Dp 6 Landscaping Requirements For

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Dp 6 Landscaping Requirements For DP 6 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS FOR INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL AREAS OBJECTIVES 1. To encourage landscaping that promotes the beautification of industrial and commercial areas. 2. To promote water-wise principles. 3. To retain significant vegetation. 4. To ensure landscaping design does not compromise visibility or personal security in streets and around buildings. 5. To encourage the development of landscaping themes in streets. 6. To provide guidance on the establishment of landscaping within street verges. 7. To assist in the screening of externally stored goods and materials that would otherwise detract from the streetscape. 8. To encourage the use of landscaping buffers where significant development such as resource processing is located in close proximity to major tourist drives, the coast or other sensitive land uses. POLICY PROVISIONS Scope of the Policy: This policy applies in the industry, strategic industry, industrial development, town centre, commercial, tourism and mixed business zones within the whole of the Shire of Roebourne (Shire) and forms part of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8 (TPS). To the extent where this policy is inconsistent with an approved Development Area Plan (DAP), the DAP shall prevail. Preparation of Planning Applications – The Role of the Development Services Department: Prior to engaging a consultant, or preparing an application on behalf of a client, it is recommended that you first confirm with Development Services what Shire approvals are required and obtain all relevant information. Whilst Development Services are not in a position to prepare applications including those for planning approval, building licence applications, applications for the registration of a lodging house or applications to construct or install an apparatus for the treatment of sewerage, it is often beneficial to seek feedback when preliminary plans have been prepared to ensure all relevant information is submitted and that fundamental or mandatory requirements have been met. Applications for which further information is required will take longer to process. Development Services can be contacted on 9186 8569. What Requires a Planning Application? The establishment of landscaping is usually required to be undertaken in conjunction with the development of a site and forms part of the planning approval. If approved as part of a planning application, approval may also be required to substantially alter the landscaping or vary any condition pertaining to that landscaping. Gardening including the replacement of dead or diseased plants with like species, maintenance of garden beds, lopping and reticulation does not require planning approval. Application Procedure: When applying for planning approval, the application must include a landscaping plan having regard to the following: 1 The location of existing and proposed buildings and structures including onsite services, e.g. overhead power lines, sewers, drains and underground power. The location and species of plants to be retained or removed including within the street verge. The areas subject to landscaping works. The areas to be reticulated and the systems to be used. The percentage of the site devoted to landscaping (town centre zone only). A species schedule stating height upon maturity. Other materials to be imported, arranged and/or constructed on the site (e.g. the preparation of garden beds and location of retaining structures or water features). The proposed staging, if any, of works. Location of Landscaping: Generally all landscaping shall be located within property boundaries although, where appropriate such as forward of solid front fencing, consideration will be given to landscaping within street verges. Existing Trees: Significant trees and shrubs already in existence on the site should be retained where practical. The minimum extent of removal necessary for the development will be supported. Offset planting achieving a „net gain‟ is encouraged. Landscaping Themes: Where applicable the landscaping plan is encouraged to promote a theme such as colour, plant origin, pedestrian comfort or land marking where imposing vegetation is required to define an industrial or commercial area. To give a development a pleasing aesthetic effect and ensure that the landscaping „fits in‟ with the appearance and purpose of the area, the plan is encouraged to: o Consider pedestrian comfort in commercial areas. o Consider the appearance and colour schedule of buildings, structures, and hard standing areas on the site. o Look for elements in other vegetation in the street that form a continuing pattern and, if a pattern exists, extend the pattern to the landscaping in the proposed development. Design Out Crime Principles: Where landscaping is proposed in Commercial Zones or public places your landscaping plan should implement the principles in Designing Out Crime by the Western Australian Office of Crime Prevention by proposing: Clear sight lines between pedestrian areas, streets and buildings which allow natural surveillance and reduce opportunities for crime, Low walls (below 1 metre) and visually permeable fencing, High street lighting that does not interfere with night vision, Pathways with splayed openings and short length where bounded by private land, width sufficient for two [2] people to pass without deviation or close contact and terminating at higher order public space, Separation of pedestrian paths and bicycle paths, Bushes and leafy vegetation generally below waist level, tree canopies above eye level to improve visibility. Unattractive Buildings and Structures: Where, in the opinion of the Shire, buildings or structures are deemed to be unattractive or overly impose on the streetscape, are located in close proximity to major tourist drives, the coast or other sensitive land uses further regard to the quality and quantity of landscaping in addition to fencing and other screening techniques shall be employed. Such buildings and structures include, but are not limited to: Buildings with a limited or reduced setback distance to a street frontage. Rubbish bin compounds, transformers and wash down bays. Lay down areas or areas used for the outdoor display of goods. 2 Significant industrial development such as resource processing. Parking and Manoeuvring Areas: Landscaping of car parks shall take into account all necessary pedestrian and vehicular sight lines. Planting shall maintain all necessary sight lines. All car parking areas shall be planted to be screened externally, and planted internally to break up large expanses of paved surfaces. As a guide, external landscape strips shall be a minimum of 1 metre wide. Internally an equivalent of one [1] in every ten [10] bays is encouraged to be landscaped. Power Lines and Services: Overhead power lines and underground services shall be considered in the provision of landscaping to ensure, upon maturity, no hazardous or potentially damaging situation is created. Recommended Plant Types: Selecting the right plants for your garden is essential in order to minimise water usage and maintenance costs, reduce the potential of damage during extreme weather, and to enhance the amenity of your site. Consideration should be given to: Upon maturity, the potential to compromise visibility or personal security in streets and around buildings, interfere with services including overhead power lines, and the propensity to drop limbs particularly on vehicles. The ability to provide shade to buildings, pedestrians and vehicles. Water consumption and ongoing maintenance costs (fertilizer, insecticides and pruning). The recommended plants are in Schedules 1 and 2 and some photos (in alphabetical order of name of species) are in Schedule 3. The Water Corporation provides useful information in the publication Garden Tips for the West Pilbara. http://www.watercorporation.com.au/P/publications_waterwise_garden.cfm Preparation of Shrubbery Areas: Due to the harsh climatic conditions that prevail within the Shire and the predominance of weeds, preparatory treatment of planting beds is essential. Preferred treatment includes preparatory removal of all existing weed growth, the provision of rolled gravel approximately 10cm in depth (minimum) on the soil in which vegetation is planted, or alternatively a 6-8cm layer of woodchip, or mulch. The aim of this treatment is to prevent soil loss through wind erosion, water loss and reduce weed penetration. Other methods of achieving this aim may be considered however, the provision of a plastic treatment alone is not acceptable. Membrane weed control matting may be approved with a Riverstone cover. Reticulation: All landscaping shall be reticulated. Polythene trickle or drip irrigation is considered satisfactory for shrubbery planting. Reticulation is encouraged to be connected to a timing mechanism to ensure continued maintenance of the landscaping, and regularly checked to ensure satisfactory operation. Where practical, landscaping should utilise the principles of landscape design as outlined in the publication “Water Conservation Through Good Design” produced by the Western Australian Water Resources Council. Where irrigation is to be installed in areas surrounded by pavement, an adequately sized conduit must be provided during construction. Maintenance: Conscientious maintenance of all landscaped areas for a period of no less than twelve [12] months after establishment is generally required during this critical growth period. Where maintenance is not carried out as required the Shire may
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