tom_peters's Tweet Book

By Tom Peters. tom_peters

Tom Peters

author, speaker, professional agitator


All content © Tom Peters. All rights reserved. 2010


Sunday, 5th of December. 11:33:08 @davewheeler44 He is a tough mother, and introduced/re-introduced a tough culture of accountability. 11:33:50 @davewheeler44 And, yes, he was also a good financial engineer. 11:34:17 @sandraschubert Lemme know when you find it :-) 11:41:53 @gregory_kramer Even if others theoretically right, do we want Paulson+ trt survival global econ as dispassionate experiment to test theory? 11:47:02 "The man who can't imagine a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot."--Andre Breton (from "The Art of Looking Sideways") 11:50:41 "Good design is good business."--Thomas Watson (SJobs didn't "invent" design in tech products! IBM, Deere, etc beat Apple by decades.) 11:52:23 "There is no such thing a a pretty goog omlette."--French proverb (EXCELLENCE rules!--tom peters proverb 12:00:03 @HerzogIND Nope, I'll look for it. 12:03:03 @HerzogIND Seminars long ago: CEOs love rattle on macro-economics. (Not threatening.) Clam up if topic is Quality of own customer service. 12:05:16 @Billy_Cox I think so. I just re-discovered it on my book shelf, while cleaning up pre Christmas guests. 12:06:43 @xBora Total unmitigated bullshit. 12:08:55 @HerzogIND Thanks! 12:11:58 @xBora I guess I have a problem with idea of getting up early tomorrow with the hope that I'll do "good enough" work during the coming day. 12:12:36 @xBora Excellence. Period. Though you may not get there. Ever. 12:13:29 @xBora Though they have made numerous subsequent adjustments, Apple has yet to release a "good enough" product. 12:15:14 @xBora I've written 16 books. Each one absolute best I could do at the time. (Even, though, of course, I later "wish I'd said ...") 12:16:32 @xBora Toyota changed course to the "good enough" path--and have lived to rue the day. 12:19:23 @IdeaGov Seems "mashing" is the newby word for ye olde creativity. Creativity = Hookin' together stuff that doesn't obviouly hook together. 12:22:04 @xBora Dare you to walk up to Steve Jobs and tell him the 1st release iPhone was not an excellent product. (Pray that he's not armed.)

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12:25:10 @xBora I repeat: To me, "good enough" sucks as life philosophy, though I never imagine for second that I'll actually "achieve" excelleence. 12:26:36 @xBora "Good enough" is a shitty Tweeting standard. (Even though I admit to more than a couple "good enough" tweets among my 8K.) 12:29:10 @xBora Yes! 12:30:31 RT @ChuckBlakeman: Your Competition, Isn’t. 12:32:03 @ChuckBlakeman Loved this with one addenda. I have one ferocious dirty-playing competitor: Me. And my personal standard of excellence. 12:33:49 @xBora Less depressing than releasing a "good enough" product :-) 12:35:52 @xBora What follows is arrogant, for which I apolgize. Fact: I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks about the "utility" of excellence. 12:37:52 @kevindaug_herty Who gets what wrong???? 12:38:26 @xBora And I as well ... 16:39:00 I rarely recommend movies (not my remit), but "Seducing Dr. Lewis," a Canadian film set in Nova Scotia, is as goods as it gets by my lights. 16:40:29 @kissdaskii Not at all!! Everything can be improved! Excellence is a moving target. 16:41:47 @kevindaug_herty I'd agree, but a large number of folks act as if great design started with Apple. 16:42:57 @kissdaskii But they worked closely, starting in the '50s I believe, with world's best industrial designers. 16:56:50 @DavePetroziello Sorry, my wife told me Nova Scotia! 16:57:43 @business901 But I said "baloney" in a long series of tweets! 16:58:46 @AmityFoundation Whoops, was just informed it's end-of-the-earth Quebec, not Nova Scotia.

Monday, 6th of December. 08:44:02 @craignewmark I always found damp 38 in SF colder than 10 or 20 in Vermont! (Plus permanent cough my doc called "San Francisco bronchitis.") 08:44:35 @gerald_d He? Who? Me? (Thx) 08:45:04 @marketingisus We are indeed! 08:47:01 @marketingisus "The Power of Design: A Force for Transforming Everything," by Richard Farson. Great book! 08:48:40 "All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness."--Tennessee Williams. Wow--and I'd be hard pressed to dismiss this. 08:51:52 @SBSurvival Me too! Whoops, I mean me too re me on the list. 08:55:16 @davewheeler44 Gerstner effectively decided there was big business in integrating all one-off tools IBM had sold customer over the years. 08:55:59 @kissdaskii That's absolutely true. 08:56:59 @kissdaskii Speaking as an ex Fortran programmer ... 08:58:45 @business901 Yeah, the tweet you attributed to me was in fact the tweet that set me off on a series of intemperate rants :-) 08:59:52 @business901 Bottom lie: Excellence or die. Period. Death far preferable to failure to aspire to

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excellence :-) 09:00:56 @DavePetroziello Should have been a huge hit everywhere. It is a great movie, period. 09:01:43 @DavePetroziello Reminded me of some of the old fishing villages in Maine and Cornwall area in England. 09:03:27 @DavePetroziello I guess it hit close to home since I live in an area where dairy farms have gone frrom about 15,000 to 1,500. 09:05:51 @DavePetroziello I'm still appaled. Montreal imy closest big city. In north VT, signs turn to English & French about 20 miles from border. 09:07:08 @alf2021 Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09:34:44 @RichardPosey As long as they see it that way, and their bosses see it that way, and they behave accordingly! 09:35:17 @jvonneumann Crap. 09:35:47 @RichardPosey Will check them out. Thanks! 10:16:23 @business901 I guess it's "bottom line," as opposed to bottom lie" :-) 10:16:55 @business901 Yeah, I'd think it would! Thanks for tracking me! 12:43:27 Good managers matter. In 4 years Stanford football coach Jim Harbaugh took Stanford from 1-11 to 11-1, ranked #4 with a BCS bowl spot. 12:47:33 @mohammedqadadeh You must therefore do 100 fingertip pushups in front of your staff :-) 14:06:24 RT @veryuseful: @Tom_Peters and ADM Stavridis must be doing some kind of mind-meld on cross-functional/cross-cultural collaboration http ... 14:06:37 @veryuseful Fantastic! 14:09:14 @MurthaMike Frankly, makes it more impressive. When he went recruiting, all he had to sell initially was a 1-11 record & his faith. 14:09:53 @jamiemiller74 Apparently he's staying with the Cardinal. 14:10:49 @mitchblue_RD You can hope, brother, not me. I vote: Fly with the Cardinal who brung ya. 14:12:05 @Anglisy Enthusiasm and organizing skills and appreiation of under-valued talent. 14:12:59 @ChuckBlakeman But you are smart, smart enough to know relentless beats smart. 14:14:00 Dandy Don is Done. Alas. 14:48:14 @consultingmania Samuel Beckett: "Fail. Fail again. Fail better." High-tech exec/PA: "Fail. Forward. Fast." 14:49:02 @consultingmania David Kelley, IDEO: "Fail faster. Succeed sooner." 14:49:52 @consultingmania Phil Daniels, Aussie exec: "Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes." 14:52:17 @consultingmania Mike Bloomberg: "If people tell me they skied all day and never fell down, I tell them to try a different mountain.” 17:19:18 @martijnsjoorda To me, by definition, it's never attainable, as in "I got to excellence;" "phew." 17:20:06 @martijnsjoorda Moreover, where you think you're heading is rarely where you end up.

Tuesday, 7th of December. 08:38:39 Utter disgust = My reaction to Vanity Fair's "Deadly Medicine," on unregulated, outsourced 3rd world clinical drug trials.

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08:40:20 Utter disgust = My reaction to the pharma industry's plugging uses for drugs unrelated to what the drug was designed to do. 08:44:43 Hospitals kill HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS/lousy safety practices. Drugs un-necessarily kill HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS . A pox on whole damn industry. 08:46:09 Vanity Fair expose on deadly clinical trials practices. by Donald Barlett, James Steele--peerless investigative reporters. 08:47:00 If you can read "Deadly Medicine" and not barf, you are a strong person. 08:48:35 Utter disgust = My reaction to 200,000 deaths annually in the USA caused by prescription drugs. 08:49:18 @JoelHeffner And it may be a close race! 08:51:05 Mr Obama should read the VF article "Deadly Medicine," and fire all occupants of the first 5 levels of management at the FDA. 08:53:14 @SocialSea If the airline industry was 0.01% as incompetent as healthcare practitioners, I'd have died in a crash 40 years or so ago. 08:55:08 Airlines annoy the hell out of me. But airline safety practices are astoundingly good! (Knock on wood, flying tomorrow.) 08:56:38 @T_Penney Poor clinical trials. Poor manufacturing. Poor prescribing. Only thing not poor are pharma execs. 08:58:50 I am not so flakey as to be swayed by one article. Been studying this stuff 10+ years. This VF article simply most graphic. 09:00:18 Vanity Fair drug trial article makes LeCarre's "Constant Gardner" look tame tame tame. 09:01:44 @Bulldozer0 VF article reports on stunning # of drug company settlements running hundreds of millions, billions of dollars. 09:02:36 @Bulldozer0 Drug company settlements make Wall Street settlements look infinitesimal. 09:04:16 Clinical trials story less damning, if possible, than nauseating repeated evidence of pushing pushing approved drugs for unintended uses. 09:06:07 @skydaddy Pilots have never interested me as much as mechanics!! 09:08:35 @kimkorn VF link: Gary Drug, corner of Mt Vernon and Charles Street, Boston MA. 09:10:18 I usually beg off of health care speech opportunities--I just can't bring myself to be polite to the bastards. (Not good for either party.) 09:12:40 @T_Penney Yeah, same Vanity Fair, article on "Dr Nose," rogue-felonius sinus doc--pays off CT machines with un-necessary procedures. 09:14:50 @BrendaDollTeam Most of the problem is pushing docs to use drugs [legally] in un-intended, hence un-measured fashion. Lot of blame to docs. 09:15:21 @MarkHeartofBiz Agree all counts. 09:16:56 @Bulldozer0 Not so fast. Much of reason is rule-imposed incentive schemes which induce wrong-headed behavior. 09:19:05 @Dani__Ferrer I have a "Not Dead Yet" T-shirt from "Spamalot." When I read this stuff, at 68, I can't figure out why I'm "not dead yet." 09:22:27 Bloomberg Bizweek reports on Hopkins doc w/ possible drug "helps people forget painful experiences." If perfected, will we still be humans? 09:26:46 FT/Renown trainer re confidence: "Companies aren't run by people who are best, but by people think they are best." Uhm, is that good thing??

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09:30:31 Lots of not great econ news, but this quarter USA's GDP will finally top previous/2008 high; Europeans-Japanese wish they could say same. 09:32:45 @dartdog No clean hands amid all this muck. 09:35:09 Unacceptable healthcare quality circa 2010 pisses me off far more than unacceptable USA car quality circa 1980. 09:46:44 December 7. A moment of silence. Eternal vigilance. Take nothing for granted. We are always in a state of fragility. 10:35:15 @ghazis "Seducing Dr. Lewis" 12:54:02 @BrianPLange I'd respectfully suggest you read the article in question. 13:20:32 ONLY marketing "trend" that really matters: As of 1/1/11, 7.5 baby-boomers turn 65 every minute for the next 20 years. Affected? EVERYTHING. 15:47:01 @RunninRocks Thanks! 18:14:42 @IngenuityArts I love trains. When I was spending more time in Boston, I used the Acela exclusively for BOS-NY-DC travel. Love it!

Wednesday, 8th of December. 07:51:57 4 feet of snow in parts of the Western Teir NY. Good luck! (Remember the likes from 6 years in Ithaca.) 07:52:31 @jungleejanwar Agree! 07:53:13 @martijnsjoorda And for $20 tip to Red Cap, get on early, pick of seats. 11:48:39 Inc. calls Tom "Red Bull of management thinkers": Little BIG Things one of Best Books for Biz Owners. ^SD 12:29:04 Tom's Drucker Day speech (1 hr, 15 min): ^SD Haven't seen Tom lately? Now you can. 14:38:34 Urge read Evan Thomas/Newsweek, "Why Time to Worry: Can United States go way of Germany in past--a great society undone by social turmoil." 14:40:43 Does it make one a "flaming liberal" to worry that in 1970 CEOs made 50 times averageworker's salary--now it's 500 times avg worker?? 14:43:12 Jonathon Byrnes, MIT, says on average 30%-40% of a company's biz is unprofitable. Argues for CPO/Chief Profit Officer--CFO too narrow. (FT) 14:47:23 @Starbucker Is it totally tacky to admit that that "title"/nickname makes me smile? 14:49:17 @alf2021 We drive the natural artist-explorer out of kids in formal schooling as done today. Maria Montessori "got it." 14:52:28 I feel desperate need to spend spend spend every $ of my prospective tax cut ... RIGHT NOW ... hence becomig a 1-man stimulus! 14:57:04 @BlueLotusYogaUK I agree. I'm going to become a hermit on my farm and stay away from government funded roads to prove I'm not a socialist! 19:02:34 @theweber3 And nothing. Just a fact that should float by one's sensibilities now and again. 19:07:37 @MrAlanCooper And what better than time on a forklift!!! (Nexxt life I'm gonna be heavy equipment operator.) (Almost went to work for CAT.) 22:19:34 @Jay_PlastiDeco That's far too simplistic. For starters: What's your time frame? Profit max this year? 5 years from now? 105 years from now?

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22:24:18 @Jay_PlastiDeco CEO is of course CEE (E =Everything.) Point here is person who really focuses on mechanics of how money is made--or not. 22:26:19 @theweber3 In other words, CEOs were getting screwed-cheated in 1970 when 50X was ratio? 22:28:09 @theweber3 The silken fabric that holds society together is perceived fairness. Ignore that at your peril! 22:30:13 @mikesax how about "grumpy troublemakers" rather than "grumpy old troublemakers" :-) 22:31:33 @HowardmannThank you! 22:37:27 Yesterday: First real (6 inch) snow. First foot-long icicles. Tonight: 1st single-digit temp. Winter is here. (West Tinmouth VT) 22:47:18 @mikesax Haven't watched it in years. Loved it. Going to get it right now. Am I Lemmon or Matthau? 23:11:41 @Jay_PlastiDeco You're way past me. I agree all your concerns. I was simply taken with the concept--and agree re his 30%-40%. 23:14:27 @Jay_PlastiDeco Yrs ago I said every team neds 3 leader types: Vision dude. People-politics dude. And 3rd I called Inspired Profit Mechanic. 23:28:16 @Jay_PlastiDeco Possible but rare on vision & people? "People-politics stuff" calls for patience, empathy--not usually visionary's forte.

Thursday, 9th of December. 06:54:34 @davewheeler44 Thx & Merry Christmas! 06:55:42 @LinkedMedia I'd be flattered! I live to be ripped off! 06:57:35 @Jay_PlastiDeco I also once argued for a CRO, Chief Revenue Officer whose office would be right across the hall from the CFO. 07:00:19 @Jay_PlastiDeco Such stuff is important. When Welch was at GE he made the HR #1 an equal to the marketing and finance chiefs. 14:17:06 No grand gestures needed - it's the little things that matter. Little BIG Video #49: ^SD 17:43:17 @engagingkcoe If leadership is effective, individualism and team work can co-exist. Excellence demands large doses of both. 19:12:39 @kckatalyst - Hey Kevin, I'll be in Portland next week. If you're around on Thursday, I'd love to catch up! Hope you're well. 19:16:21 #fail - that note to @kckatalyst was supposed to be from @shelleyd, not Tom. Sorry, all. ^SD

Friday, 10th of December. 07:13:44 If you've been around a while (age 35?), you know as boss that any project you sign off on wll cost twice as much as you approved. 07:15:27 @cuchullainn Gawd I love that quote. Gives me chills. SHOULD change your personal-professional life. 07:18:28 @engagingkcoe I live to try and get a few ideas out to as wide an audience as possible. Twitter is a great vehicle. 07:21:00 @joncummins Any project worth doing is laden with uncertainty and ambiguity, so "deliverables" are half-assed "best guess" at best.

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07:21:29 @shaunabe Ab-so-lute-ly. 07:21:54 @ej_butler One can dream ... 07:26:59 @REcrab Neither. As boss, when you sign off on $75,000, no matter how tough your questioning was, you know you can afford the $150,000. 07:27:55 @Iconic88 #1 is eye contact. And, for most of us, it takes work and constant vigilance. 07:32:48 Delighted that the #3 in rank in USA government, Speaker Pelosi, is attending Nobel Peace Prize ceromony in Oslo today. 07:38:04 @Iconic88 All busy people pre-occupied 100% of time--hence takes proactive effort to disengage 3 sec, look other person square in the eye. 07:39:21 @mpawlo And there would be ZERO progress on anything without over-heated protagonists and antagonists. 07:42:17 @kentburnsonline IT IS GREAT TO ME AS AMERICAN THAT SHE THERE. PERIOD. (Knew it'd take <5 min for pathetic remarks like your to surface.) 07:44:45 @paulwiggins Really? I want to get my message across, so I will shake a million hands if offered! 07:46:14 @kentburnsonline Message: It is not "un-cool" to be respectful to people you vehemently disagree with. 07:47:51 There are few things more important than going to great lenghts to be respectful and polite to those with whom you disagree vociferously. 07:48:23 To be respectful and polite to those you disagrre with is a priceless act of ... GRACE. 07:48:43 Is there a bigger word than "grace"? 07:50:45 @anagoelzer Nice. Being a pig, I'll take both. 07:52:10 @paulwiggins Totally agree! 07:54:52 @Ed @kentburnsonline Now there's an interesting word choice: "the Nobel crowd." What in the hell does that mean? 07:56:00 @MarkFairbanks Yup. 07:57:59 @TomRoyce So how'd you turn out ... :-) 07:58:56 @kentburnsonline No problem :-) 08:00:41 @kentburnsonline I was pleasantly surprised because I thought, for once, it was ballsy for us to send such a high-ranking official ... 08:43:06 @alonjul Yes! "Educated"! Yes ... these "little things" must be worked on as assiduously as you would work on learning to play the piano!!! 08:45:38 @DoTime_WX In a "competitive advantage" way, their general absence makes them stand out more in the customer's or employee's mind. 08:47:12 @jimcota I can think of NOTHIUNG more important from business or personal perspective. (We will have to respectfully, of course, disagree.) 08:48:15 @Ed Yes it's open. 08:48:53 @REcrab Short of serial murderers, I can't think of any. 08:50:44 @Ed Many disagree with many of the peace awards--eg Kissinger. But "the Nobel crowd" seems to me a little harsh. 08:51:27 @Ed I'd guess well over 50% of the peace awards are controversial. 08:53:07 @kentburnsonline Yup.

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08:55:22 @Bulldozer0 Because life is life. My wife & I start projects & almost instinctively lowball expected cost--otherwise we'd never do anything. 08:56:59 @Ed Fair enough. Exceptions to every rule. I can think of no "rule" that holds more than, say, 90% of the time. 08:57:45 @Ed In life, biz or personal, I don't fret about us doing "too much of that 'grace' bit." 08:59:29 @Bulldozer0 Sorry, I have, at 68, a pretty high tolerance for foibles of human behavior--in biz as well as personal context. 09:00:03 @Bulldozer0 Gotta have a sense of humor about these games. 09:01:17 @Ed Which delights me no end. It is not required for us to play lapdog to the Chinese 100% of the time. 09:03:18 @Ed I am not dis-illusioned. I'm 68, of course I'm cynical. But one must try to be of some small use in a very imperfect world. 09:04:14 @Ed Worse than that is taking doctors too seriously. A white coat doth not make a doc right more than 50% of the time. 09:06:32 @Ed 100% of campaign scripts are mostly bogus. So what am I to do? Run off New Zealand? Whoops, that's exactly what I'm gonna do in 3 weeks. 09:08:17 @wendy93639 Of course they do. If in rage you push door so hard it bangs against wall sounding like small bomb, isn't that "slamming open"? 10:45:37 @BryantRoperto Nice! 11:24:20 @tdelet Nice company! Thanks!

Saturday, 11th of December. 07:50:54 Healthcare whacked again. Appalling article 12.2010 Atlantic: "God Help You, You're on Dialysis." Many "pockets of horror" in HC industry! 07:56:09 Unsafe hospitals. Lack evidence support 50% treatments. Pharmaceutical trial horror; invent diseases. Dialysis madness. Where does it end? 07:59:02 Errant hospital practices, drug misuse, botched doc office procedures, dialysis nightmares, etc, etc.. Prob 200,000 to 500,000 KIA per year. 08:13:27 @Ke_Ga Great! 08:14:56 @sandymaxey Good news: Lots of "Pockets of Excellence" as Nancy Austin and I labeled them 25 years ago in "A Passion for Excellence." 16:47:08 If interest in China, "must read": "The Party: The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers," by Richard McGregor. 16:51:51 RT @YogeshMalik: When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary #Quote #Wisdom

Sunday, 12th of December. 07:53:34 @CIO2CEO Glad you liked the movie--and my best to Gregg! 07:55:28 @kissdaskii Nonsense. Great Sgt Fridays. Yes. Great systems. Yes. But the "culture" set from the top is the igniter. Think BP. 08:00:31 If all hospital staff gathered every morning, pledge "First do no harm." Then collective handwashing ritual. Maybe some good would come ...

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08:02:19 First do no harm: Clean hands, clean everything. No overtreatment. No mis-dosing. Perfect record keeping. No treatments without evidence. 08:17:11 Cam Newton is wonderfup football player! Question is when have to give back Heisman? Big college football a thoroughly corrupt system. 16:24:11 Technically you've got 3 work weeks, reality 10 work days. What are you going to do [GAME PLAN!] to put exclamation mark on year 2010? 16:25:02 What precisely is your "Run-up to 2011" plan, to be implemented in full before year's end? 16:26:18 Momentum is everything. What are you going to do right now [pre year's end] to get Big Mo on your side for the start of 2011? 16:27:36 Celebrate the hell out of 2010 successes in next 3 weeks. Make sure everyone leaves year 2010 with a mega-dose of appreciation-recognition. 16:28:26 @KMGWorldwideJEN So stop tweeting aqnd write fa heaven's sake! 16:32:20 @soniasimone Sorry, don't buy it. Great systems are great. But it's your/your colleagues clinic. What will do differently tomorrow morning? 16:33:41 @soniasimone On one hand I agree. On other hand, cop out. Lose a patient un-necessarily this week. Gonna say "The system made me do it"? 16:34:41 @soniasimone So, start on the simpler stuff--eg dR Peter Pronovost's checklists. READ HIS BOOK. 16:36:13 @Deathjohnny Just do MBWA and 1-on-1 say thanks to all you work with. (Do this as boss or non-boss.) 16:37:37 @Deathjohnny Call 50 people in your org-network and tell 'em thanks for their help in 2010. Call. Or handwritten note. PERIOD. (Maybe 100.) 16:39:37 @TheCultureDoc Well, I'd start with a wee little teensy-weeny something tomorrow.

Monday, 13th of December. 04:02:21 USA finances a mess. Aging tsunami. WE ARE ACCELERATING THE PROCESS OF RATIONING HEALTHCARE. To deny is folly. Admit, try do it best we can. 04:04:25 Healthcare is like college football is like the Tour de France. When there are mega-mega-bucks at stake expect plenty of shenanigans. 04:08:39 @pzpower U. Oregon football team great demo going full speed all 60 minutes. Totally befuddles opponents--even tho they know what's coming! 04:11:50 @soniasimone Sorry sound harsh, but "We all care" is lame excuse. I agree all care--but what the hell are gonna do differently THIS MORNING? 04:13:08 @MeghanMBiro And, to state the obvious, vice versa. 04:14:02 @_caeious Word doc attached to email. 04:16:56 Dorky "motivational" advice. You'll never be able repeat this day. Do some wee thing to make it matter. Totally dorky advice. Totally true. 04:23:38 "To mark separation holy-profane, I take ritual bath after any contact with consultants, economists, Harvard biz school profs ..."-NN Taleb 04:25:30 "It takes a lot of intellect and confidence to accept that what makes sense doesn't really make sense."--NN Taleb, "The Bed of Procrustes" 04:32:00 Bet 3:1 your day is over-planned. No holes to allow you to follow up on/opportunistically chase interesting stuff that arises. Dumb!

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13:08:15 How to: Change & GTD, Little BIG Things Synopsis Series #24 Change & #25 Charlie Wilson's War. ^SD 14:01:38 @kissdaskii Clear as a bell to me. Means nobody really has a clue about anything--causes & effects too tangled. Nonetheless we soldier on! 14:16:04 @soniasimone Then just tell 'em wash their GD hands today! Obamacare-Yomamacare, can't keep un-necessarily killing hundreds of thou/year. 14:19:21 @soniasimone I know virtually all individuals I meet DO care. But not allowed say "I care" & simultaneously kill 250,000, wound a million. 14:19:53 @soniasimone My 250,000 on the low end of most estimates. 17:03:12 @kinghuli Not deserved, but many thanks. 18:14:55 @Deathjohnny For 1, take 2-3 real days off. Alone/with close family. No electronics at all! Long walks, 2 or 3 times a day. Or some such ... 18:20:25 @johnsonwhitney And those over 50 have ALL the MONEY. And will be around, on average, 25+ years. 18:22:01 @johnsonwhitney WHY ARE MARKETERS SO HUNG UP ON PEOPLE WITHOUT MONEY. THINK AGING-OLD-MONEY-LOTS OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 18:23:36 @johnsonwhitney I REPEAT. AS OF 1/1/11 A BOOMER TURNS 65 EVERY 8 SECONDS FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS. BOOMER = KA-CHING. 21:55:32 U.S. bowl full troubles, but 1 firm, BlackRock, $3.45T under management: "... controls more money than Germany has GDP."--Bloomberg Bizweek 22:00:27 Anybody seen "Race to Nowhere"? Pressure on yougsters so intense "cheating has become another course." Kudos to creator Vicki Abeles. 22:03:06 @johnsonwhitney Thanks :-) 22:07:03 @Deathjohnny It was a good question ... which is why I replied :-) 22:08:17 @bigbrightbulb I'll be damned. 22:08:36 RT @bigbrightbulb: Look: Oh hey... "Xmas" is totally respectful and 500+ years old, not a new-fangled commercial shortcut 22:09:34 @RoyAtkinson Tough business. I grew up on the Chesapeake. Not quite as cold, but brutal life.

Tuesday, 14th of December. 01:45:18 @jenbrentano I'm quite rude on the topic of patient safety. Hope your stepdad's operation goes swimmingly. 01:50:39 RT @Greetums: Nothing sadder than waking up Christmas morning having forgotten how to be a child. ~Kat Caverly 07:44:11 This is not a hypothesis. This is an axiom. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A "GOOD ICE DRIVER." 07:46:25 @kissdaskii Hmmm, and all this time I thought the two were related ... 07:47:30 @kissdaskii To read "race to nowhere" as anti-achievement Is sick. 07:48:32 @kissdaskii I guess old St Peter's gonna have to sort that one out ... 07:50:33 @bethkatz Partially because extant structures designed by men to accomodate male views of the excercise of power. E.g., "I win, you lose." 07:51:57 @bethkatz Men tout "win win" in training courses--but we rarely mean it down deep.

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09:31:01 @amenat I am, actually, that tom peters--not his grandson as some assume :-) 09:32:14 @HSchiefelbein I admit my Subaru doesn't have studded tires ... 09:35:18 @NotPinnock Now there's an arrogant comment :-) 09:38:44 "Boomers massive accumulated wealth becomes more wealth in coming decades as spend, invest, pass on to others who spend, invest"--Ken Fisher 09:40:16 @dporter1 I missed that day in my high school physics class--will have to ponder it :-) 09:42:09 RT @Billy_Cox: Dont write because you want to say something, write because you have something to say. F. Scott Fitzgerald 09:44:29 @Ashlandian Regardless, an awesome mind-boggling stupendous incredible amount of wealth. 09:45:06 @TomSalzer :-) 09:47:37 @djsartin So it didn't start with Wall Street traders .... 09:53:53 @bgaryjr A lot to med/LT care, but there is sooooooooo much .... 10:28:50 @mnburgess I spoke at Australian Inst of Management event honoring Peter Drucker in 2007. Video here from my Claremont CA speech this fall. 10:30:23 @ImFlyProud Or for that matter a tiny step forward! 11:45:29 RT @jamesstrock: Haunting Apparition: "You've got to stop this war in #Afghanistan," #Holbrooke's Last Words #Histor ... 16:04:08 @brandinnovator Great! Thx for feedback! 16:09:45 Fm prominent friend re hospitalized spouse: "F-ing hospital forgot give pain meds last nite. Then 2x IV dose this morning ..." TYPICAL! 16:12:22 @Berci Does any one of them give those professionals several hundred volt shock if they fail to wash their hands thoroughly time and again? 16:17:44 Make tomorrow "miracle day" in yr hospital. Give 100% patients correct dose correct meds correct times. God'll descend from the heavens ... 16:30:02 Really winter. 1st day of power walking with long johns under sweats. 16:32:31 @atplack 7 or 77 or 7777 hearty cheers for your wife! (Hope she's meanspirited about "busy" colleagues who shortchange handwashings.) 17:04:54 @masonqld Unfortunately, such #s are not uncommon, hard as they are to swallow. 21:36:53 Larry King on politicized peers, L & R: ""The other hosts are interviewing themselves." Yes!! 21:40:05 @kissdaskii And here I'd hoped I was championing a "race to somewhere." 21:41:13 @kissdaskii Well there is that nihilist branch of philosophy that says our only goal is to amuse ourselves until it's time to die. 21:43:25 @lexalexander So, as I guess the shrink would say, "Soooo, I see you don't like Larry King ..." 21:48:32 @Mitch_M Scary thought: If you took tomorrow off the world wouldn't come to an end. 21:49:00 RT @PicSeshu: RT @Pizzazzerie: If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Everyone is different, embrace it! 21:50:22 @RonSupportsYou Plus anger costs you sooooo much time. (Mostly undoing the stupid things you do when you act out your anger.)

Wednesday, 15th of December.

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07:14:09 Body amazingly adaptive. 2 weeks ago, freezing, with gloves on, while refilling birdfeeders at 20F. This morning, fine, no gloves, 0F/ZERO. 07:15:52 @Jay_PlastiDeco Thx, and deelighted to be mentioned in the same breath as Robin. 07:17:40 @kissdaskii Beg to differ, to some extent. Parents, in name of their kids, mostly building their own perverted brands as "involved parents." 08:48:50 UPS efficiency formidable. One consequence of pressure ... the HORRIBLE attitude of UPS rep informing me (not true) my driveway impassible. 08:51:30 TP: "Gosh (yes, I said gosh), all the other folks made it up driveway." UPS rep, testy: "Just tell me, you want us to try again or not?" 08:55:18 TP repeat. 2010 not as rough as '08/'09. but no lark. PLS GO OUT OF YR WAY TO OFFER A LITTLE PRIVATE RECOGNITION TO EVERYONE WHO SURVIVED. 09:03:24 @sandymaxey "Surviving" = Total victory in many iffy circumstances :-) 09:04:44 @sb65 Probably both, but mostly body. Darwinian survival mechanism. 09:05:34 Retail boss. MBWA, 10-20 times a day regardless of other issues. 09:06:31 Re attitude on retail floor and such, are you master of the 20 second, low voice, on the floor "private" meeting with a staff member? 09:07:50 Takes more time, but one at a time, 15-second praising 10X more valuable than group "way to go, gang." 09:09:48 @Anglisy Bold statement on my part, but hard times are only real test of one's mettle and commitment to EXCELLENCE-NO-MATTER WHAT. 09:12:24 Never forget when exhorting your troops: ALL MOTIVATION IS SELF-MOTIVATION. PERIOD. (Boss "just" creates platform, offers encouragement.) 09:15:22 @KellyTyler I'd say: "Gonna be good news for you before year's end--Congress going to increase duration of un-employment benefits." 09:18:08 @KellyTyler Afraid I'd break all my rules, and be less than kind. (Then go to office, close door, lash self 40 times for promoting such ...) 09:22:15 How about group electronic message 3PM each day: "Anybody give you a hand today? Remember thank 'em before end day--face to face if poss. 09:47:22 @Greytdog Don't forget VT! When we "green" mtn boys up 5AM, temp -1F, turn heat 62F, personally fund a Sheik's son enuf for yr at Harvard. 09:49:19 @keyinfluencer What are you implying? Californians work there asses off 25/7 to provide enough innovation to goose entire U.S. economy. 09:51:33 @Anglisy Borrow, steal, credit, no credit. That's what I'm here for! 09:55:50 @JeanAtUPS Package not delivered yet. Wiil do when arrives. Thx for interest :-) 11:37:59 @leanstekel Absolutely re Socrates. I was truly blessed to have a thesis advisor who was absolute master of Socratic method. 13:17:59 @kissdaskii I refuse to take responsibility for parents' oversize egos. By the way, plain English translation "brand you" is "stand out." 13:20:55 @kissdaskii And, yes, my colleagues and I also coined "distinct or extinct." Welcome to the labor market from now until ...... 13:24:53 At 68, the way one celebrates the New Year is to get out one's "Spamalot" T-shirt and wear it with delight and humility: "NOT DEAD YET." 13:25:53 Holbrooke croaks at 69. Makes ya think when you're 68!

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13:53:23 @kissdaskii You bizarrely ridiculously over-rate my influence. (Hell, I can't get folks say thank you-let alone screw up generation kids.) 13:56:45 @kissdaskii And short of madness apparently depicted in movie (I haven't seen it, remember), kids do need stand out! It's 2010 my friend. 14:00:15 @kissdaskii Kids our kids compete with in global economy: work longer, work harder, hungrier to succeed, better test scores. (Per TFriedman) 17:04:45 @TheCultureDoc "Age is a state of mind" is a charming one liner used by those who are not of a certain age :-) 17:08:47 @santiagotuck83 I fear you're right about collective costs travel miles. I stopped drinking 5 yrs ago: road + alcohol really packs a wallop!

Thursday, 16th of December. 08:21:16 Disputes over Afghan intelligence assessment reads exactly like Vietnam in '68, down to the placement of the semi-colons. 10:19:11 Showing my age, but oh no ... not Bob Feller!! 10:23:09 @RandySpangler I buy that, but with these new kinds of wars we may be stuck with affairs where win or lose is not a plausible outcome???

Friday, 17th of December. 09:50:44 “You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.” --John Knox 10:00:16 So many to legitimately blame for financial crisis. By a narrow margin I'll put RATING AGENCIES in 1st place. 10:16:10 @dporter1 Sure but in addiction language they worst sort enablers. If they'd done homework we assume they do, could have slammed on brakes. 12:11:41 @And00 Given cozy relationships twixt raters and rated I think it very likely raters commited thousands of morally/legally fraudulant acts. 12:13:28 "Write your letter when angry if you must--but mail it tomorrow."-anon. ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY HOLDS FOR ALL FORMS ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION! 12:17:00 @And00 Fair enough! 14:48:34 iPhone officially tallied as $179 Chinese import. Actually China only does $7 assembly. Trade stats are a mess! (Great WSJournal analysis) 14:52:22 @EvolutionCBL Takes real discipline if you're the hot tempered sort. Ought to be an app like the no-call-when-drunk stuff. 14:54:59 @Note_to_CMO About $110 of the $180 attributed to China is in fact from Japan-Germany-Korea. 14:56:38 @LoveFearPaychek It's not that you were wrong, it's just that tomorrow you might have trimmed some of the perhaps inflammatory bits, right? 15:03:35 @Note_to_CMO Yup. I suspect it's very widespread, numerous industries. (Also more generally speaks to the power of accurate "beancounting.") 15:05:15 Accountants are by and large under-rated. For the leader of anything, accurate beancounting is a gift from the gods. 15:06:59 The main reason we diss-mock-sneer at "beancounters" is because they're so often right and

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we're so often wrong. 16:00:38 @jeremymeyers Those of us who cherish the idea of staying out of jail give blessings to "conservative" accountants! 16:01:51 @jeremymeyers I don't want my accountants to be anything other than "conservative." 16:04:01 @rossahall Absolutely, but when I'm flyin' high I like to think the numbers I see are accurate to the penny. 16:22:30 @jeremymeyers Degree of control is a policy decision by the CEO. I want my creatives to be creative and my accountants to be conservative. 16:24:31 @jeremymeyers Principals of risk management and control are is CEO-Board-strategy issues, not accountancy issues.. 16:25:38 @jeremymeyers Let's not over-think this. I simply said I wanted accurate-timely numbers to use as I march off to wherever. 16:26:56 @jeremymeyers Beancounters don't make the rules about how their numbers will be used. That's a general management issue. 16:28:44 @jeremymeyers You, if you're worth a damn. Successful "creatives" learn to play "the great game of business"--or perish. 16:29:54 @jeremymeyers And creative should serve the client, not other creatives. None of us have especially clean hands. 16:30:40 @jeremymeyers A lot of creatives would rather win an award and lose a client than win a client and lose out on an award. 16:31:24 @jeremymeyers This is fun. Thx. Gotta go to a Christmas party! 17:36:35 Often think of "Middle East" in terms "problems." But after seeing most world, hospitality in ME (Saudi, Oman, Abu Dhabi, etc) without peer.

Saturday, 18th of December. 09:22:07 Is there something weird about spending a coupla trillion on healthcare--and then being astonished when a doctor actually returns yr call? 09:23:09 @LoriMoreno I agree exactly 50%. An incredible amount of creativity comes from noise and confusion. 09:24:38 @johngerzema Bet it takes off, at least in a modest fashion. 09:27:04 @johngerzema Given rate of tech change, I pretty much guarantee we'll be having a "tech apocalypse" every 5 yrs or so for forseeable future. 09:29:42 To fail to ratify START would be insanity. (All we need here in mega-deficit-land is ANOTHER arms race!)

Sunday, 19th of December. 07:20:14 @DWesterberg Thx! 07:28:36 You can be the most strident hawk on the block, but you must, in 2010, acknowledge a limit on how much we can spend on defense. 07:29:35 The most important element of effective national defense over the long haul is a vibrant, innovative economy. 07:30:57 1st order de-motivator. Work or home. You are asked to do a task. You do it. In rather short

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order you are asked if you've done it. 07:34:56 To my anal brothers & sisters: Nothing much happens at work during Christmas week. Go with it. Spread cheer. Grinchmanship is a downer, 07:38:31 @lr3031 Sounds more like Walt Whitman! 07:39:34 RT @JimHunt: RT @earthXplorer: RT @lifecruise @DrSampyRoy: @1SuccessMentor: "I was born excited,"-Mark Twain #ditto 09:08:16 @erikwill Perfecto! 09:09:45 @erikwill Of course "organize the data" is far from a rote task--there's as much art as science involved. 09:10:41 @erikwill Data don't grow on trees. One man's "hard data" is another person's "total bullshit." 09:12:20 @erikwill By definition they influence policy by the content and format of what they provide. "Neutral data" are a myth. 09:13:48 @erikwill There's this interesting term: Teamwork. The general manager and his accountant/s are on the same team trying to get the job done. 09:15:06 The more important the task, the more important it is not to be dictatorial. By definition, an "important task" requires buy in. 09:16:59 @erikwill "Keeping the accountants under control" is a cutesy statement--and condescending bullshit. 09:21:49 @erikwill I view my success as a byproduct of accountants that kept me under control. Each to his own. 09:23:31 @erikwill If accountants could keep CEOs under control, it would reduce stupid value-destroying egocentric mergers & acquisitions by 90%. 12:00:57 Design Award. User interface. Berkshire Bank. ATM. New category: "Sucks So Much That 'Really Sucks' Is Gross Understatement." 12:02:14 @lexalexander GIs are stretched beyond comprehension. Breaks my heart. 12:05:37 @erikwill Presume you weren't in military. Must be do w/gentle touch but good sargeants give de facto orders to green lieutenants every day. 12:07:32 @macsmarts Agree, but for the millions of bretheran in standard office settings, zilch happens. 12:09:43 @IsCool All legislation that's important is loaded with garbage. Takes next 10 years to clean it up. But garbage necessary to get the votes. 13:50:44 @erikwill Takes delicacy, like most wives' ability to make a husband think he made a decision that he was actually barely aware of. 14:36:48 Total eclipse of the moon Tuesday morning. 14:48:33 Eclipse time: full eclipse 240AM to 350AM EST Tuesday. 14:52:41 Hang in there depressives and SADies! Tuesday at 6:39PM EST the days will be getting longer North of the Equator! 16:07:53 @GregSmithMD Alas, you are doubtless correct ... 16:38:29 @TimOBrien Big week for givebacks, eh, with the Madoff $7.2B as well.

Monday, 20th of December. 09:04:36 @Iconic88 Very nice :-) 12:28:36 "We care" my f-ing ass. F-ing hospital nearly f-ing killed my 85-yr-old mother-in-law. Wrong

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med. Wrong dose. Her doc blind with rage. 12:30:29 Is there anybody anywhere who has been hospitalized who has NOT gotten the wrong meds? 12:32:01 Any hospital CEO who does not make patient safety his or her #1 concern in 2011 is an incompetent immoral useless piece of ... 12:34:33 @2healthguru She was off coumadin and on another bloodthinner--and they stuck coumadin in her IV. (As usual, it was a "top" hospital.) 12:35:26 @MarkRiffey The CEO ought to report to the Director of Safety! 12:37:01 @mojotillett Yeah, "they" say one needs a fulltime (24/7) on site "advocate" (family member, etc). 12:37:41 The only thing wrong with my earlier tweet is that I failed to spell out "f-ing." 12:46:38 @rosemarierung :-) (First thing that's made me smile this morning.) 12:49:14 @2healthguru I have long been a Senior Cheerleader for Millenson's fabulous work! 12:51:28 I'm on a bloodthinner because of arrythmia--you don't screw around with bloodthinners. 12:56:34 RT @WayneMansfield: Can I ask you to stretch your mind - here is the challenge “ Who wants a dream that's near-fetched? ” Howard Schultz 12:58:29 @simpletonbill You say "Yikes;" I say super opportunity for firms with a "people first" philosophy! 13:00:31 @DorleeM Despite pers nature of problem I could keep cool were this not such chronic problem. (Recent study: no improv p.saf last 5 yrs.) 13:02:41 @DorleeM It is the perfect place! Patient safety is near the top of my list of professional concerns. 13:04:03 @DorleeM Every single one of campaigners for patient safety I've come across, especially docs, were spurred by event concerning loved one. 13:07:09 @DorleeM If add up results of various studies we un-necessarily kill 100K to 400K or so patients a year--med errors may cause 100K deaths. 13:08:11 @KatTansey Loud-of-voice spouse or mom-dad best patient safety device yet invented. 13:12:40 @DorleeM Raft fab people working on this, eg Drs Berwick -Pronovost. Biggest prob: Need patient-safety "culture" at odds std hosp culture. 13:13:51 @agogodavid Would that I had a half an ounce of muscle concerning this issue! 16:19:21 Listen to the Gender section of The Little BIG Things read by Tom: ^SD 16:29:41 @BlogginDre Sorry, no I haven't. 16:31:52 RT @PaulSweeney: @tom_peters Our hospital did not read the GP's accompanying letter on my mothers admission. Misdiagnosed. Dead two week ... 16:32:46 RT @KatTansey: @tom_peters I was at hospital when they collapsed Greg's lung putting in defrib. Had to yell LOUD to get them to check o ... 16:33:07 RT @skydaddy: @tom_peters My dad's blood meds weren't managed well 15 yrs ago. He had a bunch of ministrokes, causing progressive dement ... 17:49:16 @BlogginDre Thank you! 17:49:38 @BlogginDre Absolutely! 17:50:19 RT @hollyhoffman: @tom_peters My sister's fiance died at 21 after breaking his hip in car accident - not fatal, but drs forgot blood thi ... 17:51:17 @hollyhoffman The reason this stuff breaks my heart and simultaneously enrages me is that it is fixable.

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17:52:44 @UncleRick These are 9 times out of 10 preventable--and very low cost. 18:54:06 RT @lexalexander: @tom_peters re hospitals: As a reporter, I got shot at on stories that scared me less than medical beat. 18:54:34 @lexalexander That is a mouthful, my friend. 18:56:33 @KatAndersonRoss Don't doubt that "on average" system works. But I wouldn't be writing this if ... "on average planes don't crash." 18:58:47 @JasonWomack I worked with a Bob Womack at McKinsey, don't suppose .... 18:59:51 RT @chrisbrogan: Dear every magazine website in the world: STOP shoving a full page ad in front of me. Love, Chris. 19:03:29 SEC looking at Mark Hurd re this 'n that. What happened to ole HP I knew and loved? Now: Scandals R Us. Damn!! Bill & Dave are spinning ... 19:26:24 @Note_to_CMO Yeah, that's what I meant by "Scandals R Us." 21:41:16 Doctor friend slept in wife's hospital room--and even with that couldn't prevent errors of significance at a "famous med center."

Tuesday, 21st of December. 07:15:48 @VladNMakarov I've traveled to Russia several times, and made good friends. I am always sad to hear things like this. 07:17:27 @nerio123 There's truth in that. But I wouldn't use twitter-as-vent unless bigger issues were involved. Patient safety is humongous issue. 07:18:35 @nerio123 I plan to make patient safety my #1 priority in 2011. The issues are within my management-leadership professional purview. 07:19:25 @sandymaxey Agree :-) 07:21:38 @sandymaxey Lean is decidedly not enough. 07:22:46 While on the charming topic of hospital management, one other area all know "need work" is noise--so deleterious to patient well-being. 07:24:07 Re all these hospital management hot buttons--there are numerous cases out there where people are doing it right. I.e.: IT CAN BE DONE! 09:03:23 Lighten up on British Air. If you want them fully prepared for a 100 year storm--then you be prepared for a 100% ticket price increase. 09:06:19 Curing patients is nice. But "doing no harm" comes first. No goal higher than patient safety. 09:07:24 Patient is 80% a "culture" issue, 20% a systems issue. Systems effort mostly wasted without culture change. 09:08:44 First hospital culture issue: Patient safety is 100% about teamwork. When it comes to patient safety, all staff members are equals. 09:09:31 Wanna bet that patient safety as a separate topic merits no more than the occasional lecture at most med schools?? 09:12:47 @veterus I would assume that a 100 year storm (snow) for the Brits would be equivalent to a 10- or 20-year storm for the Swiss? 09:13:47 @RandySpangler :-) 09:15:39 @sandymaxey E.g., as Pronovost applied checklist at Hopkins, nurses, other staff empowered (with teeth) to stop doc who skips a step.

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09:17:30 @WatsonIBM Lou Gerstner said fixing IBM in early 90s, much to his dismay, was a culture issue pure and not so simple. 09:18:37 @scottRcrawford Definitely helps. Still far from universal. 09:20:03 @LaurieBick Fabulous. One thing missing. Patients. Patients should get patient safety "training" when the check in. 09:20:24 @HerzogIND Absolutely. 09:55:25 The role of Presence & Passion in success: #26, #27 in The Little BIG Synopsis Series ^SD 10:35:43 @tom_weaver Definitely! E.g., "real people" save most lives in disasters, not "1st responders." We real people benefit fm a little training. 10:36:19 @tom_weaver Re people: Eg hire for DEMONSTRATED resilience. 10:37:30 @tom_weaver As always, people stuff more importaqnt than capital equipment. (In my view.) 10:39:29 @tom_weaver One 0911 towers survivor had practiced walking down stairs once a month. When yogurt hits fan, primitive response--she ready. 10:40:39 @tom_weaver Do need some "slack resource" for emergency, but can only afford so much. 10:41:55 @tom_weaver JIT took hit in the chops Great Recession. Inventory often too low when a supplier unexpectedly collapsed. Too little slack!!! 10:43:23 @iesavage Good hypothesis .... 10:44:49 @Consult_Online You probably don't So answer is/was hiring a biz partner who is as level-headed as you aren't :-) 10:46:45 @GregSmithMD I fear it's only advanced to lip service ... 10:48:00 @sandymaxey Critical. Pick off a few goals. No "all at once." Pronovost at Hopkins ICU started with line infections. 10:50:14 Patient safety is an OBSESSION ... or nothing. 10:54:22 Non-commercial tweeting is a low-odds, high volume game. You hope some one thing latches on to some one person at the exact right moment. 10:57:17 @shashib Wow!!!! 11:02:05 @sandymaxey Maybe more important. Goal design delicate--exciting enough to stir but not perceived as pie in sky or pulled out of .... 11:04:46 @tom_weaver Probably could take a page or 25 out of US Army Ranger training manual, don't you think?? 11:06:14 @rsukumar And Peter Pronovost, "Safe Patients, Smart Hospitals." (PP was Gawande's impetus.) 11:07:44 @sandymaxey Gotta go. Last word(s): Work unit teams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:08:09 @sandymaxey And humility meds for docs :-) 11:09:21 @sandymaxey We often screwed up 6-sigma implementation with a "charts 1st" approach. 11:10:38 @amykknapp Ab-so-lute-ly! (To expect more is unbridled arrogance or ignorance or both.) 11:27:55 As usual I use Nick Kristof as donation guide--support for girls ed Africa. 11:28:50 Girls education in underdeveloped countries is definitely #1 high leverage gift--lots of research on this. 11:30:35 @tom_weaver And the best of these training programs can be mimicked without going "over the top."

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11:32:17 @davideckoff You tell me. I think he did a pretty damn good job. (Though not the world's #1 loveable guy.) 11:38:11 @LAFDtalk Remember my 30+ years in SF Bay area. Californians get real grouchy, kids or not, after about 4 consecutive days of rain :-) 13:16:52 @LAFDtalk Hats way off to LAFD for the work you do! Happy holidays to one and all! 13:17:44 @IsaacLarson Interesting! 13:18:07 @davideckoff Yup X1000!

Wednesday, 22nd of December. 09:42:37 Tom links kindness to business success and Forbes notices: ^SD 10:32:25 @peterleverett Thx! 10:33:50 @Deathjohnny Religiously going to lunch with one freak a wek or every 2 weeks, or a car dealer or a restaurant owner.

Thursday, 23rd of December. 06:49:21 @davewheeler44 :-) 06:51:15 @Mark_JF Agree re BAA. They paid too little. Got hit by extra security costs (related to tube bombings) on about day 1 of ownership. Etc. 06:57:07 Get atop THE #1 mega-trend!! Read Ted Fishman's "SHOCK OF GRAY:The Aging of the World's Population and How It Pits Young Against Old ..." 06:59:47 Time's Person of the Year 2011. No brainer: 1st boomer to turn 65 at midnight 12.31.2010. (Only 78M to go. 1 per 8 seconds next 20 years.) 07:01:51 #1 trend. AGING. #1 commercial opportunity. AGING. #1 global financial destabilizer. AGING. #1 agony for caregivers. AGING. Yeow ... 07:05:01 @empowerpointers As Forbes noted, I wasn't pushing sweetness & light; I was pushing profitability. (Though sweetness & light is nice too!) 07:05:58 @empowerpointers K = R = P. Kindness = Repeat business = Profitability. 07:06:41 Lotsa & lotsa Xmas shoppers in Times Square yesterday. What a hoot. 07:07:38 The shoopers are oout! The shoppers are out! Hooray! Virtuous circle is huge positive for Economy.2011. 07:09:32 @robertgbarnwell Back at you. Thx for those kind words. 07:12:41 @IsaacLarson Thx. I do believe there is a universality about it. 07:14:02 @IsaacLarson When In search of Excellence came out in 1982, best part was letters from police chiefs, preachers, school principals, etc. 07:14:29 @Jay_PlastiDeco Nice. 07:47:32 @minutrition Amen, brother! 07:48:50 @bizshrink Nope, WATCHING shoppers in NYC! 10:43:52 Fela! 10:47:19 @theflaggagency Home. In good spirits. (Last indignity. Doc forgot to sign discharge doc. 5 hour wait to get signature.)

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10:49:30 @djsartin Re marketing oppo, one wag reminds, "At 50 you've got HALF your healthy adult life left." (Own 13 cars lifetime, buy 7 after 50.) 10:50:03 @REcrab :-) 10:50:58 @LNSmithee @SFGiants Now if only our beloved 49ers could re-ignite .... 10:51:50 @LoriShemek Fela! took it over the top. 11:16:14 @ruthkennedy Add a Ronald Reagan axiom: Respond to the criticism, but not the critic. 17:36:05 A message for the season: Kindness is Free. Little BIG Video #50: ^SD

Friday, 24th of December. 07:56:15 “I don’t think I was a fine game coach. I think I was a good practice coach.”—John Wooden. PREPARATION RULES! 07:56:44 “I had three rules for my players. No profanity. Don’t criticize a teammate. Never be late.”—John Wooden 07:57:06 “Being a Baptist won’t keep you from sinning, but it’ll sure as hell keep you from enjoying it.”—Jimmy Dean 07:57:26 “If you haven’t got a hernia, you ain’t pulling your weight.”—George Steinbrenner. 07:57:54 “Before every home World Series game, I walk the restrooms of Yankee Stadium to make sure they’re clean.”—George Steinbrenner 07:58:53 @LeeJCarey Blessings :-) 08:00:13 @LoriShemek Alas, run is just about over. 08:01:10 @Caperharry Thank you for the kind words, and Merry Christmas to you! 08:02:51 @DoTime_WX Waaaaaay less inclined--so say the stats. (Apologies for boo boos to patients work on that front as well.) 08:03:51 @garyvee Yes, it was a pleasure! Best to you as well! 08:05:48 @JohnStolfe Now there is a gem of an idea!!!!! 08:07:18 @wassermanwealth You could start a revolution in a lot of workplaces with Mr Wooden's rules :-) 08:12:15 @LeadingPractice Am I a committed servant leader? Am I a world-class listener? Do I accept no less than EXCELLENCE as an aspiration? 08:15:46 Happy Christmas Eve shopping. Remember during the crunch: Civility and smiles :-) 08:17:04 I despair at sour moods and pushiness in stores where folks are Christmas shopping. (It sometimes brings me to tears.) 08:19:06 A Goldman Sachs ad implying that their life's purpose is to provide financing to improve schools makes me want to heave, even at Xmas. 08:25:03 @sunita67 Sad?? I thought it was fabulous. 08:41:12 @michaelombardi Hey Michael, thanks! Am off to NZealand 0105, but will catch Mr Brady and associates on 0102 in last regular season game! 08:43:07 @jill_hw Mostly swiped from current Esquire .... 08:44:22 @PWNisk Hey, let's cut the recently deceased a little slack :-) 08:44:57 @ABHA_BANERJEE And are the world's most infectious disease.

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08:47:29 @DoTime_WX I heartily applaud role finance plays in capitalist-entrepreneurial econ, but most devices Goldman invented totally self-serving. 08:49:05 @michaelombardi Any way to make that happen? 13:28:58 @Trevthered merry Christmas! Hope your new pre-occupation works out as you dream it might! 13:33:16 @edwardswa So nice to be a mellow Presbyterian, stitched fulltime to the treadmil by the Right Reverend Calvin :-) 17:01:16 Heartfelt thanks and best wishes at Christmas to our troops in Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere including here in the USA. 17:05:16 @kkinnison Thank you.

Saturday, 25th of December. 19:04:51 Messin' around time over. SNOW. The real deal headin' up the coast to New England. (Good luck to pals in always-unprepared D.C.) 19:06:51 200.0 miles from CT to VT @ 5AM tomorrow. Can my trusty snow-eating Subaru outrun the attacking blizzard? 19:09:00 Reading Obama updates reminds me of my wonderful Christmases North Shore Kauai.

Sunday, 26th of December. 10:18:23 N. Mandela-G. Washington-B. Franklin: so good at stagecraft-impression management, they'd make Bill Shakespeare shake his head in amazement. 10:19:10 @joemd And to you! 10:21:10 @saleswizard9 About 5 or 6 AM (I'm early to rise, early to bed, have been since college. 10:21:37 @MattPBoyle Hope it pans out! 10:22:19 @swquantum We did; lotsa family within range. 10:22:35 @marlenegeary 445AM. 10:25:01 @dporter1 Amen, and thanks to the Hoosiers who built by sturdy little chariot-Outback! 10:26:54 @HerzogIND Yup, I just happened to be reading a new book about Mandela's youth. 10:29:57 Spent 1984-1987 pretty much non-stop on one topic--customer service. Giving some though to similar single-minded focus on patient safety. 10:33:01 All hospital colleagues: Dedicate this last week 2010 to at least considering a single-minded attack on patient safety starting 1/1/11. 10:34:21 @bizshrink I'm open but "patient safety" seems as clean-clear-unvarnished as was "customer service." 10:35:09 @sandymaxey That, my friend, is a profound comment: "hadn't heard about it." 10:37:30 Have been "pushing" kindness, civility--in which I fervently believe. But re customer service in '80s was profane-hectoring-savage. Hmmmm. 11:28:15 @WarrenWhitlock Frankly, I'm not sure. In a "screaming society," my screaming bagged lots of media attention and may have gotten somewhere. 11:28:58 @sandymaxey Sandy, it truly buggers the imagination. 11:52:50 @complexified @sandymaxey Including, alas, many a technocrat process manager ...

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13:37:37 @Nelsonb Thx! 15:29:14 @PaulSchwend Thank you, and Hppy 2011! 15:31:07 Always be on the move! Try it now! Etc! My manic mantras! But also, maybe, just maybe, in 2011 ... a bit of contentment too! 15:32:24 An idea remains in the "new" column until it's been implemented! 20:36:38 RT @pourmecoffee: JFK Airport is closed. If you want a pat-down, you'll need to work it out with your spouse. 20:39:04 RT @CoryBooker: As Blizzard comes PLEASE check on seniors & others who may b unable 2 get the basics. Biggest thing u can do 2day is a s ... 20:40:12 @RobinLeRoyKyle Wow. Thx! 20:43:27 @Anglisy My point isI hear "Get off your marketing to women high horse we've heard enough." No you haven't if there's been little change! 20:45:56 @DoTime_WX Well, no peace of mind yet, at age 68. But I know there's insane value to the duality you speak of.

Monday, 27th of December. 08:19:33 All depends how you ask the question! Majority Americans opposed healthcare law. Majority Americans in favor of almost every provision. 08:21:30 If temp is +5F, gusts 25mph or so, I guess windchill about -15F to -20F. Right? (Not to be screwed around with.) 08:23:02 Thank God for socialism--Tinmouth plowtruck out at about 3AM. 09:23:20 For "thriller" readers. Good as it gets. Henning Mankell, "The Man from Beijing." 09:26:56 @paulwiggins Ah, Paul, you overestimate me. My "commute" a frivolous 7 mi trip to have coffee with local Morning Joes at the country store. 10:22:01 Snowbound northeasterners: A gift from the Gods! Spend the day CALLING or composing HANDWRITTEN notes to thank 25 folks for support in 2010. 10:23:44 Do NOT use this week to plan for 2011. Devote this week to thanking folks for support in the past year. 10:24:32 Will every co-worker leave for the New Year's holiday feeling that their contribution this year is recognized. 10:27:33 @theokeefes Please do not lecture me. Didn't like it 55 years ago. Don't like it now. "Make no mistake"--yuck. 10:40:45 Healthcare rationing mostly based on net worth now. As boomers surge past 65 hcare rationing will apply to approximately 100% of us oldies. 11:41:53 @complexified And language will be coarse; eg "death panels." All Medicare reimbursement decisions are, in effect, death panel decisions. 14:44:07 @radbcc #1 I hope so. #2 I'd judge that well over 75% of companies score "B-" or worse on customer-centrism. 14:47:16 @theokeefes "Make no mistake" implies a degree of certainty that I rarely have. Nonetheless, we do both "lecture"--so I was out of line. 14:49:52 @MaxMckeown Dunno if I have the energy ... 16:32:46 NYTimes scored twofer yesterday. Phenomenal analysis of Deepwater Horizon explosion on p1.

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Great interview with Mattel CEO in biz section. 16:41:13 If windchill subzero, and you're taking walk with wind at back on way out, turn around, walk into wind 50 yards to judge return situation. 16:42:39 @thehrgoddess And, of course, good luck. 16:46:52 @TimOBrien @petersgoodman Taibbi and McLean-Nocera are boffo combination. (Then throw in Bogle's "Enough" for a little philosophy.)

Tuesday, 28th of December. 08:55:58 @RichardPosey Fabulous investigative reporting. Hope we don't lose that. Agree? 09:01:12 @MaxMckeown I think need 200pp w/ 15 cases @ 10pp (Geisinger, Kaiser, regionals like Griffin/Derby CT); 50 pages interpretation. 09:06:09 @RandySpangler I s'pose, but I'm squeamish get top doc 2-days notice, discretionary procedure 5 days later while X waits 6 mos lo qual doc. 09:10:48 @westgapeachpit Keep walkin not so smart when windchiil minus 30. Once got frostbite-Fairbanks-March thks to gross stupidity. Never again! 09:57:00 OMG (did I really use OMG??) OMG, is VT ever beautiful on sunny day after blizzard! (Some drifts up to 4+ ft--strong winds last night.) 09:58:47 Somrbody sent me a wonderful OMG post, along the lines of, "Isn't it great that so many people have found God and are praying these days." 10:02:30 My "Big 4" in healthcare: (1) Patient safety. (2) End piecework pay/Overtreatment. (3) Evidence-based medicine. (4) Patient-centered care. 10:03:45 @robertgbarnwell Are you daring to imply that my Subie couldn't slice a 4 ft drift? 10:06:02 Alternate "Healthcare Big 5": (1) Patient safety. (2) Patient safety. (3) Patient safety. (4) Patient safety. (5) Patient safety. 11:11:11 @geoffliving The people I've encountered with the 100 best smiles--wherever they were and whatever they did. 11:11:39 RT @jimestill: "Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it"- Sudie Back 11:12:29 @geoffliving Every time I remembered to say "thank you" and look someone in the eye as I did so. 11:16:17 @toddsattersten Best by far on financial crisis: Taibbi/Griftopia. McLean & Nocera/All the Devils Are Here. 11:17:18 @Leadershipfreak 2 feet, car, bus, plane, subway: You go to them. 11:31:21 MMillenson: "Nation's death toll related to medical errors has barely budged in 11 years." [3 major studies] 11:33:41 MMillenson: "HHS estimate hospitals inflict preventable harm on roughly 60,000 old peope per month--and kill a significant number of them." 11:37:02 @MarkRiffey You are The Man! 11:37:57 @tomguarriello Per analyses I've seen, # is more like 400,000. 11:39:46 @BryantAvey Another way to mellow it: "Evidence-informed medicine." 11:40:47 @BryantAvey I'm all in favor of doctors using judgement--but only after they've been pointedly exposed to accepted data.

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11:41:33 @BryantAvey Another approach: Doc may over-ride evidence, but when he does so he must explain himself. 11:42:02 @RichardPosey Yup. 11:43:07 @RichardPosey In general. In many/most hospitals the autopsy budget is not fully expended--and autopsy best learning tool. 11:59:45 @BryantAvey I live to be stolen from! Of course you can use it! 12:45:15 @arkharris My life's work is organization effectiveness. Healthcare our biggest industry, and hospitals, 9 of 10 cases, quite dysfunctional.

Wednesday, 29th of December. 07:17:08 @PaulSweeney Great. 08:36:24 @pzpower Good for your old man! (Maybe he can give lectures, write letters to the editor ...) 08:39:25 @lincolnjc @HalaBadri Tom Peter quote: "If there had been no Oscar Wilde to generate quotes, there would be no motivational speakers." 08:41:02 @ColoradoHealth 1,000 lawyers will be able to afford to send their children to Harvard on the basis of courts answering that question. 08:42:04 Thank God for the world's randomness. How awful it would be to know what was coming in 2011. 08:43:27 Before you go back to work next week, review your 50 most important professional relationships. Give each one a grade--and an action plan. 08:44:50 The most important personal "core competence" by far is a rich set of relationships. 08:46:15 RT @Passionpower: RT @DalaiLama: If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. 08:49:50 @IanSanders Book about 10 years ago, forget author's name, called "Improv Leadeership" or some such. 09:10:19 @DeniseHampson Thx! Happy New Year! 09:11:32 Tweeting has clearly been the highlight of my 2010. Thanks for the conversation! 09:54:35 @LincNewey I've heard A LOT of great things about Intermountain. 16:55:23 @1andhalfmen Go for it! (And then do #26.) 16:56:13 @TektiteGroup Thx! 16:57:05 @htglaser Thx! 16:59:14 @complexified I don't remember that, but I'm thrilled!!! Happy '11.

Thursday, 30th of December. 09:29:36 Tom's Bests of 2010: ^SD 15:19:32 @mateuszkoziol If you can build a stellar performer around great restrooms, you're my kinda place ... 15:22:26 @brandleadership Too much attn to Apple, GE ... If you can build a stellar-beloved institution around great restrooms, you get my vote! 15:23:25 @brandleadership I love people who can create something special in places you'd least likely

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expect it. (Puts us all to shame.) 15:24:44 @brandleadership I get so tired of, "Well, we can't do it here because ..." If Buc-ees can create a landmark institution, so can you or I .. 15:42:41 @brandleadership I am a total sucker for those who make silk purses out of sows' ears! (Hence, for you and me: No excuses!!) (Happy 2011!)

Friday, 31st of December. 07:44:36 Happy 2011. Acting your wat into thinking beats thinking your way int acting 9 times out of 9, or at least 9 times out of 10. 07:47:12 Mantra I for 2011: "Blame nobody. Expect nothing. Do something."--Coach Bill Parcells. 07:48:07 Mantra II for 2011: "You miss 100% of the shots you don'rt take."--Wayne Gretsky. 07:48:48 Mantra III for 2011: "Fail. Fail again. Fail better."--Samuel Beckett 07:49:42 @Ju_Summerhayes Thanks. 07:50:44 @DAtkinson4PC @sheridan_webb I quite like the phrase "Righteous anger!" :-) 07:52:21 @Deathjohnny Whether to order Coke Zero, ice tea, or Arnold Palmer Half & Half for our New Year's Eve toast. 07:53:23 @blueplanetradio @physorg_com Emotional intelligence and emotional un-intelligence powers both sectors equally. 07:54:09 @Deathjohnny Will respond more thoughtfully later :-) 07:55:15 @Deathjohnny Then "script" (like football) first 5 action steps for Monday morning!!! 08:01:52 @richbirch Oh well. Tell him I'm tweeting from friend's den/Chicago/10 blocks from Wrigley Field. And U.S. Navy service # was 693355. 08:03:23 @wendy93639 I have devoted 45 years of my life trying to turn people around on that one! Thinking wildly over-rated! 08:04:01 @wendy93639 Gotta act to figure out what to think. Foist things foist. 08:05:32 @wendy93639 1982. In Search of Excellence. "Eight basics." #1: "A Bias for Action." 2010: Same same X1000. 08:06:09 @PhoenixRichard Go Uncle Herb!!!!!!!!!! 08:08:19 @ReidCarlberg Some things are timeless. 08:10:03 @ReidCarlberg I have devoted my life to reminding people of the obvious--"a blinding flash of the obvious" per one seminar participant. 08:11:14 Gotta run. Happy 2011! 08:12:35 Holiday repeat: Special thanks to soldiers, sailors, etc, hither and especially thither, on New Year's Eve. Be safe! 08:14:42 @ReidCarlberg People are people. Same motivations as 25,000 years or so ago. Get the damn people stuff right! 08:16:29 @ReidCarlberg New for 2011: Listen 10X better than in 2011. Say thank you 10X more than in 2010. Apologise for screwups 10X more than 2010. 12:04:43 Interesting conversation this A.M. Bottom line: There is no such thing as a "small" insult; in fact, more or less, the smaller the bigger. 12:06:15 @1robertoguti From JP Morgan, as acknowledged in the book.

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12:09:44 @karmakees Amen. I sorta get weak kneed, I love it so much! 12:22:59 Abject apologies to one and all for mis-spelling the Great One's name! 12:26:15 @MacDBham I am not particularly referring to an argument. 12:27:16 @MacDBham My point: There is no such thing as an insult "of no consequence." 12:29:44 I will acknowledge that the perceived wound from an insult may be diminished to some extent in those with very healthy esteem. 12:31:13 @RandysRules Nice! 12:32:36 @BetterBizIdeas Many of you respond positively to this, but fail to give the credit to the initiator, Ralph Nader.

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Saturday, 1st of January. 09:07:23 Top Chicago rerstaurant. 1AM. 1/1/11. OWNER out on the street hustling cabs! EXCELLENCE Winner 2011 to date! 09:08:54 @RonSupportsYou I totally agree. But on the part of the insulter totally stupid move. 09:09:36 @RonSupportsYou Half the time the "small insulter" not aware he's insulted. That's pathetic. 09:11:09 @RonSupportsYou Likely gender difference. Guys get off on calling each other "f-ing idiots." Helps us develop our insensitivity. 09:13:04 @RonSupportsYou My context was the "normal," say, sales situation, the 6-pers project team. Potential nuke exchange rather extreme context. 20:39:28 Kevin Spacey. "Casino Jack." (Jack Abramoff.) Don't even think about missing it! 20:40:44 @dtapscott @dticoll And don't forget Oliver Williamson. (Or Herb Simon. Or Jim March.) 20:42:13 @hrheingold Strunk and White? 20:45:01 @profhamel You are what you eat/You are who you hang out with. Hang out with contrarians-up the odds of contrarian-ism. MANAGE-MEASURE THIS. 21:12:37 @hrheingold Good lord, Howard, 'course not--you are fabulous prose stylist. Point is my general view that good wiring style always big plus.

Sunday, 2nd of January. 06:29:29 @RandySpangler And waaaay overstated. Many, many using their imaginations and creating jobs. Maybe no jobs served up on a golden platter. 06:50:25 @laughograms Les Nomades

Monday, 3rd of January. 07:46:40 @RandySpangler "Out of necessity, not desire."--I think from 1955 to 2000 we thought "getting many job offers" normal if degree. Spoiled! 07:50:33 "Self-absorbed boomers" (NYT) total crap. (& I'm not boomer.) Maybe self-absorbed-boomer-preppy-Harvard-grads, but what about other 99.99%? 07:51:29 "Self absorbed boomers" as stupid as "greatest generation." 07:56:01 @jeffobrien Delighted! Far rather be on a "best for small biz" list than a "best for bureaucrats" list :-)

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07:58:33 @NGA_Anita I live in rural VT. One neighbor is a 60-yr-old worn down "boomer" dairy farmer. I just hate the grotesque generalizations. 07:59:30 @wallybock And many many, post crash, don't have the money to be self-absorbed. 08:01:55 @wallybock Also, "self absorbed" sounds like disease. In "old days" we called it "retirement" after 40 yrs workin' on the railroad. No sin. 08:05:35 @wallybock Did we call our parents who, after 45 yrs frustrating office work-commuting, bought tiny condo in Ft Lauderdale "self absorbed"? 09:01:56 Only one "1st working day of the year." Take unsparing look at yourself at day's end and evaluate quality and clarity of signals you sent. 09:02:49 Assume the way you dealt with people today will be invariant in 2011. How'd you do? 09:03:33 Called a customer yet? If not, when? 09:04:21 1st customer call 2011: What can I do better for you this year than last? 09:06:22 1st week new year can be extraordinary punctuation mark. Perfect time for fresh signals. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF A SINGLE WASTED GESTURE. 09:07:27 100% of what a boss does is theater. your 1st scene of 2011 in excruciating detail. 09:11:56 @business_design I did it at 445AM EST. Outside USA. Specifics "confidential." 09:14:24 @LotusDev NN Taleb, "Fooled By Randomness." 11:32:25 @justinhubert Thank you!! 15:52:22 @Trevthered Been there, done that :-) 17:09:23 @correlationist Become a stage director. What do you want to get moving/How do you represent that? Etc. Be clear on the signals you emit.

Tuesday, 4th of January. 06:51:40 Professional unemployment 4.1% as of 11.10, which with standard churn is approx ZERO. (BloombergBW, 0103.11) 06:54:12 Wall Street Journal very bullish on economy in 2011. Big corps starting to spend their cash stash of several trillion $$. 06:55:16 Incredibly thoughtful piece by Andy Kessler in 0103 WSJ: "How Video Games Are Changing the Economy." 06:58:44 Attention! Super BloombergBW analysis Branson-Virgin. HIS 2 SECRETS REVEALED! GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE! BRILLIANT DESIGN! (Anybody listening?) 06:59:50 I say again. Bloomberg Businessweek doing a great job, breadth & depth. 07:05:07 @RichardPosey I'm still in a state of shock :-) 07:10:58 @DrMollieMarti Thanks! And happy new year to you and your family! 07:12:15 @RichardPosey Well, Stanford wins the Sears Division 1 Director's Cup every year for best overall athletics program. 07:13:29 @Anglisy Thx. 07:17:25 @madversity PK has never had a good day in his life. Very smart guy, but world not coming to an end. I'm mostly with WSJ on this one. 08:48:38 @Ju_Summerhayes Have not seen, but am delighted--thx. 08:49:22 @KetyE "Unexpected yet obvious"--yes!

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09:19:00 @Ju_Summerhayes I checked it out--wow. Again, thx for the lead. 09:20:16 @RonSupportsYou I'm afraid i get tired of unrelieved pessimism. Plus I think he's often wrong--and mostly bitter he didn't get Summers' job. 09:21:44 @RonSupportsYou There is no Nobel in economics. There is a prize honoring Alfred Nobel given by a Swedish bank. NNTaleb alerted us to this.) 10:40:52 @RonSupportsYou Realism great. But is everything in USA going in wrong direction and nearly beyond hope? Utter nonsense. Krugman is a bore. 10:42:08 @RonSupportsYou C'mon. When it comes to economics there are damn few hard facts. Wild variations in interpretation are quite plausible. 10:46:39 @toddschnick How about "30 customers to call-visit before you draft your 2011 marketing plan." 10:47:52 Before you draft "Strategy 2011," spend 2 solid, exhausting weeks on the road visiting customers. 10:49:21 My wife on hospital where her Mom was: "such a sense of people doing their job but not caring." How damning! 10:52:15 @LisaPetrilli Eisenhower: Planning is crucial. But when the battle begins, throw away the plans. 10:53:14 @E_Mastermind I never have a rock solid sense that I'm right. Not yet, at any rate. But I'm only 68. 10:54:22 RT @Leadershipfreak: Rule-making organizations promote rule keepers who then create more rules. "How to rule out rule ... 10:55:10 @VincentHunt "Distinct difference." Yes!!!!!! 10:58:11 As I prepare to leave for several weeks in New Zealand, let me leave you with just two words: PATIENT SAFETY. 10:59:56 @E_Mastermind I am a disciple of Sir Karl Popper, philosopher of science, whose semoinal book was "Conjectures and Refutations." 12:48:44 @reflectservices Telling!! 12:48:52 RT @reflectservices: @tom_peters As operating dept orderly, I was sent to get the "hip", the "gastrectomy", etc. Cure delivery systems e ... 12:51:17 @GoforNo @wallybock I have. Great book. 17:05:07 @dampierc Thank you!! 20:30:23 Goldman's Facebook investment is Wall Street at its best--and I'd be delighted if they make a ton from the transaction. 20:36:26 Does starting biz take nerve? No! Takes "insane" belief you can do your "it" beter than it's been done before--hence criminal not start biz. 20:38:15 Love it when bankers (angels, VCs, I-bankers, etc) get rich from investing in any round of start-up support. 20:42:31 @shashib @caseysoftware @vidluther My favorite T-shirt: "KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD!" 21:06:12 @larryweidel Don't really disagree. But FIRST must come COMPULSION to "do your thing." You must ... BE IN LOVE WITH your concept. 21:07:32 @E_Mastermind I started my business because I had no choice--I had to do what I had to do or I would have shriveled into nothing. 21:24:32 @E_Mastermind Great! Total agreement!

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Wednesday, 5th of January. 08:16:48 @WayneMansfield NW corner South Island--or the Mainland as it's fondly known. (Near Farewell Spit.) 08:17:09 @stefan_hagen Wow! 08:20:17 D.C. in the Age of Terrorism: "a city of magnificdent front entrances that people can't enter." 08:23:36 "Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones."--Churchill 09:31:36 Heading NZ in 2 hrs. Isolated location makes Inet impossible--1/day nearby coffee shop. Tweet frequency to plunge. Sure you'll survive :-) 09:32:11 @RealColinQuinn Yipee!! 09:33:38 @MaureenB2B Not seen. All I know who have rave. 09:34:52 @stefan_hagen Consider it Aussie love. Hope you're not near the floods .... 10:41:48 @stefan_hagen Ah well, was in Vienna in November. OD'd on museums. Love the city. (And, of course, Austrians!) 10:42:40 @Billy_Cox Likewise, my friend. 10:44:00 @leonc Yeow. Agree with you on 2 of 3. 14:56:04 Are you Screwing Around Vigorously? Little BIG Things Synopsis Series #30 Gender #31 Innovation ^SD 17:05:09 @E_Mastermind Delighted to hear that. I have enjoyed every minute of my several visits to Korea.

Thursday, 6th of January. 12:40:12 Change the way you think about technology. Read the Cool Friend interview #155 with @Kevin2Kelly. ^SD 17:18:10 "The computers are in control. We just live in their world."--Danny Hillis, Thinking Machines (current Wired) 17:19:06 Current Wired issue cover story on Artificial Intelligence is nothing short of staggering. 17:20:41 Just saw "Inside Job." Quite extraordinary. Makes vindictive part of me want Greenspan and Summers behind bars for several lifetimes. 17:21:57 As you spread your network wide with new tools ... don't forget deep. DEEP RELATIONSHIPS RULE. 17:24:09 Relationships are all. Manage them. Formalize process. Begin with inventory. ("Soft side" to relationship management, but "hard side" too.) 17:25:14 Family first. Airline mechanics #2. [From a 5-million mile flyer.) 19:48:43 @HerzogIND Check out Cool Friend interview just posted at with Kevin Kelly. 19:51:44 @HerzogIND Rather "scary" part Wired article is bots to bots to bots make WStreet trades. Literally out of control as interactions multiply.

Saturday, 8th of January. 16:47:38 @Sheena_LE Wow! Thanks!

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16:50:11 @chelseabrian I would say "You've got to be kidding," but, alas, I find it too close to "normal." 16:53:43 On the beach. Golden Bay, NZ. 630AM. Height holiday season. 4 miles spectacular Tasman Sea shoreline. ZERO fellow human beings. Holy smoke. 16:55:28 @RogervonOech Well :-) 17:15:57 If a speaker gets over 80% positive evaluations, he should return his fee. He hasn't pushed his audience. 17:18:17 @rgoodchild I respectfully disagree. (STRONGLY.) 17:22:06 @stephenhester My greatest fear: Everyone "loves" what I say. No one does anything. 17:23:44 @rgoodchild @WendyDavie That they ATTEMPT real change. And remember real change is GUTWRENCHINGLY UNCOMFORTABLE. 17:25:15 @rgoodchild @kalena @WendyDavie Fine. I hope one of those objectives was to cause discomfort. 17:26:02 @rgoodchild @WendyDavie I respectfully disagree. All change is uncomfortable. 17:28:15 @rgoodchild @WendyDavie The. superb support ("scaffolding") offered in AA doesn't make the going booze free any more fun. 17:29:25 @MrBtoB @RogervonOech @JaneFonda And there have been sooooooo many decades :-) 17:30:26 @DaveKilbyWACE I want mostly positives. But at the 80% or 90% level you were not pushing hard enough. 17:32:08 @DaveKilbyWACE , If a coach's players, to the man, say about practice, "That was fun"--watch out on game day. 17:36:23 @DorleeM I listen to you speak. You land a punch to the gut.. My response, "Screw you." After a couple of days, I say, "She had a point." 17:37:23 @rgoodchild Absolutely! But you're still gonna leave some people deeply upset--I hope. 17:38:33 Back to the Golden Bay NZ beach. ZERO PERCENT negatives!

Sunday, 9th of January. 13:08:40 We who believe in "social" networking should pause in light of Arizona. "Hate epidemics" so much easier to ignite. Implications? 13:09:55 @lexalexander @MMFlint Bigger issue is environment of increasing vitriol and intolerance. 13:10:39 Arizona? It was only a matter of time .... 13:14:11 @eSpanishProf Totally! There were couple of profs I seethed against. 15 years later was ready to offer sainthood. C- at the time. A+ now. 13:16:34 @2healthguru Life's a bitch. One form of "self righteousness" is called entrepreneurship. Other forms are toxic. 13:21:48 @pheffernanvt Not clear. Some of us Californians (I am CA at my core) think some AZ legislation demonizes "the other." 13:23:19 @newtwebb With all due respect, your head is in the sand. Always all of us should engage in self-examination. 13:25:06 @newtwebb Volume higher. Contagions spread faster. "Madness of crowds" exacerbated. To suggest examination SM is not to condemn. 13:27:08 @roytemple You missed my point. We who champion SM should examine consequences. Just saying, "Well A-holes will be A-holes" not good enough.

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13:28:39 @pheffernanvt Absolutely! 16:28:21 @drdigipol "The pen is mightier than the sword. But nothing compares with the vocal chords."--D.A.W. (Vineyard Gazette) 16:34:30 @BetterEldercare Hate to admit it in public common, but am typing this from my deck, 40 yards fromTasman Sea, in New Zealand. No snow, baby! 16:39:08 @newtwebb Seems to me (no stats) that school shootings on the (dramatic?) rise. "Nuts will be nuts" not enough. MUST examine context. 16:40:29 @BetterEldercare My "defense" is about 20 consecutive winters in VT :-) 16:56:39 Week #1 of 2011 in the bag. Be tough: WHAT GRADE GIVE SELF REGARDING "ON MESSAGE"? Week #2 upon us. Still time for a BRILLIANT launch! 16:57:23 Have you "scripted" 1st 5-10 "plays" for Monday? 16:59:12 @BetterEldercare Californians lose their/our sense of humor on 4th day of a Winter storm!

Monday, 10th of January. 20:57:38 Surveyor's mark? I studied surveying. Guess I don't remember.

Tuesday, 11th of January. 10:29:30 The 3 H's: the only things you need to understand about business success. Little BIG Video #51 ^SD 21:44:01 Leadership is mostly psychiatric counseling--David Ogilvy 21:45:05 "Wanted by Ogilvy & Mather International: Trumpeter Swans"—David Ogilvy (Are your "help wanted" ads that aggressive-colorful?) 21:46:30 David Ogilvy's idea of practical aspirations: "Raise your sights!" "Blaze new trails!" "Compete with the immortals!" 21:48:36 David Ogilvy: "We do our damnedest to make [working here] a happy experience. I put this first [because drives client satisfaction-profit]." 21:50:31 “Never send a letter on the day you write it.” —David Ogilvy [No reason this rule shouldn't hold today for most emails.] 22:13:21 Stanford finishes at #4!!!! (And, oh, congrats to Auburn.) 22:14:15 @PWNisk :-) 22:15:27 @Catpawn Current stuff may be where it most applies--because your emotional self is in control (or outta control). 22:16:30 @anagoelzer Bless them! Expectations of instant response are a humongous time waster--and detriment to thought.

Wednesday, 12th of January. 12:51:45 Oh no, David Nelson's died. (The oldies will understand my sadness.) 12:53:11 @shapeofwinner Your ire is merited! 12:53:51 @momsgot2run Stolen straigtht from Peter Drucker! 12:54:22 @RobinLeRoyKyle Thx!

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13:03:21 @RobinLeRoyKyle Wow! Holy smoke! Thanks! 17:49:08 @momsgot2run You mean you're NOT going to read it to them :-) 17:51:19 @Anglisy In addition to being a fine school, the Silicon Valley locale makes a breathtaking difference. 18:13:09 Life/leadership is a tap dance/artform that involves blending impatience and patience. Both are powerful tools. Either can trip you up. 18:14:18 If your eyes and mind are open, every day, at home, at the laundry, at work offers up incredible amounts of data from which to learn. 18:15:24 The experimental method rules! Every [EVERY] day you should be testing new approaches to people, systems, etc. 18:15:51 No two people are even vaguely alike. 18:17:12 You and every person you work with come in a spanking new package ... EVERY DAY. (Act/lead accordingly.) 18:18:26 @CrisisSocMedia @TweetSmarter @ej_butler "Coverage" too mild a term. Try "shaping" and, occasionally, "creating." 18:20:02 @KimBrater :-)

Thursday, 13th of January. 10:14:37 Are you listening? Little BIG Things Synopsis Series #32 Listening & #33 Quotations: ^SD 10:37:19 The Globe & Mail interviews Tom: ^SD 14:23:46 Good advice for one and all: “sharpen our instincts for empathy.” 14:24:38 @SPermuy CRM for internal customers: YES!!! 16:54:25 @Anglisy Agree re pragmatic value/power of empathy. (Winner on all dimensions.) 16:57:23 @IsaacLarson One of many "tools": Let a speaker (any setting, home or work) finish before you respond. 16:57:56 @IsaacLarson One of many "tools": PRACTICE your listening skills. 16:58:33 @IsaacLarson One of many "tools": Ask follow up questions for clarity rather than interjecting your view. 16:59:07 @IsaacLarson One of many "tools": Curb your tnedency (if you have one) to be a smart ass. 17:00:22 @IsaacLarson One of many "tools": Take the trouble to know the other person; perhaps she/he has a parent with early onset Alzheimers (etc). 17:01:13 @IsaacLarson One of many "tools": Slow down! Smell the roses. (Literally.) 17:01:53 @IsaacLarson Give someone with a physical infirmity a helping hand. 17:02:30 @IsaacLarson One of many "tools": Become engaged in "small" community service activities. 17:04:03 @hogfan76 :-) 17:04:57 @ColinStorm But I believe it can be learned/nurtured by even the crustiest among us. 17:05:23 @ColinStorm Huge parental opportunity to make a difference on this. 17:05:47 @DoTime_WX >>>>>>10X :-) 17:06:18 @ReidCarlberg And then let it pass.

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17:07:16 @ReidCarlberg When confronted with rancor, silence is such a wonderous "tool." 20:55:55 @Mark_JF Brilliant! Well said! 20:56:44 @ReidCarlberg And as a leader, fake it even if you ain't got it on a given day.

Friday, 14th of January. 13:30:55 @MADconsulting Timing is indeed mostly luck. My mantra re new product introductions: too early, too late, or lucky. 13:32:37 Noodling with a wildly successful pal. He says there is only one true "secret" to success: HARD WORK. 13:34:25 Re prior tweet, my preferred #1 success secret": RELENTLESS. 13:35:14 Drucker: "When anything significant is being accomplished you will always find a monomaniac on a mission." 13:35:53 JWelch: great success comes from working at the "lunatic fringe." 13:37:11 @IanSanders Absolutely, except riffing strikes me as more uni-dimensional rather than participative: I riff. WE noodle. 13:37:47 @RandysRules Go Noooot! 13:53:52 @arkharris Different at 68 than at 28 or 48. Has to do with people and usefulness and doing no harm later on, ego fulfillment as a youth. 13:55:44 @Anglisy Often the risks don't pay off, but as "they" say, in later life the stuff you regret is not screwups but stuff you never tried. 13:57:54 @nancymclamb Well, as, alas, we saw in Tucson, there are monomaniacs and then there are monomaniacs. The good, the bad, and the ugly. 14:01:17 @sohara Hard work no guarantee of success. But lack thereof close to guarantee of non-success.(Note I use non-success rather than failure.) 14:02:47 @BiomedicalDude Sorry, I mostly disagree. Forget the modifier. "Smart" over-rated, "hard" [relentless] under-rated. 14:04:59 @PapaRaspa Successful speculators rarely wet-behind-the-ears. (You like outcome, but takes hard work to effectively speculate.)

Saturday, 15th of January. 17:38:44 @Brandergy I'll give you 40 IQ points for a few more 14-hour days. Smart is over-rated. 17:41:00 I don't mean to take this too far. I guess I just totally dislike the tendency to overdo "work smart." 17:42:37 @R4Reason Whoa, room for a lot more than one!!!!!!!! 17:44:22 @Trevthered There are thousands upon thousands of community bankers who care incredibly about their community and local company workers.

Sunday, 16th of January. 22:25:22 I learned to drink my coffee strong long a go in the Navy. So I’m stunned to be happily using Robert Timms coffee BAGS here in Kiwi land. 22:28:44 Retribution/getting even is stupid egocentrism. Breeds anger. Wastes time. Makes you look the

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fool. 22:29:16 Never underestimate the power of insecurity to breed disruptive behavior. No need coddle, but many ways to help folks with insecurities. 22:29:33 Work your butt off on inclusiveness. A small gesture can make a huge difference. 22:29:45 Take flowers to work Monday morning. 22:30:03 Flower power. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE IT. (No better cold-climate medicine than 18 tulips.) 22:31:05 Got thinking about likes of 2012 Olympics. Across the board, about 75% of effective project mgt is byproduct of … POLITICAL MASTERY. 22:31:21 I REPEAT: It is sooooooooooooo easy to inadvertently de-motivate someone with an offhand remark.

Monday, 17th of January. 19:06:58 A job 99% done is NOT done. 100% = 100%. (Having tiff about that.) (As I understnd it, our genome is 98% the same as mice. Get it?) 19:08:44 @Brandergy @kentburnsonline The point is ONE person for ONE job. Lean toward the hardest worker, evn if not quite so clever. 19:09:52 @Brandergy @kentburnsonline Within some limits I'll take "hard." 100 of 100 times. 19:10:30 @Happysalesmen Why not! 19:10:51 @ellenfweber Go for it! 19:15:57 God bless, Steve. 19:16:56 Predict Apple post-Jobs "ordinary" within 15 years. The way of [corporate] nature. 19:37:56 @beeso Great folks. Still make my "bet." 19:39:02 @Brandergy @kentburnsonline I'll surely lose some of the time :-) 19:40:09 @Brandergy @kentburnsonline If you're talking 50 v. 90, maybe; but 105 v. 145? 19:40:45 @ctudball I was being kindly. 19:44:43 Whodathunk. NZ nat'l paper. 2 p spread Monday. Left: How great GM-Ford doing. Right: What a mess Boeing is. (Lots of "ifs" of course.) 23:43:37 North Korea is working overtime to make the Taliban look good by comparison. The story of the recent Execution Tsunami is disgusting.

Tuesday, 18th of January. 12:00:35 Tom's reflections on MLK day. ^SD 12:05:55 Tom shares pearls of wisdom from David Ogilvy at today. ^SD 15:29:37 @ideaDistillery Agree. Terrific. Profound. Mostly honored in the breach. 15:32:29 @iannarino Walmart only giant I can think of in recent times. that's stayed fresh after awesome personality passed. Intel post-AGrove, too. 15:33:30 @neotrend Plus just the mindset "It ain't finished 'til it's finished." 15:35:04 @Bulldozer0 I'm talking common sense mainly. Just one more proofreading following the last proofreading. 15:35:38 @Bulldozer0 I'm mostly referring to your and my personal standard.

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15:37:12 @bartberkel Entropy rules. All down hill for all big organizations. More or less slowly. (God bless the NEXT generation entrepreneurs!) 15:39:19 @kimberlykeith The good news for men. Even more powerful when a guy does it. Agree? 17:25:14 @Bulldozer0 Totally agree it's a judgement call. (Most everything is, actually.) 17:26:43 @jamesstrock Amazing, isn't it. Folks remember a kind gesture decades later. Should be a lesson there, eh? 17:28:36 @smaxbrown @thehrgoddess Listen. Collect data. Trust your gut and go. (The 3 seem contradictory and are, but it's up to you to blend.) 17:30:24 Monkeys don't live in mid-air. Monkey's on your back. Or mine. Again, so easy to take the monkey back from someone inadvertently.) 17:31:06 FYI, think "monkeys in mid-air" may be a Blanchard-ism.

Wednesday, 19th of January. 10:41:32 New Cool Friend interview (#156) about change agents with Bill Taylor/@practicallyradical ^SD 11:50:42 Correction - Cool Friend Bill Taylor's handle is @practicallyrad. Sorry about that. Read the interview: ^SD 15:16:08 @robertgbarnwell @iannarino @FCMilitello Purpose of biz is to serve. Profit, indeed necessary for sustainability, is derivative of service. 15:20:07 @robertgbarnwell @iannarino @FCMilitello It's why tough we mortals to learn from him. W/o true genius, couldn't get away w/ bad behavior. 15:21:52 @iannarino @robertgbarnwell @FCMilitello I'd prefer service and innovation and superior workplace that leads to profit. 15:22:47 @iannarino @robertgbarnwell @FCMilitello As Branson says, if not create a terrific place for people to work, why bother? I agree 100%. 15:23:58 @robertgbarnwell @FCMilitello @iannarino Sustain the company, yes. Maintain and enhance greatness, not so sure. 15:24:51 @robertgbarnwell @FCMilitello @iannarino Agree, because he's one in a billion. Hence tough to emulate. 15:25:54 @FCMilitello @robertgbarnwell @iannarino Absolutely not. Apple could beat the odds, and if not the market will have its way. 15:27:23 @sznq Love it! 15:27:33 RT @sznq: "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Edgar Allan P 15:29:35 @greg_levin Agree!!!!! Its why, 20 years ago, I stubbornly, and against the tide, always put customer service FIRST. 15:32:31 @BryantAvey Same as managing and motivating employees in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s. Starts with decency and respect. 16:04:05 RT @WarrenWhitlock: "True friends stab you in the front.”- Oscar Wilde

Thursday, 20th of January. 12:39:31 @krissakabusi @vinaythespeaker Both Jim and I are cardcarrying members of the "put people first" club. And that's the 1st 90% of success!

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12:40:03 @TheoGolfPsych Just made my day :-)

Friday, 21st of January. 11:31:03 Are you Listening? Tom reads the Listening section of The Little BIG Things: ^SD 13:15:33 @bengoldacre @nedwards_1 The normal byproduct of most any "solution" is a set of more complex problems. 13:16:58 @_robin_sharma Or the lack of impact that leads often to an effective if sub-optimal "leave well enough alone." Right? 13:18:29 @bengoldacre @nedwards_1 When you think about it, "solution" merits a Top 10 on the "arrogant words list." 13:19:39 @LearnGrow Thank you. 13:20:33 @shrikale @umairh @DanielPink Anybody you agree with 95% of the time is wasting your time. 13:23:10 @smaxbrown @vmaione "Kindness" is a "hard" word--it produces results! 13:27:04 @Billy_Cox I agree though I think principals should be re-examined/re-affirmed regularly. 13:29:33 @Billy_Cox I remember IBM in '80s. Eternal principals (like "service 1st") became so elaborated that they stifled initiative. 13:30:21 @Billy_Cox How about "Beware the barnacles that accumulate on worthy principals"?

Saturday, 22nd of January. 13:18:03 RT @mitchjoel: @shelisrael @armano one line is: "Faking it is bad. Faking it until you make it is good." - I could have said it better, ... 13:19:29 @YogeshMalik I wish email-IM writers would take this aboard. Shitty writing is shitty writing. Period. 13:20:49 RT @YogeshMalik: There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. -Ernest Hemingway 13:23:21 RT @Billy_Cox: Ninety percent of the game is half mental. Yogi Berra 13:26:39 @PaulSchwend This is great. Not the TomP part--but Chris Brogan on "owner's mind." Superb term! 13:36:14 Putting religion aside (too touchy), the "universal human truths" dept signed, sealed, delivered by Confucius, the Greeks, Shakespeare. 13:38:16 @Wylieknowords Thus optimists are aiming too low??? 13:39:44 @LeadToday Red rules! Make a statement! Ban tan & gray! ("Pity the poor brown"--Churchill.) 13:40:18 @bizshrink Delighted! Thx! 13:43:49 Last week in January coming up already. January by definition "launch month." MAKE THIS WEEK COUNT. ("Script" tomorrow's 1st ten "plays.") 13:46:45 Is your [VERY PRECISE!] analysis of time spent in JANUARY/1st month consistent with your top 2 priorities for 2011? (If not ... WORRY.) 13:48:43 @scottmckain Imitation is efficient. Question is who you imitate. 13:50:54 @josecamoessilva Attempted monopolies are created by "executives." Markets are created by

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entrepreneurs. 13:52:08 @josecamoessilva "Executives" by and large hate markets. They love mergers-oligopolies-monopolies. 13:52:54 @josecamoessilva Executives are profit maximizers--hence competitive market minimizers. 15:09:15 @saadins You are far too kind! 15:11:28 @1_wave I never said that. To deny the power-ubiquity of self-interest is errant nonsense. The hope is to harness it to something useful.

Sunday, 23rd of January. 14:04:18 Anyone who thinks there is no contradiction between so-called "work-life balance" and great achievement is nuts. 14:06:08 Say these words out loud. Work-life balance. Washington. Lincoln. Mandela. Nobel laureate of your choice. Olympian of your choice. Etc. 14:11:06 @JaxPlaces @PaulSchwend Hard to declare a "start" point. But 355 Fulton was where a lot came together.(WHERETHEHELLDIDYOUFINDTHAT?) 14:12:29 @Danny_Bentley I appreciate the endorsement but I don't think I was first with that one. 14:13:59 @realpetermag C'mon. Give me a break. It'd been over FIFTY years. And I'm 68. How long was I supposed to wait? 14:14:48 @PaulSchwend That was where a was when I left McKinsey in 1981. 14:15:49 @RonSupportsYou "Doing well by doing good" fits Washington and Lincoln pretty well, too. 14:16:59 @IanSanders My point is owning up to the contradiction. And not deluding oneself. Surely not proposing a "best route." 14:19:08 @gawed "Which is more important" to you is the only question that matters. 14:20:23 To question absolute work-life balance is not to suggest that super-achievers can't do a whole lot more sub-optimizing. 14:21:48 @gawed I can think of worse things. My mom, when I was 6, started me on the Landmark books about Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, etc. 21:18:04 World won't do handsprings, but bi-partisan seating at State of the Union still a terrific gesture. And "gestures" matter! 21:19:46 @sridhu Fair point. 21:20:28 @urbanturbanguy Great question! 21:21:46 @Anglisy But to have done what you did still terrific. Lack of happy ending does not detract one iota from what you did. 21:22:59 @JustMairee Totally. Different choices totally legit. But there are "costs" either way. "Have it all" is lala land. 21:23:27 @martijnsjoorda @IanSanders Agree 100%. 21:24:07 @KHeslerINDY I'm not completely aligned with me either :-) 21:25:09 @caliban23 @benjyfeen Unless your work is your play as it has been for me for the last 45 years. 21:26:13 @skirby1 I'm strongly anti "have it all" in any situation. Word for that: Naivete. 21:26:47 @benjyfeen Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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21:28:01 @HMCEnterprises @bsainsbury Don't want "massive amounts of traffic." Want people who give a shit in small or large #s. 21:30:31 @newtwebb Beats the alternative. 21:30:49 @bigwags Agree. 21:32:53 @Billy_Cox So will articulate tweets, right? Effective communication of every flavor arguably Power Tool #1. 21:33:51 @Passionpower @mascrivener Or run from it and focus on your strengths! 21:35:19 @newtwebb Life is wobbly sub-optimization with the hope that we occasionally inch forward. 21:37:44 @newtwebb I am 68 years old. All 68 year olds are cynical. But I will not let it sour me. I'll keep on smilin' and takin' my at bats. 21:38:43 @newtwebb You tryin' to make my day :-) 21:48:58 If the other person mis-understands or mis-interperets what you said, you communicated poorly-ineffectively. PERIOD. As in: PERIOD. 21:56:37 The problem with communication is the ILLUSION that it has been accomplished.” —George Bernard Shaw 21:58:41 @GrahamHill @elliotross Up to me as communicator to get into your mind. 21:59:11 @GrahamHill @elliotross I've given 3000 seeches. Every one who goes away with misunderstandings is an abject failure on my part. 22:00:04 @JakeLaCaze Correct. And true if 5,000 folks are in your audience. Up to you 100.0000% to build the bridge. 22:02:04 @elliotross @GrahamHill In a public speech, you restate your major thesis 50 times in 50 ways in 50 minutes to up the odds of connection. 22:03:21 @mikeurbonas Most do have poor listening skills. My job to capture them even if they are 95% tuned out. Otherwise I am an abject failure. 22:03:53 @RandysRules "OMG." Fantastic!!! 22:05:17 @sandymaxey @GrahamHill @elliotross Damn right. I beat the shit out of myself after even the best speeches. It's why I'm still standing. 22:06:12 @sandymaxey @GrahamHill @elliotross 35 years. 68 countries. 3000 speeches. Ain't gotten one right yet. But tomorrow is another day ...

Monday, 24th of January. 10:11:46 Have a thirst for knowledge? Read the Curiosity & Learning sections of The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series: ^SD 13:27:49 @KateSlaterPR @ARCHONemplaw "PERIOD." = No room for debate. 13:28:20 @KhaiMcBride I totally agree. 13:29:52 Actually, "work-life" is for me an utterly absurd-stupid term. Work is where we spend the majority of our waking hours. It's part of life. 13:30:40 "Work-family"? "Work-other stuff"? "Work-nonwork"? 13:31:33 Tom's axiom: "If you piss away your work time you've pissed away your life since you'll spend most of your waking hours at work. 13:32:54 Most of the things we say about "family" also apply at work: thoughtfulness, kindness, respect, learning, growth ...

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14:06:52 I'm not denigrating family, but a smile, a kind word, thoughtfulness in general are as important at work as at home. 14:08:29 If you are a waiter or hotel houskeeper, your positive attitude can improve the atitude of the dozens-hundreds you interact with each day. 14:09:59 A great attitude--at work or at home--is the most infectious virus of all! 14:11:00 The attitude you bring to work (or home) today is the ultimate expression of "free will." 14:12:03 Robots that make eye contact and say the person's name they're interacting with form incredibly strong bonds with that person. 14:13:00 @government_list Oh Canada! 14:16:58 @IanSanders I hate stuff like that because, in business terms, it's not that it's "bad" or "evil"--it's ... STUPID BUSINESS. 14:18:52 @ProfCaryCooper Please tell that to my old aching back :-) 14:28:12 RT @Jim_Kouzes: What makes a 'Best Workplace'? (Hint: It has to do with women) Read more at 14:29:03 @Marci_Shimoff And it works magic in "hard-nosed" business! 14:30:17 @Jim_Kouzes Nice, Jim. (Good [Tuesday] morning from Golden Bay New Zealand.) 14:35:12 @sznq @frauenmesse Went to seminar yrs ago. Question, "If you could be anyone ..." Most said: Jesus. Lincoln. Etc. Me: John Cleese! 14:38:45 Consider myself "thriller expert." Love LeCarre. But NO ONE tops Gerald Seymour. [New to me.] Just finished "The Dealer and the Dead." 14:46:57 @Note_to_CMO Yeah, corny old Jack Reacher does it for me! (LC only thriller writer I know with blurb fm U.S. President. Clinton loves him.) 14:47:47 @sznq Superb "novelist"--not "just" "thriller writer." 23:38:13 @RobertSAllen1 @BayouCharley "We have a life"--should be a famous quote! (No kidding.)

Tuesday, 25th of January. 15:58:48 @shelisrael Politics beats sports 100X when it comes to trash talk. 16:01:37 @YogeshMalik I am an unabashed Churchill fan. But over the long haul he couldn't resist a good war. Eagles are not without fault. 16:03:19 @shelisrael I try to avoid political tweets at all costs. The most "reasoned" remark attracts a conflagration of wild over-reaction. 23:22:53 Role of ... HARD WORK. M&P Curie. Wooden shack. 4 years. 400 tons water. 40 tons corrosive chemicals. Isolate 1/10th gram radium chloride. 23:24:40 @shelisrael No rules are meant to be followed 100% of the time. Right?

Wednesday, 26th of January. 13:32:34 Psychology of recovery all important. Dow over 12,000 big step. (Even if it falls back.) 13:34:07 President touts community colleges. Amen! Four hearty cheers! CCs America's "secret" education WMA, Weapon of Mass Advancement. 13:35:21 State of the Union: "The first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation." Amen.

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13:36:52 Most of the President's examples of success were small businesses--eg the folks who devised the device for the Chilean mine rescue. 13:39:18 5 yr domestic spending freeze proposed. But that covers 12% of budget. Must tackle the sacred cows! Both parties equally lame on the score! 13:54:33 You take care of the people. The people take care of the service. The service takes care of the profit. Then re-invest. Bingo. 13:56:06 @Faryna Servant leadership. Read Jim Strock! 13:57:44 @radbcc You sure ain't a Vermonter! CCs a matchless step for those who can't make immediate jump to 4-year school. 13:58:48 @radbcc I lived in CA for 35 years. Our CCs were definitely a superb WMA, great compliment to UCal system. 13:59:15 @radbcc Where in the hell is that coming from?????? 14:00:40 @StartInnovating Innovation already #1 in the BRICs, or at least the BIC. 14:01:43 @SanityChecker Legal system is #1 enterprise supporter, problems not withstanding. 14:02:17 @regb232 No comment. 14:03:12 @avanteceo I live to be stolen from! Make it your own. No attribution necessary, or desired. 14:04:34 @energiahumana People first! Same as always--but maybe this'll be the year :-) 14:05:28 @regb232 Yes!! A daily challenge!! PRAGMATIC to the core!! 14:05:51 @SanityChecker Of course. 14:07:05 @SanityChecker But in modern day, catfights notwithstanding, intellectual property law is only barrier between us and commercial anarchy. 14:07:26 @avanteceo Cheese on, bro! 14:08:24 @newtwebb "Only" is not a word I've ever understood. 14:08:42 @newtwebb What about Michelle :-) 14:09:27 @Anglisy And even if she'd stopped with AZ CC she'd have had a helluva leg up. 14:10:35 @FCMilitello If innovation is "everything," than people are everything-er ... 14:13:44 @guyauger Utter nonsense. 14:14:34 @guyauger And you won't have innovation without idea protection. Founders "got this" 234 years ago. 14:14:56 @newtwebb :-) 14:32:35 @IsaacLarson I may be able to "force" you "come to work"--eg bills to pay. But can never force great attitude--Great Work is 100% voluntary! 15:08:15 Tom Peters shares the first rule of implementation in Little BIG Video #52: ^SD 22:48:28 @lexalexander I said neither side had the nerve to touch the Big Benefits programs--Social Security, Medicare, etc. 22:59:16 @RandysRules @IsaacLarson Right. Besides there's no such thing as "menial" work--just like there's no such thing as a "bit part." 23:23:19 Best wishes to Nelson Mandela ... 23:48:30 Not that I pay the slightest bit of attention ... but thanks to follower 30,000. And the other 29,999.

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Thursday, 27th of January. 14:30:08 I say it with no pride, and some despair; I have an explosive, hair-trigger temper--and rudeness is what usually sets it off. 15:03:04 RT @laughograms: @tom_peters Condescension the sub-genus of rudeness that hits my red button every time. Nothing worse, especially in a ... 15:03:17 @laughograms Bingo!! 16:18:27 Tom's Seven-step Path to Sustaining Success: ^SD

Friday, 28th of January. 14:21:07 Diving into: "Tabloid Medicine: How the Inet Being Used to Hijack Medical Science for Fear & Profit." (Focus on anti-vaccination travesty.) 14:21:51 @JenniferVMiller @GwynT @bizshrink I am NOT reading "naked man ironing" :-) 14:22:40 @gapingvoid Ah, only a "partial bullshitter"--best compliment I've had in a long time :-) 14:23:29 @stevefarber Faaaba, thanks for the citation! 14:24:44 @lindalattuca Excellence achieved? Not all the time. But less-than-excellence aspired to? What's the point of getting up? 14:26:27 @tonkawaman Of course. Can't cover all of life's contingencies in < 25 words. But fanaticism-re-customer-service not a bad start! 14:27:16 @jschmeling I ordinarily take those breaths, too. But sometimes ... 14:28:02 @smitty1966 "Kick ass honesty pusher"--you just made-my-month! 14:28:47 @3MOTIVE8 :-) 14:29:19 @Mark_JF :-) 14:30:24 @justinhubert Agree wholeheartedly in 9 of 10, maybe 9.7 of 10 cases. 14:32:11 @justinhubert Not when some rude prick in a car is on their cellphone and nearly runs you down. Flip 'em the bird and tell 'em to f___ off!

Saturday, 29th of January. 14:40:34 Opp-or-tun-i-ty: BOOMERS will inherit $11.6 TRILLION. How will your company help them spend it? 14:42:36 Tough turn Chinese savers to consumers when their LIFETIME social security benefits $150; and 1-child policy means no kids to support them. 14:43:45 @pheffernanvt Much will indeed be turned over to kids--but I'm still worried about recession and in my Keynesian stimulus mode :-) 14:44:47 @pheffernanvt Don't disagree but from a narrow enterprise perspective it's a wildly under-tapped marketing opportunity. 14:46:12 @pheffernanvt Enterprises still hung up on "all-important 18-44 demographic"--when its in trouble and retirees pouring into marketplace. 14:47:49 @RickWarren Grand theft, Rick! That's said by some to be Mandela success trait #1. Just kidding re theft :-) 14:48:48 @MitchKapler ????????

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14:50:30 @RichardPosey Big cost, no doubt. But Great Recession has hardly wiped out discretionary spending $$ of 78 million boomers. 14:56:50 @pheffernanvt But few firms outside finserv have responded much to oppo. E.g. only last 24 months have ads started featuring 50 plusses. 15:05:19 @pheffernanvt You are much much kinder to marketers than I am. 15:08:39 @RichardPosey I hardly disagree. But tons discretionary $$ around. Eg "on the beach" here in NZealand, seems as though 50++% walkers 55++. 15:11:10 @pheffernanvt My "big 2" last 15 yrs: Marketing/prod develop for women, boomers+geezers. Movement, yes, but megamiles short of potential. 15:16:01 @Trevthered As someone fm rural USA, I worry most about 30-somethings with kids, family income $60K pretax with $17K health insurance bill. 15:17:49 @Trevthered 30-somethings w/ kids. $60K family pretax. $15K healthcare. $10K childcare. Holy moly!! 15:20:09 @pheffernanvt We've gotten some distance on "talking a good game." Long way on actions front. Or my term: long way from "OBSESSION with." 15:20:58 @pheffernanvt "Big 2" actually "BLOODY FRIGGING ENORMOUS TWO." 15:22:57 @Trevthered Add in unemployment rate under 30 group in USA and Horror Show. 15:25:50 @djsartin Respectfully disagree. Feels better REPLY people who sound like people. Abbreviation-itis outta control in general. (Or: in genl.) 15:32:46 @Trevthered I'm shaving but shaving gray--hence hard to see. Slower growth. Can't see face with glasses off.

Monday, 31st of January. 08:50:56 Time & Design -new sections from The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series: ^SD

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Tuesday, 1st of February. 00:03:21 Hand problem that in U.S. would have instantly merited CAT scan, likely surgery. NZ doc says, in effect, what's the big deal--wait it out. 00:07:33 NZers live longer than we do (rank 22 vs USA 49); HC as share of GDP much lower than ours. 00:09:58 Consultant called in for exec retreat. Enters, goes to white board, writes "DON'T BELITTLE;" turns and walks out. (YES!!!) 00:11:51 @RandySpangler Complex. Piecework pay. Threat of law suits. American proclivity for more more more. Etc. 00:15:22 @iowa_card 81 NZ vs 78 USA. (Monaco #1 at 89.) 13:56:52 @Randy1116 I particularly liked your emphasis on TONE. Tone has more impact than content in my experience. 13:59:28 @tonkawaman Training can help, but attitude at the top determines. Significant share of women on the Board good for sales & harmoniousness. 14:01:01 @too_many_rules It is estimated that USA spends almost ONE TRILLION DOLLARS on overrtreatment. (Tests, proedures, etc.) 14:02:34 @too_many_rules Not in my opinion. We are junkies in the tuest sense for tests and treatments. 14:03:14 @too_many_rules No more than half of our treatment protocols are backed up by hard evidence. 14:04:04 @too_many_rules "Evidence-based medicine" is still a novelty item in the USA. (And elsewhere as well.) 14:04:36 @too_many_rules "More is better" is a deadly prescription in healthcare. 14:05:44 @PRHetherington Uh oh, I see a discrimination suit on the horizon ... 14:06:31 @ChrisGrandecom Law suits, piecework pay big parts of problem. 15:43:25 @PRHetherington Like the One Mynoot Manager? 15:44:28 @robertgbarnwell Walter is a wonderful person as well as an extraordinary professional. My indirect thanks to him for the mentions. 16:36:21 Followers parse every word that comes from the leader's mouth; mostly trying to figure out where they stand.

Wednesday, 2nd of February. 11:21:58 Record Wall Street bonuses of $135,000,000,000 in 2010. Thank God things are back to "normal" :-) 11:24:48 FYI, re relative life expectancies, if USA 2 years in longevity behind some country, that's relative loss of 600,000,000 years of our lives. 11:30:24 @kkinnison Yes we can! 11:36:15 @TSCollier21 The best of both in your and my world is Horatio Nelson. Perfectionist ("best sailor in the Royal Navy") AND action fanatic.

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11:38:52 @chandaarijit Would presumably depend on the format. 11:43:17 @tonkawaman Things are getting interesting, no doubt. 11:45:25 @Robin_Dickinson If we include the first 5 years of life in "nature," then nature pretty decisive. (But many exceptions to every rule.) 11:47:39 @DoTime_WX I meant a little more. Most people are obsessive on the "where I stand " dimension. (A little self-esteem goes a long way.) 11:48:53 @SunilMalhotra Was being ironic ... 14:41:35 Develop internal customers. Tom explains why in Little BIG Video #53: ^SD 16:01:05 RT @Trevthered: @tom_peters Tom “When I give money to the poor I am called a saint. When I ask why the poor are hungry I am called a com ... 16:03:48 @DoTime_WX May get bit better, oddly, now that folks know they can't count on corp/agency to "take care of them"--even if done good job. 16:05:18 @jessebrightman @shervin Wall Street/finance plays life or death role in our economic future--but some measure of sanity would be welcomed. 21:41:34 RT @LoriMoreno: When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. ~Wayne Dyer

Thursday, 3rd of February. 13:27:41 @LeeJCarey No you wouldn't. I'd be 1st. I need it most :-) 13:30:19 @TSCollier21 I've been thinking about since you first asked. Maybe they get so little done we don't hear about them? 13:32:22 @TSCollier21 In the [U.S.] military, maybe General George McClellan, Grant's horrid predecessor????? 13:33:58 @tomguarriello Giving great customer service is a turn-on to the giver. Give your folks a chance to show their stuff ... 15:04:46 I have ZERO interest in "where you want to be this time next year." I want to know where you'll be this time TOMORROW! 15:19:17 @Greetums Rubbish. 15:20:56 @Robin_Dickinson If people "over-react" it means in 9 of 9 cases that you mis-read the situation. Communication is YOUR problem. 20:40:15 @Greetums I respect your opinion. And strongly disagree.

Friday, 4th of February. 14:12:53 @Greetums I think our feelings create our thoughts. 14:14:27 @Greetums As a public speaker, my effectiveness is 20% about the ideas per se and 80% about figuring out the right emotional connections. 14:15:02 @Greetums Re "hearts and minds," grab 'em by the heart and the mind will follow! 14:16:31 @Greetums "They" say Obama's effectiveness in Tuscon/State of the Union derived from improved story telling--ie pinging the heartstrings. 14:17:46 @chidiajuzie Oi vey :-) 14:19:21 @marketingisus @alexcorreaexec Be sure to say Hello!!

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14:20:44 @tonkawaman Longterm "direction," sure, but it's all about "the next step." 14:21:44 @tonkawaman My personal belief is that it's today's action that helps you discover your longterm path. I'm all about "unforced" discovery. 14:23:23 @TSCollier21 ADM Nelson and GEN Grant are about my top leadership inspirations. Both were action oriented to a fault. 14:24:11 @TSCollier21 Basics! Nelson best sailor in the RN. Grant best horseman in the USArmy. 14:24:41 @TSCollier21 Nelson loved by his sailors. Grant loved by his soldiers. 14:26:31 @TSCollier21 Grant traveled among his soldiers without aides. Soldiers usually addressed him "Mornin' general." (Ran from other generals.) 14:27:03 @TSCollier21 Grant slept on the ground under a blanket. 14:27:40 @TSCollier21 Grant half assed at defensive fortifications. His dictum: Keep moving! 14:28:40 @TSCollier21 Grant and Nelson gave their commanders tremendous leeway--unheard of at the time! 14:29:41 @TSCollier21 Grant and Nelson brilliant writers. Their orders brief, crisp, clear masterpieces. (Leaving lots of room for initiative.) 14:35:05 @tonkawaman U.S.Grant, my great ldrship model: "an almost inhuman disinterestedness in strategy." Grant a man of action: Just keep moving!! 14:41:10 Modern-day torture: Reading all 800 pages of Rumsfeld on Rumsfeld. (Apparently Perfect 10 on the "blame others" scale.) 14:41:10 Modern-day torture: Reading all 800 pages of Rumsfeld on Rumsfeld. (Apparently Perfect 10 on the "blame others" scale.) 14:43:16 @LoriMoreno Miles matter! "80% of success [& love] is showing up"--Woody Allen. 14:44:09 @LoriMoreno Texas Bix Bender: "You can pretend to care, but you can't pretend to be there." 21:33:51 @TSCollier21 Good #1 pick: Jean Edward Smith/GRANT 21:35:00 @TSCollier21 Andrew Lambert, "Nelson: Britannia’s God of War" 21:36:23 @HerzogIND @gapingvoid @SethGodin @GuyKawasaki Hope it's true; that's a nice threesome :-)

Saturday, 5th of February. 18:14:55 Will your 2011 Service Folks Banquet be a bigger deal than your 2011 Sales Folks Banquet? If not, your priorities are ass backwards. 18:15:33 Do your top service execs outearn your top sales execs? If not why not? 18:16:14 1/3rd of F500 companies have >50% revenues coming from emerging markets. (Time.) 18:17:15 Nominal corporate tax rate a staggering 35%. Actual corporate tax rate may be an un-staggering 2%. 18:19:06 @Leadershipfreak @AwesomelySimple Always wondered what a "thought leader" was? How about "guy/gal who has some useful shit to share"? 18:20:46 @powerback And, have no doubt, boring cam be beautiful! Just ask "the millionaire next door"! 18:21:53 @jamesstrock Seen "Casino Jack" ... :-) 18:23:19 @Iconic88 So tragic ... (Can see Farewell Spit from my deck.) 18:25:58 @tonkawaman @Nobuyuki_Idei And Ronald Reagan! Happy 100! (Feb 6 in Golden Bay NZ,

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albeit not in Tampico IL.) 18:27:21 @jamesstrock It's February 6 here in NZ--albeit not in Illinois. 18:29:50 @TSCollier21 Lemme know ... 18:32:52 This week: Don't worry about "motivating." Concentrate on not de-motivating.

Sunday, 6th of February. 03:09:43 @marketingisus No, but know I should. Gave lecture yrs ago at World Bank; several said I sounded like JW--which I took as huge compliment. 13:58:17 @Klutzes If you take total company stats, of course, most are incorporated plumbers, small biz accountants, truly local enterprises. 13:59:42 @fostermobley Old Drucker line: "90% of what we call management keeps people from getting things done"--or words to that effect. 14:16:31 @Iconic88 Big "maybe." Gonna try ... 14:17:42 @bizshrink Does to me. Can't think of an accolade I'd rather have :-) 14:18:12 @bizshrink Adore the word "useful" !! 14:19:14 @madisongreg My point: Sales folks typically get 95% of the accolades, service folks seen as "overhead." 14:19:52 @madisongreg Without great dervice folks, sales folks start with 2 strikes against them. 14:21:01 @madisongreg Best salesfolk don't sell widgets, instead sell "relationship with my company"--service integral to that. 14:23:40 @Robin_Dickinson Long story. I believe only in SELF-motivation. Boss provides training/coaching/supportive context. Only U can "motivate" U. 14:26:52 @jamesstrock The sun always shines on Golden Bay and Santa Barbara ... 14:28:27 @veryuseful "They" don't "own" unless you are "in the [deep] background"--ie largely invisible. 14:29:32 @veryuseful One successful CEO (BidVest] says it's not "true delegation" un less you/boss are a bit "nervous." 14:31:02 @harangus The 2.3% is a Dept of the Treasury estimate, not mine. 14:33:10 @judymartin8 Most important part of answer is I've done super-crappy job. (But having bought a farm in Vermont didn't hurt. I'm lucky guy.) 14:33:46 @madisongreg Amen. 14:52:48 Oh how I would love to break my self-imposed rule about "no political tweets" ... 19:24:40 @jamesstrock Well we both went to California to follow the sun and seek the dream ... 19:26:56 @fzolenski Nah. Lotsa places to vent about politics. I'd like to stay credible about the few areas where I do have a legitimate wee leg up. 19:28:58 @jcarlnelson My economics are so conservative/Conservative they'd put most anybody to shame; and my Hawk's blood runs at least luke-Red. 19:30:24 @jcarlnelson I have total contempt for anyone without sizeable doses of conservatism and liberalism. It's a confusing world. 19:31:49 @antonyslumbers Agitate-like-the-devil where you are a legitimate player, not where you are venting to vent. 19:33:27 @fzolenski Engaging in governing one's fellow humans is the toughest and most honorable job

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in the world. (It draws jerks and saints.) 19:33:45 @fzolenski Human governance is a bitch! 19:38:07 @jamesstrock How about Yunus & RR? Yunus: All of us entrepreneurs not so long ago--we need re- learn to express our entrepreneurial selves. 21:37:11 @veryuseful Well said. Arguably biggest reason successful entrepreneurs muck up "the next step" is inability to let go. 21:38:23 @veryuseful Worst of all: Letting go. Re-grabbing the reins. Letting go. Re-grabbing. Chaos and despair set in. 21:41:37 @veryuseful Agree.

Monday, 7th of February. 15:27:24 It's all about the Details. #38 in the Little BIG Things Synopsis Series: ^SD 20:02:10 @DrMollieMarti @lesmckeown Part of thread/giving others chance to shine--tough 4 entrepreneur who's been through hell to hang on 1st 5 yrs. 20:03:34 @thebigchair Works for me. Price & location :-)

Tuesday, 8th of February. 00:42:27 In my book, little if any diference between 5 minutes (2?) (1?) late and an hour late. Latenes of any magnitude is unvarnished disrespect. 14:46:03 @Greetums "Too"? Little things must be #1 celebratory priority. Supports progress & momentum. Inclusive. 14:47:07 @DoTime_WX Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:47:56 @chuckwilliams2 They're all around you. Sometimes in "small" places. 14:48:40 @jamesstrock That's a "gotcha" Mr. Strock :-) 14:49:01 @FCMilitello No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:50:12 @Mark_JF Mostly agree, but should have built in significant slack no matter how busy you are. 14:50:54 @glenflook Coach John Wooden, too. 14:51:27 @Klutzes :-) [yes] 14:52:46 @intchallenge I will acknowledge their perspective. But my own timliness will not flag--even if it means waiting an hour or two. 14:54:00 @mycareersadvice Build in slack. Arrogant not to. "Well, you know London Transport" is BS response. 14:54:19 @PhilLowry Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:54:53 @StartInnovating Incidentally, doctors too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:55:28 @annmariastat Fine. I'll be there at 3:25. 14:55:58 @MapMove Bless him! 14:56:47 @clayhebert "Building in slack," of course, is not beyond control. 14:57:24 @The_Anal_yst Better than nothing, but they should have built in the slack. 14:58:51 @The_Anal_yst CEO friend won't hire people not wear watches. Means they have no sense of time. (Maybe too far, but directionally OK.)

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14:59:42 @PhilLowry It is not a waste of time to show respect. 15:00:39 @PhilLowry So take some work with you to do--easy with today's devices. 15:02:05 @PhilLowry Adore Oscar!! But not sure how good a CEO he would have made :-) (Whaddayathink?) 15:03:30 @chuckwilliams2 Car dealer. Symphony conductor. High school principal. Whatever. 15:04:47 @PhilLowry Showing up early for a meeting with a subordinate more important than a meeting with me--and I'm not being humble.

Wednesday, 9th of February. 23:00:59 @kennypratt Thx!! 23:02:54 @EMTrainingMedia Yo Dini!!!! (from New Zealand) 23:03:44 @jamesstrock And here I thought I was the Nelson expert :-) [Shoulda known better]

Thursday, 10th of February. 16:48:36 Another spectacular day in NZealand. Feeling major "good weather guilt" as a Vermonter! 16:52:10 "Clear communications," alas, are an oxymoron. 16:53:45 @RichardPosey Suffered a few of your ice storms, like Atlanta; no fun. (E.g., Line of about 40 planes at IAH, about 1 de-icer.) 16:55:28 @RichardPosey Aargh .... (Is that how you spell "aargh"?) 16:56:43 @DWesterberg I hope I'm a VAR, re-packaging others' ideas, mostly, and presenting with a smidgen of value added. 16:57:31 @DWesterberg Since nothing is truly original, we are all VARS! (Or at least we hope to be.) 16:59:46 @0neLife Somebody (brilliant, not me) said, "Don't benchmark, futuremark." (Look in 2011 for folks who are already living 2021.) 17:02:41 @0neLife Concrete co asked ALL employees collect good-bad service examples from "real life" ( restaurants, etc) & apply to their business. 17:04:38 @globalqn Alas, it's ALWAYS "everybody's fault." Ya just keep workin' and workin' and not losing your cool--not possible 100% of the time. 17:06:37 @Jeff_Zoul Having been in D.C. when Air Florida (??) hit the bridge, I'm 100% in favor of SLOOOOOOOOOW de-icing!! 17:07:30 @Robin_Dickinson @kenblanchard Don't know the context, but Ken is ALWAYS excellent :-) 17:08:48 @lizguthridge @Leadershipfreak Disagree, think one can try and try and improve and improve but communication never "clear." 17:23:37 @0neLife Try close to home. The great car dealer. Grocery store. I like learning from the "little" businesses who exude excellence. 17:25:46 @lizguthridge @Leadershipfreak Degrees of unclear. Hey, spouse you love, have lived with 20 yrs & mis-communication literally every day. 17:26:17 @RichardPosey Well said, laddie! 17:31:04 @cvharquail Polls say over and over, folks hate Congress, love their Congressman. 17:31:47 RT @mylesdavidson: @tom_peters whenever any one says 'let me be clear' you can be sure to

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receive a volley of very unclear rhetoric and ... 17:32:02 @mylesdavidson Amen. 17:45:12 @Stephen_P_Brown Speaking as you 68-year-old mentor, NEVER EVER talk about any day as "thankfully over," even if you had a root canal done. 17:46:10 @GeorgeBougias Thank you! 17:48:24 @cvharquail Could be pure logic. Love the local guy/gal's pork: "Not good on START, but great on the bridge to nowher--our nowhere!" 17:49:08 @maryhruth You have at least one very wise friend. 17:52:04 @richardbranson Don't disagree, but my favorite value-add donations are for girls' education in under-developed nations. 23:32:40 @dresimon Coming to Sydney next week ... 23:33:06 @lizguthridge Surely you are joking ....

Friday, 11th of February. 09:55:37 "Women look at relationships with more depth and complexity than men do." Little BIG Video #54: ^SD 14:14:05 @umairh @Richard_Florida @GOOD So much for the power of new media to inform :-) 14:15:14 Sociologists/Ploy Sci types: Why did Egypt's protesters succeed and Iran's fail? 14:18:45 @drdavidfraser And guys may have to as women increasingly dominate leadership ranks. "We" will have to play by "their" rules to succeed :-) 14:19:27 @alf2021 Or not ... 14:21:00 @mackayrippey I tend to agree ... 14:22:37 @iowa_card Per others' comments, I'd rank the response of the military above SM. Sorry ... 14:23:53 @sandymaxey Sandy, that's a damn good point. Start with 15 million++ unemployed/underemployed ... 22:59:33 Lead candidate. Most imortant word in English language. Age 6. Age 66. "Why?" 23:02:08 @Mark_JF @mylesdavidson I'm inclined to support negative associated with "Let me be clear ..." (Why the hell would you ever need to say it?) 23:02:47 @drdavidfraser One hopes ... 23:05:13 @ComSatAV "Ahead" in population. DOMINATE: Education. Wealth. Consumer power. 23:12:50 @Umarsyadat So many of us [especially bosses] "think we're supposed to know ..." and are embarrassed to ask, "Why ...."

Saturday, 12th of February. 19:14:05 All Tom's Little BIG Things Vooks are $0.99 this weekend or ^SD

Sunday, 13th of February. 13:12:57 @Ju_Summerhayes No. Thanks for the tip. I guess ....

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13:14:54 @jamesstrock Correct description of things as they are, rather than as they seem would be "fuzzy." Right?

Monday, 14th of February. 14:04:52 Gabrielle Giffords is one tough cookie. Her recovery trajectory is extraordinary. Hooray! 14:07:12 @gapingvoid No blog post. But extensive coverage in my 1992 book Liberation Management. Several chapters on German Mittelstand companies. 14:08:06 @gapingvoid Horst Brandstatter. We did a full-bore PBS show on the Mittelstand. Probably 1990 or 1991. 14:10:06 @jamesstrock Agree 100%! (And then some.) 14:21:07 @jamesmorrissey9 Very kind. Know that cold. In particular ... know that GRAY. 14:23:39 @jamesmorrissey9 I'm not joking. (But pls keep secret.) ONE gray cold day like that caused me to do MBA at Stanford rather than Harvard. 14:25:03 @swquantum I don't. Pls send along your conclusions. 14:26:30 @IanSanders A lot of bosses responded that way to employees giving them In Search of Excellence! (Eg CDEO of Xerox.) 14:29:39 @IanSanders Ford/?GM?: Bosses sent In Search 2 union ldrs: "You just don't get it." Union ldrs sent books 2 bosses: "You just don't get it." 14:31:41 Kurzweil on the Singularity/cover Time. I am among those who does not dismiss this. 14:33:36 Speech Sydney this afternoon. In my totally terrified pre-speech mode. You'd think it would get better after 2,500++ ... 14:34:51 @swquantum Also: Give my regards to Austin! Great town! (One of my favorite T-shirts: "KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD") 14:37:18 @Write2Wanda Oh Dear God: Wish it were "natural"! 14:37:48 @carmenezcurra Spot on re breathing!!! 14:39:07 @jangunnarsson Good to hear from you Jan! 14:40:06 @jangunnarsson Re 1,300+, you do know it's a garden variety addiction :-) 14:41:08 @carmenezcurra Prayers, even the thought thereof, help ... 14:54:29 Sydney harbor at nigh from a ferry has few peers ... 14:55:57 @jangunnarsson Pls explain to the good folks "consideration renovation." One of my all-time favorite terms!! 14:56:49 @nf8m I'm not "scared" either. I said "terrified"--a word chosen with great care. 14:58:24 @clayhebert Have not seen. 15:06:39 @TimCannata Ah, yes, but I'm in beautiful Sydney, not a federal pen :-) 15:07:10 @Note_to_CMO Agree. 16:32:54 @TimCannata Actually, I do want the feedback, and appreciate it. Just couldn't resist the smart-ass remark : -) 20:10:51 Rule #1. Before hitting "send" on an email. STOP. Take a breath. Read Addressee's name aloud. Slashes odds of "one of those" horrid booboos. 20:11:23 Re prior Tweet, as you can guess I just blew one.

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20:13:22 @mombizcoach @caroljsroth Oddly, analogy from soldiers at war.Brave ones are not most emotional ones. They're those who are best trained. 20:14:29 @ColoradoHealth @GottaLaff Maybe next they'l check handwashing by docs :-) 20:14:58 RT @LeadershipNow: Most leaders try to get others to think highly of them, when should try to get ppl to think more highly of themselves ... 20:16:18 @LeadershipNow Bloody brilliant. 20:17:36 @BuildingRCR Indeed ... followed by "that sinking feeling." 21:13:44 @sushil One of small joys of age is to stop over-estimating your memory and to invent simple algorithms helping you navigate more smoothly. 21:15:09 @mombizcoach @caroljsroth To continue with my inappropriate "war-like" comments--it is an absolutely essential "one-two punch."

Tuesday, 15th of February. 03:01:04 @thegoogleguy Trying to make my evening? You just did. Thx! 06:06:22 @tonkawaman I'll flip the question. Other than luck, the biggest contributor to any success I've had is not ever having had a plan. 14:02:53 @tonkawaman I am fanatically organized re day to day affairs. But life is a circus--and I follow my nose and opportunity as it appears. 14:04:13 @tonkawaman A plan is fine as long as you are willing to toss it in the sea at a moment's notice when things change--as they always do. 14:05:10 @tonkawaman Both of my prior tweets are personal. Different strokes for different folks. 14:06:35 @tonkawaman Wildly successful Intel guru Dov Frohman says yr daily calendar should always have 50% unscheduled time. So, too, life, per me.

Thursday, 17th of February. 12:26:48 A little advice from Tom: Shut Up. Little BIG Video #55 ^SD 13:40:15 @JesseLynStoner @lizguthridge @Leadershipfreak Why "or"? Oxymoron AND smart goal. 13:44:31 @joegreenz @Idealogmag "His people" (a contemptuous term) don't make those decisions. "He" does. (And "he" doesn't do many interviews.) 13:45:25 @joegreenz @Idealogmag That's what I'd call a "petulant child" tweet. 13:50:58 @kimmmillwood @joegreenz @idealogmag Maybe I'll see if I can get in touch with "his people" :-) 13:55:27 All org charts should be reverse pyramids. Leaders at bottom, 1st-line folks/customers at top. Not a gimmick. Profound philisophical truth! 13:56:29 Ask yourself every day (literally): Am I truly practicing servant leadership? It's "good business"! 13:57:59 @kimmmillwood @joegreenz @idealogmag I totally appreciate your interest and am flattered by it. 13:58:31 @JoeClinkenbeard What a fabulous idea :-) 14:01:57 I watched a true master extract information! What an invaluable skill-art! Curious, convincing, ernest naivete from a very un-naive person. 14:05:05 Info extractor's #1 comment/query: "Let me see if I understand what you just said" ... followed by

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thoughtful translation of prior comment. 14:06:46 @joegreenz Thank you for your apology. Apology accepted. By the way, I'll be in Auckland next week. 14:12:42 @rossahall NAustin & I reproduced Nordstrom reverse pyramid in A Passion for Excellence in 1985. Alas, we didn't start an epidemic ... 14:16:38 @jeremydipaolo Worth serious debate. Get things done prob requires some form at least temporarily recognized heirarchy. Otherwise anarchy. 14:19:01 @newtwebb Wasn't an auditor but your point is right on. Of course, like bosses, good auditors and not-so-good auditors. 19:20:32 @techsoc @Liberationtech I admit to never having been able to make heads nor tails of quantum mechanics. I'm an old Newtonian. 19:22:12 @Trevthered You are on your way, bro :-) [Serious MTPs/Mother Teresa Points] 19:23:41 @PaulSchwend Nordstrom, USA department store chain with org chart featuring CEO at the bottom, front-liners and customers at the top. 19:25:16 The loaded term "death panels": Many public policy decisions are de facto "death panel choices"--eg raising the speed limit from 55 to 70. 20:46:11 @kcgaughran Fair enough! 20:47:02 @marketingisus Hooray :-) 20:47:56 @brandonhartzell Speed limit change will, with almost total certainty, kill a significant # of people. 20:51:38 @brandonhartzell Speaking as old guy-unless God is pres, you ain't gonna be able meet more than wee fraction boomer org transplant requests! 20:52:07 @1_wave Amen! Amen! And: AMEN!! 20:52:58 @Liberationtech Thanks for the "LOL" :-) 20:53:36 @Odegard Why? Numerous deaths statistical certainty. 20:54:25 @Odegard Underfunding universities "death panel": statistics guarantee longer life with degree. 20:55:15 @Odegard My point is that the whole death panel thing is a joke. EVERYTHING IS A BLOODY "Death panel." 20:56:22 @Odegard Keeping alcohol legal is border line genocide. ("Genocide panel"?) 20:57:26 @Odegard Every minute change in an insurance company's coverage rules is life-death decision for heaven's sake. 20:57:52 @kcgaughran Thx! Yipee! 21:01:00 @1_wave When hand washing by hcare staffer, as determined by, say, sensor, is < prescribed time, RED NEON should appear saying: "MURDERER."

Friday, 18th of February. 13:30:52 @Odegard I am inredibly "liberal" re people's rights, but we cannot afford 1% of what everyone could get if money were not an issue. 13:31:58 @Odegard Let's not go there. People could exercise and diet and limit alcoholol consumption and ... and ... 13:33:46 @Odegard In USA, insurance companies ration "USSR style." Whatever that means. And I'm not an enemy of insurance companies :-)

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13:34:43 @marketingisus L & B terrific!!!!!!!!!!! 13:36:08 @moulij I will be the first to admit it can be a gimmick ... (It is the heart & spirit that count.) 13:39:11 I tend to agree with you, though we both know there are no "one line" oceanic solutions. 13:42:20 RT @improvyourbiz: Yes. I think people should think v carefully before accepting l'ship positions (RT @edpercival Leaders either energis ... 14:44:36 @Odegard And in the USA, you pretty much can't get/afford elective surgery at all unless you are pretty well off. No "free lunches" .... 14:47:49 @tedcoine @Randwulven LGerstner said precisely this about his IBM stint. He said CEO "invites" employees to come aboard; he can't order it. 14:48:54 @newkind @KevinBrandall @russhmeyer @deniseleeyohn @kriscolvin @johnsonwhitney That's nuts. It's a lead-follow minuet. 14:51:23 @Odegard I use rationing in the purely statistical sense of likely outcomes. (And I have indeed almost memorized Road to Serfdom.) 14:52:18 @Note_to_CMO Love it! Specific recommendation, please. 14:54:07 @Odegard There is no explicit or implicit right to the most expensive treatment, necessary or not, money can buy for 310,000,000 Americans. 14:55:51 @Odegard Americans "get off" on more & more tests & treatments. We're natural activists! (Bless us!) And it ain't all the lawyers' fault! 14:59:07 @Odegard I'm sure I'm naive, but when I'm happily in Norway, somehow I never think of myself as in Soviet Union. Let's not get carried away. 15:00:37 @Odegard Front runners in spending $750,000,000,000 annually on un-necessary tests and treatments according to analyses by "conservatives." 15:01:34 @Odegard Among many other things, we un-necessarily kill about 19,000 per year via un-necessary CAT scans as I read the research. 15:02:54 @Odegard So you DO equate Norway and the Soviet Union ... 15:09:10 @Odegard And USA 49th in longevity, Norway #25. (We have most expensive healthcare in the world and, as "they" say, "f-all to show for it.") 15:12:47 @Odegard Unfortunately, to prevent possible lawsuits we end up, among other things, giving gazillion un-necessary and often dangerous tests. 15:15:49 @Odegard Gotta go. Have enjoyed exchange. Delighted you emigrated to country I love/live in and fought for against those nasty Soviets :-) 15:23:40 Used to be "Mississippi burning," now it's "Cairo and Madison burning ..." Times change! 15:26:59 @Karoli I am not even vaguely anti-union; but fact is we cannot afford some of the benefits we have given public workers. Times change. 15:32:55 @Karoli I am certified liberal, but have never thought cops/firemen/teachers should have right to strike. Hope that doesn't mke me neo-Nazi.

Sunday, 20th of February. 15:43:22 @ericzieg I'll be damned ... 15:45:27 @pevansgreenwood Fair point. Reality 2011: Orgs flatter, but somebody's in charge/accountable. Alt is anarchy--no good for execution. 15:46:43 @pevansgreenwood Hierarchy not dead nor should it be. "Getting things done" bit requires

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some sort of chain of command and accountability. 15:47:57 @MaxMckeown "Weakest"? How about "people who do the real work." 15:49:24 @LotusDev Every day includes dozens if not hundreds of probability calculations. 15:49:43 @RonSupportsYou Yup. 15:51:40 @RonSupportsYou Too be far too honest: I support unionization--bosses "ask for it." But never been sure public sector should be unionized. 15:52:24 @jamesmorrissey9 @dtapscott At least you got the Tapscott part right. Not so sure about the other guy ... 15:54:22 @AskJohn_Jeweler Many many many many times. It's called ... "life in the real world." (But hopefully not twice ...) 15:54:49 @Iconic88 Thx! 15:55:11 @suparabbit @SocMfgEng Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15:58:12 @deniseleeyohn @KevinBrandall @russhmeyer @KrisColvin @johnsonwhitney Not quite that clean in my view. I'l stick by "minuet." 15:58:40 @AmberCadabra Thx! 18:02:47 @jamesmorrissey9 depends on who you talk to :-) 18:03:17 @MaxMckeown My apologies for mis-interpretation ... 18:07:23 Yup, still new experiences! Intro at speech said I was talking about something hadn't planned to talk about. Hence 30+ minute ad-lib. Yikes. 18:09:50 How many times need to edit something one is serious about? Try a zillion, or at least 10 passes. (Each pass shocked at prior stupidity.) 18:11:15 When stop editing? At the point you say "This whole thing sucks." Means you've gone as far as you can. 20:30:49 @RickWolff Didn't Coppola edit Apocalypse Now for something like 6 years?? (My all-time favorite movie.)

Monday, 21st of February. 14:48:13 @MaxMckeown @LizKislik Agree. 14:49:49 @drdavidfraser Indeed, if blood is not pouring out of your fingertips, keep goin'. 14:50:55 @LotusDev As far as I'm concerned, yes in "everyday life." 14:51:24 @LotusDev Yup. 14:51:44 @LotusDev Must teach "Bayesianism." 14:52:06 @michaelhaupt Cool. 18:25:46 @tipenesmith Look forward to bing with you. Certainly my most recent book, The Little BIG Things, wil be featured. 18:27:17 @tipenesmith And: Turned-on people produce turned-on customers produce repeat business which produces profits which allow for re-investment. 18:29:10 @drdavidfraser Or need for complete, lengthy break. ("But I can't do that." "Baloney. You must if you are serious about Excellence.") 18:33:27 @Iconic88 X asks Picasso do sketch. Picasso does in 5 minutes; hands X bill $5,000. X: "Only took 5 min." Picasso: "but 40 yrs to prepare."

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18:38:35 @gnat My computer has bumper sticker on it: "WOMEN ARE BETTER LEADERS." 18:42:20 @Iconic88 Picasso proven Aston-Martin brand. This is whole idea of branding, though Picasso would have commited suicide before using b-word. 18:43:46 @JoelHeffner Or: Have responded with alacrity and decisiveness to unexpected opportunities. 18:44:24 @JoelHeffner As does harboring grudges for even a day. 18:46:00 @Anglisy As long as you do so with total humility. Speakers don't change people. We can only change ourselves. 18:48:02 @JoelHeffner Wastes time and is LITERALLY poisonous. 19:22:29 RT @Anglisy: @tom_peters as Galileo said: "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself." 21:36:01 @tonkawaman I'm actually in Auckland. Christchurch is surely taking a licking. ... 21:36:56 @RandySpangler I'm still in NZ ('til mid-March), but quite aways from the quake. 22:59:59 Thank you for your concern. I am not in Christchurch. Our prayers go out to all our friends there--we shall fervently hope for good news.

Tuesday, 22nd of February. 00:37:00 @tonkawaman LOGICAL answer is explaining you can't serve customer well in long haul unless your "internal customers" supporting yr efforts. 00:39:51 @tonkawaman Should in be much more emphasis "internal customer" idea. Can't serve ext cust/C(E) well unless int customers/C(I) motivated. 04:29:31 Oi vey: "We may well be witnessing New Zealand's darkest day," said Prime Minister John Key from Christchurch 12:29:17 @Karoli Never have been really sure what I think about public sector unions. (We surely didn't have one in the Navy.) 12:30:34 @robertgbarnwell Very nice of Hermann. He does consistently great work! (And the Mittelstand is near and dear to my heart.) 12:32:42 @michaelombardi Thanks for the thought. Yes, we had wiggle only. (Pics much worse than SF '89. I was in the Stick, Row 3 behind home plate.) 12:33:10 @Iconic88 Friends are fine, situation devastating. 12:33:55 @ivicakartelo Have been to Split, 2 years ago in April. Loved it! 13:38:05 Interview with @erikorama and new Cool Friend #157 Francis Gouillart @f_gouillart is live: ^SD

Wednesday, 23rd of February. 04:24:34 @rvijapurapu A delight to meet you!

Thursday, 24th of February. 16:58:06 Confused in traffic. Trouble with chair assembly. Difficult downloads. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. YOU ARE NOT A KLUTZ. BLAME THE DESIGNER. 17:03:12 "Blame the designer" appropriated from design guru Donald Norman.

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17:04:31 An NZ SAS vet called tragic Christchurch devastation "worse than Baghdad." 17:06:38 Living on an unspeakably glorious beach on Golden Bay NZ; all I can see in front of my eyes is horrendus conditions in Christchurch. 17:07:39 @galan_javier If your goal was to "make my day"--you just scored big time! 17:09:11 @gregoryfarley @JesseLynStoner Enjoy! Beware addiction :-) 17:10:31 @Waitforit321 @marciamarcia Based on 1st 25 years of A's exsistence, not last 6 or 7. 17:11:14 @gillian_clark Thank you! The pleasure was 100% mine. 17:21:58 Have decided "leadership" too diffuse. Break it down: eg your hiring score, your listening score, your evaluating score ... (25 of these??) 17:26:40 @GregSmithMD Eg: OR deaths fm anesthetics. 2 brands tank. On 1, clockwise is on. Other, countercwise. Heat of battle, wrong direction twist. 17:27:56 @HerzogIND List of 50, pick YOUR top 10. But the items-components must be micro, not macro.

Friday, 25th of February. 12:31:52 Excellence in cross-functional communication is the topic of Little BIG video #56: ^SD 16:30:15 @tonkawaman With, perhaps a bit of a lean toward EQ > IQ. Business is ultimately "social." 16:31:50 @brown_note Nice!! 16:33:34 @DoTime_WX One sage said there ought to be a 10th ring in Dante's hell where designers are required to use the products they've designed. 16:34:18 @Mark_JF I agree, but there are still definable bits that must be done well. 16:39:58 I'd guess that 10 years from now I'l still be saying that "The King's Speech" is best movie ever. (Finally saw it.) 16:41:56 Perhaps The King's Speech is especially moving to one who speaks in public professionally--makes you realize what you take for granted.

Saturday, 26th of February. 16:22:49 @uxdesign_com Thank you for the incredibly kind words. 16:24:46 @pattidigh To some extent because I wept through the last half hour. There, now you know ... 16:26:09 @WayneMansfield Loathe to admit it, but watched one of his wonderful performances in Pirates of the Carribean last night .. 22:54:56 All measurement systems should be chucked/given wholsale renovation every now & then. ALL ARE EVENTUALLY "GAMED" INTO MEANINGLESSNESS. 23:00:26 Obesity brutal problem. Period. One effective device: recording every calorie. I get it but doesn't it at some point take life out of life? 23:04:42 @Wylieknowords And a wonderful word! (Thx for the reminder. Will use it soon.) 23:06:36 @WarrenWhitlock @garyvee Watch your tongue [keyboard]. You imply that a 62-yr-old is a "sweet little fella." :-) :-( 23:07:18 @Odegard Aaron Beck one of my heroes.

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23:08:59 @CrAshRus You miss my point. Seldom happens in our harried world, but meal should be near-spiritual experince--I'm with French on that one. 23:09:45 @garyvee You ARE the MAN :-)

Sunday, 27th of February. 17:28:31 @Khalid_Tarawneh How's it going?????? 17:30:38 @eholl38 I salute you 1000X over, and admit to the power of the idea. AA the same way and infinitely important. (it's just that ...) 17:32:16 @Tourville @garyvee Does it help anyone to use words like "treason" concerning a subject like this? I consider it childish. 17:33:10 @TisMeHonest We all need to be edited!!!!!! 17:33:32 @IFAtweets Agree. 17:35:05 @maxjpucher Former governor, the late Ann Richards, said the shorthand is "Don't eat anything white." (Not too far off.) 17:36:10 @accretor Very nice. 17:39:12 Must admit I get off on blocking people who try to sell me stuff via tweets. 18:42:26 @miketanner 100%. Including young engineer trying to get idea heard. And finance staffer try get line person understand her calculations. 18:43:48 @accretor In the new age of artificial intelligence, quite possibly one can hurt a bot's feelings. Go for it! 18:43:48 @accretor In the new age of artificial intelligence, quite possibly one can hurt a bot's feelings. Go for it! 18:44:28 @skylark64 They'll have to use language that explains what they're doing. 18:47:24 @Chris_Eh_Young Of course I do. And Twitter ads fine by me in return free service. It's ones pretending be "normal" tweet that piss me off. 18:48:28 @markjohnsonpcr Nah. I don't want Twitter to be "perfect." Imperfections lead to interesting stuff. 18:49:13 @CUTweetTrack @AndreaLearned Best supporters damn near anything are women!!!! (Big part of my life's work.)

Monday, 28th of February. 12:01:09 50 practical things to do to improve your competitive position. From The Little BIG Things Synopsis Series. ^SD 15:16:49 @jonathanheng @stevefarber As small bizman, I totally believe in making budget--but it just enables great work, it's not the thing itself. 15:17:24 @marriagetools Thx! (Will check it out.) 15:18:43 @marriagetools Thx!!!!!!!!! 15:21:14 @VisTran "More active" is Gold Standard. Particularly as one adds years. Shocking small share of reg exercisers. Just 30 minutes a day ...

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Tuesday, 1st of March. 18:39:36 Wanna read the Ultimate Innovation Book? Try: Matthew Parker, "Panama Fever: The Epic Story of the Greatest Human Achievement of All Time." 18:40:43 Nothing I know can rival the sheer joy of being in the midst of a significant ocean storm! 18:41:43 @SocialWEdiaTips @lovefearpaychek @gapingvoid Thx. Nice company for me.

Wednesday, 2nd of March. 13:38:42 Belated congrats to Caltech for snalling that 310-game conference losing streak. NCAA Tournament around the corner?? 13:46:38 @rosasay NEVERuse a standarized evaluation scorecard. Any level. Each of us different!! Different paths. Key: LOTS of time devoted to this.

Thursday, 3rd of March. 10:48:15 Who have you developed and precisely how have you developed them? Little BIG Video #57: ^SD 22:11:17 @ljuti Hope it goes well ...

Monday, 7th of March. 00:19:07 Ceaseless talk “smaller class size.” My reading of the research: Class size far less relevant than school size. Small school = Community. 00:19:35 Earthquake re-building.. Official: “We’re talking to engineers, economists.” Reporter: “Have you talked to the people?” Off: “We plan to.” 00:19:51 Invariably, consulting with “the people” gets in the damn way of rapid, efficient decision making! 00:20:20 Harsh criticism routinely leads not to improvement, but to people going way out of their way to avoid having to do the task again. 00:20:38 Giving effective criticism may be the single most difficult-delicate task a leader must undertake. 00:21:05 100 different people react to criticism 100 different ways. 12:06:47 Are you working toward a "gaspworthy" result? Synopsis series #42 & #43: ^SD 15:27:02 @MADconsulting @MADconsulting Agree ... but there are times when careful criticism is a must. Total cop out to deny that. 15:28:19 RT @Mark_JF: @tom_peters Accepting effective criticism is the single most difficult-delicate task a leader must undertake. And the most ... 15:28:33 @Mark_JF Well said, my friend.

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Tuesday, 8th of March. 10:41:45 "A Brief History of the 7-S Model" ^SD 14:02:43 Celebrate the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day! Consider a donation to support girls' education in under-developed countries! 14:03:40 @jshuey What a terrifying tweet. And oh dear ... how true! 14:07:31 @emmavj Just sent ... 14:57:36 @marksokun One person's "direct" is another person's "harsh." I worry about words like "direct" and "unvarnished." 14:59:43 #1 lie: "I tell it like it is." First, no one knows but the tiniest fraction of what it "is." Second, it "is" is different for each of us. 15:01:11 @LucidContent As a relentless, albeit futile, pursuer of lucidity, how could I not follow you :-) 18:03:23 @DeepEddy Amen, brother :-) 18:03:53 @JoelHeffner !!! 18:05:09 @LucidContent "next door to H.L. Mencken's life long home"--as "they" say OMG. 18:05:46 @marksokun No more than 100.000000000000% of the time.

Wednesday, 9th of March. 16:14:44 "Straight talk" = You are welcome to my totally biased opinion. 16:17:01 @ianbrodie Would consider. Will not promise. After 2.5 incredible months in NZ, get back to VT on 0316, then to DR. Will be sorted by 0401. 16:18:53 @EMTrainingMedia In increasingly fragmented market, cust service "more #1" than 20 yrs ago, if possible. (We long for differentiators!) 16:20:59 @cleanandlean Almost all quality improvement actually comes fm respecting opinions of those closest to the action. If not, systems a waste. 16:22:25 @Picodeliq Amen. Effective boss = Psychologist-Diplomat. 17:02:56 Incidentally, "CEO must be first and foremost a clinical psychologist" is courtesy David Ogilvy circa 1970. 17:05:03 @4erickcarrero But take a stance without open mind is called Muammar al-Gaddafi. 18:22:06 @JoelHeffner My God, you're more cynical than I am :-) 18:23:45 @eaglesdontflock You're 25 years out of date. Not many psychologists study Freud these days. (And there is a lot to learn from psychology.) 18:24:29 @Anglisy Fine, as long as you publicly acknowledge biases. 22:08:17 Hats off to 60-yr-old British judge Douglas Marks Moore--for preventing an escape from courtroom by rugby-tackling 34-yr-old sex offender. 22:08:51 I respect extraordinary “craft” training MDs do. But doesn’t make them “scientists”—witness resistance to hard data in treatment design.

Thursday, 10th of March. 20:02:20 @count_01 Of course. What's your point? 20:04:46 @tonkawaman Adore Ken! Arrogant, genius, type AAA, "whacko" Japanese! (Japan needs

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more "whackos." Not said with any disrespect.)

Friday, 11th of March. 11:47:15 From Golden Bay NZ: My best wishes to our Japanese colleagues. (Kiwis in the north may get some collateral damage.) 11:49:13 @tonkawaman Take care. (I know that's a silly statement but dunno what else to say.) Refinery pics horrifying. 11:50:26 @tonkawaman Watching the news most of the night. Tsunami arrives New Zealand in 1.5 hours. Not much expected in my region. 17:11:22 Term “research shows …” increasingly devalued (I admit say it frequently) in Age of Junk Science—some of which, to be sure, ain’t junk. 17:12:24 Occasional scientific malfeasance (scientists are humans), but I still favor referred research. 17:13:33 If you fail to see the importance of peer reviewed research, you in effect write off the entire Enlightenment. 17:15:50 @tomasacker Not one iota. I am trained in formal science and believe in it, . Won't budge me a millimeter on that. 17:18:16 @webby2001 Think vaacination "debate"--f-ing up the world.

Saturday, 12th of March. 13:48:28 Warren Buffet give interview saying reputation is important. Why must we treat stories like this as "news"? Should be obvious???? 13:49:15 Re prior tweet: My whole career = Reminding people of stuff their grandmother taught them! 13:50:02 Yow, as story becomes more grave, our hearts go out to our JUapanese colleagues. 13:51:22 Japanese reactor in trouble very old. New technology miles ahead. Afraid this event will once more freak out Americans. We need nuc power. 13:52:31 @volatilitysmile ????????????????????????? 13:54:37 @2mavin Of course science is imperfect and everything should be taken with a grain of salt. In real world one does "the best one can." 13:55:41 @peoplegogy Yup. Do something you care so much about that your fingernails bleed passion. 13:56:48 @peoplegogy Dissertation = Passion supported by hardnosed research. (And research will require that you accept nuance.) 13:57:16 @HewittNewton Absolutely not. 13:57:58 @michaelfl Of course, especially in small businesses. 13:59:13 @CajunDave Cynicism beyond measure. 100% of us humans are largely misinformed about everything. 13:59:37 RT @pauljansen: @tom_peters agree, as Dame Thatcher once said: 'If you have to explain y'r a [lady], y'r not" :-) 14:01:00 @penelopeyoung Not sure on the wiser, dead certain on the [much] older :-) 14:02:30 @PeterIri Of course other views are important, but the Dark Ages were not exactly highlight of human history. 14:03:18 @PeterIri I deeply believe in the "scientific method"--warts and all.

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14:05:10 @ray_fyk Not cheering anybody's old plants. I live in Vermont. We are busily shutting down Vermont Yankee for good reason. 14:06:52 @CajunDave Schools have enormous problems, but "our schools are crap" not really help much. THOUSANDS of our schools are not "crap." 14:07:49 @gerald_d Agree. As I said, my "local reactor" (Vermont Yankee) being shut down.

Sunday, 13th of March. 17:26:52 @vpbowers Bless you :-) 17:27:38 @2mavin True. But still the best game in town ...

Monday, 14th of March. 13:05:54 After 2.5 glorious months in New Zealand, head back to Vermont mud-snow-cold. But I love it anyway!! (At least days longer VT as of 21st!) 13:07:13 @DanSchawbel You are far too kind. 13:07:54 @euandus Both in spades. 14:52:10 2.5 months NZ. Closest town lovely Takaka. (Pop 5,000??) Saw not ONE person on street on cell phone. There is a God! 14:53:08 @EDavis 13th???? Solstice on 20th/21st, right????? 14:53:57 @euandus Co-wrote with Bob Waterman. 14:54:31 @swquantum Be very interested.

Tuesday, 15th of March. 15:13:18 @Beth_Upton @freelanceadvice "Dual use" is very "with it"! 15:14:45 @tonkawaman Leaders can help, but the enduring fabric of the society is by far what matters most. Japan scores very very well on that! 17:01:02 @thebenbrooks The "good news"--even with "no child ..." we're not as absurd on test-taking as most of our econ rivals in Europe, Asia. 17:03:35 I am NOT a biker. Yet I say drivers who don't slow way down & give bikers a wide berth, especially younger bikers, are unmitigated scumbags. 17:04:59 @LoriMoreno Let's worry about the health and welfare of the Japanese if that's okay with you. 17:09:26 @thebrandbuilder It's drivers who accelerate to pass bike on narrow road so won't have to slow down for approaching car who really get me. 17:10:40 @sandymaxey A car is a 2K-pound totally lethal weapon which must be aware of its might. 17:11:17 @thebrandbuilder Precisely what I was "driving at." 17:12:48 @sandymaxey Also it's selfish--can imagine nothing worse than hitting human with car I was driving--even if they ended up nary a scratch.

Wednesday, 16th of March. 09:48:26 Read this & ask yourself how you're going to make the next 15 minutes

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matter. Little BIG Synopsis Series #44 & 45. ^SD 15:54:17 @Jasvjr Most serious bikers are courteous. Many amateur bikers are over their heads. But your car in any event is a lethal weapon. 15:55:57 @Jasvjr Vermonters bitch about occasionally discourteous tourist bikers. But love their tourist $$$$$$. Bloody hypocrites.

Thursday, 17th of March. 16:14:02 @norman_ibcshell Wow!!!!!! 17:56:43 Off we go to de facto war. "UN" action will, as usually the case, mean mainly USA troops in harm's way. (We are disliked 'til we're needed.) 17:58:24 @laughograms Totally agree and fully supportive!!! 18:00:41 @hrheingold Splendid job by Wikipedia = Tautology. Right? 18:02:50 @laughograms Arab League support was 100.000000000% necessary. 18:03:40 @josecamoessilva C'est la vie as the Irish say on St Pattie's Day :-) 18:06:14 In advance, deepest thanks and prayers to and for all of our men and women in the military for their selfless service. 18:08:30 @tedcoine @Note_to_CMO Agree re duty. But ye gads is our military stretched. 18:09:40 @Trevthered Totally agree. It's just passed. Apparently combat aircraft could be launched in hours. 18:12:06 @agandia I think that's total crap if I understand you. The Libya decision-commitment is hardly empire building. To the contrary. 18:12:46 @hrheingold Apparently WP was amazing on 0911 ...

Friday, 18th of March. 06:53:14 @jconvers If we are not needed pls explain who is going to enforce the no-fly zone? 06:54:52 @jconvers As in the period 1948-1989 when our taxpayer dollars and military lives kept the Soviets at bay? (With some help to be sure.) 06:56:00 @jconvers Wish you'd told me that in 1966 before I started my 2 tours in Vietnam. Or told my uncle before he headede to Korea in 1950. 06:59:29 @LearnGrow @tedcoine @Note_to_CMO In NZealand 2 mos. Countries in the area re-interested in USNavy as Chinese act aggressively SChina Sea. 08:08:47 @c_raymond_fdn @dporter1 ... and ADULTS-of-all-ages-and-no-matter-how-browbeaten ... 12:32:52 Are you missing the most profoundly important commercial market in the history of the world? Little BIG Video #58 ^SD 14:31:45 And as anybody who knows the Japanese knows ... Japan will rebuild as the PM just said! 14:33:46 @ivicakartelo Older customers more relationship and experience oriented ... Not so much desire cool and high powered stuff. 14:34:43 @MaxMckeown @tedcoine Dealing with the world is such a ... pain in the ass. 15:29:27 Between Libya and Japan, truly hard to focus. 15:30:19 Kristof's NYTimes oped on Bahrain yesterday made me physically il. I have had strong positive feelings about it ...

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Saturday, 19th of March. 16:28:12 Easy "5 stars" to Gary Vaynerchuk's "The Thank You Economy." Insanely great title--and the contents life up to it. 16:29:56 When long line for service, super when someone comes out to those waiting to tell them in person what's up. Hats off Verizon Rutland VT. 16:31:26 Hats off to Hanniford in Rutland VT. Huge store. My 1st visit. On 5 occasions I asked where something was. All 5 times clerk took me to it. 16:32:23 Whoops, addenda to prior tweet: in 3 of 5 cases the clerk who took me to wanted item was from another department!! 16:34:37 @RTRViews @jenajean @ShellyKramer "Huge" Try "humongous" "buggers the imagination" "gazillion dollars" "holy shit big". 16:35:34 @shashikolar Not in a million million years. I'm flattered you'd think so :-) 16:38:59 @WellWork Red wine vinegar, eggplant [scarce around here], and the like. This was JPH ... Just Plain Helpful on a busy Saturday no less. 16:41:38 @shashikolar It slipped in Nardelli years, but making a comeback. (Nardelli's overuse of "metrics" seemed to drain HD of its humanity.) 16:42:57 @ShellyKramer @RTRViews @jenajean That one was for you Shelly :-) 17:25:23 @socialtechno Would not deny his intensity :-) 17:26:29 @GregSmithMD Sleep is for wimps as every MD worth his/her salt surely knows :-)

Sunday, 20th of March. 08:41:27 Fabulous Vanity Fair/April article on Stuxnet, "the Hiroshima of cyberwar." 08:45:13 Robotic market. "Service robot" sector fastest growing. Bost/Pitt/Silicon Valley lead world. Dismiss USA innovation lead at your peril. 08:47:55 Ho hum. Standard econ cycle. Chinese labor: Demand relatively soon outpace supply. Wages rising. Competitive edge will shrink. 08:50:43 Hmmm. Ray Kurzweil. Solar power doubling every 2 years. 8 more doublings-wiil meet world's energy needs. Ray K gets lot of stuff right ... 08:51:37 Foreign Affairs magazine/March loaded from cover to cover with good stuff! 08:55:23 @lmjread Equals eternal churn. Jobs lost = Advances prosperity. Want "unfair share new stuff." Churn hurt some-help some. Goal: Help >Hurt. 08:56:54 @rossahall Agree re Estonia. 08:58:25 @peoplegogy See earlier tweet re Stuxnet. We want unfair share hyper-growth sectors like cyber-security. That's the "stuff" of tomorrow. 09:19:08 @peoplegogy Totally agree re college (or junior college) degree!! I'd argue we do have a very decent mfg sector-eg infotech/biotech/etc. 09:20:27 @peoplegogy You can jump all over me but no companies I'd rather have in USA than the likes of Google-Twitter-Facebook. World flipping. 09:21:34 @peoplegogy Works for me. My Indiana-assembled Subaru Outback is the love of my automotive life.

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09:24:27 @RandySpangler iPads "made" (assembled) in China, but most of design-innards-value add from USA-Japan-Germany-Korea-Taiwan. 09:29:26 @MeghanMBiro @tombolt And? Law terrific econ sector. High-pay jobs, ++ trade bal. ("Too many lawyers" crap--Shakespeare notwithstanding.) 09:31:56 @RandySpangler Local farmer in our short growing season/VT: "I don't want import [legal] labor, so find me Americans who will work fields. 09:34:50 @peoplegogy Funny thing abt "mfg 2011"--90% jobs "service"--engineers, logisticians, maint profesionals who sit computer terminal all day. 09:36:46 @peoplegogy 1990 did analysis of HP--"mfg" company (still is) but 80% jobs were effectively "service sector"--regardless DOL classification. 09:37:43 @RandySpangler Bloomberg Bizweek, March 7-13. 09:41:43 @peoplegogy Still lots mfg, but no return post WW II--we stood alone. (Been in "decline" mfg jobs 50 years--as has 100% developed world.) 09:43:11 @MeghanMBiro @DawnBugni @sharlyn_lauby @HRBartender HR ought to get its shit together as at GE--and be more than enforcers of labor laws. 09:44:21 @dalka Notice I said "Hmmm." Very interesting hypothesis but who knows ... 09:47:02 Dear idiots: Market oppo #1: Blessed are the seniors for they (we) have approximately all the money--women 100% (okay 98%) in charge.. 09:48:44 @peoplegogy Can't. Service world. Once read "world's biggest ice cream factory"--in CA desert. 1 mfg worker. (Though some maintenace dudes.) 09:49:45 @p_eom Doubtless. But then I'm a nature > nurture guy. 09:51:05 @MeghanMBiro @DawnBugni @sharlyn_lauby @HRBartender My point: Too many HR departments say "no" as often as always-maligned finance folk. 11:36:37 @clayhebert Haven't seen but heard it is fabulous. 13:24:12 I scan fast and tear out articles & put in one pile and go through. PRINT!!! 13:27:11 @ShellyKramer Younger women ahead because waaaay better educated then men. Old(er) women in charge because the (we) men are dead & gone. 13:28:19 @DuncLuciak This is a one off, not related to singularity. 13:30:15 @StartInnovating Each to their own tricks. On my "all Web days," my reading much shallower even if muti-sourced. NEED IN DEPTH REPORTAGE! 13:31:57 @GregSmithMD Rooting around print stuff is where I find 98% of the weird connections that most matter to me. Key: reading the WRONG stuff. 13:34:48 @pheffernanvt Print sitting on the can & discovering weird article home or arts section progenitor of all-important oddball connections :-) 13:35:45 @pheffernanvt Dunno. Somehow or other I am willing to pay a lot for in depth investigative reporting. 13:38:47 @HHG Oddball connections is actually the formal definition of creativity. (In speeches spend lotta time on "You are who you hang out with.") 13:39:46 @GregSmithMD Paradoxical. Filtering and un-filtering necessary?? 13:50:19 @IdeaLeader Canada always on my mind :-) As a central VTer, Montreal closest big city. Besides years+++ ago 1st serious girlfriend Canadian. 13:52:31 @WAbuSnaineh BloombergBusinessweek, Fortune, Wired always. In airports I'll pick up 15 magazines. "Non-regular" oddball stuff key.

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13:54:45 @Scobleizer Yes!!!!! Big farts think acquisitions are shortcut answer to all things. (Almost) never are!!! 13:55:55 @Scobleizer Like my general aversion to stock buybacks. Means "We couldn't think of any high return things to do with the money." 15:31:41 My wife and I and friends saw Capitol Steps in Rutland VT on Friday. Wonderful as always! 15:36:42 @LearnGrow @pheffernanvt Some of those folks like Kristof get hands real dirty--he won Pulitzer for Tiananmen Square on-site coverage. 16:50:28 @LearnGrow @pheffernanvt Totally agree in media as a whole.

Monday, 21st of March. 13:09:17 @rntt1 Samuel Goldwyn said you needed to explain a movie idea on the back of a business card. 60 seconds. 13:11:09 @Capsteps Politics is my great love in life, but the Dylan takeoff was hysterical; never seen anything vaguly like it! 13:13:16 @Capsteps I loved the private party at the Masonic Temple you did for the Washington Speakers Bureau.. (Tailored to perfection.) 13:14:40 @markjohnsonpcr @RickWarren @jack_welch @StephenRCovey I really can't do that in 140 characters. Useless without explanation. 13:16:24 @GregSmithMD @Mtnmd Wow! Great stats! New to me. Plan to steal/use--source?

Tuesday, 22nd of March. 09:32:43 Very few "sure things" today's economy. But anything associated with care for aging boomers is 99.99% guarantee over next quarter century. 09:33:24 @unibeenlinea @asemunibe Looking forward to it. 09:33:59 @MktgIsUsToolKit @rntt1 Precisely. 09:35:09 @RforBusiness No doubt of it!

Friday, 25th of March. 21:37:02 The more things change the more they say the same. Not true circa 2011. The more things change the more things change. 21:37:24 Pretty sure I agree with Kurzweil on the meaning of the “singularity” except for timing—perhaps it’s already occurred???? 21:38:39 Intensity of giving a speech-each one leads to copious tears when I return to hotel room & adrenaline evaporates. It’s a form of dying. 21:38:58 I start “going weird” about 72 hours before a speech. I stay weird for about 48 hours after a speech. 21:41:01 Kurzweil says “singularity.” I say The Great Flip. We labor, wear our fingertips to the bone to feed-cloth-educate our computers-networks. 21:41:17 We now [ALREADY] work for our computers-networks more than they work for us??!! 21:41:34 We barely have time to eat because it takes so much time to feed our computers-networks.

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21:43:21 Business goes a lot faster these days not because of our needs or wants—but because the computers-networks require us to go ever faster. 21:44:14 Who’s in charge: JIT-driven computer networks determine/COMMAND moment-to-moment behavior of millions-of-millions of workers worldwide. 21:45:34 1985: Speech prep abt 5 hours—shuffling my static 500 glass-mount slide set. 2011: I work for PowerPoint—abt 50 hours prep-per-speech. 21:45:50 Soon we may not be needed. 21:46:04 I talk ceaselessly about the “eternal basics.” Perhaps I’m wrong. 21:46:19 Are we already living in the matrix? 21:47:22 If Thos. Pink quit making dress shirts I’d probably quit giving speeches. 21:47:47 Twxt ’97-’05 back pain treatment up 65% to $90B. No improvement in back health per population self-reports. (Forbes 0314) 21:48:10 Is fusion surgery a pure and simple racket? (Rehab-exercise program just as effective per numerous studies.) (Source: Forbes 0314.) 22:06:21 @DeniseTourelle I've over-prepped in pathological fashion for about 60 consecutive years now. Launch definitely no later than 4th grade. 22:07:55 @shawncmatthews Not likely. 22:08:59 @TheHollandGroup I'd go with "Friday night." 22:11:15 @jschmeling That's my point. By design & accident information-network infrastructure is going its own way--producing flock of black swans. 22:11:45 @faz_kerk :-)

Saturday, 26th of March. 05:08:53 @ArtfulAlchemist :-) 14:41:13 SM abets revolutionary uprisings. Hard to see its role in building stable institutions to run a country after "good guys" win revolution.

Sunday, 27th of March. 10:55:24 Hyperbole? No. "The Middle East Crisis Has Just Begun"/Robert Kaplan/WSJournal/Saturday is best summary article on MidEast I've ever read. 10:57:34 Joe Nocera's incredibly well researched "In Prison for Taking a Liar Loan"/NYTimes/Saturday is profoundly disturbing. 11:04:44 RT @lexalexander: @tom_peters That spending = $800B/yr, or 1/3 total U.S. health $. Yet politicians oppose govt $ for effectiveness rese ... 11:05:18 @lexalexander Amen. Am flat out disgusted by reaction to outcomes research! 11:06:01 @lexalexander Shannon Brownlee, "Overtreated," a fabulous book. 11:06:57 @lexalexander Have seen research demonstrating that about 50% of treatment regimens are un tested/un-proven. 11:08:54 Searching desperately: Anyone come across evidence of hospital stay, esp with multiple specialists, durng which there ZERO med errors? 11:11:09 @russhillmedia No rethink, always wary of "This'll take care of everything" posture that seems

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to emanate from some SM true believers. 11:12:35 Radicalism required to make a revolution. Conservatism required to run a country. (Why USA was lucky with likes of JAdams, GWashington.) 11:15:06 Re-re reminder: Sunday afternoon. Time to "script" thos first 10 "plays" for Monday AM that'll set a profound tone for the week!! 11:16:33 @TomSalzer You are philosophically correct, but operationally all wet. Med errors out-and-out tragedy. 11:19:18 @aramtrojan And will only get worse as population of "confused" elderly grows like a brushfire. 11:20:10 @aramtrojan Specialist who is careful about drug interaction among patient's several meds is frighteningly rare. 11:24:21 Pisses me off that it's so difficult getting info on NCAA women's tournament at the likes of ESPN. 11:27:41 Book suggestion: Kay Hymowitz, "MANNING UP: How the Rise of WOMEN Has Turned MEN into BOYS." (Women's rapid eclipse of men extraordinary.) 11:29:39 @aramtrojan Yes, much of the remedy is straight-forward. (But "culture barriers" in hcare are devilish.) 11:31:08 @sandymaxey Plus many geographic areas are awash in specialists while gravely short of primary-care docs. 11:33:09 @TomSalzer EMTs, nurses are rare pockets of light. 11:34:22 @micberryman As Stanford Cardinal fan of decades standing ... who even cares about men's tournament? 11:35:34 @HealthGrades Will check it out; latest studies I've read show no improvement in patient safety last 5 years, even though more talked about. 11:38:01 @ellenfweber I may be a cretin, but it'll be a cold day in hell when I'll take TV advice on personal investment decisions. 12:22:15 @davewheeler44 That would be stellar ... 13:08:02 @rosemarierung Totally agreee they exist. But too many way away from great. 16:00:53 @mfgrullon Superb!

Monday, 28th of March. 07:24:37 @Billie_Popovska Title IX has been a brilliant success--though some on both sides disagree. 11:52:21 Sun-Tzu: Key to victory is deciding which battles to fight--and, above all, which battles NOT to fight. (True for war & 6-pers proj team.) 11:53:35 Are you an "agressive listener"? (Courtesy Mike Abrashoff.) 16:14:49 @lmoldenhauer Me too. 16:16:08 @Tim_Altman Probably no difference--just a more "aggressive" word which always suits me :-) 16:16:54 @drdavidfraser Yes.

Tuesday, 29th of March. 08:36:30 How sweet (and special) it is. At 8:45 stop by a shop that opens at 9. Already open!! So rare!! Classic "little BIG thing."

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08:37:15 Takes sooooooooo little to leave a lasting positive impression. WORK ON IT TODAY. 08:38:39 @JenGresham Betcha "first flowers of Spring" in Montgomery come a wee bit before ours in VT :-) 08:39:26 @Mark_JF Agree. 08:40:48 @Mark_JF There's "listening" and there's HEARING. There's "listening" and there's UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. 10:35:12 Tom's musings on speeches and the singularity: ^SD 12:36:24 @dominicad From Tom Peters second hand--actually courtesy Dave Wheeler commenting at 12:37:55 @josecamoessilva I am 179.999-degrees from being a clothes horse, but Thos. Pink shirts are a boost to my morale. 12:42:17 @ShellyKramer Hey boys, knock off constant football analogies in audiences with a high share of women. I 99% stopped about 10 years ago. 12:44:01 @DrinkWhatULike "Conflict builds character." What bullshit. 12:47:41 RT @saltpeppergroup: Simple... Don't get sucked in to gossip/negative talk about anybody. If you do it to them you will do it to me. No ...

Wednesday, 30th of March. 08:07:43 Don't plunge into every problem that turns up. Fact: Most problems evaporate if you let 'em lie awhile. Pick & choose. Eschew frenzy. 08:15:53 @maverickwoman @nigelcameron "Transdisciplinary" (horrid term) suggests a discipline underneath. That "discipline" is called specialization. 08:17:44 @JeremyJacobs Never hire a person for any job who doesn't have a good smile??????? 08:19:13 @ianbrodie "What Really Makes People Buy?" Proposed answer: Good products. 08:23:25 Re letting problems solve themselves: Email in and of itself conveys an inflated sense of urgency that is usually not/rarely merited. 08:28:54 @JeremyJacobs A great smile will disarm many an enemy. (Short of Gaddafi.) 10:13:18 @rzender Wisdom, but also ego issue--"Only I can solve;" usually B.S. 10:15:12 @rzender If boss, must train folks via your behavior not to breathlessly wait for your response. (Value to inconsistency by you!) 10:17:55 @ianbrodie My subtext was we often spend too much effort on marketing/channel mgt, not enough on first creating our version of, say, iPad. 10:18:37 @GregSmithMD Nail gun gets my vote every time. 10:19:55 @JeremyJacobs AND: "Sales and presenting" is what 99% of us do from receptionist to 24-yr-old geek engineer. 10:20:58 @GaryDayEllison Delay can be good, breaks cycle of dependence. Get 'em outta the habit of waiting for your reply. 10:22:12 @Anglisy Or email because hasty un-necessarily stokes the fire. (As I said in other tweet, want to break the cycle of dependency.) 10:29:24 @smartmgmt101 Maybe best book ever written, but I'd never buy it because of title. Relationships NEVER "easy." (Require time and Subtlety.) 10:30:51 Rule of thumb: Never trust a book on relationships written by a male!

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10:46:00 @AJTOGC @Billy_Cox I said "rule of thumb." 10:47:58 @AJTOGC @Billy_Cox I constantly fear women read my books and "LOL." I make working on relationships "breakthrough"--obvious to 9/10 womren. 10:49:37 @drdavidfraser If you're talking about me, fine. But I'd not modify a word I wrote. 10:50:11 @MikeHaberman Bavo, bro! 10:50:56 @GaryDayEllison I'd hate to disappoint :-) 10:52:16 @Anglisy The employee in 8 of 10 cases shouldn't have CCd boss; try: "JUST DO IT." 10:53:39 @GaryDayEllison I won't be happy until there's not a single male boss left in America :-) 10:54:33 @DreamSso Great book! Of course not! 10:56:18 @RonSupportsYou Exceptions to every rule :-) 10:57:12 @RonSupportsYou You mean his famous "How to cheat on my wife while trying to impeach the president for cheating on his wife"? 11:01:33 @GaryDayEllison Always :-) 11:17:01 @GaryDayEllison I'll be evasive. Any woman who's beaten the odds and become CEO of a Fortune 500 company. 11:18:49 @GaryDayEllison Queen Elizabeth I for supporting and protecting global commercial domination of the Brits. Not suggesting clean hands :-) 11:20:01 @MoCharbonneau My skills still D- My appreciation A+ 11:20:40 @MoCharbonneau You mean "centuries" or "millenia," right? 11:21:18 @DanCollinstwit WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:21:37 RT @DanCollinstwit: Optimism Among U.S. Chief Executives Tops Pre-Slump High 11:23:06 @GaryDayEllison Funny, when I made flattering remark about QE I didn't were from UK. 11:25:20 @GaryDayEllison Indeed!! (Thx for ref!)

Thursday, 31st of March. 07:17:38 Hats off to Tara VanDerveer & the Stanford Cardinal women for making it (again) to the Final Four. Here's hoping for a Stanford-UConn final! 07:18:55 Are the 8-16 inches of snow predicted for Southern VT tomorrow for real--or just an April Fool's joke. Stay tuned ... 07:19:22 @fmarciano Thx! 07:20:16 @R4Reason And I hope you have a lovely day too ... 07:20:55 @R4Reason Of course I sell BS for a living. It's a lovely racket :-) 07:21:59 @R4Reason Why do I think you might just be over-reacting to my pro-women remarks? (If so, you wouldn't be the first.) 07:23:11 @DebraEspinosa Well, surely that expectation could be fostered. But I'l just take what I can get--and be happy. 07:24:49 @R4Reason I always wonder why someone would get up in the morning and feel the compulsion to kick off the day by spreading ill will ....

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07:25:24 @drummerpr Loved Deborah Norville's book. 07:26:14 @PicSeshu @avonoldfarms The opportunity to teach is a great gift. 07:26:57 @RandySpangler Spot on, Randy :-) 07:27:25 @lpearson Good bumper sticker? 07:29:08 @Webcopyplus Some of that--a lot of that--had to do with the fact that many many millions (in the USA alone) couldn't afford a radio. 07:30:30 @sungkwon Re Mars-Venus: I've often thought that men and women come from different solar systems, not just different planets :-) 07:32:24 @QuoteLeader @theglassheel Women make up over 50% of the workforce. Mant reasons low C-level, most will evaporate next 2 decades. 07:33:30 @QuoteLeader @theglassheel Change coming like an express train. In age of "intellectual capital" women college grads wildly out pacing men. 07:36:54 @QuoteLeader @theglassheel Current mega-recession largely "men's recession." M jobs (mfg, construction) hammered, F (healthcare) growing. 07:37:58 @flowchainsensei Not relevant. He's retiring :-) 11:50:22 @deckart52 Who knows. Could end up being rain at this time of year; but at the present all forcasters are in agreement. 11:51:17 @R4Reason My sincere apologies; though I'm sure I often deserve the "jackass" label :-) 11:53:32 @thebrandbuilder @peternavarro @PicSeshu @avonoldfarms But all teachers should exude humility--some of what best say will turn out be BS. 11:54:00 @peternavarro @thebrandbuilder @PicSeshu @avonoldfarms Amen and amen and amen. 11:55:36 @PicSeshu Research I saw: Teaching method did not affect 10-yr student evaluations--passion for the subject was the determining variable. 11:56:27 @Mark_JF I'd never speak ill of the departed ... 11:57:11 @lpearson "Yes!" to skywriting! 11:58:36 @QuoteLeader @theglassheel Women now garnering about 55% of bach degrees, higher % grad degree. 11:59:17 @QuoteLeader @theglassheel Yup. 16:34:04 @thebrandbuilder Three cheers for insolence. You're shittin' me, right? 16:34:58 @thebrandbuilder People who make a "sport of being haughty" are 1st-class jerks. For evermore.

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Friday, 1st of April. 11:57:17 Jobs added: 51% small firms; 40% medium; 9% big. (Think of numbers if banks would lend to small-medium rather than big!) 11:59:25 NYTimes special section "Energy" yesterday brilliant. 12:03:24 @MeghanMBiro Respectfully disagree. Decision based on colleagues-to-be and "Wow projects" you can be part of in next 24 months. 12:04:49 Our cyber-security sucks. Private sector biggies--esp financial services--more to blame than government.

Saturday, 2nd of April. 12:00:26 @tonkawaman Not surprised! Wow! 12:02:21 @martijnsjoorda Already done ... any excellent fiction! (E.g. Shakespeare.) 19:49:06 Did you know USA still #1 manufacturing. USA mfg doubled since 1980. (Japan doubled too.) USA mfg tends to be high value added. (Economist.) 19:52:43 Fortune 200 mfg CEO I know. Ran into in airport. Flying commercial. Wearing suit from Sao Paulo to Boston. Works for me.

Sunday, 3rd of April. 13:24:01 Heartiest congratulations to Transocean's CEO for his bonus based on "best year in safety performance in our company's history"! 13:26:50 This coming week is fully 4% of your entire year! Make it MATTER! Make it UNEQUIVOCALLY reflect your top/strategic professional priorities! 13:30:13 @rgoodchild Whoops, 2%. No matter. 13:57:52 @RonSupportsYou @Catballou German Mittelstand "secret": "Be the best. It's the only market that's not crowded." (Courtesy George Whalin) 21:58:37 Congrats to Texas A&M women from a rabid Cardinal fan. 22:01:48 @TSpare Hey, he was merely the CEO ... 22:03:19 @PeterIri I already apologized about a gazillion times ... 22:05:45 @drdavidfraser Would be honored. PO Box 1699 Conway, NH 03818. 22:07:01 @alshalloway I had assumed the sarcasm was obvious ..... 22:08:07 @doctor_vit I have sent about a bazillion apology tweets for the shitty math ...

Wednesday, 6th of April. 08:53:40 Change the world or die trying. Last 2 TLBT Synopsis Series sections ^SD 19:24:40 Double threes. Good thing I love Vermont. 3rd highest state income tax rate. 3rd highest

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property taxes. 19:25:31 @bengarvey @PMMIorg That makes my day! Thx!! 19:26:12 @bengarvey @PMMIorg That makes my day! Thx!! 19:30:53 @jcarlnelson I supect it's true, but don't remember saying it. (School size appears more important than class size. Good: Intimate SCHOOL.) 19:31:59 @bengarvey @PMMIorg Wow! Thx! 19:37:56 False economy: Cutting staff who have direct customer contact. (Experienced that in a hotel this morning. In fact, often experience it.) 20:47:09 @Jay_PlastiDeco Lovely! (& thanks for the feedback) 20:48:10 @GhislainParent :-) [We try.]

Friday, 8th of April. 10:31:32 Do you have someone who cleans your house? FOR GOD's SAKE, DON'T LET THEM CLEAN YOUR TOILET! 10:32:43 When I'm in a hotel, I always clean the toilet before I leave. What about you? (Esp if you're male, and routinely pee all over the floor.) 10:33:33 A great teacher goes veeery slowly and let's you make the same mistake over and over. 10:34:02 A grat teacher is a co-learner with his or her students. 10:36:32 @arye4life I often disagree with Mr Sanders but I admire him. 10:38:21 @Niilojohannes Not the point. I think it is disgusting and demeaning and inhuman to let anyone clean your toilet. 10:38:59 @JimPolandcom Amen. 10:40:43 @allysonbyrd My toilet was dirty and I rushed & didn't clean it and a housekeeper was here and I've told them not to clean it but they did. 10:42:47 @Richard_Florida I was lucky enough to have Jim March as a teacher and interviwed Dr Simon for my 1st book. 10:43:50 @Richard_Florida Jim March's standards re sloppy thinking were the highest I ever incurred--bless him! 10:46:32 @ravinaproject @Richard_Florida A superb teacher I know regularly tries to learn something big/new--sys it made him aware beginners' lot. 10:49:25 @Richard_Florida And with all due respect to the brethren in Cambridge, "participative" case studies are not the sure and certain answer. 10:51:40 @ravinaproject @Richard_Florida Department head pal at huge research teaches freshmen every few years to keep from forgetting the basics! 10:53:06 @bryanzmijewski It's not about urine, my friend, it's about respect for one's fellow humans under circumstances great and small. 10:55:08 Any idiot (hotel general manager) can do the front desk job for a day--what about the housekeeper's job? 10:55:56 Every hotel general manager should work as a housekeeper (full shift) once every couple of months. 10:57:23 @crttanaka Equivalent to signing a death warrent for a death row a mile long! 10:59:15 @vineetnayar I am distressed beyond measure at the feature articles I've been reading about

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India lately--I love your country deeply. 11:02:06 @decisionstats Many do. I'd imagine that the median consultancy, nation wide, size is < 5 folks. 11:03:10 @The_Analyst Try cleaning up shit in a dozen rooms. 11:04:01 @The_Analyst Try cleaning up shit in a dozen rooms. 11:05:41 @The_Analyst Since housekeeping is the mecca of customer contact, I suppose you're saying there's no need for any customer-service training? 11:10:39 @vineetnayar Always love India/energy, but reading lots likes of corruption--discouraging investment. Even if "just the press"-- troublsome. 11:11:00 @YogeshMalik Yup. 12:19:15 @bryanzmijewski Amsterdam airport famously painted fly bottom of urinal; always competitive guys took aim. MEASURED splatter down 80%. 12:20:55 @norman_ibcshell Agree, but this whole thread started with dirty toilets! 12:21:54 @jkhoey @hksully @NewsCertified And, last I heard, 55+ fastest growing Internet shopper segment. 12:24:14 @nitya_p By & large: Act your way into believing beats believe your way int acting. 15:17:11 It's all about relationships. A must-read book list from Tom. Little BIG Video #59: ^SD

Saturday, 9th of April. 06:46:21 Bite your tongue if necessary. Never start a day with negative comment. Every day has a rhythm--locked in 15 minutes after arrival at work. 06:48:17 What could/will make next week very special? Plan the launch with extreme care and stay "on message." (Life = Theater. PERIOD.) 06:53:24 @csrohm :-) 06:54:05 @perrone Males. How many? 100.0000000000000000%. 09:29:50 @csrohm Wow + thanks.

Monday, 11th of April. 07:34:24 USAF woman 2-star running Libya. BGlobe reports MIT female faculty doubled last few years. Domination by women leaders/USA < 20 years away. 07:35:34 One fururist predicted women 80% managerial population by 2020. 07:37:31 If USA young males don't wake up to "Grades/Degrees/Education is cool"--they are toast at home and in global economy.. 07:41:28 @LotusDev Plus healthcare industry #1. Plus value-added via "soft factors"--eg design, experiences. Plus wealth flow to women stratospheric. 07:42:10 @RandySpangler Got me. I have no idea what a "liberal pantywaist" is???????? 07:44:11 @RandySpangler I sure hope Obama's no "liberal pantywaist"--maybe he can prove his mettle by starting a 4th war in the Middle East? 07:46:24 @nurujay "Furor"? Sounds great to me. If guys continue to drop out at catastrophic rates, they'll be lucky to hold 20% of managerial jobs! 07:48:44 @RandySpangler I'd guess 80%+ of us very close to the center. About 10% "true believers" left

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and right. Alas, they drive the "blogosphere." 07:51:38 I think grad school #s already 60% F and rising. (US/UK #s tend to be no more than a whisker apart on this stuff.) 07:55:12 @RandySpangler Doubt your statistic. Maybe bunch "lib" arts types at Harvard. But U Oklahoma? U Iowa? U Idaho? 1,500 community colleges?. 07:56:20 @EKelan It's already north of 50%, and virtually all future growth industries already F dominated. 07:58:09 @JenRBoyd Parents are going to have to get off their collective asses and get education and boys linked up ASAP. 08:01:44 @christinai @stefanstern I believe sheer #s and momentum and locus of economic growth will drive past that in next 20 years. 08:02:35 @RandySpangler I am in general pro-gridlock :-) 08:04:24 I sincerely believe there is a non-trivial case for the following hypothesis: "Guys are over." (WE ARE SELF-DESTRUCTING.) 08:05:14 @pheffernanvt Always too slow. But when was the last time we had 3 F supremes? 08:06:08 @SylviaLoehken Not clear on ANY dimension. 08:07:16 @schadenfreude57 You're obviously out of touch with "advances" in biological/genetic sciences :-) 08:08:57 @pheffernanvt Frankly Virginia, it's a #s game: In not too distant future, there simply won't be all that many males in the promotion pool. 08:14:56 @pheffernanvt I expect ZERO sympathy. Though I do have fears about too many marginalized young men. and politically radicalized old men. 08:16:42 @stefanstern @christinai Let's hope they're crying and not out shopping for handguns. 08:18:56 @dantyre For one thing: USA (etc) males are de facto opting-out of the modern economy by opting out of education. 08:20:21 @taddunville Except high-wage modern economy is absolutely intolerant of low educational attainment! 09:50:35 @Brad_Schick That's a stretch. 09:52:41 @RandySpangler I agree many do well w/o degree. But most who do, in my experience, are obsessive self-learners. I'm talking median worker. 09:53:20 @taddunville Yup, that's where parents and community come in!! 09:55:00 @drdavidfraser Don't disagree. Lucy Kellaway/FT said, to boys, "Get over it." Now your turn to play by our rules." (She has a point.)

Tuesday, 12th of April. 06:08:26 We tell fragile new nations to get over their parochial views and pull together. 150 years later, we're still arguing about our civil war. 06:10:19 @justohidalgo Yeah, alas, that's my reading too. 06:11:22 @JohnAresLLCFoto Getting revenge? You mean the 11 who are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. 06:12:24 @JohnAresLLCFoto Women's higher level of engagement is one of the biggest factors in moving TOWARD our In Search of Excellence ideals.

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06:12:53 @timhanbyholmes Ouch. 06:13:50 @christanyc @boxofcrayons As "they" say: You go girl!!!! 14:57:39 I remember how blown away we were by Yuri Gagarin accomplishment 50 years ago today. And ... pissed off that Russians had gotten there 1st! 15:00:09 @scdoug Ah yes, Mr Bly. You have a point :-) 15:01:23 @RandySpangler Good question. Have no clue as to the answer ... 15:26:04 If the word chutzpah didn't exsist, we'd had to have invented it to describe Donald Trump ... 15:28:37 @AlecMellor When Sputnik launched in 1957, President Eisenhower told all us boys that we needed to go out and become engineers. So I did! 15:31:00 RT @HarryTucker: RT @persdevquotes To have a great idea, have a lot of them. Thomas Edison #quote 15:32:02 "Barn's burnt down … now I can see the moon." —Masahide, Japanese poet 15:32:37 "We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow worm.” —Winston Churchill 15:34:04 RT @Note_to_CMO: @tom_peters "Eaten alive by lice and fleas, now the horse beside my pillow pees." Favorite haiku of the road warrior. B ... 15:34:18 @Note_to_CMO Wonderful! 15:36:21 @jonathanfields @_robin_sharma Amen! 15:36:48 RT @jonathanfields: @_robin_sharma Once heard David Crosby say we'd learn more watching toddlers play for 15 minutes than we'd get from ... 15:37:30 RT @normanmarks: RT @Leadershipfreak: The question that frees you isn’t what should I do. It’s what should I stop. 15:38:06 @normanmarks @Leadershipfreak There are few more important sentiments. 15:39:24 @normanmarks @Leadershipfreak So, dear fellow tweeters ... WHAT PRECISELY ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS TOMORROW! NO HEDGING. 15:51:21 @armendone If there were no Churchill and Wilde, motivational gurus would have to close up shop :-) 16:40:40 @DAtkinson4PC So tragic that "grownups" consider suh things mundane. Losing a sense of wonder is losing one's life. 16:42:02 Focus required to succeed. Curiosity required to succeed. Paradox. 16:43:51 @umairh @emanuelbrown How about dropping both (clever, meaningful) and putting in first place: "Designs that work"? Just a thought. 16:44:45 Top 10 "pisses me off" in hotels: Absence of wall sockets. 16:45:56 @LoriMoreno Love 'em or hate 'em, Walmart is such an extraordinary phenomenon per se. 16:48:43 @QuoteLeader Become a ... STUDENT ... of storytelling/story-power. a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG deal!!!!! 16:50:35 @brand_BIG Maybe "by definition"--but I find 9 of 10 designs come up short on "user friendly." 5 of 10 come up waaaaaaaaaaay short. 16:51:47 @GetBillG Not following you??? Required for success at anything in my opinion. 16:52:14 @nathanframpton Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16:54:13 @nathanframpton Until your tweet, I was "in the closet" and embarrassed to admit I travel with ext cord :-)

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16:55:44 @clayhebert And then comes the joy of crawling under the bed in somebody* [*many sombodies] else's room! 17:20:07 @prateek_nath I'd not agree (I don't think); must work in parallel. 17:27:20 Ever served on a jury? The great joy is the seriousness with which the jury takes its task, even in "mundane" cases. 17:27:55 Jury duty is more of an honor than it is a pain in the ass. 17:29:15 It is dishonorable to repeatedly evade jury duty. 17:31:18 @christinai @stefanstern It has been among the greatest pleasures of my professional life. The honor is mine. 21:38:44 @Chad_Sowash I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Surely you don't mean that military service absolves you of jury duty? 21:41:35 @SCM_tweets I have hard time disagreeing with you. Guess I've seen too many self-appointed "busy people" finagling their way out of serving. 21:42:57 @JakeGarvey Guess I've been lucky. Only served on 2 juries. Longest trial was, as I dimly recall, 2 weeks. 21:45:33 @CanFranGlobal About the most unexplainable shortfall, to my mind, is consistently lousy bedside reading lights. 21:46:56 @davewheeler44 We're not old, Dave, we're "seasoned." What bullshit. We're old.

Wednesday, 13th of April. 03:09:59 @methodphoto Not surprised that experiences would vary widely. Most of my un-scientific sample came down on the "strong positive" side. 03:10:39 @Suenewton Amen. And hello! 03:11:52 @Mansiv @limaorenato I'd "Amen" that "perfect." 03:13:44 @davewheeler44 The deaths of Hitler-Stalin-Mao. 03:14:30 @Bluffsguy Thanks! Nice [very] early morning treat. 03:15:52 @Bluffsguy Isn't there a wonderful story behind the naming of Council Bluffs? Or am I dreaming? 03:20:18 I was in Navy. And am proud I was. But I don't believe that "served my country" is limited to the military. That's absurd narrow mindedness. 03:24:31 @IanSanders @chrisbrogan Psoriasis? 03:27:00 @BabatundeJnr And success! Most great inventions, for instance, are leaps [in the dark] of faith! 04:57:10 @sajshirazi I hope I serve my country, and those beyond our borders, every day--not just during the 4 years I was in the U.S. Navy. 18:32:00 Per WSJournal, derivatives market $583,000,000,000,000/$583 TRILLION. Couldn't control it with any flavor of ledgislation/oversight. 18:34:08 How much of $583 TRILLION derivatives market needed to enable global economy? How much just churn to increase financial sector profits? 18:41:06 @benjaminbach Disagree. Much grease needed enormous global economy. Not new-factors buy accounts receivable, re-sell = derivatives biz. 18:45:28 @pheffernanvt Disagree re $0. Much grease needed enable fast-grow global econ. Consider ye

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olde commodity futures mkt abets ag production. 18:50:59 Easy to dis bankers of all flavors. Fact is, in innovative economy, money folks and entrpreneurs-inventors needed in equal measure. 18:53:20 Extraordinary Sallie Krawcheck's "secret of success," WSJournal interview: "There is absolutely nothing that beats hard work." 18:59:23 @pheffernanvt Agree not terribly relevant to VT dairy farmers--of course they benefit immeasurably from Mr Leahy's magic subsidy act :-) 19:01:47 "The Looney Bin For Bi-Polar Disorder"--despicable language. 19:05:59 @adamquinton I totally agree financial sector's excess share of economy doing harm: Can't live with 'em, can't live without them. 19:07:46 @Chad_Sowash Yes, earlier tweet in this strand suggested that if you hadn't served in military you hadn't served your country.

Thursday, 14th of April. 04:38:13 RT @CNNMoney: Trouble @Twitter? Boardroom power plays, disgruntled founders & CEO switcheroos clipping the wings of tech high flier http ... 04:40:49 @RandySpangler Oldest consultant's trick in the book. Extend timeframe, screw with #s in the out out years--and get any answer you want! 04:41:55 @jkhoey Depends on the opinion. 04:43:30 @LeeJCarey Toastmasters is a great institution! 04:46:26 @julieposetti Whooping cough comeback courtesy anti-vaccine crusaders. Tragic! 04:50:12 @sean_smitham Let's not complicate it. People who outwork other people at any task tend to win. 04:51:47 @techupstream Sure. But if you're placing a bet, bet on the hardest worker. 08:34:35 Sorry to see Flip go. I AM AND WILL FOREVER BE AN UNABASHED FAN OF SINGLE-FUNCTION DEVICES! 08:39:47 @redmarketer I am suggesting that the derivatives market and surrounding technology have taken on a self-sustaining life of their own. 10:02:41 @redmarketer Not my point!! Lots we CAN do--but it is imperative to realize global system is to significant degree NO LONGER controllable!! 10:04:36 @shashikolar Competitive churn is to be welcomed--it is ONLY route to NET positive job creation. Remember: "Creative destruction." 13:17:48 @iladrero For the umpteenth time/tweet ... SORRY!

Friday, 15th of April. 06:43:09 Reading bits Senate report financial crisis literally sickening. Then pics of bank CEOs grinning at latest profits ices this cake of merde. 06:46:07 VA hospitals island of excellence in patient safety battle: NE Journal Medicine reports Wow-inspiring progress taming hospital infections. 06:47:20 @Don_11235 Well said. 06:49:48 @johnsonwhitney @stibel @harvardbiz @jonahlehrer How about: Forethought gives illusion of control necessary to spur axtion.

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06:51:51 @WayneMansfield @paulocoelho It is too late. Instead it's the time to be what you can be here & now, not dwell on "mightabeens." 07:39:24 Guns in colleges, birther bill--Arizona seems determined to kill its convention business.

Sunday, 17th of April. 13:17:09 EXTREME believer value exercise. BUT, if want lose weight, only one answer ... EAT LESS. (I just wiped diet industry off face of the earth.) 13:20:47 @SamBagwell I pull my punches. If you only knew what I really think ... 13:22:58 @glenflook Given that AZ-FL-CA led in over-building, economy needs every boost it can get! 13:25:32 @Marcel_Perform I agree with your priorities, but in general if you just cut across-the-board consumption, good things will follow. 13:26:45 @Marcel_Perform Exercise fabulous for quality of life, longevity but way over-rated as a weight-loss tool. 13:28:04 @RichardPosey Heard the late Ann Richards speak once. Her sweeping diet advice: Don't eat anything white. (She has a good point.) 13:29:48 Sunday, mes amis. SCRIPT those 1st ten "plays" for Monday! Launch = [Almost] everything! 15:27:09 @Kamal_AlShihaby Very nice :- ) 15:28:42 @rick_knowles Only telling you my experience. When I;m serious I stop reading books on the topic--and eat less. PERIOD. (It works wonders!) 15:29:28 @davewheeler44 Sorry about the diagnosis--but nice job on the #s! 15:31:19 @VinceSkolny Differntly is fine & good & "correct"--but at the end of the day eating less, for me, is a Guarantee. 15:32:03 @commanderadams Love it! Makes my day!!! 15:33:02 @jvlap Thanks!

Monday, 18th of April. 04:47:35 @philwaud While there is technical truth to that, it's logical consequence is absurd: Eat nothing, become morbidly obese? 04:49:36 @speakersconnect Let us not reject all forms of physicality in the Internet world. It's the Jonses next door who matter most. Still. 04:51:58 @sunnysunwords Disagree. Profoundly. If your natural self wakes up grouchy on Monday, either don't take it to work or stay home. 04:53:31 @E_Mastermind Agree+++ The greater the freedom the greater the responsibility hence the greater the need for discipline. 04:56:05 @JeremyJacobs Rather read something on how to KEEP customers for 20 years. 04:56:33 RT @Greetums: RT @ThriverQuotes: Kindness is the rent we must pay for the space we occupy on this planet. ~ Robin Sharma 05:05:27 If you think Congress might not raise the debt ceiling, better put your money in gold & hide it under the bed. Think Lehman Bros. X1,000. 05:07:30 If you think Congress won't raise the debt ceiling, realize that China's eclipse of the USA will occur in May 2011.

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05:08:53 If Congress fails to pass the debt ceiling, the dollar, already shakey, ceases overnight to be the world's currency. 05:12:23 Monday morning. Take flowers to work today. (Especially if you are among those of us in cold climes wondering if Spring willl arrive.) 05:12:50 @realcolinquinn One prays ... 05:18:16 Contact your Congressperson. Let 'em know that debt ceiling vote must not become political football. Vote for it even if it makes you vomit. 05:19:34 I made my bones on EXCELLENCE 30 years ago. It is a wonderous word. It is a permanent state of mind. 05:20:27 Apply the "EXCELLENCE Standard" to everything you do today--including those meetings that make you grit your teeth. 05:22:29 @Greetums The Speaker, yes, but some of the Freshman are idealogues of the 1st order. Bless them, but they've gotta get this one right. 05:23:54 The best places to apply the "EXCELLENCE Standard" are those places where you can't imagine applying the Excellence Standard. 05:25:28 "EXCELLENCE Standard" at a routine meeting? Listen closely. No snide asides to person next to you. Think before you open your mouth. Etc. 05:29:34 @PinkOliveFamily E.g. a "routine" meeting that you think of as a "must attend" time-wasting pain-in-the-ass. 05:35:09 @samjarman110,000 houses out of 150,000 houses in Christchurch were damaged--plu loss of life. I have trouble finding humor in your "joke." 05:35:51 @TisMeHonest Whoops. Forgot that one. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05:36:57 EXCELLENCE. Arrive on time/early for every meeting-appointment this week--come hell AND high water. 05:38:04 if you are late, it is ALWAYS your fault. You shouldn't have crowded in that extra meeting-appointment. 05:39:45 Boss late to meeting because he was meeting with "higher ups" is still a 1st class jerk. 05:44:13 Early = Respect for others. Late = Disrespect. You might as well wear a sign on your chest. 05:45:20 By the way, "never be late" also/first-and-foremost applies to doctors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05:50:14 EXCELLENCE. Call 3 customers before 10AM. Ask 'em, "How are we doing?" 05:50:37 Make Monday morning MBWA morning! 05:53:06 @stefanstern Welcome to the club. I've got a big quiver full of my own "Sorry, but ..." late examples. 07:02:38 @michael_neely Wholeheartedly disagree. USA default, lose credibility at wong time. Interest rates through roof = No houses built. Etc. Etc. 07:03:31 @michael_neely Disagree. END of dollar's hegemony as world currency after 60+ years. You'll enjoy that. 07:04:25 @michael_neely First time you go to Heathrow and they won't accept U.S. currency, you may change tune. 07:06:08 @barbiesnow Never do until relatively close to dropdead date. Never mattered in past regardless of who had majority. 07:06:33 @tshirtmeme Fabulous. Hope you do it. 07:07:42 @JamesKnoxEsq No excuses = No excuses. (Other than family ilness and the rare like.)

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07:08:42 @JoelHeffner One trick; Pause before you speak, count to 5, or take two medative breaths. No one will know but you. 07:09:46 @GeoffreyWebb Yeah, on time was definitely not good enough for morning formation! 07:11:45 @nikluac Love it. Those are indeed "relationship cementers." (Sorry for the butchery of the mother tongue, Stefan.) 07:13:23 @paulwiggins I'm not PC, but that's bullshit. Funny unless you are butt of it. 07:15:19 @paulwiggins "Lofty" hilarious to you, always suck for short guy. I had extra weight as kid--"skinny" never funny though I always laughed. 07:17:23 @paulwiggins Eisenhower great alliance commander-all jokes self-deprecating. Montgomery not alliance material--all jokes at others' expense. 07:19:01 @paulwiggins May be funny if Christchurcher--not funny if come from me or Brit or Frenchman or German. 07:48:36 @BobPirner I hope that's a positive :-) 07:50:58 @paulwiggins I totally do, I'm simply saying IN GENERAL that one person's "gallows humor" CAN be a devastating blow to another. 07:52:49 @michael_neely Eventually, yes. But let's not go out of our way to accelerate the process. 07:55:46 @4please I read that several, surprised to be in Congress, acknowledging a lot more to legislating than flinging bombast from a lectern. 07:57:23 @ChrisGrandecom I'm not arguing in general against holding gold :-) 07:58:36 @jasfmurr A host of "good" excuses by docs--but all of us frequently deal with the "unanticipated" in our lives. 07:59:21 @kenschafer ????????????????? 08:00:22 @4please There are indoctrination sessions on Rules of Order, etc, but I doubt they'e very extensive. 08:02:34 18 tweets from 10,000. Holy shit. 08:50:31 @kenschafer I understand your point .. AND TOTALLY and COMPLETELY and UNEQUIVOCALLY and UN-HESITATINGLY ... DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08:52:01 @michael_neely Yeah, I've read a lot of "bubble" stuff as well. 08:54:44 @DeepEddy IF performance counts, then, over long haul, respect of the people you work directly with more important than pissing a boss off. 08:56:46 @kenschafer If you're over 35 or 40, email will, smiley faces and LOLs notwithstanding, remain at least slightly inhuman. 08:58:44 Skim ice on the farm pond this morning. Welcome to 18 April in beloved VT. 08:59:45 @KevinEikenberry @JesseLynStoner I do now ... thx. 09:02:58 @execupundit Love and respect Fons, but disagree. Hard to say one deficiency (particularism) is more important/"bad" than the other. 09:03:49 @DeepEddy @JohnCleese I damn well better rank BELOW John Cleese!!! 09:04:56 @MaxMckeown @kenschafer I don't consider email "informal"--never heard that before. 09:07:26 @dogwalkblog @kenschafer Wasn't suggesting "old fogies"--just that you grew up with other than email as primary communication vehicle. 09:09:31 @dogwalkblog @kenschafer You'll NEVER convince me that human voice comes 2nd to email. Or that human presence comes 2nd to human voice.

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09:10:38 @MaxMckeown @kenschafer I get 'em by the 100s, but I consider a phone call just as informal--or formal. 09:11:25 Relationships rule. Hence face-to-face rules. Period. Age schmage. 09:14:30 @dogwalkblog @kenschafer Seminar one time. "Who would you like to have been?" Others: Jesus, Churchill. Washington. Me: John Cleese. 09:16:57 @DanSchawbel @sallyhogshead Idea "meat." Gorge your brain on a 700-page 1st rate biography. (Or superb fiction.) 09:17:36 @MaxMckeown Good for you. 09:21:18 @MaxMckeown Please don't tell me that, when on road, email or texting xchange with you 8-year-old daughter or 12-year-old son beats phone? 09:22:30 @MaxMckeown "Hope you soccer game goeas well, Sallie." sent from my Blackberry 09:24:00 @JesseOguns Re SM, interesting analysis I read: SM great for revolutions, not so great for governing after/if you win. 12:07:14 @1robertoguti Very nice point ... 12:07:54 @Melanievb Wow. Thanks! 12:10:31 @fivedirections A close Brazilian friend insists on "German punctuality" (his term) in his company; says alternative is inexcusable. 12:12:11 NYTimes magazine article will have you running from sugar--does not sound overblown. 12:13:20 I am truly appalled at how my ubiquitous use of email has reduced my phone time. 12:14:44 @Jorammwinamo It is ... which makes the use of face-to-face ever more valuable!!!!! 12:16:04 @NSC Wow ... that is one indigestible mouthful. (Body language about 70%+ of communication.) 12:17:25 @NSC For me, looking is how I make most of my assessment of "content." Refuse to believe that is in any way-shape-form an age thing. 12:18:39 @MaxMckeown Every eLove letter? Ah, you see, Im still a great fan of handwriting. Makes me weak at the knees. 12:19:51 @Mr______X Face-to-face at any age rules! See Richard Florida's superb work on importance of cities. 12:21:34 Re face to face: Read Richard Florida. Cities more important in "creative age." "Critical mass" of creatives runs counter eWorld ubiquity. 12:22:13 You don't think physicality is central to, say, theater in New York or London? 12:23:11 To say face-to-face is unimportant is to deny the power of a cluster of warm bodies called ... Silicon Valley. 12:25:13 @SophieZo As long as you don't turn it over to the editor until after the 10th or so draft. Book is shit until you've gone over and over. 12:27:04 @chasflemming Explain Silicon Valley/Bay Area. Explain Cambridge/Greater Boston. Explain Austin. Explain Research Triangle/Raleigh-Durham. 12:29:16 Networking at bars, health clubs, grocery stores in Greater Palo Alto IS what it used to be. 12:30:14 One prominent SValley VC won't give $$$ to any company more than a 20-minute drive from his office. 12:31:53 @chasflemming But most of what will happen, more than ever, will happen in Dynamic Clusters. 12:32:54 @SteveCase Touche.

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12:33:49 @SteveCase You were huge part of making DC-NVA a matchless center of entrepreneurial excellence! 12:36:56 @tonyveitchUK And the more people eschew face-to-face the greater its "clincher power" becomes! 12:38:06 @T_Penney Amen! How many "scouting groups" have poured into SValley ... and think they've gone home with the formula. 12:40:03 Anyone think Steve Jobs would have produced his long string of hits if he'd lived in Montpelier VT? (Lovely town!!!) 12:41:24 @seanbohan Another VC (SValley) said he liked to drive down 101 and check out the parking lots of the people he funded ... at 530AM. 12:42:07 FYI: Some of you may not be aware that I lived in Silicon Valley for about 35 years. 12:42:25 @Greetums Agree. 12:46:19 @HewittNewton "Collective consciousness" is a "hard" term, not a "soft" term. 12:48:52 @kestero Silicon Valley lives off of "un-serene." I love VT. I live in VT. VT is not SV. 12:49:44 @robsaker How about calling it "restless talent pool convenience"? 12:53:02 @HewittNewton Losses exceed wins in SV by orders of magnitude--but the base/churn/mess is big enough to produce home run after home run. 12:54:42 I used Montpelier because I live nearby. Would have deeply offended some if I'd used ____ or ______or ____. 13:49:42 @AndyACL Face time! 13:51:49 @BeckyMcCray Totally agree!!!!!!!!!!! But SJobs wouldn't have given us a zillion produts from Montpelier :-) 13:52:47 @shava23 But when he start's his business and needs to go looking for money ... 14:04:49 @Richard_Florida Hope I haven't butchered it too badly! 14:06:30 @Richard_Florida I was once on cover of Forbes ASAP, literally nose-to-nose with George Gilder. He was anti-city, I pro-city. 20 yrs ago? 14:06:58 @Brad_Schick Interesting thought ... 14:08:05 @BeckyMcCray Lucky am I :-) 14:12:11 @Ju_Summerhayes Wish to hell I'd service-marked that term 20 years ago! 14:58:54 @Ju_Summerhayes @gapingvoid Hadn't seen it. Love it! 15:02:52 Mortenson story saddens me ... 17:09:28 @samradford Who knows. But there are surely some not inconsequential issues ... 17:12:08 @Hamad_Alomar You never hung out at the Marina Safeway in San Francisco in the mid-70s. Today it's Whole Foods. 17:14:12 @eaglesdontflock You'll literally kill yourself if you always assume the wall is covered with shit. 17:15:49 @eaglesdontflock NMandela's greatest strength, per close observers, is he expexts the best of literally everyone. Most rise to the occasion.

Tuesday, 19th of April. 08:37:27 @Jorammwinamo To the contrary. With everybody "e-ing," your face to face efforts become more valuable.

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08:40:17 @execupundit I lean dead center. We should be a team. Team with different leans rather than homogeneity is perhaps best?? 08:41:31 @derekmarques Now there, my friend, is a most eloquent question ... 08:43:18 @josephfrancia @Hamad_Alomar Thanks for the confirmation! (I lived about 23 blocks away for about 3 years, '74-'77.) 08:47:53 @eaglesdontflock Few believe it, given my oral/written style, but I'm pessimst who believes we must soldier on regardless & be of service. 08:50:02 @Jorammwinamo SM not withstanding, one does not build relationships that last a thousand at a time--you build 'em one at a time!! 08:52:17 Given the behavior of the ratings agencies in the mortgage crisis run up, why does anyone pay any attention to them? 08:53:10 Only interesting ratings agency question: Who bought 'em this time? 08:55:26 I do not have blood lust, and I dearly believe in due process. Still, why are none of the ratings agency honchos in the dock or locked up? 08:56:44 Cycle of life: Ratings agencies flip from too liberal to too conservative! All of us spend most of our time "fighting the last war." 08:59:29 @_hireTed_ In the immortal words of Maggie Thatcher, "It's a funny old world." 09:30:36 @RogervonOech But you wonder if they quick-triggered. Frightened of not crying wolf. 09:31:04 @iesavage Which makes it more and more powerful. 10:39:31 @charlieshid And ratings agency "professionals" angling for a job at a bank or investment bank. 11:58:48 My friend James Hathaway, a non-profit exec, on Mortenson: "Only give money to non-prophet organizations." 15:20:23 @execupundit Don't know which side this comes down on, but highly respected Annapolis judge in my youth known above all for "common sense." 16:07:30 @mgaser Wow! I was in the room when he said that! 16:10:20 @execupundit When he passed away, the powers that be literally put a black cloth band around the court house--20 years after he'd retired.

Wednesday, 20th of April. 07:19:51 @katierosman Tell whomever sent email to stuff it. "Pub date" is coolest thing in the world! (And one should bathe in the glory thereof.) 08:35:00 Too many regulations? Yup. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE DOT's new airline passenger protection rules! 08:37:40 @ahwiv @katierosman Pub date! Revel in it! Blow air kisses to people on the street. Grin in public like an idiot! Hug yourself! 09:57:49 Waaay beyond your "To Do" List. ^SD 14:58:50 @ColinStorm Touche. Great point.

Thursday, 21st of April. 07:58:48 Ex Moody's exec: "The story of the crisis is how Moody's put its profits ahead of what was right." (All the Devils Are Here, Nocera-McLean)

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08:00:58 Anybody wanting to see raw power of incentives should examine Moody's story--every incentive guided Moody's toward grotesque mis-behavior. 08:01:23 Moody's should have been shut down. 08:02:48 How has Buffett walked away from other than very modest opprobrium over his Moody's ownership? 08:03:56 I became physically ill (no exaggeration) reading the Moody's chapter in Nocera-McLean's magnificent "All the Devils Are here." 08:05:26 @kupedog I see your point, but that's too diffuse--the violation of implicit trust by Moody's deserves a ton of special attention. 08:07:17 @EwanToo "Stupid" I can handle. I see raters' story as about Good & Evil. For me, no word short of "Evil" describes Moody's part in fiasco. 08:09:14 I'm almost serious when I say Moody's story should be turned over to Dept of Homeland Security--and execs turned over to military tribunals. 08:10:30 @BigFlunky The "this is different" part of the story is the literally "insane" power Moody's had to influence market behavior. 08:11:36 @DrMollieMarti Thx Mollie! (Spring in Iowa yet? Not in VT!!) 08:12:43 @dantyre I believe part of his defense was that he had never even visited Moody's HQ. Some "defense" .. 08:14:36 @artduservice Great customer service a byproduct of treating your employees as your primary customers. No other path. 08:16:07 @DrMollieMarti Half of the leading seed companies got a noticeable profits boost from our winter purchases ... 08:22:53 GOING TO NEED YOUR HELP. Spent last 8 months annotating everthing I know into a 2,800-slide presentation--now need ideas for distribution?? 08:26:13 "EMPLOYEES ARE MY #1 CUSTOMER." Put that on a note card and carry it around with you. Constantly remind yourself--and act accordingly. 08:27:38 @iowa_card I've spent 30 years giving "slide shows." It is my medium. This is personal effort to put everything in one place. 15:30:05 @norbertUT Maybe both, free and nominal charge. But definitely a free version, dribbled out in pieces. 15:31:01 @RandySpangler 1,000 of the 2,800 slides are indeed narration; perhaps 75,000 words. 15:33:35 @Andymatheson Neither. This is a summa, the best I can say after 30-35 years of working this material. Message: It is what it is. 15:34:20 @Andymatheson This is something I simply ... HAD TO DO. (It was almost involutary.) 15:37:47 @GregMarquez That was time consuming part; there are 1,000 explanatory slides/about 75,000 words--equivalent to a 300-400 page book. 15:39:06 @MaxMckeown Tiny! About 30 MB.

Friday, 22nd of April. 07:24:27 We are truly in awe/appreciative of responses to my call for help. We'll start sorting through suggestions ASAP!! 07:26:14 @MaxMckeown Goal is to get it off my chest ("everything I've learned last 30 years") and make it lasting resource "library" for one and all.

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07:28:21 @davewheeler44 And oddly enought it gets better with "ordinary" practice--tryin' stuff as you would if attempting to become a good cook. 07:30:28 @cheng_ma Target audience same as twitter, "just" folks who might benefit from a tip or two/a reminder or two along one's professional path. 07:33:01 @RonSupportsYou No! Got 17 books in quiver. SLIDES ARE MY LIFELONG MEDIUM. Wanna "send out there" everything I know" for public consumption. 07:35:34 @RandySpangler For better or worse, Randy, no embedded notes--too many skip 'em. Notes are carefully designed slides in their own right.. 07:37:26 @GregMarquez You will find every "slide show" I've given in last 7 years' plus "special topic" "shows," archived at 07:38:41 @Stephen_P_Brown Well, tiny chunks a great idea, probably coherent blocks of 5 or 10???? 07:41:57 Tom Peters: I do slide shows!! (Since Pentagon/1968--Admiral told my 3-star Marine uncle, "Yr nephew [lieutenant] gives helluva briefing.") 07:46:26 @AIESEC_NM The 2 I stole from were Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines and Hal Rosenbluth of Rosenbluth Int'l. (Both incredibly successful.) 07:48:10 @beaty_boop I was in state of shock for weeks. Typically, people my rank were only allowed to present to the folks who cleaned the building. 07:51:30 @JeremyJacobs My wife-the-Anglophile getting out of bed at 5AM to watch with her. She may have a viewing party! 07:53:12 @BabatundeJnr @TweetOracle James Dean: “Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.” 07:53:57 @ShellyKramer @BurnsMcDonnell Dave Wheeler: "What do you think?" 07:57:08 @michaelombardi You too, Michael. We're heading VT-Montreal--go to big cathedral there. (Were in Rome for Pope Benedict's 1st Easter!) 07:58:16 @BabatundeJnr @TweetOracle We used the Dean line as the closing salvo of my book Re-Imagine. 07:59:44 @Billy_Cox What's the other one, Billy, about "Only thing 2nd place person sees is ..." 08:13:13 Before you hit the "send" key: "The difference between right word & almost right word is difference btwn lightning & lightning bug" - MTwain 08:14:34 Drafting single email takes more care than writing a 5-page report. Fewer words, much more room for mis-interpretation. 08:26:33 @ShellyKramer Of course more than one, but this one pretty universal--as long as the receiver perceives that you are serious! 12:23:19 I'd guess its 50-50 between you misunderstanding my question and me mis-understanding your answer :-) 12:25:06 @HilGibb No party ever fault-free in a mis-communication!! 12:27:10 @mdiclei It consists of 21 discrete parts. 13:37:51 Off to Montreal. Happy Easter!

Monday, 25th of April. 07:44:05 Montreal for Easter was a joy. 07:45:29 Milos may be the best fresh fish restaurant I've ever experienced. This Montreal superstar

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considered one of worl'd best fish restaurants. 07:47:28 @LONGWHITELINE You are a lucky soul. I think the world X!0 of Judy! 07:48:10 @MADconsulting Very kind words. 07:51:08 Only complaint re Montreal--slightly too small to justify full-time Cirque du Soleil stage. Gotta hit the road to see Montreal's finest. 07:53:19 25 April. THE big day in West Tinmouth VT. As if by miracle (it is!) ... the leaves finally popped out on our elms, maples this morning! 07:58:36 @dealarchitect FYI, Cirque management excellence almost equals performance excellence. (Talent recruitment-development equal to GE.) 08:00:33 @prosperitygal Don't rub it in! Grew up Annapolis MD--know what an early spring means!! 08:07:58 I am frothing-at-the-mouth proponent USA energy independence; but don't forget our biggest-by-far source of oil imports is Canada (MX #2). 08:10:34 Despite the passport requirements, the ease of entry-exit-entry to Canada and back to USA by car was a delight. 08:12:27 @paullonsford Montreal, which you doubtless know, is Milos home port. 08:22:22 Just joined Quora--hope it doesn't become a new time sink; I don't trust my willpower. 08:26:46 Someone at restaurant Saturday photographed their entree, presumably sent to pal somewhere. I wanted grab their phone & toss it into oven. 08:27:38 @webby2001 Well, jury surely out--I'm just prowling. 08:29:24 @webby2001 I was hooked by Wired article--though they made it sound like Silicon Valley circle jerk, to use a totally inappropriate term. 08:40:30 @kimmmillwood Saturday night at restaurant is for you-friends-spouse-etc to enjoy restaurant--not create a planetary multi-media spectacle. 08:41:15 @simplysanj Thx. 08:43:26 @nickdonnelly Good on you, mate. Hope we never eat in the same restaurant. 08:45:24 @JoeEspana Let me be clear, this was not McDonald's by a country mile. (If you want send pic of yr Big Mac to your cardiologist, fine by me. 08:47:56 @kimmmillwood I gues the point is that's its so "yesterday" to share an intimate meal with friends without sharing with all of planet earth. 08:51:06 @RandySpangler I guess you're saying that intimacy with in-the-flesh-human friends is passe. 08:53:26 @kimmmillwood My kids are independent/on their own. God help me, I don't take any electronics to a lovely restaurant on a Saturday night. 08:55:48 @kimmmillwood It is, for me, a joy to be, for an hour or two on a Saturday night at a restaurant with my wife, in an electronis-free world. 08:57:43 @RandySpangler My life, praise God, does not require 60/60/24/7 electronics' umbilical cord. 08:59:12 @kimmmillwood I agree. When I'm on a trip in my camera-junkie mode I often realize to my horror how restricted my world becomes. 09:20:25 @paullonsford That was great. Waiter spent lots of time giving us terrific education--including blood color on gills as freshness indicator. 09:22:01 @paullonsford No comment. I hate to start dinner with 3 pieces of bread--but once I dipped chunk in olive oil I was done for. 09:22:58 @kimmmillwood Agree 100%. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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09:25:06 @kimmmillwood I think you'd run into a ton of research that would suggest to the contrary. 09:26:20 @kimmmillwood On a more or less related note, saw some new research: hands free car phoning degrades reactions as much as non-hands free. 09:28:07 @kimmmillwood You never know for sure in conversations like this :-) 11:18:30 @dwwright99 @kimmmillwood Research says no. E.g., in car pax will shut up when problem arises--person on other end of call has no idea. 11:21:32 @kimmmillwood Maybe paths will cross ... 11:28:49 @RichardPosey No! Constants: Decent. Kind. Thoughtful. Caring. Appreciative. Honest. Enthusiastic. Energetic. Joyful. Forgiving. 14:56:29 @judehere You said it ...... 14:57:56 @RichardPosey @beckymccray Years ago, a client gave me a gorgeous, expensive Don Q statue; I was never sure what the intended message was. 14:58:59 @rickboretsky Easter Sunday was mostly sunny, and my wife and I had a lovely 3-hour walk. 16:33:11 Don't let failure get in your way - have a Bias for Action. Little BIG Video #60 ^SD

Tuesday, 26th of April. 05:28:52 Data-mining can target me to .0001 level. Now cornered, I presume there must "still" be basic product-service that "knocks my socks off"? 05:30:24 Economists going ape-shit over data-driven companies. Seems economists are only truly happy when they can assume away "messy people stuff." 05:31:19 Why is that whenever I read "economists say," I want to grab my raincoat? 05:33:22 Dealing with a small association board problem. Issues of human organization about as messy-complex in a 25-person local operation as at GE. 05:35:25 All of life/success or failure, 6-person/3-week project team to the Middle East, boil down to one word: politics. 05:39:18 @stefanstern I just don't know. Stefan. I 100.000% agree and then I read Saturday WSJournal, C1, "The REALLY Smart Phone," and I wonder ... 05:41:26 @JesseOguns Indeed. Read that a guy wrote email innocently included word "weight" ... within minutes was innundated weight-loss program ads. 05:44:03 @mmsgcoach Re "data driven is paradigm driven," some are suggesting that the data will invent the paradigm, not vice versa. 06:04:45 RT @johnsonwhitney: RT @davemcclure Congrats @Joi !!! Joi Ito Named Head of M.I.T. Media Lab - cc: @chatkoff @blm ... 06:08:44 @pheffernanvt When Waterman-I did In Search Excellence TV publicity, several shows used us as buffer twixt pop books on weddings and herpes. 07:37:16 @bobjessup Of course the data are vitally important!! But they must be leavened with intuition--which is also a form of data analysis. 07:39:05 @bobjessup When John Sculley was [successful] Pepsicola boss, he said, collect ton of data, then use informed intuition to make a decision. 07:40:06 @bobjessup Sculley, a data nut, was more blunt. Also said, "I've never seen a good decision based [entirely] on the data."

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07:40:51 @bobjessup Do you suppose that Steve Jobs or the top team at Cirque du Soleil are slaves of their market research? 07:42:18 @bobjessup Definition of creativity is mixing all flavores of data-streams to foster intuitive leaps. 07:44:04 @MomwithaNikon Smart ass answer: If you were happy ignoring the people stuff.. then you would in no way, shape, or form be a leader. 07:44:42 @MomwithaNikon Effective leaders "get off" on the messy people stuff. 07:47:30 @MomwithaNikon LWexner/Limited founder: "I became leader when I began to enjoy picking people as much as I'd enjoyed picking hot sweaters." 07:50:01 @jcufaude They work in a room, which is all I care about! When they slug 1,000 people in the face in a fully lit room, I'm happy as a clam! 07:51:31 @Dave_Phillips7 Yes. It's when we turn a tool into a religion and ex-communicate non-believers that we get into trouble. 07:54:55 Like over-dependence on data, the peerless Martin von Creveld has written a superb book on our over-reliance on airpower to win wars. 07:59:57 @vinaythespeaker Within severe limits. (Bigger issue is super-severe limits to what IQ tells us.) 08:01:09 @vinaythespeaker I'll vote for genes, good nutrition and a solid primary school. 08:04:31 @CoachBru Could we substitute "too busy helping others to win"? (That secret to Stanford swin coach who won 20 or so consec Pac 10 titles.) 08:08:48 @CoachBru How about "preparing to win"? NFL Hall of Fame coach Bill Walsh posthumous book title: "The Score Takes Care of Itself.") 08:09:13 @kimani1976 Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08:10:17 @sportsrefs Amen! 08:10:47 @IOHAI "The Age of Airpower." 08:17:57 @IOHAI Indeed :-( 08:19:43 @IOHAI FYI, read the NYTimes review: Superb. 08:21:13 @IOHAI Presume you are a John Boyd/OODA loop fan????? 08:37:31 @CoachBru Especially telling in a sport that normally emphasizes individual performance! 08:44:03 @IOHAI Good Amazon reader review. 16:15:01 @DrVes Anything that is a true "calling" "takes over your life" to significant degree. I'd hope that describes many/most MDs, 2011 or 1971. 16:17:29 DELIGHTED to see Sony mega-hack: Great wake-up call. Most big firms not close to taking software security as seriously as they should. 16:19:08 @DonnaKrech Bernard Baruch said you should forgive everyone for everything before you go to bed each night! Damn good/practical idea. 16:52:47 @Susan_calvin Hacking "good" in the sense that it reveals security weakness--and hopefully scares the shit out of big company CEOs. 16:54:29 @N4DTF Very much agree! Key is not "first responder" types--but a bit of prep/training for everyone!

Wednesday, 27th of April. 09:06:13 @ereibsane Of course. My "delight" is hope that this wake up call will lead more firms to get as serious as they ought about cyber-security.

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09:06:41 @LeonPoggioli Agree. 09:10:41 Regardless of political proclivity, one must admire Leon Panetta's dogged, largely unsung record of service--it'd kill most of us. 09:17:13 Whole world, except those dodging bullets in Syria-Libya, breathlessly awaits birthers' retort to Hawaii's long-form birth certificate ... 10:38:43 India's growth rate (10.4%) edged out China's (10.3%) in 2010. (The Economist) 10:40:54 Have long believed in matchless power of rapid prototyping. At MIT Media Lab, Nicholas Negroponte called it "Demo or die." (Love it!) 10:43:17 I admit my compulsion for picking over the bones of the dead. Just ordered "The Wizard of Lies," first in-depth Madoff book, pub 0426.

Thursday, 28th of April. 08:23:04 @ChadSchaeffer Thanks!! 11:04:36 3 secret words that are the "secret to creativity": NOTHING IS IRRELEVANT. (Creativity is non-linear; its fertilizer is eclectic tastes.) 11:06:05 @missrogue @epaley 100.00000% of the time. 11:07:18 RT @ImFlyProud: Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused . 11:09:06 @davidabrock @davestei Most important part of selling: INTERNAL relationships. Goal: Have your whole organization zealously working for you!

Friday, 29th of April. 05:15:02 @manasgarg @KumarSachi But way we approach situation significantly, tho sub-consciously, determined by portfolio of those we hang out with. 05:16:16 @manasgarg @KumarSachi You are a "free will" guy. I am a "context determined" guy. 08:25:31 Ever cross mind of authors of books like "Bare Knuckle Peope Management" (fist on cover) that might not be the most enticing title to women? 08:27:02 Women/USA: >50% workforce. >50% managers. Dominant in almost all industries tagged for job growth. 08:27:53 "Bare Knuckle People Management" great premise: treat each employee differently. Just a knucklehead title. 08:29:38 I do not think women are "soft." In fact I think they are tougher then men on average! Just not as keen on the likes of violent language. 08:32:14 @Eunie But as my colleague Martha Barletta says, "Women are NOT a 'market segment.' Women ARE the market." 08:34:09 @mpawlo Well, I happen to agree with you. But give us credit. We do dominate 2 big markets: Violence. And dropping out of school. 08:38:49 @pheffernanvt Donald Trump is apparently not among them, based on last night's profane Las Vegas rant. 08:39:28 @RichardPosey Well, you said it. Sutton is a friend of mine. I just don't get it ... 08:40:46 @Healthpay Ouch ....

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08:43:38 @Healthpay Peggy Noonan trenchant observation WSJ: What would visiting biz person think of USA, if in hotel channel-surfed latenight USA TV? 08:46:17 @RichardPosey I swore like trooper in Navy days ('60s), but learned how offensive it is to many--re-trained myself and did 174-degree flip. 09:13:31 @Vinchapinca @Billy_Cox Women especially stand out on the RESILIENCE dimension of "toughness" in my experience. 10:12:32 @toddsattersten @PeterSims Good choice. 14:19:56 I am a T-shirt lover. Weraing one of my favorites right now: "Keep Austin Weird." 14:48:31 @RichardPosey Learned a lot fm Texans in my pursuit of excellence. Trammell Crow. Ross Perot. Herb Kelleher. Carl Sewell. Pat Haggerty. Etc. 14:49:07 @eddie_stephens Small world. 16:48:55 @RichardPosey Very cool. 16:55:12 Market's trip into the stratosphere makes little or no sense to me ...

Saturday, 30th of April. 09:21:12 Maybe only Buffett can "manage" Berkshire. Best to break it up and sell off the bits??? 09:22:48 @joymom50 Austin .... TEXAS! 09:27:49 @SithLCC Love guayaberas! First wore version thereof in Manila in '70s.--I forget what the Phillipine version is called?? 09:29:13 @RonSupportsYou Agree re earnings. But so much uncertainty should be keeping lid on??? 09:31:31 @bareknucklemgmt Well aware of that. Buy your basic premise. Am just not, uhm, "enamored" with title. (Am sick and tired of macho bullshit.) 09:35:01 @RichardPosey @bareknucklemgmt Content good in both. But doesn't excuse titles. Too much macho bullshit on paper p1 and biz book titles. 09:36:28 @bareknucklemgmt @RichardPosey Tragic to be "inspired" by "No assholes" title. Should get over that sort of thing by about age 12. 09:39:17 @RichardPosey The book is good. The title sucks. (And remember this thread started with comment about thumbing nose at huge women's market.) 09:39:50 @RichardPosey Titles matter. It's called "first impression." 09:41:21 @RichardPosey I repeat that my entire starting point had to do with women's market. 09:42:42 @easyinthedeep I've watched this story play out before--eg the amazing Sandy Weill and Sandy's Citigroup. 09:45:16 @RichardPosey If true, then this fails on imagination score. Ain't there a ton of "Kick Ass Management" sorts of titles??? 09:45:42 @William_Newman @magichat Deal! 09:46:22 @RichardPosey Waaaaaay outnumbering men, it's turning out. 09:49:22 @RichardPosey We could co-author "Real Guy Management Guide: Grab 'em By the Balls and the Hearts and Minds Will Follow" :-) 10:47:36 @KaravanTwits May be unmanageable. "They" say portfolio of companies "makes sense." I say, w/o Buffett Berkshire an ordinary conglomerate. 10:50:01 @BetterEldercare Daisy chain. Hospital waaaay overcharges, then expensive but predictible 5-step haggle begins. Fundamental system flawed.

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10:50:56 @SanityChecker Gates has done well, all things considered, with Ballmer et al. Jobs another story. 10:52:00 @bareknucklemgmt @RichardPosey Uh .... 10:54:44 @adnanashraf Not as sure as I was. Sokol was apparently a brutal manager as well as an inside trader. 10:55:48 @_AlexLawrence No. Never owned a share. Never met Buffett. 10:56:49 @RichardPosey First step, check it out--make sure it hasn't been taken. 11:00:07 @bareknucklemgmt Re women, not propose political correctness. Simply suggest not go out of one's way turn off by far one's biggest market. 11:03:39 @BetterEldercare All companies must "be tough" on suppliers for both's sake. But all too common beat-up-for-beat-up sake counter-productive. 11:06:53 @inspiremetoday My smart-ass response as true blue, tooth-chattering Vermonter--you chose to live there; get over it :-) 11:07:40 @timoreilly @barneyp Fire ourselves? There is a time ... 11:09:15 @sharonlechter Did you know W.Churchill commissioned fake AFrank look alike dairies to push Americans to enter WWII? (Pub shop in Canada.) 11:10:37 @chrisbrogan "Sitting next to this guy" one of best-in-world sources of personal re-freshment! Go Chris! 11:11:36 @sznq Yup. As "rule of thumb," right on. 11:12:47 @Leadershipfreak Firing boss of so-called "reluctant managers" often a good strategy. 11:14:31 @inspiremetoday Only our driveway piles of plowed snow are unmelted. Otherwise, another great 45F day. 11:16:41 @BetterEldercare Not necessarily de-personalizing. If do patient safety right, stop over-testing, useless procedures, could save trillions. 11:17:54 @BetterEldercare Daunting demographics are of course not reversible--get "worse" for another 20 years or so. 11:19:04 @inspiremetoday Can't think of a better way to spend the day :-) 11:22:21 @BetterEldercare Perhaps, but also need incentives get more docs into primary-care; with good patient "quarterback," cost-cutting abetted. 11:22:47 @BetterEldercare Agree 100%. 11:24:43 @BetterEldercare But with right hospital-staff attitude, fewer touches need not mean de-personalization. (I've seen it.) 11:26:24 @inspiremetoday 45 great "T-shirt and shorts" weather--that's my current "outfit." 11:26:55 @BetterEldercare In my dreams :-) 11:29:19 @BetterEldercare If only we teach kids (ie "young professionals") how much joy wee gesture can provide to 75-year-old w/ chronic disease/s. 14:50:38 Sandra Tsing Loh/review/The Tiger Mother: "Tiger kids aren't going to conquer the world--rather, they'll end up in high-class drone work." 14:51:47 Sandra Tsing Loh/review/The Tiger Mother: "No one defends America's 'meritocracy' more heatedly than the well-connected and affluent." 14:55:33 "Instead financial world lubricant for business, they mfg products no utility except generate fees"--GHosier, big damage award fm Citicorp.

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14:56:42 @chrisbrogan Farber. Sanders. Do you always keep such questionable company :-)

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Sunday, 1st of May. 09:12:09 @RyanJSchon Meritocracy is great. But as for me, I'll take good luck any day. 09:13:09 @RyanJSchon Any successful person who thinks they "merited" their success is ... FULL OF SHIT TO THE BURSTING POINT AND BEYOND. 09:43:46 @RonSupportsYou TPeters, b1942: American. Middle class. White. Protestant. Intelligent parents. That "all-important 1st 99%+" called luck. 12:00:58 @RyanJSchon @20mj Social mobility has long been Great American Strength. Alas. studies in last few years show it's literally evaporating. 12:02:25 @RonSupportsYou Strongly disagree. There are literally 1,000 turning points--mostly small--in my life that wildly altered trajectory. 12:06:06 @RonSupportsYou Bump into right mentor at right time. Someone by luck in audience sees you perform. Cop doesn't pull yr weaving car over ... 12:07:45 @RonSupportsYou 20 totally unpredictible things converted In Search of Excellence from "good book" to "phenom." (20 may understate.) 12:09:28 @RonSupportsYou I was already at 99% coming out of the gate, with country of birth, race, religion, intelligence of parents. 12:10:12 @RonSupportsYou If you were born in USA in 1942 you already were at 90% luck mark. 12:12:13 @RyanJSchon No doubt, USA more than most. Read last week: Top schools reserve 20% of slots for children of alums. (That ain't meritocracy!) 12:13:55 @20mj @RyanJSchon Simple fact: A ton of third quartile folk used to end up in 2nd or 1st quartile. Number now waaaaay down. 16:39:31 @RonSupportsYou Of course. But the odds of it happening were still very low.

Monday, 2nd of May. 06:54:04 Here in little Vermont, the sun shined a bit brighter this morning. 07:03:17 For critics of the military and intellingence community, it appears that excellence in excecution of this 4 year operation was matchless. 07:05:21 @Billy_Cox And over the astonishing period of 4 years leading to yesterday's operation, "that little extra" occurred again and again. 07:06:42 Efforts like yesterday's are 180 degrees from "cops and robbers" lore--dull, methodical, sustained effort was the key. 07:07:59 "Sweat and sweat and sweat the details" is the "management lesson" of yesterday's successful operation. 07:09:09 For those who insist on such distinctions, "management" excellence was more important than "leadership" excellence in yesterday's success. 07:10:44 @KalHijazin And thank you for the feedback. 07:12:16 Operational excellence to the very end. An appropriate Islamic burial ritual was fitting.

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07:14:59 @madversity Can't wait! 07:18:11 @wallybock Is a round table one of the three? If not, it ought ot be. 07:19:23 @wallybock Is a full-bore traing course in "Listening" for 100% of employees, including temps, one of the three? If not, ought to be. 07:23:24 @rilescat Missing "medical innovation" #1: Obsessive hand washing. 07:40:29 Per yesterday's thread: Any discussion of the role of luck starts and ends with a re-read of NNTaleb's "Fooled By Randomness." 07:41:24 @ksm2002 Weeks? My understanding is 4 years--which of course multiplies the power of your point. 07:43:14 @ksm2002 Apparently, the path to and through the courier was 4 years long. 07:44:19 @Billy_Cox Why do I imagine there's a bit of a celebration going on in another town in ... Texas? 07:46:32 @Billy_Cox Billy, if you talk as much as you and I do, the law of large numbers means you get one right now and again :-) 08:41:48 @ksm2002 Mr. Obama was careful to mention Mr. Bush last night. (S'pose there's never any hope of a minute of non-partisanship.) 08:42:13 @GeoffreyWebb Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08:43:49 @Billy_Cox Wear the buggers down! 09:09:58 @TheAtlantic @Goldberg3000 As well he should be ... 09:28:44 For any who think mission's like yesterday's are cakewalks, I'd remind them of the failed hostage rescue effort over 3 decades ago in Iran. 09:42:48 The Excellence 25: Master the Basics. New post from Tom. ^SD 13:28:18 @4RealLeaders HP gave Bob Waterman and I MBWA. Credit where credit is due. (Bill Hewlett.) 13:30:29 @TexasRICH6 All plans should honor old Murph. Means a Plan B, Plan C and Plan Z--the latter contingency if full bucket of shit hits the fan. 13:33:06 @Billy_Cox @RascalTweets If body still around, the political brouhaha enormous. Take some crap this option, but "least worst" I'd say. 13:36:08 @BeeRich33 That's why management is an "art." Good manager sets "culture of excellence in execution"--and high standards of accountability. 13:42:35 @BeeRich33 What can I say: I have spent 34 repetitive years/16 books on the topic of employee autonomy and engagement and "100% 'leaders.'" 13:46:14 What's up in Montpelier? Legislature race through single payer hcare bill. But not consider funding same until 2013. Am I missing something? 13:59:03 Seems as though U.S. Navy Seals do pretty good work even without snorkels and flippers ... 14:00:06 @JohnAByrne Damn, John, and here I thought his reason might have been a more relevant cirriculum ... 14:03:28 @jeanalawrence Agree. But I think some assume that these things can occur without a hitch. Never happens. 14:04:53 "According to plan" is a myth. Adaptivity by every member of a team--and not just in Islamabad--is key to success. 14:06:32 Prep for OBL mission was staggering. While not comparable importance-complexity, are your prep rituals "staggering"?

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14:09:24 @swquantum And, within limits, I believe it can be explicitly hired for and abetted by training. 14:09:56 @ThisisBauer82 ????????????? 14:13:52 @swquantum Agree. In fact, paradoxically, "unlearning" a key to most training, right? 14:17:53 @ThisisBauer82 Interview tip #1. Stick to the facts. Keep it concrete.Minimize philosophizing. 14:18:48 @ThisisBauer82 Interview tip #2. When you don't know an answer to a question, admit it. 14:22:23 He used his wife as a shield??????????????????????? Infamy begets infamy ... 14:56:31 Do you prep for phone calls--especially with customers or vendors or those "below" you on the org chart? If not, why not?

Tuesday, 3rd of May. 06:40:17 Interesting. Our "cautious" president signed off on an astonishingly high risk raid--global reprecussions of failure staggering. 06:41:48 More you hear about the raid, the more you realize the high risk--eg Pakistanis scrambled fighter aircraft perhaps with orders to engage. 06:43:45 One helicopter immobilized. Pakistani fighters in the air. Un-invited air space incursion. Roll the dice, any one? 06:48:30 Paradoxically, culture change to emphasize cooperation twxt "corporate" barrons requires brute force. Brilliant Time piece on FBI's Mueller. 06:50:21 If you're looking for real intellectual stimulation, try Peter Bernstein's magesterial "Against the Gods: The Remarkable History of Risk." 06:51:37 @tonyveitchUK Perfectly said. 06:53:48 @robertcslim Hardly my point. "Gambling presidents" are only "great" when their gambles work. No cowboys in my White House, please. 06:55:11 @Charlesereed Not if you are in a high-value add business. Selling a B787 or a $3B IS outsourcing contract steadfastly face-to-face. 06:56:42 @Charlesereed Never forget, the vast majority of business is local. The 2-person CPA firm selling services to small biz as F2F as ever. 06:58:12 @Lewiskhan I can only say "for sure" that I'm glad it worked out. Neither you nor I know what we would have done, right? 06:59:28 @Lewiskhan I'm thrilled at outcome. In awe of the job that was done up-and-down the line. Less thrilled at gloating over low-odds success. 07:13:08 Reading about "interim" governments Bush-Obama have supported in Iraq/Afghan/Egypt. Evidence we don't know head from ass re Middle East. 07:13:49 @Anglisy Thanks. Will follow up. 07:15:12 "Risk" for a president or prime minister has a different meaning than it does for you or me or a CEO. 07:16:47 @pheffernanvt Difficult analysis. Kissinger apparently had great success with Soviets by convincing them Nixon was a little nuts. 07:18:13 @BoomerLifeMedia NYTimes op-ed Monday by excellent analyst. 07:19:27 @BoomerLifeMedia Assuming we don't know head-from-tail puts us in "good" company--eg Churchill. 07:22:32 @radbcc Mortals can focus on upsides. Presidents/Prime Ministers must focus on downsides

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even if pisses off cowboys among their citizens. 07:24:25 I haveabsolutely positively unequivocally no idea what I would have done had I been in Mr. Obama's shoes. 07:25:02 People with certainty about other people's decisions by and large disgust me. 07:26:20 @NickdMiller Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07:27:07 @Billy_Cox Thanks Billy :-) 07:39:33 @BBrosMarty Have no idea. All i'll say is that Sam and Helen Walton are among the most humble people I've ever met. 07:41:19 Just saw a brilliant headline scroll past: "World's not safer, but a better place." 07:43:21 @DittoWatch No fan of bloviators of the right or left. (Maybe that's why I love listening to the BBC.) 07:44:36 @mrexmiller I am certain of nothing except the obvious fact that women are better leaders than men :-) 07:45:24 @mrexmiller My great passion is statistics. I have a religious belief in uncertainty. 07:48:49 @mrexmiller :-) [Channeling Godel?] 08:14:18 @swquantum So I've heard. Never had the privilege of meeting him. 08:27:01 @20mj @mrexmiller Definitely better investors. 08:27:44 @20mj @mrexmiller On line or face-to-face? Women do clearly read body language better. 10:43:01 @peterlevy Very nice. 10:44:40 @Ben_Ricci Had to have de facto 100% proof. Missle makes that impossible. 15:43:08 @joeymcgirr Mostly not very sexy. E.g., painstakingly build/heavily invest in a neywork to die for. Study. Study. Study.

Wednesday, 4th of May. 05:24:02 @kevinmd Is that why the doc is always 45 minutes late :-) 05:25:32 @Billy_Cox Reminds me of the old doctor's line: "You're in pretty good shape for the shape you're in." 05:26:52 RT @Billy_Cox: Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers 05:27:26 @Billy_Cox One of Oklahoma's greastest contribuyions to the nation. 05:30:12 @kdpaine They connect every day. It's called, courtesy President Eisenhower, warning against its power, "the military-industrial complex." 06:51:23 Win a beer in a bar bet. USA ... NET EXPORTER ... of petroleum products! (1st time in 20 years.) 06:54:13 @jkhoey Don't let up now! 50% or bust! 07:36:00 Love research reversals. Now/longitudinal study from UK: Salt not increase BP, use thereof results in less heart disease! 07:37:23 Women 30 or under in big USA cities outearn male couterparts 117:100. (Passed men in 2005.) 07:38:11 Ratio F:M bachelors degrees granted: 140:100. 07:38:38 Men's share of Great Recession job losses: 82%.

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07:39:51 @adityaanupkumar Not on my hamburger :-) 07:41:19 @dogwalkblog I'm always up for peculiar hypotheses :-) 07:42:35 @GaylandAnderson Men catching up on vanity: Growth rate of male plastic surgeries incredible. 07:44:09 @ProfCaryCooper Interesting. (In USA cause of most M job losses is big hit to construction, manufacturing.) 08:11:40 @jcarlnelson I'm sure the study is controversial. Doubt that my cardiologist is ready to sign off :-) 08:14:22 @dogwalkblog @JoceH @chrisbrogan Chris. Jocelyn. 2 of my favorite people. 08:15:58 I'm ordinarily a salt guy, but I've discovered that when I cut back my taste buds get more sensitive to nuanced flavors--a good thing. 08:16:47 @JoceH @dogwalkblog @chrisbrogan Call him Chris :-) 08:18:08 @dogwalkblog @JoceH Sorry to be dense, but what are we supposedly fighting about ... 08:21:40 @JoceH @dogwalkblog @chrisbrogan I'm a glutton for punishment. New book on Bernie Madoff, "The Wizard of Lies." And "Fatal Risk," on AIG 08:23:03 @dealarchitect So true. "Hidden" salt and "hidden" sugar in prepared foods buggers the imagination. 08:56:41 Get rid of the "Grunge"- new audio from The Little BIG Things: ^SD 09:12:58 Only in the New Yorker: "... superposition is ontological, not epistemological ..." Gotta love it!! 09:14:27 @ProfCaryCooper Makes perfect sense. (Our public-sector bloodbath appears to be waiting in the wings.) 09:15:47 @ProfCaryCooper The devastation (right word) of the construction industry was a USA phenomenon. (And, of course, Dubai!)

Thursday, 5th of May. 06:54:39 Followup tweet yesterday re women <30 in big cities outearning male counterparts. City where women most, on average, outearn men: Dallas. 06:56:46 @stjst Key: Get literally everyone involved in inventing-implementing "tiny touches" that collectively make all the difference! 06:58:03 @Lewiskhan Excellent call! (As someone said, the conspiracy theorists wouldn't have been deterred by any form of evidence.) 06:59:26 @MaxMckeown Longish term: Somehow gotta make school and good grades "cool" for boys--male dropout rate staggering. 07:01:01 @ElvinBox @OpenUniversity Steal from one: plagierism. Steal from all: genius. (Old line, Woody Guthrie??) 07:02:46 @martijnsjoorda Have no intention increase salt. Just thought finding interesting--so many "medical findings" are so far short of "proven." 07:03:52 @dazdarren Very nervous. Especially 5-person commission which will determine payments. 07:04:28 @dazdarren Won't even try figure out funding 'til 2013. Outrageous. 07:05:46 @DittoWatch @DylanRatigan "The Mark Twain of realistic positive messaging": That may be the greatest compliment I've ever received :-) 07:23:02 Where the hell did the Reuters photos come from?

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07:25:24 @SeanMoffitt :-) 07:25:53 @SeanMoffitt Isn't he over 30 by now?? 07:26:39 @steveqshannon Overall. Dallas simply most extreme. 07:28:40 @barsenault In MY opinion sometimes there can actually be too much "transparency." Yup, I know that's "so 2005." 07:29:17 @MattSchofield Bodies in pools of blood in OBL compound. 10:37:11 @RichardPosey Paco Underhill, "What Women Want," page 4. (His most famous book was "Why We Buy.") 10:38:16 @mikewashere Thx. FYI, I am an avid Daily News and Post reader. My wife thinks I'm weird. 12:02:54 Check last 10 emails where you asked for someone for something,. Did you ALWAYS write "Please" before the request and "Thanks" at the end? 12:05:32 @paullonsford I admit I have to take a last look; it's 99% automatic, but not 100% when I'm in a hurry. 12:07:00 @steveqshannon Incidentally, there was no hidden message in using the word "extreme." 12:10:00 Boy, do I owe my Mom big time. She was a Virginian through and through--and manners came in well ahead of whatever was second. 12:11:26 @agandia Bloody hell. Please accept my apology. Thanks! 12:12:52 @pequenoguru Two of the all too few Spanish words in my voabulary! 12:18:41 You know some stuff is hitting the fan when you go over the $60 mark filling a Subaru Outback with "regular"! 22:12:02 DKovacevich/Wells Fargo: "You don't get better when you get bigger. You get worse." Can't wait: Steven Levy's Google-bashing "In the Plex," 22:12:53 DKovacevich/Wells Fargo: "You don't get better when you get bigger. You get worse." Microsft stock last 10 years: -7%. (S&P: +30%.) 22:15:20 Bloomberg Businessweek: State Department "Panic button" app--allows protesters wipe out data on Nokia, BlackBerry phones. 22:18:05 Bloomberg Businessweek: Superb/new angle article on financial crash by the peerless Hernando deSoto/"The Destruction of Economic Facts." 22:20:44 Incentives work! 1st 10 months of tough new tarmac wait rules: 16 waits of 3+ hours. Same period prior year: 664. (WSJournal)

Friday, 6th of May. 07:44:10 @COB_Dean Thanks for the follow. Hope our paths cross in Razorback land or otherwise. (Razorback works for UALR, right? Whoops, maybe not?) 07:45:30 @tortweets I am humbled by the reponses of others paying $US 150 for a fulll tank! 07:46:45 @bcarswell It's a good thing in and of itself--AND a magic profit elixer! 07:47:58 @FillYerHands That's not what flyers are saying. (I'd buy a cancellation over 5 hours on a tarmac any day!!!!) 07:49:08 @FillYerHands Works for me, a 5,000,000-mile flyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07:50:52 RT @mombizcoach: “You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.” ~ J. S. Knox You don't have to be a bully to influence... http: ... 07:59:44 RT @WarrenWhitlock: Why Women Rule The Internet awesome article

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08:04:30 @HamletsBB What great fun, thx! (Wonder if Feinstein-Boxer are the same??) 09:13:38 Very decent jobs #s. 09:46:52 RT @SFGiants: Happy 80th Willie Mays #SayHeyDay #SFGiants @MLB 09:50:05 @PicSeshu @mbopaiah Like it or not, spenging only path to econ growth-which leads to longer lives &, though not automatic, inreased freedom. 09:51:48 @brand_BIG Proof positive of the abuse-overuse-impending meaninglessness of the word "branding." 09:57:18 Market seems to love that jobs report .... (So do I--private sector jobs added >100% of net growth.) 09:59:31 @brand_BIG Eventually happens to all the "good stuff." "Empowerment" is a superb term-idea--that has been reduced to total meaninglessness. 10:02:57 @LetsMarketBiz @gwyman @brand_BIG Al qaeda is a scourge, a blight on the face of humanity, a nightmare, a plague ... not a "brand." 10:03:42 @brand_BIG Authenticity slipped into the abyss a while ago ... to my mind. 10:08:30 @brotheroke @brand_BIG Aaaaaaargh ... 11:17:56 @MADconsulting No! And I'm not being "hopeful." You can move 1,000 mph and stil take 15 seconds to say "Good morning." (Etc.) 11:19:11 @MADconsulting Fine, but so what? End of the day you report to the mirror--or perhaps God or, as I do, my long-dead Mom. 11:20:12 @MADconsulting In the end, I'll stick with K = R = P. Kindness = Repeat business = Profit. 11:21:32 @MADconsulting Absolutely. Some of the biggest turds think they are huggable. 13:01:05 @Andymatheson I'd guess <<<2%. 13:01:48 @itgEvangelist See you there ... 13:03:06 @Andymatheson As I said, I don't think its true. On the other hand, I'll never run out--I assure. 13:04:06 @Andymatheson The nice thing about quotes is that one demos that one is not so arrogant as to think one's thoughts are truly original :-) 13:04:56 @Andymatheson How can I not use quotes. I'm 68 and have never had an original thought. I practice grand theft for a living. 15:56:48 @ThreeBellCurves Jobless rate increased, apparently, because more labor-market dropouts started hunting for jobs again. 15:58:23 @ThreeBellCurves All indicators approximate. Definitely not BS--in fact your reply is BS. (At minimum: Beats the hell out of alternative.) 15:59:03 @Andymatheson I'm flattered! 16:24:26 Brand=Talent. TLBT Video #61: ^SD

Saturday, 7th of May. 07:41:22 @Ju_Summerhayes Thx! 07:45:26 @ThreeBellCurves If you said we "need" 2,000 calories a day and basic shelter, then 99%+++ of the economy is frivolous. 07:46:40 @Trevthered Fact: There ain't much "science" in management.

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Sunday, 8th of May. 05:46:17 @ThreeBellCurves Natch :-) 05:48:30 My mom long gone physically--but as present as ever. Hats way off to moms everywhere! Nothin' wrong with dads--but moms are "where it's at." 14:06:19 RT @acumenfund: 1000 women die in childbirth every day: moms, sisters, daughters, and friends. We can & must stop this! ... 14:09:17 @Andrew2893 Semper fi! 14:10:16 RT @Billy_Cox: If you hear my idea and dont believe it , thats not your fault its mine.- Seth Godin

Monday, 9th of May. 07:18:14 @KevinEikenberry Intel's Dov Frohman insists that bosses should leave 50% of their time unscheduled. 13:55:46 @KevinEikenberry Remarkable leaders PAINT SPELLBINDING PORTRAITS of the future they are moving towards 13:57:20 @PSFK Remarkable leaders TELL COMPELLING STORIES/TALES about the future they are moving towards. 14:01:29 @nestguy Love to agree but don't Diff success styles: President Eisenhower,1-paragraph summary. AG Elliott Richardson, pounds of background. 14:04:03 @katierosman @rebeccadana @emilygould Saul Bellow wanted to see no bad reviews I was told by one of his editors 'bout 100 years ago. 14:05:05 @OryxInsurance See you soon! 14:05:58 @OryxInsurance Come say hello; remind me of your tweet! 14:07:57 @OryxInsurance Drove through Binghamton a gazillion times on the way from Baltimore to Ithaca! 15:42:07 Are crosswalk buttons real or placebo? I hope it's the latter; it'd save cities $$$. The psychological effect same if real or not. 15:43:12 @nestguy Yup. Anyway, I am a "tons of stuff" guy :-) 17:50:55 @DeepEddy True, but small percentage in my experience.

Wednesday, 11th of May. 08:27:02 @mitsucoi Thanks. It does seem to have aged rather well. 08:53:45 EFFECTIVE appreciation much more than "thanks." Means ACTIVELY pushing "behind the lines" folks into spotlight to receive general applause. 08:58:10 EFFECTIVE appreciation means actively keeping yourself OUT of spotlight so that down the line folk get more or less exclusive public credit. 09:05:17 NYReview of Books/0512: Staggering story of "inventing" swine flu pandemic--and drug company Tamiflu clinical trials shenanigans. 09:08:12 @HerzogIND Obviously I agree, but must remember that many (most?) can't even get the "Thanks" accomplished!!!!!!

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09:09:42 @sandymaxey Pharmaceutical industry shenanigans appear to be unreservedly bi-partisan. 09:20:43 India/Pakistan/Morocco biggest % differences in M > F literacy rates. (United Arab Emirates: biggest difference F > M literacy.) 09:22:34 @swquantum Let's de-criminalize pot and criminalize sheanigans with clinical trials. 09:25:10 Anybody who assumes that healtcare (treatment regimes, drug trials, etc) is mecca of "good science" is seriously & dangerously delusional. 09:29:47 Extending unemployment benefits sensible at peak of Great Recession--now horribly counter-productive! 09:32:25 One of greatest dangers in government policies: Incredibly sensible-fair short-term programs that become de facto "entitlements." 09:33:19 @kokurasluck I'll agree with you on the "dead" part. 09:35:04 @kokurasluck For 1 thing: Most "treatment regimes" unproven scienticially. And "proven treatment regimes" only sporadically followed. 09:36:23 @kokurasluck The fact that a doc takes 5 (or 15!) chemistry courses doth not a scientist make. 10:27:45 Wow! 14 of 14 for Raj Rajaratnam. (Now if only we could get that bastard who ran Countrywide.) 10:30:51 @bareknucklemgmt Approximate % of those desiring some form of public appreciation, protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, is 100. 10:32:03 @haggisman2 Thanks! 10:33:05 @Mohan0128 As an India-phile of the 1st order, it distresses me no end. 10:33:43 @RogervonOech Mr Hoffer nearly as quotable as Mr Twain! 10:34:30 RT @RogervonOech: @tom_peters Related thot: "Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, & eventually degenerates into a ... 10:35:54 @TSpare How about Buffett for bragging that he'd never visited Moody's despite his ownership ties :-) 10:38:24 @bareknucklemgmt Many embarrassed. But what share "embarrassed" remember event fondly 35 years later? (Okay, not 100%; I'll settle 97.821.) 16:33:17 @ianjprobert Yikes. How kind! 16:33:18 @ianjprobert Yikes. How kind! 16:35:57 @laughograms There is a non-trivial trend toward employers saying "The long-term unemployed are in fact un-employable." 16:38:16 @TSpare I like him too, but am dumbfounded at his blythely distancing himself from his nefarious ratings agency's pre-crash behavior. 16:39:16 @jamuir_ca Or at least the experience of a perp walk ...

Thursday, 12th of May. 07:01:24 @dann_rogge @Skype @Microsoft Msoft's desperate struggle remain relevant; besides, gotta do something with their cash stash. 07:03:08 @laughograms Alas, so easy these days to spew 25 or 225 electronic resumes out into the world ... 07:06:49 @MaxMckeown @Anglisy @cshirky I must "fall in love" with idea; but likely idea genesis is monumental irritation with "the way things are."

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14:28:22 @lr3031 @TTPofMC Gosh, I guess all the start ups and VCs better move. And of course Google, Facebook et al. Maybe even Stanford? 14:29:16 @dnagir Nothing has changed. 14:32:42 @Bill_George @rosabethkanter Does that negate Dov Frohman assertion that calendars be kept 50% open & daydreaming a top exec priority?

Friday, 13th of May. 07:33:00 @LeaderChat Failure that results from sloppiness, negligence or sloth does not merit empathy. 07:35:57 @artpetty @mvieweric Is there any value of whatsoever in labeling generations? To me it's misleading, useless, unhelpful, and sophomoric. 07:38:20 @Billy_Cox Me: 45 years/one and only one "for sure" belief: "Whoever tries the most stuff wins." 07:41:35 "In the Plex": Google has "transformed" our lives. Not mine! I love Google but have hardly been transformed personally/professionally by it. 07:42:33 @LeaderChat Totally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07:44:43 @LeaderChat And since we are all always "on duty as human beings, empathy is arguably our most important value-disposition. 07:47:03 @artpetty I love the views of others too--my point was that labeling generations is useless & stupid & sophomoric & counter-productive. 07:48:33 @skidmog Three LOUD cheers for Kirkland! 07:50:57 Go Sharks! 07:52:39 @GrahamSalmon Was I wiser? Was I more useful to others? Have my fundamental views changed? No. No. And: No. 07:53:33 @themarkobrien @effc Since Day #1. 07:54:39 @themarkobrien @effc Am an avid-diehard-frothing fan of every Bay Area team incl. Warriors. 07:56:10 @greensheepart I reserve my greatest affection for the single-cell "creatures." 07:56:56 @peoplegogy 4 letters/numbers: 2 BIG. 07:59:56 @kkinnison Best in-box tamer: DELETE. If important, it'll come back. 08:02:41 All giant companies are in the process of getting worse. Only the speed and acceleration varies. 08:26:07 @swquantum That was a helluva series! 3-0, 0-3, 1-0. (As a Vermonter, I watched Bruins turn 3-0 into 3-4 a couple of years ago.) 08:27:11 @complexified New technology or not, bigger gets sluggish, risk averse. 09:29:54 @jim_knutsen Disagree. For short periods, yes--long haul odds are veeeeeery long. 09:30:24 @grantwebster :-) 09:32:53 "Do one thing every day that scares you"--Eleanor Roosevelt. FYI, I have just declared this my #1 slide among 5,000+. (Sooooo difficult.) 09:41:27 @jim_knutsen VERY good question! (When pal & I consulting ATT mid-80s, we wondered if net result was un-necessarily slow down MCI ascent.) 09:42:39 @PaulSweeney We are working on it assiduously. (Just had meeting on topic this week--is of paramount importance to me to "get it right.) 09:44:00 @dougshaw1 It is in particular, ironically, the bane of SUCCESSFUL people's existence."

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09:45:13 "Do one thing every day that scares you": THIS IS THE BANE OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE's EXSISTENCE. (Oh, irony.) 10:03:25 @patinoz Sooooooooo true ... esp at age 68 :-) 16:31:27 @REcrab And a ton of hair-raising data to support the point. 16:38:33 @leedership For a short interruption in march down hill. 16:39:57 @leedership Best answer may well be to break the [BIG] company up. In general, performance of spun off bits leaps! 16:42:24 @TomRoyce AND ... become morbidly obese no matter what diets they use. 16:44:58 @soaklord The "great" part about Google: You can always find at least one research study to support your point--no matter how stupid it is. 16:45:56 @normanmarks Greatest flattery of all is to be stolen from :-) 16:47:11 @contactignition Because I'm a Sharks fan :-) 16:47:49 @contactignition All the other teams, but not my teams :-) 16:52:11 @soaklord But they do f____ with our brains :-)

Sunday, 15th of May. 09:56:44 If there is any greater pleasure & treasure than the near deafening [literally] VT morning farm sounds mid-May, I don't know what it'd be! 09:59:09 Joel Klein's Atlantic article (0611) on school reform LITERALLY brought me to tears. Speaking as a liberal-ish, a pox on teachers unions! 10:01:21 World's biggest "Duh"--pay for performance [plus and minus] for teachers. Try telling that to the teachers unions. 10:02:14 Did I mention that Joel Klein's Atlantic article on school reform made me physically ill? 10:02:43 Excellent schools are as important as excellent national defense. 11:42:14 @dachoste @dianeravitch I respectfully but vehemently disagree. One word: MERIT. 11:44:25 @dachoste @dianeravitch We Americans are lucky ducks, All our teachers way above average, and older they get more above average they get. 11:44:54 @Andi_Roberts Agree wholeheartedly. 11:45:49 @PJSchaefer Longterm, yes. Short term, there's a lot of nasty stuff going on in the world. 11:47:28 @ahwiv Klein-Bloomberg-Cuomo get high marks. 11:48:47 @JoelHeffner Same excuse hospitals use for botched procedures: "Our patient population is different." 11:49:41 @JoelHeffner There are some indicators that rate "pretty good" that can be used as a significant part of evaluation. 11:52:19 @JoelHeffner When I was in elementary school, 1948-1954 I had some God-like teachers with whom I flourished--and some real dogs. 11:54:05 @JoelHeffner Absurd to say we can't discriminate between excellent and horrid teachers--while leaving, say, 70% in the middle. 11:55:26 @JoelHeffner I am known upon very rare occasion to exaggerate, but that exaggeration may take the cake :-) 11:56:33 @JoelHeffner But half are below average. (Just like surgeons.)

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11:57:57 @JoelHeffner 90% of teachers may care a ton. But "we care" not decisive in medical treatment--or the classroom or on the battlefield. 11:59:12 @tomwalshphd You've more or less got me on the loons--last heard on Seneca Lake NY :-) 12:00:31 @Irant Teaching to test a problem I've shouted about for a long time. BUT ... test improvement is not the worst of [partial] measures. 12:02:06 @dradin Absolutely true. But fact is that teachers can make significant difference even in the "worst" of situations. 12:03:07 @dachoste Not on teachers. On teachers unions. 12:04:00 @dachoste As a business historian, I am wildly pro union. We needed them. I select my enemies carefully. I am anti-teachers unions. 12:05:19 @PJSchaefer As Klein says, and alas I agree, there are times when significant conflict is warrented. 12:06:36 I am a total wuss and can find "middle ground" on virtually anything. Not on the topic of teachers and merit evaluations. 12:08:53 I'm an engineer. 1/2 engineers below average. 1/2 surgeons below average. 1/2 pilots below averaqge. 1/2 teachers below average. 12:10:25 @gregbamford Absolutely. In "the laboratory of the states" one would hope for dozens of evaluation schemes. Then go with "best practices." 12:11:47 Obsession with "teach to test" stupid. But to ignore tests is equally stupid. 12:12:27 @TheOnlineMom MERIT is a gorgeous word. 12:21:36 @SeaStefan Some sensible mix of the 2 and perhaps half dozen other factors. But to suggest can't discern good from bad is literally insane. 12:22:56 @LassUnderCover Me, too, if I have to drive across your bridge or live near the nuclear power plant you designed! 12:24:28 @shava23 I disdain absoluteism on most any subject. To dismiss all standardized tests is, as I said, looney. 12:25:10 @PJSchaefer 5o states, 50 measures, or 250. Then pick and choose. 12:55:55 @JimHunt @garyvee @MichaelJChase K = R = P. Kindness = Repeat business = Profit. 12:56:20 @YogeshMalik And, uh, the old one. 12:58:31 Love true history of innovation! Gutenberg press not as important as availability of "industrial quantity" paper. Great press, no paper = 0. 13:00:09 @leedership Exactly. Friend told me Montessori school great with great Montessori teacher/s; nightmare with lousy teacher/s. 13:02:47 @macsmarts Is he really water walker? Friend who's "been there" wonders if he's best guy for CIA. (He didn't exactly "win" in Afghanistan.) 13:04:32 @Irant Sounds pretty good. I've used "insane" a lot today. But, re Klein article: teacher "tenure" after 3 years = INSANE. 13:05:46 @billdback Touche. 13:11:05 Sunday afternoon EDT: "Script" those 1st 5 "plays" for Monday. Start the week with uumph and clear direction. 13:11:44 Do you know the names of all the kids of the 10 people who work for you? 13:12:26 @clayhebert Alas, damin it, no.

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15:15:51 @DrPRogers There are a hundred or a thousand answers to that--none perfect, many far far better than status quo. 15:16:38 @Mark_JF Somebody already pointed that out--and my tail is between my legs. 15:17:44 @onebigidea Precisely my point. Teachers included. 15:19:36 @rodrigoomld Because you gave a shit about those people as human beings. 15:21:51 @clayhebert Yes, I've been writing about that for 20 years. But Read Klein in Atlantic. We've got some basics to deal with!!! 15:22:25 @Halley :-)

Monday, 16th of May. 05:41:48 @DianeRavitch @dachoste I find that an absurd statement. No perfect measures, but many reasonable approximations. 05:44:23 @DianeRavitch @dachoste If true, I'm even more enraged--means Stanford, Harvard, etc, a zillion school districts produced nothing useful? 05:45:39 @DianeRavitch @dachoste Thank you for the gratuitous insult. Duh. CHANGES in student test scores are ONE component of an evaluation. 05:46:34 @DianeRavitch @dachoste Brilliant effort to shift the discussion to something I never said or implied. 05:51:10 @DianeRavitch @dachoste Notion entire USA schools "establishment" offers no useful teacher performance measures insults one's intelligence. 05:53:22 @sandymaxey @tedcoine Pay is one factor among many--and I'd be surprised if soldier's pay was higher. 05:55:30 @sandymaxey @tedcoine I doubt that most senior teachers' salaries below average non-managerial professional defense contractor employees. 05:56:56 @cjmoorehead I was waiting for that :-) 07:14:28 @sandymaxey @tedcoine Depends on which floor you were on when the towers went down. Get your point, but it's a bit glib. 07:15:33 @dutchdogdad @dianeravitch @dachoste It does!!! When it comes to evaluation of anybody, "reasonable" is the best one can hope for. 07:16:59 @dutchdogdad @dianeravitch @dachoste Valid-reliable always be in the eye of beholder, subject to vigorous debate--and'll change over time. 14:33:04 @fzolenski Of course. But many can't even surpass the checklist hurdle. 14:35:33 @DianeRavitch @20mj @dachoste Never suggested for a micro-second that (relative) test scores ought to be more than 1 determinant of merit. 14:36:19 @20mj @DianeRavitch @dachoste Totally agree--but it has got to be measured somehow or other. 14:38:45 @20mj @DianeRavitch @dachoste I've spent 30 years on better engaging employees; but I can't turn my back on all "hard" success measures. 14:40:36 @iannarino With kids' names, birthdays, sports (etc) the kid plays, etc. Right???? 14:45:31 @sandymaxey @tedcoine Generic annoyance terms like "defense contractors" & imagining fat cats--aveage DC employee is "the guy next door." 14:45:55 @sandymaxey @tedcoine Mea culpa. Sorry.

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14:47:42 I love to learn new things. Put "teacher" and "merit" and "measure" in the same sentence--and all hell breaks loose! 14:52:24 I am a teacher. Conducted 3,000 seminars/70 countries/30 yrs. Evaluated qualitatively AND quantitatively 3,000 times--with consequences. 14:55:14 @dtnelson Thx for link. Sounds like Steve. And he a good Democrat--or at least he gives tons to Democrats. 14:57:24 @iamic You'd have to check 1 or 2 of my dozen or so books or presentation slides at or youtube or .... 15:01:07 @20mj @DianeRavitch @dachoste Qualitative "comments." Quantitative participant measures . #/quality speaking invites. Sustainable fees. Etc. 15:03:37 @20mj I have numerous friends ed school faculties, principals, etc. They're all my betters on this. I doubt they'd all say "Can't be done." 17:24:46 @rosemarierung They are in effect. Typical question: Name one new thing you learned that you plan to implement within the next week. 17:27:17 @rosemarierung Bogus comment, suggests eval system by which teachers would be graded daily. Has anyone ever suggested anything that stupid? 17:30:27 @20mj @dutchdogdad @dianeravitch @dachoste There's no more important GROUP in USA. Which need not suggest EACH ONE is doing acceptable job.

Tuesday, 17th of May. 09:18:23 @BusinessPurpose Thanks for your very kind words! 09:18:58 @Mark_JF Very true. 09:19:54 @Mark_JF Absolutely. Knew I was ripe for that charge when I wrote. Would have expected nothing less from you :-) 09:20:55 @DianeRavitch May I modify one word of yours ... ABSURDLY hard work! 09:22:16 @lexalexander Ever tried an 8AM speech to 1,500 hungover 45-yr-old adults at a trade show? 09:29:37 @Iconic88 Totally agree. (Currently reading 50th anniversary ed Eleanor Roosevelt's "You Learn By Living." Lifelong dispoition to learn #1.) 09:30:55 @rosemarierung True. And false. You are de facto arguing that there need be no evaluation of teachers except in the afterlife. 09:31:55 @PalmerstonGroup Horrible. Inecusable. (Unless some unthinkably weird context.) 09:35:36 @JoelHeffner Assumed as much. great respect 4 your career choice. Doesn't remove need 4 some "satisfactory" form evaluation w/ consequences. 10:10:22 @glenkoskela Actually, there is a very decent literature on asking good questions. Most are not trained in this full-fledged discipline. 10:14:59 If, say, a US senator, in Paris on personal business, had paralleled IMF guy's trajectory--I'd be appalled if French had NOT arrested him. 13:42:55 @AnetteRogers Apparently, many French think we were waaaaaay out of line. 16:21:53 Sick & tired of "clever" graphs--that are incomprensible. Forget clever! Make it old-fashion Simple & CLEAR & "for dummies"! 16:28:45 Green guru A. Lovins on "Force of Nature: Walmart's Green Revolution": "one of most important stories corporate ldrship in modern history."

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16:33:08 @_Baylink I fear Tufte may be part of the problem--still too much complexity! (Iam just a simple engineer.) 16:34:26 @Paul_Knipe Sometimes need 2 or even 3 simple graphs to make a point--instead of one with confusing axes. 16:35:28 @scrapsparcs New book by Edward Humes. 16:37:32 @scrapsparcs Heart of the matter: Walmart world's #1 "un-softie." Stuff paid off in mega-dollars and cents. (Brand enhancement was a bonus.) 16:44:07 @_Baylink Yes. I was trained by the Master. Gene Zelazny. McKinsey & Co. Simple means simple. S-I-M-P-L-E. 16:45:19 @cesararturovas Though I am hyper-mathematical and engineer, I tend to agree with you. Never use any graphs in my presentations. 16:47:04 After Guvenator and IMF dude in 36 hours, I'm wondering if "civilized male" is an oxymoron ... 16:57:05 @ivospigel One ot my all-time favorite quotes! (Think it was probably in the back of my mind.)

Wednesday, 18th of May. 07:43:32 Economist: BCG says rapid Chinese wage rise will by 2015 make manufacturers "indifferent" re mfg in USA or China for goods consumed in USA! 07:45:59 Stuff you (me!) don't know. "Insane" Economist article on how many folks need licences do biz in various parts USA. E.g. interior designers! 07:47:26 Mind-blowing cover story Bloomberg Businessweek on Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. In brutal environment, she is master of "soft power." 07:49:42 SGD/Shitty Graphs Department. "Little" cutesy trick with 3 dimensionality makes graph (p10/Bloomberg Businessweek/0522) pain to interpret. 07:53:31 Re bloodlust toss fin services biggies in pen: BloombergBW makes great case that stupid risktaking isn't illegal. Good point re rule-of-law. 07:55:42 Must go viral! 100% biz folks MUST read Humes' "Force of Nature: Walmart's Green Revolution." Incredible "thriller" on biz case for green! 07:59:24 Walmart shifts to selling concentrated detergent. Saves 95M pounds palstic resin, 125M pounds cardboard, >500K gallons deisel. 08:04:31 Walmart shifts to auxililiary power units in trucks, rather than idle all night/during line wait. Saves eqivalent of profit on $700M sales. 08:07:49 Walmart changes shipping boxes for 1 cold medicine--reduces trucks required to ship 196 to 28. (And remember: WM famous for efficiency!) 08:10:49 RT @judymartin8: Brillliant read~ Micro-behaviors at work matter. RT @weknownext: Ellen Galinsky: Getting Beyond Fear ... 08:11:59 @Mark_JF Good point. 08:14:32 @easyinthedeep There is ALWAYS at least some-little-thing. My measure is finding ONE wee thing in 100 pages. That's sky high ROI. 08:16:11 @gladman Ah, that bastard Adam Smith strikes again! Put the Wealth of Nations on the banned books list ASAP! 08:17:25 @Brianhowlett The book's endorsers are a "Who's Who" list of hard-ass, no-BS environmentalists. 08:19:02 @Brianhowlett These programs are about efficiency & waste reduction with enormous $$$

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payoffs. While "image" improves, hook is P&L-driven. 08:19:43 @ElinaGrigoriou I presume that's a joke! 08:22:27 @ElinaGrigoriou Re too many licences, seems PRIVATE-sector "craft organizations"--eg interior designers--stunningly greedy/anti-competitive. 08:23:56 @Ben_Ricci PRECISELY! These are wate-efficiency programs--with significant positive environmental impact. 08:26:11 Green$$$$: Welcome aboard Walmart! 3M started PPP/Pollution Prevention Pays program in 1975!!!!!! (I did a PBS show on it in late 80s.) 08:27:56 @JayJaboneta It's ALWAYS a good morning in San Francisco!!!!!! 08:30:48 @practicallyrad War for talent/1975. Univ of Texas system uses oil profits poach great faculty, turn the system into one of best in world! 08:33:43 @Bill_George K = R = P. Kindness = Repeat business = Profit. 08:35:12 @Billy_Cox Or even <5%, some stat about one extra hit per week diff between hanger on and hall of fame, right?? 08:37:46 @BryantAvey The same HBS that manufactured the derivivatives of derivatives of derivatives crowd and let them out onto Wall Street? 08:40:43 @castlemetalsues As my In Search Excellence co-author once told reporter: "Tom never really happy unless he's pissed off about something." 08:41:13 @castlemetalsues I hate shitty graphs. 08:55:11 @ElinaGrigoriou That can be said about every "professional" on the planet. It's pure & simple anti-competitiveness. 08:56:32 @ElinaGrigoriou Vast spread of ability in 100% of work activities. 08:58:30 @ElinaGrigoriou FL: 4-year degree, 2 yr apprenticeship, 2-day exam, no privileges 4 out-of-staters. Unmitigated anticompetitive bullshit! 09:01:33 @ElinaGrigoriou One ID lobbyist in FL said use of disease-bearing fabrics by unlicensed designers could result in 88,000 deaths! 09:03:00 @ElinaGrigoriou Another FL lobbyist said, per Economist, "clashing color schemes might adversely effect salivation." No shit! 09:05:27 @ElinaGrigoriou Love Utah's ".... Nail Technician Licensing Board." 09:08:27 @ElinaGrigoriou I have good friend, 1 of pre-eminent IDs in world--designed from birth, never bothered with a 4-year degree. Forget FL. 09:09:15 @JayJaboneta Loooooove "crappy" SF weather!!!!!!!!!! 12:15:04 @RandySpangler Absolutely normal as normal can be. The progression continues ... 16:22:35 @ExecCareerCoach @Bill_George Amen X1000!!!!!!!!! 16:23:40 @LizKislik We can indeed always dream! (That's not meant to be sarcastic.)

Thursday, 19th of May. 08:07:12 Hard to look at #s for Ford-GM on new Fort500 list, then think about jobs, then dismiss all bailouts. (Imagine USA morale no GM, no Ford.) 08:07:53 @CustThermometer Keep on truckin' ... 08:09:14 @PinkBerry2060 @Walmart I respectfully disagree. (Get that, "respectfully.")

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08:10:42 @ChoHyonSoo @Leadershipfreak This ought to be everyone's screen saver--or, lo-tech, written on your hand! 08:14:46 @MaxMckeown Whoops, your are right :-( 08:54:04 "Dere was times when all creatures gathered to segaschuate, like ain't been no falling out, like they remembered was all kin." Uncle Remus 08:54:47 @newtwebb I blew the Ford because I was an idiot. GM open issue. 12:27:12 @Die_Monkey I've already apologized about 5 times. So here's #6. Just moving too fast. Sorry ... 12:27:28 @JoelHeffner Thx! 12:27:57 @anagoelzer Sorry, never heard the term ... 12:29:18 @newtwebb I once had a good day ... can't remember when. But thx! 16:42:51 Citizenry in permanently crappy mood when economy wobbly. Current Congress matches historic low approval set by last Congress last Spring.

Friday, 20th of May. 06:32:03 @BryantAvey And, alas, Stanford BSchool rocket scientists including the "kid" who taufght me Finance 1 in 1971 :-) 06:34:34 @CourtOConnell Great news is how hard it is! So many don't make the extra extra effort! 06:35:07 @marketingisus And thank you! 06:37:41 @RandySpangler I was on the distribution list for it. Such a delight to NOT be on a list! 06:38:38 @WalkableDFW Causal arrows go both ways. You are precisely half right. 06:39:34 @leedership And around and around and around we go ... 06:41:35 World a mess. Shit happens. Thank ONE employee for good week's work by end of Friday. Likewise, call ONE customer, thank for their business. 06:42:19 Celebrate one tiny success this week before you call it quits on Friday. 06:44:35 Weekend task. Ponder this: “You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.” —John Knox. (Soooooooo easy to antagonize!!!!!!!!!!!) 07:14:00 @chriswalk8 My heartiest congratulations! 07:15:27 @timporthouse It ends the week on a high. Especially important if it's been a tough or discouraging week. 07:17:30 @TWalk Made me think. Definition of "straight talk": I'm right, you're wrong. 07:18:47 @jkhoey And if they'd recited it often enough they'd keep their mouth shut more and thence cause less damage :-) 07:23:44 @jkhoey And remember Drucker: "Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done." 07:25:04 @jkhoey :-) 11:26:21 Read important paper from non-profit. I give it D-minus. Complex ... & no "memorable story." Always: You gotta have ... COMPELLING STORY! 11:27:14 Near truism: Nobody wants help. But we would all liked to have received help. 11:28:09 "Help" is only truly successful when the helpee says, and believes: "I did it myself!"

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11:28:50 Effectively "helping" is the most difficult task of all! 11:29:57 Helping requires a sniper's rifle or surgeon's scalpel--not a shotgun or butcher's knife. 11:32:37 Help poorly conveyed spawns powerlessness in recipient. 11:33:32 Regularly help too soon--and you will set up expectation of inaction until your "help" is provided. 11:35:01 @GeoffreyWebb Help works when the recipient feels smarter--not dumber. (Rather rare.) 11:48:57 @laughograms WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:51:55 @DaraBell By leaping in early you will train folks to hesitate until you have leaped in. 11:52:57 @AndyACL Or, better still, the help will be borderline invisible???? 11:58:40 If I were younger I might run for President, if it could be "President in Charge of Everything Except the Middle East." Whaddaquagmire. 11:59:57 @jshuey Oh dear, I remember the looooong lines at Peet's on Sacramento Street in SF in the 1970s! 12:02:45 @energiahumana Related: Just [belatedly] reading Abrahamson-Freedman "A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder." Wow! 12:18:58 @glenkoskela No President has been since ... ever. 12:21:01 Helping's conundrum: Monkey's don't live in mid-air. Monkey on your [boss] back or back of person you delegated to. Never both backs.

Saturday, 21st of May. 10:10:19 So Amazon e-book sales surpass hardback PLUS paperback sales. Up 2X. Wow! 10:13:11 Read 2 depressing articles on "accountability at the top"--there ain't much! One, re Massey Ferguson--foremen catch shit, CEO likelly walk. 10:14:49 @HimanshuKapadia Not in the next few minutes, but [very] good bet when today's 10-yr-olds grow up. 10:16:07 @RandySpangler Speak for yourself. For me, the feel of the book will last! My Kindle buys lag my paper-book buys 10:1. 10:17:34 @RandySpangler And, oh shit, I carry around a wee paper notebook and a, gasp, ballpoint pen--do not do grocery lists on my iPad! 10:19:03 @peoplegogy Having just read an article about global (incl USA) shortage of talented workers, mega-# unfilled job slots, it is fascinating. 10:20:13 @RandySpangler Next you're going to tell me I'm an idiot to buy 13 newsPAPERS each day, incl NY Post & Daily News during scandals! 10:21:18 @RandySpangler I love audio with great readers! E.g. Jeremy Irons. 10:22:22 @HerzogIND @umairh You ask that on the day that apocalypse is supposed to arrive??? 11:54:59 Sunday's Tom rant: "Script" those first several "plays" for tomorrow AM. Launch the week with WOW! 11:55:49 @Academyofrock @RandySpangler Do it! 11:57:46 @Academyofrock @RandySpangler Book takes me 2 years to write. Same attention/pursuit of EXCELLENCE into e-book as would have "olden days"!! 11:58:18 @RandySpangler Wow!! 11:58:36 @RandySpangler Agree.

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Sunday, 22nd of May. 10:21:53 @Susan_calvin My favorite R&D boss finds perfect jobs elsewhere for his folks if he doesn't have right place. Positive rebound amazing!! 10:23:13 @FLORENTIUS You'll find my endorsement on cover of 1st edition. 10:25:28 @Academyofrock 1 page chapters. Love it. What a challenge!!!

Monday, 23rd of May. 06:38:05 @DickTaylor Ran across terrific story about new Illinois legislation that apparently goes to heart of the matter on education policy. Bravo! 06:39:05 Iceland. Joplin. Nature is a joy and blessing and a brutal beast. 06:41:21 30 seconds of silence this morning for our mates in Joplin. 06:45:42 @sandymaxey @umairh It is given that all leaders are to some extent powerful. Hence they never hear whole truth. Power corrupts. PERIOD. 06:46:56 @LaurieBick @Leadershipfreak What about converting more or less every item into a high impact opportunity? 06:50:01 @LeaderChat "Employee engagement" is about your ... FIRST 20 MINUTES ... at work this morning. PERIOD. 07:02:31 Please "take advantage of" Joplin--think about the real basics of life translated into our moment-to-moment professional context. 08:15:41 @LaurieBick @Leadershipfreak That surely is my predilection! 09:35:36 @Andi_Roberts @LeaderChat :-) 09:36:49 @Leadershipfreak Dan, I wrote it with you in mind :-) 14:12:29 RT @brandleadership: RT @pollyeloquent: @LollyDaskal @jeff_hayes @barrymoltz Life is uncertainty. Control is an illusion. 23:24:30 @ElvinBox I'd say yes.

Tuesday, 24th of May. 04:44:22 New report confirms old joke. Scientist/“Why does it work?” Engineer/“How does it work?” English major/“Would you like fries with that?” 04:45:54 @roman_ztsv Thank you fror giving my morning a jump start at 445AM. 04:46:37 @umairh Sorry, only so compressible. 04:49:00 @DaveKilbyWACE Coach Walsh called "the genius" for "West Coast offense." His management of practice as impressive as his strategic insight. 04:55:34 @sznq @Daffynitions From a plumber's phone message heard by a friend: "Remember, a straight flush beats a full house." 07:06:02 Not fair! I had sooooooo much unmitigated fun yesterday in Chicago ralking to chiefs of top 100 home builders. A resilient lot! 07:10:04 Flyin' ORD-ALB. Navy pilot Butch O'Hare awarded Congress. Medal of Honor by FDR/21 April 1942. Orchard Field (ORD) name changed to O'Hare.

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07:10:37 RT @madversity: "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."- Sign hanging in Einstein's ... 07:11:51 @JoceH I fell in love! Love builders! Hardly optimistic, but resilient lot--hardly ready to throw in the towel! 07:14:34 @JoceH 5% women in audience, but F 90% home buy decisions.. I raised hell re missed opportunity. Said men simply CANNOT design for women. 07:16:14 About 90% of true innovation product of adversity. Maybe not fun, but Adversity = Opportunity. One message to home builders yesterday. 07:17:00 Tom-the-smart-ass yesterday: "Any idiot can be a genius in a market going up, up, up. 07:18:49 @JoceH Makes sense. Owners upgrading current house since new one unlikely. 07:20:44 @JoceH Not yesterday! But we "guys" laughing about our ADD on this topic. (Men not in especially good repute this week--thanks Arnie-DSK!) 07:22:13 @AndyACL Sorry, I've been saying it for 35 years--a bit before sub-prime-CDO era. 07:23:55 @1fitrecruitment Across the board. Eg historically huge share of advances in surgery from wartime "trial and error." 07:26:36 @bareknucklemgmt Downsizing units. Smaller "pocket developments." Industrial efficiencies into construction. Value-added services. Greening. 07:27:29 @popeofchilitown :-) 07:28:14 @popeofchilitown Young recent grad friend doing that ("translating") inside Google. 07:29:41 @peoplegogy As I understand it, one part of answer is jungle of rules and regulations applied in haphazard fashion by overseers. 07:33:27 @MADconsulting True. Parallel in "junk bonds." Best of then gave us innovators (at the time) like CNN. 07:34:08 @popeofchilitown :-) indeed 14:13:09 @GeofW Nice :-) 14:14:24 @GeofW What would the existential implcations of fries, or no fries, be? 14:16:12 @cjmoorehead Well, that's what the full article was about. Those wonderful skills don't seem to translate into more financial rewards.

Wednesday, 25th of May. 07:45:25 @cjmoorehead There is no doubt that this happens. Statistically, however, in USA money over time gravitates toward scientists & engineers. 08:53:32 I know I've been guilty of this, but I hate terms such as "radical trust"--which I recently came across. Trust is trust. Or not. 08:56:42 Masters degrees are becoming so common that they are fast losing their distinction. 08:57:53 @culturebroker Sorry, but "conditional trust" is one sorry term. 08:59:31 One of my favorite quotes, from Barry Gibbons: "'Empowerment' is just a fancy word for trust." 09:02:16 @commanderadams Instead of Baldrige, for hospitals there ought to be the "Semmelweis Awards" for excellence in hand washing! 09:04:41 @robsaker As a holder of 2 of 'em I agree--but there are a ton of non-masterly masters degrees floatin' around.

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09:06:04 @ringophonebone There is no such thing as an empowered person who is not trusted. That's linguistic abuse. 09:08:07 @jjanuszczak Another on my biases list: I don't like degrees listed on biz card. If degree is useful, it'll manifest iself in your work. 09:09:58 @commanderadams What a fabulous offer. I'm going to say no, but with great appreciation. 09:12:18 @Freakalytics Actually, by bigger point is that "empowerment," like "branding," has become overused to the point of near meaninglessness. 09:13:57 @commanderadams You didn't put me on the spot. It was a great invitation. Period :-) 09:14:32 @kylecarroll Simple answer to that one: Both. 09:19:47 @commanderadams There are crippling "silos" problems in every industry. Alas, MD silos may be most highly armoured I've ever encountered. 09:24:16 @persuasionfox Yr competitive advantage is quality of yr work. May be hard to believe, but life more than marketing one's accomplishments. 09:25:20 @edward_klink What was that # 25 years ago? 13:32:59 Dearly hope I'm mis-reading French take on Strauss-Kahn. Violence toward & exploitation of girls & women is arguably world's #1 problem. 15:15:54 @PaulSweeney It appears there were several other cases where violence was involved--so, no, that does not sound particularly familiar.

Thursday, 26th of May. 06:06:35 I was mesmerized by "Too Big to Fail"--William Hurt as Hank Paulson (who, alone, comes out smelling like a rose) was spectaucular. 06:08:14 Too Big to Fail--soooooooooo close to catastrophic meltdown. Good luck [as usual] mattered as much as [occasional] good sense. 07:49:21 Long had trouble with "authentic." Think I've found a substitute: "curious." That is, truly open, anxious to know you/co-explore with you. 07:57:02 My "authentic" prob: E.g. "real me" exists only in sweat pants/T-shirt [summer]/sweat shirt [winter]. Yet I "dress up" in suit for speech! 07:58:28 @mackayrippey Bingo! [Addenda: organizations and you and me--or, at least, me.] 07:59:50 @theflaggagency You'll never hear the word "optimistic" escape from my lips--alas, I read 8 or 9 newspapers a day. 08:00:40 @mneiss Go to hell, Mike :-) 08:01:31 @mneiss I wear better sweatpants these days: I'm an exclusive Roots wearer/user. 08:07:08 @kimmmillwood Exactly! "Suit" [message] is part of designed persona--and a "must.". Always "on stage"--100% "unvarnished me" is not on. 11:24:28 Emerging story ex-Marine killed [60 bullets, left to bld to death, small kid in house] in botched Arizona drug raid makes me physically ill. 11:31:15 @edbatista Point: concept slippery. GWash/BFrank/RReagan/NMandela paragons "authenticity"--yet each meticulously constructed his persona. 11:34:50 @leedership I don't like authenticity as "'real me' 100% of time." By curiosity I mean deep engagement with you through which I learn. 11:36:12 @leedership 60 bullets in guy with no record, no drugs with his kid in house? "My mind" sickened.

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11:36:43 @leedership I'm an emotional guy .... 11:38:29 @RonSupportsYou Words are the least of it in the world of leadership effectiveness ... 11:40:08 @dsurry I have trouble with "authentic is ..." "Authentic is" ... a veeeeeery slippery concept. 11:41:06 @mneiss Virginia mom for me. Always good manners, show of respect. 11:41:39 @mneiss Do "authentic" people tell "little white lies"? 11:42:16 @mneiss "Little white lie" is as slippery for me as "authenticity." 11:43:21 How does authenticity fit with "The Invention of Lying"? 11:44:13 @RonSupportsYou My point was that 75/90/65% of a speech is body language. 11:47:23 @RonSupportsYou On the topic of speeches. Dumbest advice ever: "Just be yourself." 12:56:00 @mneiss Nice. Very nice. 13:05:25 @Leadershipfreak And it is sooooooo easy to inadvertantly meddle. 14:20:41 @norskedoc Wow! Puts DOD acronym-itis to shame :-) 14:22:58 @LizKislik Yes, & for leader "co-wondering," if you will. Engaging her/his colleagues in an adventure in personal and organizational growth. 14:26:15 @LizKislik Mega-phrases from leaders: "I don't know." "What do you think?" "Why?" 16:38:21 @kkinnison @rememberthemilk Thank you!! 16:39:17 @LizKislik Yes!!! (& many more !!!s.)

Friday, 27th of May. 08:10:44 @LizKislik I once heard the term "aggressive curiosity." Rather like that. 08:12:05 @LizKislik One "secret" is as much or more genuine curiosity when dealing with a barista as a stock analyst. 08:14:20 @mneiss May interfere, but helps get things implemented--which is the bedrock of sutaining excellence! 08:16:09 Take 10-minute break. Retreat into quiet place (loo will do). Contemplate one thing you can do to end the week for your team with a bang. 08:17:05 4PM Friday. 20 minute "surprise" time out to celebrate milestones achieved this week. 08:18:12 If in EDT, still time to invite someone to lunch to help form/re-inforce a useful bond. 08:18:52 Do you have a LTD list? (Lunches to do.) If not, make one this weekend. 08:20:33 If you're flying somewhere today, make sure to take a moment in the airport to go up to and thank someone in uniform. 08:22:02 When you're in an airport and see a 19-year-old soldier/sailor with a duffel bag--ALWAYS take a moment to say "thanks for your service." 08:22:55 Remember that Memorial Day is more than an excuse for a picnic with beer and chips. 08:25:12 Find a charity that supports veterans. Donate to it 10% of the projected costs of your Memorial Day beer party. 08:32:26 Cop in my town stopped traffic to let a turtle cross the road. There are some unabashed joys of "living in the country." 08:44:01 @R4Reason "and it was published before I was born..." :-)

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08:45:49 @dremtee @casperghost7 :-) [Travelled through the Indian countryside a bit ... be hard to disagree with you.] 09:22:39 @casperghost7 Love it! 09:24:42 @1_wave Nice. 09:53:28 @sunnysunwords Fabulous! 09:55:31 @mackayrippey I stole from Woody Allen, and his version, I believe, is 80%. But the idea is as good/true as it gets! 10:02:08 “I’ve learned people will forget what you said, will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” —MAngelou 10:05:20 @PortaPocketGal Well, I must admit, it was new to me. Better late ... 10:06:46 @2healthguru Is there a more powerful word/idea than "story"? I don't think so. 10:53:12 @leedership Amen. 16:14:45 @Ace_of_Sales Cliche on, my friend. Agree 100.00%! 16:16:08 @Ju_Summerhayes I don't hang out with CEOs, but I did get to know Anita pretty well--extraordinary human being.

Saturday, 28th of May. 05:05:11 @GrassRootsNet @HeatherDeSantis @EffortlessChase @AriVoice @kathrynmarvel @MrStevenGeorge Which am I: Young? Veteran?

Tuesday, 31st of May. 06:31:49 Abuse of power is as old as humans--but that doesn't make it any less disturbing. Eg the allegation against the Egyptian bank's former CEO. 06:33:54 Can't blame it on the French: "At IMF, a Strict Ethics Code Doesn't Apply to Top Officials." (NYT headline 0530) 06:36:23 @JackWebbHeller @37signals I agree; Rework is excellent book. 06:39:16 Speed matters! Friction kills! Note to bosses: Remove ONE roadblock from a key team's project BEFORE you go home today. 06:40:18 Most important "C-level"/Boss as CHRO. Chief Hurdle Removal Officer. 06:41:36 RT @KevinEikenberry: Want better ideas? Create MORE ideas 06:43:25 @micheleruiz01 @eCubation And a good accountant. 06:44:51 @Billy_Cox Amen. Energy begets energy. Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm. Determination begets determination. 06:45:54 @Billy_Cox This is why I believe that careful management of who you hang out with is one of the two most important keys to innovation. 06:48:11 @andyroller Go Mavs. 11:08:23 Eli Whitney, who didn't invent cotton gin also didn't invent interchangeable parts. But did FAKE intchange parts to win govt arms contract. 11:14:37 RT @JoceH: @tom_peters this one made me think of you. Ever on the look out for enthusiasm in the workplace: 11:15:14 @JoceH Love it! (As you imagined I would.)

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11:15:44 @RandysRules The more things change ... 11:17:08 @HerzogIND I believe I have a blurb on the back cover. Terrific book. I am huge Kevin Kelly fan, have been for 25 years. 11:21:00 @HerzogIND One of my passionate hobbies is reading about the history of innovation--ALWAYS messy, and there's a HUGE lesson in that! 11:24:05 @radbcc Honore Blanc, a Frenchman, beat Whitney by 10 years--Jefferson watched Blanc's demo, was very impressed. 11:25:11 @cleavel Source: "Legends & Lies: Cherished Myths of American History," by Richard Shenkman. 11:25:43 @HerzogIND Sooooooo dangerous! 11:26:40 @HerzogIND My recent favorite was a book about the "invention" of containerization. 11:27:32 @HerzogIND Very human. We think in stories, and like our stories to have a tidy plot and a hero. 11:28:24 @HerzogIND Old joke, sure you've heard it: "What makes God laugh? People making plans." 11:30:54 @HerzogIND Also reminds me of Woody Guthrie couplet: Stealing from one person is plagiarism. Stealing from several people is genius. 16:00:21 Hmm. My youth, big protests accelerate civ rights rev, upend a war. Today's big protests--padded pub sector pensions, med benefits elderly. 16:01:34 Sorry, the point of prior tweet re protests: Then, young pushing change. Now, old covering their asses. 16:06:38 @josecamoessilva Yes but bothersome. My gen made mess--now we demand full rights to add more to debt & screw next gens in process. 16:08:44 @guyblumberg I buy that but concerns me that oldies like me are laying severe trip on next gen; and next gen can't be bothered to do squat. 18:17:34 @jamesstrock Good point. The Cambodia protests don't seem to me to have been draft driven??? (FYI, I hardly supported the protesters.) 18:20:28 @jamesstrock David Shoup/USMC commandant. Protesters outside 8th&I. Reporter asks Shoup about them: "What do you think we're fighting for?" 18:21:57 @josecamoessilva Right on re tragedy of commons. 18:24:16 @josecamoessilva FYI, I'm not supporting Rep Ryan's concoction--but SOMETHING radical must happen. Am thankful it's finally "on the table.". 18:27:14 Bruce Bartlett, Reagan economic policy maker, calculates that current tax rate lowest in 60 years. Wow! 18:28:36 Make Wednesday 100% MBWA Day! (Then mkae Wednesdays in general MBWA "holy" days.) 18:31:16 @tonkawaman Long term, bosses 98% marginalizable. Seek peers and mentors who are soul [& policy] mates. CREATE YOUR OWN DAMN NETWORK!!

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Wednesday, 1st of June. 07:33:58 Could the Cold War truly be over? U.S. makes arms deal with Russia--that is, we are buying Russian weapons systems to use in Afghanistan. 07:36:43 @RandySpangler You are doubtless right in general, and in particular because top 1% would figure a way to shelter most of their income. 09:32:20 I'm new to "A Perfect Mess," by Abrahamson & Freedman. A superb book! (Meaning consistent with my most deeply held beliefs.) 09:33:12 @jvinalsauth Hmmmm .... 09:35:50 @o_h_r_i I get your point, but VEEEEERY different from USSR's 8K nucs lined up vs our 8K nucs, B-52s in the air, perpetual high alert. 09:45:22 And with wars Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, debt ceiling, wobbly economy, Trump-Palin "friending" in NYC is lead story because .... 09:49:14 @mattsonlyattack Most reviews I've seen are vacuous. It is a very serious subject and their take is very sophisticated. 09:51:04 @o_h_r_i Huh???????? 11:26:53 @AndrewTurso Gawd I get bored with "everything about USA is f-ed up." And even more bored with those who say it. "Get a life" comes to mind. 11:29:20 @iowa_card Well, at least the MBAs engaged by entertainment industry aren't messing about on Wall Street--we should count our blessings! 11:32:56 @nikluac Nice.

Thursday, 2nd of June. 06:40:38 RT @GeoffreyWebb: 3 Things you must take to be an exceptional leader: (classic) 06:41:35 @GeoffreyWebb Superb. Esp #2 ... leaders are ... RESPONSIBLE/ACCOUNTABLE ... for others' actions. 06:45:09 Just agreed to do [substantially] more than I had planned. Crystal clear demo of the awesome power of another's... INFECTIOUS ENTHUSIASM. 06:46:31 Re operationalizing prior tweet: HIRE ENTHUSIASTS FOR 100% OF JOBS!!!!!!!! (Weed out gloomists as well.) 06:53:06 @Nigel_Dunn No idea, have been using it for 40 years or so ... 06:56:18 @Stephen_P_Brown Yes, but nothing against pessimists who are enthusiastic about their pessimism leading to great dialogue. 06:59:22 @thehealthmaven Being "negative" is okay, but "sour negative" a killer no-no! 07:00:53 @Nigel_Dunn I take no responsiblity for your actions and will not send cookies when you are in bad-grammar jail! 07:02:36 @AntonyMXUK I don't do well with threats. Be my guest and unfollow.

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07:05:41 RT @LoriMoreno: The only true gift is a portion of yourself. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson #quote 07:05:55 @LoriMoreno Yes!!! 07:08:37 RT @flowchainsensei: "Ultimately, we delude ourselves if we think the products we design are the 'things' that we sell, vs the experienc ... 07:15:42 @ivanoransky @tvjrennie Try: "Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science," 1982,, William Broad and Nicholas Wade, 07:17:11 @BusinessPurpose What the hell. Getting mentioned is the name of the game, eh? 07:18:53 @BusinessPurpose No big deal--or even a small deal. BUT ... I never understand people who focus on negatives. Life is toooooo short. 07:20:47 @BusinessPurpose P. Drucker once said never promote someone who focuses on people's ngatives--promote the ones who emphasize the positives. 17:47:59 @OutlawEyeware @Billy_Cox Thx for the follow :-) 17:48:44 @AntonyMXUK @iannarino I will convene a Council of Elders ... and let you know :-) 17:50:02 @AntonyMXUK @iannarino Gotcha! Now following!

Saturday, 4th of June. 07:26:16 DAMNDAMNDAMN. SHITSHITSHIT. Just did my sickenly "sent email to the wrong person" trick again. Dear God, what is the solution .... 07:28:20 @Ju_Summerhayes "Nth"? No Oth"? Pth, Qth? Just kidding. Thank you!!!!!! 07:31:08 @CasualFridays Only my website, where my last 7 years of presentations are available. 07:38:02 @tompeters1 Am delighted to follow you--like looking in a mirror. I'm sure your pursiut of excellence is at least as vigorous as my own! 07:45:24 @TerryAtCADA Wouldn't have helped. Didn't realize for an hour---and only after "out of office" reply from recipient. 07:47:04 @sushobhan I am good at very few things, but I am "excellent" at vile sarcasm. This was vile. (And about a VEEEEERY sensitive subject.) 09:14:13 Senior exec at big/global Internet company has gone back to the phone/face to face. No emails about anything at all sensitive. 09:15:41 @chrisdyball @Groupiter I know how to solve the problem. Shoot myself. About to head for the Rod & Gun shop .... 09:16:46 @ayampolskiy Too many hacks-leaks-etc-etc-etc. The Total Perils of "In writing." 09:20:29 @LorenSan Far more than that. Written wisecrack to colleague today becomes dynamite when colleague is pissed off at you some future day ... 09:23:20 Think about it. You'd very rarely leave a blistering VOICE mail, but quite likely might WRITE a blistering email .... 09:36:26 @djgreer You have flash of anger, write intemerate email at 90 wpm, and literally POUND the "send" button. Almost never happen with voice. 09:38:52 Problem: I CALL you & say "I can't believe what a jerk ____ is," and it evaporates. Same in email "lives in the cloud forever and ever." 09:39:49 @profpjm I thought they were simply de-sensitized. 09:40:56 @benstarr68 Disagree. Some of us were "blessed" with a short fuse and good typing skills.

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10:44:58 @YoniRiemer @gmail How about 2 hours .... (Are you in the Bay Area yet??) 10:47:51 @stevenleuschel "nonblistering email still sound blistering"--brilliant, esp w/ passage of time or to somebody outside sees it w/o context. 10:48:13 RT @Jasvjr: @tom_peters Never, ever use the Reply button. Only use the Forward button. Forces you to enter an address each time. Will ... 10:48:34 @Jasvjr Brilliant! Bloody brilliant! 10:50:25 @leedership As my English teacher said to us 1957, "To call a spade a spade is okay, but no need to call it a 'goddamn shovel'." 10:51:29 @mattsonlyattack Your "Knowledge Index" when royally pissed off can be painfully low! 10:54:07 As I said someone, "My mother gave me smart mouth-short fuse. My Germanic father gave me self-restraint. At 68, I remain my mother's child." 10:56:54 @PaulSweeney Maybe I should spend another full summer [did so 1992] in Cleggan--w/o electronic devices! 10:57:31 @o_h_r_i How dare you say I look that old :-) 10:58:57 @dremtee Alas, anger is pretty much the mother of all invention (As in, "I am so pissed off at this dumb process ...") 11:05:16 @mbonde :-) 11:06:05 @mikewashere Some psychologists are nuts. Hahaha ... 11:06:26 @mattsonlyattack Amen re CC .... 11:06:54 @livethe8 Thank you .... 11:07:51 @Jasvjr Gave it a try. As I said, bloody brilliant .... 11:09:41 @leedership Thanks for the reminder. 11:12:37 @PaulSweeney My Cleggan neighbor-for-a-summer would often leave a wee bag of potatoes fresh dug on my doorstep :-) 11:14:47 @PaulSweeney Habit read local history when visit place. That summer read 4 books on great famine. Hard keep my Inner Anglophile in place ... 11:17:41 Worked ever so slightly with Larry Eagleburger '73-'74. Was in awe of his work ethic. 11:21:54 @Richard_Florida @TIME My work is my life and I'd like to think my passion occasionally infects others incl family. Never liked term??? 11:27:41 @ruthverver Presume partially because use fingers on keyboard less powerful than use vocal chords. 2 entirely diff sets of connections? 13:03:04 Planning vs org effectiveness: Human brains grew not to do regression analyses but to increase social skills so as to build better orgs, 13:08:01 @bobwatkins Yes! When I in DC in govt yrs ago, my boss said send no memo that you wouldn't be embarrassed by if in Wash Post tomorrow. 13:09:36 @DaveKilbyWACE And low hurdle to be in "sensitive" category. 13:24:38 NKristof: Slave trade at worst/1780s: 80,000 Africans per year to New World. 2011: 1,800,000 children/year effectively sold into sex trade. 15:09:01 @mikewashere ???????????????????

Sunday, 5th of June.

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07:24:28 Going to a simple cocktail party last night. Found myself out of habit scripting 1st comments for various people. BEGINNINGS = THE BALLGAME. 07:25:42 Forget the "meat." (More or less.) Beginnings and endings overwhelm middles! 07:27:28 Every meeting needs an energetic-exciting start and a blow-out ending which launches the "to dos" with vigor. 07:29:23 Never ever ever begin a meeting with "Let's get started." Begin it with a plunge not a tiptoe--eg, some exciting-surprising nugget. 07:32:28 Right before meeting ends, quickly ask each person how they FEEL about the take-aways. Deal now with frowns/dis-engagement. 07:33:32 @Academyofrock And all communications are musical performances. 07:35:02 @YorkPA_Jobs @summithrdcom @juliepoland @ChangingResults Gotta love York! I was born in Baltimore--practically a next door neighbor! 07:35:22 @umairh Thx! 07:37:11 @jdt_76 A show of enthusiasm, perhaps a 45-second report on some little thing that went well, maybe with a kudo to someone at the meeting. 07:38:39 @splett And if you've got a mega-frowner who didn't speak up, try to casually/unobtrusively catch him-her for a moment as you leave. 07:41:42 @IanMatheson I NEVER start presentations w/ title slide; usually half a quote, relevant to presentation, w/o punch line--a shameless teaser. 07:46:37 @drdavidfraser Cocktail party, someone little over their ethanol limit makes loudish questionable remark as leave--that's all you remember. 07:49:15 FYI: Remember, one person's humorous remark is another person's insult. "Humorous" remarks should NEVER be at someone' else's expense! 07:51:04 @uphelpsr Even in technical meetings! 08:02:10 @bareknucklemgmt Alas, I agree. One wishes them ill. Not harm, but comeuppance. 08:03:32 @bareknucklemgmt I bet 80% of managers who rule by fear would be genuinely surprised if you told them that was the case. Agree? 08:04:52 @drdavidfraser Yeah, my fav example, an oldie, is Disney's historically obsessive attention to parking lot--home to beginning and ending! 08:06:05 @Clean_Lantern And you damn well better believe that superb beginnings and endings do not occur by accident! 08:07:15 @drdavidfraser Amen! (And Maslow hardly a staple of B-schools, engineering schools, med schools, etc.) 08:09:24 @DivineParty @umairh Delighted to get a response frrom Egypt!! 08:11:11 @bareknucklemgmt And delivery of the news is as delicate as brain surgery even if the recipient is crude and rude. Eh? 08:12:41 @workproglife All subsequent action is a product of emotional engagement. And such engagement is not a "logical" process. 08:16:25 @bareknucklemgmt Case in point: very senior exec pal at enormous company--been successful, but been flatly told he's he's going no farther. 08:17:14 @drdavidfraser You ARE the man! (Had a title battle with a dear pal last week!) 08:52:59 @LakeOconeeBldr @REcrab Suggest start with STORY, 1st line is first thing you say. (Ever been to play where 1st line "Let's get it on"?)

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09:42:32 @Deathjohnny Eg focused on 2 or 3 people, and someone I'd met, something I'd read that related to their shtick. Conversation starter ... 09:43:52 @Deathjohnny Or better yet, ask the status of some project they're working on ... 09:45:38 @Deathjohnny In one case, try desperately to remember their kids names ... 09:47:56 @Brianhowlett Is that good or bad? Eg too obvious to be worth mentioning???? 09:49:06 @Brianhowlett Once had an accident on the Russian River road, spent the night in the Santa Rosa hospital ICU. 10:04:49 @Brianhowlett But of course! In 1981. SR a bit smaller than today. 10:05:28 @Brianhowlett Whoops, I guess the obvious answer is that I'm here. 10:09:29 @JimPolandcom @summithrdcom @juliepoland @ChangingResults Did admiring TV show on York Harley plant yrs ago--before current plant built.. 10:15:32 @KareAnderson Doesn't that miss the entire point? All answers are conditional. I have little or no interest in "what Google thinks." 10:17:51 @safetyculture Spent entire professional life preaching to choir. (Then pray they go out and become living demos for point/s I was making.) 10:31:39 @bradwyman Mind if I quote you :-) 10:33:54 @bradwyman Am I a genius because I loved LA as much as SF while I was living in SF? (Lived 2 years Socal, 32 years Bay Area.) 11:49:49 @lincolnjc Yes! Difference: Marketing is taught at B-schools because it is sexy. Sales is not taught at B-schools because it is not sexy. 11:54:34 @lincolnjc Excellence Pyramid: #1/100% Respected-enthusiatic-engaged people [our true #1 customers]. #2/Service. #3/Sales. #4/Marketing. 11:57:58 Sheriff Matt Dillion dead? Say it ain't so! [Many of you will not know who I'm talking about. Sorry.] 14:53:31 @jvonneumann It was the 1st show my dad watched religiously. 15:42:43 @lexalexander Calm down. I was not talking about politics. I was talking about the workplace, and especially bosses and non-bosses. 18:36:36 Just read a great review of Chevrolet Cruze. Congrats and good luck to GM. 21:13:16 @DeepDishCreates @TourismCurrents @ericahouskeeper @cdragonwagon Who'd argue with VT Dragonisma! 21:14:53 @basampson 4 cheers for Youngstown!

Monday, 6th of June. 04:12:27 @HewittNewton Always "Miss Kitty," wasn't it? 06:31:00 Susan away; I watered her garden 5AM. EMOTION really is ... EVERYTHING. You water very differently if you love each plant, incl wee sprigs! 06:36:36 If you have horrible sinus infection & would rather be dead: NONETHELESS GO TO WORK WITH A HEARTY DEMEANOR. Fake it! Screw "authenticity." 06:36:53 @Andymatheson tHANK YOU. 06:39:57 @tomasacker That's my [implicit] point. It's leader's job to make task and team participation worthy of one's personal-emotional investment.

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06:42:35 @tomasacker We need to stay within realm of the reasonable--hey, in CA I lived through the era of Cezar Chavez, the UFW and "short hoes." 06:50:43 @BobBurg I have utterly not one clue as to the meaning of "authentic work." (And I'm not kidding.) 06:51:24 @bareknucklemgmt Damn right! 06:53:29 @contactignition All of life is theater. To "fake it" is to be alive! 07:18:27 I am off to an obligation I wish I didn't have. But I'm going to fake attentiveness and engagement for the next 90 minutes. Believe it! 07:19:09 @BobBurg Which in 9 cases out of 9 has very un-pretty bits. 07:22:01 Good for you. (My complex soul always has bits of grime and slime hanging about.) 07:28:51 @jamesmorrissey9 Amen: "Suit up, put on the game face, and play!" 07:30:55 @eliwestfall Well said. But for us Calvinists :-) 07:32:34 @LauraWynn The good news: Quite frequently faked engagement morphs into the real thing! (Almost in spite of yourself.) 07:34:23 @Hamad_Alomar None of us, pauper or prince, can wholly escape the "gottados." 07:37:06 @RoyaleScuderi @nametagscott One of the best, if scariest, paths to commitment is purposefully going public and cutting off escape routes! 07:41:06 @contactignition Obligation is the necessary and glue that holds--often barely--society together. 07:43:04 @IanSanders Bloody subjective nature of the English language :-) 10:19:06 @glenflook We with chronic sinus infection can't stay home/can't be in crappy mood every time we can't breathe/have a nasty headache. Right? 10:19:59 @tomasacker Smart ass :-) 14:28:35 Oh shit, it was the Americans I was supposed to warn! FYI: Fabulous book: Carol Tarvis/Elliot Aronson, "Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me)" 14:30:23 @tra_hall When GEN Petraeus running Iraq war, poster with core principles behind him on wall. #1: "Walk." 14:31:13 @SnakeLivsey @timheidecker @lexalexander ????????? (Completely in the dark.) 14:33:00 @tomasacker T'would be nice ... 18:07:24 @HelenEnglish A very local thing so I doubt it. Nonetheless ... 18:08:57 @leedership Was lucky enough to take a part of a course from EA about a zillion years ago ...

Tuesday, 7th of June. 20:51:37 Approx 8,000 flights. Yet something NEW. Pilot pushes early-board wheelchair passenger down the jetway. Answer is, duh, Southwest Airlines. 21:03:46 RT @GabrielaKortsch: You will never change ur life until u change something u do daily.The secret of ur success is found in ur daily rou ... 21:04:13 @GabrielaKortsch Of the most profound importance! 21:10:32 @sanderssays And REALLY successful people never stop acquiring general knowledge frrom a thousand thousand oddball nooks and crannies :-) 21:11:38 @jeffmarmins @ptarkkonen Neither is unpopularity. As my colleague Jim Kouzes says, it's

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okay for leaders to be liked ...

Wednesday, 8th of June. 05:47:45 Delta's blogpost "apologising" to soldiers for bag charges on the way home from war was pathetic! 05:48:19 @Bindisha Thanks. Great start to my morning. 05:50:20 @jeffmarmins @ptarkkonen Wanting to be liked is not a sin. 05:51:12 @jeffmarmins @ptarkkonen Just my opinion. Anybody who doesn't want to be liked is weird. 05:54:13 @jkhoey They apolgise, but stilted bureaucratise. Doesn't even border on heartfelt. Delta was in In Search of Excellence. Breaks my heart. 05:56:45 @ptarkkonen @jeffmarmins Agree. 06:00:17 "apologize to those service men and women for any miscommunication regarding current policies [or] any inconvenience we may have caused." 06:01:17 "We are currently looking further into the situation" 06:02:56 TP draft: "We f---d up big time. We are mortified. We are deeply ashamed. We'll fix it." 06:05:49 @jkhoey Sounds like it was written by an AI program. 09:15:12 My rant last week about reflecting before sending email/DM/tweet got a mega-boost via Congressman Weiner's rookie [career-ending?] mistake. 09:17:20 While watering garden this morning, realized how easy to miss plants closest to hose bibb. Message: Remember to "water" your closest allies! 09:18:26 @RandySpangler @RepWeiner Right on! "May" is the primo sucko word! 09:19:05 @mkurabayashi If you can find the answer to that one, send it along or patent it. 09:23:55 @intmf I believe it is, though rare. If Virgin had done something like that, Branson's response would, I wager, have been VERY different. 09:25:18 @mikesax Damn good point :-) 09:28:27 There is no important strategic message that cannot be expressed in 140 characters. (Though a somewhat lengthy Appendix may be called for.) 09:31:41 @mikesax "Message from the dry plants adjacent to the hose bibb: Don't forget to 'water' your allies." (Okay?) 09:32:55 @contactignition But of course! Try telling that to an engineer: "I told you. Why should I have to repeat myself?" (Hint: I'm an engineer.) 09:33:24 @marciaforbes !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10:05:47 @QuoteLeader @jeffmarmins @ptarkkonen Then screw business. At end of the day (and 68 is movin along) human-ness only thing that matters. 10:08:36 @Leadershipfreak I "cluttered" tweet with mention of appendix--of course detail needed, but should not dilute clarity-attration of Big Idea. 10:12:03 I beat twitter limit by 139. Took 2 years to design logo with top graphic designer & sizeable team. Logo: a red exclamation mark. C'est moi. 10:15:08 Re my red exclamation mark logo: "If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud."--Emile Zola 10:21:04 @Execnetworks I think my old McKinsey pal Ed Michaels coined "War for Talent" eons ago. Hope he gets the credit ....

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10:23:27 @BennysTreasure I have made a scientific study of this. Percentage of humans with pronounced biases: 100.000000000000%. 10:24:00 @johnnyfolsom4 Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10:26:49 @johnnyfolsom4 Source? (If yourself, bravo!) 10:48:11 @johnnyfolsom4 @davidburney Nice!!! 10:49:25 @mikesax Indeed, that is the point!!! Great clarification!!! 10:54:31 @johnnyfolsom4 @davidburney Johnny Cash rules! (Related, book dedication highlight "To Tom Peters & Willie Nelson & others of their ilk.") 10:55:27 @treypennington @richardposey @TomAsacker All of life, puplpit to parenting, is sales and marketing! 11:09:53 Hmmmm. A sales course as requisite for 100% of permanent employees? 11:19:47 Discrete courses/100% leaders: Sales, Listening/Asking, Helping, Appreciating/Apologizing, Presenting, Hiring/Developing/Promoting/Firing 11:20:53 @tedcoine @ScottMacIver Nice! 11:21:46 @psamakesnoise As is every employee interaction. 11:31:23 @RichardPosey I appreciate your point, but a tad too politically correct for me. 11:33:04 @RichardPosey Part of reason for the harsh word is reminder you're making hash of someone's life--even if eventually seen as longterm good. 12:18:59 @edinmehic Credit where credit is due. Not my idea. Someone sent to me. But think it's great. 12:20:51 @PhilLowry Agree. Any of these topics ... there are good, bad and indifferent ways to go about it. (Shit course, whole idea tanks.) 12:21:52 @kimmmillwood All!!!!! Auto-body shop. Local non-profit. High tech. No tech.

Thursday, 9th of June. 08:51:15 Meeting this morning. Searched news from their town. Looking for personalized conversation opener. Only takes coupla minutes. Always works. 08:52:12 @marketingisus @Sam_Waterfall Thanks. I'll give it a try :-) 08:55:46 @Execnetworks Just basking in Timmy Lincecum's record set this weekend :-) 08:57:21 @hutchirish Taxi drivers another of my favorites ... 08:59:33 Just re-read. Superb. "A Short Guide to a Happy Life," Anna Quindlen 09:00:14 Anna Quindlen: "If you win the rat race, you're still a rat." 09:02:39 Hard to believe WSJournal stat. Guess I just don't want to believe. About 40% 2nd mortgages under water. FOUR ZERO. 09:04:37 Blue Shield CA to cap its earnings at 2%, return most of overage to members. Fascinating/Wow ... (NYTimes) 09:07:34 No peacetime generals in history books. Business same. And life. Lion's share memorable/worthy stuff in response to difficult situations. 09:33:33 I am often harsh critic of Harvard Biz Review. But you ... MUST READ ... Roger Martin's "The Innovation Catalysts" in current issue. 09:34:18 @masterfulcoach Thanks!

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09:57:28 Meetings are #1 thing bosses do. Therefore, 100% of those meetings: EXCELLENCE. ENTHUSIASM. WORK-OF-ART [Yes!!]. DAMN IT. 09:58:09 A meeting/EVERY meeting is ... THEATER. 10:43:36 @kevinandjackie Interesting ... 10:45:29 @bareknucklemgmt ANY meeting can be made into a masterpiece. If it isn't, you [boss] don't understand your job. 10:46:29 @cjmoorehead Which is precisely why there is such an enormous opportunity ... 16:48:40 @livethe8 And thank YOU for the feedback!

Friday, 10th of June. 06:54:43 @SilkieHuang Thank you! 06:55:30 @RandySpangler I said nothing about "a year" :-) 06:56:47 RT @jwood92307: @tom_peters - I bet there weren't any women on the design committee for this: 06:57:10 @jwood92307 No kidding! Idiots! 06:57:56 @MarkEmmett I agree it sounds like her ... 06:59:22 @tonkawaman Great process. Great on "What do you do if you're notSteve Jobs?" 07:01:21 @ccoletta As I've often said, my point is not social justice (though I believe in it); my point is "good business" and leaping profit. 07:02:37 Major interview this morning on the gods of patient-centered care; Planetree Alliance. 07:05:44 @AnnLewisCoach Given Edwards, Arnie, DSK, Weiner, and the couthouse staircase, I guess it isn't news that men are witless fools. 07:07:51 RT @_robin_sharma: By staying connected to my purpose RT @vraipurkar: @_robin_sharma How do u keep ur engergy up all the time.. 07:08:29 RT @wallybock: Leadership Quote: "CEOs ought to be asking questions rather than giving answers." ~ James Womack 07:09:47 @coblyn Why oh why must we continue to use that wretched-ignorant term "work-life balance"? 07:11:22 @_robin_sharma @vraipurkar Nice, Robin! 07:13:29 @ePatientDave Do they score top 5% on patient safety? (I think maybe they do ...) 07:14:19 @karibowieHertel @jwood92307 Okay, so women can be idiots too :-) 09:22:24 @CoachBru Reminds me of (approx): "The Golden Rule is useless unless you remember it's your move." 09:23:40 @RonSupportsYou @neiltyson Love the idea, but "objective truth" is a wildly optimistic idea. 09:24:32 RT @RonSupportsYou: RT @ronaldskelton Never talk trash about your other clients, Your clients must assume that you do it about them also. 09:24:41 @RonSupportsYou @ronaldskelton Amen. 09:25:54 @RonSupportsYou @ronaldskelton Trash talk is a waste of time and energy as well as mega-counter-productive. 09:29:13 @SusanGiurleo @caliyost @cvharquail "Work" where we spend most of waking hours; if work not big part of "life," then pissing away our life. 09:30:16 @SusanGiurleo @caliyost @cvharquail Work-life balance implies work is not part of life. I

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simply don't "get it." 11:20:37 I am wildly pro-business, but am glad to see BofA et all get a wrist-slapping over mortgage irregularities. 11:21:51 @mharmonus1 Like sending the CEO to Afghanistan for 90 days ... 11:23:42 @caliyost Totally agree on the "balance" concerns, but it's among work, family, community, etc--all of which are parts of "life." 11:25:04 @RonSupportsYou @neiltyson But I've never encountered "objective truth." "Preponderence of evidence" is as far as I can go. 11:48:12 See Tom speak at Norwich University in VT, FREE, next week: ^SD 12:01:14 Got a burning question for Tom? Tweet it (use #TPQA) and Tom will answer the stellar ones via video. Submit by June 15. ^SD 12:34:18 @RonSupportsYou @neiltyson I am disciple Sir Karl Popper /"Conjectures and Refutations"--"facts" temporary hypotheses awaiting refutation. 12:41:00 Story of Chinese labor practices at Greek port Piraeus appalling--courtesy NPR. 12:42:27 @RonSupportsYou Damn solid hypotheses :-) 12:42:47 @RonSupportsYou Is a chair a solid object? 13:41:05 @RonSupportsYou Chair abt 99.999999++% empty space per quantum mechanics. But as physicist said, odds high won't land on ass if sit down :-) 13:42:08 @RonSupportsYou Good Friday afternoon fun .... 14:05:09 @RonSupportsYou Amen .... 14:07:23 @ElinSilveous @AllenDoumaMD @elinsilveous Think I could give decent answer--but In Search not intended be all things to all people. 14:08:50 @AllenDoumaMD @elinsilveous I'd be happy/thrilled to discuss applicability of In Search to what some call "patient-centered care." 14:11:06 @ElinSilveous @AllenDoumaMD @elinsilveous Big interview this AM on "patient-centered care"/Planetree Alliance. 1 to 1 match with In Search. 16:36:52 @AllenDoumaMD @elinsilveous Been following Planetree since it was a 12-bed unit at Pacific Presbyterian in SF. (Abt 1984??) 22:27:51 @ElinSilveous @AllenDoumaMD Sorry, no, it's for a forthcoming book (not by me). 22:30:40 @Mark_JF Hmmmmm ......

Saturday, 11th of June. 07:49:05 RT @lescnet: "An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior." ~ Victor Frankl 07:52:36 @CoCreatr @Remmid Wonderful! Great fun! (The historian Ferdnand Braudel taught us the importance of the history of everyday life.) 09:15:01 @cesararturovas @lescnet Agree 100%! 09:18:10 @zack_kaplan Attack every project you do with Reckless ENTHUSIASM and a Passionate Commitment to EXCELLENCE! 09:18:26 @JimPolandcom Indeed! 09:21:31 @LilianaPanic Don't stomp on free trade! Long-term global growth will come from surging big economies. WE MUST BE TOTALLY ENGAGED.

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09:24:08 Success in Economy 2.0/3.0/33.0? Golden Rule 1.0. (Dear God, please save me from the "Point Os"!) 09:25:13 RT @RonSupportsYou: Bill Maher: "Weiner, this is a new low for sex scandals. JFK got Marilyn Monroe. John Edwards got a love child. You' ... 09:33:28 @JimPolandcom :-) 11:35:29 @VeteransHealth Spend quite a lot of time talking up VA patient safety successes ... 11:39:53 @Susan_calvin 2.0, 3.0 ... cutsey; really means nothing. Ain't gotten that far on "1.0." E.g, send a million girls/year into sex slavery.

Sunday, 12th of June. 04:20:27 @PaulSchwend That very intelligent people can do amazing things & can have equally amazing blindspots--eg believe "smarts can conquer all." 04:23:03 @moneycoach 9-5 pay long gone for millions--but don't forget "other 80%" of economy that continues to consist of standard activities. 04:30:16 @PaulSchwend Energy. Enthusiasm. Passion. "People first" in their bone marrow. Curiosity. Integrity. "Ready. Fire. Aim." Sense of humor. 04:32:42 @djgreer @JesseLynStoner @rickross10 "Always showtime" > than "lead by example." Means proactively understand that leadership is theater. 04:35:28 @PaulSchwend Father: Exaggeration is a sin. Mother: Exaggeration is life. 04:35:50 @RonSupportsYou :-) 04:36:06 @Stephen_P_Brown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04:37:08 @Susan_calvin Amen! 04:53:51 Leadership: Energy. Enthusiasm. Passion. No bull "people first." Curiosity. Integrity. "Ready. Fire. Aim." Sense of humor. Good accountant. 04:56:28 Success in < 140 characters: Attack EVERY project you do with Reckless ENTHUSIASM and a Passionate Commitment to EXCELLENCE! 04:57:54 Make EVERY project a pre-meditated "people development" opportunity. 04:59:40 Carefully design 100% of projects to push leader/members some measured distance into their DIS-comfort zone. 05:00:56 Non-leaders: There is NO-ZERO-ZIP task that does not present a leadership opportunity if rightly considered. 05:03:48 @haideralmosawi My version: Leaders paint portraits of EXCELLENCE. 05:05:23 @CristinaGAP I have spent 40 years of 15-hour days proclaiming the obvious. 05:06:20 Sunday meditation: Bend over backwards to say "thank you" for the tiniest of kindnesses. 05:07:35 Life partners of 30 years: RELIGIOUSLY acknowledge the tiniest of positive gestures. 05:08:37 Sunday meditation: Bust your ass on "Thank yous." Monday meditation: Bust your ass on "Thank yous." ... 05:09:04 @haideralmosawi Nope. Just different. 05:09:38 @alightheart Isn't that th point of Twitter :-) 05:11:04 If the outcome of a project does not surprise you then you were not open-minded enough in attacking it.

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08:04:27 @governorespino Thank you for thr re-tweet. I am honored. 08:05:41 @ChrisGrandecom Thx! 08:11:32 @JesseLynStoner @djgreer @rickross10 All leaders, per FDR, are actors. All leadership is theater. If so "100% 'authentic'" is questionable. 08:12:21 @JesseLynStoner @djgreer @rickross10 FDR: "The president must be the nation's #1 actor." 08:16:36 @leedership #2 pencil with a quarto eraser :-) 08:19:43 @JesseLynStoner It's ALL rehearsal. I've written 17 books. I consider all 17 rehearsals for the next one, should there be a next one.. 08:21:23 @JesseLynStoner I am NOT being a smart ass: I have NO IDEA what "real" is. We all present ourselves as we wish to appear in any transaction. 08:22:39 @JesseLynStoner Way back when,1st book my dissertation advisor assigned was Erving Goffman, "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life." 08:24:27 @Halley @tkpleslie I think I found this on Twitter: “One kind word can warm three winter months.” – Japanese Proverb 08:26:34 @JesseLynStoner I always worry about using words I can't live up to. I hope I'm trustworthy--but of course I'm not 100% of the time. Etc. 08:28:52 @DoTime_WX @JesseLynStoner Whoops, now we're dealing with Schrödinger's cat ... so early on a Sunday :-) 08:31:42 @JesseLynStoner I am not dependable. Nor trustworthy. Nor credibile. And I have no idea what truth is. I muddle through. 08:37:10 @JesseLynStoner My 1977 dissertation title: "Patterns of Winning and Losing: Effects on Approach and Avoidance By Friends and Enemies." 08:49:42 @timhanbyholmes If you agreed 100% of the time I would have little or no respect for you :-) 08:53:47 @robsaker "Consultants" meaningless word like "Asians" or "Europeans." Asians/Euros/consults come in as many flavors as there are people. 08:54:18 @JesseLynStoner Enjoyed it! Happy Sunday! 08:55:52 @Suenewton Maybe because too many self-serving trainers have tried to convince them of that fact :-) 10:27:25 @wellroundedradi @FareedZakaria @mwbuckingham Destructive political infighting pre-dates Revolutionary War, has continued unabated since. 10:31:39 @wellroundedradi @FareedZakaria @mwbuckingham Nastiest political infighting U.S. history: Adams-Jefferson. 10:35:46 @timage VT ... multi-flora rose. 10:37:42 @RUMBAONLINE There is a wonderful definition of "sub-optimization": Life! 10:39:58 @blueplanetradio The fact that you appear to have noticed the "little stuff" makes "thank you" 10X more powerful. 10:42:24 @blueplanetradio "Thanks for the new computer."--2 points. "Thanks for filling the [gas]tank"--10 points. 15:22:35 @sydstrike Thanks! 15:24:11 @rickross10 Dunno. Guess it depends on how much/far you bend. As speaker, dozens of calculations, modifications per minute. 15:26:07 @JoseBouGil Obviously need both. But I come down strong on execution. Good ideas more or less a dime a dozen. Excellence-in-exceution rare.

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15:28:12 @wellroundedradi @fareedzakaria @mwbuckingham You did have dozens of papers in NYCity. But agree "all about them" not true Adams-Jefferson. 15:29:34 @drdavidfraser Need bias for curiosity. Web helps. Schools suppress. Agree? 15:30:51 @jcarlnelson Well said. Love it: "Leadership is a lifestyle." 20:42:31 @gerrypar72 Thank you! 20:45:38 @davewheeler44 I'm flattered! 20:49:09 @drdavidfraser Very nice! (And new to me.) 21:32:07 Simple fact. DAVID BROOKS in NYTimes today is one of best 5 columns I've ever read. Pitch perfect. Ought to memorize? (Almost not kidding.) 21:34:16 @bareknucklemgmt Typically the smallest are the biggest. The extra inch repeated again and again beats the extra mile on "big" occasions. 21:37:59 @bareknucklemgmt Big paycheck soon forgotten. Guy who bothered come up tell me little intimate tale about book of mine remembered for eons.

Monday, 13th of June. 02:14:03 Fast Company: 2007-10. Drug companies paid SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS in law suit settlements for paying docs to push unapproved uses of drugs. 02:19:17 Fast Company: "Practicing" doc paid the most by pharm cos since 2009 has no published papers last 20 years, unknown place of employment. 02:21:02 @rsailer Title: "It's Not About You." 02:22:56 @robertgrayjr "It's Not About You." 02:23:53 Brooks column: "It's Not About You." 02:28:59 SORRY!!!!!! David Brooks column I gushed about was May 30. "It's Not About You." (Friend pasted into email ystdy--hence my mis-direction.) 03:41:07 @txeek21 Yup. 03:44:11 @HerzogIND Ryan may well be wrong on the tactics (I think he is wrong) ... BUT we cannot afford us old folk at the current run rate. 03:45:56 @txeek21 @seandsweeney Needless to say, I rather liked: "It’s excellence, not happiness, that we admire most." 04:17:50 @oscarberg Dismissing extrinsic motivators is flat-out nuts! 04:23:33 @GaryDayEllison @JinksGhost They would have done Great Men ... but, alas, they couldn't find any. 04:25:48 @oscarberg Sorry, a mis-interpretation on my part. 04:27:49 @oscarberg I admit to being pretty Skinnerian. I call myself a "rat psychologist" by dispoition and training. 06:34:22 Another [ho hum] horror story of apparent mega-mega-overuse [ho hum] of stent procedures starting in US District Court for Western TN. 06:35:41 So is it absurd to expect higher standards in the healthcare system than in, say, mortgage banking? Alas, I guess so. 06:37:14 @joeharris76 @oscarberg Simply put, overstatement. 06:41:07 @joeharris76 @oscarberg Can be blunt tools/inhibit experimentation. But world where

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"satisficing" the norm, they usefully direct behavior. 06:42:32 @joeharris76 @oscarberg Intrinsic motivation great stuff--alas, works best at Lake Woebegone where "all the managers are above average." 06:44:56 @oscarberg That's what I've been ranting about 40 years, but in imperfect world, intrinsic motivation "tools" over the head lot of managers. 06:46:16 @oscarberg One you won't budge me on: Behavior drives attitude much more that the converse. I'll literally go to the wall on that. 06:53:44 @oscarberg C'mon. Most don't in "real world." (It's how I make living. Gotten paid mega-bucks for 30 years saying "People are important.") 06:54:14 @oscarberg Not a smidgen of disagreement on that one :-) 06:56:16 @sachin_shah Good/consistent/safe outcomes .... and reduced fraud, for starters. 06:59:59 @GautamGhosh @oscarberg Fav: I de facto force/extrinsic folks send thank you notes--then feedback so good they do it 'cause cool/intrinsic. 07:24:50 @HerzogIND Agree about 90%, but Medicare re-structuring of some sort probably in the cards. 07:26:09 @HerzogIND One thing I do "like" about this is that a verboten subject (benefits in general) can now be talked about, which they must. 07:27:32 @oscarberg Wel, there are pockets of Excellence to be sure--but overall I must reluctantly conclude that I've been mostly blowin' smoke. 07:27:54 @DianeBrogan "Nice." 07:28:50 @sandymaxey @tbeckett That's what Teddy Roosevelt said 100 years ago when he started trustbusting. alas, not news. 07:29:51 @oscarberg Yes, and to steal from you, it's an attitude proble. 07:31:07 @oscarberg My solace is I help a person here and there--and that, Mother Teresa told us, is the best we can do so do it we ought/must :-) 09:01:11 @mick_maguire But that doesn't relieve docs of professional responsibility or CEOs of responsibility do the right thing in their hospital. 09:01:48 @Deathjohnny F_____. F_____. F___. 09:02:49 @Mark_JF When you move to Durango CO :-) 14:07:30 @kevinandjackie Good question. I'd say both. If truly intrinsic should hold up. Post Herb & Colleen + Airtrans: I hear unhappy rumblings. 14:07:46 @kevinandjackie How are you guys? 14:10:14 "Silos" in organizations ALWAYS huge problem. BUT ... how many CEOS truly make de-siloing Strategic priority #1 or #2? 15:33:13 @regb232 :-) 15:35:35 @AlecMellor Very natural/not all bad. There is necessary role for specialists (HR, IS, etc); but managing interplay hour-by-hour imperative! 15:36:24 @rsmvision21 The Goal was fascinating, as was, I hear, Goldratt himself. Alas, never met. 15:38:23 @drdavidfraser In my opinion, must be daily explicit concern of top management. Done right, value-beyond-words. 15:39:42 @Mark_JF Beatles by a mile! No contest! 15:40:19 @tonybond Takes conscious daily pro-active behavior. 15:42:02 @volatilitysmile Not at all useless ballast!! Always key role for specialists. (R&D, Mktg, IS, HR,

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Fin, etc)Trick is pro-active integration. 16:34:56 @drdavidfraser Bingo! Lovely! 16:37:05 @drdavidfraser My agument is that the key is "social factors." Awards/Awards banquet for other "silos" honoring help rendered. Etc. Etc. 16:37:37 @volatilitysmile Agree 100%.

Tuesday, 14th of June. 05:41:00 I'm late to the party. Just stumbled over Liz Wiseman's MULTIPLIERS: HOW THE BEST LEADERS MAKE EVERYONE SMARTER. 4 out of 4 stars. 05:44:41 @Greetums Your SMILE. Your TIME. Your EAR. 05:49:04 "Multipliers" superb ... then read Fortune's "MVP CEOs." Fortune: the likes of "global chops" (huh?) ... NOTHING about developing PEOPLE! 05:49:40 @WayneMansfield ???? 06:02:36 @_robin_sharma Whatever you say, Robin :-) [Ordered from Amazon.] [Write up War of Art spurred me dust off Rollo May, Courage to Create.] 06:04:07 @WayneMansfield Yeah, I was mis-leading; sorry. Multipliers 2010 book. Is 2010 "old" in I-net world? Not sure :-) 06:14:56 @_robin_sharma How about a fund-raiser to support our Amazon bills?? 06:43:23 Could It Be This Simple? In-effective leaders … TALK. Effective leaders … LISTEN. [Inspiration: Liz Wiseman, "Multipliers"] 06:55:32 @GautamGhosh But figuring out the "right thing to do" follows a lot more listening than talking! 06:56:42 Could It Be This Simple? In-effective salespersons … TALK. Effective salespersons … LISTEN. 06:57:12 Could It Be This Simple? In-effective parents … TALK. Effective parents … LISTEN. 07:00:20 @pheffernanvt Not if, as tis said and measured, 80-90% of communication is body language! 07:01:18 @jkhoey Could we go to "4-step"? Listen. Think. Listen. Talk. 07:02:13 @FranklinCoveyBE Stephen wrote a gorgeous foreword to Multipliers! 07:03:19 @sauravj I worry about a lot of things. War. Starvation. Etc. I do NOT worry about leaders "overdoing" listening :-) 07:03:39 @sallycalverley :-) 07:43:10 @Dave_Phillips7 Not sure it's more complex, but the stakes are much higher so we're much more careful. 08:31:43 @tomjedrz Agree. 08:34:31 @tomjedrz One reasosn I'm followingt you is ... what's not to like about water polo referee? (Prof I had was on championship Cal WP team.) 09:08:30 @vvijayamohan And pocketbook/wallet :-) 11:37:07 @nattweet10 @iannarino @wallybock That's a "silly" line--but I've loved it since the moment I first heard it! 16:27:25 @DavidFCox Simple. I agree with you. 17:38:45 @ElvinBox Yes. (Not anecdotal--neuroscience.)

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Wednesday, 15th of June. 03:47:14 @elsrtamez Hope it was a good translation. 07:05:12 @SerendipityJane Not me. I choose to react. Then use the mess as the basis for creation. 07:06:26 @theMixxMagazine @barefoot_exec Unless you are unemployeed. 07:08:32 Virtually all innovation emerges from piles of turds. Good news: Lots of turds around hence matchless opportunity innovate-start business. 07:08:58 Only tough times produce heroes. (More or less.) 07:31:05 @DavidClinchNews Ah, Dublin. Bravo to your teacher! 07:32:00 @Eximian Wow! Thanks! Good luck! 07:32:41 @garibay_enrique Surely your joking???? 07:34:19 @TNLNYC Not a drop of cynicism. I'm befuddled. Innovations don't hatch on sunny days with the robins chirping. That's napping weather. 07:35:27 @jcarlnelson If t---s are good enough for my dogs they're good enough for me :-) 07:36:24 @TNLNYC If I'm a cynic you suffer from rose colored glasses syndrome. 07:37:21 Name me a U.S. president you can remember who didn't achieve memorable status by taming turds? 07:38:16 @TNLNYC Turd tamers. Washington. Lincoln. FDR. Reagan. 07:39:50 Greatest generals--Patton, Montgomery, de Gaulle in WWI--were sidelined until they were needed in turbulent times. 07:40:49 @TNLNYC I can go with "personal itches" if you'll call it "royally pissed off at the way things are." 07:41:52 My excellence co-author Bob Waterman once told reporter: "Tom's not happy until he's outraged and pissed off." True! 07:43:36 @TNLNYC We wrote In Search of Excellence because USA getting ass kicked by Japanese; not because we thought world needed another biz book.

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