Jewish Family Service Committees 2020

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Jewish Family Service Committees 2020 Jewish Family Service Commi3ees 2020 - 2021 JFS is supported by several working commi9ees and task forces, which are accountable and report to the Board of Directors. These groups are comprised of Board members, other volunteers and professional staff members as appropriate. The following is a brief descripBon of the commi9ees and lisBng of members: STANDING COMMITTEES Finance (Budget/Finance) Chair: Treasurer, Steve Berger Staff Liaison: CFO, Steve Brown Board Members: David Jacobs, Gary Kahn, Eric Community Members: Gilian Baron, Rick Goldberg, Michael Kaufman, Rebecca Buell, Seth Golman, (To be asked: Mike Becker, Jeff Margolies, Andrew Kaufman Shenkman) Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Once every two ExecuMve Board Liaison: N/A to three months, or as needed Reviews the agency's fiscal acBvity, including financial statements, cash flow and the annual budget (which is then reviewed and approved by the Board). Reviews and monitors agency investments (including those currently managed by the Dallas Jewish Community FoundaBon) and debt requirements, and makes recommendaBons regarding each. Monitors and reports on Key Performance Indicators as outlined in the Strategic Plan: total revenue , fundraising revenue, % of funds applied to the mission (via annual Financial Audit) and any addiBonal measures deemed helpful. MarkeCng/CommunicaCons Chair: Vice President, Weezie Margolis Staff Liaison: Sr Dir of Philanthropy, Leah Guskin, MarkeMng Manager, Jamie Denison Board Members: Community Members: Sue Mintz, Leslie Cohn- Wein, Susan Hassel, David Slifer, Julie Ondrusek Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Once every one ExecuMve Board Liaison: N/A to two months Supports the Senior Director of Philanthropy in the development of agency policy, strategy and tacBcs for markeBng and communicaBon acBviBes. Reviews the effecBveness of markeBng materials, social media engagement, public relaBons efforts and ad campaign performance using Key Performance Indicators as outlined in the Strategic Plan and any addiBonal measures deemed helpful. Helps idenBfy potenBal external partners and alternaBves for communicaBon iniBaBves. Works with the Senior Director of Philanthropy to conduct an annual audit of markeBng materials to opBmize impact and consistency. Works to expand branding of JFS proprietary programs. Operaons 1 Chair: David Jacobs Staff Liaison: COO, Deizel Sarte Board Members: Community Members: Andrew Silver ([email protected]) Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Quarterly ExecuMve Board Liaison: Bob Gross Provides oversight of personnel, quality assurance and risk management policies and procedures to 1) ensure a working environment that meets the needs and expectaBons of staff and clients; 2) retain high quality staff, and 3) deliver service which is effecBve and consistent with professional, legal, safety and other regulatory standards. Responsible for review of the agency’s conBnuous quality improvement plan and reports, including client outcomes and saBsfacBon, as well as quality assurance components. Tracks and reports Key Performance Indicators as outlined in the Strategic Plan and any addiBonal measures deemed helpful. Board contact for faciliBes and logisBcs ma9ers. Resource Development Strategy Chair: Vice President, Julie Gothard Staff Liaison: Sr Dir of Philanthropy, Leah Guskin Board Members: Ethel Zale, Community Members: Beth Konig, Gilian Baron, Bill Roth, Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Once every one ExecuMve Board Liaison: N/A to two months Provides leadership and planning to sustain, expand and secure resources to support the agency’s programs and services to the community through fundraising and development efforts. Develops and maintains a three-year fundraising plan that includes targeted acBviBes to a9ract corporate, individual and big Bcket benefactors. Tracks and reports Key Performance Indicators as outlined in the Strategic Plan and any addiBonal measures deemed helpful. TASK FORCES 403(b) Plan Chair: Gary Kahn Staff Liaison: CFO, Steve Brown Board Members: Community Members: Mike Weinberg Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Once per ExecuMve Board Liaison: Treasurer, Steve Berger quarter, as needed Manages and evaluates the agency’s reBrement plan for employees. Annual MeeCng (5/25/2021) Chair: Staff Liaison: Sr Dir of Philanthropy, Leah Guskin Board Members: Community Members: 2 Approximate MeeMng Frequency: As needed in ExecuMve Board Liaison: Weezie Margolis the months leading up to the event Plans and helps execute all aspects of the agency’s annual meeBng in May, including, but not limited to, theme, locaBon, program, invitaBon, refreshments. Audit Chair: Rebecca Buell Staff Liaison: CFO, Steve Brown Board Members: Community Members: Approximate MeeMng Frequency: As needed to ExecuMve Board Liaison: Treasurer, Steve Berger evaluate new audit firms (when needed); as needed to review audit prior to presentaMon to the Board Evaluates auditor performance and helps select new auditors, if needed. Meets with auditors to discuss the audit and any issues/recommendaBons resulBng from the audit process, prior to presentaBon to the Board. Governance Chair: Robert Gross, MD Staff Liaison: CEO, Cathy Barker Board Members: Community Members: Approximate MeeMng Frequency: TBD ExecuMve Board Liaison: President, Julie Liberman Performs periodic evaluaBons of organizaBonal documents, structures, pracBces and procedures and makes recommendaBons to the Board. Examples of acBviBes may include (but are not limited to) surveys to idenBfy areas for organizaBonal improvement, review and update of bylaws, or evaluaBon of commi9ee structure and funcBon. Just For Show (4/22 or 4/28 or 5/6/2021) (Talent TBA) Chair: Staff Liaison: Sr Dir of Philanthropy, Leah Guskin; MarkeMng Manager, Jamie Denison Board Members: Community Members: Approximate MeeMng Frequency: As needed to ExecuMve Board Liaison: President, Julie plan and manage the event Liberman Plans, organizes and helps execute our major 2021 fundraising event. A`er the event, reports Key Performance Indicators as outlined in the Strategic Plan and any addiBonal measures deemed helpful. 3 Legal Chair: Cory Feldman Staff Liaison: CEO, Cathy Barker Board Members: Community Members: Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Rarely, if ever; ExecuMve Board Liaison: President, Julie work is typically done by individual contributors Liberman Provides legal advice and guidance on an ad hoc basis. Staff AppreciaCon (TBD May, 2021) Chair: Staff Liaison: Community Engagement Coordinator, Kristen Jackson Board Members: Community Members: Approximate MeeMng Frequency: As needed in ExecuMve Board Liaison: Secretary, Lindsey the two months prior to plan and execute the Stengle event Plans our annual staff appreciaBon luncheon that typically occurs in the spring. Volunteer AppreciaCon (2/28/2021) Chair: Staff Liaison: Community Engagement Manager, Kristen Jackson, MarkeMng Manager, Jamie Denison Board Members: Community Members: Approximate MeeMng Frequency: As needed in ExecuMve Board Liaison: Secretary, Lindsey the several months preceding the event Stengle Assists the Community Engagement and MarkeBng Managers in planning and execuBng the annual Volunteer AppreciaBon event, typically held in the spring. Volunteer Engagement Commi3ee Chair: Lydia Varela Staff Liaison: Community Engagement Manager, Kristen Jackson Board Members: Community Members: Approximate MeeMng Frequency: 3-4 Mmes per ExecuMve Board Liaison: Secretary, Lindsey year Stengle 4 Supports the Volunteer Department to assess and improve program effecBveness, quality, and consistency in our efforts to engage and retain community volunteers in support of our programs. Collaborate with staff to develop a plan for conBnued growth and diversificaBon of opportuniBes. Help to idenBfy potenBal young adult volunteers and organizaBons to expand JFS’ reach in the community. With the help of the Community Engagement Manager, tracks and reports Key Performance Indicators as outlined in the Strategic Plan and any addiBonal measures deemed helpful. Young Leadership Board Oversight Commi3ee Chair: Laura Weinstein and Jay Szor Staff Liaison: Sr Dir of Philanthropy, Leah Guskin Board Members: Community Members: Ben Deutsch, Leslie Cohn- Wein, Russell Robinson, Stacy Samuels, Emily Ackerman, Jordan Palefsky, Mallory Biblo, Brooklyn Garner, Leah Sack, Yael Kuchinsky, David Slifer Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Monthly ExecuMve Board Liaison: Eric Goldberg Provides leadership, oversight and guidance to help expand and sustain the Young Leadership IniBaBve at JFS. Helps to idenBfy potenBal members, micro fundraisers, events, and iniBaBve goals and acBviBes. Works with the staff liaison and board of directors to provide board mentorship and networking opportuniBes for Young Leadership Board Members. Evaluates future direcBons for the Young Leaders Board. ELECTED POSITIONS, SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS AND AUXILIARY PROGRAMS Execuve Commiee Chair: President, Julie Liberman Staff Liaison: CEO, Cathy Barker Board Members: Eric Goldberg, Weezie Margolis, 2 Members Appointed From Board: Julie Gothard, Robert Gross, Steve Berger, Lindsay Stengle Approximate MeeMng Frequency: Monthly ExecuMve Board Liaison: N/A Composed of the current officers of Jewish Family Service, three immediate past presidents and two members at-large chosen from and elected by the Board of Directors at the June Board MeeBng. Reviews major policy issues to be brought to the Board and serves as an arena for the group to consider issues which affect the agency as a whole in preparaBon for Board consideraBon and acBon. Acts on behalf of the Board in cases
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