Rangeland Rehydration Manual 2 Manualby Ken Tinley & Hugh Pringle Rangeland Rehydration 1 Field Guide 1 a. b. c. Frontispiece: Geomorphic succession - breakaway land surface replacement sequences (similar at all scales). (a) Laterite breakaway of ‘old plateau’ sandplain surface (Kalli LS) supporting wattle woodlands of wanyu and mulga. (b) Small breakaway of erosion headcut in the duplex soil of a footslope. (c) Micro breakaway of topsoil the same height as the camera lens-cap. In each example the upper oldest land surface is eroding back and contracting. Newest land surface is the lower pediment in (a), and the exposed subsoils in (b) and (c). 2 3 Rangeland Rehydration 2: Manual by Ken Tinley & Hugh Pringle 3 Rangeland Rehydration: Manual First Printed: December 2013 Second Printing (with corrections): March 2014 Initially prepared by Red House Creations www.redhousecreations.com.au and Durack Institute of Technology www.durack.edu.au Final document by Printline Graphics Fremantle WA Project Development Co-ordinator Bill Currans Rangelands NRM www.rangelandswa.com.au Digital or hardcopies of these two handbooks can be ordered from Printline in Fremantle, Western Australia 6160. Phone: (08) 9335 3954 | email:
[email protected] | web: www.printline.com.au Ken Tinley -
[email protected] Hugh Pringle -
[email protected] Disclaimer: The findings and field evidence from across the rangelands, statements, views, and suggestions in this Field Guide are those of the authors, or others referred to, and may not accord with any officially held views or political positions. Photos and illustrations, except where otherwise acknowledged, are by Ken Tinley. Cover photo by Janine Tinley.