DOG SPIDERS Written by Ammon Gilbert from A
DOG SPIDERS Written by Ammon Gilbert From a Concept by Ammon Gilbert, Jim Law, and Johnny Moreno © BingeMedia 1 We open up the movie in a science lab, and not just any science lab, but something out of THE AMAZING SPIDER - MAN (that's for you Law, no w shut your mouth), something that's filled with lab coats, beakers, and fancy high - tech equipment that nobody really knows how to operate, but goddamn does it look cool. There are various scientists wandering around with clipboards, pocket protectors, thi ck - rimmed glasses, and classic white shin - hanging lab coats. It's a typical day at the ol' science lab doing typical science lab shit. Trotting down one of the many isles like it owns the place is a Golden Retriever. Like many Golden Retriever, this one ha s a perpetual smile on its face and looks about as happy as a pig in shit just being there. We focus on its collar to find its name is GINGER ). Ginger trots down the a isle on its way to its owner, Dr. Jack Hammer. Jack is a regular Rico Suave: handsomely g ood looking with a chiseled chin and a beefed out frame to match (i.e., the perfect role for Paul Logan). He is also sporting a lab coat and thick rimmed glasses because he's a scientist and that's what scientists do. He's currently working on some science shit, pouring liquid into various beakers, analyzing data, and concentrating intensely. Ginger stops trotting and sits by Jack , obviously wanting attention.
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