Historic, Archive Document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

List* of S-fca.nd.arcl Articles of*

Pgulpment, Stationery Office

supplies to be procured upony fP r

"Requisition on the pro pert Lj

Clerk) Odder,o Utah





Form 361. EDITION OF FEBRUARY, 1909. (Destroy previous edition.)

United States Department of Agriculture, FOREST SERVICE.


Articles not appearing upon this list are to be purchased, when possible, in the field? upon Letters of Authorization. If not to be procured advantageously in a local market, the circumstances should be explained to the District by letter, and special arrangements will be made. Members of the Service will be held strictly accountable for the economical use of supplies and equipment. Revised editions of this list will be forwarded to District and Supervisors’ head- quarters without request. (See Form 258 for index of standard field forms.)


Alidades, ruler or sight. , marking. Badges, “ Forest Service. 7 Bags, riding saddle (for use of Administrative Officers, Inspectors, etc.). water, 2|-gallon. 5-gallon. Barometers, aneroid, 8,000k

'. 10 , 000 12 '. , 000 Buckets, canvas, water. , tree, 34". 51". 60". Cameras, 4x5 Century, with roll holder (use for camera must be explained). Canteens, ^-gallon. Cases, camera. leather, manuscript (for use by Administrative Officers and Supervisors). canvas (for Rangers 7 use). leather (for old-style surveyors compasses). leather (for camera tripods).

70449—09 (1) 7


Chains, surveyors 7 66', with snap at 33'. Cloth, focusing. Compasses, “ Forest Service 7 surveyor’s standard, 2f" needle, box pocket, 2" needle. 77 Dies, steel, “Forest Service (for Supervisors 7 use).

77 7 “F. S. (separate, for Supervisors use). 77 “Condemned, U. S. (for Administrative Officers). Extinguishers, fire. First-aid packets. Flags, 3' x 5' (for Rangers 7 headquarters). 4' x 8' (for Supervisors 7 headquarters). Frames, blueprinting, 24" x 30". Glasses, magnifying, barrel. 2-lens. field, monocular, binocular. Hammers, marking. Handles, long (for marking and marking ax). , marking. 77 Haversacks, “U. S. Army pattern. Holders, blank, large and small. Hypsometers—Grademeter. Instruments, drafting. (Must be specified separately. Those marked (*) will be furnished to Super- visors for Rangers 7 use.) * Curves, xylonite (one pattern). * Dividers, extension. ordinary. proportional. * bow. Pencil, bow. * Pen, bow. single-curve, or contour, double-curve, or road. * ruling. Planimeters. * Protractors, xylonite, 45° (may be used as a triangle). Scale, metal, 12". * boxwood, 6", “Forest Atlas Stand- ard. 77 * bristol-board, same as above, except graduated on paper, boxwood, triangular, 12". * Squares, “T, 77 24". 48". Instruments, drafting. Straightedges, 24". 48". * Triangles, 45°, 6". 9". * Triangles, xylonite, 30° x 60°, 6". 30° x 60°, 9". Jacob staffs. Leveling and stadia rods. Levels, Locke. Padlocks, "Forest Service," with one key. Pins, surveying, sets of eleven. Plumb bobs. Rulers, log, Scribner’s, Decimal “C," 30". 48". 60". Sheaths, leather, for marking hatchet and ax. for marking hammer. Tally registers. Tapes, linen, 50'. steel, 12'. 50' (diameter graduations, one side). 100 '. Tape-repairing outfits. Tent flies, 14' x 14'. Tents, canvas, 5' x 7', Rangers’ (combination bed sheet and tent). 7' x 9'. 14' x 14'. Timber scribes. Torches, brush-burning. Traverse boards. Tripods, camera, telescopic. for surveyor’s compasses, for traverse boards.


(Requisitions to be forwarded to District Forester for approval.)

Blow torches, gasoline. Brackets, telephone, 12" standard, W. U. Buffalo grips, for stretching wire. Climbers, tree, lineman’s, pairs. Connectors, wire, or splicing clamps. Insulators, 12-ounce, pony-glass. split tree, porcelain. Lineman’s belts, with safety straps. Pliers, 5", lineman’s, long-nose. 8", lineman’s, side-cutting. :


Telephones, portable (test sets). Wire, barbed, in rolls of 80 rods. telephone, No. 12 B. B., galvanized, in one-half-mile coils. No. 9 B. B., galvanized, in one-half-mile coils. Electrician’s knives. FURNITURE.

Cases, card filing, 2-drawer, for 4" x 6" cards. Sectional units of the standard filing cabinets

No. 1, 4-drawer, for filing maps, etc. No. 2, 2-drawer, letter size, for vertical filing.

No. 3, 9-drawer, correspondence unit. 7 No. 4, 6-drawer, document file (for filing Bangers reports).

No. 5, cupboard base.

No. 6, 21-drawer, for forms.

No. 7, bookcase.

No. 8, cupboard section, 17". low base (not needed when cupboard base is used), low top, standard, 17".

Rangers’ filing equipment, Class No. 1. (Consisting of one 2-drawer vertical unit, one 17" leg base, and one low top. With each case will be included the follow-

ing supplies : One set A to Z let- ter-size guide cards, one set letter- size guide cards with printed headings: "Timber Sales,’’ "Free Use,’’ etc., and 250 letter-size folders.) Class No. 2. (Consisting of metal file case with lock, and three let- ter-size transfer cases equipped

with the following supplies : One A to Z index, one "Special" in-

‘ 1 dex with printed heading : Tim- ber Sales," "Free Use," etc., and 100 letter-size manila folders.) Chairs, common bentwood. revolving, half-arm, office, spring-back, typewriter. Stands, typewriter. Tables, office, 60" x 32". Typewriters, Ohver. "



Bands, rubber, No. 16, TV" wide, 2J" long. 2" No. 30, Y' wide, long. I In boxes of 1 gross each. wide, 3" long. No. 32, l" ] Baskets, desk, wire, 1-tray. Blotters, hand-rocker. Books, note, 5" x 8", indexed, stenographic, blank, letter-size, journal of expense. project ledger (to be used in conjunction with journal of expense). Bottles, color (for holding tints used for mapping). Boxes, promise card, 3" x 5", filled ready for use.

4" x 6", empty. . Brushes, counter, duster. typewriter, bone handle (for cleaning type). long handle (for dusting machine). Calendars, “ Handy,” pads only. holders for “ Handy” calendars. Cards, index, 3" x 5", white. 4" x 6", white. guide, 3" x 5", buff, ^-cut, A to Z |-cut, monthly. salmon, 3-cut, days of the month. 4" x 6", buff, ^-cut, A to Z. blue, 1-cut, plain. u printed heading: Timber Sales/' “Free Use," etc., in sets, buff, J-cut, plain. |-cut, plain. cap-size, buff, £-cut, centers plain. printed heading: “Timber Sales," “Free Use," etc., in sets, buff, t-eut, centers plain. A to Z. “ letter-size, buff, printed heading : Sales, J-cut , Timber “Free Use/' etc., in sets. I-cut, centers plain. A to Z. plain. Cases, transfer, letter-size, Y. & E., loose-sheet, cap-size. for 4" x 6“ cards. 6

Clips, board, letter-size. paper, “Gem,” boxes of 100. “Ideal,” large, boxes of 12. Cloth, cheese, in bolts of 10 yards. tracing, 36“ wide, in rolls of 10 yards. 42“ wide, in rolls of 10 yards. Covers, desk, gingham. Crayons, “Forest Service Legend/’ set of 12, for mapping, lumber, black, for Rangers’ use. blue, for check scaling, red, for re-check only. Cups, sponge. Cuspidors. Daters, band. Envelopes, manila, 3J“ x 8J“, franked. 5“ x8§“, franked, for mailing “Use Book.” 6§“ x 101", franked, for mailing circulars, etc. 9“ x 11“, franked. ” “Letter Mail. Addressed to the District For- esters. 9|“ x 12“, franked. 10“ x 14“, franked, white, 3|“ x 6“, franked. 3}“ x 8J“, franked. franked: addressed to the District For- esters. 4J“ x 9J“, franked. green, 3f“ x 8J“, franked: “Timber Sales bid submitted to District .” salmon, 3J“ x 8J“, franked: “Timber Sales bid sub- mitted to Supervisors.” Eradicator, ink, “Collins’s.” Erasers, rubber, Dixon’s, No. 416. Faber’s Comet, No. 1087. Faber’s Ruby, No. 212. K. & E., sponge, small. Fasteners, paper, McGill’s-Dennison’s, round heads, in boxes of 100,

Nos. 1, 2, and 3. pinch, in boxes of 100. Files, letter, “Favorite” (for Rangers’ use), spindle. Folders, vertical-filing, cap-size, manila )For use in section No. 2 r

letter-size, manila J standing filing case. Glasses, drinking. 7

Holders, letter-size, loose-sheet, end-opening, ” copy, “ Ideal. rubber-stamp, revolving, 2-wheel. 3-wheel.

Indexes, loose-sheet, “Y. & E.,” A to Z For use in section No. 3, | “Y. & E.,” “Special” / standard filing case. Ink, drawing, “Higgins's,” black waterproof. blue, To be used in accord- brown, ance with “ Instruc- brick-red. tions for Making orange. Forest Surveys and “Sanford’s,” green. Maps.” “Pomeroy’s,” yellow, fountain-pen, bottles, in wooden cases, in J-pint bottles. indelible, for stamping cloth posters, mimeograph, tubes, rubber-stamp, black. red. Ink wells, plain, glass, small. Machines, paper-fastening, “Hotchkiss-Automatic.” Mats, rubber (for use under cuspidors). Oil, typewriter, in 1-ounce bottles. Openers, envelope, steel. Pads, rubber-stamp, black. red. for use with indelible ink. Paper, blueprinting, 36”, in rolls of 10 yards, blotting, 19” x 24”, blue. white. 4” x 9i”, white. carbon, typewriting, 8” x 10£” (in boxes of 100 sheets), pencil, carbon, 8” x 10J”, in packages of 10 sheets. for use in Ranger’s notebook, in packages of 20 sheets. coordinate. cross-section, 20”, in rolls of 10 yards, drawing, 36” wide, in rolls of 10 yards. 42” wide, in rolls of 10 yards, mimeograph stencil sheets, in boxes of 24 sheets, tracing, 36” wide, in rolls of 10 yards. 42" wide, in rolls of 10 yards, wrapping, heavy, in quires, 21" x 40”, folded, writing, 8” x 10|”, ruled (for second sheets). .


Paper, writing, 8" x IQ!", ruled, printed: “United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service,” with lines for post-office, express, and telegraph addresses (for field use), " typewriting, Crown linen, 8 x 10!", plain (for second sheets). printed: “United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service” (for field use and for mimeograph letters) mimeograph impression, 8" x 10!", plain. printed heading: “United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.” linen, for carbon copies, 8" x 10!", plain, scratch, yellow, 2f" x 4", in pads of 50 sheets. 5J" x 8", in pads of 50 sheets.

8" x 10!", in ream packages. Paste, photo library, in glass jars. Pencils, colored, blue. red. drawing, 2H. 4H. 7H.

graphite, No. 2, with rubber tip.

No. 3, with rubber tip. large lead, indelible. Penholders. Pens, fountain (will be furnished for use of permanent force only, and

if lost the Forest Service must be reimbursed),

steel, 4 kinds: 1 fine, 1 Falcon, 2 stub, boxes. Penracks. Pins, cones. Pointers, pencil, sandpaper. Polish, furniture, in 4-ounce bottles. Ribbons, typewriter, black record and purple copying (name of machine must be specified). Rulers, office, 12". 18". Screwdrivers, typewriter. 9

Shears, large, small. Sponges, small. Stamps, dating, for Supervisors, for stamping correspondence. for Rangers, for stamping correspondence, rubber, mounted on wooden blocks, as follows: ” “Original. “Original for District Forester.” “Duplicate. ” “Duplicate for Forest Supervisor.” “Duplicate for Permittee.” “Copy for Information.” “Duplicate for Purchaser.” “Approved. ” “Acting.” “Forest Supervisor.” ” “Acting Forest Supervisor. “ ” Closed Tr. No. . “Respectfully forwarded to the District Forester.” “Duplicate for Information of the District Forester.” “To be returned by Field Officer.” “Duplicate for Information of Field Officer.” “Outline cut of horse, right side.” “Outline cut of horse, left side.” “Outline cut of steer, right side.” “Outline cut of steer, left side.” “Earmark cut, right and left.” “North.” “South.” “East.” “West.” “Northeast.” “Southeast.” “Northwest.” “Southwest. ” “Norte.” “Oriente.” “Sur.” “Occidente. ” in sets, alphabetical and numerical, for stamping posters, etc., I” letters. and such other stamps as may be found necessary.

Staples, for “Hotchkiss-Automatic” fastener, boxes of 500 . 10

Tacks, carpet, boxes.

thumb, medium, blocks of 1 dozen. Tags, shipping, franked. Tape, red, spools. Twine, jute, heavy, in 1 -pound balls. cotton, white, in 1 -pound balls. Tubes, mailing, assorted sizes. Varnish, mimeograph, in bottles. Wax, sealing, in sticks. Weights, paper. O

' • ' ' '


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4 t 9 Form 261. EDITION OF JANUARY. 1914.

United States Department of Agriculture FOREST SERVICE.


Articles not appearing upon this list are to be purchased, when possible, in the field upon Letters of Authorization. If not to be procured advantageously in a local market, the circumstances should be explained to the District Forester by letter, and special arrange- ments will be made.

Members of the Service will be held strictly accountable for the economical use of sup- plies and equipment.

Revised Editions of this list will be forwarded to District and Supervisors ’ headquar- ters without request. (See Form 258 for index of standard field forms.) Approved. Approved: [Signed.] JAMES B. ADAMS, [Signed.] B. T. GALLOWAY, Acting Forester. Assistant Secretary.


ALIDADES, ruler or sight, 6" boxwood Each 2.60 * $ AXES, MARKING, without handle M Each 2.50 ‘ ’ ’ BADGES, ‘ Forest Service - Each .20 BAGS, CANVAS, WATER, 2*-gallon Each .50 BAGS, CANVAS, WATER, 5-gallon Each .84 BAROMETERS, ANEROID, 12,000' 1 Each 8.80 CASES, LEATHER, for barometer Each -.98 BUCKETS, CANVAS, WATER Each .61 CALIPERS, tree, 36-inch Each 2.75 CALIPERS, tree, 51-inch ML- Each 3.25

* CALIPERS," tree, 60-inch : . Each 3.50 r CAMERA, Century, 4x5, complete with roll holder, focusing cloth and case-. .Each 39.50 CANTEENS, ^-gallon, with shoulder strap Each .97 CANTINAS, leather, in pairs Pair 4.15 CASES, CARRYING, canvas, with shoulder strap Each 1.30 CHAINS, SURVEYORS, 66' with snap at 33' Each 5.95 COMPASSES, STANDARD, SURVEYING, complete with ball and socket leveling joint and carrying case with shoulder strap Each 19.44 BOX POCKET Each 2.40 » CRUISERS’ STICKS, 25" reach Each 2.00 DIES, STEEL, “F. S.” (for general use) Each .40 “Condemned U. S. ” (for Administrative Officers) Each 1.68 EXTINGUISHERS, FIRE, Chemical Each 9.80 FIRST-AID PACKETS, U. S. Armv standard ...Each .24 FLAGS, U. S. standard, 5x10'..... - Each 3.00 2 Unit of Unit Issue. Price. FRAMES, BLUE PRINTING, 24"x30" complete with glass and pad Each 9.50 ll"xl6" complete with glass and pad Each 3.74 GLASSES, BINOCULAR, with case and shoulder strap Each 10.95 MAGNIFYING, 2-lens Each .48 MAGNIFYING, barrel Each 1.40

HAMMERS, MARKING, with handle, small ,.. Each 2.45 c large .....Each 3.63 HANDLES, long, for marking and hatchet Each .15 HATCHETS, MARKING, without handle ..k. Each 2.10 HYSOMETERS, standard (Grademeter) 1 ....Each 7.&8 INSTRUMENTS, DRAFTING, as follows: Curves, xylonite (one pattern) Each .35 Dividers, bow .fel Each .29 bow pen Each L70 extension Each .90^ ordinary 1 Each .44 proportional Each 1.58 Pens, double curve Each 2.90 ruling Each ,82 single curve Each 1.13 Planimeters Each 9.06 Protractors, 45°, 6-inch, xylonite Each .38 Steel, with arm Each 5.39

Scales, metal, 12", stem analysis.... T Each 2.00 Boxwood, 12", triangular, engineers ’MM Each .25 Boxwood, 6", Atlas standard - Each .41 Bristol board, Atlas standard Each .01

Squares, T, 24-inch ! Each .64 48-inch Each 1.50 Triangles, xylonite, 45°, 6" Each .19 45°, 9" ...... Each .48 30°x60°, 6" Each .16 o 30 x60°„ 9" ...: Each .22 JACOB STAFFS Each 1.18 KNAPSACKS, U. S. Army Pattern - Each 3.64 LEVELING RODS, Philadelphia pattern, 12' with target Each 9.00 LEVELS, ABNEY, with case and shoulder strap ....Each 6.95 1.10 LOCKS, PAD, Standard - Each RIM, Standard ...Each 1.29

KEYS, for standard padlocks and rim locks - Each .11 *35 PINS, Surveying, sets of eleven - ; Set

RULES, LOG, 30", Scribner’s Decimal “C” - Each .55 , 48", Scribner’s Decimal “C” Each .75 60", Scribner’s Decimal “C” Each .90 SHEATHS, LEATHER, for marking hatchet or axe Each .47 for marking hammer Each .40 SHIELDS, ASBESTOS, round for stove pipe openings in tents Each .80 oval for stove pipe openings in tents Each .90 TALLY REGISTERS ‘ Each 1.70 TAPES, Linen, 50' Each 1.70 Steel, 50', diameter graduations Each 2.98- 20', diameter graduations Each 1.60 66', graduated to links ...Each 2.85 100', graduated to feet and tenths Each 4.20 132', graduated to links — Each 3.99 Each 2.75 TAPE REPAIR OUTFITS - $ 3 Unit of Unit Issue. Price. TENTS, CANVAS, 5x7', Burch, with poles _— Each 9.10

without poles.—. : Each 8.45 7x9', without poles or pins.-H - Each 6.25

10x12', without poles or pins — . Each 10.52 14x16', without poles or pins....,:.:. ....Each 40.00 TENT ELYS, for 7x9' tents Each 3.15

£ for 10x12' tents...., ., 1 '.....Each 5.25 for 14x16' tents... Each 15.00 TIMBER SCRIBES ...... Each .62 TRAVERSE BOARDS Each 5.95 TRIPODS, for surveyors’ compass and traverse board Each 4.20 metal, telescopic, for camera or surveyor’s compass Each 4.35


^CABINETS, CARD FILING, 2 drawer for 4x6 cards Each 6.17

MAP FILING, for maps 36x48" . Each 37.35 STATIONERY, for desk use Each 1.30 SECTIONAL UNITS, as follows: No. 63, 4-drawer for filing maps, etc Each 16.15 No. 60, 2-drawer for correspondence Each 15.91 No. 7, cupboard base, for storage Each 22.80 No. 52, bookcase, with glass door Each 7.60 No. 35, 3-drawer card section, 5x8 cards Each 8.07 No. 5, low base, 25" deep (not needed under unit No. 7)... Each 3.08 No. 12, low top, 17" deep Each 3.08 (The numbers quoted are Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co.’s catalogue numbers.) RANGERS’ FILING OUTFITS, Class No. 1 one 2-drawer correspondence Unit No. 54; one leg base No. 2; one low top No. 12) Each 21.38 CHAIRS, office, revolving Each 5.48

typewriter, revolving ! .....Each 3.98 bentwood Each 1.98 CHAIR SEATS, cane, for bentwood chairs —Each .65 veneer, for bentwood chairs Each .05 DESKS, TYPEWRITER, single pedestal, drop top Each 22.00

MIMEOGRAPHS, Edison’s No. 6.1, complete with supplies, for Supervisors... .Each 16.60 Rotary No. 78, with motor drive, for district offices Each 150.50 SCALES, POSTAL, 25-pound capacity Each 1.40 STANDS, TYPEWRITER ' Each 4.75 TABLES, OFFICE, 60x32" L Each 13.25

50x32" J .Each 12.25 f) TYPEWRITERS, UNDERWOOD, 10" carriage, for Districts and Super- visors Each 72.00 TYPEWRITERS, OLIVER, 10" carriage for Supervisors and Rangers Each 70.00 10" and IS" for interchangeable carriages, for Supervisors Each 97.10


ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH, with 50 leaves Each 2.25 - ART CORNERS, for attaching prints in photo albums, small 100 .06 BANDS, RUBBER, No. 16 Box 25 No. 32 Box ]25 No. 62 Box .50

No. 83 i : Box .50 BASKETS, DESK, wire, one-tray Each .13 BLOTTER HOLDERS, rocker Each .22

* 4 c Unit of Unit

BOOKS, note, indexed, 5x8" I lL i.' Each .15 stenographic Each .05 blank, record, letter size Each .46 BOTTLES, COLOR, for holding atlas tints Each .11 BOXES, PROMISE CARD, 3x5", filled, ready for use... Each .54 4x6", empty Each .27 5x8", empty Each .40^, BRUSHES, ARTISTS, for tinting maps Each .10 TYPEWRITER, bone handle, for cleaning type Each .05 long handle, for dusting machine Each .05 CALENDAR PADS, “Handy” Each .20 CALENDAR HOLDERS, for “Handy” Pads Each .21 CARDS, INDEX, 3x5", white 100 .18 4x6", white, bull, blue or salmon 100 .28 5x8", white 100 .40

GUIDE, 3x5", January to December Set .12 f 3x5", A to Z Set .20 3x5", 1 to 31 Set .25 4x6", A to Z Set .21

blue, 1-cut, plain * 10 .04 buff, -j-cut, plain 100 .36 1-5 cut, plain 100 .63 5x8", A to Z Set .28 blue, 1-cut, plain 100 .56 buff, i-cut, plain 100 .40 * bill size, A to Z Set .18 1-3-cut, plain 100 .56 letter size, A to Z Set .21 buff, 1-3-cut, plain 100 .63 1-5-cut, plain 100 .63 blue, 1-3-cut, plain 100 1.44 salmon, 1-3-cut, plain 100 1.44 CASES, TRANSFER, letter size, pasteboard Each .20

drawer style , Each 1.35 for 4x6 cards Each .30^ for 5x8 cards Each .35 for bill size cards Each .63 CLIPS, PAPER, “Gem,” boxes of 100 Box .03 “Ideal,” large, boxes of 12 Box .12 “Ideal,” medium, boxes of 50 Box .14 CLOTH, CHEESE, in bolts of 10 yards Bolt .30 TRACING, 30" wide, 12-yard rolls Rolls 3.45 36" wide, 12 yard rolls Roll 3.85 COVERS, DESK, gingham Each .35 4 CRAYONS, ATLAS LEGEND, set of 12, for mapping Set .53 (Above crayons may be requisitioned separately according to number.) LUMBER, black Foz. .36 blue, for check scaling Doz. .62 red. for re-check only Doz. .62 CUPS, SPONGE, glass Each .04 CUSPIDORS Each .57 CUSPIDOR MATS, rubber Each .45 t DATERS, BAND Each .05 ENVELOPES, manila, No. 9 (3£"x8|") 1000 .74 6"x8£" (for grazing reconnaissance) ....1000 3.18 64"xl0i" (for pamphlets) 1000 1.98 9J"xl2" 1000 7.38 94"xl2" addressed to District Forester 1000 7.38 10"xl4" 1000 5.08 W 5 Unit of Unit Issue. Price. ENVELOPES, white, No. 6 1000 .79 No. 9 (3£"x8f") 1000 1.26 No. 9 addressed to District Forester 1000 1.26 No. 9 blue lined, for District Fiscal Agent’s use 1000 1.72 No. 10 (4i"x9*") 1000 1.39 No. 9, Timber Sales Bid addressed to Supervisor 1000 1.26 $ No. 9, Timber Sales Bid addressed to District Forester..l 000 1.26


ERASERS, RUBBER, ink and pencil combined : Doz. .26 typewriter, circular, with brush Doz. .62 pencil, “Ruby” Doz. .26 “Art Gum,” for draftsmen..... Each .04 EYELETS, for “Triumph” punches, small Box .04 medium Box .06 large Box .11 FASTENERS, PAPER, “Dennisons’ No. 3,” boxes of 100 Box .09 pinch, boxes of 100 Box .08 FILES, LETTER, “Favorite” Each .50 stick I Each .10 FOLDERS, Correspondence, letter size, single 100 .35 expansion 100 1.25 GLUE, 2-oz., collapsible tubes Each .04 GUIDE SHEETS, for Rangers’ notebooks 100 .30 ^GUMMED PAPER SEALING TAPE, for sealing envelopes and packages Roll .26 HOLDERS, LOOSE SHEET, letter size, end opening Each .38 LUMBER CRAYON Each .07 TYPEWRITER COPY, “Ideal” Each 1.24 RUBBER STAMP, 2-wheel Each .72 3-wheel —H Each 1.07 INDEXES, LOOSE SHEET, “Y. & E.,” A to Z Each .32 Special Each .32 (Above two items are for use in pasteboard letter size transfer cases.) TNK, DRAWING, black waterproof, f oz Bottle .16 blue, | oz Bottle .16 brown, £ oz Bottle .16 brick red, £ oz Bottle .16 carmine, £ oz. Bottle .16 white, £ oz Bottle .16 green, 2 oz Bottle .04 yellow, 2 oz Bottle .05 © correction, 2 oz. Bottle .04 black waterproof, 8-oz. bottles for use when bulk con- tainers are desirable Bottle 1.47 (The above inks are selected as standard and no others should be used except upon specific approval of the Forester.) FOUNTAIN PEN, 4-oz. bottles in mailing case Bottle .15 INDELIBLE, for rubber stamp work on cloth posters, 4-oz Bottle .38 NUMBERING MACHINE, small bottles Bottle .07 ^ RUBBER STAMP, black, 2-oz. bottles Bottle .07 red, 2-oz. bottles Bottle .07 WRITING, black, for office use, 4-oz Bottle .04

red, for office use, 2-oz /. Bottle .05 INKWELLS, glass Each .05 MACHINES, PAPER FASTENING, “Hotchkiss No. 1” Each .66


* —— —

f 6 Unit of Unit ~“r

ISSU6 ‘ Pri

(a) Dermatype Stencil Paper No. 860 : : Quire 3.50 (b) Dermax Moistening Fluid 8-oz. .25

(c) Varnish, 2-oz. bottles . Each .20

(d) Ink, black, 1-lb. cans, No. 7670 : Can 1.80* (e) Cloth pads No. 781..... Doz. .75 (f) Cylinder Protective Covers Doz. .60 OIL, TYPEWRITER, 1-oz. bottes Bottle .05

OILERS, for typewriters H..Each .12 ?

OPENERS, ENVELOPE, steel ... Each .06

PADS, RUBBER STAMP, black 1H i...... : Each .10 red i....J Each .14 rf- for indelible ink Each .0# DESK, for blotters, 19"x24" Each .42 PAPER, ADDING MACHINE, 2 5-16" wide Roll .08 BACKING SHEETS for contracts, manuscripts, etc., 9"xl5" Sheet .01 BLUE PRINTING, 30", 10 yd. rolls Roll .42 36", 10 yd. rolls ...... Roll .50 (Printing papers required by District Offices procured upon special requisition.) BLOTTING, GREEN, 19"x24", for desk pads Sheet .02 WHITE, 4"x94", for blotting purposes, packages of 50.Pkg. .03 CARBON, TYPEWRITING, 8"xl01", boxes of 100 sheets Box .35 8"xl3", boxes of 100 sheets ..^....Box .45 18"x21", boxes of 100 sheets Box 1.40 PENCIL, 8"xl0^", packages of 10 sheets Pkg. .10 3|"x6|", packages of 20 sheets Pkg- .20 CO-ORDINATE, sheets 8"xl0|" Sheet .02 CROSS SECTION, 20" wide, 5 yd. rolls, ruled 10x10-1" Roll .30 DRAWING, white, 42" wide, 10 yd. rolls Roll .80 cream, 42" wide, 10 yd. rolls.... ^ Roll .41f TABULATING, (for Districts only) Sheet .01 .11 WRAPPING I ------Quire

t !

7 Unit of Unit 6 PAPER, WRITING, RULED, second sheets Ream .53 letterheads .53 \ Ream TYPEWRITING LINEN, second sheets ...... Ream .70 letterheads for District headquarters... .Ream .70 letterheads for Supervisors ’ headquar-

ters Ream . .70 & letterheads for rangers Ream .70 second sheets, 8 / 'xl3 // , for districts only Ream 1.40 16"x21", for Districts Ream 2.80 Secretary’s letterheads for Districts only Ream 2.00 Secretary’s second sheets for Districts only *...Ream 2.00 Forester’s letterheads, for Districts ^ only .70

MIMEOGRAPH IMPRESSION, second sheets | Ream .33 letterheads for general use Ream .33 letterheads for District head- quarters- Ream .33' THIN LINEN, for manifolding, letter size Ream .41

S^xlS", for districts .. Ream .60

16'"x21", for Districts Ream . 1.90 YELLOW SCRATCH, letter size Ream .24 % YELLOW SCRATCH PADS, half size, 5i"x8" Each .03 // // eighth size (2f x4 ) Each .01 (Except where specified, all writing, typewriting, manifolding, mimeograph and scratch paper is cut S^xlO^', the standard cor- respondence size adopted by the Forest Service, and is issued in

>) multiples of a ream of 500 sheets.) PASTE, photo-library, 4-oz. glass jars Each .09 PENCIL POCKETS Each .07 blue ^ PENCILS, COLORED, , Doz. .43 red Doz. .43 DRAWING, 2H, soft Doz. '.67 4H, medium hard Doz. .67 6H, hard Doz. .67 WRITING, No. 2, soft Doz. .29 No. 3, medium hard Doz. .29 INDELIBLE Doz. .28 PENHOLDERS, WRITING Doz. .27 CROWQUILL Each .04 ^PENPOINTS, WRITING, Spencerian, No. 1 (fine) Box .69 Esterbrooks No. 048 (Falcon).: Box .46 Dreka, No. 3 (short stub) Box .65 Probate No. 313 (long stub) Box .46 DRAFTING, Gillott’s No. 170 (mapping).... Doz. .05 No. 290 (mapping) Doz. .21 No. 303 (lettering) Doz. .06 No. 404 (lettering) Doz. .04 No. 659 (crowquill) Doz. .22 Ball pointed Doz. .08 Double pointed Doz. .18

PEN RACKS - Each .07 PIN CONES Each .07 .

V -

8 * Unit of Unit Price. PENCIL POINTERS, sandpaper Each .04 POLISH, FURNITURE, 4-oz. bottles Each .09 $ PRESSES, PLANT, with straps, newspaper folders, driers and catalog Each 1.44 SUPPLIES FOR PLANT PRESSES, as follows:

Catalogs, herbarium ..... Jj Each .11

Driers, herbarium ...C . 100 1.40 Genus covers (heavy) | 100 1.4V Specie Covers (light) 1 ....100 .27 Newspaper folders 100 .15 1 Tape, adhesive, ‘Dennison’s” . Spool .05

PUNCHES, PAPER, “Triumph” ., Each 1.15 RIBBONS, TYPEWRITER, black record, for general use Each .22 black copy blue for Districts Each .25 (Specify make and model of machine)

RULERS, office, 12" | Each .03 office, 18" ....fei... Each .o<. SACKS, Muslin, for seed Each .05 Canvas, for ore samples .j Each .04 SEALS, CAR, for fire tool boxes, etc £u.. 100 .30 SCREWDRIVERS, typewriter ....u...... V.L Each .05 SHEARS, OFFICE, 10" 1 Each .68 SPONGES, SMALL, for cups Each .03 STAMPS, DATING, for District and Forest headquarters Each 1.00

for Rangers ... Each .25 ALPHABETICAL AND NUMERICAL SETS, for stamping cloth posters, \ fr letters Set .56 RUBBER, outline of horses, cattle and sheep Each .15

outline of ears — . Each .15 mounted on wood blocks with such wording as be necessary. Specify wording and may h type to be used. See type specimen book for type faces available at the Supply ..Each .15 Y STAPLES, ...Box Set 1.5& ..Each .02 TACKS, THUMB ...Doz. .04 TAPE, RED .Spool .13 TWINE, FLAX, 4-lb. bs ...Ball .11 TUBES, MAILING, 2" ..Each .09 TIN, for holdii ..Each .40 WAX, SEALING, Ulb. .Stick .03 WEIGHTS, PAPER ..Each .07 WTCKING, TORCH, f" ..Yard .07 ..Yard .05

