List of Standard Articles of Equipment, Stationery and Office Supplies to Be
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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. List* of S-fca.nd.arcl Articles of* Pgulpment, Stationery Office supplies to be procured upony fP r "Requisition on the pro pert Lj Clerk) Odder,o Utah LJ»S ‘Department ot Agriculture P Porest Servi-ce UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LIBRARY BOOK NUMBER 1 F76Lt 8—7671 7 Form 361. EDITION OF FEBRUARY, 1909. (Destroy previous edition.) United States Department of Agriculture, FOREST SERVICE. LIST OF STANDARD ARTICLES OF EQUIPMENT, STATIONERY, AND OFFICE SUPPLIES TO RE PROCURED UPON REQUISITION ON THE PROPERTY CLERK, OGDEN, UTAH. Articles not appearing upon this list are to be purchased, when possible, in the field? upon Letters of Authorization. If not to be procured advantageously in a local market, the circumstances should be explained to the District Forester by letter, and special arrangements will be made. Members of the Service will be held strictly accountable for the economical use of supplies and equipment. Revised editions of this list will be forwarded to District and Supervisors’ head- quarters without request. (See Form 258 for index of standard field forms.) INSTRUMENTS AND FIELD EQUIPMENT. Alidades, ruler or sight. Axes, marking. Badges, “ Forest Service. 7 Bags, riding saddle (for use of Administrative Officers, Inspectors, etc.). water, 2|-gallon. 5-gallon. Barometers, aneroid, 8,000k '. 10 , 000 12 '. , 000 Buckets, canvas, water. Calipers, tree, 34". 51". 60". Cameras, 4x5 Century, with roll holder (use for camera must be explained). Canteens, ^-gallon. Cases, camera. leather, manuscript (for use by Administrative Officers and Supervisors). canvas (for Rangers 7 use). leather (for old-style surveyors compasses). leather (for camera tripods). 70449—09 (1) 7 2 Chains, surveyors 7 66', with snap at 33'. Cloth, focusing. Compasses, “ Forest Service 7 surveyor’s standard, 2f" needle, box pocket, 2" needle. 77 Dies, steel, “Forest Service (for Supervisors 7 use). 77 7 “F. S. (separate, for Supervisors use). 77 “Condemned, U. S. (for Administrative Officers). Extinguishers, fire. First-aid packets. Flags, 3' x 5' (for Rangers 7 headquarters). 4' x 8' (for Supervisors 7 headquarters). Frames, blueprinting, 24" x 30". Glasses, magnifying, barrel. 2-lens. field, monocular, binocular. Hammers, marking. Handles, long (for marking hatchet and marking ax). Hatchets, marking. 77 Haversacks, “U. S. Army pattern. Holders, blank, large and small. Hypsometers—Grademeter. Instruments, drafting. (Must be specified separately. Those marked (*) will be furnished to Super- visors for Rangers 7 use.) * Curves, xylonite (one pattern). * Dividers, extension. ordinary. proportional. * bow. Pencil, bow. * Pen, bow. single-curve, or contour, double-curve, or road. * ruling. Planimeters. * Protractors, xylonite, 45° (may be used as a triangle). Scale, metal, 12". * boxwood, 6", “Forest Atlas Stand- ard. 77 * bristol-board, same as above, except graduated on paper, boxwood, triangular, 12". * Squares, “T, 77 24". 48". Instruments, drafting. Straightedges, 24". 48". * Triangles, 45°, 6". 9". * Triangles, xylonite, 30° x 60°, 6". 30° x 60°, 9". Jacob staffs. Leveling and stadia rods. Levels, Locke. Padlocks, "Forest Service," with one key. Pins, surveying, sets of eleven. Plumb bobs. Rulers, log, Scribner’s, Decimal “C," 30". 48". 60". Sheaths, leather, for marking hatchet and ax. for marking hammer. Tally registers. Tapes, linen, 50'. steel, 12'. 50' (diameter graduations, one side). 100 '. Tape-repairing outfits. Tent flies, 14' x 14'. Tents, canvas, 5' x 7', Rangers’ (combination bed sheet and tent). 7' x 9'. 14' x 14'. Timber scribes. Torches, brush-burning. Traverse boards. Tripods, camera, telescopic. for surveyor’s compasses, for traverse boards. TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT. (Requisitions to be forwarded to District Forester for approval.) Blow torches, gasoline. Brackets, telephone, 12" standard, W. U. Buffalo grips, for stretching wire. Climbers, tree, lineman’s, pairs. Connectors, wire, or splicing clamps. Insulators, 12-ounce, pony-glass. split tree, porcelain. Lineman’s tool belts, with safety straps. Pliers, 5", lineman’s, long-nose. 8", lineman’s, side-cutting. : 4 Telephones, portable (test sets). Wire, barbed, in rolls of 80 rods. telephone, No. 12 B. B., galvanized, in one-half-mile coils. No. 9 B. B., galvanized, in one-half-mile coils. Electrician’s knives. FURNITURE. Cases, card filing, 2-drawer, for 4" x 6" cards. Sectional units of the standard filing cabinets No. 1, 4-drawer, for filing maps, etc. No. 2, 2-drawer, letter size, for vertical filing. No. 3, 9-drawer, correspondence unit. 7 No. 4, 6-drawer, document file (for filing Bangers reports). No. 5, cupboard base. No. 6, 21-drawer, for forms. No. 7, bookcase. No. 8, cupboard section, 17". low base (not needed when cupboard base is used), low top, standard, 17". Rangers’ filing equipment, Class No. 1. (Consisting of one 2-drawer vertical unit, one 17" leg base, and one low top. With each case will be included the follow- ing supplies : One set A to Z let- ter-size guide cards, one set letter- size guide cards with printed headings: "Timber Sales,’’ "Free Use,’’ etc., and 250 letter-size folders.) Class No. 2. (Consisting of metal file case with lock, and three let- ter-size transfer cases equipped with the following supplies : One A to Z index, one "Special" in- ‘ 1 dex with printed heading : Tim- ber Sales," "Free Use," etc., and 100 letter-size manila folders.) Chairs, common bentwood. revolving, half-arm, office, spring-back, typewriter. Stands, typewriter. Tables, office, 60" x 32". Typewriters, Ohver. " 5 STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES. Bands, rubber, No. 16, TV" wide, 2J" long. 2" No. 30, Y' wide, long. I In boxes of 1 gross each. wide, 3" long. No. 32, l" ] Baskets, desk, wire, 1-tray. Blotters, hand-rocker. Books, note, 5" x 8", indexed, stenographic, blank, letter-size, journal of expense. project ledger (to be used in conjunction with journal of expense). Bottles, color (for holding tints used for mapping). Boxes, promise card, 3" x 5", filled ready for use. 4" x 6", empty. Brushes, counter, duster. typewriter, bone handle (for cleaning type). long handle (for dusting machine). Calendars, “ Handy,” pads only. holders for “ Handy” calendars. Cards, index, 3" x 5", white. 4" x 6", white. guide, 3" x 5", buff, ^-cut, A to Z |-cut, monthly. salmon, 3-cut, days of the month. 4" x 6", buff, ^-cut, A to Z. blue, 1-cut, plain. u printed heading: Timber Sales/' “Free Use," etc., in sets, buff, J-cut, plain. |-cut, plain. cap-size, buff, £-cut, centers plain. printed heading: “Timber Sales," “Free Use," etc., in sets, buff, t-eut, centers plain. A to Z. “ letter-size, buff, printed heading : Sales, J-cut , Timber “Free Use/' etc., in sets. I-cut, centers plain. A to Z. plain. Cases, transfer, letter-size, Y. & E., loose-sheet, cap-size. for 4" x 6“ cards. 6 Clips, board, letter-size. paper, “Gem,” boxes of 100. “Ideal,” large, boxes of 12. Cloth, cheese, in bolts of 10 yards. tracing, 36“ wide, in rolls of 10 yards. 42“ wide, in rolls of 10 yards. Covers, desk, gingham. Crayons, “Forest Service Legend/’ set of 12, for mapping, lumber, black, for Rangers’ use. blue, for check scaling, red, for re-check only. Cups, sponge. Cuspidors. Daters, band. Envelopes, manila, 3J“ x 8J“, franked. 5“ x8§“, franked, for mailing “Use Book.” 6§“ x 101", franked, for mailing circulars, etc. 9“ x 11“, franked. ” “Letter Mail. Addressed to the District For- esters. 9|“ x 12“, franked. 10“ x 14“, franked, white, 3|“ x 6“, franked. 3}“ x 8J“, franked. franked: addressed to the District For- esters. 4J“ x 9J“, franked. green, 3f“ x 8J“, franked: “Timber Sales bid submitted to District Foresters.” salmon, 3J“ x 8J“, franked: “Timber Sales bid sub- mitted to Supervisors.” Eradicator, ink, “Collins’s.” Erasers, rubber, Dixon’s, No. 416. Faber’s Comet, No. 1087. Faber’s Ruby, No. 212. K. & E., sponge, small. Fasteners, paper, McGill’s-Dennison’s, round heads, in boxes of 100, Nos. 1, 2, and 3. pinch, in boxes of 100. Files, letter, “Favorite” (for Rangers’ use), spindle. Folders, vertical-filing, cap-size, manila )For use in section No. 2 r letter-size, manila J standing filing case. Glasses, drinking. 7 Holders, letter-size, loose-sheet, end-opening, ” copy, “ Ideal. rubber-stamp, revolving, 2-wheel. 3-wheel. Indexes, loose-sheet, “Y. & E.,” A to Z For use in section No. 3, | “Y. & E.,” “Special” / standard filing case. Ink, drawing, “Higgins's,” black waterproof. blue, To be used in accord- brown, ance with “ Instruc- brick-red. tions for Making orange. Forest Surveys and “Sanford’s,” green. Maps.” “Pomeroy’s,” yellow, fountain-pen, bottles, in wooden cases, in J-pint bottles. indelible, for stamping cloth posters, mimeograph, tubes, rubber-stamp, black. red. Ink wells, plain, glass, small. Machines, paper-fastening, “Hotchkiss-Automatic.” Mats, rubber (for use under cuspidors). Oil, typewriter, in 1-ounce bottles. Openers, envelope, steel. Pads, rubber-stamp, black. red. for use with indelible ink. Paper, blueprinting, 36”, in rolls of 10 yards, blotting, 19” x 24”, blue. white. 4” x 9i”, white. carbon, typewriting, 8” x 10£” (in boxes of 100 sheets), pencil, carbon, 8” x 10J”, in packages of 10 sheets. for use in Ranger’s notebook, in packages of 20 sheets. coordinate. cross-section, 20”, in rolls of 10 yards, drawing, 36” wide, in rolls of 10 yards. 42” wide, in rolls of 10 yards, mimeograph stencil sheets, in boxes of 24 sheets, tracing, 36” wide, in rolls of 10 yards. 42" wide, in rolls of 10 yards, wrapping, heavy, in quires, 21" x 40”, folded, writing, 8” x 10|”, ruled (for second sheets). 8 Paper, writing, 8" x IQ!", ruled, printed: “United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service,” with lines for post-office, express, and telegraph addresses (for field use), " typewriting, Crown linen, 8 x 10!", plain (for second sheets).