Plants to Control Gully Or Wind Erosion

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Plants to Control Gully Or Wind Erosion Plants to control gully erosion or wind erosion Plants listed here can be used to control erosion, and if planted on eroded sites can help to stabilise soils and prevent further damage. Species that tolerate wetter sites are useful for controlling gully erosion (Ge), while others are particularly useful for wind eroded (We) sites. Information on species selection and effective planting strategies can be obtained from PIRSA staff, Landcare Officers, and local Soil Boards. • Acacia acuminata (Ge) • Baeckea behrii (We) • Acacia aneura (We) • Banksia baueri (We) • Acacia argyrophylla (We) • Banksia media (We) • *Acacia baileyana (Ge) • Banksia nutans (We) • Acacia boormanii (Ge) • Brachychiton populneus (Ge) • Acacia calamifolia (Ge, We) • Bursaria spinosa (Ge) • Acacia cupularis (We) • Callistemon brachyandrus (Ge) • *Acacia cyclops (We) • Callistemon citrinus (Ge) • Acacia dealbata (Ge) • Callistemon ‘Harkness’ (Ge) • *Acacia decurrens (Ge) • Callistemon rugulosus (Ge) • Acacia floribunda (Ge) • Callistemon salignus (GE) • Acacia glandulicarpa (We) • Callistemon sieberi (Ge) • Acacia hakeoides (Ge) • Callistemon viminalis (Ge) • Acacia ligulata (We) • Callitris glaucophylla (We) • Acacia longifolia var sophorae ( We, Ge) • Callitris gracilis (We) • Acacia melanoxylon (Ge) • Callitris rhomboidea (Ge) • Acacia paradoxa (Ge, We) • Casuarina cunninghamiana (Ge) • Acacia pravissima (Ge) • Casuarina obesa (Ge) • Acacia pycnantha (Ge) • Casuarina pauper (We) • Acacia retinodes (Ge) • Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum (We) • Acacia salicina (Ge) • Dodonaea viscosa (most ssp. We) • Acacia stenophylla (Ge) • Eremophila bignoniiflora (Ge) • Acacia triquetra (Ge) • Eremophila longifolia (We) • Acacia victoriae (We) • Eucalyptus baxteri (We) • Agonis flexuosa (We) • Eucalyptus botryoides (Ge) • Alectryon oleifolius (We) • Eucalyptus brachycalyx (We) • Allocasuarina muelleriana (Ge) • Eucalyptus calcareana (We) • Allocasuarina verticillata (We) • Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Ge) • Atriplex cinerea (We) • Eucalyptus calycogona (We) • Atriplex nummularia (We) • Eucalyptus cneorifolia (We) • Atriplex rhagodioides (We) • Eucalyptus conferruminata (We) • Eucalyptus congolbata (We) • Leptospermum polygalifolium (Ge) • Eucalyptus cosmophylla (Ge) • Leucophyta brownii (We) • Eucalyptus cyanophylla (We) • Lophostemon confertus (Ge) • Eucalyptus diversifolia (We) • Melaleuca alternifolia (Ge) • Eucalyptus dumosa (We) • Melaleuca armillaris (Ge) • Eucalyptus eremophila (We) • Melaleuca bracteata (Ge) • Eucalyptus fasciculoas (Ge) • Melaleuca brevifolia (Ge) • Eucalyptus flocktoniae (We) • Melaleuca decussata (Ge) • Eucalyptus formanii (We) • Melaleuca huegelii (We) • Eucalyptus gracilis (We) • Melaleuca lanceolata (Ge, We) • Eucalyptus grandis (Ge) • Melaleuca microphylla (We) • Eucalyptus incrassata (We) • Melaleuca nescphila (We) • Eucalyptus kondiniensis (We) • Melaleuca pentagona (We) • Eucalyptus largiflorens (We) • Melaleuca uncinata (Ge, We) • Eucalyptus leptophylla (We) • Melaleuca wilsonii (Ge) • Eucalyptus lesouefii (We) • Myoporum insulare (We) • Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp megalocarpa (We) • Myoporum ‘Monaro Marvel’ (We) • Eucalyptus macrandra (We) • Myoporum parvifolium (We) • Eucalyptus microcarpa (Ge) • Myoporum platycarpum (We) • Eucalyptus oleosa (We) • Olearia axillaris (We) • Eucalyptus odorata (We) • Pittosporum phylliraeoides (We) • Eucalyptus ovata (Ge) • Rhagodia spinescens (We) • Eucalyptus petiolaris (We) • Scaevola crassifolia (We) • Eucalyptus phenax ssp phenax (Ge) • Senna artemisioides (all ssp. We) • Eucalyptus pimpiniana (We) • Templetonia retusa (We) • Eucalyptus platypus (both forms: We) • Westringia fruticose (We) • Eucalyptus robusta (Ge) *These plants have been identified as potentially invasive • Eucalyptus rugosa (We) in some areas • Eucalyptus saligna (Ge) • Eucalyptus socialis (We) • Eucalyptus viminalis (both ssp Ge) • Frankenia pauciflora (We) • Goodenia ovata (Ge) • Goodenia varia (We) • Hakea drupacea (We) • Hakea leucoptera (We) • Hakea nodosa (Ge) • Hakea rostrata (We) • Hakea salicifolia (Ge) • Kunzea pomifera (We) • Leptospermum continentale (Ge) • Leptospermum coriaceum (We) • Leptospermum lanigerum (Ge) .
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