Species List 09/01/2017

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Species List 09/01/2017 1 of 145 Glasgow Species List 09/01/2017 Group Type Group Taxon Common name Records First year Last year Designated Local BAP Aquatic Invertebrates acarine Hydracarina 11 2003 2010 Aquatic Invertebrates acarine Hydrachna 1 2007 2007 Aquatic Invertebrates amoeba Amoeba lescherae 1 1961 1961 Aquatic Invertebrates amoeba Polychaos dubium 2 1899 1899 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Alboglossiphonia heteroclita 33 1959 2004 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Dina lineata 4 1972 1973 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Enchytraeidae Whiteworm 1 1999 1999 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Erpobdella octoculata leeches 31 1913 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Erpobdella testacea 5 1995 2003 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Glossiphonia complanata 16 1913 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Glossiphonia paludosa 1 1973 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Haemopis sanguisuga horse leech 7 1913 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Helobdella stagnalis 33 1913 2014 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Hirudinea Leech 10 1992 2016 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Lumbriculidae 13 1997 2004 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Naididae 16 1997 2004 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Oligochaeta 36 1982 2015 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Piscicolidae 1 2003 2003 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Stylaria lacustris 1 1995 1995 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Theromyzon tessulatum duck leech 10 1959 1998 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Trochaeta subviridis 3 1973 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Trocheta bykowskii 1 1981 1981 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Trocheta subviridis 4 1966 1973 Aquatic Invertebrates annelid Tubifex 1 1994 1994 Aquatic Invertebrates bryozoan Fredericella sultana 1 1995 1995 Aquatic Invertebrates coelenterate Hydra 2 1851 1994 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Acroperus harpae 4 1893 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Alona affinis 3 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Alona costata 3 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Alona quadrangularis 1 1893 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Anchistropus emarginatus 1 1862 1862 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Asellus aquaticus Water hog lice/slaters 67 1978 2014 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Balanus 1 1871 1872 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Bosmina longirostris 2 1893 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Camptocercus rectirostris 2 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Candona acuminata 1 1893 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Ceriodaphnia dubia 1 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Ceriodaphnia pulchella 1 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 3 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Ceriodaphnia reticulata 1 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Chydorus sphaericus 1 1893 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Copepoda Cyclopid Water-Flea 2 1982 1982 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Crangonyx pseudogracilis 11 1998 2014 2 of 145 Glasgow Species List 09/01/2017 Group Type Group Taxon Common name Records First year Last year Designated Local BAP Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Cyclocypris laevis 2 1869 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Cyclops quadricornis 1 1880 1881 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Cypria ophtalmica 2 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Cytherissa lacustris 1 1866 1867 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Daphnia hyalina 2 1994 1994 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Daphnia longispina 1 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Daphnia pulex 1 1880 1881 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Diaphanosoma brachyurum 1 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Eriocheir sinensis Chinese Mitten Crab 1 2015 2016 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Eurycercus lamellatus 2 1982 1982 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Eurytemora velox 1 1893 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Fabaeformiscandona protzi 1 1865 1867 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Gammarus duebeni 1 2001 2001 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Gammarus lacustris 1 2008 2008 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Gammarus pulex/fossarum agg. 27 1984 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Ilyocryptus sordidus 1 1893 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Leydigia leydigi 1 1893 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Limnocythere inopinata 1 1893 1894 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Ostracoda 3 1982 2005 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Oxyurella tenuicaudis 3 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Pacifastacus leniusculus Signal Crayfish 2 2010 2010 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Pleuroxus uncinatus 3 1893 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Pseudocandona compressa 1 1865 1867 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Scapholeberis mucronata 2 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates crustacean Simocephalus exspinosus 1 1978 1983 Aquatic Invertebrates flatworm Microplana scharffi 1 1993 1993 Aquatic Invertebrates flatworm Microplana terrestris 1 1990 1990 Aquatic Invertebrates flatworm Phagocata vitta 1 1995 1995 Aquatic Invertebrates flatworm Planaria torva 4 1994 1995 Aquatic Invertebrates flatworm Polycelis nigra 2 1994 1999 Aquatic Invertebrates flatworm Polycelis nigra or tenuis 24 1994 2004 Aquatic Invertebrates hairworm Gordius 1 2016 2016 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Acilius canaliculatus 4 1850 1932Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Acilius sulcatus 5 1856 1994 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus affinis 1 1851 1852 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus biguttatus 2 1982 1982Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus bipustulatus 13 1988 2015 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus congener 2 1856 1857 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus labiatus 4 1909 1914Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus nebulosus 6 1909 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus paludosus 1 1911 1911 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus sturmii 7 1910 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Agabus unguicularis 7 1910 1988 3 of 145 Glasgow Species List 09/01/2017 Group Type Group Taxon Common name Records First year Last year Designated Local BAP Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Anacaena globulus 8 1983 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Anacaena limbata 8 1910 1989Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Anacaena limbata agg. 1 1910 1910 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Anacaena lutescens 3 2010 2010 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Brychius elevatus 2 1851 1910 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon (Cercyon) 1 1980 1980 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon analis 3 1973 1980 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon convexiusculus 2 1973 1987Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon haemorrhoidalis 4 1856 1987 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon impressus 17 1973 1992 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon marinus 14 1972 1994 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon melanocephalus 12 1973 1987Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon nigriceps 2 1980 1991Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon obsoletus 5 1973 1991 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon pygmaeus 7 1980 1992 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon quisquilius 19 1924 1991Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon terminatus 3 1973 1991Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon tristis 1 1991 1991 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cercyon unipunctatus 8 1850 1991 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Coelostoma orbiculare 2 1846 1922 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Colymbetes fuscus 7 1856 2012 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cryptopleurum minutum 1 1980 1980Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cyphon coarctatus 10 1978 1995 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cyphon ochraceus 5 1964 1988Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cyphon padi 8 1972 1991 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cyphon punctipennis 1 1983 1983Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Cyphon variabilis 4 1978 2016 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Dytiscus marginalis Great Diving Beetle 16 1851 2014 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Dytiscus semisulcatus 4 1850 1910 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Elmis aenea 4 1986 1997 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Esolus parallelepipedus 2 1955 1955 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Graptodytes pictus 4 1850 1901 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Gyrinus aeratus 1 1867 1869Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Gyrinus marinus 3 1856 1915 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Gyrinus minutus 1 2013 2013Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Gyrinus substriatus 7 2005 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus confinis 3 1982 1997 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus flavicollis 2 1910 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus fulvus 8 1856 2012 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus immaculatus 4 1910 1910 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus lineatocollis 1 1851 1852 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus lineolatus 1 1913 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus ruficollis 15 1910 2013 4 of 145 Glasgow Species List 09/01/2017 Group Type Group Taxon Common name Records First year Last year Designated Local BAP Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus ruficollis agg. 4 1910 1988 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus sibiricus 5 1910 1913 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Haliplus variegatus 1 1851 1852Yes Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Helophorus aequalis 14 1957 2015 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Helophorus brevipalpis 3 1919 1988 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Helophorus flavipes 3 1910 2010 Aquatic Invertebrates insect - beetle Helophorus grandis 21 2010 2013 Aquatic Invertebrates insect
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