Federal Communications Commission Record DA 94-1271
9 FCC Red No. 24 Federal Communications Commission Record DA 94-1271 thy Talone, John Lucas, and Wayne and Debbie Ward); Before the (ix) a supplement to the final report dated May 4, 1994 Federal Communications Commission submitted by Edwin N. Lavergne which includes typed Washington, D.C. 20554 notes from Bruce Yerks; (x) the May 13, 1994 letter from Thomas Jay Solomon with current letters from the Talones, Mullers and Wards; (xi) the May 17, 1994 supple LETTER ment submitted by Edwin N. Lavergne to WRQI's final July 14, 1994 interference report; (xii) the May 18, 1994 response to letters dated April 29, May 3, May 13, and May 16, 1994 from Edwin N. Lavergne; (xiii) the June 21. 1994 report of Released: July 14, 1994 the field visit made by the Engineer In Charge of the Buffalo Field Office on June 16, 1994: (xiv) the June 16, IN REPLY REFER TO: 1994 letter from Edwin N. Lavergne, Esq.: and (xv) all 1800B3-MJF/RDG other related filings. Lawrence Roberts. Esq. Background Roberts and Eckard, P.C. WRQI began program test operation on March 14, 1990. As of the Commission's March 7, 1994 letter, the Commis 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue. N.W. sion has found that WRQI has fulfiled its obligation to all Suite 222 but four of the 139 total complaints. As of the date of this' Washington, D.C. 20006 letter, the staff has reviewed the above-referenced corre spondence, inspected three of the complainants' homes and Thomas Jay Solomon. Esquire has determined that, out of the four outstanding com 8 Tobey Village Office Park plaints, one complaint is now deemed resolved because WRQI has fulfilled its obligation pursuant to 47 C.F.R.
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