2049.5 MHz Technologies licensee in accordance Channel A3r—2049.5–2061.5 MHz with § 74.690 or § 78.40. Licensees declin- Channel A4—2061.5–2073.5 MHz ing relocation may continue to use Channel A5r—2073.5–2085.5 MHz their existing channel plan but must Channel A6r—2085.5–2097.5 MHz discontinue use of the 1990–2025 MHz Channel A7r—2097.5–2109.5 MHz band when they indicate to an Emerg- (ii) Stations adhering to the channel ing Technologies licensee, acting pur- plan specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of suant to § 74.690 or § 78.40 of this chap- this section may also use the following ter, that they decline to be relocated. 40 data return link (DRL) channels to (4) [Reserved] facilitate their operations in the 2025.5– (b) Subject to the conditions of para- 2109.5 MHz band: graph (a) of this section, frequency as- signments will normally be made as re- Lower band DRL channels quested, provided that the frequency 2025.000–2025.025 MHz selection provisions of § 74.604 have 2025.025–2025.050 MHz been followed and that the frequency 2025.050–2025.075 MHz requested will cause no interference to 2025.075–2025.100 MHz existing users in the area. The Com- 2025.100–2025.125 MHz mission reserves the right to assign 2025.125–2025.150 MHz frequencies other than those requested 2025.150–2025.175 MHz 2025.175–2025.200 MHz if, in its opinion, such action is war- 2025.200–2025.225 MHz ranted. 2025.225–2025.250 MHz (c) Fixed link stations will be author- 2025.250–2025.275 MHz ized to operate on one channel only.


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(d) Cable Television Relay Service ject to the provisions of §§ 101.85 stations may be assigned channels in through 101.97 of this chapter. No new Band D between 12,700 and 13,200 MHz applications for new licenses will be ac- subject to the condition that no harm- cepted in the 19.26–19.3 GHz band after ful interference is caused to TV STL June 8, 2000, and no new applications and TV relay stations authorized at for new licenses will be accepted in the the time of such grants. Similarly, new 18.3–18.58 GHz band after November 19, TV STL and TV relay stations must 2002. The provisions of § 74.604 do not not cause harmful interference to cable apply to the use of these frequencies. television relay stations authorized at Licensees may use either a two-way the time of such grants. The use of link or one or both frequencies of a fre- channels between 12,700 and 13,200 MHz quency pair for a one-way link and by TV pickup stations is subject to the shall coordinate proposed operations condition that no harmful interference pursuant to procedures required in is caused to Cable Television Relay § 101.103(d) of this chapter. Service stations, TV STL and TV relay (1) 2 MHz maximum authorized band- stations, except as provided for in width channel: § 74.602(a) Note 2. Band D channels are Receive also shared with certain Private Oper- Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) ational Fixed Stations, see § 74.638. (MHz) (e) Communication common carriers 18141.0 ...... n/a in the Local Television Transmission Service (Part 101) may be assigned fre- (2) 6 MHz maximum authorized band- quencies available to television broad- width channels: cast station licensees and broadcast network entities for the purpose of pro- Receive Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) viding service to television broadcast (MHz) stations and broadcast network enti- ties, respectively. 216 MHz Separation (f) TV auxiliary stations licensed to 18145.0 ...... n/a low power TV stations and translator 18151.0 ...... 18367.0 relay stations will be assigned on a sec- 18157.0 ...... 18373.0 ondary basis, i.e., subject to the condi- 18163.0 ...... 18379.0 18169.0 ...... 18385.0 tion that no harmful interference is 18175.0 ...... 18391.0 caused to other TV auxiliary stations 18181.0 ...... 18397.0 assigned to TV broadcast stations, or 18187.0 ...... 18403.0 to cable television relay service sta- 18193.0 ...... 18409.0 18199.0 ...... 18415.0 tions (CARS) operating between 12,700 18205.0 ...... 18421.0 and 13,200 MHz. Auxiliary stations li- 18211.0 ...... 18427.0 censed to low power TV stations and 18217.0 ...... 18433.0 translator relay stations must accept 18223.0 ...... 18439.0 18229.0 ...... 18445.0 any interference caused by stations 18235.0 ...... 18451.0 having primary use of TV auxiliary fre- 18241.0 ...... 18457.0 quencies. 18247.0 ...... 18463.0 18253.0 ...... 18469.0 (g) The following frequencies are 18259.0 ...... 18475.0 available for assignment to television 18265.0 ...... 18481.0 STL, television relay stations and tele- 18271.0 ...... 18487.0 vision translator relay stations. Sta- 18277.0 ...... 18493.0 18283.0 ...... 18499.0 tions operating on frequencies in the 18289.0 ...... 18505.0 sub-bands 18.3–18.58 GHz and 19.26–19.3 18295.0 ...... 18511.0 GHz that were licensed or had applica- 18301.0 ...... 18517.0 18307.0 ...... 18523.0 tions pending before the Commission as 18313.0 ...... 18529.0 of September 18, 1998 may continue 18319.0 ...... 18535.0 those operations on a shared co-pri- 18325.0 ...... 18541.0 mary basis with other services under 18331.0 ...... 18547.0 18337.0 ...... 18553.0 parts 21, 25, 78, and 101 of this chapter. 18343.0 ...... 18559.0 Such stations, however, are subject to 18349.0 ...... 18565.0 relocation by licensees in the fixed-sat- 18355.0 ...... 18571.0 ellite service. Such relocation is sub- 18361.0 ...... 18577.0


VerDate Nov<24>2008 08:33 Nov 16, 2009 Jkt 217203 PO 00000 Frm 00472 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217203.XXX 217203 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR Federal Communications Commission § 74.602

(3) 10 MHz maximum authorized Receive bandwidth channels: Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) (MHz)

Receive 17970.0 ...... 19530.0 Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) (MHz) 17990.0 ...... 19550.0 18010.0 ...... 19570.0 1560 MHz Separation 18030.0 ...... 19590.0 18050.0 ...... 19610.0 17705.0 ...... 19265.0 18070.0 ...... 19630.0 17715.0 ...... 19275.0 18090.0 ...... 19650.0 17725.0 ...... 19285.0 18110.0 ...... 19670.0 17735.0 ...... 19295.0 18130.0 ...... 19690.0 17745.0 ...... 19305.0 17755.0 ...... 19315.0 (5) 40 MHz maximum authorized 17765.0 ...... 19325.0 17775.0 ...... 19335.0 bandwidth channels: 17785.0 ...... 19345.0 17795.0 ...... 19355.0 Receive 17805.0 ...... 19365.0 Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) 17815.0 ...... 19375.0 (MHz) 17825.0 ...... 19385.0 17835.0 ...... 19395.0 1560 MHz Separation 17845.0 ...... 19405.0 17720.0 ...... 19280.0 17855.0 ...... 19415.0 17865.0 ...... 19425.0 17760.0 ...... 19320.0 17875.0 ...... 19435.0 17800.0 ...... 19360.0 17885.0 ...... 19445.0 17840.0 ...... 19400.0 17895.0 ...... 19455.0 17880.0 ...... 19440.0 17905.0 ...... 19465.0 17920.0 ...... 19480.0 17915.0 ...... 19475.0 17960.0 ...... 19520.0 17925.0 ...... 19485.0 18000.0 ...... 19560.0 17935.0 ...... 19495.0 18040.0 ...... 19600.0 17945.0 ...... 19505.0 18080.0 ...... 19640.0 17955.0 ...... 19515.0 18120.0 ...... 19680.0 17965.0 ...... 19525.0 17975.0 ...... 19535.0 (6) 80 MHz maximum authorized 17985.0 ...... 19545.0 17995.0 ...... 19555.0 bandwidth channels: 18005.0 ...... 19565.0 18015.0 ...... 19575.0 Receive 18025.0 ...... 19585.0 Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) (MHz) 18035.0 ...... 19595.0 18045.0 ...... 19605.0 1560 MHz Separation 18055.0 ...... 19615.0 18065.0 ...... 19625.0 17740.0 ...... 19300.0 18075.0 ...... 19635.0 17820.0 ...... 19380.0 18085.0 ...... 19645.0 17900.0 ...... 19460.0 18095.0 ...... 19655.0 17980.0 ...... 19540.0 18105.0 ...... 19665.0 18060.0 ...... 19620.0 18115.0 ...... 19675.0 18125.0 ...... 19685.0 18135.0 ...... 19695.0 (h) TV STL, TV relay stations, and TV translator relay stations may be (4) 20 MHz maximum authorized authorized to operate fixed point-to- bandwidth channels: point service on the UHF TV channels 14–69 on a secondary basis and subject Receive Transmit (receive) (MHz) (transmit) to the provisions of subpart G of this (MHz) part: 1560 MHz Separation (1) Applications for authorization in accordance with this paragraph must 17710.0 ...... 19270.0 comply with the following technical 17730.0 ...... 19290.0 17750.0 ...... 19310.0 limits or be accompanied by an engi- 17770.0 ...... 19330.0 neering analysis demonstrating why 17790.0 ...... 19350.0 these limits must be exceeded: 17810.0 ...... 19370.0 (i) Maximum EIRP is limited to 35 17830.0 ...... 19390.0 17850.0 ...... 19410.0 dBW; 17870.0 ...... 19430.0 (ii) Transmitting antenna beamwidth 17890.0 ...... 19450.0 is limited to 25 degrees (measured at 17910.0 ...... 19470.0 17930.0 ...... 19490.0 the 3 dB points); and 17950.0 ...... 19510.0 (iii) Vertical polarization is used.


VerDate Nov<24>2008 08:33 Nov 16, 2009 Jkt 217203 PO 00000 Frm 00473 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217203.XXX 217203 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 74.603 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

(2) These stations must not interfere Transmit (or receive MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz) with and must accept interference from current and future full-power UHF-TV 6430.0 6480.0 6438.0 6488.0 stations, LPTV stations, and trans- 6446.0 6596.0 lator stations. They will also be sec- 6455.0 6505.0 ondary to land mobile stations in areas 6463.0 6513.0 where land mobile sharing is currently 6471.0 6521.0 permitted. (3) 25 MHz maximum authorized (3) TV STL and TV relay stations li- bandwidth channels. censed for operation on UHF TV chan- nels 52–69 based on applications filed Transmit (or receive MHz) Receive (or transmit (MHz) before April 16, 2003, may continue to operate under the terms of their cur- 6437.5 6487.5 6462.5 6512.5 rent authorizations until the end of transition to digital television in their market (DTV Transition), as set forth (Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, in §§ 73.622 through 73.625 of this chap- 1068, 1082; 47 U.S.C. 154, 155, 303) ter. Applications for TV STL and TV [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963]

relay stations operating on UHF TV EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- channels 52–69 will not be accepted for tations affecting § 74.602, see the List of CFR filing on or after April 16, 2003. Sections Affected, which appears in the (4) TV translator relay stations li- Finding Aids section of the printed volume censed for operation on UHF TV chan- and on GPO Access. nels 52–59 based on applications filed § 74.603 Sound channels. before the end of DTV transition may continue to operate under the terms of (a) The frequencies listed in § 74.602(a) their current authorizations indefi- may be used for the simultaneous nitely. TV translator relay stations li- transmission of the picture and sound censed for operation on UHF TV chan- portions of TV broadcast programs and nels 60–69 based on applications filed for cue and order circuits, either by before the end of DTV transition may means of multiplexing or by the use of continue to operate under the terms of a separate transmitter within the same their current authorizations until the channel. When multiplexing of a TV end of DTV Transition. Applications STL station is contemplated, consider- ation should be given to the require- for TV translator relay stations oper- ments of § 73.687 of this Chapter regard- ating on UHF TV channels 52–69 will ing the overall system performance re- not be accepted for filing on or after quirements. Applications for new TV the end of DTV Transition. pickup, TV STL, TV relay and TV (i) 6425 to 6525 MHz—Mobile Only. translator relay stations shall clearly Paired and un-paired operations per- indicate the nature of any mutliplexing mitted. Use of this spectrum for direct proposed. Multiplexing equipment may delivery of video programs to the gen- be installed on licensed equipment eral public or multi-channel cable dis- without authority of the FCC, provided tribution is not permitted. This band is the installation of such apparatus on a co-equally shared with mobile stations TV STL station shall not result in deg- licensed pursuant to parts 78 and 101 of radation of the overall system perform- this chapter. The following channel ance of the TV broadcast station below plans apply. that permitted by § 73.687 of this chap- (1) 1 MHz maximum authorized band- ter. width channels. (b) [Reserved] (c) Aural STL or intercity relay sta- Transmit (or receive MHz) Receive (or transmit) (MHz) tions licensed as of July 10, 1970, to op- 6425.5 6475.5 erate in the frequency band 942–947 6450.5 6500.5 MHz, may continue to so operate pend- ing a decision as to their disposition (2) 8 MHz maximum authorized band- through a future rule making pro- width channels. ceeding.


VerDate Nov<24>2008 08:33 Nov 16, 2009 Jkt 217203 PO 00000 Frm 00474 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217203.XXX 217203 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR Federal Communications Commission § 74.631

(d) Remote pickup broadcast stations of program material, orders concerning may be used in conjunction with tele- such program material, and related vision pickup stations for the trans- communications necessary to the ac- mission of the aural portion of tele- complishment of such transmissions, vision programs or events that occur from the scenes of events occurring in outside a and for the places other than a television studio, transmission of cues, orders, and other to its associated television broadcast related communications necessary station, to an associated television thereto. The rules governing remote relay station, to such other stations as pickup broadcast stations are con- are broadcasting the same program tained in Subpart D of this part. material, or to the network or net- works with which the television broad- [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 47 FR 55936, Dec. 14, 1982; 48 FR 24385, June 1, cast station is affiliated. Television 1983; 68 FR 12769, Mar. 17, 2003] pickup stations may be operated in conjunction with other television § 74.604 Interference avoidance. broadcast stations not aformentioned (a) [Reserved] in this paragraph: Provided, That the (b) Where two or more licensees are transmissions by the television pickup assigned a common channel for TV station are under the control of the li- pickup, TV STL, or TV relay purposes censee of the television pickup station in the same area and simultaneous op- and that such operation shall not ex- eration is contemplated, they shall ceed a total of 10 days in any 30-day pe- take such steps as may be necessary to riod. Television pickup stations may be avoid mutual interference, including used to provide temporary studio- consultation with the local coordina- transmitter links or intercity relay tion committee, if one exists. If a mu- circuits consistent with § 74.632 without tual agreement to this effect cannot be further authority of the Commission: reached, the Commission must be noti- Provided, however, That prior Commis- fied and it will take such action as may sion authority shall be obtained if the be necessary, including time sharing transmitting antenna to be installed arrangements, to assure an equitable will increase the height of any natural distribution of available frequencies. formation or man-made structure by (c) For those interference disputes more than 6.1 meters (20 feet) and will brought to the Commission for resolu- be in existence for a period of more tion, TV broadcast auxiliary channels than 2 consecutive days. will have the following priority for pur- NOTE: As used in this subpart, ‘‘associated poses of interference protection: television broadcast station’’ means a tele- (1) All fixed links for full service vision broadcast station licensed to the li- broadcast stations and cable systems. censee of the television auxiliary broadcast (2) TV and CARS pickup stations. station and with which the television auxil- (3) Fixed or mobile stations serving iary station is licensed as an auxiliary facil- translator or low power TV stations. ity. (4) Backup facilities; TV pickup sta- (b) A television broadcast STL sta- tions used outside a licensee’s local tion is authorized to transmit visual service area. program material between the studio (5) Any transmission, pursuant to and the transmitter of a television § 74.631(f), that does not involve the de- broadcast station for simultaneous or livery of program material to a licens- delayed broadcast. ee’s associated TV broadcast station. (c) A TV relay station is authorized (d) Interference between two stations to transmit visual program material having the same priority shall be re- between TV broadcast stations for si- solved in favor of the station licensed multaneous or delayed broadcast, or first on a particular path. may be used to transmit visual pro- [48 FR 17091, Apr. 21, 1983, as amended at 68 gram material from a remote pickup FR 12769, Mar. 17, 2003] receiver site of a single station. (d) The transmitter of an STL, TV § 74.631 Permissible service. relay station or TV translator relay (a) The licensee of a television pick- station may be multiplexed to provide up station authorizes the transmission additional communication channels. A


VerDate Nov<24>2008 08:33 Nov 16, 2009 Jkt 217203 PO 00000 Frm 00475 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217203.XXX 217203 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 74.631 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

TV broadcast STL or TV relay station of-operation, notify the appropriate will be authorized only in those cases frequency coordinatioin committee or where the principal use is the trans- any licensee(s) assigned the use of the mission of television broadcast pro- proposed operating frequency, con- gram material for use by its associated cerning the particulars of the intended TV broadcast station. However, STL or operation and must provide the name TV relay stations so licensed may be and telephone number of a person who operated at any time for the trans- may be contacted in the event of inter- mission of multiplexed communica- ference. tions whether or not visual program (g) Except as provided in paragraph material is being transmitted, provided (d) of this section, a television trans- that such operation does not cause lator relay station is authorized for the harmful interference to TV broadcast pickup, STL or TV relay stations purpose of relaying the programs and transmitting television broadcast pro- signals of a television broadcast sta- gram material. tion to television broadcast translator (e) Except as provided in paragraphs stations for simultaneous retrans- (a), (d), (f) and (j) of this section, all mission. program material transmitted over a (h) A TV microwave booster station TV pickup, STL, or TV relay station is authorized to retransmit the signals shall be used by or intended for use by of a TV pickup, TV STL, TV relay, or a TV broadcast station owned by or TV translator relay station. under the common control of the li- (i) TV broadcast auxiliary stations censee of the TV pickup, STL, or TV authorized pursuant to this subpart relay station. Program material trans- may additionally be authorized to sup- mitted over a TV pickup, STL or TV ply programs and signals of TV broad- relay station and so used by the li- cast stations to cable television sys- censee of such facility may, with the tems or CARS stations. Where the li- permission of the licensee of the broad- censee of a TV broadcast auxiliary sta- cast auxiliary facility, be used by other tion supplies programs and signals to TV broadcast stations and by non- cable television systems or CARS sta- broadcast closed circuit educational tions, the TV auxiliary licensee must TV systems operated by educational have exclusive control over the oper- institutions. ation of the TV auxiliary stations li- (f) A TV broadcast pickup, STL, or TV relay station may be used for the censed to it. Contributions to capital transmission of material to be used by and operating expenses may be accept- others, including but not limited to ed only on a cost-sharing, non-profit other broadcast stations, cable tele- basis, prorated on an equitable basis vision systems, and educational insti- among all parties being supplied with tutions. This use shall not interfere program material. with the use of these broadcast auxil- (j) A broadcast network-entity may iary facilities for the transmission of use television auxiliary service sta- programs and associated material in- tions to transmit their own television tended to be used by the television sta- program materials to broadcast sta- tion or stations licensed to or under tions, other broadcast network-enti- common control of the licensee of the ties, cable systems and cable network- TV pickup, STL, or TV relay station. entities: Provided, however, that the This use of the broadcast auxiliary fa- bands 1990–2110 MHz, 6425–6525 MHz and cilities must not cause harmful inter- 6875–7125 MHz may be used by broad- ference to broadcast auxiliary stations cast network-entities only for tele- operating in accordance with the basic vision pick-up stations. frequency allocation, and the licensee of the TV pickup, STL, or TV relay [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 29 station must retain exclusive control FR 15524, Nov. 19, 1964; 43 FR 1950, Jan. 13, over the operation of the facilities. 1978; 44 FR 32381, June 6, 1979; 47 FR 55937, Prior to operating pursuant to the pro- Dec. 14, 1982; 48 FR 17092, Apr. 21, 1983; 49 FR visions of this section, the licensee 7130, Feb. 27, 1984; 52 FR 7142, Mar. 9, 1987; 68 shall, for the intended location or area- FR 12769, Mar. 17, 2003]


VerDate Nov<24>2008 08:33 Nov 16, 2009 Jkt 217203 PO 00000 Frm 00476 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217203.XXX 217203 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR Federal Communications Commission § 74.633

§ 74.632 Licensing requirements. qualified under the Communication Act of 1934, as amended. (a) Licenses for television pickup, television STL, television microwave (f) Licensees of TV pickup, TV STL, booster, or television relay stations TV relay, and TV translator relay sta- will be issued only to licensees of tele- tions may be authorized to operate one vision broadcast stations, and broad- or more TV microwave booster stations cast network-entities and, further, on a for the purpose of relaying signals over secondary basis, to licensees of low a path that cannot be covered with a power television stations. A separate single station. application is required for each fixed (g) In case of permanent discontinu- station and the application shall be ance of operations of a station licensed specific with regard to the frequency under this subpart, the licensee shall requested. A mobile station license cancel the station license using FCC may be issued for any number of mo- Form 601. For purposes of this section, bile transmitters to operate in a spe- a station which is not operated for a cific area or frequency band and the ap- period of one year is considered to have plicant shall be specific with regard to been permanently discontinued. the frequencies requested. [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 44 (b) A license for a TV relay station FR 32382, June 6, 1979; 47 FR 55937, Dec. 14, may be issued in any case where the 1982; 48 FR 9012, Mar. 3, 1983; 48 FR 17092, Apr. circuit will operate between TV broad- 21, 1983; 48 FR 21486, May 12, 1983; 49 FR 7130, cast stations either by means of ‘‘off- Feb. 27, 1984; 49 FR 10930, Mar. 23, 1984; 52 FR the-air’’ pickup and relay or location of 7142, Mar. 9, 1987; 58 FR 19775, Apr. 16, 1993; 63 the initial relay station at the studio FR 36605, July 7, 1998; 68 FR 12769, Mar. 17, 2003] or transmitter of a TV broadcast sta- tion. § 74.633 Temporary authorizations. (c) An application for a new TV pick- up station shall designate the TV (a) Special temporary authority may broadcast station with which it is to be be granted for TV broadcast auxiliary operated and specify the area in which station operation which cannot be con- the proposed operation is intended. The ducted in accordance with § 74.24. Such maximum permissible area of oper- authority will normally be granted ation will generally be that of a stand- only for operations of a temporary na- ard metropolitan area, unless a special ture. Where operation is seen as likely showing is made that a larger area is on a continuing annual basis, an appli- necessary. cation for a regular authorization (d) Licensees who have two or more should be submitted. TV broadcast stations located in dif- (b) A request for special temporary ferent cities shall, in applying for a authority for the operation of a tele- new TV pickup station, designate the vision broadcast auxiliary station must TV broadcast station in conjunction be made in accordance with the proce- with which it is to be operated prin- dures of § 1.931(b) of this chapter. cipally. Operation in a city which is (c) All requests for special temporary not the of the associated authority of a television broadcast TV broadcast station is on a secondary, auxiliary station must include full par- non-interference basis to home-city ticulars including: licensee’s name and users. address, facility identification number (e) A license for a TV translator of the associated broadcast station(s) relay station will be issued only to li- (if any), call letters of the television censees of low power TV and TV trans- broadcast STL or intercity relay sta- lator stations. However, a television tion (if assigned), type and manufac- translator relay station license may be turer of equipment, effective isotropic issued to a cooperative enterprise radiated power, emission, frequency or wholly owned by licensees of television frequencies proposed for use, com- broadcast translators or licensees of mencement and termination date and television broadcast translators and location of the proposed operation, and cable television owners or operators purpose for which request is made in- upon a showing that the applicant is cluding any particular justification.


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(d) A request for special temporary such action appears to be in the public authority shall specify a channel or interest, convenience and necessity. channels consistent with the provisions [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at, 47 of § 74.602: Provided, That in the case of FR 55937, Dec. 14, 1982; 50 FR 48600, Nov. 26, events of wide-spread interest and im- 1985; 60 FR 55483, Nov. 1, 1995] portance which cannot be transmitted successfully on these frequencies, fre- § 74.635 Unattended operation. quencies assigned to other services (a) TV relay stations, TV translator may be requested upon a showing that relay stations, TV STL stations, and operation thereon will not cause inter- TV microwave booster stations may be ference to established stations: And operated unattended under the fol- provided further, That in no case will a lowing conditions: television auxiliary broadcast oper- (1) The transmitter must be provided ation be authorized on frequencies em- with adequate safeguards to prevent ployed for the safety of life and prop- improper operation. erty. (2) The transmitter shall be so in- (e) When the transmitting equipment stalled and protected that it is not ac- utilized is not licensed to the user, the cessible to other than duly authorized user shall nevertheless have full con- persons; trol over the use of the equipment dur- (3) TV relay stations, TV STL sta- tions, TV translator relay stations, and ing the period it is operated. TV microwave booster stations used (f) Special temporary authority to with these stations, shall be observed permit operation of a TV auxiliary at the receiving end of the microwave broadcast station of any class pending circuit as often as necessary to ensure FCC action on an application for reg- proper station operation by a person ular authority will not normally be designated by the licensee, who must granted. institute measures sufficient to ensure (Sec. 318, 48 Stat. 1089, as amended; 47 U.S.C. prompt correction of any condition of 318) improper operation. However, an STL station (and any TV microwave booster [28 FR 13720, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 47 station) associated with a TV broad- FR 9221, Mar. 4, 1982; 47 FR 55937, Dec. 14, cast station operated by remote con- 1982; 50 FR 23710, June 5, 1985; 52 FR 10570, Apr. 2, 1987; 58 FR 19775, Apr. 16, 1993; 68 FR trol may be observed by monitoring 12769, Mar. 17, 2003] the TV station’s transmitted signal at the remote control point. Additionally, § 74.634 Remote control operation. a TV translator relay station (and any associated TV microwave booster sta- (a) A TV auxiliary station may be op- tion) may be observed by monitoring erated by remote control provided that the associated TV translator station’s such operation is conducted in accord- transmitted signal. ance with the conditions listed below: (b) The FCC may notify the licensee (1) The remote control system must to cease or modify operation in the be designed, installed, and protected so case of frequency usage disputes, inter- that the transmitter can only be acti- ference or similar situations where vated or controlled by persons author- such action appears to be in the public ized by the licensee. interest, convenience and necessity. (2) The remote control equipment must be maintained to ensure proper [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 31 FR 15314, Dec. 7, 1966; 43 FR 1950, Jan. 13, operation. 1978; 47 FR 55937, Dec. 14, 1982; 49 FR 7131, (3) The remote control system must Feb. 27, 1984; 50 FR 32417, Aug. 12, 1985] be designed to prevent inadvertent transmitter operation caused by mal- § 74.636 Power limitations. functions in the circuits between the (a) On any authorized frequency, control point and transmitter. transmitter peak output power and the (b) The FCC may notify the licensee average power delivered to an antenna to cease or modify operation in the in this service must be the minimum case of frequency usage disputes. inter- amount of power necessary to carry ference or similar situations where out the communications desired and


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shall not exceed the values listed in the 100% of the authorized bandwidth: At following table. Application of this least 25 dB in any 100 kHz reference principle includes, but is not to be lim- bandwidth (BREF); ited to, requiring a licensee who re- (ii) On any frequency removed from places one or more of its antennas with the assigned (center) frequency by larger antennas to reduce its antenna more than 100% up to and including input power by an amount appropriate 250% of the authorized bandwidth: At to compensate for the increased pri- least 35 dB in any 100 kHz reference mary lobe gain of the replacement an- bandwidth; tenna(s). In no event shall the average (iii) On any frequency removed from equivalent isotropically radiated power the assigned (center) frequency by (EIRP), as referenced to an isotropic more than 250% of the authorized band- radiator, exceed the values specified in width: At least 43+10 log10 (PMEAN in the following table. In cases of harmful watts) dB, or 80 dB, whichever is the interference, the Commission may, lesser attenuation, in any 100 kHz ref- after notice and opportunity for hear- erence bandwidth. ing, order a change in the effective ra- (2) When using transmissions employ- diated power of this station. The table ing digital modulation techniques: follows: (i) For operating frequencies below 15 GHz, in any 4 kHz reference bandwidth Max- Maximum al- imum lowable (BREF), the center frequency of which is allow- EIRP 2 removed from the assigned frequency able trans- by more than 50 percent up to and in- Frequency band (MHz) mitter cluding 250 percent of the authorized power Fixed Mo- (dBW) bile bandwidth: As specified by the fol- Mobile (dBW) lowing equation but in no event less (W) than 50 decibels: 2,025 to 2,110 ...... 12.0 +45 +35 ¥ 2,450 to 2,483.5 ...... 12.0 +45 +35 A = 35 + 0.8 (G 50) + 10 Log10 B. 6,425 to 6,525 ...... 12.0 ...... +35 (Attenuation greater than 80 decibels is 6,875 to 7,125 ...... 12.0 +55 +35 12,700 to 13,250 ...... 1.5 +55 +45 not required.) 17,700 to 18,600 ...... +55 ...... 18,600 to 18,800 1 ...... +35 ...... Where: 18,800 to 19,700 ...... +55 ...... A = Attenuation (in decibels) below the mean 1 The power delivered to the antenna is limited to ¥3 dBW. output power level. 2 Stations licensed based on an application filed before April G = Percent removed from the carrier fre- 16, 2003, for EIRP values exceeding those specified above, quency. may continue to operate indefinitely in accordance with the terms of their current authorizations, subject to periodic B = Authorized bandwidth in megahertz. renewal. (ii) For operating frequencies above (b) The EIRP of transmitters that 15 GHz, in any 1 MHz reference band- use Automatic Transmitter Power Con- width (BREF), the center frequency of trol (ATPC) shall not exceed the EIRP which is removed from the assigned specified on the station authorization. frequency by more than 50 percent up The EIRP of non-ATPC transmitters to and including 250 percent of the au- shall be maintained as near as prac- thorized bandwidth: As specified by the ticable to the EIRP specified on the following equation but in no event less station authorization. than 11 decibels:

[68 FR 12769, Mar. 17, 2003] A = 11 + 0.4 (G¥50) + 10 Log10 B. § 74.637 Emissions and emission limi- (Attenuation greater than 56 decibels is tations. not required.) (a) The mean power of emissions (iii) In any 4 kHz reference bandwidth shall be attenuated below the mean (BREF), the center frequency of which is transmitter power (PMEAN) in accord- removed from the assigned frequency ance with the following schedule: by more than 250 percent of the author- (1) When using frequency modulation: ized bandwidth: At least 43 +10 Log10 (i) On any frequency removed from (PMEAN in watts) decibels, or 80 deci- the assigned (center) frequency by bels, whichever is the lesser attenu- more than 50% up to and including ation.


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(3) Amplitude Modulation. For ves- prising the digital necessary band- tigial sideband AM video: On any fre- width(s), the analog necessary band- quency removed from the center fre- width(s), and any bandwidth(s) between quency of the authorized band by more the digital and analog necessary than 50%: at least 50 dB below peak bandwidths. In this case, the aggregate power of the emission. bandwidth shall be used for the author- (b) For all emissions not covered in ized bandwidth (B) in paragraph (a) of paragraph (a) of this section, the peak this section, and for purposes of com- power of emissions shall be attenuated pliance with the bandwidth limitations below the peak envelope transmitter in paragraph (g) of this section and in power (PPEAK) in accordance with the § 74.602 of this subpart; and the sum of following schedule: the powers of the analog and digital (1) On any frequency 500 Hz inside the signals shall be used for mean trans- channel edge up to and including 2500 mitter power (PMEAN) in paragraph (a) Hz outside the same edge, the following or the peak envelope transmitter power formula will apply: (PPEAK) in paragraph (b) of this section, 2 and for purposes of compliance with A = 29 Log10 [(25/11)[(D + 2.5 ¥ (W/2)] ] dB the power limitations in § 74.636 of this subpart. (Attenuation greater than 50 decibels is (3) For demonstrating compliance not required.) with the attenuation requirements for Where: frequency modulation and digital mod- A = Attenuation (in dB) below the peak enve- ulation in paragraph (a) of this section, lope transmitter power. the resolution bandwidth (BRES) of the D = The displacement frequency (kHz) from measuring equipment used for meas- the center of the authorized bandwidth. urements removed from the center fre- W = the channel bandwidth (kHz). quency by more than 250 percent of the (2) On any frequency removed from authorized bandwidth shall be 100 kHz the channel edge by more than 2500 Hz: for operating frequencies below 1 GHz, At least 43 + 10 Log10 (PPEAK in watts) and 1 MHz for operating frequencies dB. above 1 GHz. The resolution bandwidth (c) For purposes of compliance with for frequencies removed from the cen- the emission limitation requirements ter frequency by less than 250 percent of this section: of the authorized bandwidth shall be (1) If the transmitter modulates a the reference bandwidth (BREF) speci- single carrier, digital modulation tech- fied in the individual emission limita- niques are considered as being em- tions, but may be reduced to not less ployed when digital modulation occu- than one percent of the authorized pies 50 percent or more of the total bandwidth (B), adjusted upward to the peak frequency deviation of a trans- nearest greater resolution bandwidth mitted radio frequency carrier. The available on the measuring equipment. total peak frequency deviation will be In all cases, if BRES and BREF are not determined by adding the deviation equal, then the attenuation require- produced by the digital modulation sig- ment must be increased (or decreased) nal and the deviation produced by any as determined by a factor of 10 log10 frequency division multiplex (FDM) [(BREF in megahertz)/(BRES in mega- modulation used. The deviation (D) hertz)] decibels, where a positive factor produced by the FDM signal must be indicates an increase in the attenu- determined in accordance with § 2.202(f) ation requirement and a negative fac- of this chapter. tor indicates a decrease in the attenu- (2) If the transmitter modulates two ation requirement. or more carriers, with at least one (4) Stations licensed pursuant to an using digital modulation and one using application filed before March 17, 2005, frequency or other analog modulation, using equipment not conforming with digital modulation techniques are con- the emission limitations specified sidered as being employed when the above, may continue to operate indefi- necessary bandwidth of the digital sig- nitely in accordance with the terms of nal(s) is 50 percent or more of the ag- their current authorizations, subject to gregate bandwidth of the system, com- periodic renewal. Existing equipment


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and equipment of product lines in pro- (f) In the event a station’s emissions duction before April 16, 2003, authorized outside its authorized channel cause via certification or verification before harmful interference, the Commission March 17, 2005, for equipment not con- may require the licensee to take such forming to the emission limitations re- further steps as may be necessary to quirements specified above, may con- eliminate the interference. tinue to be manufactured and/or mar- (g) The maximum bandwidth which keted, but may not be authorized for will be authorized per frequency as- use under a station license except at signment is set out in the table which stations licensed pursuant to an appli- follows. Regardless of the maximum cation filed before March 17, 2005. Any authorized bandwidth specified for non-conforming equipment authorized each frequency band, the Commission under a station license, and replaced on reserves the right to issue a license for or after March 17, 2005, must be re- less than the maximum bandwidth if it placed by conforming equipment. appears that less bandwidth would be (d) In the event that interference to sufficient to support an applicant’s in- other stations is caused by emissions tended communications.

outside the authorized channel, the Maximum au- FCC may require greater attenuation thorized Frequency Band (MHz) bandwidth than that specified in paragraph (b) of (MHz) this section. (e) The following limitations also 1,990 to 2,110 ...... 18 6,425 to 6,525 ...... 25 apply to the operation of TV micro- 6,875 to 7,125 ...... 25 wave booster stations: 12,700 to 13,250 ...... 25 (1) The booster station must receive 17,700 to 19,700 ...... 80 and amplify the signals of the origi- nating station and retransmit them on [45 FR 78692, Nov. 26, 1980, as amended at 48 the same frequency without signifi- FR 50734, Nov. 3, 1983; 49 FR 7131, Feb. 27, cantly altering them in any way. The 1984; 49 FR 37778, Sept. 26, 1984; 50 FR 7342, characteristics of the booster trans- Feb. 22, 1985; 50 FR 34150, Aug. 23, 1985; 50 FR 48600, Nov. 26, 1985; 52 FR 7142, Mar. 9, 1987; 58 mitter output signal shall meet the re- FR 51251, Oct. 1, 1993; 68 FR 12769, Mar. 17, quirements applicable to the signal of 2003.] the originating station. (2) The licensee is responsible for cor- § 74.638 Frequency coordination. recting any condition of interference (a) Coordination of all frequency as- that results from the radiation of radio signments for fixed stations in all frequency energy outside the assigned bands above 2110 MHz, and for mobile channel. Upon notice by the FCC to the (temporary fixed) stations in the bands station licensee that interference is 6425–6525 MHz and 17.7–19.7 GHz, will be being caused, operation of the appa- in accordance with the procedure es- ratus must be immediately suspended tablished in paragraph (b) of this sec- and may not be resumed until the in- tion, except that the prior coordination terference has been eliminated or it process for mobile (temporary fixed) can be demonstrated that the inter- assignments may be completed orally ference is not due to spurious emis- and the period allowed for response to sions. However, short term test trans- a coordination notification may be less missions may be made during the pe- than 30 days if the parties agree. Co- riod of suspended operation to deter- ordination of all frequency assign- mine the efficacy of remedial meas- ments for all mobile (temporary fixed) ures. stations in all bands above 2110 MHz, (3) In each instance where suspension except the bands 6425–6525 MHz and of operation is required, the licensee 17.7–19.7 GHz, will be conducted in ac- must submit a full report to the FCC cordance with the procedure estab- after operation is resumed. The report lished in paragraph (b) of this section must contain details of the nature of or with the procedure in paragraph (d) the interference, the source of inter- of this section. Coordination of all fre- fering signals, and the remedial steps quency assignments for all fixed sta- taken to eliminate the interference. tions in the band 1990–2110 MHz will be


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in accordance with the procedure es- potentially affected by the proposed tablished in paragraph (c) of this sec- fixed use of the frequency(ies) have tion. Coordination of all frequency as- been notified and are in agreement signments for all mobile (temporary that the proposed facilities can be in- fixed) stations in the band 1990–2110 stalled without causing harmful inter- MHz will be conducted in accordance ference to those other licensees and ap- with the procedure in paragraph (d) of plicants. this section. (d) Frequency coordination for all (b) Frequency coordination for all mobile (temporary fixed) stations in all fixed stations in all bands above 2110 bands above 1990 MHz, except the bands MHz, and for all mobile (temporary 6425–6525 MHz and 17.7–19.7 GHz. For fixed) stations in the bands 6425–6525 each frequency authorized under this MHz and 17.7–19.7 GHz. For each fre- part, applicants are responsible for se- quency authorized under this part, the lecting the frequency assignments that interference protection criteria in are least likely to result in mutual in- § 101.105(a), (b), and (c) of this chapter terference with other licensees in the and the frequency usage coordination same area. Applicants may consult procedures in § 101.103(d) of this chapter local frequency coordination commit- will apply, except that only stations in tees, where they exist, for information the bands 6425–6525 MHz and 17.7–19.7 on frequencies available in the area. In GHz are subject to the provision in selecting frequencies, consideration § 101.103(d) requiring compliance with should be given to the relative location § 101.21(f) of this chapter in coordi- of receive points, normal transmission nating frequency usage with stations paths, and the nature of the con- in the fixed satellite service. templated operation. (c) Frequency coordination for all fixed stations in the band 1990–2110 [68 FR 12770, Mar. 17, 2003] MHz. For each frequency authorized § 74.641 Antenna systems. under this part, the following fre- quency usage coordination procedures (a) For fixed stations operating above will apply: 2025 MHz, the following standards (1) General requirements. Applicants apply: are responsible for selecting the fre- (1) Fixed TV broadcast auxiliary sta- quency assignments that are least like- tions shall use directional antennas ly to result in mutual interference that meet the performance standards with other licensees in the same area. indicated in the following table. Upon Applicants may consult local fre- adequate showing of need to serve a quency coordination committees, larger sector, or more than a single where they exist, for information on sector, greater beamwidth or multiple frequencies available in the area. Pro- antennas may be authorized. Appli- posed frequency usage must be coordi- cants shall request, and authorization nated with existing licensees and appli- for stations in this service will specify, cants in the area whose facilities could the polarization of each transmitted affect or be affected by the new pro- signal. Booster station antennas hav- posal in terms of frequency inter- ing narrower beamwidths and reduced ference on active channels, applied-for sidelobe radiation may be required in channels, or channels coordinated for congested areas, or to resolve inter- future growth. Coordination must be ference problems. completed prior to filing an application (i) Stations must employ an antenna for regular authorization, for major that meets the performance standards amendment to a pending application, for Category B. In areas subject to fre- or for major modification to a license. quency congestion, where proposed fa- (2) To be acceptable for filing, all ap- cilities would be precluded by contin- plications for regular authorization, or ued use of a Category B antenna, a Cat- major amendment to a pending appli- egory A antenna must be employed. cation, or major modification to a li- The Commission may require the use of cense, must include a certification at- a high performance antenna where in- testing that all co-channel and adja- terference problems can be resolved by cent-channel licensees and applicants the use of such antennas.


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(ii) Licensees shall comply with the or with the minimum antenna gain re- antenna standards table shown in this quirement; and paragraph in the following manner: (B) With the minimum radiation sup- (A) With either the maximum pression to angle requirement. beamwith to 3 dB points requirement


Maximum Minimum radiation suppression to angle in de- beam- grees from centerline of main beam in decibels width to 3 dB Minimum Frequency (MHz) Category 1 antenna ° ° ° ° ° ° points gain (dbi) 5° to 10 15 20 30 100 140 (included ° to to to to to to angle in 10 15° 20° 30° 100° 140° 180° degrees)

1,990 to 2,110 ...... A 5.0 n/a 12 18 22 25 29 33 39 B 8.0 n/a 5 18 20 20 25 28 36 6,875 to 7,125 ...... A 1.5 n/a 26 29 32 34 38 41 49 B 2.0 n/a 21 25 29 32 35 39 45 12,700 to 13,250 ...... A 1.0 n/a 23 28 35 39 41 42 50 B 2.0 n/a 20 25 28 30 32 37 47 17,700 to 19,700 ...... A 2.2 38 25 29 33 36 42 55 55 B 2.2 38 20 24 28 32 35 36 36 1 If a licensee chooses to show compliance using maximum beamwith to 3 dB points, the beamwidth limit shall apply in both the azimuth and the elevation planes.

(2) New periscope antenna systems limits a proposed project because of in- will be authorized upon a certification terference, and that the radiation, in a horizontal (2) That use of a category A antenna plane, from an illuminating antenna will remedy the interference thus al- and reflector combination meets or ex- lowing the project to be realized. ceeds the antenna standards of this (c) As an exception to the provisions section. This provision similarly ap- of this section, the FCC may approve plies to passive repeaters employed to requests for use of periscope antenna redirect or repeat the signal from a systems where a persuasive showing is station’s directional antenna system. made that no frequency conflicts exist (3) The choice of receiving antennas in the area of proposed use. Such ap- is left to the discretion of the licensee. provals shall be conditioned to a stand- However, licensees will not be pro- ard antenna as required in paragraph tected from interference which results (a) of this section when an applicant of from the use of antennas with poorer a new TV auxiliary broadcast or Cable performance than identified in the Television Relay station indicates that table of this section. the use of the existing antenna system (4) [Reserved] will cause interference and the use of a (5) Pickup stations are not subject to category A or B antenna will remedy the performance standards herein stat- the interference. ed. (d) As a further exception to the pro- (b) All fixed stations are to use an- vision of paragraph (a) of this section, tenna systems in conformance with the the Commission may approve antenna standards of this section. TV auxiliary systems not conforming to the tech- broadcast stations are considered to be nical standards where a persuasive located in an area subject to frequency showing is made that: congestion and must employ a Cat- (1) Indicates in detail why an an- egory A antenna when: tenna system complying with the re- (1) A showing by an applicant of a quirements of paragraph (a) of this sec- new TV auxiliary broadcast station or tion cannot be installed, and Cable Television Relay Service (CARS) station, which shares the 12.7–13.20 GHz band with TV auxiliary broadcast, indi- cates that use of a category B antenna


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(2) Includes a statement indicating ance with the terms of their current author- that frequency coordination as re- izations, subject to periodic renewal. quired in § 74.604 (a) was accomplished. (c) Upon an appropriate technical [45 FR 78693, Nov. 26, 1980, as amended at 49 showing, applicants and licensees un- FR 7131, Feb. 27, 1984; 49 FR 37778, Sept. 26, able to meet the minimum path length 1984; 50 FR 7342, Feb. 22, 1985; 51 FR 19840, requirement may be granted an excep- June 3, 1986; 52 FR 7143, Mar. 9, 1987; 55 FR tion to these requirements. 11587, Mar. 29, 1990; 56 FR 50663, Oct. 8, 1991; 62 FR 4922, Feb. 3, 1997; 68 FR 12771, Mar. 17, NOTE: Links authorized prior to April 1, 2003] 1987, are excluded from this requirement, ex- cept that, effective April 1, 1992, the Commis- § 74.643 Interference to geostationary- sion will require compliance with the cri- satellites. teria where an existing link would otherwise preclude establishment of a new link. Applicants and licensees must com- [52 FR 7143, Mar. 9, 1987, as amended at 68 FR ply with § 101.145 of this chapter to 12771, Mar. 17, 2003] minimize the potential of interference to geostationary-satellites. § 74.651 Equipment changes. [68 FR 12771, Mar. 17, 2003] (a) Modifications may be made to an existing authorization in accordance § 74.644 Minimum path lengths for with §§ 1.929 and 1.947 of this chapter. fixed links. (b) Multiplexing equipment may be (a) The distance between end points installed on any licensed TV broadcast of a fixed link must equal or exceed the STL, TV relay or translator relay sta- value set forth in the table below or tion without authority from the Com- the EIRP must be reduced in accord- mission. ance with the equation set forth below. (c) Permissible changes in equipment operating in the bands 18.3–18.58 GHz Minimum Frequency band path and 19.26–19.3 GHz. Notwithstanding (MHz) length other provisions of this section, licens- (km) ees of stations that remain co-primary Below 1,990 ...... n/a under the provisions of § 74.602(g) may 1,990–7,125 ...... 17 not make modifications to their sys- 12,200–13,250 ...... 5 tems that increase interference to sat- Above 17,700 ...... n/a ellite earth stations, or result in a fa- (b) For paths shorter than those spec- cility that would be more costly to re- ified in the Table, the EIRP shall not locate. exceed the value derived from the fol- [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 38 lowing equation. FR 6827, Mar. 13, 1973; 47 FR 55938, Dec. 14, ¥ 1982; 49 FR 7131, Feb. 27, 1984; 58 FR 19776, EIRP = MAXEIRP 40 log(A/B) dBW Apr. 16, 1993; 61 FR 4368, Feb. 6, 1996; 63 FR Where: 36605, July 7, 1998; 65 FR 54173, Sept. 7, 2000; 68 FR 12771, Mar. 17, 2003; 68 FR 16967, Apr. 8, EIRP = The new maximum EIRP (equivalent 2003] isotropically radiated power) in dBW. MAXEIRP = Maximum EIRP as set forth in § 74.655 Authorization of equipment. the Table in § 74.636 of this part. A = Minimum path length from the Table (a) Except as provided in paragraph above for the frequency band in kilo- (b) of this section, all transmitting meters. equipment first marketed for use under B = The actual path length in kilometers. this subpart or placed into service after NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (b): For transmitters October 1, 1981, must be authorized using Automatic Transmitter Power Con- under the certification or verification trol, EIRP corresponds to the maximum procedure, as detailed in paragraph (f) transmitter power available, not the coordi- of this section. Equipment which is nated transmit power or the nominal trans- used at a station licensed prior to Oc- mit power. tober 1, 1985, which has not been au- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (b): Stations licensed based on an application filed before April 16, thorized as detailed in paragraph (f) of 2003, in the 2450–2483.5 MHz band, for EIRP this section, may continue to be used values exceeding those specified above, may by the licensee or its successors or as- continue to operate indefinitely in accord- signees, provided that if operation of


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such equipment causes harmful inter- under verification. All other transmit- ference due to its failure to comply ters will be authorized under the cer- with the technical standards set forth tification procedure. in this subpart, the FCC may, at its [63 FR 36605, July 7, 1998, as amended at 68 discretion, require the licensee to take FR 12772, Mar. 17, 2003] such corrective action as is necessary to eliminate the interference. However, § 74.661 Frequency tolerance. such equipment may not be further Stations in this service shall main- marketed or reused under part 74 after tain the carrier frequency of each au- October 1, 1985. thorized transmitter to within the fol- (b) Certification or verification is not lowing percentage of the assigned fre- required for transmitters used in con- quency. junction with TV pickup stations oper- ating with a peak output power not Frequency band Frequency greater than 250 mW. Pickup stations tolerance (MHz) (%) operating in excess of 250 mW licensed pursuant to applications accepted for 2,025 to 2,110 ...... 1 0.005 filing prior to October 1, 1980 may con- 2,450 to 2,483.5 ...... 2 0.001 tinue operation subject to periodic re- 6,425 to 6,525 ...... 0.005 6,875 to 7,125 ...... 1 0.005 newal. If operation of such equipment 12,700 to 13,250 ...... 1 0.005 causes harmful interference the FCC 17,700 to 18,820 ...... 0.003 may, at its discretion, require the li- 18,920 to 19,700 ...... 0.003 censee to take such corrective action 1 Television translator relay stations shall maintain a fre- as is necessary to eliminate the inter- quency tolerance of 0.002%. 2 Stations licensed pursuant to an application filed before ference. March 17, 2005, for tolerance values exceeding those speci- (c) The license of a TV auxiliary sta- fied above, may continue to operate indefinitely in accordance with the terms of their current authorizations, subject to peri- tion may replace transmitting equip- odic renewal. Existing equipment and equipment of product ment with authorized equipment, as lines in production before April 16, 2003, authorized via certifi- cation or verification before March 17, 2005, for tolerance val- detailed under paragraph (f) of this sec- ues exceeding those specified above, may continue to be tion, without prior FCC approval, pro- manufactured and/or marketed, but may not be authorized for use under station license except at stations licensed pursuant vided the proposed changes will not de- to an application filed before March 17, 2005. Any non-con- part from any of the terms of the sta- forming equipment authorized under a station license, and re- placed on or after March 17, 2005, must be replaced by con- tion or system authorization or the forming equipment. Commission’s technical rules gov- erning this service, and also provided [52 FR 7143, Mar. 9, 1987, as amended at 68 FR that any changes made to authorized 12772, Mar. 17, 2003] transmitting equipment is in compli- § 74.662 Frequency monitors and ance with the provisions of part 2 of measurements. the FCC rules concerning modifica- tions to authorized equipment. The licensee of a television broadcast (d) Any manufacturer of a trans- auxiliary station must provide means mitter to be used in this service may for measuring the operating frequency authorize the equipment under the cer- in order to ensure that the emissions tification or verification procedure, as are confined to the authorized channel. appropriate, following the procedures [48 FR 38482, Aug. 24, 1983] set forth in subpart J of part 2 of the FCC rules. § 74.663 Modulation limits. (e) An applicant for a TV broadcast If amplitude modulation is employed, auxiliary station may also authorize negative modulation peaks shall not an individual transmitter, as specified exceed 100%. in paragraph (f) of this section, by fol- lowing the procedures set forth in sub- [45 FR 78694, Nov. 26, 1980] part J of part 2 of the FCC rules and regulations. § 74.664 Posting of station license. (f) Transmitters designed to be used (a) The station license and any other exclusively for a TV STL station, a TV instrument of authorization or indi- intercity relay station, a TV translator vidual order concerning the construc- relay station, or a TV microwave tion of the equipment or manner of op- booster station, shall be authorized eration of the station shall be posted in


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the room in which the transmitter is tion identification required by para- located. graph (a) of this section at the begin- (b) Posting of the station license and ning and end of each period of oper- any other instruments of authorization ation. shall be done by affixing the license to (d) A period of operation is defined as the wall at the posting location, or by a single uninterrupted transmission or enclosing it in a binder or folder which a series of intermittent transmissions is retained at the posting location so from a single location or continuous or that the document will be readily intermittent transmission from a tele- available and easily accessible. vision pickup station covering a single [28 FR 13718, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 48 event from various locations, within a FR 24385, June 1, 1983; 49 FR 29070, July 18, single broadcast day. 1984; 50 FR 40015, Oct. 1, 1985] (e) Regardless of the method used for station identification it shall be per- § 74.682 Station identification. formed in a manner conducive to (a) Each television broadcast auxil- prompt association of the signal source iary station operating with a trans- with the responsible licensee. In exer- mitter output power of 1 watt or more cising the discretion provided by this must, when actually transmitting pro- rule, licensees are expected to act in a grams, transmit station identification responsible manner to assure that re- at the beginning and end of each period sult. of operation, and hourly, as close to (f) TV microwave boosters stations the hour as feasible, at a natural break will be assigned individual call signs. in program offerings by one of the fol- However, station identification will be lowing means: accomplished by the retransmission of (1) Transmission of its own call sign identification as provided in paragraph by visual or aural means or by auto- (a) of this section. matic transmission in international [31 FR 15488, Dec. 8, 1966; 32 FR 452, Jan. 17, Morse telegraphy. 1967, as amended at 42 FR 36830, July 18, 1977; (2) Visual or aural transmission of 43 FR 1951, Jan. 13, 1978; 44 FR 36041, June 20, the call sign of the TV broadcast sta- 1979; 49 FR 7131, Feb. 27, 1984] tion with which it is licensed as an auxiliary. § 74.690 Transition of the 1990–2025 (3) Visual or aural transmission of MHz band from the Broadcast Aux- the call sign of the TV broadcast sta- iliary Service to emerging tech- tion whose signals are being relayed or, nologies. where programs are obtained directly (a) New Entrants are collectively de- from network lines and relayed, the fined as those licensees proposing to network identification. use emerging technologies to imple- (b) Identification transmissions dur- ment Mobile Satellite Services in the ing operation need not be made when 2000–2020 MHz band (MSS licensees), to make such transmission would in- those licensees authorized after July 1, terrupt a single consecutive speech, 2004 to implement new Fixed and Mo- play, religious service, symphony con- bile services in the 1990–1995 MHz band, cert, or any type of production. In such and those licensees authorized after cases, the identification transmission September 9, 2004 in the 1995–2000 MHz shall be made at the first interruption and 2020–2025 MHz bands. New entrants of the entertainment continuity and at may negotiate with Broadcast Auxil- the conclusion thereof. iary Service licensees operating on a (c) During occasions when a tele- primary basis and fixed service licens- vision pickup station is being used to ees operating on a primary basis in the deliver program material for network 1990–2025 MHz band (Existing Licens- distribution it may transmit the net- ees) for the purpose of agreeing to work identification in lieu of its own or terms under which the Existing Licens- associated TV station call sign during ees would relocate their operations to the actual program pickup. However, if the 2025–2110 MHz band, to other au- it is providing the network feed thorized bands, or to other media; or, through its own associated TV broad- alternatively, would discontinue use of cast station it shall perform the sta- the 1990–2025 MHz band. New licensees


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in the 1995–2000 MHz and 2020–2025 MHz (1) Existing Licensees and MSS li- bands are subject to the specific reloca- censees may negotiate individually or tion procedures adopted in WT Docket collectively for relocation of Existing 04–356. Licensees to one of the channel plans (b) An Existing Licensee in the 1990– specified in § 74.602(a)(3) of this chapter. 2025 MHz band allocated for licensed Parties may not decline to negotiate, emerging technology services will though Existing Licensees may decline maintain primary status in the band to be relocated. until the Existing Licensee’s oper- (i) MSS licensees may relocate all ations are relocated by a New Entrant, Existing Licensees in Nielsen Des- are discontinued under the terms of ignated Market Areas (DMAs) 1–30, as paragraph (a) of this section, or become such DMAs existed on September 6, secondary under the terms of para- 2000, and all fixed stations operating in graph (e)(6) of this section or the Exist- the 1990–2025 MHz band on a primary ing Licensee indicates to a New En- basis, except those Existing Licensees trant that it declines to be relocated. that decline relocation. Such reloca- (c) The Commission will amend the tion negotiations shall be conducted as operating license of the Existing Li- ‘‘mandatory negotiations,’’ as that censee to secondary status only if the term is used in § 101.73 of this chapter. following requirements are met: If these parties are unable to reach a (1) The service applicant, provider, li- negotiated agreement, MSS Licensees censee, or representative using an may involuntarily relocate such Exist- emerging technology guarantees pay- ing Licensees and fixed stations after ment of all relocation costs, including December 8, 2004. all engineering, equipment, site and (ii) [Reserved] FCC fees, as well as any reasonable ad- (iii) On the date that the first MSS ditional costs that the relocated Exist- licensee begins operations in the 2000– ing Licensee might incur as a result of 2020 MHz band, a one-year mandatory operation in another authorized band negotiation period begins between MSS or migration to another medium; licensees and Existing Licensees in (2) The New Entrant completes all Nielsen DMAs 31–210, as such DMAs ex- activities necessary for implementing isted on September 6, 2000. After the the replacement facilities, including engineering and cost analysis of the re- end of the mandatory negotiation pe- location procedure and, if radio facili- riod, MSS licensees may involuntary ties are used, identifying and obtain- relocate any Existing Licensees with ing, on the incumbents’ behalf, new which they have been unable to reach a microwave or Local Television Trans- negotiated agreement. As described mission Service frequencies and fre- elsewhere in this paragraph (e), MSS quency coordination. Licensees are obligated to relocate (3) The New Entrant builds the re- these Existing Licensees within the placement system and tests it for com- specified three- and five-year time peri- parability with the existing system. ods. (d) The Existing Licensee is not re- (2) Before negotiating with MSS li- quired to relocate until the alternative censees, Existing Licensees in Nielsen facilities are available to it for a rea- Designated Market Areas where there sonable time to make adjustments, de- is a BAS frequency coordinator must termine comparability, and ensure a coordinate and select a band plan for seamless handoff. If, within one year the market area. If an Existing Li- after the relocation to new facilities censee wishes to operate in the 2025– the Existing Licensee demonstrates 2110 MHz band using the channels A03- that the new facilities are not com- A07 as specified in the Table in parable to the former facilities, the § 74.602(a) of this part, then all licensees New Entrant must remedy the defects. within that Existing Licensee’s market (e) Subject to the terms of this para- must agree to such operation and all graph (e), the relocation of Existing Li- must operate on a secondary basis to censees will be carried out by MSS li- any licensee operating on the channel censees in the following manner: plan specified in § 74.602(a)(3) of this


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part. All negotiations must produce so- (f) Low power TV station. A station lutions that adhere to the market authorized under the provisions of this area’s band plan. subpart that may retransmit the pro- (3)–(4) [Reserved] grams and signals of a TV broadcast (5) As of the date the first MSS li- station and that may originate pro- censee begins operations in the 1990– gramming in any amount greater than 2025 MHz band, MSS Licensees must re- 30 seconds per hour and/or operates a locate Existing Licensees in DMAs 31– subscription service. (See § 73.641 of 100, as they existed as of September 6, part 73 of this chapter.) 2000, within three years, and in the re- (g) Program origination. For purposes maining DMAs, as they existed as of of this part, program origination shall September 6, 2000, within five years. be any transmissions other than the si- (6) On December 9, 2013, all Existing multaneous retransmission of the pro- Licensees will become secondary in the grams and signals of a TV broadcast 1990–2025 MHz band. Upon written de- station. Origination shall include lo- mand by any MSS licensee, Existing cally generated television program sig- Licensees must cease operations in the nals and program signals obtained via 1990–2025 MHz band within six months. video recordings (tapes and discs), [65 FR 48180, Aug. 7, 2000, as amended at 67 microwave, common carrier circuits, FR 53756, Aug. 19, 2002; 68 FR 68252, Dec. 8, or other sources. 2003; 69 FR 62621, Oct. 27, 2004; 69 FR 67836, Nov. 22, 2004; 74 FR 29613, June 23, 2009] (h) Local origination. Program origi- nation if the parameters of the pro- gram source signal, as it reaches the Subpart G—Low Power TV, TV transmitter site, are under the control Translator, and TV Booster Stations of the low power TV station licensee. Transmission of TV program signals § 74.701 Definitions. generated at the transmitter site con- (a) Television broadcast translator sta- stitutes local origination. Local origi- tion. A station in the broadcast service nation also includes transmission of operated for the purpose of retransmit- programs reaching the transmitter site ting the programs and signals of a tele- via TV STL stations, but does not in- vision broadcast station, without sig- clude transmission of signals obtained nificantly altering any characteristic from either terrestrial or satellite of the original signal other than its fre- microwave feeds or low power TV sta- quency and amplitude, for the purpose tions. of providing television reception to the general public. (i) Television broadcast booster station. (b) Primary station. The analog tele- A station in the broadcast service oper- vision broadcast station (TV broadcast) ated by the licensee or permittee of a or digital television station (DTV) full service television broadcast sta- which provides the programs and sig- tion for the purpose of retransmitting nals being retransmitted by a tele- the programs and signals of such pri- vision broadcast translator station. mary station without significantly al- (c) VHF translator. A television tering any characteristic of the origi- broacast translator station operating nal signal other than its amplitude. A on a VHF television broadcast channel. television broadcast booster station (d) UHF translator. A television may only be located such that its en- broadcast translator station operating tire service area is located within the on a UHF television broadcast channel. protected contour of the primary sta- (e) UHF translator signal booster. A tion it retransmits. For purposes of station in the broadcasting service op- this paragraph, the service area of the erated for the sole purpose of re- booster and the protected contour of transmitting the signals of the UHF the primary station will be determined translator station by amplifying and by the methods prescribed in § 74.705(c). reradiating such signals which have (j) Digital television broadcast trans- been received directly through space, lator station (‘‘digital TV translator sta- without significantly altering any tion’’). A station operated for the pur- characteristic of the incoming signal pose of retransmitting the programs other than its amplitude. and signals of a digital television


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(DTV) broadcast station, without sig- vision translator station to be associ- nificantly altering any characteristic ated with the station’s analog channel. of the original signal other than its fre- (p) Digital conversion channel. When quency and amplitude, for the purpose used in subpart G of this part, the term of providing DTV reception to the gen- ‘‘digital conversion channel’’ refers to eral public. a channel previously authorized to an (k) Digital low power TV station (‘‘dig- existing low power television or tele- ital LPTV station’’). A station author- vision translator station that has been ized under the provisions of this sub- converted to digital operation. part that may retransmit the programs [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 43 and signals of a DTV broadcast station, FR 1951, Jan. 13, 1978; 47 FR 21497, May 18, may originate programming in any 1982; 48 FR 21486, May 12, 1983; 52 FR 7422, amount greater than 30 seconds per Mar. 11, 1987; 52 FR 31403, Aug. 20, 1987; 62 FR hour for the purpose of providing dig- 26720, May 14, 1997; 69 FR 69331, Nov. 29, 2004] ital television (DTV) reception to the § 74.702 Channel assignments. general public and, subject to a min- imum video program service require- (a) An applicant for a new low power ment, may offer services of an ancil- TV or TV translator station or for lary or supplementary nature, includ- changes in the facilities of an author- ing subscription-based services. (See ized station shall endeavor to select a § 74.790). channel on which its operation is not (l) Digital program origination. For likely to cause interference. The appli- purposes of this part, digital program cations must be specific with regard to origination shall be any transmissions the channel requested. Only one chan- other than the simultaneous retrans- nel will be assigned to each station. mission of the programs and signals of (1) Any one of the 12 standard VHF a TV or DTV broadcast station or Channels (2 to 13 inclusive) may be as- transmissions related to service offer- signed to a VHF low power TV or TV ings of an ancillary or supplementary translator station. Channels 5 and 6 as- signed in Alaska shall not cause harm- nature. Origination shall include lo- ful interference to and must accept in- cally generated television program sig- terference from non-Government fixed nals and program signals obtained via operation authorized prior to January video recordings (tapes and discs), 1, 1982. microwave, common carrier circuits, (2) Any one of the UHF Channels or other sources. from 14 to 69, inclusive, may be as- (m) Existing low power television or tel- signed to a UHF low power TV or TV evision translator station. When used in translator station. In accordance with subpart G of this part, the terms exist- § 73.603(c) of part 73, Channel 37 will not ing low power television and existing be assigned to such stations. television translator station refer to an (3) Application for new low power TV analog or digital low power television or TV translator stations or for station or television translator station changes in existing stations, specifying that is either licensed or has a valid operation above 806 MHz will not be ac- construction permit. cepted for filing. License renewals for (n) Suitable in core channel. When used existing TV translator stations oper- in subpart G of this part, the term ating on channels 70 (806–812 MHz) ‘‘suitable in core channel’’ refers to a through 83 (884–890 MHz) will be grant- channel that would enable a digital low ed only on a secondary basis to land power television or television trans- mobile radio operations. lator station to produce a protected (b) Changes in the TV Table of Allot- service area comparable to that of its ments or Digital Television Table of associated analog LPTV or TV trans- Allotments (§§ 73.606(b) and 73.622(a), re- lator station. spectively, of part 73 of this chapter), (o) Companion digital channel. When authorizations to construct new TV used in subpart G of this part, the term broadcast analog or DTV stations or to ‘‘companion digital channel’’ refers to authorizations to change facilities of a digital channel authorized to an ex- existing such stations, may be made isting low power television or tele- without regard to existing or proposed


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low power TV or TV translator sta- the signal of any other TV broadcast tions. Where such a change results in a analog station and DTV station oper- low power TV or TV translator station ating on the same channel as that used causing actual interference to recep- by the low power TV, TV translator, or tion of the TV broadcast analog or TV booster station or an adjacent DTV station, the licensee or permittee channel which occurs as a result of the of the low power TV or TV translator operation of the low power TV, TV station shall eliminate the interference translator, or TV booster station. In- or file an application for a change in terference will be considered to occur channel assignment pursuant to whenever reception of a regularly used § 73.3572 of this chapter. signal is impaired by the signals radi- (c) A television broadcast booster ated by the low power TV, TV trans- station will be authorized on the chan- lator, or TV booster station, regardless nel assigned to its primary station. of the quality of the reception or the [47 FR 21497, May 18, 1982, as amended at 47 strength of the signal so used. If the in- FR 30068, July 12, 1982; 47 FR 35590, Aug. 18, terference cannot be promptly elimi- 1982; 52 FR 7423, Mar. 11, 1987; 52 FR 31403, nated by the application of suitable Aug. 20, 1987; 62 FR 26721, May 14, 1997] techniques, operation of the offending low power TV, TV translator, or TV § 74.703 Interference. booster station shall be suspended and (a) An application for a new low shall not be resumed until the inter- power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- ference has been eliminated. If the er station or for a change in the facili- complainant refuses to permit the low ties of such an authorized station will Power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- not be granted when it is apparent that er station to apply remedial techniques interference will be caused. Except that demonstrably will eliminate the where there is a written agreement be- interference without impairment of the tween the affected parties to accept in- original reception, the licensee of the terference, or where it can be shown low power TV, TV translator, or TV that interference will not occur due to booster station is absolved of further terrain shielding and/or Longley-Rice responsibility. TV booster stations will terrain dependent propagation meth- be exempt from the provisions of this ods, the licensee of a new low power paragraph to the extent that they may TV, TV translator, or TV booster shall cause limited interference to their pri- protect existing low power TV and TV mary stations’ signal subject to the translator stations from interference conditions of paragraph (g) of this sec- within the protected contour defined in tion. § 74.707 and shall protect existing Class (c) It shall be the responsibility of A TV and digital Class A TV stations the licensee of a low power TV, TV within the protected contours defined translator, or TV booster station to in § 73.6010 of this chapter. Such written correct any condition of interference agreement shall accompany the appli- which results from the radiation of cation. Guidance on using the Longley- radio frequency energy outside its as- Rice methodology is provided in OET signed channel. Upon notice by the Bulletin No. 69. Copies of OET Bulletin FCC to the station licensee or operator No. 69 may be inspected during normal that such interference is caused by spu- business hours at the: Federal Commu- rious emissions of the station, oper- nications Commission, 445 12th Street, ation of the station shall be imme- S.W., Reference Information Center diately suspended and not resumed (Room CY-A257), Washington, DC 20554. until the interference has been elimi- This document is also available nated. However, short test trans- through the Internet on the FCC Home missions may be made during the pe- Page at http://www.fcc.gov/oet/info/docu- riod of suspended operation to check ments/bulletins/#69. the efficacy of remedial measures. (b) It shall be the responsibility of (d) When a low-power TV or TV the licensee of a low power TV, TV translator station causes interference translator, or TV booster station to to a CATV system by radiations within correct at its expense any condition of its assigned channel at the cable interference to the direct reception of headend or on the output channel of


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any system converter located at a re- (1) It obtains the agreement of the ceiver, the earlier user, whether cable wireless licensee to continue oper- system or low-power TV or TV trans- ations; lator station, will be given priority on (2) The commencement or modifica- the channel, and the later user will be tion of wireless service is delayed be- responsible for correction of the inter- yond that period (in which case the pe- ference. When a low-power TV or TV riod will be extended); or translator station causes interference (3) The Commission stays the effect to a BRS or EBS system by radiations of the interference notification, upon within its assigned channel on the out- request. put channel of any system converter (h) In each instance where suspension located at a receiver, the earlier user, of operation is required, the licensee whether BRS system or low-power TV shall submit a full report to the FCC in or TV translator station, will be given Washington, DC, after operation is re- priority on the channel, and the later sumed, containing details of the nature user will be responsible for correction of the interference, the source of the of the interference. interfering signals, and the remedial (e) Low power TV and TV translator steps taken to eliminate the inter- stations are being authorized on a sec- ference. ondary basis to existing land mobile (i) A TV booster station may not dis- uses and must correct whatever inter- rupt the existing service of its primary ference they cause to land mobile sta- station nor may it cause interference tions or cease operation. to the signal provided by the primary (f) It shall be the responsibility of a station within the principal commu- digital low power TV or TV translator nity to be served. station operating on a channel from channel 52–69 to eliminate at its ex- [47 FR 21497, May 18, 1982, as amended at 48 pense any condition of interference FR 21487, May 12, 1983; 52 FR 31403, Aug. 20, caused to the operation of or services 1987; 53 FR 4169, Feb. 12, 1988; 60 FR 55483, provided by existing and future com- Nov. 1, 1995; 62 FR 26721, May 14, 1997; 65 FR mercial or public safety wireless li- 30012, May 10, 2000; 69 FR 69331, Nov. 29, 2004; censees in the 700 MHz bands. The of- 69 FR 72045, Dec. 10, 2004] fending digital LPTV or translator sta- § 74.705 TV broadcast analog station tion must cease operations imme- protection. diately upon notification by any pri- mary wireless licensee, once it has (a) The TV broadcast station pro- been established that the digital low tected contour will be its Grade B con- power TV or translator station is caus- tour signal level as defined in § 73.683 ing the interference. and calculated from the authorized (g) An existing or future wireless li- maximum radiated power (without de- censee in the 700 MHz bands may notify pression angle correction), the hori- (certified mail, return receipt re- zontal radiation pattern, height above quested), a digital low power TV or TV average terrain in the pertinent direc- translator operating on the same chan- tion, and the appropriate chart from nel or first adjacent channel of its in- § 73.699. tention to initiate or change wireless (b)(1) An application to construct a operations and the likelihood of inter- new low power TV or TV translator ference from the low power TV or station or change the facilities of an translator station within its licensed existing station will not be accepted if geographic service area. The notice it specifies a site which is within the should describe the facilities, associ- protected contour of a co-channel or ated service area and operations of the first adjacent channel TV broadast sta- wireless licensee with sufficient detail tion. to permit an evaluation of the likeli- (2) Due to the frequency spacing hood of interference. Upon receipt of which exists between TV Channels 4 such notice, the digital LPTV or TV and 5, between Channels 6 and 7, and translator licensee must cease oper- between Channels 13 and 14, adjacent ation within 120 days unless: channel protection standards shall not


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be applicable to these pairs of chan- cast station at the protected contour nels. (See § 73.603(a) of part 73 of this fails to meet the following: chapter.) (1) ¥45 dB for co-channel operations (3) A UHF low power TV or TV trans- without offset carrier frequency oper- lator construction permit application ation or ¥28 dB for offset carrier fre- will not be accepted if it specifies a site quency operation. An application re- within the UHF TV broadcast station’s questing offset carrier frequency oper- protected contour and proposes oper- ation must include the following: ation on a channel either 14 or 15 chan- (i) A requested offset designation nels above the channel in use by the (zero, plus, or minus) identifying the TV broadcast station. proposed direction of the 10 kHz offset (4) A UHF low power TV or TV trans- from the standard carrier frequencies lator construction permit application of the requested channel. If the offset will not be accepted if it specifies a site designation is not different from that less than 100 kilometers from the of the station being protected, the ¥45 transmitter site of a UHF TV broad- dB ratio must be used. cast analog station operating on a (ii) A description of the means by channel which is the seventh channel which the low power TV, TV trans- above the requested channel, unless it lator, or TV booster station will be can demonstrate that the service area maintained within the tolerances spec- of the low power TV or TV translator ified in § 74.761 for offset operation. station as established in § 74.707(a) is (2) 6 dB when the protected TV broad- not located in an area where the TV cast station operates on a VHF channel broadcast analog station is regularly that is one channel above the requested viewed. channel. (5) An application for a new UHF low (3) 12 dB when the protected TV power TV or TV translator construc- broadcast station operates on a VHF tion permit, a change of channel, or a channel that is one channel below the major change in facilities pursuant to requested channel. § 73.3572 of this chapter proposing a (4) 15 dB when the protected TV maximum of broadcast station operates on a UHF more than 50 kilowatts will not be ac- channel that is one channel above or cepted if it specifies a site less than 32 below the requested channel. kilometers from the transmitter site of (5) 23 dB when the protected TV a UHF TV broadcast analog station op- broadcast station operates on a UHF erating on a channel which is the sec- channel that is fourteen channels ond, third, or fourth channel above or below the requested channel. below the requested channel. (6) 6 dB when the protected TV broad- (c) The low power TV, TV translator, cast station operates a UHF channel or TV booster station field strength is that is fifteen channels below the re- calculated from the proposed effective quested channel. radiated power (ERP) and the antenna (e) As an alternative to the preceding height above average terrain (HAAT) paragraphs of 74.705, an applicant for a in pertinent directions. low power TV, TV translator or TV (1) For co-channel protection, the booster may make full use of terrain field strength is calculated using Fig- shielding and Longley-Rice terrain de- ure 9a, 10a, or 10c of § 73.699 (F(50,10) pendent propagation prediction meth- charts) of Part 73 of this chapter. ods to demonstrate that the proposed (2) For low power TV, TV translator, facility would not be likely to cause in- and TV boosters that do not specify the terference to TV broadcast stations. same channel as the TV broadcast sta- Guidance on using the Longley-Rice tion to be protected, the field strength methodology is provided in OET Bul- is calculated using Figure 9, 10, or 10b letin No. 69 (but also see § 74.793(d)). Cop- of § 73.699 (F(50,50) charts) of Part 73 of ies of OET Bulletin No. 69 may be in- this chapter. spected during normal business hours (d) A low power TV, TV translator, or at the: Federal Communications Com- TV booster station application will not mission, CY–C203, 445 12th Street, SW., be accepted if the ratio in dB of its Reference Information Center, Wash- field strength to that of the TV broad- ington, DC 20554. This document is also


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available through the Internet on the (1) ¥2 dB or less for co-channel oper- FCC Home Page at http://www.fcc.gov. ations. This maximum L/D ratio for co- channel interference to DTV service is [47 FR 21497, May 18, 1982, as amended at 48 only valid at locations where the sig- FR 21487, May 12, 1983; 52 FR 31403, Aug. 20, 1987; 62 FR 26721, May 14, 1997; 65 FR 58467, nal-to- (S/N) ratio is 25 dB or Sept. 29, 2000; 69 FR 69332, Nov. 29, 2004] greater. At the edge of the noise-lim- ited service area, where the S/N ratio is § 74.706 Digital TV (DTV) station pro- 16 dB, the maximum L/D ratio for co- tection. channel interference from analog low power TV, TV translator or TV booster (a) For purposes of this section, the ¥ DTV station protected service area is service into DTV service is 21 dB. At locations where the S/N ratio is greater the geographic-area in which the field than 16 dB but less than 25 dB, the strength of the station’s signal exceeds maximum L/D field strength ratios are the noise-limited service levels speci- found from the following Table (for fied in § 73.622(e) of this chapter. The values between measured values, linear extremity of this area (noise-limited interpolation can be used): perimeter) is calculated from the au- thorized maximum radiated power DTV-to-low (without depression angle correction), Signal-to-noise ratio(dB) power ratio the horizontal radiation pattern, and (dB) height above average terrain in the 16.00 ...... 21.00 pertinent direction, using the signal 16.35 ...... 19.94 propagation method specified in 17.35 ...... 17.69 18.35 ...... 16.44 § 73.625(b) of this chapter. 19.35 ...... 7.19 (b)(1) An application to construct a 20.35 ...... 4.69 new low power TV or TV translator 21.35 ...... 3.69 22.35 ...... 2.94 station or change the facilities of an 23.35 ...... 2.44 existing station will not be accepted if 25.00 ...... 2.00 it specifies a site which is located with- in the noise-limited service perimeter (2) + 48 dB for adjacent channel oper- of a co-channel DTV station. ations at: (2) Due to the frequency spacing (i) The DTV noise-limited perimeter which exists between TV channels 4 if a low power TV, TV translator or TV and 5, between Channels 6 and 7, and booster station is located outside that between Channels 13 and 14, adjacent perimeter. channel protection standards shall not (ii) At all points within the DTV be applicable to these pairs of chan- noise-limited area if a low power TV or nels. TV translator is located within the (c) The low power TV, TV translator DTV noise-limited perimeter, as dem- or TV booster station field strength is onstrated by the applicant. calculated from the proposed effective [62 FR 26721, May 14, 1997, as amended at 63 radiated power (ERP) and the antenna FR 13563, Mar. 20, 1998; 64 FR 4327, Jan. 28, height above average terrain (HAAT) 1999] in pertinent directions. (1) For co-channel protection, the § 74.707 Low power TV and TV trans- field strength is calculated using Fig- lator station protection. ure 9a, 10a, or 10c of § 73.699 (F(50,10) (a)(1) A low power TV or TV trans- charts) of part 73 of this chapter. lator will be protected from inter- (2) For adjacent channel protection, ference from other low power TV or TV the field strength is calculated using translator stations, or TV booster sta- Figure 9, 10, or 10b of § 73.699 (F(50,50) tions within the following predicted charts) of part 73 of this chapter. contours: (d) A low power TV, TV translator or (i) 62 dBu for stations on Channels 2 TV booster station application will not through 6; be accepted if the ratio in dB of its (ii) 68 dBu for stations on Channels 7 field strength to that of the DTV sta- through 13; and tion (L/D ratio) fails to meet the fol- (iii) 74 dBu for stations on Channels lowing: 14 through 69.


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Existing licensees and permittees that (1) For co-channel protection, the did not furnish sufficient data required field strength is calculated using Fig- to calculate the above contours by ure 9a, 10a, or 10c of § 73.699 (F(50,10) April 15, 1983 are assigned protected charts) of Part 73 of this chapter. contours having the following radii: (2) For low power TV, TV translator, Up to 0.001 kW VHF/UHF—1 mile (1.6 km) or TV booster applications that do not from transmitter site specify the same channel as the low Up to 0.01 kW VHF; up to 0.1 k/W UHF—2 power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- miles (3.2 km) from transmitter site er station to be protected, the field Up to 0.1 kW VHF; up to 1 kW UHF—4 miles strength is calculated using Figure 9, (6.4 km) from transmitter site 10, or 10b of § 73.699 (F(50,50) charts) of Part 73 of this chapter. New applicants must submit the re- (d) A low power TV, TV translator, or quired information; they cannot rely TV booster station application will not on this table. be accepted if the ratio in dB of its (2) The low power TV or TV trans- field strength to that of the authorized lator station protected contour is cal- low power TV, TV translator, or TV culated from the authorized effective booster station at its protected con- radiated power and antenna height tour fails to meet the following: above average terrain, using Figure 9, (1) ¥45 dB for co-channel operations 10, or 10b of § 73.699 (F(50,50) charts) of without offset carrier frequency oper- Part 73 of this chapter. ation or ¥28 dB for offset carrier fre- (b)(1) An application to construct a quency operation. An application re- new low power TV, TV translator, or questing offset carrier frequency oper- TV booster station or change the facili- ation must include the following: ties of an existing station will not be (i) A requested offset designation accepted if it specifies a site which is (zero, plus, or minus) identifying the within the protected contour of a co- proposed direction of the 10 kHz offset channel or first adjacent channel low from the standard carrier frequencies power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- of the requested channel. If the offset er station, except that a TV booster designation is not different from that station may be located within the pro- of the station being protected, or if the tected contour of its co-channel pri- station being protected is not main- mary station. taining its frequencies within the tol- (2) Due to the frequency spacing erance specified in § 74.761 for offset op- which exists between TV Channels 4 eration, the ¥45 dB ratio must be used. and 5, between Channels 6 and 7, and (ii) A description of the means by between Channels 13 and 14, adjacent which the low power TV, TV trans- channel protection standards shall not lator, or TV booster station’s fre- be applicable to these pairs of chan- quencies will be maintained within the nels. (See § 73.603(a) of Part 73 of this tolerances specified in § 74.761 for offset chapter.) operation. (3) A UHF low power TV, TV trans- (2) 6 dB when the protected low power lator, or TV booster construction per- TV or TV translator station operates mit application will not be accepted if on a VHF channel that is one channel it specifies a site within the UHF low above the requested channel. power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- (3) 12 dB when the protected low er station’s protected contour and pro- power TV or TV translator station op- poses operation on a channel that is 15 erates on a VHF channel that is one channels above the channel in use by channel below the requested channel. the low power TV, TV translator, or (4) 15 dB when the protected low TV booster station. power TV or TV translator station op- (c) The low power TV, TV translator, erates on a UHF channel that is one or TV booster construction permit ap- channel above or below the requested plication field strength is calculated channel. from the proposed effective radiated (5) 6 dB when the protected low power power (ERP) and the antenna above av- TV or TV translator station operates erage terrain (HAAT) in pertinent di- on a UHF channel that is fifteen chan- rections. nels below the requested channel.


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(e) As an alternative to the preceding that of the digital Class A TV station paragraphs of § 74.707, an applicant for must meet the requirements specified a low power TV or TV translator sta- in paragraph (d) of § 74.706, calculated tion may make full use of terrain using the propagation methods speci- shielding and Longley-Rice terrain de- fied in paragraph (c) of that section. pendent propagation prediction meth- ods to demonstrate that the proposed [65 FR 30012, May 10, 2000] facility would not be likely to cause in- § 74.709 Land mobile station protec- terference to low power TV, TV trans- tion. lator and TV booster stations. Guid- ance on using the Longley-Rice meth- (a) Stations in the Land Mobile odology is provided in OET Bulletin No. Radio Service, using the following 69 (but also see § 74.793(d)). Copies of channels in the indicated cities will be OET Bulletin No. 69 may be inspected protected from interference caused by during normal business hours at the: low power TV or TV translator sta- Federal Communications Commission, tions, and low power TV and TV trans- Room CY–C203, 445 12th Street, SW., lator stations must accept any inter- Reference Information Center, Wash- ference from stations in the land mo- ington, DC 20554. This document is also bile service operating on the following available through the Internet on the channels: FCC Home Page at http://www.fcc.gov. Chan- Coordinates [47 FR 21498, May 18, 1982, as amended at 47 City nels FR 35990, Aug. 18, 1982; 48 FR 21487, May 12, Latitude Longitude 1983; 52 FR 31403, Aug. 20, 1987; 62 FR 26722, Boston, MA ...... 14, 16 42°21′24″ 071°03′24″ May 14, 1997; 65 FR 58467, Sept. 29, 2000; 69 FR Chicago, IL ...... 14, 15 41°52′28″ 087°38′22″ 69332, Nov. 29, 2004] Cleveland, OH ...... 14, 15 41°29′51″ 081°41′50″ Dallas, TX ...... 16 32°47′09″ 096°47′37″ § 74.708 Class A TV and digital Class A Detroit, MI ...... 15, 16 42°19′48″ 083°02′57″ TV station protection. Houston, TX ...... 17 29°45′26″ 095°21′37″ (a) The Class A TV and digital Class Los Angeles, CA ...... 14, 34°03′15″ 118°18′28″ A TV station protected contours are 16, 20 Miami, FL ...... 14 25°46′37″ 080°11′32″ specified in § 73.6010 of this chapter. New York, NY ...... 14, 40°45′06″ 073°59′39″ (b) An application to construct a new 15, 16 low power TV, TV translator, or TV Philadelphia, PA ...... 19, 20 39°56′58″ 075°09′21″ booster station or change the facilities Pittsburgh, PA ...... 14, 18 40°26′19″ 080°00′00″ of an existing station will not be ac- San Francisco, CA ...... 16, 17 37°46′39″ 122°24′40″ ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ cepted if it fails to protect an author- Washington, DC ...... 17, 18 38 53 51 077 00 33 ized Class A TV or digital Class A TV (b) The protected contours for the station or an application for such a station filed prior to the date the low land mobile radio service are 130 kilo- power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- meters from the above coordinates, ex- er application is filed. cept where limited by the following: (c) Applications for low power TV, (1) If the land mobile channel is the TV translator and TV booster stations same as the channel in the following shall protect Class A TV stations pur- list, the land mobile protected contour suant to the requirements specified in excludes the area within 145 kilometers paragraphs (b) through (e) of § 74.707. of the corresponding coordinates from (d) Applications for low power TV, list below. Except if the land mobile TV translator and TV booster stations channel is 15 in New York or Cleveland shall protect digital Class A TV sta- or 16 in Detroit, the land mobile pro- tions pursuant to the following re- tected contour excludes the area with- quirements: in 95 kilometers of the corresponding (i) An application must not specify coordinates from the list below. an antenna site within the protected (2) If the land mobile channel is one contour of a co-channel digital Class A channel above or below the channel in TV station. the following list, the land mobile pro- (ii) The ratio in dB of the field tected contour excludes the area with- strength of the low power TV, TV in 95 kilometers of the corresponding translator or TV booster station to coordinates from the list below.


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(1) On Channel 15: west of 92°00′ W.L.; Chan- Coordinates City east of 98°30′ W.L.; and south of a line nel Latitude Longitude extending due west from 30°30′ N.L., San Diego, CA ...... 15 32°41′48″ 116°56′10″ 92°00′ W.L. to 30°30′ N.L., 96°00′ W.L.; Waterbury, CT ...... 20 41°31′02″ 073°01′00″ ° ′ Washington, DC ...... 14 38°57′17″ 077°00′17″ and then due southwest to 28 00 N.L., Washington, DC ...... 20 38°57′49″ 077°06′18″ 98°30′ W.L. Champaign, IL ...... 15 40°04′11″ 087°54′45″ (2) On Channel 16: west of 86°40′ W.L.; Jacksonville, IL ...... 14 39°45′52″ 090°30′29″ east of 96°30′ W.L.; and south of a line Ft. Wayne, IN ...... 15 41°05′35″ 085°10′42″ South Bend, IN ...... 16 41°36′20″ 086°12′44″ extending due west from 31°00′ N.L., Salisbury, MD ...... 16 38°24′15″ 075°34′45″ 86°40′ W.L. to 31°00′ N.L., 95°00′ W.L. and Mt. Pleasant, MI ...... 14 43°34′24″ 084°46′21″ then due southwest to 29°30′ N.L., 96°30′ Hanover, NH ...... 15 43°42′30″ 072°09′16″ Canton, OH ...... 17 40°51′04″ 081°16′37″ W.L. Cleveland, OH ...... 19 41°21′19″ 081°44′24″ (3) On Channel 17: west of 86°30′ W.L.; Oxford, OH ...... 14 39°30′26″ 084°44′09″ east of 96°00′ W.L.; and south of a line Zanesville, OH ...... 18 39°55′42″ 081°59′06″ Elmira-Corning, NY ..... 18 42°06′20″ 076°52′17″ extending due west from 31°00′ N.L., Harrisburg, PA ...... 21 40°20′44″ 076°52′09″ 86°30′ W.L. to 31°30′ N.L., 94°00′ W.L. and Johnstown, PA ...... 19 40°19′47″ 078°53′45″ then due southwest to 29°30′ N.L., 96°00′ Lancaster, PA ...... 15 40°15′45″ 076°27′49″ Philadelphia, PA ...... 17 40°02′30″ 075°14′24″ W.L. Pittsburgh, PA ...... 16 40°26′46″ 079°57′51″ (4) On Channel 18: west of 87°00′ W.L.; Scranton, PA ...... 16 41°10′58″ 075°52′21″ east of 95°00′ W.L.; and south of 31°00′ Parkersburg, WV ...... 15 39°20′50″ 081°33′56″ Madison, WI ...... 15 43°03′01″ 089°29′15″ N.L. [47 FR 21499, May 18, 1982, as amended at 50 (c) A low power TV or TV translator FR 12027, Mar. 27, 1985; 50 FR 33942, Aug. 22, station application will not be accept- 1985; 69 FR 31906, June 8, 2004] ed if it specifies a site that is within the protected contour of a co-channel § 74.710 Digital low power TV and TV or first adjacent channel land mobile translator station protection. assignment. (a) An application to construct a new (d) The low power TV or TV trans- low power TV, TV translator, or TV lator station field strength is cal- booster station or change the facilities culated from the proposed effective ra- of an existing station will not be ac- diated power (ERP) and the antenna cepted if it fails to protect an author- height above average terrain (HAAT) ized digital low power TV or TV trans- in pertinent directions. lator station or an application for such (1) The field strength is calculated station filed prior to the date the low using Figure 10c of § 73.699 (F(50, 10) power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- charts) of Part 73 of this chapter. er application is filed. (2) A low power TV or TV translator (b) Applications for low power TV, station application will not be accept- TV translator and TV booster stations ed if it specifies the same channel as shall protect digital low power TV and one of the land mobile assignments and TV translator stations pursuant to the its field strength at the land mobile following requirements: protected contour exceeds 52 dBu. (1) An application must not specify (3) A low power TV or TV translator an antenna site within the protected station application will not be accept- contour of a co-channel or adjacent ed if it specifies a channel that is one channel digital low power TV or TV channel above or below one of the land translator station, as defined in § 74.792. mobile assignments and its field (2) The ratio in dB of the field strength at the land mobile protected strength of the low power TV, TV contour exceeds 76 dBu. translator or TV booster station at the (e) To protect stations in the Off- protected contour of a co-channel dig- shore Radio Service, a low power TV or ital TV or TV translator station must TV translator station construction per- meet the requirements specified in mit application will not be accepted if § 74.706(d)(1). it specifies operation on channels 15, (3) The ratio in dB of the field 16, 17 or 18 in the following areas. West strength of the low power TV, TV Longitude and North Latitude are ab- translator or TV booster station at the breviated as W.L. and N.L. respec- protected contour of a digital low tively. power TV or TV translator station on


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the lower and upper adjacent channels modulating equipment meeting the re- must not exceed 49 dB and 48 dB, re- quirements of § 74.750(d) shall be used. spectively. (c) The transmissions of each tele- (4) The analysis used in 74.710 should vision broadcast translator station use the propagation methods specified shall be intended for direct reception in § 74.706(c). by the general public and any other use (c) As an alternative to the require- shall be incidental thereto. A tele- ments of paragraph (b) of this section, vision broadcast translator station an applicant for a low power TV, TV shall not be operated solely for the pur- translator or TV booster may make pose of relaying signals to one or more full use of terrain shielding and fixed receiving points for retrans- Longley-Rice terrain dependent propa- mission, distribution, or further relay- gation prediction methods to dem- ing. onstrate that the proposed facility (d) The technical characteristics of would not be likely to cause inter- the retransmitted signals shall not be ference to digital low power TV or TV deliberately altered so as to hinder re- translator stations, as described in ception on conventional television § 74.707(e) (i.e., reduce the service popu- broadcast receivers. lation by no more than 0.5% within the (e) A television broadcast translator station’s protected contour based on station shall not deliberately re- the interference thresholds of § 73.623(c) transmit the signals of any station of this chapter). other than the station it is authorized [69 FR 69332, Nov. 29, 2004] by license to retransmit. Precautions shall be taken to avoid unintentional § 74.731 Purpose and permissible serv- retransmission of such other signals. ice. (f) A locally generated radio fre- (a) Television broadcast translator quency signal similar to that of a TV stations and television broadcast broadcast station and modulated with booster stations provide a means visual and aural information may be whereby the signals of television connected to the input terminals of a broadcast stations may be retrans- television broadcast translator or low mitted to areas in which direct recep- power station for the purposes of trans- tion of such television broadcast sta- mitting still photographs, slides and tions is unsatisfactory due to distance voice announcements. The radio fre- or intervening terrain barriers. quency signals shall be on the same (b) Except as provided in paragraph channel as the normally used off-the- (f) of this section, a television broad- air signal being rebroadcast. When cast translator station or television transmitting originations concerning broadcast booster station may be used financial support or public service an- only to receive the signals of a tele- nouncements, connection of the locally vision broadcast station, another tele- generated signals shall be made auto- vision broadcast translator station, a matically either by means of a time television translator relay station, a switch or upon receipt of a control sig- television intercity relay station, a tel- nal from the TV station being rebroad- evision STL station, or other suitable cast designed to actuate the switching source such as a CARS or common car- circuit. The switching circuit will be so rier microwave station, for the simul- designed that the input circuit will be taneous retransmission of the pro- returned to the off-the-air signal with- grams and signals of a television broad- in 30 seconds. The connection for emer- cast station. Such retransmissions may gency transmissions may be made be accomplished by either: manually. The apparatus used to gen- (1) Reception of the television pro- erate the local signal which is used to grams and signals of a television broad- modulate the translator or low power cast station directly through space, station must be capable of producing a conversion to a different channel by visual or aural signal or both which simple heterodyne frequency conver- will provide acceptable reception on sion and suitable amplification; or, television receivers designed for the (2) Modulation and amplification of a transmission standards employed by video and audio feed, in which case TV broadcast stations. The visual and


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aural materials so transmitted shall be pendent transmissions. However, lo- limited to emergency warnings of im- cally generated signals may be used to minent danger, to local public service excite the booster apparatus for the announcements and to seeking or ac- purpose of conducting tests and meas- knowledging financial support deemed urements essential to the proper in- necessary to the continued operation of stallation and maintenance of the ap- the station. Accordingly, the origina- paratus. tions concerning financial support and (k) The transmissions of a television PSAs are limited to 30 seconds each, no broadcast booster station shall be in- more than once per hour. Acknowl- tended for direct reception by the gen- edgements of financial support may in- eral public. Such stations will not be clude identification of the contribu- permitted to establish a point-to-point tors, the size and nature of the con- television relay system. tribution and advertising messages of [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 43 contributors. Emergency transmissions FR 1951, Jan. 13, 1978; 47 FR 21499, May 18, shall be no longer or more frequent 1982; 47 FR 40172, Sept. 13, 1982; 48 FR 21487, than necessary to protect life and prop- May 12, 1983; 52 FR 31404, Aug. 20, 1987] erty. (g) Low power TV stations may oper- § 74.732 Eligibility and licensing re- ate under the following modes of serv- quirements. ice: (a) A license for a low power TV or (1) As a TV translator station, sub- TV translator station may be issued to ject to the requirements of this part; any qualified individual, organized (2) For origination of programming group of individuals, broadcast station and commercial matter as defined in licensee, or local civil governmental § 74.701(f); body. (3) For the transmission of subscrip- (b) More than one low power TV or tion television broadcast (STV) pro- TV translator station may be licensed grams, intended to be received in intel- to the same applicant whether or not ligible form by members of the public such stations serve substantially the for a fee or charge subject to the provi- same area. Low power TV and TV sions of §§ 73.642(e) and 73.644. translator stations are not counted for (h) A low power TV station may not purposes of § 73.3555, concerning mul- be operated solely for the purpose of re- tiple ownership. laying signals to one or more fixed re- (c) Only one channel will be assigned ceiving points for retransmission, dis- to each low power TV or TV translator tribution or relaying. station. Additional low power or trans- (i) Low power TV stations are subject lator stations may be authorized to to no minimum required hours of oper- provide additional reception. A sepa- ation and may operate in any of the 3 rate application is required for each modes described in paragraph (g) of station and each application must be this section for any number of hours. complete in all respects. (j) Television broadcast booster sta- (d) The FCC will not act on applica- tions provide a means whereby the li- tions for new low power TV or TV censee of a television broadcast station translator stations, for changes in fa- may provide service to areas of low sig- cilities of existing stations, or for nal strength in any region within the changes in output channel tendered by primary station’s Grade B contour. The displaced stations pursuant to booster station may not be located out- § 73.3572(a)(1), when such changes will side the predicted Grade B of its pri- result in a major change until the ap- mary station nor may the predicted plicable time for filing a petition to Grade B signal of the television booster deny has passed pursuant to § 73.3584(c). station extend beyond the predicted (e) A proposal to change the primary Grade B contour of the primary sta- TV station being retransmitted or an tion. A television broadcast booster application of a licensed translator sta- station is authorized to retransmit tion to include low power TV station only the signals of its primary station; operation, i.e., program origination or it shall not retransmit the signals of subscription service will be subject any other stations nor make inde- only to a notification requirement.


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(f) Applications for transfer of owner- signal may be employed. If the isola- ship or control of a low power TV or tion between the input and output cir- TV translator station will be subject to cuits depends in part upon the polariza- petitions to deny. tion or directive properties of the (g) A television broadcast booster transmitting and receiving antennas, station will be authorized only to the the installation shall be sufficiently licensee or permittee of the television rugged to withstand the normal haz- station whose signals the booster will ards of the environment. rebroadcast, to areas within the Grade (e) The operation of a UHF translator B contour of the primary station. signal booster is subject to the condi- (h) No numerical limit is placed on tion that no harmful interference is the number of booster stations that caused to the reception of any station, may be licensed to a single licensee. A broadcast or non-broadcast, other than separate license is required for each the parent translator. The licensee of television broadcast booster station. the UHF translator signal booster is [47 FR 21499, May 18, 1982, as amended at 48 expected to use reasonable diligence to FR 21487, May 12, 1983; 49 FR 20504, May 15, minimize interference to the direct re- 1984; 52 FR 7423, Mar. 11, 1987; 52 FR 10571, ception of the parent translator sta- Apr. 2, 1987; 52 FR 31404, Aug. 20, 1987] tion. (f) UHF translator signal boosters § 74.733 UHF translator signal boost- may be operated unattended. Repairs ers. and adjustments shall be made by a (a) The licensee of a UHF television qualified person. The required quali- broadcast translator station may be fications are set forth in § 74.750 (g) and authorized to operate one or more sig- (h). nal boosters for the purpose of pro- (g) An individual call sign will not be viding reception to small shadowed assigned to a UHF translator booster areas within the area intended to be station. The retransmission of the call served by the translator. sign of the parent translator will serve (b) The transmitting apparatus shall as station identification. consist of a simple linear radio fre- (h) Applications for authority to con- quency , with one or more struct and operate a UHF translator amplifying stages, which is capable of signal booster shall be submitted on receiving, amplifying, and retransmit- FCC Form 346A. No construction of fa- ting the signals of the parent trans- cilities or installation of apparatus at lator without significantly altering the proposed transmitter site shall be any electrical characteristic of the re- made until a construction permit ceived signal other than its amplitude. therefor has been issued by the Com- The maximum power input to the plate mission. of the final radio frequency amplifier (i) The provisions of § 74.765 con- shall not exceed 5 watts. cerning posting of station license shall (c) The amplifier shall be equipped apply to a UHF translator signal boost- with suitable circuits which will auto- er except that the parent UHF trans- matically cause it to cease radiating if lator call sign, followed by the word no signal is being received from the ‘‘Booster’’, shall be displayed at the parent translator station. Care shall be signal booster site. taken in the design of the apparatus to (j) The provisions of §§ 74.767 and insure that out-of-band radiation is not 74.781 concerning marking and lighting excessive and that adequate isolation of antenna structures and station is maintained between the input and records, respectively, apply to UHF output circuits to prevent unstable op- translator signal boosters. eration. (d) The installation of the apparatus NOTE: Effective July 11, 1975, no new UHF and its associated receiving and trans- signal boosters will be authorized. Licensees mitting antennas shall be in accord- of such existing boosters may make applica- tion for renewal of license or change in fa- ance with accepted principles of good cilities on the applicable FCC forms for Tele- engineering practice. Either hori- vision Broadcast Translator Stations (Form zontal, vertical, or circular polariza- 346, for construction permits; 347, for license tion of the electric field of the radiated to cover construction permit; and 303-S, for


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renewal of license). Report and Order, Dock- manner of compliance with this sec- et No. 20372. May 28, 1975. tion. [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 40 [47 FR 21500, May 18, 1982, as amended at 48 FR 25022, June 12, 1975; 59 FR 63052, Dec. 7, FR 21487, May 12, 1983; 60 FR 55483, Nov. 1, 1994] 1995; 63 FR 33878, June 22, 1998; 67 FR 13233, Mar. 21, 2002] § 74.734 Attended and unattended op- eration. § 74.735 Power limitations. (a) Low power TV, TV translator, and (a) The maximum peak effective radi- TV booster stations may be operated ated power (ERP) of an analog low without a designated person in attend- power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- ance if the following requirements are er station shall not exceed: met: (1) 3 kW for VHF channels 2–13; and (1) If the transmitter site cannot be promptly reached at all hours and in (2) 150 kW for UHF channels 14–69. all seasons, means shall be provided so (b) The maximum ERP of a digital that the transmitting apparatus can be low power TV, TV translator, or TV turned on and off at will from a point booster station (average power) shall that readily is accessible at all hours not exceed: and in all seasons. (1) 300 watts for VHF channels 2–13; (2) The transmitter also shall be and equipped with suitable automatic cir- (2) 15 kW for UHF channels 14–69. cuits that will place it in a nonradi- (c) The limits in paragraphs (a) and ating condition in the absence of a sig- (b) apply separately to the effective ra- nal on the input channel or circuit. diated powers that may be obtained by (3) The transmitting and the ON/OFF the use of horizontally or vertically po- control, if at a location other than the larized transmitting antennas, pro- transmitter site, shall be adequately viding the applicable provisions of protected against tampering by unau- §§ 74.705, 74.706, 74.707 and 74.709 are thorized persons. met. For either omnidirectional or di- (4) A letter notification must be filed rectional antennas, where the ERP val- with the FCC in Washington, DC, At- ues of the vertically and horizontally tention: Video Division, Media Bureau, polarized components are not of equal providing the name, address, and tele- strength, the ERP limits shall apply to phone number of a person or persons the polarization with the larger ERP. who may be called to secure suspension Applications proposing the use of direc- of operation of the transmitter prompt- tional antenna systems must be accom- ly should such action be deemed nec- panied by the following: essary by the FCC. Such information (1) Complete description of the pro- shall be kept current by the licensee. posed antenna system, including the (5) In cases where the antenna and manufacturer and model number of the supporting structure are considered to proposed directional antenna. It is not be a hazard to air navigation and are acceptable to label the antenna with required to be painted and lighted under the provisions of part 17 of the only a generic term such as ‘‘Yagi’’ or Rules, the licensee shall make suitable ‘‘Dipole’’. A specific model number arrangements for the daily observa- must be provided. In the case of indi- tions, when required, and lighting vidually designed antennas with no equipment inspections required by model number, or in the case of a com- §§ 17.37 and 17.38 of the FCC rules. posite antenna composed of two or (b) An application for authority to more individual antennas, the antenna construct a new low power TV station should be described as a ‘‘custom’’ or (when rebroadcasting the programs of ‘‘composite’’ antenna, as appropriate. another station) or TV translator sta- A full description of the design of the tion or to make changes in the facili- antenna should also be submitted. ties of an authorized station, and that (2) Relative field horizontal plane proposes unattended operation, shall pattern (horizontal polarization only) include an adequate showing as to the of the proposed directional antenna. A


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value of 1.0 should be used for the max- including intermodulation products imum radiation. The plot of the pat- and radio frequency harmonics which tern should be oriented so that 0° cor- are not essential for the transmission responds to the maximum radiation of of the desired picture and sound infor- the directional antenna or, alter- mation shall be considered to be spu- natively in the case of a symmetrical rious emissions. pattern, to the line of symmetry. The (c) Any emissions appearing on fre- 0° on the plot should be referenced to quencies more than 3 MHz above or the actual azimuth with respect to true below the upper and lower edges, re- North. spectively, of the assigned channel (3) A tabulation of the relative field shall be attenuated no less than: pattern required in paragraph (c)(2), of (1) 30 dB for transmitters rated at no this section. The tabulation should use more than 1 watt power output. the same zero degree reference as the (2) 50 dB for transmitters rated at plotted pattern, and be tabulated at more than 1 watt power output. least every 10°. In addition, tabulated (3) 60 dB for transmitters rated at values of all maximas and minimas, more than 100 watts power output. with their corresponding azimuths, (d) Greater attenuation than that should be submitted. specified in paragraph (c) of this sec- (4) All horizontal plane patterns tion may be required if interference re- must be plotted to the largest scale sults from emissions outside the as- possible on unglazed letter-size polar signed channel. coordinate paper (main engraving ap- [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 33 proximately 18 cm × 25 cm (7 inches × 10 FR 8677, June 13, 1968; 36 FR 19592, Oct. 8, inches)) using only scale divisions and 1971; 47 FR 21500, May 18, 1982; 52 FR 31404, subdivisions of 1, 2, 2.5 or 5 times 10- Aug. 20, 1987] nth. Values of field strength on any pattern less than 10% of the maximum § 74.737 Antenna location. field strength plotted on that pattern (a) An applicant for a new low power must be shown on an enlarged scale. TV, TV translator, or TV booster sta- (5) The horizontal plane patterns tion or for a change in the facilities of that are required are the patterns for an authorized station shall endeavor to the complete directional antenna sys- select a site that will provide a line-of- tem. In the case of a composite an- sight transmission path to the entire tenna composed of two or more indi- area intended to be served and at which vidual antennas, this means that the there is available a suitable signal patterns for the composite antenna from the primary station, if any, that composed of two or more individual an- will be retransmitted. tennas, not the patterns for each of the (b) The transmitting antenna should individual antennas, must be sub- be placed above growing vegetation and mitted. trees lying in the direction of the area [30 FR 8847, July 14, 1965, as amended at 41 intended to be served, to minimize the FR 28267, July 9, 1976; 47 FR 21500, May 18, possibility of signal absorption by foli- 1982; 48 FR 21487, May 12, 1983; 52 FR 7423, age. Mar. 11, 1987; 52 FR 31404, Aug. 20, 1987; 58 FR (c) A site within 8 kilometers of the 44951, Aug. 25, 1993; 62 FR 26722, May 14, 1997] area intended to be served is to be pre- ferred if the conditions in paragraph (a) § 74.736 Emissions and bandwidth. of this section can be met. (a) The license of a low power TV, TV (d) Consideration should be given to translator, or TV booster station au- the accessibility of the site at all sea- thorizes the transmission of the visual sons of the year and to the availability signal by amplitude modulation (A5) of facilities for the maintenance and and the accompanying aural signal by operation of the transmitting equip- frequency modulation (F3). ment. (b) Standard width television chan- (e) The transmitting antenna should nels will be assigned and the transmit- be located as near as is practical to the ting apparatus shall be operated so as transmitter to avoid the use of long to limit spurious emissions to the low- transmission lines and the associated est practicable value. Any emissions power losses.


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(f) Consideration should be given to or below the upper and lower edges, re- the existence of strong radio frequency spectively, of the assigned channel fields from other transmitters at the shall be attenuated no less than: site of the transmitting equipment and (i) 30 dB for transmitters rated at no the possibility that such fields may re- more than 1 watt power output. sult in the retransmissions of signals (ii) 50 dB for transmitters rated at originating on frequencies other than more than 1 watt power output. that of the primary station being re- (iii) 60 dB for transmitters rated at broadcast. more than 100 watts power output. [47 FR 21500, May 18, 1982, as amended at 52 (3) When subjected to variations in FR 31404, Aug. 20, 1987] ambient temperature between minus 30 degrees and plus 50 degrees Centigrade § 74.750 Transmission system facilities. and variations in power main voltage (a) A low power TV, TV translator, or between 85 percent and 115 percent of TV booster station shall operate with a rated power supply voltage, the local transmitter that is either certificated oscillator frequency stability shall for licensing under the provisions of maintain the operating frequency with- this subpart or type notified for use in: under part 73 of this chapter. (i) 0.02 percent of its rated frequency (b) Transmitting antennas, antennas for transmitters rated at no more than used to receive the signals to be re- 100 watts peak visual power. broadcast, and transmission lines are (ii) 0.002 percent of the rated fre- not certificated by the FCC. External preamplifiers also may be used pro- quency for transmitters rated at more vided that they do not cause improper than 100 watts peak visual power. operation of the transmitting equip- (iii) Plus or minus 1 kHz of its rated ment, and use of such preamplifiers is frequency for transmitters to be used not necessary to meet the provisions of at stations employing offset carrier paragraph (c) of this section. frequency operation. (c) The following requirements must (4) The apparatus shall contain auto- be met before low power TV and TV matic circuits which will maintain the translator transmitters will be certifi- peak visual power output constant cated by the FCC: within 2 dB when the strength of the (1) The equipment shall be so de- input signal is varied over a range of 30 signed that the electrical characteris- dB and which will not permit the peak tics of a standard television signal in- visual power output to exceed the max- troduced into the input terminals will imum rated power output under any be maintained at the output. The over- condition. If a manual adjustment is all response of the apparatus within its provided to compensate for different assigned channel, when operating at its average signal strengths, provision rated power output and measured at shall be made for determining the the output terminals, shall provide a proper setting for the control, and if smooth curve, varying within limits improper adjustment of the control separated by no more than 4 dB: Pro- could result in improper operation, a vided, however, That means may be pro- label shall be affixed at the adjustment vided to reduce the amplitude of the control bearing a suitable warning. aural carrier below those limits, if nec- (5) The apparatus must be equipped essary to prevent intermodulation with automatic controls that will place which would mar the quality of the re- it in a non-radiating condition when no transmitted picture or result in emis- signal is being received on the input sions outside of the assigned channel. channel, either due to absence of a (2) Radio frequency harmonics of the transmitted signal or failure of the re- visual and aural carriers, measured at ceiving portion of the facilities used the output terminals of the trans- for rebroadcasting the signal of an- mitter, shall be attenuated no less other station. The automatic control than 60 dB below the peak visual out- may include a time delay feature to put power within the assigned channel. prevent interruptions caused by fading All other emissions appearing on fre- or other momentary failures of the in- quencies more than 3 megacycles above coming signal.


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(6) The tube or tubes employed in the rier when subjected to variations in final radio frequency amplifier shall be ambient temperature between 30° and of the appropriate power rating to pro- +50° centigrade and variations in power vide the rated power output of the main voltage between 85 and 115 per- translator. The normal operating con- cent of rated power supply voltage. stants for operation at the rated power (e) Certification will be granted only output shall be specified. The appa- upon a satisfactory showing that the ratus shall be equipped with suitable apparatus is capable of meeting the re- meters or meter jacks so that appro- quirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of priate voltage and current measure- this section. The following procedures ments may be made while the appa- shall apply: ratus is in operation. (7) The transmitters of over 0.001 kW (1) Any manufacturer of apparatus peak visual power (0.002 kW when cir- intended for use at low power TV, TV cularly polarized antennas are used) translator, or TV booster stations may shall be equipped with an automatic request certification by following the keying device that will transmit the procedures set forth in part 2, subpart call sign of the station, in Inter- J, of this chapter. national Morse Code, at least once each (2) Low power TV, TV translator, and hour during the time the station is in TV booster transmitting apparatus operation when operating in the trans- that has been certificated by the FCC lator mode retransmitting the pro- will normally be authorized without gramming of a TV broadcast station. additional measurements from the ap- However, the identification by Morse plicant or licensee. Code is not required if the licensee of (3) Applications for certification of the low power TV or TV translator sta- modulators to be used with existing tion has an agreement with the TV certificated TV translator apparatus broadcast station being rebroadcast to must include the specifications elec- transmit aurally or visually the low trical and mechanical interconnecting power TV or TV translator station call requirements for the apparatus with as provided for in § 74.783. Transmission which it is designed to be used. of the call sign can be accomplished by: (4) Other rules concerning certifi- (i) Frequency shift keying; the aural and visual carrier shift shall not be less cation, including information regard- than 5 kHz or greater than 25 kHz. ing withdrawal of type acceptance, (ii) Amplitude modulation of the modification of certificated equipment aural carrier of at least 30% modula- and limitations on the findings upon tion. The audio frequency tone used which certification is based, are set shall not be within 200 hertz of the forth in part 2, subpart J, of this chap- Emergency Broadcast System Atten- ter. tion Signal alerting frequencies. (f) The transmitting antenna system (8) Wiring, shielding, and construc- may be designed to produce horizontal, tion shall be in accordance with ac- vertical, or circular polarization. cepted principles of good engineering (g) Low power TV, TV translator, or practice. TV booster stations installing new cer- (d) Low power TV, TV translator and tificated transmitting apparatus incor- transmitting equipment using a modu- porating modulating equipment need lation process for either program origi- not make equipment performance nation or rebroadcasting TV booster measurements and shall so indicate on transmitting equipment using a modu- the station license application. Sta- lation process must meet the following tions adding new or replacing modu- requirements: lating equipment in existing low power (1) The equipment shall meet the re- TV, TV translator, or TV booster sta- quirements of paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(3) of § 73.687. tion transmitting apparatus must have (2) The stability of the equipment a qualified person examine the trans- shall be sufficient to maintain the op- mitting system after installation. This erating frequency of the aural carrier person must certify in the application to 4.5 MHz ± 1kHz above the visual car-


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for the station license that the trans- would (i) be in excess of 152.4 meters mitting equipment meets the require- (500 feet), or (ii) require notice to the ments of paragraph (d)(1) of this sec- Federal Aviation Administration pur- tion. A report of the methods, measure- suant to § 17.7 of the FCC’s Rules. ments, and results must be kept in the (5) A change in frequency assign- station records. However, stations in- ment. stalling modulating equipment solely (6) Any changes in the location of the for the limited local origination of sig- transmitter except within the same nals permitted by § 74.731 need not com- building or upon the same pole or ply with the requirements of this para- tower. graph. (7) A change of authorized operating [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 33 power. FR 8677, June 13, 1968; 36 FR 19592, Oct. 8, (c) Other equipment changes not spe- 1971; 37 FR 25844, Dec. 5, 1972; 41 FR 17552, cifically referred to in paragraphs (a) Apr. 27, 1976; 43 FR 1951, Jan. 13, 1978; 46 FR 35465, July 8, 1981; 47 FR 21500, May 18, 1982; and (b) of this section may be made at 47 FR 30496, July 14, 1982; 52 FR 31404, Aug. the discretion of the licensee, provided 20, 1987; 60 FR 55483, Nov. 1, 1995; 62 FR 26722, that the FCC in Washington, DC, At- May 14, 1997; 63 FR 36605, July 7, 1998] tention: Video Division, Media Bureau, is notified in writing upon the comple- § 74.751 Modification of transmission tion of such changes. systems. (d) Upon installation of new or re- (a) No change, either mechanical or placement transmitting equipment for electrical, may be made in apparatus which prior FCC authority is not re- which has been certificated by the quired under the provisions of this sec- Commission without prior authority of tion, the licensee must place in the sta- the Commission. If such prior author- tion records a certification that the ity has been given to the manufacturer new installation complies in all re- of certificated equipment, the manu- spects with the technical requirements facturer may issue instructions for of this part and the station authoriza- such changes citing its authority. In tion. such cases, individual licensees are not required to secure prior Commission [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 38 approval but shall notify the Commis- FR 6827, Mar. 13, 1973; 39 FR 38652, Nov. 1, sion when such changes are completed. 1974; 45 FR 26067, Apr. 17, 1980; 47 FR 21501, (b) Formal application (FCC Form May 18, 1982; 48 FR 41423, Sept. 15, 1983; 50 FR 346) is required for any of the following 23710, June 5, 1985; 52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, 1987; 63 FR 33879, June 22, 1998; 63 FR 36605, July 7, changes: 1998; 67 FR 13233, Mar. 21, 2002] (1) Replacement of the transmitter as a whole, except replacement with a § 74.761 Frequency tolerance. transmitter of identical power rating which has been certificated by the FCC The licensee of a low power TV, TV for use by low power TV, TV trans- translator, or TV booster station shall lator, and TV booster stations, or any maintain the transmitter output fre- change which could result in a change quencies as set forth below. The fre- in the electrical characteristics or per- quency tolerance of stations using di- formance of the station. rect frequency conversion of a received (2) Any change in the transmitting signal and not engaging in offset car- antenna system, including the direc- rier operation as set forth in paragraph tion of radiation, directive antenna (d) of this section will be referenced to pattern, antenna gain, transmission the authorized plus or minus 10 kHz line loss characteristics, or height of offset, if any, of the primary station. antenna center of radiation. (a) The visual carrier shall be main- (3) Any change in the overall height tained to within 0.02 percent of the as- of the antenna structure, except where signed visual carrier frequency for notice to the Federal Aviation Admin- transmitters rated at not more than istration is specifically not required 100 watts peak visual power. under § 17.14(b) of this chapter. (b) The visual carrier shall be main- (4) Any horizontal change of the loca- tained to within 0.002 percent of the as- tion of the antenna structure which signed visual carrier frequency for


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transmitters rated at more than 100 in Washington, DC, Attention: Video watts peak visual power. Division, Media Bureau, not later than (c) The aural carrier of stations em- the 10th day of discontinued operation. ploying modulating equipment shall be During such period, the licensee shall maintained at 4.5 MHz ±1 kHz above continue to adhere to the requirements the visual carrier frequency. in the station license pertaining to the (d) The visual carrier shall be main- lighting of antenna structures. In the tained to within 1 kHz of the assigned event normal operation is restored channel carrier frequency if the low prior to the expiration of the 30 day pe- power TV, TV translator, or TV boost- riod, the FCC in Washington, DC, At- er station is authorized with a specified tention: Video Division, Media Bureau, offset designation in order to provide shall be notified in writing of the date protection under the provisions of normal operations resumed. If causes § 74.705 or § 74.707. beyond the control of the licensee make it impossible to comply within [43 FR 1952, Jan. 13, 1978, as amended at 52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, 1987] the allowed period, a request for Spe- cial Temporary Authority (see § 73.1635 § 74.762 Frequency measurements. of this chapter) shall be made to the (a) The licensee of a low power TV FCC no later than the 30th day for such station, a TV translator, or a TV boost- additional time as may be deemed nec- er station must measure the carrier essary. (c) Failure of a low power TV, TV frequencies of its output channel as translator, or TV booster station to op- often as necessary to ensure operation erate for a period of 30 days or more, within the specified tolerances, and at except for causes beyond the control of least once each calendar year at inter- the licensee, shall be deemed evidence vals not exceeding 14 months. of discontinuation of operation and the (b) In the event that a low power TV, license of the station may be cancelled TV translator, or TV booster station is at the discretion of the FCC. Further- found to be operating beyond the fre- more, the station’s license will expire quency tolerance prescribed in § 74.761, as a matter of law, without regard to the licensee promptly shall suspend op- any causes beyond control of the li- eration of the transmitter and shall censee, if the station fails to transmit not resume operation until transmitter broadcast signals for any consecutive has been restored to its assigned fre- 12-month period, notwithstanding any quencies. Adjustment of the frequency provision, term, or condition of the li- determining circuits of the transmitter cense to the contrary. shall be made only by a qualified per- (d) A television broadcast translator son in accordance with § 74.750(g). station shall not be permitted to radi- [52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, 1987] ate during extended periods when sig- nals of the primary station are not § 74.763 Time of operation. being retransmitted. (a) A low power TV, TV translator, or [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 52 TV booster station is not required to FR 7423, Mar. 11, 1987; 52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, adhere to any regular schedule of oper- 1987; 61 FR 28768, June 6, 1996; 63 FR 33879, ation. However, the licensee of a TV June 22, 1998; 67 FR 13233, Mar. 21, 2002] translator or TV booster station is ex- pected to provide service to the extent § 74.765 Posting of station and oper- that such is within its control and to ator licenses. avoid unwarranted interruptions in the (a) The station license and any other service provided. instrument of authorization or indi- (b) In the event that causes beyond vidual order concerning the construc- the control of the low power TV or TV tion of the station or manner of oper- translator station licensee make it im- ation shall be kept in the station possible to continue operating, the li- record file so as to be available for in- censee may discontinue operation for a spection upon request of authorized period of not more than 30 days with- representatives of the FCC. out further authority from the FCC. (b) The call sign of the station, to- Notification must be sent to the FCC gether with the name, address, and


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telephone number of the licensee or Section 73.1510—Experimental authoriza- local representative of the licensee, if tions. the licensee does not reside in the com- Section 73.1515—Special field test authoriza- munity served by the station, and the tions. Section 73.1615—Operation during modifica- name and address of the person and tions of facilities. place where the station records are Section 73.1635—Special temporary author- maintained, shall be displayed at the izations (STA). transmitter site on the structure sup- Section 73.1650—International broadcasting porting the transmitting antenna, so agreements. as to be visible to a person standing on Section 73.1680—Emergency antennas. the ground. The display shall be main- Section 73.1692—Construction near or instal- tained in legible condition by the li- lations on an AM broadcast tower. Section 73.1940—Broadcasts by candidates for censee. public office. [47 FR 21502, May 18, 1982, as amended at 52 Section 73.2080—Equal employment opportu- FR 7423, Mar. 11, 1987; 60 FR 55483, Nov. 1, nities (for low power TV stations only). 1995] Section 73.3500—Application and report forms. § 74.769 Copies of rules. Section 73.3511—Applications required. Section 73.3512—Where to file; number of The licensee or permittee of a station copies. authorized under this subpart shall Section 73.3513—Signing of applications. have a current copy of Volume I and Section 73.3514—Content of applications. Volume III of the Commission’s Rules. Section 73.3516—Specification of facilities. Each such licensee or permittee shall Section 73.3517—Contingent applications. be familiar with those rules relating to Section 73.3518—Inconsistent or conflicting applications. stations authorized under this subpart. Section 73.3519—Repetitious applications. Copies of the Commission’s rules may Section 73.3521—Mutually exclusive applica- be obtained from the Superintendent of tions for low power TV and TV translator Documents, Government Printing Of- stations. fice, Washington, DC 20402. Section 73.3522—Amendment of applications. Section 73.3525—Agreements for removing [60 FR 55483, Nov. 1, 1995] application conflicts. Section 73.3533—Application for construction § 74.780 Broadcast regulations applica- permit or modification of construction per- ble to translators, low power, and mit. booster stations. Section 73.3534—Application for extension of The following rules are applicable to construction permit or for construction TV translator, low power TV, and TV permit to replace expired construction per- booster stations: mit. Section 73.3536—Application for license to Section 73.653—Operation of TV aural and cover construction permit. visual transmitters. Section 73.3538 (a)(1)(3)(4), (b)(2)—Application Section 73.658—Affiliation agreements and to make changes in existing station. network program practices; territorial ex- Section 73.3539—Application for renewal of clusivity in non-network program arrange- license. ments. Section 73.3540—Application for voluntary Part 73, Subpart G—Emergency Broadcast assignment of transfer of control. System (for low power TV stations locally Section 73.3541—Application for involuntary originating programming as defined by assignment or transfer of control. § 74.701(h)). Section 73.3542—Application for emergency Section 73.1201—Station identification (for authorization. low power TV stations locally originating Section 73.3544—Application to obtain a programming as defined by § 74.701(h)). modified station license. Section 73.1206—Broadcast of telephone con- Section 73.3545—Application for permit to de- versations. liver programs to foreign stations. Section 73.1207—Rebroadcasts. Section 73.3550—Requests for new or modi- Section 73.1208—Broadcast of taped, filmed fied call sign assignments. or recorded material. Section 73.3561—Staff consideration of appli- Section 73.1211—Broadcast of lottery infor- cations requiring Commission action. mation. Section 73.3562—Staff consideration of appli- Section 73.1212—Sponsorship identifications; cations not requiring action by the Com- list retention, related requirements. mission. Section 73.1216—Licensee conducted con- Section 73.3564—Acceptance of applications. tests. Section 73.3566—Defective applications.


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Section 73.3568—Dismissal of applications. records are kept. The name of the per- Section 73.3572—Processing of TV broadcast, son keeping station records, together low power TV, and TV translator station with the address of the place where the applications. Section 73.3580—Local public notice of filing records are kept, shall be posted in ac- of broadcast applications. cordance with § 74.765(c) of the rules. Section 73.3584—Petitions to deny. The station records shall be made Section 73.3587—Informal objections. available upon request to any author- Section 73.3591—Grants without hearing. ized representative of the Commission. Section 73.3593—Designation for hearing. (d) Station logs and records shall be Section 73.3594—Local public notice of des- ignation for hearing. retained for a period of two years. Section 73.3597—Procedures on transfer and [48 FR 44806, Sept. 30, 1983, as amended at 52 assignment applications. FR 31405, Aug. 20, 1987] Section 73.3598—Period of construction. Section 73.3599—Forfeiture of construction permit. § 74.783 Station identification. Section 73.3601—Simultaneous modification (a) Each low power TV and TV trans- and renewal of license. lator station not originating local pro- Section 73.3603—Special waiver procedure gramming as defined by § 74.701(h) oper- relative to applications. Section 73.3612—Annual employment report ating over 0.001 kw peak visual power (for low power TV stations only). (0.002 kw when using circularly polar- Section 73.3613—Filing of contracts (network ized antennas) must transmit its sta- affiliation contracts for low power TV sta- tion identification as follows: tions only). (1) By transmitting the call sign in [52 FR 7423, Mar. 11, 1987, as amended at 52 International Morse Code at least once FR 25867, July 9, 1987; 52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, each hour. This transmission may be 1987; 56 FR 28099, June 19, 1991; 59 FR 31557, accomplished by means of an auto- June 20, 1994; 62 FR 51063, Sept. 30, 1997] matic device as required by § 74.781 Station records. § 74.750(c)(7). Call sign transmission shall be made at a code speed not in ex- (a) The licensee of a low power TV, cess of 20 words per minute; or TV translator, or TV booster station (2) By arranging for the primary sta- shall maintain adequate station tion, whose signal is being rebroadcast, records, including the current instru- to identify the translator station by ment of authorization, official cor- transmitting an easily readable visual respondence with the FCC, contracts, presentation or a clearly understand- permission for rebroadcasts, and other able aural presentation of the trans- pertinent documents. (b) Entries required by § 17.49 of this lator station’s call letters and location. Chapter concerning any observed or Two such identifications shall be made otherwise known extinguishment or between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. improper functioning of a tower light: and 5 p.m. each broadcast day at ap- (1) The nature of such extinguish- proximately one hour intervals during ment or improper functioning. each time period. Television stations (2) The date and time the extinguish- which do not begin their broadcast day ment or improper operation was ob- before 9 a.m. shall make these identi- served or otherwise noted. fications in the hours closest to these (3) The date, time and nature of ad- time periods at the specified intervals. justments, repairs or replacements (b) Licensees of television translators made. whose station identification is made by (c) The station records shall be main- the television station whose signals are tained for inspection at a residence, of- being rebroadcast by the translator, fice, or public building, place of busi- must secure agreement with this tele- ness, or other suitable place, in one of vision station licensee to keep in its the communities of license of the file, and available to FCC personnel, translator or booster, except that the the translator’s call letters and loca- station records of a booster or trans- tion, giving the name, address and tele- lator licensed to the licensee of the pri- phone number of the licensee or his mary station may be kept at the same service representative to be contacted place where the primary station in the event of malfunction of the


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translator. It shall be the responsi- § 74.784 Rebroadcasts. bility of the translator licensee to fur- (a) The term rebroadcast means the nish current information to the tele- reception by radio of the programs or vision station licensee for this purpose. other signals of a radio or television (c) A low power TV station shall station and the simultaneous or subse- comply with the station identification quent retransmission of such programs procedures given in § 73.1201 when lo- or signals for direct reception by the cally originating programming, as de- fined by § 74.701(h). The identification general public. procedures given in paragraphs (a) and (b) The licensee of a low power TV or (b) are to be used at all other times. TV translator station shall not re- (d) Call signs for low power TV and broadcast the programs of any other TV translator stations will be made up TV broadcast station or other station of the initial letter K or W followed by authorized under the provisions of this the channel number assigned to the Subpart without obtaining prior con- station and two additional letters. The sent of the station whose signals or use of the initial letter generally will programs are proposed to be retrans- follow the pattern used in the broad- mitted. The FCC, Attention: Video Di- cast service, i.e., stations west of the vision, Media Bureau, shall be notified Mississippi River will be assigned an of the call letters of each station re- initial letter K and those east, the let- broadcast, and the licensee of the low ter W. The two letter combinations fol- power TV or TV broadcast translator lowing the channel number will be as- station shall certify it has obtained signed in order and requests for the as- written consent from the licensee of signment of the particular combina- the station whose programs are being tions of letters will not be considered. retransmitted. The channel number designator for (c) A TV translator station may re- Channels 2 through 9 will be incor- broadcast only programs and signals porated in the call sign as a 2-digit that are simultaneously transmitted number, i.e., 02, 03, . . . ., so as to avoid by a TV broadcast station. similarities with call signs assigned to (d) A TV booster station may re- stations. broadcast only programs and signals (e) Low power TV permittees or li- that are simultaneously transmitted censees may request that they be as- by the primary station to which it is signed four-letter call signs in lieu of authorized. the five-character alpha-numeric call (e) The provisions of § 73.1207 of part signs described in paragraph (d) of this 73 of this chapter apply to low power section. Parties requesting four-letter TV stations in transmitting any mate- call signs are to follow the procedures rial during periods of program origina- delineated in § 73.3550 of this chapter. tion obtained from the transmissions Such four-letter call signs shall begin of any other type of station. with K or W; stations west of the Mis- sissippi River will be assigned an ini- (Sec. 325, 48 Stat. 1091; 47 U.S.C. 325) tial letter K and stations east of the [28 FR 13722, Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at 47 Mississippi River will be assigned an FR 21502, May 18, 1982; 52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, initial letter W. The four-letter call 1987; 63 FR 33879, June 22, 1998; 67 FR 13234, sign will be followed by the suffix ‘‘- Mar. 21, 2002] LP.’’ (f) TV broadcast booster station shall § 74.785 Low power TV digital data be identified by their primary stations service pilot project. by broadcasting of the primary sta- Low power TV stations authorized tion’s call letters and location in ac- pursuant to the LPTV Digital Data cordance with the provisions of § 73.1201 Services Act (Public Law 106–554, 114 of this chapter. Stat. 4577, December 1, 2000) to partici- [41 FR 17552, Apr. 27, 1976, as amended at 47 pate in a digital data service pilot FR 21502, May 18, 1982; 52 FR 7424, Mar. 11, project shall be subject to the provi- 1987; 52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, 1987; 59 FR 31557, sions of the Commission Order imple- June 20, 1994; 63 FR 71604, Dec. 29, 1998] menting that Act. FCC 01–137, adopted


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April 19, 2001, as modified by the Com- (e) UHF Channels 60–69 may be as- mission Order on Reconsideration, FCC signed to a digital low power television 02–40, adopted February 12, 2002. or television translator station for use [67 FR 9621, Mar. 4, 2002] as a digital conversion channel only. Stations proposing use of such chan- § 74.786 Digital channel assignments. nels shall notify all potentially affect (a) An applicant for a new low power 700 MHz commercial licensees not later television or television translator dig- than 30 days prior to the submission of ital station or for changes in the facili- their application (FCC Form 346) in the ties of an authorized digital station manner provided in paragraph of this shall endeavor to select a channel on section. Stations proposing use of which its operation is not likely to channels 63, 64, 68 and 69 must secure a cause interference. The applications coordinated spectrum use agreement must be specific with regard to the with the pertinent 700 MHz public safe- channel requested. Only one channel ty regional planning committee and will be assigned each station. state administrator prior to the sub- (b) Any one of the 12 standard VHF mission of their application (FCC Form Channels (2 to 13 inclusive) may be as- 346). Coordination shall be undertaken signed to a VHF digital low power tele- with regional planning committee and vision or television translator station. state administrator of the region and Channels 5 and 6 assigned in Alaska shall not cause harmful interference to state within which the digital LPTV or and must accept interference from non- translator station is proposed to be lo- Government fixed operation authorized cated, and those of adjoining regions prior to January 1, 1982. and states with boundaries within 75 (c) UHF channels 14 to 36 and 38 to 51 miles of the proposed station location. may be assigned to a UHF digital low Stations proposing use of channels 62, power television or television trans- 65, and 67 must notify the pertinent re- lator station. In accordance with gional planning committee and state § 73.603(c) of this chapter, Channel 37 administrator not later than 30 days will not be assigned to such stations. prior to the submission of their appli- (d) UHF Channels 52–59 may be as- cation (FCC Form 346). Notification signed to a digital low power television shall be made to the regional and state or television translator station for use administrators of region and state as a digital conversion channel. These within which the digital LPTV or channels may also be assigned as a translator station is proposed to be lo- companion digital channel if the appli- cated, and those of adjoining regions cant is able to demonstrate that a suit- and states with boundaries within 50 able in core channel is not available. Stations proposing use of such chan- miles of the proposed station location. nels shall notify all potentially af- Information for this purpose is avail- fected 700 MHz wireless licensees not able at the above web site and also at later than 30 days prior to the submis- the following internet sites: http://wire- sion of their application (FCC Form less.fcc.gov/ 346). Applicants shall notify wireless li- publicsafety700MHzregional.html, http:// censees of the 700 MHz spectrum com- wireless.fcc.gov/publicsafety/700MHz/ prising the same TV channel and the state.html, and http://wireless.fcc.gov/ adjacent channel within whose licensed publicsafety/700MHz/interop-con- geographic boundaries the digital tacts.html. LPTV or translator station is proposed (f) Application for new analog low to be located, and also notify licensees power television or television trans- of co-channel and adjacent channel lator stations specifying operation spectrum whose service boundaries lie above Channel 51 will not be accepted within 75 miles and 50 miles, respec- for filing. Applications for displace- tively, of their proposed station loca- ment relief on channels above 51 will tion. Specific information for this pur- continue to be accepted. pose can be obtained from the Commis- sion’s auction Web site at http:// [69 FR 69332, Nov. 29, 2004] www.fcc.gov/auctions.


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§ 74.787 Digital licensing. this chapter. Such applicants shall be (a) Applications for digital low power afforded an opportunity to submit set- television and television translator sta- tlements and engineering solutions to tions—(1) Applications for digital conver- resolve mutual exclusivity pursuant to sion. Applications for digital conversion § 73.5002(d) of this chapter; channels may be filed at any time. (iv) After the close of the window, a Such applications shall be filed on FCC public notice will identify short-form Form 346 and will be treated as a minor applications received that are found to change application. There will be no be non-mutually exclusive. All non- application fee. mutually exclusive applicants will be (2) Applications for companion digital required to submit an FCC Form 346 channel. (i) A public notice will specify pursuant to § 73.5005 of this chapter. a time period or ‘‘window’’ for filing Such applications shall be processed applications for companion digital pursuant to § 73.5006 of this chapter; channels. During this window, only ex- and isting low power television or tele- (v) With regard to fees, an applica- vision translator stations or licensees tion (FCC Form 346) for companion dig- and permittees of Class A TV stations ital channels shall be treated as a may submit applications for com- minor change application and there panion digital channels. Applications will be no application fee. submitted prior to the initial window (3) Construction permit applications for identified in the public notice will be new stations, major changes to existing returned as premature. At a subse- stations in the low power television serv- quent time, a public notice will an- ice. A public notice will specify the nouncement the commencement of a date upon which interested parties may filing procedure in which applications begin to file applications for new sta- will accepted on a first-come, first- tions and major facilities changes to served basis not restricted to existing existing stations in the low power tele- station licensees and permittees; vision service. It will specify param- (ii) Applications for companion dig- eters for any applications that may be ital channels filed during the initial window shall be filed in accordance filed. Applications submitted prior to with the provisions of §§ 1.2105 and date announced by the public notice 73.5002 of this chapter regarding the will be returned as premature. Such ap- submission of the short-form applica- plications shall be accepted on a first- tion, FCC Form 175, and all appropriate come, first-served basis, and shall be certifications, information and exhib- filed on FCC Form 346. Applications for its contained therein. To determine new or major change shall be subject to which applicants are mutually exclu- the appropriate application fee. Mutu- sive, applicants must submit the engi- ally exclusive applications shall be re- neering data contained in FCC Form solved via the Commission’s part 1 and 346 as a supplement to its short-form broadcast competitive bidding rules, application. Such engineering data will § 1.2100 et seq., and § 73.5000 et seq. of this not be studied for technical accept- chapter. Such applicants shall be af- ability, but will be protected from sub- forded an opportunity to submit settle- sequently filed applications as of the ments and engineering solutions to re- close of the initial window period. De- solve mutual exclusivity pursuant to terminations as to the acceptability or § 73.5002(d) of this chapter. grantability of an applicant’s proposal (4) Displacement applications. A digital will not be made prior to an auction; low power television or television (iii) After the close of the initial win- translator station which is causing or dow, a public notice will identify the receiving interference or is predicted short-form applications received dur- to cause or receive interference to or ing the window filing period which are from an authorized TV broadcast sta- found to be mutually exclusive. Such tion, DTV station or allotment or short-form applications will be re- other protected station or service, may solved via the Commission’s Part 1 and at any time file a displacement relief broadcast competitive bidding rules, application for change in channel, to- §§ 1.2100 et seq., and §§ 73.5000 et seq. of gether with technical modifications


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that are necessary to avoid inter- translators may operate on channels 2– ference or continue serving the sta- 51. Applications for replacement digital tion’s protected service area, provided television translator shall be given the proposed transmitter site is not lo- processing priority over all other low cated more than 30 miles from the ref- power television and TV translator ap- erence coordinates of the existing sta- plications except displacement applica- tion’s community of license. See § 76.53 tions (with which they shall have co- of this chapter. A displacement relief equal priority) as set forth in 47 CFR application shall be filed on FCC Form 73.3572(a)(4)(ii). The service area of the 346 and will be considered a minor replacement translator shall be limited change and will be placed on public no- to only a demonstrated loss area with- tice for a period of not less than 30 in the full-service station’s pre-transi- days to permit the filing of petitions to tion analog service area. ‘‘Analog serv- deny. These applications will not be ice area’’ is defined as the existing, au- subject to the filing of competing ap- thorized, protected service area actu- plications. Where a displacement relief ally served by the analog signal prior application for a digital low power tel- evision or television translator station to analog termination for the DTV becomes mutually exclusive the appli- transition. An applicant for a replace- cation(s) for new analog or digital low ment digital television translator may power television or television trans- propose a de minimis expansion of its lator stations, with a displacement re- full-service pre-transition analog serv- lief application for an analog low ice area upon demonstrating that the power television or television trans- expansion is necessary to replace its lator station, or with other non-dis- analog loss area. The license for the re- placement relief applications for facili- placement digital television translator ties modifications of analog or digital will be associated with the full power low power television or television station’s main license, will be assigned translator stations, priority will be af- the same call sign, may not be sepa- forded to the displacement application rately assigned or transferred, and will for the digital low power television or be renewed with the full-service sta- television translator station to the ex- tion’s main license. clusion of other applications. Mutually (ii) Each original construction per- exclusive displacement relief applica- mit for the construction of a replace- tions for digital low power television ment digital television translator sta- and television translator stations shall tion shall specify a period of three be resolved via the Commission’s part 1 years from the date of issuance of the and broadcast competitive bidding original construction permit within rules, § 1.2100 et seq., and § 73.5000 et seq. which construction shall be completed of this chapter. Such applicants shall and application for license filed. The be afforded an opportunity to submit provisions of § 74.788(c) of this chapter settlements and engineering solutions shall apply for stations seeking addi- to resolve mutual exclusivity pursuant tional time to complete construction to § 73.5002(d) of this chapter. of their replacement digital television (5) Application for replacement digital translator station. television translator. (i) An application for a replacement digital television (iii) A public notice will specify the translator may be filed at any time. A date upon which interested parties may license for a replacement digital tele- begin to file applications for replace- vision translator will be issued only to ment digital television translators. a television broadcast station licensee Such applications shall be filed on FCC that demonstrates in its application Form 346, shall be treated as an appli- that a portion of the station’s pre-tran- cation for minor change and shall be sition analog service area will not be accepted on a first-come, first-served served by its full, post-transition dig- basis. Mutually exclusive applications ital facilities and that the proposed shall be resolved via the Commission’s translator will be used to provide serv- part 1 and broadcast competitive bid- ice to the area where service has been ding rules, § 1.2100 et seq. and § 73.5000 et lost.’’ Replacement digital television seq. of this chapter.


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(iv) The following sections are appli- to grant an extension of time of up to cable to replacement digital television six months beyond the relevant con- translator stations: struction period for each original con- struction permit upon demonstration § 73.1030 Notifications concerning inter- ference to radio astronomy, research and by the digital licensee or permittee receiving installations. that failure to meet the construction § 74.703 Interference. deadline is due to circumstances that § 74.709 Land mobile station protection. are either unforeseeable or beyond the § 74.734 Attended and unattended operation. licensee’s control where the licensee § 74.735 Power Limitations. has take all reasonable steps to resolve § 74.751 Modification of transmission sys- the problem expeditiously. tems. § 74.763 Time of Operation. (2) Such circumstances shall include, § 74.765 Posting of station and operator li- but shall not be limited to: censes. (i) Inability to construct and place in § 74.769 Copies of rules. operation a facility necessary for § 74.780 Broadcast regulations applicable to transmitting digital television, such as translators, low power, and booster sta- a tower, because of delays in obtaining tions (except § 73.653—Operation of TV zoning or FAA approvals, or similar aural and visual transmitters and constraints; § 73.1201—Station identification). § 74.781 Station records. (ii) The lack of equipment necessary § 74.784 Rebroadcasts. to obtain a digital television signal; or (b) Definitions of ‘‘major’’ and ‘‘minor’’ (iii) Where the cost of construction changes to digital low power television exceeds the station’s financial re- and television translator stations. (1) Ap- sources. plications for major changes in digital (3) The Bureau may grant no more low power television and television than two extension requests upon dele- translator stations include any change gated authority. Subsequent extension in the frequency (output channel) not requests shall be referred to the Com- related to displacement relief or trans- mission. The Bureau may deny exten- mitting antenna location where the sion requests upon delegated authority. protected contour resulting from the (4) Applications for extension of time change does not overlap some portion shall be filed no earlier than 90 and no of the protected contour of the author- later than 60 days prior to the relevant ized facilities of the existing station. construction deadline, absent a show- (2) Other facilities changes will be ing of sufficient reasons for filing with- considered minor. in less than 60 days of the relevant con- struction deadline. [69 FR 69333, Nov. 29, 2004, as amended at 74 FR 23655, May 20, 2009] [69 FR 69334, Nov. 29, 2004]

§ 74.788 Digital construction period. § 74.789 Broadcast regulations applica- (a) Each original construction permit ble to digital low power television for the construction of a new digital and television translator stations. low power television or television The following sections are applicable translator station shall specify a pe- to digital low power television and tel- riod of three years from the date of evision translator stations: issuance of the original construction § 73.1030 Notifications concerning in- permit within which construction shall terference to radio astronomy, re- be completed and application for li- search and receiving installations. cense filed. § 74.600 Eligibility for license. (b) Any construction permit for § 74.703 Interference. which construction has not been com- § 74.709 Land mobile station protec- pleted and for which an application for tion. license or extension of time has not § 74.732 Eligibility and licensing re- been filed, shall be automatically for- quirements. feited upon expiration without any fur- § 74.734 Attended and unattended oper- ther affirmative cancellation by the ation. Commission. § 74.735 Power limitations. (c) Authority delegated. (1) Authority § 74.751 Modification of transmission is delegated to the Chief, Media Bureau systems.


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§ 74.763 Time of operation. (c) The transmissions of each digital § 74.765 Posting of station and oper- TV translator station shall be intended ator licenses. for direct reception by the general pub- § 74.769 Copies of rules. lic, and any other use shall be inci- § 74.780 Broadcast regulations applica- dental thereto. A digital TV translator ble to translators, low power, and station shall not be operated solely for booster stations (except § 73.653— the purpose of relaying signals to one Operation of TV aural and visual or more fixed receiving points for re- transmitters and § 73.1201—Station transmission, distribution, or further identification). relaying. § 74.781 Station records. (d) Except as provided in (e) and (f) of § 74.784 Rebroadcasts. this section, the technical characteris- [69 FR 69334, Nov. 29, 2004] tics of the retransmitted signals shall not be deliberately altered so as to § 74.790 Permissible service of digital hinder reception on consumer DTV TV translator and LPTV stations. broadcast receiving equipment. (a) Digital TV translator stations (e) A digital TV translator station provide a means whereby the signals of shall not retransmit the programs and DTV broadcast stations may be re- signals of any TV broadcast or DTV transmitted to areas in which direct broadcast station(s) without the prior reception of such DTV stations is un- written consent of such station(s). A satisfactory due to distance or inter- digital TV translator may multiplex on vening terrain barriers. its output channel the video program (b) Except as provided in paragraph services of two or more TV broadcast (f) of this section, a digital TV trans- and/or DTV broadcast stations, pursu- lator station may be used only to re- ant to arrangements with all affected ceive the signals of a TV broadcast or stations, and for this limited purpose, DTV broadcast station, another digital is permitted to alter a TV broadcast TV translator station, a TV translator and/or DTV broadcast signal. relay station, a television intercity (f) A digital TV translator station relay station, a television STL station, may transmit locally originated visual or other suitable sources such as a and/or aural messages limited to emer- CARS or common carrier microwave gency warnings of imminent danger, to station, for the simultaneous retrans- local public service announcements mission of the programs and signals of (PSAs) and to seeking or acknowl- a TV or DTV broadcast station. Such edging financial support deemed nec- retransmissions may be accomplished essary to the continued operation of by any of the following means: the station. Acknowledgments of finan- (1) Reception of TV broadcast or DTV cial support may include identification broadcast station programs and signals of the contributors, the size and nature directly through space and conversion of the contribution and the advertising to a different channel by one of the fol- messages of the contributors. The lowing transmission modes: originations concerning financial sup- (i) Heterodyne frequency conversion port and PSAs are limited to 30 seconds and suitable amplification, subject to a each, no more than once per hour. digital output power limit of 30 watts Emergency transmissions shall be no for transmitters operating on channels longer or more frequent than necessary 14–69 and 3 watts for transmitters oper- to protect life and property. Such ating on channels 2–13; or originations may be accomplished by (ii) Digital signal regeneration (i.e., any technical means agreed upon be- DTV signal demodulation, decoding, tween the TV translator and DTV sta- error processing, encoding, remodula- tion whose signal is being retrans- tion, and frequency upconversion) and mitted, but must be capable of being suitable amplification; or, received on consumer DTV broadcast (2) Demodulation, remodulation and reception equipment. A digital TV amplification of TV broadcast or DTV translator shall modify, as necessary broadcast station programs and signals to avoid DTV reception tuning con- received through a microwave trans- flicts, the Program System and Infor- port. mation Protocol (PSIP) information in


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the DTV broadcast signal being re- channel number assigned to the station transmitted. and two additional letters and a suffix (g) A digital LPTV station may oper- consisting of the letters ¥D. ate under the following modes of serv- (b) Digital television translator stations. ice: Call signs for digital television trans- (1) For the retransmission of pro- lator stations will be made up of a pre- gramming of a TV broadcast or DTV fix consisting of the initial letter K or broadcast station, subject to the prior W followed by the channel number as- written consent of the station whose signed to the station and two addi- signal is being retransmitted; tional letters and a suffix consisting of (2) For the origination of program- the letter ¥D. ming and commercial matter as de- (c) Digital low power television stations fined in § 74.701(l). and Class A television stations. Digital (3) Whenever operating, a digital low power television and Class A tele- LPTV station must transmit an over- vision stations may be assigned a call the-air video program signal at no di- sign with a four-letter prefix pursuant rect charge to viewers at least com- to § 73.3550 of the Commission’s rules. parable in resolution to that of its as- Digital low power stations with four- sociated analog (NTSC) LPTV station letter prefixes will be assigned the suf- or, in the case of an on-channel digital fix ¥LD and digital Class A stations conversion, that of its former analog with four-letter prefixes will be as- LPTV station. signed the suffix ¥CD. (4) A digital LPTV station may dy- namically alter the bit stream of its [69 FR 69335, Nov. 29, 2004] signal to transmit one or more video program services in any established § 74.792 Digital low power TV and TV DTV video format. translator station protected con- tour. (h) A digital LPTV station is not sub- ject to minimum required hours of op- (a) A digital low power TV or TV eration and may operate in either of translator will be protected from inter- the two modes described in paragraph ference from other low power TV, TV (g) of this section for any number of translator, Class A TV or TV booster hours. stations or digital low power TV, TV (i) Upon transmitting a signal that translator or Class A TV stations with- meets the requirements of paragraph in the following predicted contours: (g)(3) of this section, a digital LPTV (1) 43 dBu for stations on Channels 2 station may offer services of any na- through 6; ture, consistent with the public inter- (2) 48 dBu for stations on Channels 7 est, convenience, and necessity, on an through 13; and ancillary or supplementary basis in ac- (3) 51 dBu for stations on Channels 14 cordance with the provisions of through 69. § 73.624(c) and (g) of this chapter. (b) The digital low power TV or TV (j) A digital LPTV station may not translator protected contour is cal- be operated solely for the purpose of re- culated from the authorized effective laying signals to one or more fixed re- radiated power and antenna height ceiving points for retransmission, dis- above average terrain, using the tribution or relaying. F(50,90) signal propagation method (k) A digital LPTV station may re- specified in § 73.625(b)(1) of this chapter. ceive input signals for transmission or retransmission by any technical [69 FR 69335, Nov. 29, 2004] means, including those specified in § 74.793 Digital low power TV and TV paragraph (b) of this section. translator station protection of [69 FR 69334, Nov. 29, 2004] broadcast stations. (a) An application to construct a new § 74.791 Digital call signs. digital low power TV or TV translator (a) Digital low power stations. Call station or change the facilities of an signs for digital low power stations will existing station will not be accepted if be made up of a prefix consisting of the it fails to meet the interference protec- initial letter K or W followed by the tion requirements in this section.


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(b) Except as provided in this section, digital low power TV or TV translator interference prediction analysis is station must not cause a loss of service based on the interference thresholds to 0.5 percent or more of the population (D/U signal strength ratios) and other predicted to receive service from the criteria and methods specified in authorized DTV facilities. § 73.623(c)(2) through (c)(4) of this chap- (f) Protection to the authorized fa- ter. Predictions of interference to co- cilities of TV broadcast stations shall channel DTV broadcast, digital Class A be based on not causing predicted in- TV, digital LPTV and digital TV trans- terference to the population within the lator stations will be based on the in- Grade B field strength contours defined terference thresholds specified therein and described in § 73.683 of this chapter, for ‘‘DTV-into-DTV.’’ Predictions of in- except that a digital low power TV or terference to co-channel TV broadcast, TV translator station must not cause a Class A TV, LPTV and TV translator loss of service to 0.5 percent or more of stations will be based on the inter- the population predicted to receive ference threshold specified for ‘‘DTV- service from the authorized TV broad- into-analog TV.’’ Predictions of inter- cast facilities. ference to TV broadcast, Class A TV, (g) Protection to the authorized fa- LPTV and TV translator stations with cilities of Class A and digital Class A the following channel relationships to TV stations shall be based on not caus- a digital channel will be based on the ing predicted interference to the popu- threshold values specified for ‘‘Other lation within the service area defined Adjacent Channels (Channels 14–69 and described in § 73.6010 (a) through (d) only),’’ where N is the analog channel: of this chapter, respectively, except N–2, N+2, N–3, N+3, N–4, N+4, N–7 , N+7, that a digital low power TV or TV N–8, N+8, N+14, and N+15. translator station must not cause a (c) The following D/U signal strength loss of service to 0.5 percent or more of ratios (dB) shall apply to the protec- the population predicted to receive tion of stations on the first adjacent service from the authorized Class A TV channel. The D/U ratios for ‘‘Digital or digital Class A TV facilities. TV-into-analog TV’’ shall apply to the (h) Protection to the authorized fa- protection of TV broadcast, Class A cilities of low power TV and TV trans- TV, LPTV and TV translator stations. lator stations and digital low power TV The D/U ratios for ‘‘Digital TV-into- and TV translator stations shall be digital TV’’ shall apply to the protec- based on not causing predicted inter- tion of DTV, digital Class A TV, digital ference to the population within the LPTV and digital TV translator sta- service area defined and described in tions. The D/U ratios correspond to the §§ 74.707(a) and 74.792, respectively, ex- digital LPTV or TV translator sta- cept that a digital low power TV or TV tion’s specified out-of-channel emission translator station must not cause a mask. loss of service to 2.0 percent or more of the population predicted to receive Simple Stringent service from the authorized low power mask mask TV, TV translator, digital low power Digital TV-into-analog TV ...... 10 0 TV or digital TV translator station. Digital TV-into-digital TV ...... ¥7 ¥12 [69 FR 69335, Nov. 29, 2004] (d) For analysis of predicted inter- ference from digital low power TV and § 74.794 Digital emissions. TV translator stations, the relative (a)(1) An applicant for a digital LPTV field strength values of the assumed or TV translator station construction antenna vertical radiation pattern in permit shall specify that the station Table 8 in OET Bulletin 69 shall be dou- will be constructed to confine out-of- bled up to a value of 1.0. channel emissions within one of the (e) Protection to the authorized fa- following emission masks: simple or cilities of DTV broadcast stations shall stringent. be based on not causing predicted in- (2) The power level of emissions on terference to the population within the frequencies outside the authorized service area defined and described in channel of operation must be attenu- § 73.622(e) of this chapter, except that a ated no less than following amounts


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below the average transmitted power MHz), and 65–69 (776–806 MHz) must pro- within the authorized 6 MHz channel. vide specific ‘‘out of band’’ protection In the mask specifications listed in to Radio Navigation Satellite Services § 74.794(a)(2) and (a)(3), A is the attenu- in the bands: L5 (1164–1215 MHz); L2 ation in dB and Df is the frequency dif- (1215–1240 MHz) and L1 (1559–1610 MHz). ference in MHz from the edge of the (1) An FCC-certificated transmitter channel. specifically certified for use on one or (i) Simple mask. At the channel edges, more of the above channels must in- emissions must be attenuated no less clude filtering with an attenuation of than 46 dB. More than 6 MHz from the not less than 85 dB in the GPS bands, channel edges, emissions must be at- which will have the effect of reducing tenuated no less than 71 dB. At any fre- harmonics in the GPS bands from what quency between 0 and 6 MHz from the is produced by the digital transmitter, channel edges, emissions must be at- and this attenuation must be dem- tenuated no less than the value deter- onstrated as part of the certification mined by the following formula: application to the Commission. (2) For an installation on one of the A (dB) = 46 + (Df2 /1.44) above channels with a digital trans- (ii) Stringent mask. In the first 500 mitter not specifically FCC-certifi- kHz from the channel edges, emissions cated for the channel, a low pass filter must be attenuated no less than 47 dB. or equivalent device rated by its manu- More than 3 MHz from the channel facturer to have an attenuation of at edges, emissions must be attenuated no least 85 dB in the GPS bands, which less than 76 dB. At any frequency be- will have the effect of reducing tween 0.5 and 3 MHz from the channel harmonics in the GPS bands from what edges, emissions must be attenuated no is produced by the digital transmitter, less than the value determined by the and must be installed in a manner that following formula: will prevent the harmonic emission A(dB) = 47 + 11.5 (Df–0.5) content from reaching the antenna. A (3) The attenuation values for the description of the low pass filter or simple and stringent emission masks equivalent device with the manufactur- are based on a measurement bandwidth er’s rating or a report of measurements of 500 kHz. Other measurement by a qualified individual shall be re- bandwidths may be used and converted tained with the station license. Field to the reference 500 kHz value by the measurements of the second or third following formula: harmonic output of a transmitter so equipped are not required. A(dB) = Aalternate + 10 log (BWalternate / 500) [69 FR 69336, Nov. 29, 2004] where A(dB) is the measured or cal- culated attenuation value for the ref- § 74.795 Digital low power TV and TV erence 500 kHz bandwidth, and Aalternate translator transmission system fa- is the measured or calculated attenu- cilities. ation for a bandwidth BWalternate. Emis- (a) A digital low power TV or TV sions include sidebands, spurious emis- translator station shall operate with a sions and radio harmonics. Attenu- transmitter that is either certificated ation is to be measured at the output for licensing based on the following terminals of the transmitter (including provisions or has been modified for dig- any filters that may be employed). In ital operation pursuant to § 74.796. the event of interference caused to any (b) The following requirements must service by out-of-channel emissions, be met before digital low power TV and greater attenuation may be required. TV translator transmitter will be cer- (b) In addition to meeting the emis- tificated by the FCC: sion attenuation requirements of the (1) The transmitter shall be designed simple or stringent mask (including at- to produce digital television signals tenuation of radio frequency that can be satisfactorily viewed on harmonics), digital low power TV and consumer receiving equipment based TV translator stations authorized to on the digital broadcast television operate on TV channels 22–24, (518–536 transmission standard in § 73.682(d) of MHz), 32–36 (578–608 MHz), 38 (614–620 this chapter;


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(2) Emissions on frequencies outside (b) The following additional provi- the authorized channel, measured at sions shall apply to the modification of the output terminals of the trans- existing analog transmissions systems mitter (including any filters that may for digital operation, including instal- be employed), shall meet the require- lation of manufacturers’ certificated ments of § 74.794, as applicable; equipment (‘‘field modification kits’’) (3) The transmitter shall be equipped and custom modifications. to display the digital power output (1) The modifications and related per- (i.e., average power over a 6 MHz chan- formance-testing shall be undertaken nel) and shall be designed to prevent by a person or persons qualified to per- the power output from exceeding the form such work. maximum rated power output under (2) The final amplifier stage of an any condition; analog transmitter modified for digital (4) When subjected to variations in operation shall not have an ‘‘average ambient temperature between 0 and 40 digital power’’ output greater than 25 degrees Centigrade and variations in percent of its previous NTSC peak sync power main voltage between 85% and power output, unless the amplifier has 115% of the rated power supply voltage, been specifically refitted or replaced to the frequency stability of the local os- operate at a higher power. cillator in the RF channel upconverter (3) Analog heterodyne translators, shall be maintained within 10 kHz of when modified for digital operation, the nominal value; and will produce a power output (digital av- (5) The transmitter shall be equipped erage power over the 6 MHz channel) with suitable meters and jacks so that appropriate voltage and current meas- not exceeding 30 watts for transmitters urements may be made while the trans- operating on channels 14–69 and 3 watts mitter is in operation. for transmitters operating on channels (c) The following additional require- 2–13. ments apply to digital heterodyne (4) After completion of the modifica- translators: tion, suitable tests and measurements (1) The maximum rated power output shall be made to demonstrate compli- (digital average power over a 6 MHz ance with the applicable requirements channel) shall not exceed 30 watts for in this section including those in transmitters operating on channels 14– § 74.795. Upon installation of a field 69 and 3 watts for transmitters oper- modification kit, the transmitter shall ating on channels 2–13; and be performance-tested in accordance (2) The transmitter shall contain cir- with the manufacturer’s instructions. cuits which will maintain the digital (5) The station licensee shall notify average power output constant within the Commission upon completion of 1 dB when the strength of the input sig- the transmitter modifications. In the nal is varied over a range of 30 dB. case of custom modifications (those (d) Certification will be granted only not related to installation of manufac- upon a satisfactory showing that the turer-supplied and FCC-certificated transmitter is capable of meeting the equipment), the licensee shall certify requirements of paragraph (b) of this compliance with all applicable trans- section, pursuant to the procedures de- mission system requirements. scribed in § 74.750(e). (6) The licensee shall maintain with [69 FR 69336, Nov. 29, 2004] the station’s records for a period of not less than two years the following infor- § 74.796 Modification of digital trans- mation and make this information to mission systems and analog trans- the Commission upon request: mission systems for digital oper- (i) A description of the modifications ation. performed and performance tests or, in (a) The provisions of § 74.751 shall the case of installation of a manufac- apply to the modification of digital low turer-supplied modification kit, a de- power TV and TV translator trans- scription of the nature of the modifica- mission systems and the modification tions, installation and test instruc- of existing analog transmission sys- tions and other material provided by tems for digital operation. the manufacturer;


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(ii) Results of performance-tests and spondent (as defined in § 73.3615(a) of measurements on the modified trans- this chapter). Beginning with the 2011 mitter; and filing, a licensee or Respondent with a (iii) Copies of related correspondence current and unamended Report on file with the Commission. at the Commission may certify elec- (c) In connection with the on-channel tronically that it has reviewed its cur- conversion of existing analog transmit- rent Report and that it is accurate, in ters for digital operation, a limited al- lieu of filing a new Report. Ownership lowance is made for transmitters with Reports shall provide information as of final that do not meet the October 1 of the year in which the re- attenuation of the Simple emission mask at the channel edges. Station li- port is filed. For information on filing censees may obtain equivalent compli- requirements, filers should refer to ance with this attenuation require- § 73.3615(a) of this chapter. ment in the following manner: [74 FR 25168, May 27, 2009] (1) Measure the level of attenuation of emissions below the average digital EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 74 FR 25168, May power output at the channel edges in a 27, 2009, § 74.797 was added. This section con- 500 kHz bandwidth; measurements tains information collection and record- made over a different measurement keeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by bandwidth should be corrected to the the Office of Management and Budget. equivalent attenuation level for a 500 kHz bandwidth using the formula given in § 74.794; Subpart H—Low Power Auxiliary (2) Calculate the difference in dB be- Stations tween the 46 dB channel-edge attenu- ation requirement of the Simple mask; § 74.801 Definitions. (3) Subtract the value determined in Cable television system operator. A the previous step from the authorized cable television operator is defined in effective radiated power (‘‘ERP’’) of § 76.5(cc) of the rules. the analog station being converted to Low power auxiliary station. An auxil- digital operation. Then subtract an ad- iary station authorized and operated ditional 6 dB to account for the approx- imate difference between analog peak pursuant to the provisions set forth in and digital average power. For this this subpart. Devices authorized as low purpose, the ERP must be expressed in power auxiliary stations are intended decibels above one kilowatt: ERP(dBk) to transmit over distances of approxi- = 10 log ERP(kW); mately 100 meters for uses such as (4) Convert the ERP calculated in the wireless microphones, cue and control previous step to units of kilowatts; and communications, and synchronization (5) The ERP value determined of TV camera signals. through the above procedure will Motion picture producer. Motion pic- produce equivalent compliance with ture producer refers to a person or or- the attenuation requirement of the ganization engaged in the production simple emission mask at the channel or filming of motion pictures. edges and should be specified as the Television program producer. Tele- digital ERP in the minor change appli- vision program producer refers to a cation for an on-channel digital con- person or organization engaged in the version. The transmitter may not be production of television programs. operated to produce a higher digital Wireless assist video device. An auxil- ERP than this value. iary station authorized and operated [69 FR 69336, Nov. 29, 2004] by motion picture and television pro- gram producers pursuant to the provi- § 74.797 Biennial Ownership Reports. sions of this subpart. These stations The Ownership Report FCC Form 323 are intended to transmit over distances must be electronically filed no later of approximately 300 meters for use as than November 1, 2009, and every two years thereafter by each licensee of a low power television station or Re-


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an aid in composing camera shots on (d) Low power auxiliary licensees motion picture and television sets. will not be granted exclusive frequency assignments. (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) [42 FR 14729, March 16, 1977, as amended at 43 [52 FR 2535, Jan. 23, 1987, as amended at 68 FR 14662, Apr. 7, 1978; 51 FR 4603, Feb. 6, 1986; FR 12772, Mar. 17, 2003] 51 FR 9966, Mar. 24, 1986; 54 FR 41842, Oct. 12, 1989; 68 FR 12772, Mar. 17, 2003] § 74.803 Frequency selection to avoid interference. § 74.802 Frequency assignment. (a) Where two or more low power (a) Frequencies within the following auxiliary licensees need to operate in bands may be assigned for use by low the same area, the licensees shall en- power auxiliary stations: deavor to select frequencies or sched- ule operation in such manner as to 26.100–26.480 MHz avoid mutual interference. If a mutu- 54.000–72.000 MHz ally satisfactory arrangement cannot 76.000–88.000 MHz be reached, the Commission shall be 161.625–161.775 MHz (except in Puerto Rico or notified and it will specify the fre- the Virgin Islands) quency or frequencies to be employed 174.000–216.000 MHz 450.000–451.000 MHz by each licensee. 455.000–456.000 MHz (b) The selection of frequencies in the 470.000–488.000 MHz bands allocated for TV broadcasting for 488.000–494.000 MHz (except Hawaii) use in any area shall be guided by the 494.000–608.000 MHz need to avoid interference to TV broad- 614.000–806.000 MHz cast reception. In these bands, low 944.000–952.000 MHz power auxiliary station usage is sec- ondary to TV broadcasting and land (b) Operations in the bands allocated mobile stations operating in the UHF- for TV broadcasting, listed below, are TV spectrum and must not cause harm- limited to locations removed from ex- ful interference. If such interference isting co-channel TV broadcast sta- occurs, low power auxiliary station op- tions by not less than the following eration must immediately cease and distances unless otherwise authorized may not be resumed until the inter- by the FCC. (See § 73.609 for zone defini- ference problem has been resolved. tions.) (1) 54.000–72.000 MHz and 76.000–88.000 [42 FR 14729, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 52 MHz: FR 2535, Jan. 23, 1987] Zone I 105 km (65 miles) § 74.831 Scope of service and permis- Zones II and III 129 km (80 miles) sible transmissions. (2) 174.000–216.000 MHz The license for a low power auxiliary station authorizes the transmission of Zone I 97 km (60 miles) cues and orders to production per- Zones II and III 129 km (80 miles) sonnel and participants in broadcast (3) 470.000–608.000 MHz and 614.000– programs and motion pictures and in 806.000 MHz. the preparation therefor, the trans- mission of program material by means All zones 113 km (70 miles) of a wireless microphone worn by a per- (c) Specific frequency operation is re- former and other participants in a pro- quired when operating within the gram or motion picture during re- bands allocated for TV broadcasting. hearsal and during the actual broad- (1) The frequency selection shall be cast, filming, or recording, or the offset from the upper or lower band transmission of comments, interviews, limits by 25 kHz or an integral mul- and reports from the scene of a remote tiple thereof. broadcast. Low power auxiliary sta- (2) One or more adjacent 25 kHz seg- tions operating in the 944–952 MHz band ments within the assignable fre- may, in addition, transmit synchro- quencies may be combined to form a nizing signals and various control sig- channel whose maximum bandwidth nals to portable or hand-carried TV shall not exceed 200 kHz. cameras which employ low power radio


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signals in lieu of cable to deliver pic- (e) An application for low power aux- ture signals to the control point at the iliary stations or for a change in an ex- scene of a remote broadcast. isting authorization shall specify the broadcast station, or the network with [42 FR 14729, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 51 FR 4603, Feb. 6, 1986] which the low power broadcast auxil- iary facilities are to be principally § 74.832 Licensing requirements and used as given in paragraph (h) of this procedures. section; or it shall specify the motion picture or television production com- (a) A license authorizing operation of pany or the cable television operator one or more low power auxiliary sta- with which the low power broadcast tions will be issued only to the fol- auxiliary facilities are to be solely lowing: used. A single application, filed on FCC (1) A licensee of an AM, FM, TV, or Form 601 may be used in applying for International broadcast station or low the authority to operate one or more power TV station. Low power auxiliary low power auxiliary units. The applica- stations will be licensed for used with a tion must specify the frequency bands specific broadcast or low power TV sta- which will be used. Motion picture pro- tion or combination of stations li- ducers, television program producers, censed to the same licensee within the and cable television operators are re- same community. quired to attach a single sheet to their (2) A broadcast network entity. application form explaining in detail (3) A cable television system operator the manner in which the eligibility re- who operates a cable system that pro- quirements given in paragraph (a) of duces program material for origination this section are met. or access cablecasting, as defined in (f) Applications for the use of the § 76.5(r). bands allocated for TV broadcasting (4) Motion picture producers as de- must specify the usual area of oper- fined in § 74.801. ation within which the low power aux- (5) Television program producers as iliary station will be used. This area of defined in § 74.801. operation may, for example, be speci- (6) Licensees and conditional licens- fied as the metropolitan area in which ees of stations in the Service and Mul- the broadcast licensee serves, or the tichannel Multipoint Distribution usual area within which motion picture Service as defined in § 21.2 of this chap- and television producers are operating. ter, or entities that hold an executed Because low power auxiliary stations lease agreement with an MDS or operating in these bands will only be MMDS licensee or conditional licensee permitted in areas removed from exist- or with an Instructional Television ing co-channel TV broadcast stations, Fixed Service licensee or permittee. licensees have full responsibility to en- (b) An application for a new or re- sure that operation of their stations newal of low power auxiliary license does not occur at distances less than shall specify the frequency band or those specified in § 74.802(b). bands desired. Only those frequency (g) Low power auxiliary licensees bands necessary for satisfactory oper- shall specify the maximum number of ation shall be requested. units that will be operated. (c) Licensees of AM, FM, TV, and (h) For broadcast licensees, low International broadcast stations; low power auxiliary stations will be li- power TV stations; and broadcast net- censed for use with a specific broadcast work entities may be authorized to op- station or combination of broadcast erate low power auxiliary stations in stations licensed to the same licensee the frequency bands set forth in and to the same community. Licensing § 74.802(a). of low power auxiliary stations for use (d) Cable television operations, mo- with a specific broadcast station or tion picture and television program combination of such stations does not producers may be authorized to operate preclude their use with other broadcast low power auxiliary stations only in stations of the same or a different li- the bands allocated for TV broad- censee at any location. Operation of casting. low power auxiliary stations outside


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the area of operation specified in the fication number of the associated authorization, or in other bands is per- broadcast station (if any), type and mitted without further authority of manufacturer of equipment, power out- the Commission. However, operation of put, emission, frequency or frequencies low power auxiliary stations shall, at proposed to be used, commencement all times, be in accordance with the re- and termination date, location of pro- quirements of § 74.882 of this subpart. posed operation, and purpose for which Also, a low power auxiliary station request is made including any par- that is being used with a broadcast sta- ticular justification. tion or network other than one with (d) A request for special temporary which it is licensed, must, in addition authority shall specify a frequency to meeting the requirements of § 74.861 band consistent with the provisions of of this subpart, not cause harmful in- § 74.802: Provided, That, in the case of terference to another low power auxil- events of wide-spread interest and im- iary station which is being used with portance which cannot be transmitted the broadcast station(s) or network successfully on these frequencies, fre- with which it is licensed. quencies assigned to other services (i) In case of permanent discontinu- may be requested upon a showing that ance of operations of a station licensed operation thereon will not cause inter- under this subpart, the licensee shall ference to established stations: And cancel the station license using FCC provided further, In no case will oper- Form 601. For purposes of this section, ation of a low power auxiliary broad- a station which is not operated for a cast station be authorized on fre- period of one year is considered to have quencies employed for the safety of life been permanently discontinued. and property. (j) The license shall be retained in (e) The user shall have full control the licensee’s files at the address over the transmitting equipment dur- shown on the authorization, posted at ing the period it is operated. the transmitter, or posted at the con- (f) Special temporary authority to trol point of the station. permit operation of low power auxil- [42 FR 14729, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 47 iary stations pending Commission ac- FR 9221, Mar. 4, 1982; 47 FR 21503, May 18, tion on an application for regular au- 1982; 47 FR 55938, Dec. 14, 1982; 51 FR 4603, thority will not normally be granted. Feb. 6, 1986; 51 FR 9966, Mar. 24, 1986; 52 FR 2535, Jan. 23, 1987; 55 FR 46012, Oct. 31, 1990; [42 FR 14729, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 47 58 FR 19776, Apr. 16, 1993; 68 FR 12772, Mar. 17, FR 9221, Mar. 4, 1982; 47 FR 55939, Dec. 14, 2003; 69 FR 72045, Dec. 10, 2004] 1982; 58 FR 19776, Apr. 16, 1993; 68 FR 12772, Mar. 17, 2003] § 74.833 Temporary authorizations. § 74.851 Certification of equipment. (a) Special temporary authority may be granted for low power auxiliary sta- (a) Applications for new low power tion operation which cannot be con- auxiliary stations will not be accepted ducted in accordance with § 74.24. Such unless the transmitting equipment authority will normally be granted specified therein has been certificated only for operations of a temporary na- for use pursuant to provisions of this ture. Where operation is seen as likely subpart. on a continuing annual basis, an appli- (b) Any manufacturer of a trans- cation for a regular authorization mitter to be used in this service may should be submitted. apply for certification for such trans- (b) A request for special temporary mitter following the certification pro- authority for the operation of a remote cedure set forth in part 2 of the Com- pickup broadcast station must be made mission’s Rules and Regulations. At- in accordance with the procedures of tention is also directed to part 1 of the § 1.931(b) of this chapter. Commission’s Rules and Regulations (c) All requests for special temporary which specifies the fees required when authority of a low power auxiliary sta- filing an application for certification. tion must include full particulars in- (c) An applicant for a low power aux- cluding: licensees name and address, iliary station may also apply for cer- statement of eligibility, facility identi- tification for an individual transmitter


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by following the certification proce- shall be set forth in the next applica- dure set forth in part 2 of the Commis- tion for renewal of license. sion’s Rules and Regulations. The ap- (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) plication for certification must be ac- companied by the proper fees as pre- [42 FR 14729, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 43 scribed in part 1 of the Commission’s FR 13576, Mar. 31, 1978; 63 FR 36605, July 7, Rules and Regulations. 1998] (d) Low power auxiliary station equipment authorized to be used pursu- § 74.861 Technical requirements. ant to an application accepted for fil- (a) Transmitter power is the power at ing prior to December 1, 1977 may con- the transmitter output terminals and tinue to be used by the licensee or its delivered to the antenna, antenna successors or assignees: Provided, how- transmission line, or any other imped- ever, If operation of such equipment ance-matched, radio frequency load. causes harmful interference due to its For the purpose of this subpart, the failure to comply with the technical transmitter power is the carrier power. standards set forth in this subpart, the (b) Each authorization for a new low Commission may, at its discretion, re- power auxiliary station shall require quire the licensee to take such correc- the use of certificated equipment. Such tive action as is necessary to eliminate equipment shall be operated in accord- the interference. ance with the emission specifications (e) Each instrument of authority included in the certification grant and which permits operation of a low power as prescribed in paragraphs (c) through auxiliary station using equipment (e) of this section. which has not been certificated will (c) Low power auxiliary transmitters specify the particular transmitting not required to operate on specific car- equipment which the licensee is au- rier frequencies shall operate suffi- thorized to use. ciently within the authorized fre- (f) All transmitters marketed for use quency band edges to insure the emis- under this subpart shall be certificated sion bandwidth falls entirely within by the Federal Communications Com- the authorized band. mission for this purpose. (Refer to sub- (d) For low power auxiliary stations part I of part 2 of the Commission’s operating in the bands other than rules and regulations.) those allocated for TV broadcasting, (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) the following technical requirements are imposed. [42 FR 14729, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 42 FR 43637, Aug. 22, 1977; 43 FR 13576, Mar. 31, (1) The maximum transmitter power 1978; 63 FR 36605, July 7, 1998] which will be authorized is 1 watt. Li- censees may accept the manufacturer’s § 74.852 Equipment changes. power rating; however, it is the licens- (a) The licensee of a low power auxil- ee’s responsibility to observe specified iary station may make any changes in power limits. the equipment that are deemed desir- (2) If a low power auxiliary station able or necessary, including replace- employs amplitude modulation, modu- ment with certificated equipment, lation shall not exceed 100 percent on without prior Commission approval: positive or negative peaks. Provided, The proposed changes will not (3) The occupied bandwidth shall not depart from any of the terms of the be greater than that necessary for sat- station authorization or the Commis- isfactory transmission and, in any sion’s technical rules governing this event, an emission appearing on any service: And provided further, That any discrete frequency outside the author- changes made to certificated trans- ized band shall be attenuated, at least, mitted equipment shall be in compli- 43+10 log10 (mean output power, in ance with the provisions of part 2 of watts) dB below the mean output the Commission’s rules and regulations power of the transmitting unit. concerning modification of certificated (e) For low power auxiliary stations equipment. operating in the bands allocated for TV (b) Any equipment changes made pur- broadcasting, the following technical suant to paragraph (a) of this section requirements apply:


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(1) The power of the measured causes harmful interference, the Com- unmodulated carrier power at the out- mission may, at its discretion, require put of the transmitter power amplifier the licensee to take such further steps (antenna input power) may not exceed as may be necessary to eliminate the the following: interference. (i) 54–72, 76–88, and 174–216 MHz bands—50 mW (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068; 47 U.S.C. 155) (ii) 470–608 and 614–806 MHz bands—250 [43 FR 13576, Mar. 31, 1978, as amended at 52 mW FR 2535, Jan. 23, 1987; 63 FR 36605, July 7, (2) Transmitters may be either crys- 1998] tal controlled or frequency syn- thesized. § 74.870 Wireless video assist devices. (3) Any form of modulation may be Television broadcast auxiliary licens- used. A maximum deviation of ±75 kHz ees and motion picture and television is permitted when frequency modula- producers, as defined in § 74.801 may op- tion is employed. erate wireless video assist devices on a (4) The frequency tolerance of the non-interference basis on VHF and transmitter shall be 0.005 percent. UHF television channels to assist with (5) The operating bandwidth shall not production activities. exceed 200 kHz. (a) The use of wireless video assist (6) The mean power of emissions shall devices must comply with all provi- be attenuated below the mean output sions of this subpart, except as indi- power of the transmitter in accordance cated in paragraphs (b) through (i) of with the following schedule: this section. (i) On any frequency removed from (b) Wireless video assist devices may the operating frequency by more than only be used for scheduled productions. 50 percent up to and including 100 per- They may not be used to produce live cent of the authorized bandwidth: at events and may not be used for elec- least 25 dB; (ii) On any frequency removed from tronic news gathering purposes. the operating frequency by more than (c) Wireless video assist devices may 100 percent up to and including 250 per- operate with a bandwidth not to exceed cent of the authorized bandwidth: at 6 MHz on frequencies in the bands 180– least 35 dB; 210 MHz (TV channels 8–12) and 470–698 (iii) On any frequency removed from MHz (TV channels 14–51) subject to the the operating frequency by more than following restrictions: 250 percent of the authorized band- (1) The bandwidth may only occupy a width: at least 43+10log10 (mean output single TV channel. power in watts) dB. (2) Operation is prohibited within the (f) Unusual transmitting antennas or 608–614 MHz (TV channel 37) band. antenna elevations shall not be used to (3) Operation is prohibited within 129 deliberately extend the range of low km of a television broadcasting sta- power auxiliary stations beyond the tion, including Class A television sta- limited areas defined in § 74.831. tions, low power television stations (g) Low power auxiliary stations and translator stations. shall be operated so that no harmful (4) For the area and frequency com- interference is caused to any other binations listed in the table below, op- class of station operating in accord- eration is prohibited within the dis- ance with Commission’s rules and regu- tances indicated from the listed geo- lations and with the Table of Fre- graphic coordinates. quency Allocations in part 2 thereof. NOTE TO THE FOLLOWING TABLE: All coordi- (h) In the event a station’s emissions nates are referenced to the North American outside its authorized frequency band Datum of 1983.

Excluded Excluded channels Area North latitude West longitude frequencies (MHz) 200 km 128 km 52 km

Boston, MA ...... 42°21′24.4″ 71°03′23.2″ 470–476 14 ...... 476–482 ...... 15 ...... 482–488 16 ...... 488–494 ...... 17 ......


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Excluded Excluded channels Area North latitude West longitude frequencies (MHz) 200 km 128 km 52 km

Chicago, IL ...... 41°52′28.1″ 87°38′ 22.2″ 470–476 14 ...... 476–482 15 ...... 482–488 ...... 16 ...... Cleveland, OH1 ...... 41°29′51.2″ 81°41′49.5″ 470–476 14 ...... 476–482 ...... 15 ...... 482–488 16 ...... 488–494 ...... 17 ...... Dallas/Fort Worth, TX ...... 32°47′09.5″ 96°47′38.0″ 476–482 ...... 15 ...... 482–488 16 ...... 488–494 ...... 17 ...... Detroit, MI 1 ...... 42°19′48.1″ 83°02′56.7″ 470–476 ...... 14 ...... 476–482 15 ...... 482–488 ...... 16 ...... 488–494 17 ...... Gulf of Mexico ...... 476–494 ...... 15, 16, 17 Hawaii ...... 488–494 ...... 17 Houston, TX ...... 29°45′26.8″ 95°21′37.8″ 482–488 ...... 16 ...... 488–494 17 ...... 494–500 ...... 18 ...... Los Angeles, CA ...... 34°03′15.0″ 118°14′31.3″ 470–476 14 ...... 476–482 ...... 15 ...... 482–488 16 ...... 488–494 ...... 17 ...... 500–506 ...... 19 ...... 506–512 20 ...... 512–518 ...... 21 ...... Miami, Fl ...... 25°46′38.4″ 80°11′31.2″ 470–476 14 ...... 476–482 ...... 15 ...... New York/NE New Jersey ...... 40°45′ 73°59′37.5″ 470–476 14 ...... 476–482 15 ...... 482–488 16 ...... 488–494 ...... 17 ...... 494–500 ...... 18 ...... 500–506 19 ...... 506–512 ...... 20 ...... Philadelphia, PA ...... 39°56′58.4″ 75°09′19.6″ 494–500 ...... 18 ...... 500–506 19 ...... 506–512 20 ...... 512–518 ...... 21 ...... Pittsburgh, PA ...... 40°26′19.2″ 79°59′59.2″ 470–476 14 ...... 476–482 ...... 15 ...... 488–494 ...... 17 ...... 494–500 18 ...... 500–506 ...... 19 ...... San Francisco/Oakland, CA ...... 37°46′38.7″ 122°24′43.9″ 476–482 ...... 15 ...... 482–488 16 ...... 488–494 17 ...... 494–500 ...... 18 ...... Washington D.C./MD/VA ...... 38°53′51.4″ 77°00′31.9″ 482–488 ...... 16 ...... 488–494 17 ...... 494–500 18 ...... 500–506 ...... 19 ...... 1 The distance separation requirements are not applicable in these cities until further order from the Commission.

(d) Wireless video assist devices are to allow replacement of authorized an- limited to a maximum of 250 milliwatts tennas but prevent the use of unau- ERP and must limit power to that nec- thorized antennas. When transmitting, essary to reliably receive a signal at a the antenna must not be more that 10 distance of 300 meters. Wireless video meters above ground level. assist devices must comply with the (f)(1) A license for a wireless video as- emission limitations of § 74.637. sist device will authorize the license (e) The antenna of a wireless video holder to use all frequencies available assist device must be attached to the for wireless video assist devices, sub- transmitter either permanently, or by ject to the limitations specified in this means of a unique connector designed section.


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(2) Licensees may operate as many or the co-channel or adjacent channel wireless video assist devices as nec- TV station. essary, subject to the notification pro- (h) Licenses for wireless video assist cedures of this section. devices may not be transferred or as- (g) Notification procedure. Prior to the signed. commencement of transmitting, licens- (i) The product literature that manu- ees must notify the local broadcasting facturers include with a wireless assist coordinator of their intent to transmit. video device must contain information If there is no local coordinator in the regarding the requirement for users to intended area of operation, licensees obtain an FCC license, the requirement must notify all adjacent channel TV that stations must locate at least 129 stations within 161 km (100 mi) of the kilometers away from a co-channel TV proposed operating area. station, the limited class of users that (1) Notification must be made at may operate these devices, the author- least 10 working days prior to the date ized uses, the need for users to obtain of intended transmission. a license, and the requirement that a (2) Notifications must include: local coordinator (or adjacent channel (i) Frequency or frequencies. TV stations, if there is no local coordi- (ii) Location. nator) must be notified prior to oper- (iii) Antenna height. ation. (iv) Emission type(s). (v) Effective radiated power. [68 FR 12772, Mar. 17, 2003, as amended at 68 (vi) Intended dates of operation. FR 69331, Dec. 12, 2003] (vii) Licensee contact information. § 74.882 Station identification. (3)(i) Failure of a local coordinator to respond to a notification request prior (a) For transmitters used for voice to the intended dates of operation indi- transmissions and having a trans- cated on the request will be considered mitter output power exceeding 50 mW, as having the approval of the coordi- an announcement shall be made at the nator. In this case, licensees must in beginning and end of each period of op- addition notify all co-channel and adja- eration at a single location, over the cent channel TV stations within 161 transmitting unit being operated, iden- km (100 mi) of the proposed operating tifying the transmitting unit’s call area. This notification is for informa- sign or designator, its location, and the tion purposes only and will not enable call sign of the broadcasting station or TV stations to prevent a WAVD from name of the licensee with which it is operating, but is intended to help iden- being used. A period of operation may tify the source of interference if any is consist of a continuous transmission or experienced after a WAVD begins oper- intermittent transmissions pertaining ation. to a single event. (ii) If there is no local coordinator in (b) Each wireless video assist device, the intended area of operation, failure when transmitting, must transmit sta- of any adjacent channel TV station to tion identification at the beginning respond to a notification request prior and end of each period of operation. to the intended dates of operation indi- Identification may be made by trans- cated on the request will be considered mitting the station call sign by visual as having the approval of the TV sta- or aural means or by automatic trans- tion. mission in international Morse teleg- (4) Licensees must operate in a man- raphy. ner consistent with the response of the (1) A period of operation is defined as local coordinator, or, if there is no a single uninterrupted transmission or local coordinator in the intended area a series of intermittent transmissions of operation, the responses of the adja- from a single location. cent channel TV stations. Disagree- (2) Station identification shall be ments may be appealed to the Commis- performed in a manner conducive to sion. However, in those instances, the prompt association of the signal source licensee will bear the burden of proof with the responsible licensee. In exer- and proceeding to overturn the rec- cising the discretion provide by this ommendation of the local coordinator rule, licensees are expected too act in a


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responsible manner to assure that re- (g) Translator coverage contour. For a sult. fill-in FM translator rebroadcasting an [68 FR 12774, Mar. 17, 2003] FM radio broadcast station as its pri- mary station, the FM translator’s cov- Subparts I–K [Reserved] erage contour must be contained with- in the primary station’s coverage con- tour. For purposes of this rule section, Subpart L—FM Broadcast Trans- the coverage contour of the FM trans- lator Stations and FM Broad- lator has the same field strength value cast Booster Stations as the protected contour of the pri- mary FM station (i.e., for a commercial SOURCE: 35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, unless Class B FM station it is the predicted otherwise noted. 0.5 mV/m field strength contour, for a § 74.1201 Definitions. commercial Class B1 FM station it is the predicted 0.7 mV/m field strength (a) FM translator. A station in the contour, and for all other classes of FM broadcasting service operated for the purpose of retransmitting the signals stations it is the predicted 1 mV/m of an AM or FM radio broadcast sta- field strength contour). The coverage tion or another FM broadcast trans- contour of an FM translator rebroad- lator station without significantly al- casting an AM radio broadcast station tering any characteristics of the in- as its primary station must be con- coming signal other than its frequency tained within the lesser of the 2 mV/m and amplitude, in order to provide daytime contour of the AM station and radio broadcast service to the general a 25-mile (40 km) radius centered at the public. AM transmitter site. The protected (b) Commercial FM translator. An FM contour for an FM translator station is broadcast translator station which re- its predicted 1 mV/m contour. broadcasts the signals of a commercial (h) Fill-in area. The area where the AM or FM radio broadcast station. coverage contour of an FM translator (c) Noncommercial FM translator. An or booster station is within the pro- FM broadcast translator station which tected contour of the associated pri- rebroadcasts the signals of a non- mary station (i.e., predicted 0.5 mV/m commercial educational AM or FM contour for commercial Class B sta- radio broadcast station. tions, predicted 0.7 mV/m contour for (d) Primary station. The AM or FM commercial Class B1 stations, and pre- radio broadcast station radiating the dicted 1 mV/m contour for all other signals which are retransmitted by an FM broadcast translator station or an classes of stations). FM broadcast booster station. (i) Other area. The area where the (e) AM or FM radio broadcast station. coverage contour of an FM translator When used in this Subpart L, the term station extends beyond the protected AM broadcast station or AM radio contour of the primary station (i.e., broadcast station or FM broadcast sta- predicted 0.5 mV/m contour for com- tion or FM radio broadcast station re- mercial Class B stations, predicted 0.7 fers to commercial and noncommercial mV/m contour for commercial Class B1 educational AM or FM radio broadcast stations, and predicted 1 mV/m contour stations as defined in § 2.1 of this chap- for all other classes of stations). ter, unless the context indicates other- (j) AM Fill-in area. The area within wise. the lesser of the 2 mV/m daytime con- (f) FM broadcast booster station. A sta- tour of the AM radio broadcast station tion in the broadcasting service oper- being rebroadcast and a 25-mile (40 km) ated for the sole purpose of retransmit- radius centered at the AM transmitter ting the signals of an FM radio broad- site. cast station, by amplifying and reradi- ating such signals, without signifi- [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 45 FR cantly altering any characteristic of 37842, June 5, 1980; 52 FR 31405, Aug. 20, 1987; the incoming signal other than its am- 55 FR 50693, Dec. 10, 1990; 74 FR 45129, Sept. plitude. 1, 2009]


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§ 74.1202 Frequency assignment. tions, and previously authorized and (a) An applicant for a new FM broad- operating FM translators and FM cast translator station or for changes booster stations. Interference will be in the facilities of an authorized trans- considered to occur whenever reception lator station shall endeavor to select a of a regularly used signal is impaired channel on which its operation is not by the signals radiated by the FM likely to cause interference to the re- translator or booster station, regard- ception of other stations. The applica- less of the quality of such reception, tion must be specific with regard to the the strength of the signal so used, or frequency requested. Only one output the channel on which the protected sig- channel will be assigned to each trans- nal is transmitted. lator station. (b) If interference cannot be properly (b) Subject to compliance with all eliminated by the application of suit- the requirements of this subpart, FM able techniques, operation of the of- broadcast translators may be author- fending FM translator or booster sta- ized to operate on the following FM tion shall be suspended and shall not be channels, regardless of whether they resumed until the interference has are assigned for local use in the FM been eliminated. Short test trans- Table of Allotments (§ 73.202(b) of this missions may be made during the pe- chapter): riod of suspended operation to check (1) Commercial FM translators: Chan- the efficacy of remedial measures. If a nels 221–300 as identified in § 73.201 of complainant refuses to permit the FM this chapter. translator or booster licensee to apply (2) Noncommercial FM translators: remedial techniques which demon- Channels 201–300 as identified in § 73.201 strably will eliminate the interference of this chapter. Use of reserved chan- without impairment to the original re- nels 201–220 is subject to the restric- ception, the licensee of the FM trans- tions specified in § 73.501 of this chap- lator or booster station is absolved of ter. further responsibility for that com- (3) In Alaska, FM translators oper- plaint. ating on Channels 201–260 (88.1–99.9 (c) An FM booster station will be ex- MHz) shall not cause harmful inter- empted from the provisions of para- ference to and must accept inter- graphs (a) and (b) of this section to the ference from non-Government fixed op- extent that it may cause limited inter- erations authorized prior to January 1, ference to its primary station’s signal, 1982. provided it does not disrupt the existing (c) An FM broadcast booster station service of its primary station or cause will be assigned the channel assigned such interference within the bound- to its primary station. aries of the principal community of its [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 39 FR primary station. 12990, Apr. 10, 1974; 47 FR 30068, July 12, 1982; (d) A fill-in FM translator operating 52 FR 8260, Mar. 17, 1987; 55 FR 50693, Dec. 10, on the first, second or third adjacent 1990] channel to its primary station’s chan- nel will be exempt from the provisions § 74.1203 Interference. of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section (a) An authorized FM translator or to the extent that it may cause limited booster station will not be permitted interference to its primary station’s to continue to operate if it causes any signal, provided it does not disrupt the actual interference to: existing service of its primary station (1) The transmission of any author- or cause such interference within the ized broadcast station; or boundaries of the principal community (2) The reception of the input signal of its primary station. of any TV translator, TV booster, FM (e) It shall be the responsibility of translator or FM booster station; or the licensee of an FM translator or FM (3) The direct reception by the public booster station to correct any condi- of the off-the-air signals of any author- tion of interference which results from ized broadcast station including TV the radiation of radio frequency energy Channel 6 stations, Class D (secondary) by its equipment on any frequency out- noncommercial educational FM sta- side the assigned channel. Upon notice


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by the Commission to the station li- Fre- censee that such interference is being quency Interference contour of Protected contour of separa- proposed translator any other station caused, the operation of the FM trans- tion lator or FM booster station shall be Co- 0.1 mV/m (40 dBu) 1 mV/m (60 dBu) suspended within three minutes and chan- shall not be resumed until the inter- nel. ference has been eliminated or it can 200 kHz 0.5 mV/m (54 dBu) 1 mV/m (60 dBu) be demonstrated that the interference 400 kHz/ 100 mV/m (100 dBu) 1 mV/m (60 dBu) 600 is not due to spurious emissions by the kHz. FM translator or FM booster station; provided, however, that short test trans- (4) LP100 stations (Protected Con- missions may be made during the pe- tour: 1 mV/m) riod of suspended operation to check the efficacy of remedial measures. Fre- Interference contour of quency proposed translator Protected contour of [55 FR 50693, Dec. 10, 1990, as amended at 60 separa- LP100 LPFM station tion station FR 55484, Nov. 1, 1995] Co- 0.1 mV/m (40 dBu) 1 mV/m (60 dBu) § 74.1204 Protection of FM broadcast, chan- FM Translator and LP100 stations. nel. 200 kHz 0.5 mV/m (54 dBu) 1 mV/m (60 dBu) (a) An application for an FM trans- lator station will not be accepted for NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(4): LP100 stations, filing if the proposed operation would to the purposes of determining overlap pur- involve overlap of predicted field con- suant to this paragraph, LPFM applications tours with any other authorized com- and permits that have not yet been licensed mercial or noncommercial educational must be considered as operating with the FM broadcast stations, FM translators, maximum permitted facilities. All LPFM and Class D (secondary) noncommer- TIS stations must be protected on the basis of a nondirectional antenna. cial educational FM stations; or if it would result in new or increased over- (b) The following standards must be lap with an LP100 station, as set forth: used to compute the distances to the (1) Commercial Class B FM Stations pertinent contours: (Protected Contour: 0.5 mV/m) (1) The distances to the protected contours are computed using Figure 1 Fre- of § 73.333 [F(50,50) curves] of this chap- quency Interference contour of Protected contour of proposed translator sta- commercial Class B ter. separa- tion station tion (2) The distances to the interference Co- 0.05 mV/m (34 dBu) 0.5 mV/m (54 dBu) contours are computed using Figure 1a chan- of § 73.333 [F(50,10) curves] of this chap- nel. ter. In the event that the distance to 200 kHz 0.25 mV/m (48 dBu) 0.5 mV/m (54 dBu) the contour is below 16 kilometers (ap- 400 kHz/ 50.0 mV/m (94 dBu) 0.5 mV/m (54 dBu) 600 proximately 10 miles), and therefore kHz. not covered by Figure 1a, curves in Figure 1 must be used. (2) Commercial Class B1 FM Stations (3) The effective radiated power (Protected Contour: 0.7 mV/m) (ERP) to be used is the maximum ERP of the main radiated lobe in the perti- Fre- Interference contour of Protected contour of nent azimuthal direction. If the trans- quency proposed translator sta- commercial Class B1 separa- tion station mitting antenna is not horizontally po- tion larized only, either the vertical compo- Co- 0.07 mV/m (37 dBu) 0.7 mV/m (57 dBu) nent or the horizontal component of chan- the ERP should be used, whichever is nel. greater in the pertinent azimuthal di- 200 kHz 0.35 mV/m (51 dBu) 0.5 mV/m (57 dBu) rection. 400 kHz/ 70.0 mV/m (97 dBu) 0.7 mV/m (57 dBu) 600 (4) The antenna height to be used is kHz. the height of the radiation center above the average terrain along each (3) All Other Classes of FM Stations pertinent radial, determined in accord- (Protected Contour: 1 mV/m) ance with § 73.313(d) of this chapter.


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(c) An application for a change (other required separation distances set out in than a change in channel) in the au- § 73.207 of this chapter. For purposes of thorized facilities of an FM translator determining compliance with § 73.207 of station will be accepted even though this chapter, translator stations will be overlap of field strength contours treated as Class A stations and booster would occur with another station in an stations will be treated the same as area where such overlap does not al- their FM radio broadcast station ready exist, if: equivalents. FM radio broadcast sta- (1) The total area of overlap with tion equivalents will be determined in that station would not be increased: accordance with §§ 73.210 and 73.211 of (2) The area of overlap with any this chapter, based on the booster sta- other station would not increase; tion’s ERP and HAAT. Provided, how- (3) The area of overlap does not move ever, that FM translator stations and significantly closer to the station re- ceiving the overlap; and, booster stations operating with less (4) No area of overlap would be cre- than 100 watts ERP will be treated as ated with any station with which the class D stations and will not be subject overlap does not now exist. to separation (d) The provisions of this section con- requirements. cerning prohibited overlap will not (h) An application for an FM trans- apply where the area of such overlap lator station will not be accepted for lies entirely over water. In addition, an filing if it specifies a location within application otherwise precluded by this 320 kilometers (approximately 199 section will be accepted if it can be miles) of either the Canadian or Mexi- demonstrated that no actual inter- can borders and it does not comply ference will occur due to intervening with § 74.1235(d) of this part. terrain, lack of population or such (i) FM booster stations shall be sub- other factors as may be applicable. ject to the requirement that the signal (e) The provisions of this section will of any first adjacent channel station not apply to overlap between a pro- must exceed the signal of the booster posed fill-in FM translator station and station by 6 dB at all points within the its primary station operating on a protected contour of any first adjacent first, second or third adjacent channel, channel station, except that in the case provided That such operation may not of FM stations on adjacent channels at result in interference to the primary spacings that do not meet the min- station within its principal commu- nity. imum distance separations specified in (f) An application for an FM trans- § 73.207 of this chapter, the signal of lator station will not be accepted for any first adjacent channel station filing even though the proposed oper- must exceed the signal of the booster ation would not involve overlap of field by 6 dB at any point within the pre- strength contours with any other sta- dicted interference free contour of the tion, as set forth in paragraph (a) of adjacent channel station. this section, if the predicted 1 mV/m (j) FM translator stations authorized field strength contour of the FM trans- prior to June 1, 1991 with facilities that lator station will overlap a populated do not comply with the predicted inter- area already receiving a regularly used, ference protection provisions of this off-the-air signal of any authorized co- section, may continue to operate, pro- channel, first, second or third adjacent vided that operation is in conformance channel broadcast station, including with § 74.1203 regarding actual inter- Class D (secondary) noncommercial ference. Applications for major educational FM stations and grant of changes in FM translator stations the authorization will result in inter- must specify facilities that comply ference to the reception of such signal. with provisions of this section. (g) An application for an FM trans- lator or an FM booster station that is [55 FR 50694, Dec. 10, 1990, as amended at 56 53 or 54 channels removed from an FM FR 56170, Nov. 1, 1991; 58 FR 42025, Aug. 6, radio broadcast station will not be ac- 1993; 65 FR 7649, Feb. 15, 2000; 65 FR 67304, cepted for filing if it fails to meet the Nov. 9, 2000; 65 FR 79780, Dec. 20, 2000]


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§ 74.1205 Protection of channel 6 TV ference field strength contour with any broadcast stations. TV Channel 6 station’s Grade B con- The provisions of this section apply tour, as set forth below. to all applications for construction per- (1) The distances to the TV Channel 6 mits for new or modified facilities for a station Grade B (47 dBu) field strength noncommercial educational FM trans- contour will be predicted according to lator station on Channels 201–220, un- the procedures specified in § 73.684 of less the application is accompanied by this chapter, using the F(50,50) curves a written agreement between the NCE- in § 73.699, Figure 9 of this chapter. FM translator applicant and each af- (2) The distances to the applicable fected TV Channel 6 broadcast station noncommercial educational FM trans- licensee or permittee concurring with lator interference contour will be pre- the proposed NCE-FM translator facil- dicted according to the procedures ity. specified in § 74.1204(b) of this part. (a) An application for a construction (3) The applicable noncommercial permit for new or modified facilities educational FM translator interference for a noncommercial educational FM contours are as follows: translator station operating on Chan- nels 201–220 must include a showing Interference Contour that demonstrates compliance with FM channel F(50,10) paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of this section curves if it is within the following distances of (dBu) a TV broadcast station which is au- 201 ...... 54 thorized to operate on Channel 6. 202 ...... 56 203 ...... 59 FM Channel Distance 204 ...... 62 (kilometers) 205 ...... 64 201 ...... 148 206 ...... 69 202 ...... 146 207 ...... 73 203 ...... 143 208 ...... 73 204 ...... 141 209 ...... 73 205 ...... 140 210 ...... 73 206 ...... 137 211 ...... 73 207 ...... 135 212 ...... 74 208 ...... 135 213 ...... 75 209 ...... 135 210 ...... 135 214 ...... 77 211 ...... 135 215 ...... 78 212 ...... 135 216 ...... 80 213 ...... 135 217 ...... 81 214 ...... 134 218 ...... 85 215 ...... 134 219 ...... 88 216 ...... 133 220 ...... 90 217 ...... 133 218 ...... 132 219 ...... 132 (d) FM translator stations authorized 220 ...... 131 prior to June 1, 1991 with facilities that do not comply with the predicted inter- (b) Collocated stations. An application ference protection provisions of this for a noncommercial educational FM section, may continue to operate, pro- translator station operating on Chan- vided that operation is in conformance nels 201–220 and located at 0.4 kilo- with § 74.1203 regarding actual inter- meter (approximately 0.25 mile) or less ference. Applications for major from a TV Channel 6 station will be ac- changes in FM translator stations cepted if it includes a certification must specify facilities that comply that the applicant has coordinated its with the provisions of this section. antenna with the affected TV station. (c) Contour overlap. Except as pro- [55 FR 50695, Dec. 10, 1990, as amended at 58 vided in paragraph (b) of this section, FR 42025, Aug. 6, 1993] an application for a noncommercial educational FM translator station op- § 74.1231 Purpose and permissible erating on Channels 201–220 will not be service. accepted if the proposed operation (a) FM translators provide a means would involve overlap of its inter- whereby the signals of AM or FM


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broadcast stations may be retrans- mV/m contour of the primary station mitted to areas in which direct recep- to be rebroadcast or is within 160 kilo- tion of such AM or FM broadcast sta- meters of the transmitter site of any tions is unsatisfactory due to distance authorized full service noncommercial or intervening terrain barriers, and a educational FM station, the applicant means for AM Class D stations to con- must show that: tinue operating at night. (i) An alternative frequency can be (b) An FM translator may be used for used at the same site as the proposed the purpose of retransmitting the sig- FM translator’s transmitter location nals of a primary AM or FM radio and can provide signal coverage to the broadcast station or another translator same area encompassed by the appli- station the signal of which is received cant’s proposed 1 mV/m contour; or, directly through space, converted, and (ii) An alternative frequency can be suitably amplified, and originating used at a different site and can provide programming to the extent authorized signal coverage to the same area en- in paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) of this compassed by the applicant’s proposed section. However, an FM translator 1 mV/m contour. providing fill-in service may use any NOTE: For paragraphs 74.1231(b) and terrestrial facilities to receive the sig- 74.1231(i) of this section, auxiliary intercity nal that is being rebroadcast. An FM relay station frequencies may be used to de- booster station or a noncommercial liver signals to FM translator and booster educational FM translator station that stations on a secondary basis only. Such use is operating on a reserved channel shall not interfere with or otherwise pre- (Channels 201–220) and is owned and op- clude use of these frequencies for transmit- erated by the licensee of the primary ting aural programming between the studio noncommercial educational station it and transmitter location of a broadcast sta- tion, or between broadcast stations, as pro- rebroadcasts may use alternative sig- vided in paragraphs 74.531 (a) and (b) of this nal delivery means, including, but not part. Prior to filing an application for an limited to, satellite and terrestrial auxiliary intercity relay microwave fre- microwave facilities. Provided, how- quency, the applicant shall notify the local ever, that an applicant for a non- frequency coordination committee, or, in the commercial educational translator op- absence of a local frequency coordination erating on a reserved channel (Channel committee, any licensees assigned the use of 201–220) and owned and operated by the the proposed operating frequency in the in- tended location or area of operation. licensee of the primary noncommercial educational AM or FM station it re- (c) The transmissions of each FM broadcasts complies with either para- translator or booster station shall be graph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section: intended only for direct reception by (1) The applicant demonstrates that: the general public. An FM translator (i) The transmitter site of the pro- or booster shall not be operated solely posed FM translator station is within for the purpose of relaying signals to 80 kilometers of the predicted 1 mV/m one or more fixed received points for contour of the primary station to be retransmission, distribution, or further rebroadcast; or, relaying in order to establish a point- (ii) The transmitter site of the pro- to-point FM radio relay system. posed FM translator station is more (d) The technical characteristics of than 160 kilometers from the trans- the retransmitted signals shall not be mitter site of any authorized full serv- deliberately altered so as to hinder re- ice noncommercial educational FM ception on conventional FM broadcast station; or, receivers. (iii) The application is mutually ex- (e) An FM translator shall not delib- clusive with an application containing erately retransmit the signals of any the showing as required by paragraph station other than the station it is au- 74.1231(b)(2) (i) or (ii) of this section; or, thorized to retransmit. Precautions (iv) The application is filed after Oc- shall be taken to avoid unintentional tober 1, 1992. retransmission of such other signals. (2) If the transmitter site of the pro- (f) A locally generated radio fre- posed FM translator station is more quency signal similar to that of an FM than 80 kilometers from the predicted 1 broadcast station and modulated with


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aural information may be connected to to retransmit only the signals of its the input terminals of an FM trans- primary station which have been re- lator for the purpose of transmitting ceived directly through space and suit- voice announcements. The radio fre- ably amplified, or received by alter- quency signals shall be on the same native signal delivery means including, channel as the normally used off-the- but not limited to, satellite and terres- air signal being rebroadcast. Connec- trial microwave facilities. The FM tion of the locally generated signals booster station shall not retransmit shall be made by any automatic means the signals of any other station nor when transmitting originations con- make independent transmissions, ex- cerning financial support. The connec- cept that locally generated signals may tions for emergency transmissions may be used to excite the booster apparatus be made manually. The apparatus used for the purpose of conducting tests and to generate the local signal that is measurements essential to the proper used to modulate the FM translator installation and maintenance of the ap- must be capable of producing an aural paratus. signal which will provide acceptable re- ception on FM receivers designed for NOTE: In the case of an FM broadcast sta- tion authorized with facilities in excess of the transmission standards employed those specified by § 73.211 of this chapter, an by FM broadcast stations. FM booster station will only be authorized (g) The aural material transmitted as within the protected contour of the class of permitted in paragraph (f) of this sec- station being rebroadcast as predicted on the tion shall be limited to emergency basis of the maximum powers and heights set warnings of imminent danger and to forth in that section for the applicable class seeking or acknowledging financial of FM broadcast station concerned. support deemed necessary to the con- [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 45 FR tinued operation of the translator. 37842, June 5, 1980; 52 FR 31406, Aug. 20, 1987; Originations concerning financial sup- 53 FR 14803, Apr. 26, 1988; 54 FR 35342, Aug. 25, port are limited to a total of 30 seconds 1989; 55 FR 50695, Dec. 10, 1990; 57 FR 41111, an hour. Within this limitation the Sept. 9, 1992; 58 FR 42026, Aug. 6, 1993; 63 FR length of any particular announcement 33879, June 22, 1998; 74 FR 45130, Sept. 1, 2009] will be left to the discretion of the § 74.1232 Eligibility and licensing re- translator station licensee. Solicita- quirements. tions of contributions shall be limited to the defrayal of the costs of installa- (a) Subject to the restrictions set tion, operation and maintenance of the forth in paragraph (d) of this section, a translator or acknowledgements of fi- license for an FM broadcast translator nancial support for those purposes. station may be issued to any qualified Such acknowledgements may include individual, organized group of individ- identification of the contributors, the uals, broadcast station licensee, or size or nature of the contributions and local civil governmental body, upon an advertising messages of contributors. appropriate showing that plans for fi- Emergency transmissions shall be no nancing the installation and operation longer or more frequent than necessary of the translator are sufficiently sound to protect life and property. to assure prompt construction of the (h) An FM translator station that re- translator and dependable service. broadcasts a Class D AM radio broad- (b) More than one FM translator may cast station as its primary station may be licensed to the same applicant, originate programming during the whether or not such translators serve hours the primary station is not oper- substantially the same area, upon an ating, subject to the provisions of appropriate showing of technical need § 74.1263(b) of this part. for such additional stations. FM trans- (i) FM broadcast booster stations lators are not counted as FM stations provide a means whereby the licensee for the purpose of § 73.3555 of this chap- of an FM broadcast station may pro- ter concerning multiple ownership.

vide service to areas in any region NOTE: As used in this section need refers to within the primary station’s predicted, the quality of the signal received and not to authorized service contours. An FM the programming content, format, or trans- broadcast booster station is authorized mission needs of an area.


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(c) Only one input and one output tends beyond the protected contour of channel will be assigned to each FM the primary station, may continue to translator. Additional FM translators be owned by a commercial FM radio may be authorized to provide addi- broadcast station until June 1, 1994. tional reception. A separate applica- Thereafter, any such FM translator tion is required for each FM translator station must be owned by independent and each application shall be complete parties. An FM translator providing in all respects. service to an AM fill-in area will be au- (d) An authorization for an FM trans- thorized only to the permittee or li- lator whose coverage contour extends censee of the AM radio broadcast sta- beyond the protected contour of the tion being rebroadcast, or, in the case commercial primary station will not be of an FM translator authorized to oper- granted to the licensee or permittee of ate on an unreserved channel, to a a commercial FM radio broadcast sta- party with a valid rebroadcast consent tion. Similarly, such authorization will agreement with such a permittee or li- not be granted to any person or entity censee to rebroadcast that station as having any interest whatsoever, or any the translator’s primary station. In ad- connection with a primary FM station. dition, any FM translator providing Interested and connected parties ex- service to an AM fill-in area must have tend to group owners, corporate par- been authorized by a license or con- ents, shareholders, officers, directors, struction permit in effect as of May 1, employees, general and limited part- 2009. A subsequent modification of any ners, family members and business as- such FM translator will not affect its sociates. For the purposes of this para- eligibility to rebroadcast an AM signal. graph, the protected contour of the pri- mary station shall be defined as fol- (e) An FM translator station whose lows: the predicted 0.5mV/m contour coverage contour goes beyond the pro- for commercial Class B stations, the tected contour of the commercial pri- predicted 0.7 mV/m contour for com- mary station shall not receive any sup- mercial Class B1 stations and the pre- port, before or after construction, ei- dicted 1 mV/m field strength contour ther directly or indirectly, from the for all other FM radio broadcast sta- commercial primary FM radio broad- tions. The contours shall be as pre- cast station. Such support also may dicted in accordance with § 73.313(a) not be received from any person or en- through (d) of this chapter. In the case tity having any interest whatsoever, or of an FM radio broadcast station au- any connection with the primary FM thorized with facilities in excess of station. Interested and connected par- those specified by § 73.211 of this chap- ties extend to group owners, corporate ter, a co-owned commercial FM trans- parents, shareholders, officers, direc- lator will only be authorized within the tors, employees, general and limited protected contour of the class of sta- partners, family members and business tion being rebroadcast, as predicted on associates. Such an FM translator sta- the basis of the maximum powers and tion may, however, receive technical heights set forth in that section for the assistance from the primary station to applicable class of FM broadcast sta- the extent of installing or repairing tion concerned. An FM translator sta- equipment or making adjustments to tion in operation prior to March 1, 1991, equipment to assure compliance with which is owned by a commercial FM the terms of the translator station’s (primary) station and whose coverage construction permit and license. FM contour extends beyond the protected translator stations in operation prior contour of the primary station, may to March 1, 1991 may continue to re- continue to be owned by such primary ceive contributions or support from the station until March 1, 1994. Thereafter, commercial primary station for the op- any such FM translator station must eration and maintenance of the trans- be owned by independent parties. An lator station until March, 1, 1994. FM translator station in operation Thereafter, any such FM translator prior to June 1, 1991, which is owned by station shall be subject to the prohibi- a commercial FM radio broadcast sta- tions on support contained in this sec- tion and whose coverage contour ex- tion. Such an FM translator station


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may, however, receive technical assist- such circumstances existed at the time ance from the primary station to the of its filing. extent of installing or repairing equip- [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 43 FR ment or making adjustments to equip- 14660, Apr. 7, 1978; 52 FR 10571, Apr. 2, 1987; 52 ment to assure compliance with the FR 31406, Aug. 20, 1987; 55 FR 50696, Dec. 10, terms of the translator station’s con- 1990; 58 FR 42026, Aug. 6, 1993; 74 FR 45130, struction permit and license. FM trans- Sept. 1, 2009] lator stations in operation prior to June 1, 1991 may continue to receive § 74.1233 Processing FM translator and contributions or support from a com- booster station applications. mercial FM radio broadcast station for (a) Applications for FM translator the operation and maintenance of the and booster stations are divided into translator station until June 1, 1994. two groups: Thereafter, any such FM translator (1) In the first group are applications station shall be subject to the prohibi- for new stations or for major changes tions on support contained in this sec- in the facilities of authorized stations. tion. For FM translator stations, a major change is any change in frequency NOTE: ‘‘Technical assistance’’ refers to ac- (output channel) except changes to tual services provided by the primary sta- first, second or third adjacent chan- tion’s technical staff or compensation for the nels, or intermediate frequency chan- time and services provided by independent nels, and any change in antenna loca- engineering personnel. Conversely, such sup- port must not include the supply of equip- tion where the station would not con- ment or direct funding for the translator’s tinue to provide 1 mV/m service to discretionary use. ‘‘Technical assistance’’ some portion of its previously author- must occur after the issuance of the trans- ized 1 mV/m service area. All other lator’s construction permit or license in changes will be considered minor. All order to meet expenses incurred by install- major changes are subject to the provi- ing, repairing, or making adjustments to sions of §§ 73.3580 and 1.1104 of this equipment. chapter pertaining to major changes. (f) An FM broadcast booster station (2) In the second group are applica- will be authorized only to the licensee tions for licenses and all other changes or permittee of the FM radio broadcast in the facilities of the authorized sta- station whose signals the booster sta- tion. tion will retransmit, to serve areas (b) Processing booster and reserved within the protected contour of the pri- band FM translator applications. mary station, subject to Note, (1) Applications for minor modifica- § 74.1231(h) of this part. tions for reserved band FM translator (g) No numerical limit is placed upon stations, as defined in paragraph (a)(2) the number of FM booster stations of this section, may be filed at any which may be licensed to a single li- time, unless restricted by the FCC, and will be processed on a ‘‘first come/first censee. A separate application is re- served’’ basis, with the first acceptable quired for each FM booster station. FM application cutting off the filing rights broadcast booster stations are not of subsequent, conflicting applicants. counted as FM broadcast stations for The FCC will periodically release a the purposes of § 73.5555 of this chapter Public Notice listing those applica- concerning multiple ownership. tions accepted for filing. Conflicting (h) Any authorization for an FM applications received on the same day translator station issued to an appli- will be treated as simultaneously filed cant described in paragraphs (d) and (e) and mutually exclusive. Conflicting ap- of this section will be issued subject to plications received after the filing of a the condition that it may be termi- first acceptable application will be nated at any time, upon not less than grouped, according to filing date, be- sixty (60) days written notice, where hind the lead application in a queue. the circumstances in the community or The priority rights of the lead appli- area served are so altered as to have cant, against all other applicants, are prohibited grant of the application had determined by the date of filing, but


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the filing date for subsequent, con- tions; applications received during the flicting applicants only reserves a window filing period which are found to place in the queue. The rights of an ap- be non-mutually exclusive; tentative plicant in a queue ripen only upon a selectees determined pursuant to the final determination that the lead appli- point system procedures set forth in cant is unacceptable and if the queue § 73.7003 of this chapter; and acceptable member is reached and found accept- applications. The Public Notices will able. The queue will remain behind the also announce: additional procedures lead applicant until a construction per- to be followed for certain groups of ap- mit is finally granted, at which time plications; deadlines for filing addi- the queue dissolves. tional information; and dates by which (2) All other applications for booster petitions to deny must be filed in ac- stations and reserved band FM trans- cordance with the provisions of § 73.7004 lator stations will be processed as near- of this chapter. If the applicant is duly ly as possible in the order in which qualified, and upon examination, the they are filed. Such applications will FCC finds that the public interest, con- be placed in the processing line in nu- venience and necessity will be served merical sequence, and will be drawn by by the granting of the application, it the staff for study, the lowest file num- will be granted. If an application is ber first. In order that those applica- found not to be acceptable for filing, tions which are entitled to be grouped the application will be returned, and for processing may be fixed prior to the subject to the amendment require- time processing of the earliest filed ap- ments of § 73.3522 of this chapter. plication is begun, the FCC will peri- (c) In the case of an application for odically release a Public Notice listing an instrument of authorization, other reserved band applications that have than a license pursuant to a construc- been accepted for filing and announc- tion permit, grant will be based on the ing a date (not less than 30 days after application, the pleadings filed, and publication) on which the listed appli- such other matters that may be offi- cations will be considered available cially noticed. Before a grant can be and ready for processing and by which made it must be determined that: all mutually exclusive applications (1) There is not pending a mutually and/or petitions to deny the listed ap- exclusive application. plications must be filed. (3) Applications for reserved band FM (2) The applicant is legally, tech- translator stations will be processed nically, financially and otherwise using filing window procedures. The qualified; FCC will specify by Public Notice, a pe- (3) The applicant is not in violation riod for filing reserved band FM trans- of any provisions of law, the FCC rules, lator applications for a new station or or established policies of the FCC; and for major modifications in the facili- (4) A grant of the application would ties of an authorized station. FM trans- otherwise serve the public interest, lator applications for new facilities or convenience and necessity. for major modifications will be accept- (d) Processing non-reserved band FM ed only during these specified periods. translator applications. Applications submitted prior to the (1) Applications for minor modifica- window opening date identified in the tions for non-reserved band FM trans- Public Notice will be returned as pre- lator stations, as defined in paragraph mature. Applications submitted after (a)(2) of this section, may be filed at the specified deadline will be dismissed any time, unless restricted by the FCC, with prejudice as untimely. and will be processed on a ‘‘first come/ (4) Timely filed applications for new first served’’ basis, with the first ac- facilities or for major modifications for ceptable application cutting off the fil- reserved band FM Translators will be ing rights of subsequent, conflicting processed pursuant to the procedures applicants. The FCC will periodically set forth in subpart K of Part 73 release a Public Notice listing those (§ 73.7000 et seq.) Subsequently, the FCC applications accepted for filing. Appli- will release Public Notices identifying: cations received on the same day will mutually exclusive groups of applica- be treated as simultaneously filed and,


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if they are found to be mutually exclu- of an applicant’s proposal will not be sive, must be resolved through settle- made prior to an auction. ment or technical amendment. Con- (iii) FM translator applicants will be flicting applications received after the subject to the provisions of § 1.2105 re- filing of a first acceptable application garding the modification and dismissal will be grouped, according to filing of their short-form applications. date, behind the lead application in a (iv) Consistent with § 1.2105(a), begin- queue. The priority rights of the lead ning January 1, 1999, all short-form ap- applicant, against all other applicants, plications must be filed electronically. are determined by the date of filing, (3) Subsequently, the FCC will re- but the filing date for subsequent, con- lease Public Notices: flicting applicants only reserves a (i) Identifying the short-form appli- place in the queue. The rights of an ap- cations received during the appropriate plicant in a queue ripen only upon a filing period or ‘‘window’’ which are final determination that the lead appli- found to be mutually exclusive, includ- cant is unacceptable and if the queue ing any applications for noncommer- member is reached and found accept- cial educational broadcast stations, as able. The queue will remain behind the defined in 47 U.S.C. 397(6), as well as lead applicant until a construction per- the procedures the FCC will use to re- mit is finally granted, at which time solve the mutually exclusive applica- the queue dissolves. tions; (2)(i) The FCC will specify by Public (ii) Establishing a date, time and Notice, pursuant to § 73.5002(a) of this place for an auction; chapter, a period for filing non-re- (iii)Providing information regarding served band FM translator applications the methodology of competitive bid- for a new station or for major modi- ding to be used in the upcoming auc- fications in the facilities of an author- tion, bid submission and payment pro- ized station. FM translator applica- cedures, upfront payment procedures, tions for new facilities or for major upfront payment deadlines, minimum modifications, whether for commercial opening bid requirements and applica- broadcast stations or noncommercial ble reserve prices in accordance with educational broadcast stations, as de- the provisions of § 73.5002; scribed in 47 U.S.C. 397(6), will be ac- (iv) Identifying applicants who have cepted only during these specified peri- submitted timely upfront payments ods. Applications submitted prior to and, thus, are qualified to bid in the the window opening date identified in auction. the Public Notice will be returned as (4) After the close of the filing win- premature. Applications submitted dow, the FCC will also release a Public after the specified deadline will be dis- Notice identifying any short-form ap- missed with prejudice as untimely. plications which are found to be non- (ii) Such FM translator applicants mutually exclusive, including any ap- will be subject to the provisions of plications for noncommercial edu- §§ 1.2105 and 73.5002(a) regarding the cational broadcast stations, as de- submission of the short-form applica- scribed in 47 U.S.C. 397(6). These non- tion, FCC Form 175, and all appropriate mutually exclusive applicants will be certifications, information and exhib- required to submit the appropriate its contained therein. To determine long form application within 30 days of which FM translator applications are the Public Notice and, for applicants mutually exclusive, FM translator ap- for commercial broadcast stations, pur- plicants must submit the engineering suant to the provisions of § 73.5005 of data contained in FCC Form 349 as a this chapter. Non-mutually exclusive supplement to the short-form applica- applications for commercial broadcast tion. Such engineering data will not be stations will be processed and the FCC studied for technical acceptability, but will periodically release a Public No- will be protected from subsequently tice listing such non-mutually exclu- filed applications as of the close of the sive applications determined to be ac- window filing period. Determinations ceptable for filing and announcing a as to the acceptability or grantability date by which petitions to deny must


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be filed in accordance with the provi- (5) percent of the amount due in ac- sions of §§ 73.5006 and 73.3584 of this cordance with § 1.2109(a) of this chap- chapter. Non-mutually exclusive appli- ter. Construction of the FM translator cations for noncommercial educational station shall not commence until the broadcast stations, as described by 47 grant of such permit to the winning U.S.C. 397(6), will be processed and the bidder and only after full and timely FCC will periodically release a Public payment of winning bids and any appli- Notice listing such non-mutually ex- cable late fees. clusive applications determined to be (iii) All long-form applications will acceptable for filing and announcing a be cut-off as of the date of filing with date by which petitions to deny must the FCC and will be protected from be filed in accordance with the provi- subsequently filed long-form translator sions of §§ 73.7004 and 73.3584 of this applications. Applications will be re- chapter. If the applicants are duly quired to protect all previously filed qualified, and upon examination, the applications. Winning bidders filing FCC finds that the public interest, con- long-form applications may change the venience and necessity will be served technical proposals specified in their by the granting of the non-mutually previously submitted short-form appli- exclusive long-form application, the cations, but such change may not con- same will be granted. stitute a major change. If the sub- (5)(i) Pursuant to § 1.2107 of this chap- mitted long-form application would ter, a winning bidder that meets its constitute a major change from the down payment obligations in a timely proposal submitted in the short-form manner must, within 30 days of the re- application or the allotment, the long- lease of the public notice announcing form application will be returned pur- the close of the auction, submit the ap- suant to paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this sec- propriate long-form application for tion. each construction permit for which it (e) Selection of mutually exclusive was the winning bidder. Long-form ap- reserved band FM translator applica- plications filed by winning bidders tions. shall include the exhibits identified in (1) Applications for FM translator § 73.5005 of this chapter. stations proposing to provide fill-in (ii) Winning bidders are required to service (within the primary station’s pay the balance of their winning bids protected contour) of the commonly in a lump sum prior to the deadline es- owned primary station will be given tablished by the Commission pursuant priority over all other applications. to § 1.2109(a) of this chapter. Long-form (2) Where applications for FM trans- construction permit applications will lator stations are mutually exclusive be processed and the FCC will periodi- and do not involve a proposal to pro- cally release a Public Notice listing vide fill-in service of commonly owned such applications that have been ac- primary stations, the FCC may stipu- cepted for filing and announcing a date late different frequencies as necessary by which petitions to deny must be for the applicants. filed in accordance with the provisions (3) Where there are no available fre- of §§ 73.5006 and 73.3584. Construction quencies to substitute for a mutually permits will be granted by the Commis- exclusive application, the FCC will sion only after full and timely payment apply the same point system identified of winning bids and any applicable late for full service reserved band FM sta- fees, and if the applicant is duly quali- tions in § 73.7003(b) of this chapter. In fied, and upon examination, the FCC the event of a tie, the FCC will con- finds that the public interest, conven- sider: ience and necessity will be served. If a (i) Existing authorizations. Each appli- winning bidder fails to pay the balance cant’s number of existing radio author- of its winning bid in a lump sum by the izations (licenses and construction per- applicable deadline as specified by the mits for AM, FM, and FM-translators Commission, it will be allowed to make but excluding fill-in translators) as of payment within ten (10) business days the time of application shall be com- after the payment deadline, provided pared, and the applicant with the few- that it also pays a late fee equal to five est authorizations will be chosen as


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tentative selectee. If each applicant is (4) The FCC in Washington, DC, At- applying for a fill-in translator only, tention: Audio Division, Media Bureau, and consideration of its other radio shall be supplied by letter with the stations is not dispositive, its number name, address, and telephone number of existing fill-in translator authoriza- of a person or persons who may be con- tions will also be considered, and the tacted to secure suspension of oper- fill-in applicant with the fewest fill-in ation of the translator promptly should authorizations will be chosen as ten- such action be deemed necessary by the tative selectee. Commission. Such information shall be (ii) Existing applications. If a tie re- kept current by the licensee. mains, after the tie breaker in para- (5) Where the antenna and supporting graph (e)(3)(i) of this section, the re- structure are required to be painted maining applicant with the fewest and lighted under the provisions of pending radio new and major change Part 17 of this chapter, the licensee applications (AM, FM, and non fill-in shall make suitable arrangements for FM translators) will be chosen as ten- the daily inspection and logging of the tative selectee. If each applicant is ap- obstruction lighting and associated plying for a fill-in translator only, and control equipment as required by consideration of its other radio sta- §§ 17.47, 17.48, and 17.49 of this chapter. tions is not dispositive, its number of (b) An application for authority to existing fill-in translator applications construct a new station pursuant to will also be considered, and the fill-in this subpart or to make changes in the applicant with the fewest fill-in au- facilities of such a station, which pro- thorizations will be chosen as tentative poses unattended operation shall in- selectee. clude an adequate showing as to the (iii) Where the procedures in para- manner of compliance with this sec- graphs (e)(1), (e)(2) and (e)(3)(i) and tion. (e)(3)(ii) of this section fail to resolve [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 37 FR the mutual exclusivity, the applica- 18540, Sept. 13, 1972; 38 FR 25992, Sept. 17, tions will be processed on a first-come- 1973; 60 FR 55484, Nov. 1, 1995; 63 FR 33879, first-served basis. June 22, 1998; 67 FR 13234, Mar. 21, 2002]

[63 FR 48632, Sept. 11, 1998, as amended at 64 § 74.1235 Power limitations and an- FR 19502, Apr. 21, 1999; 65 FR 36382, June 8, tenna systems. 2000; 66 FR 15357, Mar. 19, 2001; 67 FR 45375, July 9, 2002; 68 FR 26229, May 15, 2003; 71 FR (a) An application for an FM trans- 6229, Feb. 7, 2006] lator station filed by the licensee or permittee of the primary station to § 74.1234 Unattended operation. provide fill-in service within the pri- (a) A station authorized under this mary station’s coverage area will not subpart may be operated without a des- be accepted for filing if it specifies an ignated person in attendance if the fol- effective radiated power (ERP) which lowing requirements are met: exceeds 250 watts. (1) If the transmitter site cannot be (b) An application for an FM trans- reached promptly at all hours and in lator station, other than one for fill-in all seasons, means shall be provided so service which is covered in paragraph that the transmitting apparatus can be (a) of this section, will not be accepted turned on and off at will from a point for filing if it specifies an effective ra- which is readily accessible at all hours diated power (ERP) which exceeds the and in all seasons. maximum ERP (MERP) value deter- (2) The transmitter shall also be mined in accordance with this para- equipped with suitable automatic cir- graph. The antenna height above aver- cuits which will place it in a nonradi- age terrain (HAAT) shall be determined ating condition in the absence of a sig- in accordance with § 73.313(d) of this nal on the input channel. chapter for each of 12 distinct radials, (3) The on-and-off control (if at a lo- with each radial spaced 30 degrees cation other than the transmitter site) apart and with the bearing of the first and the transmitting apparatus, shall radial bearing true north. Each raidal be adequately protected against tam- HAAT value shall be rounded to the pering by unauthorized persons. nearest meter. For each of the 12 radial


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directions, the MERP is the value cor- able ERP for the primary station’s responding to the calculated HAAT in class. the following tables that is appropriate (d) Applications for FM translator for the location of the translator. For stations located within 320 km of the an application specifying a nondirec- Canadian border will not be accepted if tional transmitting antenna, the speci- they specify more than 50 watts effec- fied ERP must not exceed the smallest tive radiated power in any direction or of the 12 MERP’s. For an application have a 34 dBu interference contour, cal- specifying a directional transmitting culated in accordance with § 74.1204 of antenna, the ERP in each azimuthal di- this part, that exceeds 32 km. FM rection must not exceed the MERP for translator stations located within 320 the closest of the 12 radial directions. kilometers of the Mexican border must (1) For FM translators located east of be separated from Mexican allotments the Mississippi River or in Zone I-A as and assignments in accordance with described in § 73.205(b) of this chapter: § 73.207(b)(3) of this chapter and are lim- ited to a transmitter power output of Maximum Radial HAAT (meters) ERP (MERP 10 watts or less. For purposes of com- in watts) pliance with that section, FM trans- lators will be considered as Class D FM Less than or equal to 32 ...... 250 33 to 39 ...... 170 stations. 40 to 47 ...... 120 (1) Translator stations located within 48 to 57 ...... 80 125 kilometers of the Mexican border 58 to 68 ...... 55 may operate with an ERP up to 50 69 to 82 ...... 38 83 to 96 ...... 27 watts (0.050 kW) ERP. A booster sta- 97 to 115 ...... 19 tion may not produce a 34 dBu inter- 116 to 140 ...... 13 fering contour in excess of 32 km from Greater than or equal to 141 ...... 10 the transmitter site in the direction of (2) For FM translators located in all the Mexican border, nor may the 60 other areas: dBu service contour of the booster sta- tion exceed 8.7 km from the trans- Maximum mitter site in the direction of the Radial HAAT (meters) ERP (MERP in watts) Mexican border. (2) Translator stations located be- Less than or equal to 107 ...... 250 tween 125 kilometers and 320 kilo- 108 to 118 ...... 205 meters from the Mexican border may 119 to 130 ...... 170 131 to 144 ...... 140 operate with an ERP in excess of 50 145 to 157 ...... 115 watts, up to the maximum permitted 158 to 173 ...... 92 ERP of 250 watts per § 74.1235(b)(2). 174 to 192 ...... 75 193 to 212 ...... 62 However, in no event shall the location 213 to 235 ...... 50 of the 60 dBu contour lie within 116.3 236 to 260 ...... 41 km of the Mexican border. 261 to 285 ...... 34 (3) Applications for translator or 286 to 310 ...... 28 311 to 345 ...... 23 booster stations within 320 km of the 346 to 380 ...... 19 Canadian border may employ an ERP 381 to 425 ...... 15.5 up to a maximum of 250 watts, as speci- 426 to 480 ...... 13 481 to 540 ...... 11 fied in § 74.1235(a) and (b). The distance Greater than or equal to 541 ...... 10 to the 34 dBu interfering contour may not exceed 60 km in any direction. (c) The effective radiated power of (e) In no event shall a station author- FM booster stations shall be limited ized under this subpart be operated such that the predicted service contour with a transmitter power output (TPO) of the booster station, computed in ac- in excess of the transmitter certifi- cordance with § 73.313 paragraphs (a) cated rating. A station authorized through (d) of this chapter, may not under this subpart for a TPO that is extend beyond the corresponding serv- less than its transmitter certificated ice contour of the primary FM station rating shall determine its TPO in ac- that the booster rebroadcasts. In no cordance with § 73.267 of this chapter event shall the ERP of the booster sta- and its TPO shall not be more than 105 tion exceed 20% of the maximum allow- percent of the authorized TPO.


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(f) Composite antennas and antenna (j) FM translator stations authorized arrays may be used where the total prior to June 1, 1991, with facilities ERP does not exceed the maximum de- that do not comply with the ERP limi- termined in accordance with para- tation of paragraph (a) or (b) of this graphs (a), (b) or (c) of this section. section, as appropriate, may continue (g) Either horizontal, vertical, cir- to operate, provided that operation is cular or elliptical polarization may be in conformance with § 74.1203 regarding used provided that the supplemental interference. Applications for major vertically polarized ERP required for changes in FM translator stations circular or elliptical polarization does must specify facilities that comply not exceed the ERP otherwise author- ized. Either clockwise or counter- with paragraph (a) or (b) of this sec- clockwise rotation may be used. Sepa- tion, as appropriate. rate transmitting antennas are per- [55 FR 50697, Dec. 10, 1990, as amended at 56 mitted if both horizontal and vertical FR 56170, Nov. 1, 1991; 58 FR 42026, Aug. 6, polarization is to be provided. 1993; 62 FR 51063, Sept. 30, 1997; 63 FR 33879, (h) All applications must comply June 22, 1998; 63 FR 36605, July 7, 1998] with § 73.316, paragraphs (d) and (e) of this chapter. § 74.1236 Emission and bandwidth. (i) An application that specifies use (a) The license of a station author- of a directional antenna must comply ized under this subpart allows the with § 73.316, paragraphs (c)(1) through transmission of either F3 or other (c)(3) of this chapter. Prior to issuance types of frequency modulation (see of a license, the applicant must: (1) § 2.201 of this chapter) upon a showing Certify that the antenna is mounted in of need, as long as the emission com- accordance with the specific instruc- plies with the following: tions provided by the antenna manu- facturer; and (2) certify that the an- (1) For transmitter output powers no tenna is mounted in the proper orienta- greater than 10 watts, paragraphs (b), tion. In instances where a directional (c), and (d) of this section apply. antenna is proposed for the purpose of (2) For transmitter output powers providing protection to another facil- greater than 10 watts, § 73.317 (a), (b), ity, a condition may be included in the (c), and (d) apply. construction permit requiring that be- (b) Standard width FM channels will fore program tests are authorized, a be assigned and the transmitting appa- permittee: (1) Must submit the results ratus shall be operated so as to limit of a complete proof-of-performance to spurious emissions to the lowest prac- establish the horizontal plane radi- ticable value. Any emissions including ation patterns for both the hori- intermodulation products and radio- zontally and vertically polarized radi- frequency harmonics which are not es- ation components; and, (2) must certify sential for the transmission of the de- that the relative field strength of nei- sired aural information shall be consid- ther the measured horizontally nor ered to be spurious emissions. vertically polarized radiation compo- (c) The power of emissions appearing nent shall exceed at any azimuth the outside the assigned channel shall be value indicated on the composite radi- ation pattern authorized by the con- attenuated below the total power of struction permit. the emission as follows:

NOTE: Existing licensees and permittees Minimum at- tenuation that do not furnish data sufficient to cal- Distance of emission from center frequency below culate the contours in conformance with unmodulated § 74.1204 will be assigned protected contours carrier having the following radii: 120 to 240 kHz ...... 25 dB Up to 10 watts—1 mile (1.6 km) from trans- Over 240 and up to 600 kHz ...... 35 dB mitter site. Over 600 kHz ...... 60 dB Up to 100 watts—2 miles (3.2 km) from trans- mitter site. Up to 250 watts—4 miles (6.5 km) from trans- mitter site.


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(d) Greater attenuation than that and modulated input signal to trans- specified in paragraph (c) of this sec- lator and booster equipment, used by tion may be required if interference re- stations authorized under the provi- sults outside the assigned channel. sions of this subpart must be certifi- [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 52 FR cated upon the request of any manufac- 31406, Aug. 20, 1987; 55 FR 50698, Dec. 10, 1990] turer of transmitters in accordance with this section and subpart J of part § 74.1237 Antenna location. 2 of this chapter. In addition, FM (a) An applicant for a new station to translator and booster stations may be authorized under this subpart or for use FM broadcast transmitting appa- a change in the facilities of such a sta- ratus verified or approved under the tion shall endeavor to select a site provisions of part 73 of this chapter. which will provide a line-of-sight (b) Transmitting antennas, antennas transmission path to the entire area used to receive signals to be rebroad- intended to be served and at which cast, and transmission lines are not there is available a suitable signal subject to the requirement for certifi- from the primary station. The trans- cation. mitting antenna should be placed (c) The following requirements must above growing vegetation and trees be met before translator, booster or ex- lying in the direction of the area in- citer equipment will be certificated in tended to be served, to minimize the accordance with this section: possiblity of signal absorption by foli- (1) Radio frequency harmonics and age. spurious emissions must conform with (b) Consideration should be given to the specifications of § 74.1236 of this accessibility of the site at all seasons part. of the year and to the availability of (2) The local oscillator or oscillators, facilities for the maintenance and op- including those in an exciter employed eration of the FM translator. to provide a locally generated and (c) Consideration should be given to modulated input signal to a translator the existence of strong radiofrequency or booster, when subjected to vari- fields from other transmitters at the ations in ambient temperature between translator site and the possibility that minus 30 degrees and plus 50 degrees such fields may result in the retrans- centigrade, and in primary supply volt- mission of signals originating on fre- age between 85 percent and 115 percent quencies other than that of the pri- of the rated value, shall be sufficiently mary station. stable to maintain the output center (d) The transmitting antenna of an frequency within plus or minus 0.005 FM booster station shall be located percent of the operating frequency and within the protected contour of its pri- to enable conformance with the speci- mary station, subject to Note, § 74.1231 fications of § 74.1261 of this part. (h). The transmitting antenna of a (3) The apparatus shall contain auto- commonly owned commercial FM matic circuits to maintain the power translator station shall be located output in conformance with § 74.1235(e) within the protected contour of its of this part. If provision is included for commercial primary FM station. adjusting the power output, then the (e) A translator or booster station to normal operating constants shall be be located on an AM antenna tower or specified for operation at both the located within 3.2 km of an AM an- rated power output and the minimum tenna tower must comply with § 73.1692 power output at which the apparatus is of this chapter. designed to operate. The apparatus [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 55 FR shall be equipped with suitable meters 50698, Dec. 10, 1990; 58 FR 42026, Aug. 6, 1993; or meter jacks so that the operating 62 FR 51063, Sept. 30, 1997] constants can be measured while the apparatus is in operation. § 74.1250 Transmitters and associated (4) Apparatus rated for transmitter equipment. power output of more than 1 watt shall (a) FM translator and booster trans- be equipped with automatic circuits to mitting apparatus, and exciters em- place it in a nonradiating condition ployed to provide a locally generated when no input signal is being received


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in conformance with § 74.1263(b) of this (5) Any horizontal change in the loca- part and to transmit the call sign in tion of the antenna structure which conformance with § 74.1283(c)(2) of this would (i) be in excess of 152.4 meters part. (500 feet), or (ii) would require notice to (5) For exciters, automatic means the Federal Aviation Administration shall be provided for limiting the level pursuant to § 17.7 of the FCC’s rules. of the audio frequency voltage applied (6) Any change in the output fre- to the modulator to ensure that a fre- quency of a translator. quency swing in excess of 75 kHz will (7) Any increase of authorized effec- not occur under any condition of the tive radiated power. FM translator and modulation. booster stations may decrease ERP on a modification of license application [55 FR 50698, Dec. 10, 1990, as amended at 63 provided that exhibits are included to FR 36606, July 7, 1998] demonstrate that the following re- § 74.1251 Technical and equipment quirements are met: modifications. (i) The license application may not propose to eliminate the authorized (a) No change, either mechanical or horizontally polarized ERP, if a hori- electrical, except as provided in part 2 zontally polarized ERP is currently au- of this chapter, may be made in FM thorized; translator or booster apparatus which (ii) The installed height of the an- has been certificated by the Commis- tenna radiation center is not increased sion without prior authority of the by more than two meters nor decreased Commission. by more than four meters from the au- (b) Formal application on FCC Form thorized height for the antenna radi- 349 is required of all permittees and li- ation center; and censees for any of the following (iii) The station is not presently au- changes: thorized with separate horizontal and (1) Replacement of the transmitter as vertical antennas mounted at different a whole, except replacement with a heights. Use of separate horizontal and transmitter of identical power rating vertical antennas requires a construc- which has been certificated by the FCC tion permit before implementation or for use by FM translator or FM booster changes. stations, or any change which could re- (8) Any change in area being served. sult in the electrical characteristics or (c) Changes in the primary FM sta- performance of the station. Upon the tion being retransmitted must be sub- installation or modification of the mitted to the FCC in writing. transmitting equipment for which (d) Any application proposing a prior FCC authority is not required change in the height of the antenna under the provisions of this paragraph, structure or its location must also in- the licensee shall place in the station clude the Antenna Structure Registra- records a certification that the new in- tion Number (FCC Form 854R) of the stallation complies in all respects with antenna structure upon which it pro- the technical requirements of this part poses to locate its antenna. In the and the terms of the station authoriza- event the antenna structure does not tion. have a Registration Number, either the (2) A change in the transmitting an- antenna structure owner shall file FCC tenna system, including the direction Form 854 (‘‘Application for Antenna of radiation or directive antenna pat- Structure Registration’’) in accordance tern. with part 17 of this chapter or the ap- (3) Any change in the overall height plicant shall provide a detailed expla- of the antenna structure except where nation why registration and clearance notice to the Federal Aviation Admin- are not required. istration is specifically not required under § 17.14(b) of this chapter. [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 45 FR 26068, Apr. 17, 1980; 47 FR 24580, June 7, 1982; (4) Any change in the location of the 50 FR 3525, Jan. 25, 1985; 50 FR 23710, June 5, translator or booster except a move 1985; 55 FR 50698, Dec. 10, 1990; 61 FR 4368, within the same building or upon the Feb. 6, 1996; 63 FR 33879, June 22, 1998; 63 FR same pole or tower. 36606, July 7, 1998; 65 FR 79780, Dec. 20, 2000]


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§ 74.1261 Frequency tolerance. stations may continue to operate dur- (a) The licensee of an FM translator ing nighttime hours only if the AM sta- or booster station with an authorized tion has operated within the last 24 transmitter power output of 10 watts or hours. less shall maintain the center fre- (c) The licensee of an FM translator quency at the output of the translator or booster station must notify the within 0.01 percent of its assigned fre- Commission of its intent to dis- quency. continue operations for 30 or more con- (b) The licensee of an FM translator secutive days. Notification must be or booster station with an authorized made within 10 days of the time the transmitter power output greater than station first discontinues operation 10 watts shall maintain the center fre- and Commission approval must be ob- quency at the output of the translator tained for such discontinued operation or booster station in compliance with to continue beyond 30 days. The notifi- the requirement of § 73.1545(b)(1) of this cation shall specify the causes of the chapter. discontinued operation and a projected [55 FR 50699, Dec. 10, 1990] date for the station’s return to oper- ation, substantiated by supporting doc- § 74.1262 Frequency monitors and umentation. If the projected date for measurements. the station’s return to operation can- (a) The licensee of a station author- not be met, another notification and ized under this subpart is not required further request for discontinued oper- to provide means for measuring the op- ations must be submitted in conform- erating frequency of the transmitter. ance with the requirements of this sec- However, only equipment having the tion. Within 48 hours of the station’s required stability will be approved for use by an FM translator or booster. return to operation, the licensee must (b) In the event that a station au- notify the Commission of such fact. All thorized under this subpart is found to notification must be in writing. be operating beyond the frequency tol- (d) The licensee of an FM translator erance prescribed in § 74.1261, the li- or booster station must notify the censee shall promptly suspend oper- Commission of its intent to perma- ation of the station and shall not re- nently discontinue operations at least sume operation until the station has two days before operation is discon- been restored to its assigned frequency. tinued. Immediately after discontinu- Adjustment of the frequency deter- ance of operation, the licensee shall mining circuits of an FM translator or forward the station license and other booster shall be made by a qualified instruments of authorization to the person in accordance with § 74.1250(g). FCC, Washington, DC for cancellation. § 74.1263 Time of operation. (e) Failure of an FM translator or booster station to operate for a period (a) The licensee of an FM translator of 30 or more consecutive days, except or booster station is not required to ad- for causes beyond the control of the li- here to any regular schedule of oper- censee or authorized pursuant to para- ation. However, the licensee of an FM translator or booster station is ex- graph (c) of this section, shall be pected to provide a dependable service deemed evidence of discontinuation of to the extent that such is within its operation and the license of the station control and to avoid unwarranted may be cancelled at the discretion of interruptions to the service provided. the Commission. Furthermore, the sta- (b) An FM booster or FM translator tion’s license will expire as a matter of station rebroadcasting the signal of an law, without regard to any causes be- AM or FM primary station shall not be yond control of the licensee or to any permitted to radiate during extended authorization pursuant to paragraph periods when signals of the primary (c) of this section, if the station fails to station are not being retransmitted. Notwithstanding the foregoing, FM translators rebroadcasting Class D AM


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transmit broadcast signals for any con- § 74.1281 Station records. secutive 12-month period, notwith- (a) The licensee of a station author- standing any provision, term, or condi- ized under this Subpart shall maintain tion of the license to the contrary. adequate station records, including the [55 FR 50699, Dec. 10, 1990, as amended at 61 current instrument of authorization, FR 28768, June 6, 1996; 74 FR 45130, Sept. 1, official correspondence with the FCC, 2009] maintenance records, contracts, per- mission for rebroadcasts, and other § 74.1265 Posting of station license. pertinent documents. (a) The station license and any other (b) Entries required by § 17.49 of this instrument of authorization or indi- chapter concerning any observed or otherwise known extinguishment or vidual order concerning the construc- improper functioning of a tower light: tion of the station or the manner of op- (1) The nature of such extinguish- eration shall be kept in the station ment or improper functioning. record file maintained by the licensee (2) The date and time the extinguish- so as to be available for inspection ment of improper operation was ob- upon request to any authorized rep- served or otherwise noted. resentative of the Commission. (3) The date, time and nature of ad- (b) The call sign of the translator or justments, repairs or replacements booster together with the name, ad- made. dress, and telephone number of the li- (c) The station records shall be main- censee or local representative of the li- tained for inspection at a residence, of- censee if the licensee does not reside in fice, or public building, place of busi- the community served by the trans- ness, or other suitable place, in one of lator or booster, and the name and ad- the communities of license of the dress of a person and place where sta- translator or booster, except that the tion records are maintained, shall be station records of a booster or trans- displayed at the translator or booster lator licensed to the licensee of the pri- site on the structure supporting the mary station may be kept at the same transmitting antenna, so as to be visi- place where the primary station ble to a person standing on the ground records are kept. The name of the per- at the transmitter site. The display son keeping station records, together shall be prepared so as to withstand with the address of the place where the records are kept, shall be posted in ac- normal weathering for a reasonable pe- cordance with § 74.1265(b) of the rules. riod of time and shall be maintained in The station records shall be made a legible condition by the licensee. available upon request to any author- [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 40 FR ized representative of the Commission. 24901, June 11, 1975] (d) Station logs and records shall be retained for a period of two years. § 74.1269 Copies of rules. [48 FR 44807, Sept. 30, 1983] The licensee or permittee of a station authorized under this subpart shall § 74.1283 Station identification. have a current copy of Volumes I (parts (a) The call sign of an FM broadcast 0, 1, 2 and 17) and III (parts 73 & 74) of translator station will consist of the the Commission’s Rules and shall make initial letter K or W followed by the the same available for use by the oper- channel number assigned to the trans- ator in charge. Each such licensee or lator and two letters. The use of the permittee shall be familiar with those initial letter will generally conform to rules relating to stations authorized the pattern used in the broadcast serv- under this subpart. Copies of the Com- ice. The two letter combinations fol- mission’s Rules may be obtained from lowing the channel number will be as- the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- signed in order and requests for the as- ernment Printing Office, Washington, signment of particular combinations of DC 20402. letters will not be considered. (b) The call sign of an FM booster [55 FR 50699, Dec. 10, 1990] station will consist of the call sign of


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the primary station followed by the tion, in accordance with the provisions letters ‘‘FM’’ and the number of the of § 73.1201 of this chapter. booster station being authorized, e.g., (e) The Commission may, in its dis- WFCCFM–1. cretion, specify other methods of iden- (c) A translator station authorized tification. under this subpart shall be identified [55 FR 50699, Dec. 10, 1990] by one of the following methods. (1) By arranging for the primary sta- § 74.1284 Rebroadcasts. tion whose station is being rebroadcast (a) The term rebroadcast means the to identify the translator station by reception by radio of the programs or call sign and location. Three such iden- other signals of a radio station and the tifications shall be made during each simultaneous retransmission of such day: once between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., programs or signals for direct recep- once between 12:55 p.m. and 1:05 p.m. tion by the general public. and once between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sta- (b) The licensee of an FM translator tions which do not begin their broad- shall not rebroadcast the programs of cast before 9 a.m. shall make their first any AM or FM broadcast station or identification at the beginning of their other FM translator without obtaining broadcast days. The licensee of an FM prior consent of the primary station translator whose station identification whose programs are proposed to be re- is made by the primary station must transmitted. The Commission shall be arrange for the primary station li- notified of the call letters of each sta- censee to keep in its file, and to make tion rebroadcast and the licensee of the available to FCC personnel, the trans- FM translator shall certify that writ- lator’s call letters and location, giving ten consent has been received from the the name, address and telephone num- licensee of the station whose programs ber of the licensee or his service rep- are retransmitted. resentative to be contacted in the (c) An FM translator is not author- event of malfunction of the translator. ized to rebroadcast the transmissions It shall be the responsibility of the of any class of station other than an translator licensee to furnish current AM or FM broadcast station or another information to the primary station li- FM translator. censee for this purpose. (2) By transmitting the call sign in [35 FR 15388, Oct. 2, 1970, as amended at 74 FR International Morse Code at least once 45130, Sept. 1, 2009] each hour. Transmitters of FM broad- § 74.1290 FM translator and booster cast translator stations of more than 1 station information available on the watt transmitter output power must be Internet. equipped with an automatic keying de- The Media Bureau’s Audio Division vice that will transmit the call sign at provides information on the Internet least once each hour, unless there is in regarding FM translator and booster effect a firm agreement with the trans- stations, rules, and policies at http:// lator’s primary station as provided in www.fcc.gov/mb/audio. § 74.1283(c)(1) of this section. Trans- mission of the call sign can be accom- [67 FR 13234, Mar. 21, 2002] plished by: (i) Frequency shifting key; the car- ALPHABETICAL INDEX—PART 74 rier shift shall not be less than 5 kHz A Additional orders by FCC (All Services) ...... 74.28 nor greater than 25 kHz. Antenna, Directional (Aural STL/Relays) ...... 74.536 (ii) Amplitude modulation of the FM Antenna location— carrier of at least 30 percent modula- LPTV/TV Translator ...... 74.737 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1237 tion. The audio frequency tone use Antenna structure, marking and lighting (All 74.30 shall not be within 200 hertz of the Services). Emergency Broadcast System Atten- Antenna structure, Use of common (All Serv- 74.22 ices). tion signal alerting frequencies. Antenna systems (TV Auxiliaries) ...... 74.641 (d) FM broadcast booster stations Antennas (ITFS) ...... 74.937 shall be identified by their primary Application Processing—ITFS ...... 74.911 Application requirements of Part 73 applicable 74.910 stations, by the broadcasting of the to ITFS. primary station’s call signs and loca- Applications, Notification of filing (All Services) .. 74.12


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Assignment, Frequency— Experimental Broadcast Station ...... 74.103 E Remote Pickup ...... 74.402 Emergency information Broadcasting (All Serv- 74.21 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.502 ices). TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.602 Emission authorized— LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.702 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.133 ITFS ...... 74.902 Remote Pickup ...... 74.462 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1202 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.535 Authorization of equipment— TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.637 Aural Auxiliary ...... 74.550 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.736 Remote Pickup ...... 74.451 ITFS ...... 74.936 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.655 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1236 Lw Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.851 Equipment and installation— ITFS ...... 74.952 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1250 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1250 Equipment authorization— Authorization, Temporary— Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.550 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.537 Remote Pickup ...... 74.451 Remote Pickup ...... 74.433 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.655 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.633 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.851 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.833 ITFS ...... 74.952 Authorized emission— FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1250 Experimental Broadcast Station ...... 74.133 Equipment Changes— Remote Pickup ...... 74.462 Experimental Broadcast Station ...... 74.151 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.535 Remote Pickup ...... 74.452 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.637 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.551 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.736 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.651 ITFS ...... 74.936 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.751 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1236 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.852 Authorized frequencies (remote broadcast pick- 74.402 ITFS ...... 74.951 up). FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1251 Automatic relay stations (Remote pickup) ...... 74.436 Equipment, Notification of— Avoidance of interference (TV Auxiliaries) ...... 74.604 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.550 BP=’02’≤ TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.655 Bandwidth and emissions authorized— Equipment Performance— Remote Pickup ...... 74.462 FM Tanslators/Boosters ...... 74.1250 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.535 Equipment tests (All Services) ...... 74.13 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.736 Experimental Broadcast station ...... 74.101 IFTS ...... 74.936 Experimental Broadcast Station, Uses of ...... 74.102 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1236 Extension of station licenses, Temporary (All 74.16 Boosters, Signal UHF translator ...... 74.733 Services). Broadcast regulations applicable to LPTV, TV 74.780 F translators, and TV boosters. Filing of applications, Notification of (All Serv- 74.12 Broadcasting emergency information (All serv- 74.21 ices). ices). Frequencies, Authorized (Remote broadcast 74.402 C pickup). Changes of Equipment— Frequency assignment— Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.151 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.103 Remote Pickup ...... 74.452 Remote Pickup ...... 74.402 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.551 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.502 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.651 TV Auxiliary ...... 74.602 ITFS ...... 74.951 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.702 Channel assignments (LPTV/TV Translator) ...... 74.702 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.802 Channels, Sound (TV Auxiliaries) ...... 74.603 ITFS ...... 74.902 Charges, Program Service, (Experimental 74.182 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1202 Broadcast Stations). Frequency monitors and measurements— Classes of stations— Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.162 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.501 Remote Pickup ...... 74.465 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.601 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.562 Construction permit, Statement of under- 74.112 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.662 standing, (Experimental Broadcast Stations). LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.762 Copies of the rules— ITFS ...... 74.962 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.769 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1262 ITFS ...... 74.969 Frequency tolerance— FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1269 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.161 Cross Reference (All Services) ...... 74.5 Remote Pickup ...... 74.464 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.561 D TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.661 Definitions— LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.761 General ...... 74.2 ITFS ...... 74.961 Remote Pickup ...... 74.401 FM Translator/Boosters ...... 74.1261 LPTV/TV translators ...... 74.701 I Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.801 ITFS ...... 74.901 Identification of station— FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1201 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.183 Directional antenna required (Aural STL/Relays) 74.536 Remote Pickup ...... 74.482 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.582 536

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TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.682 Monitors and measurements, Frequency— LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.783 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.162 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.882 Remote Pickup ...... 74.465 ITFS ...... 74.982 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.562 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1283 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.662 Information on the Internet, FM translator and 74.1290 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.762 booster stations. ITFS ...... 74.962 Inspection of station by FCC (All Services) ...... 74.3 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1262 Interference— Multiple ownership— LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.703 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.134 ITFS ...... 74.903 LPTV/TV Translator ...... 74.732 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1203 Interference avoidance (TV Auxiliaries) ...... 74.604 N Interference—safety of life and property (All 74.23 Notification of filing of applications (All Services) 74.12 Services). O ITFS— Application processing ...... 74.911 Operation, Remote control— Application requirements from part 73 74.910 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.533 Interference ...... 74.903 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.634 Petition to deny ...... 74.912 Operation, Short term (All Services) ...... 74.24 Purpose and permissible service ...... 74.931 Operation, Time of— Response station hubs ...... 74.939 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.163 Response stations (individually li- 74.940 LPTV/TV Translator ...... 74.763 censed). ITFS ...... 74.963 Response stations (ITFS; individually 74.949 FM Translator/Boosters ...... 74.1263 licensed). Operation, Unattended (and/or attended)— Signal booster stations ...... 74.985 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.533 Transmission standards ...... 74.938 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.635 Wireless cable use ...... 74.990 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.734 ITFS ...... 74.934 L FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1234 Land mobile station protection (from LPTV) ...... 74.709 Operator requirements, General (All Services) .. 74.18 License period, Station (All Services) ...... 74.15 Orders, Additional (All Services) ...... 73.28 Licenses, Posting of— Ownership, Multiple— Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.165 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.134 Remote pickup broadcast stations ...... 74.432 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.732 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.564 P TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.664 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.765 Permissible service— Low power auxiliary stations ...... 74.832 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.531 ITFS ...... 74.965 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.631 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1265 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.731 Licenses, station, Temporary extension (All 74.16 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.831 Services). ITFS ...... 74.931 Licensing requirements— FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1231 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.131 Petitions to deny: ITFS ...... 74.912 Remote Pickup ...... 74.432 Posting of licenses— Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.532 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.165 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.632 Remote pickup broadcast stations ...... 74.432 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.732 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.564 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.832 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.664 ITFS ...... 74.932 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.765 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1232 Low power auxiliary stations ...... 74.832 Lighting and Marking of antenna structures (All 74.30 ITFS ...... 74.965 Services). FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1265 Limitations on power— Power limitations— Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.132 Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.132 Remote Pickup ...... 74.461 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.534 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.534 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.636 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.636 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.735 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.735 ITFS ...... 74.935 ITFS ...... 74.935 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1235 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1235 Program or service tests (All Services) ...... 74.14 LPTV, Broadcast rules applicable to ...... 74.780 Program service, Charges (Experimental Broad- 74.182 cast Stations). M Protection by LPTV— Marking and lighting of antenna structures (All 74.30 To broadcast stations ...... 74.705 Services). To other LPTV and TV Translator sta- 74.707 Modification of transmission systems— tions. LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.751 To Land Mobile stations ...... 74.709 ITFS ...... 74.951 Purpose of service— FM Translators and Boosters ...... 74.1251 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.731 Modulation limits— ITFS ...... 74.931 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.663 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1231 ITFS ...... 74.970 Modulation monitors and measurements (ITFS) 74.971 R Modulation requirements (Remote Pickup) ...... 74.463 Rebroadcasts— 537

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Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.184 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.561 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.784 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.661 ITFS ...... 74.984 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.761 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1284 ITFS ...... 74.961 Records, Station (Experimental Broadcast Sta- 74.181 FM Translator/Boosters ...... 74.1261 tions). Translator signal boosters, UHF (LPTV/TV 74.733 Regulations, Broadcast, applicable to LPTV and 74.780 Translators). TV translators. Translators, TV, Purpose of (LPTV/TV Trans- 74.731 Relay stations, Automatic, (Remote Pickup) ...... 74.436 lators). Remote pickup broadcast frequencies ...... 74.402 Transmission standards (ITFS) ...... 74.938 Remote control operation— Transmission system facilities (LPTV/TV Trans- 74.750 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.533 lators). TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.634 Remote pickup stations, Rules special to ...... 74.431 Transmission systems, modification of— Renewal, Supplementary report (Experimental 74.113 LPTV/TV Translator ...... 74.751 Broadcast Stations). ITFS ...... 74.951 Response station hubs (ITFS) ...... 74.939 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1251 Response stations (ITFS; individually licensed) 74.940 Transmissions, Permissible (Low Power Auxil- 74.831 Rules, Copies of— iaries). LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.769 Transmitter power (Remote Pickup) ...... 74.461 ITFS ...... 74.969 Transmitters and associated equipment (FM 74.1250 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1269 Translators/Boosters). Rules special to Remote Pickup stations ...... 74.431 TV boosters, Broadcast rules applicable to 74.780 (LPTV/TV Translators/TV Boosters. S TV Broadcast station protection (from LPTV/TV 74.705 Safety of life and property-interference jeopardy 74.23 Translators). (All services). TV, Low Power and translators, protection to 74.707 Scope (of Subpart—General) ...... 74.1 (LPTV/TV Translators). Service or program tests (All Services) ...... 74.14 TV translators, Broadcast rules applicable to 74.780 Service, Permissible— (LPTV/TV Translators). Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.531 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.631 U LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.731 UHF translator signal boosters (LPTV/TV Trans- 74.733 Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.831 lators). ITFS ...... 74.931 Unattended operation— FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1231 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.531 Service, Scope of (Low Power Auxiliaries) ...... 74.831 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.635 Short term operation (All services) ...... 74.24 Signal boosters— LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.734 UHF translator (LPTV/TV Translators) 74.733 ITFS ...... 74.934 ITFS ...... 74.985 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1234 Sound channels (TV Auxiliaries) ...... 74.603 Use of common antenna structure (All services) 74.22 Statement of understanding (Construction per- 74.112 V [Reserved] mit-Experimental Broadcast Stations). W Station identification— Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.183 Wireless cable usage of ITFS ...... 74.990 Remote Pickup ...... 74.482 X-Z [Reserved] Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.582 TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.682 [50 FR 38535, Sept. 23, 1985, as amended at 51 LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.783 FR 34622, Sept. 30, 1986; 52 FR 37316, Oct. 6, Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.882 1987; 52 FR 47569, Dec. 15, 1987; 63 FR 33879, ITFS ...... 74.982 FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1283 June 22, 1998; 63 FR 65127, Nov. 25, 1998; 64 FR Station inspection by FCC (All Services) ...... 74.3 63744, Nov. 22, 1999] Station license period (All Services) ...... 74.15 Station records (Experimental Broadcast Sta- 74.181 tions). PART 76—MULTICHANNEL VIDEO T AND CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE Technical requirements (Low Power Auxiliaries) 74.861 Temporary authorizations— Subpart A—General Remote Pickup ...... 74.433 Aural broadcast auxiliary stations ...... 74.537 Sec. TV Auxiliaries ...... 74.633 76.1 Purpose. Low Power Auxiliaries ...... 74.833 76.3 Other pertinent rules. Temporary extension of stations licenses (All 74.16 76.5 Definitions. Services). Tests, Equipment (All Services) ...... 74.13 76.6 General pleading requirements. Tests, Service or program (All Services) ...... 74.14 76.7 General special relief, waiver, enforce- Time of operation— ment, complaint, show cause, forfeiture, Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.163 and declaratory ruling procedures. LPTV/TV Translators ...... 74.763 76.8 Status conference. ITFS ...... 74.963 76.9 Confidentiality of proprietary informa- FM Translators/Boosters ...... 74.1263 Tolerance, Frequency— tion. Experimental Broadcast Stations ...... 74.161 76.10 Review. Remote Pickup ...... 74.464 76.11 Lockbox enforcement. 538

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