Some featured Eucalyptus species in the Arboretum October 2011 Eucalyptus “Torwood” Eucalyptus albopurpurea Hybrid Gum Coffin Bay Mallee Western Australia South Australia Tree to 6m tall Mallee to 5m tall October 2011 PO Box 2381, Melton South Victoria, 3338 Eucalyptus eremophila Eucalyptus erythrocorys Sand Mallee Illyarrie web: email:
[email protected] Western Australia Western Australia Mallee to 5m tall Tree to 8m tall Funding Sources and Contributors to the Melton Botanical Gardens - Eucalyptus Arboretum Eucalyptus kruseana Eucalyptus preissiana • Friends of the Melton Botanical Garden Inc. Bookleaf mallee Bell-fruited mallee • Australian Plants Society (APS) Western Australia Western Australia Mallee or shrub to 3m tall Mallee or spreading shrub • Melton Shire Council to 2.5m tall • Department of Sustainability and Environment • Bjarne K Dahl Trust • CVGT Australia • Western Water MELTON BOTANIC GARDEN • Gordon TAFE • Victorian University Corner of Tullidge and William Streets, Melton, Victoria, 3337 Eucalyptus pyriformis Eucalyptus woodwardii • Anthony’s Cutting Re-alignment Project Dowerin Rose Lemon-flowered gum Western Australia Western Australia Mallee to 5m tall Mallee to 10m tall Brochure designed by MELTON BOTANIC GARDEN William Map of the Street Eucalyptus Arboretum Entrance Tullidge Street Information Shelter Parking Eucalyptus Arboretum (eucalypt species from The Dryland Eucalyptus Arboretum North Western Section Eucalyptus Arboretum areas of less than 450mm of rainfall) includes more than North Eastern Section 90 species. It is the first major project in the development of the Melton Botanic Garden. It is a partnership between the Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden Inc. (FMBG), Remnant Volcanic Plains Australian Plants Society (APS) - Melton and Bacchus Yellow Box Indigenous Grassy Ryans Creek Marsh Group and the Melton Shire Council.