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4-9-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-09-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY-SIXT- YKAK XV.WVI. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915 Dally by Currier or Mall, 60o 101. Month. Single (Vplca to. either parly cannot be confiscated bv NO EXCITEMENT OVER GERMANYTOPAY. the other In any case but only de- THINKS PEOPLE HAVE tained or used in consideration of AMERICAN NOTE HUERTA ANNOUNCEMENT WISE JUDGMENT payment of the full value of the RIGHT TO KNOW LAWS reported sn tin'. Ancient Treaty MOBNINB JOURNAL (FACIAL Applies. tar uamo wmil a MOMNINa JIJUftNAL SPICIAL LIASCO W'll "On the ground of this treaty stip- Washington. April K, officials of l fULL V1LUE FOR to-m- Chitai'o, April If t'le intel ulation which is, tin a matter of s the Tinted States government are REGARDING is M continue in th'n present BY GERMANY ON course, binding on the Gcrtnun prize viewing with indifference the coming 11 1orm nf legislation there must be court, the American owners of ships of Victorian" lincrui to New York devised u system by which eiti'.ons nnd cargo would receive compensation city. Counsellor Hubert Lancing eald n'uill be Informed of the existence and even If the court should decline the today the encrtinii of admlsMon had nature of the law, according to Sena- cargo of wheat to lie contraband. nut been eniiMilcted l,y the stale de- IS IMPOSSIBLE, tor J, im.s Hamilton Lewis, of Illi- HOLLAND IS NO T IP AIM Nevertheless the approaching prize lOIAliN partment und that be did not know nois, who siokf toiiiKbt at a banquet prooet dings are not rendered super- Ihul any point mi thin ituoUinii had Fivtu by the Illinois SI. inula. Hirers' fluous since the competent prize court been raised by another ilcpal ttnetit of ussiici.itinii in bon.ir of Kilwi.tq N. BY mimt examine into the legality of the the government. Hurley, vice chairman of the federal SUNK ESTEL cupturo and destruction and also pro- CHINESE POLICY The fact that Ciprinno Castro, the SAYS PRESIDENT Irade commission. BELIEVED nounce upon the standing of the exiled Venezuelan dictator had been "A thousand lnwx were ninde In the TRUE claimants and the amount of indem denied admiision to the lulled Status list ficssions of Connies,' Senator nity. several year ;.i;o, led to the belief In Lewis said "I piopniind the question: "The undersigned hens to suggest some .iotrtei that a similar course Which of you know of any of theso Assumes that the ambassador bring the above might he followed In rtgiird to llu-rt-t- law accurately.' How many of you Kaiser's Government to the knowledge of his government Reply, as Outlined in Peking, 'ilson Tells Methodists No Know that the laws exist at all? How Also Diplomats Do Not Credit and et cetera. It was pointed out, however, that few of you are cos'tuy.iiil when you Liability for Destruction of avails himself In- . (Signed) "JAfJOW. Shows One Conflict of Oastro'K entrance wis opposed by the Man Can Say at This Time disobey tlmsc laws? Which of you Story That Austria Is Seek- "April 4. government because of Know petmlite you dis- William P. Fryc on the High 191:.." of Venezuelan what laws tor terests Affecting People indictments iinJin against him. Which of the Hostile Armies obedience and wh.it penalties you lu-i'- ii ing Separate Peace With ? I.e; me answer; N'ot one per Seas, CYCLONIC WIND DOES United in Is States, Attempt Made Upon Europe Risht, i em of the merchants or manufai hir- the Russians, er, knowl-cdu- e DAMAGE IN MISSOURI of this country have tins Life of Egypt's Sultan or information. PRIZE COURT TO DECIDE MIKADO'S GOVERNMENT "The president created this body of IIV MOBNINB JOURNAL BRBCIAL LBABBS WIRB BOTH SIDES BELIEVE the feitei.il traoe commission in order MUSCOVITES PRESS ON St. Louis, Mo., April 8. A lav fctoasisa iournal brbcial lcahib wirbi that there mlp.bt be an nxency to QUESTION OF OWNERSHIP rain, DISCLAIMS PROTECTORATE IN wind and electrical storm, which London, April x (I ":". p. in. i An THEIR CAUSE IS JUST '1 h (lie business men mlKht appeal THE CARPATHIANS swept through Missouri helween St. nttempt v.as made at S o'clock this for lufot inatlon and direction as to all and Hpringficld, tonight, caused afternoon to assassinate the sultan ol natters loucliltiK I.UKe trade rcla- - Amicable Adjustment of Del- danuiRe to life, property, telegraph Would Prevent All Foreign F.gypt, Hussein Keimtl, iiccnrdiiig to Advises His t'ons, and belli;; adMscd could avoid and telephone communication. a Beuter dispatch Iron, t'siro. A Chief Executive the complication urowlni; out of Most of Mountain Passes Are was palace, icate International Question The wind took on the velocity of a Powers From Acquiring Ter- the sultan leaving Alidlll Hearers to Bo Prepared to inlation of the law. Captured cyclone at Seymour, Mo., ahout thirty u unlive fired a shot at him. This and Czar's Troops Is Reached Through Diplo- miles southeast of Springfield, the ritory Now Held by Asiatic went wild and the nM've was initne-dlat- i Receive the Truth When It FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Are Pouring Upon Uzsok former place being Isolated until mid- ly s MZcd. Channels, night when, it was reported at MEET matic that Republic, tc Is Revealed. OPPOSITION Fortifications, least twenty persons had been injured To fiiv-iiuii- Steamer l ire. s p. I during the storm. The two most se- Itordcauv, April (12:4i in. riously hurt were children, on whom The chief of police of I'oidi'aux today lav MoasiNa joiinnai aptciAt liabio wirii rar MORNisa cpccial liabbo (BV MORNINQ JOURNAL SRCCIAL LtAKf O WIRBl , . n i ii v , . . 1 , K. - (BV jounl wirii ' their hntiifi C,.ll'iriu,.il The I'.itiriitlmi Iici;;iii an inquiry 0 buaid ttie steam- iav unftNiN journal aneiAL iAto wiii April A concert- MOHNIN JOURNAL atCAL LBAaCS WINII Washington, April Merman a 1 was Intensified when Seymour 1'cking, April. S. The Chinese er Im Tintiaiiic lulu the i uuses of the Viish'nr;ton, April s. In speech, ed movement is IicIiir exerted London, April 8 0 : S 0 p, in.) government replied to claim the - has the light was received today an outline of fire which bmkc nut on this vchmI before tb,. Mainland annual confer- thl'ouwhout the country to slremithcn There w Te persHtent runiors In Lon- compenxM-tio- n electric plant damaged and nt of depart ment for Kovcrn-me- ...... ' system ex the state the town thrown into darkness. the note of the I'niled States lust month while on her way from lence of the Sleilmdlst I'l .1 it Hie uncial leferxe ill Hie don this cveninir that liermnny either for the sinking by the I'rinz Kltel to Japan concerning the de- New York to Havre. The ti penne of the slates, Kdwtn (1 Mer- had declared on 'Midland, or At Springfield young trees were stimuli In li tonbiht, I'rcsl-(ilen- t war that of the American ship Wil- upon by Japan, I church session 'ic rill New York, Frlcdrirh strewed about the streets by the wind mands made China of officers an. nu mbers of the crew of president of the her Hoops had occupied that atrip of liam 1'. Frye, assuming liability not and of the reply.of the Japanese nov- - of the liner was taken. No decldon Wil.ion s.ild It was his belief that Trust VoiupaiilcH' assoi'lut ion, declar-e- d litilch territory which extends vessel, and some damage was done to frame from only for destruction of the but dwellings. lornmenl, It Is said this reply was yet had been rem hed and the inquiry no man was wise enmiKli to before a senate committee here the HelKian frontier on the const to of the cargo, under the treaty of IH2X. ! made on March 22 by Tnkaakl Kato, will be (untinucd. It Is on the charge juilKment m the Kuropoan today. thn river Scheldt. The reports lace requires, however, that , .. . . by Cifinany - :Japanese minister of foreign affairs. that he was Implicated In seltiliK file war at this time. Sir. Merrill was iioroinpanlod confirmation, and ar not credited W the case shall be taken before a prize OANAL LLUotL) AuAIN The Chinese report says that the Lti. Uaymond Swo-liod- a, representatives of lifiy-tw- o com- ac- to Touraine that ! "Hut," "we can all hold Irnst those who should Irtiow if either court for the establishment ol tacts American note covered twenty panes suid to lie mi American citizen. he added, panies of the slate, who iippcared to tion had been taken. , concerning ownership of the cargo BY CULEBRA SLIDE' specifically' question. lour spirit. In readiness to accept the oppose a bill which I., I.. 1. t - . . . and asked live Is now held in custody in Fiance. would permit j l in iuniuio llie reporiN .II...1.Jn ,IUilien and the t.hlp. To this the state do- - These questions and the replies of truth when it is revelled to us In the slate and national abaliks to act ns: In new received In the last few riav a, pi.rtmcnt will assent. are set forth as I slnu-nle.- exeeumr, admlnistra-llor- s. b l.y A.O.NIN. jou.nal .nciAL M1'!."" thereto, I'lliicatnr Inherit .uru ncite. j outcome of this t'tnnie Irnsiees and rtom Iut' sources that tha Cermflna was by for-- j .o wm.i The reply handed the Sid., s. Atiss dcle-- 1 as do Irnst companies now. were April K. A new tniive- - . HalUniorc, Apnl The presl.biil reminded the strentrthenliiK their position eigri Merlin to i i'"', con- - office Ambassador yn Hankers who spoke bill said j at , of old Culebra slide on! "The I nlted Stales n..Ircd Carry 1'honuis, pi evident of r.i ill the business for the around the Inttch frontier, and that ...u.. ..l.l.wl 1...... 4.. l.ni ment the cut - Kales tha: transnetnm ...... i Win, CiliMiTii nm.ij- l mi.- ithat nil Inst it ill ions was Iil'.aill, II I .cerniiiB: japan oemaoo inn, in Slawr collMe, inherits, uncondition- were the their desired jmuch uneasiness prevailed at Tl . . a t ... i. line west bank of the canal ' I ..U..1I Um.a iof their ihurrh they like Stale uen.i, I ineni. it luiinvtn. i - liuovince oi .rumen, .iiiuun nii.in .!. ally, the bulk of the estate of Slifs or natl ui's Kovern-- i ithe prlvilene of belinr elected to Serve Huirue and other Dutch iltieg as a r today and has closed the canal. e ', , : i ..ll - ovn in chnrae the "The undersigned has the honor to IMP to i.hi- tt, who dle.l at Hi yn ; In a llduciary capacity, and that the of sinking: eral ships nre tied up, among them risni wiifk mines, iiuiiu Slary C.arii 111. 'lit, in reality, lKiudlini! "tbi? phases suit the scl:iur or of Dutch of his excel- works, i make reply to the. note the Kenkon, the first Japanese ship roads and contract harbor Slawr last Saturday. 'I'he will was of the day." national and state banks were more steamers by Herman submarined. lency, Mr. James W. Gerard, ambassa- and In case of the employment of 'probated here today. No Inl Inml ion 'than willins: to submit to the restric- Dutch Prepared tit to use the waterway. She is bound for j t Imik Ii Itcslst. LniU'd of America, I Japan shall first llatililii;r rralr. Imposed upon companies. dor of the States. Newport News. foreign capital that of the value of the estate is Kivcn, of tions trust The Dutch are ittroiiKly opposed to dated third instant, foreign office Hie consulted. The Japanese Rovcrn-ime- nl been variously "You nre handling the affairs the The slide was not unexpected. The jbilt It hai the Intervention In the war, but their number twenty-eig- ninety-tw- rela- replied that these concessions at from tJ.nno.ono to S,buo,iinii. ithe chur.'h as they stnnd under army Is resdy to repel any Invasion channel will be cleared and the canal purpose treatment of the men of yout K'ne TO APPRAISE VALUE OF tive to claims for damages for the reope'ied tomorrow. were desired for the primary of Dutch territory, complete prepara- Kinking of the American merchant 'of preventing other nationals from jiitlon," he said. "Hack of tli'm object mi oo re! MORGAN ART COLLECTION tions with that having been vessel William P., Frye by the German 'acquiring special riuhts there, Japan Turn niinTn nn tne eternal principles which made Ionic hko. ! t lie Fried-ric- j wish to IAN trvlns to (xempllfy in the life of I auxiliary cruiser Prinz Eitel understanding that Americans Mn h ...'...1.. ...1. .... 1.. Another diplomatic report which IV , t n ..tm w u.... n.n r-u,.ii.rii. , MOMNINa build dock yards in the harbor at I I hi j HI e.i' ie e in ' lav JOURNAL IPICIAL LIAIO WINf i la U - ;ha created Immense Interest that MATAMORASTO IIU UIIU IIMUUf ment lie the eternal principle of Jus- ; New s Observed International law. San t unco. This position is of Ki'eat York, April Three apprais i from Home to the effect that Austria. "According importance on account of Itlce and i luhlcoiisncss, which, in myi ers were seieeieii lotiav. loiniiv nv n.. i.i tn the rennrts which stratenic ...... i ., ., t ...... i I, . . . ,ii tt ,!,...... f ninn n. i'.iiuii: .tt'.w null un have reached the German govern- - 'the possibility of its use for directum ' L t ' II. I. lie riiiiiiiiiiii. n tiiiiee i, no sla. This likewise lacks confirmation i ourselves, but operations ugalnst Formosa in cane WOMAN IS live from from th';tr,ri4 r ,hl. estate of J. 1. Slorinn. to Is not credited, It la con ment. the commander of the I'rinz BUI? Which u meat ., '. and and not P. war. same source from v,,i, noon Ihe irreat ni l oll..e- - Eitel FrK'drich stopped the William BY of I an- - . sidered likely that (leritiany would bo BE ATTACKED church derive Its Inapitatlon and ,, i(,ft M, , (hc Frye on the high seas, January 117, The second question concerned the M. vi,.llo. sendlnir reinforcement to the Carpa- supervision thority. pnlitan Mureum of Art, upon which 1915, and searched her. He found on Japanese demand for w thians If there was uny doubt of Aus- , seemed to me that H vyH nrtn a cargo of consigned to over the manufacture ana purcoHsn "It an Inheritance tax will be collected. tria's loyalty to ulby board wheat Jap- inyim! sometnini; nun mis: her Queenstown, Plymouth of war munitions by China. The in"1 In inblition, nn appraltml will be Italy matter moro eerloun-i- y Falmouth or - are davs of very (fie.il perplexity tpts, takes the to order. After he had first tried to anese government expressed the opin- made of the liooks, hianiisei than the other nationn, for should BESIEGESISS could be UIIULI UUIIHbU u l.en a ureal elinot nf trouble h.inrs di'ivvlnga and coins In Sir. remove the eergo of the William- P. ,lon that, this question part of It prove to be true it would end her solved most satisfactorily bv the em-- I and broods over the frreatcr .Morgan' llhruly in this city. iicceBhlomj Frye, lie took the ships papers nnd It as If Jrrcat, blind, I hopes of gaining' lenHonui ployment of mixed forces of Japa- the world. seems Howpver, her crew on board and sank the ship. material torces liai neon released from Austria. the atubhom "It results from these facta that nese and Chinese; a system which way In which Austria Is resisting tli says, already exists. From Chicago Restaur - had fur long been held lii the German commander acted quite In Japan Flees i'v"leasli and restraint. Yet, and under- - ltusslan ndvanca In the,' Carpnthlnnit w in- question dealt with the Summary of War accordance ith the principle of Aviators Are Brought to Bor The third ' slrong im seems to centradict the; suggestion dec- Japanese demand that the Chinese ant Screaming "I'm Shot! hi Km k peace, on ternational law laid, down in the M;;;;i';;f great- Ideals. It would be News of Yesterday that she ready to laration of London and the German der and Villa Artillery police in certain places be adminis- through liiiHsln'n terms. by Japanese and Chinese Jealousy Cause of Attempt impofsible for men to lin prize ordinance. The ports of Queens, tered jointly whii are gnir.g through on the righting rioroer in I'nises. to Be in Place or China shall employ men The comparatively narrow strip of pusses town, Falmouth and Plymouth, Expected officials that j battlefields and Sniggle The fighting In the mountain was bound numerous Japanese to organize the ed Murder, (territory between the rivers Sleimo a fiercely as and, al- whither the ship visited through the present d irk night of i continues fver, Japanese gov- ii ml Aloiselle In France, where the ( are strongly fortified English roast With Little Delay, Chinese police. The If not though Austria1 ulnims hat her troond demand ap- jlhelr terrible struggle, it were German wedge has for months past places which moreover serve ns base ernment replied that this they sa.iv, thought they with tho tissilsinrtoe of Oermans, haVe that or that j the line, i plied only to southern Manchuria. B MORNINR JOURNAL LlAirO WiR . j been pressing against French gained on for the British naval forces. The t'lCIAL mw, the broadening nf light where - success both sides of the j scene snn- question concerned the . women he-- Us the of some of tile most ljiborcza valley Knitter, the, cargo of wheat being foodstuffs wasj IKV MORNING JOURNAL BMC, AC LCAB1D WIRCl The fourth Chicago, April Men and Ithe morning hail come up and i dutinir U China of Iguinarv fightlnu of war. - conditional contraband within the llt.n..nt.ill.. Hirtv Atifil Tim ill' demand of employment by lingering oyer their luncheon In one they were standing escll the llussiuns are. on the whole, much fur- , , lieved that by a . ii.nl.Tnniinfse -nn advisers Japan j A detailed statement the French t meaning of article 24, number one, of Ml nolilical of the big downtown restaurants, some her udviiuced tlinn they were a week lllill OI an JlliirilL.UI l.llll ., nut i on his side of the contest for gives a summary the of London, and arti- today repneu mat poiuicai inni-,- were thrown Into a panic tills after- - rigiit. jwar office of the ago nnd have now forced the JJUkln, declaration Villa lines about Slatamoras 'ilernal princlide of jr. by offensive recoil-- . cle 23, one, of the German news more aeroplanes urp'tie lmnosed uiion iiiioa, inn. mut,,, noon when Sliss (lenevlcve Irvine: suits attained l.upkow and linstock passes and are number with that Wait I lllniate Jtidgiiiciil. milS.HBIIces WhlCIl III- - prize ordinance and wag therefore to cominf?, whir of monoplane men m in ended. rose from her seat and fired Mwi Und attacks the nonimir lr,,,,i, l,,l lh r.,iii,,ii of IT. and the a to the) I n n, an nu n "mm u", i nave on be considered as destined for the belonxing- to the Carramia Barrison in The lifth question related shots from a revolver at her liiidei aooni incoi. not carrieu since April i, sole pass, where the heaviest battle is was said to have made there slls-tb- silent, walling- tribunal w in, (be object of fnrclne; this Ger now in progress. armed forces of enemy pursuant early demand Japan mate, Mrs. Hugh Mcl.cnnon. j the Slatamoras toniKht, promised alonir which lb going to uller nlllninte jiulg- - man wedge and straightening their to articles 33 and 34 of the declara- developments in siege of the for- that "no island, port or harbor Airs. Mcl.cnnon, w no is ine wue mi great So far as the, rest of the eastern the ceded or leased to nient upon this struggle, thn own lines. is only of tion of London and articles 32 and 33 tified city opposite here. the coast shall be the president of a local construction world; front concerned the battle j of the opinion of the In period time has of the German prize ordinance and to was any third power." company, ran from the restaurant tribunal that of there any importance is that in Bukowina, Jack Knight the. American and I fancy I see, I hope that i see, I a gain on I Welve-mll- e 101 The Japanese povcrnmem. lepueu I in l sum: ten the front where the Austrians are thrusting at be treated as contraband pending He registered from Paso. screaming: inot: in ' aviator. would hul- - pray that It may be that I do truly to the northeast nnd east of Verdun ItiiKuian proof of contrary. Garcia, mis .io,,..m,, restriction was mistaken, however, for both - the positions in the hope of the With him came Juan F. amai see, great spiritual forces lying Wall- two-third- s a to two A unplv to Japan as well as to other gone most of from of mile compelling the Kus.siuns to send rein- Sinking Ship Permissible. vim.. v,m Mnniumv Villa. lets had wild. Nevertheless of thing to villages lain powers followed her to ihnling for the outcome this miles, two have been carried, forcements from the Carpathliins. In "This proof was certainly not capa- biplane has idle for a week near i's said, of the natrons aHsert thcinsi lvcs and asserting tlicin-- Hn,i the occupied - - ivprnm(,nt. it , luncheon French have the west Gallcia nnd Poland the overflow- or i ...... street without paying their j ble of being adduced at the time of Matamoras ior lacK an aviuiur. me ' f nelves evt n now, to enlighten our belgbis doml nut Ing tho )rne, a small ing botton.leJin Knltrht mwl f.arcia said thev were In- - has been Informed inai ii checks, according to the cashier rivers and marshes the visiting of the vessel, since the government pie. es m ....l jntigmeni aim sienny our spun. " river running east and west, prevent movements on n large scale. cargo papers pur- formed more biplane' were comimrlcan - the restaurant. man Is wise enough to pronounce read to order. This UCL U ...... - ,- Mrs. similarly, aciordlng to the official Fierce Battle la I'ast. pose but they Cld not know when to expect COIISII IKiini Miss Irvine had waited for pidgnient, but we can all bold our furnished the conditions under tuao, the Japaneso will forego their McLennon, according to the head statement, the French have captured These same conditions are hinder- which, pursuant to article 4 9 of the them. special privileges in Fii-kie- spirits In readiness to accept the the plateau commanding Comlircs, ing the Frcmh oiVralions between Monoplanes. demand for waiter. II u Is declaration of London, and article 113 Power of excepting the build- res- until whin dawns on and oec iplcd tlv southw cslern Part the Sfeiisp and Moselle rivers, tha probably Detectives niinmoned by the li- - of the German-- prize ordinance, the The little French moroplane, of the been learned ruled to us In the oulconlo of the j the A illy wood, where the Ger-tanl- e French report today fifty-hom- o ing of railroads. It has manager, found Miss Irvine ilflchil stating carrying a taurant slruggle. i sinking of thei ship was permissible, Carranza garrison, agents of an Arnerlcnn steel on hysteria, mana wire strongly entrenched and that he ivy rains have made thn aux- power engine, whi"h was taken that the in a condition bordering "You will see It Is only In such gained two on a since it was not possible for the company visiied Miiuuao mo i,h rovoiVer lying on tile floor at her that have nearly miles ground difficult for n very Important morning, was in Ivc-m- ll iliary cruiser to take the prize Into a across the bridge this ago request of tho I hinese hospital and genera terms that one can speak in f j front 'between the forests; of battle In progress In this region, how- tonight. It was at the Bv'feet. She was taken to a of a world, be- - German port without involving danger readiness for action ernment and considered the project thp According the midst confused Montinare and Loprelre, ever, nnd the French claim to be mak- to success of said to be very speedy, carries only i.ltpr to pico station. cause, as I hnvt already said, no man 'j'h(, war office sets up ing its own security or the it of a naval base there, but that ev('nitn police, she was in 'such a coii-- a Herman advances a claim which is con- evolving on one person, with additional capacity ule bus key lo this confusion. No connter-claliii- s of successes In re its operations. The duties contract was not signed. WMH impossible the this tested by the Germans, who declare of for about 200 pounds of bombs, com- - preliminary n lh()t fmimi man run see the outcome, but every gion and the cruiser before the destruction Objected. jU) question her. declares that the French that all the attacks have been SO ; pared n capacity for two persons Mikado's Government man can keep his own spirit prepared I virtually no be- the ship pursuant to article of the with Tt Into Japanese i employed In avo nude progremi, Whichever report is correct, 116 biplane, additional is asserted that the Irvine has been net wile. I) ing d declaration of London and article lin the Villa with an ynmsza, & lo coiilnbiile to the result icpulsi at various points. there is little doubt thut a sanguinary I bomb-carryin- g minister to China, Mi.llro the law oluce of Jennings filer. of the Herman prize ordinance were weight of 400 pounds. H. the outcome displays itself. There seems to be little doubt that bal lies being fought, and that In ( - subsequently had informed Paul Kvcrett ,b linings Is counsel for the fulfilled bv in it look V. A. Chapa, aviator of the arran- Hears Opinion of Ihe sharp edge of the Wedge bus been Ihe counter-attack- s the cruiser that UeiiiMch, American minister, that Public commission. World. atlncks nnd very n za plane, saw ne was supplied wun the Illinois liililicH is i a body moved a distance, Is heavy hoard all the persona found on the cc nHUma-tio- n accm ding "Thai the reason, said to tuck and there losses have been sustained. to drop. Japan could not permit the Mrs. McLennon had been, a sailing vessel as well us the ships steel darts which he expects and Mr to similar to Ibis, only few months a certainly that the opposing forces The people of Kurope are expee-lantl- v of such a project that to Attorney Fifor, accustomed call n papers. The Villa aviators reported that the 1..'... UI....I, I .1 . jagn, that welcomed the atmosphere are paying henvv (nice in killed awaiting a retiewnl of at- lteinsch replied that there was no ! men.L... mi ..'! ,7i I'l the railroad which the Carninza troops in . i i .. l ..... Will b these solemn tiHsesHmeiils of wounded. At Kpurgcs, as an tack on "The legality of tho measures taken trentv to r.revent American conuac- - ...i. i.. " n.. and the Iiardanelles, this time up, delaying Villa lect " . Washing of casuaUleM, by Ihe Herman commander is further- tore arrival of the lasg ami mm V1" .:" m the human spirit brln,r to the German with land and sea forces. But Hit practically re- tors undertaking tne II, III HI ". J M..,...t.r... report finding one i more, subject to examination by the artillery, has been of apbere of In- ui" ', hus- Inn. For tins is the place if assess the I'iciiih the of nly news from that purt of the world artillery Japan's declaration a Leiinon, he said, had sued her Washing-In- Is 'icrnian prize court pursuant to arti- paired. They said the train did not apply. and ment. In one sense thousand Gcrmaii dead on the field. today In that Turkey luis decided to within a day or two. A fluence in Fuklen band for separate maintenance a Stales. The in the Carpathian up cle 51 of the declaration of London should arrive Steel company still disposition Ihe suit, he not even part of the I'nited situation call nil men capable of bearing of artillery already The American pending of It Is where everybody else comes and mountains resolves itself Into one of arms, an and section one, number two,' of the small portion the contract with China aggre- allowing bis wife $110 a week. Indication that she expects holds a was posilKui, so as official state-men- ts Cicrnian code of prize procedure. is at Villa's headquarters. undefined naval In sooner or later speaks his mind about far the the allies lo bring exceedingly strong gating $20,000,000 for The SlcLeiiaons wire married Ar Petroprrad V- These proceedings will bo instituted Further evidence of preparations which only the I'nited States, and about many issued from and lorces against her. construction, and under kansas nine years ago Bryan re- hefore the prize court at Hamburg as for battle was observed today in been specified up to outlylni; parts of the world. Mr. ienna are concerned. The Uussian Villa cavalrymen south one gunboat has "Mrs. McLeiiimn was Jealous of ,', are ciuiMiintly auditors to what port is largely confined to the west- n soon as the ship's papers are received movements of the nresent. This contract was award cause," Miss Irvine told d- -j "J,,,.,, sini.iti: nii's auk city, apparently to strengtnen without "'f say Is a large pint of the opin ern portion of the lleskld mountains, I'KOGKI'.SSlXt, and will comprise of of the IV the settlement ed bv the Slanehu Bovernment. The tec! Ives w ho questioned her after she Judge-b- fiiaxch lines already posted south of Mat- evidentlv de- - ion of the world; to the time where Ihe Kussian iIHvk has had Its the question whether the destruction the .oK.l.ll.n under a physician's care for , only approach on the hart been it takes to express it, 1 think a very giealcst success. The Austrian re I'ai-Ls- April 8 (via London, April of the cargo and the ship was neces- amoras, the sired the Santuno project to absorb hours. "Sirs. McLennon, who t, - fully guarded. several large part, and to Judge by the variety port oears on the east Bcskld.s, where 12:1:1 in.) following sary within the meaning- of article 49 Mexican side not remainder. of the $20,000,000, but of Mr. my em- ii. The official Likely. the was fond Jennings, It, 1 sny It Is Germans have been of the of London; whether Attack From South company expressed dissatisfaction. thought with me and contrariety of dare and Austrian statement regarding the progress of declaration speculation th0 ployer, he was out cross-se- Inn of men are battling desperately In Laborcza the property was to cap- This movement caused Deninnil.s Modified. of- a fair whut the the campaign was Issued, by tha sunk liable an at- Some when she couldn't find him nt the thinking Milley against, great Itusslan forces ' ture and, or to what extent, here as to whether it meant Regarding the reply of Japan to In vari- ahout." French war office tonight: whether, the south. fice. She began to annoy me secretary of Stale Brynn followed which have added to their strength "I'espite bad weather, Indemnity is to be awarded the own- tack on Matamoras from the second question of the I'nited I become a ner- the continued bring Tlrowns-ville- 's ous ways and have the president with an address of wel- the victorious troops t lilt t had Invest- fresh successes were won yesterday ers. Such nn attack would States, It Is denied in well informed I line vous wreck. borrowed the revolver come to the visiting clergy. His re- ed fizenivsl. und today between Me use Must Show Innocent Destination. business section In direct quarters that a "mixed system" ex- young living in sume the and tha from a man the w'-r- strictly to a dis- In this sector claim of ship of fire, not much more than a mile In arsenal. It is added that marks confined the Austrians Molselle. At Kpurges a night attack "In tho trial the owner ists tho apartment house." cussion of (he "three greut relation- to have repulsed the Bosnians, Inflict- enabled us to a step advance) nnd cargo pursu-"- nt away. replies to third, fourth and make In would be at liberty, the the ships" which ho characterized as ing enormous losses. , and we have progress to 34, 3, of A sound of United States cavalrymen questions are contrary to the maintained our article. paragraph the fifth "(iiir counter-at- were today placed on duty about the Japan's demands, but that YUCATAN REFUGEES MAY "government, society and religion, or muocihscb in the Faster battle notwithstanding three violent declaration of London, to adduce text of In some l.otn) tacks. proof electric light plant nnd already has given the Chinese man's relation to God," Great and which prisoners worn We have already count- that the cargo of wheat had an Brownsville Japan COUNTRY important us nil these relationships captured," says the Austrian state- ed on innocent not, in the neighborhood where bullets to understand that she would modify RETURN TO the field more than a thousand destination and did sec- were, .Mr. Bryan said be believed re- - ment, "Is Indisputable." dead Germans. therefore con- dropped in an outlying residential these demands. have the character of ligion was most important the wel A French corps from Africa to Lamor-vill,- -. ad- during a small action today's Immigration to under "Further the south, near traband. If proof Is not tion yesterday At confercnne IBV MORNINII JOURNAL BPKCIAL LCACCO WIRBI such of dis- fare of a nation. crmiiinml of General IVAnutde bun In a spirited Infantry action, w duced, would between outposts west Matamoras. to south Manchuria was again of I the German government con- New inicans, April 8. Itesldents cen Ian led at Alexandria, Kgypt.and wliied out a German company and not helped transfer the , SI. Hiokl, the Japanese be liable for any compensation Men who cussed, but Yucatan who fled when their slate there awaits orders to proceed to ths took prisoner thn ten survivor. Whatever, of an express car to Matamoras minister, declared thut he was not Car-rariZ- 'i SEVERAL LARGE GIFTS FOR according to the general tents recently whs occupied by the support if allied "In oddi-tion- al said It contained 9,000 hand to reach a conclusion on the fleet and British the Allly wood we carried Principles of international law. last night authorized military forces, may return if expeditionary forces in the operations trenches and repulsed two "However, la grenades, despite, the fact that the this point. Tho conforees then dis- prove now in- PRINCETON UNIVERSITY the legal situation they can they are not against Turkey, cnuiiier-attack- In the forest of customs house manifest that Japan in the pt anmewh.it different in the light of the United States cussed the demand volved in ny conspiracy against the An nlt-m- been bv a na .Montinare, contents as rifle cartridges. province of shall have tho has made north of Flirey, we gained special stipulations applicable to the gave the Fukien government. IBV MORNINX JOURNAL BPKCIAL LB ABFB WIRfl) tive Fgyptian to a footing In give out the num- to mines, build railroads, Carranza assassinate the sul the enemy's defense worksi relutions between Germany the Neither side will right work Thlm information was received here N. 8.- - tan of Fgypt, IHn-scI- and reports from and he first Princeton, J., April Several Kernel. The and held our ground there In spit,, of I'nited States since article thirteen of ber of men it has, but construct harbor works today from Gen. Salvador Alvarudn. large gifts were tinnouneeil bullet went wild ns el Villa employment of capi- - al the and the sultan's the torts the enciiij' made to regain the Prussian-America- n o various camps indicate the consulted in the governor Yucatan, In re- treaty the 5,rio military of meeting of the Prlnci mn Irustecs here sassin was seized. (hem. friendship troops now number about tal. cablegrams asking on what I The (lermnn In- - and commerce of July It, ac- nlv to today, Sirs. William Church Galium Lrncerem.tit "To the northrnst of this wood the garrison of 2,500. Sf. Illokl firmly pressed for the N- , 1799, taken in connection with article against a terms ineinbcrs of the large refugee! ff v, ..k C1,v ... tigs una to formed the state department at Wash. cible of a cuptlve b'tllnon was severed twelve Prussian-America- n ceptance of this demand. would be permitted to of the trea- Remembered. colony here pablish the Dodge profef sorship of jlngtcn thai compensation for the by one of our shells' and the balloon ty of commerce of May Kiny Alhcrt's Birthday linkliu? of Ihe American ; and navigation April S. Belgians, (barge. return. medieval history, while $100,000 from shin William drifted nerorn our lines toward the J. 1828, provides be- Buenos Aires, Argentina, Slolo lYoin aiSonyinous for professor Frye by the auxiliary I'rln?. FOUlheast. '; that contraband and Chicago, April 8. Charged with the jan donor a I. cru'ser longing' to citizens of Members of the Belgian, French I'llsoncrs 'Well Tri aleil. ship In was by I'ltel Fii. and also for cargo "To sum up ! the subject or Aires, to- $i,600 letters Intended German economics announced diiiii her The offensive recon- British colonies in Buenos theft of from ft A to of wheat, will bo given by naissance Argenlinans, war In Belgium, London, April (l ;to a. m.) President Illbben. The committee the and attacks which we hav gether with a number of for victims of the condi- Germany will require, how- 4 anni- - employe long report made by an attache of secure the $250,000 to meet the curried out since April between tho united today in observing the Frank Charvat, an of the Sage's a ever, that the case be n Meuse Albert, king of outgoing exchange department of the the Fulled Slates embassy In Berlin tions of Mrs. Uussell offer of taken before and the Molselle. have given WtCATlIKU ITHIECAST. versary of the birth of regarding an inspection of German like amount reported that $00,774 German ptis,o court that the court the following results: of homage, Chicago postofficc for years, r the Belgians. A telefrram fourteen In had been raised. Dr. also re- may eonsiib-- the question of the le- "First, on the east signatures was held to the federal grand Jury concentration camps and ships iJihbcn gality northeast and (carrying several thousand l by ported gifts $10ii.L'02. divided about of the capture and destruction fronts of Verdun we gained on Washington, April 8. Xew Mex freeing of today in bonds $2,S0l by I'nited Fvglnnd printed the Times. The of have land wishing the prompt nf generally equally between endowment and cur- ol (hi ship and fix the amount of the a. front of twenty kilometers and oc- ico; was dispatched to, States Commissioner Lewis F. Ma report shows thut conditions indemnity. Fair Friday and Saturday. Belgian territory, are "as good a could be expected." rent expenses. cupied the heights which dominate the kins. son, TWO ALBUQUERQUE UOP.!!!3 JOURNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 9. 1915.

v:-- .. ! j..:, r,f , ! ROOT J,.t;-- j ; j., ' ( IT RUINS HAIR TO . , FAVORED !.; m ri r.- ! u tt r'..-.ti- i -t- THIRD j Refrigerators IJS.4 fi.-j- l s ;ti WASH IT WITH SOAP 1nnill"IC!Via., j d t t 4 - t --t . . . - .. IM 'OVER ft t :.. HEADY p..."P t';,;i.. lint terv f;.."r-Ir.ei- '1908. TO EHTEB i' ; t a:!, If i vsr,t j -s rnv a en: a tt -- j yi.i.r !.fcir H --- t. f ft 4n,'. -- li:r mr st'.-- fc i', t 0 i jful prt:trl i i.!r.i - I 5 I , J 1 .., l n t J '.ii I ft win t... 'Hk iir. f TAFT. BUT WOULD I r i f tiw..;j? ..r j rt i ,hr fill',; t!;- - ),...r !ri"; "-- sr.. is. i ; i fflBiiiiiaicflh- - fa: v!m b m ys ! v.' T. i. tii.rc ftr tca.!y J ..! ri!.n;iry i. . r-- t .on ,i 4-- tat imt-- a .ju fir ..iVi fi U t s.r- - ni 1 icfaw:..,, i !. i ! r : ! i r I La, v. ... ,, '"'" !( . I enter 8iC!MSsis:.w;:vB,. , 1 t an;. W'l ' in i,s-- pi f "'"t' i ! r IV.'. tt i..;...-,:,- . e ;i; tmr ) tK j r : ! ii sht.r-- mmm k'.Ir w in (i. tri- - s It.f i,..,r - I .r,.r ' t j - .... s. U: In J f '? :'.'-- f 'I IT I; Fl pl" l . . i t'lt r.j- - a iiti !.; i f ri t,, ' t i.'.'.'-r- . !. ih rifit- - i.t li j; r,; t.. ! I rtit't;.r u hnif ' , . - .- PRICES FROM it . tfl. T'- h'nr )?- ,j:f ut;. - k r. ; - .'V, t. I .! it ..- - th . trM A, : M l k.;i.jt lit .". f r.'- - '.(! I " I - ' T.ca ..:ir fi:k. f.U!, It , T ' , i .t "B f: .:f anJ ...y n, . ,! i . fl. ; . -- ' ."if. $12to$30 n - A-- . '. Y", V i " T- - fr. H t ma'f.f'i.l , t . f t t t " !, .) if. fan YO'J'iGER WA, LIKE nr.tt. ' ! nn ! ;t i, r- f4nv '.r r . t r .. ! . - !!itrr.f.. 4 .; siji-j-t- . t.. r VJKIV. !S(rUil I f '. 4. i ; t .: :: rr ;!(. HIM, IS NEEDED JiQWj Inn f ...; S.'v t,f ll,l..Mh I STRONG BROS. T ii'v, :.- - J ,...! 1 . , .. - f v iiH"- .;!(.''! - ' f .' - "2 .w .: r...'.-- t i , i t; - - f,':v.i'n Ur j J , sf J r. f. ! -- r i.'T' it li.f J t tf.;-- .: 4- - r . - . r f iT'.i 'nr. l V..'?. ! TO PREVEWT . . i , .T. 1 J - - r 1 t ...i t,i w-.f- r !". ! 1 r. "r--J - '. I. f J ir .- ' , t .1 f, Li r..-.- h ACID .f ; f j h" '.. f - - ra V. STOMACHS : T'"t 'if.''! I ; '. ii k to- - y ' r .' .t, ( ' .f "t -t f wmu.il is r.-- I . jt .. ' ...'-- e t.f r - r j - - : ... .iti. i AND FOOD 'ki : f i.r.rf t V irr,"i - v - if. FERMENTATION - tr 'fi- V lr n it fJl m t. ,"" - : PRIfJZ E1TEL TO ..; - Vi i ill'"T t .J , ? FIMD BOSIHESS IS J .TT!- .f a S ... . I - 5 ii j i r , , .... . - f rwt ri(J'.r.i ' it . x hi ! r- - 4 .; in- j . . t tj .iti .: if ;n ." no ir ; .i i f n i i ? -- v - r rr.. .' i ,1 i i.4-- f- -r f r ' ' v b,s ir.ij';.". H.tv ? - - j t! . - " -. ' ' r IT r i -. r.-.- t'i ' ' r t . th.-- t Q : - - MUCH M ED kItf. nut.'. k '. ''.:.. t,- w k u r. ; : r: i f ?. i i.- - fc.-- t nun ir. ? 2 i f irw '! t ii bu Jr.." A ?V" ml"ri ji "ti-'i'- t t.f t i ,'.t t v .. ; .., I," w --- fir i: 1 - - - r H ,J. , . ( 1 r-- v. i a i ; .. . ' 7 & Jf ' -- (tr .'.? A i : - : t. i 1 ' ' - l ' i . - tf .'. ' r .ft . .1 t . i - ..or V . 1 t.v. 5. ; f. 1 f It h.- - r. ti ! 'i rt " - , -- - rt fiEfORTIWSaMiMi i if. ....:- F i ir j i Ih- - w i S -r - . - . ( '. ' lW"T'r m J"S.;-- v 1 i t. 5 ' v W t.r in. 1 'tir't M l I '. I T I it v ;. - ! ft- Hll IIIJ vir t : . 1 I t n A - s C- - ' i " 4 .f 4 t'i- r..r?..f 't ,i'.r..m;t'. .f V. ...rrj ..I i ( ' ... . 't:..t Th '4 E ftT'i .t t !, M.Tf- - lvr ' r ft k. ' ; ... i- - - .'( f:1' f I r ' 4 ..4 ft" !?!. t.i, rr 4 .. 1 ,n- .... r i ) . i rr ; t; .1 ; X ' ., T. .t ,.,4 r. . fi.j'.J - 1 . - r.j - - it.' ir. - rfi' ' t..r..'i .f t ).' r- - t x. 1 4 ! i ; B t t r i : ' : r n t i 4 ' f.f . i' ,! h. ...;. r t r -. - w t ...1 r- -l I. i -- t I ; j j. .. ' f i ill w Mu tti ,K:i.:- ;('".i i i r t: Vt . ? - i 4 51,4- .'.: m lit i r n. !'..Tr,. t r . . t 'i 4i... lii... (..:. i it i A i . . i tJ lt ir ' u S. It, :! a - Ji.'l.. - i.:.;, 7 - ! r 4,.. ... - ., r . ft.r.J - " f rt f! .; i.. urlrr(r.? , i .: -- .'. f r.--t .,- -) rt-- : '.'. .j .urn. .r DEPARTMENT OP !.. - ;.. Ji. (!) IS ' 4 t t j r : f J ir . .; rT . & a. 4 t'KI'111flV t ' t ' r. ' i . r. i y. ,. U,.- - f. f:i' .':t - .v. t .t rr.rt.... thf Xtf.."tr in j . r !'! ! . . Ka f 1 . 'tt.r. r. - . f j ; .4-- . . : , i., I. n.j' (rtm J M jl tz j- ,,,, , . r v.- f 4. 4 - f r - f,.,;'.. )(. rtl tr.r j 'tS.l 1 1 . .r f f. - ,r ! -- rr- - - - - : - .t. v. r t tv-- . i 1' ."'-I -i- - h t ..j 5r- T -- f f.. .: - i .jit J.f k,tfv. ft '3. I r- . ; f'.... '. i.:..- i t " '.j.wr a'..i TIN ittil 4! :t '. it. t f ai I. f e rr- -. . .. r. - ! - , x r Jr..- - r to v -- I t - n t . : rv. .. 1 nr.- -- i 4 c i it. ;. ' , t..- - T rtr ) i t 7"... .J (. .f ' " n.-.'- '1 I . -t t f.s..Tt ... trta: Sri' T f;i-- m - ;- . m It - f4.4;-- ( , .. ! -' it r.-j--- -r ... k1. i f ,jf ri jiM ' ir.j IS NOW NEEDED T. .44. i t . ,r r 1 h i .it . t t , ',r i .r r t )( rrf?:'. " 2 t rt--.-,f rr r" r.Bvttrtr tt i i 'ii ., , '.. !. m.-- h !' 't . f v 4 . . . r .H . !.ur..w '"" tSf.v. 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'hr-- . u. r f ,.r .'I kt.n j.? 4 n r a r .i f J. t'l .i.t at. ,.t ".isu ' .4 -. - . -. if I4( ' .t. '.) .t t- - u . ij rft '. j. ,n ir: r,,j a..! ) '!..' t3f ',.-. ... , ; ' 4 !. Ton' ' t ' rj 1 1 1.1 t..4 4 t'l.l-- ' 1 tftVMM Ik 1 . W - ut it'f! f..t'7l.r tttr. itt Utftt Harm!ess-N- Dye-A- cts t't ; . 4 , ! - ot a r '.f-- .. 4 l . t it r'A 4 i i r. ,t ..r il. A 7 . t . ; : t n "j 1 o.i "t iJtt f- - . r t 4 f Vt jt hi' lh 'iH .:.. r.l r t 44 n rh .r? r f ; ; - -- ' r...,f.A' .',T.;.f 1 ,1 fr'tn . J t t r" t ti r- - t - t .4 4 ; . K's 1..r.s tt at tr'trrtt'l Hair Roots-Ma- kes rt' f t ft-.- Jf;.. Gray hi - tj '.&.':.. r.j.' .i.t it ! 4, t ;...r' ..ii t.t f-- : i ii a rtt.tr !r.i'4f ..t rtv.. tr 4 :t .f ; 'll-- ... ! 4 Iitt4.nl : ivfcfi -- i i rv t Mr - trnr..r ' .Wi:'n..ii in T.i Healthy-Da- 4 " -- .tnn Hair rk. t i i ( !), ii , , , t , ..; 4 4 r .. I'.'.-- l t r f: HI:ki-i- i ' t i n t., ..t ': ln4.. tr r.r..-- ! I. i . 4 I " . - t . 1 iiui inctu ' 4 t C'." lii.lr..,. i r k ' ' I it1... I nr. I IS K IS I U l f ' " "'"I f it .ft I .. I . t r i t. t .trk. .:.H;ntn & f .J t t I.;,..... ir .w ii.fl ri k. L'f iV t r.. . r . r. r . . .!r-,- i f r -.S rr j ,.r. v m ...t in t.t4 r. r t - 4 t r ...... ft., nrv.i i' .tt.,; ". at r. Iii4 rtl . r ' i - 1 , o " ( t.( sr. t f : . j 1 I' ' t 1 1, ' I- 3 aa.1 An It... - i it .n..r. ttttr ' t t m ' rt( i j : -r a y- - n a. i tw..- 'It r. 1 - :w t.n;. .i Ii it t rr. r tr. f . ! ! t.i: tfttt r.f i". ' ik...:s4- in.tj ('' ht-- 1 t.tti l"w m ,iv t(ri; n 14 rr n Vi.;.r a,,;P ' 4 rt.fitr.iij 14, 4. ! k .... t It - r4-.rl- ., 4.. . - ' . ' tt 4 V .W'M ft .4 4 4 i' jvr M.tti (KjrK. .tat '.:r4f;"!!Tl tm t !' - . r ' 4 ki - ; l 1 r tt .. I - -,.4i .!. : .A ' far t N ,f J. t ; .1 lft-- .. 4i .4,.i Tin It ii .4 t , .. , . Li tt. J.r.. tul Mt 1- ,0; j ,,1,,. ;.t r. 4th Ajf ;ti r r 1 . 1 - iaf I 4 I r 14 ... '' t t" r.r t t ttvitt i r I.'. If: 4t I" I r r.rtr. -- ,4. ;;.4 ..;.r 7 .f f 4 - .1..... (.vt4. !ft.'t t ! t J ' .t'-r,- 7 2 ,.i.rt j.i" !' i f t. I tj t b .i ? ",t. t.. if uwtiti :...f r ! - .'.. ... t- ... r r. 'I r.- - 4 f i it rvi. t; fiv. it...... ' ft 4 r'.. ,t .4 .....4... I' f - t.t t t. ft-- l i t t r.ft4. 1 t ttr--- .rijV4- h r . .., 14 r. .t tn-.- ...It J .rt ;.i..4t'.'Tr r. TJ. rr it l.l I! ,ii At 4r t 11 i rv -- - - - ' r..-- 4 ! ') ' f I . v. i i r ) - : J.- - . t ' - tt t .! . t , . i. r f t. - i .r. I tjiliT l it 4 .u; . 1 t IV tr l nt t f 4 -, 4.4 ... r. ,i trf r: 7 tv . ft k.tv ift'4'.,il Jt r 1. .. l - - 4' r. i r- - - ! .t.!.i (.:,..( i'iViri t.f . f f. 4 t. 4; I , M I k t t '.iit t .f r, j: ? . r . . r i .. r " ks t.i :..t f "1 t 4' r" t.j.j, 14 , t;t- - hi-- I'-- ' ;t l.'-'- i T- in 7 tt- -t .f 4 ttf Mr. ' i - r tr.-- ftirittn .! ii 14 i I i lk.-.- ft. m Nt It.r tt. I'i 4.. ,, t.4 -- i' ll I a W f.i h t...., r(. r :! t f A lit r :!'s4 tr. tn rt..r.v 4 i.. .r. j '.). 4 tpc..M ilO'lWiti 4tt 4 - 4'- .- vitr rv4..ft .... 1 44il I l I -- Tt. ...,-. 1 1 t 4 r 4i't- - ...!'4t:4! if ' it ' t?4.rrs; r r t - . T- -r i Th- ll'tttt r4 - 4tr tr. f '! t,' a. tv.fi.i,.,: .'. 1 t tr- - .4.,.r- v - , s V if - tt r'f-- : ' f ! l vt, tt I ! I - 4 j . t . - -- ) ""It f inij.4f t't i t t 'f- )!"-I I I I S i i r it if f ? - .1 K;. iif . "; t If Vf . . l.'ri ft . :.. t ' t.:..- ... Ii4-4t- R' r ltrt.'.-Mt- ..!,.-- t .r 1 1 f 4!. s !' ;i (.4 . r t I t, ! .' '.ii t r 4 ' rttTu'd'.! t ...... 4j-- . 44 t f ' Itli-4it- . if.v . t .44 -- r r-- ';"-'- f s ! 1 ' " 1' ' ' Will - sv . . f at it, th lif l: .r.va-- i . r r t t it.r n.mir rn: . tn - .f t ' 4 u n .4 .: jtr..? r, rs t4 t t . .t . TH r r4Tl f. lb 4' 44 T4. r ' in th lh.tt t':t l. t fi!a.-- T r 4 ih j r r s , tt.r-t"- tr.J f r l4f I", f'lrtti). ! v r ! .4 1 ft-- "' I -s j i v .if - f- - tt f : : '1 4 k. ,.n 4 J 4 Hi.." ?iv IK h !i .k .t .J it rtJfi .! t... r . ! tV,.- -. .it- ' i IrL- .:. Su. in..! r '14. t tt-- t vjtt..-.- f M .f.lT ':.tTi-r- - - ' ' - j .f ar.tl Mil- iiatst..- li.ry t tri Trit j.r r. ,vt- ft'': J 4 4 V r- - " I r.n iwm t . - " ' 'I r::; 1 X t4 i I ( . 1 t ' t f 4t r ArT:V4. t f i ' n i , ' ... ii jstj ' ( n i ...! rt.f ir.; 4...,4t4i rf t n t ,la''I i v . iti-.- - itl "r"! 4 ft k i 1.; .r kHV-ll- l Ul4 I" f..4-- . 1 !4- ri r. t l.l t ,f rr' , If l.f r J 4 t I it.fr-- i '.I !.?!'..;. ! t t - ,ftirit '.i'...! rttt. hr tn ' 4 1. ' 1 1 t4 ?.. at. k t. r. t f...r". k s.t l.-- Nt r tit 1 ! u.rv Ajr.u .1 ?' '.II.t a4ft f 4t. rt tj.'i..-v-' 4ltiJ- (i'!:-- t ..rr 451.r t t't th n rti(!..n .p T lil. . . 1 1 4 '. f n t 1 r- - 1 p 3 J4j.j-rr.v- t tr) lit.' tfr,1-f-iM.t,rtf- " nii'rl. T"i miir.,ls '. ' ' M a ri tui n r I tf.is r.t l 4 t i n n . t '" -- t f 't? rit .4 t'. . - f"i , )tanr-'r- . I !'-- .'4lit 4 , t n I 1.4 J ; t t r; .. - jr l.virtrr tt ; v n. r t f' ..4 1 i.."t'B3li. tVtltit t.il ' t . . a tr: .. n I., 1 l'f rt tv f.f . .i - I r . ij.titt tt rs I r n.. t I4t 4 VT4 f ir. i f '.r, 4 44 s r-- r kit rr.t r.r Living Dollar Week 4. '4 trt on -- I: a a a ' T4T-r- ?( !.W.'V At IfE - 1 .1 ' '.' I 7 f tt 1 t r 1 1 r : - h Amr ate- tr r. i" .tr.i 44 t.f ir.4r. 1 . - fiVi k I n th 4h ret .!, (..r I 'ft it 1 tk. , - , t , - 4 !.rtr4 wt.ftl frt 1 rui i.l r' T j T 1 ft- ; t4-- t,t r T"t .. e Vi.ii.jt ur.i.s j. it L.tlii 4h t 1 ! 4 I..J".!' v 1 tr. 15 rt 1 It.ritrti:'i. Of cours-- you live on if T- T- - don't want to a 44; tct-r,!- 1 J 'it 14 - r t i tl j...t-- If! t.tt ',ti .r I . li r r. 'tt r I 1 4. t 4 -- I a rr..il f .r :. tr.. dollar a weelc one do f 4 .4 I I, A tilt - 1 I rt 4f i , J k.a No wants to I .,1 .,: 4 .4 t t I. r r 14 - s N -. i , - -. f .trtl ft ft f'- r..t t r' ; tt n j t ff t n lrt tj. the sensible I f .. k thm? when it comes to !..;;. 1 .. tft--f : . n a ti.n.ir.Tr " '! l.tt. r n... n t.f I t 4 1 I Ill: ii r rv i 4. ft ttiv ft tf.trt the selection of food it's easy for f -- but Uitt . 1. . . 1 an r 4 t p i r-- 'ir. rrt rv v anj rrttt T 'r-'- t p :"-t "Si - .1 - ,r the person 1 4 J r tO tn- IB in who knows !, tri-- t : . "4 J,4ft-44lt- , ' t , tr, ' t "f 4 '. . T 1 - tr. r ..f.4 Tiff. i i r 41 t il .4 r. - f 4 ..ThtT ..J' tr " vthtf ' e t-- ! - - i tr.. .:;t4i. I.t-f- rr.-M- t't w I ' t r .:- - r"'f ' i ii- - rit .) I 1.1 f.'ltr- - ... ft trr-.t.f- .r. kv I tturtir ttf u .j tt. tit'v I A 4 r j . i r. r. J tt , lk' trt:. . LE"i T) f.'.:'.tt I "Iti 3 " . f " - . Jtinr:t -- ll.JAjr'-44- k..'T:ti? jq t"f.:-l::- rr t"i u.:fTr. 1 r", - " vtr- - r I i 4 r r tt Irk!, ' fr It'-r-f- -. t4 4. - t.'S fi..i; r.f af 4. - a- '4 Shredded As .. - tttl!-,lat- i Wheat '4 r.tta Wisl I t- I ' 4 t' V V - 1" i 4 vV. r '! li.trtttti fftttui . f4.Lf. t . ..' t " 4'4i IS. a Jv"'r w ! O Mi ;.i.J t r: t f t S'lij'-.- ;...rt..'i. tut Vf it4 ' A ..tif.-.- ,t t i f 44 4 - 454-rtrst- a:;. ."f j.f t...v ttv t ,' ..itt t. - !. i itt t" t t t . 1 I 4 r i ltf.- i I r J tt. l t. Two Shredded Biscuits hot , tr nr. I it Wheat with f - ktt.r ttt; j t...tt, ; j , - mCk 4. Tr. i4.!tii tit r rrjr- - make a warm, rxaurishing; satisfy- rnff-t- I,- -- ' vt.44.1- ....., t tfit 'r...rr. fij.'- "! ..,. f.r ... :.'..-.- !.;.....--ft,. tt. vl ff a kI rv 4444, ing 1 - meal a cost not - t . . f k j at of over five cents , , - s r - - f cj-.tt- sr.; ! ritt w.rt r4tttv t.f rt'ir-- r 'f'r y n.r lt t f h ir - i '- -t . -l i rr.nL-.- . htt as ! ., - ... .' ..tr. ... r .. .. .'.".'.trt.i Itf "t- V.i UwilltnL f..T..-- its a meal on which you can do a half - .f i M n - J 4 - 1 1 I rtitvi, t-- fri-.- iri-f- i 4.41 i " " ft top-not- ch tff-.--.-4t- t IS, . . -- . .n n t,..t day's work and reach the of nv ttti.)... 1'. t .1 t.... ,k.t i.i .r t.4 itki in .'ft t' frti,: ( . . -- ?t-- " ffifri! ji.r-t- -- . rv 'i' f, . .tif " l4tn..m, i 9 a ) T' 1 :" t ! r v. 5 V 1 t,- - healtlh effxiency. el- I'rtr4. r i h f 4. t i I II ri and Supplies every Mt . 7 it. tl if-- . r - -- r a ' r n l .. vti! it. r n. t.t- tt-..- ; ijv-- 1. n. n j. iv.t M ! ft' nouish-tner- an. I I j ' , for .t tt.4 .:',... ,htr. (wfit f tr (..'... rt. " Sk'ft n'ttt,.vv 1 K.r 't ement reeded the perfect t.i - . v - - V r.i-o.- - ..-- J -i t ... .14. t j; t It .. at f r. . nift'.-.t- at S'T-.- I ' . of the human body. ftilr 1 .t'!;.,'-,- .4 ..,.,.,. .. 44 t IS .rr.-.r.- .,.f:..7r,t .. 'm4 - i t.f tt It tf h t f i tttt-- r-- aff.tir f"f rt'.4t ! :. .. ! tr in. hu ,. r- - ... . r-- i ..-- r itttmio- , 4 v i..'ni..:.tT.4.M .r. ,( e. i,' jv r:r. i.i tn. t .)4, - 1 I . f t! 4 J t 4 tt tt t- I - tk J" kit lt.t!i-m- : .j. ' i .it,r. j." I r. i: I ..I tit- u t ttt-- r :, ...... ( in. .hi ir;v rr ri t i.. t.m th Han- - 't fit;rr-- l i t t TR1SCU1T U j vtrt-t.h.- i . i ....,.. ..r'-.t-- t t f 1 t the Shredded Wheat "1 .?.'....,.. t !.. r. i" ' .iitt...k-- ttrsfta!! a t ..itk. .H.4 0 tn - t A t ttK!4;t;4t t?w. m ' .. . r.-- j't.r.. r. '! 1 i i .....i..t. ... i ..I i'1'.- ,r , ' f it ..r t.. - v r. nf at v.' (,...... t) t...ri sm, r r itjit v'tt jrr f " tr 11 j . t Ii .t. .r- t. is'- ' 4;, 4 trj r Wafer, eaten a a toast with bread Km ; I . tr-.- 't.!-.-- r . t!....4... .., ..., : , t f - f t f r--i I Irttt r ttf t.,..i is... Tri.r.- th 1 r I t-- - i - k Ii - f h f ' i ik- j and butter noft p. - '1 ' - or cheese, or iil-i- l . ! r. rs f 1 ; at a m r. w t f ... !" i ;...". r I i4"vi. r 't k n t' t V 4, :. 4.4---.- -- r - it f'strut.! f A r . r.t i . -i w- Jt M -- v . ..!..!!", f:.-!- nr. ..! 4 j.y rz" t i - t t fin:-- i.t il t tt if !. an.1 -. - substitute for white flour bread t,r!... " v."v th. - 4 r- 4 - j; . r- 4 . tr- - r.t - ...5 .t or '', -. '.. v. r JI I ' ! . t. r . , 14 . ' I . .!Vti "' roli ft, 't tt.tr i.f .tl 1 fl! ::. . 'jr,.. .. t. tn.rt ft tt " ; tr,;.-- r.f rv. rr r..m-r- un.. cracker. S tr , i j . . f -,-Jt-'44Jt, n tt ft,-.- r i I ! . 1 Vi 44 . ' - f! t 1 . jr " in. r.i-!;- 4...!:-t- ) .. . .1 I t ,.t ., Al'Ii ,!. it I ft .r ItlfjU. -- Mada by t't '': 4' tTl i- -i 1 l k t . ' Sfjiif - - 4..1 I I. .i r ka 't. & . t i.r t.. (".j. , . , .4. x.t:- r. i.f I vtr.tm4.t4. ittI - .,0 af i..k fr. f Nttnrtiimitll- i Mi tT4-r- T4 y u fmslkif : .. 1 ai ritittT. ( 'f. t.ji, f I v.t i i " r 4.1 4 t s r. " "! i'f !. r ! . !.t i'lin i..t..i ni. it. ti.mi 't,i rr". M I i r'i4-- tr-- . M r. v - The Shredded Wheat Co, Niagara Falls, N.lf. r.J- - !:,' tc-i- -! it i 44 ' t? ana r ,t . i k tt. in a f. u .. i:r . t f.-ff- fr.'-- 'rr r..ht - ' s aa k .f : ,o rt.w i r 1 . I.'.jj it a . Mi.irrtr. iT..tw.itr.. ...w . i i- - 4 - ' i ; .7- Itfft t.4."l l'f i 'CME'tE TO,'. i" rrt ' t ok-'-v- n i I '...f-i- g.. i ; j t.'.ju ,! w s. i v4 atf n!lnp"k;y rfiCI rc1 r i I if - vunnt-js- j U fx ?i:,ti nt ; r HMMM. Iff" rtirht art 4 k"f(!. t r:. ; ft ; r-- i'.4 ft !t,t is t Hin:T( ;i.i-.t- - . -t tatttl l.ttt-- r ft- : t tt4;-tt- r - .r- - tt tr.t ctt.4 tctttt. 4.4t4 a' !. m t f t Ih r.. I M-- . j tyv -- ' - tA i, fiariti. Aftrd ArrHM, yr ramfi-- i th 4 I iZ.-t- aw ) 4 .1 t. : ttr- - t . 4- v 7. t,.!!, iin!.iitrt 'v it.l..n. rtl t ut ll. a. aa.t sf"i-t'i3- . r i..i I 1 ii.i-tr- .t i .'..4 . -- ul itr.x it (Vvi 4 'fay. am a auj-fltr- t. r 1.. i tt . . :trtn tt-- - 1 .. . . lt.it tit ,.f t.f.i.s. rt f it:5":r.ii ..i tt.! 1 .. , i. ...rt.. 4 . VI. 4 ...... t - - ... ' nti i tPjiLf-i4!4- t f!t v ...... -. . , httl'l huliiv, th. i4 at t. lit ry arr f..i 4 Ti.f .5 ti ..,.-,-,- - v ft.-tr-- ft... ttt r.& t..JS 4f f. A t.i. feral- to i. ...? .jtsi .i, S- ti " 4.',r-.u,- tti-- :.--. . . t - 54 . t'. f rfr,r t n i ...... ; . - l newt r.luriit i, .i s f t t.ti is- - tit 4 A ,n r. . r..-- -, a..a f.-- ! 4ii.s ttr tit.rr, t?5 tk at.jr t x i I'V 1 j r.s :n r 4rt r.,.i-..5- r rr .vm fir,!;; ,ti Atn. n urn! t. !.' i. s r.-i.- rrtt.-t.- , -- I", ..trrtti. iin lt-- ..h mere tg, a r. Iti-.i- -- , i.4i h H..444 I.t IS'. il m.irs .s.n f., Titfi.-- .arv-- l . r'4ik - - "'. '-- . ltcl. h, t.,.t.i.t,r l.t f..r v.r 4 sit-- i ; A ik.'r.t .. Carrar-ii- jr- -r . - i4t- I rvriiMjitt, m a i;.-a- 'tutit-.- r- . !..- r.t &v-- 1 r.. m tin .. ati- tittv. it.ti.' ...rr. t ;..ini. a tavar ! Si' t Iks !.- -! 1 . ! kr.t- !. (j.-- ) it ki4 - sa:4 ft,., ! .! !f ti'tt that '.! :. ft tt. rr 14 (b.Mrrav . Cjsr;: fc s t- 1 t,ft.r4 4 a I rt-a- It llt-- " r -i T .: St s ' rr'rj v.f .r..,n n g.tt tr r f.rf . 4 .r e r. - . . - - , - ti .r..rr4 t rr f r a ' . ..f t . v. . lltiit- It. v 1 1:., !., :,,rr;,., r. w :. j r c f- -- tk-- fritlil litiH. 1M art .4. .;,!. It t '4.11 .. . -' jtrt ,t,w-- t ,. a.'. .4 . . ..- .' . t i'i t,,.....t i i.i- - arr eviiuliM", irtif. nikI full uf it 111114444 ti.a in. t tt a!i.- Trt.vk 44.114-- 1 tkttn at. tt-- .i . tt tif?EJ44t tc.vi t thru-un- - (n-nis- jvataac Kuosaat. fS .ifiis J irij' is.. i4 i ; its, sts t.ra a titniMy- ' 't .in., tn:Hf;i'Li.!.i'.;i.iU.'!iiMi;'' ii':i'':';i'':' v!'


HVKWSP1W1flWSP,lW ''!!1TW-91- ' ' JAP DEMANDS WANTS FINANCIAL "j'""H ''ei,'i,y New in- - New Mexico First, y.u notice ttwir DIPIXRCNT TASTE. TI.cn their milj What's body I'ut wtihfving gf ts to you nd fvp!ms wlij, in prtferanct Oil CHINA REALLY HISTORY OF ALL tv any otitcr 15c cigarette, smoker call lot ,52? 0 O Tl ftWiscmi1 PEACE OFFICER ALAR1D STARTS AT CZAR WESTERN ROADS infxeorof AIID rt7TI A IS LAID AT DOOR IS ARRESTED OW 00T VIGOROUSLY p .w I Two Nations Prepare to Re- Clifford Thome Asks Commis- OF 1I1S MURDER CHARG E AS POLICE CHIEF sist Russians After Euro- sioner Daniels to Require II pean War; Sort of Monroe Statements in Detail Fiom Doctrine for Orient, 41 Western Companies. Indictments for Murder and Luis Aguilar, Justice of Peace New Broom Sweeps Clean and ; Assault Returned (PtCIAL COPPIIPONOIHCt TO MOPMIN JUUNAl ,a. hopnih jouaHAL piciai. iiaiu Criminal and Secretary of Grand Fe Marshal Makes - ex- Santa Washington, April S. The Inter- Chi. ago. April V- cmpbte by Federal Grand Jury; Jury, Accused of Sensation- His Power Felt Among a view, real or pretended, with Presi- position of the financial history (if Hie dent Yuan Shi Kai of China bad by forty-on- e western i.uirond t.slnns Death Penalty Involved, al Crime, Number of Offenders, Ceil von Itessingler. published re- which are petitioning for permission t loosening cp b: ii'i-- freight on cer- w!fr.,i..;;.ii.;,See(ai ). :,iiiiicci cently. the ellei of to their lates i.;;tl hd v a in AW!.. the Japanese embassy tin the sub- tain commodities asked today .;.U' ( .ivv,.'.vl of the neKoiiiuloiia over the the (oaring of the western rate ease TO mornin0 jousnali ject rtpactAL oiipatch PtCIAL DISPATCH TO MOftNINO JOUNNAL) tAPiClAL DISPATCH TO HOPNIHO JOUALl Japanese demands. at the eloic of the pi a illations of the J'1'. April t. An Irulit tineut Itosa, N. M April K. S. City W t. f Santa Santa Luis Santa Ke, April MiikIi.iI From a member of thi embassy i witnesses f ir the railroad before UiW f,,r murder ami f ! criminal assault Aguilar, justice of the peace of Anion Hii Bi'du Aland began lui iidminiMm-tio- n tin- position of Japan M. ls iou- - iiimv be Mateo I'.inn Interstate commrlce :!. I . !:;'! VI' was returned todiiy in the federal Chleo and secretary of the grand juiy in vigorous manner earb this which, in a large measure, coniradiets mission, r. court against two Jicirllla now In session In Santa Hcsa. was ar- morning, when he arrested the request ini'm mat Ion came - the purport or the providential inter- The for wen- especially oa-loric- " Indians. Th crimes rested last night on the charge of j'alace avenue gang and threw the shape of thii l i Intei'l one view. in uirocious, and in instance the murdering John Lurk In In Vaughn its member into Jail. The Interview is doubted at the filed by Clifford Thornr, chair- ti Li who w mis- nuik-in- a mother of the last June. He is held in Jail pending This gang, which hud been Japanese pmhafsv because of the fact man of the Iowa railroad ( oinmisston murdered. hideous commu- H treated wits preliminary hearing to le held the early morning hours that uan Shi Kai. since lie became a "id chaiini"ii of the special .g.'Miiu .;.V.:.iii:ai!...U..l. m...:.. .Un., M,.i.a.ii.imiiiil on ii nil i(i,.a ini.Kii.il The H'iiiilty for criminal assault Is. Justice of the Kcace V. C. Hur- (or the past few years by going up acquainted with, the nature and cause ter representing mMeen western state death, the same an for first decree ra it within tile next few days. and down the principal resilience Japanese suggestions ha been commissions opposing the carrier's night of the minder. The arrest of Aguilar followed the street singing and yelling, last in favor of them. plea for udvance In freight tales. for by enlighlcu- - TRYING TO REPLACE Seven other Indictments minor announcement of Justice of the Peace at i o'clock amused themselves (o lici-- The Interrogatories ask cri'ines, and nine "no true bills'1 were D. D. Clark of Vaughn he recog- ihroWiiiR brick into the window of a l!nhl. Item Welcomed that In und tnenl as to the oi ihomuh. pisea-slo- n by widow in the rear They are, short, that Julian GERMAN DYESTUFFS also returned. nized a suit of clothes in the. house occupied a to It'vcniie in recent year, spei lllc .lal.i Vcwklrk Is Disfliuigrd. belonging to of of Attorney A. 1'.. China are preparing themselves ll n by Many Men of the former as one the residence heuvy is on certain opciatlng cost n. wi Newkirk, a newspaper man Larkln the time of his disappear- Kenchun. Word was sent to police leslet Russia, whose hand history railroads. Krank at by both to be ready to de- the financial of the IPV Mt'ttH JtnjBNAl. BPtr.lAt. tIAifO WIPI one of tile grand Jurors, ance complaint and City Marshal d foreseen Asked. of Artcsia. last summer. Formal lets, on as soon a the Impoiiant liit'oriiiiitloii Washington, Apiil Ann i n an excused this afternoon beeause charging Aguilar with of Kmillo Montoya, Cruz scend the orient we usktng thi This will prove a welcome bit was the murder arrested Ktiropean war is concluded. Ilussia "The information are lii'iniciil (Oinpanies me la nding even of telegraphic advice that his wife Ijnkin was drawn up by District At- Canlllo, Fred Catanach and M. commission to rt quire the larrieiM to supplying mills of Information lor all those who ' will be In a position to enforce effort toward tiMilc Is critically ill. torney C, W. Ward and sworn to Ferro. then Mr. said In present- are o el w ol ked, glmniiy, despon- tl. any demand on China, be- furnish." Thome nut other Industrii s using urliie ial Lucas Vepa. an Indian, pleaded by Deputy Sheriff Sanchez. lecture and l ine. almost ing the tnlel rogatoi lcn. "I in the dyes pi.ulucN to replace dent, nervous und have tremhllniv cause she will have immense resour- - wllh home Utiilty to selling liquor to another In- When the young men had sobered main similar to the data the commis- off by Hinos, hesrt palpilailon, dlsixinesa, be- ce troop and will have iicrnian dycsluffs, shut the and I Mitt d Slate Judge I'age. up this morning they were taken of seusoned Ision demanded In the eastern cold extremities, insomnia, leitr dian, OFFICIAL HOLDS THAT settled her Kuropean matter ho that ilsolf Kiiropcnn war. sentenced him to sixty days fore Police Judge Alberto Garcia, i It cUroim-l- eoui-ni- without ciuise. timidity In ven- Mollis lie no hackllre, jrate case. We onsider I.eports to the department of i the States Jail and imposed who not only read them i real cur- there will the same character of turing and general Inability to act in fnited COURT HAS NO RIGHT Till being true, It behooved Ju- - Important that Ice made public today slew lhat at g line of 1U0. tain lecture, but inflicted lines of $r be supplied In thi Inves-- I least m the course of naturally and rationally ns othsrs Sulu-jta- r, steps only to Information six plants ale g and Juan J. cost sentences of fifteen days pan to tuke some not do, because the treatment coni'st-lu- Kduardo Salazar TO SUSPEND SENTENCE and and conserve (he her hard won ligation. construction for the muniitact uie of of Cuba, Sandoval county, In .tfill and work on the streets u.- finds of question wnicii arus col- of tuldutn eat) be both 1 HO of the coal tar derivatives on which the urain In- (Victory over Kussia in 4. but also 'one ltiforma-iim- ami lbiinon Archuleta, a Jemcz punishment. from the eastern request for i ors used in cloth manufacture, var- and taken without the lo ueip nno a posuion Hit-re- . pleaded not guilty to the. charge ItPCClAL OISPATCH TO MOPNINg JOUPNALI Alarid also arrested Tom Livings- cinoa nno I.- Sinie what have been liiiowlcdire of any one. Jf dian, Her , minis nishes and olher products ale ba.icd. d who site could ueieuu and p.ote. 1(1 .. symptom", of selling liquor to Indians. Santa Fe, April X. Astonishment ton, a rough rider, niM HltlIlllal.u f Approximately $it.!0ii,iMiu Is to be cv-ii- idor has any of the w - Gar- ' ... t - I decldeg try It go to gny is was and disorderly. Judge I Iii- in ntfiklliu ill HfltVP- I,,, ii fi.ve it is and to lust being expressed because Federal drunk II... Oil l,u( ill 1.1 ' I 11U ? WMI 'I'T' " ii. ni.l u'ltliin months ulso, but discharged whirli , large well stocked drug store ami SALARY RAISE IS NO Judge I'age Morris does not suspend cia lectured him t i.. tl... tnLiiiAr I TT1'I11M. illlillMiili" "i u .tiv., Minnated that much of the material f.. X- - three-Blnli- i Cudomelli! as selling on Livingston' promise to leave tin . ' w c, e h asli for sentence in such offenses him I to IlllVf jrt'll MIHIK'M -- ii,.. uiniul. uhli heictofore of Kiao-- t hou and repot ted I , . , ... , ,.., .... ,iit Tablets, ucconllng TEMPTATION TO ROMERO liquor to Indians, as was occasionally town immediately for his ranch north sug- was iiurcliased In Ceimany at a cost and then lake Livingston olher powers. The subordinate to the which aeeofn-pan- y done by Judge Pope and other fed- of Santa Fe. However, con- from UmM t.t IHU4. tin HjMvp 'of I 2.11011. lulu annuallv will be turned directions gestions, which. It is said, were i d The tnnle-in- v eral Judges. It develops, however, could not get by the saloons on the ' i;Mitninl itfliritiln in taking the' m jn ,)(, states The more each seab tube. TO KOHNIM cealed by Japan, not matters Slid HHCIAL BitPAlCH JOUIHl. department of Justice, way out of the city, and ws arrested wire frankly mlmttU'd on cross-ex- - . . ...,,1 . ,,.,i,.,,iM. however, will Igoruiinir power Is soon felt that the demand, but simply admonitions to Ktaml body experi- Santa Ke, April K. Although his through attorney general, a nd time, and has started to of large sums of money , . ,.... of to de the joy of u healthy to an assistant China of things that Japan believed aminatloii lhat i..r lenuth time tablets, originally was Increased from Jl.aOO Iserve days in Jail unless some hud j enced. These salarv has sent to Fnited States attorneys an llfteen do. for additions and betterments velop. I, Mill a year by the last legislature. pay $5 and costs she would be wise to If China op- - dis'Htised by prominent physicians j opinion that federal Judges are not friend the line of way, well and hern so exiiended and charged to Rafael cx- - did not see them that . sts, now packed Assistant Secretary of State clothed with authority to suspend to release him before his term eralli'.g expMi-jts- but the eompnnleS licnlcs l.ohhv I'lilHiiglciiicnt'. an phnrmnc sre good, but the oilier and vital matters f,ir admin-Ntratlo- Uoinero today resigned his position pires. refused to slate the Washington, K Sv ilncy i:, wiih full directions self sentence, and therefore the district on which Japan proposed to have an so far have prll - on the plea that he must devote him- attorney no longer or agrees to so expended." Xe secretary of the so that It Is wholly tin- asks understanding were fully reported. amount of inotiev (Morse, of York, pay self to his livestock and land interests suspension. Amends ( hurtf r. of the Interrogatories ( ,, j, conference, necessary to a physician lor such Cocky Mountain .Misunderstood. Consideration (r.nK. sleamship in Mora county. It 1st argued that by analogy, in April ' s. The U.n Uy I( iiuimls I'irst was continued until tomorrow when ilicil before the ship lobby Inquiry prescribing them. Antonio I.u-cer- o Santa Fe, demanda." said - As Secretary of State absence of a specific statute the Ke today "These C. C. Wright, counsel for the rail- , ,,mmHoe toda v that his oi gani.ntion ill- Mountain & Santa railroad Informant, "were at is confined to his home with judges of the state courts also lack to ilsj charter the Jannncse iVi..,, I roads, said he woitld stale the position had taken nholutely no Interest In yet received the res- (lied on amendment llrst misunderstood In tip l , , . ness, he has not authority to suspend sentence, us has corporation commis- IOC laoiiMilin nnimi ...... the ship purchase bill. His testimony, ignation, and therefore has given no fre- with the stale Stales. They were, we admit, the been the practice with increasing sion. Increasing Its capitalization from but Sard. concluded Investigation of allegations thought to a successor to Uomero, cause of some discussion here, a 111 quency, not only in the district courts, nini-rat- of the (mentions uks Tor a lobby connect ion wllh the bill. most brilliant writers $3,uO0.O0O to Jti.'.iiMi,"'!,'. tins now are fully understood line of who has just returned from a trip but also in the Justice of the peuce the road from that they stnleineut of all directors, officers and Chairman Walsh announced that Hum THE During ab- the extension of they the sympathy of America. Amerlca-t- he to his home in Morn. his and police courts. across the Cocky moun- have eniploves w ho reet Ived salaries of coiuinlllee would meet again u the artists sence, Mrs. A. M. Leeson lias been I'te J'ark Ii Is not true, as alleged in the in ' per in the last tains to Taos, for which a preliminary Peking, that $l.ooo or more annum fall to draft Its report. whose cartoons and "comics" lilling his place. . (ervlew supplied from survev has been made. iiowcm-i- Japan a free yea I. .vi'iioirr leans. in- Is one of veteran dem- SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF Kiiulaiiri had ulveii i Komcro the close to the new nianagcmeni, tion regarding pay incuts made for "I'ho lcll." I'lixlliiif. Sim. a 'id Moii. make the nation laugh are ocratic leaders of the state, and bears those hand to utisorb China and that the legislation, assisting politi' lil being now a subsidiary of . 7U He DEMING the line i fM.i,r e..-- his years of age very lightly. system, say it will be niteu ,..,. uneclal legal servlfi s, en working exclusively for the Santa Fe Wl II I 11. . served in the territorial legislature exten- I' Will "llll'l '.."VI ' t..ii, ii.nn.nl n null c o ic ais nno ioi at least two years before the Inquiries, and ' than twenty years ago. TO MOPNIM JOURNAL) nothing but make through th E uioro laptCIAL CONPCtPONOKNCB Is into Taos, as the addi- Influencing public opinion FRECKLE-FAC- sion built have, been answered 1 " t M April S. At (he lhes iniiiii'les pre the period I mi i to Deming, X. tional stock will not be placed on the frankly, so fully frank- during the Im- fully and and e " EXTRADITION OF TWO regular election of member of market until financial conditions is con- Incluslv at Dem- New ly that we believe America question Include hoard of education, held the prove and the tax dllTioullies in Japan is the best friend The financial was but vinced that i (he of DESERTERS DEMANDED ing city hall Tuesday, there .Mexico are settled satisfa( torily. litis nothing her queries 'onu rnllig soiiros Held, O. It. Cooper of China, and but 'money ehaiged to roadway nnd equip- one ticket In the good at heart." sun anil liul Hiing Out I glv Spot- - America's Cleverest Weekly J. SI. llarracks, retiring mem- ollent, d property held, und DISPATCH TO MOBNINO JOUSNAi.1 and Ihings which are How Ki niovc I'Jisll.v. rofCCIAL bourd, being elected by a SMITH MOTOR WHEEL "What ale Ihostt Issues, lo 8. Mc- bers of the security Santa Fe, April Governor jfor China's good?" was asked. i ug unanimous vote. In addition lo propound the Kreckle-Kac- e Donald today made a demand on the ATTENTION I oretun ocrvion nonum. Here's a hiinee. Miss Everybody Loves Puck. 11 may be well to recite the fact ATTRACTS vex'ilce of questions, Mr. Thome asked leav e to j governor of Chihuahua for the extra- "The same things that you find for to try a remedy for freckles wllh the Lhat during the past two years four furl her cross-examin- e II. K. Hush, It for Fun dition of two from the good and Mexico's good, the guarantee of n reliable dealer that Just deserters buildings been erect- Cuba's Missouri Pacific and re- army who are with new school have "Will wonders ever cease?" re- foreign coercion on tne president of the will not osl yon a penny- unless It this papar fnited Slates twenty-acr- e absence of S;. M. the Chicago For 40 yean army charged with ed in the Deming district, a Central avenue pedestrian the protection oi Kclton, president of moves the freckles: Willie II' It does Villa's und are county marked a soil of China and j has retained Us position man- plot of ground for a new afternoon, as Harry T. present Ja- Northwestern, give vou a clear complexion the ex- murdering Vleorge McKarland, vestefdav her sovereignly. For the I by d high school purchased, fenced and a bitulithlc-pave- d Among Hie last witnesses called as the best ager of a near Campbell Johnson' spun along the pan merely asks permission to tissist pense Ih (I Ifling. ranch thereon which will were ( i. C. Smith, siiper-- j humorous periodical in the Springs, Grant county. line well installed street on his latest wonder in China in that process. Japan docs jibe railroads Simply gel an ounce of olhilii in part as a county demon- ex- Intend, lit of tra nspoi lal ion of the country, it is better now giv two men be used blevfle riding, and without any w to 'China. That double slroiigt h from any druggist Mcl'ai land had en the It is likewise interest- nnl ant dismember i Kansas and Texas railway, than at any tlma in its shelter over night, and it is charged stration farm. ertion whatever. Attached to the rear would be foolish from our own in- Missouri. and a few apidiialions should show ing to note that the school census to- land C. I'. Strohni. superintendent of Is rid yourself of! career. the killed host in wheel of the mat nine was a Smith China were dismembered - vou how ca.Hv It lo that latter their larger list the en- terests. If of Hie Atchison, To- n bcaull-- to day show a than motor wheel, known as "The Hicvcle very things we fear would hap- - transportation the homely freckles and get ' order rob him. was years ago. the Ke road, wno t oi Is 10 cents a copy tire population four JSooster." It can be attached to any not expect to Hold u peka and Sunlit fill complexion. Knrcly more tluui lien. We could loads of livestock and worst rase. lleitdllght l.loolype. make of a bicycle ill live minutes, AVe might get a part, but the itbe relative on,, ounce need.vl for the Installs bicycle' all. meat as compared wllh other freight.! (he druggist Ask Vour Newsdealer Demliig, M April X. Dent- LUNA COUNTY FINANCES will carry the to any we would He sure lo nsli for the' N. The and very influences that fear ", 1'allaiitliie, In the! (he! ing liny speed desired, more ori- - Ii. assistant double firength otlilnc as Ibis Is Headlight has this week installed place, lit almost get more and hold and the irf the i liieago, NOW IN GOOD CONDITION a very low expense. With the fol- second vice president prescription Hold under guarantee oi the very latest model of the and at enl would be the theater of war railway, pi'"- - wheel attached no ped- to Hock Island and Pacific moiiev buck if It lulls to remove, linotype and will issue the Smith minor runny years come." on the hauling power 1'ilHlliiie. und Moll, aling is necessary, and the ride is you propose io iiievent senlcd statistics lieckbs. 'The Hcvll." Son. llrst edition set nr. this machine this OPICAU COPPtPPONDANCI TO MOPNINfl JOUHNALV "How do hauling livestock coming Friday. of safer, more comfortable and (lean. by locomotives This makes both Lieini;i, X. M.. April X. Luna this?" of , nglnes hauling other 1 'fining's in Is 1he agent for the to consoli- trains snd enterprising newspapers county is someihiiiK over $30,(11)11 to Mr. Johnson ,"Hy encouraging China freight, and gave figures lo show thai line with the metropolitan press, Smith motor whoel. date "her power. If she becomes a na- the Kood as the result of the efforts help. more coal per gros (on mile was used m both being now set upon linotypes. Vuught & Watson, attor- tion she will not need outside rapidly was The by of Messrs. encouraged to on engines traveling than ten pages of advertising used neys, with the county She should then, he burned on enables of slower speed. H. a Head- lluh-har- d our policy single Iteming firm in the commissioners. Messrs. llund, become a nation. Therefore ill, Klshir, chairman of Uie valuation! ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE light last week, has altnwted atten- GAS, HEARTBURN. is the very reverse of dismember- and J'hillips. strength-- , coiuinlllee of (he, Missouri, Kansas tion all over the country to the pro- Since county was separated ment. It Is consolidation and railway, gave the cowl of re- - gressive spirit Dcnilug Luna otiing." land Texas of merchant. from Grant nearly fifteen years. aso tirodii 'ing Muck pens and other spe- be- for Orient. the matter of adjusting affairs Monroe lloctrliic cial facilities of the road necessary 17 1 count lea been Taking n leaf out of the American $?sl,(Ki(i. tween the two has INDIGESTION OR a sort of for handling livestock as liiu-- Hone notebook, .Japan proposes mainly threshed and forth and She Is hiiigid MRS. BEIDEL amtin, and now Monnie doflrine In the orient witness- ovo by which over. Ohio and time new wall around China, on the methods the Grilst building U been amicably adjusted for a al conclusions. lhat has She Is not greedy of es had arrived tlu'ir efforts of the gentlemen against Itussia. C. Kiirry, general throuHh the trude. would even Kred assistant named above, the people of Luna ft SICK STOMACH nil the Chinese She freight agent tor the Illinois Central, a deep of welcome buck Iho German merchants He il TELLS WOMEN county are breat.hitit! sih who have was the hist Witness. outlined relief and patting themselves, on the and the German scientists plan for changing the tariffs on live- pos done, much for both China und Ja- Two Stoves, Two Operations, hack that they are soon to be in upon the stock from New Orleans from a carlol in uouos pan. Hut she will frown baHls. session of about ?li,uii in to a hundred pounds How rm.l u lib;, u more in kaiser putting bla hoof oriental Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg- amount or little Is (is t I'nited Stales just Hood fiit-ren- coin of the realm, and Diapcpsin" ends a! politics. The v COST "Pape's plus the that Japan has Count Titles ltciicd. ONE etable the bonds will readily sell for a good welcome, fact Ke, April K. Slale Treasurer Compound Kept Her lhat we will Involve ourselves Santa bunch of hnoney. stomach distress in five no fear O. N. Matron today received $U!I0 In oriental politics. (', J. Amble, in Health for 14 Years. was culled to from County Treasurer on dob. The Peking Interview JKNI.UI I from , i SuhiagctleH the minutes, Secretary of Stale o' Tot ranee coiiniv, and Ke, April N. Although an the attention "f county, the slate's share of Kantu declined to comment on Socorro Shippensbiirp;, It was several election as held in several rural Bryan, who laves collected during March. Pa." it. Asked If the United States hud, us years Ago that I Lydia E. school districts on Monday, which started taking county, Tape's Dlftpepsln will di- alleged, given assurances lo China, V,.n.oTn. - unprecedented in Santa Fe Time it! .,i.m A iiintiaiu o and overcome a he agnln declined comment on the t;l,l,'. ww- there was only one contest, and thut gest unythins I'O" eat pur- Effect of Great Kidney om noil nd . I lldefotiso, where three sour, friissy or etomuch ground that, while the Interview from San come president, I: Buffered terri-fe- l! board of Ktirelv five minutes. porting lo from the Is Soon Realized jgil then brothers now constitute the within might said to Remedy Is ex- your comfortably, of a great country be . bly every month. My education, which In itself quite If meals don't fit was r traordinary. The charge is now made or what you eat lies liku a lump of have dignity and weight, still it me I you husband boueht women living in ad In your stomach, or If you have nut the president of China who feel It my duty to let know that a number of lead no-- . I Wpi a bottle of it and it . aign vt Indiges- the Interview nnd tn the. what Hwuinp-Koo- t did for was joining- precincTs, iiiciuuhik heartburn, that is a wrole v "l!3 iK- no knowledge of the au- bothered with my buck for over iwcti-t- halAilu c i i u Ml' a ty " f'tiehlo Indian women, were permu tion. had - a fifty- - vears and at. times I could hardly I jj men- nauois (let from vour pharmacist thor. away, inert aiier ted to vote and cast . bod. I your advertise- which is interesting it cent case of I'ape's Digpepsin and take gel out of read mm my second child was fraudulently, Swamp-Hoot- . light of argu a dope Just as soon (is you can. Thero ment slid decided lo try i! true, especially In the SUBMARINE F:4 WAS I e. l's( d Civ,, bodies, and It has been five born had ft female woman na-frag- will be no sour risings, no belching- of ments for and against e I I have, never 5738 T trouble very badly undigested food mixed with acid, no NOT FIT FOR SERVICE years sliu usej it. und day Kilice, I took the and I used, Lydia h. stomach run or heartburn, ruliness oi been bothered u feeling In Btomuch, nausea, hist bolt la of II, I am I 'loroiigbly Vecetn- - .Mlniim Company Jneonmrut.es. heavv the . This Stove Will Be Pinlihnm'a WISH In-- Featured JOUSMAt. PRCIAL IAAAVB Kilmer's We Ke. April S. The Mobile debilitating headaches, dizziness or In. TSY MOPNIN0 convinced lhat Compound and, in a short time was Santa Ang'loH. April K. Mrs. Klsle cured me and would recommend Mining Milling Co., of Mobile, Aki., testinal griping. This will all ko, ami, l.os cured and have been, in,excellent holth with besides, there will be no sour food left Nelson, widow of William S. Nelson, It to others suffering ss I did, today tiled Incorporation paiers K-- said wllh kid since. I always Comtwund The over In the stomach to poison your euglner of the submarine Mv hiifhand was troubled praise the the eornoration commission. hiiHomid told her. ney and and he took whenever I Hnurd. (irunt breath with nauseous odors, here today her had bladder troubles have an opportunity as I headquarters are at the flotilla commander, your Hwamp-lton- t and II cured him. now puue com Pape's DiapepHin la a, certain cure he notified HOT county, POINT it helped me and will help others. near wnicn uie bin.-irlncs motors, which Thin was about five years ago. pany Is engaged in mining. for er stomachs, beeause it that the Lately I Compound i. dig-est- a blowout, would never Vou may publish this Idler If you have given the to ij.-..- I'.iiv-ur- statutory of your food It had suffered ,.f is named take.a hold and again. he also choose, "ly daughter and I wiih all suffering capitalization is $8,000, di juBt the same aa if your stomach be the same She said agent. The Hie submarine had only four Vcrv trulv joins, omen would and convinced snares, j ue o- - there. told her take it be vided Into fliiU nicoi wasn't "f H,r' instead of a M I ! S, MATTI1.-- CAMITKIdi. of its A. .s. uennji" Relief In five minutes from all sto- day'a supply WEEK worth." -- Mrs. James A. Beidel, tors and directors are supply provided by the regu- It. K. Ii. No. 3 Oohlevllle, Mich. 113 Denny, of .Moss Point, mach misery is waiting for you at any N. Penn Street, Shippensburg, Ta. and A. V. lations. Subscribed and sworn to beforn me .Miss., r.O shares each; R. A. Douvine, drug store. ' Julv, fifty-ce- capes Nelson returned yesterday this tilth of imin. Lydia E. PinkhEm's Vegetable de 100 harea, und U. Theso large contain Mrs. of Mobile, keep from Honolulu. AltVIN W. MVKHS. from nativerootsand herbs, U. llowr.e! of lia.vard, loo nhnra. enough 'Tape's JdapcpHln" to Notary l'i,.bl!e, (he entire family free from stomach contains no - I "Hilly for 'nn liiircn Co., Mich. May lo 8th or harmful drugs, In Quarrel. 3rd narcotic fiovj-rtimeii- t indigestion many Shot Option lAplres. disorders and for , nd y April K. A. T. Whil-'.e- l holds the record of. being the Ke, April S. The, option months. belongs In your home. Malbis. most Santa It in a building contractor: Mrs, I.eltor to successful remedy for female ills which the I'nlted States divorced! Co., we know or Making Posslhle. Walter Champion, AVbiizel's Dr. Kilmer ii of, and thousands of voluntary had on the old Exchange hotel Good Work Itiilfchnnilon. N. V. ON" ojihep in Santa Fe, A long as one Is i n his feet, he cm wife: her mishuiid and r.nic dkmox.ntkayiox oi'k show testimonials on file in. the Pinkham Konda, and ite Id years old. daughter of at proposeU 3i.i.iiiii leuein, work after a fashion, no mutter how Whitze!, laboratory Lynn, for the the present Mrs. Cham- Swnnip-ltoo- t Will kooms sow at Mass., seem to , i .. yon can not do Whitzel and Prove What Io li. K.tu evuireii and hones for badly he feels. liut ame prove this build good work have ambition and ener- pion, have been living in the J'or 1'ou. fact the speedy of the for over a Today l)r. A Co., , gy, that life is worth living bouse here month. Fend ten cents to Kilmer Ifyoti havotlie-slifflitcs- t ing have been abandoneu. feel ell'-mpte- doubt Wllh sluggish bowels or torpid liver. WihitJSel to correct his Kingr.nmton, N. Y., for a sample size . i hamjiion and In anyone. You J'jat Lj dia i:. pinkham Vcjref Cotishhi-ed- Kolev Tablets do away with daiigbler, Interfered bottle. It will convince Ktofkyard IVmaii(ls Cathartic l tyas vs. I S, Van drowsy, dull, tired lefliuK. They the quarrel that followtd IVhlm-- Will !st receive a booklet of liable help ynu, write) 8anla',i'e, April S. II. thut lung. kidneys Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. , shot through the Information, telling about tb Lydia Slv-ck- livestock never gripe or cause iiau.sea They're IiPinkliarjiMeIicifiCo. assistant general taking When writing, be. sur was wholesome, cleansing and healthful. Champion surrendered after and bladder. ' ' Confidential ) Lynn, Mass., ad-- v agent of. the Santa Fe railroad, to a hospital, Whiuel, who, Albuquerque Morn- for today with the state Most satisfactory for stout persons. Whitzel and mention the riiouc 98 , ; Y in consultation physicians say. has a to recov- ing Journal. Hegular fifty-re- and our letter will fx opened, commission 'relative to Sold everywhere. chance corporation er, requested the police not to prose- one-doll- ar size bottles for sale at til red and answered by a womant siockyard demands at several stations iHUA. auU cute OlitJBVuJJV . ... drug stores. and held In strict contidem:9fc within the etate. "Uie PcAi!." ri6Umc. iloa. '. Jill


win who. t.ainii.s rti.it Mm "f m""1' I'-- ' ..f thr r.iu'ii' f It"' t'l (In ali-- j sti.n ..( M vrr.il ll.i;ili.i TKOFJIIIL. i't ii'f rlnrti-- I" r t h:.l I,, . it. nil infniv.'t iiifiit of h'v II- - ...n- - ill-.- l t!- - OF I i i:, litht'. WORLD SPOR - THE m nil nlni- ami d i" im' J"'1"' IN iii'l'l'i inr nrnit iTiji.Mf'.inii. : nirl.t Kmrts fur ;.n AHt HtbftLLtU til n i.f tht- i'.i!ii)'l.ii.-'- ' t "ul.l MALCOLM STEVENSON, POLO PLAYER, HURT. . i:...n imm-di;- ly a'"1 Ik BASEBALL CLUB lv ;i.lvtt .1 thr cx-- i h.iiiiliii.il ! i a wi.nl n "f hi. il.iim win brr nufiTinwie I'rm ff llitiilri. ;il ni:in:tf i - 1 1 ti it liliiis, iii'Hii- k 1 1 I Lull U Ullll I U II in i' "i il'i.l' thr J Willi I" i' t(H' an liijuni timi Inn' .itiiw . It. TO INCORPORATE i !h..i.U ih warrant i i . IMrin r for HoofoiK l'i rl i'-- j Cowboy Champion's Progiess H. An-- : ) J ml.. April I A '4 sot a a . V Is Continual pun-- 1 and!;;;. AT OfJCE; GROSE Northward rr tod iv thr I no .iii.i !.!!. of tt.r ho;sy III IHi lp r. nit. to .V. walk. N. .1. I.ouisj ."Mtlltll, h'l siv'm nr lln nf pii.ii..-i- li Diffident. , peais M.h k d iii tiii- fuit th it thf of si - OUR CAKES NEVER iuli lit vi lit mil th U it Iuim tians- IS NAMED READ - rn-- H lu persons Ull- OUMNAt- - LKASCO l f KOMH PC1.L .11 yt: DRY UP ; lr I'-'- 'i also tcs th.t! Apr. I Thr profr- - known. Thr Savannah. '.... in.. . Inh i,m and tii.jl il n.is i .m Jr.-.-- v. h I !. rt ..f ui.iio lor over aa - I. i.,.l,.l ,ln. t or !j,.hni-.i'- ' ' Because there is neve: any i in i:i- - I. :il- for thr world n" "f. Why? ! ' 4111 "'" - OH H . 11 UIVlllIl- "I'" " Today to - : hfiiVHK 1. i t il. I'.oniiliip at cake left. It is all eaten it's so Directors Will Meet t- .aiia on thru:h Florida - j :. : a n- - j Artrrnu Itull I'layrr. toothsome. Really, it is a Application to jii iy on hit m.nh. one good and Frame State I...... f Vol tortrr thr d.ir.ti Manaft-- K e.l yestrrday h arncu M Cloi-k- i v. Kl waste of time and money to bake at J. im U h Id nay an I from J. J. of l';.t", Corporation Commission for iuiliian a !: !hnKmit "f wiri.lyr. havrMin-- j orioirizer of ti e tt.o i;r.mlr .! home when you can procure the kind :thr 'vf - . . maliaLfi' r ! . 1I..II, 1 ' ...... uonl.l t.-t- (i. in ai-- l n tre to... . ! icafii.-- lor-r- sum. a Chatter. 1.. of a thr siivr "uv i hiii of the 0f cakes we bake small '..ta tor i.o.'iu lih.r. ri1, on Thr' da trip van madr amid a rrrl. likr the olhrr naiit it today to prove . I ' pia - Just try one it r...... -- . ...n . ' old luml 'it thr nan lie has Miri i...... , ...... I In. n lin- - popul.i'e of m-!- M m n" "" ' j WILL START SIGNING j :iri u rah crrd.rii,' niv (.rrnird iinxmiis Iw mr-- ICoaa't leawii."."'""' ( PLAYERS IN MEANTIME: i pat's II. r tl of thosr plat tt j Pioneer Bakery .nst . W'.ird '! the appr.no h of,. Tn Mop ITvlitini; In t'uha. . J07 Sooth First Etreei. ; - 'the m-- i hatop.on was flasind nh.ad Clavari. Aptil s. The u rate omi- v .Mats MmnniC!l repori'ii lavorai i.. a .4 r, .; v . and us a icmiU and tnittrr tomtiu Personnel of Officers O.e of s . -- r:.' v wnr fly.t.i!. I amis pl.omir mid nun- - I t.j prohitnl pi IZfliehiiiikT in i una. rv.-r- i Hired ait:!ir in thr hrat at Mi'iA.i'-- l lm rn'm Strongest City; Club Will; Iriratioti .l.-m.i- I.iton and th:t "Tim Ik'WI." lnMinie. Sun. nml Mmi l. ilv. At rv. r cr s roads n'.xi lU'pot Half ' Open Season at Home; j ivrre lhrn:!i nnni-i-ri- from a f' i M.ikr-- t 61 Trrl l ike i of p r In i l. worr to th.Mis.iii.is ..si. "I ("iff. re, l v ith k.'lnev ailrn'et for Holiday Plan, ; ,nany rus--n it was apparent timt thr ; two yearn." writ, s Mrs. M. A. Iinde. II I JT. . O? roo iU-- aide ' d ' - lpeitalon hati tia'.l.it j nohinto". mid . ' 'v Mi.. mason f " , ;' i l dislan e-. f..r du.-t-- i i ( rt d aatomn-- I I Foley Kidnfy ahout ten loraigns vrh;.. all fakir : .. .1 Ifiie ii'iii hoi at i::iwn ies of I able do Tt F..'h;I la & 2 :': '. . v, ' . 4' " ..; month a:". am how t) .... lt ...' ,r"..r wre pr..en.. my wiCu.at fatipur. I am' mill kui.Iv at l' id'' t ry all wotk anfivt-r- ryi - . t Alth.niKh Wiilara j now- til yearn of at"" and feel lili" a ..tan. h.' ; ;.trd Wall Paper rail for pprnrar.tr and rr I H-yt- Kir!." l'o!ey Kidney Pi Is charter. ap- - old fur rre mary sla.it h. s. it ln i Invigorate weak, tired, era of ! sirrr.frthen and Ot fir fir U'.n as s'day wore on thai the - B t : l.ai.nt thr and tleraiiKvd kidneys; l.aek- ' lr.U.1 Ut Rht 'r.rr.l.."ial g relire towrni towooy wi" a,-h- and HUDSON fop Uih and authoru.J to lncorf.tr.it.-- irm , weaK rheumatism Picture ero'Ahu rnil airasrd t.y th .HUnl , T!lfV uTo , in Th-- are r Ir... t:4 I. rrthtisMsri; o hit :ilnnrrr. Hit anion. everywhere. Frames I'rrs4tl.'t t ' appear on Frank M. stioiisr to ali f"i iiim Vui. pr.dnt K. ! i I i r. hen I 1 f f. the ,ir platfi in and Wake s( VI. ItH d::.i w C AM. IDK ItlDS. f"t. and Copper r i jjrrw slow ; t the larger t it a s ere Tonrth Afe. Vi. Jerr ll..tSrd - No'.ii e :s hi rel y giv, n that hijt w i'l .iuJmt - ' rnteri-- e a.lople.l urti- i r ..;-r- -- I K Hart a. .iiid re.rtal ed by hoard orjiity ' s. rrUo-'- rr tn ;i.le shaking h.unN with le ret ell the cf T Hr J", I jlitrs thf up to 2 p. m. April 14 Inrr It. ! hundreds of men who rmw.ird atnoit "inm'.ssioners f..u!htrd. D A. tihrraon, I'H for thr excavation of a ean.il ; It.' ! ( wrappPil his rtilht li;, ree i.r. Weinrr.an. Jung" 'i-o- It. fr.'H tile Willard twenty feet wid.. It thr sand bar in ; hand in liniiiliip's at onr station and It. A. Mxlron TV "If , in linr the b i of the Kin Crande immediate-- DRUMMER ALLEYS n.brr uf dirret'.rate. iat another hnn hit aim it the liarelat bridK". the tmil br mi thr i il in tor he oinpl.iin. that thr hand that I.C-"" Tw 1 of thr Hcmdtnl rr amount of the excavation being ron rxKRcisE iiii broken(r llnwewr, tney tknorit.'d out J'lhnKon wat urwini cubic yards. Said excavation to be lid Ire, sore from Hie repeated ript of ad- - uiik-m- . d I 'i accept the iu nj madr iilonir lines and on stakes .e! Try a Came of Ten Mna, i'if -- j j j . n afternoon by mirers. by the county surveyor, and work to j At jit. A'icu.-tin-e when a I 505 West Cold m Tne ws.tcl Mr. j s..Ihrine be accepted by the county surveyor tlrf. - h iult-- hv j M.K.p before lie iitrt Alii the n el. J of some thou.- mis, a lind, Time of of work to lie; ih- - one ilnli I'hial Mr IliB-- ; isloinied train, named in bills r.r.'S a bond j Jerri tahlrh disabled hiit.. lis!, j reasonable t , Jess, show ni thi rn at hl home tarn re ried: "ll. to be iriven. The riifht to 'reject any j knoik-t- l I cor.f fied tn lit; brok( hlfj ithat out Johnson." or all bids is reserved by j bn lrn up his r,n h- - ' the'oard. lVr .lHjlnir ball. When ilia r.l hel.l liy order of the board of county DUKE CITY tllr-ctr- eil wh.-- looked as lutl a With ttw-o- ffir.ru ami hand at coram inHiuiicrii. j how It d iih ill li- - T tile: small hair., thr rrowd A E. WALKKI!, ( Cleaners-Hatte- thr or 4titntSn j Clerk. rs st lim-.- in the1 deliuht. April E, i Mroiia. iitnrrns IdK m Ity Thft ii nl In r tao if . Ja.ksoiiville v.i'n.ss.tl aiiothir jr th- - depot wked. - 220 West Gold I'tione 4I mi-;i- ; the thr. r vae; 'turn mil. president. ia of thr liner bad-- j 'while roofs of sh. .Is. an.l lil!r aiiild-- l tim i.vrs: to c irli at- - Janls were tint k i.ssifv. in Iw.iik. uitil thr titan tri J nits oxrrlookir.K thr ; w s mcr, ,i,.tsl.iiit of one of m ' an in. ii and In j TO! I!M H IM) IU)F.Y. ahin j hill- SaViUltl.th. iil Just I., foie rea. -' SoliHtliins New. j BALDRIDGE prr men hm r l.olete hnriij - nf tluli. All have unepted tlirj where another (.'real uathentu; rhver- i A purr I oney w ith a mild New York I LUMBER COMPANY tin. ! s. " etl Willanl. it a reportetl thr pugil- l:l l 'K WH KAT flaior. Xrw sliipm-- nt I for his 1 15-ye- Thr bond i.f 1.r (tors, ist hail l.een offered Jlt'i'.di'O Just in at your itroci r s pounds PAROID ROOFING with ar .at 4 u'ep. k lh.it j share of the .trifal rrt eipts for the in the new wide-mout- h glass-lo- p glai-- s j the offnera, will inrrt - iff. moon at thr CcimNinrl.il lub. j next year. Willard retused to dis- jars. Prior. 3.1 crnts. guarantee i f I report nr whu had Itii-- will tin l In, ' In ouss the latv f;7l.a'..l. i take nrceiry I 1st v- - M.il.-olm r.. N. "Nor's.. It si. ;.a,. J.. hurt re tis wXnTKIi woman. n. .l San o. 4'alif . April Strvi nw.n. of '....p. i . I Btul I'latu untintiatu r tan. miule thr 4i!ir r. . Incorporate thr - "ari n fi l.l, I or in i' honsewf rk. Hood W;tsa, MT Nt rth th iii hnnj! lliinwti flout )u:i moi'r'il in a praitift- polo on i .f aalr of t.. k. hi thf inrar.titt.r result - thr S III a I4S ii- op. rHl.op i hif lefim mate.', KiKhtn street. 'r!ii' Hcil." I'liMime. Situ, and Moll. lt-r- lilt lit ltilltf Man iKur l Will i At thr liinr of the in (ieosoll 't p' lf. - jJOHNIV .I I.IS T MOP ttinrttr 1 ( i'i t. dr- st. l'..i;t.-!;i- r. I Yopi n is i d in tho pulit u: inelit he I at ii.t.w n.l l.ln.'t. tinlrra lori I'll, n lis liiinixrv and T I... The rslow trim r.tri MKIWINt. ' kMI'l l MOVII-- S 111 I'ltnui'fi-l'a- t i . pout r. tin(frm and rarapht t tialisi. W t'ldnl ollliei tioll with tin- ifit' Int. n. itioiial i i..:i this Miinint I Mavnr in. urRi'.l t' ) Havana. April A movie "tiiir-le- r" - Glass-Pai-nt .1... tt. iL.v M hitlt eluded, vi'ilam-- nu- tf.r. i.t..t.ir iin. i 13a. lmffy wan ulm the of . ft powndv. V,lii"'( .I.y. Thr AI!h.,.i.-mu- h.L. n. ..r.l-' MEXICO PLACE MENAUL SCHOOL AND inerout m o n tt. ammisin-.- , aonnson fJW K. d n h': 1. ft liook in the Cement-Plaste- r itn-in- ' knot it I .Mon- LUMBER liitf li inr t.ni nruuiv and Willard as they hattl'. on n lh n at hmiif It w'" FOR SPRING TRAINING. HIGHS WILL HOLD A !tst toiin.l. lie t the Mt.rr in day last for I lie heavyweight Iv malr thr wnoum fur thr umiiil' thr II- - M r. aial I jt llorn ills: White of the. wtirld. and ol'Uiined Albuquerque Lumber Company i.( oiirninc ilv nlvl I ho SAYS SPORT PAPER TRACK MEETTOMORROW with a r iu!it swirv.; and after that eas- iiiiliurt of the loiitest. 423 North tr l.t John- - First Street mayor "hunt thr f rl hall orT ily k'-p- l Hue le ltl. This the i. pinion of Jaek platr r mar ulttiialllri! thfi ' th. hn;h m hool l s hool adtriit f ln'.iKup haxrhull in All.n-- i This is from thr Sp.iitnnt Nevis T.r and hi a l a Held met! to-- i The 0:y will l i llan Jolui.Hoii ot at the mil' bold track and liifrtni.. tirnirnf j ' 1 ' Hit. Mow noon at UnplUcM field ifi.,.,1,.t-(jiiir- j -- Al.nl 27 rliniinatit.il of the ipi'mir aflrl il" '"'"'l" ftm-- I" '.' j. club-t- . will lit jx f a nh knamr f'.r thr tript for thr biff mainly The pi. main start vii;'i!:-:'- Thr l'itii.n l - - 'al l..s.i.- - n . I... I, It u in. hid" l oiit- ;;' - iri'J-- lull. M" It thr K.lirl.nii't Athlt-th- ' nil the Klotllld that the llllaiit thr yIThk arc meat. Ii1 P 1,1s out Ihat the evetils. Mils lie i t, while to lp-- j fur thr l'hil(lri.hiH Amrri.an IraKur i,t'r - s. i. iiel'l c ha Til o II j ; liih. will l.r drrt'lrd prulmlilr by a mtiitti. rn lant hme tllatiy o.'( lliit till If the locll 'M :' . P6 "i!''..Hj . - s- - Hill bnih nam-- - i.iluihle-i- Thr i in-- Mi.twiK' r Iti rd the M'Tllli- CVhllitiiill that thr sl.lt. :e t"s iitrt - nl-- i li.-- M it.- hola-- le raid at thr i.n- - Unit lart nlttht. would norlly hat worn off an t th Hie l iat for the h lers. at poor I'I i t tn he hi Id hei,. this mouth. N a rai..n I i kct. T!u mill t., oj i n teniiatiei. the s iii!t t lit) filllH. Hut linn Wauls li put in A Kllrwini; folltrnt at mi In platllK-l- till: Tilt' lil'l I'lalulr IN .11 WILL PLAY FINALS Vtua i h onnn mil ir'tlK opi !iin up an i ntn.-l- I.I Si t!i fir tn 1'iM'ijM lomiiiertj Thrv Will eiirr hut In thr nl..r of ol irnnix. d COURT TENNIS SERIES I 1 thr ttimmliiK kf the limne uniforms j 11 so. in. K. III St t'llvcl I'H of thr pl.iyett. A miiton lit ki t i!h""d l 'ru. II trial in: it .' br thr award to thin umi, " tno i in tin in t lir w a of lain 1. M, .N.N, t.lll.1.. trtf .i i.a.io wi.it - Itntl. who wilrd J. J. Mi I'loskrr. . in it out f- -r . h i!..ii c i on ! run I !',.,. t. ii. Api 'I V In th' ir vi. tones thr leiinur oraiilier. asking hull 'old I v ' i nnssey an.l his bite s ' . . .I I'.'iiiil to. lav. Jos htm (mix fllWHVK IIIUll.-- I about the actual Mat im of the atso. i,i- -i Thr Whit,, Ili.lKe a i "u r tale holder and I ns-.i- l 4 I ! ... . timi, lug t! ir 'I he r as', to " i 1" .1 Hi it y, will inert l.itt nlRht recrived the fuilow H'i. ' trleirram: ms.'ovei ! v iv- - pia? iutf 111 tel rl- the 111 e.lt of !!' a - 'The mx original town cninprlM' If,-- , v w her ti hai e in. i omt t.uon 'lit !, th. illlioH.lI the lj tnret ng lum been Thr It a r;i ale it !... 'at it iil, ( il..' il'sisi ip- The y. iii- - ui'lr - f.-- I Iti i i!i s w hai- .iilrd lor,. r Jhir.diir. April Is. to , huir S i rl.s all t'te "ill ill I e Slol-l- ml .( t i inljlr ami rle. t rmnn lit , im me and II t'T l illllt! e l l ti r i U:e ti o'fitr'v siras.m i olliim lu ej April 27. for l.,rl Thw yur v, Mlrne tall p.iiH tuiw under construc- om.la!nl. w rt . MolliK out la-'I- I llio'l .1 ran... rl lie, tion here. It will he fin. .'tat it til ten of 1 toon hern ir p.t th. N. w ! w '. ..r tlaj lTi.H(,r. ts Kin d fur a ralhrr wan Lad th rk. ale llic . I rjif l:j ftt a suit, tit, ii.. in thti 1" I IhiKlnli, II. ft .1. ' J. J. M ("l.i isiK I. V." liiiutier-'iti"- L I'asn ti 1 I' K I eoifil' In III ll, hi f i , the leajtin cUi-- r - II.-.- I Sj ii; UmNtille 2. I t JACK GIVES UP nSAy n V .1 v m JOHNSON sS'iS Um M refect I.li,v liir. Aptil k. T'le la.Sloll Ametl. .ins and tne LoUiti d!r PLAN TO GO TO JAMAICA Auielo I B itrl team piaie, an lv ii if I.M.I tn " - iti t i'ost' ; S. I. .4 ,i Vii j c rt tw- t m. mi r ' I el ii ir t r. h. t'.tiai Th. l!k'. l. t land II ll.-d Fiv.; o 1 1.. mi a en oUlit i f d an if a,i., .i.t..Nk BIC'. ll.llo t..i I IK.-1'- i '1.H,' k. Jack Jolrnsoll lit II est. lit j ,1' f 22 . t r II. il V. p"iii d cht .'iialtiinoll, he - v. ,i v j Titiitti . n to in of I lm-svillt- .'viol-,- a. M. iniliU ; lih aiti .I. .Lima!' nr. . . 11m j lsatieri .Vi :i 1 II, I "i ".Irtoph s, April The .V. i.i'.'l. traiisporlati'tii SI- . ".'.i-ti'- - - ta h d ",i!l imai; fl:, P. rry n I Cle m- i atioll If ill! C .Jfr. ai from nAMmorTHscoNsmxmoNorTUi.usA.' , l susp. iv.lei!. ! wai 4 lis. t he i he :i it. Niiti' ii.iis h"re tt.c Ki tc. j .tri-pi- K u it he h .t now lai l!ii-.- n H ! i lew t .1.1 I hat he prneer HlelllMiHliI Kit i It'. niav 3 1 . lit-- t., i rv "Father V ,1 r .' t Ft a Spain or vrn Iti' hm nid. a . j i hi, a GeorgeWashington ofHis Country' ; ton N a tr i't. '. "1 o ;t ! ioli; Kr a n.l iiii-- thf Itim m :d il,'., : a- - ! A r.oe. rn: is'iii;. ZvMERlCAM know? thst "Immortal U'aihingwn our National lnaependenoe would have been impossible lierr to.1.4.'-- . ,i Pi' uraha n. O.iimrl iticak- - t miri' IliMtird. ! ; . .1 , know tne greatest; oirue en wasmngtons ute was wMjni to secure tor nis counnymen tne M ore; ,.! :' X. . April im of us a '111. ! I E'VERY P.oston ... Ii Ilti miliLlinin I. J a in t. tol. amateur Stati Vmon immexiiatsdy alter tht? Involution it seemed that all the great sacrinte ot blood and treasure had Ilrslrs le.-'i'- hirat.j.l . . . u t r a v."V Kit l;.tf..iiuum. Via.. Apia K i"'i, .e. original thirteen Patt-ro- .1,1 I' (oof in ain. The states retused tovork in lUrmony, eitrxr in spirit or in hv. The IVpublic was tortmnn I.,;.). and P'lsf Klsll Nat! ollalt difialrd tin III lit l!le iw Mm , 'It lo'i-.- hv tli.lkil'.;.: U hol.s in t.i fcurviat-iors- . critical in Amjrican hiitory riv. it. ha.Til.i j Pn iioiswham si. hern ass... i to its At this period the most brilliant men of each state met in corr.ention and unariimousK Me V.., t ii with li h ilf. jteam lii-r- today. lie red . p. :l ot Mat lot ae llisl Wiltretl elected Swjuh: rtrt on as FWsident undoubtedly the most nwmentcus gathering of the kind the xkoU has cer knou-n- Here he displayed! V ! rVnrr i; ii f i; id, f St ,n it v. l' and ti.illaiii'ca IIi ii UihI I. 4 as great aViliry as law maker as he had as a amor. For months the Fathers of th Ivrpublic Labored, and finally adopted fHtsblllh . -l, id f . in our present' t'hiittaiiiM.i'a. Trr.n . Apr ! x "w i i pt the Iat'. lai uniih. im ...... S"i Las., Fkiipous, Gxrutiexial Ftrsonal 17S7. 4 lill-- i .,.( m Nationa' 'hlch fceer juarantees and Lberty. This was in Seventy years later Anheuser-Busc- '!'. land Altl.Ie titln Men ih t latti I ies: n tut oi u I f d I'V h a V ami l.atk in a' 'he all le.. i Sou Johnson and all.n r, Jnll. irs'abLi .ed ciar great institution upon the tenets of the Federal lav 4uiiWashington did so much to create. Like all of the great ItSS.'lf iatlnfl teaill. ''" men Artheuser-Busc- . U I iu- - I il'Mls. cf his time, he moderate cf good old barley brews. For three gerterations h l 1'i'H I ; New Yolk 2. Midwa our uas a hut have brewed honest malt and hop ishiirB v - M .li- ;, l .',.! Vpr,! The fhiitl.m.o(!:i ... p tfl-sl.t'- ... a. April k 1 Plan boers.Td.y people arc daJy employed to keep paa with l the public demand. The great popularity 1 i, Il f. on tin.'.! 7500 of ClrMhilld H'OIuiik leai;ue tl till tn leaoi of the their l Vltiii. ,1t h today for t iol.le ii H it.' eupt. famous due uttrriin Hill ami Kt linw. , ,t the New I ofk Ami t ii ant lifi to the brand EUDVE1SER to crtv, rxaty, ciliiiess n4 etquisite flavor, has nude its tales exceed those of any toll Ulltl n .Villi. day. t. ..t'e-- - ltf sotuhi t il ih partiiient I H 1 1 i s ii ,i nl : II aherkrcrvymi, AflSFJ-jaUSC- Heart- . i ' litrd J' a' niv ti ... T LOUIS, : i pi 11 ili- - of el.h w as . pert a. ula r ItillliiT Athhth ti. IVtlTj'hUI-- t MsitL-ir-t JiJ. 1 1 tE$t.Lcwii , Phila.l.-lphla- . - .ills 1 ' t : U til t I r scorimj trt oourtus.V irt'pc( Apul The Phii..- New York . llie. pla' III, ow pUra cowss r i tb Iphla National took thr re. ond Hattcries Kin Hifri h, la! I ill a lot the K.a'.s tn.nle l. h. tell H."-'- - "L - of spriiiu m l an from the .Vi-v- , Ma l tsw.ri.ry. Clf' r Mini thr ttudxiti; hai and 3, local Amclliaiis today. Itiils t: Tlsrt ' v ! - -- 1 lio K ore; It. K I: nr V" 'Mil anil Th: Pie. mi. aU, Apl'l I'.nt itinnl lr "JITM nifrr ! I I . 'Albuquerque, N. M.' er . .' S I Nationals took in,. name rum AiiirnianS MISS THIS, out I1;f th'ir 1 T-'- lON'T fut today I H .Nationals S 1 j slip. tit with r.c to Foley & Co, thr Ueifrtt American here tsv. W. and IH, oiiis and Stiifr' n. Halterirs, !vl d'huiia. jfhi.atiii, wriliiin tinnir t S 1 . Majrr and Hums. add rets cl.arly. V mi will rrcnvr m iHlloil j.t j a I 'Itieinli il i I return trial packaur romninliu til - . p... ki-- P.0- Knr.kl.lll M; tM'lwloitt 3. Foley" Honey and Tar nnipountl. tor I'i'i t i. hit r and Mi ' f k. 1 ; P..I1I011, Wat hini;tiin, April . Thr Pi rouKht, cold and croup; Fol'-- K Pale artl Nationals today defiatrt I'llla, tor pain in unler nd ba' h, I'll Pwni-- . While. Wastuiilituu Aincl icane. S to 3. rheuiinilis.il. Im.W.it he, kidney, and I'tillv v 1 p.i.;...i x. V.. April Jimmy Score; it- - M. E. Madder aiiiiieiiU? and Fo. t'athnr-- 1. t'mr-euuhl- y i nil fharby Iii H'k lin 3 Tablets., a liolrs4iine ami !'t,ft. ol la ,k.i'tt, 1 3 i4l'y bite, of hi. fou;hl ten rttniid MidBiiiiWcei'- Hd'lriu-- sr. 3 cleantini; rat hart o est". f nil". ere- - .N.wsp, - - 4iatit.rH.K: Hell and Miller, eonilottittii lo tout i- r lis luttUibl Irr opinion lute MeansModeration - - ".itfv 1 Sir Jvc J. nifty "eiriivJ biw,Kri4r ud AiiiKimth, . ts:n. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915. FIVE


... mm m i t ty - ' a t . . CONNELL MUHDER ONUNIQNSYSTEWI lUHUHLAN m Eat less meat also take glass of Sails before eating '', breakfast, Britain and France Talloy Also Gets "No True Declare President of Illinois Groat to Release Foreisneis Bill;" Judge Leahy Dis- Central Misstated Situation Asrcc Flic neid in meat exclles the kid- From American Ships neys, tlii'y beeome ovi rvv orked ; get charges Grand Jury From at Hearing by Commission Taken sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of Under Certain Conditions, lead. Tbe urine becomes cloudy; the Pin tnerbci vice, on Industrial Relatipns, ' .1 bladder is Irritaled, and you may bo obliged to sa?elt relief two or three times during the night. When the, clo you help flu'-- TO MORNIMS JOUSNAU ! RttCIAL WIRII kidneys must them 1(f..CIAL DISRAtCS uniuiuA inutMiL LtAD April 8. -- An impor- 8. Testimony In UaKhlngton. aff the hodv's urinous waste or you'll Alamngnrdo, N. M., April J. U t'hleuKo. Anril 8. been scored by the, Tollcy. charged with or modiflcntion of evi- tant point has be a real slek person shortly. At Hist roller and O. M. contradiction American government In the negotia- you feel a dull misery iu the kidney llalph H. Council near dence given before the I'nlted States 11 the murder of tions that have In prop-es- with region, you softer from backache, sle'l April, were not Indicted commission on industrial relations Kuro-(na- n Tuliirosu last ' l.ell'.gerent nations during the headache, dlU'.ina-Hs- Homach gets sour, been in by II. Markham, - seeur-h,i- r L grand jury, which has yesterday Charles - 'V- i war with the purpose of tongue coated and you fe, rheumatic LUi.n since Monday. The first president of tne Illinois unuai, s fe' untlllallT'.ed hero presi- lli.i iiniteclion of twinges when the weather in hud. ri.'oort f that '"Juy wa lnad tni" given today by A. t). Wharton, eltlxens. It wa learned to railway employes' depail-mcn- t American less meat, drink lots of water; nriiniiiK, when eight indictments and dent of the day thill the h reneli and I H it lull gov also get nnv pharmacist four -- of frnin were returned of the AinciicHn Federation consenting table-spoonf- niiH, no true bills" have Jidned in ounces Salts; a ul Labor; J. Muer, former presi- einments a of Jad take court, the cases of Porter and James to rel-a- se August l'lepenbrlnk. glass ,f before int.. ' Machinists' local at Clin- hIUp In a water Tallcy beiim among the no true dent of the steward on the American stean a few davs and your kid- ton, 111., and J. L. .McCreery. of breakfast for Windbur, who was tulien off by the neys will then act fine. This famoim '"'luilBc Leahy, In Ky. , on November Hiivld J. sittimr with French ruiser Coiido salts Is made from the m id of grapi-- I- Immedi-itel- v Much of the testimony dealt nliuc of Judge K. - Medlcr, ' l:i. when the ship was two days trom and lemon Juice, combined vvllli lithla, dis-- . Mr. Merkham's exjiressed fear of the : upon receipt of this report ) Colon, eu route to New York. and lias been used fv generation to i f tlm iirand jurors ex plan of the men to form federations M wns horn In tier- oil who by of , riepenbrink. clean clogged kidneys and stimiilato AV. M. Fulton, but gave of craftsmen railroads, Instead Mill 11 I Moil a di.el)il atlilll of hix Inten - cept Foreman belong to strictly jthem to normal activity, also to lien- t.. t .. t ii.n f mm benrh as to having the crafts 'to become an Aim lean cltiz. ,, . . the tion I ,1 Ill'" IU!, II, Willi,, J: t 1 unions. reason for thin notion. A special cruft in Seattle. Wiifh., In 0. longer Is n source of Irritation, thus his the old plan the railroads com- was drawn at once. "Cnder In defeniliug the action of the eliding weakness. venire forthwith were to piny ono union ugaliist gove- bladder o clock able I'onde, im-xp- n,l court adjourned until 2:30 fceeklng mander of the the French Jad Salts Is nsive, cannot in- it wua impossible f.nother, and the expense of rnment-set up a claim that the stw-ar- d this afternoon; but great . jure; makes a delightful effervescent by redress of grievances wts too complided his naturaliza-I101- 1 the lurors that LllZ7l .tiff hail not llthiit-wate- r drink, whlih everyone 9 to be borne by the weaker unionV ami was a ileinieu .:11b-l- tlmo und a recess wan taken until lite therefore should take now and then to keep tho morning. Paid .Mr. Wharton. "Ills tear that t. a n ival reserv ist and properly o'clock tomorrow railroad, members of certain crafts kidneys clean and active. irugglst f ... ou iu known thlH is the first 'subleet to arrest. I'lepcnbrink v'as county would be dominated by members nut turned over to Hi,, tliitish military here ny they sell lots of Jad Mails time in the history of Otero w un believe In overcoming dlschaiged f mplovod bv the railroads as Hiit horlt tit Kingston, .la., who also to folks who that ft grand jury has been system kidney t bio while it Is only trouble of its work. founded. Tile veneration luuii refused to deliver him upon the same roll before the completion provides that the grievances of the ground. Much interest is felt by the public as only court, anil railroad men shall be considered The state department asked lor the action of the . to the further by those men, and not by members pi banner's rela-ase- lush-tin- that a THE WM. FARR COMPANY to new jury are s the Instructions the of the cratt not employed by therail-rond- sailor on an American vessel who lias eagerly awaited. o strike a Wholesale and Ketall Dealers In Italph S. involved. For instance, declared his intention of becoming mysterious killing of "- l The of maihinists at an industrial plant 1 - itizen and remains am the by the I UI SI1 AMI SALT MKAT9 year ago created it 1'v-tf.y i$?-y.- $ Council about a would not affect members of the iifc -- ; v&A laws or the I'nlted States is consid- Sausage- a Specialty. tremendous sensation all over New to system fed- the grand body belonging the ered 114 having acquired full citizen- For Cattlo anil Hogs the Itlggmt Mexico, and the outcome of eration." ship. Msrket I'rlcoa Are Paid. Utv investigation of the affair has Canadian Lv Objectionable. been looked forward to with the keen- Commissioner H. II. Aisuton asked Connell, u wealthy ranch- est interest. state, the witness' opln''i nf 'h Cnnadian er prominent throughout the. law. Ww-w- GERMANY arbitration 5 4 f ', , 4 THE JOURNAL'S was riding along a road Just outside "One feature of that law is bad r i It I I I company with his lit- wJMi. of Tularosa In men," said Mr. Wharton. "It of for the st tle daugnter and an employe his compels arbitration, but three months' ranch, and when opposite the I'orter delay in allowed before the law be- home he was shot from ambush and comes operative. In the case of a Instantly killed. coal mine strike the law operated to REVIVAL A search of the premises Immedi- give the mine owner three months 1" ately following the killing revealed which they built stocUi'des, Imported OF the fact that Mrs. I'orter and Tailey strike breakers and made other prep- were the onlv persons on the place at arations while the men wcr help- RED AID the tim. Tiny were both urrested, less. In the case 1 have in mind the but shortly afterwards, when an union was wrecked by the law's dc- - Por- m had been made, Sirs. Old Songs ter was released. I'orter, upon learn That J. J. Mayer was one of three ing he was suspccicu oi uiu men allegeu vio- JOURNAL LR- Sift WtRSl that arrested for the (T MURNINe tstCIAL In Ibis volume are the good old to the officers. Sub- an Injunction against picket- cxpivs-(do- n crime, surrended lation of Vash1ngt011, April 8. An songs now being revived sequently both he und Tailey were ad- ing the Illinois Central shops at Clin- gruiitudc id tin ierimtu that lire of the comic rung', si'iitlmenlal songs, d mitted to bail. ton, was noted in the testimony of Mr Cros-- society to American sub- f.7i lli'd songs Ilia' dearly lit lova al Miirbiinni Mr Mnrkhnin said that hi thn Vpprr LHt Hand li pras-ei- vl Mtlr Anna ravlowa, the Famnvi in it ii.iiii(7tn'iei rm. scribers to its finals ilurlng the days of long men were dismissed by Judge Domestic ido Dis- - was conveyed to the slate of the happy IS tbe ' 'pfinun One of Well Knoun Bnllrt Pos4. In the other Future I'arloua't li war, ago. SCHOOL ELECTION Humphrey lit Springfield Willi a in icr by A tnbnssailor Si jV ltutnUi. alepartinent today warning." ninpA ht ; H'eatuno a for llrr Church in the PERFUNCTORY AFFAIR I'nvlowa for rmirch in Hussla, to It with silk and woolen thresils. di'iaral at llerlln, who Iraiismitia'il Humphrey's was ANCE hours, rehearse and hr g C. von 'Hugh attitude three the place where she was bsiptir.e'l uses a Mg, folliiwlug letter from Ocncral Mayer, tes study music com-milte- e quite the reverse," said exercise two hour, when a baby, and the plare where Kusslan needle In her work, anil an i'fu.l, president of the central TO MORNINS JOURNAll testimony 01 me Is HP1CIAL COMItroNDIMI tifying today. "Tn(. D ind choreography two hours. she was confirmed. She has worked Is never happier than when she of the Herman organisation. SONG Itnswcll. N. M., April X. There was railroad's strike breaners was hum one hour and on some eight months, plying the needle. "Through Hie nobla' mlndcdiii'ss aif surpicions read current literature the carpet for my nn election in this city Tuesday but that Judgo Humphrey'"' whiles weave a huge and during her present tour of "1 liud my needlework eooths American cill.ens, donalions have ow- that in between says I'uvlowa, tn explanation 7 very few knew or even realized it, were aroused and he remarked recipe of Mile. America she hopes to put the very nerves," I'lMo-hei- uu In the course of the some- carpet runner, is the I be- meeting of seemed to be perjury In. so will adorn of her sirsnga avocation. "If 11 of BOOKS ing a mass there great that it aggregating total to the action of Anna i'avlowa's dy. The last stitches or nervous or months of war the citizens in the school district held where. H was so impressed with this seems to be limit- her church by ICastertline. come highly excited 1,1, mist Jt.tiiMl.tiliH intirkH, wltlionl our us, Kusslan danseuae predominate In If my nerves and body fairly ache three weeks since. Only fourteen that a fourth man arrested with less In her capacity for work, and Kusslan (losses the being in u position thus far lo give IN ONE VOLUME Harry Andrews, who did not try to a sample. general design In the runner, which from overwork. 1 can sit down with In man- women voted Tuesday, and less than weaving; the carpet Is but In e.'.prcsNlon to our thanks a altogether while bonds so our case could be pre- carpet, wlileh Is 5 feet wide Is mails on s heavy canvas back- my needlework and less time tliaa feeling. 200 votes Were cast, ret This 1 ner aibquale to our Ci and I.ove in consequenc,. was by ground. The. figures are woven on I know, am calm and rested." aeknowl-odpi- .iiiprislug Ionic the normal vote would have meant pared, and who and 8 feet long. Is being made "Kvcn though we have l iilnl Col- days In Jail, was moneys Hongs, Opeiath', National 2,int0. sentenced to thirty - tha' receipt of thi' to al I ; i lege Songs, Saera I'aLrlotii any released forthwith by the . y (irgiuiizntlons all The directors elected without ordered each of the tuixillai Songs, wbh li Include opposition were: W. A. Nicholas and judge." ami have requested them to transmit Klza While for the four-yea- r terms, ('niitradldx Mnrkliam. F URGES Hie thanks cxpri'ssed to earn or uu' two-ye- at FIIMFRAI GERMANY WANTS FRENCH American Songs und John W. Uhea. for the Mr. McCreery. former shopman nFIAYR persons who have partli iputeii. we in raduenh, where he worked for the high duty to Ihoin term.". There was no other ticket pres- consider it a thank Irish Songs the field. Illinois Central und present vice again for the kind gifts In broad pub- ident of the railway employes' de- licity. To our utmost regret, we have German Songs partment, contradicted Mr. Markham AID not been In the position to express WASHINGTON SENDS preeeuiu-th- OF HOLLAND .READY TO with reference to ucians INTERNMENT OF PART to each donor the thanks due him. Songs strike of shopmen in 1811. and Scotch TO VILLA as notwithstanding a" our endeavors PROTEST guve version of introduction - his the wa- have not been able to ascertain Welsh Songs of 11 form of tho piece worn system their addresses. at Pndueah. to Inquire 1ST MORNINO JOURNAL SRtCIAL LEASIO WIRSI "We, therefore, desire As well lis till' Americanised Na worked by hour," suid he, ANTWERP- ALLIED FLEETS - Kt l'uso, Tex., April 8. deorge C. "We the GERMAN VESSEL WITH whether vniir exca may possl- of Austria, Can- - "but presently we found that Inspec- here, who tloual Carothcrs, Americun state depart- by jl.lv know aif some persons ada, Denmark, Kngland, Finili'a' General tors were checking the work done Li rcnreHcntntlvcs of the American ment representative with man. most part they Holland, Italy, l'oland Hus;ia Villa, has been instructed by the state each For the press, could accomplish our alesire of Spain linil Svvoajcu. to men's word for it. !a j department to make "urgent protest" had take' the iura ssing our gratitude In a general The men couldn't find out what the 1,111111, i,i:iniii-- " to General regarding the recent Ex - Troops Aie Now at Alexan - Villa piece work rate was, but at the Secretary Daniels Grants Post People in Kaiser's Country amendments to the Mexican mining of wre government adopt- monthly pay day most them .Son and dna, Egypt. Waiting Oppor law which his has told their piece work pay would ponement That Naval Hon- nnrt in Flushiiiff AMERICAN REPLY IS ed, according to authentic official that give them twenty or thirty dollarti lo Move Against Turks received here. A committee, by hour. May Be Accorded Dead Mouth of Scheldt River Ad tunity SHARPLY CRITICIZED) iV mining men, pro- morn than they earned the ors representing local They were asked on which basis they in Forts, tested against the amendment in a Thosu ded to Fatheiland, Dardanelles preferred to be compensated. Sailor, . , RT MORNIMS JOURNAL Rrir.lAL IUHO WIRR1 telegram to the state department in presently dis- the who declined the bonus llerlln (Uu lionaloii, April II, 1:1" which It was asserted that rate no Westfaa-lisch- covered that their piece work . The amendment would result in theevent-ua- l WIRKJ ley MORNINO JOURNAL SPfCIAL I tASCD WlRSl ,.) longer exceeded the hotirlv rate, but WISI ST MQSNIN1 JOURNAL SrtC.IAL LCAsrti American foreign-owne- d ISf MOSNISS JOUSML eGIL X ( 111.) '.ill iiiil'. discussing the confiscation of all LIIP II -- - I'nrls, April HI Hi, p. thev were warned that their standard April 8. Final slips l.amatoli. April (:t:10 u. ".) note concerning CI rent lirltaln's property, re- Washington, Ho- Tine-- ' Fli troops trom Africa are ready wns falling below col respomlent of nch says: j of productivity of the Herman neutral flea-i- bloi kade against tierinnny piece In the Internment In Herman;. jlo iu?slhl the iillii-- and llrltish - quirements. We objected to the Kitel Fried-ri- ci who has been traveling is pa tillou than a do- commerce, valalcr. 1'ritiz - Turkey. "It rather a out n.-i- o- oe- - ifirees against BIG work uviitnni homiise it crowds upon in k.ivm a mains' rejection j IW MATH W EMPLOYES TO RUN vnpre nofdtioni'd today ine i.i'inian aiffieial was maud. II contains no clear 'AIrtail( g men olil In tlw service, and makes of military rank and !The fidlowing slatenient or effec- - mm IHU1M Uaniels to csneclallv tlmse - Hrltlsh conception an l.far t I frann Secretary 110U1-an- of structions i d ihsucd by the war oflica- tonight: the PLANT old men out of young men." futiejral full naval hon- - caste, tht' opinion. strong that Live blockade of the dermau borders,; permit a with the "'I he I'Xpeditionary corps lo Hie - . ....w.-.-.t.- v.iu-iior- intr villi einveiit Antwerp ' to an- j Ml- - X'ews for eaim-imiii- anal I'rcHident Wilson falls Ul S tllllllllllll,. v.,, , w.d ,,l Hi U lan caiast stra telling in a !ori nt, vvbh-l- was plaei'il uniler iM,ji-.!fe;!:JfcI PANAMrVrmR'OADTs i s . itrin IiIh fundamental standpoint LSAS-- D one 01 mi" ruisei wiiii-- A. L. Ii'Amude notinee HY MOtlNINa JOURNAL RPICIAL WIRtl A( request line to the tjerman frontier, mill of of deiieral d. Ills two days ago. the - ngardlng lirltaln's nieasuiv. so- - ': Uoston, Mass., April 8. A aboard I.iniliurg, lielonglntr at lli:;erta ta forti- t ".IWC: 'AV3 ?, l t: LOSING MONEY FAST of Captain Thlerichens tha- - Hltel vvus Dutch from per- foreshadowing off future prospects plan bv which the Dennlson port lieni el'oitli to CaTmany. ,iliad sa apoit of Tunis, Africa), lo umotmt at New News Indemnity Manufacturing company, a permitted to remain says, organization, has iiflected the anal claims for - funeral, when he will Tliey agree, the fect lis only to a confesnlon of present weak- ,v.iii;.n he turned t Aitnj!uffl VrM rnrrMMfinflpnc.) until after the saniio cases to lad tha! go, vovagc of the under the best - navy yard. in lias's aaii derive; i go to the Norfolk n really since nud drent llrltalp vi'i- to employes for management and Panama, March 31. To avert fur it would 'be a too long and a,f 'conditions. It lias bea HI:' It was suggested tonig'it that the they admit und from all this verbal legerdemain the; nil employes will share in Its profits, ther1 monthly deficits the Panama navy difficult task for the (Jcrmans lo takt March la to aid the allied fleets cases where TC- - might not remain nt the certainty that In ul! was announced tonight. Twenty-fou- r r?allr,.n,l nnmmtnv tw n1n II lllllf? to raider of lielglum. lirlllah expeditionary corps. faia.t yard the period of her internment the whole advis- Americun rights are trod under (7 a)iirf'P:'ti''',',l',rtir'"' hundred employes are affected. Of mirno tho transuortatlon of broken for "11 is also the "In waiting, it was ab'cined ami em- because of crowded conditions there, stay of tho America's protest will these about 200, comprising such and ess innn carno 101s across niv convoy of conliiinrv, "that if Oermany doi's able not to prolong the Hie great re-- I ployes an- y hut might be taken, under thai the president of as earn 11,200 or more isthmus rail Instead of carrying 1 strip of ilidland during this aboard the transports and for alls- - to another place not take tioops will Issue a new ueademle j nually, will on issue of (lie. in. 'itaam.M. thrmiirh thn canal. an American cruiser, will soon be ripe for Ibis reason tin' hospitality 01 Kgypt public This greatly realuied Illustration receive free to remain until the end of the war. war, the time cushIoh about what is right and whatJ showa the $2.i,0 cloth bourn! vol- industrial management stock. This it is declared the railway is losing tonight hi'r to take Flushing and the mouth uu licceiiled. 1 lie French forces the I'nlted w Secretary Daniels said that Alexandria Is not and about what ume which Is prescnti'il lo readers stock ill management of joo.uuu to juc.ovu mooin Scheldt, with atiffti'lcnt land oti been debarked nt a control the from Admiral Haa tty, commandant at of the have for itf itiietis and explained In coupon fol tilc, the company. The employes u'hleh Is due to the lack of freight Hear sUle. niiiilrality Is hpokeij are installed at K. milch, where States demands us the other further each Juteh and expects Kngland. but there j will which the the j'ards, until he received contempt, tier-man- y perfecting-thei- What it of I'ii per bound, HI cents. share in the profits, through pro? across the isthmus from the utmost they are resting and j instructions, would notify the cruiser's of with 110 tangible deeds." vision for annual or more frequent railway obtains anything like paying is making preparation 011 the organisation and position. will be officers and sailors that they would with- returns on their operating capacities. revenue. . her. DutaJh froniier. especially on both "They are reaaly to proceed out pr ;osi.d step be permitted to remain aboard Iu view necessary." WOMEN TO If carried the beam to sides of l.iuiburg provinae, out delay to any point FRENCH - otiivdmitp The admiral has instructed mx- the ranama railroad s Hevtrul linos of ROBBER CUTS HAIR receiv'a paroles Of Dffhu-r- and take of i poFsibli' attack. using; Ihe ruf-tei'- TAKE WORK OF MEN j EVERYBODY r.teumsiiip line boats frooi to assure the trenches have been e'onst in i;i:i,li:vi: Tit wsroitrs aim: they will Tiuke their necessary steps that kept I 'KOCH'S FROM TAILS OF HORSES canal. Instead Eullors no further pari iu the tha'se regions and Hie troops are UVIIIMi ai i n s' at Cristobal mi befoM the lakv v. Ijovi-- the alear add melodies of destination war. read 1ST MORNIMS JOURNAL RRKCIAL LIASIO WIRtl people living In part of April (2:0S u. 111.) The days agotie. and ha re they are, all money "The this Idiidou, I'aris, April 8 (3: p. m.) Thr lT MORNINS JOURNAL (FtCIAL LIAiCO WISH u eiili mak';vr counlry have l ceu udvised by the Daily Telegraph's Athens coirespon-den- t together, with words and iiicmic -- the automobile club has to do1 f, Fri nch Women's large, type; notes Spokane, Wash., April 8. A robber and, it '8 slated, would ontinue WRENCHED STEERING military i.utlioiities to leave for says he bains from Deali'agateh, of coiiHdotr: chair through fur- comnieneed the iccruiting women! rend from a invaded the railroad yurds hero last fo even with the loss of the Cologne, or aither towns that several transports of the allies, balloons to and waTils iasily DODGING MINE - n motorists, aviator anal II 11s Ihaj light and tails trans-isthmia- n freight. . GEAR In cant- are by were distinctly u hs large stand nil cut the hair from the ther inlaiul hostilities escorted warships, brigaale n la 111 for of fairm a of mini is the MZi- sung .160 horses being held for ship- between lloliand anil alerinany. visible on Wi'alni'Hilay morning In com- - folm, lint there lira Kra'iH-- army. Applications are in one vol- ment to Chicago. wore not . so I'flclcni ofr Kims, and that classifications this The horses THAW'S SANITY MAY 1ST MOSNINO JOURNAL setclAL LIASiO Wllttl since (ierniany has splendid weather 1H paT aluy not .' Vi- were being lug In at the rate of ume. mutilated otherw ise, but it is said New York, April 8. in dodging a Iroaiin to iiiiderlako uu immediate it was supposed troops orgnni'-atlo- to find the gorous coast. The aims disfigurement of their tails would COME BEFORE; JURY mine, in the North sea, within twenty offensive," disauiibarked iiloiig the Turkish enough capable women conductors to make them practically unsalable. miles of Rotterdam, the steamer It is car- replace all the men at urgent drlvine 69 PORTRAITS OF VOCAL estimated that the thief City of Savannah wrenched her steer REMNANT OF CREW IS MEAD WILL who are callable of ten-- 1 ried away 80 pounds of hair MORNINO JOURNAL (P(CIAL LIARIO WIRI ELW00D ambulances about for ing gear, captain .mmsou or me da ring better services at the flout, ARTISTS uuii-- 8 pounu New York, April 8. Attorneys on ' ai cents a Dis- - freighter reported tonight the BROUGHT INTO PORT LEAVE AUSTRALIA Harrv K. Thaw today notified Oil-us- in poses: lat-a'- sl arrival Mere. Tne crew was j five different 1.1. . 1 timrtiKv PiTkins and Attorney steamers WOOD LEAVES TO BEGIN able to make quickly, how- GENERAL copyrighted portraits of WORK OF on Monday MORNING JOURNAL SRICIAL LSASIO WIRII General Woodbury that (T BT MORNIW4 JOURNAL SRSClAL LSARtO WIRI) Mary liurda-n- Mine. ever. , Sle.ak. Jury trial in this . , . York, April 8. Thi' loss of 8. PANAMA FOR NEW ORLEANS RAISING they would ask for a Captain Nelson salaj tnai uurmg New .Mclbioiriii , Australia. Aptil Kiumv Iestinn, Mine. SUBMARINE 1 naw 1 nanny. F.dna ,M. Smllh, with county to determine early part of the passage here the schooner Mead, of Wyoming, who hits A Ida, Mag'gie Tcyte, Alma (Iluck: notice was in tho form of an or- the and four of her crew, whs water The no less thun eight airships hovered her male bein chairman of the Victoria IRT MORNIN JOURNAL RRICAL LtARtlt WINRl ebarticta-- posings of Farrar and (V MORNIN4 JOURNAL SRVCIAL LSASID WIRSI by Newbarger of tonight when the Norwe- i, der signed Justice over the vessel nt different times. reported eommi.s-loi- has resigned In order to Colon, April 8. MaJ. da n. l eonai'd Scotti. und more than fifty other Washington, 8. Admir-a- court, calling on the gian I'etra,' from April Hear l the supreme were craft. steamer uirived aoi-ep- an impotlant position with the department wonderful portraits. Moore attorney gen-er- All, ho said, llrltish Culm. had Watod, commander f the at Honolulu cabled the district attorney and liuantananio, The 1'etr. Americun government. Mr. aif east, departed today on boaral w should 11 eight the "ivy department cause hy a jury Captain For re and 111 a tonight that the to show KING on board lion is ri garded ss a grenl loss to the steitina r Abtnigitrea for Sa w MAILORDERS first of the two scow-pontoo- with not be granted. BIRTHDAY OF survivors of the crew of the Hmith, Australia, he done much L. I white has by Cul. .lohn which rasa-lie- open be tt is hoped to raise the sunken from an boat by to foster irrigation final encourage ( Inspea'ta.r peneral of the Kit her book by parcel post, u -- CELEBRATED hamlerlain. marine F-- 4, probably would he (ialncs In Another I'lght. ALBERT They bad had nothing 10 eat 7 l.(i - I'etra. American immigration. ami Capt. CSordon John- axtra cents withm ready A..ril X John Wis- Captain said department, , on Monday and the second on ...i.!...,.., for four la:s. Karrell ston, enera Wood's able. miles, in cents-- l.'.e to ::(M miles; TuKouay. congressman from (tiilfport. Miss., 011 March ine cruiser Maryland with ley Gaines, former 1ST MOMIN JOUSN'L SPtCIKl LUSID WISSI he left l'. yairtuMNS bim 11 rt for greater aiistsna-e- ask yamr 1'ajrtis-hea- tai'liiec 5enaral Waaid lakes with the squad of to in and now secretary of the 8 p. m.) King with a cargo of lumber, fair include naval divers assist Tennessee, Havre, April (11:30 New l,a., April 8, on the recent diMtiirbance here postmaster amoiiut to for the raising Hon- boundary commission, w Kngbmd. fin April 2, he linearis, 3 operations, is due at internal 'birthday was celebrated ith ' was pounds. , 11 r- - Albert's - sevan-- hiirial.'eq Zapata In which an American soldier olulu ,,,1... im.itt. u'urrunl"- of- -- a sevcra- hurricane and his of on Sunday. serifu IUUU.J "'"i - berltting- solemnity today in this, the eamitnunder. killed by a member of the 1'anuiuun out by a local haberdash lielgiuni. vessel soon beCame unninnagi'iible. by the I'srrsnm rest sworn temporary capital of The V Alot-onilc- o, During the slairm the mate and four aieneral ce.la. In s tmttle at police. Order to Italian Steamers. er, who charged mat uainrs ceremony of trooping the colors was In dis-pa- A,,,-- ! - avenue lost Afta-- nil I'nelils stale, is claimed London, 9 a- - rtal- ed him in a Pennsylvania out in the presence of the men were overboard. 1XJGS. .3 ,.) over carried ."living the vessel bud heen hi's receiv ed hy roriHtitutionnllst CJKXTWVS JOURNAL t jan steamers in .American porta have shop in a dispute a iuhvj I'elgian officials. Colonel DeUrunde hope of Two Fresher, cleaner, better. Kvery one THE i been un-- ; Captain Farrell and' his agents toniKbi from era Cru. ordered to defer all sailings coat. called for cheers tor the king and abandoned. were re- - rvnndleaj, stamped and guaranteed. til April 20, according to a Home Leopold, eight men took to the life bouts, Samo generals and three colonels queen and for Prime "our ptist-ncrs- , Maloy, Uawklas. dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Journal wsnt aU brtns rriultl beeainn afterward the vessel cufiaiiicd, ' .ported anioiig Ihe Sold by JafU, Journal. youngest soldier," company,. . , enobodr read tht SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL . FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1915.

AN INDEPENDENT KKWNPAPEft us tu Internal HouiiilniNH and nine trying in vain to kucu hat k the tcr CORN-MAD- ? USE checkH. Che Albuquerque oui:ilni'HM anil external freis. 1 lhal were iuiinin iltiwn her 1)11111 THK CKYSTAL I he from the linnnolal strain of GAZER 'In an hum,' told her, 'ytm will 'GETS-IT- ,' IT'S SURE wife nf huldii-r- therefore you Ktiinpe, Hill be felt in every t ill . the a mii.--l he KtruiiK,' whereat Nlie mulled. ("unfi le imp will In- - ihk-- t J morning Journal mi limiter A ;reiil huiipiiH'NH anil ulsti a (treat Miikcx ( oriiN ViiiiIkIi .Ike Millie! i , 1 jtlad tiy th hut positive hi its expietiflnii. miitow uicrcatne me. wa.'i .o A hard cap of nkln innkeM tip vv. rubllnbtd no The one IhiliK that Iiiih caused Hit' to he Willi her and sorrowful cry em n. Vheu you put 2 drops of I fliouhl have to have her no '(ii:TS-IT- " It, it JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. pyrhohl'rcnl lb ntllook in tin- - bitsl-I- on shrivels up ailll noun. Tu huuiN later we were mar- cume.s rlslit off ami there'n your hh affairs, nf In i n to A. MAITIIKHKOM . tins luul'lry bus ried and we hud two Iuiui'm p:isn Runt: tiy jhurnler! Simple , I. .PromdMlt my enin W T. Mi (TtrciUMT limit,.. Miinnf.r lliniilily. War t siidi muKiiiludc Incellier hefure I had tu leave taking uf yuur hat! That's why coni- - K K H MrAI.I.IHTKn h'-i- .nuiiif! wifir pel hapH fur a tiinrt made men nuilvlu'iiKivi'. There vuis dear . A. N. MuUUAN Cltr V r only, pcrhaiN I can tell M. L. tune Ir'oX Kailer uuthliiK fundamentally wronK. von thai it wtiH Til in Im iinl ayiii Unit prosperity V, t. AMU IIHIIN, Im coining W illi a I null w hit h is for- lUllklVi; HlltWAIt!). MafqiMtta llulldlnf, Ithaca, tlioldMllllh.) I lit tunate, fur It would eretile iinhitll liy What citii'H, u:t (treat as thin, have ' i i mh Hu l Kmrtem RpreMtliitl, speculative !ut l' nil promiMcd I henisclvoM iininoilai::?'" HA I R. Ml I MOAN, - I'll In- tm til her iiitiipreliitloii placed up-m- i can hardly trace fllua-- t tl Park How, New lark. l'lislenly the tin- - smnul from Wall turret llniii i.tn nf Nuiiie. The Nurrowful traveler mm'1-plit- at 1r awful IttiliN of nth-i- Entr4 maitcr Unit Wi have the nil WMtidem uvej- the plorri" nt AllMiiurrqu. N. 14. utitUr Art tiuni'il ruili'T .Nloinl their ciltiilel, ''lit Iwail-ni(- Here C OfurrM nf Man-I- 1. )7I. ilmilil nlul fiiiiliriilnm, ulnl mi' f now (jruwii over with wepil; Ihelf - THIS MlIININ'f JOIIIINAI. IH Tll lulu mi 'i,u nf mni', Htraily im- their mnale lumse, hut now the noximiN tem- - f.RAIMNU IIKPI'HJ.tl Atf pAI'Krt Of MOW ' IV I M haunt of every reptile: MttKKII. TINII 'I' II IMIIMI-IM.K- sluotl mere, now SITi'illl Ili Ihi' linpnrlH wcn i.Iim and theateis i'V TIII1 lll:l'I BI,rAN PAIirr Al.l, fuli' w.ir caini', fitly an untliHtin(;iilhed heap uf TMH TIME AMI THK MK'I MI'I'H f Till' i ilini; cxiMii'tH anil t hi1 Imlalire IGCPDHLHAN PAHif WilKN THEY AUK I ulni. HKJHT. of tniili' Y.UX riiIiil; utiiiiiht im luinily. Tin' coiiiilry i;n nnw nil of lln lii'iii'-ll- i rlrnilatli.n linn nr ether paper I,rir , ( Mil- - hI Time ' Hollerriii." "CF.TS IT " In Nw Mmk-n- Tlia t.tiljr t.anT In Naw inl ITi'i lH nf IiIkIu pl'illd tlVl' SIEGE GUI IW Va.la IE Sinnl.-s- t Coniura, Never Faib. Mellon laaurd vi'.t day In tlia riaf. liiiiff ivi'i' kiiiiwn, mid tin' h;i hi me In Wor'd't niilliniiH havo niie wild over "(1F.TH-IT- " TKIIM'l (ir HI'IISCHIPTHlN. nnr fiiviir Ih iiinniillnK dully. ThiTi-Wi- like it ever or ena month. milliitiB known. Dallv, hf carrier mull, .IK liinpli' I'i'aKiiii fin Mil' rnnflilrni'i" Sumo fulkH, in this day, puller nrnuntl I - hamlaneM, .sticky tape, NOTICM To Fl'IISi'lllHIiflH. nf Wall ritrrcl III In fnliiti- nf IiuhI INVENTEDBYJAP with thick fgbarrtlw.i t Iha Journal, wlin rllln pla.'ter.i, rni'n "puH ns" Halves. giniKe to hiva thalr paper ehanneil to ni'fi. cuitiN out with Knlvt'H, Niiip Mem with tfraaa mint ba aura tn iv tha old aildrraa. hcIhioch, nKikn them hlced und Hun 111 they Tlia Murium Jmirnal ha a hlshnr , A ii Hi di'iil Kiiffi aKiKl, Hpi'akiiiK howl hecallxe can't (fet lid ,,f la r.nl.A lo any "lliar sure cnrtiN. I'se "GKT.S-1T.- " There's rating than ai. Nrw Villi Hit' I'tlicr tuKht, iiiinniiiii'-ii- l " papar In New Meiicu." Tin Amerlian tinthins lo tin hut apply drops. Tile I pmki-- t Kewapaper lilrecttu y. thai lir hip fur Wnincll i "tllCTS-lT- " does work dune, , tlia hit i it it Hiil. Ilul cvin tlu "riniHlcr-fn- l rent. No pnin, no fuNsiiiR-- llu chum.'. (ihoe.s, limping. tvnninn" Iiiim mil 1 Iciii ncd tu ir no It never fiul.i. Try it tonight fur liny corn, chIIuh, rii IT) (iiliarrn in till' hip Jinrltil you Capture of Tsinc-ta- u l)y Mi- -i wart or htitilun. lie sure that Kit mill: .loiltNAl.s ..iMt. Ki'firrf nil)', "tlKTS-IT- " and nolliintf else. I'ri-M- x - I'll euiil win mt- Troops Proves Ef-- "UKTS-IT- " is Hold hy druBitl.tlH ev. Im llllll' IllMim, H llnjl ado's 2."ic ili- - llf TM I ervwhpre. a bottle, or nrrit - Till! M .TAN'S OI11MIS.M. In I In- ttii'k. No oilier En i rect hy K. & Co., Cliiciino, In New Mexico lakes feclivcncss of Latest im ir,. limn fimr hour, nix The Hiillnn nf Turkey Ih pleiiNed Destruction, III week. gine of till) lilt 'with Ihe tlefeiiHe nf the TurklHh fiirln THATJAROFMUSTEROLEON Kiial diiiK the 1 lardanelleH, and lie THE BATH-ROO- SHELF may W he. Ilul, afiile r l ..in w luil lie (,inlHletl I'rena 'iirrrpitlltlene.) - 'il i' htm heen tulil hy the Tiuklnh anil T.ikio, March 7. The Hiinoiinre-ii- Kit 1 A V AI'Kll. , UU.'i nt hy Ihe war department that cm' (Ini Itt llcvcd I'aln for Kvcry One In iliinian nffleirM, lie knuWM nuthlim capture nf 'l.s!ni- - of the leSNtinn ul the Family. a hunt II, except that (,'u'iHlnlititinple I.1U wan Ihe effei !l ctii'SH of the sii vp the Tin: ity ion. Iiiih tun which was lunuclit into play on vu:u ti rsi tint heen taken. Whin little Susie had thn croiip; I'.ulH!, whu the aiinlverKarv uf the emperor'f hiiih Field MalNlml Vuli tier inikcH inlerestinK' tuine particular! when Jolmy gut his feet wet and Tin-- Wulrr lit AH'intiH'ripin tl'ie iUi'tlin In real military head nf the Tin t nncpmliiK' wfapon which ap-- ; can slit cold; when Father sprained - this Ktl Ml III l.l- HI'llll'll, III!' pKllHIHItlllll , I (ier-mari- y his Granny's llllll di feiiNi-- him made n I ic 111 pear In the Japan Magazine. knee; when rheumatism lira- - cuiiKiruc-- j bothered her Ktiliinitli'd ly Air. MiMilli'ii, Mini NlaKnn nt Dint In far fruin Til" til' ruiih a an-- 1 That .1ar of MFSTIOIMLE was right n riiinmi'lidi'd hy illy cuinnilttci', linn are Kiiarded seeretN, hut it If the Me Mtya him Ihe n optlnimlli. Turkey noiini cd that Ihe t .iiinoii In the Invcn-tin- there tu uive relief and comfort. In lltir-- fawn-ulil- c ulnliK lluil hlumld Inivr muni fm nildahle army ever iinnchiIiIciI if an nrtilhiy officer or Ihe Im- Ml'STKIK H.K is a clean, white oint- tuiHiili i urn ly ment, made with oil of mustard. It ill ly thf )ii npci hy the l Milium n power, hut that the perial army, l.ieul. Col. i(!ata, who OWIH'I. had heen working on his (ilea for will not blister like a mustard planter. MiiNlemH are rut off completely from pii noon iMick relief for Sore Throat, liron-chiti- s, Thn iiiipnnrd cut fur tlu mnall noine time ir In the w.ir. Ai Hiippllei fruin tho oulHide, which as (lie move, aainnl Uermiiny heiiun Tonsilitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, iim-- I n I ii i u in Con- WiiIit i" Kii'i't. Thf ill ineaiiN that aliiiH anil omniutiiliuii Ihe Invenli r net up for Tsui(f-ta- ii on a Asthma, NeuralKia. Jleadache, , laim-ha'- In 25 a iniii-r- wliiTi'-- h nhip ll view to gestion. I'leuiisy, Itheumatlsni, rlmi'lir- ri'iiln fur fur iniMlein ii iih eiiun will he liu kink". hi.iriiiK his ciin, with HelliiiM it up und haviim it ready for I'ains it nil Aellea of the Hack ut Ihlii llinn every one uninK wa- The TurklHh fttctorlen are tint hlB ;iclon on tin cr-in-r i m's birthday. It, or Joints. Sprains, Sore Muscles, ter ii i ti Ht pay Hll a inniilh nr have r II. ennuuh. ami Turkey Is hit klnif In Ioiib, Hoiii't inics nix iiiih-- hum or was on that date that !l sent ;ts first lirtiises, Chillilains, I'cel, ti Ih ini'ler taken nut. The rate Hlmve iiiitt copper uiul In Ihe malt rial uver, a line uf .slender cahlc, hut. Hhells Into (Senium forts with tiilinx Colds on thu Chest (it nften prevents hied - In elici t. I Pneumonia). Nothing like AIL'STKU- the ineli r i Iuiiko i'.'i reiila er J.hiki for exploNlvcH, There han h-- en tin What Is the Gary Plan : wonderfully Mroni.', rolled olt a deck hy Scntli'i-- the I'rnjiineiits. Ol.K f'ir eroupy children. KiilliinM, and the Hveraun iiiikhiiiI liKhliiiK, winch a .tpnitcriiiK Hleam ennine, laud mill when nil limiFmn thai will hiinn up trout the ocean Instead of hiirstinir into fragments At yuur driiKnist's, in ""e ntnl Rile umil Ity an Alhuiiieriiii family Ih penlriMiilii im !j - tars, size. nf the (Inlllpiill uceiilH, Moor a three or loitr-lo- ii haul of al Hie first impact the shi )n netrat mid a special large hospital (lluhhl (tcorijc .cplu, ('iiuiiiuiill IHi'i'i'tor of Sylunni; I Aton-ln- n, in nIiiuiI 3,0011 iillniiH, thim itiiiUIiik the III will nci'iir hefure many mure H'poliCeH, (i'inoid.H, Jcllvfinli, hcii urch- ed far inlii the uhjet In struck, hurst for $2.fi0. i iiuiiciiii Nriicliif.) eruliM, them apart ami then scattered the He sure yon tjet the Rcnuiup MI'8-- ! li vil iie Wuler hill liliullt tl per ivt'ikK, It In nul pi i. Italic t Hot Ihe ins, tiianl huu? while wnriim that I'li.ik in two if yon touch llielih pieces In all directinns. li pruvetl lf TFRfLK. Itefiise Imitations K' t tt It ' limnlli. TuikiKli iiliny Will have in in liu Inn anl-uiiiI- you Coin-- I Tin "Citry Im a new (lepaii-tii- i luliiiiiH, phiif phort set lit trees I really miliii more powerful anil destruc- what nsk for. The Muslerole lian" cuiiural iiinl ptililical, a rciiii- ( nf iiiuiM' there nie men hu line eiiuuuh fur une IiIk hallle. In hi nil - tive than Hi,, nuns used al the siene pany, Cleveland, ihio, imnl i in a iitiKentciil 14 site nf ctlucutiitu. lint we havi I) Ufa ciictiinhei'M Willi hideuiiM v uf Port many lliiuihand ti'illmiH during the When Ihe allieN iituVf nlialliHt the ruled at 'lary, Imlianii, hy M . W. A. heads, Hl.ii iisli, ih il Huh, pelican Arthur. hi'Kiin lo n waken to the neio-sit- for I'niiCnu out that the main work uf 11 Win. Nllpelinlenilenl uf lish, lantern lisli, Hlnirks' teeth, Hiiininet few' nf them who Hie Turklwli fnrieN tmaill, It will he hy the I'llllllC iiuiutliiiK rcliuioii in cil iicu inn. if . (.'initl mi IiuiiIn re-- w i ul- sieve (runs Is to snip an enemy's uf that cily. Many plana : I'M inn HitiiiH up man-ki- liali s' hones, ea cowh' riiiHiind Mhovt' 4', 0011 Kalhiim u inniilh In the lantl and M'n and will nciiiI Ihe ttultaii Ihe knowledge uf Kims of nit if li Is ami redoubts, til" cenlly pruptiMeil hy iliiciilnr-- t have! In a definite field uf experience, M in es of oilier fxtraui dinary things. law KeuHiin. lly an nver-rilMh- l, Nt uriyliiK lulu Aula Minor. pinh-nhilil- y Im The folloWM mimaziue declares thai the n'"W Jap- Thai heen iirpnralcd in Huh NVNlein. ll then II l.t ncccMMary in a il AlhatiiiiS mi lieatcu e anese dill in at thuHe uiirlt I piupiiHed fran-ehiH- In eimily would he difficult Hay .liiHt paths uf Hhe Kncs whero Run this short order the read hiiween the in what eilucatliiii. This has aniinat-e- d cnmiuerie. T.iitK-t.iu- . llu.ilit veKsels explorcM A careful study of the a Inn, e 4,11(111 t'.ii llull.l idea look n cci deiiee In Mr. WirtV the lalcst i x t jfi'i ii I in llu, other rarely (jn. She whn llxe linen uf Ihe Nlattilienl IcHiied hy Vull iltin effects of the Kim shows Unit but I'm llllllil 111 II,. t.'OIIMIt mi lllll ot ll IM CXI cl- - plllll. furwnlten corneiM of Ihe seven Nca, Wiilil.l I nun. its work TsiiiK-la- n would have with- mole tier llullz. lent method mannuenu nt. ;i,i--j dropH her iicIk hy d.iv and nii;ht, of JiuIIhk! lian and U(IL;Iuuh I '.ilucniiiui. ll H I hiH stood Ihe uli'iti' nun liunscr than Mr. .MiMlllen Will K" liefuie hi' Ironi e.viiciicncc In liliiirton, Indl-- I Mr. Wirt Iiiih IhsuciI it 'takes tiumlirils uf Houudiims in un ana, w - uiul, did. hi in II and nfl'er tu euireit tin. eimr, fit neral HcliinolT, Ihe caplor of here he occupied a Mimllar pn- to the church. Kor a decntle or more charted waters ttflcr a cruise nil We l home In nlxty-elith- lun in Ik lit conclude thu mini;tlerH 1 months, limits r truplilcs a tt it in nut It Im piiiuiKe In Ineieaxe 1'rr.cmiNl, In l. The Joh whn thai the I'loteNlanl have main-- complete und efficient Utilization of laloeil Ih il tin. i,iil.lie-a- , l...,.l ",r.,.l fnr liiuil ftafelicepiiiK in Jars tilled AUSTRIAN WOMEN BEAR FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS IhIi h tn any uue and it Ik hin purpiiNe tun rierhillN fur Ihe IlliHHiaiiN In Helid plant with alciiliul laliehd ami the school piumpled Mr. Wilt Iosh and - , Creek Latin "lircluiious" hecaiise nii;- I tt in etlu-- ( llnliieN hiu Httrl til hnu Iti.n BIG BURDEN OF WORK For .Rheumatism, Stomach Trou- ti leduee the rate In the Hiuall uael'M Iniy. Inli'udiu iiiK ninny rcfni niH In ion huh lUU. llll llllll (I 111 lllll. II. ; ' lite years, bles, Ailments, tu the luwent pnlnl nHilil( without atiuii, Mr. Wlli slimed his hldi es- school nniculiim. When asked In turn "'"" '" '"r hi"V odd ever Kidney Inflamma- , ,u i (Icnige Cairil ilesiKiied timate of these educational reforms ul,,. in. .oo.it,,, i.. istiicc her ( AMKiciiiti-- il tions, Arterial Hardening, Loco- I n ii i ! n u lute. t III X ANII .lAI'AN IN Att'OKIl. I'rena ('iirreti(ilnli'nee.) ai lual with a (icai many oilier in hint,' ciiKincs tor the I mtcd States nshcrtcM motor worker leiu rellKlun lo their ehai'Kts nn Vienna, .March -- 0. The places ot Ataxia, Nervous breaking, A titi li r i haiKe uf J.'t iiIm a muiilli, the Milne field. Sunday, they iinsw.Ted the sei i ice in isxj. It is wurthy of note etc. Perfect that time A I hit Ihe lens of IholiiMnds of working Treatment, Perfect nlivelil-ene- e In III diplomatic l on lhal Ihe truss was the lirst steel hiMleml uf II Mi, In it ritiiI i The hiilef croHilui u liiciiui Plant. Sunday was Inn short. Mr. Wirt men in Aitsiria-- I lumittry whu were Climate, Health, Pleasure, Large hie? replied steamer built In America. In nwueiH nf prnperly (hat may tilch'M that Urn deinanilH uf Japan In carryliiK nut tln-h- .e;ti, llu In the following pratiiciili suddenly called away to Hi,, army, Modern Hotel. Booklet. iHnIiihIp-fl- tl Hchuuls nf litiry, open manlier. ,lc has olfercl lo wrrnnitel have not been filled ny lo um-Hii- w III Uul upon China III " hy no men tin Indiana, at women lie vai alil ill liini'N. They N S,X? 01 Till' tvtt' T. 0. In the iiiih iniiK and tioHc III at his Iioiiih so as I,, dismiss from mcIiuoI A' like the extent that was ex- MoIi:UMOTT. lo Ihe MuV'inluK tiahHi'S uf the at i' 111 Uh1"' "v,' line In nn In he Irnulile Ulnl n IK Ii t, open every certain trniuis uf children as often as! "'nll! pected. The War has heen on FajrwiHMl, N. M. uiul lire ibty of Ihe KaVls-bKioi- koIiir I Ihe - A pulh-i- l out of n nf hlivinu I lie ivaler i III nil ami tu ii nl.'. repuldie, ami that real week except Sunday. Several sliifls uf the churched can provide fur their re- 'he train for Home seven months but apart from ri1 i In In r ' loiiml thai had u sergeant ax Hie iiiIin, It nhjeii nf Ihe uviinmt lit In ichIhI teachers lake tarn of Ihe puidlM. The Inslriictit.n. olht vvords. Held wn.k. In which the peasant mi ululir piexi lil will he Mild, l,lv The imn cross deco-prnhab- ly Tl sehuuls are npi n the whole year has praclicallv alUioiiuh hc:uf' wpm.ii did most excellent service last In Hie IliiHNian iiKI'iHsl'in it the erttl nf re- - lie cheaier have Water nil at it M has not used these words, 1:"ed hla breast, and he was the lull In BiitiHK in women al t. uiul, anil lie ill Is divided Into , the haricsl, MANY LABORERS WANTED I many AuKtria-lltnmar- y l!i'i Ihe Kiiropeun war. I y tt 'l'l,'"t fiiicilaliuns from t ut a liuiiilh while walling fur four semesters. ait h child is re- -' iwrree with hat Is necessary to '' In have nut taken I people, He tub! me ti tot It China and Japan expert the i I' t li HrmeHtcr-- nf tench I'eliulon to chililreit. .Von t'liiiiii incluilinK ntiself. the lilace of the ln.il,. ll t.i l;, tu Their FOR ON a li. ml. take three work he had Just left Ihe hospital a WORK RAILROADS Uiih-Ni- n is thai Ihe .Sunday school is iii.nl. tii;il tiftcr occupations halt' heen Hie I'uiiHlderiil fmll-IiIm- ', alluH In win. They knniv Hint and une semester fur vacation. ndturallv In Inn uf Ihe ami a day school would serve Ih month of illness, his nerves hiiviliaV liircely hv war. but nev- - mil war Im- - However, Ihe school provides a form lhal affected the ihaiiMi" tuny lie fniind will cunie of the shattered by his experience tit t rev morn jounnal LRAatD iiilain of eiliicalion.it i ifi-- in i ion ioeliiilinc Purpose better. Very well, ori:aui'.e rllieless they have continued In ins aetciAt wiaai j 1 Hlrunip r went into i I the asked these experi- ChicaK'o. X. in ri'feHi)-- "Kur liiflaiu e, It ha heen inenHcly than sho liiti ii ti u.ii'k uiul ,iiliniii-oinia-- in. yuur icIIkIuum lav schools and will front. about almost exiiusivtiy in women's April (Employment - arrange i , j ences, und he luld nie briefly and W'tuk. em- iiKi nts in many cities between Chlcnsu HUUMeMti'd flnnl man) uiialliTH lhal It far HlrotiKcr uii holt) html und Hon for the pupils who desire tu spend the hours of the school There are fewer office to aecoiliinoilalc mui. modestly, ufter much ipicstionihK, a ployes , nd saleswomen but iiihiiv anil Henvcr have been itsked to supply In l"W, ptai a NCH, llllll W llll III e morale of her ariiiy their vacal inns under Hie supervision the iiillilmiim Inn ink nf The value of litis system Is that it story which runs as follows: mure sea nistresvis. Few women have 10. (inn unskilled laborers for railroad iiNtf Ihe Hi'liouf. The Hchnols are w und nnvv und her pciiMnntry "1 was in Darmstadt on duty hen c-il-l ti it I'l'iinliini nil lin k nf fn liilal Inn. Mr. I,, nul only the pupils helps us preserve the principle nf ii been upon tu lake up any hard work, was staled here today. The In II Ihe War wna declared. A my Hiii it w Mt M illi ii linen nut helleve any nlie superior what wits when fruin six In of i;hiiriii and slate. It makes week later physical labor. linRton, as said, will put 2.000 cmhlcen, who attend dur- regiment received tfrdcrs tn leave In war ni ciiiicd. ing the lint in lit unnecessary to inlrudiiec Imn the From the hecliiniliij of the war, men at work by May and the I'niuii he en pi'liul limn aH tu I'l iiliuinlc.e dm, the cvcuIiiks the -- t St Hours ine however, women vul-- 1 4.ooo by 1. They know that litisHla. has never Hi'hools lilitl"! spei lal cnrpH uf teaeh-ci- llllhlic lli'.ils either Slide rcatliiiK, re. i"eui) luiir inr irtini. have tlom most Pacific June The Uock III to Nol'th-wc-ier- n mi the iieceHNiiiy nilltiher uf hnlliH . 1 1'"1 " swccUtcait in Potsdam work. Islnnd, hnhl-Iny- s i Is liKioits excrci.st.s or rcliKhiilH instruc-- table Thousantls who won Missouri Pacific and relaxed her amhlliun for vast hcivc as ..iilmiiiilioii hi h tn for I ni di r In Imlil Ihe water 1111 iih near tion. whom was to he married at the end formerly employed in stores or of- syslems arc named as seeking hovs und Kills and men anil women I In M.iin liiniii and Mtumolia. of AukusI. so wired her lo join me fices, as ti use (.: ,'i i m m or servants, arc the other 4,000. ittfkilie in i'ii a inniilh, ami who Wink tint the day. In the I a ml with the next niurituit,. was on duty nii-il- ll now c.irniiiR their livlnit by makiiiK Hecanse of heavy traffic, In Willi Ceiniaiiy crushed evcrihiK also Ihe usMetiil.lv rooms uf tourist In' iiih; rir.lil. S a. m. My llaliece Hhurtly iiiiib-- i road-hiit- ami friendly In Ihe schools. Ihe lilitaries arrlveil soldiers' uniforms, shirts, wear, hiiiulrcils of miles of tracks and Ih Cunt Hillaln iiame and the With Scissors and Paste Lifter time. I had bntmht our knapsaokn In an) etenl, Hie Hater iiir.utiuii serve as that and Imilltpry So beds are to be put ill the best possible (he tzar, Chilli, has liu hope exui'l settlement or civic iwctbliim it tl ks the nlnht before. When Ki'ent is the mm mail i In Kuliillnu than i vi r de- cciiliis lor Ihe itiltill popiihilmu. demand for all such condition ami many miles of sitliiiKH In Jtipnn. Till. IIM'.V. idle aliuhiiil ftdiii the train and saw equipments Hint Hutc hit not ennui;!) constructed to take care ot the extra fine, anil the lei niN nlli reil iy Ihe in it lit na I 'li ainlim. (Victur Ilimu.) my , me wnilltiK she rushed into iilius, women lo do the work. number of trains. mi 'ii ny In Ihe l ily inure AhIiIc fi uiu the marvel of (ilnicnl Like Hie liny ulint uf buhl picl'iliK i ale far isl s The ri asiiii Home itmicult ul i . -' llu- I.tV itl lllilt- ; it Hie n". llt'lKhip uf Ihe nut itiiirc nii'ii the most noticeable fea- Ihroimli dusty tlooni; - Is lhal they run (heir faruis lure of Mr. Wirt's school svstcm Is CoincK her little iiikImiik face IhroitKli pi, ml liy llu- i lly tuiilil he ami keep uietceil the Mislead nf itiiiiiliiK Ihe Kiti'opcan war nt'raiiMf incut of the curriculum lo the HhailiiWri of my room. Hie Water uiit'Mt lull uul pullHi'x. I uf serve the puipnsc ,,f vuca I Inlla I in In- - from the (op of a cracker band. , lint. The Hihinils of dry fit the pit-- And my pen fnrncla Its way as It tine haliilii'il tli, hi .nitl men al e plls of Cary in enter the industries' hears the palliin tl'eaii, on't you want to make 1 1, i nf Gary. Another cffl- - While per prulthin; tones chase li le tu ll, ib, In lithium n t' the two tin; I'ltiv. in itu ii!ii ii. triumph of treble cielicy. The value uf Irainintr chilli-- ! Ihe thuticht Hum nut my head. million nun l ik- I It. i war. S bi In tin thiuiiH pin' The eolitliialiilel' of the ITInz i:ilcl nil has been nrrtiled is pa inn a liii; pt it e for Ihe kini of ainl cult befnic Mr. Wilt Introduced! She Is ttiten mid t her slave, one w ho Is nul a fool, llm piepala-- l plans! an, I like his plans. hives biscuits In liudliill The spousum of Ihe her uhe)s; this? maintaining iieiilraltt)' she - it ii for maklni? a ibish from Ncw- In (lary appear lu understand llu For Hhe rules her world of lu une w ith d. I vviim inner of the imperious baby wa)s. w t poi ,ews n"i a looiisu until, itnu i: li vm: i itM ii t it. til uf it linn nf the hand, thev have on nil. oi:i ll Is safe til say Unit he never had and browned perfectly top, without being baked hard; auucti in it -- tne e e In she dunces, calls me "Dear!" tb'- - eiliicallon uf the Hie slichlt'Mi tlmiiitht uf Inv ltiUK It turns the panes my hooks The people of tile I'nited SI. 'I'l und Ihe load ami lite heart. While of white as snow inside, breaking open with an i mi ion I'm- hiniHclf utid his crew Ih unduuhlcilly true that ihe practical Thrones herself upon my knee, takes appetizing softness; now ea ii l"'k wili t o ullil. me l.i llu ny ul tempt m lu pass Ihe cnrtlon ot Institution In how tn tin things and its my pen with Linchpin luoks. future of bimiucvs In this i itiiiili t inlollary how In earn money is and so light you wonder how they can be I'.tiiisii un,! French cruiscrH waiting the that made. (in Apill 1. ilealiii(! In Mei uiil n feature Unit attracts ihlhlreii very Makes iliKofdcr reiKti supreme, turns outstli- Hie three-mil- e limit. in U' ll, very of parents, my impels upMilc down. the New Vollv Him k liillalllie vvas anil inaiiv Ihelr His piiipoi.e, tlouhllcss, was lo keep very nitt.ii inure. Mr. Wlii ha not Draws me aha hsl ic sinus, fafe from I freed lioin ailillfial est lifl .lis. i illtc cticinv HipuiilrttiiH concent rated nl fi hiHH.vstt'in in become mere- fear of nit) own. Tlatlliu; wan iiMtmcil upon Hie lt"l ' ly a I l atlcs-stiioo- l sv.sicm. 'that point while another (leriuan lli.il IttlMM lhal cxiMcil hetttle Hiewnl. The Complete I diiciii Ion of it Man. Crumples all tn verses up. pleased ji upe -- the i to the - iiiscr iii:iit its ihi irnbabl) The hihlfen of. Gar) tiro trained tn hear ci.ickliUK sound: Not only did the iioveniois of Hit- ex-- I Hail t tiii! Ili ii was near San Juan, Pur- tiller the full lite of Gary not only Makes tlicin into halls, and h tl 14" aht'll'il Hie II II III in pi It is II" industrial life, hut Into Its llliu--s Hit in all upon the ground. lin liit o, a shot I time alio. artistic for si i n hut hImi It wiim lift iili'tl to life. Its Institutional life, its cultural '.Ul tun otlier In puthesiH. tile fine Suddenly tlist tint nine Mipcnisiou mcr tl'.uliliU' life Its political life and latterly Into she fids away, Icaviiif; dm I of I'aplain Thlelichens would lis reliKioUK life. This is a laijic alone acaiu any is In buiitl". ItHie heen Unit of a lunatic or (t for a school, hut this is the With a warmth al out my heart, ami The one great test of shortening with biscuits. Use Cottolene use a This net ion that Ihe liilli d Mil l.' is no rentier, to be- ullil of education and ibe school Is a hlinhler, di urer brain. third less than or any ordinary shortening. It St.lt.4 his Wtathciitl the Htoim catie-c- d lieve Hint he is either. he place In carry out, with the pro visions of course that liitKlolis educa- And .'tlthouKli the Hions'hts return hy FtirupiHii conil it ions, and thai It mixes easily; it blends perfectly with the flour. tlrcwiTs I (w In town. tion be kept out of Hie public schools. that her ec mint! drove away. ftitin on theic Is plain miiIuiK M de- lillK-um- h lies nines. Iii . A (till 8. The Iowa The procosH of education has been The rememhran of der l.iuch enjoyed biscuits tor liusiiieeK ill Hum couiill). bouse todnv refused l.y a aile of tia fined by President Puller of Cnlum-hl- n era with me Un the day. When you have made with Cottolene you will use it for all intlversilv, cake-makin- g. Ah Ihe llu, ilii i. tl enter of America, lo 'H to permit Iowa hiewirs lo as the business nf your shortening, frying and or sill malt bevcriiKcs. for a child or a man with the And it chances, j write. I may take Wall iiicvilnliv Heiiti-iiicn- etrcii itiieils consumption cither in Hie afale or accumulated knowledge of mankind, a crumpled sheet. and in reluiu tieatew Mitli-nien- l. outside, after January 1, next. ami. that k now leilyc relates to lis scl-- i On which, i In, kiiuwi-U- i wh)! lead Your grocer has Cottolene now In this iiistaiice, the notice In clue. Its literature, art. instiluiinnal my fancies twice, as sweet. life, ami Us rehuinus belli fs In the world thai the fluted Stales is Yak Ins Care of the t blblccn. the Arrange for a regular No parent would const lously be mure distant past we erred in making nil': sAMi-- oi.i THiNt;. with him supply. Thus he can always deliver indepenitcnl fuullnt;, leady to lio-n- phtlo-upli- I oil un careh-H- of the children, Joe A, . literature and staples uf Solomon.') Cottolene to you pure, sweet and dean from original sources , to tin husiiiesw as if no war existed, c.i- - hi in, Clarksuc. Ni hi-- uses Foley's education. We considered man a The thiiiK that hath heen (lone, it is finished product wc itltieiil-H- t, title of meetitlii foleiKII bttUUllltlollM Honey und Tar for bm two children brain and thought we were ) that which will he; anil that which is croup, Hint i olds, lie anys, n the man when we educated mere- (lone is that which be done, and on stale, ttpeuks voiumi-- t y t'.r cotishs shall Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for our real cook book an)' of "We without Folev'n llonev ly his brain. An, as un element of there Is no new (hints the sun. ale eel er under HOME HELPS"-mai- led a to Ihe futitte. and Tar in the tluuse " A distreHsinlt education received at first only a Is there mi) thiiii- whereof it may be free on request. The at'tinn Hlwiiities that Kurope cntiLih, Hlceplesa tilctits, and raw, In- KriidKlnr aeiiuicscence, iilihtnmh vie said, see, this is new? It hath been flamed liiioat lead In it run-dow- n con- had oltl and urthnthix (ireek models title, ol) of uUl Utile, which was be- Efo-.'I.JLF- li.is buiishl hii heavily in our mar- A1 R BAN dition In which the child is not able for our Kuitlunce. The btisinesM of fore us. K2S3 ket (hat we huve more hi. Id than to resist ciintuKiou ur Infection dls-- t atiiiialntiuK a man with the accumu- v tedi-tfi- r A we lUfcd. We have onte Ihe usin. Foley Honey and Tar Is truly lated know letlire of nninkntd tilled I DI il F 1.tiaNI". it of the tuitions. heahnif and prompt In action. It science wa nceninplintied within the American Magazine.) Cottolene cnuk:lta. ciilds. croitp ttml intuitu') of living men. Anil today wc The AlhatroHN a line makes good cooking The I'cjsuKii tit. - IihIich with better" tf 8 tlelitulu uaiil- v UoojtiUK couiitlt Wvld f Ui j tifte. touifiUvi' h kuonlvdKC of It u man iuU- - three mill-s- yttcu four miles 1 ALBUQUERQUE 'MORNING ' JOURNAC. FRIDAY,' APRIL 9, 1915. r SEVEN m By George McManus

. i. I " ' r f I 'II ' ' ( " J J" HUH? J WCOLW. 2tC0D!L' VILLAIN' ,T JlVt) slS igSkfe, - Tip; ., A S RI5 B8 tw :

1 1 -- '? fife PC f MVf) r 1 Ak Ki

I - a m m av I ssaaaaaaaasweeaeesss4ee 1 Texfls Company Hi ntnni run I'nion Pi'-ifi- 1 2C m in.r r A n U u h r I'lllo'l Pacific, pfd (Sl)''i I!? Yiann lulawia si Warn SI' .U v V T'nited States Steel 4 9' Miptonj UIUUIV LMUIIIIIIUL. " "irwir' Tnited States Steel pfd. 107 TeM EH Hike CLASSEFHI CQWmW t't.ih Cupper 56 Tllar! Wabash, pfd 5 PRICES ADVANCE Western I'nion 65', West inuhouse Kleetric 74 JOlil M. M M John re. J .hn Monro, ,lr titiO.OOO, f1 Sales, FOE SALE JTr0rli Vim I'll . Hn''y. Ai'M K I l.KAMMI A I'ltl SSINfl Ttl. UhPiWUIim! Ph. me 7(11. IIH4 H. Ililnl. $1,600 frame, lot DOxlKSt ". t HKWfif) llOAItlt OF TUADi: One a quaitcr line, liu:oriorulrtl nidewalk, shade and fruit treen; a. and acres of Men's suits preseeit 40e SEWSAT10WALLY land, sun 8. Proadwuy; cIoho in. rich garden improved, with Men's cleaned and irinei1 Chlcasro, April Wheat ranPfeil 7Ae -- com-- ; l.nillen' satis preenetl ,. lower today chiefly In conseo,uence $2,00') 4 room frame, modern, residence. Wry elos,. in. Con largo chicken l,udle"i' salt d and preH,-t- 91. 0i up of cnlariT 'd attention Riven to the out- pletely furnished: venient to car; W ater, lights, etc. Parcel PonI Oideis llatulled Promptly. yard, good outbuildings; a. u,uuu look for peace. Closing quotation! proposition. Let us till yoi about were unsettled at a shade to 1 ',(' un- street; close in. of 4 room frame, modern, well Steel Is Feature der last nlKht. Corn lost sixteenth $2,100 7n:l 50-f- For field South Amu lleit 11 1111- - built, lot, cement walks, Onb'e 514 W. I!d, Ave. Phone 10 to i net; oats wound modern i.riiU, on 01 ncr Soaring the j i!!.vi.n Session- - Shares to higher, provisions Fourth ward. Our Hlomin "A H(I'A1!15 clmiiKed lie and part- lloiiil house, l.iloe loilrlii'S, IiKl" FOE JCJi 5 $2,600 frame, modern, 1 with a 4i in of to 12, ic Wvidk j Keill klale. High ly two fam- Upward Fiom 83 as Most of the adive traders in wheal furnished, suitable for fair lint of real estate ror sale Is com Fl'RNI. :i nit Ni''i'i;isiii;i) ilies; misy terms. 1 V. Vti- - leaned to the bear side from the start, insSix-roo- f.O j flb'li. HllllieilH plop, brick, ft. lot, good i7l c. iltaf.',eH equipped 105, mid $3,800 bungalow, &.iSU.vy; cHiit otM. birae Irael of land dllt'Oetit New sanitary as but covered quickly on rallies modern barn; price only $1,400. ' la showed considerable anxiety as to a fireplace, sleeping porch; and 1 ectlnnil of the Utitle. for yniallie. HKibill-Itor- Willi lleW flllTlilllte. loch oil feoccil Fifty-fo- corner lot, front, 211 AVest C.old Avenue.' I no i.lijcc of crop complaints from the room bungalow on the rear of lot. j east Hint rolollUal bol pillTi'ifte. Now the bit; hut lii sllabtly sick. renewal on Arno slreet, for only $525. time to boy miy kind of real eHiare In New finely elope Hvu eoft states. The re- A bargain, ward. j South I.oiTiled oil of bill, fir UOHNINO JOURNAL IflCKL LMIH WIlJ winter wheat If you want a lot to build a home lOOO OOOOOOOO OOOO 0000000 0 001 Meirleo ami net tlie benefit of a lively ad blocks from line. (linage and ports many circumstances, though $3,200 brick, modern; Fourth! O int. New Vuik, April 8. Manipulation of on you can't beat it. See 0 vnncinir uiHiket In the near future. Ituy outliulldingH, llethle.-h- m n possible speedy end of ward, on car line. O i i,r: now A In In the ((milium shares of the indicating m ri: (rr .i:s o while there ere bargain. careful company, long a feature hostilities formed the dominating in- $2,750 brick; modern, larg&j 0 Three rooms with but h, com- o ventment nt prenent price r aure to tto RKNT.W.S, LOANS INSFRANCK. Stcd lO o 111 a year. , cli- session, busement, corner lot, good location pute. Neatly d ; sleeping pro within uf the stock market reached its fluence ihrouRhout the and furnislu O prevented upturns becoming of a na- In Highlands; easy terms. iPorterfield porches, doublo plumbing, per- 1 Ira Iruuiranre. max today in a succession of violent u O very CHTI REALTY CO. likely to encourage bulls. ESTATE-FIR- E O fectly sanitary. 1524 Kant Cen- We are aent for a line nf the movements which carried the shores ture the HEAL INSURANCE. o btiiil-- I A. O beet eompauii and attend to the tin 117 it opening price of Absence of important export Inquiry LOANS. tral avenue. Phone 3si. o 776, First door north of to from O nee with iiromntneiiN end dUpatett. If yrnj Phone The early rise was orderly but was one of the elements that gave Loans Fire Insurance o any kind, a telephone First National Hank. ' uOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mlre IhHuraine of Hire,t'. Hie new high prici' of 96' be- weight to peace talk, 111 South Fourth Street. 218 V. GoiJ or other meKeaae to the oltlre will briliK a ing reconled before midday and par Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Mis- ; competent man to take your nrder. We were KAI.i' I'oullry nod 1 ggs. i solicit your bualnee. .sunn nltoi'. souri the wheat states mctitioneil WANTED. I'YIIl 1U0NT lloom, having handicap llFM I.nun. I11 early it rose to as still a from the lit SAI.K- -i roil.,, the afternoon Male. .North. money client nn mnrt- - K. - extreme dry weather of the entire li. West tli li.lo. We loan for flrt Mint pi:i, when- profit taking Bent tho aeeurtty only, imr inn tam not lil, A Ka real eaiate (jt'lKT. refined couple, will elve month of March. HUNT Modern motn, l'cill h l.i; lew t hoi oiiuIiIji es-- price link to par and from which tfm beat; ed twenly-seve- year we hnrn done an ! tolclliltelll care to limine and Kl'oUIld K.irly gossip that rains had been WANTED Errand boy ut tho Ueoiiomlst. no tick. 60 fr Went Central. It I. IIioIk liom o it, figure it slowly renewed its progress teiielvn litielnie In thl" lln '! no enf of peiHotm iimiiv Tor be Niiiomcr, llet of great benefit was declared later uiitiirol.-li-- , 011 k 1111III on principal or In-- ! up In 10.1. In the final half hour Foil Hi. NT i'ii rooine No AlOltli M.iv. Iron.,. luiUi y .ha ever lot a ilollnr of citv icteii . AddretH lim ta. care to been except k L.HMa'i'iH H.IW- - pecoild or. ' V,V '.'.'o' li. .11.. A d our the slock became furiously active, have not confirmed as WANTIill Man lor flo New York uveone, clome In !'. t: Sb, lboio. liile, ti nut on money loam f..r tloin. It .lioiriial. tlllll. Soul Inn stern :otplo( iio'iit AMeiicy. Adilrmn .1 li .loitrnal. of both KM) to Kansas and Nebraska. Nolicosi It riA 1,1, CjiKu, ti con vjii." !im ti look tiror dm tntin' risin; in lets of to i'0 shares 111 ,,t,h: seeding South Third Hirer I'lioi,,. j ! Ut NT- N. buyer nod Seller, borrower and lender. and with Jumps one to points came of some spring wheat IlK '- l''"iir fiiiniKlo rooinH for r:rJianioii. l'jill I:dth. ph. K'iio.I. of three llotlMeki-eiillK- . activity of char- VVA.V1 V..UI or uo liKllt Inoiler - A IHCAJ, AM.. In 117. As suddenly to rotlhwest, but this loan uoiiiao onvcnlences. OK S.Cl.K iloxell"Tllii"'bil iTiiTn rHH'UlK tOlt it declined Her; Half Call nt Oil Soeond. To acter was not looked on ns likely to but oiiioilssionc, North l.eiihorn layiiiit Inom. 1 'n pi.",, recovered to 110 and closed ut new. r,i, South Ann.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS bo general more a week yet. ly Atiply ii.iom H -- T in i' f ui iiihIh il ooiiin a lid Phone dtili. 10.1. Its maximum wan 29 Vi for than ('crural KM I")lt KM, I'. IIoiiwii. rise 11 hotel sle tiina- In i home, Corn showed great deal of weak- eoieii, ctionp SAI.I.; Khk ('. II. points nnd Its net Kain 17bj- - Transa- - for batchtiik!. It. llfcVi'lMTl.. ness a of W A NT K IJ l''il eliKUH'i'l' (Hid lire ,o r;! ht tialtlen; Kick, lion .N..I II S I.I. Kill SAI.K Moduli corner house, in aggregate- at times, largely as result - lied. I'rlle stock, bli South IllMh sire. ctions Hethlcliom Steel man; tie to do kind of re- RKNT'-Tw- o on line. tjirrre yard, shade tree. HI. setbacks suffered by wheat. On must able all yt It fiirninhed rooliiM. sletp- - phone 1,1:17. car UK. J. Kit AFT .0,0li shares or about 12 per cent the pair woric ami euro of motor, iiiye Apply 410 East Central avenue. Phone Henlnl Raneoaj. d (lis take lnr poreti; one Mock to ear line. Suitable SAI.Ii-T'- ioi al the other band shorts evinced a V, I'lllt lllu.k Alluoreit IimIiik of the whole, itcusnns for the rerernneeH. O. IloX 4H4. for couple ur Htid f u Went IliH.T. Honrai I S. nsrnt.tt Kids. Phone 141 position to cover promptly on brother hlster, hen, and rooater. J113 West all soft I llasebllioi. - 111 Nrtv by Mall. niovenient were lacking in VANTT-:- to meet o liisM Slate. , K( H hA 'our lioiiMPN iiiilim, Atiiiolntments Made rpots in Signs of a lib- wish tut Phone 'W '.. official quarters, but traders were of the market. repair tono who would Hki' ti 'I'ltiH 1h nf tlm Huff in east hoiltll. .It AI.K IT Mhlni I '.a 1:0, M'i. I'll VHP I NK AMI SlIKJKON. I lie eral export business the made open repair and sale shop with A it ed k hhI must H0tt. Ifoii' npinioii that it was made possible nc. to on f.anknuit oat.-- (1 and in v.ira, lip. :';4 Niii II f'-- (loiljini A, ii. by relatively strong. Cash demand driss It ('. care .loiiniat. 'nit IlKNT- - Small front btol 1001 eioinal-Hol- d twi'iify ht mould. Hie opposition of a short interest I' 01111 p t r.o-- tiOMJ.UON I. Ill KltlN, M. I .uric 11 ttPip". AMnn)Utrtpir. here nevertheless appeared slow. VVAN"l't,;t- All around looiluioic. Mail ca- ly liiciilf d. ; no si. k. 41S We Str.'iit. 1'hyalelun and which has persistently fought tin; I' -- 8ureon. 111 response to an -- OK SAl.u .;k for I111 U'hlng, It. C. It. SA .Mo. a IT llollMo, and which gathered Provisions rose pable of hiilldliiK nn adohe house from l'tllt KKNT T'wo ftniiMlieil lioilMillei-plnf- It l.i lei mill Phone HIT Burnett nidff. further I. Iteils, alH.i H. U, W. If 4 on car line, clone to direct- advance in the hog market. There the ground tip, donor Imth mnson and car- rooniH, modern. 314 Hut Silver, .phone l.c;llorn,. In llikhlati.l.i, alreet founin' on the failure of the South Kdlth Street Hlinpn, location. Newly T. I'. I'A.N.N't! was said also to be an improved trans. ta nter work. Six months' work for the rlKht l"::7.l. ; Santa I'e ideal till. ors to put a i the stock on dividend man. further information address Jt..y Idll SAI.IO I'iiio In, ,1 While and IbilT papered thioiothout. Two reencd poi b.', bieclulst In I je, ICar, Moe aa4 TkreaC has:?. Atlantic call for lard, bams and ba FOH .UENT ll.iuok.-Mi- ii( room fur- ' Ilethlchcm .Steel, preferred, M. and biv, eMU for bed. IV110 reasonable. Santa re, N. M. con. 0. Kreelove. Cuba. N. nished rottagea. ilreplna; porctaea. (II aililolle der. for larae elloilith nlsn was active and strong for a lime Mies I'hlllalik Ko ak. r I ,'lllle. v Inniilre nil S'ouih Edith street. Closing prices: Femnle. Went Coal. fit Mltai. TI 1.1, at IIAKhN hut last - most of its gain. Foil SAI.E- lltoiize key I1M sAi.i.; ,'.iv bunaiilinv. f"ur lame May, $1.53; July, $1.22. eTioi HH,"- laiiKe, heated, tui rwa 1'racUce J.liulteil tu Kye, Kar, Neea Msl Wheat WANIKl) (oil foi lislu liouM'A.o'k lull f- modern the tiest: I'll cent room, and bath, Kkl'scd-l- leeiinn Standard shares, which had shown room; no lick; no 402 each. Pl.nl Poultry Hi run I. Corn May, July, 7514c. care baby. Call 2 :a bulb; elilldren. 11111 . id In china and Irregularity part of 12r; to lake of between oancn, a iiiiiitu.-riiue- I'luine 1.1'iS. porch, hatilwo floor, built Htate National Hank Tllds. for t'i(. greater utH May, 57 54 Vic. 4.10 p. m. 1141'. Weft silver. kH July, and West Ci'litral n'enue. SALtS-Kc- linen rlo'iei. hen cabinet, etc. I'emrilll the Hfiisiiin, ',!; I' Kit ipl lion lloll.l.Uoi, lllue An-- became unsettled, while Mav, $17.10; July, $17.62. roil ai;.T- '- T'wo '.tris for hshi h.oow-io- r linnement and furnace: two laran siriirned (1. NIIOHTI.K, M. II. I Pork ditltMiartu and Sebru-h-t 4. the n(ivement In ieth'elioni Steel was WANTED Agelils. keep:nt;; will take no sick children. Ibintitma. Call I7 North Scvenili, or photic May, $10.12; July, $10.37. !IHi l''oi r 'Stor. phone lirri.t. porches. Practice Lltiiltsd ta Tuberculosis. iinilcr way and closed with general ltihs Mav, $10.00; July. $10.32. !t:'3 West Lend. Hours lo to 13 phons Itll not Pnni-ina- WANTTOU Two handle Full lasses, these, however, being l. I'o'lt fllO.NT In inod. iii home. in fri.,,1 hatehttiK from prize 224 West Central Ave, Vacuum Aptilv ami We.it foal. room, winner. Una Comb n. 1, PiiIb, and IIohb IX Folate. Albuquerque Sanitarium. Fbune III. General .Motors wa? strongest KANSAS P,()AUI OF T15I)K eioeo In, Keiuleirtan iirete ed; no I'omb It. t, una lit "f tlie t'lTV sick. Phone lf,!i:' apply I7 White, North Eiahih mn et. aiiloiiudiile stock, rising nine nth Third. A miml ItoilMe two WANTED MlswllHiieosm. EkK lor Iml. nun: li Foil KALE and lilt. C. A, points, and (leneral Cheniical led the itli.NT Nicely furnished 100111 DJ4 Must 8. No lor ;;, ,T. lots. II (.. Innulre Sllvel SPECIALIST. Kansas Citv. Anrll Wheat Wbflcoinlj It I., Iteils, cent and i.nn per I fiild7.iT group with an of si'l.KNIitti Sun Olnner hslit liousekiieplni;. aMo other roolli.H, ail' linv-ol- '1 rcu advance 2 hard, $ 1.4 8 1.50 ; No. 2 red, $1.48 thicks, 15 cents cinh. V. li N'otlh Foil SALE OF IIA modern THIIOAT AND LUN'd.l. six points. Spriltka. Inqo hummer 1., West' ) May, July. $1.14 oveinetit. rate. Illi:h tr.-it- furnished house, "even lots, all newly Phone 10711. Jinruett Bldf. ftl.48'i; $1.44: cUKANi . entral. Calms ro,,oos In- Hock CARPET TTuTidiure and SAI.I',-Wh- 110' repaired and (rood locution. Island and Missouri Pacific September, Foil ile Wyandot leu, Til HANAIOKIUM hsues 1.14; $1.03, repalrlntr. W. A. Ooff, phone M. Itighlauda. come of three, 11117 per mohih. Address HIE Ml Itl llkV were acliv,. In connection with Corn No. 2 mixed, 74c; No. 2 prize winner. Etm, $l.r(i atul 1 Tulierciiloils of the Throat and tuara, WANTED l.aee cui taiiiH l.iund.-r- per n. pox Bit. Journal. reorganization plans now pending, the white, 75e; No. 2 yellow, 74Me No. 3, P(1R KENT l''urnl?!ird ruuuie. South ilfie. M. Cook, U15 Norm City Office. 313 West Central Avenue, cetfts ier jiii r. 11:14 S.nilh tlr inilway. lltt nrc.-t- aTTT.1 r iiahTTainh. former showing some strength, with 74c; May, July, Sep- Welter. Phone 212. Fifth iir; vn.' Office Hour: to 11 a. m.; I to i V. m. 73c; l 0(l Lead and 7lc; rent, 01; t'e.ol, ,SAI,!-- resilience, ciiriKir J'-'- weakness In re- WANTED To fur a , I ill lor liat. hliiK s. Phone Sanatorium Phone the other shares on tember, 73 76 (r 74e. ... I'KH KENT - ne Hie. mi; room, lii.oo from f. b e, IL'.iToo. Must tie 4t pnnv for riilin o rliTVins Phone a 01 . . lllnck Mliiiiri-as- Ooldi-- Jlrottdway. Kormer lo Murphey, M. Medical Director. newed rumors of a heavy lien. 2 57c; No. 2, rn otlh. fi!7 out h llrondw-flv- Tawn and White W. T !., Oats No. wh'te, tlui-k- Lot alone worth ll.timi. Easy terms. WANTED To buy young llelfe r Indian Jtlintier Mr. C. At. (inif, sold. lamds were steady in the main, mixed, 52 cal'e. I'"Olt KENT .Mi dirn slenm heated room, 'T,0 (lood five room residence, !art;e some lie. breed. Address J. Nipp. A - If North IliKh elleet. Phone H.UW. tt of the low priced Issues selling milkinK il. with sleeplnif porch, fjlfibj renlral. adobe bum, ebb ken house, tc. Fmo at huqllerqile, N. M. Eat Foil SAI.lv iinby chicks W, W, smart advances. Total sales, pur YORK METAL MARKET. JIENT line or two and ckk from the around for snrileii. Near Santa Fe Kh"is. DR. DILL NEW STRONG, shop oiiekciiillk' Slate Fair silver cup winners. price ILSau, Easy terms. value, $2,tir,5,0()0. HORACE rarpenterink. rooms, with siceping- porchi- - HIT South Harm! Former seliitm Hocks mid Single Comh K. 1. resldi-ne- 510 W. Ave. Phone 865. work and Jnhldna-- lOatiJ, 14,'ta Arno. lied. W. T'wo tlfie lots on North Sec Tijeras I'nlted States were April 8. strong and 41.1 West HKH-- bonds New York, Tin West Central avenue. Iilets, Atlantic Phone ond slreet. worth I4e(l. on Five-to- n call. nominal.' lots, $52 bid. Full KENT Nicely furnished (root day-ol- d p. K. II SELLER, Owner. ( WANTED Automobile. 1 want o buy FOR SAI.K b. C. White l.cirhoriis, Inn. lire loaing prices: couple or one or two young ladles. CIO chb-k- Copper firm. Klectrolytic, $16.12 Kond second-han- automobile lUUHl and kus for hatchliiK". fend for W. M, SHERIDAN, M. D. Alaska ;,,i, yt 1 South Edith , street. Phone 10SKW. 34 16.23; casting, $ 5.B2 (v 5.87. cheap for cash. Adilris I,.. oinutl. circular and rnt record table. W. .1. Toll, I (lit SM.I'l Hunches AmulKdinated I'raqtlce Limited Copper' .. . 64 Iron steady and unchanged. , t'UK KENT Two furnished rooms, larne P. U. Box 107, Albuquerque, M. M. Phone ruin American JOHN K. COIIIODo.N, contruetlns; plaeier-er- porch, with use of kitchen, bsih, ir.snM. ill SALE Improved fleet .Sugar 45 plain plaaterInK, A.l.h p. Genito Urinary Diseases and and ornamental and electric lights, telephone, 000k-In- and allnlfa Amcriian Can 33 and fuul for Foil HALE Six Caaib, lull-b- I NEW YORK LEAD AND SPELTER. cement work. 210 Went Tllern uve city. 110 Sinale l n. IloX HIS. Cllv. K-- South Walnut street pulb-ts- - Ami". Smelt. Ttefnp' !.!.!!!. 67 WANTED Two or three furnished rooms Whlti( I.eahorn layinir Also fuil- Diseases of the Skin, 'J'ner. Smelt. & April 8. steady, with sleeping; porch, for light housckcep- - blood Hose Comb R. I. lied cock. 1(14 Knulh Itefnif, pfd. ...103l2 New York, Lead SAI.F Mlsocllnlietiiiw Waes.-rman- 11S.1W. FOR IlENT Dwelling. Kill III street. Itlt Tbe and Nnguchl Testai American SiiKllr liefinins 107 $41.5i'42.00. insr. Phone Administered. Foil SALE Ranlain eurs for haliTiiok- S M E- - "ilar po s. I'bolie I 4 .' W . "04" American Tel. & Tel 119 Spelter nominal. North, Foil CTtUena Bank Hide. t White Japanese. '' American Tobacco Patridau focbln, Silver SALE ll t si K liUMky. fout'l Albuquerque Nssr kfaalsd A"acomla "31 I ( HI RENT - F inoiletu liunaloW. Duck Winn (lame. l.r.u per l.T; White Waller Mii NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. WANTED EnKak'cment by a competent fall at Jim;, avenue or phone focbln, ; (1(1 per 1.1. C. A. Puppe, LII4 Atchuon r. I OHTIilU'ATIIV. .100 practical nurse, 0 7 East llazeldiue avenue. 1.17'iW. North Fourth street. FOR SAI.Krn.lei wood pen idler, spool ; Second street, phone 77it. liidtimofo ,t 'oi,j,i' April 8. pa- order, tl". If, iM. New York, Mercantile WANTED Situal Ion by youns lady RENT1-- F. on- and live-roo- FOR SA LIS Fancy bred Plymouth Hock li. tONM It, U, II. 41. 2 , - (Mii.liinll In III ;l'oklvn Transit per, per cent. do cookins; and housework, fall at 120 or tinf arnlshed. Iilll eg-- 7uo per setting, FOR SALE Oslrolialhio Siiecltillst. lta,i 3f? furnished Noith bred Huff m Inquire at ulif.irnia I'etroleuni .. 15 Vj liar silver, 50 c. North Arno street. slreet. Orpiltton O tier settlnn; Illaek lion, die.ip If taken at I Trent nil Cnrnlde Itlseaflea, an ' Soil! li Emit t b si reel. 'anadia,, V. 38c. - Any 10-- neilinu;. 4ai North Office) Stern lllda.l Tel. ' Pacific 163 Mexican dollars, WANT ED Position. kind of llshl I'TTR RENT' i house, nicely fur- It fall at V. or phone tir.n, A ntrl 35 steady; railroad work, fan operate typewriter. Will Ko nished, modern, porch. 1 Thlrteetiih SALE lather Government bonds larite Apply I ( "saocau,, lV. to country or anywhere. Address "Willlnu.'' fiiKul pump, sbaitliiLi and lllltdl lt KIRS. Ohio 4 4 V, steady. West (Iranlto avenue HllY your poultry at Hnniiary Pouliry Yard. . ' bonds P. li,., 1;;. Puts Ease In lifu.-iisc- icae care Journal. M 02.1 South Klrst. Phone 1I4K. Will dress , ,;,..,, Wc.atern 12 Time loans firm. Sixty days, 2'2 FOR RENT II b. 'I'. III'! III M. H I .:NHt)IIF vena-table- s .1 polom Mil. AMI ll4. I'. '"''ft-o- Mil. & 89 days, 2 per cent; ticallv new. lose In. (.'all West and deliver (lav ordered. Fresh ei;ir. FOR SALE N. molol ' St. 1'uul ner cent; ninety WANTED lloom- - in fiti-- sine, ,1, lilll 414 West Hold ,"'"iko & I.ras. Telopboni ."at. and fruits. All klnilH of hreedlnR cycle. Rolaiv iiimiti. .Northwestern 128 per cent. - 01, hue, six months, 3', poultry t on hand. Welkin. n it Hall. en f It. quire at Mann's stole, Town. t',,, ,,,. V money High, a 'A per WANTED Ity nniirieit eouple wilh no chil FT I KINMIV 39 Cull steady. IHslllanda. I2 II 40 'M.I.KiFN. dorado ; 2 dren, two unfurtilMlied rooms In house with It L A N D PIUILTRY YARDS, 710 FOR SALE Mlalla. C.IIIS K,. & rron 29 Vi 2 per cent; ruling rate, f .1. II. Mc- cent; low, le: Twn-lo- i Ill Hroudwiiy. H. C. tlrown Lcghoraa, S. ('. 11 Ten tola', Ihnd ctilllnif. V Y I 1: S ;.t. ' "'"''do & modern conveniences. Address Willi terniB, Foil furtllHlleil collage bale. . F. F.T'ERI NA it .'OLLEi Southern . . 31 per cent. Ib.x ':H. Journal. no sli k. I'.'O Hoiith P.uff Orpingtons. Prize wlninos at Albu- Donald, Palmer tatoh, obi Albiiqie-qln.- equal opportu- enver K-- lull II. No otter J!io ;Iaili0 . S querque and Roswell show. Eg.r utid baliy P(T Twin Kcnne, Presldi-nl- tt S W'ANTED Hy business iiihii and wife, two oil RENT 4 rooms and bath, partly fur- iKAT.".r Under, 'balll dllve. nity. Catalog free, f. - LIVESTOCK MARKETS. ctib-k- for sale, A. F. Illank, Albuqusiiiue, ) gmul n street, Francisco. r- IV ir three modern furnished rooms for nished. 4H(! South Arno. Phoii.. 14:' 1.1. ii ley linviilsoil nmloi Market San 2t IlKht liousekcepinff. Address W. .care Jour- S M new. Iiiqultii folium nial "il Co.,. or 4:t ! FOR RENT Ni w. modern, two-roo- Jjerierm Kie'cVrie! 4 8 LKllHllltNH, Healthy, 1 H Kansas City Livestock. nal, iivintr description and price. it complete, low LIM'O H. f. WHITE South Thud. ssm MviN;. Re- furnislu special Bt Al- niti ''"'tliernpfd. . . . 117 City, April 8. Cattle heavy laying stock. Prize winners Ui;xt .Siutl Ii i'l euib r'"1. Kansas WANTED Larue i,ou, or two small, and rate lo flood ten. int. lift Holiln Waller. ll FIRST-day- buquerque, Koswell and El Paso. Cockerels, 101I IT. XSS lieiiMiialilng. (in out by lim c'im '"',,i,n Ore ctfs. 34 ceipts, 3,000. steady. Prime pon-h- wltti bath handy. Two gentlemen. typew iter, rotnl on Itiqilite of Market 'iiztly 3.(iu eggs, r. per ta: 17. 00 per Phone l:l, Alloi'ioeriiuo hotel. Hi steers. Locality weHt of Third t, closu in pre- FOR KENT lurnlsbcd each: ,1 OleS Hl'oW It, Law l.lbraly 111 S4 fed steers, $8.15 8.60; strci per PiO. Sold t.uoo "'ok ferred. Address E. P.. Journal office. cottaue. alas sleeping poriTi. 100. Unity chicks. 114.00 bltildllii;. over i.irlli and Pic slur--- AffOLDlliN plealiog; fmo dressioa king, central 10S 8.15: calves, $6.00(ii,10.00. f. 111.1 ll already rerelved from lnt erlmroiiirh-Mo't'- $6.75i electric Ph lie lSCIVV. Soul last season. Orders latlorlng. Phone 1;'4L I'Hi North 7th street. .' Wm 67 Receipts. 4,000. Market of old customers. Free booklet on Ins, r. ' Kheep WANTED Wit h Hoard. High. 4 number MvcstiK-k- . copper $9.50fft 1 0.40 ; year- Roonis request, (lentrr's Poultry Hunch, Albuquer- Illlt Slli: 28 higher. Lambs. CriierMl, SS que. N. M. Phone r.r.U. IH SINI DANCES. """national Harvester 85 lings, $8.50(0 9.25. WANT'l-I- Room Willi sleeping poreli by SALE OR Tit A IF, Horses. Guy (Iran-nl- pay. At FOR Hogs Receipts. 8.000. Market unc or two young men. with or near Twn-- r in THEV LAY. tiny win, they the l.aiindry. HI SM.E .Most .il. rn. complete and ''"'K-.- i 24& FOlt HUNT furnished cottaitc, Hubba Vallev heavy, good table board. Can furnish good ref- Ap- - three lurgest poultry shows In southwest I f oiiiieti.-.- l hot. of t hit ly rooms in 137 higher. P.ulk, $0.7F,rni6.9A; Wilh Sleeping pun M0; water paid. - SAI.T: I'.llllilV bole i.ll.l bili'itv. hat ''"'"willo NMshvidp ; erence. Addres A. Jt. ('.. Journal. i In 1014, fair, Albuquerque: suite 01- west, at a bati:a l. Owner must go to 1 1 9 Vi $K.75(f!6 85; pig.s, $6.25 if C.90. ply IK, West Cold. stale lie, 4 111 Central Phono licit. L posltlon, Roswell; El Huso I'oullry snow; altittld.'. Addict A. A , care Journal. P"':"i retroloum ... ion RENT- - F house, cheap l'o our bird won forly-tlv- June; American FKlTTvLE- - Two g .oil l.ii.i Coooor "X l.lvestookl FOR RENT Apartments, :i 24 Chicago small family, ,,,ti-.hl- shops, good shade Pouliry Association gold rooda!; live 101111K photic 4nj or call at i rtll Ollri, . twenty-fly- e MOM.V TO Kannoa t..w..1 8. Receipts phone 14:iW. cups and h Mi, A o ..... 1 74 Chicago, April Cattle Full KENT Three-roo- f uruistied flat, sleeping porch. ilver medal, two silver oori 11. IK...i. bci f 2:'4 Inquire Suvoy specials; over l.'.o ribbon. I. 1OAN 011 13 4,000. Market firm. Native . modern. South aiilh. Mo'l'-i- six and seven-roo- other I $ in pigeons. Homer that ate best MONEY TO salaries, householil "Italia onmb; Single Com It Wlilte Or- a J'ower 62 steers, $fi.0O(ii8.90; western steers, hotel. nh-- coltak,-- . toeU;ht lleil. both by test, both In show and Hqnnh goad and livestock, without removal. flats, close in; four Hose Comb rnin -, Rational Ilis.uit $6.25 (ft 8.75. Million, pington, Mottled Ancona. and producers. Itrceiitng stork r..r sale. Trimble 1Tnlon Loan Co., rouni 11, over First Nn- V ..1 123 $5.G5t'7.C0; calves, rooms, W. II. M. .11 West Hold. Slock euga nnd chicks for 1,, id 10,000. Jiiack llantnms. V. Wells. Tim. I!,4. (ltd Albuquerque. N. M. llonal t.sns. Phone 1J 'ooinii . 6 Sheep Receipts, Market Poultry Yards. 717 East it'",,!.. opper Nicely furnished apartments, sale. I.. E. Thomas V. ;. ' . 13 strong. Sheep, $7.40i8.50; lambs, FOlt RENT FOlt RIOXT ItooiriH With "W'fri. ILiaeldln." avenue. A Ihllquorqilo. Vxlrk modern In every respect. Toil West Lend. IcfTST. TYPKWRITI'.R!. V . S5 se v (''l'a! $7.80(10.50. RENT' siiiinv roiitn sleejiina QUALIT Y COUNTS. For sod nrimi-hftnc- i, irtford ,'. jfogs lleeeipts. 18,000. Market hnby chicks Ll 1ST A l.idy d,l Wll .Ti unit All K I N 1H. hoth now una average. por.-h- Hoard if d. sired; no i.b.leciion to "PIINHIIINB" Huff Orpington fall ,.1025i netive, 5c above yesterday's sick. Prices reason ible. 1'lione I'.KilW. and eggs. We won Amerlcnn poultry 00; X. and t u rev ii bouKht, itiltl, rente. nl ivialri4l. (ft 6.95; Typewriter 1'boD ,1, raoifie .100 Hulk, $6.00 6.95; heavy. $6.fi0'fi FOR RE.VTflfflefi Room. medal; four icctals, eleven first TiTTToTTe" P.ri Kxchnnit. 77, RENT'-T'- i." luiulsbed. con tie, iik big' I ' 1 4 111 Mouth HHiin1 trt . 21 pigs, $ii.5() ill 6.50. Full and thirty ribbons at tho three ward r. torn i;n; Macplwr-f,- e rooms, private bath; Willi board. I'll' vnn(,',T"1- - FOB. KENT Offices. Apply V. A. AlliuqilePlim Stale fair. Roswell . 27 U show IJISI' lblll.ll I ll " s. liberal nsvivfinht : office meet nnd El Psso poultry show. We J ,' .106 Denver Livestock, Slate w ard I 'l- r. 01 lo F. Hub Iii II, city. A you with While and Pmwn udinan vHav Car April 8. Ciittb Reccpt.i. FOlt KENT Heat office rooms In I KIIAIH' It Nl Tl The most attractive run also furnish Vorlh Third street. .. ,.153 Penver, Vrlsarrl llldg.. corner Fourth and Cen- one niile north of town. Leghorns. While and Marred Rocks. White AUTO LIVERY 1,100. steady. Reef steers health Turkeys l.ij;lil.ui-l- g. 1,1 Hill h a,;r,,i,intea . 20 Market tral, Inquire upaalra Yrtssrii and Keleher. All milk, cream and egg produced on place. llipiugloll and Mainmolli Hron'e LOST 00 v"r ,.14B $6 fj tl iTj) 7.20; rows and heifers, $5,00f gueets. lights, beat kind. We use chain: wall h ha" mon 0: noil "H. f. Give V Full. Wo Will Treat Free carriage Electric from the of their . L. II n ,1. n tot a.-- lo I '11 1 Soiiih K.iitn !;imnbe iroV.'iwVrt': :::::: .. 24 6.40; calves. $8.0011' 11.25. city mall service. Rooms or cottages, phone company'H model Incubators. R. If Yon Right FOR RENT MIeollneon CI- Albuquer- sheen Receipts, none. Market l(i:i:l. Ml. W. H 'oed. Morgan Sons. -' South Arno. MACITTNTG, AFTO A CONSTRUO M. ITimie i;;o, nr skinners un- HTML ij.iun.i co.. pf(1. 1 - FOR KENT Oil SALE horses and que, N. ::::::: .. '"V- . ... w ..... TIOX CO. (Jareia, t Arno street. rv . & San 2,1 J 1,311a. Simon WA STED- - ci l - al'-ll- o Fran lM- - . Infra Receipts, Jinrio'i rlr. Hoarder. IT Nil- Msnde-Ienn- , S. It. thern S 6.75. $1 per monlh. - I ,.KHfi - steady. Top. $6.85; bulk, $6.65 FOR RENT (iood pustule, cotton rags at the Jour- leiitifymg and llll Hoiltll 'h naiiwuy- Plenty of grass, shade and water. Inquire WAN I LL) Hoarder at Whitcomlt SiiHuijs. WANTED Clean . . 17 Ti Wll " Dal of floe. Waltur. nnessee Copper Mon. SOi West Central avenue, tl. V'auow. Inquire at , . 31 "Tlie DeAil." llisllaic Sun. and EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL; FRIDAY, APRIL 91915.

INDIAN CLUB DRILL .,w,Mt, Crescent Hardware Co. RUSSIAN BUY THAT BY UNIVERSITY GIRLS Stare, Rantrrw, Hon rwrnUiInf Gondii. Cutlery. Toot, Iro Pip. Talr- -I I' THEATER nd nttlnx. llumhtar, Ileatlar. Tl and Cofprr Work. Aloe. i dvw of i:tl ft the tin.ver- - CRYSTAL II .! (C.ve t! HNjiiIJ.Il 'f !r.-i- ! W.'l tit W. CXXTIl.IL AVT, TTXTPnOXE til. NTERPRETED BY !.:! ri. ir.-.- !i;.. ..n,hl at the I h.rh ' ) a in ..(sre. ti.a wi'n the pay. TT-.-- Arrival ' Kif.v. la the Su n .ei" pre-err!- .t und-- r lhJ IMPORTED ar-pse- vf the '."hrij-tiar- i F.'i.V-avo- r TODAY TODAT.. MADAMEPAVLOWAE ,ielv of tie t'onrreaat.onal e!i:f h. II !a sr. ni at the h:th DWKI Il lfS ,, Ks auditorium ton.ar.t u wil mi r. IHHKV POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL t the mot f.t nHf eveiie! " farce-jit-med- Classmates 'have r The THE BEST OF OLIYE OIL ifcarrn.r,. I'Hiin-'f- r e.f Kitty. if Klaw aiil I'catitrv haug-Acpearanc- e "The Arrival IIKAIST Great Aft st:c Re.i.a! i HI(. 2r M.ri1 ff tifl.ithi The Maui.i m 2. 3 I ii'i lm V I 1 y - ail Hjr l irlur, vt-r- 1 fn.r, I i.' (t"J in ,ih S"- K.ih ;. i.tn. at 7:3i. KiU'i ami .!' urated by - tnii-M- ik lillrrn. .V- rr..v of linn I Great- - iljr-j.h- . I laiij America of Weld's . nlunat Mi. B0NO-C0NNEL- - n ai Cunais at Is. u" L SHEEP AND WOOL COMPANY Iwn M alkr est Dancer. .4iriiAS on:y renu I 'T Snllil.1) worn, (Lira rnin in mii i i' ami nuns mi.ts Mt M I. l"il.ltM TO UK iiivr kimlll Ope I p. ad l J m.i Onntlnuoiu Sho a NOW Tlll !KWV "IIUKTS Of fit ! W a 'itte T)e-r- Anna, ami ILaiiroad Trackt M ! art in ih r4!:n 'f tfc rur i:lll." We carry the entire ocuii- - a fKMution tnb l i ft MHMKMMIIMMIHim KHIit-m.i- n Jirt of - Ik;"! m ha th.it-j- , 1J (' nilur niKitc the dm- ard ! inf f I) S4i EASTMAN LINE - j in . uaJit ff ratifhai !.r.K.-r.i!- thai :mrriBt- ut -- lieir !.! ust.-- a-- orr.fansl I Amateur a ,u.nv attntwiUW ";s n lh Mr. T mi miarfl U'TIM. Hl t.HTI ir' - a o - ' hm Ji !o- e,(r, o the iliitriter of Ami Pftlur i uil tfmr.mrat. ,;! t:- a numUr .1 win i.nr,. t4 pof ioiial i rt-- 1 it-iP- r. THEATRC KELLOGG'S LATEST ar! Ur ! K. I!. K r. fdii Hau! ar an Kirj'om1 knnan th aii:f- .f PASTIME th-i- r .- Th-- y - i.i on thir way ai4ir. ip.j. m ma-j- rJ a tnd Ih- - i . an ir Admission 10c; Children 5c lie find 'ty vilv j rK&ai(atkn. A fi.il la PRODUCTION Hurt.. l..cinK f.r knn hti V. f.ra.ie !h ut i- - SI3 Central Ate. Inn, lufHiif xtrmt,,n tnr.r motina. Th .....r 41 .!) at anil ITinimx at ana aa ty have ; , i.K k v .11 CHAUFFEUR, WHO SAID ITil rotft pr..K!1 ar.J tn mrtia )t.. at lowrM TUk'.! n : WAS A;i t t&tA. ii..tn HE GOVERNMENT ,MtJ ?fc. TODAY KRUMBLES th, f,tnt of r.i t. '.IKIsll KIHK M Mll MXIZF. anio:a:i. B. Jt aniht m,J Wllol-t- : OH OFFICER. RELEASED :lfn4 : t"H)lll l. Till l.uihK STRONG'S BOOKSTORE thij th lini.uif ff I'jUm m Ihr a th r.gnt r.v thirtv an I or f.(M). - 1.1 ' Ml I i I r- .wrnt only - V. IIm.i ;..!, at nHirr iav. Two-r.i- in-- 1 Oir.,n s IVniiiiHi. l .!' V tt'. haufTeur. w i ;thir.g Hich an-'- ! I the f,tir ,,,.,). n ii .rur- - ar.,1 "TELMO" I. hi ii re d from the 'unty y, tl r.sr If Tsi Wiet HiJtjBKi, if ' n MOI I VI j af'err.wn Mor.lf Tr.r t..fty t.i.i f,mt r rsk-.- T!!Af:p TM vr.p. II! Till: (,, r,a n - KIM.- - Il.o-e.- fM Hake Tin lw,. Martin held St. Vt:n. N. nnr this nUAxn or M.nui4 ; , mt four ) jrs ag.i hn h f ,i fl ami-- r.K)lS AM) voc A Mati- - I mi nro f I - CA.MI f Int rM Tinv t him Ifa.t h- a a Ct- - intimate nni.fr f thf American" IliI'VI. .legale f thTif-:T..i- !' IIAVi; W to rntj.-r- and ldWainrt trim Alrookt ;nimluit-!- in Tl.!. n.iefit ..r ila ; THE IlllsT. lll-- i IA I kl r.H t!fr ' - a.ovir 4ft I'tni-u-- . Mi,r.aili ..g-i- T rnty-:- n atbl if j a t "ttand ipuhti)'. fnnt.- w t f .tni is all u A i:.( . BANK CASHIER li- - ( unxily l ! lT a. I' ;f f h'-- an h'.n. rf ihr pr!n ti n '; r.nr-- , h !l s-- t thur. Tt Kr-.f- amho-r.'- y two harif (cn-j,- (lmu owrat:c 'llf. ,nit-- In in,! iinlr tHiM,l ' f..rf. iC fr-.- I'niir.f Mt ..rk. T. Kaik.iu k a "I In. ; I h..r.- - K4 ii)rrr jUiW; ' - h an l h'- h- - ih-- - SUNDAY AND ItitaiK at Marshjl . II at SmU Kr M'tiar;tk) i?.ri i;.l..i1n,ff jTry hini. turnn tn. k. MONDAY i i l J Mjr' .M t Ti- - iim a li't ! i.r., ..n.j.anj. Tr.v Mi. hc!t . h n. --Till. Iir.lll." IS BY jN'-arTo- I , DOWN ,D; 1. rr. l th f. i. r jury in -- . . 10c per pkg. Moliiar'i. wiTil-f;inui- u lra-.- ,t tf-rr- . il.ii, aa imtuir.r4 Art ;n ah i H j mHiutrntarj. I Ik- - - i l j n of In fin- panN Rr.t I a itni(. rturr-'- j l ;. Iiw-i- l ! Ilatinx iu.M oi: iir luits kna n Thai Ih Hui.in liiiiintin Il.isal lulu motion in. iiir,. ' !! ha d..n nnn h t viuljir IHTTR kIR.iri'. 4. ih tTTI". fi.rm l ilat ui.inl of 9 F (linnetjinl i a fa t. Jt t iualiy tru- - th..t lijtlrri. hrgil, ,M rtrkiMrd. TflMllR m f.HM-- 1 I a Mm ii. Tlw. II. Iimi hIhi lis. Nl i:ih-u- n innKii thit will an.l al! t,iii llhk) Alio III. M. I. VISITING ODD FELLOWS ha rnirituirl fur j mailt I hi- - irixlui lioa i i f t" April . '(har tou'.irdo iraiin the di ll fur n ii 1: ii i n iiinr,' lM .iiiii. WARD'S STORE TO ENTERTAIN pM fill IKK H r.HAHAV. tv MEMBERS in r.rot aiTi.ni; Ihf art ful ami iiH.ro than tltr WAKUKX li HAIIAM. - ral Ihe lay. f Hit I DROP SEAT llaMarbUAie. fhoer-m-- ttf OFHARM0NYLODGENO.il !f thf to. Masi- lli if. i y CALL BOMKR IC. WARP, Mf--. iFrar.K ','cKee cf First Nat or.alj Am.TM ha .wnnn-t- t., 23 Closed Crotch Union Suits i r-- wurn art j t3-Cll- n r i ani ft t:iix.an mti.c T TAXI An r.tf rt:,in:i. nt hx n ar iiy St;: AXD ACTO. ntXeiVtS O'rnuUS r IttCiUie and tM Oiwr an th and) the kind of Underwear that is ii-c- i f'ir I'tfi.rht in i.lf Uruh - lay Sirnc. i rVII.' I I l f,f Ml i'avloaa, th- at f if.tr-iif.n- v II. ti I. ' A. IL riACA.. hil iih th" .f ..'i'm' f T. an.i j always comfortable. SI. 50 LET US SEND A MAN . hrr Im!k I. r rn "ill the fifmn !i! i- - a'V.-.t-- i,f mu- - ' l' th ltujlun lU'i-la- c "I I i . t i. Arm- - mit ; i To Tlial IlroWen Wlndoi 't rt ' Pass Over It. in ih- - orM tulay. Alfalfa, Grain and Seeds, or $2.50 suit. Pure white . ll al-1- n f.f Durir.r hr the .la t.r ilHitfr un H op- -' . lit in lhi .M KrlV. '. W. Jnnki-r- ' r isr mni furthr AUirQixngrK hi. anl ' i poriunits-i- i of the i:LHan";The Bittner Co.. Phone 9. ! a gentleman's garment. icmdcr an. mi-aiit- ty Mi Al.r. liitlrr, lmlns tOMl'AXy An - p I Will br n. The of Exp ;ll nuni'-- r of ! ,uim..h,- l.v Mr, !n i j Plione 421 2S X. Firs .in .lrn - i . Ask to be shown. osition hrn-n- M j '"e- 'iitain-- a of tionn mI S'l r r .n ovr Frank K' rumir . Mafl''1-- " ''"hl. h hnv- - n iTiVn in- - Henry's Delivery and Mes-- ; I r ian.hi.-- of lh Pir1 V:.ll(.tinl l,mk. C T. h a E. L. ; rin . . ly ih M a WASHBURN CO. at a ' ffi.i.,. t t t m nnA a at !: o k K.t. r...y '4 grr.tl rnl. 4trBMi lt.:rl mrm ofing sengers. Phone 939. , of t.n.niln. nt . ''n Konfh F'tt. iirrft nur CM rnmiawn, umi'rr .rn dfinrrrtl to it 117 fwrt the rily. numtr oM iwirmKy-Kori'anor- i, - ln-il.- I"a-i;n- tt Mr l Ki--f m li , liiinKa, Tlii- Mini. Special? ill t. ! n.i to toaala. All r "pnu. t.rhl s l!, Mdi. ami ItVlNrk ( kLwjn r4or r mnntf -- - Tw and M..uf.,n!-- ; . lh- - Ii. ? ! ,'""t"ri Jjft t l..- ankk. Hi haik'wiy xiio Ivi;l." ! :in-- Sim. ami Mort itf m:. d t jonr rafr. of t.lrr in rity are ir.v,t!. vvf jn'ff. - - ji t.ia,I.H M in oi m.- MMIN rrvulur had n.l,h.vlv am an.l ROSE r-: II VIIMIShi Pi aiid-- 1 an-- l BUSHES Z .I.H-rs- . : rntstsffwhi h h Lfaiity j pnr. irtm a. m. i PLAINTIFF IS BARELY jl.rtiid in Tho injuiiwi are ' our h fhad and ror;:rairal ir f i -- 'old plants, $2.50 per dozen. - " - n l STARTED IN JOHNSON Mr. Mi'Kw w.m taken l St. Jo- r" '" all!! wmi'.'li' i GRIMSIIAW'S Itwi'h a bOMMUl at noi- in Sirone I "'"'. ln" kapp.e I um.t jrc n; piiy. n'At Albuquerque Greenhouses. "Totill He It at (irlmhaw'. ' ' ,n I Strong Brothers CASE FOR 1;,1:; lhfr' aii,l.iilani-- Pr J. IFHTdlUAN A5l5 I HA I lw" central u.ni". $35,000 '. i aicomtunii-- nun. Th ilwtir . .. " " " I THK JITNKV. I . M Undertakert mm lo-- lion- - of the tart of' flSTFflPATH AMI HADFT !. "himtiUo Tavl A Auto line- HIIK AHK The I'nsiinK'. Sun. an-- l I n -u J.ihn-- . In ; . , " X The which lh the wr anar-1- cleanlyl.r in ,, -- , t i ,"?,.',.i0' W twliv.l pp.orr Mmvirr. ntoxr l.i.iii.ff ak f..r ..amaKi-- n amount-- ! hut did nm W line he mternallt. Kh fLALtU UiVULn DUilU rro. ami Mir. ; ti, MHOMi Bl-- COlTtJJ ift t lliniol ff.on lie lclor A mer- - ttttiirrt line .tf Ih.-- vliwU AitVnfTv ! , ., I Tony "''. s AMI MKIMI. van "!.l romi-anv- only f uirlv paxwd over the lej;. tail line ntm GaXJip Lflmp J - .ll-nia- l,, M.nea in f. d,r,,, n.ur, yier- Mr MK,., n ,he ,av tn ,hJ IT.. , Cerrlll Lamp H AHN COAL CO LK,r .!.. T tor the plaint ;ff - ' ,in..- a e"i"h vreet h-- rr... 77;'r- of I w.r. e,m...e.i n,l the ,h.M wa. ! ' r"" 'f'"'"--"17,"'' ' For cmpet, horre furnUhinM. h . rear of the nl t'r AXTiia.crrE. aix sizes, steam coajl ..I J..h..a.,B aa , , : avenue, tin. mornm. injurad;. A plir nilI,ria, thr aire-- I t.,; ?.t Coke. M1U in an . at I Navajo in few .. Wood. Factor T.'ood, Cord Wood. Native Kindling, Urn LOCAL ITEMS be When Mr Pia "!" ! o,11" . ininl,, Mimw ihumc. corn;n here for ,r i.aH.,.. ha.-k- hulth jiC.kei.. r. a'he.1 thm he l.w.kej ,. ,fcl..,1,n.,. a. r.n.,., - L, . OF ifTBUCST th- t 11 r M It f tfttaa h MiV A fill fttwi . Ia. . ii- . a. CHURCH IS JAMMED FOR jThp rr '"'"' h " .'''la cnmir.ar.omiUtnt Iv.C.'ll1 H HIJORT. ! J'i'-'''-- y UrTIII c ,hV xt on. aintpremient of the nD unncr-- i roTitor-"- "Vx'r. faf.n. Un. nUUOC O ttUIUnt,,ml" u.m-.i- i ,,,..,,,ai.hic Ixrd of this Mate, thatu- - Fcr the lri r.ty-- f nur V.our ttxd nt I He tried In gel out of the - th oateoaaMi iih IcruUrtf him o k i veji-.i'i- tui,,,, at iMifirtai- I m cr-..- " "e mm '!' annsive assaultins t.. pn-.i- c The i,..,,..! that Ii (....j'51" ii'.iir imtti l.MK!ae a,i M.i.n,.!i!i m .lie. ()ttr. n hittirm htm with the result thai lh jhirn. and that Paravtia t I ti Ii; I. SI. of the e. mre of r. F. I Home. It. I nuitit n pi ri'. if. ranic. t'oth turned the ..ni When 'hejpia uiid-- r a Te-- .i tot me the a ot.. in e taat lukht an. pre lm.l. etaiure st j. m. r'ter..iy. il. al the rr.a- - hme hit him. Mr. M. kee gratitd j r ... - . . . . The torn" d;r. It. ore to.. . . j- nun i i.i- ...... k ...tir.sit(i.i...i in 'Tiie rerifi. r a:wi nunir tin 10 nmi- - complaint Sioj-- Hur- - 'i-k- iijm'11 iave :..t a charting iiil- - black I a cadet at tr.e iiexi.o 14MJ. i M""-- of i;.l i.vny t in the! 'nam. ,f llatbotlL Painter. I'hona ' ; S. I.n. i,!. r i the w.fe of Tr. Ttiirn.im v htiii h taken. I l" Itry Inatitvte. rhareicc that I Pwre r f our. All ui.io-Hjii- J I: C Jv hneiiler. e. tor in haie r th threatened '"rotchera life. He ak-- IwIhIi I l.iM lei It IT K.ve hia ...... ll"iie n.ll ture ureas "t ansmal in- - unl'-- Tl. " ' l t'mted fl lie. that 1'iirnim le placed a pea, e ill '"tri-Kh- at he 'i. Kationul f hur h l H..., of - Will duasr. H'htn lh ca? cane up for ion the Life He ..eak g cond.uon reporla free ,, ,,, i5S...,n )lt lhp Fr.TiM. ri.in hearing the lontplainn witncni coiM Iatt ra ' ...... was delayed I I I .1 . not be unl:: ii.nt'. nun ii on ir.e i n 'noiukv and it C H E C K oiraitn. j rda v. M.i !m ; i.tie Flii. of I. ilia ran. h. llr will I. me toinaht for I.o Anneiea Sat U ft, will le s Crvtcher ha performinc op- k3EHlwVwBKPBlSS4iiiiSBpQ ill.n .mil at lvt Frie!er where he :e a eriea of Surra hnParxjna avenue. for the V. M. I". A. eration!! at the Rantorinm Ch-r- and ers good friends. What The tjcv.l r ilub will ni-- t fr ben tin! th trouble u h.i not n diVuU'-- l I I j f Mi.-- .n mm j to in y m a D R E S S i oiUk d.r ...... w.r r,. w...we.niRrnTnncw, It. 1'i.rv.ns k ani'inx for the re-jti- hfeM hill. MEMOiERCQUNCIL of Ju.ise Granville A. I'.Khari-lK.n- . .1,.o.-- t Cur,-- ! Th.r. w.li he a the WILL HOLD A MEETING' who i on the west si ! of the trv i All- . j js. .1 o.l.k t.i kht. I tat. and he will mwr out a 1 t pri-een- t I 1 1 no tot tw I I uie rejwvt.-- , Ii The V M. .. of ihrM..ra lunacy coTpUint afalnst Crui. her. G D . JL I 0 s The riKiJ whi. h met 0 iii;ntj nr.i. ill n t al 7 l o'v h k l.ift.ht Jtt l. r.Uy ro. . at the e...inhuae. d.. ,, i ... fet-ure- a DEFERS MEETING Miein.-n- the i'iiimer l'ih ojron Iroswell high iiiJt' from p.ivii.ft th. of th I ml.! .r-- W. II school in..!h!y l,i!!a. kere!arv I a lei. (rram e.ierd. l;(,ni-y- , n.'ii'J TO graduate largest P. M , Kr. h hj Nr; from the art hil--t- a in l"t?-- a- - uiii(Twly I'l at a pwal fc.itai..r.'in a- mat the worair plam were CLASS IN HISTORY to . r ITS inches n-- 40 t (Q) 1,1 45 wide, b able to return to nearly and that the lue-- j fjity Qft' KalS Will SCPld FlCW l"h'"T'w. rmt and pe if atjona W'.'-- I) "'1 , - WtHUBWIIWCI 'O DOM. JDVM4UJ .iiiinn e humAnn-lletnk- th .i.i. ! few- ! to 10 9ea es brunsieia noT.e N. M.. April . The larg- (era iihiir, a il h. I .Unishter l.to , Ilowwell. 75c ! value j re , . ' a-- est claw to sraduate from Ihe 0(Cs I.' t li.Kht on tn.. a .vr If in DEATHS AND FUNERALS day Attend Funeral n Aok'-I.i- t io K:il,itw I'lM. ;..w. h.sh s hoil. in the roinhwert r. for that ti it will rec ne ihi :r L.i-- w.n-- ! f Services. t.r, t. rmiT on May 14. niasa num-Wr- a - I - i I - lUor-t'ff'-. The VSr. .!,. .M:. i. . .. r I". J i. fifty-- f iv-- . Vawi ha ale el H ,4' v I ! ri'- vn ( The r, d Hili, Uu- o niu-- ii F. wn of Mr. e ..!. the 1.40-- in niniple farh. No mim-T- e U-i- , i Ml V i - r i the I'arR.i. i, aioi Maria r. FiiOhir. S;ri ?! . . K-- i. oo i; night .r t nil a.1 to epr nd more than Ih ihe i Serpentine n.of j.irs at imrr.ed.atejy meet.ne in refpectf th-r- an.! (tirl are . re Plisse aft.r ail dretani ar ire-1- N . and Kd-- home ..f i. ; tt h It ! IF Writ. who hi ' itf t. ihe rnoth.r of foun.-.lina- Iv mjalike even to trimmine- and the i"-- F..,r.-- i the . . 1 e i nh. i' a i i. n. ft i,r-..- F"utiecin I. Mr Ii t uiif-l- d, i 1 w -- ann'i ;rilfel Ii.ld. Krde f .r5 he ln.ya ill he :' I hi Id t : o ,J, k i ali. dreed n i i th n MM.(tt..n, !.,' tr4jy ro. . The N ato-we- s . . 4i;. Wd'i.Td cticil j R,.ers will he to W . f - i,t I fl.ij !. ' r 1.. t ";! on t! .' . t ; ' w.il fU.w-- i i. the liruiiffeld Ufore or iiuti.-i- l ... in Fjirvow i.metery. t ), ,ilin Mase after Crepes home anl rity cfttcUkt will attend lhe,ne rXtf, H Ts ,, . ! ! t: tV.. H . t t held morn-- 1 t. r!'!i!. F I". funeral which thta Jr.r, wkkUnd will deliver Ihe -- . nhar Marh. O. ft . Wi'h ' .i t.;ii,trt. rn rtt it s. vnledt. A!v Alta !: Mar-- h. : d try a.!drv, and 30 f Arthur K iir old. l and 32 inches wide, - ' i coun.-i- At plain, n, tv in . ih. i ilit.-r- Th will meet lonisht. in solid colors, la It. 2 Starreti wi'l give the salutatory, IT a! ?'i o i k eterd.y (1 ape- - W W f'-- alurncm j this time a He wiH eei. for a will Mt..ii8. th. l'fal aiiint t h:? ap.irtm?nta In th.-- hifehlaniiA. le li.ivid II Foyd of Albu'iuer;ue 'e-.-- r.. ft t iv.ai or au.imirii.i nr ivi .or deliver the ad Iressa. .!. If. had hen here three weeks.. hvin pe i&l - d.M ij..?.iri pro-jfv-e- d also printed - , of Ki.. A- e.-r- pyri..- the and figured designs, K.. Itr'ar from FreMio, Calif , on a.".o:itit new fram hLe usually a4 f ,,.. ! witer I'uUi. .rc. hr. of rM.r health. He ia aiirv'.v- -l hi with t ial water PROFIT IN FEEDING IS ' "n Htf'.fr.'iiiy I'.oi.M'ijr on . -- the committee j f ,i. who were here The lv!v reiiKTt faiortne an extension umlee taaen !. sr. i, lr others' under-- proper TT.1:tion. were read REALIZED BY STOCKMEN 20c and 25c the yard; special, ... e t'Ktt Stm V : so Arjr. ahip- - h.h e. to e prepared 'or hv H. 1. Must at the nv-eti- t , rima It lat ? i.i.;s. j. .i r ' ' Krer.o on were wah- - ..r. t.ni:hl 'jT?iey a.ei.!ed al tnal time raee.Afc re oMma No. . mimiu out inmmrr.l. kmimi V c ' - , . a Fi.rer,. April There is a T a , j It I co'iru-ii'- plan, it T.i. - th after haa in V. f . ;e t ..t Ili!.!-;a-. e profit f. aecttrding to P. 12V2C t c L ilian.. K r.e ordinan.-- thoruiifihiy over the at.K-kma- '.rf.fr... .1 1 hitLKer ( aad just .i. w t..r.-.- t 4. $.4' '!. i'.iir.o Uataidon. 44 y Pld. 1 patrons of lunn. - ir a meelinc of ai-- r vmi yard i ; ...... ikih He jisst the u the line. ha J'. aod.i. lv ) e.tenlay mvrr.:c at J company aacer- - Teiaa the Water Supply to Kan-- a I rraraeted a.tty head of aleer at I a ei .n. S.iura e, Hvi South Kecona aireet what Ih. v think of A 15. McMil-H- . :.rriv. fcet' , t,n it i v w. sahf 1 and t'. I. M M'VK.I !!V . t 't foiiner ivitu e of the peace at j rr , propoattton. Th,. time of this raire .3. f !!, n. at IT 14 u hundred The da..a w.th !.. f ,n.:I. IU UrfU. h.I.S!t the offi e for .t ; mvtni; will announced at the le-ea- r. turn Women's were fit-i- k Tan w Feo-- or diwoarda a Hosiery ICV.J..M t ' f r nur v o.n He i. proprh tor of t he I jal meeim pro .led the cntincil I frm Sale It- ,1 i e t r i ..: of I ,.i ii plea ...on t dsn Mr iiai.ai-- 1 able to ompleie iU invetiet!oii niirw. We Are Overstocked, t is. at!""" ""...n. . Hence v i m mmt-- This ' - .' s Sale is V. .. Hon wa in at Um nave, a. r.. ta i ore acaniion. Thu is aaid t( l un- iii"nui. Hi'V axu . Ifouoiv. r;.oe lli.r''-- jcilor. an.! mndition and would The r r weeklv n eti'.i ir.l lo Ihirtvll ae 1 ,! ,a" , He i t.y wid- - I du, April 1, wi!l!hrd have t.r ought more than tt at Tan Cotton Hose, usual 5c closing V. Trie ' grade, u,r, at t.. Ii. Id i V'iims... itrvi,d the .luin.riv ill. price ir.ar . . I. . . . . ,..., . thai unv Dr i ojii r 9c ihi afterr....!! a lai a ninili',1 children, hav ti.oi,ic,'i money now! I'unn had va Band of Huet.t.E wist tie foiioaed I v two ima'l to .mUl,!, :i , r-- a Curson .ik.r' . oe a.i i r.ay i ri.-- i.i3.j.. The m.mthlv 'f had Ctwt iZ ton. lan Hose, usual ZDc grade, closbg hour, Hefreln'.rnta w ,11 n.-- d to j uuerai rvi.ea wiu nein i? price, o oI.m a Mar, h I crns.n.0 rn,j wonn a i,.n. and pr. h-- Suii.l.i) at the sacred of the ntv ocf.eer f..e i: ty. Fie i. la mnriiini dix-ard- . ::. and Hi-.ir- , r i h 41 nr mill read, A he placed the Ur. I "',. e I it h'ir. in Sari will ie Ttvv war. readr at theirtth"' W Wonderhose Tan Hose, usual I r,.trlara vemelery. Father t'orit.ib firat meet.nc thia month. Pm oinc lo'" " I"I hundred daya. 25c grade, closing price, pr. Harrv I'rnmm ed lone ii have of Ihe nrnva. the f more huiunesa I , eoctonaeedIr rrwal in d- - ". ., lrt charse ar tret imw.rtanl t:r.ft mailt oil the Km! a !' '., r m.i m Mon.'.ay ?i the routme u put off dmon tn ihe home-STow- n feeda. It Endurance Tan m.-r- Hose, way - wa a i usual grade, closing hnui. d on the to v,r Yoik. tMil ' TM kS-- Ii too the c- u!. tl until aear'y mt4 n .ven to !d e! 25c price pr. vhere he 'UN to like ehtirne of ihe We w teh to epre our aeeere n.nt Mondaa- - to dii'oe of liuiaiReio feder lie Mr iHinn t noteuirathe gaina .-t -, World Film loipoomsoii, ihe thanka to our many frienda for ktnd-tlintlo- n that o,.. k a. tion male hy the- rteer. It is proof that 1 I rvant an Hose, usual phture or rn in the woiUI. niaa allow n lis iliirma ur re,-e- be- - the grown here are effect- lare 3c grade, closing price, pr. w . ive. al-- He ill half chniKe of ail the ffirea ream me t and ew. ially to Fmntkelt The J tt.ev will ..p ars where on Let jt o to noted th.t ihe 29c In the Fulled Hlnle. ,Mr. luu.'n and li, Ite No. 1 o IF. the Unman the risht e of the sreet ty honi.r.s rhnnknae ia suppma" to Kanisa i'tiy Silk Lisle Tan Hose, usual 1 ' 50c 4 hnlire. the Woovlmen a Circle i.p the hand. only f ptrtinda. grade, closing price, pr. an.l I. It F. W. No. A the ieer a jri.na re-- t' 39c -- aer4ed MIlS. 11 KN KV FnFPSJ.ANI FAMIl.T. Tt IrtiL latia Min. an.1 M' kv. rn f JT: ; and ir-;- follow. the ate.ru Ir. tht .4 ta-c- Mr. rtnnt' If T"u want to ride In a wloe dews B. M. WillJAMS fir urea tftt. i he'recej 4V1 a tfKa! price SPRINGER t-- car. .lie 'lmf lk4rllac4. To. Ill tkentiaa for h, feed" and a flce Bet profit E6e? Ohi I J. WhlVn- - Ba'tdpkg. FOR SAND AND GRAVEL Ilea Mill on old ttiml Room and Ccraer rVecxnd an 1 Gold. ECONOMIST? Eaddl Haraea. Trimble a Bad Bar. J'boEa tio. 444. miE TUt JITXET. I ARE 5c