
The War at Ch. 20, pp. 517-553 The House of 1. race | + (bribed Oenomaus’ charioteer ) curse of Myrtilus à troubles for Pelops’ descendants: the house of Atreus

2. House of Atreus | (at ) Pelops + Hippodamia ______|______Atreus ____|___ | | | | |

3. Atreus vs Thyestes for rule of • disloyal wife of Atreus told Thyestes about the hidden made sun go backwards • Thyestes banished, Atreus on throne • Atreus’ revenge on Thyestes • Atreus killed; Thyestes rules Mycenae • Agamemnon + Menelaus escape to • Spartan king helps Agamemnon defeat Thyestes 4. Zeus (swan) + + Tyndareus and Polydeuces and Castor

5. Oath of Tyrndareus “if anyone carried her [Helen] off … then all the suitors together must join in pursuit and exact due punishment from the offender” 6. Meanwhile, at Troy: king + queen Hecabe p.528 (many sons) : greatest Trojan warrior mother’s dream of firebrand > exposed at birth responsible for starting

7. Wedding of and (Peleus is from Aegina, whose soldiers will come to be called )

The Judgment of Paris pp.527-9 of Strife (Discord): ‘to the fairest’ vs vs (bribes to the judge) Aphrodite gives Paris most beautiful woman in world: Helen, already married to Menelaus king of Sparta

Paris and Helen elope, triggers Greek alliance for war

Greeks (= ) set sail from Commander-in-chief Agamemnon Anger of > winds prevent departure of fleet of Agamemnon ’s daughter (two versions) p.531-2 first casualty: (Gk. ‘first of the people’) p.533

8. : Greatest warrior in Greek (Achaean) alliance

Homer's : Dispute over captive women: Agamemnon disrespects Achilles; Achilles withdraws from battle pp.536-41 p. 540 "Why should an honest Achaean be ready to follow your orders? ... Now you haughtily threaten to steal the prize of my valor"

"I swear that soon desire for Achilles will settle on all the "

Thetis begs Zeus to send defeat to the Greeks, and Zeus agrees

Helen's regret “would that I had met bitter death when I eloped with your son when I followed him here to Troy, abandoning husband and kindred, even the daughter I loved, at the age when children are dearest. Well, it was not to be thus, and I wither in self-reproach. (p. 535)

Hector and his wife pp.541-3 on the responsibilities and costs of war " I worry constantly about all of the matters that you mention, but even more for my fame in the mouths of the people of ... if they discovered me skulking like a coward here in the city away from the tumult of battle."

"he silently put the baby in the loving arms of his wife" Embassy to Achilles, promising rewards if he returns p. 545-7. "Never again will he swindle me with his tongue!" "I value my life far more than the treasure of Ilium"

"If I remain here, attackig the city and land of the Trojans, all hope of returning is lost, but I win a glory undying" (= kleos)

Patroclus fights in place of Achilles, and is killed by Hector p.548 Achilles rages, mutilates body of Hector Returns Hector’s body to Priam (Homer ...) pp.548-51 "take pity on me and remember in pity your own aged father"

"Zeus has disposed two jars on either side of his doorway, full of the lots that he gives, one of blessings, one of curses.." p. 550

Troy questions (Ch. 20) 1. Zeus came to Leda in the form of a. a bull b. a shower of gold c. a swan d. her husband e. a torch

2. Because Achilles' parents separated, he was raised by a. the b. Athena c. wolves d. a shepherd e. his aunts

3. When Achilles is in hiding on the island of Scyros, how is he tricked into revealing his identity? a. he is told that the war is already over b. one of the women on the island is bribed to seduce him c. he is promised d. armor and weapons are displayed in his presence e. he is challenged to decode a coded message

4. Achilles refused to fight the Trojans anymore because a. he was in love with a Trojan princess b. Agamemnon had taken a female captive from him c. he had been seriously wounded d. Thetis persuaded him not to fight e. he lost a bet that he made with Menelaus

5. A child of Zeus and Leda was a. b. Helen c. Achilles d. Paris e.

6. The only place on Achilles' body where he was vulnerable to wounds was his a. right hand b. left shoulder c. neck d. heel e. eye

7. Which of the following was not among the Greek warriors at the Trojan war? a. Agamemnon b. c. Hector d. Menelaus e. 8. The judge of who was the 'most beautiful' or 'the fairest' -- Hera, Aphrodite, or Athena -- was a. Paris b. Agamemnon c. Pelops d. Oenomaus e. Protesilaus

9. Achilles refused to fight the Trojans because a. his mother told him not to b. he had been warned by the Delphic that he would be killed by a Trojan c. Agamemnon had taken a captive woman from him d. his ankle hurt e. he was frightened of making Zeus angry

10. When his mother dipped Achilles into the River to make him invulnerable, she was not able to let the water cover his a. neck b. left hand c. hair d. heel e. ear

11. On which episode in the Trojan War mythology does Homer's Iliad especially focus? a. the sacrifice of b. the wrath of Achilles c. the d. the murder of Agamemnon e. the leap of Protesilaus

12. Achilles treated the body of Hector disrespectfully by a. dressing it in Greek armor b. dismembering it c. burying it in Greek soil d. dragging it around the walls of Troy e. dropping it into the sea

13. The father of Paris and the king of Troy during the Trojan war was a. Pelops b. Peleus c. Priam d. e. Pittheus

14. "If I remain here, attacking the city and land of the Trojans, all hope of returning is lost, but I win a glory undying" Which individual said this? a. Achilles b. Perseus c. Theseus d. e.

15. According to some versions of the story of Pelops, Pelops has an ivory shoulder because a. ate his real shoulder b. he was wounded by the arrows of c. he was in a terrible chariot accident d. the gods wanted to make him immortal e. his father was an elephant

16. Because Atreus was angry at his brother Thyestes, Atreus a. killed Thyestes b. cooked Thyestes' children and served them to Thyestes c. killed himself d. went into exile e. stole Thyestes' magic armor

17. Hippodamia's father Oenomaus said that he would not allow Hippodamia to marry any suitor unless the man had first a. defeated Hippodamia in a footrace b. killed the c. defeated Oenomaus in a chariot race d. killed all the other suitors e. defeated the

18. In order for the Greek ships to complete the voyage to Troy, first Agamenon had to a. kill Clytemnestra b. solve the riddle of the Sphinx c. sacrifice Iphigenia d. descend to the underworld e. visit the Delphic oracle

19. Some accounts of the misfortunes of the house of Atreus trace the source of all of the troubles back to the curse uttered by Myrtilus. Who was Myrtilus? a. Oenomaus' charioteer, who helped Pelops win Hippodamia and was killed by Pelops for making advances to Hippodamia b. Pelops' brother c. Pelops' son d. Atreus' rival for the throne of Mycenae e. the father of Leda

20. Mycenae is a site located in a. b. the c. northern Greece d. southern Italy e. modern day Turkey 21. Agamemnon lured his daughter Iphigenia to Aulis by a. promising her that she would become a priestess of Artemis b. pretending that she was to marry Achilles c. promising her the gift of a golden stag d. promising to take her to the Delphic Oracle e. pretending that the ships needed her to sew their sails scroll down for answers answers 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. d 11. b 12. d 13. c 14. a 15. a 16. b 17. c 18. c 19. a 20. b 21. b